Monday, September 10, 2007

On Tal Bachman

Disclaimer: The following is an ad hominem attack on Tal Bachman. If you are Mr. Bachman, or one of his small number of ever dwindling fans, I suggest that you not read this post. I will try to be objective, but be forewarned; I do not have a lot of good things to say about this pretentious, washed-up has-been.

I don’t like Tal Bachman. I’ve read a lot of his posts, and if they are any reflection of who he really is, he must really be one pathetic son of a bitch. Am writing this because he left Mormondom? No, I can’t really say that I’m sad to see him go. Some of the nicest, coolest, warm-hearted, generous individuals I know have left the Mormon church and I have yet to launch a single ad hominem attack on them. In fact, we continue to be good friends regardless of varying religious choices. Membership in an organization is no arbiter when it comes to friendship. With that in mind, let me turn my attention to Mr. Bachman. His singular claim to fame is that he wrote and sang a hit song, “She’s So High.” As a one-hit wonder, he’s in the same category as the illustrious Right Said Fred, Vanilla Ice and Lou Bega (of Mambo No. 5 fame). I’m surprised he hasn’t starred on the Surreal Life yet. Maybe he’s holding out for a spot on Dancing with the ‘Stars’. Marie Osmond made it, why not him?

He has written a voluminous amount of material regarding his thoughts on Mormonism. I’m not sure if he intends to sound like a pretentious, holier-than-thou, pseudo-intellectual, but everything he writes is pretentious, holier-than-thou or pseudo-intellectual. Take a blog post he published a few months ago in May. He criticizes the Mormon conception of heaven and hell, but he makes himself sound like a self-satisfied jerk in the following quote (which can be found here)

“I think heaven isn't a place we go to after we die; I think it is a place we can live in everyday, if we are determined to, and perhaps, if we have a bit of luck. I think it is something we create and find here on earth...and right now. Heaven can be right now...

“I feel sad sometimes when I think of how long I lived always thinking of heaven as another place, and another time. I was too often blind to all the beauty right before me, because I was too often straining so hard to see something far, far off in the distance - which, it turns out, there is no reason to believe is even there, at least in the way I thought.

“I submit that true heaven isn't crazy stories, or distant stars, or strange names and strange clothes and strange spouses. I think it is something that we all have, within us, the power to create and experience, at least to some extent, right here and right now...”

Yeah, whatever, buddy. And with three paragraphs, he assigns those who don’t share his easy rockstar lifestyle to a hell worse than any that God proposed. What happens to those sorry souls, who, for whatever reason, don’t have ‘a bit of luck’? What happens to them? Mr. Bachman would consign them to misery and woe because they are not determined enough, I guess. Or chastise them for hoping for some kind of better existence in the next life? And what is the basis for Mr. Bachman’s faith in humankind? He claims there is no reason to believe in heaven. I agree, at least as far as objective evidence is concerned. But what evidence does he have the mankind can make a heaven here on earth? His own Shangri-La lifestyle, where his biggest complaints are that nobody in the record industry wants to hear his music? He wants to argue both sides of the fence. He has to have a reason for the distant heaven, but offers no reasons for the heaven ‘within’.

Other posts focus on his inability to talk to females in the past because of his worry about temptation. Obviously this is the Mormon church’s fault. The most common complaint I hear about this church is that it stultifies relationships between members of the opposite sex who happen to be married to other people. It would be completely illogical to assume that Mr. Bachman stultifies himself. Maybe someone should tell him that just because he feels ‘tempted’, it is highly unlikely that the person he is talking to feels the same way. When I talk to women at work or at school, I usually don’t get the impression that they are chomping at the bit to go to bed with me, regardless of how naturally charming I am. It must be a rockstar complex to think like that. Maybe Mr. Bachman should evaluate how he internalized the teachings of the Mormon church, rather than make unwarranted generalizations about the impact those teachings have on the general membership.

I think most of my invection comes from the colossal waste of time it was to read what he had written and the colossal waste of time writing this post represents. I don’t usually like (or write) ad hominem attacks, but when someone practically begs for it, can I be anything but obliging?


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Anonymous said...

The stories make me laugh and are your secret weapon.
Best to forget the last month anyhow and dwelling in yesterday is the downfall.
Time will be on your side if you make friends with it.
Beautiful nightmare at times, yes I do think.

Anonymous said...

Any speaking can be done by writing it through the ages.
Those and that come in crystal clear and I'll listen.
The rest isn't needed to know at least if you're interested in my opinion.
The time and place for that will visit and make itself known but writing,
Only a few can do that and your one of them.

Anonymous said...

No stories came to mind today :( I'm sure there's some I already know about to tell you mind is a blank.

Very tired and hope to go to bed early, but I can never tell if the feeling will follow thru into actual sleep in this reality.

So if you don't see me here later, mystery solved. Otherwise I'll be back in an hour.


Anonymous said...

She knew altimatums started wars and didn't use them.
But worse than war was regret or missed chance as it was referred to.
She had seen the result of that too many times and how it gave cause for the term 'walking dead'.
This soul that attracted and spoke to her was alive and excited with hope, joy and an appreciation for beauty.
A creative soul who needed a checklist to keep it all in balance.
She didn't care so much about his day-to-day and he tried to be a good soul, this was true, but his current incarnate and the karma associated to it was typically difficult, orcastrated millenniums ago, but testy and difficult nonetheless.

Anonymous said...

Ohmmm, I mean hmmm, I'm starting to be intrigued by this story. Skip to the end and read me the last page, how does it end?

Anonymous said...

The experience had a somewhat profound effect and he couldn't stop thinking about her.
It was that inspiration that changed the course.
Everything he did was to make her happy which in turn made him happy.
They remained in the phantom stage because it was easier but she could see how he may want to come on some of her adventures later, and probably be helpful.
Everyday he got stronger, regained power and she was pleased for him.
The choices before him became more varied but the passion was always focused on writing a great story, maybe the greatest for all the ages.
It was important since they had forgotten most of the great stories.
She detested attention from others and always remained in the shadows but this is what made him succeed, knowing she was there.

Anonymous said...

"It was important since they had forgotten most of the great stories."

I didn't forget, that was you...

Anonymous said...

When John and MM, L (and unsure now who else?) arrived in France they felt their mission was to lay the ground work for Arthur and company, unconsciously of course. They organized the building of buildings. The start of the church and the college. Played a role in politics and religion (which they felt to be prayer and philosophy).

MM suffered several miscarriages before Sarah, who was born in Egypt. And it's unclear how many children they had. When the family history is found you can see the line continues thru Sarah. I believe Arthur's lifetime made Sarah famous. Before France the family lived briefly in Egypt, exploring the C&A areas, to include Jordan. (I really like that as a first name.) They also spent time in India, I don't know why yet, but it had something to do with the women. In that time, the women were considered to be beautiful just by the way they dressed. The colors and jewelry were considered out of place for that region even in that time period. There were other reasons too for that visit...feeling again C&A, but don't get the reason yet.

Anonymous said...

Always like India as a first name too. Very exotic. Same with Eden.

Anonymous said...

History doesn't record this but many of the apostles arrived in France too when the family settled there. There was some problem between Peter and MM, and a big relief from her that he wasn't there. He wasn't there because he was older than the others and also the father of Timothy, who was young when he started his service. Peter was old school, considered himself "in charge" because of his advanced years, and was truly offended that MM was involved in even the smallest of ways! He was very insulting, and MM did tell him finally to Piss Off! That was the last time they spoke in that lifetime. Don't know about him in any other life...

