Tuesday, December 1, 2009

On My Long Hiatus

It has been quite some time since I posted anything on my blog. I have a couple of articles sitting in draft stages, but they are nowhere near being ready to be released. I have been working on other projects (in particular, a novel that I am writing) and I haven't had the time to spend thinking and writing about Mormonism, philosophy and law. I am still undecided if I want to split this blog into two and have one devoted to religion and another devoted to law and philosophy, but as I am naturally lazy, I get the feeling it's going to stay the way it is.


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Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Unknown said...

Ok. Here's the deal:

Yes, earthling, Im an NDE
(thus, my ethereal nomenclature) -
so I actually know God exists:
He rewards those who HONOR n RESPECT
Him and strive to follow His Laws;
for those who wanna know what
Seventh-Heaven holds for your
indelible, magnificent soul whom
God has so carefully crafted -
and if you're not too concerned
with WWIII and N. Korea,
you better follow us:

Find-out what RCIA means and join.
God bless your indelible soul.

Unknown said...

Let this be your catalyst to Seventh-Heaven:

'The more you shall honor Me,
the more I shall bless you'
-the Infant Jesus of Prague
(<- Czech Republic, next to Russia)

Love him or leave him...
ya better lissen to DonJuan;
if you deny o'er-the-Hillary's evil,
which most whorizontalites do,
you cannot deny Hellfire
which YOU send YOURSELF to.

Yes, earthling, I was an NDE:
the sights were beyond extreme.
Choose Jesus.
You'll be most happy you did.
God bless your indelible soul.

Unknown said...

Let this be your catalyst to Seventh-Heaven:

'The more you shall honor Me,
the more I shall bless you'
-the Infant Jesus of Prague
(<- Czech Republic, next to Russia)

Love him or leave him...
ya better lissen to DonJuan;
if you deny o'er-the-Hillary's evil,
which most whorizontalites do,
you cannot deny Hellfire
which YOU send YOURSELF to.

Yes, earthling, I was an NDE:
the sights were beyond extreme.
Choose Jesus.
You'll be most happy you did.
God bless your indelible soul.

Backward Moon Drifter said...

History proves Tal is a bitchy little girl. Checked in on Tim and found him well, lesson: no good deed goes unpunished. Bible says don't spare the rod for a reason, children need grounded for a reason, empathy important.

Good news, moon in a slow constant drift away from earth, population in steady increase. There is your climate change. Nothing fat and obese is healthy. Hope Bell understands the dangers of liberalism, there is always a counter punch for every sucker punch. Always play nice, be fair and choose your words wisely.

Tal, just shut the fuck up. You've proved yourself and were consistent. Done.

Missed you Yogi, my dear sweet Briggy. Cali, I haven't worried about you, never know why that is...a sane Bachman perhaps?

Anonymous said...

Tal, next NDE you have, stay there.

Anonymous said...

Zucker loves Augustus Caesar. Not a pharaoh, brilliant student proclaimed by pharaoh to be a world changer. Beyond that, his genius is now done, his moral ignorance is obvious.

Musk IS a worry, who is babysitting this man?

Private citizens with too much power brought down Atlantis, brought down the world.

Lucky everyone here proven to be failures, so catastrophe now building is not our fault. Only thing left to do is run around screaming, "We will die, but don't worry we will live." Perhaps its not an important message after all. Best forgotten about, look what its done to me: 7 demons exercised my ass. They live, and have better stronger lives than mine. Jesus Failed.

We'er zucked.

Anonymous said...

Brain is broken permanently. Huge short term memory loss getting worse and worse with time. People notice a problem with me. Very scared and future is bleak. Soon I won't remember, dementia.

Unbreakable cycle. Deserved better. Much, much better.

Knitting Sweaters.

Anonymous said...

Music is too loud, too long, too close. Can't sleep, complain to the permit office but no one cares, "Call the police" they say. Called the police and they laugh too, caller ID so they know it's me before they even answer the phone. I get lectured to stop wasting gov't resources, even tho I use the nonemergency dispatch number. They send an officer out, but come back saying there is "nothing they can do, they are within the legal noise limit."

I explain they're using commercial grade equipment in a residential neighborhood and the topography itself is a natural broadcast tower. I hear them talking in normal voices from their backyard to mine, let alone loud music. I hear nothing but the Boom Boom Boom of their base in my home for 5 hrs straight, 4 days a week, 6 months a year. Cop who did 3 tours in Afghanistan said "don't move next to a rocket launch site if you can't stand the noise." I almost reached thru the phone to choke him. I was here first.

Went to State Police Barracks on airport dr to pick up copies of noise complaints, saw the sheriff talking at the lobby desk. He glanced at me, knew that I recognized him, kept talking while he stepped backward out of my view. Like I would hurt him? Ask for help? Or even wish him a happy "Hi".

One quick glance my way and justice is gone. Real life dream symbols.

7 Demons.

Anonymous said...

Remember I said once that the Earth names changed as the Earth was forming? Heaven, Terra, Eden, Earth, or something close to this? I can’t remember the names, funny, right? A note for myself to go back and find the names…

The "Flat Earth Theory" is correct. There really is a Flat Earth, but it exists only as Terra. So it’s misplaced in our time because it’s mostly a Terra formation and the very beginnings of Eden. It has an overlap on purpose. Not sure why I need to make a note of this. Something about how the ages are formed and named, and the back and forth of all things, I believe. But I’ll be using this idea again later…. another function of Time and it’s behavior in forming events and objects. Transporting objects.

Remember I said once that Time is bendy? Remember I said once my dad told me in a dream state that it would take 6 weeks before he could see the Sun bending the Earth? Also remember that our solar system travels thru time, like a spaceship travels thru the universe (and our universe travels thru a larger universe).

There are two completely different Times here. Yet it’s actually the same Time with two different jobs. One is an energy place or location and the other is an action or reaction. But those two different T’s are the same Time, just needing to be two different components for each of your formulas, Ritchie. It's all very complicated.

By the way, I hope the trees are treating you and Briggy well. How many toes do you have this year? Enough, I hope!

Objects like humans and planets travel thru Time, like we’re doing right now from 12D to 3D. And Time also preforms an action on those objects, but again, it’s all the same Time. Using chakras, it will make our spirit energy (our black mass energy pattern) change into more solid states, into our 3D bodies. It preforms an action on our DNA, firing up the ‘Time component’ at the same ‘Time location’ in our DNA.

You can note that Time uses our chakra system, much like Time uses the Sun in our solar system. You can also take note that there is more than one chakra in your personal system, much like the Sun is only one ‘chakra’ or portal in our solar system. How about that! A new mystery forms ☺

Like our black mass energy pattern, the energy of our planet existed before it came across Time energy: Flat Terra. This energy began 'competing' (I'm told to use this word) with Time and the two mixed or reacted forming Flat Terra, bending into Eden, then Earth.

Our landmass energies of today, the ground we are walking on, is the original planet energy, Flat Terra now hardened in, and also with, Time. As it competed with Time, it changed from Terra’s frequency to an Eden frequency, forming the water masses as the frequency changed.

This also explains why there are sea levels. Time was a different location in two of the many universes that our own was traveling simultaneously thru when the ocean floors were forming causing then to sit lower than Terra’s landmass. So the Time location for Terra was different than when the oceans and seas formed causing a lower elevation to the original Terra land. The actual physical place our universe was traveling thru when it competed or encountered Time was changing and it created land with a different elevation.

Mountains and valleys were created after the moon was carved. These were formed from severe temperature changes and floods.

To break it down further: Time was bending Flat Terra, forming the ocean floors as it traveled in and out of different forms or different combinations of Time. Also realize the name Terra implies there was only land and all of it was flat, so I won’t be calling it Flat Terra anymore.

Cave drawings, places like Gobekli Tepe, sphinx and the pyramids all originated in Terra/Eden blend of time. Much more on these later…

The Hollow Earth Theory is a very different, much harder explanation. I’m told it’s yours to figure out since I took the easy one ☺

Anonymous said...


Remember my dream of seeing your face burned marshmallow black, then the burnt parts easily broke off falling away and your face was fine?

I had been asking how my dad has been. Where was he in our "going thru this amputation together" of hot and cold? I recently had a dream vision.

He was laying on a cot awake but resting and still, like he was in shock from what happened. His face was slicked with sweat. It was sunburned with a couple crispy, black burned patches. Im not sure if the sunburned parts were turning black or if the black had just fallen off and his skin was newly restored. During the dream I thought he was recovering, just waking up, but still in shock from the treatment, and I thought it was one of the longer harder treatments for him.

Anonymous said...

So much for the "group energy" theory being any kind of help to you guys. Not one of you can pick up this new info, or the fact that it's sitting here waiting for you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes, I did. But I always managed to overlook it in the past.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Funny! I consider this a modified repeat. Before I was looking for a friendship/old family in meeting here. Now I know to expect NOTHING from you guys. I'm repeating here for the disenfranchised others like myself. Those who are constantly searching for answers that might someday stumble on this site. And somehow find something soothing.

And the fact that you Tal aren't here is bonus. Im better off without you. Cleopatra watching her children murdered because of your fight with O after I said to leave him alone, Joanne burned and raped in prison because you had to see for yourself the tomb in Camelot's basement, plus the sucker punch you and your latest kook thought was a great idea, and a whole bunch of other stuff I now I really need to blame you for. It will help me to blame you for your self-centered actions and attitudes that have cost me greatly.

I get to tell you how those decisions affected your sexuality and sexual responses here publicly because you humiliated me in public. Keeping it all real for you and me. Healing. Personally, I'm hope after this life, we alternate our lifetimes so we aren't alive on Earth at the same time anymore. It's the closest thing to divorce I can think of, leaving me alone can help me at this point.

Yogi, you're up in all this too. Have some dream stuff to tell you. Good luck to you both.

Hey, not too happy to be back, but telling your secrets in public will help balance the scales of justice a bit for me. Plus there is the added bonus that your dumb asses aren't here to add your smart comments to my pain. That I consider it a bonus is a sign that we shouldn't be alive here together anymore.

I'm still Love, just not around you, and you're not funny Laughter, no matter who you're around.

Anonymous said...

“Downloads” as astrologers and channelers say they occur are to me when dream symbols show up in our physical world. Like for example when you miss a dead love one and then you continuously see things that remind you of them, or you hear their favorite song, or suddenly remember a fond memory of them out of the blue. Those events were downloaded to you and can take some time from the original release of the planned symbol, or sometimes an event, to reach you in your waking life.

Your dreams can alert you that downloads have been realized and are on their way to your world. Seth spoke of them in his Jane Roberts books calling them....crap, I can’t remember..anyway it was one of his “1” and “2” deals. Like when he called himself Seth 1 and Seth 2. I’ll look it up later.

I mention all of this because of the dream I had of you yogi, it was one of those dreams in color like the charred black falling off of your face, also like the time we were at the beach and you were throwing up all over the sand and the dream I had of the two dogs before they both showed up in my life.

Anonymous said...

Frame work 1 and 2. Knew I’d remember!

This is in NO WAY meant to be a demeaning, insensitive or homophobic discussion.

Anyway, of the 3 of us Tal’s important lives, like his Da Vinci, usually are gay and I’ve wondered why. Seth has described homosexuality as imbalanced masculine and feminine personality traits. There is more here to say later.

So I wondered, how balanced are these traits for yogi? In the dream your eyes were quietly laughing at me and I stepped back in great surprise because you were wearing a dress, pantyhose and heels. You did it to shock me, deliberately answering my question by showing me that you keep your masculine personality yet you crossdress. It’s a pretty ugly look on you.

While we were together in the dream I understood that a branch from your family tree, or one type of eyes like yours has some new or ongoing history with cross dressing. Armand didn’t seem to care that some of his lives were lived like this any you walked away from me. And it’s an ugly look from behind too.

As you walked away, I started talking to others and I heard cars tires skidding and a dog cried. Hearing your dog dying after the accident upset some of us to tears, but you didn’t seem to be bothered.

I’m told you had this dream too and should remember it.

Anonymous said...

There are many different reasons for homosexuality, one of them is a deliberate misuse of time. Making a note for myself here.

I’ll finish this soon.

Anonymous said...

Also, to wrap up flat Earth:

Flat Earth was the more heavenly Gaia frequency before the land energy began separating into the continents divided by the newly forming oceans of Terra. Terra was followed by the mega magnetics and miracles of a half solid half dream state of Eden. Cutting the moon, removed the last of the Eden frequency, giving us our Earth frequency.

Earth is a masculine name for a feminine planet (Mother Earth). Balance is very important, another note for myself on homosexuality. Our planet has always functioned best when balanced.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

As I’ve explained before on another message board sine waves are circles, circles are repeats and were the basis of the Mayan calendar using katums and such for predicting events. Overlaying different sine waves of different Time lengths, the Mayan Priests (Priests and Priestesses were titles equal to today’s PHD) were able to scientifically predict events. By overlaying all of the (the different sine waves vs. Time) charts they were able to measure how “intense” each of the predictions would be by using the intersecting points of all charts to give dates for past, present and future convergence points. It was a whole complicated science.

So predictions during Atlantis’ Time were science-based using the calendar's math equations more than a psychic's abilities to foretell future events. In those days science was in charge of morals and decisions by using formulas. It was common knowledge, proven mathematically, that morals mattered and this was used toward a peacekeeping advantage.

Later, in the years shortly before the floods these science/math-based predictions were misused to incite riots and other irresponsible behaviors to gain an advantage over others. Much like today where you see underhanded tricks playing out in politics so one political party can win. Misusing government like that caused a deep state or shadow govt. Again, like today.

So in the years before the floods the gov'ts (more notably Atlantis, but there were others) were corrupt in their science/math based morals to manipulate the people. Because of that, a newer form of spiritually was emerging and it was rebelling against the old science corruption. This would be the ‘let your conscious be your guide’ giving everyone ‘the benefit of the doubt’ because they were ‘innocent until proven guilty’. Clear rules called “Manners” that had their basis in math and science were put in place.

And if the unjust went unpunished, you let the force of creation called Karma, which also had its roots in scientific proof, deal with it.

Because of the Mayan calendar overlays, the prediction was made that the world was slowly losing its natural global power source and way of life. People knew ahead of time that great change was headed their way and so many people were fighting for control to guide the planet safely through the unprecedented hard times that were quickly approaching. So many wanted to set up the new world leaving their lasting legacy to be the one the new world followed.

It wasn’t a doom prediction at all. It was a new world prediction.

Anonymous said...

A correction :

Oct 14 at 10:47pm I said:

“Your dreams can alert you that downloads have been realized and are on their way to your world.”

It should say “downloads have been RELEASED and are on their way to your world.”

But in a sense the downloads are realized as well as released.

Anonymous said...

I do have some stuff written on homosexuality, but it’s still in draft form an incomplete. I haven’t forgotten about it, I’ve been somewhat busy lately...

I really do like the quiet that I’m finding here 🤫 and I realize that “group energy” deal was for your benefit, not mine. Remember I got a whole different kind of deal? I still have a question to ask you to your face Tal. Ari says “Read all this new info carefully before you answer it..”

I think he’s serious.

Anonymous said...

More Corrections:

Sept 15, 2018 at 2:57pm:

I said: "There really is a Flat Earth, but it exists only as Terra. So it’s misplaced in our time because it’s mostly a Terra formation and the very beginnings of Eden. It has an overlap on purpose."

I need to add: "There really is a Flat Earth, but it exists only as Terra. So it’s misplaced in our time because it’s mostly a Terra formation and the very beginnings of Eden. It has a TERRA/EDEN overlap on purpose. The flat Earth crosses both Terra and Eden timelines on purpose AND simultaneously. It would be a Mayan calendar intersect of two or more sine wave convergence points."


"Like our black mass energy pattern, the energy of our planet existed before it came across Time energy: Flat Terra. This energy began 'competing' (I'm told to use this word) with Time and the two mixed or reacted forming Flat Terra, bending into Eden, then Earth."

Need to add:
"...and the two mixed or reacted forming Flat Terra, bending into Eden, then Earth. The major difference between the three were: Terra had no real water masses until the Terra land mass energy started bending, separating into continents. This happened at the end of Terra/beginning of Eden timelines. Consider them two different places in time overlaid for our Mayan calendar. A conjunction point.

Eden became established in Time and the 'fabled' Atlantis was still in it's prime. (My old friend Earth Bender should be familiar with all of this info).

During Eden, it became known that the world's power source/energy behavior began changing and there were many theories as to why. The leading theory at the time of the moon cut didn't have much to do with the moon at all. It was true the moon needed moved, but it was a change on the physical world that would have done that. (From what Ari is showing me in the black mass of energy events called the Akash I actually 'see' there is more energy for me to read, except I'm told "It's being withheld for now." So I see the energy there, but I don't understand what I'm seeing. It's still all black, yet moving and swirling and not an image that tells me anything or presents itself like a video or movie. You see?

The moon was cut through deceit, it was blatant defiance of a corrupt government that was lying to the world and a tragic surprise to the world. One private citizen task by a corrupt government to find a solution was given way too much power. He was convinced he was absolutely right in his Moon Theories and through his stubborn unshakeable belief he was able to convince others of this. Together and without informing the world they cut the moon sending it into a backward drift that radically changed Eden into Earth. Eden was doing that naturally enough, but if the drastic cutting hadn't taken place our planet would be in a much different place right now. Because there is information being withheld that Im being teased with, I'm not saying it would be a better place than right now, just a different one.

