Monday, September 10, 2007

On Tal Bachman

Disclaimer: The following is an ad hominem attack on Tal Bachman. If you are Mr. Bachman, or one of his small number of ever dwindling fans, I suggest that you not read this post. I will try to be objective, but be forewarned; I do not have a lot of good things to say about this pretentious, washed-up has-been.

I don’t like Tal Bachman. I’ve read a lot of his posts, and if they are any reflection of who he really is, he must really be one pathetic son of a bitch. Am writing this because he left Mormondom? No, I can’t really say that I’m sad to see him go. Some of the nicest, coolest, warm-hearted, generous individuals I know have left the Mormon church and I have yet to launch a single ad hominem attack on them. In fact, we continue to be good friends regardless of varying religious choices. Membership in an organization is no arbiter when it comes to friendship. With that in mind, let me turn my attention to Mr. Bachman. His singular claim to fame is that he wrote and sang a hit song, “She’s So High.” As a one-hit wonder, he’s in the same category as the illustrious Right Said Fred, Vanilla Ice and Lou Bega (of Mambo No. 5 fame). I’m surprised he hasn’t starred on the Surreal Life yet. Maybe he’s holding out for a spot on Dancing with the ‘Stars’. Marie Osmond made it, why not him?

He has written a voluminous amount of material regarding his thoughts on Mormonism. I’m not sure if he intends to sound like a pretentious, holier-than-thou, pseudo-intellectual, but everything he writes is pretentious, holier-than-thou or pseudo-intellectual. Take a blog post he published a few months ago in May. He criticizes the Mormon conception of heaven and hell, but he makes himself sound like a self-satisfied jerk in the following quote (which can be found here)

“I think heaven isn't a place we go to after we die; I think it is a place we can live in everyday, if we are determined to, and perhaps, if we have a bit of luck. I think it is something we create and find here on earth...and right now. Heaven can be right now...

“I feel sad sometimes when I think of how long I lived always thinking of heaven as another place, and another time. I was too often blind to all the beauty right before me, because I was too often straining so hard to see something far, far off in the distance - which, it turns out, there is no reason to believe is even there, at least in the way I thought.

“I submit that true heaven isn't crazy stories, or distant stars, or strange names and strange clothes and strange spouses. I think it is something that we all have, within us, the power to create and experience, at least to some extent, right here and right now...”

Yeah, whatever, buddy. And with three paragraphs, he assigns those who don’t share his easy rockstar lifestyle to a hell worse than any that God proposed. What happens to those sorry souls, who, for whatever reason, don’t have ‘a bit of luck’? What happens to them? Mr. Bachman would consign them to misery and woe because they are not determined enough, I guess. Or chastise them for hoping for some kind of better existence in the next life? And what is the basis for Mr. Bachman’s faith in humankind? He claims there is no reason to believe in heaven. I agree, at least as far as objective evidence is concerned. But what evidence does he have the mankind can make a heaven here on earth? His own Shangri-La lifestyle, where his biggest complaints are that nobody in the record industry wants to hear his music? He wants to argue both sides of the fence. He has to have a reason for the distant heaven, but offers no reasons for the heaven ‘within’.

Other posts focus on his inability to talk to females in the past because of his worry about temptation. Obviously this is the Mormon church’s fault. The most common complaint I hear about this church is that it stultifies relationships between members of the opposite sex who happen to be married to other people. It would be completely illogical to assume that Mr. Bachman stultifies himself. Maybe someone should tell him that just because he feels ‘tempted’, it is highly unlikely that the person he is talking to feels the same way. When I talk to women at work or at school, I usually don’t get the impression that they are chomping at the bit to go to bed with me, regardless of how naturally charming I am. It must be a rockstar complex to think like that. Maybe Mr. Bachman should evaluate how he internalized the teachings of the Mormon church, rather than make unwarranted generalizations about the impact those teachings have on the general membership.

I think most of my invection comes from the colossal waste of time it was to read what he had written and the colossal waste of time writing this post represents. I don’t usually like (or write) ad hominem attacks, but when someone practically begs for it, can I be anything but obliging?


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Anonymous said...

Hurry and let me know.
I'm kinda busy right now doing the dishes.
And I'm running out of soap.
I need to go get some Dawne.
It's the only dishsoap I use.

Anonymous said...

You need to stop LYING when it comes to all things having to do with me. You should have told Burton we QUIT our work together instead of telling him we are taking a break. I am not including you anymore and you are making it worse for yourself by lying.

I'm told you both wore rentals at the wedding. True or not it makes me smile.

fuck you

Anonymous said...

I suppose I think you will both get hurt in this marriage because of my very strong belief that the quickest way to learn how to empathize is to feel the pain firsthand for yourself. But even if that doesn't happen and you two manage to pull it off, I still won't think very highly of either of you, along with some of your family.

Either way, I am going my own way. So if I ever get asked a question about you, I will explain from a metaphysical standpoint that you are an asshole and I won't have anything to do with you and your family. NO lie.

Anonymous said...

Oh hey Mick, how's it goin??

Bitter & twisted still i see.

Anonymous said...

Such a trooper.
I always admired that about u.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you do, or is that why you are jealous? Because I'm a trooper?

If we were created from the same soul, and were exactly the same copy of each other in the very beginning with only our looks being different for a very brief period, one would have to look at us both today and wonder what the hell happened to you, right?

I guess all your lifetimes of status, advantages, privileges and women/harems weren't such a good idea after all.

Maybe my poorer lifetimes of making the best of being a victim was the right attitude after all and I shouldn't think anymore about not having killed O back or getting revenge of any kind...especially if it leads toward your attitudes and actions. It's our thoughts that keep us apart after all.

Poor Armand, having one child a fool and the other child an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Yes. I want the lawyer's name and phone number.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you are so right.
Guess that's why you're the real 'star'

Anonymous said...

um ..... no.

Anonymous said...

Give me the lawyer's name and phone number.

Anonymous said...

Who are you writing to demanding this from?

Anonymous said...

You seem unstable.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully you don't mind that this blog is being monitored.

Anonymous said...

Come on now buddy put on some clothes and come out of mommys basement and face the world.

Anonymous said...

Simon says,,,

Anonymous said...


The difference between Sappho/Antony and Me/Tal, that one relationship seemed to work and one has soured, is that I hear two different ways. I hear telepathicly the 3D, or lower, Tal, but I also hear a 12D Ari or higher since I don't know how many D's there really are, or where the cut off between each D is.

Sappho heard Antony telepathicly but had different 12D voices and guidance. I have one voice at both 12 and 3D.

So I hear Ari at "more perfect" 12D state, but also at an 11D, then 10D, then 9D state and so the quality of a "more perfect" Ari keeps degrading until the imperfect 3D Tal. And the distance between 3 - 12 D appears to be very large and vast, at least in Tal's case. This is also why I need discernment, because a lot of times I can't tell which D of him I'm hearing, and I try NOT to ACT as he does.

This is the explanation I plan on offering if I'm asked about Tal. I want you to have it now because weeks ago I saw you scuba diving and in the dream vision I thought you were actually vacationing on your very pretty Canadian island. Even tho you were in a very pretty part of the water, when I woke, I thought "oh no! Water again!" In case you are going thru a hard or healing time, I'm giving you this info to help take your mind off your troubles and put your thoughts somewhere else with your math formulas.

Also, in the past when I've heard Armand, Ari has moved 'back' or 'out' of my head or into a much lesser secondary role. I'm still told Armand will again start working with me, with no real sign showing up yet....only the occasional blip of his voice as he talks on the phone. And that is both past and future. I say this because I heard him talking to Tal about the socks I made for him, and Armand and Tal were speaking as if they were already given to Tal...which they will still be delivered. I made them for Tal and in this ascension process he has serious need for them plus they are now a sad reminder to me so I will give my sad reminder over to Tal.. But I don't think my relationship with Tal will improve with Ari moving out of my head now.

