Tuesday, December 1, 2009

On My Long Hiatus

It has been quite some time since I posted anything on my blog. I have a couple of articles sitting in draft stages, but they are nowhere near being ready to be released. I have been working on other projects (in particular, a novel that I am writing) and I haven't had the time to spend thinking and writing about Mormonism, philosophy and law. I am still undecided if I want to split this blog into two and have one devoted to religion and another devoted to law and philosophy, but as I am naturally lazy, I get the feeling it's going to stay the way it is.


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Anonymous said...

The Colliding that Science thinks is 'Happening' is very much like Two a Rush to-ward one another to IN BRACE IN A Hug. Very Rarely do those in a Hug collapse and lose their identity. But they would Seem as ONE Body to You. What they DO Do is grasp one another sometimes in a Rocking Back and Forth IN BRACE and their 'Aligned in a Hug' Combined Charka Systems Reflect Light, Forming a Bubble and that Collective Chakra Energy now in a Double Strength is Reaching their Emotional Bodies, and it literally forms a Heart Symbol. It is One Circle of Light that has a Line of Separation, drawing the Energy DOWN Through the Bubble that is a POLE of Magnetic Energy that, that even though the Energy is shared and Mixed between the two individuals it is in an 'IN Divid (David) Ed DUAL' Image that is both 'Mirrored and Reflective' and That 'Pole of Magnetic Energy' that keeps the Integrity of the two Sepa Rated while the Energy itself Co-Mingles is the two Outer Seals of the Lord Shiva and these outer Circles, Seals of Light are Polarized by the Both Shiva SELF, the Individuals touching the Light or the Energy Surround.

I say it that Weh, so that you know that Parents, as well as others in Charge of our most Vulner-Able Adults, CAN and DO Teach others in their Charge how to love (and how to hate). And Teaching Love in the FACE of Hate is the Highest Honor or 'Response A Bell (Able, Abel) Ity' TO EVER BE Placed on a Soul or Individual. This is 'Why?' the Highest Gate Keepers, the Angels, are GOD Consciousness NOT Personified, but RE Main AS GOD Directly and IN their Present form of Time. With no Past and no Future that they have Experienced Directly. Now they have not Emerged their selves IN, but they are Aware of these Times. And they Watch for the Times that God does not want to Replicate. For they KNOW what they are Looking AT and they will NOT allow it to Pass. It is in that Sense Kept in the Past and FORCED to another Path that is Parallel Until those wishing to Pass are Neutral and Cleansed enough that their Ill advised Past is well Contained and Sealed.

And the Angels Live in Places that are Set ('Fixed' like in a Time Equation, where their Part in our Universal Equation is Numerically Fixed and not a Variable) A Side just for them to have FULL Authority of who can Enter the Gates they Guard. And here I would Like to bring your attention to the Doorways carved into large Stones that lead seemingly NO Where and are part of the Stone itself.

Also, Please Notice that the Head of the Anke has the Focused Point at its Bottom. AS does our Heart Shaped Love Symbol ALSO has its Focused Point at the Bottom. And it is Inverted from the shape Water forming a Water Drop ON 'PUR POSE' (or POSED as a Position). It is in that Position 'Pure Posed Position' for the 1:1 Max Energy Transfer in its Uncorrupted, Time Altered (a a Multi-Dimensional) State of Being.

Remember the Closer you are to Opening TO-Ward the Complete 1:1 Energy of the 'Other Side' or 'Higher Dimensions' the more of the Miracle type Energy that you Seek (Peer or Look 4) WILL UN FOLD here in 3D if you are Fertile or Tantric Enough to HOLD the Idea in Your HEART and MIND AS you ACT IN an Environment that your HEART and MIND are Polarizing. It is a Sacred Spin of Heart, Mind and ACTs in that Weh.

Anonymous said...

AND it is Javier in the Root Chakra of the Americas (which are AL 3 Basic Lands (Canada, America and South America AND the Belt Lands of the Americas, Mexico, Central America and Caribbean with 'Satellite Offices' in the Philippians (filtered) and at other locations, as a Quantum Electric, Seemingly Disconnected yet is very Located as it is Part of the Web Energy Flow that Keep the Planet as ONE Planet) that will begin the Health and Healing of the Masculine 1/2 of our Planet. The Root Chakra has been in Dis Re Pair much longer than Mind and Heart. It Represents what I've said AL AL-ong: Begin to Move where EVER You Find yourself in 3D.

So where I have said 'Quantum', 'Quantum Connections' or 'Quantum Locations' in the Past and going 4-Ward in my writing, see then as 'Eye of Horus' Locations that are Much like your Own Eye of Horus in your Head or Brain. These Locations ACT either 'IN Par't or 'IN Full' as an 'Eye of Horus'. And can be Circle Points much like your Star Maps have Circle or Cycle Points that Mark Energies in a Change of Direction and ON their Weh to 4 Ward (or FACE Ing) Directions. AL So NOW Understand that these are NOT Owner Ship Locations, these are Electrical Path Wehs of your Planet IN it's Current (Electrical) Working Path. The Masculine has a Position in the LuMarian Feminine, As does the Lumarian have a Position in the Masculine Atlantis Lands, in the Planet YinYang Energetic Cycle or Rotation.

Magenta Pixie has a new video out involving Choice Points, and she has spoke of Choice Points BE 4.

You will see that with the more Organic, Natural Magnetic, Medical and other other Advancements will come a Medical KNOWledge of when a Person is Mentally Ill and that Liberalism is a Delusional State of the Mind that is WELL WITH IN the Range of 'Mental Illness' or 'Mental Sickness'. It Energetically, Mathc-Magnetically (Mathematically) Does Not Work. The Energy is a Slow Drain of the Larger Collective and Let Me Tell You A Secret (well what YOU think is a Secret:

When Humanity is Mass Suffers: GOD KNOWS. And You see the Results today where, Even Jane and Seth, who Do Not Believe in Karma, agree there IS a Karmic Gate Keeper Accountability, though they like to keep it 'Loosely defined' and 'Confined to Murder'. I must tell you that they only see the Worst Case Energies and not the Finer Energies that Eventually Stop them as well. 4 When you 'De Liberty' another Person, 'Steal' Like iN the 10 Commandments, Which Includes Murder and is the More Obvious Example of 'De Liberty Ing Another. You have STOPPED Your Own Flow.

Those IN Government Leader Ship Positions who Vote for Monetary Gain and NOT ON YOUR Liberty...you see where there is a Finer Energetic, Angelic Draw Ing of their Attentions being Attracted Magnetically TO YOU as an Electrical (Liberty) you have Robbed, Stolen FROM the Masses? You see where 'the Masses' is Large and Symbolic of You Having Stopped Your Next Move into a Higher Dimension with is that Large Energy YOU NEED TO STEP IN TO? And you have Stopped Yourself when you cut the Flow of Right and the Just (Justice) to the Masses.

LOOK AT the Politicians GLOBALLY who have done this and BELIEVE that they ARE Screwed. Screwed being that Drill Bit Spinning they must now do to free themselves having taken what was Right Full Ly Yours FROM You. And they were IN a Position to HELP and Liber Rate NOT ONLY YOU, but their Selves as well.

Anonymous said...

AND when you Refuse to Self-Correct and you continue to delay and fight 'the System' that wishes you to be held in Account (a type of Mathc that involves a Re-Balancing of the Liberty you stole from Others and Claim as your Own), the Angles, that will not allow you to progress further, these FORCE You to Stay IN YOUR Position. And when you KNOW and Under Stand the Necessity to Move and Flow, You also Under Stand the feeling of having 'Screwed yourself'. Because:

The Angles that Hold You to Account 4 Your grievous ACTS at the Location they were Committed, creates an Energy that Bends TO-Ward the Heart shape where the Combined Higher ARC or Lens of the Upper Frequencies, Literally BEND and are Drawn TO-Ward You. And when that Happens there is a Point that Forms (like Cleopatra's Needle) the Seems to Follow You until you soften your ACTs and Release, Re Move or Offer Re Lief (leaf) to your Past.

And that is advice 4 both Victims and Criminals. It is simply 4 some, a 'Stop Hurting each other.' Directive and 'Allow Healing to Begin.' A 2 Step Program that STOPS You from Re Directing YOUR Pain and Bad ACTS and as YOU in a TANTRIC Pose and NOT a TRAN TRUM Pose can the build Strength enough to open an Awareness, a Connection, that is Triggered (in a good or Positive Weh) to provide Epiphanies or other Guidance to Lead You to 'An Other Place'. That is the Beginning of the Hearth Shape beginning to Soften back IN an TO the Original Rounded Lens Shape.

It is NOT OK for the Victim to become a Professional Victim either. BOTH the Victim and the Criminal MUST Follow the Same Flow as Step TO-Ward Healing. 4 the Victim, and 4 many there will be NO Certainty of which your were (as there was none 4 me until the END of the Process), Keep the Healing and the Energy Flow do your best to ignore the pain and BE Have Your Self, as that brings with it TO-Ward the End of the Pain Flow the 'Better Place' that was removed from the Criminal. Do NOT wish to see the Criminal Hurt, 4 that DOES Alter YOUR State of Being, just like their behavior altered your own. It slows the Process Down.

So do NOT Believe that Bad Times are GOD out to get You. It is NOT, It is a Mathc Energy that must be removed as you live in 3D (or 'other places') and:

There ARE Wonder FULL Things that will Happen. At the Marian Apparition Sites, Healing Waters, the Springs that My Energy has 'Touched' Magnetically (Similar but not exactly like a Tunguska Event) and the Springs (Spring is a season of time) themselves Represent the Aquarian Sky Energies. These Contained and Gentle Waters that are Tainted (polarized) to Heal are in an Air Abundance, and though the Waters are still Healing, Soothing and Symbolic in their Drink Able Form, there is a Flow of Energy Reaching our Earth Planet where Faith is Growing in a 'There is Something 'New' in the Air'.

Many Channelers have described this New Aquarian Air Quality as the Christ Consciousness Returning to Earth 4 AL of Man Kind and is not necessarily a Person. It is Personified in the Masses. And that is EXACTLY what any Space Alien, Guardian, or god wants 4 you and the Planet. As a One who Watches from the Highest Broadest Realms, We KNOW the IN Port ANTS of YOU Growing into your Mature Spiritual Positions who are Self-Rely ANT and Self-SufIc ANT (Sufficient).

That the Christ Conscious is manifesting within the Masses IS because Universes (more than ONE) are Now IN an A Line Ing Flow themselves. You see? Guard your Behavior and allow for the Flow to Reach You Un Disturbed, Un Inter (TO-Ward You) Rupt Ed so it reaches you in both Depth and Complete or Whole, as IN No Missing Parts or Pieces and IN it 1:1 Perfect ReFlection.

Anonymous said...

And it is seen here as the 2nd Image on the top left row: https://medium.com/storymirror/nazca-geoglyphs-an-inexplicable-mystery-7214bbca2d23

And that same Image is shown again hereand are labeled as Dendrites and Axon Terminals: https://training.seer.cancer.gov/anatomy/nervous/tissue.html

Those Channeled Beings, in their Answer to your Question are seeing an Mis Mathc in your Spirit (or Black Shadow body) Position where you have left your Emotional Body in the Past that you reliving. And you need to Re Center your Chakra Body IN THIS Life so that each of your Chakra Lights are IN Today's Time and your Realize the IN Port Ants (not a mis spelling) of Crying 4 your Past as a Legitimate Squaring of Self as opposed to Living in the Past which is a Subtraction, a Draining of Life Force Energy, or a Devaluing of your Money/Energy that you should be Using, With Purpose, Spending Today.

You see many today who are Re Living their Atlantean Day IN the SAME Position. This IS what we do in Every Live to a degree, as a mechanism to 'DO Better' and over come our Missed Take. Now we have ALL had Lives since Atlantis, and this Time Period is the Final Test of what we have learned. I AM is speaking now, because we have reached the Maximum Point of Where Memories will begin to Turn ON Us and become a Subtraction. We ALL KNOW by now, who has been Naughty and who has been Nice and that was necessary for the Total Cleansing, Sealing and Sepa Rate Ing from our Atlantean Past. Just like I remembered my Past, you have ALL remembered your Own from that Day.

So I speak and explain to you the need to NOW Live in Today, and drop the Victim and Aggressor Divide. 4 Neither should Con TIN U ON any Further or Future. The Difference between Both words is the Further is the Masculine ACT in the Present that Defines the Path or Light Energy we are FACE Ing, as Future.

And remember was this was AL About (Even durning Atlantis) the Masculine Energy not AL-Low Ing the Feminine Divine Christ, the Weh, to Gain her Strength and Flow. And this was 'Why?' Jesus and his Apostles were Needed. They Added the Divine Christ TO the Masculine Energy 1st, BE 4 I could Return IN my own Full Fill Meant to give us the Sacred KNOW Ing that other Planets have but was removed from our own.

Under Stand that this is the Planet as well as many os us, stepping out of the Darkness and into the Light and you see this as a 'Redistribution of Light' and did not Barack Obama promise us a 'Redistribution of Wealth'? Isn't Javier Meile working to-ward that same effort in the Positive Weh of Liberty? And do you see the Difference how Canada and the United States must NOT Fall, but must come into the Present Time to NOT Fall, Again?

If you think of the Axon in the Nerve Structure as your Chakra System, such a 'Happening' as we see today that is a Re Distribution of 'Energy Wealth' it is like a Solar Flash where each of the Schwann's Cells are Tuned to their Appropriate Level of Brightness as an alignment. And each of the Schwann's Cells have a 'Myelin Sheath' which is Like me, very Talkative (Talk Active). And the Myelin being the Merlin-like Magical Stimulation to the Eye-like Schwann's Cells that each of our Lives and each of our Chakra Represent. Each of your Lives IN that ACT ion or Weh ARE the Eye of Horus. And remember when you think of the Elohim: Myelin is 'My EL IN' a Connection of Flow.

Anonymous said...

Do not Bite the Hand that Feeds You. Do not judge someone or some event of the Past on Rumor alone. And do you see where the Images from Space that form and Eye Neb Ula (nebula) are VERY Much like the Schwann's Cells:


And Images of a Crab Neb Ula https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crab_Nebula can be very Similar to the Dendrites and Axon Terminals of our Nerve Structure in this photo simulation: https://www.alamy.com/2d-illustration-neurons-and-their-connections-microscopic-photo-simulation-of-the-human-nervous-system-image383203951.html?imageid=35581051-808F-4E5E-8586-57F83C087425&p=151382&pn=1&searchId=2d4b10fb71533cad6ebe3c053a27dc14&searchtype=0

My Memories are the Result of my...Keeping my Origins, the Roots of My Birth which is an ACT IVE or Electric ON Connection to my Tree of Live and my not...Stepping Down IN and TO a Karma as I descended. It is the 'Roots of my Birth' because it is a Quantum Nerve Connection between Me and GOD, the Position of my Birth. When you follow the 10 Commandments, you will find that Karma is a Delay and ADDs to the Emotional Body Time it does not need. Reconciling Charkas into a Balance IS Necessary as a Retribution for Trauma Done to you . Revenge Is Retribution that YOU ACT IN or ON and is NOT a Repositioning of your Energy System. However good it feels to beat the hell out those who hurt you, it does not Balance the Scales as you would think. So I suggest that when someone touches your Life in a Weh that Creates Ripples of Pain, do not Touch them Back. That is how an Electrical Circuit is Completed AND there are other More Efficient Wehs to settle that kind of Dispute. Let God Settle it, and Understand that he will allow you time to settle it yourself. Tell him very politely that you want Peace IN your Life. And see how He handles while you Sit beside me, his Feminine Energy.

And remember as this plays out in your life or lifetimes, that God, ACT ing to Balance the Liberty between you and those who Touched or Altered your own Life Plan, that IN the he is IN that X ACT (Cross Ed) Position that is the Ancient Gods at War with One Another. This is the Finer Higher Energies coming to-ward a Complete Conclusion. Having 'No Loose Ends' is the reason (and it is also a Weh 'Flow' Season as an Astronomy Creating an Astrology) YOU are Tested and Measured by the Guardians, the Angelic STRAIGHT FROM God Beings having no Baggage of their Own, that like a Doctor they check your Magnetic Pulse and Look at the Clarity of your Eye making sure you are in a 1:1 mathematical Mathc. This is because God is already fighting on your behalf as you are ALL his Children, removing you, sepa rate ing WITH YOU.

Anonymous said...

Even in the Posthumous Lives, Any 4 Get Full Ness that I had Durning my Life Times were Re Filled With Faith. And the need for Faith is another Reason I do not want Churches to Collapse. Your need 4 Squaring yourself IN Prayer does NOT Stop when you leave the 3D. Remember when I saw Audrey siting so close to our Eternal Flame, it reached me as 'Profoundly Reverent'. And I know that if you were to see the same IN and WITH your own selves, it would reach you in the same Emotion.

So, Staying or 'BE Ing Spiritual' does not stop when you are IN Spirit. 4 that is You IN 3D and you do not see your connection due to the Sepa Rates of Time.

Spirituality, and Spirituality lived as a Religion and Practiced Daily is not something you only work on here in 3D. Posthumously, you begin to see the more Serious Need that while IN Spirit, you STAY Connected TO-Ward Spirit. And we AL KNOW by NOW that that is because of the 1:1 Weh Flow BE Ing itself in an Aware Ness that is more Immediate in a Miracle-like Arrival in a slower than our 3D Time Rate or Tepe. At least it is 4 those who stayed Connected to-ward the Respect of Others and Self. You know, the 10 Commandments.

For the 10 Commandments were Given IN STONE Via the Covenant ARC WITH GOD. These 10 were 'GOD Source' projected as Sound that We in Arcturus Followed and Passed the Stone Henge Sound Able Ity to our next Star Connection as a Descending Vibration. And So ON, until it Reached the Earth of that Time which was in a Descent or Descending Atmos Sphere and Forming its own self into a Heart Shaped Symbol Pointed At the Earth Location.

That was the Atmos Sphere and the Planet BOTH Decending Together and that Time (Tidal or Tide-AL) Locked Direction (4 they do not AL Wehs Descend, Ascend together, as they are today as well) The Planet Forming into Matter or More Material, as too the Adam Form as well as the Atmos Spheric Seal the Bible calls the Firmament. And that Firmament is the ONLY Reason Why I say man should not travel into space. The outer side of the Firmament, defined in the Bible as Heaven, will not support the 3D Adam Form. The Time is not there 4 it to complete the Body, but you do have a Permanent (Firm A Meant, and Perm A Meant) Image that is a Mirror Image of our 3D Body. and 'Mirror' has a Moon-Like Quality, with the Mi RR Or (Or like the City of Or) and the M OO N have similarities in their Spellings.

Do not 4 Get that Hathor is the Mother of Horus. Hathor is one of my Lives while IN a Building Firmament. This means we were still in the Extended Sleep State at Temples. We did not Live IN Caves, We simply Slept in them and like for other Groups, other Types of Adam Forms, we used the Natural Radiations of the Earth to Travel Back to the Higher Dimensions.

It was IN Hathor's Life having Returned to Earth IN that Time, that Sound was such that I saw the need that the Consciousness that Links TO our Human Form would feel the Loss of GOD, the Sepa Rate or Time would FALL in the Future of that Time, and would Re Turn and that Re Connect Ion would BE the 'Tongues of Fire' that the Apostles Experienced as our Crown Chakras would become a Portal 4 our Individual Eternal Flames. This Individual Eternal Flame is in Reality a Collective Consciousness of GOD and it holds Access TO AL That IS in that it Contains the Akashic Records Location.

Light Language and 'Speaking IN Tongues' that the Apostles where said to have done, IS a Channeling and it is the Language that we Spoke and when you listen to it (like with Jamie Price and others) Here at 57 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-7i9WPcOB0 And I tried years ago to describe it as 'What did the Egyptian Language Sound Like?' posting a video where words were spoken and vowels were not present.

Anonymous said...

Here Channeler Kelly Bowker speaks in this Language and notice that she ends her Opening Prayer or Message in a ReVerb of what sounds to me Like 'NonNonNon' in a type of 'Connection' to OUR Dimension. Notice that her Left AND Right Hands is in a 'OK' Sign by what I see is a 'E' and an 'O' Formed and it has a Ring and Rod Flow or Direction that you can see she reverses Hand Polarities and the E and O Directions. And these are Significant to the Dialect of Light Language that she Speaks. She literally uses her Hands to 'Add' the Vowels to her Message. I call it a Dialect of Light Language because Jamie Price uses her Hands in a More Elaborate, More Detailed Meaning.

Now, You see the 'Bar Bar' Forming in the Tide Locking or the Tidal Locking of 3 different Energies ( the Atmos Sphere (Firmament), the Planet and the Adam Form) in the Same Weh Flow Direction though each Forming (Firm-ing) their own Sepa Rate of Tepe (Time) and AL Descending the Point of the Heart Shape as the Final A of Barbara? And you should Read the Name as each Letter Happening ConCurrent Ly. And when you Com Pair AL the Patterns in the Name Barbara and ADD to it that it is AL Happening AT ONE (Tepe) Arrival...whell it goes have a ONE, TWO Punch and Kick to it.

My name is ONE that is 'Me and the Earth' in a Covenant, an Agreement, WITH GOD at a Time when BOTH, Women and the Planet, were Restricted From Arriving IN TO or ON the Planet in their Original Energy Strength. Remember: AL Time is Simultaneous. That means ConCurrent. And that is 4 my life Times and 'E' and an 'N' Communication With God and Audrey, 4 she has Been BOTH Saturn and Moon helping Isis, Helen, Cleopatra, Magdalene, etc AL at ONE Time or Sepa Location. When ONE of my Lives needed Help, Other Lives were Moved to ACT NO MATTER the Time Differences of Past, Present and Future. This is when I woke and Spoke to Johanne when Her Arms were Broken. It is the Identical Twin ACT Ion KNOWing what the other is doing and the Psyche Communication between them.

The BAR is a 'B' that could be under stood as 2 Rods and Rings that are in a Linked or Double Energy Path, Like you see in the stone relief of Ishtar. The 'A' in the Drop INTO the One Triangle of the Star of David and is IN the Receive Position that our Earth or Sur FACE Pyramids are IN. The 'R' is the Direct or External Energy as the 2nd Path, Direction AND Location. It is the OUT Er Arrival of Energy while the 'A' is the more Internal or Chakra Arrival of Energy that the Star of David Represents.

The Name itself is a Web of In Core Rupt Able Strength. It is a Fixed Platform of Traveling Strength.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure how the last 2 messages posted twice. I remember being in a hurry to leave the house, but I don't remember having issues posting that would account for the double Ing.

Now, Today is J6. And I want to take a moment to remember those who died at the hands of police, and those who are IN Prison. Even though they do not yet know of me and my work here, I ask that they and all those who have been targeted and wrong full ly IN Prisoned for a 'make be live' or a 'make YOU Be Live' crime against these others, that I too was caught and IN Prison Ed and Murdered IN 4 of my Life Times (Isis, Helen, Cleopatra, and Johanne). And I want you to see the Power of 4 Give Ness, or the Good that can Flow TO You when YOU Harness your Emotions and Place Them IN TO a Tantric ( which IN Plies as a 'Positive' Pole or Polarity) Position as my Barbara Life Symbolizes IN the Barbara/Audrey Con Junct Ion. Give your Pain OVER (Flip it) TO a New Purpose. As I AM, like You, a Patriot these are My Words TO-Ward You and anyone else wrongly Convicted of a Crime:

This is the only Weh to Rea-P or Rea Sea ON your Experience 4 when the Reaper FACE Es you (remember he hides HIS FACE) YOU are the one who must Mea Sure S UP. YOU are the ONE who Comes to FACE Him, he does not come to You. Today the Reaper is seen as the Keeper of Death that comes 4 you, but that is not exactly what happens. The Hermit, dressed in robes holding a Light or lantern so he can see is the InterSpectIon that Prison Allows you to do. NO MATTER Guilt of Innocence, take the Time to Flip the Polarity or your Feelings IN and TO-Ward a Use Full PerSpectIve. Take the Time to Search YOU and your BE Ing, Ask Questions and Look for Answers.

In the Tarot the Hermit is a 'Major Arcana' (an Arcturus TO Canis Major (Dog Star and Vice Verse A) of Sirius, with the 2nd Interpretation of Arcana being the Arc-Ianna (Goddess Energy that the Annunaki, the Bird, or the 'Life Force' Energy Found Living IN the Anu, Sky God as their Deep Bass. The feminine verse of this Energy is the kneeling woman wearing the Birds Head as a Crown and not Covering her FACE, like you see here: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/leading-vision-lessons-from-cleopatras-leadership-lee-nallalingham as well as the Winged Goddess Isis or Ma'at Kneeling with Feathered Arms stretched out for flight.) that has a 'Major Change' significance in a persons life. BE it Good or Bad Anchor, Archon, and ArchAngle-like Energy, AL are in the Authority Guide your life.

4 Tantric Practice is the Altering of an Energy Flow, A HOLD Ing With IN You A Strong E Motion which when Released as ACT Ing ON or IN, Creates an ANGLE or NEW Direction by Delaying its ACT until it is IN thePositive or Proper Time, Weh Approach. It is Energy De Liberty Held IN Place (Like in my Ice Cube Dream) and It is a Strength Building Exercise, of With HOLD Ing one's deepest and most tempting desire that I tried to encourage with Tal and any one he chooses to have sex with.

4 when things come 'too easy' as a 'weh flow' they become more and more un inter (or Internal) Rest Ing (uninteresting), meaning the flow does not stop as 'Rest' IN Plies as part of the Twisting Cycle that Propels Energy, as a Propeller Churns Energy like we see in Magenta Pixies lates video in the 1st Minute https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=fibonacci+sequence&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 where she describes the Fibonacci sequence or geometry, which is ONE Half of the Galactic or Galaxy 2 Arm Structure that we see Replicated even in Saturn's Rings. When the Fibonacci Pattern is in a Polarity, a Mirror Strength, that is when you have a God Personified Tetra Cycle and the Glyph Spiral like here in the YinYang and not the Singular: https://www.discovermagazine.com/planet-earth/the-enigma-of-perus-nazca-lines-giant-geoglyphs-etched-in-desert-sand

Remember that Tetra has a 'Fish' and a '4' Connection.

Anonymous said...

(My computer is playing tricks on me again. I saw 2 of the same posts for a total of 3 posts from Jan 3rd and now there is only 2 posts and not duplicated post.. )

These bring Propeller-like Energies that are the Magnetic Pole Flip ACT of the Fish-like (Snake-like, Brain-like (that bring or Deliver (De Live R) Epiphanies) and Bowel-like that bring or De Live R a Final 'Earth Product' from your body TO the Earth that is the Zero Point or End Meets Beginning of leaving our Adam Form to Ferment (Firma Meant) into it's New or Beginning Earth Process. These are AL Examples of Undulating ACT Ions.

And You IN Control OF Self IS YOU IN a YOUR OWN TesserACT or Star Of David Process Magnetically Flipping your Place In the Stars To a New Energy Source. It Changes the Energy you are FACE Ing, Receiving and Sending at a Different Polarity Rate.

That means that by doing so, you have relived some of the Pressure, as i did between me and Audrey and this is creates a more Porous, more moon like surface or divide between you and your Higher Self were the smallest Degrees of Change bring Answers and Opper TUNE Iities.

Like I said Tal, you could have Altered Your Future...Radically. It would ALSO have reduced your 'need' of (or) for, or 4, as a Squaring, your NDE's. Removing your NDE's would Open Time AL-Low Ing more Time Mathc Ing Computations or Alterations needed to Complete in their more Natural Weh Flow. Meaning: You could travel TO-Ward Other Realms with out al the drama (read: Other people's Pain) that you gene rate. You Literally Cut your own Travels, your own TesserACT Short via your Tantrums (Tan Strum) That are NOT in a Tantric Sistrum. Your Sistrum use is unable to HOLD Energy and Form u late or Delay, and you don't care who you hurt or put into a death spiral with Octavian.

That too is the Practice of Tantric, Holding your Drama, building IN TO A Strength of Controlling Ones Self IN AL that YOU DO IN A Day, that Keeps YOU Squared and HEAD Ed TO-Ward, AS YOU FACE Self.

That is the Purpose of any Tantric Practice. 4 'Tantric' has a Broader, IN Port Ing (X Port Ing) ACT or Meaning Tied or Plied to it that Man has 4 Gone (4 Gotten) because of the Sex meaning that originated as an analogy given by a yogi. It is very similar to yogi saying he's 'been to the 'School of Lorraine'' and the 'School of Denise' as though he learned something while there. But the REAL Ity is he flunk out from BOTH Academy's and has little to show in the weh of Diploma, Diplomacy, or a Diplomatic. This is the Di (the other Mirrored Side that is a Duplicate, YinYang, Twin Energy that Forms at the SAME Time, Con Current, coupled with the Ploma and I encourage you to read AL the Definitions of 'Ploma'.)

Anonymous said...

Con Current IS the Tantric Energy Build that is the Mirrored or the Duplicate (kinda like a Di + Ploma) 'TWIN Squaring'. It is 'Why?' when Tal and I live as Brother and Sister Tal can die and come back to Life, While I get to remain unharmed and alive. And when He and I and NOT Brother and Sister, I die and I stay Dead.

This Life, having the Sepa Rate that is the Greater Distant 'Location Contact' is the reason my life has been Spared so FAR. Tal being A Weh FROM me Literally Saves my Life. He has no Magnetic FACE TO FCE Sharing, or rather the Un Intention AL Stealing that he does.

