Monday, September 10, 2007

On Tal Bachman

Disclaimer: The following is an ad hominem attack on Tal Bachman. If you are Mr. Bachman, or one of his small number of ever dwindling fans, I suggest that you not read this post. I will try to be objective, but be forewarned; I do not have a lot of good things to say about this pretentious, washed-up has-been.

I don’t like Tal Bachman. I’ve read a lot of his posts, and if they are any reflection of who he really is, he must really be one pathetic son of a bitch. Am writing this because he left Mormondom? No, I can’t really say that I’m sad to see him go. Some of the nicest, coolest, warm-hearted, generous individuals I know have left the Mormon church and I have yet to launch a single ad hominem attack on them. In fact, we continue to be good friends regardless of varying religious choices. Membership in an organization is no arbiter when it comes to friendship. With that in mind, let me turn my attention to Mr. Bachman. His singular claim to fame is that he wrote and sang a hit song, “She’s So High.” As a one-hit wonder, he’s in the same category as the illustrious Right Said Fred, Vanilla Ice and Lou Bega (of Mambo No. 5 fame). I’m surprised he hasn’t starred on the Surreal Life yet. Maybe he’s holding out for a spot on Dancing with the ‘Stars’. Marie Osmond made it, why not him?

He has written a voluminous amount of material regarding his thoughts on Mormonism. I’m not sure if he intends to sound like a pretentious, holier-than-thou, pseudo-intellectual, but everything he writes is pretentious, holier-than-thou or pseudo-intellectual. Take a blog post he published a few months ago in May. He criticizes the Mormon conception of heaven and hell, but he makes himself sound like a self-satisfied jerk in the following quote (which can be found here)

“I think heaven isn't a place we go to after we die; I think it is a place we can live in everyday, if we are determined to, and perhaps, if we have a bit of luck. I think it is something we create and find here on earth...and right now. Heaven can be right now...

“I feel sad sometimes when I think of how long I lived always thinking of heaven as another place, and another time. I was too often blind to all the beauty right before me, because I was too often straining so hard to see something far, far off in the distance - which, it turns out, there is no reason to believe is even there, at least in the way I thought.

“I submit that true heaven isn't crazy stories, or distant stars, or strange names and strange clothes and strange spouses. I think it is something that we all have, within us, the power to create and experience, at least to some extent, right here and right now...”

Yeah, whatever, buddy. And with three paragraphs, he assigns those who don’t share his easy rockstar lifestyle to a hell worse than any that God proposed. What happens to those sorry souls, who, for whatever reason, don’t have ‘a bit of luck’? What happens to them? Mr. Bachman would consign them to misery and woe because they are not determined enough, I guess. Or chastise them for hoping for some kind of better existence in the next life? And what is the basis for Mr. Bachman’s faith in humankind? He claims there is no reason to believe in heaven. I agree, at least as far as objective evidence is concerned. But what evidence does he have the mankind can make a heaven here on earth? His own Shangri-La lifestyle, where his biggest complaints are that nobody in the record industry wants to hear his music? He wants to argue both sides of the fence. He has to have a reason for the distant heaven, but offers no reasons for the heaven ‘within’.

Other posts focus on his inability to talk to females in the past because of his worry about temptation. Obviously this is the Mormon church’s fault. The most common complaint I hear about this church is that it stultifies relationships between members of the opposite sex who happen to be married to other people. It would be completely illogical to assume that Mr. Bachman stultifies himself. Maybe someone should tell him that just because he feels ‘tempted’, it is highly unlikely that the person he is talking to feels the same way. When I talk to women at work or at school, I usually don’t get the impression that they are chomping at the bit to go to bed with me, regardless of how naturally charming I am. It must be a rockstar complex to think like that. Maybe Mr. Bachman should evaluate how he internalized the teachings of the Mormon church, rather than make unwarranted generalizations about the impact those teachings have on the general membership.

I think most of my invection comes from the colossal waste of time it was to read what he had written and the colossal waste of time writing this post represents. I don’t usually like (or write) ad hominem attacks, but when someone practically begs for it, can I be anything but obliging?


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Anonymous said...


The key to an evolved soul group is to deny yourself, of your own free will, some of what your heart deeply desires for the safety or sake of another or others. This is not the world to have it all in one life. It was designed that way for a reason.

A new formula for you to write.

Love you Baby.

Anonymous said...


Because when you wait and add time to some of your desires you get better quality stuff. Works with objects and people.

Anonymous said...

"This is not the world to have it all in one life."

This is also the idea behind the Catholic practicing Lent. It also has to do with an increased appreciation once you get what you've wanted for so long.

Anonymous said...

The increased appreciation once you get what you want adds Time into preserving your treasured object or person. Keeping it in the same state without too much corruption as Time goes on.

Anonymous said...

And don't forget to add in the "I know (or should know) better than to do this." factor.

Love working with you, my Sweet!

Anonymous said...

Last word for Tal,

Ari wants you to worry about who these new souls are. He suggests that they might be unreasonable, or have O type leanings.

Ok, NOW I feel bad for you, but only if it's true. And I wouldn't know that for certain, at least while he's teasing you with this...

Have a good day, or do your best to get one.

Anonymous said...


Don't mock what hasn't been proven yet. I'm not cursing Tal with Demon Babies. I'm relaying a message so that I can get on with my day in peace. I won't suffer by withholding any messages to spare his feelings anymore, now that I know how he feels about me.

So it's Ari cursing your brother, nothing to do with me.

Anonymous said...

Such a good boy -
And I knew from the minute I met you we would work together

Have a splendid day today.

Anonymous said...

In the days when I was dealing with O in this life, I was convinced I wasn't innocent of any crime against him. For the amount of pain I went thru I believed that I must have actually done something to him for him to hate me so completely.

And if I couldn't tell if I was the good guy in my story, you certainly can't say the same about yourself or anyone else you bring into your life.

I think Ari's point is, once tempers flare any new kids could easily take sides with their mother, because they will live with her at such a tender age, they will take her attitude toward you, plus you won't have the time of living together with them to form their opinions of you. You will be a visitor to them, and often not a welcome one. She will make it hard.

This situation is different than your fist marriage, and because of the short time you will have together, it will be harder for you to convince these kids youre a good guy. Even if it's a short time of happiness with a longish time still living together, these kids will be different than your first.

Ari is stressing this very clearly. I'm sorry, I wish I had better news for you, but just because he said it doesn't mean he right....

Anonymous said...

You are completely delusional. Go back to the psychiatrist. 10 years is too long to go without an updated diagnosis and appropriate medication.

Anonymous said...

Uh oh. Temper, temper! Thats what got us here, remember?

Anonymous said...

No temper at all. You think you are talking to someone you are not.

Anonymous said...

It's okay.
Everything is okay.
Everyone is okay.

Be happy to have health, love in your life and wealth if that is your desire.

Just leave this blog now ,,, it's fake, phony and everyone that lands here
ends up a liar.