At the Time of the moon cutting, we were at the beginning of the end of the Eden changes. Once the cutting started, Time suddenly changed. On a linear Time chart/measurement it was sped up, a short time (Duration) with a powerful punch (an Action), the like of which is unmatched in the history of our planet, from Terra on down through Earth. I think I said once before the Suddenness and the Strength of the change actually 'damaged' the Time placement where that event occurred.

This isn't anything to be overly concerned about, it is the same as walking along a paved road and seeing the charred pavement where a car fire occurred. You know something bad happened there, but you can still use the road...plus Im told with the constant movements of all of the different Times involved, we won't be in/at that Time placement ever again. Hence God's promise that he would never punish the world with a world flood ever again.

Anonymous said...

So as Terra began bending into Eden, water formed. Filling the cavities created by the land energy bending. Note that all of the land 'created' by the Terra Bend was and still is unusable. Meaning even if there were no ocean waters filling the land gaps, the land is infertile. By the middle of Terra Time period, into the beginning of Eden time, bending was complete.

The freezing polar caps, desert lands, mountains and valleys were the result of the moon cut. Temperature changes were created by a new tilted axis, but it was a domino effect of changes all starting with the Moon Cut. Desert lands were caused by the flood waters destroying fertile ground, and the Mountain/valley lands were created by a now shrinking Earth core.

I need to review this, but want to publish this as is for now. You guys know I'm pretty reliable at reviewing and editing my stuff...

Anonymous said...

News Alert: Fraud found in Canada:


Hey, is this legitimate download the psychics are saying we're in the cycle for? 😄

Canada, what the Hell, Cheaters!

Anonymous said...

*Hey, is this board the legitimate download the psychics are saying we're in the cycle for?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To clarify yesterdays work I said:

"I think I said once before the Suddenness and the Strength of the change actually 'damaged' the Time placement where that event occurred." I am talking about a physical location of Time when I say "Time placement"....


"plus Im told with the constant movements of all of the different Times involved, we won't be in/at that Time placement ever again. Hence God's promise that he would never punish the world with a world flood ever again." I'm not sure why but there is a strong water connection with the physical location or "Time placement". Oh, water was formed in at Terra's ending/Eden's beginning so at Eden's ending/Earth's beginning there was the water trouble of the floods. Makes perfect sense that there is a prominent water type repeat.

So what would the Earth ending/(Insert new name here) beginning Time overlay disturbance be? Something Terra related? What was happening at Earth's beginning perhaps, especially if we are at Earth's ending?

So far it seems to be a Civil (people/population) disturbance and I want to add that with the global warming resulting from a high population and our physical location with Time. It looks me like a mental madness, prompting a greater number of people to say/do stupid or outlandish stuff in order to stand out and look different than the majority.

I really don't care what it is, just want it to calm down some. It's really uncomfortable for me, not sure why that is...

Anonymous said...

And again:

"plus Im told with the constant movements of all of the different Times involved, we won't be in/at that Time placement ever again. Hence God's promise that he would never punish the world with a world flood ever again." I'm not sure why, but there is a strong water connection with the physical location or "Time placement". Oh, water was formed in at Terra's ending/Eden's beginning so at Eden's ending/Earth's beginning there was the water trouble of the floods. Makes perfect sense that there is a prominent water type repeat."

This explains the Piscean Age, and that the "cean" from piscean is used in our word Ocean which of course describes large body's of water, and of Jesus using the fish symbol along with his miracle of multiplying fish to feed the masses, his apostles being fishermen, plus eyes like Armand's being the Fish God, Noah, Jesus etc. And don't forget I said years ago that the reason Eden is thought of as a place on Earth rather than Earth itself is because a translator's error of not using the word "oceans" in the first place.


I've said before that water is a healing symbol, and I know we are entering the Aquarius age and it's astrological symbol is water. Even it's name Aqua means water, plus it's a color. Water used as healing, is usually still or calmer waters, not involving tides, rapids, waves, or any form of movement beyond its sound. the sound of running water from streams, is relaxing. That's a clue.

And here I am running around hearing things! Funny, right?

Maybe things will calm down and we really will have that thousand years of peace. That would be great.

I could use the break.

Anonymous said...


If I had to guess, the Aquarian age is an age of individual healing. That each person understand that reincarnation is fact and use this age to understand and make your own peace with your past.

Each individual person doing this for themselves will define the purpose of the Aquarius Age, as told by the Lovely and Beautiful Healer:

Audrey. of Arcturus. (totally bragging on herself 😎)

Anonymous said...

Good Morning!

Not only is this new age the age of individual healing, but also one setting yourself up to move beyond the comforts of your repeats. Being familiar with the cycles of the same people in similar situations has given many a "know what to expect feeling" along with a level of boredom. Looking at the generations, the younger millennials appear bored and hard to motivate. My first thought was that it was a population disfunction. (there is more to say on that.)

Using this time to understand the importance of staying calm in a volatile situation, or time period, can completely alter a repeat giving a new result to an old situation. In some cases (like mine) reaching so deep it can alter your DNA changing your personality. (Much more to say on this later.)

In the beginning of recorded history, here I'm talking of the Old Testament, there is a chapter that tells of Adam and Eve. A chapter of human creation.

The Bible's Old Testament was talked about earlier, but to quickly recap: It is the written history of the pre-flood Atlantian days and post-flood events. It contains only the highlights of events that led and followed the Eden/Earth changes. Not everything that happened was saved. Most recorded events were later destroyed not to protect the guilty, but give them a chance to correct themselves. Interesting to note that it was always important to follow the "innocent until proven guilty" law, it was so since the beginning of Time.

Please realize Time when thinking here. I don't think murderers should be released from prison and be given a second chance in the same LifeTime. (I'm using capitals to some words to be used in math formulas concerning Time.) At leased Most shouldn't, and remember self defense is different. I'm only talking about unprovoked murders like those of my own history.

Prison life can do a lot to help recovery for both victim and the guilty. There needs to be an adequate rest period for both, and life altering events for the victim, like a murder, should also be passed onto the one who murders. Resting (capital R) is an important part of any Karmic equation, and the Priests and Priestesses were able to get reliably close to foretelling the Karmic results of Individual as well as Mass Events using the Time DNA from both victim and criminal. Remembering that science immediately named that DNA as 'junk' you can see why Religion was completely in charge of scientific advancements since the days following the moon disaster.

So, in the end days of psychics were outlawed, but sciences and achievements outlawed were too. The outlawed records of psychics were kept and the outlawed sciences were lost or destroyed. Yet religion governed many sciences, deciding which branches of science and which experiments were moral enough to pursue. This is just one of many examples of Mass Karma.

So when Eden fell, horoscopes were the only evidence left to use mostly for entertainment purposes. Psychics were forced to rest by being outlawed in the Old Testament (note the use of Capital letters in Old Testament here as a Time Period for formulas), and the guilty scientists forced to rest by the religious without any of it's destructive history recorded.

So everyone rested.

Anonymous said...

As a note: Remember Edgar Cayce spoke of taking the crystal recording of these events and changing them into written texts that would survive the upcoming changes. Also remember from his works that he was removed from Egypt, them returned from exile. Also remember from my work that there was a civil war in Egypt during Isis' lifetime, and I believe this was the same time period.


In the pre-flood end days of Eden, there were science experiments with genetics. I spoke of neanderthals being one of them. Altered outside of Time in Terra/Eden...my info seems...confused...not sure...going to leave that paragraph.

The priests and priestesses were searching for the perfect DNA, this was in preparation for the approaching Eden/Earth event that everyone knew was coming, yet not sure how it would happen. Remember through this writing that it wasn't being completely thought of as a disaster, just a major change that would not necessarily end in mass death. The Endings to Events are never predetermined and could end in a number of ways.

So everyone was preparing. Adam and Eve were selected as perfect human models of DNA before the floods and their offspring was also coveted by science. Remember the bible records there were other people alive, and it records the ill fated murder of Able. These stories were billed as the first man, woman and children. "First" is a title, especially in America. The president (the priest (PHD)), the First lady (the Eve), that their offspring.

They were Atlantean, as recorded by Egypt. Which is the same land as America. Is it the land I'm on making me sick? I know the American Indian tribes believed heavily in land vibrations. Would I feel better if I looked at this section of history if I'm sitting in France?

Going to stop and think about this some more. The information feels right, but it's making me feel nauseous and dizzy, exactly like that creepy feeling I had a few years ago when I was reading Edgar Cayce's 'On Atlantis' book.

Everyone have a good day.

Anonymous said...

For your musical enjoyment, this one's a classic:



Anonymous said...

Was supposed to include earlier today: you know how the pyramids in Egypt all align with the stars? I think the ones that make up Orion’s Belt? I woke up today with the thought that the pyramids that are designed like the Mayan calendar, flat topped, are aligned with the Time components of our DNA. Another mystery 😄

I had that thought as I was waking up this morning and I remembered that when the sun is in a certain position, it casts a shadow of a serpent along the stairs. Serpents are a DNA symbol. Good luck to all my medical expert fans!

Anonymous said...

Just stopped by to re-read my work, checking that its still understandable. My mind sits in a swirling, spinning, shifting but not really popping, misty black energy cloud as I read and type my understanding of the energy cloud. The popping indicates a current Time demential shift. What I'm reading is not Dead Energy since Energy always changes itself, but Past Energy, which means it no longer has an active Dimensional Time applied to it. The Time location physically moved on, or out of reach of the energy. (maybe more on this later.)

It can leave me confused, nauseous, and nervous. The best cure for this is to remain more aware in my 3D life, simply take a break.

Re-reading (a Repeat of Quickly looking from a longer Distance (I'm not sitting so deeply in the Black Mass)) can help me move out of the nausea.

The fact that I get nauseous, and especially around Atlantas info, is because my current lifetime reminds me the most of those past days. It's like waking up from a dream and I need to remind myself throughout the following days that it was just a dream and no longer active energy. Though I look around my world today and sometimes it's hard to separate.

The nausea also happens to me when Ari closes the book or mass that I'm reading. If he clears the air, so to speak, by removing the energy it is upsetting physically and is a clear sign I need to stop and find something else to do. Physically moving helps, sometimes resting quietly helps, it's a crap shoot at to which one will work.

I wish Everyone a happy and productive day today!

Anonymous said...

Re-reading can also pick up a piece of information that swirled by me too fast. If I'm flooded in a swirly shift of information some stuff gets forgotten about, exactly like waking up remembering your dream then later you can't remember what it was about. It can also start or re-open the book/black energy mass to pick up where I left off.

I'm literally dreaming in my mind, remembering the past, writing all of it down before it's forgotten.

Still, Have a Good Day!

Anonymous said...

From Oct 14, 2018, at 11:49 I said:

“Flat Earth was the more heavenly Gaia frequency before the land energy began separating into the continents divided by the newly forming oceans of Terra. Terra was followed by the mega magnetics and miracles of a half solid half dream state of Eden. Cutting the moon, removed the last of the Eden frequency, giving us our Earth frequency.”

The mega magnetics and miracles survived all of our planetary changes until Earth. They can be everyday occurrences in a non-physical, after-death state. As Gaia made its changes slowly becoming Earth, the non-physical slowly became solid-physical, even the beings on the planet. That’s why there is no missing link in human evolution, and the reason for creationism.

Anonymous said...

So I’ve spent a great deal of time these past couple of days wondering why Cleopatra, Joanne, and other lifetimes that I’ve been hailed as a military leader. I don’t believe I am. I think it’s an explanation about my personality that history has repeatedly misunderstood.

Remember when I said D is repeatedly described as “mature”, but it’s his mature personality not his physical age they were talking about. So too with me, it’s my personality not so much my life’s work or job they are describing. I’m not military, I tend to be very disciplined, tho I am getting a little tired of it at my age. Discipline has helped me succeed, and when everything is against you like it was all throughout Joanne’s lifetime, discipline can hold you together until you reach a much safer place to recover. Even if that safer place is after death.

Emotional and physical discipline are the reason I’ve survived in this lifetime too. Without it, I’m dead. Emotional discipline I’m talking about right now is the ability to not wavior in different beliefs, not the ability to hide tears. It’s the ‘not blaming others for what’s happened’, like I want to do to Tal. It’s the knowing what he’s done is wrong and moving away from whatever situation resulted.

Forgiveness is the result, and much easier to do when you find yourself in a different place by moving away. However Forgetting is never wise when dealing in repeats.

(Don’t know if anyone’s noticed but I’m not using the really bad kind of language that much anymore.)

Also, I’m not here trying to sell you my way of dealing with things. It does have its flaws calling for enormous strength and will power, and it has no shortcuts, but I haven’t seen anything that I think can replace it. I’m more interested in explaining our past so we might avoid a repeat.

Anonymous said...

Not knowing much about DNA and how it's structured, it makes me wonder what science will actually find when, or even if (since I've no idea what will happen), my past lives and the details around them are found.

Will it show a distant familial relationship or would it be a more spot on comparison? Or will we have to wait until science can decode more DNA patterns before that question can be answered?

Anonymous said...

Again From Oct 14, 2018, at 11:49 I said:

“Flat Earth was the more heavenly Gaia frequency before the land energy began separating into the continents divided by the newly forming oceans of Terra. Terra was followed by the mega magnetics and miracles of a half solid half dream state of Eden. Cutting the moon, removed the last of the Eden frequency, giving us our Earth frequency.”

There were many physical changes occurring to our bodies at the same time Gaia was transforming toward Earth. The strongest change for me in this life is my brain and mind which is starting other things to happen. Like my hearing.

I have great hearing and I’m alone a lot because that the same physical sounds are louder for me than for others and my ears are ringing all the time. My nervous system needs the stillness and quiet.

Tinnitus has no cure but it does have a cause and it’s also another reminder for me of the Beginning of Days, when we were all losing our telepathic abilities to our newer more solid worlds. The ringing is an inter dimensional reach into the heavens, and the effects of Time being ‘open’ on my ears causes them to vibrate with sound all day long.

Spoken languages at the time of the Bible’s ‘Tower of Babble’ were needed and while the continents were forming our more quiet telepathic lifestyle was being replaced with our physical audible sounds, sounds we were making. Hearing sounds, while losing our telepathic abilities at the same time our land masses were separating forced everyone to start talking.

Realize, we NEVER walked around pointing and grunting at each other cave man style. We know what was happening to us the whole time and we had languages in place well before we lost our telepathic abilities, which we never really lost, it went dormant for most of us.

When the continents started breaking up, bending with Time, we both heard and felt it. Each continent was hearing a different spectrum of harmonics as it was bending. These harmonics, which also traveled through our physical bodies, encouraged how our speech (how much of our throat we use for example) and language was formed, depending on which land mass you were living on and hearing as it was bending.

I want to point out here that sound as a healing tool was very effective for our bodies then and for some time afterwords. Because our bodies were still solidifying and still somewhat etheric, sound penetrated through everything quickly, more efficiently than it does now.

Anonymous said...

Im sure the different skin colors have a similar origin as language here, but I’ll look closer later. I’m getting skin color was caused by different light vibrations (realize that light actually makes a sound too), and language was caused by different land (sound) vibrations. Ok, the different continental land vibrations caused a different reaction, an acidic type reaction within the light spectrum to change the skin color. So, different sound vibrations, caused by land bending and contouring, over enhanced different parts of the light spectrum on the different continents.

The acidic result from mixing sound and light is another future healing technique. Laser technology with sound....wonder what that can do....

Anonymous said...

There is more to say about the Adam/Eve story. Some of it is allegory, some is literal. The Cain and Abel story has both. The events were preserved because while some priests/priestesses were very scientific some were very spiritual, that was the civil war in Egypt.

The Priests/Priestesses were located worldwide, much like PHDs are today. They were originally based and educated in Egypt, but demand for them, because of a big population, had Egyptian colleges worldwide at the pre-flood end days. Both Scientist and Spiritualists ran the colleges, but at the end days the Scientific Priests were very popular and seen as more important because they were making so many advancements, seemingly outpacing the spiritual Priests/Priestesses at such a rate that many people felt the spiritual Priests/Priestesses no longer served a purpose. Many people felt training the spiritual Priests/Priestesses should be discontinued altogether since their contributions were considered minimal and there weren’t enough tangible details or proof in their explanations, at least not ones like the scientific Priests/Priestesses could offer the populations.

This is the Old Testament record of the Sons of Man and the Daughters of God war. The Sons being the masculine scientific Priests/Priestesses and the Daughters being the feminine spiritual Priests/Priestesses.

One of the goals of the scientists was to create genetically perfect humans. But because of the ill fated Neanderthals the Daughters of God won the public’s opinion over the Sons of Man not to create them, but only identify them from the living. An Adam and Eve were genetically selected from the population and proclaimed as the perfect, natural, DNA creations of God. This kept the peace between the Sons and Daughters for a time.

Cain and Abel were two biological sons from the couple and while the couple lived the lifestyle of perfection, one from their gene pool did not. He was a murder and when that happened the war between the Sons and Daughters exploded and couldn’t be stopped.

Anonymous said...

About my blaming our high population for a large part of global warming:

Humans give off more energy than just body heat, not to mention how many natural resources one person needs to remain alive. It also has to do with our chakras remaining linked to the heavens. The high numbers of people transferring that kind of energy is a lot when the Earth herself is also transferring her own energy that she needs to survive.

Here I’m reminded of when I said earlier that during dream vision of Atlantis, the helicopter was searching the crowd using a spot light type scanner that was reading everyone’s heart chakras as a means to identify who they were.