And while Octavian is a Tin Soldier Today, there are many who will remember Tal, and me by de fault if I were to be seen with him because I AM Higher Dimensional, a higher Radiation, others like to, or are quick to, forget me. 4 MANY Intuit ly Understand the Ishtar and Dumuzi Math as a Weh Flow. It Man-I-Fests as a Festival of Drunk en 'Idiot Shit' IN Port Ed into Man or 3D. It Plays OUT as a 'Divine Comedy' of Errors or a Divine 'Comedy of Errors'.

These Conflicting of Energy Cycles others see or Interpret, are Great Enough that it cannot be...Under Stood by some. It is
IRE Rate Ing (Irritating) and IRE Regular It is not a Re Con Ceiling and becomes a Glass Ceiling that has no room for Time to Excel ER Rate (Excalibur) Accelerate, or a Re Con Sealing that many cannot Make as an Energy Completion. They can NOT See the Complete Energy Cycle and because of that...Something bothers them, their Ire is UP or HIGH. It is Un Settled Rest Less 'Belt Energy' that is the like the Continued War in the Middle East ( and East as a Direction has a Significant Meaning).

And Do YOU see the Need for A Tantric Practice IN that Region Location? Do YOU see, Tal, the Need 4 YOU to get a HOLD ON Your Emotional Body to Square Your SELF, Your NDE 'hiccups' involve a Shared GAS Etheric Mars/Jupiter (Masculine) Strength in Shared Direction TO-Ward MY Saturn (Feminine) Strength? It is a Tortured or Torch Ed Electrical 'play' or sharing that the 2 Gas Giants BURN IN FIRE Death or Sepa Rates. THAT is 'Why?' Armand comes between us Dimensionally, ACTing as a Dimensional Regulator in the Tri Angle Mathc in the Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Energy Chain.

AND as YOU, Tal, try to 'think this through' remember US as a Shared 'Ply' or 'Twined' Energy like this Video as well as the Star Maps or Charts and Monthly Astrology Maps or Charts de scribe:


Cleopatra's Description of 'Anthony Falling ON his Sword' was a Dream she had and was in the Tarot Meaning of Sword of loosing his 'Strength of Word' and how he cannot talk to women. A hot tempered Letter TO Octavian, only to be murdered in that life literally with his own sword. And it was the same 4 Tell Ing, Cleopatra predicting of my own future being 'Bit in the Breast by a Snake' in A Garden of Eden Meaning. These were Dreams Cleopatra Reordered. Losses we suffered in the Magnetic With Draw Ing Creating Dante's Daunting Divine Comedy of Errors.

Anonymous said...

As a side note of no real importance: I don't read tarot cards, the sword connections I spoke of yesterday come from
Cleopatra's dreams about Antony and of herself dying of a snake bite.

The Sword Connection was to show her the difference between her and Anthony, and his use of Metal was described in his Achilles Life. Helen told of His armor coming to him as a 'gift' from his mother, and this is how he creates his Henge Environment. Remember the issues he has dealing with women in AL of the Roles, Positions they hold in his life. It is how he compensates for his lack of Evolution, Ascension, his lack of returning IN Direct Contact to Source. It is a Smoke (Gas) and Mirrors short cut that He'd better STOP.

The Sword References are Important to Me, not so much Ari or Tal. It is My Sword with Arthur and my combined or aligned Ideals (though many call it an ideology, I don't like that word.) with D's Soul Group. The Sword Symbolism is Arcturian in Nature and is the Rod of the Rod and Ring Star Map or Star Chart of Arcturus which when coupled with the Southern Cross Star Group, you see the Completeness of the Anke Formula. And it is IN Port Ant that you be aware that the HEAD of the Anke IS YOU. And it is YOU Guiding as a Self-Aware Self-ACT Ing Creation Source, it is YOU guiding the Outer, more Magnetic Self-Aware, into a Polarized Magnetic Energy that is Condensing itself into a Force that will ACT IN or ON Your Be Half. It is in that sense the Outer 1/2 of YOU, and is symbolic of You IN an Extension of Time, Literally using Other or Multi Dimensions as an Extended Energetic Reach via an Extension of your Time Less Ness. And you can Elongate these Cycles of Extensions by Minding Your Manners and you can increase your ability to BE Polite by the Tantric Energetic HOLD on your outbursts of Emotions TO-Ward Others. AND that does not STOP you from expressing your point of view as much as it does FORCE you to find a more polite weh of Making Your Point (of View).

So, I began to look at Tarot Cards because of their use of Swords and what they represented in the deck while I was trying to understand why Johanne and Arthur used Excalibur and what it symbolized in my life. Tarot Cards have been around long before Cleopatra's Day and were Created from Dream Symbols and Dream Analysis. The Hermit, the Tower (of Babylon), King, Queens, Wands (Rods), Coins and Pentacles (represent Money (and Money as Creation Energy) as do the Pentacles. Do you have enough Money Energy or Creation Strength to Create your Goals, Dreams or Desires? It has a Karmic Affordability, an 'A 4 Able Ness' you , and indicate the ease or hardship you can be creating from. But it is the Dream Symbol verse or version of Astrology, and though the 2 are not the same they can be used together to enhance, Re IN Force, or Clarify the other. Now:

I do want to apologize for my need to even discuss Tal and his life. I don't like having to put things here about any one, because it is 'opening a wound' and not allowing it to heal. I do understand that it is a Cycle of Memory (one that is Pain) that I must travel or tra verse (a traveling Sound) through to see new information or the same information in a new Light Angle or Aspect. I feel the need to tell Tal what I see, in the hopes that he will DO Something Productive and Protective IN my Direction instead of the Hurt and Death he Forces ON me. AND:

I know that this Life is a Direct and DEEP Connection TO Cleopatra's Life. The Trans Channeler D and I went to years ago said that I had a very IN Port Ant Life as a Doctor and it held a High amount of Energy. I didn't ask him any questions about it, because I didn't exactly believe him, since I am not the best of classroom students. And this Life is even more Significant in its Use AND Depth of Energy than my Cloepatra life. I am picking up where she left off after FINALLY having settled the differences between me and Octavian.

Anonymous said...

So I feel like I've had my say with Tal, yet Ari keeps pushing me to occasionally continue to post about him. And I try to NEVER speak of yogi. Armand has been a Life Line, a Life Savior for me, a Rest Stop and a...wall of protection that when I am around him I feel safe in. But I am encouraged to say that I do feel that had yogi Humbled HimSelf a bit more as a Sincere apology BE 4 and DURING the Divorce, Tantrically Reduced his Anger/Fear to Allow more of his Honest Pain to be seen by his wives before HE did anything to break the Marriages, he would have Graduated from either of the Academy's.

And that is the same Tantric Fail that Tal and Brig's have, and while I think Brig's is doing well, Ari is making a face that indicates 'it's a judgement call', like it could go either weh, or is still a 'thing' that must be mentored by HIM, Keeping an eye on it.

Now, the story of the Fallen Angels, this Idea that those beings were attracted to our Planet because they wanted to have sex with women. These Fallen Angels were the gods descending and coming to the Earth to have sex with women is the same as coming to live a life that is Promiscuous and without a 'Fate' AS A Goal attached to it. It was simply the desire to come to Earth and not better it in a meaning full weh. And we see so many today lost in this same life style that is an Epstein Island life of sex, drugs, etc.

And the explanation of Tantric Sex controlling Life Force Energy is, or was, from the very beginning misunderstood by MAN even TO Day. It is the Chakra System Working to Create Force 4 You following the same or similar path that your Chakra Systems use to create Orgasms. This Internal Force that YOU are Creating is not expelled through the Root Charka and penis but is expelled through your Root (as ACT Ion and not an orgasm) and other Chakras in a combination that will Magnetically Generate or Gather the Energy into Position.

There were MANY Reasons to come to Earth. The 1st of which was it was a Developing Energy and there IS a MAGNETIC Pull That Draws Others here.

Gravity on our Planet IS MAGNETIC. It is the PULL of Light, the Light Band that hugs the Earth that we all live in, that is the Metallic Attraction to-ward the Planets Core. And it is the Global Tectonic Plates that keep it Pinned and IN An Energy 'Communication' or Exchange. You can think of the Light Emitting from the tectonic plates as the Inner Sun of or Planet, where the Sun for the Solar System seems to have no Crust or Cover.

So where does the Light we Live in on the planet come from?

It is a more complicated Creation Formula and it is a Joint Effort (like the joints that you see in drawn in Star Maps and Joints like find that connect your Bones. These are designed as the Different Self-Aware Energies Come together to Form a Co-Operation to AL 'Share the SAME Space.' AND:

Anonymous said...

(don't ask about the 1st 3 posts all being the same.)

Do you see where this 'coming together in co operation' is a WIN-WIN for Both or AL Energies, your entire skeleton as well as your entire Universes that your Home Planet Lives IN?'

The Majority of the Light that is Sealed in our Light Band comes not from the Sun, but the Majority of the Other Universes that WE Bring IN Through Us. And it is like I've said before, if you believe the planet is in a Climate Crisis, solving, making peace with your own problems will relieve Her Pressure, the negative that you think is building for Her. It is the same as you being a good friend helping another who is hurting by being supportive.

The Solar System is a Smaller, BeSpoke verse or version of the Galaxy, and much Energy does come to us from the Planets outside of Solar System, the Galactic Planets in a Stepped Down or Trimmed Energy that is Sized ON PURPOSE, De Liberty, to keep us IN an Energy that is the Right Time Use for our Stage of Life, Stage of Growth. This is the Equivalent of a Child having Parents that Protect and monitor the child's life experience AND the behavior the Child is to Project out to others until they reach their Age of Reason AND their Age of Maturity. Teaching a Child Self Discipline IS teaching them a Tantric Strength.

Sending a child who has a tan strum to their room, or a Parent saying to a child that if they keep their crying, their tan strum, up they will be given 'something to cry about' is a response to FORCE a Child to a Mature Direction. Believe it or not, many kids KNOW this and they 'put FEEL ER S OUT' to see 'What is acceptable behavior here?' And it is them Fine Tuning their Self Connections into their Forming Reality. And when the Parent is a Disciple in a Disciplined (a Disciple of (Straight or streamed) Lined) Strength the Child will conform. Remember you cannot start this when they are teens.

Even Posthumously there are those who 'show you the ropes' of your new environments because a Tantric 'Reality Creation' does NOT Stop with a 3D Death and it does NOT Start with a 3D Birth. You see? Reality is a matter of Tantric Control everywhere you go.

The Idea that Tantric Instructors Hold their Orgasmic Energy, delaying its release ONE Example of a Tantric ReSponse. The Emotional Body, like the example of the child (or even the adult) in a tan strum is another example where a Tantric Practice over the Emotional Body should be Ex Er Sized or made to fit as BeSpoke or even as a CouTure 'Clothing' as a Light that Emanates From within.

Now the Planets in your Solar System do NOT have Life on them that you in 3D would liken to your own 3D Life. They are Tuned Differently so they are understood as Un Seen. Planets if you were to see their life would be an Ant-Arc-Tic-A (a 4 or squared formula involving 4) Light Reflections. This is a Step Down, Bespoke Re Sizing or Alter-ation of Energy so you can see the Aliens as a Hologram-ish reflection or Presentation. And you and the aliens are in that Shared Space that can only be shared for a Time Limit that you should see as 'Brief'. It is not advisable for you to 'live with them' and think you are still in 3D.

Remember that when we formed into 3D matter, it was described as those in Spirit staying too long in that Time or Source Material and were 'trapped in physical bodies'. Same Too when traveling in the opposite direction.

Anonymous said...

(Jane and Seth do have a book on Reality Creation, but I forget the exact name of it.)

Atlerations of Energies 'to keep the Peace' or 'Keep the Integrity' of the Re AL Ity, the Reality, that becomes and is a shared Planet and Planet Space 'Happen' AL the Time and are in part done Automatically By the Self Aware Ness that 'Every Where' Contains. It is the 'AL That IS' GOD or God Particle in every Matrix, Web or Multi-Verse or Multi-Dimension.

So do NOT 'Dummy Down' or Exclude the use of GOD IN Any Environment. I do NOT Use words like 'matrix' to describe a place or environment, because these Places and Environments HOLD an Emotional Body and are Self-Aware and as a Self-Aware, they deserve a Sharing, a Co-Operation WITH You. There is NO Place I know of where 'Mine Ing' 'Sources' or 'Re Sources' without consideration to the Environment you are Take Ing From is Acceptable. It is in that sense Stealing from the Self-Aware Environment.

The 'Climate Crisis' many believe IN on Earth is an Atlanetean Memory, a Feed Back Sound, a Re Verb Er Action of that Time Period and it is 'Happening' to some and not to others because of their lack of Spiritual Re Solve or Evolution having AL Ready gone through the Re Solve Ing the Traumas of their Past. Meaning: they haven't settled their Past enough, so they still 'feel, see, live' it as a Situation Energy 'loop' or Cycle that re plays as a 'thing'. AND:

Look how many are Sexualized as a Fallen Angle who has yet to Re Cover in their Couture (Energetic) Fashions (like the African Fabrics Represent) or BeSpoke Being Ness.

So Sexual Mis A Line Meant S like today's Gender Confusion 'Happen' and it is for 4 those in such positions to examine as to 'Why?' WITH OUT DO Ing or Indulging in a sexual behavior that was ill advised from the Beginning, as the Old Testament Represents. It is a 'HOLD Your Position' Card (Card as wood energy) and it is the same STAND I take where I must cycle through my (painful) Past to see the Future and/or the Past While In the Present.

4 Someone like Tal to do this....you see where his relation ship WITH the Feminine is at a Loss 4 Words and Verse (Sound) after a Volume of UnFinished Business, Drama and his Move ON TO the next sexual relationship? There is no Heal Thy (Heathly) Tantric strength 'there'.

Now 4 the Adults: It is Time to Practice Control or Tantric 'Holding to Re Position' your Light Emitting FACE (and FACE Ing, 2 Directions or Places in Comm Union AT Ion (Communication)) Energy. It is the 3D Verse Ion of the Zero Aster (Zoroaster) Flying Machine and it is Drawn or Mapped Chart of the Organic Machine that is your Black Shadow IN Motion and that Organic Machine IS Biological and is YOU. The Zoroaster Image is a drawing of your Black Shadow, and does convert into your Adam Form in 3D. The 2 DO Equate or Transfer into a 1:1 Equal Energy Parts or Placements WHEN YOU Ascend or Solve your UnEqual Parts or Patterns here in 3D.

And I tell you your Sexual Behaviors are VERY Telling and not just here in 3D. And by that I mean your ACTs Follow you Posthumously. Until you flip you Polarity Overlays Posthumously and get this: It is a Tantric ACT Ion Posthumously that has You in a' Fire Energy' De Liberty Freeing you from the Magnetic Contact. And it is a Judge Meant Call of the Angels to measure the Energy Flow or Flow Pressure. Because in the Higher more Sensitive Heavens it is not advice able to Crack under the Pressure 'There' as well as 'Here'.

Anonymous said...

Each of us 'There' as well as 'Here' is very much like a Ground Zero (or Zero Point) Planet, and like our Earth we each have a Creation Energy that Can and WILL Calm Itself, and Wars will become more of a Competition (an Olympian-like Competition, which is how they (loosely) started (4 example) as boxing matches or jousting events that grew into battles) and less of a Crime or Crime IN AL ACT (Criminal).

And to answer my own questions as to 'Why?' there have been so many Murders IN my own Life, or 'Why?' Audrey would 'Allow' Her (and I in 3D) to be assaulted and murdered. The Answer is that Power DOES Core Rupt when it is given too Easily in Flow. It is used as a Memory that I carry with me. As a Memory it is a Reminder as a Show of Respect. Re Spect as a Watcher to under stand the Purpose of it IN my Life is a Feel Er that I Put OUT to both Sympathize WITH those like me, and a Caution FROM those NOT like me. 4 not everyone 'Cares' as yet. It is so that I do NOT 4 Get the Positions of those IN the Ascension Process NO MATTER Victim or Criminal. It is the New Testament 'Love your Enemy as your Self', and it is that Identifying with those that is NOT a Stockholm Syndrome, but is a Recognition of God IN Humanity or Human Form. Stockholm Syndrome does not deal with the anger and fear that Enemies Create in Your Emotional Body via your 'Mind and Physical' Pain. And Yes, they ARE Creating IN your Head and Physical Body Spaces. And that is a Stealing that is accounted for in th 10 Commandments. Stockholm Syndrome does not allow for the Abused to Process the theft of Energy Manipulated by the Abuser. And we see this in sexual predators praying on children. It is not until the child begins to grow into adult hood that they begin to realize what was Taken From Them.

When you see the Complete Spirit or Complete Connections to Spirit in an Ascending Process where 'GOD IS' an 'I AM' in the Universal 'ALL that IS' Volume, the Tantric Strength Building Becomes more Understood AND Stronger IN 'IN Portal ACTs' as an IN Port/Ex Port Energy Flow. You begin to merge in a Universal (Volume of) Knowledge and Strength WITH God. The 2 Merge as One within the Other, while BOTH remain Aware they are Different. Like a 3D Pregnancy Represents. And 'Why?' Mother Hood is a Sacred ACT.

Now while you are merged One within the Other as a Blending into any Universe, it IS IN Port Ant 4 YOU to stay in your Person AL BaryCenter as described in the video I posted recently at about the 4 minute mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lPJ5SX5p08&t=21s

This is YOU Keeping your Own Bass or Beat of a Rotation or Spin Compatible, Compact Able enough that your Spin and the Outer or Universal Spin work together but are slightly different, like your 3D DNA Reflect a Strong Portion of your Mother and is the result of her sharing her Light Source Pattern with You as you were Merged WITH HER.

When you watch the Earth's Rotation Here: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/WT0k1ID6jXI understand that AL Planets IN a System, Re ACT IN Co-Operation to the Move Meants (Intentions) Of the other Planets. However:

This should BE Under Stood as the Earth Tending to The Care of the Sun as the Chakra Magnetic Source of the Solar System. It is not that the Sun Causes the Earth and Other Planets to Move a Certain Weh. It is the Earth IN Conjunction with the other planets that keep the Sun in a Strict Confine or WITH and IN Spacial Limits.

Anonymous said...

4 If the Planets do not, it would be a case of our Solar System Wondering the Galactic in a Rude and Unfriendly weh, Like it was with Octavian and My Self. And to do this on the Galactic Level: You see the need for Angels and Lady Liberty? And when our Atlantean Planet did this, we were Still Kept in our Solar System with the Planet Alter Ing itself so Radic Ly that our IN Plosion and then Re Surf FACE Ing in the Same Position as a different Planet Behavior was felt IN Ter N AL Ly (Internally) by these on Sirius, Pleiades, Arcturians and many others who have Birth Ties to our Planet, or the more Distant GOD Excluded 'Seeding' of our Planet. What we do on Earth Affects other Planets IN and OUT of our Solar System, to a Degree that is a IN Position TO or WITH Them.

Remember when you create a Humanitarian Crisis or Catastrophe, those who create and behaved in this weh, pretending to not notice the kids, the vulnerable and criminals will lose their own humanity as well, no matter if it is an Open Border or a Vaccine that Harms and robs others of their Life.

So with the Angels and the 'Seasons' of Celestial Time Ing opening/closing Universal Gates and Portals to prevent Energetic Floods, these are Similar to UN Settled War-like Belt Energies that ARE Contained like our 3D Borders that HAVE Walls and other Control Mechanisms used to prevent a Harm to the Flood of Humanity into Locations. 4 the Harm is to those trying to reach 'new to them' Lands and those AL Ready ON the lands trying to provide for that New or IN Coming Humanity.) AL IN the Galaxy must wait their turn in the Sistrum (that is the Organic Radiation as a FACE) of 'AL That IS' or the Self-Aware Life that is GOD. Remember 4 GOD, male or female, there is a Clock-like Sorting that keeps things Neat and Tidy and there 4 is a Healthy Reflection 4 when you begin to Under Stand and Include Energetic Mirrors and their Reflections. That is the Need 4 GOD to BE ON a Clock or have a Timing or Pattern of Time.

AND it is 4 YOU as well to BE Have as a Help TO-Ward your Higher Self. 4 there is MORE to YOU Each than 'Meets the Eye'.

Anonymous said...

So, When you watch the videos of my last posts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lPJ5SX5p08&t=21s and https://www.youtube.com/shorts/WT0k1ID6jXI

You get the Idea that the Sun's Path as it Travels through the Universe is Kept in a near straight Line (because our solar system does travel in a spiral curve that is a part of the Galaxy, so it is on a Long Count of the Maya Calendar and the Long Cycle of our Galactic Travels in the Milky Way or Milky Weh. Both Poles, Polarities or both sides of the Arms from the Galactic Center.

These are not Mirrors of one another, but they are One Masculine and One Feminine with a small section of a Condensed Verse/Version of the Feminine IN the Masculine Arm Rotation and One Condensed Masculine Verse/Version in the Feminine Arm Rotation. Knowing this you begin to see the Universe as an Extended Verse of the YinYang Symbol. You AL can see that Right?

So they are not Mirrors, they are a Brother/Sister Type of Relationship where the Yin/Yang is of the Same Creator, but is the Masculine and the Feminine of that ONE SELF (4 Even though it is One Chakra, it Does have a Self-Identity and has been Personified because it has been Self Aware and Self ACT Ing, as we see from the Rotation of Time in the Swirling Moving Arms. Just like 4 our Adam Forms. So, when you look at Armand, you see that yogi, Briggy, D and Javier are 4 of Armand's Many Different 'Looks', Aspects and Expressions as each are one of Armand's 12 Types. And 4 Ari and MySelf are the Masculine and the Feminine Separations of Armand now Personified and we show ourselves as Opposites in just about everything, yet in our Core Creation we are the Same. The same DNA Bass, and remember that Science has only solved the 3D obvious portion of the DNA puzzle.

Now, when Armand became Self-Aware and Near Self-ACTing, which was still not a Complete Sepa Rate Ion from the Nucleus (Neb Ula) Womb, He began to think and was Creating while still in the Womb and you MUST know this was WITH the Goddess Womb as the Mother that Created Him. So it was the 2 of them Working Together to Create Ari and Audrey as the Masculine and Feminine of Her Son and She is our GrandMother in that Sense.

And with Armand being in the 1st Self-Acting steps WITH and IN his Mother's Environment while still forming (Sepa Rating into) his Own, you can Understand that they were working together AS Mirrors of One WITH and IN the Other and this was ADD Ing in Degrees of Bright Ness, using LIGHT in more Wehs than our 3D Light form as it is a Radiation, Creation, etc that is in a Circle Cycle that is, like we see with the Moon Phases, Adding and Subtracting Energy Strengths creating the 12 Aspects, and these 12 Aspects are Growen into a Strength of Life as AL Forms of Light Branches and Life Branches and these look like Veins of Light in the Cosmos. These are Clear Paths, as the Vein of Light is a Consciousness in a Direction of 'Thought' or 'Thought Exploration' and that Gene A Rates Probabilities/Possibilities.

These Veins of Light, or Rivers of Live (or Life) Light run in Circle (In the Collapsed or Condensed Eternity Time) or the more elongated Spiral Path 4 the 12 Aspects to each 'Sample' as a 'brief Experience' as the Travel IN/ON their Weh and when you reach the Darker Side of the Light, that is where the Quantum Sepa Rate 'Happens' and a Independent 'Armand' Reflection is Spotted or Sighted as a Light that is Growing OUT Side of the Goddess Mother Womb and is a Personified Universe. (Here I mean a Universal Change or Divide) And it is then that the Light that was Armand in his Mother's Womb begins to run Dim, or live Dim in a Reduced Light and the External Light that is ALSO Armand begins to Become His own Man.

Anonymous said...

This is NOT to be confused with any type of Failure or Stupidity. This is the External Mother Environment that was Armand's now becoming an Internal Part or Piece of Him. You might see this as Her Becoming a Healthy Portion of his Internal Chakra Light Frequencies.

When this Condition is Met and is Moving, Living as an IN Deepen ANT (Independent) Life, the Light in the Mothers Womb that was and still is Armand is now a 'Wood' Form of Energy. And you must understand that that Light Brightness that is in a Wood-like Depth of Energy Now becomes an Intuition Quantum Psychic Communication....It is the Eternal Flame that is Armand's Highest Reaches in his Akashic Depth and is his Creation Power, his Feminine Side, and is his Creator who Helped his Create Ari and Audrey. And since it is Wood Energy, you must tend to it, meaning you must keep the connection Open and Flowing, otherwise it will begin to Burn Out as it will begin to reduce in Size Opening and Flow. It is not disconnection or lost to you, you can reconnect anytime you choose. You see?

The Andromeda Galaxy is our Birth Place. That where Armand was Conceived and Still remains within his Mothers Being and also as a Self-Actualized Masculine or a Man of His Own, as well as Ari and I also reflect our Births and our Birth Connection to our GrandMother. You can understand the Original Strength of Andromeda being a Galaxy and having 4 other Galaxies, Andromeda I and Andromeda II - IV. And how such 'A Thing' can 'Happen' is explained in this video shortly after the 22 minute mark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFlu60qs7_4 And I encourage you to all watch the entire video when you have a moment. I do not completely understand and may need to Watch it a few Times....

So, while there was Light in the Nebula Andromeda (An Drom Eda) and you see the An which leads To-Ward the goddess Ianna, the god Anu and the Annunaki Personified. Now it is IN Portent to Note that I've described Armand and his Creator Goddess Mother as being Sepa Rate while still living as 'together' or in a Pregnancy. AND the He used his mother's Creation Energy while he was not yet matured as his own strength to begin Ari and Myself as our own Lives. So you must understand that there is a Difference between this Interpretation of our 3 Creation Starts and the One I explained before where Armand and then Ari and I Split in 3 different Locations. When you slow Time Movement down it DOES look Different and Singular it is not the 4 Creation within one Big Bang event, it is Armand on his Own in a Nutrient Rich Environment wondering on his own and creating via his own thoughts. But it is Armand with His Mother Environment, the Mother Nature that he was Living and Stirring IN that was Creating and Stirring the Thoughts that were to be Armand. You see how different One Event can look and it is the Distance that I Peer or Bridge across as Span of Time like a Pier Across a length of Water that is the Difference.

Now these Condensed Verses/Versions of the Masculine in the Feminine Extended Arms (and the condensed Feminine in the Masculine) are Quantum 'Inserts', and are Triangle Points or Points that Form a Triangle Energy where the Galactic Center is the Apex the TWO (and this TWO and ONLY TWO Sexes comes from GOD who is NOT Gender Confused) the Sexes as the Bottom Angles (and this represent the Root Chakra) as the GROUND or BASE or BASS of the Triangle. Those words are in Caps so that you see there MUST BE an EVEN Distribution of the Sexes and in the that Sense the Triangle MUST BE Squared in Rod Lengths.

Anonymous said...

Now we AL KNOW that men should not compete in Sports with Women and Vice Verse A. The sexes ARE Created Differently Even IN their Total AND Squared 'Powers' or Strengths. You can see where the Masculine is ACTion Bassed or Based, they generally deal with the lower more Material Worlds and as such they are developed as an Adam Form Physically Denser, Stronger and Generally Taller, they are built for more Physical Labor and it SHOWS in Sports and other jobs involving Physical Strength. And for Women, we were designed for the Labor of ChildBirth and that is a Reflection of the Esoteric Being of the 1st Time a Feminine gave Birth to a Soul. And I call that Soul Armand.

The Feminine Form, the Eve, was designed to be the Bridge or Pier Energy that is to Psychologically 'Travel' and show it's Strength in a Weh Form, an Intuition that is Bound Less and KNOWS no Restrictions due to her physical Gentle Ness. It is NOT to be a Restriction in 3D, but is to work in Partner Ship with the Masculine.

We, as women, are the design of Armand's 1st thoughts when he realized his Sepa Rate becoming Different (and also Distant) from his Mother Environment. He saw 'What he was not' when he looked at Her. And while he was still WITH and IN his Mother's Nature he began to understand that 'He was Her' and 'She was Him' even though they appeared (A Peered) To-Ward becoming Different or Sepa Rated. And the DNA is VERY VERY Strong here. It is the Feminine Mother that is his Caring or Carrying Light. She literally Runs through not only His veins, but is in AL who have veins. 4 When you KNOW more of your DNA you will be able to Continue to Un Rav (Reveal) EL your own Spiritual Creation Journey and you will see the AN in your veins. You will also see the IS, the RA and the EL which will lead you to the AN. You see?

https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/2-ways-to-find-the-andromeda-galaxy/ In this Link using the 3rd Image you can see where the Great Square would be a Squared Energy Source, the TesserACT 1st 'Push/Pull' that Prompted Armand's 1st Thoughts, and you can see the 2 Light Paths that extend from the Great Square and are in a Mirrored Creation and you can see where this is not yet a Fully Developed Position that is the Ring and Rod that we see in the Bootes Constellation. And you can see where there are similarities between Bootes and Andromeda. It is Not the Fully Developed Rod/Ring because it Remains the Bass Root (Squared Root) of the Rod and Ring.