Let the wind take you where you are meant to be, live, let live and especially
see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil and all will be good.

Peace out. For me, I'm truly done.

Anonymous said...

You're right, it's fake, phony and you are a liar.

I'm glad you're done and truly sad it has come to this, but the good news is Ari has lied in the past, so....

The kids will look like their mother, if you're interested. The same eyes as hers makes you more of an outsider (according to Ari that is).

and the image of Ian I saw carrying them, they looked very close in age, if they weren't twins.

Anonymous said...

Hey how does it work in Canada when you have to pay two separate women child support? I think here it's was like 25% of your income for the first child the 5% (?) for each child after that...but that's if they are by the same woman.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if you feel regret about how things turned out....

Anonymous said...

you probably don't. Hopefully, I'll be released from this soon. I've learned from you that my future can change very abruptly, so I'll do my best to stay hopeful. And I don't believe this is a healthy relationship for us to be in anymore...

Anonymous said...

I really do hope he is just happy because the last few years he just looks so sad and confused. Not sure why that would be if he is in a solid sweet relationship or marriage but compared to only a few years ago, something dramatic seems to have happened. The only time this man looked happy was on the set of the first episode for the pilot, Bass Line. Since then, only God knows. I'm sure he never reads this blog though. Why would he??

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wasn't he between relationships while working on Bass Line?

That's why he looks so happy.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he had just found his footing after his divorce was finalized and he saw so many new possibilities in his life he could choose from, new ventures, new ideas, everything was new...

Anonymous said...

And then he invited a woman who was pushing herself on him to go out with him, and he fell into the same mindset he had just released himself from.

Long story short, he was free and liked his freedom during Bass Line. Freedom was new to him. He felt it briefly, but it scared him because it was a new feeling out of his normal comfort zone, so he quickly retreated into another marriage. Back into what he knew.

His psyche panicked when it became happy, not really knowing what happiness was.

Or maybe he's just an asshole.

Anonymous said...

Plus he felt his career might take a new direction, and there is nothing more satisfying than a successful career.

The problem started when he embraced his character, not letting Ian go, retiring him. She saw it, being a wolf, she knew (and now knows) you (your type) were her prey.

Tho she would tell it much differently, I'm sure. I haven't looked at her, so her side might have some small minor truth to it...

Anonymous said...

Doesn't she try to play the part of taking care of you (Ian)? She is in charge of your care, you won't be allowed to make your own decisions.
(I'd really hate to see how she treats old people.)

Anonymous said...

My best advice to you is to rest. Meaning DONT make any more major decisions right now. Don't move if you are thinking of moving, don't do anything.

Just rest.

Anonymous said...

A house won't make things better. Especially once she has the baby.

You are helping to support TWO families now. You don't have time to mow the lawn....neither of you do just yet.

Keep your ideas real.

Remember, this is advice only, and it may not be the right advice.

Anonymous said...

A house won't make having a baby better, it won't take a happy event and lump more happiness onto it. From what I see, it's a happiness steroid condition creeping in...

it will add more stress with repairs and upkeep. Which isn't your speciality, I'm looking at your apt building repairs.

Just enjoy having a baby first, one thing at one time.

Anonymous said...

You know Ds daughter is strong willed too, she lived with a man who had a good job, not a great one but a good one for their area, and she nagged him to death. He quit his job, took up with another girl and Ds daughter had to sue him for the money he owed her. This made me start looking at her, after a friend made the comment to D of not wanting to get involved siding with either one. He was depressed and she bullies her men.

Her next one had only a few more months of college left. They lived together, he dropped out of school, his parents were pissed at him, he cheated on Ds daughter.

The one after that she wouldn't even tell us his name, lived together for awhile, then left again not telling us why.

The one after that went to a mutual friends house where she was and wanted to talk to her. When she wouldn't go out on the porch, he shot himself in front of the friends. They said it was supposed to be a murder suicide.

I stopped all contact with her, telling D she hooks up with dangerous men.

She now has a guy who was renting a room from her. They have a baby. That was her plan to have a baby when she was 30, the guy was never important. He is described as docile, perhaps unambitious and we have no contact with Ds grandchild. I just don't trust her judgment.

Usually her men give up during their time together, and she doesn't see the difference between give up and build up, so she picked someone who already gave up this time.

I'm telling you all of this for some reason...

Anonymous said...

The two are the same strong willed soul group.

Anonymous said...

Yours went from the drug lord, right to docile...ours took longer to do the same.

However, there a good points about this soul group you should focus on...Ari said "find them for yourself."

Anonymous said...


Ari keeps pointing toward you all morning. He wants me to know you are watching me. Why is he doing this? Are you looking for something I can help with?

Anonymous said...

There certainly was a goal to set up a fake marriage. Like a lottery system.
'Team A - Just Married'.

This was the key factor in my need to get to the truth. To think a stranger could walk into my world and attempt to fuck it up, to induce unhappiness and strife made me very defiant.

If someone would do that, they would also entrap a guy with a pregnancy. If this is the case they need to look at history. Japanese history.

If all you say is true, this will all have a very bad ending, very sad ending. Violence is already second nature to her. No spiritual grounding and money over everything. A baby is used for the same purpose and the fact it is a gift from God won't resonate.

Good Luck.

Anonymous said...

In other words;

never leave her alone with her own child, a helpless baby especially.

Anonymous said...

And do make sure you get a DNA test to authenticate paternity right.
Of course you know that.

It's not expensive relative to it's 99.9% accuracy value ratio when committing to being a father. Before DNA technology was invented, woman could easily claim who the father was without virtually any proof at all.

Anonymous said...

Oh and by the way, I'm fine.
My skin reguvenated and healed up beautifully.
The attack really had no lasting effects and worked the opposite.
I'm sharper than before and it seemed to induce extra dextra sensories.

In other words, I'm better than before all this happened so no regrets at all.
Going to buy a new bike today so I get the ass muscles tighten back up
Some squash, racquetball and tennis will also do the same but help the
muscles in my arms build back up again. My kind of therapy yo.

It's all love from this side.

And seriously, good luck.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and by the way

We never had this conversation because I don't exist.

I've instructed all comrades to destroy all material related to this.
This computer does not exist, i-phones, cartels. None of them exist.

None of the characters exist either. Koko, Johnny, RMO, David. All deleted.

It's my call afterall.


never happened.

Anonymous said...

I believed just yesterday you both planned it, but if not then you need to ask her, not me, if she trapped you. Ask yourself first: would you be surprised if she did? Or you could wait until she finds out she won't be getting a house you can't afford, then ask yourself. I didn't know until yesterday she was pregnant right now, or that you married because she was.

Ari said she planned the pregnancy herself. But do you trust Ari to tell you the truth about it....

The drug lord didn't run her from Japan. He was running her from his life, he didn't want her around him anymore. But I don't know what happened there, nor do I care. I'm sorry. Still a fresh start wherever she ended up was probably good for her in the long run.