I’m not clear on everything about this yet, but the energy transferred from people thru their chakras, conflicts or interferes with the energy that the Earth is transferring thru her chakras. With a smaller population, the Earth feels more comfortable, breathes easier, but with a higher population there is an energy conflict, also the struggling Earth energy has more people born with medical conditions or developing difficulties, and the Earth has a harder time with her health too. It has nothing with fossil fuels, it never did.

Speaking of fuel, remember I said once that we can strip electricity off the air for energy? It’s similar to electricity, but not exact. The Time we are moving into, the physical location of this new Time is stimulating the air (and our environment) differently, generating a type of electrical current. It has electrical properties and some behaviors, but it’s a little different than the type of electricity we are used to. It’s more subtle, I’m guessing a lower voltage, but we figure it out and realize we don’t need anything strong, and the really good news is it’s safer than anything we are using now because it’s softer and gentler. No one gets electrocuted. No more power plants, power lines or cords to plug in to outlets. Each item that needs power will collect the electricity for its own use.

Anonymous said...

On Nov 1, 2018 at 4:42 AM, I said:

"This is the Old Testament record of the Sons of Man and the Daughters of God war. The Sons being the masculine scientific Priests/Priestesses and the Daughters being the feminine spiritual Priests/Priestesses.:

To clarify further:

The Sons of Man and The Daughters of God were groups or organizations with extreme political ties and views (like a Black Lives Matter type group of today), not necessarily the Priests/Priestesses themselves, though some were members. The groups were opposing supporters of the Science VS Spiritual point of view that quickly fell into war. What began as peaceful and influential movement quickly turned their views and behaviors into sneaky, violent and extreme behaviors like the KKK and Nazi groups. Lynchings, mob rule and the like became common place for them, still again to turn quickly into uncontrollable militant groups that were world wide, like ISIS and other terror groups. The complete change took as little as 10 years, 10 being a base number and a significant converging Time (past, present, future) overlay for the sine wave Mayan calendar for predictions.

The rules of behavior from the Old Testament, the 10 Commandments, were in place to try to prevent anarchy as the world was losing all of its technology. A guideline for each person to live by to curb future Karmic extremes from occurring, or turning violent. Moses was assured by God that his Commandments would successfully guide the survival of man by reminding man to also live spiritually, and the rules so powerful they would be followed into a future but far distant New Age.

I strongly believe the 10 Commandments hold a much deeper meaning than todays translations give them. Like for example: "Honor thy Mother and Father" originally had a multidimensional meaning. One was "Honor your Father/Mother Creator" meaning the Spirit who created your spirit. The second meaning was your own soul group or "Honor your masculine/feminine sprit.", keeping yourself balanced, and finally of honoring your physical 3D parents. Remember the period Moses lived in, keeping the family unit together was also very important for surviving the coming disaster.

So each commandment originally had a Trinity meaning. Honor the god who created you (giving you a spiritual birth), honor your own masculine/feminine self, and finally honor the masculine and feminine two who gave you a physical birth.

Anonymous said...

Remember I said once, your soul or spirit was created in the Heavens by another well before you were born on Earth? Remember I said Jane's Roberts Seth spirit believed homosexually was an imbalance between the masculine/feminine self? Remember I said before that the O.T. was largely a concurrent history, all of the stories were happening at the same time?

You can see now where the O.T.'s homosexual stance came from now, right?

How do I personally feel about homosexually? I agree it's an out of balance view, or expression of life. I'm going to explain why but it will take some time, it has no quick explanation.

I do want to say hold your judgements until I've explained myself, and as far as the past judgments against homosexually, the hurt and murders that some have endured were never endorsed in original O.T. writings.

Violence has a place in every creation type math formula, but when it concerns another human being, it's strength in that formula should NOT be an action. It should not be stronger than an opinion, or a vote at the ballot box. Formula's concerning people are much, much different than moving or manifesting objects. I may be able to explain why later.

Just remember my explanations are NOT an endorsement for hate, bigotry or violence no matter what topic I'm speaking about. It is an explanation of the original belief, the events surrounding that belief and how it was changed.

Homosexually has always been around, we should get used to the idea. And while it's not for everyone, it should be understood without the prejudice of hate and violence. That is the point and goal of this talk.

Anonymous said...


"Violence has a place in every creation type math formula, but when it concerns another human being, it's strength in that formula should NOT be an action. It should not be stronger than an opinion, or a vote at the ballot box. Formula's concerning people are much, much different than moving or manifesting objects. I may be able to explain why later."

Remember though, that the violence of self defense, or defending another who is being harmed is different.

Anonymous said...

A reminder to myself: Spanking a child is not to be considered as violence. It should be considered as stopping violence against another. I'll explain why whenever I have some Free Time.

Anonymous said...

"Again From Oct 14, 2018, at 11:49 I said:

“Flat Earth was the more heavenly Gaia frequency before the land energy began separating into the continents divided by the newly forming oceans of Terra. Terra was followed by the mega magnetics and miracles of a half solid half dream state of Eden. Cutting the moon, removed the last of the Eden frequency, giving us our Earth frequency.”"

Cutting the moon to the exact size as the sun as seen during an eclipse had a purpose that I cant define just yet...it's there for me, just not released for me yet.

I do know the moon cut changed Time. Here I'm talking about how we measure it, and not the place location for it. Remember Jules changed the calendar? Remember the need for a leap year every 4 years? Cutting the moon did that, making it harder to mark Time or keep track of it, no wait...it's harder to make it fit evenly as we measure it.

Did it mess up the astrological star alignment?

I think I can't reach the information yet because you geniuses are supposed to discuss it first. It's ok if you want to waste your time...I can wait.

Anonymous said...

From November 5, 2018 at 9:48 AM:

"I do want to say hold your judgements until I've explained myself, and as far as the past judgments against homosexually, the hurt and murders that some have endured were never endorsed in original O.T. writings."

One example has a man telling the homosexuals to "use" his daughters instead of committing homosexual acts. His daughters were always safe. He was their father, and the men were gay. There was no chance the daughters would be harmed. And of course it is an incomplete story to begin with.

Do your best to keep up.

Anonymous said...

Follow me!


Anonymous said...

I've wondered at the Lesbian connection that many believe belong to Sappho, here's what I've come up with:

I've said before that "Cleopatra" was a title, my birth name was Sappho and I was a private citizen until I was granted the title and duties for Egypt. It is never a good idea for children to be anything other than children. Sappho was raised that way and I raised ALL my children in every life that way. They deserve the right to make mistakes while growing up without public embarrassment and pressure. More Later.

Sappho was Greek whose family was from the Island of Lesbos. She was a Lesbosain, a person from the Lesbos Island. NOT a lesbian.

The translations modern scholars come up with have real problems. The whole Cleopatra was black and married for opportunity, Sappho was lesbian, Joanne was schizophrenic, Morgan the witch, Helen the unfaithful cheater.

Ignoring the obvious, it's a real wonder!

Anonymous said...

Sappho and I don't care if you are gay. It is just a sexual point of view for life, much like a liberal or conservative is a point of view for politics. It is the more extremes of these 'points of views' I find concerning. It is an unhealthy point of view to be too far from a balanced center view point. When there are large numbers of people apart from a balanced middle an Atlantis happens. Fights, animosity public encouragements of hate towards others.

Who do you think the Climate Change HissyFitters of today were durning the 3 different falls of Atlantis? Who is really trying to relive Atlantis. Todays activists, with their Chicken Little memories of "the world is dying", or me with my memories of "This is how it all went down."

I don't care if your liberal, conservative, homosexual or however else you self identify, I'm more concerned that you insist we need to know that about you, like you are both proud and surprised. Why would you be so surprised about it now when I'm sure you saw it coming about for you long before it showed up here? That is the whole point of healing, resting, and receiving counsel in the afterlife. It gives you chance opportunity to see where you are headed. The healing step that removes anger and give peace that is cut so short by many and is the trick of time that I spoke of earlier. It is the drug addict who checks himself out of rehab, only to repeat his drug dependency.

I'm not concerned about out of balance behaviors, I'm more concerned that some moron or group of morons will misunderstand deliberately twisting or changing my meaning into hate. That much will be proclaimed from my efforts that I never intended, giving it my name, using a belief and behavior I NEVER used or approved of. That is my biggest fear and worry about my messages and memories.

It happened to all of the old texts. And until I have proof, which may or may not even be there (remember: they lie) I just have a story that recommends actions no one believes in any longer, or will 'hear as intended'. They will eventually hear whatever they want because they slowly changed it themselves.

Anonymous said...

Not sure what's going on, or why I need to put this here. I just feel I need too.

Anonymous said...

The last point I was supposed to make, but slipped from me:

Helen ended an age, the last of the Atlantean world wide honor and hospitality, a type of manners, stopped and became more individual customs that were adopted and tailored individually to each country.

Cleopatra ended the last Atlantean government. Removing the only remaining psychic theocracy government from the world. Tho it was more than theocracy, it was also among other things aristocratic because of its dynasties. Still the last of the old ways was murdered for good.

What will be murdered because of my messages? I haven't managed to stay alive during the past changes to help make any suggestions.

Everything I see and feel today from watching all my lifetimes feels the same, like change. Not change from me, but by people who no longer believe in respecting rules so that everyone will have inner peace.

Anonymous said...

Feeling drained and tired today, have a busy weekend coming up too. Been a while since I felt like this.

Anonymous said...

Who's asking for my 2019 yearly predictions?

I hate making predictions because they are based on human nature and the choices they make, and who can predict anything so unpredictable as that? But I'm being pestered into it, and like I said, I feel run down....I'll play along because I need my inner peace right now, and who knows, it could end up being fun right?

North Korea may return the hostages from the plane they stole. This year maybe, tho that feels a bit too soon. I 'hear' 1 year, but 'feel' it will be just a little longer 2 years, and I'd like to hear the same as I feel, you know what I mean? But this is much sooner than I heard and felt when they took the plane.

They seem to want to remove their Hermit Kingdom stereo type and become a voice in the world after all. They liked the world wide public opinion and press they've received by returning the U.S. hostages. It felt good to them to do the right thing and though they were described as 'prisoners' by North Korea, they really weren't guilty of a legitimate crime, so the correct word here is 'hostages'.

Because of the public world praise for North Korea, they will release the planes hostages as they also release their own spin of what occurred. The airplane strayed into their air space and the people were confined as 'prisoners' until the government questioned and interrogated them looking for spies. NK is trying to improve their world image, but: investigations and also talks with NK may have hinted or indicated that others know more than they say, so governments, including their own are aware everyone already understands what happened to the plane. Still, they like the feeling of doing good and proving they are a nice people, so they will deal to release everyone providing their story of events is advertised as the truth. Image is everything in a smoke and mirrors kind of world, right? And it will take time to release the story, just parts and pieces at first.

I'm predicting a trend here that will lead to an event. Because of the hatred the narcissist Obama awoke in the U.S., and the extreme hatred of Trump (even with his successes) and God help whoever comes after them, the trend to sue against legislation from executive orders will become common place, resulting in a shut down of a lot of government. A slow or nothing action from congress, and all presidential authority immediately tied up in court, it removes two of the three branches of government.

The Book of Judges is one worth reading with new eyes, an upcoming repeat. It's a story of a land that has a king, yet no rights to rule. And government of other leaders, know as lesser king's to the same land who fight and stop all production and efforts. It's an Atlantean story, so when you read it, know it was written from a different recorded history by Egypt. Also remember of the civil war there... Israel is in the mix there for that reason. Figure it out.

Also with the Book of Judges now coming into Time, you see the recent big fight over the Supreme Court positions, right? Who said you guys aren't psychic enough to pick up on this stuff, right?

For the U.S., Legislative and Executive branches can still work, but its strength is just a trickle of what it used to be. No longer big players, the two branches become useless. The Judicial branch will stand in until something either happens to free up and move the other two branches forward again, or do away with the mature idea that freedom, while a cool thing to have, needs like most things be taken care of and respected. Again, human nature: who can predict a thing like that, right?

That's all I have so far.

Anonymous said...

Hey, do I sound bitter and dismal? I'm tired with little hope of rest... wonder if that should be part of any Math trying to define me...

Joking, right?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

And there’s always a repeat:


Anonymous said...

When I first showed up here this time I said “Zucker loves Augustus Caesar. Not a pharaoh, brilliant student proclaimed by pharaoh to be a world changer. Beyond that, his genius is now done, his moral ignorance is obvious.”

The Zucker I was talking about was Facebooks Mark Zuckerberg, not the CNN Jeff Zucker, who is also a failed leader by letting his out of balance views affect his work.

I’ve heard it said that there is more than one right way of doing things, yes there is. There is a right way and a wrong way. We were in California last month and we were shocked at how run down the state now looks. It’s persistently unchecked economic woes are finally catching up to it and now visible for all to see.

Very heartbreaking.

Anonymous said...

*I’ve heard it said that there is more than one way of doing things, yes there is. There is a right way and a wrong way.

There is still only one right way, which is still the fairest way for everyone.

I really, really like being here alone 😃 so much better than it was when you guys were posting.

Anonymous said...

So for the Book of Judges to be read as an Atlantean story and not a Middle East story, start with removing the names in the book and identify who the key players are in our modern day adaptation of the book. Simply make the pieces of today fit the written story of yesterday, but GENTLY.

You cant force the pieces to fit. They can fall into place almost on their own. You can help do that by removing a most of the anger and hatred in your heart that you have used in the past to motivate you.

For my math friends PLEASE take note from the above sentence: there is still some anger and hate needed in the formula, I used the word 'most' for a reason. I said before some violence is a necessary part of any equation. Apply it to the Action and Time. Here I said "Past" and "Motivate" and of course "You" who is the 0 base line for this sine wave of creation. As a side note: this is also what Seth was talking about when he said "The present is your point of power." You, on the 0 point (the present) of a sine wave.

Also make note that proper sentence structure, your own language, needs nouns, verbs adjectives and adverbs to for a healthy sentence. The same for a healthy formula. Healthy sentences are the easiest to understand by the majority. Math and Language are both forms of communication. Here I'm reminded of when I said before that emotions we feel in the etheric world are emitted and sent from us as a vibration. Vibrations are patterns that carry the emotion away. It's these patterns that others receive as telepathy. And telepathy is sound in its most subtle and softest form.

As a side note: This is only in the worlds that uses sound as language. In the worlds that use color as a language, the same emotional release would vibrate outward be received as a color. You see?

Anyway, telepathy is sound in its most subtle and softest form. So, speaking any language in anger transforms itself into a violent Math formula. Bad news for anyone believing they create their own reality and then expect the violent energy they emotionally release to transpose itself into the positive result they desire.

Believe it or not, that's Teleportation 101. We start off with some light lifting first. 😄 You need a basic understanding of the subtle or lighter end of lifting emotions before you can start transporting or even floating the heavier objects.

When you are able to lift the heavier objects, it's because you are a clear channeler. You are a clear channel because you understand the lighter (higher) the vibration the farther it travels.

This is also why Octavian can't bend Time in the Heavens and stays in the astral plane. It's all connected, and it's what they mean when they say things like 'God is everywhere' and 'We are all connected'.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I've read the Book of Judges, but I guess the key players in some of the chapters would be California, New York, and D.C.

As a side note: The names of the leaders were written out, some names seeming very long, because that was how their heart chakra measurements translated into written symbols, trying to form their names. The scientific Priests/Priestesses did this on purpose to mathematically identify them, by giving each heart frequency a letter. This was done in case someone would come along in a future time and be able to translate their written names into their chakra measurements. I'm on it! And once we can measure chakras, we will know who the leaders of the Atlantean past were.

The idea being that karma kept the heart chakra frequencies from changing until we reach a stage to be able to measure it, because different spiritual stages have always involved technological stages too.

Even without that technology we can still figure out which chapters of the Book are repeating now in our present time. I'll try to look at it too. Let you know what I find.

Anonymous said...

So we went to a funeral today, D and Tim lost a beloved uncle who was only 4 years older than D. On our way home they were remembering this uncle’s wedding and Tim said he out of the blue that he remembered they played a song by BTO at the reception.

Hi Yogi.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and you know The Highwayman group all have Eyes Like Yogi’s right? Looks to me like Waylon has eyes that are close to D’s, but they are all examples of only some of the different branches on Yogi’s tree of life.

Hope that clears some things up for you as an example.

Anonymous said...

Who’s eyes are like Gordon’s?


Anonymous said...

Watch a predator take down her prey.


Anonymous said...

Anyone see anything 'wrong' or 'troublesome' over BOTH of their behaviors?

I admit I didn't watch the whole video, but he is high, Im guess coke from what I watched, and she knows, possibly even offered it to him.

Not a great start to a relationship. He was an absentee partner from the beginning and she is angry/dominate enough to encourage him to stay that way: to death.

You may think this an odd thing to add in this discussion right now but: There is a need for a Day of Rest in every week. God did it when creating the Earth, every major religion added it as an important part of their worship, even math formula's ( which science has yet to add).

A little alone time for self introspection and they both might still be alive today, perhaps still not ideal, perhaps not still married, but maybe still with their kids.

Anonymous said...

I'm still bothered by my talking about homosexually in this current day and attitude. In my history I've never discriminated or hated before and I'm not now and I'm certainly not done explaining it, but I'm sure there are those who will promote this as some form of hate.