I want you and Brig to know that I still think of you both as Sapphos (and Morgan's) boys and can't shake that feeling...and I don't want too, so both of you remember that in your darker moments, ok? And "PLEASE, PLEASE God, mind your manners = they matter". That sentence is one of the math formulas you are to write Ritchie. A hug and kiss to you and Briggy.

Anonymous said...

Also Ritchie,

For your work: Manners and matter are mostly one letter off used twice. N and T, plus the differential of an "s"

Love talking to you like this, Ritchie! Godspeed.

Anonymous said...

I want the lawyer's info from the one who asked if it was wanted along with doctor's number. The one who said someone tried to kill her. I want her to put her money where her mouth is for once. She posts such garbage.

Anonymous said...

"Maybe my poorer lifetimes of making the best of being a victim was the right attitude after all and I shouldn't think anymore about not having killed O back or getting revenge of any kind..."

"Victim" is the wrong word here, even in this life looking backward I disagree with the word. 'Target' is probably the word, but 'target' can also be a target of a good force or good intention too, not just the bad intentions. So even that's not the best word here, but I still stand behind my belief that if Tal had more lives in the trenches he would be better off in a new life today.

Also wanted to make the point with Ritchie and Briggy, when I heard the joy in Tal's voice of "there won't be a next time." I also heard the exasperation in Brigg's voice of him saying "next time". He didn't want to lie, but was asking for help and I think the reason that he stayed and Ritchie left was because of two things:

1: Ritchie had time with Morgan, Briggy not so much, only a year before he died I think, so the yearning to stay in this lifetime was greater for Briggy. Ritchie remembers more time with Morgan, he more recently (around 1100 A.D.) remembers what Morgan taught him about right and wrong than Brig (from Sappho's lifetime), and also agreed with what he was taught. Even having a short time to practice those teachings in that life to see if they would work for him. But again, it was a short time for Lancelot.

2: Also the very big fear from the end of Sappho's son, Antony's (or some version of that name) life. Remember Brig you watched your twin died, Ritchie didn't watch anyone died, they were dead when you both were pushed into the room. Plus the emotional pain of your torture in that death feels similar, or as big to you to the emotional pain you are feeling today. So you stayed as near as you could get to me.

Funny, but I feel like I'm answering a question for Brig and Ritchie that is still forming in their minds, or maybe is already there but hasn't been verbalized yet. Oh Brig, you are worried because I said I wouldn't think highly of some of Tal's family? I wasn't talking about you, My Baby. I was talking about Tal, yogi and her. All three knew better, plus all three don't align themselves with my beliefs, so I don't feel the need to help or be around all three in verying degrees. Ok?

Anonymous said...

Oh hey lawyers name is John Grisham and can be reached at 604-go-fuck-yourself-psycho.
Obviously they wouldn't tell you anything but would know you're the perp.

How do you know the anon is a 'her?' Because YOU ARE THE PERP.

Smile now, webcam photos of you keying the garbage crap no one cares about above.
Look much better if you smile that fake phony smile of yours and add that hysterical.
laugh for effect too.

We all know what you are. You're done. DPC. ISTAR.

Anonymous said...

At least in a 3D marriage I could get a divorce and be rid of you, and it angers me that Ari is still here. I've had the pleasure of your company from both ends of the spectrum, and I want you both gone.

When Armand finally does show up, I'm asking for a divorce on the grounds that you're a dumbass idiot. I STILL can't believe you deliberately hurt me this badly and were so happy doing it, even drumming up support and including others in the group to help you hurt me.

Anonymous said...

Prepare to die in 3D.

Anonymous said...

The pain you brought me in all of this has me questioning if you ever loved me in any of the other lifetimes, because if you did love me back then I can't understand what just happened here in this life.

Anonymous said...

Prepare to die in 3D.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Sooner or Later

Anonymous said...

Gods gonna

Anonymous said...

Cut ya down

Anonymous said...

You can run on for a long time
run on
for a

Anonymous said...


Working in the dark against your fellow man

sooner or later


Anonymous said...

Gods gonna




Anonymous said...

Schizophrenia? Bi polar? Take your meds. Though I think you can behave normally when called upon to do so. You live a double life, don't you?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, take a pill and it all goes away for me. Nothing you can take to cure being cold and callus, you have broken things where your heart used to be. Convince Ari to move on and leave me alone, then I will leave you alone too.

you're not fooling anyone, you don't know how to build a peaceful life. Your mother did a very poor job raising you...

Anonymous said...

Pills don't help.

Alcohol gets the job done.


But you: still broken.

Ari. said...

Three years.

Anonymous said...

So you see now why I'm not jealous or upset with her?

Anonymous said...

if she would have helped me instead of helping to hurt me, I would be saying things to her she would like to hear...

Anonymous said...

instead of telling her she'll end up in divorce court AGAIN.

Anonymous said...

so, I have given you everything I've been told to give you every advantage for a happy life with her.

I wish you both peace, but even more I wish peace for myself. Just not sure how to soothe my heart enough to get it.

Anonymous said...

i just know I won't find it anywhere near you.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter what you say.
Doesn't matter what you do.

God as my Father knows about every one of you.
You harmed his daughter that's all that is true.

And you will each pay a large penance it is already in the making.
You are arrogance and Lucifer Korea and Japan and back again.

You post pictures promoting this and so it is up to you to take what you
worship and see if it is true.

Be prepared to meet the Saint that has come in direct contact with you.
There is no where now to escape and hide. Computers mean nothing when they're
already our invention for you. You must now be brave and accept what is coming to you.

Anonymous said...

*Our Review*

"An absolutely bizarre world where fantasy is reality and reality is a fantasy.
There are no laws, no civil duty and anyone can be whoever they want to be.
Taylor Swift is their best friend and anyone associated is too.
They take whatever, whenever and murder, vicious attacks on a rival are all part
n parcel to the allowable reality. Cartoon characters competing for the best
animation with over 64000 artists on-line."

Must not be too hard to learn, lacks real creativity and lives in gaming and fantasy.

When faced with reality, they die although every moment spent there takes them further
and deeper into this world of fake. Doing the dishes becomes difficult as it does not
fall into the world of fantasy they prefer to reside. An escape more seductive and
intoxicating than any drug every taken. Souls lost, never to return and they have no
idea it is happening to them.

Sell, sell, sell, sold.

Anonymous said...

Eriko Y.

Although she goes by many names on-line and is absolutely not who she pretends to be.
A she-devil in disguise.

You think your her friend??

She will slice and dice you at one wrong move.

Can you imagine what she would do to her competition??

Anonymous said...

*She* is a she-devil in disguise.
All posters here are known to her as she runs this page and instigated it.

Computers are her family and hacking is a hobby.

No laws, humanity, love, ethics, morals, loyalty, rules apply to her in her world
where fantasy creates her own laws and ideas about love and possession.

Dangerous whether she has blue hair and high sox or army boots and pink hair.

Eye glasses, colored contacts, little girl pony tails. No boundaries, no adulthood.

No identity established hence multiple identities on-line. A multiple personality
by choice.

Anonymous said...

No I did not forget about Africa,
Thanks Nye.

Anonymous said...

There you go again thinking your latest X is there to attack others on your behalf.

Anonymous said...

And exposing your kids to another culture really shouldn't have made your list of reasons to marry her. Especially since the kids have their own lives and they didn't choose her, YOU did. Their interest in that is short.

Can't wait until this collapses on you :)

P.s. I didn't know you had to make reasons to be with her (is she that bad?) and I don't know what else is on your list but I do know that I'm told she ran to Canada after/during her divorce, and I do know that people act in you might have a new custody battle with boarders this time. Just another thought about the new kids for you. I guess I really do want to see you hurt, just remember this is all because of you wanting to hurt me, ok?