I don't know much about the Japanese, or Asian culture in general, except to say, I'm not attracted to it...but that could be because I'm not Asian. But I think it's more than that, just don't know what happened or why that could be.

Right now I feel like I'm causing trouble and not helping. Ari said I'm not helping weeks/days earlier, yet he is giving me this info. Is it right info? Use you own judgement, and don't react or move on any decisions right now. Rest, the two of you rest, and decide stuff in a year or two. A baby won't be happier or sadder if he's born in a house or apt/condo.

Anonymous said...

Ari is also pestering me to tell you that I'm in a nauseous stage right now, mild compared to when Ds mom passed away. And I've been in a heat cycle for a year straight now. And too make matters worse I'm not getting any younger. I should give up that dream completely too...and there are times when I do!

Yogi, I admire you too. I want to be able to stand up in front of a large crowd and feel comfortable, like you do. I also want to make big money like you, so D can explore other things to do, if he wants too. He may not want too, but he has soldiered on for us both when I collapsed and I feel like I want to return the favor, or give him the option.

Anonymous said...

And I'm thinking just now about rescuing the people from the airplane right now...don't know why, it just popped in my head. I think plane parts were planted in the water as a decoy, and I think I'm not the only one who believes this. But I think they will be found alive...

But I won't be as upset as I used to be if I'm found to be wrong.

Anonymous said...

I don't think your first wife is from the same soul group. I think she took the name only to align herself with Octavia's soul group...copping the same attitude about men as Octavia...

I think Octavia planned her pregnancies on her own, but I think Ds daughter told her roommate what she wanted, giving him the choice.

Anonymous said...

And to answer your question, the baby is yours.

Anonymous said...

All lies.
The creepiest people come on this blog.
With EY being the creepiest.

Anonymous said...

and teenagers.

Anonymous said...

Happiest day of my life was finding out I was pregnant with you.
Saddest day of my life is finding out who you have become.
Finding out all you have done.

The creepy tingling stinging has ended.
Stopped completely.

Truth has that effect.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely everything in here is rigged. Walk back in with caution.

Anonymous said...

Just like the last year has been.
Nice that Breaking Bad raised you.

Did you not get the message of the show:


Anonymous said...

So in light of this new information, I think I will forego the "I told you so." phase of our relationship and spiritual marriage, and focus instead on my spiritual career with a new attitude of gratitude.

Be way of explaining her actions: she thinks they were innocent enough, you never told her you weren't ready, you let her play mother to your boys (feeding her want of children) and she made assumptions...unfair of her, yes. But in her mind you were going to marry her anyway, you never said no, or even 'let's wait'. For her it was a done deal, matter of time, she honestly thinks you agreed to it her clock was ticking, I think she joked once, right? So why are you mad?

Anonymous said...

The Japanese history of Atlantis and your part in it, will be up next. But I don't know if it's tomorrow, next week, or next month. Just next.

Anonymous said...

Both kids are boys,

and both were political opponents of yours in that time.

Anonymous said...

You were an ambassador priest type, representing Atlantis. Some type of "work of cooperation" you were trying to put together for the two countries.

Ok, you were an ambassador on a specific project, not ambassador to Japan. Japan was one country that you were trying to negotiate their participation, one of many countries.

Japan was involved in the moon cut. They were aligned with Horus, and you, and the rest of us were hopeful you could win their help, change their minds.

D did much the same as you, in different countries with some overlap...

Anonymous said...

Asia aligned with Horus initially, they weren't spiritual but had some beliefs. After the Earth damage from the moon cut, they...withdrew from world leadership...forming their own identity feeling Horus "tricked" them or mislead them into disaster. Since they didn't care for much of Egypt's beliefs, or Egypt's civil war, they formed their own take of what they liked about Egypts beliefs. They believed Egypt was behaving badly, and Asia was slowly rejecting spirituality, thinking "This is how spiritual people behave? No Thank you." So they decided to work with Horus, then because he was a disaster too, they formed their own identity, very different than the rest of the world, who liked to fight.

Buddha was alive during this time, he was Asia's first spiritual leader after the moon cut. Before the moon cut no one payed much attention to him in that part of the world. After the moon cut they looked for a spiritual leader and made him King.

Isis was the last spiritual leader of Egypt, trying to reform it. It had fallen into disrepair spiritually, and she was trying to pull the country together, but from a safe distance. She was also involved in whatever special project that was being organized. Sometime during this, she abandoned Egypt, she lost the struggle for a United Egypt. So she was the last pharaoh (I'm told to use that word) at the end of that world and she was also the last pharaoh as Cleopatra again ending the last of that way of life. So I am gifted with the task of being the first to come back.

Isis was involved in many projects, more than trying to unite Egypt and the special project...there were other things she was doing...but not sure what yet.

Anonymous said...

That first paragraph is awkward...might be done forn now, not sure!

Anonymous said...

Let's see how many 'friends' you have now.
Now, because your life depends on them.

Not that they'll make a difference.
You won't be allowed to stay in this city.
It's created what you have become.

Obviously, small town values are what you
need to possibly emerge as a human being
you can live with.

Selling out soul, body and the only person who
actually loves you will make emerging as a
human being very challenging.

Your greatest challenge yet, especially compared to the lame
ass effort you have made in recent memory.

Time is of the essence.

Anonymous said...

The rising sun on the white flag of surrender, a reminder of their mistake with Horus, or of their spiritual mistake. Or that they were for the moon cut, using the sun as their sole power source. These are all possible meanings.

The red color escapes me right now, but red is a very predominant color throughout all of Asia. So it has an "all of Asia" feel or meaning to me.

Japan was the capital of Asia. And the China/Japan intolerance stems from China blaming or putting all the blame on Japan for their part in the worlds trauma. But that China wants to control Taiwan, hates Tibet, plays a role of control with Korea....more here for later.

Anonymous said...

"So I am gifted with the task of being the first to come back."

I mean, I'm first after Jesus, sorry yogi :)

I'm the first to offer proof that the whole world can accept.

Pretty tired, it's very late for me, so I'll pick it up again later. Good night.

Anonymous said...

If they are all known, post them.

Anonymous said...

'you run on for a long time, we let you run on for a long time
sooner or later gotta cut ya down.'

Learn something about law and civil rights before you make stupid
comments like that. Evidence gathering doesn't happen after one
statement, or in this case, one anonymous post.

Anonymous said...

"Japan was involved in the moon cut. They were aligned with Horus,"

One of the 3 laser beams on the moon originated from Japan. They agreed to Horus and allowed him to bring and set up his mobile laser system.

Anonymous said...

I want to look at acupuncture, why this practice was largely kept in Asia when many report success using it. I know it was used during Atlantis, so out side of voodoo dolls, why didn't the rest of the world use it too?

Ari said...

You really should talk to your women, Tal. You might get a better result.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Tal,

Ari said if I didn't post that message for him, the book work would stop for today...