Need to look too at C & A in France, there is a French connection there....

Anonymous said...

The French connection was the reason for the C&A massacre. O wanted it hidden...wonder what he did to France to keep it hidden?

But whatever it was, I'm told it won't be discovered today.

Anonymous said...

She only was shown original agreements and can see now why the communion.
Anyone who really knows him, knows he's a great teacher and anyone who really knows her, knows she's a favored student.
How they needed each other came in many packages but still remained under spiritual law for a time.

Anonymous said...

I think Peter and Martha were married. T was their son.

Anonymous said...

Going to go now. Need to test ideas, think on some stuff. Everyone have a great day.


Anonymous said...

Yes, you can use the name!

MM had a boy and girl in that order. The boy continued with Armand/Ari's work...had a career, and the girl continued Audrey's work...had the family. I think Ari had a French family of his own....MANY, Many, many kids :) just joking.

Leaving for sure this time. Honest.

Anonymous said...

It was important to note that what was, was not the thing.
Where things are will be revealed, who is who will be revealed and the second phase will begin.
Words such as enlightened, educated, distinguished scholar will be a thing of the past.
Sharpening telepathic skill is the definition of a meeting between heaven and earth.
The desire to do this is special unto itself and is all that really mattered.
Love existed, genuine love, not what was currently understood or had ever been experienced.
It was an untouchable thing and kept away from the drones & clones
explaining her violence towards that intrusion.

Anonymous said...

Every time he thought of her, his temperature rose and when that happened, so did hers.
That's how they kept in communion.
The stories sometimes made her stop breathing and her heart would stop long enough for her to remember.
She was impressed with him in the new agreement but risk was always a heartbeat away.
She was willing to take this risk and when she agreed, the skies turned deep green and blue and clouds were created shaped like animals and trees, her first true love.
They didn't need to visit as much now which was a good thing since every time they did a lightening storm erupted in the region, a region not known for lightening storms.

Anonymous said...

This is a really endearing story, so sweet really! But still, you don't know what you're talking about.

This part should read :
She was willing to take this risk and when she agreed, he built her a garden.

Just pointing that out (with love).

Anonymous said...

You may test the theories anytime you wish.
Check how often something is said and within a week the exact story will be syndicated through the A/P.
She was never an earth angel.
She was their supervisor and they were often lead astray.
Gardening? We have Pixies for that.

Anonymous said...

Fairies don't build gardens, they maintain them...but fine, if he doesn't want to build a garden, he doesn't have too!

Anonymous said...

Entry 403, the battle in France, gave me hope for the human race again when I laughed out loud, and so we are even.
Do not underestimate this experience or stay in wonderment.
There is a map here that will remain so you never get lost.
But don't try to find me, that truly was never the plan and would be a breach.
Feelings are real and should be honed, listen to them, they'll speak truth, you know this.

Anonymous said...

Isis was in France when she was murdered. She was found hiding on a steep hill behind a boulder. Below her was a shabby one story building built from scrap, a calm breeze could have knocked it down. At the top of the hill was an ayatollah, and beside him, down on one knee was a man with a shoulder fired rocket launcher. She saw the building hit, probably 50 people inside. Men from above her, maybe 10, ran toward the explosion and 2 of those spotted and killed her. They all suspected Isis was with the group, but didn't know it was her they stabbed.

She was based in Egypt, but rarely spent time there because the war/religion theme started before her, she inherited it. O ruled Egypt shortly before her. So she was on the run soon after becoming the dean. O went from ruling Egypt to trying to rule the world, did this all in one lifetime. Egypt was like Rome is for Catholics, so he was after making himself spiritual leader of the world, of all the people.

He started the campaign to stop homosexuals, the money system and imposed rules and ceremony on spirituality converting it to religion. Isis didn't care for much of that, curbed freedom and too many rules.

When O left Egypt, Isis did too because he started a civil war in Egypt and neither of them were safe.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhmm, sounds like some kind of blueprint for a modern day murder or witch hunt.
You should watch what you say on the internet, even if you do think your speaking historical code, others may not.

Anonymous said...

Alot of murder and whores themed throughout your stories.
Is this what you fantasize about when you're not thinking about 'her'.
Now that you have been cut off all access, telepathic and otherwise?

Anonymous said...

There are a few people who have taken interest in this blog specifically; my husband the detective, my father the lawyer, my brother the politician.
People who assume no responsibility for their own actions often write in third party speak (I call it tongues) or use images to describe what they really want to do.
All psychologists or those who have studied psychology know this.
This writing is signatured througout and the author makes himself very known due to an obsession with past writing, very handy for comparitive study.
What is actually wrong with you?

Anonymous said...

It's going to be especially fun at work today and you may all get visitors too.
Make sure you are very polite and adorable to them and make sure you introduce them to your bad ass team of monkeys ok?
They also enjoy the islands so a visit there will be pleasant this week, wish I could go along but they have insisted I stay.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Sunshine!

J asked to see C because he was having dreams of his first wife, that's how they met. He wanted to know if she was trying to tell him who killed her and what to do with his future. C was almost 18 and her father, even tho he was still alive at the time of her ascension ceremony, was starting to show he was sick.

While the 3 spoke, her father told his illness to J and asked him to keep an eye out for C. Left of her own he was not worried of her mistakes, he said. He was worried of others taking advantage of her youth. The ugly side of politics. Jules gave his promise, he was about 25 at the time. She had had her ceremony, and her father died shortly after that knowing C&J were planning to marry.

Pompey was J's father. C met J's father because they were to be married, it was a convenient location for the 3. C was traveling because she needed to introduce herself to her country. Pompey died shortly after he left C&J. The severed head was a practice in those days to identify the person, it was sealed in a jar and the body was burned. Usually a close family member would see the head, then announce the death. As a side note: when John the Baptist was beheaded, the woman who asked to see his head was a devote follower.

When Pompey died, C knew. She told J to go to her house, where he could identify his father's head. She planned to continued on with her travels and meet him there when she was done. People heard this and a celebration broke out in the streets after J arrived because her info was right. They were waiting for her to return to cheer her success, and it served as proof to the world that she was hearing things. So she had to sneak into her house.

C was married before her first son was conceived.

Anonymous said...

"Make sure you are very polite and adorable to them and make sure you introduce them to your bad ass team of monkeys ok?"

Roger That! No bear jokes today.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Who is the anon writing to Sunshine? Anyone know? This person is so amazing! I would really like to talk to them! I could use some advice and clarity in my life too.

Whoever you are please help me, let me talk to you, let me touch you to heal me!

Thank you.

Anonymous said...


I'm the one writing to Sunshine. Thank you for your kind words.

The only way to get in touch with me right now is to like me on Facebook.

Thank you for your future friendship.

Anonymous said...


In Jo's life you went by the name Perceval de Cagny.

And Brigham,

I wouldn't put up with this treatment if I were you. It's just not right.


Anonymous said...

The anon writing to 'sunshine'? Her name is Janice and is one of the ho's refered to entry 403.
Want the names of the others too? A photo perhaps?

Anonymous said...


Bertrand de Poulengy, but I'm told you already figured it out.

There was only the biter (who lit the fire) and 2 of the 3 priests to witness the fire. No one said a word during that time. O was not there, and no else was allowed to see the miracle.

After the fire was out O appeared, and the no show priest was the one who said not to burn her.

And C&J were married for 4 yrs at the time of his death.

Hope everyone is having a good day today!