The 20-21st centuries are a whole new ball game for your women and kids theme :) your own repeats really bite in this life.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I do want to tell you I did hear you say that WHEN this marriage fails you won't try again.

I don't care.

After the way you both were so cruel when you didn't have to be, after the past lifetimes of the same, again all YOU.

Did you know that while Joanne was sitting in prison Cauchon came to her to let her know that the father of the woman who was so desperate to marry you contacted the church to help him broker a marriage deal, so you didn't even wait until I was gone...Cauchon told me this so I would know that you were preoccupied in your search for me. Go figure. And the kids history has recorded as Jean/Rene's...well not all of them were his, guess your wife didn't want you that much after all.

Anonymous said...

When you both spoke with Armand and he told you about your past together, did you ever think to ask him of just her past? What are her issues and repeats that need to be dealt with?

So you took the love story he offered believing that was everything.

Good! Then you don't need to know what he didn't include.

Anonymous said...

And just remember: I am telling you this so you CAN stay with her.

Make of it what you both will.

Anonymous said...

And just remember: we are NOT in this together, that day has ended. It is still my hope that I get my divorce from you. I deserve my freedom like any other woman you marry. Plus it not healthy mentally to be around the same person 24/7 without a break, especially if that person is you.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think I might change my mind...maybe I don't want to leave after all.

Anonymous said...

Joke all you want about being spared.

All you had to do was treat me nice, or at least be fair. It kills me to know you (of all people!) saw no value in being fair to me when you (of all people!) should have been doing that all along. And now looking back I discover you've NEVER once done that.

Talk to Armand.

I need you gone from my head so I can build a life, it's fair.

Anonymous said...

Brigham My Baby!

I love you very much but you know I'll never let you find Tal, because once he's gone, he's gone Sweetheart. But you made me smile just thinking you would try...

Now my Ritchie knows Tal will get whatever is fair and Ritchie will stay out of my way, letting it all happen...

You both are so different and yet I love you both the same.

Anonymous said...

Planting a tree in his honor is a great idea, Briggy! It'll be a reminder for the other wolves and a nice place for them to pee.

maybe some in the group should change their animal totems, just a thought to the wolves....

Anonymous said...

Lying piece of shit that u r,
All the time.

Anonymous said...

And so in closing for today's business: close the board, keep it open, I'm good either way!

Anonymous said...

What, no comas today,,,,,,,,,,,?

Anonymous said...

About your sarcastic comments or admiration of D and how he puts up with our arguments, it's very simple: he doesn't treat me like you did so I don't need to talk to him like I am with you now. He and I are in a grown up relationship.

That clear it up for you?

Ari said I'm to wish you a good day today: so have a good day.

Anonymous said...

You play all the parts, don't you? What is the strangest thing? That you think we don't know . It's only out of kindness that we let you continue for so long.

Anonymous said...

Kind!?! You? Never, you want this so you don't have to pay your guy to talk to you.

I'll talk to you :) you still want to hear what I have to say?

How did yesterday go? Everything ok?

Anonymous said...

You are not talking to the person you seem to think you are.

Anonymous said...


I thought I was talking to a friend/equal, only to find he's a turd on a stick. I am working hard for this change over to finish itself and I've been rereading everything here a lot, trying to beat it into my head:

You are NOT the person I thought you were.

How could I have been so foolish?

Anonymous said...

And your song just makes you look even more stupid considering what you've done.

Hope you're happy, and that all of my pain is worth it for you to live your life.

New beginnings are very hard, and I never like the sudden ones. They leave memory markers on my heart, so hopefully when I see you in the next life McCoy is more prepared for you. Guess you ruined that life for us both too.

Im going to keep coming here like this until I'm past you or the board shuts down, i don't care which.

The Fool.

Anonymous said...

I know yogi that you are paying close attention to this, to compare this mess and my reactions to it with your own mess with Bell.

My head, yogi, tells me to shut up and walk away, but my heart says to come here and show Tal the damage he's done until I feel a little better.

The walk away part is Bell's advice to me, and I will take her advice soon...and usually I do just walk away from toxic situations/people, I think the reason I haven't yet is Ari in my head, it's too much of an unfair advantage or attack on me from different directions or something. But then none of this is normal so maybe I should deal with this pain differently.

I'm playing it all by ear.

Anonymous said...

But Tal could help by turning the board off. And why not, he seems fearless enough with his other decisions about this.

Anonymous said...

Tal couldn't shut this down even if he wanted to.

Anonymous said...

'The walk away part is Bell's advice to me, and I will take her advice soon'

Bell's advice to me was more "it's not worth it" to display my anger here I mean. the 'walk away' part were my words. Bell doesn't want me to leave anymore than anyone else. Sorry if that caused you trouble Bell...

This is still a hostile atmosphere for me, Tal. But I have been working on the book and am sharing it to please the others...

Audrey. said...

In the very beginning days of the Earth (Eden) and the human body, there was no aging and death for our bodies. After the first spirits became solid from having stayed in the energy field too long, and knowing from the animal energy this would happen, they stayed on purpose like the animals. Spirits became solid but were not ‘trapped’ in solid form as some channels say. Our forms became solid and the solid form stayed, but we were never trapped against our will. It was something we wanted.

The animals in the new more solid energy system weren’t used as experiments, like some think of science today. They are playful creatures that were found already playing in the new energy and the longer they stayed and played in that energy, without leaving it however briefly, the more solid they became. The experiments were simply to watch the animals, as they stayed of their own will in the new energy.

Realize that when the human spirits watched (and played) with the animal spirits in this new energy, it took time to become solid and the time it took was different for each individual spirit in both the animal and human spirit groups, since time is of each individual essence. (I’m sorry Ritchie that I can’t be more specific, I’m told it’s frustrating you.) The animal spirit energy became solid more quickly than the human spirit energy because of the difference in their frequency vibrations.

To combat or overcome the need to leave the new energy system, the human spirits enticed or played with the animals to remain in the new energy system noticing the effect on the animal spirits. It was known at that time by both the human and animal spirit groups that the new energy system was so concentrated or dense that you needed to take a break and remove yourself from it after awhile to clear your head. It had the affect similar to getting high, drunk or dreaming. And when you felt like that and removed yourself from the energy you ‘righted’ your consciousness…so staying in the new energy field too long created the sleep state.

Remember too, that the spirits playing with these animals who were gradually becoming more solid knew no harm/no pain was coming to the animals.

Anonymous said...

From the spirit perspective, when watching the sleep state you could see the animal’s consciousness (or whatever the spirit world sees when it looks at your energy pattern while you’re in body) get drowsy, unconscious, then leaving, separating or walking out of their solid bodies and dreaming, to arriving back to you in their spirit form leaving their newer more solid body safely behind sleeping.

There is a bubble of ‘awareness’ that surrounds each individual consciousness containing all their dimensions, so when the animals settled for sleep and left to visit the spirit world, the bubble of ‘awareness’ also included their sleeping physical bodies. And because the bubble also contains the physical body there was no danger of dying during your sleep by waiting too long to return to your solid body unless you wanted too. And because the bubble also contained your physical body, there was no danger of you losing it, or forgetting where you put it, because all dimensions share the same space and it is your vibration changing that ‘activates’ or moves into the different dimensions changing your same form as you change your vibration. As a side note, this is also how I stay away from Lucifer in the heavens. I can lower my vibration anytime I want to see and talk to him (but why would I!), but he cannot raise his vibration to talk to me. So I feel safe from him in the heavens.