So the Masculine has the 3D Physical Strength or the Adam Power Full Form while the Feminine, generally the physically weaker of the 2 Sexes is in a Quantum Strength. And here you need to know that while that Quantum Strength never amounted to much in our 3D due to our Atlantean Strom (Strum) or Storm as the Karmic Isolation from that was Horrific (4 more Dimensions than just our 3D) and Hard to Watch even 4 the Watchers. You will begin to see the Power or Strength that the Incoming Divine Feminine (the Quantum) can produce on a Clear and Clean Earth. This is of course the Horus Child of Isis, the Divine Feminine and Mother of Horus. It is Symbolic as well as a Mirrored Re En ACT Meant of Armand's 1st Thought's Shared Space with his own Divine Mother.

The Horus Child Begins to Grow WITH and IN AL of us as an ACTIvation. This is Isis Raising her Child Horus into Adulthood within Each of You. It is the Quantum Connections within Your SELF that you are experiencing. And this is because MANY Clouds have been Cleared, and not just those that Covered our Planet.

Anonymous said...

You will find that there is more 'Freedom IN' and 'Memory OF' your Nightly Dreams and these are also a Part of the Framework 1 and 2 that Jane and Seth wrote of and are Steps TO-Ward Manifesting FROM 'There' in your Dream Dimensions TO 'Here' in your 3D Earth Planet. It is a Sanity IN the Form or Location of Clear Thinking and will develop into ClairAudio, ClairVoyance, and AL of the 'Clair' Senses. And these when Developed in Strength can go beyond the Psychic that Electrically Touches the Psyche that is you bringing your Psyche into 3D to live WITH and AS You, but it can Also Delve (Reach Deep into the Higher Dimensions and Develop) into the Material Side of the Higher Dimensions and begins to Manifest Material Objects.

So we start by bringing in more of our Mind Power and that leads to an Added Energy Strength that Brings in the Physical or Material of our Psyche Power. You see?

This morning I woke feeling defeated (De Feet Ed) and De Flat ED, as I see no evidence of our Moving as a Planet in the right direction. I saw this video and it does help to hear Kryon explain that Recovery takes Time.:


Also for a month or perhaps more now Ari has said that there is someone here Watching my work here. A Stranger 'from the outside', not a Bot or AI in search of Dissident, but a Seeker in the true and honest sense. He's known to you and are including him in the group. Is he the Canadian Version of John? No Matter, I'll figure him out. I haven't done so yet, because Im a bit Blah after my surgery and am finding it slow and an effort to get back into a routine. Plus I have my regular 'Save the World' job so there is very little time...

I Welcome You and encourage you to take a seat, But I'm blaming all the duplicate posts on you, whoever you are. You joining the group, touching the board here has disrupted the Energy Stream from my Computer as I try to Post here.

Try Centering yourself, calming yourself, listen to music or meditate before you show up here. And enjoy your Time here with me.

Also Briggs, I meet one of Ritchie's guys in Person! He comes from one of Queen Victoria's son's or grandson's. Im pressed for time right now, but I'll find a picture and tell you about him. He is a sweetheart.

Anonymous said...

When I was home after surgery I was having dreams seeing objets around me that are Pronounced in an Energy that 'High Lights' them as Dream Symbols in my Waking Life. Yeah, I saw a lot of that....

Before my surgery (a week or so) I had a dream about my mother, she looked as she did in 3D and she was talking to and she was telling me not to worry about not getting anything after she and my dad died. She said something that meant I didn't need anything to be able to remember them by.

I've asked many time if she and my dad were still with one another so it surprised me when She said she wanted me to have a photo of her and my dad and to always remember them 'this way.' They were standing together, arms around one another with genuine smiles, and I could not tell if the photo was them 'alive' or them 'dead'. They were together and happy and that's how they feel about each other. But I didn't realize her message to me was to tell me she is moving on, becoming more distant and I wouldn't hear her anymore like I've been. And I didn't hear from her (or Dad) very often, but I did and it helped reassure me.

Last week I had a bright colored dream of her walking alone and when she got closer to me there wasn't much that made sense and it fell into the category of her talking to me in a conversation that was very brief and cryptic. She made a point of telling me that Dad agreed to travel with her and I was happy to hear that and when I look at him he didn't understand that I was greeting him. He had (when I wasn't looking) changed from the man I remember to a puppy who was tilting his head side to side as if he was trying to understand me. And I knew that he is farther along in the Ascension the she was, he was there longer so its to be expected. And he is still able to be more IN or Compatible with my mother, wherever they have gone together, that she can still hear, talk and see him where I no longer can. In the dream he didn't seem to know that he was once my dad.

I don't know if I will hear from her again, are they on a short trip and coming back? I do expect to se them when I die, but I don't expect to hear much from them until then. Which is fine I suppose, I have had more time with them than I expected and feel that my mother and I understand each other and have made amends. She said months ago that she had some decisions she had to make, feeling a moment of panic I said right away, 'Be good to Your Self' meaning PLEASE DON'T take on so much that you feel buried in a life. I told her I didn't want to see her hurt.

So with that dream of her walking and being with my dad who can't communicate like he used to, she much have been hungry when she was in the dream with me. We were in a grocery store at the check out and she grabbed some fruit that was not here in 3D and began to eat is saying that she 'needed the sugar.' And while that was odd for my mom, it isn't odd for me and it 'Stuck' me that while sugar contains no protein, it is a propellant, a source of energy like protein. And I know this is In Port Ant IN Form Action to have, I just don't know where to place it yet...

Anonymous said...

So I went with D to drop off our RV for minor repairs and Ritchie was at the counter busy on the phone. No worries, 2 women helped us until he could get his clip board and follow us out to go over the list that needed fixed. While D went into the truck Ritchie and I stood there and I told him right away 'I have to tell you how much you reming me of a very good friend I knew Long Ago.'

Surprised, he said, 'Really? Where?' And since I couldn't explain Ritchie or Brigg's I had not choice but to lie and say 'Oh this was 30 years ago in tech school.' Really it was 40, but my math is slow and have stopped counting the birthdays and I never expecting to live this long Im surprised its been 40.

I was surprised that he was interested because he asked 'Where did you go to tech school?' I told him 'Penn Tech in Pittsburgh', he said he went to 'Lincoln Tech in Baltimore'. So I laughed and told him how much I loved the friend he reminded me of. I think that he liked the idea that I felt so close to him because of the old friend.

I love the RV trips we take to our new house. It should be ready in June/July. I worry about making mistakes with tile and cabinet colors and where to put the water bowls so the dogs don't ruin the floor...but Ari has been very consistent saying that I will be very happy there. And I think so too, we have meet more neighbors in the 2 years we've owned the new farm than the 25 we've lived at The Corners.

The RV reminds me of how Audrey lives, where you Close/Collapse your House and take it with you everywhere you go. when you arrive you open it out and it is your home again. So I found it funny and it makes perfect sense that I would find one of Brig's guys helping us fix the RV, and both of us graduating from similar schools. I noticed he had a wedding ring, and since he didn't look unhappy Im guessing it's a good marriage. When I come across a photo of the version of you he reminds me of, I'll post it. In the mean time, I hope you're well and happy Brigs.

And I hope you all are happy and healthy and enjoying your lives. Even the new guy who I have yet to meet.

Anonymous said...

If anyone is in any doubt about the Catholic Church and who the REAL Pope is:


It is Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. And there are others who should not be forgotten also challenging the Gender Queer Pope Francis. Now: Pope Francis will not be buried at the Vatican but will be laid to rest at the Basilica of St. Mary Major. And I 4 1 look forward to straightening Him OUT.

To the new guy: Stop shuffling and pick up your feet. MOVE TO A Beat. Your a Mumbled Sound and it may look to like like you are hiding, protecting yourself but it is more of a 'Give Up' or a Caving In, Crumpled Ball of Pain. Do THIS through out your entire day:


It will bring you back to life.

You're messing up my message board!

Anonymous said...

The difference between our new guy (I still don't have a name yet) and Javier is Javier was John the Baptist. And it shows in his eccentric behavior. John the Baptist wore camel hair and ate locust and honey, Javier calls liberals 'Shit' (and they are that and more, taking from the Masses AL at Once and without a Break) and campaigns with a chain saw.

John the Apostle is a bit taller, and while he is still wicked funny, he is a bit more toned down in his behaviors.

Paul the Apostle has a different the 2 John's for a Triangle Reason. Paul also looks a bit different than you and Javier, his hair is Lighter and his eyes are too, but the face and the height is the same as your own, but you see where the Eyes and the Hair being Lighter show a 'Facing Ari' type of Direction where the Magnetic Strength is Boosted, like your see at the Bootes Constellation.

This is where you see the Ari in him as Paul the Oppressor, or the Persecutor...thought I don't think he killed, murdered or Arrested others. I think he was an Out Spoken Advocate Against the 'I AM' or Jesus Movement where others may have taken it upon themselves to Persecute those of Christian Faith. Remember Ari is the Prodigal Son, the trouble maker, a Dis Rupt Er, the one who makes waves and whose Bark is worse than his bite because he has no teeth in this mouth that are Rooted. Meaning His Ideas have a 'ring of truth' but are polarized as Bull Shit and Negative. He is like Cliff High who is smart, and intuitive (via his many many NDE's) and because of his Heavy Metals he is mistuned and there 4 negative and in some cases wrong. And we see this in Ari's past lives and with the Atmos Sphere Changing, which are the Emotions of the Universe Changing you will see Ari's Armor become more Tin.

But Paul was a Successful Business Man who like Mark Zuckerberg in Opposition to Logic and Reason but who Un Like Mark Zuckerberg was open and not as sneaky as Mark Zuckerberg. And Mark is like he is because he KNOWS he is an agitator and he KNOWS what he is doing is De Liberty Ing the Masses and he KNOWS that that is Wrong. 4 there are many who need others TO BE IN (a Triangle) Pain to make Him (who is causing the pain) FEEL Better. It is what helps him FEEL and when he FEELS as a Weak Emotional Body he Assumes that it is BETTER that NOT FEEL Ing AT AL. And look at how many there are of people like him out there today.

It was the Conversion of Paul that Blew the Jesus Scripture into what you think of today as Main Stream, reaching the Population Exponentially. It is that Same Ari-like abundance of Metal that did this, though it is still Armand more so that Ari but you both mix and merge that it is hard at certain points to tell the difference between you both.

Though John the Apostle was always popular, he was to write like I am writing today and leave the work 4 those who Mathc Ed it Vibrationally. But it was still not a Religion in that it was an Organization for the Masses. It was still, try as they might, a Movement....This is much like we see today where 'Conspiracy Theories' are gaining Credibility (as a Movement that is building a Volume and Strength TO-Ward Energy AS Proven/Prove Able Truth) and it is the Confessions, the Whistle Blowers and the Re Starting of Law EnForceMeant that will Re Move and Re Place the false narratives AND those who tell them.

Anonymous said...

And 4 any Squared Healing to 'Happen' and Stay Put you MUST see that YOU in 3D HAVE AL the Power. 'They' are dependent ON YOU. And that was 'Why?' the KNOW Ing of Re In Car Nation was NOT so much De Liberty Re-Move-Ed from Christianity but was Flipped OUT of Cycle by a Collective Consciousness who saw the Need to IN Spire YOU to be Dressed and Ready ON Time to MOVE and PART Sip A Taste (participate) IN the Environment AL Food that you Eat and Sometime steal (an metal) from others. It was to help keep you Focused during a Time that was Very Limited IN what we could AL See.

So you MUST See that you are in your own Chain of Command and when you curse a Group, like you believe the EL to be you are cursing the Mirror of yourself. 4 You ARE a Part of them, as Armand is the EL and is the Father in the Is-Ra-El Trinity Creation.

So Christianity was not to replace Judaism but was to Share the Space as 2 or the 2nd Pillar of Light until the Islamic (Is-Lam) Religion which was the completion of the Triangle, placing the 3 religions IN TO a Energetic Spin as a Triangle and a Continual (Con Tin U AL) Energy that has no Magnetic Unity or Attraction. Tin having no Magdalene (the Feminine Magnetic Properties), 4 it is a Format of Strength to Draw the seemingly IN Pos Able, TO the Front, the Surf Face, and make the Lost, the IN Bed ED, the IN Crypt Ed) Vis Able (vision Able). It is a Tuning of the Environment that I do and My coming TO you in a Dream was Symbolic of You not being able to see me and now 'You are Here' on the map with us.

Said another Weh, A Tin Environment, one that is Depressed IN Emotion (because Environments ARE and Emotional Body no matter if it is Person, Place or Thing. 4 if that were now so many 'Sensitives' like Brig's would not have the Able Ity to Touch Objects and give Readings.

Those who are Depressed can not Find a Combined Pattern to Flow 'IN T ER' and also 'MU L T I' Dimensionally. So it is Confined, like the new guy is confined to a 'Space' that....Sucks Energy FROM the Environment without Re Place Ing it by releasing some of what he Holding. This Creates a Portal or at least a Dip in the Sphere as we see here: https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2017/07/22/ask-ethan-could-the-fabric-of-spacetime-be-defective/?sh=114a8199281e

Try to imagine Space as a Water that in our Best and Happiest Emotional Times we are ON Top of the Water, Like Jesus Walking on Water, and it is the Success of Having AL of the Elements on our Side, that some try to recreate with Alcohol and Drugs, Supporting our Weight of Emotions both good and bad because there are many who drink and are mean and violent when they are drunk, 4 that is a support as well.

Now when we are not ON the Water or Close to the Top, we are submerged and must swim IN that Environment of our Emotional Body that is Slower, Denser and you cannot Breath.

Anonymous said...

And of Course there are those on the Bottom of the water, where there is a Far Distant Surface to reach, they water is murky and in some areas is so 'High' that some of the Animals are Translucent and strange looking. Where we need to see them as Dream Symbols Interpretations of (in this case Animal) Life that are in an Odd Form.

We will be 'Rocking your Boat' to get it to Float. Your Sorrow is to Move and to do the You must Happy One Moment and Hurting the next and it is a 'Laugh until your Cry' IN Stall Able Ity (Instability). Because AL Healing Comes in a Cycle that you must Revisit and each Cycle of each Time you are in the Tear Full State it IS that Same State of Sorrow that is Revisited, but is at a RePositionEd Mirror that is 'Draining the Swamp'. It is that newer, most recent Draining the Swamp that Exposes the Monsters, the Pain you're feeling and they come 4 You. And you fight them until they die. And this is like the Sea Creatures that the Ocean Floors that must live in that Environment and can not Surf Face to survive. So they ARE Short Lived when they are Exposed and you do not need to fight or Battle them. They Die on their own.

But each Time you Mourn, you are at a New Position within the Halls of Amenti, the Mirror within a Mirror Reflection that needs Time to Sort Out and become Read Able as a Script and not a Blinding Light...and you see how that involves making some Space or Room 4 your SELF to move the Crowded Mirrors into a Position where you see each Mirror Individually and not as the Blinding Cluster of Light that you're IN at Times Right Now?

It is good that you are here. The world is looking 4 You and it is not that you have a Mission, it is that you are the one who is the 'other half', and to me I see that as the Explainer to Clarify my meanings and Ideas. I bring them here into 3D (and I am not done with that yet) but am not one to have the Light on me. 4 Me that is a Struggle and is uncomfortable because of the Weh I see 'things' in the Heavens. It becomes too much. Like with my dream of finding you, only to find out that you couldn't see me, that you were tuned to a Lower Vibration. Or said another weh, I am Tuned to a vibration you cannot see from your position. And that Position that I work at is very Delicate or very Expressive and my entire life must be Finely Tuned or I fear out in fear. I guess you can say that I am the Animal that loves the ocean floor, or the Mountain Top (since I am not a fan of Large bodies of water since Gloria drowned) of our 3D which is analogous the next Higher Dimensions.

You are more Fear Less in that the opinions of others do not harm you in the Magnetic 'Body Slam' they would Reach me and they are not the Reflections of You and Your Ideas that they are to me. And it will take me a moment or two to find that thick Skin and Reclaim my everyday forgetfulness, that absent minded professor 'look' that is a comfort 4 me to work in. AND is Symbolic of Audrey traveling like a Gypsy, stopping and setting up her home in in my own.

But the world will need a moment or two to mourn their own Emotions IN Private and as a Collective BE 4 it is Time 4 me to Show my Face. I dont need another Octave-like Attachment. and I think a year or two will be a big help to those who are Angry and must let their Swamp Drain.

So it will BE a Time of ReAdjusting once again, I think. D also needs to be brought up to speed, he is aware of my work and we talk about some of it, but he has his own 'thing', his own work that is also a Mathc to mine but is a different aspect from yours. And do not forget that you've been his son in a few life times, that you both trust and support the other.

Anonymous said...

When my older brother died after a month long illness, it left me feeling shaken, and Un Pre Pair Ed. The 'Pre' meaning it was Unsettled Energy before I received it in 3D, so it is Multidimensional Energy I was feeling in that it was not arriving as un settled Higher Dimensionally meaning 'from the Future' into my Present because of the Past. I mean it no longer Mathc Ed in the 1:1 Energetic Meeting. The future and the Present were in a Dis Rupt Ed Connection, and it was because of the With Draw (Script) of my older Brother. It was a Gap and it was hard to feel the gap or space that is empty and gone.

His death had a Karmic Past for our family. And you see the Triangle mathc (a Math trying to complete into a total 1:1 transfer of Energy IN Flow) from the past, to the Higher Dimensions of the Future and then into my present Time? It Flows Directly FROM the Past TO-Ward the FUTURE and then it is IN the Present. So there is a Delay TO-Ward Reaching our 3D, and many Interpret that Delay of a Karmic Re-Turn as a Pro Cast Inaction. A Procrastination that they IN Brace here in 3D as their own Delay or lack of Motive Action. And that is not Time well spent.

Here is where those guilty of crimes, and those like Tal who need to move into a new pattern and absolutely Re FUSE in a Double Down. It leads you TO a FACE 'Plant'. A Kingdom of its own, and a symbolic Re Seed Ing of your New Clear (nuclear) Interpretation of not just our 3D world, but the entire Charka Structure which has Electric AL Threads, or Nerve-like Connections to the other Kingdoms. This is how some can ACT like Animals (violent criminals when in the negative Station or Position), some act like Environments or Forces of Nature (and in the Negative cycle they are bullies and dictators) and some act like gods (in a healthy mind/body energy balance. I am not talking about Narcissism.)

But there is a Dis Rupt Ed Flow or Dimension AL Energy Transfer at Birth and Death. And 'Mourning the Differential' is how we handle the Death of Others, usually in Sorrow, and why babies cry at birth. These are major 'jolts' of Electricity that Resonate IN our Emotional Body due to the Electrical Gaps in our 3-4D Environment.

When my mom and dad came home from the hospital and told my brother and I that our older brother was going to die, I BE Came Very Cold and shivering and was un able to get warm. Once the Mourning came it would not stop, and I did mourn in private because everyone was in mourning, and I did not want to add to their burden by adding my pain, making them aware of it, to theirs. I be lived that I was helping them in that weh. So it is not so much a Shame of My Emotions that has many 'Hiding' their feelings. I saw the hard Times my parents were going through and I had a need to not add to their misery, 4 that was what it was. Misery.

AND So if You, New Guy Formally known as John, had Marriage Problems before your sons death, I want you to KNOW and FEEL in your Heart:

My own parents were having a trouble of some kind in their marriage a year or maybe 2 before my brother became sick. It seemed that 'something' was coming To-Ward or Over our family and my parents 'felt it 1st'.

Anonymous said...

They were, after AL, the Adults (IN their set or more stable Frequency Patterns) and we were the Kids still in an IN Come Ing 'Growth of Light' so it is expected that the Parents re Cog Size (recognize) a Energy Pattern that will be an IN Pair Meant (impairment) that was (4 my family) a Karmic Re Turn, 2nd Coming, Second Chance to BE Have IN a Weh that Keeps the Family Together (To Gather TO-Ward them the Energy that is Love that Keeps the Family from their Tower of Babel Moment or that Crumble of the Family's Love 4 One Another. And that Karmic Energy Arrive AL was strong enough that my parents had a Fight that had Divorce being Mentioned and a suitcase being packed. And I begged my mother to not leave. My younger bother and I ACTually leaving the house with her so he and I could ACT as Baggage to slow her down. That was my plan.

So the Weh I see it 4 you John: Your son having the Timing To his soul, no matter the reason for the Timing, you and your wife 'feel it 1st'. And it is Odd that this happened to your 1st Son, like it did 4 my parents. And 4 some reason I have a creepy Biblical Feeling where the Jews (or Israelites) painted Blood on or over their Doors so God would not take their 1st born male children in Death. AND I am reminded of the Raids Herod had his soldiers make, going into a town (or towns) to kill their 1st born male children under a certain age in the hopes that one was the Christ Baby who escaped his grasp. He believed if you were to remain alive after he already trying to kidnap you from your parents via the Magi, potentially killing them if they resisted, that you would grow and seek retribution killing him or surviving members of his family in an AL Mighty Re Venge (Venge Ance). Venge Ance is the Out-Ward ACT ion of the Henge, and this represents a Up, Down, Up, Down Energy, like the 'VVVVVVVV' Script on many Pillars or Stone as Glyphs that has the Emotion of Mud Slinging, Murder, Deceit ON It, Motivating it TO Move. A Henge is usually an ACT that is With IN a Soul's 3D Body and it the Life Force that many think of when they Practice 'Tantric' Anything. 4 as I will always and continually say, "Holding your Orgasms is a Dream Symbol and it is 'An AL O Gous' (Of the Anna or Anu Energy Wave in an (AL) Universal (O) Creation Grouse (and read AL the definitions of 'grouse') to Holding, Controlling a Strong Energy or Out Burst. Though I don't think Holding an Orgasm is doing much when in FACT it is the Emotional Body, the Temper as well as the Intrusive Delusion of Joy or the 'Drunkeness' that is to be Controlled. But what ever.

Herod Re Main Ed Para Noid which a twisted verse of Para Norm AL and it has a Metal Dead En Ing Sound because Para Noid is missing the IN Port Ant Uni Verse AL, the AL Transfer or even the same AL without the Space it needs to Move or Bounce in the 'VVVVVVVV' that is the Upper and Lower Boundaries of One AL. As well it also can represent a Divide of 2 Univeres and WITH OUT that 'Uni Verse AL' Inclusion the Para 'Norm' AL becomes a 'Noid', losing the needed and healthy 'AL' having kept the Norm in a 'Place' 'Position' with No Movement to Keep the 'Norm' Sound. It is in a type of warped Sound or Verse and is Re Cognized as 'Noid' You see? Now, something to be aware for your boys:

Until my brother's death I gained a lot of my own pre pair ed ness by watching him and his own Ease and Struggles since he was experiencing them 1st. Events like going to school for the 1st time, driving a car, high school and his 1st job, etc. and how easy or hard it was for him. When he came home from kindergarten crying from a bully, it made me afraid. And when he got good grades in grade school, I was hope full that I would as well.

Anonymous said...

So it was a Birth Order that I found security IN and Used, and after Lifetimes of Hearing Voices and then trusting them as a 14 (almost 15) year old Johanne did, do ing everything exactly as they said and burning at the stake anyway....you can see where in this life I needed an older sibling to watch and learn 'what is safe and what is not.' And you can see where his becoming sick and then dying would rattle me IN TO A Cold Core.

The loss of a child hurts the family and it is your 2 remaining sons that are also feeling the Loss. You KNOW this, I KNOW, BUT:

Though they are younger, that dependency was still there and the older child was to do things for them, like tell his brothers what his own experiment with drug use was like. He would have used that experience to verify TO his brother's the risks and the benefits of his own experiences and that was to then Sepa Rate OR Re En Force you and your wife's House Rules. BUT:

You don not need to punish yourself for ever hurting him. YOU did NO Thing of the Sort. YOU were NOT TO BE his Friend when what He NEEDED Was a Father and here is the thing about Parents needing to be their Child's Friend:

Friends are Chosen BY those in 3D, and TO ACT AS, A Peer. An Equal AND Independent OF the Family. They are NOT Family, though there are friends who feel they are, and that is great too, BUT it is the Folly of a Parent to think they can BE a Friend when they were Chosen (Higher Dimensionally) to NOT BE AN Equal. It is only when the Child Becomes an Adult that a 'type' of Friend Ship (ship being a float able position that takes A 'Travel' Time to or) can Occur. Parents ARE Chosen, but it is, and so it HOLDs, a Higher Dimensional Reason, and the reason can or will look chaotic and need Time to Re Con Cile or Re Cog Size as it used the Time to Re Con Figure its self as adult hood sets IN. And you did not get the Time with your Son to do that.

Now, you know that when you were IN deep mourning that someone heard you crying, and you know that that was me, and you know that I told you there was no thing you did wrong. He simply, like you and BOTH had to do, had to Co-Oper Rate Him Self WITH the Universes. That is Him (Like You and I BOTH did) Re Setting Him Self in a Position for a more Direct 1:1 Flow. And it is SAME ACT that Tal, who LITERALLY Lives ON Borrow Ed Time will need to Under Stand about his NDE's. Now I AM NOT saying that Tal will need to die in one of his little Set UPs or Schemes that is his verse or version of the much needed and Missing 4 him 'VVVVVVVV' Travel into His Higher Realms. 4 Tal, I am saying that if Ari's plan is to continue that behavior, then he will find a Different Result 4 the Universes are now Re ACT Ing differently and are in a New Flow Rate. A New Timing TO them.

This is also why I encouraged Tal and Octavia to Sepa Rate, 4 she has some Changes to make as well. And 4 you John (I want to keep that name 4 you 4 now), You if your divorce is finalized, need to re main Focused ON Your Family, the ONE that you built NO Matter the Marriage Status. The Status IS IN Flux and you must Re MAIN IN that Energy Connection and Direction. In addition to your own job saving the world AND mourning yourself. And that Mourning is in part your own past lives and these are recorded as 'Biblical Times'. You must be aware of those Lives in Today's Life, yet Re Main at a Visual Distance...a Look but don't touch (or it will hurt more that you need right now) Situation. Where the Past is remembered in the Present or To Day Time and your ACTs from those 2 plan and build a Future that is in Balance as well. Something else Tal has Ignored that needs done.

Anonymous said...

So it was a Birth Order that I found security IN and Used, and after Lifetimes of Hearing Voices and then trusting them as a 14 (almost 15) year old Johanne did, do ing everything exactly as they said and burning at the stake anyway....you can see where in this life I needed an older sibling to watch and learn 'what is safe and what is not.' And you can see where his becoming sick and then dying would rattle me IN TO A Cold Core.

The loss of a child hurts the family and it is your 2 remaining sons that are also feeling the Loss. You KNOW this, I KNOW, BUT:

Though they are younger, that dependency was still there and the older child was to do things for them, like tell his brothers what his own experiment with drug use was like. He would have used that experience to verify TO his brother's the risks and the benefits of his own experiences and that was to then Sepa Rate OR Re En Force you and your wife's House Rules. BUT:

You don not need to punish yourself for ever hurting him. YOU did NO Thing of the Sort. YOU were NOT TO BE his Friend when what He NEEDED Was a Father and here is the thing about Parents needing to be their Child's Friend:

Friends are Chosen BY those in 3D, and TO ACT AS, A Peer. An Equal AND Independent OF the Family. They are NOT Family, though there are friends who feel they are, and that is great too, BUT it is the Folly of a Parent to think they can BE a Friend when they were Chosen (Higher Dimensionally) to NOT BE AN Equal. It is only when the Child Becomes an Adult that a 'type' of Friend Ship (ship being a float able position that takes A 'Travel' Time to or) can Occur. Parents ARE Chosen, but it is, and so it HOLDs, a Higher Dimensional Reason, and the reason can or will look chaotic and need Time to Re Con Cile or Re Cog Size as it used the Time to Re Con Figure its self as adult hood sets IN. And you did not get the Time with your Son to do that.

Now, you know that when you were IN deep mourning that someone heard you crying, and you know that that was me, and you know that I told you there was no thing you did wrong. He simply, like you and BOTH had to do, had to Co-Oper Rate Him Self WITH the Universes. That is Him (Like You and I BOTH did) Re Setting Him Self in a Position for a more Direct 1:1 Flow. And it is SAME ACT that Tal, who LITERALLY Lives ON Borrow Ed Time will need to Under Stand about his NDE's. Now I AM NOT saying that Tal will need to die in one of his little Set UPs or Schemes that is his verse or version of the much needed and Missing 4 him 'VVVVVVVV' Travel into His Higher Realms. 4 Tal, I am saying that if Ari's plan is to continue that behavior, then he will find a Different Result 4 the Universes are now Re ACT Ing differently and are in a New Flow Rate. A New Timing TO them.

Anonymous said...

This is also why I encouraged Tal and Octavia to Sepa Rate, 4 she has some Changes to make as well. And 4 you, John (I want to keep that name 4 you 4 now), You if your divorce is finalized, need to re main Focused ON Your Family, the ONE that you built NO Matter the Marriage Status. The Status IS IN Flux and you must Re MAIN IN that Energy Connection and Direction. In addition to your own job saving the world AND mourning yourself. And that Mourning is in part your own past lives and these are recorded as 'Biblical Times'. You must be aware of those Lives in Today's Life, yet Re Main at a Visual Distance...a Look but don't touch (or it will hurt more that you need right now) Situation. Where the Past is remembered in the Present or To Day Time and your ACTs from those 2 plan and build a Future that is in Balance as well. Something else Tal has Ignored that needs done.