When your personality becomes 'out of balance' with what is seen as 'normal' or 'average', the universe promotes it as a repeat, a mathematical self-correction. When you repeat a scenario you can go two ways. You either spiral deeper into the repeat making your problems worse and seemingly more fixed, or you spiral out of it and subtly make your problems softer and more pliable allowing solutions and understanding about your situation to reach you DURING A PERIOD OF REST. A PERIOD OF REST will soften your problem no matter what. It can provide an epiphany (I'm using that word on purpose) that will endure even if your situation will take years to resolve.

Rest and relaxation is a very healthy lifestyle habit. One without drugs to force a rest period in your life is MUCH SOFTER and MORE RELIABLE as you understand your repeats and plan your course of action.

It is possible to bypass the spiraling in/out of a repeat by quitting the repeat cold turkey. It's doable, but most see it as impossible because usually you've already entered the repeat, but making the smart decision of recognizing ANY potential bad decision thats not in your best interest and turning away from that situation is the best and most times easiest way. Getting caught up in your pain is a common pitfall. Most don't remember that the pain of denying yourself of something or someone you want is for a much shorter Time than if you enter into the bad decision.

Here I'm thinking of the origin of the name 'Earth'. One of the letters it's spelling represents 'pain' or 'hurt'...maybe studying how another language spells it will give clues. But I think my point here is that words are themselves math formulas that describe their objects. And entering Earth implies from its spelling there is a certain level of pain or discomfort living in its energy. Also realize the other 4 letters are softer and more comfortable in their meaning.

I remember the first Jane Roberts/Seth book I read he went to great lengths to say names don't describe the spirits and only used one so we all would know who and which ones he was talking about. Or he meant something close to that...

Anonymous said...

Crap, just deleted something I wanted to post!

That will take some time to rewrite. May not be today...

Anonymous said...

There are problems when large groups of people become out of balance together. You are seeing only some of the results of what happens to grown people who were never spanked as children.

Riots, inebriation, idiotic ideas adopted as truth and the policy changes that result....you have yet to see the results from favoring groups like women's rights, homosexual rights, children's rights, animal rights, over the rights of all people.

No matter how you feel about these groups or your own opinions about your balanced/unbalanced self, self discipline is the most important ingredient in maintaining balance in a personality. It is the strongest element or component in the math formula.

The ideas of spanking children, homosexuality, sacrifice/service/and celebration/ceremony and other ideas were all identified in the old testament as good or bad for a reason. We have yet to see the tragic results that confronted the Atlantis time which led to some ideas and behaviors as being identified as wrong. I'm only being shown a thick large black shadow of the painful results, I'm not allowed to walk thru that shadow to see and foretell. It must be allowed to be solved by each individual. It's for the good of us all, and is the quickest way to end this repeat.

I still haven't rewritten the info I accidentally deleted, but I feel confident that it will be reposted since I'm not done with this topic. I think rewriting it is being stopped because my sleep is very disrupted and I have full workdays to get thru. Im sleep deprived and I don't see that changing for now. Until that works itself out and on a happier note:

I love my dogs! I miss my Schatzi dearly, but the new ones are 'my kids'. They are 3 years old now and we all get along great. They seem to love me. The little black one is defiantly Yogi's little Briggy, I knew right away because his strong love of sticks (wood). Remember him bringing me sticks for a treat in the video? He is also a superb hunter, D realized that unconsciously when he named him. Plus Jaeger has a strong respect for me as the female pack leader, when we go for walks he follows single file behind me like the wolves.

Feels so good to have him here with me, healing.

Thena is sooo much Schatzi! Just like her, and we are working on her bossy, sometime bullying nature. She thinks she is in charge of all the dogs and is determined to not get along with them because of it. Still, she has a softer side we are all trying to encourage. 😄

Anonymous said...

Look what just came across my desk here at The Corners:


Must say that the extreme time estimates of '180 million years' ago can be taken as an exaggeration, the Time from that period was in flux and reacted differently than it does today, so you can't measure it (the past) the same way we do today and expect an accurate result.

Anonymous said...

Spanking your child is not the cure-all for raising our kids as it seems todays bible will lead you to believe. It is the only SURVIVING practice from the time period and according to the math equation, it could ALMOST stand alone for successfully raising a child.

First it awakes the child from the dream state that all children live in. The need to play and pretend is their dreaming while awake. There can be some immediate safety needs for a child to be awake, and awaken suddenly. Like yelling for a child to 'STOP' as it runs out into traffic. You need them to hear and obey from their dream state ASAP.

When the child is left in a dreamlike awake state many neurosis conditions grow and pattern their mind and behavior FOR LIFE. Children can even pretend or play at cooperation and never feel it's importance even losing the 'pretend' understanding of it later because they didn't have the reference or memory of a spanking. You left it as play and dreamlike and they believe there are no harmful consequences in all areas because you never enforced even one.

You shouldn't need to spank a child more than 3 times for example, repeatedly lying, spanking and explaining each time why they shouldn't do it. In most cases you've killed that repeat for them, unless you have an Ocatvian. They are born with their repeated past life neurosis still firmly in place. Know the difference. You can save their life and their future victims life.

My own opinion, as a past life parent: the worst thing you can do from a parental dream symbol besides not spanking is not feeding your own children. Eating out, school prepared breakfasts and lunches, too many dinners at friends houses and family members eating at different times are the worst for a child to watch and then pattern for themselves. Love, and raise your children enough to give them the sustenance they need for nourishment. This will transfer itself into an unconscious understanding that you are loving them enough to give them physically what they need to survive and grow, and as they grow their understanding of this extends into trusting parental and spiritual guidance and other life advice. They need to see you make their dinner, eat with them, and clean up together. This can be done thru adulthood every time you are with them. One Saturn return being almost 30 years should be enough, tho personally I think 25 yrs is ok too. Your children benefit and grow from the emotional and physical nourishment for that long.

Anonymous said...

As a side note for Lu and Bell, the pink protest hat along with the the photo of exposing your naked chest to a town still bothers me to this day. Im not sure if I was able to fully explain why, so I'd like to now. If you heard this before, sorry, skip ahead, I have memory problems...

As a victim of violent sexual crimes, vividly remembered from more than one lifetime, I remember all too well the emotional and physical pain of having my femininity assaulted. It is doubly insulting to me to see other women respond to a course comment by using their own femininity as an insult. If they were wrong to use course comments, you are wrong too. Both are insulting women.

Keep what you value sacred, DON"T ever make it a weapon. This is what I said to Tal about using his kook to post pictures to hurt me. If he really valued her at all he would have kept her out of it. Same with you both.

I've recently been having a strong memory I'm told to share about D's daughter, our own Octavia. When she was in the fifth grade her and her brother lived with us for a school year. Homework was a battle, yet both were extremely bright students. She was sitting at the table ripping her homework into small pieces throwing them on the floor. She said her reason was that her brother was staring at her and it bothered her. It makes shit sense I know, but it follows the same logic as wearing a pink hat and exposing yourself to a whole town in protest of a sexual insult.

This explanation works for me right here: "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." Martin Luther King Jr.

I'm not a believer of stripping naked to get people to look at your message or point of view. If you need to do anything other than using your words you don't have a message. PERIOD. There is a slimy feeling you should get when you realize some men, violent men, get off on seeing that type of message. You feed their sickness by doing that. PERIOD.

Anonymous said...

And when you feed their sickness, they will take it out on those nearest to them when they need too. It hurts us all that way.

Anonymous said...

It would surprise you to know that I think pornography is much different. I'm actually in favor of legal prostitution too and for this reason:

pornography and prostitution remain in the fantasy realm for most people and has a high change of nonviolence for that reason. But when you use nudity to promote your point, using it as a from of protest, you start an argument or prompt a response, not a fantasy, that can cause stress and violent responses for some with neurosis conditions. Use your words.

Autism. Need to write about that next.

Anonymous said...

* and has a high CHANCE of nonviolence for that reason.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I know some in the past have questioned "Why is Octavian so afraid of Audrey when she's never done anything to hurt him in all their lives together?"

Because by hurting me, he has hurt himself and can't understand how that happened. This mistake scares him, so I scare him. He miscalculated using violence. Also, assigning others to do violence for him is still HIS.

So he continued on with his violence against me because he thinks it's me doing this and not him. As a side note: It's not unusual for people who are very 'book smart' to be so dumb that they can't put 2 + 2 together and understand the answer. It's actually an illness, just like impotence is an illness.

Science has shut him down, finally. He'll have time to figure it out. I know this because from a metaphysical standpoint, he won't be teleporting anything, even ideas, because he can't lift the finer energies of his own penis. (Sorry, I'm told to say it this way so others can understand the whole cycle of damage.) He has no function in his root chakra both here and in the heavens, so he is limited in both his travels there, and ability to create miracles or anything else in both places.

Now, it's true he has been impotent for lifetimes, so how do I know he won't order another kill going forward?

I don't know.

The answer eludes me for now, and I'm living the way I always do when that happens: By Faith. (Big part of the equation, hence the capital letters) I may get answers later.

But, from a dream symbol perspective, because he can't father his own children leaving a family creation, he has left nothing solid here.

Also remember for this whole discussion about being unbalanced: A sine wave depends on an amount of imbalance. We need it for this world to function.

I'm not anti-gay, anti-violence, anti-idiot or anti-anything. We need those ideas and events to survive. It's the balance or the numbers of these events I'm worried about. Too much of any ingredient and you have an explosion, you see? And my job is to explain how homosexually, violence, idiots, and anything occurs in the first place, so that the individuals under these influences can understand. Understanding the answer to 'Why?' is a Comfort and a Blessing when you are in Need, if you are in Need.

I'm reminded here that the first question a child always asks a parent is 'Why?' It should be answered right away to protect you child.

The conscious decision to use violence needs to stop as much as possible. You will always have the mentally sick, but Nature and this world, has a built in violence mechanism, a trigger to keep the sine wave in constant motion. Any outside energy added to that natural trigger creates an imbalance that it must also recover from.

Anonymous said...

Nuclear energy depends on adding elements to the perfect circle sine wave deliberately causing an explosion. We all see the obvious physical dangers there right?

The same thing happens on the mental plane of existence, understand how to manage the mental plane, its health and disorders and you have as close to a sustainable utopia and Terra and Eden. Heaven on Earth still has similar problems, just softer, gentler...

Anonymous said...

Ari asks that I tell you my plans for today and why some might think them funny:

I'm starting a new sweater, this will be the 3rd one on working on at the same time. It's funny because this latest conversation with you feels like multiple topics (or sweaters) all being knitted at the same time.

I'm also working on time sheets for D's company which I'm proud to say is thriving.

Later, there is an enjoyable fire planned, and an overdue rest.

Have a good weekend everyone.

Anonymous said...

“Nuclear energy depends on adding elements to the perfect circle sine wave deliberately causing an explosion.”

In fact: any time you see a circle, just for fun, look at it as a sine wave. What would the highs and lows of that circle represent drawn out as a wave?


Barbara Marciniak channels a group of Pleiadians and I love hearing her channelings on YouTube. I thought that my feelings on homosexuality might come from my own sexually abused history, but I think her channeling has allowed me some freedom to examine in depth what exactly bothers me about it. She has also pointed out other ideas that I’ve had and hadn’t yet had a chance to speak on.

Notes to myself:
Using flawed medical intervention for infertility.
Gender reassignment surgery, cross dressing, want to add bigamy but hesitate because there are no ideas brought to my attention about it yet.
And more of my own thoughts about homosexuality: as a natural occurrence during over population; a deliberate manipulation of Time prompting a natural “high” feeling to becoming more creative; too many lives lived as one gender (I believe this is Seth’s explanation more so than mine.) and I think one or two other ideas that escape my memory right now.

The Atlantean children’s stories/Brothers Grimm of children in ovens, the importance of “baking” it off in the heavens.

Looks like another busy week ahead.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Some day all of this will end for me...can't wait.


Anonymous said...

Your energy pattern, the you that is your new physical body after death, is a black shadow that moves and shifts so that you see a fluid-like swirl that also visually pops (not sound) with black dots that disappear and reappear in at different parts of your pattern. You are an overlay of Harmonics and SubHarmonics, at this point.

I've explained the black popping dots as an active time dimension applied to an energy pattern. It tells someone looking at you that you are a live spirit as opposed to just a plain energy, like the energy I read that represents a story, or the akashic records. Think of your after death energy pattern as living energy, and the akashic records as dead energy. Tho all energy has a type of life, I want to be very clear on that point.

Remember both energy types swirl, shift, move, but they both don't pop with Time and Dimensional 'life' and 'awareness'. You can tell almost immediately the difference between the two and it isn't as confusing as you might imagine when you see them together.

Ok, so....

When you die, your DNA changes itself SLOWLY into your black shadow energy pattern. It does this slowly because of the Dimensional Time changes you experience by not having a 3D body, again it has to do with the popping. Your spirit actually feels this as an atmospheric pressure being applied to it. Changing from 3D to astral is almost identical, so there is not much pressure there. But to ascend into Heaven as written in the bible, that takes time and training.

Anonymous said...

So, what looks like your DNA twisted pattern here in this world starts looking like a Harmonic pattern in the higher dimensions. You literally unravel. As you unravel you become what Seth has called "an energy pattern awareness" or some other nonsense close to that. I hardly pay attention to him anymore so I cant remember for certain what he thinks he is all the time....

The 'awareness' part he was talking about is how far you can see around in your new dimension. It's your horizon or your line of sight distance. An area of space that surrounds you that you carry around wherever you travel.

Jesus said, "My Father's house has many rooms." He saw the 'awareness' as a room you took with you every where. When another spirit greets you, they enter your room, your space, and you share that space together. The house Jesus was talking about is the part of Heaven his father hangs out in.

Usually the denser your after life energy pattern, the closer you tend to stay toward 3D/astral and you can tell at a glance were a spirit resides.

Anonymous said...

Some can travel freely through all dimensions by 'tightening up' and 're-twisting' or 'loosening up' and 'relaxing' as the dimensions change or alternate in Time.

An example close to it would be like standing in the ocean adjusting to water temperature; bracing or floating back and forth through wave patterns here on Earth, Time patterns in the Heavens; and stopping some of your black mass patterns like 'breathing' and starting others (since you don't need to breath in the Heavens, be aware I'm mixing two separate dimensions into one example. I don't know why yet tho...)

Anyway it all takes time and practice to learn. You have friends and family on the other side, just like you have them here to help.

Anonymous said...

The story of Jack and the Bean Stalk, I've said before is a children's story designed with many dream symbols to help children understand the ascension process. I plan on being able to explain all of the story to us, but for now I'm only to point out that the child hiding from the giant in the oven is symbolism for those of us who are living through our heat cycles.

The heat erupting into this world thru our chakra system is confusing some scientists to buy into 'global warming'. When the population decreases the Earth warming will settle down.

I wonder what the Earth temperatures do when there is a massive sudden loss of life like a plague or WW2? But we also need to remember its also the physical Time location we're in causing some of the warming. I know this because all of the planets are warming right now, and at a time when the sun isn't very active...

Anyway, back to the Bean Stalk...The oven and the baking part are both your chakra system here on Earth and also in the Heavens. Where I see everyone's face charred crispy black, only to have it flake off showing newly restored healthy skin.

Here is where you can begin to cheat time. Stopping your baking healing process before you are done with your emotional treatments or adjustments can enhance talents and creativity, but only short term. You interrupt or stop a treatment once, live a 3D life of, say a great painter, you die, you are probably still ok as a healthy energy pattern. It's the metaphysical equivalent of getting 'high' only vibrationally, and when you do that, you can be seen as a genius here at 3D. (This is what both Octavian and Da Vinci were doing in the Heavens to succeed.)

But you do this repeatedly and you affect or change your energy pattern. It's damaged. After all, getting high in 3D too many times fries you brain, so why would it be any different in the Heavens?

Except in the Heavens the part of you energy pattern that is affected is your sexuality here on Earth. The impotent Octavian, and Da Vinci are both examples. And the general science explanation behind my trusting that Octavian won't kill again is that he (his root chakra) is so damaged, he cant get the Heavenly vibrational high anymore. So it no longer works, he has burned himself out. Literally.

He stays astral for several reasons, but one big one is because he knows how much pain there is waiting for him to fix it all. It will take a lot of time, I'm thinking the 1,000 years of peace while he heals. Also realize that the baking process is also the Bible's burning fires of Hell for all Eternity. It's referred to as Eternity because thats how Time functions in the Heaven, but you guys know by now Time acts differently in each dimension.

There is more to the baking/healing we go through, this is just a very basic description.

Anonymous said...

"It's referred to as Eternity because thats how Time functions in the Heaven, but you guys know by now Time acts differently in each dimension."

My point was that Time acts as an Eternity only in some dimensions. Bend it and it changes functions, dimensions and in some cases healing. You can stay in Eternity and the heat will stop on it's own when you become accustomed to that dimension.

Bend it and you also untwist and relax, or tighten, whichever....

Anonymous said...

It's all connected.

Anonymous said...

Unraveling your twisted DNA pattern and converting it into a harmonic will give you the ability to identify a person thru measuring their heart chakra as they did in Atlantis.

It can do many other things too, like applying harmonic to your heart chakra can heal...tho this was pre Atlantis. Gaia/Terra, I think. Where Armand was when he was helping my dad...

Anonymous said...

One of the more irksome thoughts I've had about homosexuality, is the arrogance behind the movement. The 'Pride" part of 'Gay Pride'.

However you came by your sexuality, you were counseled and advised by others, you either know them as spirit guides or Doctors in the Heavens. Rest assured you were told what would happen, and you felt it happening as it was happening.