So in the very beginning of noticing the new energy, everyone played in it and left it when they would feel the effects of the energy. After a time that became boring, they decided to stay longer in the energy to see what would happen like the animals and the sleep state started. At this time there still was no aging or death. Just awake or sleep states with some of us dipping into a high, drunk or dreaming state, much like today. I am also reminded that animal consciousness is derived from our spirit consciousness. Their consciousness is a portion of our consciousness and also uses a different vibrational range than ours, Armand told you guys this right? That’s how we share so much DNA with them…we created them.

Anonymous said...

Food and the need to survive using products of the Earth, or Eden, came after the sleep state was well established in our consciousness. I mean, after we all realized that was what you did when you were in this energy field, you slept. There is more here to say about why and how that evolved, but its for later.

The earliest Egyptian temples were used for the very first sleep states to protect, or to care for and give shelter to the sleeping bodies, because these sleep states could be quite long. Years, months, weeks, however long you wanted to be away, of straight sleep but it was definitely not the 8 hours or less that we see today. Some of us would go to the temples and say when we would be back to wake up, some would say they would be back giving no time frame at all, and some would say “wake me at such and such time if I’m not awake by then.” And there was a process to wake only those who wanted to be woken up, but if you didn’t want to wake, there was nothing a priestess could do to bring you back. Tho you would see her attempts from whichever heaven you were in.

The bodies themselves required no care during the long sleep states. No food, bathing or other care was needed because your body were dormant, hibernating or other slow stasis and the temple priestesses simply ran the temple, taking in lodgers. They were generally large rooms with tables, and a lodger would simply lay on a table given to him and sleep. It’s important to note that the tables were made of stone, because that vibration aided in the bodies longer sleep. I think vibrations were added to the stone to sooth or wake the sleeper. Your body absorbed the vibration and your spirit form would notice it. This was also the start of music therapy, I’m thinking of the Bibles young King David using music to heal King Saul (I cant remember for sure if that was his name?) of his head pain.

The sleeping, then waking when you wanted changed as time moved on. Those entering a sleep state would get bored going back in their solid form, decide they didn’t want to be solid any more and they would either let their bodies die or let their bodies out for someone else to experience this solid energy field, telling their priestess from their higher dimensions of their new intentions. Problems came from both of these changes.

Anonymous said...

The vampire and walking dead stories all originated from others inhabiting someone else’s ‘borrowed’ form during these long sleep states. From the spirit prospective the more sinister tales of stealing a body were seen at the spirit level as just harmless pranks by those taking the body’s, some didn’t even know they shouldn’t borrow a body. None were walking the streets killing others, they would just borrow the body…I think this was another reason for the priestesses, again more to tell here and I think it has to do with the bubble of awareness of the spirit who originally owned the body being aware someone else was using it. And for some reason I’m getting a sci-fi feeling here…Again, it’s for later.

As our sleep cycles changed, and also as the solid world became more solid and violence entering the world, we changed physically too. We started the birth/death system of belief along with other cycles like the need for food.

This is all I have for today.

Anonymous said...

"Bell's advice to me was more "it's not worth it" to display my anger here I mean"

Again I said that wrong: Bell's idea to me was "it's not worth it" to be mad in general...but I understood her thoughts about what she was saying.

Anonymous said...

"Tal couldn't shut this down even if he wanted to."

Why not? Should I be posting here or not?

I'm here with the intent to have this work published somehow. And I did so in the past thinking you would shut the board down after I finished my work here to protect it from poachers, or if poachers/anyone else showed up. Is that the plan? Was that ever the plan?

I'm told there are two books ours with Ari/Armand thru you guy, and my own to be published in France. Is that true?

Anonymous said...

And after the French story, there may be more books for me to write, but I have no idea who/what they are about.

But I do know that now you have to buy them, where before I would have given you a signed copy.

Anonymous said...

And it's my own book I'm keeping to myself from now on, but may include snippets of it here if others need to hear about themselves...I'm not cruel enough to withhold information that might help someone else.

I don't believe that's the way to treat others.

Anonymous said...

And since you think ownership jokes are so funny right now, maybe you should know that I thought that Bachman Entertainment might branch out and act as my rep. But with their misleading deceit and that hideous photo of your hair, I think I'll just sign with Angelina Jolie's rep instead.

More lost revenue for you to think about.

Anonymous said...

Because he doesn't own this blog.

Anonymous said...

He also doesn't own the better things in life, like treating people honestly and adopting an offensive personality.

People don't like him.

Ari said...

Tal knows he's being left behind, and he knows the reason for it.

I told him myself.

Anonymous said...

That's good Ari, but I want him hurt more than you have any more bad stuff to tell him?

Anonymous said...

I mean: " and he's adopted an offensive personality"

Anonymous said...

It's ok.

We knew what you meant.

Anonymous said...

At least his dragon will still play with him.

Ari said...

Only for now tho, the dragons getting bored with him too.

Anonymous said...

The cold is so powerful.

Anonymous said...

I will ask again:

I'm told there are two books ours with Ari/Armand thru you guy, and my own to be published in France. Is that true?

Anonymous said...

I will ask again:

I'm told there are two books ours with Ari/Armand thru you guy, and my own to be published in France. Is that true?

Anonymous said...

I will ask again:

I'm told there are two books ours with Ari/Armand thru you guy, and my own to be published in France. Is that true?

Anonymous said...

Keep asking. You are making me money.

Anonymous said...

The cold is so powerful.

You: still left behind.

Your choice.

Enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

"Am I playing with yarn or a spider?"

Who said I am playing?

A Clue for you: probably why we are no longer working together; you were just playing.

Enjoy your day.

Anonymous said...

"Keep asking. You are making me money."

Im told the book release coincides with you next divorce. Funny! And a funny thing about money, you can't have any with your outdated repeats of women/kids. Tho there is nothing wrong with poverty at all as long as you are happy. So be that, it will help us both.

Anonymous said...

and im not at all surprised that you don't see it yet


but you will

Anonymous said...

"In the very beginning days of the Earth (Eden) and the human body, there was no aging and death for our bodies. After the first spirits became solid from having stayed in the energy field too long, "

It was as if the spirits began to ask questions about how the human body they were starting to inhabit worked, that the need to use products of the Earth and other ideas about death and the internal or medical operation of our bodies formed. Almost as tho the human body was designed as it was forming into a solid. Like for example: there is no need for a stomach in the heavens, so as the human spirits developed, the stomach was developed...

Time is what gives the Earth it's organic body, so it's also time that created our stomachs as we became more solid. As you step backward out of time, you have Earth, then Eden, Tara and Gaia. And Gaia is the energy pattern that so attracted the animal, and then the human, spirits. Tara is a total "dream state" of Earth with Eden being a mix of solid and dream, and of course Earth is the solid state.

So as you entered Time it gradually converted your energy pattern into organic solids, with some small engineering of your energy pattern from the spirit world. I guess our energy patterns become like Play-Doh when it comes to entering into Time, a solid you could shape, and your memories become the "solids" without Time because you can't escape them. But realize nothing is very solid without time...but your actions are now memories and they stay with you and affect or limit where you can travel in the heaven. And that is both a natural environmental safeguard and also a spirit made safeguard, but I'm not sure which parts the spirits created and which is natural...

Also because many spirits in the heavens have an interest and pay attention to Gaia and her needs, this world will always have an idea of the things that come to Earth. We will always be told of the energy that is coming our way. So feel safe everyone!

Anonymous said...

And I believe its Earth taking a small step backward out of Time heading us back just slightly toward Eden that has a BIG population of people alive in this time period.

Whatever Energy is needed to remove the small amount of Time for miracles to occur is being provided by humanity at this time. So whatever Energy we give off when we live here is what is aiding in the Earth changes. After the Earth changes are complete and the Earth is more stable/settled in her new vibration, standing on her own, the high population won't be needed or as critical and the population will decrease on its own. Just know that 'critical' is too harsh a word, we would survive as a world if the Energy of people weren't as great as it is. We just wouldn't be at the vibrational level of operation we need to pin the Earth/Eden changes (miracles) in place.