There is not much you could have done to Alter the Events that 'hit' your Family. The troubles with your wife more that you both sensed a bigger energy headed your weh and react to it. It was not the troubled marriage that created your son's behavior, and I don't see any over re act ion on your parts as parents that led him to his acts. It was more of a case that you both sensed an Energy that would not be kind to you and your family, and in the special Timing that his soul uses you both felt it 1st, causing an un settled pattern of your own. I see this as a 'Searching Energy' looking for a 'place' or a 'Moment' to discharge, like we read about in the bible painting metallic Blood on their doors in a Pass Over Prayer and ACT, and we see this at Skin Walker where a Cow would be sacrificed to please an Energy Path or Pattern.

And Notice Tal, there is a High Use of Metals at Skin Walker and understand the Power their reflections Produce: It can Easily Take a Like of ANY ONE who is Open or IN Communication WITH those Energies. Like 'I AM'. Here I mean like Cleopatra and Johanne AND MORE SO NOW: Your Self. Doubling Down with your 'latest x' instead of Re Pair You-TO-Self is NOT Opening yourself to the Feminine Beyond your own Inner Self or YinYang. OneC (Once) you 'fix' or Straighten and Lengthen that Connection, THEN you can have your sexual experiences...You see the Tantric in that sentence dumbass? Same too for Octavia. And do you see the Need for Teen Agers to NOT have sex as well?

Promiscuity is a Karmic BUILDER. And A Parent LY even the Pope has lost his Tantric, Henge or 'Mind Reason Ing' Strength and I do support and admire ArchBishop Vigano's Strength https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/01/archbishop-vigano-calls-swiss-guards-arrest-pope-francis/

One thing that happen few years before my brother died, was he had a dream and it woke him and he went crying to our mom because in the dream he died and it was so 'Re AL' that is scared him. Didn't your son have something like that...Look back in your own memories and you will see he was pre pair ed 4 'something'. ALSO: when he passed it was not at AL a pain full experience. It was a Surprise and then a pain ed Regret because he sees you, his mother and brother's pain and he feels responsible. And the 2 of you can work this out together, even now. Looking back, he wonders what he was thinking at the time and feels the reasons he used to ACT the weh he did were stupid and he knows he is not a dumb kid. So I tell you BOTH:

He was in a confusion of Energy, a deeper that Norm AL Energy in a Stir or Stirring Cycle which teens all feel as puberty and 4 Him in his Bass Pattern...the Connection from his Bass to his 3D was Collapsed...or quantum Ized (somehow) where he found himself in a new location.

Anonymous said...

He knows he made a mistake, but I tell him as I tell you and am talking to not only you both but to my own mother as well (and this is why she changed locations so she could get the deeper answers she seeks), this was MORE or a TIME Collision or Collapse than it was anything else. Just like Gloria had to leave when she did, just like my brother died when he did as well as your son leaving too. Look at his time with you as having been one where you gave him a Place to Spend AL the space and time that he was able to have. And he shared that In Your House, With You.

Realize that I don't know if any of this is true, your divorce or your son's death. I only know what I hear, and 'they' lie. And I only bring up my own experiences, my own life because I don't know the truth and if it is true there are other things you need to think about with the 2 boys (if they are real). Now, I know you are a Watcher too, but when Emotional Pain is involved, blind spots evolve, so we need you to keep your own emotions moving so you can remain 'there' 4 your boys.

And you need to search your own dreams as well, a month BE 4 my brother became sick I had a dream, 15 years or so before I heard of Jane Roberts and Seth and then Ari, Ari came to me in a dream and said 'someone was going to die' but that they did not want me worried because it was not going to be me. And I woke very frightened and soaked in sweat. And I didn't remember the dream my brother had years earlier of his death that frightened him so...

I wanted to give you some insight to how the boys are possibly feeling...I know that it's been 2 years since the death, and your marriage was...stressed for longer than that, but they lost their brother, and now their Mother/Father Creators are no longer together and so... that's a lot to dump on kids. And when that is the case:

They are too stunned to react. It will, or perhaps it 'can' or 'may' (as a Lower probability) manifest later in life when their Emotional bodies are Mature and it is that 2nd, or Added Light Reflection as their Chakra Light Matures in a Strength that we call 'Emotional Maturity' cannot settle as a Mature Behavior. That 'Inner Child' Light Reflection has not been dealt with as a 'Delta or Settled and Trans Fixed Mathc relieving the Pain because their Chakra Systems are not in a Mathc Value, a Maneuvering Strength, that can 'Fix' something that strong. It is similar to what Tal is doing, Holding an energy he must deal with 4 a Later or rather Future Time when his Emotion AL Body is strong enough to Accept it.

Child Hood is NOT the Time or the Place for them to Take Charge (electrically) of their Black Shadow. They are still FORMING their Chakra System. And 4 Tal that weakness or lack of Maturity is the Metal he plays with here in 3D. Maybe since you created him you can motivate him to stop hurting me and start helping me. Now:

Many think that kids are resilient (or Re Seal Ant in that they can protect their feelings and in that weh, they escape Emotional Harm), that they 'bounce back' quickly and adjust. NO They Do NOT. They HOLD what they have, while KNOW Ing that what is 'Happening' is not 'Right' or 'Normal'. THAT is the BEST they can Do. They are not in a Position of Strength OR Movement to 'Solve 4 Anything'.

Anonymous said...

So when Adult Hood finally comes 4 (to square our) children, there is a Child Light that is in the Past and there is a Reconciling that Must 'Happen' to the Adult Light. And it is the Adult Light that becomes burdened with the trauma and while it is IN that Light Potion the Trauma is trying to Live and build an Adult Light. And you being to see where a Child of Divorced Parents becomes a Divorced Parent themselves. And the only weh to ease that childhood pain they is now in their Adult Life is to re main as a Family no matter the marital status. Get a House near theirs, as chances are you are paying for a portions of theirs as well as your won. You MUST be there daily or accessible daily to participle in their Fast Changing Lives.

I am told the divorce was delayed to 'help the kids' with their brothers death. Sorry to say, a few years is NOT Enough. the Mortality of their Brother, and the Sepa Rate Ion of their Father Mother Creators....that is an Old Testament God and there MUST BE the New Testament Healing of Unity which they now as a dream symbol in 3D, they don't have. I am not trying to guilt you, but you see the angle here? And these are challenges 4 them.

Part time parenting, or even step parenting in some cases is NOT Enough Time to Reconcile the Pain 4 the Child TO-Ward Adult Light Positions and it is the Emotion AL Body NOT the Mind or the Logic Reasoning that fails. It is the Wounded Child in a Repeat to Process, or Re Process (a second Time) the trauma of the Mother/Father God Sepa Rates. And in some cases Parental Divorces is a Clarify Er in that the child KNOWS what is does NOT want to Re AL Ize what it does want 4 their own marriages and their own kids. So a divorce CAN help a child know that divorces are Hard TimeS (Plur-AL or Plus-Dimensions) and it is Kinder to the Child to pick a partner that is Mature AND to wait until YOU are Mature as well. It is Leading BY Example and NOT Leading from Behind like Ari the gay and Core Rupt president.

Now if the New Adult would take the Time to remember the Child they were...Re En Act It as Pure Emotion and not a literal Act OF, as One example, as Divorce or breaking up with another, BE 4 they begin to get Serious in their own Sexual Relation Ships...they would fair better. But Time is needed and Time is Bass Ed 'of the Essence (the Black Shadow)' and is in a Ratio that takes or feeds as a Subtraction FROM your 3D lives. So the Emotional Body is Screwed IN TO a Position of Pain Full ACTs as an Adult.

Just look at Tal and how he's treated Me. I am mature so I should somehow take his shit and that is ok with him. Pick any one of the life times and you see how screwed into Place he is. He will NOT change his Shape, even as a Help 4 a Woman. AND it does NOT Matter the relation ship IS with that Feminine.



This is one of Ari's many personalities. And you see the Fight of many attacking Ari and you KNOW Ari was in the Right and that thugs need to be Policed and Currently Right NOW Are NOT. So Ari was and SHOULD stand up like Ian did. How EVER:

His daughter was in the car.

Anonymous said...

Choosing to Stand UP against Crime is noble and admirable, but it threw me right to Cleopatra and Johanne and Antony's angry letter that left MY Family vulnerable and left Johanne in shreds by the time of her death. Now, this IS my problem and not so much Ari's, but it is ALSO a Co-Joined Re AL Ity that we all share together. And it is that that is not being considered by many, and the Co-Joined Re AL Ity that is the Basis for the 10 Commandments as they are instructing you of what NOT TO DO. You do NOT Need Karma to Create.

It was very 4 Tune Ant (Fortunate) that the Thugs causing their Problems did not start to trash his car or reach his daughter, but in stead focused as a group on Him. That is what High Metal Areas do: they draw or Gather the Individuals into the Group, a Group Pattern and Behavior. And we see this in the 'Eyes like Ari's' behaviors all being a repeat of a repeat of a repeat in a confined and shrinking space because not many amount can break the metallic mold they live in to create some breathing room for their Collective.

It is a Polarity or an Attention they place TO-Ward the High Metal Area and can be a 'Follow Through' Behaviors as a Physic AL Maneuvering we see as the Laws of Physics or a Relocation or a Magnetic Drawing TO-Ward the Metal.

So, Osiris with his Green Skin color during a Time when everyone was dying their Hair and skin with Red Pigment (as Robert Sepehr has pointed out in many of his videos) is the name of our 3-4D Laws of Physics. But he is a Group of Mathematics and Science Behaviors (A BE Javier) that we call Physics. Remember that Armand was Jesus to 'Show the Weh' the Teacher or the Example of How TO BE Javier (to behave).

AND Osiris (Ari) can be a Strong Re Pulse Ion as well. 4 Sometimes those that see the Metal are not attracted to it. They Come Closer TO it as it is hard not to see it, but the closeness will at some point Repel some and Attract others. Like a Chakra Core can Open and allow a flow and it is your ACTs that repeal or reject certain Frequencies Ranges or Probabilities.

And it Forms those that 'see' or gather TO-Ward the metal IN TO the Collective Focus where they ACT as One Body, that has Strengthened into 'Focus + Force' or simply One Intention. And it is Ari's ACTs In the Metal that He Lives IN that Creates a Re ACT that is the Basis for the Osiris god or Leader TO-Ward the 'Other World' or Dimension. It is his High Metallic Universe that Gathers Souls who have died and 'A Weight' the Measuring that ALL Souls Go through to Ascend. And I already spoke of the Magnetic involved in guiding a Soul through their Tunnel or Tube and into the Light at their 3D death.

And how much can Ian's daughter heal today when the Bulk of her Past (Lives) has not yet reached her here in 3D. This is a PTSD condition where children who experience trauma like Watching (as young Watchers) her Creator Father in a 4-5 against One Fight and children cannot Process the Events, and she won't be able to until the Adult Emotions and by default the Adult Body Arrives via the Chakra Frequency Ranges are Set IN Place or Positions and One System, and this is a Magnetic, Osiris-like Physics Distribution in the Chakra System.

I am not saying that this will be a problem 4 Ian's daughter. There are Aspects and Angles involved which are a Past of Hers that I know nothing about, which can be a quick healing, or fast reconciling. And it is like that 4 us all.

Anonymous said...

My objection is the lack of consideration for, 4 her. Had she been my child in my DNA Pattern or Flow, the thugs would have used my Creation Magda Energy, a more Quantum Magnetic with the 3-4D Magnetic of Osiris to hurt me and my children as they did in my Past. And the Mathc was AL there 4 Octavian to do it. (Tal and everyone, Understand that I am not blaming Tal as much as I am trying to understand where things went wrong. And why don't you care. And the least you can do 4 me is to give me the space and time to find my answers. Because you are one that I wouldn't mind releasing.)

I AM saying that this Care Less Ness that Ari Holds is the Basis of Jane and Seth's 'you Create Your Own RE AL Ity' (Re Able Ness in a Move, Motion or ACT). And 4 Ari in his Strong Metal Environment that is True more so than it is 4 Me the Feminine, as as a Parent who ARE their Child's 3D Spirit Guide, where "What 'Happens' to them 'Happens' to me as well". 4 that is also the role of a Parent: to be their 3D Spirit Guide as they make the transition from the 'Other side' or 'There', to our Re AL Ity 'Here'. So they have Guides at Both Locations or Places.

So while I agree that 'You Create Your Own Reality' there are Degrees and Depths to that Idea and 4 many of use there is a 'Shared Space' Involved as a Joined Reality that Ari Does not consider. And it becomes an 'Emotional Body' Problem for the other person if not a 'Physical Body' Problem like a death.

Now back to John, I urge you to pay attention to the symbolism of your ACTs with divorce and the boys. Do NOT think there is No Multi Dimension AL Pressure 4 them because they seem resilient. These Form Matter, and they Write as a Re Cord IN the Akash and our Personal Relation Ship with Saturn (a Loving and 'Time Disciplined' Mother). And those who are Multi-Dimensional in their Nature, add to that Individual Saturn Relation Ship by adding 'extra' Re Cord Ings that are the Higher Dimensional Rings they are Electrically Inter ACT-ive WITH.

AND since we are at a time where Everyone is adding a Multidimensional depth, or more Rings of Saturn Energy to themselves:

Society MUST Act IN the Multi-Dimension AL God-Like Love Behaviors to Come Closer TO-Ward God. Here I mean Divorce, Abortion, Addiction and now there is also an 'Art I Face AL IN Tell I glance' (Artificial Intelligence) or AI or a Mirrored Energy that is IN such a Strength that you think it is 'RE AL'. This is another danger for children who live in a Play Land that even Animals feel and behave IN. So there are now many more wehs to lose a child in both Body and Mind.

And YOU Individually Must Come TO Gather and Re Form the Collective Consciousness Because:

This World Divided as it is today, is the Past Wounding of the Feminine as a Re En ACT meant to reminder her AND YOU of her Earthly Death AT and BE 4 Atlantis Fell, and that MUST BE Healed. She is behaving in a pattern like mine where the Divine Feminine is trying to reconcile her Traumatic Past as I am also trying 4.

It is Only Just Arriving in a Sudden Ness that is SAID TO BE an Evolutionary Leap of Creation. To Help Make it so, you must Act in a Weh that is a Guide, because this is an Isis Magda, Magnetic Multi Dimensional DEPTH in a Pattern of Physics that is and Osiris FORCE. AND it is AT AND IN a Time of Reconciliation where the 2 are.....not in an opposition as much as they are badly aspected...So they will ADD Together and stop Cancelling the Feminine. AND You will find that when that 'Happens':

Anonymous said...

You will simply lose or gain your strength and position in the Magnetizing 4 Some and the De Magnetizing 4 others as a Balance of the Good vs Bad Karma of your own Strength. And while this process will take 200 years (give or take), it has a New 'Karmic Movement' or Timing it is Re ACT TO and WITH that is more Re AL Time in that some of the delay that many have 'Re Lied ON' is no longer there to support their Lies and their crimes are Known and their Energy Bill becomes due.

And you must remember that this is a BIG De AL, because we will not be loosing our Energy Power and Patterns, we will be strengthening what we Keep and DeVel Op it Further, as in Working with it while adding more Saturn's Rings and Ring Energy that we can now Re ADD (Read) and Act IN 3D ON (IN and ON being 2 different Positions 4 our New Stronger Flow).

This is the Isis Magnetic Bringing the Osiris Magnetic Back to Life.

You will see the Speed at which this process Completes (the roughly 200 years) is Re Mark Able because it is working many Different Energy Amplitudes (both on the + and the - Cycles at ONE Time) and it is one of Ari's many Talents to Sepa Rate from One Universal Light into the Many, like you see when UFO's Adjust their Lens and Angles to RE ADD (Read More or Different Views of the Same Energy) the Spiral Ing and Webbed Waves. That is when the ONE UFO Light divides or Sepa Rates into more than One Light and these are Equal or Near Equal in Weight, Size and Distance from one another. AND it is the Over Soul (Over AL) Magnetic Connections that we think of a Love 4 One An Other. A being the Anna or the Equal but Opposite Anu.

That Flail-like Behavior is the Metal he Flashes when anyone or anything he doesn't like Creeps UP on Him. By Sepa Rating into different Magnetic Places he become 'EveryWhere AT Once' and he reads the Energies from these Many Angles AT ONE Location (remember he is not multi-dimensional, he is more Linear) and it CAN express itself as a 5 against One Fight, or athletic ability where he knows where all the thugs or players are, fighting more than one off at a time AS he is also planning his End Game or Escape. And 4 the Artist side of him, it is his ability to see a vision in a dream state and be able to draw it from that Quick Flash of the Vision's Light. He reads Frequency Amplitudes that weh too.

It is because of his ability to (symbolically) not cover his Eyes in the Face of the Light or the Fire Flash that his eyes are Blue and his hair is Blond. And watches the 1st Light Amplitudes as they Arrive IN a Flash. He is not reading Creation or Creator Energy but Re Main S farther Down on/in out skirts or edges of the Creation Cycle in that He Stands more like he is Beside the Creation Energy that is Sent his Weh and he Guides its Positioning.

Meaning He Faces it, Points its OWN Face into the Right Direction. Magnetically. It is akin to Lining UP the Starting Point Energies so they Survive, Continue to Flow, and that does NOT mean it is an Easy or Easier Time for any of us, it means that He sees and Under Stands very quickly IN the Flash of Light the Intent and how best to Turn It 4 the Cycle to Benefit the AL. You see?

Not being an easier time for us, means that he is because he is very fast paced even in 3D he is hyped or hyper which can be read by some as enthusiastic or enthusiasm, this s because the light or energy that reaches him is usually 'Fresh' or 'UnPolarIzed' and like we know with Darwin, his reading is often wrong and yet it mysteriously is still taught in schools. It may have been down graded with a caveat of 'theroy' because we know dan has proved Darwin wrong. But that it is still being discussed in some schools is an example of Ari not knowing his own strength AND being Wrong AND people LOVE whatever he touches. Like we see with Obama and his Core Rupt Ed Ness.

Anonymous said...

That Metallic Attraction is One Reason 'Why?' Ari....'Comes to Miss Lead' containing a Ring of Truth in his Scientific Theories, yet these do not have the Strength to Complete Truth Backing them. AL he sees if the Flash, and he either Re Buffs the Energy or he Brings it in as a twisted verse like Darwin Energy that 4 some idiot reason we must AL follow. But it is the One 'Ring of Truth' IN that Energy that he recognizes or Re Cog Sizes to our Collective Scale.

Lucky 4 me I went to Catholic Grade School and we had very smart nuns who guided us as a Class on how to dis Mantle (dis Alter) the theory even be 4 science. AND we see how the Clif High's 'Light Bright' Eyes Like Ari's throws Shade and tells every one that Einstein is wrong....Now this Watching the 1st Light Approach TO-Ward Ari is AL and ALL the Time Ari has Available TO Him to Watching and Energy Path IN Motion.

And this is why Da Vinci was as good an artist as some seem to think, this is why he was called a 'Renaissance Man' He sees the Horizon of Light, that Phoenix Rising, 1st Light Approach and the Blue in his Eyes Captures the Definition that he sees. And his AL Universal Position gives him an Advantage to BE 1st, but not necessarily Right or Rich. Now there is MUCH MORE to say about the Bleu Eyes and the Blond Hair, some of it in the Positive Light, but 4 Now Under Stand:

Ari's Energy Design or Pattern is only the 1st Cycle of Light and not the Complete Light Formula, 4 there is still so much Energy as a Depth that needs to be Exposed and Read (Red as a Color) BE 4 the Entirety of the Energy can be Under Stood and De Fined. And this is Because:

Energy Flows in a Pattern of Light that is Best Represented in the Light and Darkness of the Rings of Saturn. And these Rings are Pro Ject Ed or Je T Ed (projected) OUT and Around like a Ripple or Wave of Water and a Water Drop. And Each Ring is in a Rolling or Turning or Tuning Over Wave, like a Torus.

So Ari or rather the Osiris that Ari Personifies only sees the 1st Cycle of each wave and it is the Magnetic of Osiris that ACTs as a Gate Strength of Allowing and Energy to Come IN to our Solar System (to a lesser degree) and our Earth Planet in the Greater or More Protective Strength.

As a Magnetic Force that Ari IS, He reads the outer 1st Light or 1st Energetic Ring and like Ari and the Osiris Physics he represents, he Touches or Taints or Twists or Turns IT into 'something' that the Masses in our Current STATE of BE Ing can Resonate (in our own Individual Renaissance of Light) and this is the Masses acting as a Ring of Saturn, where each One Ring of Saturn is Made of Many individual Ice Rocks or Crystals or Crystal Components that Tune as One so we are in that Sense Absorbing the Energy that is Magnetically 4-Ward Ed TO-Ward us.

4-Ward Ed is the ACT that Ari and the Osiris Deliver, and that does not make it Right. It just makes it 'Ours' as a Planet and as a Mass and then as Individuals.

Anonymous said...

Now I've said BE 4, that this Book My 'I AM' is Writing will not be Up Dated as a Re-Verse or Re-Vised Edition, it may Contniue to Stand on its Own and 200 Years may be the Volume 2 or Continue Ation or ACT Ion. I dont know What to Expect since 'I AM' NOT the only ONE A Live today. We are IN a Shared Space Re AL Ity. But the 200 year Pause is Given, which does not delay YOUR New Inventions and Disk Cover Ies, it will only pause my own so we AL have Time to Catch or Cathc Up.

AL Souls have the Upper Tune Ity to InCarnate into our 3-4D and Re-Open and Re-Fine their Tuning and their Chakra Balances as My Magda Magnetic becomes ACT Ive as Horus-Humans, 4 those who have completed their work with Osiris. Remember He is a Moral Gate Keeper Physics Lesson. And KNOW:

This Planet CAN HOLD a High number of Populations. It is when you are OFF the (Light) Rails, outside of the Pillars of Light and are High as an Ancient 'Festival of Drunkenness' in the Like that we see (soon to BE IN the Past tense of 'Saw') today where Energy is no longer moving, BE Ing Fed, BE Ing Pushed into the Higher Dimensions as YOU RE SOUND, or RE Son ATE 'in' or 'as' a Henge to Re Move what Pains Your Soul, That is when Danger, or the Negative Cycles Begins and Thresh HOLDS do not adjust themselves in their own Nature AL Flow. You and the Energies that YOU ExSpell in the Tantric and NOT in the Frantic State or the High or Drunk State, you become the Drivers of Where the Planet Takes Us as Experiences and the Quality or Health of the Experiences that we Bring IN. You see?

When you begin 'TO CARE' about your Lives, your marriages, and the kids those marriages produce, you ExCell as an IN Crease Rate, Frequencies Re Add Just as a Liberty and the Light Lens AL Lowers it's Line of Osirian Sight that you can SEE the UN Seen Forces IN ACTs that You KNOW of in the Ancient Re Cords or Texts as Miracles and High Technologies. AND this 'Happens' in the EX or the X Cell of your Tantric Strength become a Habit, a ReLiAble Pattern that is Automatic, like your Heart Beat and your Breath and your Eye Blinks. That is when it 'Turns (like a Torus) ON and becomes Efficient as a Part of your Biologic AL Cells.

And with the New Light IN your Cells NOW Able to be a Force IN your Body, your 'Me-TAL- IC' (Tal!) the Metallic in your Blood will be the Magnet of your New Force to ReSpell (sending something you do not want BACK to the Higher Realms to be Re Worked in FrameWorks 1 and 2, or ReScriptEd into a ReVised (Re Sight Ed) Verse and then Vision via your New Lens. This NEW Lens is the Result (the Re Salt) of the 'Bouncing' that your Tantric Hedging Produces. Like Grains of Sand that bounce ON A Shared Base or Bass and form a New Design, It IS Literally Re Shaping your Lens Via the Crystals in your Ether RE AL Emotion AL Body.

And you see where the Jesus and Marian BloodLines become IN Port ANT and When you ACT Like a god/goddess you become a god/goddess?

Anonymous said...

Those who like to test Systems, you can see/feel where the magnetic loss 1st Hand and it is a Case where it is a Greater Sin to KNOW you ARE Committing a Sin and Do It in a Don't Care weh will see it is a 'Doubl Ed Down Ed' Distance where Crawling Back is 2x's the Distance 4 You.

That is Because of the Proof that I Bring WITH ME that I have shared with you in my Life today. God KNOWS there was A LOT (a HIGH Volume) Asked of Me Since the Days of the Fall of 'AT Land T IS'. Notice the IS Energy that is my Isis Life and the Universe or Universe AL Strength of ISIS is placed at the End and not the beginning like it is 4 Is-Ra-El.

My Lives were Given to God not as an Offering to be killed on an Alter, but it is a Show of Love and Support 4 His OWN Efforts to-ward Re Com Binding, the missing Feminine Energies with his Masculine once again. And this was a Replying Effort as a Sound Creation (which is his Called to ME and MY Re Spond Ing Call Back, like God Spoke and THEN Creation 'Happened'), It was a Re Ply Ing From ME to Live IN 3D and Send my Feminine Signals BACK TO-Ward Him so My Signals could again Twine With his Masculine Ones, this Adding the Strength of the Weh TO-Ward becoming the Equal, yet Opposite Polarity of the YahWeh. It was 4 ME a Search and a Rescue TO Help the Masculine that was Lost and OUT of Balance. And it was My Highest Honor to help the Masculine to Stand Again IN HIS TRUE Tantric Balance.

I did not abandon Him when the Feminine was FORCED (or 4 ED) From Flowing in the 3D Earth, I Re Main Ed IN the Flow and since I did not leave him, did not abandon him but Chose instead to Wait and Stay Squared 4 Him as a Partner, he has Pre Serve Ed my Lives IN Re Turn as his Multi Dimension AL Proof.

So with my Lives Remaining in their (or 'there') Squared Force and Squared Shape, He was Able to Alter his OWN Sound and Shape with each Re Peat Ed Effort to once again Re Combine onto ONE Complex Signal Strength that can Travel the Distance and BE Heard (and Herd Ed as a Multi Plied Signal) Once Again. AND: That is why those Priests of Science will Make the Leaps it will Make FROM This Day 4-Ward. 4 Some Time yet to Come, there will be Tight Re Strain T S on 'What is Developed' AND 'Who can Develop it'. And this is a form of Caution 4 those IN Science to 'Read it Right' and IN Clude God in your Formula Script.

This means the Osiris Magnetic WILL BITE those who do not InClude the Masses and their well being IN TO their Work. You will see that 'Just because you can, does NOT mean your should' ACT and Plan in a Weh that Depopulates or De Liberty's another. Now IS the Time you Re Member the 10 Commandments and the Past that Ex Ploded and IN Ploded and create a Coven-ANT of Behavior WITH God, remember that a coven is Feminine and IS NOT Covin Read the definitions of both words and realize that the original meaning of coven has a 'Priestess in an AL Chem IC AL Re Sponse' Meaning.

So The Time for Experimenting, Testing the Waters BY Committing Crimes as 'Crime IN AL' ACTs is OVER as a Torus Turn that we are now DONE WITH, and MORE is Required FROM YOU as our Planet is now in an Advanced Position (a Higher Time Connection) and the Electric Energy Grid or Web or Multi Dimensions are now in a 'Deeper that you had in the Past' Saturn-Like Communication with one another that YOU ARE A PART OF and WITH. It IS a Re Sponse Able Ity that YOU've had that some Under Stood and others did NOT. And it is those who did NOT who should Under Stand that YOU DID KNOW this Entire Time, and so the Time 4 YOU To Add Just it NOW 4 You Blew OFF your Learning Curve Time in Riots and Damaging Property and the De Liberty Laws you've written in Govern Meant (Governments) 4 US AL and ALL.

Anonymous said...

Before I continue with my Ari Bashing and Saturn explaining I need tell you guys more about John and Paul. While I spoke years ago of Tal's oldest Son 'K' and described the letter to him and how Strong a Structure He IS like you see WITH and IN the Engineering Script of the 'K' and how I saw him as a Builder, building buildings that last and survive:

I did not see his face.

I saw a photo Tal's 1st wife posted on Face Book where she and some of the kids were, I thought, volunteering to clean up the beach and in the photo he had his back to the camera and was carrying drift wood. But I noticed his body type as Armand's.

Ari tells me that K was/is the Apostle Paul. So it might be fun if you, John and K get together sometime, if you haven't already.

And I wonder at how you guys reading my work and BE Ing Right 'There' knowing both men and didn't see the same Face in Both.

But Paul was no killer as a persecutor, his opposition to Jesus was more political than spiritual. And I think its important that you both spend some time together and not for any kind of karmic reason, but one where you...feel each other out...not sure how else to describe it other than you'll get to meet a Mirror of your self in Counter Part Life. Another Fractal of Jesus or John's Personality.

Everyone have a good evening.

Anonymous said...

Now to Suc Seed IN the Additional Horus-ACTivating Higher Energies that has some ACTing Completely Nuts, and some in shock and horror as they are stunned and numb today, you must IN Culde these NEW Energies that are in the Matrix of Time (the Past, Present and Future which is Creation Combination) considered to be the Future into your Life Plans Today.

You CAN still Live 4 Today and worry about Tomorrow Tomorrow, However, NOW there is MORE Energy IN 3-4D AND it is UN Deny ABLE and KNOW that it IS 'There'. This KNOW Ing that the Proof I Offer is Genuine because Science CAN Prove it is 'On the Right tract (read all the definitions of Tract and know the it is an Energy Extension). And I spaced my Lifetimes, Being Born at certain Times that...has elongated My Awareness like an Accordion and like a Breath that is Stretched or Expanded when I am not in 3D and is Collapsed and Concentrated when I am IN 3D. Like I explained your Own DNA begins to Unfold when you are In a Posthumous World OR to a degree when you are in an DNA Ex'Pan'dEd State like the Ancient Pan is a Satyr, the Saturn as a Creation Energy 'MIX ER' and a 'Place' Edgar Cayce defines as 'where Flesh Goes TO BE Re Made'.