Anonymous said...

Hey are you guys have fun, cause I'm having a great time here!


Anonymous said...

Awww is Brigham here?
I love him. He's my rock.

Anonymous said...

And what happens in the COVE stays in the COVE so enter at your own risk, unless you're a backbiting ho, then come on in.

Anonymous said...

How is it that I have Tal here helping me everytime it gets rough?
You know by now, I know everything, and your favorite moments here, were spent with me, so why can't you just decide what it is you are doing?
Is this all really necessary at this point?
If so, then carry on with your covenant and enjoy the skanks that dominate here, I didn't realize you liked them or saw them as so stimulating to your growth.

Anonymous said...

The most frequently asked question in these situations is; 'how did she know'?
I answer it for them the same way I always have;
'how did I know what?'

Anonymous said...

And for real, 'what's a shank?'

Hey, you forgot to turn of your auto notification off!


Anonymous said...

I might need some time before I post anything besides jokes. I'm looking at Nostradamus. I had a book of prophecies. People are reading him wrong...

He did what I'm doing now, only he did his in rhyme. And more of his work was focused to both past and future, where as mine is still more focused in the past (which will change soon) Last time I looked I found several rhymes about Jo and B. I don't have his books anymore, I tossed them with Ari's Blah Blah Books. So I need to go out and try to find one today. And yes, I very much regret doing that, I lost a beautiful cd and 5 notebooks of poems too :(

Hope to have something fun for us soon!


P.S. You need to turn your email ping back on! L.

Anonymous said...

But the poems were one of the promises I told you about, and yes I would LOVE a signed cd!

L again.

Anonymous said...

Born to be free,
Free land under the skies.
Land of the monasteries,
In universal understanding,
No limitations,
Can you,
with all your wisdom.

Anonymous said...

Ok, no real luck at the book store. I guess I'll have that part of the story done when I get to talk to you again next, in 4 yrs from now.

I did get Edgar Cayce. On Atlantis; Margaret George, Mary Called Magdalene (the title kinda spoke to me); and 2 others that aren't real important.

Also got some chocolate covered raisins at costco to go with those books. So I'm all set.

Audrey. saying, " Nice poem (?), too bad it doesn't rhyme."

Anonymous said...

Your mad at me again.
Yes, poems should rhyme.

Anonymous said...

Good Night Sunshine!

Maybe you can spend some time with your harem while we're Pissed Off at each other?

Anonymous said...

Oh Brig, before I forget to tell you yet again...Bertrand was years older than de Metz, you two were paired together for a reason and de Metz always saw you as a mentor.

You were married and had a family. Maybe more later, I think you had a very interesting life.

And you are my rock too ;)


Anonymous said...

Why would I want something I already have?
And have always had, but never wanted?
It's all about style - multiples are not my style.
I like one-on-one.
So cute.

Anonymous said...

But you know this already don't you?
Can you not see this within, just by looking at the face?
I mean, it smirks with amusement and a look in the eyes at how badly I need someone to understand the amusement.
So far, only one does.
But it's not just the amusement, it's everything.
And that wasn't a poem, it's a song but I don't have IP on it, otherwise I'd give it to you.

Anonymous said...

And I would miss you and it would be unpleasant.

Anonymous said...

I wonder which mummy Casey was...

I bet you keep a jar of suckers on your desk hoping someone takes one.


Anonymous said...

'Ok pumpkin, up and at em'
Things to do today!
Let's get that economy
pumpin, lets go, make someones day people'
No! hang up on him, I don't want to talk to any hims'
Someone take the dog for a walk! He's having a meltdown!
Does she need a lunch today? Ok then I'm making pancakes
Oh you can see the sun is going to shine, everyone's going to have a great day! -- no idle hands little pickles.
'Sweetie, it's Sunday'.
Oh, ok, everyone back to bed.

Anonymous said...

I'll take that as a "Why yes, yes I do. How did you know?"

I started to read Cayce's book, but it's leaving me with a creepy, doom and gloom feeling, so I'm going to take that one slow. Just starting chapter 2. I do have some dream stuff to share: saw a helicopter once, was the same design but operated differently. When it hovered the blades stopped spinning and it was eerily quiet, but still floated. Then it was allowed to float as quietly lower. When it was done searching for Isis, the blades started again and it left.

They next moved to her location, they were using a spot light, but instead of scanning the faces to find her, they were scanning the heart chakras until they came on hers. They knew her frequency.

If I have anything else today it might be later, I have my chores, and yoga today.

Audrey of Arcturus.

Anonymous said...

So what your really trying to say is you love my stories and candy leads directly to the dentist and attention deficit disorder so only offer it to dic's, ok.
Cayce, no. Not even chores and yoga can shake that magician.
Aren't dreams wicked - the vibe you can awake to can make or break the day depending on if they linger all day with you or you forget them in the morning.

Anonymous said...

I never showed her anything,
I wouldn't do that.
Most everything has been guess work except for the feelings.
The real within the surreal &
I'm glad for it.
How it plays out really doesn't matter now.
A moving experience that will not be forgotten.
This is my review and you will stay in my heart, I've gotten used to it there.
It will be kept safe and in tact until we meet again &
You can always reach me if you need to.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, what I am meaning to say is I must leave you now.
At 464 comments, the goal to get this taken down has long been let go but I won't be back and hate to just leave without something said.
This has been quite the nasty little secret hang out but I saw light often and can leave pleased.
To stay, would mean certain death of something or at least a huge question about motive.
Hope it was fun for you and you can chuckle at it some day, in the meantime, I will continue to stand up, maybe not so vigorously but always with that true passion.
Hope you do the same.

Anonymous said...

Boy what a busy day!

First I try to read a book and get spooked.
Try to write a nice "hello" note only to be made fun of later. Said ever so softly, a very polite "Piss Off" to someone I care very deeply for.
Got some chores done.
Quit yoga completely.
Got some more chores done.
Tree trimmers show up to protect power lines.
Dinner is made: Chicken Tikka Masala to try to bring forward some favorite memories of India. Great dinner, no memories.
Tree trimmers truck stuck in soggy hay field. Maybe tomorrow they will be freed.

How was your day Sunshine?


P.S. If we run out of time here that's ok. You weren't saying anything important anyway. I'm the one with the information, the monkeys, and the happiness. Will you miss me, cause all you got is some suckers :)

Anonymous said...

But also, the fact you know I have a harem freaked the shit out of me and your comments about suckers shows the mean streak you have that everyone talked about here and there.
That, and the bat shit crazy making conversation and the deviants you recruited to help you.
The way you believed I would carry on with a phantom and believe any of it was also a HUGE turn off.
Just an FYI with ya know, your brand of Love.

Anonymous said...

You would not put someone you care very deeply for through this, you would make an effort to face them like a man.

Anonymous said...

But I wasn't saying anything important anyways.

Anonymous said...

And quit with the guilt trip on me too -- I gave that up a long time ago, ya know, with the Catholisism BUT ,,
you are right about one thing ,, despite it all, I will miss you very much, but of course even that sounds ludicrous and I'm starting to go bat shit so I must go to protect all the things I have in my world to protect, beyond suckers but thanks for that.

Anonymous said...

What you really meant was you would probably get satisfaction if I got fired from my job because of this activity and my life should go to shit for speaking out about you on some topics, somewhere around 205 comments ago and they hurt you so you hurt back.
In the end, you know and I know what transpired but your desire to keep it like this told me out loud you could not care less about me then when I finally submitted, cold ass man.
Is that all you were looking for in the end? See if you could have me fall for you then completely dust me?
Ok then, from that perspective, you succeeded so congratulations, one more for under the belt or whatever it's called.