Beside, you're not fooling anyone. You loved her enough to not say "no, not now." about her plans so the "I'm thinking about it." is a green light to many strong willed women. I really hope this doesn't affect your trust in me, I don't want to pay for their crimes by having you distrust all women from now on...

I think after all of this is settled I'll let you rest for a while. You'll be happy again, and I really want to see that.

Im sorry too that this whole thing is so surreal to me, I can't wrap my head around the fact that all of this happened and is true...

She is an angry asian troll doll after all. Who knew?

Anonymous said...

"Like fine wine, age smarten you"

and you better not be calling me old.

teasing you! now dry those eyes and give yourself a good day. i won't leave you alone in this, because i can't, not only because of ari pushing me, but because i can't watch you keep hurting yourself. you know, if you talk to me more here, i might have more answers for you here too...just a suggestion. regardless, try to run everything by me here from now on, after all we are married.


Anonymous said...

She took your green light to her as an "He's going to marry me anyway. So why not?" have a baby now. She doesn't like to wait for anything she thinks she should/can have now. Plus you knew she wanted them...

But you need to talk very clearly with her in the future, otherwise she will act on assumptions, she won't wait if she doesn't know she should. At least this is how I think you change...quit holding your heart up your sleeve.

Anonymous said...

You are the author EY
You have the mentality of a five year old
You are a groupie of the Bachmans
You paid people to harm the one person
staunchly defending tal on this hate blog
because you feel threatened by anyone who may get close to him

You are clinging onto something that does not exist
Get help

Ari & Armand do not exist - it is all you now.

Anonymous said...

I had a message all typed for you and accidentally deleted it!

Don't be mean to her, be honest with her. There is a difference and because you don't agree with them you think you are being mean telling them 'no' but you're afraid to be honest, because you select the mean girls and you don't want the fight. So you do the things they want but you don't, then before you know it only sarcastic comments come out of your mouth because you are frustrated. That you aren't honest means to me that you are also afraid of the fight they bring...and you become emotionally immature.

being honest should be everyones first choice.

i will continue with some advice as long as I think you are working your problems. Take my advice or not is ok, but if I think you are whining and not changing, you are on your own. I trust Ari to do this...

Anonymous said...

In case you still don't get it:

Tal would never be involved with someone who orchestrated an assault on another person or who deliberately set out to harm another.

It has been you, all along. It is your sickness telling you that you are fooling people. Bachman Enterprises, Ian Starglow are failed ventures. Destroy the private videos you hold as ransom. Get rid of all photoshopped material placing you where you do not exist. Sever ties with those you procured to assist you. Leave.

Anonymous said...

"At least this is how I think you SHOULD change...quit holding your heart up your sleeve."

Anonymous said...


ok, i have to start my day anyway.

Anonymous said...

Go back to California where you can blend.

Anonymous said...

And I do think you guys shouldn't move a muscle in your lives without clearing it thru me first! You three really need me!


Anonymous said...

In case you still don't get it:

Tal would never be involved with someone who orchestrated an assault on another person or who deliberately set out to harm another.

It has been you, all along. It is your sickness telling you that you are fooling people. Bachman Enterprises, Ian Starglow are failed ventures. Destroy the private videos you hold as ransom. Get rid of all photoshopped material placing you where you do not exist. Sever ties with those you procured to assist you. Leave.

Anonymous said...

Go back to California where you can blend.

Anonymous said...

and my goal is ONLY to help you change your personality to kill your repeats. my goal is NOT to keep you married or get you divorced.

plus you know ari will force me anytime he wants, so I guess I'm only agreeing to cooperate more so he doesn't have to force so much...

and the warning from me and Armand is still in play.

and I don't blend here, there or know this.

Anonymous said...

its more my goal to show your mother how to raise a child. So when she notices and remarks about the new you, you just tell that one I said 'Hi!'

Anonymous said...

In case you still don't get it:

Tal would never be involved with someone who orchestrated an assault on another person or who deliberately set out to harm another.

It has been you, all along. It is your sickness telling you that you are fooling people. Bachman Enterprises, Ian Starglow are failed ventures. Destroy the private videos you hold as ransom. Get rid of all photoshopped material placing you where you do not exist. Sever ties with those you procured to assist you. Leave.

Go back to California where you can blend.

Anonymous said...

She was also mother to Morgan's oldest daughter. It seemed that she went out of her way to flaunt the girls bad behavior to me. Saying it was her right to behave badly as a princess since she wasn't allowed to discipline the child (orders from the old bat) and she would grow out of it, it was just a when Morgan was bit on the finger, she laughed, so did the biter and the other mothers in the room. I gave up and excepted the situation. I left my children and their mothers alone. Found other things to do for my work, I earned my own money, my husband never gave me a dime, and because I left them alone the last three years in Germany were more peaceful.

It was better for me to do that. Both mothers and kids were going to the old bat with complaints about my interfering, and I was never included in the plans for their lives. The kids would travel to other countries. I would ask permission to see them only to be told they were gone. Things like that...

Anonymous said...

"Bachman Enterprises, Ian Starglow are failed ventures."

And we already know why, right?

Anonymous said...

Japan was never the 'capital of China'
Japan, and all the islands surrounding mainland China were created 4000 years ago to spread the Chinese population out. They are all Chinese, although they do not know this and believe themselves better than the Chinese. Study history past WW2. Chinese inhabited the island of Japan thus, the Japanese are Chinese. For some odd reason they believe they are better than the Chinese when in fact, China has a fascinating rich culture and history. One to be proud of. Their longevity and neutrality alone fascinates.

Getting facts straight help in the success of anything.

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure your ass is used for other purposes lady.

Anonymous said...

Did you know lingerie looks particularly sexy on women with long slender legs?

Anonymous said...

so when I said, more than once, to "rest, and don't do anything, make no major decisions, just rest." you heard, "I'm going to trick her into confessing, get sole custody of the kids, and divorce her sorry ass"? you really heard all that in what I said?

oh no you did not!

Anonymous said...

it's been my experience that this ascension process is an ass kicker, which you both suffer from, you more so than her. BUT, now read very slowly and follow me here:

She won't handle the symptoms as easily and most, especially if she actually did what ari said, you may need to do very are a frustrating guy, Tal Bachman, she may pitch a fit and leave all on her own, turning the kids over to you because she can't hold it together herself and who knows she may realize she is a terrible can happen.

Anonymous said...

"Did you know lingerie looks particularly sexy on women with long slender legs?"

did you know you will soon be a three time loser?







Anonymous said...

So keep studying your japanese, you'll really gonna want to know what she's say about you ;)

Anonymous said...

I mean: you'RE really gonna want to know what she's sayING about you

ok, bye now.

Anonymous said...

And I know you weren't talking about me, I'm just reminding you are a loser to all us pretty people.

Anonymous said...

In case you still don't get it:

Tal would never be involved with someone who orchestrated an assault on another person or who deliberately set out to harm another.