So for a Time, many miracles will happen with large groups of people gathering together, this is beyond the cause and effect that we see now. And also there will be the scant individual few who can make miracles without group power, and these miracles go beyond telepathy and telekinesis to include other 'gifts' or talents. And are only a scant few for a Time.

Ari said...

And you don't see it yet Tal because neither one of you introduced yourselves yet.

Anonymous said...

"And are only a scant few INDIVIDUALS for a Time." And I still don't know what other "gifted" type talents we can have...

I was rereading the Earth, Eden, Tara and Gaia bodies and I remembered some years ago when Sylvia Browne was on the Montel Williams show. The family of a missing woman asked if their sister/daughter would be found because she just disappeared one day, saying they feared she was dead.

Sylvia told them that she didn't see the missing woman 'on the other side'. She told the family that the woman was alive and living in Florida, but was confused as to why she was in Florida and they could find her there. The family looked at Sylvia as if she were from Mars, because they couldn't understand why their sister/daughter would be in Florida. Some years after that show, the woman's murdered body was found locally (and mutilated, if I remember it right) to where she lived.

About the time they discovered her body, I was having my own dreams, and hearing/remembering the tv show, I knew that Sylvia was seeing the woman's after death life somewhere in Eden/Tara. The woman didn't see her attacker coming from behind, one second she was alive and in another second she wasn't alive here. She blacked out from her death and when she woke she was in a very Earth like restful vacation spot set up by other spirits for an after death "brain" recovery. Because of the difference in vibrations between Earth and where she was now living, she was confused and trying to get her mind working at her new frequency level.

This also reminds me of Alzheimer's patients. I think their minds slowly leave this world to live in one thats close to this, slowly advancing it to a higher vibration. Babies and kids are the reverse condition to Alzheimer's.

Anonymous said...

And of course, when you hear tales of some one locked in a basement or kept locked in an attic, it was because those people had problems like Alzheimer's and the family wanted to keep the patient safe from roaming away or other harm, especially when they couldn't watch the family member as often as they needed. I think some of the wrist, neck or leg irons that many think were used for slaves were also or more likely used for these patients. For example, if it was a pretty day out and everyone was needed to work in the fields, you would chain or tether the patient to a tree to stop them from wandering off. (I never did this, but Ari has.)

Anonymous said...

"I think some of the wrist, neck or leg irons that many think were used for slaves were also or more likely used for these patients. "

I say this because it was not the norm to chain slaves in the South. Chains were used for the violent and criminal element that is found in every color and they were used more in the South where towns were spread farther apart than they were in the North where towns (and jails) were built to serve a smaller but more populated area of land.

It was very impractical to chain your slaves from just the big land space alone, you needed to trust them, and you also needed to trust them to help you, plus the south was always the Bible Belt. You taught as many of your slaves to read the Bible as you could and you taught them scripture. Within some circles of both blacks and whites this was a sign of status and was more the normal way of life than keeping the slaves uneducated, but both happened. Every slave had a trade of some kind, if they could read or not.

The jim crow laws were followed only by some of the more racist groups...and believe it or not they were ideas started by Frederick Douglas. It was the North telling the South that black communities must have their own "stuff", no more sharing meant that the South couldn't return to its old slave days. That's what started the "Whites Only", "Black Only" signs and attitudes. It was more for blacks to have things independent from the white ownership type lifestyle. But again racism played a role too...

The civil war was fought for states rights, with the states rights fight being over slavery. Had Lincoln been a true leader, there would have been no civil war and the slaves would have been "freed" after the time it took to fight the war. Slavery was on the decline and looked at with shame, and most saw it as a matter of time before it was done away with. The North was angry that the South wasn't doing away with it fast enough.

Im not a fan of Lincoln. He should have done better...he had everything he needed to do better, and he should have done that.

Im going to quit for today, need to do other stuff. Im told Armand will speak more on the civil war sometime soon. Next week?

Anonymous said...

And Im told that no one should worry about the Earth taking too many backward steps reaching a Gaia state. Im told that can't physically happen, but I'm not sure why it can't. But it can float between more solid/ less solid states, the back and forth of all things...

Anonymous said...

No, every time you post on here, I make money. Nothing to do with any book.

Anonymous said...

I think John Brown, Lincoln and George Soros are part of the same soul group.

Anonymous said...

John Brown wanted war, I believe Lincoln quietly did too since he did very very little to stop one from starting, and Soros (who is more John Brown but with some Lincoln) is still demanding the world follow his ideals this time using his money and influence as his weapons. I guess Browns hanging reminded him open acts of physical aggression can get you the same...but he is still basically the same as during the civil war, still trying to start wars only this time by controlling the media and controlling the money with his groups. And if violence breaks out, then good. That just proves to him he was right and there was a big problem to be dealt with there after all.

He was a violent radical during Atlantis too, but what I find interesting about him is that he's never shed his liberal ways. Never toned them down to think the other side might have some valid points and adding them into his views. He is still believing war is the only way to change what you don't like.

His personality is one that feeds off anger/hate. He likes that you are hurt/angry/uncomfortable especially if you don't agree with him. I am surprised that he clings so strongly to his liberal views, usually a soul with his experiences would have a better understanding for an opposing view and have tempered their actions and beliefs by now. But he is still not one to tolerate a different point of view, so he's learned very little from all of this.

In this life when I think of him I think of someone who believes the ends justify the means and that he is a convicted felon. That is what this soul group is at his core.

Anonymous said...

I'm told to add that he was spawned from eyes like Armand's. And that D was too.

Anonymous said...

"Whatever Energy is needed to remove the small amount of Time for miracles to occur is being provided by humanity at this time. So whatever Energy we give off when we live here is what is aiding in the Earth changes. "

This Energy is working in aiding the Earth changes because people are kind. It's partly their emotions or their kindness toward one another that the Earth is feeding from, or using, and because you are also releasing your emotions in Gaia, Tara, Eden as well as Earth all at the same Time, we are releasing her burdens right at her very soul. Gaia's energy becomes different, more pliable, changing her soul.

Kindness, sympathy, compassion, forgiveness, or any other softer emotion...I'm not sure why forgiveness helps when so much pain and anger is involved with it from the forgiver....ok, forgiveness stops a lot of the anger from becoming a reality in this world. Since the violence of anger isn't being expressed by a larger number of people and is kept more inward than outward it helps the Earth to ascend toward the fringes of Eden. And since Gaia herself is changing, so too will science discover the newer changes and rediscover the older changes developing new technology and other new studies.

So with great numbers of people working toward forgiveness, making peace with themselves and others, it rids yourself of heavy emotions allowing other frequency vibrations in, which bring better thoughts, gifts or talents. And this also happens to the Earth, she too will bring better gifts or talents, some of which are new and not Atlantian.

Like humans who have tripped their biological "fountain of youth" the Earth will trip her own too. Traumas of her past are healing along with some of her own physical scars in the future...not sure entirely what this means...will deserts become fertile and droughts are infrequent?

It's important that so many people are releasing old hurts here at the same Time, as opposed to a smaller population doing the same using a longer period of Time. We are rocking this Earth out of her former way of life in a sudden and sharp way, for some reason the hard shove we are giving her now will move her up, or farther up in frequency than the slower movement works much like the slap Tal gave me.

Anonymous said...

"Since the violence of anger isn't being expressed by a larger number of people and is kept more inward than outward it helps the Earth to ascend toward the fringes of Eden."

I meant people aren't acting out in violence because of their anger...

Anonymous said...


your x says hello

Niko O

you too.