Anonymous said...

Dust you?! Yeah, just what I need, one more damn thing to dust around here.

Still, you're cute when you make that pouty face!

Good Night my Love, got another busy day tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I do not pout, I am livid, and if you cared about me you would do something about it instead of mocking everything I do and say, or blame me for everything.
You're not even in this country are you.
And not once, did I make fun of you cause that would be mean.

Anonymous said...

Wait a sec
did you say something about cooking?
food from other countries?
countries you've been to so you can authentically imitate?
Ok, maybe I have been a bit harsh.
I am like that, which is why I have a harem.
And actually, I want to know more about this hay you speak of, and fields.
Can they be landed on with a clean crop circle?
I have some ideas. I'm happy again.
Between the cooking and the wit I could actually like you again.

Anonymous said...

OMG & here I thought this was about a weird romance.
This is not about a weird romance.
Although that's an intriguing twist.
Do you actually know what this is about?
Maybe you have known all along.
Puppets are handy.
Oh my.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely will not speak here again and you will know I mean this.
The path you used before is fine, use that again if you can and it is the only way right now.
If I don't read anything and it's all junk then I'll get it.
Other than that, really please do, have a beautiful life.
I won't even be checking to see a response to the last 3, even though they are the most relevant.
This phase is over.

Anonymous said...

Mock, Mock!

That was me mocking you! You're having melt down!!!

Anonymous said...

Yup, he finally drove her to melt down. Her and the dog.
Then they got up and went for a walk.
They looked up at the sky and wondered if aliens needed a landing spot.

Anonymous said...

Go stay busy and make things right
we can continue to meet in the night
away from the eyes and ears that don't agree
or see the forest as part of the tree
it's all been true, it's all been fun, your charm and warmth is like your sun
all is fine, all is swell, there is nothing more to tell
so for the first time,
I wrote a rhyme.

Anonymous said...

Hey did you know a Samaritan was a label given to someone who lived by a belief system, much like today's liberal, or conservative is today?


Anonymous said...

Dead Sea scrolls and partners with
the Celts.

Anonymous said...

Ari wants me to share with you an event I had during the mirage.

The stuff that makes a room feel like a real room (and not an image) had just slowly rolled out. This happened many times before so while I didn't like the feeling I know it would pass, eventually. I knew too that D was rushing home to pack, his mother was going to be gone before the morning. When I saw D, I felt this time my mirage might be something more permanent. He had the same look the room had taken on, and that had never happened before. D and my pets always stayed real no matter what was going on with the room. He was double time, probably because of his mom, but he was now part of the mirage. I let him say and do what he needed, I only managed by keeping my eyes shut, some of it with my head under the covers. He knew I wasn't feeling well, had a bucket under the bed. When D and his brother left, I got up and started touching stuff until I was satisfied I was still alive.

I slept and woke because there was commotion in my kitchen. A hole opened in the atmosphere of my kitchen and there was noise. The walls of my house were gone. They melted into invisible, is the best way to describe it, and the space between me and the hole was a black shadowy void. The noise became voices, I could hear the hospital room. D's uncle was saying "Is that it, is she gone?" He wasn't sure she if she was still alive. Bitch sister said, " Yes G, she's gone. Go out to the nurses station and get someone."

I didn't see anyone, but I knew all her brothers and sisters were with her. I heard D's same uncle saying, "A nurse will be here soon, and I just saw D and T in the hallway. They're at the elevators, so they'll be here in a minute." The hole collapsed as quickly as it opened, the whole scene was half a second. Would have put it down to a crazy dream except my dog's crate was near the kitchen and she flipped out, hackles up! So I touched stuff until I reached her crate and she ran around the kitchen making sure all was well.

D called 10 minutes later saying she died just seconds before they reached her room.

Anonymous said...

Of course there was stuff I need to add...

About or shortly after this time, I began to believe that my nervous system was off, somehow disconnected, possibly even injured. Maybe from the mirage? There was too much stuff happening and I didn't care about any of it. Didn't upset me at all.

I also realized I stopped yawning and stretching for years. That sounds stupid I know, but I always did those things before...there maybe other symptoms too, I just didn't notice them.

Anonymous said...

Since the mirage I'm a little afraid to ever be in the same room with you. There could be some weird science rule that no one knows about yet that if we ever find ourselves close by I'll end up imploding into the ethers and I won't be alive here or even there. I'll be gone and a little bit Pissed.

Anonymous said...

You can tap in,
to both sides
they need that,
and so do you.

Anonymous said...

mm hmm I feel what your saying,
I'm unsure too
but feelings are the language I'm going to listen to and when the time is right,
it will happen
intensity comes to mind
but humour supercedes
and will be our saving
we can do this, with time
and timing being the
main consideration

Anonymous said...

You checked with Richie, right? Does he think there is a wired science rule? Cause I've already been thru a lot, and I don't want to implode and not exist.

Anonymous said...

Weird science, sigh.

Anonymous said...

Not possible.
Why? you ask.
It would defeat
the purpose.

Anonymous said...

I'm not convinced science has
everything to do with it,
with the exception of
physics and meta physics
as well as quantum theory
so I guess science plays
a role
why did hormones just come to
weird science, yes
but I don't think we need to worry.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I see you interrupting me continuously,
and me letting you.

Anonymous said...

From day one, moons ago when I first came across you there was something then. At the time, I was battling satanists and people who thought it would be easy to know me. I had alot to protect. Then scenes in my mind kept flashing, walking, talking, rough housing, throwing a football, actually running the track. I thought, is it he who needs to get me in shape and help end my bad habits? Then later the scenes became different, unattainable, and the coincidences started to happen. The one walking and talking in the beginning was everywhere I was, but not. I looked deeper thanks to that and was hit with a huge realization, and really had no idea how to act. To end the confusion I just pushed it away, there is no time for confusion I thought. Then, the real realization came through and within a few moments all other images and feelings were replaced and I was enhanced, a better person, sharper, kinder, warmer, a reason to be all those things came to be. And I knew that if we tried, it would be good, if we didn't it would be profoundly sad which would be way worse than confused. It's a struggle writing here as I'm sure what is said does not come out right, I speak better. When it all comes to be, close the door on the past, close the curtains on external forces and meet up with a match, a sister, a friend, a best friend, an old friend but above all else, a trusted friend as all things like this should begin with. Within moments of that, the veil will dissolves and we can begin.

Anonymous said...

Why are you weird?


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure, but I like it.

Anonymous said...

Exactly that, yes.

Anonymous said...

I think I have writers block :( this is so not like me.

Anonymous said...

What are you wearing?

Anonymous said...

An earring.

Sorry, I'm out of bear jokes, I have writers block and I'm bored.

See you tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Sweet Dreams, Cheers! & Beers! for The Irish & The Essenes!!

Anonymous said...

So I'm only on pg 60 of On Atlantis, just covered that animals appeared on earth first and it dawned on me that this happened on purpose, driven by the spirits in the spirit world to experiment on animals by sending them in first. So when spirits gradually materialized into humans they already knew what to expect, sort of.