How it happens, and the reasons for allowing it to happen are as many as there are people and spirits who are gay. Realize again, I'm talking about the repeat or habitual abusers of deliberately stopping your Heavenly energetic heat treatments. At this point: it is WRONG to be a homosexual.

Again, this is not a statement of hate, I have spirits I love dearly doing this to themselves.

When I see the homosexuals from ages past, I see their lifetimes as closed, in the closet. They were still able to live the lifestyle, privately, and looking at the past, it gives me enormous relief that this was the case. When I look at the past, I see and I feel the events even though it is the past. It hurts me to see so many hurt. But my main point right now is that some were abused, tortured and murdered, but MOST were not.

The 'Pride' parades are not because homosexuals were victims of abuse and murder. Victims of violent sexual crimes do not march with pride in the streets for their cause. Most victims of sexual crimes have emotional problems and pain coming forward at all and would never be proud of being abused. The 'Pride' parades give an appearance of flaunting the practice of cheating yourself spiritually and then telling me that it is ok and you are better off for having done this to yourself. After all look at your amazing contributions of art, music, etc.

Your prodigy is temporary, you have robbed Peter to pay Paul and it will take more time to repair the damage done to yourself then had you kept a healthy energy pattern in the first place. It will hurt MORE than it normally would, have no doubt about that.

Please don't be scared or frightened by what I'm saying, there are breaks given, there are fun times, vacations and other things happening in the Heavens while we all decompress/compress our spiritual energy patterns. It is not in any way a life or death threat of your spiritual body. Right now, I'm worried that the movement is too big for the planet energy to keep safe. I'm worried about natural triggers, where innocent people not a part of your movement will get hurt. Remember, as a circle, we are all connected.

There is no reason why you cannot take the time to stay healthy and reach your creativity that way. Now:

I've said before Liberalism is an awkward (teenage) stage of spiritual growth. It tends to be obnoxious. The good news is, because it is a stage of growth, we grow out of it and our population will at some point again see reason and wisdom as valuable, and will reject the unhealthy shortcuts on the spiritual plane. Peacefully.

Everything I've said about homosexuality, also applies to becoming a parent. So many are having children because they want to have a baby, or because they think 'That's what you do' only to find out they don't have the time to raise their child.

A high population is not healthy for any planet or the children you are bringing forth. Here autism comes into the picture.

Anonymous said...

Need to stop soon, but I want to stress again:

My goal is not to scare anyone, there is no life or death struggle or danger that our planet will explode or die because of any imbalance, and there is no one single group, like homosexuals, that would be responsible for anything like that.

My goal is to point out what you are doing, so you know what is happening with the hope you will take it easy on us all. Having an understanding of how the Heavens work and your responsibility of your own health is important.

It is not my goal at all to shame anyone, but only to explain to everyone, how closely Heaven and Earth work and live together.

It might be interesting to note that in my country, I don't support Obama Care on any level. You and only you are responsible for your health, your choice to buy insurance, your choice to make healthy lifestyle choices like diet and exercise, your choice to medically treat yourself or not...You are in charge of you. I don't feel the need to buy you your health care while I see you obese and sedate, and abusing medications. Stand up and take care of yourself. Period.

That has to do with the math equations, where the Forces of Desire and Will are important.

Anonymous said...

I feel a big burden of responsibility, coming here, leaving messages without any proven authority to speak from. Proof that I am who I say I am would go very far giving my thoughts here credibility.

Right now, I feel the need to be here before I prove my identity that would give more truth to my words here. When, or if, I'm prompted to find Joanne or my other lifetimes, I will move. But not until then. I believe that is to give some a chance to read and review, and discuss my ideas. Personally I hoping they have enough common sense behind them that they stand on their own without proof, but:

My concern with that is that there is always some idiot of an energy pattern, both here and there, who will challenge me. I'd like to take this time to remind that pattern:

Remember what happened to the last guy who tried it.

Anonymous said...

*Personally I hoping they have enough common sense behind them that they stand on their own without proof, but:

Personally I hoping My Words have enough common sense behind them that they stand on their own without proof, but:

Anonymous said...

November 17, 2018 at 8:07 PM:

"Some can travel freely through all dimensions by 'tightening up' and 're-twisting' or 'loosening up' and 'relaxing' as the dimensions change or alternate in Time."

Realize the "travel" I'm talking about here is inter dimensional. You can travel inter dimensionally without moving a muscle 😃 traveling in that way is more tuning your black shadow pattern to be able to 'see' the space you're standing in, differently. One example would be instead of telepathically 'hearing' a conversation with your friends on the other side, you would see their words, or the intent behind their words as color.

Doing something like this has many uses. The Arcturians, or healers on the other side use this as part of analyzing their patients. It's another check, making sure their patients more accurately diagnose, even truthfully responding.

But my point here is, when you're acting inter dimensionally, you aren't traveling a distance like you when you're in a 3D physical form. You are still in the same physical space, but you are altering your perception, traveling a distance that way.

Also remember that you as a spirit can also travel a physical distance too. So we need to try to understand with way we're traveling in our discussion here. 😀

Anonymous said...

And when you alter your perception in that way, you are not altering it the same way you would when you are high, or stopping your heat treatments deliberately, to get a different effect.

And what has me speaking out about the spirits doing that (deliberately causing homosexually, autism and other ailments) is that spirits who should know better as a soul group, are doing this to themselves, deliberately disrupting the 'timing' portion of their own energy patterns.

Why does this matter or make their situation worse?

A Soul Group is a collection of personalities one spirit 'uses' or 'relies on'. How many personalities one spirit will 'wear' as a 3D type person will change, but they are all the same spirit. One Soul Group abusing its own energy pattern WILL cause all the personalities Karmically tied to it problems. In the spirit world it's a follow the leader type life which trickles down into 3D as many, many different lifetimes of pain for what looks like different people. But until science catches up to DNA, know they are actually different personalities to the same spirit.

Do you see now why I am so disciplined? It's for the good of my other lifetimes who need their creator, those who don't understand what is going on and count on that god (me) to take care of them.

Do you also see why I say that when you cut you healing heat short, that it's worse for you in the long run? You are affecting more lives in a negative way than you realize.

Do you want to know why reincarnation was removed from the Bible?

Because it was believed that to include it as a fact, like it was in Atlantean times, would encourage spirits to not try to solve their problems in life. That many would not deal with their issues, wasting their life. The majority, those deciding what to include in the book, were trying to encourage you not to waste every opportunity, every lifetime for your healing.

And if you knew what it takes to create a lifetime, you would be more serious in your decisions while you are here, you would be much more cooperative and kind than you are, and you would never ever waste an opportunity or a life.

And I'm looking directly at Tal when I write this.

Anonymous said...

And I'm going to continue to make a big stink about how you treat others Tal.

So get used to it.

Anonymous said...

Another reason that I believe Octavian has burned himself out to the point of no longer being a threat to me is his reasoning ability is missing. He follows rules and rituals as a form of spirituality, yet he has no explanation as to why they exist. He can't translate dream symbols from that world to here. He could never do my job 😄

Remember I said once his sister Octavia believes he as Aspergers? He is only a literal translator, Because he has communication problems, it is only natural that his humor is affected. Looking a Liberal Hollywood, their own humor is sarcastic and mean spirited too just like Octavian. Here I'm think of late night TV shows, directly attacking individuals is not humor no matter how much you try to make it so. Can you see the similarities between Octavain and a liberal mind, both are following the same path....They have damaged themselves enough that it has affected their timing restricting their communication, losing their sense of humor thinking insults believing are funny...Do you see the connection now?

Remember when I said that the rules about spanking, homosexuality and other things included in the bible were from his rules during Atlantis?

Well they were, but they also mine and were believed by most before Isis' lifetime. The difference between his beliefs and mine are that he cannot, on his own, explain the reasoning behind them leading to why they were followed. Those explanations were mine, and because I was deliberately written out of the Bible, Karma did the same with my reasons. They did not survive recorded history either.

However, many people intuitively understand the importance of spanking, it wakes a soul group and leads toward self discipline and also removes judgments that can be harmful. Like Tal suffers from, for example.

He has lived many, many lifetimes already to fix his issues by dealing directly with them. Yet he has worked very hard at removing himself from those problems every time he encounters them. Not dealing with women in any form. His mother in this life, staying with his father; that's a favorite repeat. His girlfriends/wives, deliberately hurting them with his anger driving the them away sends a replacement into his life restarting the repeat. Another favorite of his. And remember, the number of repeats without a change in behavior kind of solidifies everything, it keeps both repeat and behavior firmly in place. See?

That's how he ended up the mythologically dickless Osiris.

Both he and Octavian both have this (dickless) problem, just express it differently. So while you laugh, Tal: Remember how serious this is.

Also remember I spoke of Tal's future lifetime as doing something toward education? Maybe this is it?

Anonymous said...

A note of reminder to myself:

Another topic Ari and I differ on is his views on divorce and family, saying in one of his books that it gives family more 'freedom'.

While I don't remember exactly his wording, I remember the context and want to explain why I feel differently. Just don't have the time right now....

Anonymous said...

Wondered lately about my interest in Nibiru or as some call it, Planet X. Also interested in theories of our system having a second sun.

Nibiru, transcribed from ancient Sumerian texts by Zecharia Sitchin, is a planet with a 36,000 year orbit in our solar system due to return about this time.

We are learning that our solar system is different from others by not have another sun, or a dwarf sun.

I’m thinking that as our solar system travels through Time and other solar systems, we may actually pick up more planets and suns. We may even leave a few old planets behind too. It’s anyone’s guess at this point.

We collect them into our solar system as we travel into theirs, we may travel along together for a short Time or not, like Nibiru’s 36,000 year orbit, holding onto them for as long as our solar system can.

We are not a very strong solar system, so we may see many planets, moons, and other things coming and going thru our system...until recently we were dense with Time. The Heavy/Slow (I’m not sure what to call it, I just know it’s not light or quick) Time compressing or pressurizing our solar system as it traveled thru our recent Time know as both a Place and our Past kept our solar system isolated and alone. Not much could penetrate its density and planets and the like were gently buffered around our solar system. You guys remember I once said that our planets and their placements acted as a waveguide for astrology and possibly other things too? Solar systems, especially denser ones like ours do the same...act as waveguides or pathways for other things.

Everyone believes Nibiru is a much bigger planet than any others we have, so I’m thinking it’s heavy size is what will allow it to push itself into our solar system. Even though our Time Place is still a little compressed...not really relaxed like Eden was...

Having another sun could be useful too. It might function differently than the one we are familiar with, igniting our atmosphere in a way that we can strip newer electrical components, properties and behaviors from our air as our newer safer energy source.


Anonymous said...

From Oct 23 2018 at 09:37 I said:

“This explains the Piscean Age, and that the "cean" from piscean is used in our word Ocean which of course describes large body's of water, and of Jesus using the fish symbol along with his miracle of multiplying fish to feed the masses, his apostles being fishermen, plus eyes like Armand's being the Fish God, Noah, Jesus etc. And don't forget I said years ago that the reason Eden is thought of as a place on Earth rather than Earth itself is because a translator's error of not using the word "oceans" in the first place”

Looking again at the word “ocean” it comes from the piscean age using “cean” which described the large body of water portion while the “pis” portion of Piscean broadly means all forms of “life within”. So Piscean actually means “life within water” telling humanity we are living in water. Didn’t Jesus also described living water?

The O portion in “ocean” is a circle, and we all know by now a circle is a repeat, and a repeat is a karmic condition. So the name of our last age, the Piscean Age, plus it’s fish symbol of “ living in the water” we have a description of “living in a large body of water, repeated”. Or karmic life.

Looking again at the Aquarius age, it’s water like an aquarium type water: smaller; calmer; more blue not green, so clearer; it implies no big storms like hurricanes, but has sections of rapids....quick, sometimes rocky, fast moving (Time) change, used for travel.

And not ocean type water. So there is no O, no repeat, no karma. It’s a mass healing which stops a mass karmic repeat, which frees up or quickens Time both place and action to be used differently. Time can move faster...travel faster...lot here to look at and sort thru...

But we should all be aware that most of us will be losing the karmic repeats just by knowing they exist, changing Time suddenly yet without destruction this time.

So the action part of Time has no destruction like the kind brought on by a violent moon cut, so the physical location of Time changes or decompresses, so our universe relaxes enough to let other planets and the like enter it, allowing us to see and become a more galactic participant.

Anonymous said...

But it would be extremely naive of anyone to think war stops, some wars will but overall it decreases. And it would be extremely naive of anyone to think repeats stop, some karma will, but overall they decrease, because some people will never change, some people take forever to change, and some people think it’s other people who need to change.

The only thing you can change with any reliability is yourself. PERIOD. It’s also quicker, believe it or not it’s easier, and you know the job was done right just by you doing it yourself.

It’s also a big part of any math formula involving forgiveness. I’ve said many times, forgiveness is for you, not for the criminal who harmed you.

You’ll see.

Anonymous said...

Im told to say:


Anonymous said...

A quick correction from yesterday:

“You guys remember I once said that our planets and their placements acted as a waveguide for astrology and possibly other things too? ”

Should read:

You guys remember I once said that our planets and their placements acted as a waveguide for astronomical energy, astrology and possibly other things too?

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when you have an over population, so I'm not surprised it happened in China. Human life becomes plentiful and cheap enough you can experiment regardless of the potential harm to future generations....which means to me the DNA markers science is using involves Time markers of some kind also, so his 'work' is not....refined enough, and I don't think this type of work will ever be refined enough. Again, because the smaller you look into DNA components, the more new stuff you find.

I'm hoping his claims are wrong and he never did his, just a mad scientist wanting attention.


Anonymous said...

And while FaceBooks Zuckerberg continues to fall because of moral disregard, Elon continue on with is dreams of living on another planet. Good Luck Elon.

Location, location, location, and at a Time when Atmosphere is EVERYTHING. (Please notice the Caps in that sentence.) Many physical problems arise when you stay too long in space. Same with your mind spending too much time there. Remember? That's why Tal is in bad shape, both here AND there, and why he thought sucker punching me was a perfect idea. While It's nice to be awake, he isn't mythological anymore.

Just repeating to remind, is all.

Anonymous said...

Wondering abut the astroid belt, why that space is there...haven't come up with anything yet, tho. Just an fyi for you guys so you know where my thoughts are headed. Also want to point that I don't have all the answers, even when I spend the time searching for them and (hopefully) the truth behind them.

I did wonder one if cutting them moon created the astroid belt, and if Nibiru left, or left early, because of the moon cutting, or even if it was in our solar system at that time.

I do know that 36,000 years was a CALCULATED time of it's return that was mathed out when I SUPPOSE it left our system. I'm also wondering if a second sun left with it at that time to keep Nibiru 'alive' with energy because it was now thrown into an extremely long orbit. Maybe the second sun always belonged to Nibiru and perhaps Earth was enjoying the benefits of having it, using it's energy as a power source... Need Time with that one then... why cut the moon then if their power came from a second sun? Perhaps the moon reflected the power like a mirror and they cut the moon thinking it would back off some of the dangers behind the power?

But because there was a calculated time given, I'm sure the Sumarian ancients knew exactly where this planet was going, so they had a much bigger more galactic picture then previously known. A much bigger picture than we have today. Right?

Of course, thats only if Nibiru actually exists. Personally, I'd like to believe it does, I wonder what the military knows?

Anonymous said...

The reason I don't like science playing with DNA is, again, the Time components. Remember I describe the black shadow energy patterns in the heavens as having Time dimensions as silently 'popping' and reappearing, and EVERYTHING shifts and swirls?

Indicates to me that the popping and the swirling needs to be unrestricted, it needs freedom of movement to express itself, to get comfortable in every stage of life that we live. True it probably doesn't need to be as active in this world, but I'm guessing it does still need to move.

Is the 'junk' type DNA in the same pattern for a child as it would be for that same child as a teenager, an adult or an older person?

Does anyone even know if the junk DNA moves or shifts or pop, or even if it needs too?

Anonymous said...

And don't forget the following generations it can affect.

Where are the advocates for these potential children?

Anonymous said...

"True it probably doesn't need to be as active in this world, but I'm guessing it does still need to move."

I'm GUESSING it doesn't need to be as active here, 3D, because it is twisted, which in itself MIGHT restrict. Time is different here, but it still moves...it absolutely needs to move.

Anonymous said...

I'm reminded this might be close to how we were able to enjoy the dragons.

Anonymous said...

If there is a second sun for our solar system, I see it as acting differently than the current one we have, it has a different function entirely, they don't compete.

It doesn't heat or warm, it is smaller, darker, and feminine.

Anonymous said...

I said once:
"We are not a very strong solar system, so we may see many planets, moons, and other things coming and going thru our system...until recently we were dense with Time. The Heavy/Slow (I’m not sure what to call it, I just know it’s not light or quick) Time compressing or pressurizing our solar system as it traveled thru our recent Time know as both a Place and our Past kept our solar system isolated and alone. Not much could penetrate its density and planets and the like were gently buffered around our solar system. "

We aren't a strong one, once we travel out of our Time density and compression, we will see many mysteries that will be able to penetrate our newer looser Time, in both the physical place and the action.

Science will completely lose it's mind trying to keep up, understand and explain what is happening all around them. It would benefit us all, since we are all connected, if phony theories like global warming and evolution were acknowledged as incomplete ideas in that evidence that refutes these theories is deliberately excluded.