It has been you, all along. It is your sickness telling you that you are fooling people. Bachman Enterprises, Ian Starglow are failed ventures. Destroy the private videos you hold as ransom. Get rid of all photoshopped material placing you where you do not exist. Sever ties with those you procured to assist you. Leave.

Go back to California where you can blend.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone here tell me if fresh organic herbs should be refrigerated after opening? My rosemary, thyme and Italian parsley for the slow roasting ribs always seem to go brown if I refrigerate them :(

Oh, that reminds me.

Do the Kellogg's family still have their place on that private island off Saltspring? I used to love taking a boat over there when I lived on Mt. Maxwell. Such a raw and beautiful place it is, especially in the fall.

Anonymous said...

Did Armand ever tell you guys about John's "This One, That one" tour. He was teaching about the differences in his masculine and feminine side, using me as "This One" and Lazarus as "That one".

you should ask him about it sometime. I'll let him tell you since he tells it much better than I do.

Anonymous said...

" she may pitch a fit and leave all on her own" I say this to you because every one to three years Ds daughter usually has a biblical meltdown. You haven't even known yours that long to see for yourself. Let the universe and her own over emotional nature do the work.

Still can't believe you did this...can't.

And I'm only involved to embarrass your mother. And Yogi, you don't have to apologize for her!

Anonymous said...

Here's what I want you to do right now:

Don't fall into depression. It's ok to feel it, but build up your hope as best you can and keep it built up. Think of the best possible outcome, keep doing it even if there is no evidence of anything working out your way.

I need you to build up hope in your depression from now on, and I need you to not get steroid happy. So do this now. Ok? We need you balanced to get better choices for you.

Anonymous said...

"I need you to build up hope in your depression from now on"

As in the rest of your life "from now on". This needs to be second nature, an automatic response. Ok?

Anonymous said...

The hope helps keep you calm during emotional flare ups. It acts as sedative for Tal and Ari to use to remain calm.

When you are calmer during an outburst, your mind is freed up from having to also process emotion, and you begin to see loopholes in her logic because your mind can use its free time to help you, searching for the loopholes during the crisis. Once you see her "logic loopholes" you can use them during the disagreements to change the outcome and win an argument.

This also makes one hell of a math formula! I know because I saw it once :)

Anonymous said...

We'll be on a learning curve to start with, but you should be able to see these improvements in a couple months.

Try to remember you aren't alone in this. And that others have done the same as you in the past. D knew two weeks after the wedding that he made a mistake marrying his first wife. They were married 4 yrs. and almost three years into the marriage she wouldn't let him in the delivery room when his daughter was born. His daughter was two when I first met her, and was a very happy girl then...

Please stay positive.

Anonymous said...

In case you still don't get it:

Tal would never be involved with someone who orchestrated an assault on another person or who deliberately set out to harm another.

It has been you, all along. It is your sickness telling you that you are fooling people. Bachman Enterprises, Ian Starglow are failed ventures. Destroy the private videos you hold as ransom. Get rid of all photoshopped material placing you where you do not exist. Sever ties with those you procured to assist you. Leave.

Go back to California where you can blend.

Anonymous said...

Still waiting for you to publish.

Anonymous said...

Still waiting for you to tell us who Ari & Armand are.

Anonymous said...

Oh wait, never mind. I'm too happy to give a shit who they are, or you, or any of you :P


Anonymous said...

ok, after hearing ari's summary of last nights thoughts we are off to a mediocre start. which was a lot better than expected.

just remember why you married her in the first place, from your list....and don't think you will walk out as a winner, that is fantasy, because really you both lost here. the best we can get is a fair compromise, ok?

falling asleep last night i saw a vision of a collie and heard "Lassie, come home." pretty funny right?

waking up this morning i saw a vision of a bear with butterflies over his eyes. He is watching the transformation, caterpillar, cocoon, butterfly...he will see his butterfly, good news, right?

And if your not comfortable telling you mother hi from me, you can leave it. Just be aware no one hurts my briggy angel to the point of drugs without hearing from me over the next couple of lifetimes. especially after Cleopatra.

Ari wants you guys to think of scenarios of how she and I will settle this. its an exercise.

Anonymous said...

moral of your story Tal: DONT hook up with women over 35 who still paint their hair blue. its an immature look at life and she's too old for that look...

For your listening pleasure:

Enjoy your day.

Anonymous said...

Pay attention to this:

"I need you to build up hope in your depression from now on, and I need you to not get steroid happy. So do this now. Ok? "


"The hope helps keep you calm during emotional flare ups. It acts as sedative for Tal and Ari to use to remain calm."

Doing this is repairing the damage to your nervous system from your repeat of wrong women. Your nervous system plays a big role in creating your reality that Armand will talk about soon. Your nervous system is both a spiritual body and a physical body that are blended together.

By conditioning your mind you are healing your nervous system. You'll know your healing your nervous system when your sarcastic automatic responses change into something different.

Ari wants you to reread the messages I've left here for you so far daily, and as many time as you need during the day. Im told they soothe you so use them to set and maintain your new mood for each day, even each difficult conversation, ok?

Ritchie is right, putting out a good vibe can repel her, it can also heal and soothe her too, it all depends on how she wants to use it and what you both want to do...

Briggy, no machine guns love. I meant more peaceful type scenarios, something I would actually do...

Tal, over all Im feeling very positive about how this ends, you will do beautifully, ok? Stay married/ divorce is not what Im looking at when I say stuff like this...

Anonymous said...

there is no baby, no marriage either

koko drummer@(skrillkoko)

Anonymous said...

Just ... some very sick young girls. Manipulated by some very sick adults.

Talmage does not go by his own name. All social media under Tal Bachman is fake.

Ian Starglow does not exist as we know it. It too, is fake.

RB has never heard of Bachman Enterprises.

Talmage has been in Europe for months.

Anonymous said...

Why is Tal in Europe?

Anonymous said...

"there is no baby, no marriage either"

Good, because I'm not comfortable believing what Ari says about babies and marriages is true... However I do stand behind the advice I offered here about hope and positive thinking, if you ever find yourself needing it. But I don't believe Ari, he's lied a LOT in the past. And you shouldn't believe him either...

Post all the contact info for her that you want, I'm not tempted to check it. Not even a little bit.

Enjoy Europe!

Anonymous said...

I didn't post her contact details, the authorities did.

You're Denise aren't you, D?

Anonymous said...

No, but I've been thinking a lot about her lately....

Even accidentally tripped over her profile picture the other day because of the past fb stalking I've done.

Is there something I should know?

When I saw her photo I was told she was just saying hi to me, but is something wrong?

Anonymous said...

I usually don't worry about her, Beth and Ritchie because even tho they have their share of troubles too, they are handling them correctly, with their attitudes, I mean.

Anonymous said...

You have no idea what you're doing do you

Anonymous said...

And you should be the one to talk, right?


Because I was suddenly worried I checked on you at fb, and Im so very sorry about your kitty! Especially after the major scare with Schatzi. The pain of a helpless pet really smarts and I'm glad you had family there...