Anonymous said...

Had a dream about you yesterday. You just had your first baby together and you sent D to bring him over for me to see. I held him and marveled at how small he was, kissed his forehead and handed him back.

Ari told me a couple hours ago that he will leave as soon as our book is done and I think he might be telling the truth. I was seeing images of a wolf off in the distance far away, now I'm seeing hawk images which was what I was seeing when I first started seeing Ari, so maybe he will fly soon.

I can't tell you how very sad I am about all of this, and it's not what I wanted, but I have to believe this is how you really feel about me because you've walked away from me so many times before. And it's not only that you are together, that was pain enough, it's that you thought you no longer had to take care of us and hurt me with it. This is a pain I never want repeated!

I worried about how I'm to finish my Cleopatra story having to keep looking at me and Antony and I was told I don't have to go back there to remember it anymore. The story will be given to me on a thumb drive, so I can read it as opposed to reliving it to write it.

As far as our work here goes, I'm not sure what to do. It's bad enough I'm cut out of your life, but why should you be able to cut me out of this too? So I'll probably work on it for as long as I can, I do know Armand will finish whatever I don't.

You need to fix your starfish story rewrite: the two starfish never reconnect, it just doesn't work.

I hope you both get what you want, I still think you both want different things.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

you don't know jackshit and you never did, and you never will.

Anonymous said...

Listen carefully:

I see through you, I see through you

You dirty tricks, you make me sick.


if your minds neglected, stumble you might fall


I've known these douchbags alot longer than you can ever hope too


Anonymous said...

If I were you my only concern would be

Anonymous said...


You don't need to worry about me hurting your kid. I know he is fragile right now, but I know I need to tell him honest truths. I'm fragile too, why does no one ever believe that? Anyway I think the worst of the news has already been given. I did hear you say once in an apology that you misunderstood what was happening. While I accept your apology (which I knew was to include Brig and Tal), there are other things going on for Tal right now and I'm told I don't belong...that I'm not helping.

Ari told me he will be stepping back to work with Tal, giving Tal more of his attention saying they both need this. It's Ari feeling Tals pain too so they both remember this, changing or altering Tals personality. So Ari will be feeling what Tals feeling, but stronger than in the past. Ari said he "needs to give his full attention to Tal."

This happened before, I don't remember the year but I do know it was while I was still bedridden, so it would have been 2011ish or perhaps before. Tal should feel Ari moving in and he may remember what was happening in his life the last time it happened and how he was feeling at that time.

Ari's plan is to leave, but to return at some point. He said that I need his more direct, "don't take shit from anyone" no nonsense attitude at times later in my work. So he will be back, with a new purpose.

Still, this move will be gradual, who knows maybe this month, or this month and next...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Just plant him a scrub tree, they thrive too, and it fits his personality.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"It's Ari feeling Tals pain too so they both remember this,"

If Ari remembers this, then his other personalities have more access to this experience and can clean up their own lives just from Tal being thrown under the tour bus (for a change).

Anonymous said...


No one sends flowers to funeral homes anymore. It's more common these days to send donations in Tals memory to a charity that would benefit form whatever malady he was suffering from when he died.

Ari. said...

I look forward to more of your whining. That's the first thing I'm going to kill for you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Linden

Toy Train

Rhymes with Orange

Anonymous said...

Laughing now son, no worries

Yes, Talmage is beautiful


Anonymous said...

I do believe my friend,

Anonymous said...

Suck my lips Powell you piece of garbage
junkie, pimp, disease ridden fag for life.

Anonymous said...


This year and most of next it's the Canadian Special Olympics, next years donation depends on how fast they get thru phase 1.

A multi step process that will improve much of his game.

Anonymous said...


so you can see how no one shows up at your funer al.
Not even mom m y.

Anonymous said...

Talmage, is far from dead.
piss tank junkies,
Go home.

Illegigal immigrant douches.

Anonymous said...

Powell ,,, yeah, as I recall
the worst lay imaginable
but that's cause he was
always either high or
drunk or trying to get
out of a lie or trying
to get out with his boys
so they can do each
The accent, the only
attraction until you
realize theirs was from
lower England where
the uneducated and poor
Gross peeps,haven't
thought about those
pigs in 20 years.
All had STD's
Linden was the only
good one.

Anonymous said...

Nick Smith. How is Matthew?

Anonymous said...

I think it's very wise of you Briggy to leave early My Baby. Ari won't be giving you any shit but still, I don't want to see you hurt.

And once Ari is gone, I don't want him back, that's what divorce is all about. Armand and I can quietly handle things in the future too, he and I have done it before.

Hope it hurts you a lot.


Anonymous said...

Never will I love someone as much or in the way I am completely in love with him.

But it's not just him. The doctors that believed me and recorded everything. The lawyer working pro bono convinced by his client it would rock his world. The connections made and gained by work in private investigation so long ago who never forgot.

To the liars, X's, backbiters and sadists, all known thanks to 24 hour monitoring by Telus.

To the fakers, all living double lives or debauchery, family ties that don't bind:


You led me to the love, true love, unbrakeable, unbreachable as I stand here alive, healthy & well.

To my baby, sweet dreams, you are lovely.

Anonymous said...

Armand will be describing the role wars have played ever since the fall of Atlantis, the karmic ones from Atlantis, like the American Revolution, civil war, WW2, so for those who like to study up on his topics this will be where he starts, and it will be a more general talk, not too many specifics.

Anonymous said...


One of the ideas given to me this morning about WW2 was the blond haired, blue eyed Master Race once again working together with Japan, and since that war was from Atlantis you may have misunderstood the Rising Sun completely.

Armand and Ari tell me you both have temper issues. Armand wants me to share with you both that when tempers flare between you, you keep my name out of your fights. I won't be included in your lives, and I won't put up with public comments or blogs or anything else about any of this.

I feel I have to say these things because you set an ugly precedent suggesting to her to hurt me. Armand and I want you both to know he doesn't like what you did, but if you act to hurt me again, I will follow Armand's promptings to me whatever they may be, because you both threw the first punch. And only the first punch was free.

I understand she is a wolf too and that you love that look in your women, but I also remember who lost WW2 and how badly. So whatever fight you have keep it just between you two.

I don't know what will happen in your lives or who you both really are, but I DO feel the need to say this. It's up to you when you decide to show her this message. And since I don't know what will happen for you both, you may never need to show her this, but I most certainly need to say it.

Anonymous said...

I have backed off all of your fb pages completely. The only reason I went to her page was because I thought she was a friend of yours. Now that I FINALLY know the truth about us all, I will respect the boundaries. Plus you know Ari directed me there on purpose.

So im not sure what your point really is....

Anonymous said...

I think Armand will be focusing his talks on how wars affect us all and our mass psyche even after they are over and done pay attention.

Anonymous said...

But I thought Tal was dead? I mean, at least that's what you said earlier.
You are the same writer so, whatup? Dead have facebook? Hmm, yeah, seems

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I always enjoyed the stories they told on Saltspring.
Especially loved living on the horse ranch at the top of
Mount Maxwell. Sergio, Tangarine, Bear, good times.
Caroline & Andy.

Now they were legit.

Anonymous said...

Tappin into my computer again have we? Messin with my sentences.
Why are you so obsessed with me?

All I wanna see is for once, you be stand up.
For once stop talking about brothers named
Ari & Armand.

For once, take i like a man and be straight up.
Yeah, too much to ask, too legit for your shit.

Koko mountaingirl plays a very small role in this gig
if truth were ever to be told.

Anonymous said...

the owners of the horse ranch were hiding me and keeping
me safe since i had to flee my drug dealing, wife beating
gay husband. They would have happily shot him if he entered
their property.

He wss a manager for a band called Rhymes with Orange.
Know em?

Anonymous said...