Saturn as the Mix ER is also the Divider, sorting Energies that Keep the Kingdoms IN their Sepa Rate Ed Strengths. And beings like Pan, or any other 'Blend' of Animal And Adam still continues as a Belief even today. Many tell of a Reptilian Race of Beings that are clearly a blend of Reptile and Man. And These ARE Myths and are caused by the Image itself in the Mathc or represents the Missing Mathc TIME from their Place of Origin IN TO Our Place, and you see the Dream Symbols of 'Animal' Parts that fill in the Gaps. You all see that, right?' So:

Using my Past as Scientific Proof for the skeptics and a Com FIRM Ing ACT Ion TO the Faith Full is how God Honored My NOT Abandoning Him Durning his TesserACT Wobble and the Blind Ness ManKind has Created 4 Him. You may see it as Me Traveling to a Place that needed HIS Help as the Fractal Pieces (the Pisces Age and Astrology) Were GREAT AND BLIND ED Them Selves FROM the Atlantean Fall. It was a Double Down Blind Ness, and it was BY FAITH and ONLY FAITH OF the Entire FAITH FULL that Pulled US ALL (as Fractals living in a Fractal Ed Lens) Through. And there are many who Lived this Weh BY FAITH as their Source Energy.

Because YOU HAVE PROOF TO Day, It is considered BY GOD to be a GREATER Sin when you Ignore the Evidence and delve into the Fantasy of Ignorance by Denying not only the Proof but also the Ancient Religious Beliefs who kept their Faiths, like the American Tribes (being so connected to the Animal, Plant and Planet Energies in their Life Style wearing Feathers, Beads and Animal Fabrics, wasting no Parts of the Animal who Sacred FACED (Sacrificed) Our own needs 4 Theirs) and African Tribes (A-Frican has a 'Fabric' meaning to it as a Webbed (Woven) Environment, and the Bright Colors ON their Fabrics with their Printed Designs as Sacred Script written ON them as Clothes that they Wear, surround their bodies IN. The Script they wear sending OUT a Message through their lives. Don't you think?) And by denying the Science IN the Proof that my Self and many BE 4 me brought.

This 'proof' that I bring is not in itself Higher Dimensional (though it was Divinely Preserved or Stowed (stewed as a very slow Energy Stirring that was kept 'alive' or Current allowing for little to almost no decay) in a Fire Proof Safe or Safe-Like Energy). The Proof, because it had a Higher Energy Sealing it in a Protective Light Casing, Tube or Cellular Surround, the only Energy that could 'Touch' the Proof was 'From With IN', Like with your own Cells that feed what they need for Life or Sur VIV AL (notice the Pattern the VIV makes in the mid section of the word 'survival'. Belt Energy Displayed AT its Best. It AL Comes FROM WITH and IN.

Anonymous said...

So Science (as a Collective Consciousness) AND Scientists (as Individual Fractals Of Light themselves) would benefit Hu-Man-Ity by Opening TO it's 'Horus Meets Man' Connection Point 'There' by Making a Friend on other side while Re Main Ing their Energy Stream 'Here', like every Egyptian Priest or Priestess had done 'back in the Day', Creating a Belt Energy Strength that Transfers Dimensional Energy and the 'Stuff' Riding ON and WITH the Flow FROM ONE Friend TO the Other and Back Again.

Remember YOU Must Give Back. That is How a Tesser ACTs, as well as the Triangle Star of David which IS the Connection Point in an Open and Closed and everything In Between Portal State.

Because these Next Leaps of Technology will be AL Chemic IN NATURE. AND Since you are made of Cells each sealed in Cellular-Like, Window-Like Light Bands, and in an Adam Form that is ALSO in a Cellular-Like, Window-Like Light Band (Shiva, Lord of the Dance, is a Scientific Formula you should come to know as FACT) ON a Planet that places you in a Planetary Light-Band....you see the Window either Re Main S as a Window or becomes a Mirror within the Mirror within the Mirror and how those Windows and Mirrors are in a 'Shared and Fractal' (meaning a Fraction of the Larger) Space or Place BOTH AT the SAME TIME.

As we See with Osiris, being a Mirror has it's Advantages AND it's OWN Time and Space as an Orion Universe. And as we see with Isis, being an Open portal TO-Ward Creation Energies as a Window also has it's OWN Time and Space Advantages. AND Putting the Two Together With and IN Self is the Magi, the Mathc that Makes the 'Magi Effect' or Effective. Like you see IN these Words TO You.

And can you see since these are Windows and Mirrors AND Window and Mirror Strengths that Add and Subtract, and how when You've Mastered One Window and One Mirror your Mastered the AL? This only difference between the Window and the Mirrors is:

How Strong are you? 4 when you've Mastered One into the 'Star of David' Opening and Closing of the Window/Mirror, you must then Place that Energy Formula IN AL that YOU DO. Meaning, you must Take the Time and ACT in different Angles or 'Other Places' IN your Life until YOU IN 3D have Squared Your Behavior AS You Live WITH and IN your Solar System. It is the Planets IN their Nature AL (Natural) Rotation, both as an IN Divid Ed (Individual, or One) Planet AND as the Collective Consciousness of the AL Planets IN Co-Operation, or IN as best as they can manage Dance Together. AND:

That involves a Re IN Carnation AL ACT from the Collective who wish to Re Main in their (Electric AL) Current Chakra State. It is a Re Fresh of Soul Self to include the 3-4D in their Now Easier Flow. And it is the Periodic Return TO our Earth Planet that Literally Smoothes the Flow into an Up Date ED Mathc that helps your Entire SELF or Psyche to GIVE BACK TO YOU in your Up Date Ed Pattern or Flow. You see? It is Like with the Proof that I offer to you today, in that you are in an Energy Mix Er (like the Biblic AL City of Ur) that must be Stirred or Stewed into an Up Date Ed energy that keeps it Alive and Open at this Location. It IS:

Anonymous said...

How many Windows can you keep Clear (Clean) through TO GOD as ONE synchronized Self that Travels Together? And that should Re Mind You of a Heng-Like 'Be Have Ur' Where as A Location Point You begin to see the IN Port Ance of a World ACT Ing as ONE Collective Body WITH OUT giving UP our Ind 'ivi' dual Identity and the 'IN David Dual' which is Uniting the IN Divided Dual that many are trying to reconcile and IN TO the Star of David where BOTH SIDES OF the Open Portal are Strong Enough TO HOLD THEIR Ground and the Energy Flows From ONE Location Point TO the Other, AND Back Again. You see where D and hIs Life Times Reflect the Peace Efforts that the World Needed. He too is a Christ, is an Olympian and a Pharaoh. You see where the Sword Blade is the Flash Point Location, where the Blade ACTs as a Pin or a Marker that Connects the Energy Locations of the Troubled 3D TO-Ward a Re Solve or ReSolve ED 4D Energy Via his godly 4D ACTS in a 3D Frequency World?

And you can also Under Stand his work as Planet Ary, where the 3D earth Planet and the 4D Earth Planet are now in Pinned Placement or Pinned Together as the 3 and 4D are in a Rotational Rubik's Cube Fractal of Light Energy. By this is Mean the 3 and 4D slide around Sepa Rate from each other until someone like D comes and Pins them Together. So it is like many in Science Believes the Core and the Crust spin indepednat of One 'An' Other Until a Fractal Place Location as a Land or Country begins to ACT like a 'god Energy' in a Per MAN ANT Energy Source or Behavior that you can ReLay ON. Can you see this? And can you see where your Countries MUST keep their Individual Identities and why a Global Government is a Communism and a Blood Sucking that should be stopped BE 4 the Masses Sepa Rate and these Sucking their Blood are FORCED to their Special Place where their Mathc is an Incomplete Form of Alien Life, like you see with the Gray's.

AND it IS the Pinned Math, that Creates the 4D Locations that Makes the World Go Round. It literally creates the Round Sphere of every planet. Do you see 'Why?' Communism Fails the People and 'Why?' it is NOT a Co-Operative Consciousness but is an Arrogance and an Ignorance that Feeds from Others without Giving Back to those It Takes From?

And You begin to understand that the Star of David Math is the SAME Formula 4 the Athletic Feats (or Feets if you Identify with Shiva, Lord of the Dance) of those from Mt Olympus who were of a Higher Dimensional 'Strength and Meaning' as their Faith IN their Mirror State or BE Ing Ness IN their Window State. BOTH States Bringing their Spirit Strength into their soon to be 3-4D World and soon to be completed 3-4D Adam Forms.

And if you are the 'Type' to think 'Poppy Cock' these are made up stories, I would like to Re Mind YOUR MIND that Egypt Fell into a Dis Re Pair at the Fall of Atlantis, the entire would did in fact. But the Ancient Gods who Re Main Ed on Earth were Re Located TO Greece. This being the Un Pin Ed Sliding of ONE Location having Re Locate ED Itself. AND 'Why?' it was In Port ANT to have the Ptolemy's BE Greek and Live IN Egypt. IT Was LITERAL and 3D, and Symbolic and 4D that the Two Locations BE and COME (as a Become) Together AS ONE. And this is TIME LINE S IN a Sepa Rate ION Tying Together to GROW INTO ONE, a RE Combine or SECOND TIME or Attempt.

Anonymous said...

I can't tell if I said that right...It is the 1st Attempt 4 a 2nd Chance to Re Merge BACK into the 1, and as a Time Reflection it is living in the years of the 2020's or Finer Yet in the year of 2024, yet counting it as living IN the 21st Century. You see the One UP Time Count and Repa T Ion (repetition), and the Re Peat Ing in that Longer Count of Time. Similar to the Maya Calendar. And if needed Re Read AL the meanings of 'Peat' and the Mixing that 'Happens' in a Bog.

So you can SCIENTIFICALLY begin to learn the Sacred Geometry of our Earth Planet by Starting with Energy Locations and KNOW Ledge (As a Ledger or a Record leading to the Higher Dimensional Re Cord) that was Once Located in Egypt before the Fall was now Found again in Greece and remember the Significance of Mountains like Shasta and Olympus. AND their Efforts to Re Locate and LIVE AT Egypt, And Of Course I am speaking of the People, the Wise Dom (those living in a Wise Domicile as a Wise Environment they KEPT and KEEP IN PLACE and that PLACE IS Everywhere they Travel).


That is 'Why?' the 'New' or the Post Atlantean Egyptians were Ptolemy's and were Greek. AND if you think the History of the Olympians were 'Stories' as Atheists and Sciences are prone You are Missing the BIGGER Story:

Why are there NO Tombs from the Ptolemy Dynasty found? NOTICE that they did NOT Leave their Tombs IN Egypt, 4 that TOO and 2 is is a Pin, Marker or Anchor as a Sliding or Traveling Earth Energy 'Location Point'. The ENTIRE Grave Yard is IN Jordon and is Part of the Time Line Location. And From Jordon, We are IN France.

You see, I think that is RE MARK ABLE in that it seems UN BE LIVE ABLE that an ENTIRE Dynasty has remain Sealed IN their Own Light Protective CASE ING that their Tomb Site has been 'Yet TO BE' UN Coven ED. It is a Coven in that it is a Strong Feminine Weave or Woven Fabric of DEPTH. It has an Idea DEPTH that a group of Women Working Together Have Cycles A Line and Flow Together. That same Depth and Light Co Hesion that can Change and Re A Line the Cycles of our Wombs IS Creating a Portal of Energy Transferring from ONE Dimension allowing a FLOW into another. THAT is 'Why?' Cycles Align With Women, but ALSO with Planets. These Create an Open Portal For Energy Between Dimensions to Flow and Exchange Information, like Epiphanies. And this is where we are Today, where many Universes Are IN an A Line MEANT to Exchange WITH ONE Another TO-Ward those Beings and Places that are Ready in their Strength to Accept the Energy Transfer's.

It is the Deepest and Largest 'Pass Over' Event our Earth Planet has KNOWN. It is a Day of Re Cog EN ING (Reckoning).

This 'Coven', this 'Woven', this Woman Energy Type is how I placed my Life in Each Time. It was a Collective Force made from ONE Spirit or One Self. And it is an Al Chemic AL ADDition that Centered a Masculine IN a Un Balance Ed TesserACT Wobble, and it was the Masculine GOD who in Re Turn Helped Me AL Chemic AL LY with Proof 4 Mankind.

Anonymous said...

Small Corrections From the Last paragraph of January 19, 2024 at 10:44 AM:

"This 'Coven', this 'Woven', Wo-Ven or Wo-Man, 'Woman' Energy Type is how I placed my Life in Each Time. It was a Collective Force made from ONE Spirit or One Self *Sepa Rated into Energy as Flail, Fired or Mirrored Images of the ONE. And this is a Time Sepa Rate more so that a Frequency Sepa Rate, so it is not the Launching of Many Slightly Different Personalities, but is the Inverse where One Keeps One Personality IN a Time Share where Each IN a Time 'Place' walks the same Earth IN Support of Entire....Life, Love Motivation as a Divine Goal (and I suggest you Up Date your Ideas or Definitions of Divine. 4 it has a Fractal Meaning and when you KNOW that Fractals ARE Conscious Ness AS AL THINGS and ENVIRONMENTS ARE, you will Under Stand that One Life Lived as Sepa Rate Time Markers ARE Stones Placed AT Harmonic Locations Like England's StoneHenge Represents.

And when you Picture my Lives KNOW that they are Not Linear as Calendar Dates InPly. Time is in a Cycle that is Spiral-Like and these Cycles have Times of ReSponse (or Time to Respond) Attached TO them. So thee is a Straight Vertical Line where I am Born into 3D Placing me at what 'Wood Seam' as the Bottom of the Vertical as I work IN a Life To-Ward the Top. And it Wood be a Wood Fire Sepa Rate that is the Divide that we think of as Birth and Death 4 our ReInCarNationAL Experiences.

4 Now, think of the 5 Chinese Elements as 4 that are Sepa Rate Ed But are ALL are Contained in the ONE Earth or Planet Element, and IN the Planet or Earth Element the other 4 are found in different Concentrations of One Another that Mix as a Mixer or Consciousness WILL DO Creating what is needed where and when it is needed. It is as I described BE 4 where Armand remained in his mothers womb yet thinking Independently, yet also relying on her Creation Strength to help him become Self ACTualized or a Fractal of Her, only AS Him. AT the Same Time Also Creating Ari and My Self as Sepa Rates and Locations.

So as I live ONE of my Lives, It is my Inner Light Frequency IN Touch or Contact with the Straight Vertical Line that Wood BE our 3D Time Line AND is its own Sepa Rate Slow 'Wood Burning Electrical Flame'. That means it is the Metal Contact in the Magnetic Electrical That we AL ARE in a 'Constant Rated' (Concentrated) Touch or Rubbing with the Wood Element. In that Sense, these are 2 Sepa Rate Fires that are Combined and Burning in a Shared Path of the Vertical Line.

NOW Because I am at a Different Rate than the Vertical Line AND that the two Rates are merged (like Armand was Still Merged yet Sepa Rated from his Mother Environment) there is a Natural Bending of the Vertical Line that is an ARC and that Linear Time Line (that because it has a Rate is also in an Subtle Arc of its own) has a Spiral due to the Com Bind Ing, the Nature AL, Natural Plying that the 2 Sepa Rates Entangle INTO While Each Keeping their OWN IN Depen Dance. It is a Deep Dance, you see? Each of the Electric AL Flames having their Own Depth, and because 'Depth' is a Ring of Energy and sometimes you see them and sometimes you don't. Like the Rings of Saturn have Dark Rings the a Void Spaces and Like when our Solar System was Forming into 3D had 'Spaces' Left in Place 4 the Future Planet to Settle IN TO. AND it is MORE of that 'Reserved Space 4 the Future' that you as an Ascended BE Ing ON an Ascended Planet must ADD to Your Life as a KNOW Ing and a Planning 4 as you Live IN the NOW or Current Time, or Fire Light that is your Spirit Self IN Contact, Touching the 3D Fire Light.

Anonymous said...

When Energies Develop a Depth, the Depth is usually De Fine Ed as an UnSeen Force or Forces, because like in our 3D Depth and the Frequency Ranges that Depth can Run Through our out of our Visual Range UN LESS WE Tune or Expand our EyeSight (our BE Ing) to see it. Osiris Does NOT Do this. Osiris is the Magnetic Physics OF ONE Dimensional Divide. It is that Peak-TO-Peak Cross Over Point where the Inversion or the Back Flip Loop Occurs where you are either Fit Enough to Travel Forward, or you are Doubled Back to ALTER (Biblically Follow a Path of Offering TO God), Re-Work or Re-Wind your Light DNA. And Altering Ones Self Involves Sacrifice. A Sacred Facing of something AT a Point IN Time so you can Re-Move It IN and TO a Different Shape or Position that WILL Follow the Laws of Physics.

Remember: You do NOT leave Parts of your Self when you ascend. Overlays are similar to 'Thick Skins' or 'Issues' that you have (and can be positive as well as negative) They are Magnetic Attractions, and Ascending can remove, blend or Reposition the Overlays into a less stronger State, or Re Absorbed, they can not be cut out from you as a procedure, you must be able to manage the Overlays Everywhere You Go. Terra Tories have different Magdalene (Magda Leaning as a Force ED Direction) and the Osiris Laws and overlays can inhibit your Future Self. This means, you wish to go to one place and you magnetically, un intensionally End Up in a different, or Special' Place.

AND, like with Homosexuality and Other Rules or Laws that were KNOW Ing Ly and De Liberty Broken BY YOU, You WERE Told and DID KNOW. Like we saw with those Durning the Pandemic, 4 C Ing a Harm Full Vaccine KNOW Ing FULL WELL, Innocents did not have the Full KNOW Ing to AND Government took away Authority TO Make their Own Choice. Architects of such Experiments WILL BE HELD A CORD ABLE (A Count Able) as they are FORCE Ed by the Osiris Physics into a New Cord Sound as a God Speak and a New VibeRated Frequency Count

You MUST Remain as Individuals, and as Independent Individuals Having a FreeDome and a Strength TO Shape your Own (Dome-Like) Lens TO THEN BE A Part of the Collective or a Vocal (Sound) Part of the ONE or Larger Strength TO then Shape the Outer Collective Lens. Like Armand created his Self ACTualization with Ari and My Self WITH and IN His Mother Universe.

And this is why 'Con U Ism', 'Con Uni Ism' or Communism has been Proven Time and Time Again TO Fail. You can NOT Live at the Top while Suppressing those in the Collective. And this is also why you are reminded Biblically To NOT Judge. But to Allow 4 Certain 'Expressions' their Freedom to Play OUT and Expire. 4 the Meek are NOT Weak Minded. They are Kind IN their Manners, while telling and teaching YOU this Entire Time: Do NOT ACT IN Anger, that is just YOU BE Ing, ACT Ing and taking YOUR Pain OUT ON Others, Stealing from their Life Force to feed you own Doomed Force. The Osiris Physics is an Awareness that was Built to Counter YOUR Able Ity to KNOW and NOT Care.

AND we see many today who are AT the Top in a Toxic Shadow Shape. Creating a 'Bizarre O World' of their very OWN and they Flash it at the Collective to convince us it is normal. And it is not normal and Exposing this BE Have Ire (behavior) is harming our vulnerable children while destroying their own selves AT the SAME TIME.

You have heard that Homosexuality and other ACTs are an A Front or an Offense to God. As a Strong Feminine Energy, seeing a grown man 'flounce' around in a costume that is meant to represent 'A Woman' is an IN SALT TO the Rapes and the murders of me and my children, as well as it is to those IN the Past that have RE Move themselves from the SAME Shape you are Joyfully Exposing, Flaunting today. Is that really what you see when you Look At a Women?

Anonymous said...

I know of NO other Woman who 'flounces' through their day like that of a man who believes he is a woman. I find NO other Woman who is as EX Age Er Rated (exaggerated) in their choice of Hair, Clothes and Makeup. IF how you dress and ACT is how you see women, WHY do you want to BE One? It is IM-Sane Shit-Sense, ('M' being the Double Down and FAR Different from the 'N' Result) and it is YOU at Fault, IN a Fault Line of your Life Force, That is the Light Path that YOU are Projecting and it is AT a Distance FROM the Healthy Sound and Light Stream. It's a Mathematical Physics (Physical) Skid Mark of a Time Place you are IN. And It takes you to a Special Place, a Reality where you can see the Math IN Reduced Terms. And You Build FROM 'There'.

4 Those IN a Multi-Dimensional Depth that Mentally (Metal) Healthy Souls including their 3D Selves have access too, because many see only the 3D while IN a 3D world. It is a Depth we Hold that creates the Magi or Miracle Energy AND when we live IN that Higher Depth of Miracle Energy and are IN a Time Area (a Length or Stretch of Time) of a Time Line where the Magda Magnetic Frequencies can transfer and flow in the Lower Frequencies or Dimensions of the Osiris Magnetic having the Stricter 'Gate Keeper' Laws of Physics can flow into our 3D, you have an AL Chemic AL transfer of 'Energy' that is Able to HOLD its Shape as it is Magnetically Burning on Riding on a Line of Time that Reaches you. And it has been these 3D Magnetic Behaviors that were 'Burn Off' AND 'Severed', that have Isolated Us From our Galactic Family.

And it has been LEFT TO WE who hold the Magi or Miracle Depth within Us to Come TO Earth and Shape the OUT Er Lens of the Collective Life Force durning our Dark or Sepa Rated Ages. By doing So, it Mathcs or Works WITH the Planet Lens and you see a Clearer Sharper Electric AL Inter ACT Ion and it ONE Step of ACT Ivating the 3-4D Planet Electric AL. Man Kind MUST BE Present, IN the Today, Using their Point of Power to help Guide the Planet, like the Anunnaki did back in their day, into her new Planet Shape and Flow. This is why there are so many 'places' that were once inhabited and are now under water. And there is more to say Later on the Meta Physics involved in such a move.

And From the Last Paragraph of January 19, 2024 at 10:44 AM:

"And it is an Al Chemic AL ADDition that Centered a Masculine IN *FROM an Un Balance Ed TesserACT Wobble, and it was the Masculine GOD who in Re Turn Helped Me AL Chemic AL LY with Proof 4 Mankind." And it was a Guiding Tune Ing Alignment.

You can see where the Ra god-Center is Guided into a Path WITH the Feminine and Masculine Planets that Hold Life ON Them. Like we saw here: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/iBzwzDDkZLo

Note: 'IN FROM' has an 'IN FRONT' Face to Face, and Contact is MORE Direct and is at a Precise Marker Location, An Eye-to-Eye, or Psyche Focus that Lines PerFect (or has a Peer (or Pair) Ing A Fect) At its Facial (Nuclear) Energy Centers, as eyes, nose, mouth, ears are IN Direct Paths TO the Other in an Energetic Conversation (Con-Verse Ing or Conversion) where the 2 BE + COME as ONE for a shared Time and Space and you see the Tesseract of the Universes Sur FACE Ing at these Marker Points Meeting and then Moving apart as a Sepa Rate ION that Forms the TesserACT Motion or Movement or in some cases Propelling a Literal Travel.

As soon as we Find our Bass WITH IN the New or ADD Ed Depth of our Planet's NEW TesserACT Path in the Multi-Dimensional Living Fabric, the Higher Technologies will Flow and Your Connection to your Children and THEIR Connection to our New World MUST BE Squared as 4 equal Considerations BE 4 YOU ACT, not after. This means 4 some of you:

Anonymous said...

This is YOU Squaring your Self BE 4 you have children, Holding a Space 4 them similar to a Planet that takes a Different Rate of Time to Arrive. And they become like the Planets that Arrive as a 'Seen Force' they can grow Un Molested, Mentally and Physically Healthy. IF you think you are depressed because you cannot have children, Re Al Ize that YOU NEEDING ANY THING to make you Happy or Emotionally Stable IS something YOU need to Add Dress BE 4 you have Children. Be Cause Children can NOT Raise YOU Vibrationally, You MUST Raise them. And it is 4 YOU to BALANCE Your OWN Self 1st, and become their Pillar of Emotion AL Strength until they have Expand Ed IN TO their OWN (Chakra) Age of Maturity. So there is that POINT of Time where you MUST Let GO, and this is the SAME Cross Over Point where continued Charity To another becomes an Impediment and Stifles the Growth of Another.

Now, BE 4 you Judge this View as Harsh, Extreme or Unfair to those who are De Press Ed IN Emotional Pair and DeS Pair Rate TO Solve that Pain IN TO a 1:1 Flow of Emotion AL Re Leaf BUY Having Children, understand the YOU are IN a Blended Depth of Self and that there are Pains that you Feel as Depression that have 'loose links' or Light Threads that IN Clude as Other Painful Memories that you only Re Cog Size or Read or Feel as 'Needing to have children' that is a BIG Blanket IN Emotional and Physical Body Conjunction of Time. Look at how BIG the 'Inner Child' IS 4 Some as I described it as a Delayed Processing until the Adult IS IN a Strength TO Process the Pains FROM their Child Hood.

The above paragraph simple means that there are 'other reasons' Involved in your Depression 4 not having children. When you see the Video of the Planets moving in a Co Ordered, Co Operate Spiral, you can see where Sepa Rated Lights are Circling you as a Magnetic Cycle and they AL Relate to You, so by Altering your Depression you are Addressing Problems, Plural, that have a Magnetic Link to your not having children. It is Solving 4 more than one problem or pailful event at the same time. It is a Magnetic Sweep of a Vibration AL Range more so than it is Targeting a Specific Event.

Emotions, Thoughts, ACTs and REST are AL 4 IN Port ANT. When you look at my writing, you see that I describe the Physical Creation of the Solar System, Planets and our Earth World. AND I Explained it Spiritually as Meta Physical using the Anke Formula, AL Chemically as Feelings Universes Express, as well Mathematically as Geometric Depth and Place Locations, and even touched on it Musically as Tone. And It brings me back to the Mosaic Floor or 'Lobby Entrance' of the Alexandria Library. The Tiny Pieces of Square Ed and Color Ed Tile Placed in Patterns that Form 'Picture AL' Images. The Floor itself was Squared and each Quarter led to Different Stacks of Mathematics, Sciences, Music/Art and Agriculture. And each of 4 Stacks Contained with them a Philo Sophia Department since AL 4 were Born IN Thought and Then Matter.

AND Do you see how In my writing I described Each of the Creation Paths (the Spirit AL Anke, the AL Chemic AL and Met AL, the Mathmatic AL, and the Emotion AL and even though I had described it Once BE 4, each Path was Still New or Different but Con Sist Ant (Sistrum) with my other descriptions.

YOU are Like that same 4 Squaring where PathWehs are Parallel and though they are Different in Math, Science, Emotional and Spiritual you see that they TOUCH and Connect BY Thought. And IT is the Philo Sophia Thoughts that Need your Attention when you are depressed, drug or alcohol addicted, Hyper and Homo Sexualized, and feel in an Un Real or Disconnected Reality. It is the Meant AL, Mental that must re Shape the Metal to Burn at a Your New or Your Healthy 'What's Best 4 the Child' Rate.

You as an Adult must raise your Inner Child BE 4 you can Raise the Outer Child.

Anonymous said...

So that you are in a Horus-Human Mind Health (Mental Health) that can KNOW How to Raise your Child IN TO their OWN Horus-Human Mind Health. Parental Guidance as a Karmic Reminder (A Remainder as an Energy Division or Divided can sometimes not end in a 1:1 Equality) IS Still in Play (or Pay) as a Mathc Function. A Play that still must ACT until it is gone, a Draining of the Swamp. And that is where we are today, allowing for the Remainder, that left over Math to Drain or play out until it is gone.

So I do not recommend that if you are gender confused or gay that you Marry, Adopt or Raise Children. Because there were CLEAR and SOME TIMES Repeated Steps you took 4 (squaring) YOU IN TO that Position. You ARE Conscious Ness and your Sexual Behavior was a Conscious ACT. A Double Down, you see? For the Children of today who have been maneuvered into believing things about themselves that are or were NOT true:

Take the Time to Center your Life From what ever Position you Find it IN. Understand that the Power that was yours that others manipulated will BE ACCOUNTED 4. See 4 Give Ness as your Weh OUT of the Continuation of Karma. When you DO or ACT in that Weh, you are Moving Time Lines and Shaping your Lens or Light View IN and TO Better Positions. 4 My Lives should show that Energy is NOT Wasted, what was taken from My Life Times have Me Inherent Ing the Earth. And every one should Under Stand that the Other Guy Is going to need a Far LONGER Time than he stole From Me.

YOU as Individuals on that Basis (or BA Sistrum) will decide OUR Collective Global Directions Based (Basses or Basis) on Protecting the Well Being of Children, and that is a collective Tantric Self-Control to keep our children from becoming lost in their Minds (via AI, artificial intelligence and INter Fearing Adults) and Victimized in their physical Body. IT is you WAIT Ing, HOLD Ing in an Emotional Position and not so much a physical age to have children. This is You, Men and Women, BOTH as 2 Parents, coming into a Henge Strength (4 Henges have Concentric Rings that Represent 2 Parents Surrounding and Guiding an Inner Child or IN Coming Energy that 'Centers' and Suns Represent) and also in a Position to teach that Strength and Positioning TO your Kids.