I'm told you and I will start to see/feel our physical changes in the spring '16. you were told this right? But I'm not sure how it will start, except that we go thru this together and it shouldn't be physically painful, but we might need to structure our days a bit differently. I think things like sleep, laziness, food issues...midnight snack kind of things...these kinds of behavior patterns that you normally see in teenagers.

I think there is more info on that topic, plus future life stuff to tell you. Like in our McCoy life, you are my younger sister and the baby in the family. Tim makes a great older brother for us, and there is another brother also older than us....

I'm running slow today, both mind and body, but I plan on working on this soon, maybe later today. I wanted to give you this now because its fun stuff and it helps set your good day!

Anonymous said...

In case you still don't get it:

Tal would never be involved with someone who orchestrated an assault on another person or who deliberately set out to harm another.

It has been you, all along. It is your sickness telling you that you are fooling people. Bachman Enterprises, Ian Starglow are failed ventures. Destroy the private videos you hold as ransom. Get rid of all photoshopped material placing you where you do not exist. Sever ties with those you procured to assist you. Leave.

Go back to California where you can blend.

Anonymous said...

there is no baby, no marriage either

koko drummer@(skrillkoko)

Justsome very sick young girls. Manipulated by some very sick adults.

Talmage does not go by his own name. All social media under Tal Bachman is fake.

Ian Starglow does not exist as we know it. It too, is fake.

RB has never heard of Bachman Enterprises.

Talmage has been in Europe for months.

Anonymous said...


Eriko Yamamoto

Victoria, Canada

Parra for Cuva - Elara

Anonymous said...

This man looks so much like my dad in this life when he was younger.

Have a good day today Tal and remember who will be waiting for you when you get home today

And remember: your own fault.


Anonymous said...

"Tal would never be involved with someone who orchestrated an assault on another person or who deliberately set out to harm another."

your dumbass never saw it coming.

Anonymous said...

And remember too: its only the beginning.

Why don't you give her a call right now, why wait?


Anonymous said...

Oh don't worry, you won't hear a peep outta me.

Anonymous said...

You know when D and I were married we combined our incomes, I literally gave him my paycheck and we each had a small monthly allowance of our own.

I gave him my paycheck for a couple of reasons: I didn't want to see his alimony and child support payments and I don't like to do the bills, but I also did it because I saw us as a team. And why not, my parents combined both their incomes for us all.

I always saw that as something families did and I didn't know any other way...

I guess for you and your women it's easier to keep it all separate...

Anonymous said...

You're wrong, I don't mean well, at least not for awhile longer yet...

But you are right, I'll stay out of it. To keep this up goes against all my beliefs.

Hey, did you ever stop to think that if you were to stop rubbing salt in my wounds here, I would stop doing that to you too?

Anonymous said...

And there is a great deal u did not see coming, nor the outcome you assumed.
There is a great deal u know nothing about ,,,
we keep very much under our hat,

it's called;

Grace, some call it Class.

Two words that have never been in your second language.

But by all means, keep talking.

Anonymous said...

Just remember to think positive thoughts later...


Anonymous said...

"And there is a great deal u did not see coming, nor the outcome you assumed."


Anonymous said...

Today was a very strange day, for moods I mean. Hope tomorrow is better. Sleep well.

Anonymous said...

Your specialty has always been a type of psycho warfare in which you do everything to psych out your opponent. This is because you hide behind a computer like a typical bully, insecure little freak from hell. You are a cyber bully amongst many other things. Your:
Just remember to think positive thoughts later...

is a perfect example.

By Ditto -- don't you mean dildo?

Anonymous said...

let the games


Anonymous said...

I already know baby,


I got this.

Anonymous said...

thanks though.

Anonymous said...

I know about both things. They don't seem to understand what they created nor do they realize I'm the happiest person alive nor do they realize I know each and

Anonymous said...

You are a fantastic communicator and very cute I might add
I could see why they were all fighting over you, You emulate
a poet, very strong and vibrated a kind heart. That's how I

Anonymous said...

Since I never ever mean dildo, I'm pretty sure I meant ditto.

Anonymous said...

I realize they're upset now.

Anonymous said...

"You are a fantastic communicator and very cute I might add
I could see why they were all fighting over you, You emulate
a poet, very strong and vibrated a kind heart. That's how I

I no longer fall for your flattery. Tho I did stare at it for awhile before I decided.


Im only here to staunch any bleeding, even hers...

Anonymous said...

As per Ari's request I took another visit to Bell's page. And noticed two things. One is I love Lola's big ears and again I'm very sorry for your loss Bell. And the second is Lael's red hair, I see it as a sign to me that Lael wants to emulate Chrissy more, she uses it as reminder of whose side she's on, the two are drawing together.

I still insist Lael's cover photo needs to be changed. I find it an insult as a women to see these younger women using their femininity to insult society. Im surprised a womanizer like yourself Tal, doesn't see it and I think its part of her problem...But if you think the attitude isn't holding her back, then I'm content to wait on her to mature. Plus, I'll know when I see a different cover photo that she changed all on her own and she is ready to work with me. But I don't know what exactly the "work with me" part involves...

Anonymous said...

Yes. The red hair means to me that Lael recognizes the past and remembers the situation enough to support and side again with her sister. She remembers her loyalty to her past mother...

Anonymous said...

Now, blue hair would mean something VERY different, you see?

Anonymous said...

And there is some nurturing going on between the sisters, just don't know exactly what and am told to let it alone, they will do it together.

Anonymous said...

And the red hair also means to me she wants to take on more of Chrissy's attitudes...however slowly she changes. That's all I have on the girls.

Anonymous said...

---- Harvest Moon ----

Anonymous said...

sweet dreams <3

Keep your eye on the tiger.

Have a sherry, it will help you sleep ;P

Anonymous said...

The spirit world won't give you answers or the keys to the universe if you are a self hater, or any other kind of hater. Is Ritchie done working on the math formula for this?

Realize a small amount of hate is needed, those are opinions, and are different than what Im talking about....

Anonymous said...

"I'm told you and I will start to see/feel our physical changes in the spring '16. you were told this right?"

Beth will see changes too, after menopause, tho. And Im not sure why we need to go thru menopause first...especially when we won't need to go thru menopause in our next life....

ok: for some reason, the hormones from menopause are used to trip the fountain of youth switch (foy) but once the switch is tripped we don't need to trip it again in another life. It's now part of our DNA pattern and is ours too keep. So in our next life we will age to about 30ish if that is what our souls want to be. Some can be older, some can be younger, but everyone must remain as an adult. This has something to do with the hormones of puberty stopping the switch.

So your soul gets to pick your own look between 25 - 50 years of age. Or chooses an age from between these two major hormone changes...seems like we are permanently disabling the second hormone change, but we have too use it to do that...

Not too worried about the guys tripping their foy switch, they still have work they need to do. Right Tal? Right Yogi? Right Brigham?

Anonymous said...