Truth be told, she played a role and knew what was going on. I am well aware I could be misguided here, but am I? And I don't want to continue this topic, I said what I needed to say. You just do what you both need to do.

Anonymous said...

Your right.
She played a role when she broke into my house.
She played a role when she recruited kids to do her bidding.

She played a role when she tried to get my fired.
She played a role when she played science with flies and other insects.

She plays drums.
Beats on them.

She needs to watch her back and face.
What goes around come back around.

She looked to me as a basic.
She had no idea.

She is the grossest female i have ever encountered.

Anonymous said...

"The only reason I went to her page was because I thought she was a friend of yours"

I was all set to try to tell you interesting things about your friend, that was all. And Im pretty much off of fb, i miss see how pretty Bell looks and what Cali is up to along with Brig. I never did try to look for Ritchie, i was too afraid I would be wrong.

No matter, I only tell you this so you know I didn't go to her with the intent to hate or harm. And now I need you to know I don't go there at all.

Anonymous said...

Nothing you say, nothing you write, changes anything.


You are a lying hosebag with nothing going for you so you
crawled your way into the Bachman fold with hopes of maybe
having a life.

Your words of flattery to the children of Tal are so
pathetically sugary sweet even they don't buy it.

Go home.

Anonymous said...

They think messing
with your sentences
gives them an advantage.

Telus gives us
an advantage.

Understand this:

It is time to pay the piper.

Anonymous said...

you hurt my mom for no reason.
my dad and i love her so much
he was very mad and upset at
what you did.

even if my dad doesn't live
with us they are good friends
and you hurt her.

to us, you are scum.
he has 4 computers in his
home office and watches alot
of things.

you will never know who he is.

Anonymous said...

"the owners of the horse ranch were hiding me and keeping
me safe since i had to flee my drug dealing, wife beating
gay husband. They would have happily shot him if he entered
their property."

Sincerly sorry to hear of her troubles, honest. And I already told you about your hero problems, I just wonder why you wouldn't do the same for me, here? Telling me the truth, I mean, and telling me in a way I would understand or believed it. Didnt you get I was having a hard time too? No matter, my points here are about your stereotype women and that they never work out with you. So the pain this has brought me might all be for nothing but long lasting.

Do you even know how many women are in your past?!? There are quite a few in every life, so I give you your freedom to find and remember them all all over again. I wish I had known it was your plan to find another, I would have left you too it, because when I said I was surprised you didn't remarry before now, I didn't think it was a possibility for you once you knew about me. I don't mean that as arrogantly as it sounds, I just thought you would remember me too, that's all.

Kids are great, but my work with them might be done. They need to move into their lives on their own and have good experiences. None of you need me for that, and if you find yourself in need, you always have your guy.

It feels like for Ari to leave me and for Armand to move in, I have to leave you alone, and Ari says that my being here is no longer helping you (and I know it's not helping me). I was told that I have the choice to work here or not and I will have that choice by being kept in the loop for some time yet. But to know you brought her into the group without telling me that things had changed just adds insult to my injury. I'm having trouble and I wonder how long it will take, if ever, to get over it. To still be showing up here has me wondering where my dignity and self respect have gone. Am I a professional victim, or is there something else going on...

To be honest, I have tried to leave before, so it's anyone's guess if I can actually do it.

No matter what, I expected the idiot speak you use here, which I never understood anyway, to have stopped once things had changed for you. Because once they changed for you, they changed for me too. You see?

Anonymous said...

There is nothing stereotyical about HER.

Anonymous said...


Wish you both the best.

Anonymous said...

I know I will never understand why you wanted to hurt me and yet rescue the others. And to continue to hurt me even now when you know you've done enough.

Anonymous said...

haha lol
you are still so funny after all this time.
And smart too.
Makes sense actually.

Being who you r.
I get it.

Humor makes us happy
Happy releases endorphins, seratona and dopamine.
Like jogging and bike riding.

Sweet dreams, sweetheart.

Anonymous said...

Another continual amusement:
"those who are heartless once cared too much"

Ummm ,,, let's translate

those who are heartless are called sociopaths
who have a continual need to blame everyone
else for causing them to behave in a heartless
manner. They are narcissists who insist on
complmenting themselves to justify how truly
ignorant, cold and callus they really are.

These types usually move from sociopahtic
behaviour to outright psychotics and the only
cure is taking responsibility for their cruel
actions. Unfortunately, they rarely do as they
are missing something in their dna or and
lack an ability to see beauty in the smallest
things. They are generally deeply disturbed
and take it out incidiously on others.

Anonymous said...

I miss you.

Anonymous said...

If you can't see God in the sweetness of children
or the bloom of a flower or in thunder, lightening
or a snowflake.

If you cannot see grand design in the kindness of
others, mountain tops or heli skiing and only see
these things as science or only see a world full of
greed and money over everything,

or you may have a belief only the weak and ignorant
need a diety, that is quite alright, expected.
But you will see God in your death. This is when
every non believer becomes a staunch believer,
always, without fail, and is also by grand design.

In this then, live with free will, believe as you
wish and let others do the same. Stand up for them
but never harm for them, ever.

Anonymous said...

I'll stop trying to break the bad
if ya all stay the fuck outta my

k? k.

do whatcha will,

Anonymous said...

I really do wish you had have just shot me in the head instead.
If you could see what we've had to see you couldn't handle it.

Yet you enjoy mocking the torture you illicited.

You've enjoyed every moment of the hell you wanted me to endure.

I'm alive though, so everyday you will live with my survival
of this. Every night you will have nightmares of what you
did, reocurring nightmares.

No drug or drink will help.

You will not escape the nightmares.

Even if I die tomorrow, they are now engraved in your mind
and will drive to insanity. A place you are already halfway

Anonymous said...


was the name of the game my darling PLL's.



Anonymous said...

Nobody is listening or cares.

Anonymous said...

However, if it calms your mind to post, post on.

Anonymous said...

Maybe not from your crew ,,,

Anonymous said...

like fine wine.

Anonymous said...

Shut up Morgan! You're not the Captain this time.

Anonymous said...

Just stop it Tal, you don't need to keep doing this.

You both battle depression, maybe next month she'll introduce herself to you.

Funny, with you being mr sunshine and all, right?

Anonymous said...

Does it calm your mind to post here?

Anonymous said...

Oh for the love of GOD! How goddamn PATHETIC am I!?!

I'm telling you these things believing that she doesn't know or isn't included in this conversation yet. And I don't agree with that, but I can't stand to see anyone's pain and think your having this can be shared with her its about both of you not just her.

Next months depression, comes from the "high" of getting married. All the excitement and well wishing is gone, plus there were relatives there she has difficulties with and reacts to. So your Big Day is over and done with and its back to the normal grind, plus the downer of the newer contact with the relatives to process, right? Even if she gets along with her relatives, seeing them then having them leave, can depress anyone for a time.

When you both feel that "high", you both make impulse decisions. That a couple months of good dates led you directly to marriage in less than a year would show this, and the best way to harness the impulse decisions is to tamp down the highs that you both get. There is nothing wrong with using caution, or keeping something to yourself for a while, adding Time to your equations.

So telling yourself "This is great." about anything is fine as long as you follow it with a "How long will it stay this way." Or "Can I make this last?" Both of your ideas of marriage were "I can make this relationship better." and I think that's where you both fall down. Making things better doesn't always work. Too much change, which can lead to too much stress, is added too quickly.

The goal of these highs and lows, is too reduce some of the high feelings you both have and build up some of the low feelings, and of course you do this repeatedly until the highs and lows level themselves out into a a more even temperament.

I don't know if he was a drug dealer when she met him of if that happened later, but the fact that she invited someone who had the character to be one into her life, is a worry. What are her friends today like and do you like them too? You both seem to think it was because she was young, but look around a bit...make sure.