The world formed because there was a large energy that was stumbled on by spirits that made them curious, so they studied it and animal energy was their first experiment. I guess that's what Brian the Dragon was trying to tell me, but I didn't get it at the time :( When the spirits determined it was safe enough, they jumped into the energy too. Time on this era will be fuzzy for some time yet because of the e=mc2 not being finished, but will still have some distortion, or length of time, attached to it. The start of time came with fluctuations and you need to know when the different rates of those were occurring. Still with the more complete formula it will be closer to the truth. How many times will the formula be added too, that's anyone's guess, because I don't think it will ever be completely completed. You see?

Also need to say, that human euthanasia in the earliest of days existed, and wasn't seen as any form of murder or a sacrifice to God. Euthanasia and illness also didn't hurt as much, not being fully formed somehow dulled the pain sensors. And at this point I am reminded of my nervous system being affected or turned off by my mirage. But everyone was half spirit and half human then, so everything felt different.

Good Morning to Everyone!

Anonymous said...

When Cayce tells about a time before the sexes formed, that is before time created duplicity or began to divide into polars. At the very start of a very weak clock. Maybe they walked the earth but as very weak mirages? Just a guess.

About forgetting most of last month: when I'm finally diagnosed with dementia, I'm just gonna go and have fun with it. And it should be fun too because old people get away with a lot of stuff.


Anonymous said...

Confusion was replaced with delight, overnight.
Relieved the search is over
they cheered through the night
She'd been on her own
long enough and was happy the
legend would finally appear.
In the night, in a dream
it was no longer a fear.
Things still got done and
were now much more fun.
They still walked and they
still talked and she was pleased she had found that one.

Anonymous said...

Esoterics of Androgyny
Cayce knew all about it.
Of course, he would.

Anonymous said...

Have a beautiful day today
you can think of me
and I of you,
with love.

Anonymous said...

He never left me once thoughtout this, if I didn't have it right he just turned his back and I knew I had to go back, I didn't have it right yet
Seemed to take forever but he always reminded me of patience and it's arch enemy
The answers came in rapid succession yet smooth and sweet and I had great empathy for the messengers, how hard they had worked.
The anger, another arch enemy, the vanity that tried to intrude was kept at bay and so with that
nothing went astray.
My father has gone now. He's satisfied and has much work to do elsewhere.
He took my brother with him and my husband decided to stay to help with the transition.

Anonymous said...

You know, Brigham's fb photo reminds me so much of Bertrand, who I think was a little older still by the time Jo met him. And the photo of tal with his long hair brushed straight back, his head turned and dressed in black is sooo much Mordred!

Audrey..... (All the ....'s mean I'm better than you)


Anonymous said...

I was just making pancakes
my little danger, danger.

Anonymous said...

and what's a facebook?

Anonymous said...

I will miss you today and
hope we meet in the night,
If there is one thing I've
learned, it is you I cannot

DPC said...

I love threadjackers! You've brought drivel to new heights. Congratulations.

Anonymous said...

Sorry no meeting in the night. I can't be part of a harem, not even if they made me their queen.

Use King Syrup on the pancakes, it's my favorite. I bought Mary's husband a bottle for his birthday.

If I don't check in later, sleep well and dream sweetly.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure he enjoyed that for his birthday.
I'm so pleased DPC enjoys this new language for bloggers.
I'm hoping to get intellectual property rights so I can license the style.
I think it could be worth millions.
No harem tonight, I'm exhausted.
I will, for sure.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't have a harem
even if I could,
that's slavery.
I couldn't sleep,
hope I'm busy somewhere
time to purify,

Anonymous said...

Good morning Everyone!

Purity, yes you'll need some time with that! Just remember to call your sponsor.

Had a crazy and funny dream last night. I was in my car in the drive near the house and I saw a tour bus racing up my drive and it made me mad cause they were going too fast and someone could get hurt. There were lots of cars in the front, which was a parking lot and I wasn't ready for company because I was dressed right. :(

I think Ritchie might have been driving the bus. Plus I noticed this morning Hobbes might be drinking the water from Blue Fishe's vase. What's going on Ritchie, you want to tell me?

The Corners need a holiday today! Can anyone think of one I can adopt?


Anonymous said...

I mean, I wasn't dressed right.

Anonymous said...

Always with the mean.
You always have a choice.

Anonymous said...

Stop using me as a soul source.
You know who is what and what is who now or is that you don't?
Your motives aren't convincing and vibrations are fragmented and unclear with, focused, and task oriented without. Constant push and pull is over and all I need to do is pull the plug. You have all the information and happiness anyways so you probably won't even notice.

Anonymous said...

Let me bring it down for you,
I'm pretty sure you need me more that I ever needed you, and you're pretty reckless with the cargo; diamonds in the rough, gems of all colors. Hiding in plain sight does not mean I cannot disappear from you.

Anonymous said...

A lifetime of surveillance is not appealing, labels like king, queens don't exist in my vobcabulary, and dagda agrees with me.
Deal is off, too much at stake and you don't understand how to handle precious cargo.
Hope you have a sweet life full of pancakes.

Anonymous said...

Hhmmmmm, pancakes! I have it all when I have pancakes.

Anonymous said...

and we know about the old man
you have a nice smile
did you really believe we're that stupid?

Anonymous said...

No, I don't think any of you are stupid. And there is nothing wrong with wearing more clothes than the Amish!

Anonymous said...

Straight up sarcastic and mean. All the time.
Did you learn I'm a terrible housekeeper as well?

Anonymous said...

You're evil my dear,
and I can sense it a mile away.
We both can, and we knew.
So, no harm done.
Weird romance is over.

Anonymous said...

No problem for me! I moved on when I saw the speeding tour bus :)

Anonymous said...

Terrible housekeeper, yes. I remember very well you live like a pig. You fish for clothes from the laundry hamper, you spit food all over the kitchen, and all you have are store bought cookies!

Still (blinking tears), I'm gonna miss you (marginally)!

Anonymous said...

And then there is how you treat your socks!


Anonymous said...

unbelievable - way to twist, blame gamer, story of your life.
speeding bus has nothing to do with me but everything to do with you,
your pretty accurate except the laundry and kitchen part,
do you have any idea how creepy that is? you are.
security has been alerted, including the ability to change up looks. so sad.

Anonymous said...

I had no idea you were so short.

Anonymous said...

We're well acquainted with who your friends are as well.
Ask them.
You relied on my keeping secrets which I do not do.
For anyone.
I know your reason,
I know how you did things,
I know how long you have done things for.
And so do a few of my good buddies, who I managed to duck in to see, and duck out the back door to keep your eyes and ears away.
Your face has circulated around and your physique, without the Ian Starglow attire, and high shoes, giving the illusion you are actually tall, tal.

Anonymous said...

and you are losing your hair, in case you were not aware.

Anonymous said...

You'll need to remember one thing Tal
I came on here defending what seemed an unnecessary attack on someone who I saw only as troubled, but seemingly sweet.
I could never have anticipated the multiple agenda's or your own personal deep reason for creating this blog.
I simply cared about you as a citizen who seemed traumatized by religion and the unfair nature of the music industry.
I could not have been more wrong or more clueless.
Everything said about you is true, every fear you've caused people is true and yes, it explains the optics of your life as summed up by the wise DPC in his opening statement.
Karmatically, good luck with all this, I did not do one thing wrong other than allow myself to be continually brought in or back here by someone highly manipulative.

Anonymous said...

Treat your socks better and I might just come back. And don't worry about losing hair, you are a great thinker! You also don't find grass on a busy playground either, now would you?


See you tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

After being a follower of DPC blog for some time I return to his droll efforts only to discover this monkey business! I'm gonna hafta shut this blog site off!