It's called 'moral maturity'.

It's important because of the math equation that defines 'moral' and 'maturity' has emotions that must be increase, or at least added to ensure scientists succeed. It's why Octavian and his supporters failed the first time. Humility, Humble, Gentle, Kind, Considerate, Humor, and others must be added to the scientist striving to explain as well as decreasing Arrogance, Self Assurance, Sarcasm, etc...This is why Einstein was able to reach into the akash as deeply as he did for his answers.

While other scientists have made contributions toward knowledge, most are not a 'pillar' of knowledge like Einstein. The foundation of their ideas won't stand the test of Time. What can be built from their work doesn't have a 'full circle' of support to branch off and build other equally strong ideas in other areas of science. You see?

I took his work as a stepping stone toward mine: Time is bendy, and added my own. And I'm only one person of many to do this.

I'd also like to point out at this Time:

Because we are all connected, Isis lost her life in the battle (as did Horus). But her IDEAS survived because the strength of their formulas supported their survival thru a Very Difficult Time on Earth. It had a completely connecting circle supporting their survival, a full life cycle for her ideas to survive. Or the Circle of Life kinda thing, you know?

Now, while we are not a strong solar system, we aren't a weak one either. There is NOTHING that I can see in our future (many, many millennium) that will enter our solar system and cause more harm than we have already caused ourselves, here I'm speaking of the moon cutting. This is because every universe knows intuitively that we are all connected. It's only YOU who doesn't.

The worst that can happen to us AND anyone or anything our solar system AND galaxy will encounter is a 'shock' and 'adjustment' period like the one we are going thru right now.

I can explain more about why that is later. In the mean time go about your day and your lives believing you are safe and happy. And please be kind every day.

Anonymous said...

As a side note: I have also taken Dr King's work to build from in the same way I've taken Dr. Einstein's.

May have more to say on that later too.

Crap, had one other though that I just lost.....oh well, it will come around again later. It always does, stupid circles. 😅

Anonymous said...

So when you see photos from Big Bang explosion type creations in the heavens, check to see what is near the explosions in space...I think those type of creations exist in a void damaging nothing as it creates. I know because I'm looking at the formula for it right now.

Feel safe. Be kind and fair, this is VERY different than being equal. Being equal is impossible to achieve. EVER.

Anonymous said...

'Void' space is a vacuum type space where seemingly nothing is happening, but something is happening. Again, a compression of Time.

When the Creation type Time Compression starts it clears the area of objects, clearing a path for itself to Implode, simple physics. It's an implosion that looks to you like an explosion because that is the only part you see, the end result of a multi stage process. And you think you see it all.

So the whole event starts before you even think there might be something happening in that area in a dimension well beyond your sight. So when you see something starting know it's in its end stages and unstoppable at that point. Because it's already completed at it's starting point the energy has no where else to go.

In fact, I don't think you can even enter the voided space that the universe cleared even if you wanted too. It is that strong.

Anonymous said...

Back to Homosexuality: Please don't ever believe that science and surgery will help you become who you really are. ANY unnecessary surgery that cuts away your sexuality, is harmful to your psyche. It's bad dream symbolism thru and thru. That means, no matter which dimension you view it from, it's harmful. You really are, who you are. It is you FEELING it's wrong.

I've ask why do I need to talk about homosexuality here on this planet? The answer was: because when you die you ask "why did this happen to me?" And the majority have felt, knowing this information while still living in this world would have help you in so many ways. You asked us for it.

Who is the 'us' I'm speaking of? Ari, Armand and of course myself, but also you! Many families of homosexuals and the homosexuals themselves have asked for these answers to be given here in this dimension. And the reasons we give them to you is not to beat up on the messenger who brings them to you.

Like any long term drug user there is harm in repeated use, this is the same with any abusive repeat. And the numbers of spirits now doing this is high, which will prompt many harmful triggers. Some people are gay right now due to the high population, a natural trigger. You see?

Important: I am in NO WAY even hinting that it would be better to stop having a same sex partner. It is best to love and be loved. Always. There is nothing more positive and productive than finding someone to love. Absolutely. I'm not a fan of abstinence. I'm a fan of moderation. That implies balance.

I AM saying, slow the events of your life down, both here and in the heavens, enough that you have examined and adjusted your energy pattern. This allows for a free flow of energy movement thru all dimensions, Again, the harm a restricted energy flow can cause will be enormous the more you do it, and you have no idea looking from this dimension how many times you've done this.

Anonymous said...

Have to start on the current women's movement, but its too big a topic for today. The energy shadow for it makes me tired just looking at it, plus it makes me want to throw up. I'm nauseous just looking at it, that is not meant as an insult, it's just that disturbingly big.

I'll spend some time today thinking about it trying to break it down into smaller sized energy chunks, or chapters for us.

Anonymous said...

Will say briefly that speaking about someones sexuality, telling them it's could be harming them especially when the majority already feel discriminated or hurt by it, upsets me a great deal.

Remember the sexual abuse and the emotional pain it's caused from my own story. It's not a place I want to be, or share with anyone. So I certainly don't want to hurt others with things they are ready or don't want to hear. It's my deepest most sincerest dream that more healing happens, than hurt and anger.

Anonymous said...

*So I certainly don't want to hurt others with things they AREN'T ready or don't want to hear.

Anonymous said...

One more thing about this statement:

"Please don't ever believe that science and surgery will help you become who you really are. ANY unnecessary surgery that cuts away your sexuality, is harmful to your psyche. It's bad dream symbolism thru and thru. That means, no matter which dimension you view it from, it's harmful. You really are, who you are. It is you FEELING it's wrong."

If your penis or your vagina hurt or caused pain, have surgery. But it's your feelings that are the source of pain, fix the pain.

Ari would like me to point out that he has already talked about this point. You guys just didn't get it, or aren't making the connection? He feels like you ignore his input on purpose (repeatedly) and wait for mine.

Anonymous said...

Was thinking about what I said earlier on the flat topped calendar type pyramids being placed around the world to align themselves with DNA Time markers, much like the other pyramids are aligned with the stars.

I think what needs to happen for the flat top calendar pyramids is to find them all, map them geographically first, then overlay the Earth map to how the same flat tops along with the star locations....

Somehow the two (Earth and Stars) must map together since our DNA is inter dimensional, but I believe that is only one of many ways to unlock, or understand, the Time component of our 'Junk' DNA, or JDNA.

We can test this theory by using already known Flat Top and traditional pyramid locations together first to see if there is anything recognizable DNA wise first, then remove the traditional pyramid mapping to see if we can find any of JDNA patterning....

It's a puzzle all right!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love that you guys aren't here...


Just need a place to store my stuff for a Time, is all.

Anonymous said...

And finding any JDNA pattering would of course be using Earth coordinates to compare against the actual JDNA, somehow....

Anonymous said...

So I took a look at the astroid belt and my first thought was that that was were all the pieces from the moon cut were collected in the atmosphere, or our solar system.

My next thought was that was a planet that possibly exploded because of the tales in the Sumerian text. I didn't like that idea because the tremendous force for that kind of event would project the debris much farther away. The debris wouldn't remain where the actual planet was supposed to be sitting. But that would still leave an empty gap of space between planets and the planets are arranged mathematically from the Sun, by size, mass density, function (because they do have a purpose we need to look at), and other lesser reasons. And they don't explode. Not ever. So that gap would never normally exist on it's own.

So I went back to the text which states the Annunaki came to Earth looking for gold to protect their planet's atmosphere from eroding. And I either read or just assumed, cant remember which, that whatever they were doing with the gold failed and their planet exploded, because the Annunaki stopped coming here and we have an astroid belt type rock collection...

But I think Stichen's interpretation might be off ever so slightly:

I think the Annunaki (meaning 'Those who from Heaven Came') were ones like Ari and Armand are to me, voices that were guiding others, like the the Bible's Jewish Pharisee, and Egypts Pharaohs. They were the same until a war...not sure which war... King David (maybe?), anyway, the Jews broke away from Egypts rule to form their own, but kept the same from of govt.

I already spoke of the Arc of the Covenant being made of gold, gov't leaders already selected because they were psychic, and the Atlantean global warming type freak out over the moon...

So it seems to me the Annunaki were trying to guide us into saving our own planet from atmospheric destruction when you read the Sumerian texts side by side with the Bible and my own work.

I'm still unclear as to why, but it seems like the planets made that space for the debris to collect there, the farthest planets drifted backward after the cutting all on their own...

Stay Tuned Folks.

Anonymous said...

I'm amazed that there are so many Sumerian texts in England still unread. What are they waiting for!

Did you guys ever go to see the texts when you were in England? If you did, did you pick up any ideas just by looking at them?

There are some small typo's from my first posting, nothing that should confuse my meaning, and I'll clarify it all later, because I have some more info to add.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure my work is organized more 'hodge podge' like Edgar Cayce, so I see many spin off books trying to capture it in a more organized way. Many books according to subject matter.

My way of organizing is circular in nature, you need to read it as written at least once to know that it's all connected, somehow.

Good Luck with that!

Anonymous said...

The planets were repelled backwards because of the type of rock the moon is made of...

Where the Earth was being attracted, the other planets were being repelled.

Also the moon drifts backward right now about an inch per yet, but it can also drift forward, like it did during Atlantis without causing any harm. All the planets drift back and forth like that...

More about the Earth and moon that I can see but cant read yet. Just an fyi for us.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Corrections from December 4, 2018 at 8:32 AM:

"My next thought was that IT was a planet that possibly exploded because of the tales in the Sumerian text. I didn't like that idea because the tremendous force for that kind of event would project the debris much farther away. The debris wouldn't remain where the actual planet USED to be sitting. But that would still leave an empty gap of space between planets and THEIR SPACING IS arranged mathematically from the Sun, by size, mass density, function (because they do have a purpose we need to look at), and other lesser reasons. And they don't explode. Not ever. So that gap would never normally exist on it's own, AND possibly wouldn't exist after a planet exploded. The other planets would have realigned themselves filling in the gap."

(How would I know all of this? Because the moon cutting put the moon in a new orbit and solar winds can be strong. Remember our atmosphere shields us from outer space atmospheric conditions. Things float because of no gravity, but they don't stay stationary and can be blown around, UNTIL THEY FIND AN ORBIT.)

"anyway, the Jews broke away from Egypts rule to form their own, but kept the same FORM of govt."

"I'm still unclear as to why, but it seems like the planets made that space for the debris AS IT COLLECTED there, the farthest planets drifted backward after the cutting all on their own..."

Anonymous said...

Lastly, a planet is a living being from the mineral kingdom. It wouldn't explode, it would die...because it's alive. Every planet has an atmosphere which is a protection of pressure to help it survive.

When pressure from the universe changes, so does our own protection of pressure change. Perhaps we don't need the same level of protection we used too, and the Earth is feeling more comfortable having some of that pressure released?

Science loves absolutes when they study a subject, yet refuse to see each member of any subject they study as independent. An independent will never be part of an any absolute because it has had it's own individual experiences and will react based on those experiences, like any living breathing being would. (Don't forget planets breath.)

Case in point: Even though science knows the sun reactions are changing (along with other things in space changing at this time too) it continues to cling to the idea that people are causing climate change. But the reality is the universe is changing, and many other universes are changing too. And it's not caused by us.

Maybe the sun is taking a break because it knows it doesn't need to work as hard right now as it used too...because the universal atmospheric pressure is changing. (The sun is not dying for those who worry about stuff like that.)

Follow the money to find the liar.

Anonymous said...

How to survive climate change:


Anonymous said...


Flat Terra had 'people' living on it even before it started bending, though these people were more energy patterns than the solid human shape of today, and the more relaxed untwisted DNA energy pattern is different than it's 3D twisted counterpart. I'm putting this here because Seth did say in one of his many Blah Blah books that there were many prototypes of humans tested before the one we have settled on.

The prototypes, like the Neanderthals were developed by Flat Terra beings to help during the Terra Changes. They were the heavy lifters, miners: grounds keepers in a sense. Remember I said once that Atlantis and it's technology seemed to be more organic than today's technology? They believed they need living help rather than machines, they weren't mechanical in their thinking at that Time.

Remember, the Sumerian texts say a slave race that was used to mine gold? The slave race was developed during the Flat Terra period or age, by the energy pattern type people living on Terra. These energy pattern people were the Annunaki gods before Time took their multidimensional memories from them. There were no past life memories at this time because physical death doesn't exist for energy patterns, only for physical forms, you see? Once the energy pattern people were solid enough, they started to die and then past life memories came into play.

As Time progressed and began bending Terra, the 'gods' contained within these half solid 'people' were seen as leaving, when in truth they were starting to forget. They were slowly losing their psychic abilities and as that happened, the 'gods' became only 'voices' that were being heard, or visions some saw, with some losing even that. But they were no longer viewed as being 'alive'.

So to prepare themselves, 'cavemen' type physical forms were developed. They were not slaves, they did do the harder physical labor and were seen as 'Terra Keepers'. They had freedom, so they shouldn't be call slaves. In the past they were called slaves because the visionaries or psychics often saw them doing those type tasks. And they were limited to those tasks for a reason.

To find out why lets talk DNA:

Today when you have your DNA tested, you may come back with a portion of it labeled 'unknown' even 'Neanderthal'. It is also recorded that humans bred with Neanderthals. It is my OPINION that a healthy sampling of DNA was taken from semi formed Terra people to create the Neanderthals. So that any DNA you carry today was actually used to create the Neanderthals, they are not, and never were your ancestors.

Anonymous said...

Many contributed DNA toward the project to create a healthy being, and like today, animals were tested first. So we are repeating. The missing component that has limited their survival is Time from a longevity perspective. The Annunaki weren't aware of this portion or DNA and it was too late to add it when it was realized it was missing, but the Neanderthals had many other physical problems that limited their survival to only that Time Period.

When they were bred with humans, I'm not sure we are talking about a sexual breeding, but an implant into human women type breeding, but I could be wrong. After all, the neanderthals were considered to be a human type, having feelings and emotions, and I already spoke of their differences from us.

But, I believe the first neanderthals were physically born, as opposed to forming from a semi solid energy pattern, so their DNA didn't have a full Timeless quality that it needed.

I think once the Neanderthal race began, it was able to maintain itself without humans birthing them, though it may have gone back to that once their race started to decline. I'm not sure why, but I feel like Ari is showing me different possibilities of what might have happened as opposed to what actually did happen. I think he wants this to be left open with possibilities for now....

I think that's why I was told to include it as my OPINION. And I feel like I'm being set up for a possible failure somehow. No matter, they want me to share with you, but they won't let me see everything I need to prove to myself.

So: NEVER HOLD A BELIEF TOO TIGHTLY. That right there is the complete math in Life.

Anonymous said...

Also, not everyone who has DNA labeled as Unknown/Neanderthal is directly responsible for Neanderthal creation. Much has evolved from a soul group perspective since then. Looking at it from my limited view, I call it a mistake, so while I view it as a mistake, I also know I don't have the entire story. That is ON PURPOSE.


I hold the belief, as does D, that we don't want to bring a child into the world who cannot survive on its own.

When you look at my history in particular maybe you could understand. My normal and health children were repeatedly murdered without any mercy shown, so how can I leave my handicapped or disabled children to be cared for in such a world?

Perhaps, Ari wants me to experiment here with how past life experience and current opinions affect my work recovering our history?

Who knows, but bottom line is the race didn't survive in Terra/Eden, so I don't see how it can survive trying it again. I don't see it as fair to the souls born as these beings, and also todays disabled, not having what they need to survive.

My experience has shown me that the only person I can count one with certainly is myself. My behavior got me this far, it is what I do that counts, so when I'm gone or unable to care for my children, I would need to count on others.

I have seen others worse off than Octavian, after all he never killed, he had plenty of others do that for him. I also realize the disabled have more opportunities in this Time period than ever before. Children in the far past with Downs Syndrome for example were often drowned because of the inability to care for them.

Again, I'm really not sure why Ari wants me to share my personal views.

Anonymous said...

But I feel like he is building up to one of his painful 'Gotcha" moments with me.

No matter, we were never really that close anyway....no matter how hard I tried.

Anonymous said...

More Musings:

It is my OPINION that the people who were supposed to love me the most in this life, do not. I think that started my quest to finding answers in the first place.

After being given the answers, I noticed that my dad was one who changed over the lifetimes. He is different toward me and also others, than he once was at the beginning of his incarnations and when I asked about it I was told "He had his heat treatments."

You can do that here (have heat treatments), or after death. After death they were described as Hell, and being Tossed into the Hell Fires for all Eternity. But we all know from reading my work that Eternity is also a place, one you can come and go from...a function of Time that changes when you leave the heavens (and please remember Eternity has good places too.) Hell fires here are described as Karma. Your choice.

Also, having Heavenly heat treatments, doesn't cure Karma. It does shorten the repeats a lot though. It is both a test of your heat treatments and a reminder to you of why you had them in the first place. When dealing with it all from a 'mind your manners' lifestyle, it really doesn't matter where in your healing process you are. You are progressing forward either way, you see?

And for God Sakes' please remember, if someone was born into a war zone, or with any other of life's problems, that doesn't mean you shouldn't help. I'm speaking both figuratively and literally here. Helping someone in need can be necessary, but realize not every problem is yours to fix, sometimes it's their's. Accept that there are differences.

Anonymous said...

I feel like I'm saying the same thing over and over again in in different ways. A big old repeat.

Anonymous said...