Or all of this is just another of Ari's sick, twisted, set-ups to piss on yet another of my dreams.

Anonymous said...

But there is no reason why Yogi, Brigham and Tal can't join the rest of us with this later in life...

Anonymous said...

Get a life Tigris, you're a nasty nut job.

Christy Knight
Cherry Tigris

Get off this blog, mind your own business

Bachmans do not care about you.

Anonymous said...


I'm pretty sure Tal doesn't care about me....but the others?

Anonymous said...

Of course, we understand. Because families stick together - like wasps.

Anonymous said...

My family didn't stick together.

Anonymous said...

Let me be very clear, let me speak in a way where there can be no argument, no debate, where a mirror in words is placed upon you:

There is no pain, you have seen my walk, my talk, my eyes, my smile.
I have challenged you in the same way I did a year ago. You are not stronger
because of my experience with you. You are weaker. You have not gained, you have not destroyed. You gave me so much you don't even annoy.

With each session I am powered so I can continue to empower. With each outcome of success I can help others succeed. You know I know.

You have to look at me everyday. The trace of shame will be in your blood forever. One girl and how many of you? To add, you enjoy mocking. You are Clockwork Orange meets Breaking Bad and back again. I'm a Wrinkle in Time.

Nothing you do will change that. Nothing you have done has changed my opinion of Tal. Nothing of who you are matters to me. I simply feel sorry for you, collectively, as best I can but I don't waste precious energy on you. While I may pretend you matter, you do not and never will.

I'm glad you're okay with that.

Anonymous said...


I guess you have never made the connection to the fact you are all one, both, or all of three things:

lazy, flaky, insecure

And very corrupt.

You are also very jealous that Tal is important to Taylor Swift, a person of relevance. These are the reasons behind this blog; who is behind this blog is of no matter. You all realize your relevance is unrecognizable but it is your ego that makes you think it should be.

I'm glad you're okay with that

Anonymous said...

Look at who wakes up next to you each day, hear to the sound of her voice and the words she uses. See who can't care for old people, and watch how she cares for you, and now little kids.

Im glad you're okay with that.


and there are so many more just like her waiting for you to remember them.

Stay positive today.

Anonymous said...

Funny how you remembered me enough for you to walk away, yet I didn't remember you enough to ever see it coming until you did it.

Ari wanted me to point this out to you, I think for his next talk?

Still working on McCoy for Bell (and me.)

Anonymous said...

Today feels just like Tues did.

slow and weepy, and just like that (I'm snapping my fingers) my sleep has changed yet again, so the pattern I've grown used to has changed...I hate change. They say all change leads to good, but today I just don't see it.

Got to get to work now...

Anonymous said...

Just family names are given. I don’t know any first names because I want to give our parents complete freedom to choose. Plus you guys know my limits…

Ok, So I’m McCoy right? The third child and first girl born to Armand and Anna (Spirit name), our mother…My birth chart is known to the world and my arrival is predicted, yet no one knows with any certainty that I’ve been born except my parents, who aren’t in a hurry to announce who I am. They learn who I am thru dreams, intuition, even see a psychic who gives them enough clues they feel confident of who I am.

Two years later my sister is born, and still our parents are mum, now about us both…I think there is something famous about you Bell I don’t know yet…

By the time I’m five, I’m enrolled in a school that specializes in encouraging psychic ability. By this time, all schools have something like this as a school structure and a class being offered to help all kids learn to trust intuition and stuff like this.

I keep myself in the background of the school until I’m 6 or 7, when you start at the same school…They look at you and ask our parents to check your DNA. After much discussion our parents agree and you are tested and your past lives are announced, SLOWLY. The school has confidentiality issues they must follow, and our parents want all four kids to be a bit older…

The school asks to test our family and our family consents, and we are all identified.

There has always been the technology to test DNA for past lives, but because the data base is still so new, there are only a few successes linking, or proving people to their past. Most of what is happening at this time is people are saving their DNA in a bank that also stores their history for the first time. So a past life match is still BIG news.

So you are identified first and I watch you until our parents think it’s right…then our family is announced all together (and I feel safer because of it).

Anonymous said...

During this time the Hatfields are following a very similar path. But our family is first :)

Anonymous said...

Having a sister like you, is fun, will loosen me up and I won't be so quick to be so serious...

Anonymous said...

'Wanting' creates a permanent mindset of wanting.
I want for nothing.

Anonymous said...

I’m told to wait on where Beth is in this story…so I don’t know yet where she is…but she is there as an equal, not as a daughter or mother, but a sibling type, a cousin or a Hatfield perhaps.

So after we are known, along with the Hatfields, we grow up…we know the Hatfield family history to ours and for some reason we don’t meet them until we are college age. Im not sure why this is, but we spend the time before we meet just watching each other, both in the news and in our minds…

My voices a more feminine in that life…one is mother and one is sister like. Just like Joanne?

Yours are brother and sister like…

Anonymous said...

not ever what they appear or pretend to be.
that's why we have many.

Anonymous said...

Need to run, won't be back until this afternoon at the earliest. Everyone have a good day!

Anonymous said...

"Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.' Mark Twain"

Oh pfffftt!

Anonymous said...

Things that make me go 'pfffftt'!

Anonymous said...

So ,,, annoying.

Sad, Bad break :(

Anonymous said...

They don't know about us.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I really wish my marriage was as good as my wedding was ,,, that would be so cool, shoulda married my bff.

Anonymous said...

John Denver- Thank God I'm a Country Boy

TheMegaKirbyMan's channel

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Uploaded on Jan 1, 2011

John Denver- Thank god I'm a country boy
I do not own the rights to this song. Please Enjoy!!

R.I.P John Denver

Lyrics: Well life on the farm is kinda laid back
Aint much an old country boy like me cant hack
Its early to rise, early in the sack
Thank God Im a country boy

Well a simple kinda life never did me no harm
A raisin me a family and workin on a farm
My days are all filled with an easy country charm
Thank God Im a country boy

Well I got me a fine wife I got me a fiddle
When the suns comin up I got cakes on the griddle
Life aint nothin but a funy funny riddle
Thank God Im a country boy

When the works all done and the suns settlin low
I pull out my fiddle and I rosin up the bow
The kids are asleep so I keep it kinda low
Thank God Im a country boy

Id play Sally Goodin all day if I could
But the Lord and my wife wouldnt take it very good
So I fiddle when I could, work when I should
Thank God Im a country boy

Well I got me a fine wife I got me a fiddle
When the suns comin up I got cakes on the griddle
Life aint nothin but a funy funny riddle
Thank God Im a country boy

Well I wouldnt trade my life for diamonds and jewels
I never was one of them money hungry fools
Iid rather have my fiddle and my farmin tools
Thank God Im a country boy

Yeah, city folk drivin in a black limousine
A lotta sad people thinkin thats mighty keen
Son, let me tell ya now exactly what I mean
Thank God Im a country boy

Well I got me a fine wife I got me a fiddle
When the suns comin up I got cakes on the griddle
Life aint nothin but a funy funny riddle
Thank God Im a country boy

Well, my fiddle was my daddys till the day he died
And he took me by the hand and held me close to his side
Said, Live a good life and play my fiddle with prideAnd thank God youre a country boy

My daddy taught me young how to hunt and how to whittle
Taught me how to work and play a tune on the fiddle
Taught me how to love and how to give just a little
Thank God Im a country boy

Well I got me a fine wife I got me a fiddle
When the suns comin up I got cakes on the griddle
Life aint nothin but a funy funny riddle
Thank God Im a country boy!