There is more...

Anonymous said...

Nobody is listening or cares.

However, if it calms your mind to post, post on.

Anonymous said...

Nice ass bitch.

Glad it's been so useful to so many.

Anonymous said...

Her past lives have had some difficult marriages in them as well. Neither of you have had too many successes. For her it was her culture and the limits it set on her and sometimes its the men she married, not always picking them for herself. And you already know your own "Any girl will do." marriage history. And she has a touch of that history in her too.

So this won't be easy for you both, but I'm told it is doable. Your tempers can actually work together, just figure out a way that that can happen. Not falling into your past life marriage repeats of war can help, especially if you both remember to leave whatever your fights are about in the past and that this is a new marriage for your both. Meaning your both haven't been married to each other before. Plus her soul group has other good marriages to use as examples, outside of the asian culture, I mean.

She is excited about this marriage, thinking "This is the one that will work." And when she thinks this, she is unconsciously including her past lives, and not just this life.

And know that my own feelings can taint some it may not be a doom and gloom.

Anonymous said...


You see the way he talks to me! This is a poor reflection on you as well as Tal's mother. Why didn't you ever spank him?

I did hear your words about Tal from yesterday tho. And I saw several wolf images and one handsome bear image while I was trying to sleep this morning. One of the wolf images was howling.

While Tal's had some bad character habits in Alexandria, he has fallen into more disrepair since then, and I still say that Antony as history remembers him, was written more for us today...he simply wasn't this bad when I knew him.

My love to you Yogi.

Anonymous said...

"Does it calm your mind to post here?"

Funny that I never thought this about you before....

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't you be giving Tal his past live reads to like, his personal in box
or something? Or, you know, somewhere he will actually read them?
Oh wait, he's dead you said.

Guess you speak to the dead through the hate blog you created about him.
Wow, so fuckin talented.

Yet, so young, carefree, and up for making $$ doing anything.


Anonymous said...

I need to include that you both were also feeling that same high when you formed BE, which won't take off the ground. Im told you know this. A bad business model, I'm told.

I only bring BE up now so you know how you were feeling then, another example that you can recognize it if it happens again. It's a hopeful and happy feeling on steroids.

Its also part of this change we are all going thru, which is how I know so much about it. Been there too.

Anonymous said...

Part of the change, yes. But you've been there longer than most, and in more than this life...

Anonymous said...

And Briggy,

you should always clear everything big, like getting married, with me, my sweet little guy. I only have you best interest at heart, my baby.

Anonymous said...

Last word that I meant to include earlier:

This is a bipolar like condition. It's not considered bipolar, at least by my dr, because the manic and depression times are much longer. And he didn't think I was schizophrenic either, he diagnosed me as severely depressed to the point of hearing voices and having hallucinations. I forget the clinical name he gave it. But that was going on ten years ago now.

Anonymous said...

Why have you not yet grasped that this is over? What is wrong with you? What happened to you? Go out and do something other than obsessing all day and believing all night you have some importance in Tals life. You do not. You are sick, clearly. Go get better. Leave.

Anonymous said...

g r o u p i e s

Anonymous said...


But I walked thru the worst emotional pain this world offers and remain married in spite of it all.

I wish you the same.

But only if you want it.

Otherwise we move into the "Told you so." phase of our life together.

I'm not above that.


Fuck you.

Anonymous said...

With love from Japan & Eriko Yamamoto or better known as Koko Mountaingirl.

hated no matter what you wanna call her:


Most Trapdoor spiders live in burrows. They live in warm places such as China, North America, South America, Africa and Japan. Trapdoor spiders don't live in webs. However, they make silk hinged doors that blend with their habitat. Not all Trapdoor spiders use trapdoors.

Anonymous said...

Your not above anything
Aren't you usually on the bottom
laying there like the fish you kiss

Anonymous said...

We know about 'KoKo' and Bachman Enterprises.

KoKo said...

Talmage Bachman is my Master and the only one. I worship him and will do anything for him.
February 19, 2014 at 1:24 AM

Anonymous said...

Above is the intent she is trying to deny.

Anonymous said...

I had a very long dream about u the other nite.
I didn't know we could dream this way.
I saw everything.

Since then, deja vu has been a constant companion.

Anonymous said...

It's okay. You'll like it there. Women's prisons are full of bisexuals.

Anonymous said...

We're watching you dear, no one cares about your
'the worst emotional pain this world offers'

Anonymous said...

You have been trolling Ericko's FB page and you are jealous. She and Tal are a couple. You can't change it.

Anonymous said...


too funny

I don't have fb but lots of my buds do
Tal isn't 6 feet tall or super slim and has never
spoken with a british accent for long periods of time

He also does not have long curly blonde hair

He played rugby for years, is very stocky and 5'8"

With that though,


Go ahead, kick the shit out of her, but not tonight, catch
her off guard

God knows D can't help her and no one will, they all know she deserves it.

Anonymous said...


This has to do with a criminal investigation and has nothing to do with who is with who. The one speaking on Erickos behalf is another Bachman groupie, close to Brigg and accessory to the crimes committed, isn't that right Johnny Love?

Anonymous said...

Ahhh ,,, even if they were a couple, she would not be jealous of that little piglet. She would, however, feel sorry for Tal and figure he got blackmailed into being with someone like that knowing he could do 100X better.

Anonymous said...

And so in closing for our latest talk: you have 3 different things going on with you you need to watch:

Your tempers, because you both like being a couple of angry assholes that rip into other people.

Your extreme highs and lows, (only the extremes of it are ascension related) so others know you both are a couple of emotionally unbalanced assholes and to stay clear of you.

Your emotional immaturity, because of too many pampered lifetimes and too few in the trenches, you've turned yourself into a turd on a stick.

Hope this gives you the guidance you need, because you really are a bad tempered, unbalanced, emotionally immature, turd on a stick. And I hope you feel better soon.

P.S. Was there a problem at the wedding? If there was, that's only the very beginning of what will eventually spread into your life, once your become her new favorite target.

Anonymous said...

And remember she can smell fear and blood, stay safe.

Anonymous said...

Is that a threat disguised as past life analysis?
Your a liar and partner in crimes committed.
That's the only story going on here.

Anonymous said...

And by all means, stay single next time. We are definitely unevenly yoked.

Ari. said...

Happening now, on a remote canadian island:

Meanwhile over at The Corners:

Anonymous said...

Yeah well the world can be an unhappy place sometimes. Largely due to cartels whether they are cartels in the chemical warfare industry, drug industry or music industry. They make the world unsafe and those in them crash & burn, just never when they think they will. That's the beauty of it. Just when they think it's all vacation, the plane, boat or train, implodes. They are nothing new, you are nothing unique.

Anonymous said...

Why does such a big bad monster care about me so much then? How could I possibly present a threat to such a large conglomerate such as yourself?

hmmm,,, come on now,,, answer the fucking question.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, movie industry people bore me to death. That's why I got out of it after doing a few commercials. I liked doing copywriting though.

Anonymous said...

Your right, the "small dust up" she had at the wedding was a "well documented problem". But isn't it just great that she carried all her old problems into her new life and started it all on day 1. Plus all the new stuff.

Rue the day you played me, Bachman. Rue the day!

Anonymous said...

And sometimes the old problems that have laid dormant for so long suddenly spring back to life, and with a vengeance. You don't know where she is in the cycle of that drama. Is she calming it down or keeping it alive? Kids will aggravate this fight. Just a heads up.

Anonymous said...

Are you feeling lucky?

Anonymous said...

Personally, I stopped having kids because of the fights over them. But to each his own I suppose...

I'm looking forward to having my own someday, in peace.

I feel bad for the new kids, you should have chosen better if only for them.

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