And the primates have once again ruined it for us all!

Hope you are happy.

Anonymous said...

you have never met someone like me and you never will again
your understanding of love is vague and primitive, possessive
marriage and arranged marriage is a form of slavery and I denounce all forms of slavery
still, you're more advanced than most but clever is not a virtue and trickery is for demons
I fear for you and your ways and so you can take this as an important use of time and a rather unique experience
you quickness in giving up and going into sarcastic defense mode is hurtful since it contradicts the effort put forth, not to mention the planning
would it have been so difficult to just ask?
either way, theres no turning back and in the end, I still care for you.

Anonymous said...

I don't know a single thing about music
I'm not a particularly good cook
I can't stay focused long enough to read a book
and it's been a long time
I'm just not needy but do need
To fake strong wouldn't work since I can't act
& truly, you are one of the funniest ppl I have ever known
which seems to erase all else.

Anonymous said...

'person' is actually what I meant
sure, now.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

For Audrey:

Anonymous said...

Wow Anon!!!

Thank you for that very nice song, but I have to say it's just a little too bold for my tastes. I do believe you meant well and I'm more than a little embarrassed.

I have always thought this was more my style and song:

Anonymous said...

Thanks again to all the Anons for the music, you are all so funny!

Brig, betcha didn't know Isis was your daughter!


Anonymous said...

And I don't really know when it's going to be your turn to drive the bus, you should ask Ari about it.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that song is a bit bold but I like the room.
I can see why you like that other song, me too, yet all I feel is dull pain.
I have all these wishes that can make for regret.
One thing though, I never meant to be so cruel, I didn't even know I was capable.

Anonymous said...

Are you in love with Audrey?

Anonymous said...

So, please buy the boxed set of History of the Church to find out the real truth and skip the crap that Monsieur B says. He won't even allow any truth on here. Stunts his growth.

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. He's been a naughty boy again, posing as nice Mormons but not realizing he is picking up nasty links to himself EVERY SINGLE time. Gee, you'd think he'd know these things!
Just waiting to be snared in a honey trap.You gotta laugh. No, really, you gotta.

Anonymous said...

I dunno what you're getting upset about - those were both great picks.
I myself, have been thinking about them alot, pure lyrical genius, very hot.
Oh yeah, the Isis thing is probably true.

Anonymous said...

Well, I love with Audrey. To me she is 'the one who is all'. Plus I love bald chicks who can no longer yawn and stretch.

Anonymous said...

I have to focus all day today while I listen to music, but this discussion is not over so I hope you are ready to have it.
And very soon.
Otherwise, my head may explode, and I can't have that.

Anonymous said...

On Atlantis: I was looking around and you have to be careful of locations when reading his work.

The oceans were named after the currents, so when Cayce speaks of the Atlantic (as when the Nile flows into the Atlantic) that was before the floods. After the floods the Atlantic changes course and location.

Confusing! Enjoy today!

Anonymous said...

Now this I like, almost as much as the music.
And you're probably right, location matters in most everything.

Anonymous said...

Brigham!!! Great news My Love!

Bertrand and de Metz were father and son. The 'de' part should be seen as a title, like the Duke OF Windsor, you see? Charles granted titles as part of the employment agreement with Catherine, plus you guys were already royalty. I think you moved to France with your family.

Of Arc was granted posthumously, after the inquiry into her death. I believe it has to do with the Ark of the Covenant, Jo was the human equivalent.

Still working for 'la' Hire. :) hope it's a funny story!

Anonymous said...

I know this will be funny so I will wait for you to tell me.
I was thinking I should set up one of those face things or something just so you can describe these things to me in more detail. What do you think?
What I think shouldn't be expressed here but I am happy.
That dull pain is gone as one indicator and my mind keeps shocking me.
Tell me when you can.

Anonymous said...

I have pyjamas just like that only I never wear the top.
I wear a tank top instead, sometimes lacey but never with socks.
I wonder what happened to that plane?

Anonymous said...

N Korea hit it with an EMP. Testing new technology. They are surprised it worked!?!

Anonymous said...

We can play with time and memories and we don't age.
Clairvoyance is the weapon and violence is forbidden.
We play in the ocean under the moonlight and come back unpained.
There is nothing we forget and there is no regret.
Feelings can be tamed and no one is blamed.
If you have to say you are, then you are not, is the riddle and the sacred race holds the key.
Through the forest, through the skies, deep in the ocean it is the same.
Love is all that matters.
Fire is my invention to move energy to action and action to energy.
To fill the hearts of young and old with a special word and a smile is the goal of everyday.
We know the future, we see the signs, we tell only what's needed at the time.
The harp was the start, music for the shy so every living being could learn to fly.
Gifts are abundant, boundless, there is no end, both for the righteous and those living in sin.
Love will always remain unchanged.

Anonymous said...

No, it was not N Korea, although that's what they would like you to think.
Look to the left, then look to the right.
The answer is hidden in plain sight.

Anonymous said...

I came from far away to answer the questions of the day.
An army was gathered to help make the shift, between the centuries.
To retain and maintain what was, is the plan from the start.
The planet could no longer stay in the dark.

Anonymous said...

You are cute and have touched my heart but it seems to change everyday. This playing with pictures is not my way so I will just love you from far away.

Anonymous said...

I don't like quotes, they don't say what is true.
They are someone else's story, that enjoys being blue.
To be original, you came close.
The music was your best, so why did you rest.
Weak are who call and we take up arms, but can never become who you are.

Anonymous said...

Honey traps? links to himself?
You guys are crazy.

Anonymous said...

There's an energy here who likes to see a fight.
Is it the girlfriend, an X,
or a homely soul, whose life has never seen majic or known angels as human beings.
I know each voice, I can tell the rhyme. It does not matter though since I remain the same, unchanged throughout this entire game. Consistency is the key.
Good night.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Would like to believe they didn't know anything was amiss until hours after the hack(?) attack. That they are scared in prison and the craft is in a hanger in NK until they figure out the next move. People will live, for bartering power later. Fighter jets met plane when it entered their airspace.

I like this ending the best, because everyone lives. Imagination is very fertile ground and I would like a vacation. I think I might need one, and of course long term care. I would like to have that too.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Soon. Now. Whenever.
Just no surprises.

Anonymous said...

You know you and Ari are gonna burn in hell, right? And the good news is I'm not going to bail you out again. My friends are still laughing because I did it the last two times. Still, Good Morning to you, My Sweet!

Anonymous said...

Wanted to say too, that C&J met Pompey to introduce C but also to look over some property. There was some question as to how to help the land be more productive. Just a minor note I know, but is still hope the ping keeps you up!

:) (my pretty smile!)

Anonymous said...

And r u there?

Anonymous said...

No, but can be anytime I choose, and so can you.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Too bad, can't watch the last 2 videos, so they don't count.

I'll start reading that creepy Cayce book again soon. Until then.


Anonymous said...

Sure you can but if not, would you like to know the names of them?
Mucho better than Cayce, with blatent life lessons right there in video.
Just let me know, I'm always happy to help.

Anonymous said...

Just a heads up:

You're scheduled for a melt down later this evening. Have fun with it!


Anonymous said...

Hope that means your going to climb through my bedroom window with a basket of homemade muffins in a language I just made up.

Anonymous said...

Muffins were excellent, thanks & night.

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha, you are a gift!

You know what I used to think about during the worst times? I didn't get a star! I mean, if anyone deserved a star, shouldn't it have been me? I got a fire when I was born! Can you believe that one!