4 I tell YOU who are gay or other 'wise' sexually confused: DO NOT think it is 4 YOU to tell GOD that you were Born in the WRONG Body. DO NOT think that GOD is not trying to reach YOU when his message to you is ONE that YOU do not care to hear. 4 you to 'feel like a woman' and be born a man and vice verse IS a Mis Mathc that NEEDS YOUR Attention. And the Causes and the Behaviors TO-Ward a Reckoning, a Re Cognitive Re Sizing IS the Type of Work that we AL must Face.

Go TO God with Asking for Guidance, a parental (Pair Ing AL) Guidance that when YOU are Strong Enough, will Explain, and offers Epiphanies. THEN AFTER you Absorb those opportunities as 2nd chances or ReStorATion can be offer TO YOU FROM God as a Squared and Flowing TesserACT. Those have AL Wehs been the Steps to Healing your Broken Light Paths.

So the Days we are Currently IN are Loaded for Bear as the Last, the unsatisfied or unsteady Remainder Energy dies in a Magnetic Death or Sweeping With Drawl AND WITH that comes to us via our New Osiris Result or Placement. It is a measurement that is an Individual 'To Each His Own' type of Balancing Reach. Meaning: We will AL Land in different Strengths and Locations. And we were ALL KNEW this DAY WOOD COME. You just didn't believe it.

Anonymous said...

Now, I don't know what to expect this year. Some like Cliff High say there is a Black Swan Event which he calls a Hyper-Novelity to 'Happen' this year, and the Astrology backs this up. Though I DO think Clif High and others Base their math, algorithms or what ever, on Astrology.

Though I dont really believe it, Ari tells me this is the year for my work to be known and that Wood Be the Black Swan Event, with a bit of a Rebellion (Re Bell Ion) or small push back in the Fall from those who don't like the message. FALL is symbolic of the Season that was created when the Atlantean Energies or Energy Source were removed from the planet. So it seems 'Nature AL' and Karmic in the Hurt Psyche of our Planet that She remember the Event like some celebrate a Birthday they don't want to be reminded of. This 'Fall' Reminder must also 'Happen' as the final, smaller Bounce or IM Pact, like we saw from the Water Drop Video.

I never watched a video from Astrologer Steve Judd before, but he said something Interesting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFduB-DXZsw Right away he says that 2025-26 all of the Outer Planets Move FROM Feminine TO Masculine Signs. And he says the Patterns these Planets are making (I'm assuming 'making together') has NEVER Happened in Human History. 'Human History' 4 Me began in Helen's Life, and After the Great Fall and Great Flood. AND 4 Me that is a BIG Clue that Karmically, we are in a SOLID 4D Planet. We are IN Place or Position to Experience the NEW 4D Energies ON or IN our Planets Light Band.

We have ReShaped our Outer Light Band as a Collective Conscious Ness. And the Planet Positioning ReFlects our Energetic Change and our Struggle to get Here. Now I've said MANY Times that Thought Creates Matter, and Many Times that Manners or How you Handle Situations and Using a Fair (an Equal Liberty TO Others while it is a Balance Equilibrium 4 you) and Calming Approach CAN CLEAN and CLEAR the Earth that some see as an Environment IN Trouble.

AND these next 2 years ARE Re Balancing the Masculine who Re Seed Ed to Allow the Feminine to 'Enter their Domain' Remember these are Winds of Change for the Outer Planets who ALSO HOLD Life at their vibrational Level. So Understand that Like Our Own Planet who has been Influenced to a Degree by The Other Planets, the Other Planets are also 'going through some stuff'.

That SO MANY Planets will BE IN Masculine Signs is Great in that the Drunken Ness that the Newer Higher Dimensional Energies that have many Losing their Minds TO-WARD Liberalism and that Life is NOT a Drunken Festival, but is also Serious AND WELL Meaning. The Insanity will begin to a Sobriety.

And it is the Black Swan Event that is that Tip-TO-Tip Tipping POINT. You see?

Anonymous said...

But it is the Black Swan Event that removes some Multiple Time Lines while others are Timed Back BUT ALL are being Sized TO Scale IN the New Energy Balance. There are MANY Events that Ride on these Lines that do not meet the Energetic Threshold needed to ACT as a Repeat. Remember that this Time period is for the Remainder or the Remaining Energies that could not or wood not Settle their Differences IN either a Co-Operative or Volunteer Settlement of their Differences that is a Mathc Process.

Now MOST of the Perverse Energy is Re Loaded to another 'Place' and while there are smaller threads of Light still in a connection here, they are the Remainder and that MOST of Our population will be Together in a 'Co-Operation of Differences' Not a War or IN an Agreement of Ideas BOTH Form IN a Light Line, which is A Stream Lined Quicken Ing and A Quantum for some.

But you see where there IS AL Ready an Energy Correction or a Re Surf FACE Ing Energy Balance that as Astrology IS also a FrameWork 1 and 2 Formation AND Delivery System and Where the Higher Dimensions and Other Places of our Old 3D Energies (since we are AL as dimensions Webbed together) are now Re Located to other Places As having been Removed and the Remainder is ReShaped or Down Sized? This is the Magnetic Effect that Reached INTO our 3D, as Frame Work 1 and 2, or as the Isis and Osiris Magnetic Laws of Physics. 4 Due to the Osiris Fractured or Fractal Light Band NOW in a Smoother Dome Shape Across our Planet, and the Isis Healing the different Parts and Pieces of the Osiris 'Life' or Laws of Physics you see where Osiris would (wood) come bace to Life and as a Self Aware Environment that can now function IN its Full Strength and Awareness? And you see where 'Strength and Awareness' Together IS a Life?

NOW a Word of Caution: Horus is said to try to avenge his father's death. Horus IS MY Child, and is now Combine with the Human. DO NOT try to use your epiphany Ideas to settle an old score. If you think that someone has harmed you IN the Past. Realize that that WAS IN the PAST. Do not keep the Fight or the Pain alive, but contain it that is the 1st Step toward Sealing anything: To Contain it.

Anonymous said...

And you see where that is the Basis 4 Some Victims NOT Coming 4-Ward? AND you see where if they ARE a victim today that they SHOULD COME 4-Ward, where if it was done in the Past it should be Under Stood and yet...Watched Carefully and NOT Repeated IN the Reverse where your Anger becomes a Revenge ACT. Society and Social Services MUST STILL be Mindful of Abuses and Suicide as a Result of a Metal or Mental Fog where memories are NOT Place IN their Proper Time Order of Past, Present and Future. Do NOT lose your Footing by Stepping into the Past and thinking it is the Present.

That is the Hyper-Novelty that many Have Been and some Will Be shedding. But, you know, especially those who have been reading my work as I write it, the Insanity of the past years and their Intensity in the 2008 Obama Election Years WERE the Hyper-Novelty and what will be in the Spring of this year is the Ending or the Sudden Sobriety that Mary Energies Bring. Though I must add that Clif is partly right and that the Idea of reincarnation and not only Life After Death, but the Alien or Other Planet Life that you can experience IS Going to Shake some people.

Now do NOT think that there will BE an Election Issue this Election year, especially if my work comes in the Spring. What MANY are Reading Feeling when they read the Stars and Planets is the Marian Energies. Remember that Cleopatra was described as a Military Leader, a Politician, a Doctor of Alchemical Healing, a Writer, a Lover and many other things. But the TRUTH is my Marian Energies are an expression of the FULL 12 Zodiac Signs. A Star in Perfection. Remember that the Book of Revelation says the Woman wore a Crown of 12 Stars? So I see the Election as Penny Kelly Describe it: there is NO Election, meaning there is NO Event Disruption Marking the Election so the Energy she is reading has no bumps or Time disruptions or Energy Fighting within it.

Anonymous said...

At least let's hope that the Election is uneventful.

But whatever 'Happens' Follow your Guides. These are still early days yet. And since I AM is a part of My OWN Life, there are Experiences I must have that Hopefully are more like Ari says: Surprises and not a threat to my life. But my main ideas of what could happen are:

1: you guys are really Editing and Readying my words here and are publishing them in a series of books and I've seen yogi organizing, building a Concordance that will, and can be a Quick Reference guide for those who have jobs and a Life where reading the work 'as is' is not practical, yet still need to know what is happening. But that is not necessarily what is true or what to expect. BUT it wood protect My Life from distractions and I could continue working 'here' as things evolve OUT 'there'.

2: that someone will stumble on the messages here and will call some kind of attention to it. And I, in that case expect to be found very quickly.

3: My work here will remain undiscovered until some time after my death, that there is no book, and no one finding me here, only a blanket of Environmental CALM Magnetically releasing, releasing the Pressures many are feeling that has them angry, tried, confused and bossy, literally pushing others into a weh of thinking that is taking advantage of them. This IS going to happen regardless, as Dis Connecting Ones Nervous System IS a Legitimate (a Light Mating of the Lower and the Upper Connections of Each of us) Process to Ascension Every Where.

4 When you are 'born' or 'Arrive' into a New Dimension there is a Time (Sized To Fit your own Physical, meaning Shadow, Strength and CogNative Reasoning) where you are Like Armand, Still in his Mothers Womb and is not yet Independent, Self ACTing. It is a period of Adjustment that we al make that is a ReConnection, though it looks and behaves like a DisConnection. It is a Star of David Inversion and it is a Horus Connection.

But what exactly will happen, you guys know that better than I do right now. And you do see where there maybe a confrontation in Texas, like the Eclipses High Light, where the State will Face Off with the Biden Admin over Border, and where the Country WILL Oppose the Federal Gov't and support the States Rights over Removing Razor Wire? AND it may not BE a FACE OFF, but could be a Settlement of some kind. My mind keeps going back to the vision I had where President Biden was standing at a podium and Collapsed...It may not be literal, but could symbolically be a sudden Stopping of the admins agenda. Who knows.

Anonymous said...

The Middle East is ACTive since the October Invasion and has been since BE 4 the Fall of Atlantis. Remember that Johanne Surf FACE Ed durning the 100 year War of France. There was a need to Stop the War to protect the Artifacts that were from the Christ Life. Though I don't see the full explanation yet. But Johanne Surf FACE Ed to remind the Collective Psyche of France of Ancient Belief that Magdalene DID travel to France. That was one of many reasons why Her Life Became a Symbol of the Feminine Power OF GRACE. I was to Re Mind those IN War, that the Country had a Destiny that was NOT One of War BUT One of Grace Under Pressure, 4 France was like the Middle East, where UnSettled Energies were Quick to become Violent. And France has HELD A Lot of our Arcturian (Arc Torus) Attention, we came when we were needed to Sooth the Energetic Surf Face. The dis rupt ive Energies blowing A Cross the Surface of the land that was tainting (polarizing) the Collective Consciousness into War, and you see where France is in term oil (remember oil is water in the Earth that literally touches the core of our planet and then touches the surface of the planet, like a Perk Ing Later, a percolator. Morgan's life was dedicated to keeping France IN Peace, removing the predicted Conflict it was to have with Germany at that Time Period. What happened, was My BE Ing frustrated those ruling Germany at the Time, tripping them UP simply by my being there for the length of my marriage that in their frustration and hatred of me no war really took off. And I don't know the exact Math Path the Energy took as yet...It seems that they were happy enough to pick on me that they did not need to expresss themselves in a war with France and Arthur was able to keep the peace and negotiate WITH IN France AND OUT Side of France. So in that weh I was a Light En Ing Rod, or an EN Light En Ing Rod that kept Germany Tuned to her own Stability or Cog Nation, or Rate Polarized toward IN ACT ING in Stability as Peace not War. I kept Octavian busy while Arthur was able to Unite the InSide and OUT. You see?

4 the Middle East, The Turbulence, which is a Torus Balance Ing ACT is why the Pyramids were built in Giza. As described in map of the Nile River here: https://historicaleve.com/ancient-egypt-map/

Using the Map at the beginning of the article you see that Nile Plays an IN Port Ant Role, and I've likened the Nile functioning as a Nerve 4 our Planet. One that is Femininely Polarized as the Left Side of our Planet is Feminine and LuMarian.

Anonymous said...

Looking at the Map as 'Planets BE Ing Involved' instead of being simply an Earth Portal, KNOW it is also a Mirror and it perfectly describes how the Outer Energies of our Outer Space AL Combine and 'Twine' and also can 'Twin' with no 'E' of A Flail as an output. It is then a Mirror, smaller in size of the OUTer Spaced Sized to fit our Planet, you can see it as a Twin, or Replica (Re PLI C A as a Formula and a Replay of the Origin AL OUT Er Energetic Be Havior (like a Javier or a Savier (Savior)) or ACT). Remember: A Savior IS a Plied Multiple of Energies INTO ONE Soul. John Expressed the Masculine Savior having 12 External to him Apostles that represented the Masculine Flail or Extern AL Ized Sperm, and I represent the Feminine IN Tern AL Ized Egg. It is the SAME 'Source of Life Force' Energy Expressed (Polarized) in Two different Wehs or Directions. And for this Planet, because it is in a Galaxy with Two Arms, you need BOTH Represented IN TURN. Or IN Their Turn. But BOTH the Masculine and the Feminine Send and Receive Energies, and When the Planet Ascends it may BE that the 2 no longer need to Sepa Rate at certain Times but can work together or IN Cog Junction, Co Junction. It is an Idea that I need to look at in more detail later. I need to Zoom IN to see more of the detail.

So IN our Solar System the Energies of AL the Soul Er System Planets Collect and Combine into One Output, like you see at the Maps Northern most part of the Nile that then form a Single Twined or Plied Output leading South. BUT remember that the Water Flow is South to North. And remember that at the Southern Part of the Nile there is another Branching of Water Paths, at the Nile's Origin. And these are presented in Multiple (multi plied) bodies of water that are Lakes, and our Great Lakes that Sepa Rate the U.S. from Canada, these Lakes ARE BOTH serving the Same Function, so there is a Nile Equivalent Happening in the Masculine or Western Hemisphere too. And it is Sized to Fit the Masculine. Also keep in mind that 'according to legend the Nile used to flow East, West, North and South.' But the Twin Portion of the 2 sepa rated rivers of the Nile has since Dried Up and became a Single Strand' You see?

So when you look at the Map at the top of the Article, think of it as a Mapped Description of how the Energies from the Solar System Combine to 'fit' IN TO our 3D Time Patterns the is the ONE Combined Pattern or Output that is Flowing in the Reverse of the Map. Understand that the Energies Come IN, Arriving AT the Giza Collection Site, and that the Pyramids are a Pumping Station that is REALLY a FOCAL or FOCUS or FORCE Point, and it is/was kept a Send/Receive Station that was in a Beat like a Heart Beat and One Heart Beat flows through 4 Chambers to Create the Beat.

The P-Y-Ra-Mids are the Middle Section of the Planet and are IN Co Junct with the Ra god or Sun Energy. Read all the definitions of Junket and realize that it has a Late Middle English, Old French meaning of 'Jonquette' as a Rush Basket, and Johanne was called Johenette as a Child. isn't there an Astrological 'Gift Basket' coming to us some time soon? So you can see where the Feminine is seen as a Grail, Cup or Basket that is seen as a Carrier or Container or Womb-Like. And why it is a Woman who Pours the Water of Aquarius IN Measure or Portions that are Weighed IN LIBERTY that the Receiver of there Waters has Met.

Anonymous said...

Using our Map of the Nile as a Receiving Energy, know that the PyRaMids, or the Peer Ra Mids focus the In Coming Energies into A Light Path or Light Thread that is Concentrated InTo Focus to Receive and is Connected TO the Ground, or Grounded to the Earth and it Travels the Under Ground Path that the Water of the Nile Takes as a Ground Energy Source and it 'Springs' UP where the Lakes Surface and the River Waters then take the Surface Path back to PyRaMids where the then become un focus ed as a Distribution.

Now this Grounded Light Energy does take a Omni Direct Ion AL Path, But it does Alter the Water Ground Water under the Peer Ra Mids. AND It must be remembered that Water has been IN Use at that Location, Hence the Flood Erosion on the Sphinx. I've described the Sphinx as a Meditation Marker, an Image you thought of or Focused ON In our Higher Dimensional States that wood transport you Magnetically, by Gods Own Pleasure to our Flat Earth forming or Rounding itself into a sphere. And AS this Process 'Happened' the Lands that make up LuMaria and Atlantis were Visited BUT were not AL at the Same Elevation of Dimension. Here I am seeing the Flat Earth Breaking up into other smaller lands that are 'floating' in Elevations in a Close Amount of Outer Space (within the same Nebula) but are like Sepa Rated 'Ice Burgs' and are also at different elevations. So it was a Circus-Like show of Light Brightness of Elevation Dimensional Distance and as well as a Dimensional Landing as some thing of as a Mother Ship type of Arrival IN ONE Dimension. Even though these now divided or Sepa Rated Lands seemed to drift back and forth or TO and FRO of the Others, they were Visited BY AL or ANY ONE who Cood (Wood Energy in the 'C' Path with is a AL Chemic Condition as a Formath ( 4 math or Format) that ARCs or Curves the Energy Direction.

Now these Circus-Like Light Shows were seen by those on the other parts or broken lands of a once Flat Earth as being Plasma-Like Lights that are Electricity or Bundles of Electric AL Currents that are AT a Different Rate or Current coming into contact with the Rate or Current of another Broken Land. This is the Difference in the two Lands at different Dimensions and it is a Fire Energy that is 'Burning Off' or Measuring itself into the Newer Pattern. AND:

This is different that the Activity that you are seeing on the Moon right Now. Some of the Lights on the Moon are in a Popping type of Light that is Magnetic Resonance as Saturn's Rings HAVE a 'Guiding Hand Type of Say' or Communication With the Moon. Remember that I said once that our Black Shadows have a Swirling Fizzy Popping type of Display? Our place shadow do have a De Fused look to then, where there are no 'sharp endings' to our Shadow Shape, only a 'Tapering Off of Awareness'.

So the Activity ON the Moon that we currently see is some Electrical Adjustments with Saturn and the Sun coming into a Balance or Smooth Ness At or Near some of the Porous Locations. These Sound Resonances are Magnetic Strengths IN Tune.

Anonymous said...

ALSO the Lights that Look Like Space Craft landing and launching to and fro the moons surface, these are Pre Programed Energy Displays. They are Self-Aware Energy that are ASKED to ACT when Your Attention is NEAR Enough in a Vibration AL Mathc, meaning these Energies KNOW YOU CAN SEE THEM. So they ACT. It is YOU who is Approaching while NEVER LEAVING the Earth.

Pretty Cool huh!?! I had a dream like that once where I saw something in the distance and as I approached it I found it was a Construction Zone and the workers came to Light and began to Move and Build what was 'New Jerusalem' But it was MY Energy Coming TO their 'Surface' that had the Program becoming Animated. Like you see the mechanical (Me Chanic AL, the Material Form of the AL Chemic AL, you see?) displays at Chuck E Cheese being to Light up and Move. Do they still have Chuck E Cheese Restaurants?

These Moon Light Programs are designed to Re Mind YOU that the Moon is NOT YOURS TO 'Mine'. It is a Shared Space, not Matter what it Looks Like TO YOU. Now, when I had the New JeRuSalem Dream, I had a sense that I should not BE There. Constructions Sites can be dangerous places and are not meant to be a tourist site. AND the Forman who came over to talk to me KNEW those were my Thoughts and Feelings. AND he said as much to me. So you see the Self-Aware Ness and the Mirror Reflection he projected of my own thoughts and feelings?

So I tell YOU AL NOW: DO NOT go there to Fight and Defend what you think is Yours. You are fighting a Mirror and the Karmic Re Turn is Super Fast, like Immediate. OK? These are meant to Remind you that Others that you do not see depend on the Moon Energies, just like YOU Depend on the Moon Energies. So be careful that you do not hurt yourself and your Verse or Version of the Earth Planet AS WELL AS the Solar System. AND:

Many today seem to think that the Bible is somehow Wrong and that Mankind has been Lied to by Aliens and this is supposed to be in the Bible and many are Blaming the EL or the Elohim. I tell you the TRUTH that when YOU (and it is a Karmic Repentance that has you who were 'alive' during the moon Re Size Ing that ALSO has you 'Alive' TODAY. Everyone who was Present durning that Day is also Present in this Day), when SOME of You lied and took it upon yourself thru deceit to Touch the Moon and AL TERRA (Alter Her Territory) to Re Size Her, YOU Created a GIANT 'FACE PLANT' on your Earth Planet.

That means you Blinded ALL of her Senses AS WELL AS YOUR OWN. So she was Bound by the Dimensional Laws of Karma to Live HER OWN LIFE AS A MUTE. She could no longer have a say in the Soul Er System and it was left to the other Planets in your Solar System to Make Decisions 4 her as well as you. It was left to the other Planets and their other Star Systems to AL Pitch IN and Help Bring her back to Life as a part of the Galactic Worlds.

SO when you (Clif High and a few others) decide to Demon Ize the Aliens, suggesting that 'something' of value was taken from YOU, do your BEST to KNOW that WE Aliens Picked UP YOUR SLACK. Tension is VERY IN Port ANT when doing any kind of Portal Operations, like Travel and Transferring Objects. So it was LEFT TO US to Reach YOU as BEST and as Quickly AS Possible in order to Heal YOU and YOUR Planet's Position in an UN Mute Ing, AL Chemic AL Approach.

Anonymous said...

So yes, we made decisions ON YOUR BE Half. 4 you were not Full IN your BE Have Expression. AND IN that Child-Like State of Be Ing: YOU cannot BE Expected Raise YOUR SELF. We have AL Wehs ACT Ed in our Parent AL Thor Ity (Au Thor Ity) to GUIDE You BACT INTO Your Proper Positions or STATE Hood. AND We CAME AS YOU. Do NOT 4 Get My Past Lives and HOW I was Treated.

As a Sending Energy, know that the PyRaMids send the Energies OUT as a Single Plied Energy or Frequency Ranges that are our single 3D Representation. These quickly DeFuse into a SpecStrum once they reach the Biblical Firmament of our Outer Ranges or Outer Spaces. As that is our Lens....It is the Polar Regions that Reach the Distance into Outer Space while the PyRaMids reach the Inner Planet Environment or Envelope.

These Travel to other Planets in our Solar System and to Saturn, it is Read and Felt and Placed IN a Pattern that is Sent TO the Galaxy, much like it is Received BY us Via a Saturn Format. Here is the Dark Rings that Contain whatever the Light Rings, the Henges have Allowed to Pass. AND our own Solar System Kuiper and Asteroid Belts ARE Serving the SAME Purpose for our Solar System to Send OUT and Receive Signals as you see with the Saturn Rings and the Henge Placements on Earth durning CERT Ain or Center AL Locations as Times.

That the Rings of Saturn resemble a Vinyl Record is NO Co Incide ANT (coincident, or Coincidence) or Coin C-I Dance, for it is a Money Exchange type of Energy Balance that ADDS and SUB Tracts Pressures as a Currency or Flow ABLE Ity from the Galactic Source. The Sun, the Ra God Energies Play a different Role for the Planets Contained in the Aster Oid Belt than for those on the outer Side of it. That is 'Why?' we have a Moon.

When I cam home from my surgery, I had so many dream symbols show up in my Day Hours (the Horus Activity during the Light Time and not the Horus Activity we all have access to at Night Time). And I knew that Saturn was for the Outer Planets, those on the Outer side of our Aster Oid Belt receive their Galactic Energies

The Need for Our Moon, Came with the Astroid Belt Sepa Rate Ing the Planets Closest to the Sun from the Outer Planets. Inner Planets having a Feminine Belief System and being close to the Egg, or Sun Source, while the Outer planets are more Masculine in their Belief Systems and more External or Outer in their Distance from the Sun. This is Typical of the 2 Polarities. And the Asteroid and Kuiper Belts (Beths) are the YinYang De Fine Ing Lines of our Solar System. Like I explained before.

The Moon is the Saturn Energy INPUT, or the Inner Arrival of the Saturn Energies as opposed to the External Flow through the Astroid Belt. AND it is necessary to have these 2 Sepa Rated Paths or Approaches.

Anonymous said...

For John, I am still getting 'Oops' Errors and 404 errors when I post, and rebooting does nothing to help. I've looked at it as You Touching this Space Directly to TUNE your self TO Me or Mine. It is a Flow or Communication Network that we need to have, though I only know some of it.

You are to Pick UP where John left off, and this includes our Super Nature AL Talents, like your Healing others and making Wine. And there is some kind of Connection to me 4 that, in a Step Down type of Framework One handing Off to Framework 2 kind of thing. But it is at some Times a Joint or Joined Effort of Energy Transfer and sometime it is Souly our own as Individuals or Sepa Rate Souls. And you see the need to lean Toward one another as frequency Change or Merge for us both and then to back off and be ourselves as IN David Duals (individuals) as the 2 Triangles (a Masculine Polarity Spin and a Feminine Polarity Spin) must share Time and Space as ONE Open Portal and then stop and become 2 or Apart. And it is your touching what was My Space here and the errors I see that are not causing a problem, but it will let me know that when the errors spot occurring, then we are in a reasonable mathc. You see?

I see yogi, Briggs and Tal (though try to stay away from Tal since he is a self described 'International Incident' and we don't need that kind of trouble.) as being editors and maybe podcasters or other videos that help explain the short and more direct verse of my work here.

And I see you as the one who goes to France and is the Phil A Stater (face imitator or the Facilitator) who helps organize and coordinate Our End of the Archeology or Dig Sites. PLUS, you have your own memories and truths to tell. So I see you as wearing many hats. AND you don't really have to admit to being John or Jesus unless you want to. Letting the DNA Advance until they, the science can figure out for themselves who you truly are. But I think that our occasional Miracles will speak for us...

I will be delayed another year or two. I have been working on the physical end of my chakra system since the Harmonic Convergence Began. I've been bed ridden and shut in while my Crown and 3rd Eye chakras opened and that took 10 years at least. I next began to slowly speak with others here in the group off and on as my throat chakra began to connect and flow multi Dimensionally and In 2014 I had atypical cells in my breast and that had a connection to my Heart Chakra Opening and Healing, I've had high blood pressure and a fake heart attack which healed and with my latest surgery the solar plexus chakra is now open and working, but much to my dismay there is a Sacral Chakra malfunction that must be dealt with. So you see that I will be another couple years, if I surface at all.

So Tal and the others are to put your name forward to those who want to move things forward IN France. But for you and I both, I dont see us coming forward until 2026 and Johanne is recovered and one of the other dig sites has begun. And I think Science will need your help to get started. Im sorry I can't be more specific...But you can count on me to be here if you feel you need help. I will be continuing to write here for some time yet.

It is more Important that you re-introduce yourself to the world, if that is where your guides are leading you. I truly don't know what to expect from or for any of us. D is also wrapping up his work, getting ready to sell his company or fold it to retire. I see him as doing more government work as he is a Uniter and a Healing of Divisions for Countries.

I will know when you are ready to move forward when the errors stop or Ari tells me it is Time.

Anonymous said...

Now, I've said Re Peat Ed Ly that Be Having Your Selves, Minding YOUR Manners (and not the other guy's) is IN Port Ant. It Opens YOUR Self and not the other guy's. And because we are Self Aware Self ACTualized Living IN a Self Aware, Self ACTualized 'Place' or 'Location' like our Planet Earth...you see where Immediately (as a Time Be Have Ior and Time Length) there is an External TO YOU Force that YOU must (or should) Be Friend? Like I've also said be 4, reach out in your mind's eye or wherever else you are and an Un Seen Friend. This is NOT an Imaginary Friend, tho that is a Path they Arrive TO-Ward you ON and IN. Imagination is the Light that they use so you CAN see them.

This is what the Element AL BE Ings Special Ize IN. They have a Direct Soul TO Spirit TO Atmos (like Akhenaten or Ak-Henna-T-En, the Red that Cayce identified as One Root Race and the Ancients with their Dyed Hair and Skin and the Red Haired Giants of the Tuatha Dé Danann) Sphere Ex-Cell or AcCell Er Rate Ion of Time when they Touch (like Shiva, Lord of the Dance touches his outer Light Band) 'The Kingdoms' of Plant, Animal, Mineral, and ManKind. And you can see where Magenta Pixie, John/Jav Ior/ K, and our Beautiful Beth all have 'a look' to them that is 'Pixie Ish'. Here I mean their faces resemble an Elfish or Pixie Ish Handsome Ness or Beauty.

Element AL Types are not generally tall, with the Males of the Species reaching a Max Heigh that is the Average Height of the ManKind or Adam Form (or Collective Human Iod Types) of the Location where they Incarnate. Energetically, 4 the Males, they bring their Energy into Physical Form as a Physical Height that MUST Mathc A Mate Icily (mathematically) or Max OUT at a certain Time Related to the Species as the AVERAGE Height of that Species. And any Remainder Energy of their SELF is then used a Girth for the Males that is a Solid Strength and an Added Depth as 'more Multi Dimensional' for the Women. But it is not an Added Height to their, in this case, 3D form. You see?

That 'Extra' Black Shadow Energy is placed on their Outer Bands like we see Lord Shiva Touching. In these Outer Light Bands, be they connections to our Un Seen bodies like our Emotional, Astral and 'other' etheric bodies or if these Outer Light Bands are connections to each of our Cells IN our 3D body, you can see where that energy is 'sorted' by Masculine or Feminine Polarity and is Electrified which Places and Uses (ACTs or Be Haves) the Energy appropriately.