There is a legal text written on a stele about "laws of governance" the god Shamash tells to King Hammurabi that he engraves on that stele now in the Louvre in Paris. One of the laws is 'an eye for an eye', which to totally biblical. And a god speaking to a king is totally Egyptian, however, King Hammurabi was Babylonian.

So, I guess what I'm doing is an ancient repeat, but I get the feeling Shamash or Hammurabi or both have eyes like Armand's, his soul family and belief system. My belief system is manners and Karma, and we have no idea what Ari is up to at any given time.

I'm just making a note to it to look at it again, and including it for you if you guys care to research it yourselves or are planning a trip to France any time soon.

Anonymous said...

Or I’ll see you there in 2021, and right now I have no idea what I’m talking about... but I might be in Paris in 2021, and with a better attitude than when I was there on my last trip, when D’s mom was alive. And for the record, I have no plans for Paris in 2021, so just say a prayer for me. Even if it’s a soft sopoken one.

Too much energy is moving.

Anonymous said...

Typo’s shared free of charge, study them to your heart content! Briggs is a solid BooBear, stay mine Bayb! (Spelled that way just for you 💋)

Anonymous said...

Thru and Thru.

Anonymous said...

I love Barry Manilow, and here is an example of a strong counterpart:


They look almost alike, kinda like brothers or cousins.

Anonymous said...

About the Astroid Belt, I'm not completely sure that all of the debris that we see today is only from the moon cut. I remember the size of the moon in my dream state while the moon was being cut, it was huge. But it was also much closer to the Eden/Earth so it's very hard for me to judge by looking at the size and distance of the moon today and compare it to the size and distance I saw of Eden/Earth and say "Yes, the Astroid Belt has only moon pieces from the cut."

One possibility is that after the moon pieces were attracted to the space starting the astroid belt, other astroids entering our solar system were then also attracted there. I think this would play a major role in protecting the Earth from being hit by one travel through our solar system. But I can't be certain one way or another, and I don't know why.

I am certain that as the moon was being cut, one or more of the lasers used to cut it also propelled the moon pieces into a trajectory away from the Earth. Though, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by much smaller moon bits and pieces the lasers couldn't attend to. And the moon dust from the cutting also ended the dinosaurs in addition to other things. But the dinosaurs were already going extinct at that time and was being used as one of many reasons to cut the moon.

Though Sodom and Gomorrah were Atlantean cities, they weren't known in Atlantis by those names. Remember I said that language and communication used throughout this Time Period was Telepathic in nature and was being converted from telepathy stored as crystal recordings into written texts? So whichever land this event was written or recorded in, named the cities as the Egyptian type 'translators' heard them. Remember the ground vibrations? Remember that the energy from the ground was a major influence in the language differences, so while the 'translator' reviewed the crystals telepathic record, they wrote each event and each name in different languages, yet when these texts are modernized, each Time the names are left untranslated to their original recording or transcription. What a mouthful, maybe I should just say:

When the Bible events are transcribed into our languages today, the names are left in their original form: the names aren't transcribed or updated, only the text is...

Got up super early because I couldn't sleep, now that it's almost time for me to start my day, Im very tired. Saving the world is way harder than it looks 😅

Anonymous said...

I guess my point from the last message here is:

When you read other ancient texts and scripts, and come across a city or two destroyed from fire coming from the sky, ask yourself if the events sound like it could be the Sodom and Gomorrah story using different names...You can do this with all the ancient records. They are mostly the same history recorded differently in different lands.

Lastly, not only the MiddleEast, but India and China (now in charge of all of Asia), were also recording into written texts as much of the knowledge and history stored on the crystals as possible after the moon cut and before the floods started. They started doing that before the moon cut, but it was done in earnest afterward.

Also, if you read an ancient medical text or highly advanced ancient technological text in say India, for example, be aware that that knowledge may be Atlantean and while India may have used the technology and medicine, it probably also existed in Atlantis with minor differences.

So, I'm not really sure we ever lost the knowledge of Atlantis, we only lost the ability to use it.

Anonymous said...

One more thing: Remember when I was talking to Briggs and spelled Baby as Bayb?

That kind of thing played a role in developing languages. How one word can be spelled and sound so similar in many languages plus hold a similar meaning, especially in lands located so closely together like in Europe...words have their own vibrational strength, some have enough strength to over ride the vibrational ground interference or influence.

I think the large ocean waters between continents is what really disrupted language similarities, creating each very different language for each large continent.

Or did you guys already notice this?

Anonymous said...

Also, we know since the land vibrates, the vibrations make a noise of some sort, whether you are able to hear it or not. This supports the Native Americans scientific knowledge of for example, "The mountains are speaking" and touching trees to know how they are feeling or why a forest would be dying, and accurate predictions of coming storms...There is something about the rain dances that I'm not reaching, like why they danced on the ground to ask for rain. There is a scientific reason I'm told you "geniuses" can figure out.

But its common knowledge that since all energy vibrates, touching objects allows us to translate their communication to us via our hand chakras. Ritchie 🖤

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How can two people go thru a similarly painful situation, yet one seems to recover much quicker going on to lead a much healthier happier life than the other?

The short answer is: express your grief, not your anger. Grief is MUCH different than whining! Grief is the more QUIET introspective or meditative action of searching for answers.

When you look at your part in the situation it generally starts a grieving process, not an angry or vengeful process which involves more of a 'violent' reaction from you. A violent reaction causes a chain reaction of also having to deal with revenge and other more dismal actions, delaying the healing process.

Having regrets is a good focus, it starts a self examination. Putting the focus on your pain and sorrow can shorten your angry feelings moving you more quickly into a more solid 'grief stage' of healing. Solid grief stage meaning without all the back and forth from anger to grief. It curbs that repeat, reduces the time you spend in anger, moving your emotions forward into just grieving.

Carving out some alone time for yourself is important too. Much like you would when you meditate regularly.

Alone time also eliminates the opinions of others trying to help. That will slow you down every time, after all it's a solo journey you're on.

There are other steps that can help move out anger into grief, but these were my first thoughts. And while they work for me, will they help you?

Anonymous said...

Another big reason I seem to be doing better that the other person in the 'similar situation' comparison with the anger stage:

Anger is all about the need to control.

I admitted there was nothing I could do about what happened or even how it was handled. Once I realized all of that was beyond my control, as it always was, anger left and grief started.

So it's not because of a lack say, of love, having a fickle nature, or any other form of 'not really wanting it anyway.'

Anonymous said...

For those of us who have ever had unrealistic expectations:


Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

The good news is pigs are very realistic:


Audrey. of Arcturus your friendly Forecaster.

Anonymous said...

You know what I've been thinking this morning?

How wonderful it would be to be able to measure your frequency, like in Atlantis.

I started by thinking of a way to prove that it really is Ari and Armand I hear on a regular basis and not another spirit posing as them, or a different one who would occasionally show. Now, besides Ari encrypting his books admitting that he is working with me, If science could measure my heart chakra with the idea that at times it will change when the spirit world intrudes in on my life, some quick math should tell us how deeply embedded and at which times they are involved in my life.

Realize of course numbers will fluctuate, but they would still be in a range that is uniquely theirs, or mine when I'm free of them, or ours when we are imprisoned together.

Seems our frequency ranges, but most definitely theirs, were recorded in somewhere in ancient texts, yet to be translated...I don't think when science reads the texts that it would be obvious to them that that is what they are reading, so I want to put the idea here to get them started.

Audrey. of Arcturus,
Top Dog.

Anonymous said...

The reasons behind the Native American rain dances are the same reasons for all of the marches. Both the protest type marches and also the religious marches, like pilgrimages to Mecca. I know some of it has to do with higher numbers in population just in areas. There needs to be ground near it that is still and quiet too. Everything needs a break.

Cant see the more scientific reason yet...Didn't Ari/Armand already talk about the energy imprint your foot chakra leaves behind? Maybe you guys can start there and build on that.

Anonymous said...

I found this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YLwBLwFpoE&t=1324s and thought about my ideas that Planet X would help us as we develop the new energy source.

It would fit for Planet X or Nibiru to be another galaxy or universe that our own universe would encounter and travel with for a long measure of Time. This makes more sense to me than it being an actual planet, and it reminds me that universes travel, which would imply them having an orbit of their own...The Sumerian texts could have been saying that we would encounter the Nibiru universe and not a planet in 3600 years, because its when both of our orbits would meet up again.

I wonder how they would know that?

But I did forget that universes travel together and more universes do that than just a pair...I tried to say as much on another message board.

So Nibiru being a planet is another translation error, like exactly like the error in the Eden story with the oceans being translated as rivers.

Anonymous said...

And when universes travel together, its more like one universe traveling inside another universe, both existing in the same Space as Time, more obviously tho, the 2 would be forming a New Time (place?) by being combined.

And later they simply put themselves apart, separating their 2 properties back into their originals or mostly close to it. This is because universes are living beings much like planets, so when universes mix or separate most properties of both universes survive the blending or the separation.

There has never been an universe that has died, according to Ari. If you trust him.

Anonymous said...

So I've selected Sitchin's 'The 12th Planet' for this year's Read Along as part of my Ever (Capitalized for Ritchie's formulas) popular book club.

Cayce's 'On Atlantis" was fun, but left me nauseous with a scary doomed deja vous feeling. So I'm hoping the years since then will have done away with that. We'll see.

I'm sure this time you guy's will do great. Or better.


Anonymous said...

First paragraph of the books prologue: ..."popular writers have speculated that ancient artifacts such as pyramids and giant stone sculptures must have been fashioned by advanced visitors from another planet."

When reading this book please remember everything I've very clearly said: there were no advanced visitors from another planet. You were more technically advanced in the past at a time when your planet functioned differently, more organically.

Are their beings from other planets that have physically come to Earth? Yes possibly, but they cant stay here long and expect to survive. Our world can't support their physical life because of the atmospheric pressure differences. It crushes and destroys their energy centers, or chakras.

So when you read any ancient history, the advanced beings they speak of was you using a technology from this world when it acted much differently.

Anonymous said...

'Collapses' would be a better word than 'crushes'. The engery centers slowly close themselves off.

Anonymous said...

Setting more ground rules:

Charles Darwin, Da Vinci and others, have eyes like Tal's and Ari. Try to remember there was no evolution beyond 'the creation' type I've already talked about, and Da Vinci's ideas were no big deal either. No movement was ever formed around any of his designs, they weren't original (Romans used many of them), nor were they seen as useful, even when his writings were found and studied.

One man's idiot is his soul group.

Anonymous said...

Chapter 1: The Endless Beginning

Why does all living matter on Earth contain too little of the chemical elements on Earth, and too much that are rare on our planet?

This is why science broke us up into different Kingdoms: Plant, Animal, Mineral....you get it right? We are all different sources of energy contained with the same energy space or location as it evolved (or solidified) though the different dimensions. Problem solved.

My question from this is how do these different sources of energy behave or look in a higher dimension?

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should look out for new Kingdoms, surely when our new energy source comes about there will be other 'things' that are also contained in that Kingdom? I'm think of the power of 3. The Trinity of Creation. Ari and Armand spoke of that right?

Anonymous said...

At the end of chapter 1, Sitchen writes of a decline of humanity in both man and his achievements, the for some unknown and surprising reasons man makes a magnificent comeback and great knowledge and advancements are discovered and used and civilization thrives.

A void period before a productive creative period.

Just pointing it out.

Anonymous said...

A bit off topic from Sitchen:

Remember I said gobekli tepe, pyramids, stonehenge and other sites were built during Terra, Eden periods? I learned somewhere that gobekli tepe was built to align to the stars, but I forget which constellation. Then I learned that sections of tepe were built then buried, and new sections were built then buried as new sections were built. And I wondered why the repeat.

The only explanation I could come up with was that tepe was built to tell the scientific priests how far Terra/Eden had moved or changed its orbit as the land started bending and water started forming.

When they came to a void period in time, where things settled, they rebuilt then buried the temple/observatory to reflect and measure their new location in the Heavens/Universe.

All of the stone carvings of animals and such were decorations reminding those visiting the sight, along with the scientific priest caretakers that we were all in the transition together, each of the different kingdoms were responsible to help the other.

Even back in it's day tepe was a tourist attraction where people came to pray, heal, watch while the priests watched the heavens and taught others how they were doing that.

Once Eden settled into a steady orbit tepe was retired permanently and the pyramids were built...

Anonymous said...

Coincidence! I just finished filling you guys in on tepe and it fits perfect with chapter 2! What are the chances?!?

So Im reading Chapter 2 where "According to the biblical Book of Ezra, Cyrus acknowledged his mission to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem, and stated he was acting upon orders given by Yahweh, whom he called "God in Heaven.""


Was this one of tepe's rebuilds, or was this retiring tepe to build the pyramids? I'm getting that the name Jerusalem was in the beginning more of a title type name than a name identifying a fixed city in the middle east. So perhaps the Temple of Jerusalem was a temple that was fixed to the stars, probable one official site at a time in the beginning that changed locations periodically.

Tepe, pyramids, not sure if any of the mayan calendars are included only because...there needs to be the 'talking to God' psychic part involved to declare the site a temple. They had that, but the calendars first priority seemed to be information gathering and using the stars for their sine wave energy predictions...Looks like the calendars were also used as a second check of the stars to make sure the Earth waan't changing positions, then a more secondary function of letting the public pray (talk to God) at site.

Phrases like 'anointed by God' meant the person was proven to be a psychic whose information was reliable, a priest. Once you were deemed reliable, you were given your PhD, where during your ceremony you were anointed by God as his speaker. Didn't Seth have a book or a section in a book on speakers? I wonder if it's the same as he described? I read it a long time ago and don't remember what he said....

So while there was one 'Temple of Jerusalem' in the beginning, later there was one official 'Temple of Jerusalem' with many smaller branch sites working in different continents and combining all of the data collected.

So my question from all of this is what is the original meaning of the word Jerusalem, if it wasn't always a city name.

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if the name 'Jerusalem' was the name the people/semi spirits were calling Flat Terra?

Not book related (so far as I know right now), I think Demi Gods could be seen as people like pharos or anyone 'anointed by God'.

Anonymous said...

Do you guys remember this from December 10, 2018 5:59am:

"One possibility is that after the moon pieces were attracted to the space starting the astroid belt, other astroids entering our solar system were then also attracted there. I think this would play a major role in protecting the Earth from being hit by one travel through our solar system. But I can't be certain one way or another, and I don't know why."

Remembering my looking at the Native American traditions of the "The mountains are speaking" type understanding they received by paying attention to the vibrations objects give off?

Many of their traditional stories or lore stem from their readings, and as an example of their traditional storytelling I'll tell you one of my own that I just now wrote as my Ritchie's Christmas gift:

"As the moon was being cut, the planets were shocked and many protested the violence that some men were capable of, and while all of the planets were distressed and upset by the action of a few people, some planets were angrier than others.

They cried out to Eden with offers of help and sympathy. Saying "You poor Mother Earth, while they are hurting us, you are taking most of the pain." for they knew that changing one of them, no matter how small the one, changes them all.

The Great Mother responded, "They are mine, I will fix what they have done. It must be partly my fault too because they didn't learn of my Nature's Law."

Jupiter answered, "What do you need? Your plan is too big for just you to handle, you will need help."

The Great Mother paused and said, "Time and Space. As much as you can spare and I will pay you back as soon as I can."

Everyone agreed except Mars. Mars was known as angry before the moon attack, but afterward he became even more so. And because his anger grew, he turned away from the universe by putting his attention on other things, plotting for himself a life elsewhere in his mind.

Many of the planets laughed at his reaction and said, "What use is he, why is he here?". Others were more serious and asked, "Where does his anger come from? How could he watch and not help?" But none of the other planets understood Mars and how his life's plan had already changed him.

You see, when the universe was born, Earth and Mars plotted their life's path. They were given the moon as a gift they were to share and because they were to share the moon, it was two times larger in size.

Many planets told Mars his ideas would never work the way he expected, and Mars insisted they would, even saying, "My plans may not work perfectly or even right away, but some will work and more may work later."

Mars very quickly realized the other planets were right and in his refusal to admit his error and change his life's plan he became sleepy. And as he grew sleepy, he refused to wake up, and as refused to wake up he became sleepier...

Anonymous said...

So Mars slept. And as Mars slept the Moon said, "Since Mars is sleeping an angry dream, he doesn't need me and is not using my help. Mother Earth is very busy right now so I will go to her and help."

And because the moon turned her attention toward the Earth drifting ever closer, Mars slept deeper.

So life upon The Great Mother became afraid. Not fully understanding her Nature's Laws an angry few on Earth followed Mars and said, "Our ideas may not be perfect but some will work. We will do this and stand firm until others see we were right."

And the Moon was cut.

Jupiter right away reassured Mother Earth that she would help her in anyway possible, first by moving herself and the other planets backward to make room for the Moons fragile pieces, then by saving them for the Future when The Great Mother wouldn't need as much Time to heal.

Anonymous said...

The Great Mother washed away her pain thereby cleaning her wounds during the Time that was given to her. She swept the land clean with water and after the water settled, she let her clean wounds heal while all the Time watching that they heal completely and her scars will not impede her life and dreams for her future.

And so the other planets waited for her, because they realized that their sister The Great Mother and their brother The Angry Dreamer were part of their family and were needed for the Universe to resume it's Complete and Rightful life's path.

You see after the Moon cut the universe, because all the planets were in agreement to help Earth, paused its original travel as it waited for the Earth to heal and calm it's pain. It simply chose to travel a less eventful universal path, quietly waiting for Earth events to settle.