The building next door to the hospital was burning and a nun handed my dad a fire hose and asked him to stand at the window and if he saw flames in the next building he was to turn on the hose. I was a day or two old.

Don't go away, Jesus birth story next.

Anonymous said...

After M was confirmed a virgin the family guarded her closely. Not because of a lack of trust but because of concern. The virgin birth was spoken of by many cultures and many believed and looked for it. The story started with Isis and is also part of Sappho's hidden library work. Of course there were cultists then, and a breath of a rumor was investigated.

M&J were reunited the very next life and after the C&A disaster there was healing to be had. That she was murdered because she was pregnant, and then to be found pregnant in such a way caused enormous stress for them. M&J were both having dreams, as stress can sometimes cause, and J had one that bothered him a lot. He made the trip to M's house to check on her and the baby. They had been married for months, but it was decided it might be smart to not live together until after the birth. It was true that M was still needed to help her family before she left her house, and J had some obligations too but....excuses only.

J check on M, said he had a bad dream and wanted to make sure she and the baby were ok. She said they were fine and asked about the dream. They panicked when she said she had the same dream weeks before. J told her to pack up everything she would need, they were leaving as soon as she was ready.

There were always rumors and when the virgin birth one started, Herod picked up on it. J&M knew this, it was widely known he wanted to welcome such a child.

Anonymous said...

Well you make me laugh all the time so I think you're a star,
I know you are.

Anonymous said...

hahah the storytelling is fabulous and yes that seems about right, how you would know this is another story all together.

Anonymous said...

It was known Herod had a paranoid personality. From his political life it was known he could not be trusted, also known from their dream: the search was close. After C&A, a psychic gov't was outlawed by Rome and Herod believed he was sincere with his offers to the virgin.

J asked M for her families money, left a note to tell his family they were leaving and to pay M's family back.

The donkey was the only animal. It had a formidable reputation and was the town joke. J wasn't happy. Neither was M, never ride when you are that close to your due date. They journeyed days before her water broke, and the psychic hunters found them. They were under orders to buy the baby and if the family resisted to kill them.

They told M to remove the baby's diaper, saw it was a boy and left. They were looking for a girl.

Anonymous said...

The hunters needed to find the virgin before the birth to prove they had the right child. So the missing M became news and the hunters found her family.

Elizabeth was also psychic, she earned a good living as a fortune teller, but was mostly known as a match maker. She matched M&J.

I think they killed Elizabeth when she told them to Piss Off. She was a old woman who didn't like their attitude, believed herself to be dying anyway and they made no secret they would would kill her if she didn't lead them to the couple.

Since she didn't know where they were, and wouldn't help them in their psychic search, they killed her.

Anonymous said...

The hunters knew the baby had been born, by the star/comet. The comet and the ancient moon stories and old prophesies lead them to believe the baby would be a girl. Somehow they realized their error and doubled back to find M&J. Their trail was now colder, but M&J were still local to the birth site.

The birth was the day before they were found, and after the hunters left so did M&J. M stopped the journey tho, told J she was bleeding and tried to give him the baby. "Keep going, I will find you when I feel better." J wouldn't, he arranged for them to travel with others. M was allowed to lay down in a wagon/cart. He explained they needed to get to his father before he died. Inheritance, and his father would only grant it if he saw his son. A lie. But they escaped into Egypt.

The oldest male child deaths were a surprise attack on a village, it was believed that was the town the baby was hiding in. Outrage from the attack, curbed Herod. Like O his power was gone, but he remained. Still don't know why....seems like there is more there....

Need to stop here, I will be back later to finish...

Anonymous said...

So this is how you came to know about us.
The warfare seems about right, I'll pay attention to that, forgot about the non weaponry kind.
A black veil over memories curbs that as a start.
I sense it's rather powerful, determinded, but I've seen it before.
I see you're my unassuming hunter there, if a man holds his love the same way as his harp, she'll know it's true.

Anonymous said...

They questioned E before she died, the questions turned to the baby's sex. They led her to believe...again a girl. She again told them "wrong family. They were having a boy." They killed her right then. Left her body to be found later. I don't know why the hunters were convinced they had the right family, but they realized they found M&J and let them go. So they doubled back to the town.

M&J were already with the "wagon train" just outside of the town. It looked like a family group of 5 men, 4 women, two small wagons or carts. The hunters shot right past them, thinking M&J had made more progress. M out of sight laying down, and J riding a horse (he traded the hated ass the first chance he got!) with the other men had fooled the hunters. They reported the loss to Herod, to placate him they gave a town name. The first born male child murders happened suddenly in one crazy frightening day, no one knew why.

Ok, that's how Herod stayed in power. The town could find no reason for the attack, believed the killings were thrill kills. It was some generations later and the birth story recorded that the killings were explained.

The hunt for the virgin was known but not front page news, and in some circles not believed. Just like dec 21, 2012 was the end of a time. Everyone heard about it, some believed it, some didn't. But he stopped the hunt and his activities weren't discovered.

The word 'census' made me look at the birth story. The purpose of a census is to count where the people moved too, not to send them all back where they came from to count.

Anonymous said...

I am told to share this poem. I was also told some time ago that you are using some of my poems and I believed this was one of them. I don't know why I need to share this if you already have it. I also believe it was you that was the black shadow watching me.

Shadow of Black

Someone came to check on me
Who it was I couldn't see
Someone I knew so long ago
Cared enough to not let go

All that I saw was a shadow of black
It was high on my ceiling
Right next to the crack

They were there for a second
And then they were gone
At this game of love I feel like I won

Seth said, "it's someone you know but not from this life.
But that doesn't mean it will stay that way,
There's always a chance you'll meet them some day."

They watched me writing that night on my bed
Whoever they were they weren't really dead.
Knowing that helped my heart to exceed
With the love it contained I wished them

Anonymous said...

There is an indebted to you for taking the time to show this, in such comprehension, you do realize.
Only some was known until a deep look at the name, which led me to all the other names, locations, dates.
Mythology, pshchology, numerology and astrology all in one lesson.
The CV was ancient, all those skills and residuals of Babylon, now such a sad mess.
Mucho work to do then, we'll be fine but will need you.

Anonymous said...

The mind remembers.
The feeling stays.
Now I see why it has
taken days.
Yes, Beth said too,
there are exceptions
to every rule and the
process is stringent.
She said this knowing it
was already part of the their plan.

Anonymous said...

Ok, you have the poem w/o the "Seth said" part. Which doesn't fit in anyway....

The 2 Mary's shared the same name mostly for Armand. It was a feel good clue for him and others, to help heal his pain...Magdalene, or whichever form of it you use, was a middle name. Since she was the younger of the 2 she was called by both names.

Anonymous said...

Don't know what the hell you are talking about :) but I need to take a nap or something. Plan on telling how we met John next. That's a note more to remind me than to inform you :) still can't find last month.

Anonymous said...

There is only one, not three.
The daughter had three attributes.
There are some things you have not been allowed to see, which I can explain in the most humorous of ways so no fear. Yes rest, frigid weather will turn warmer but keep an eye on the machines with intel, they're heating up.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of making the last comment the last chapter, then start the series. This start has everything; intrigue, history, romance. I didn't know I was such a good writer until I got on this blog. I always wrote only fact, fiction is mucho grand funner.

Anonymous said...