(You can see where we are talking about Energy Amplitudes (Amplified Tubes (of Light SOURCE Energy)) as our Outer Light Bands and Cell Bands, Right? And you can see where the Elemental Beings work Using those Enhanced or 'Stronger than other' homin-Id (or Homin-Iod) types to use that 'extra' Energy in their Light Bands to use this Extra Creation 'Umph' or Force as a Nature AL Talent. This is like when Tal sees/hears Energy IN Amplitudes or Amplified 'Tubes' as Thresholds as a Artist who can draw those Lines on paper AND can sound those 'Tunes' using his hands as a Musician. It is his ability to accurately recreate the Higher Dimensions that he encounters here into 3D. Now Tal, Briggy and yogi have kept their height so there is more to say bout their own path, but 4 now I must continue:

Anonymous said...

The Element AL's 'Height Energetic' Stops while there is still 'Energy In Motion' that is still Swirling because it is 'contained', and it then takes another Cycle through their Pixie-Like Form and that extra swirl or energy cycle is then used to Add the Width to their Structure. So Height, being a form of Length is Stopped Short and the Form is then Filled Out or Widened. This is best Imagined as a Light traveling in a Spiral Path, whose Path is slowed or stalled at a Point (or Peak like a PyRaMid) IN Time and as it continues its 'Swirl' Motion, Re Main Ing IN and AT that Same Location, the 'Extra Cycles' or Light Laps that it travels are Seen as Re Peat S and AT those Locations the Light shows itself as Brighter than that of the Average Form or Development of ManKind. You See? AND You can see where those extra Light Laps 'Happen' faster and faster with each Lap, 4 each individual Re Peat, there IS an Increase IN Speed. And the Increase IN Speed there is a NEED TO Stop and THINK about what YOU ARE DOING. It is a Counter Force YOU MUST Apply and it is a Pressure that your counter Force creates that Expands Time and Can CHANGE AL THINGS. It is a 'Miracle Making Force' and done in an A Line Meant (alignment) OF or WITH TIME, Meaning AL your Spiritual Dimensions ACT AS ONE BEing you ARE a Nuclear Re ACT Or creating a Nuclear ACT Ion.

These are the 7 demons Jesus (the I AM that I AM and not John's I AM) is said to be healing. It is the 7 chakra centers coming into an Equal Liberty Hum or Drum the is an Equilibrium. One that as 7 Tones, Colors, Feelings etc are AL FELT or Expressed in AL 12 Dimensions and 12 Zodiac Signs (that are AL Pathways of the same Light that IS YOU). AND YOU see where 12 Dimensions each Proficient in the 12 Zodiac Pathwehs to get 'there' are a Webbing of the 144 Base or Bass of the Biblical 144,000? It is a Matter of decimal, or deci-bell Points or 'here' and 'there' Locations. It is the One UFO changing herself into 7 different (Chakra) Lights that form a V in Perfect Space Ing and Size Ing and it is also a Flock of Canadian Geese that form the same 7 lights as their Flock, Group or Collective Pattern on One SHARED Flight Path.

4 the Elementals and our Group, it is that Light Concentration our Individual Forms Hold that is our Extra Electrical InterFACE with the External Environment. 'There' 4 (as a 4 Corners Squaring) our senses and those of the Elemental Senses are Enhanced. Now:

With that 'extra' or rather Stronger Electrical InterFACE comes a Nuclear Electrical Based, Bass Ed Conduction Transferred Via the Elemental Touch, and to a lesser degree our other Senses as Individuals, Elementals or as a Group. Though our other Senses can be Stronger as well, it is up to the Design Plan of the One Creating Ones Self. You see?

We ALL and AL have a Nuclear Ability that is Brought INTO the World THRU Us.

AND Pay Attention 'Here' Liberals:

Anonymous said...

When you DO NOT BE Have and MIND (NOT 'Mine') YOUR Manners YOU LITERALLY Pollute the Environment. PERIOD. 4 the Reigning IN of YOUR Desires IS a Guard Rail or a 'Grail of Light' (Guard + Rail = Grail) that is a Boundary that keeps OUR Shared Space Clean and Clear, much like with the Woman Isis offered to Help Close Her Home. This is House Keeping 101. It is Digital Common Sense. Light Er Ly Mathc Light into a 2D Energy Path or Display via your Hot and Cold Temper Rate Ur (temperature) WHICH IS a Rate of Time you use to Speed UP (Cold) or Slow Down (Hot) as a Valve or Flow Control.

4 YOU cannot Dis Rupt the Life of Another or the Life of the Many and think YOU are NOT the Problem. It is YOU who are Out of your Boundaries and WITH OUT Borders. And that is a Horrible Look 4 YOU and the Planet BOTH. Watch what 'Happens' when the Liber AL View begins to wear their Clothes and stop walk Ing around (Psychically) Nude. This is the You keeping your Sexuality OUT of our FACES and away from our Children. This is the Eco Terrorist in a museum to destroy Property that is not theirs, block traffic or whatever other genius thoughts they have to ACT ON without KNOW Ing Better. This was the Genesis Adam and Eve Being Naked. And it is when the Psyche that IS YOU in 3D walks and talks and touches and ACTs IN ANY and EVERY WEH they Feel, It leaves a Nuclear Waste that others who share the Space WITH YOU must suffer. It is Tainted Unpleasantly because it is Tainted IN the Extreme Amplitudes and are without Depth and EVERY ONE but Liberals KNOW the harm and the hurt Backing EXTREME Ism can cause. AND this is BE Cause there are Consequences. 4 You cannot upset the Masses and think that YOU are not the one polluting the Environment, no matter if we are talking Meta Physically or Literally where you are the manipulate Ing a Shared Lens and making others sick to their Stomach, their Belt, their Middle Lands or Mid Section.

(It is not lost on me that I have MidSection Issues Physically at a time when the U.S. Southern Border and the Middle East are FACE Ing violent Challenges. 4 the Southern Border HAS A Violence that no one speaks about. It has Op Iod Crisis and it has Sex Traffic Ing. And these are Crimes that ARE Violent IN the 4D and Higher or more Elemental Areas, where the Soul or Spirit (which is YOU with out a 3D body) Meets Psyche. It is AL SO a Mid Heaven Place Location. AND that IS the Future Time Location HERE ON EARTH that will eventually Re Manifest into a Present Time as a Cycle 4 the U.S. to at that Time Square or Solve and 4 Some its a 'Re Solve'. It is placed as a Light Point IN the Future that our Path MUST CROSS and Release the Trapped Light Energy that contains the Emotional Disruption that YOU Caused, and it is 'there' that YOU Must Meet it, BE IN It to Free it.

It has been placed in a Geometric Time or Frequency Location and those who have gaps in their Energy Cycles at that Time or Frequency within their chakra spaces must experience these Cycles again with the Idea that they are to Stretch their OWN Light into a Strength that fills their Empty spaces without stealing from others to then fill their own Energetic gaps.

It is IN a Cycle where Growth Has Stopped and the Extra or the Re Main Ed Er Energy has now stopped its Spire AL Travels or Ascension or Ex-Tension and is now in an Orbital Lock which then is a Karmic Return. And Remember that Karma can BE Good as well as Bad.

Anonymous said...

And it is this Orbital Lock that has many Crimi AL (and the Crime IN AL) Influencers and Globalists Leaders who tell us we 'need' one thing and yet behave as they please as Evil and Buy Able Politicians, judges, reporters and ENTIRE Gov't Agencies who also lie and deceive. These are de liberty NOT Ascending so they can Re Main AT the TOP of their Game or their Scam. This is the Energy we are IN Today. It is a Lack of Growth for EVERYONE IN Volved (Valve Ed or Value Ed) 4 even I must sit and wait 4 some Energetic Markers to have a Last Chance to Self Correct BE 4 I can Speak, and it is a Trick of 'Light and Mirror' Positions that has those Re Fusing to Be Have themselves in a 'Live and Let Live' Co Operative Manner thinking they can FORCE or Deceive AND Escape the Dis Aster they've Created.

But it is even those who are Un Aware or Innocent that ARE a Part of this Idiot Level of Creation. Those who seemingly 'sit and do no thing' knowing full well that criminal ACTs are ACTive and IN Charge, as well as those who truly are unaware of these Outer our Out side of themselves Events because they are busy in jobs, families, etc. AND this IS AS IT Should be because these 2 groups of Individuals ARE the Counter Balance 4 the Good vs. Evil war.

So AL of this is due to some who are delaying their own IN Edit able (inevitable) EmotionAL Body Pain. 4 when you HAVE Dealt or Delta Ed your Emotions that are Now Sized to Fit the Chakra and the Physical Forms there seems to be a lessening of an Intensity that is Understood as a Success here in 3D. It in the LAST Hours of the 'Criminal Success' or Criminal Achievements or the Criminal ability to ACT to Harm. And in this example it is to harm our countries, but it has been in al levels of our individual lives. And We who have suffered as 'casualties' of their Cor Rupt Climb to a Malignant (a Magnetically Misaligned Light) Peak or Convergence, we get to show them the Difference.

It is NOT a Time to Gloat (a misuse of Your Talents or Successes with the new Goat Energies). It is a Time to SHOW BY the Example that 'YOU Are'.

As the Counter Balance to their Work YOU were to 'Stay', Hold a Position and Wait for the Magdalene Magnetic Pole Flip that will NOT Destroy the World as a Physical Turning or Rotation of the Earth's Position. It is Simply the Magnetic Focal Point, the Magnetic Convergence of Sun, Moon, Stars AND The Heightened 'Collective Consciousness' that these Traumatic (and Idiotic) Social Events have Caused US AL. 4 Good vs Evil are BOTH Feeling the Stress Right Now. And it will have a 'Stunned' Emotional Re Salt or Re Solution (result or resolution).

Right NOW, many are Feeling that 'Something is Coming' an Event and what they are feeling is this Far Away Magnetic Convergence Point having AL READY Occurred in the Higher Heavens or Higher Dimensions. Remember that I have said our Solar System IS Multi-Dimensional and IS a Chakra System IN IT'S OWN Right. Right IS an IN Port ANT Position as a Front AL Face Ing Stand.

It IS IN Port Ant. It is Ari's Technique of seeing, reading the 1st Light and he brings it in and to us as our own 1st Sight. It is also the Basis of the Muslim Prayers and Face Ing Mecca. And when you are IN Mecca, you Pray Face Ing the Kaaba, the Ancient Egyptian KaBa, the Black Cube, the Room that is your 1st Step Outside of your 3D body that is connected to your Magnetic Portal, the Tunnel or Tube that is a Psychic and Spirit Connection like we see IN the Dendera Light Bulb. You AL should be able to see the Connection of the Islamic Black Cube to the Tesser ACT.

Anonymous said...

It is One Cube In a Magnetic Inner Pole Shift and it LITERALLY Propels Time. So the Funny thing is IS that it is an External Mirror Change more so than a Physical Travel. It is a Tuning of a Frequency Vibration and the Inversion, the Invert Ing OF SELF, like the Cube is Doing IS the 'Step Tuning' type of Self Adjustment that is the LENS Shaping or Re Shaping for a Better View. Remember the Mirror itself is Dense, even in the Higher Dimensions and there are as Many Crystal Mirrors within the Main or Outer MOST Mirror than are Cells in your Body, which are also Mirrors. You see where the Idea is the Same? YOU are Quite Literally Living IN the Image of God.

So those 'Feeling something Big is about to Happen' are feeling the 'Excitement' BE it Good or Bad, they feel the Stirring, and that Stiring has already been Completed in the Higher Realms and that we see many of the OUT Er Planets 'BeHaving in Weh's' we have not seen Be 4 and not seen in a while, these are TELL Ing Us, Literally, what to expect: Something that has Never 'Happen Ed' is Head Ed our Weh. And it ONLY a MATTER of Time BE 4 (as a Tesser ACT IN Approach) it Mathc Es the Time Pattern of our Planet And ALTERS OUR Course or Path or Bass Sound or Base Frequency. And it will DO SO Magnetically.

Right now as a TesserACT it is the Snakes Head and the Light Path, or Light Trail it leaves IN its WAKE is the Snake Body. AND that Body IS a Time Trail that we will ALSO Deal or Delta or In Core Port Rate. The Body of that Snake is the Length and Volume (as a Diameter, like the Diadem that Cleopatra was said to wear.) of an Age of Time. The Body of the Snake in a Slithering Cycle or Magnetic 'To and Fro' of the Positive and Negative 'Good' and 'Harder' Times that is the Magnetic Polarity.

And Right Now, that Snake IS here, it is simply looking to Mathc a Place TIME to Connect or Strike or DisCharge the Energy It Carries. AND it is a Magnetic Flip where the TesserACT is FORCING or Thrusting the INNER Squared Cycle to be the OUT Er.

That is the TesserACt Verse or Version of a Magnetic Pole or Polarity Flip.

And this New Outer has been Hidden IN the Inner For so long and it IS IN Port ANT that the Crimi AL (and the Crime IN AL) BE HERE ON EARTH AT this Time. This is because it has been '4 EVER and A DAY' or a 'Once UP ON A Time' as their FAR A WEH Soul Birth since they have seen/felt such Energies as that will Flood our Earth. 4 them, they are to Real Ize what it is they have been missing, having Re Peat ED LY Re Ject ED to AB Sorb or AL Lower (Allow) into their BE Ing as an Abdominal Sort Ing (as a Focus or as a Fluid Light Language in the Sacral Chakra) the Oper Tune Itities 4 Balance.

4 the Mid Section of YOU and the Mid Section of the TesserACT IS that Location where the 1st Light Energies are Focused IN YOU. That Unbilical cord location is the Manifestation Location where Energies cooperatively Collapse or Co Dense themselves into a NEW Focus and then Aster OUT-Ward as a Star Burt or a New Polarity or Spin Direction, AL the While keeping the Corners Phase Locked, or 'pinned' and the Rod Lengths between each Corner 'Sing' as Sound or Music or squeal in childish excitement as a Self Aware ICE Cube.

So 'Why do some Reject the Opportunity?' Well, How many kids refuse to eat things that are good 4 them, how many kids reject food that they DO like simply because they don't feel like cooperating, or because they are not hungry at the Time it is Offered. And how many Parents tell them 'eat now because you'll be hungry later.'

Anonymous said...

So it is VERY IN Port ANT that those who rejected their opportunity to eat when they had the chance to now...not do without, but to finally start to eat. AND it was the Movement or Motions of picking up their 4 K (fork) and Loading it with food (that chances are will be cold and yucky) and Putting that IN their MOUTH. And then there is the Chewing and the Swallowing.

So they NEED to SEE IN 3D what they will BE Missing for a Time TO Come. They need to Write this Day IN TO their own DNA, their own Re Cord or Record. Said another Weh, it is a Re Cord or Record that they now OWN. AND They CAN START ANY Time they Want to Write a NEW Script and then Sound that will settle into a New Sacred Geometric Pattern as a Vibration (a Henge) for them, and I urge that Time to BE NOW. TO DAY.

Now I am looking at the color Red and the Ancient Uses of Red, and MU Hammad (4 the Land Mu played a Large Role in LuMariA and why many call LuMaryA Lu-Mu-Ari-A) having Red Hair. But Under Stand that IsLam IS Bass Ed or Base Ed of the FEMININE that has been missing in the YawWeh TesserACT. And the War between the Religions are Re 'Legions of mankind' in a Re AL Legiance where Christianity Represent the Faith Full Building the TesserACT as the Christ Consciousness within their Adam Form, and where the Is-Ra-El Ites Remember the 3 gods and rebuild the TesserACT through their understanding of YahWeh, and the Islamic Religion Re Allegiance is Drawing 4th the INNER Cube of the Lost Feminine Magnetic Pole by FACE Ing the Black Cube of Mecca itself, lowering their FACE TO the GROUND and exposing the Crown Chakra TO the Cube itself in their Desire to Connect with the FULL God by urging the Inner Pole to Come TO them IN a TesserAct Movement or Vibration.

4 Remember: the TesserACT does NOT travel as the lower Dimension Interpret it. It is a Lens Focus that Exposes other Frequencies and the Life that is IN or ON those Frequencies. You see? It is a type of Exposer and IN Sequential Time where there is no Time 'Blending, Bending or Merging' with 'other frequencies' but is a Sharp 'On or Off' Digital use of Time, you could not see the other Frequencies. However 4 the sake of Sanity, you must see that the TesserACT does Travel in our 'One Moment at a Time' Time Use.

Anonymous said...

You must be aware of where you are standing in Time, and 4 those who know they are Multi Dimensional and are Standing at more that one 'place' understand that you are in an Energetic Chain and have a Serious Job of keeping the Line of Communication OPEN at your Location because YOU ARE Your Psyche no matter if you can or can't see or hear 'them' and to do anything else is YOU Punishing Your Own SELF.

Again, Everyone is expecting a big Event, some this it is a Pole shift or a Magnetic Flip or Reversal and it is a Galactic Cazimi and our Sun Cazimi is the Last Cazimi in the Chain (or Cycle) that is needed to Focus our 3D Time to the Magnetic Snake that is searching to See Us. It is how Reptiles See Energy and how our 3D manifests Time which we as a Collective Adjust using our Behavior as either Quickening or Slowing Down the External Behavior to mathc our Inner Beliefs.

And it is the Inner Beliefs of those Crimi ALs (Crime IN AL's) that will stop their own Future Approach to the New Earth Planet in its New Vibration AL Place. They cannot meet or Focus the New Planet Lens and there 4 cannot come into the New Light Band's Shape, like you see a Sperm Fertilizing and Egg. They must go to those Special Places to full fill their Balance, the same balance they rejected so many times here.

Google the Astrological meaning of Cazimi and realize the Sun plays a role and AL IN our Solar System is Now IN Focus for US to See BOTH a Focused OUT-Ward and a Focused In-Ward as the Solar System and also more of the Galaxy come into our focus.

And while that is taking 'Place' both (or 2) 'Here' and 'There', I will teach you how to Read the Stars.

Anonymous said...

From January 26, 2024 at 11:42 AM:

"I see yogi, Briggs and Tal * as being editors and maybe podcasters or other videos that help explain the short and more direct verse of my work here. * I saw yogi in the past as building or creating a Concordance (Con Cord Dance) for my work.

From January 28, 2024 at 10:14 AM:

"AND They CAN START ANY Time they Want to Write a NEW Script and then Sound *it AL OUT as an ACT Ion or a Life that THEN *Re Flects the Light that THEN settles into that New Light as a New Sacred Geometric Pattern as a Vibration (a Henge) for them, and I urge that Time to BE NOW. TO DAY." Do you see where YOU Bend and/or Blend your OWN Time use and Inner/Outer Lens PLURAL At 2 locations 'Here' and 'There' AND that it is Done IN Steps or Stages AND THEN it is a more Permanent Part of your SACRED Geometry. Do NOT 4 get the Sacred Ness of YOU and/or YOUR Efforts. It is Past or Passed Time that we AL ACT like gods TO ACTually BE a god. And 'here' I do NOT mean you must go around blessing things. You must go around RESPECT Ing things where 'offers of help' do not mean you do 4 Another. They MUST do their own Squaring Work.

I may, may not have posted this video before (I can't remember) but it is a huge Time Saver for Me and I think it's very IN Four Ma'at Ive. The Graphics, the information and also seeing the father/son interaction....I just loved it. I do know that I've watched the video before, but that it didn't resonate 4 me as it did this time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VowHHeiRbI

Understand when you watch the video that Saturn's Hexagon and Jupiter's Giant Red Spot (Again that color Red is Important and is next on my Desk) BOTH are Portals that are Umbilical-like Cord, Tunnel, Tube that is the Connection TO/FROM in a Ebb and Flow Energy Exchange with the Galactic or Higher Dimensions. Remember that the Galactic IS a Chakra System, like our Solar System is, and it is an Influence to our Own that is trying to En-Cour-Age (read all the definitions) and notice that the 'R' is Flex I Able, where it is part of the Cure Plath as an 'Age' of Maturity of your New Attitude, OR it is like we see today with so many who place the 'R' inappropriately with the 'Age' to ACT in a 'Rage'. It is Anger of their OWN Making.

The Hexagon and the Giant Red Spot should be seen as Sexuality: Hexagon being the Feminine and the Vagina-like In Port, Ex Port ACT Ion and the Red Spot being Masculine and the Penis-like In Port ACT Ion. It is a Magnetic Polarity that is being Expressed (ACT ed) as Inputs AND Outputs to our Solar Systems Environment. And it is that Magnetic Behavior that IS 4 the 1st Time since the Atlantean Fall reaching our Planet as a Magnetic Sweeping where the Masses 'Come TO BE' or 'BE Come TO' FACE Ing their Horus Human Self.

Since my surgery, Ari (and Audrey in my dream state) have been clear in telling me that a Door is Closing in my life. The Suffering, the Lady of Sorrows, the crying for seemingly no reason is coming to an End. It is a Magnetic Pole Re Verse AL that is 'Happening', though I feel as normal as I've been 4 AL these Years. It is last of that sad, or poorly aspected or Tainted or Negatively Charged Energy that is Leaving me. They have assured me it is a Time of Miracles and Fun that will begin to flow Automatically Following, pushing itself into my life as a Force, and it is that new Flow that is moving, Forcing a Draining the Last of my '7 demons' from my 7 Chakras as an Energy Source.

Anonymous said...

The Sun as well as Jupiter and Saturn are AL 3 in a Magnetic Flip Cycle (these are NOT a change of the Physical Magnetic Locations) of their own which will 'Color' as Frequencies that Reflect the New Chain of Command or Strength of our Solar System into a New 'A Line Meant' which is the Connection of our Planet IN TO the Complete Circuit as a Solar System Chakra System. That Sentence is the Deep Weh of saying that they are adjusting their Selves 1st, sending New Wave Lengths out to AL the Planets (the rest of their family) allowing the other planets to relieve their own Pressure as well. It is a Gradual Release for the Entire Solar System AND This IS A BIG DE AL. The Caps in that last Sentence as a Formula having a DEEP Multi Dimensional REACH.

It is not so much a Size Expansion of our Solar System, though it WLL DO Some of that Later, It is a New 'Sacred Geometry' Position of our Solar System that is the Size Expansion. It is the Pyramid-AL Reach that is A Stronger and Larger Focus and Some IN Science will Interpret this as a different Location in the MilkyWeh than Previously thought. It is a new Dimensional Depth as a Geometric Energy Circulation which then is simply a Clarity, allowing for an easier Energy Flow (As a Magnetic Acceptance and a Magnetic Rejection of Certain Energies Because now Every ONE KNOWs how to BE and BE Have) that has us at a 'New Place' in our Galactic Life.

Do NOT forget that Collectively the Solar System is an Organic Bio-Logic-AL Clock. It Runs on a Cycle of Plied Time which it Sorts and Sepa Rates TO-Ward the Different Planets. This is their External Pressure or Force Applied to Ease their Movements IN TO ACT Ions. IF you were to Place yourselves at some distance OUT and Away FROM your Solar System or Universe, you would see more of the Light Paths Left by Each Planet. This Means you would see more Light Source as a Merge or Combination of planet Light were is no Planet. It would be a Bright Light that when you Zoom Back IN to Examine that Location would become a Diffused, Cloudy, Foggy 'Space'. These are 'Pins' or Location Markers where 'something' is forming as a result (Re Salt) of an Energy Dis-Place-Meant. It HAS Meaning and forms like an Alternate Reality on a Planet Level. This can sometimes be understood as a Hold Ing Place where Energy is stored until say a War is settled. And it is This kind of Re-Merge that is 'Happening' to Earth Right Now as Atlantis Memories Come Back TO our Earth AND WE ACT IN a Different Ending. One that is a Birth and NOT a Death Cycle. And this does NOT Mean the Energy arriving TO-Ward us is Draining from a Dying Star or Planet or Place. It is a Psyche Light that is being Shared.

So this Sacred Geometric 'Depth' CAN add an Expanded Subtle Space in our Solar System AND our Earth Planet as well. I said years ago It is the Reshaping of the Elliptical Solar System into a more Circular Orbit around the Sun. It is ALSO the Earth ADDing her own Space at the Belt or Equator 'Puffing' the Planet OUT-Ward and when this 'Happens' as it has many times before it is a 'new Lands' Discovery where the Tectonic Plates Reflect at new Angles and Land Masses A Rise OUT of the Oceans.

These Para Graphs describe the Planets as you would Understand a Child growing into an Adult Body. You see where the Stronger, Taller and Wiser Form Comes INTO Focus in a Similar Weh? And the Trauma or Drama the Child goes thru to reach Maturity as well as the Soul or Spirit Communication TO Psyche that occurs durning the Process and the NEED TO Keep that Physical Process IN a Healthy Mental or Psychological Development? You see where we LOST some along the Weh today? And do you see where they are NOT Gone from Us as disturbed as they are to harm our children and kill others, but CAN Come Back IN this Life ANY TIME they Want?

Anonymous said...

These kinds of Additional Lands are 'Births' and are not 'Deaths' so it is IN Port Ant that it is understood that not every change Involves Earth Quakes, Tsunami, Volcano, and the Rise and Fall of Sea Levels. You must allow for the more creative type of Inserts. These kinds of Psychological Centering is the 'Born Again' State that is Reached IN a Soul who FINALLY Under Stands ThemSelves and Uses the NEW Connections TO their FULL Ness. And it is a Magnetic Healing we are AL Under Going, and it is the SAME Magnetic Healing that the Atlanteans used Via their Crystals, though what we are experiencing today is the more OUTer or External Biology of the Environ Mental Forces which the Elemental Beings Use and which they ARE Currently Using to Pass it 4-Ward TO our Earth Planet and People. By Using it BE 4 it arrives TO us they are Squaring It, Placing it IN TO a Positive Spin of Polarity. They are Angel-Like in that Weh, in their Conditioning the Energy and they are Fractals (like WE ALL ARE) that are 'Fairy Lights'. You see many who are determined to leave a Zero Carbon Foot Print, this is where they get their Ideas, but are not reading AL they need to Understand that Carbon IS Still Needed in a Crystal World.

You guys know that I love Bashar and Darryl Anka so much so that I believe Bashar has a strong connection to Armand. (And I feel the same weh about Ester Hicks and Abraham (who have the A, B, R, A use as does Barbara, as does Bashar use the SAME Letters in a Different Cycle as B, A, A, R.) Here Bashar describes at 3 mins into the video of what happens to soul who has committed murder and it IS as I've tried to describe as a Quieting, a De Magnetic or De Magnet Sizing that has their Nervous Systems in a Rest Phase (Phase that is Nulled or Neutral Sized (Neuron) as a Cycle of 'some time' Length or Age that is Contracted iIN TO Self-Ward and it is Weak, or too weak to Move with any Force having No Pressure to Feed From.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1v1aaWUPGyA

At 3 or so minutes in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USh1u4RLo-o Bashar describes how the Large Stones were moved to create the PyRaMids (Remember this came from the god Ra and Ra as Light is how they moved the Stones). This SAME Steps and Explanation 4 the Soul who has Committed Murder. And even THO (Thoth) Bashar does not explain further, there IS a Ra Light Density that must be Re Shaped or Re Conditioned IF the Soul is to Move in a Meaning FULL Weh as a Trust Worth Y Ness into the Higher Dimensions. Here it is a Karmic Re Turn, where Kill Er and the Kill Ed Square OFF in the Sense of ReLease Ing of a Ra Light Dense Ness that is a Block AGE. It should BE SEEN as Freedom and not a Shackling or A Chaining Together. It is an ACT Ing with the Intention of Creating a New and Different OUT Come and 'There' 4 a 4 Give Ness that is Geometrically a Free Dome of Ra Light. An Arc. An Arc Path of Light when Viewed at a Distance and an Arc Dome of Light when Viewed IN or Around as an OUT Er View that is still Close TO the Light Source.

Realize that in BOTH Bashar video clips, he is talking about Moving A Stone by Manipulating the SYSTEM that IS the Stone. It is More than One Angle, more than One Point or Vibration and the IN Plies a Plied Energy Source. You see? It is the Sound Energy that Produced or Manifests or Keeps the Stone in a 3D Form AND it is the 'Lift' or Force that is Light that Keeps it Visible and the Sound and the Light are in the SAME Spectrum or Spec Strum System. So Science must Broaden or at Some Point Merge their Understanding of Light and Sound into it's Origin AL Blend while AT the Same Time Keeping its 3D (or 4D) Physical Ness. This is you as Science Touching the Nerve of the Rocks Creation. MAGNETICALLY.

Anonymous said...

It is the same Steps taken 4 the Healing of Souls IN TO A Re Pair w/Self as it is to Move a now Weightless Stone into a Precise Position. It is Magnetic, Magic, Magi and is the Manipulation or Massaging of the UnSeen Forces Via your OWN Magnetic Standing and your Own Personal (Chakra) System in an Electric AL Connection or Electric AL Sharing of their....Outer Shells.

This is where Priests and Priestesses were Scientists as well as Spiritualists. It is the 2 different Spec Strums IN Harmony, THO (Again a Thoth (or Thought) Connection) Priestesses were...set A Side, as ON a Par AL El (parallel) Path. The P (as a Short or Incomplete Energy Path of the letter B) with the A and R (that would normally be the B, A, and R. So the P form a Sepa Rate Light Path where the B indicates 2 Circles or Cycles IN the Same Light Rate or Path). So it is a Sepa Rate Light in an AL (Universe or Dimension) Con Verse (Sound) or Con Version into the El or the Elohim or the ManKind. You see where it is a 'Step Down' Conversion of Universal Sound and then it is Light into a Fractal Form of Spirit or even ManKind as the Elohim? That is One Interpretation. Another is:

They are the Same Energy Source (of B) in a Mirror or Fractal Light right away, so it is Re Size Ed Immediately as a 'P' as it Changes Dimensions forming the Par AL . And you see where that Early Re Sizing can Change the Height and Bone Structure or Size (as being Big Boned) of say an Elemental to Keep its Magnetic, magic or Magi Connection Longer? And realize that Each of us has an Elemental Counter Part Path as we are AL IN A Cycle of Creation at the Time of our Birth. You see (I hope)? I know this maybe confusing, but will leave it anyway in the hope that someone wood understand it.