"Thank God I'm A Country Boy" by John Denver ( • )

Show more



Up next

John Denver - Take Me Home, Country Roads

by JohnDenverVEVO




Mix - John Denver- Thank God I'm a Country Boy

by YouTube

John Denver - Thank God I'm A Country Boy (From "Around The World Live" DVD)

by Eagle Rock



Soggy Bottom Boys- I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow

by bigmanio



Anonymous said...

Relevance is the concept of one topic being connected to another topic in a way that makes it useful to consider the first topic when considering the second. The concept of relevance is studied in many different fields, including cognitive sciences, logic, and library and information science.

Anonymous said...

Bahhahahahaha! "Loading... " WAY too funny!

Thought I would share: the power of positive thinking can get you the outcome you want, however that's NEVER been the case for me.

Sorry to have to admit that. BUT, here is what else it can do:

It gives you answers. Like any detox treatment, it opens pathways in the mind as well as the brain, pathways that were closed off, shut down and long forgotten. These pathways provide answers, guidance, and revives intuition.

Usually for me, I remain hopeful for years, my project fails, I mourn my loss accepting the situation, a short rest commingled with answers as to "WHY?" along with insight, intuition and other guidance for the remainder of the situation (if it already isn't broken off by then) plus experience, to know your repeats and break the cycle.

But I'm really not sure what Tal is doing....

Anonymous said...

I mean, Ritchie proved something was happening with his math, you guys just weren't sure what.

Anonymous said...

"I really wish my marriage was as good as my wedding was ,,, "

Really? Which marriage? Which wedding?

Do tell!!!

Anonymous said...

When I saw the two images of her and her heavy makeup was smeared, Remember?

My first impression was the Egyptian look. The heavy makeup that Cleopatra wore for her ceremonies that was a very pretty look...she was wearing that makeup but it was all smeared on her.

It was later that Ari said she would be crying.

marry your bff? you mean you have one?

Anonymous said...

But her spirituality is messed up and smeared was my point...

Anonymous said...

well, better luck next time.

I'm sure one of your women has changed and matured over the years.

I'm sure you won't rest until you find her.

Anonymous said...

So talking about tripping our FOY's:

Im thinking that it won't happen. it won't happen because it's the last of the dreams I had when I entered this painful process. It's the last dream I have left that Ari hasn't killed yet.

I think what will happen is: Spring '16 will come and go with no changes and then I am forced to realize there was no real benefit to any of this process, including being given answers. I would have continued to live by my faith so answers wouldn't have been as needed. So I worked like a dog for years and got paid a quarter.

You see, this is why I try to space out my lifetimes to once every 600 years.

This is also why Ari usually isn't my guide...and will never be again!

So when nothing happens this spring, I plan on accepting it with whatever maturity and grace I can gather together and try not to let it ruin what life there is left. Like I never had the dream in the first place...

Anonymous said...


"I plan on accepting it with whatever maturity and grace I can gather together"

Im told you need to work on a formula for the 'gather together' part. We need this for the near future in other formulas. And did you already write a formula for the 'accepting' and also the 'maturity and grace' part?

Anonymous said...

Tal, remember from now until the time you separate, she is there watching, just waiting to criticize...

Everyone else: Enjoy your Friday and have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

And Im trying to bring you down on purpose so you can work on your attitudes and everything I'm saying to you is true :)

Anonymous said...

So ... annoying!

Anonymous said...

I need a drink but all I have is frog water!

Anonymous said...

Reason #49.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Facemask made from gold. Whoda thought. It worked. Thanks baby.

My Sweet, have the best day ever ;p

Anonymous said...

Do I need to go to University to be a bus driver?

Anonymous said...

Going through a manic phase, aren't you?

Anonymous said...

Manic, no I graduate from that school. Just waiting on you....

Here this might help you. Forewarned is forearmed:

I watched mine and thought it was scary accurate, and even if yours isn't...well, anything will help, right?

Anonymous said...

GraduateD, I mean...

Anonymous said...


What an odd place in life to arrive at
or to be born that way

must be in the dna

choke the competition, do as your told

so you can buy things that make you seem bold

until it all falls apart

depth 2 inches deep whether in the tropics or icy cold waters

intelligence can only go so far

if only you knew how little you know

shattered is the least of it all

while i smile a grin as far as my soul will go

Anonymous said...

One cheerful post from you is all I get tonight?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just sayin

Anonymous said...

Depends ,,,,

ARe you team A, B or C?




Anonymous said...

but yes ,,, you are so right.
i have based all my worth, all my knowledge
all my beliefs, on a teenage cute relationships
quote page.
the compliments and emuulating love make me
who i am today and stimulates my every action
and mood and the twofold negative ones hurt and
depress me because the internet is so authentic
and true that it must be true.

the investigation, the teams, the downfall and the
upfall are all based on that, and this blog.

you must have a phd.

Anonymous said...

Of the entire experience
there is only one thing I know for sure
and it is the only one thing I care about.

Anonymous said...

It is one of my wishes in this life to have you looking at me as your equal and not someone who is out of your reach. If she really is so high, she needs care just like every other precious thing in this world.

Because without you seeing me that way, your reactions toward me FEEL much like O's, with a different motivation from his. It's too traumatic and believe it or not, I don't like drama. Drama to me is when people act like big babies. Drama has nothing to do with having a problem.

I look forward to someday meeting you, and having you more in my life, but ONLY if two things happen first: I look a little bit better (foy), and I don't end up imploding into the ethers :) That would be bad.

Love you.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking about studying astrology. Don't know if I will be any good at it because there seems to be too much involved in it, and my memory is not what it used to be, and what used to be there wasn't much too start with. A lot of memorizing, and I never was really good at that.

Ari is encouraging that I host one day a week here, where you guys can submit questions, ones that I can actually see here, that will help guide you in your future decisions. You ask the question, and I can try to predict the future based on that decision. (Tho this seems like we are building a crutch and taking away your own power to choose for yourself) and I won't be using astrology, just intuition.

It's our new 'Ask Audrey' Wenesday feature.

I feel like a magic 8 ball.

Anonymous said...

Remember to control your highs today...

Anonymous said...

Did Armand talk to you both, mostly her, about your relationship with me? I keep hearing him saying to her, 'remember you are the winner here.' Is she jealous of me in your head? Ari believes the pregnancy is a result of her jealousy of me. To solidify the permanency of your bond with her....

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