I thought you should know we used this forum after 2 anons and audrey go in touch and wanted to help with my manuscript, 'My Mother is an Alien Goddess'.
I am not Bella Trix and no, I am not a witch.
I am a basic reporter taking a Creative Writing class for credits towards my degree and hopefully masters in journalism.
I'm sorry I was rude to you on ocassion but it brought out the best material.
My prof says if she falls in love with the manuscript (after alot of editing) she will send it to a publishing buddy of hers.
If you see this title with the author audrey (a true ghostwriter) you will know you were the audience that helped bring the story to that place.
So thanks so much eh and you can watch for articles by me;

Jane Joyce

Anonymous said...

Will do!

Anonymous said...

Oh, one thing, I did find out that clever is actually a virtue and you were her first husband, the original one, which explains both the familiarity and impatience. That's why she was there that night in particular, she had been concerned and she wasn't even aware her concern may need to move currents which it did and those currents turned to passion and well you know how that goes. Anyhow, seems the story doesn't end, it seems to get much better which is hard to define given all that history. I can only assume it will all be a very worthwhile, noble type thing, that's how they are at all costs.


Anonymous said...

MM&L lost their mother when Martha was born. Their father didn't want them around any more. He drank, and as L got older, he and L came to blows. L sent a letter to an aunt and uncle asking to take them in. They agreed and came for them. L took some of the old man's money and his sisters and left.

Martha was 5 when she and MM met John. She crying and uncooperative. John came over with a ball and said, "why is she crying?" MM explained they were now living with an aunt and uncle. She'd been in a bad mood since they arrived because she some of her toys were left behind, and that day she was double mad since she also didn't want to be in the market square. "Here you can play with this" and he tossed her his ball.

In his natural state, Armand has very thick, wavy/curly, light brown hair and hazel eyes. He likes to be between light and dark in his looks, because the light and dark looks are extremes of him. Sometimes his eyes are close together, sometimes they are farther apart. While they are always small, they are sometimes more round. John had wide set light brown eyes and dark shoulder length hair that cork screwed into curls. He was a cute boy.

He told MM his name and asked "Who's the guy I always see you with? Is that your boyfriend?" "No, I'm too young to have a boyfriend." She was 13. J reasoned, "I'm 13 and I'm not too young for a girlfriend." He said this because his voice starting changing earlier that week. MM saw J before too, she knew he noticed them in the market place. The crowds were tight and she and L were holding hands to stay together.

Anonymous said...

As they spoke, J was watching the men go into the temple and suddenly said he had to meet with them. MM wanted to give his ball back, but he replied "She likes it so she can keep it. With all my brothers and sisters, we have plenty."

5 or 10 mins later a young woman came over to the sisters. She said she was worried and looking for the boy who was last seen with that ball, and did we know where he was? MM said she spoke with him then he left for the temple. Did she want his ball back? "No." She said, "If my son gave her his ball, then he wants her to have it." Son! The woman running toward the temple was his mother! A sister...sure, but mother!

MM took Martha toward the temple, she was worried that John was now in trouble and wanted to know why. His mother began stopping the men going in and out asking if they would please send him out to her. When he came out he saw MM close and watching, and told his mother, "You just don't like it that I'm getting older." "You're not so old that I won't turn you over my knee!" M grabbed him by the upper arm and marched him away.

Going to bed now, I will try to be back tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Oh darling, this is why you need me shadowing, you have over complicated things, your overthinking will be the devil of you, again.

Keep it simple, keep it sweet because that is what it is.

If you burden yourself with these details the seeds of doubt and misunderstanding will grow, opening portals to an unsavory and impure flow.

On a unusual evening in the spring/summer air, many will conspire to make things bright, much to yours and my delight.

Anonymous said...

Is this you? I've been seeing this one all day.

Anonymous said...

She wanted me to tell you one thing before the final draft is submitted.
You should never question the devotion.
When she arrived she was immediately recognized by other angels, hells angels included and since they know there is no such thing as hell they were protective.
All her male relations are like that, she is either the favorite bratty little sister or the motherly with wisdom and a smoke, drink and dube in her hand.
There is always contrast and color within, from the celebate vixen to the pregnant nun to the writer of the most beautiful quotes on relationships while smoking, drinking, & dubing alone.
The mosiac is the funnest, most genius design ever known, it just has to be seen and even better when someone else ipsees it too.

Anyhow, that is supposed to help with the ending somehow I guess.


Anonymous said...

Your link could not be read, what was the photo of?

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking maybe the notion of trust is at issue and so I ask, how did you know it was me who visited then, if I could not be seen.
You should be asking, what about her, it has to be rough, last time I heard, you were doing other stuff so trust has been the key all along, I could not cope through if it weren't for trust and that song.

Anonymous said...

As long as my hunter with the harp remains,
I will know the facts.

The other is just a playground for only God knows who
and what.

No, a meltdown is not in
the cards, not now,
not ever.

That would not be helpful.

Anonymous said...

ok yeah your right, nice photo thank you.
See you next lifetime.

Anonymous said...

Wow, wow, are you fucking kidding me?
Impossible to explain away this one.
As though the grid even matters to me or has influence.
Nah, I got things to do man, don't you get that by now?
Wow, wow.
You are no longer a ghostwriter, I'll just sign my name.


Anonymous said...

The song I meant was carousel the hollies, not the one you auto thought but it doesn't matter now because all that piece has been deleted from the final draft.

Thanks again for your help, you're obviously upset and dark but I can't help with that except wish it was not so, for your own health.


Anonymous said...

If you did not put the people you care for so much on pedastals they would not have so far to fall.
And fix that page, you're scaring everyone.

Anonymous said...

None of these entries have even been made by tal so I can't even include this experience in the book guys,, did you ever think of that?
I'm can't even use this manuscript for my final paper, have you any idea how much work I have to do now.
Stupid to listen to anon's, I so knew it.
Please lose my e-mail address.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Anons!

John waited about 2 years before he spoke to MM again. It broke her heart, he was deliberately avoiding her and while she felt this was harsh punishment for spying on a small family dispute she still watched, but from a bigger distance.

When John's family returned home that day, there was a less public argument. M again insisted John stay close by and not wonder away. When he rebelled at this M broke into tears and once she started she couldn't stop. She told J how scared she had been that someone may have finally found their son, and finding him in the temple speaking God knows what, in front of God knows who didn't help! J held his wife and said, "See what this is doing to your mother? Would it hurt you as much as this to stop wondering off?"

It was then that John first learned of his true nature, and while that was happening he became friends with L, and while that was happening he pretended not to know MM. Fine!

Anonymous said...

John and L became friends playing a version of soccer. They were friends for over a year and were often on different teams. The games were popular, fun, even funny to watch. MM was usually in the crowd, and after one of the games someone brought her flowers.

He was very smart and studying to become a lawyer. He was about her size and weight, and no real sense of humor. But he was nice and seemed to care for her. Her gave her the flowers and offered his arm to walk her home.

John nodded to the couple, "Whose the guy." L told him, "Just some guy who started coming to the house about a week ago." It had been well over a month. "Looks serious." "Could be." L agreed. "I'm thinking about pounding the hell out of him to set some ground rules."

When John went home he ask his mother, "where can I get some cheap flowers?" "Why?" "I want to ask MM to marry me." She landed hard in a chair with shock on her face.

That evening John knocked on her door. He gave her the flowers saying, "These are for you. I picked these on my way over." They were from her front yard. "I don't have another vase," She said. He threw the flowers from the game in the trash and said "Just use this one."

All the flowers shared the vase. And it stayed that way for a while.


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