As the universe sees that The Great Mother feels whole again it will resume its life's plan, continuing on with it's original travels on course toward awakening Mars, who used his dream time productively dreaming a new, even helpful, plan of his own. And as the planets resume their Lives, the universe hums a new song. One where all of planets sing, adding to it's melody a strength and beauty that can be heard at the farthest reaches attracting the attention of all in it's path. And all in it's path are amazed, and draw nearer to the sound...

As told by The Great Mother to Audrey. Down Feathers.

P.S. I didn't want to knit you socks this Christmas Ritchie, because I don't want to look at your feet 😅

Anonymous said...

Besides socks won't give you ideas for your math formulas. This story will. 💋

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Back again on Homosexuality.

After rereading, I think it’s pretty clear that if you are homosexual or even heterosexual in this life, you should live comfortably as whoever you are, just be aware there are important afterlife choices we all must make for ourselves. It’s those choices that are being neglected or ignored. Ignoring those important steps has consequences both here and there, and by putting those steps off because you don’t want to deal with them is making your situation harder.

There is a reason why most of my lives are spaced 600 years apart. There is business to do on the other side.

Completing all your afterlife business also reduces the suicide risk while living on Earth. You have more inner strength to successfully complete your goals in this life, because you are healthier spiritually, stronger. Suicide changes nothing in your situation, it’s an unnecessary and painful repeat best avoided. Like most repeats are...

Anonymous said...

Most suicides happen because the people committing them believe their pain and their painful situation will stop. What actually happens is it stops briefly.

All physical pain, from illness to accident is excess or ignored emotional pain that's redirected into the physical form.

Those with high pain tolerances are not freaks or the other extreme of godlike. They are people who have dealt with their emotions both during Earth life and after Earth life. And the training that has given them allows them to release both their physical and emotions pain quickly. They aren't generally stoic, though some are, they just process their emotions right away. They don't procrastinate or skip steps.

So because all pain originates as emotion, I'll ask the potential suicides, "Guess what is waiting for you when you die?"

It is better for you to deal with your pain as you have it, here or there, than to interrupt it with suicide. Trust in that.

Anonymous said...

Autism, ADD/ADHD, Homosexuality, and some other types of mental illness all stem from not enough healing in the Heavens. Some of it is deliberate through bad choices and some of it is due to the high population. In both cases it is because there were steps skipped or cut short.

Their are agreements made "you can be my child" "you can be my sibling" etc etc. These are planned out in the Heavens and while there are many people with counterpart lives lived at the same time, your essence, black shadow, spirit form is only so strong even when you take the time to heal in the afterworld.

At some point, your energy is stretched too thin and your energy pattern come into this world as....unhealthy, off, weakened, incomplete spiritually. You are doing too much in a short amount of time.

This is because some spirits should be saying "I'd love to live a life as your child, but I need to stay and heal first."

Control your population, make it your individual choice to do this. DO NOT MAKE IT A MOVEMENT. And do not judge another for having children. I myself plan on having a family in my next Earth life, and why not? It's will have been almost 2,000 years since my last baby was born. Not having children for long time periods can become a personal problem too...Balance is needed both ways.

Some of you have done the children thing to death. So much so you realize this soon after the birth, and you aren't committed to raising them to be healthy productive members of society.

Take some lifetimes devoted to your own well being, explore this world, explore the next world while in this world, take an interest in yourself. And those of us who have already done that, it is a good idea to take an interest in family.

Anonymous said...

And how would you know which you should do? Figure it out for yourself, it is your choice. Just remember the more this current population increases the better your chances of a child with difficulties, special needs, with constant care. It's not fear standpoint Im speaking from it's from ill health.

I love my children enough to wait for them. Even if its for a few lifetimes.

Anonymous said...

Above all else, and make this your most important rule:

Don't let anyone set rules for you as far as the big life events are concerned. Don't let anyone decide for you to have kids, like many religions have done, and don't let anyone decide for you not to have kids, like some would say I have just done. Take in their reasons why they want you to do as they say, compare all reasons to your current life, and decide for yourself. Hold onto your power to make you own INFORMED decisions.

Having children is a big decision especially in times of over population, take the time to slow down and think it through instead of jumping into it automatically.

And respect Nature's automatic triggers. When mass deaths occur, try your best to understand how energy must move and free itself, to become unstuck.

Anonymous said...

I must admit, The 12th Planet is very difficult for me to read. It is a big information dump of facts and figures and I've always had problems reading text books. There is very little room to add my more abstract knowledge or thinking into something that isn't already abstract, like Cayce's work.

I'll start again on it soon, maybe Ari was just blocking me for some reason...

Anonymous said...

The reason heating up in the Heavens is so important for a spirit to do regularly:

Heating up is a byproduct of the Ascension process. The repeated heat is the untwisting of your spiritual DNA, which is the spirit's black shadow energy pattern. It is very much like a muscle that must be exercised ESPECIALLY after being so tightly twisted for a lifetime.

I think though, the more spiritual among us here on Earth aren't as tightly twisted and it often looks easy for many of those souls to have a long life with good health through most if not all of it. But that is a general rule of thumb and not at all an absolute or a given.

You actually need the twist and untwist action, repeatedly, for good health in both places. In the Heavens, good health is an action. There is more to say about that.

Anonymous said...

The twist and untwist action repeatedly for good health in both places works similar to this Earth too only physically. Remember I said a while ago that if I were advising Octavian's doctors on his mental health care that I would recommend that he work with dirt? That moving large amounts of dirt would help. Having this done outside in open air, in all types of the elements, is just that much more of an added benefit. Feeling snow, wind, rain, cold and heat will help stimulate his nervous system into responding. Right now he is a slug, to the point of impotence: closed chakras.

As a side note: being able to measure chakras will be able to identify the mentally ill. We will know the psychopaths, sociopaths, schizophrenics, and a plethora of other illnesses and be able to treat them before they indulge in mass murder and other crimes.
Of course, spanking them when they are young will help enormously too, but what do I know!

So the physical labor will transpose itself to his DNA and it's responses. His DNA will gradually notice the physical repeat and begin electrically to build strength enough to offer his dumb ass healthier, more normal, emotional and physical responses to aid his life choices. It's also how I overcame my own disabilities to salvage what I could of this lifetime, and it's also why Tal is athletic. Though Im told to add for Tal: making the same decisions even with physical movement is not a help. You're frustrated because you have the same end result.

Anyway it's supposed to clear your mind enough to offer you other options, even ones that once looked impossible...

So the body's DNA offers more because it opens itself up to other options this untwists it ever so slightly, it clears and cleans itself of the older pain and anger from the past allowing something else into the emptier untwisted space. And care must be given to not clog it back up with another dismal repeat, the new DNA space must be kept positive.

Anonymous said...

For myself, the repeated action of Christianity's prayer (deep introspection) and loving you enemy (treating them a bit better than they've treated you without being their slave) has led me to actually seeing and hearing the past, both in an awake and dream state. So I've done the after death steps of untwisting while alive here.

Anonymous said...

And something else moved in....

Anonymous said...

I watched this yesterday and I'm not sure why but I'm told to share the link.


I'm not even sure why I watched it. It just popped up in my youtube feed.

Anonymous said...

Back again to suicides from December 26, 2018 at 7:45 AM:

"Most suicides happen because the people committing them believe their pain and their painful situation will stop. What actually happens is it stops briefly.

All physical pain, from illness to accident is excess or ignored emotional pain that's redirected into the physical form."

And also: "So because all pain originates as emotion"

Ari once said the purpose of pain was to help the spirit quit the body, or something very close to this. Clearly he was referring to terminal illnesses or other means of death.

Terminal illnesses are generally painful especially toward the end and I've often wondered about assisted suicides, which I'm in favor of, but only after the disease has progressed....passed the point of mental depression and into an acceptance stage.

Ari asks that I explain about my feelings for the actor comedian Robin Williams.

Though I did like some of his work, I wasn't really a fan, and I was never sure why. I thought his speech was too rapid and his movements too abrupt and quick, so I saw him as hard to follow. His timing was off, he was hyper active, not at all relaxed and I found it annoying.

So I asked myself why I was very angry with him when he killed himself. Another of Hollywood's spoiled elite unable to face a real life problem? Perhaps.

I've come to think the reason I was mad at his suicide was because it was too early in his illness and had he stayed and dealt with the illness until his mind was in a place of acceptance the death from his illness would have been much more peaceful, putting him in a better place mentally on the other side too. As it was he didn't get out of anything by his suicide...

Now I guess my question is, does it matter if you do the work here (like his accepting his disease) or is it easier to do the work there on the other side?

I know from a mass psyche stand point his suicide death shocked a lot of people, where before many would have sadly mourned. But how important is that for his recovery? I don't know...

Anonymous said...

It has to do with how the timing plays out here...there is trauma on the other side too, and if Robin would have stayed in this familiar environment and mourned here for a time, he would arrive into the next world not as afraid, more comfortable, and I'm told more reachable...

There is a story here that I need to finish later. And don't worry about Robin, he is ok...

Anonymous said...

From December 26, 2018 at 2:32 PM:

“Heating up is a byproduct of the Ascension process. The repeated heat is the untwisting of your spiritual DNA, which is the spirit's black shadow energy pattern. It is very much like a muscle that must be exercised ESPECIALLY after being so tightly twisted for a lifetime.”

The reason Ari described homosexuality as being out of balance is because the benefit of untwisting your DNA is you retuning to a neutral state. When that process is stopped short, you aren’t in a neutral state, so you are not at the 0 baseline for your sine wave pattern. And when that happens your sine wave pattern is distorted because your whole pattern must fit into a fixed amount of space.

You must hit neutral, then rebuild from there. And there maybe more about the ‘fixed amount of space’ later.

When I first started this ascension process, I read many who channel spirits described it as becoming neutral. Funny, but I find myself more passionate in my beliefs than ever before. I believed they meant our thoughts and feelings were becoming neutral, I guess now they were talking about something different...

Anonymous said...

From December 19, 2018 at 9:27 AM:

“I'm wondering if the name 'Jerusalem' was the name the people/semi spirits were calling Flat Terra?”

They were calling Flat Terra ‘Israel’ not Jerusalem, but the name Jerusalem was being used as something else too...

The name Israel represents the 3 gods Isis, Ra, and Elohim. The Terra energy was named after us because we decided to use it, claiming it for our own.

Anonymous said...

The name Israel was the name of Flat Terra, before the continents formed. Once the flat energy started bending, Israel became country, but not a continent, like Atlantis did.

Todays Israel was originally the center of the Flat Terra energy mass. It was considered the original Heartland so it retained the original name.

The Lost Tribes of Israel are the people living on the newly separate continents. I know there were 12 tribes and not enough continents, it has to do with land/water masses still forming at that time. And remember that when divers find ancient cities under deep water: land/water masses still forming.

Anonymous said...

Keep in mind too that all of the planets were formed the same way at the same time as Israel because they all were different energy pockets or energy planes in the same lower 'heaven' or dimension. We all formed as we traveled into and with other universes.

Also the people living on the Israel and the gods who stayed behind in the higher dimensions all knew what was happening and why it was happening. There was always constant communication between all groups concerned, and there was no mass hysteria until the 3 social falls of Atlantis.

This isn't to let you believe times weren't hard for the people living on Israel at the time of the bending.

I think I will go back to calling it Terra. I don't like calling it Israel because of today's Israel, it's too confusing for me to keep in mind which Israel I'm talking about. Yesterday or Today?

Anonymous said...

The stone age was stone newly formed into a planet and because the stone itself was so newly formed it still contained some of its Flat Terra type energy, so it had characteristics in that day that you don't see too much of today. And because it's energy hadn't completely solidified into what we see today, we used it to heal, communicate over long distances, among other things.

The gods who remained in the heavens guided and advised those who remained in the changing energy, much like today. It was a cooperative venture.

Anonymous said...

Tales of the Anunnaki are exaggerated, tho it is true we don't all get along (not my fault).

The word 'Anunnaki' draws a lot of attention and people who hear the stories think Anunnaki are other beings. But the word means 'Those who from Heaven to Earth came.' I think that means everyone is Anunnaki, so when you hear the word, think of them as just another word for 'people'.

Anonymous said...

Flat Terra's real name being Israel and Jerusalem also used differently, reminds me so much of Cleopatra's oldest boys being named Phil and Alexander after the 'Philadelphia' and 'Alexandria' place names. I wonder why and what that meant...

Anonymous said...

I don't think I'm rewriting history. I think I'm refreshing it, because it was always there...

I will leave the world with new mysteries, so I'm not robbing it of it's wonder.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why Im looking at the past so much, and not much on the future. I would like to see more, especially about myself in the future. And no, I don't believe my next life will follow thru exactly like I said before...I will know better and won't get involved with those who hurt me. Besides, there are others who treat me much better than those of my past, I'll spend my time with them.

Anonymous said...

So D and I were watching Ancient Aliens yesterday and they were discussing crop circles and I wondered yet again how they were formed and the only thing I could come up with is wind.

There is no alien aircraft visit, just a very precise wind vortex that appears from another dimension. But who knows if it's true or not.

Anonymous said...

The show is 3 hours long and called Ancient Aliens Declassified S1 Episode 47. At some point in the show they talked about the Ark of the Covenant which was pretty interesting.

The objects held in the Ark: the 10 Commandment stone tablets, the Aaron's staff or rod, and manna...These were kept there because they were...the closest thing we have is radioactive...but thats not at all exact, so lets just call them poisonous.

When Moses came down from the mountain with the commandments he had his face covered and the bible says somewhere that his face glowed...he was contaminated, lightly poisoned and he recovered.

The bible also says the priests who attended the Ark had to wear long gowns, they had to be covered for their protection. So whatever energy the Ark generated didn't penetrate clothing, until it was considered a long time exposer, or even a stronger exposer, like with the Philistines making casts of their tumors to show the Israelites. Theirs was a long term low grade exposer.

The manna was kept inside the Ark to keep it alive, like a culture or yeast, but again while it was yeast-like it wasn't yeast. It fed both man and cattle and was a food supplement. And it was poisonous until portions of it were cut and removed from the Ark. Letting it rest, or baking it killed the poisonous effect, solidifying it (removing it's dreamlike heavenly state of 'miraculous') enough to eat without causing harm. It was not their only food option and it helped greatly during lean times.

The breastplate the Ark's Priests wore was a heart chakra shield. The Ark when it struck people dead actually attacked their energy centers, it somehow closed them off or shorted them out. Remember stories of Atlantis' laser type weapons that could read your chakra frequency and also kill? It was the same. Tho the Ark had no weapon equipment attached to it, is was still dangerous, exactly like our nuclear energy is today.

So the gold breastplate protected the heart energy, the gem stones embedded in it were for the Ark's maintenance. The different stones would glow and light up indicating to the priest how dangerous the Ark was acting, what stage of operation it was in.

The Ark needed care to prevent it from overreacting, keeping it healthy. It was mostly organic and not at all considered mechanical. An example of this would be making a battery out of a potato, you see? But I still don't know what it was made of.

So the stones would react or become stimulated from the different types of energy and the strength the Ark was capable of emitting. This told the priests how safe or toxic it operation was, and that told the priest exactly what they need to do to care for it.

Remember when you read history especially the parts that say the Ark spoke, communicated, or even God live inside of it: these are translations to words and not a full description of their meanings. The people knew God didn't 'live' in the Ark, and remember many modern day scientists speak of finding or using the 'God Particle' It's the same...

Anonymous said...

The tragedy of Aaron's sons being killed, was a sad case of their parents or babysitters backs being turned for a minute only to realize the boys were playing in a dangerous spot.

The boys, 4 or 5 in years, were pretending they were priests like their father and approached the Ark while it was functioning in it's dangerous and quarantined, but necessary state.

Again, as far as the offerings made to the Ark, they were simply maintenance functions that kept the Ark 'alive' and functioning. And again, the Ark provided several different functions.

Anonymous said...

Remember yesterday I said: "So the stones would react or become stimulated from the different types of energy and the strength the Ark was capable of emitting. This told the priests how safe or toxic it operation was, and that told the priest exactly what they need to do to care for it."

This is what made the Stone Age! Then mixing of Heaven and Earth energies were still unsettled durning this time period. And with that being the case different types of stones/gems were used for our modern day purposes. Long distance communication, both here on Earth (obelisk type communication) and from the Heavens (crystal ball type communication); any practical use/need for causing/creating friction; generating heat/cold; I'll add more as I think of them...

And the as yet unsettled energy during this time period could be directed, even stored in different stone types (like the crystal recordings of information, and also plain energy for life needs like todays electricity)

Been thinking of King David and Solomon building the Temple and the reasons for it and the politics of the time, plus which counties the 2 men actually represented...

Anonymous said...

Very tired today, but the really good news: I finished a pretty sweater yesterday, so I treated myself to yarn for 2 sweaters 😃 Plus I have a trip to Edinburgh this March for their big yarn festival. And I thank God everyday D is content enough with his life that I don't need to work at a conventional 9-5 job, which would kill me. He occasionally asks what Im typing so hard at, and he still has no real Time to become involved and read everything, but he is planning to retire in 3 yrs give or take so maybe then...France? Or not.

I still have no interest in showing my face. Look at what public attention has done to Ari, it's not a pretty sight, plus people kill. But I do want Joanne found, she deserves a better grave than the one she has right now.

I'll figure it out.

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