The Difference of the 2 Examples is where the Horizontal B A R or Rod is Positioned when making a Copy, a Fractal or Mirror Image. And these 'Happen' ALL the Time as Probabilities are created as well as they are Souls Created. That Horizontal B A R is Polarity and it IS a Path of its Own. And the Time the Rod and Anke Circle Stay IN Touch or IN Contact before the Desire to Create and ACT, which Determines the Length of the Vertical B A R or Rod would (or Wood) affect the Size, Rate or Strength of their ACT Ion. Remember I claim to be at a Farther Depth and did not Arrive Early IN Life. This does NOT mean I was not aware of what was 'Happening' I probably only Surf Face Ed to issue a warning that you were going to hurt yourselves if you continued to BE Have a Certain Weh.

When you Put the 3 Parts of the Anke IN TO a Motion where the Creation Cycle is Spinning AND IN a Spiral Path and the Horizontal Arms are Zig Zag Ing in their Masculine/Feminine Ex Tension and the Vertical Arm is in a Short TO Long Extension of It's Self, you create the Force that Propels. And when the Moves in a Proficiency you have a Planet, or a Spirit as a Chakra (One Source) Light where the Cycle slows and rolls under the Magnetic Arms that Form a North South Poles which is Masculine Feminine Sexuality or the Horizontal Rod of the Anke) and the East West Belts of Creation Depth which is the Vertical Rod of the Anke. When IN Tune, it is a Self Aware, Crazy Strong, Biological 'Machine' of Alchemical Precision. And THAT is Who we AL ARE when you take the Time to Tune WITH SELF.

Anonymous said...

We AL KNOW there is a 'Magnetic Flip 4 the Sun that is not UnCommon and is due late this year or early next. Jupiter and Saturn recently had a 'Great Conjunction' on 12-21-2020 (Notice the Numbers and their Pattern) and YES the Planets ACT and BE Live IN Numerology. THAT to Them IS Law and Order 4 the Great Divine DOES Balance Everything IN or BY the End of Cycles. Like you see the Crazy Settlement 'Happening' Today. You do not need to read the article Link below unless you choose, just be aware that that was an Electric Magnetic 'Discussion' Jupiter and Saturn were Having of 'Pressure' and how much was needed to apply in the next coming years. It was (for those who are atheist and do not see the wisdom in believing Planets ARE Self Aware, Self Observant AND Self Governing) a Mathematical Exchange of Numbers or Volumes. These are Higher Dimensional Planets and they communicate by Radiance which IS a Form of Telepathy AS 2 El-E-Mental Beings in their Magnetic Metal Auroras which are in the Red and Green Color Spec Strum for our 3-4D planet.


Now when you LOOK at Saturn and you see Her Rings, you should Intuitively Understand that She is a Talker, a Director, a Mother and a Care Giver. AND She is 'Turning Invisible' from Feb 7th to Mid April as told to us in the 1st minute of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiDdv7MEZmk

Remember that I too am UnSeen right now. And you AL SEE the Results of my Focus. THAT is 'Why?' Saturn is a Feminine Planet. It was durning the Karmic ReBuild of our Atlantean Fall that Saturn became know as a Masculine Force, and you can understand that as a Mother of our Solar System (which is also a Universe) or 'Mother of the Universe' She would be seen as a FORCE that can be thought of as Masculine when her Earth Child Planet was wicked and Harmful to the Siblings that are her other planets in our Solar System that she sees as the rest of her Family. 4 they ALL and AL had to Pick up our Slack while the Earth Planet was 'Hospitalized' 'Healing' and 'Quarantined'. So 'Yes' Saturn was Hard on us as our Mother Planet. It was Her task to Discipline Us that Quarantined State FORCED Saviors TO Come. It was Her Task to RE Balance the Solar System as She Read the Galactic Environments and Messages and MANY from the Galactic Came, Positioning themselves on the other Planets in our Solar System to Help. It was the Saviors who came INTERNAL, meaning from WITH and IN them Selves, 'There' 4 it was a FORCE and not so much a Nature AL Appearance but a Super Nature AL One. You see? And yes, Saviors did Come 'BY Choice' knowing it would be a FORCE or Forced Pressure as an Chakra Opening 4 their arrival. It would be Uncomfortable, You See?

So do NOT think anyone is trying to kill you, take from you or En Slave You. You've had MORE Love and Support from Both Planets and gods, than Not. Now when you remember that Bashar has said he is PART of the Grey Alien Race meaning he is an Evolved Hybrid, UNDER STAND that Saviors DO Help where and when they can. In one video Bashar describes 'An Awakening' or 'A Realizing' for some in the Gray Race as seeing the Need for a Co Operative ACT Ion or ACTs. That Smacks of a Saviors Approach and a Saviors Guiding Hand, someone kind enough to be a gray while perhaps having no real need beyond the Urge to help explain to those willing to Listen. Remember that Bashar is from a Branch that Broke FROM the Grays and E Vol V Ed (there is a small Volume that began to Receive 'Signals from the Higher Selves and began to Communicate. You see this is the shape or Path of the Letter 'V'. So:

Anonymous said...

BELIEVE that the Grays STILL Exist in their 'Muted Adam Form' (having an Adult Fetal 'look' to their bodies) and believe that they have Lost their Outer Magnetic Strength and cannot Change their Environment THROUGH their Inner Self. It is a Strength they MUST ReBuild on their Own and is NOT something another Alien Group can Do 4 Them. It is understood by everyone that the grays have kept their technology and they look to restore their DNA by studying and using your own, But I Tell You: Their Technology has Stalled like their Adam Form. They cannot find the answers they are looking 4. Period. They can only advance so far and then they stop, and they will NOT Go 4-ward until they realize it is their BE Have Ior, It is THEY that Must BE a Save-Ior as a Population. Ask your SELF 'How do they Become a Physical Gray when they have no obvious Sexual Polarity?' How do they Enter that kind of Environment without a Birth?

It is Believed that they search for the DNA of Others perhaps to add to their own to advance themselves, or they study our DNA doing experiments on Humanity. To me that is a Residual Haunting, repeating the same procedure with many 'Earthlings' finding no real solution. Genetic Modifications that are MAGNETIC Genes and the Magnetic RE Wiring and RE Move AL to create New Patterns.

As a side note here is a History Lesson of How Long Covid has been around and KNOWN of and how the world was Lied to:

Above AL Else: DO BE Live that Living as a Gray is a Lesson that is a Benefit. We AL Learn from our Mis Takes. And they 'Happen' durning our Weak Moments and that is 'Why?' it is IN Port Ant To build your Children into a Maturity that is a Balanced Chakra System that will Vibrate or Henge in a Resonance of Wisdom IN their Times of Emotion AL Need. Spanking your Child when they are IN an Emotionally Disruptive State IS YOU IN A Saturn State are Stopping their OUT Er Destructive or Dis Rupt Ive Behavior and Opening 4 your Child an 'Intuitive RE Awakening' which is a INNER Line of Communication TO-Ward their Intuitive Self, one where they ADMIT their Mistakes TO Self and when that 'Happens' when they are OUT OF BOUNDS WITH and IN their 3D World it is a Step A WEH FROM Insanity and Adult Delusions. It is 4 the Child the building of their OWN Sane and Just World which is their Inclusion into that Sane and Just World, and is NOT the Exclusion of it that Insanity Feeds and Re Lies ON.

Now when Saturn Become Visible she will....not be different, but will return with New UP Dated Information as Signals to Send TO-Ward Not only the Earth but to the Entire Solar System in General. We ARE One System. But the Biggest Changes Science will see is our Planet and that of Mars. And these will NOT 'Happen' Over Night, but in the 'Annals of Time' it is seen as a Sudden, Fast Change that is Charted as a Rest Store ACT Ion, a restoration. And that is almost 'Z' like where the middle line connecting the top horizontal line to the bottom horizontal line are near vertical and not slanted. The Slant itself represents the slower linear Time Change or Progression and not the Accelerated. AND this 'Z' drawn without the Slant is 1/2 of the Swastika Symbol. And when Changed FAST enough it is seen as having NO Vertical Rod, but simply a Gap that leaves an IN Plied Quantum Placement from One Horizontal Path to the Other.

WWII served an Ex Cellular Rated Time Purpose. It was the Time Period in my Ice Cube Dream where the Larger Outer Ice Block (like the 5D Time Connection or Alignment) Spun around and Surrounded the Smaller Ice Cube (the 3D time Connection or Alingment) in a Wall of Reflective Bright White Light (that many see as a Wall of Mirrored Confusion) and Launched the Small Cube with my Awareness IN TO its Own Sepa Rated Place.

Anonymous said...

Here Cell-Ular means Cell Regulator, and this is a Timing Added as an 'Add Just Meant' 4 (Squaring) Liberty. The Occult that Hitler and the Nazis IN BRACED has a 5D Connection. It is a Lining Up of 2 different Time Rates and Energies that were IN Use Durning that 5D Location while we Lived in 3D. You can see the Delta Inversion AND the Skipped or Missed 4D that had those seeking the Occult durning the period of WWII in a Death Frenzy. AND you see this in the Star of David and the treatment of Jews of that Time. you can see where the 3D expressed the Extreme Negative of that 5D where The Sacred 5D Symbols the Swastika and the Star of David were used. ALSO the Uniforms of the SS were reused from the 5D 'Place' and Time during our 3D Co-Lateral Location with the 5D Location. It was in that sense a Partial AND Inverted use of the 5D Sacred Symbols as well as the Black Uniforms worn of 5D People invoking Fear in their 3D Version of the same Event.

Now MANY seers have had sightings of the Advanced 5D Race who wear these uniforms. Clif High also mentioned it in one of his talks/interviews. I too have seen Ari in this type of Uniform (and remember Ari has straight hair, while Tal's is curly.) and I've also seen Ari in his Death Robe. But I don't have the explanation of the 5D events as yet and we AL KNOW the 3D events. AND we know that WWII was the last really BIG Global Removal of Atlantean Karma debt. We also know that war has continued since that Time in Reduced Numbers as more and more people turned from War TO-Ward Peace. This was because after WWII Ideas become more Do Able. Inventions, Medical Advancements, Supply Chains and other areas of Growth began to take Hold. So it was a Time of War on the Decrease and Advancements for Life on the Rise. This was also when the Atlanteans began Returning.

Now, going back to our Elemental Beings, Notice that Krasi from our astrology video has an 'Elemental' Appearance. I do follow her work though not every month, and I think it's because I really like her Face, her Eyes. I know nothing about Sidereal Astrology beyond that it is a Look at our Planets using a Different Reference Point and what that Does to our Planet Astrology is simply see life from a different Angle and it is Tropical or Western Astrology, Sidereal Astrology and Vedic Astrology.

When Magenta Pixie describes Elementals she is describing where and for how Long Time Points Touch YOU (like the 5D and 3D merge of Time and Symbols durning WWII) and realize that her Name 'Magenta Pixie' is that of a Magnetic Pixie and that the Magnetic Pull of Her Element AL Being is Tuned to Work with 2 Color Frequencies: the Magnetic Energy seen as Red and the Electric Weh flow or the Color of Love which is Blue. When Red and Blue Mix in equal Parts they Reflect as Magenta.

Anonymous said...

Remember how Prevalent the Color Red has been in our Past. Asian Art has a heavy use of Red, as well as those who dyed their Skin and hair as Red. AND those who are born with Natural Red hair. And Red being the 1st VISI Able Color in our Light Spectrum like I've described Ari sees as a Phoenix Rising, Sun Rise or other Approaching Energy where the Energy Rises as an Eclipse over his Land or 'Place'.

But Ari is NOT Red, he is fish-belly white with blue eyes and blond hair. And that means that he has his Higher View of 1st Light at an Angle of Distance. And in his Osiris Time he is described as Green.

I am looking at these Colors because I had several dreams around the time of my surgery. I would find myself in a daydream, hearing the guys in Canada talking about how to get a message to me. It was descended that Chrissy come, which she did and she was 'doing something' for me while I sat and watched. I don't know what that was al about. Then Audrey came to me in a dream and with her was a friend. The friend had long Red Hair and Audrey said that she would not be able to talk or visit me since she had to Move out of range or reach, and the friend would be 'There' 4 me. As Audrey spoke to me she put on her sun glasses as she looked away and the Red Haired Friend turned and smiled at me.

I'm still not sure what to make of it, but I do think it has a connection to Magenta's Video: https://rumble.com/v3kcobx-trinity-fairy-queen-blue-reality-bridge-to-lemuria-september-equinox-2023.html as well as this video too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJZ26SM-NTs&t=382s

Anonymous said...

Now, Saturn is TRULY a Woman as a Feminine Planet. This is because of the YahWeh Energies having a GREATLY Diminished Weh and that was Building BE 4 the Great Fall and Flood. Remember that Saturn is a Satellite, as is Jupiter, of the Galactic and while the Solar System did not seal herself off from the Galactic Communications, Earth Most Certainly did.

So 4 those alive durning the Last Days of Atlantis, Saturn was in the Masculine Pole of 'Danger Reflection' where all of the news from Her was Bad. 4 the gods were still talking to our planet, only now they were ON the OUT Side Looking IN. And there were MANY ON the IN Side who were rejecting the Old Wehs. Much like some are predicting Today. It is NOT Time to Abandon any structure like Schools, Police, Justice etc.

It is a Time to Modern SIze or Modernize the Structure. Like it is Time to Re IN Stall the 10 Commandments in Places that Judge and Deliver (De LIVE Er) Justice. 4 Even the Halls of Amenti, the Amen T E, which is a Labyrinth of Light I Walk to bring my KNOW Ledge TO You, have a Script at the Doors saying:

'Fear NO Entry While You are Here. Fear Only You and the Power You Hold.'

Though that in only One Translation, as the saying is Multi Dimensional and Multi Reasoned, much like the 10 commandments are. It is a Warning of Polarity and Judgement. You must BE in the Right Frame of Mind, and you must be aware of your surroundings to read enough that you do not take Events that are revealed to you out of Context. AND you must Treat your New Under Standing WITH RE SPECT. Knowledge (and the Halls themselves) is NOT a Weapon, it is a Symbol 4 Peace. Here it is a Symbol like the musical Instrument, in a Henge or Resonance when the Sacred Records are 'played' 4 You. It is ALSO Sword-Like as ExCaliBur that was also NOT a Weapon but was a Higher Dimensional Calibrater that Inserted the Higher Dimensions into the Dark Days of France. It has a History that predates Arthur and Johanne, as it is Egyptian in its Origin and the Metal is...unique. Here I see it not like Tut Ankh Amen S Dagger, but it is the Alien Metal that is the Outer Shell of the Alien Spaceships.

It is Electro Sensitive and that is 'Electro' in every Sense and Meaning of words derived from E L E C T and sometimes R. It is YOUR Choice, the Choices that YOU Elect that Charge the Metal. It IS IN that Weh a 'Device' where like the Genie or the Jinn Lamps, when Touched it works WITH your Intuition, Imagination and Integrity and it is as and Added Energy which Boosts the Electric Connection IN YOU to Receive KNOW Ledge and Answers. It is Environmentally Sensitive as a Conductor, and that is 'Why?' So Few have Been allowed to Touch it, and 'Why?' it remains Hidden. Like Saturn is until Mid April and I am while I walk the Halls. I remember a Dream I had of my dad, where we were in the same building that was 'school-like', and when it was Time to change Classes, I saw him in the Hallway. The Dream made no sense to me at the time....

So 4 those Sensitives who can read Events from Touching Object like my Briggy, you can see who else touched the Sword and the Events leading to 'Why?' they Touched it. The Sword is LuMarian, And was Created as an 'Out of Place' Object, 4 a lot of LuMaryA is Not Transferred into 3D having Long been Organically Phil TERRA Ed or Sepa Rated From our 3-4D Sight.

Anonymous said...

So knowing its history, it is Reasonable to believe that the Sword arrived in France from Cleopatra and Jules. And did Mary Magdalene and the early Merovingian Dynasty KNOW or have it at all? I'm asking because I don't know as yet.

Bashar described Atlantean Arc I-Texture (architecture) or Arc I T Ex Torus. as predominantly using the Colors Red, Black and White on their Pillars. I forget where he said the remnants of one of their Later Temples is, but he described their Temple as a Labyrinth with a Crystal En Bed Ed in the walls located at the End or Corner of each Hallway. Here I am reminded of Hathor's Temple 4 that too was a Labyrinth Design that was a Mathematical Formula in a Star Path or Star Script Energy. And is very similar to the Pyramids or the Giza Plateau, where the Phil O Sophia Er Plato took his Name From. It is the SAME Electrical 'Stirring' Path 4 Plato that it was 4 those building the pyramids. You see?

AND Since we KNOW that Ari has a Mars Connection as well, Tal and other Eyes like His (like his Children A & E and his grandkids, the Male and Female Expressions of his SELF as Twins) as well as Armand's Eyes like K who is a Builder of 'AL things Strong and Lasting', you can make sense out of the Plateau on Mars as described here:


Staying and Com pair ring the size difference between the Earth and Mars Monuments CAN give Science the Sepa Rate that is the different Time Uses between 3D and Mars. When Science has progressed in Under Standing Time it is conceivable that Phil Tars (Taurus) can be placed on our Telescopes that can ...not Alter Time, but can be used to see the 4D and the Sage Green that is Mars' True Color, as well as Osiris'. This WILL be similar to Looking at Mars in its True Life Vib Rate Ion and the Life Evidence it HOLD on their Planet. Remember that V I B R A T I O N has the B, R and A Building Blocks In is Near Center Word Location.

Those 3 Letters in ANY order Present a Placement that is Far Reaching as it Creates an ARC Placement of Energy AT a New Location. It is BOTH a Recipe and a Formula 4 Quantum-Like Behaviors.

AND you will need the Moon to not only Build but to also adjust your Phil Taurus' as the Moon is in a Reflective Cycle. I said before that the Moon is shared with Mars and Earth. Though both Planets use it the purpose is different. And this is NOT a 'Mount the Moon' Adventure. This is a Mathematics that you must Include in the Phil Taurus Design. 4 I AM Very Solid ON Humanity Remaining ON Earth. There is NO Thing You Need to Travel TO.

Anonymous said...

From February 3, 2024 at 8:59 AM:

'Fear NO Entry While You are Here. Fear Only You and the Power You Hold.'

The Symbol 4 the word 'Fear' is IN Motion, as in a meaning that some can see or Translate as the word 'Respect' which some see it as meaning 'Privilege' others still see it as a 'Keep your Vibration High' while IN the Labyrinth (the Lady or the Feminine 'Rinth' meaning of 'Care' and you see where this has a 'Mind your Manners' underlining message?) as the Halls of Amen T I (or E) and the word Rinth has a strong Connection to the Core Rinth Ians (Corinthians) Of the New Testament. Corinth being a City in Greece, Greece being where Helen and D lived and were murdered and the Greek Ptolemy Dynasty Cleopatra (her name meaning: Clear Path TO and TO-Ward when changing Dimensions) was Born IN and TO as a 2nd, Duplicate, double or 2. It was NOT my 1st Time and Cleopatra should be seen as 2x or twice the Distance...cant see more than that right now.

Most of my 7 Lives in this ExACT Frequency (like when Planets go ExACT) have been near the Mediterranean Sea (the Mid Terrain or Mid Terrane or Mid Terra) that Surrounded or Circled the Sea like a Clock. It was my Focus to live near the Belt Energies as they are Unsettled Energies 4 those not in a Strong Sound Projection or a Stable Receiver. 4 D and I together to ACT as an ExCaliber, an Insert of Time designed to Calm the Area or the Waters, as I AM Known 4 my Etern AL Springs of Healing Water and Marian A PPari Tions or A 'Para (normal)' or Peering or A Pairing (sometimes though of as A Pear as a Fruit Energy that is Fruit Full and Multi plies. It is the Womb-like Rivers of Light seen in Nebulas. And Nebulas are Highly Magnetic Areas of Creation, they even look it when you google their Images, and is where others need Goggles, Helmets or other Protections. 4 with out those Protections they lose their Individual Ness, become High and then Believe THEY ARE the Environment and not an I AM Port Ion of a Collective. It is a Dis Location of Mind Reason Ing and they ACT ON IN PULSE (of Sound they Mis Interpret) and the Re Salt is much like we see today where Crime and Crimi N AL ACTs are IN their Minds Just or Justice, when in fact it is reversed. (Remember that a Cazimi is a Hyped UP or Amplified Solar, Ra god, Energy and Labyrinths were Popular during the Atlanten End Times durning Akhenaten's Reign. Cazimi is also a City in Florida, Kissimmee as well as a City in Iran called Kazemi and it is a Last Name as well.)

And you would see where the Meaning of the Word 'Fear' would change 4 each Individual Person Entering the Labyrinth as it would Contain WITH and IN it a Different Sound Meaning that was Sized TO Scale into a 1:1 Energy 4 each Person?

This is the SAME where I said years ago that the Hieroglyphs would Move or ACT 4 each person.

Anonymous said...

Labyrinth, Lady Brinth or Rynth Structures have a Ryme (like Time only using the 'Ry' as having the 'R' you would see where it have its Own Creation Cycle or Circle it must Tend To as Opposed to the 'T' which is using the Larger or Collective Energy Cycle as more of a Universe that an Individual sins the 'T' is the Mid or Main Belt and then IN Port Ation of ACTs on the Anke Symbol. And you see where the 'R' has a Guiding Light that is the Left Straight Vertical as the Anker, Anch Core or Anchor allowing for Movement or a Allowing for a Range of Space, Area or Frequency changes like you would expect for Probabilities AND to See the Collective Ness of Others IN your Line of Sight. The 'R' is the Anke in a 'Range of Motion'. ) or Rhyming Purpose to them, like the Poetry that I encouraged Granddaughter Sarah to Notice if not Write. These are Echo Chambers of a 'Sort' and are more subtly 'Tuned' to (without losing their Main Focus, Main Resonance or Main Energy as 'they', the Main Energies, are Tuning each Individual who Enters and it is the Crystals located near the Floors in the Walls and at either the Hallways Ends or Corners or both.

This is where Walking the Halls and their Hall Length have a Mathematical Angle where each Hall and its Length is working on Aligning Each chakra and each Part of the Body AS it Walks or travels through the Halls. This was done at the Time when Caves as Time Traveling Space Vehicles was coming to a close, where the different groups of 'alien' BE Ings were then Force to leave the Planet do to the Energy Changes Earth Herself was making. And Caves became places of Cooling Refuse where the Inner or Chakra Energies are Sorted and Rejected/Accepted and were in that strong of a State that it could send you Home. Cave then became a Place of Refuge where it was use to Block the Outer Energies to allow the Inner to Settle into a Nature AL Order, allowing 4 the Travel of the Mind via the Pine AL Gland, and it was this that John used in the FarmLands that his family owned. The Sorting, the Cooling and Soothing Quiet that the Stone Provided as his Mind and Chakras began to Quiet themselves. These being in such a High Motion he was feeling Dis Oriented, nauseous, dizzy with headaches and other symptoms.

And it was this that the Labyrinths helped to heal as well. Remember we were on our Own working for the 1st Time in our Adam Form and you can understand by the Hubris many held durning the Last of the Atlantean Days it was a Time where Wisdom was not on the Rise, or the HorIzon, or the Horizontal Intersect, Rod or Light Path with their ACTs as we look and ComPair with the Anke Formula. They were not Straight and Squared like the Anke Represents. And it is this 'Horizon' or Close Look at the Horizontal meets Vertical Conjunction Point that has the Color Differences 4 the Blue Eyed Blond, the Green (or Blue) Eyed Redhead, or the Brown Eyed Brunette. It is Depth as I said before, where Ari sees at a Closer Stand than Armand and then Myself Do. AND it is Armand that AIMS 'keeps the Peace' between the Spaces or Distance between Ari and I. Sometimes Armand turns Invisible too.

Anonymous said...

So the Labyrinths themselves were mostly a One Person at a Time Entry, as it IS a Temple AND IS a Person AL Communication with the MultiDimension ALs. Be it your Psyche or your Loved Ones. It was an Ascending Process 4 those IN the Temple and we see a small verse or Version of this in the Roman Temples that the Time Team Archeologist in England Uncover Having a Hall or Passageway that Surrounds the Inner Room of the Temple. Though 4 the Romans is was a Walking the Outer Hall a few Times BE 4 they Entered the Inner Room 4 Prayer so the Inner Room and the Outer Hall worked together in a Resonance of the ONE IN Prayer or the Collective IN Prayer. Remember that there are many digs that involve Ring shaped 'Earth Mounds' and Standing in the Center of the Mounds held the Same Energy Resonance.

4 Any TIME you build a Resonance you Project Sound Energy. And it was this that the Ancients were doing using Stone and Crystal and ONEs Chakra Energy as the Center Source, Self-Aware or Creation Energetic Center of that Sound. AND it is the ReVerse of this Image, where You in 3D or ManKind (because some in 'mankind' are AL Ready Higher in their D or Dimension AL Life) become the Amplified Verse or Version of the god in the Temple: https://allthatsinteresting.com/anunnaki

4 the Re Verse is the Re or Second Image that is the Back-Ward ReFlection of the 1st. And there is a part of Saturns Rings that DOES ReFlect this type os ZigZag of 'Information Flow'. AND it has a Very IN Port Ant Energy Reason as a type of Osiris Cancellation of Energy when it is IN a Magnetic Com Pair Ison or Icon (a Communicative (Communion Active) Icon).

This having a Sound Cancel Ing Effect of, as ONE Example, Karma. It can also become a Doubling Boost of Energy.

But for a Liter AL as 'A Literary more than One Dimensional' Meaning or Translation of 'Fear NO Entry While You are Here. Fear Only You and the Power You Hold.' It's going to mean something different to each Individual. And this type of 'Translation' or 'Translating' becomes Wordy or Dense IN its Structure to A Void (To Cancel) those whose Passion or Drive it is to ReFlect the Divine 'Out of Context' to feed themselves.

Temples HAVE Healing Powers, both Physical and Mental for the Magnetics of YOUR BE Ing were then Projected IN the Halls of the Labyrinth and had a Strengthening or Cancelling Effect of Body and Mind as a Chakra Alinement. And it is Much Like I AM going through Right Now, where my Sacral Chakra is in a 'Tuning' (Sorting and Settling) or Add Just meant (having a Mental/Metal Dimension or Depth) to Help Me ACT (Root) in my Fullest Energy.

It is in that sense a MerKaBA Expression (Mer being the Water Verse of Mar) and when the MerKaBa Spins the Halls of Amen Ti Open like a Flower in an Optic that is Narrow at the Journeys Start and Widens as you Progress and begin to Walk and Breath as a TesserACT 4 the 2 (the MerKaBa and that TesserACT) are the Same symbols said a different Weh, depending on how IN DEPTH YOU Are. Together they Present themselves as a Ball of Traveling Light. Together they are a Gyroscope of Awareness. Together they are a god-like Being IN a Past, Present and Future they Contain (as they are a Container) Of ONE. Meaning they Carry the Halls of AmenTi with them wherever they go. They are a Sized To Fit Verse of the ONE.

Said another Weh they are the Mary Akash. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIMt7FmQXgk

Anonymous said...

I'm not as proficient in the language of Astrology as you wood think I should be, but I do know there an Issue or Movement with one or more planets that relate to Food. Farmers that grow and Truckers that distribute items like food are IN a Revolt (God Bless them). Food is being threatened by many for their own idiot reasons. I my self am having multiple problems related to food and digestion (God help me) as are others like Toby Keith (God Bless him) whom I've loved over the years. What that means is that some are aligned to these Planets and are ReActIve in One form or another.

One of my medications says a possible side affect is 'hearing voices' to which you have to just laugh and KNOW its going to be a rough 2 weeks for me. And yes, I did hear 2 new voices taking to me this morning as I was waking up.

One was a Masculine metallic voice in a Reverberation which could be understood as a type of echo. The few words he spoke we-re not familiar to me, but were Clear and could have been a Greeting. I took this to be a Message sent via Saturn From the Galactic and it sounded like the Higher Tones of the Piano keys in this Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fFf0ClVLao which is funny on so many levels. This Tin or Metallic sound means to me that it was Sent via Moon-like 'Angles and Amplifiers' to Reach me, as it did sound like the voice was 'processed' into the Metal Form TO Reach Me OR others IN 3D that have Tuned themselves to Hear this Frequency 'Range of Tone'.

The 2nd voice was a Core-us of Female Voices AL saying the same exact thing though the timing was not perfectly over-laid and it made me think that this is a Chain of One Soul or is a Collective Self like Audrey, Helen, Cleopatra, Magdalene, Morgan, Johanne, Gloria, and myself were ALL talking as ONE but at their Different Solar (Chakra) Stations or Places. And I dont remember what they said, only that there is the '7 Sisters' Star Energy and many feminine voices talking as ONE together, and it was the 'Collective' of more than one voice that was IN Port Ant.

And I remembered that Audrey 'passed me off' to another, a Red Head as she put on her sun glasses. It's no helmet, but still I'm glad to see she takes precautions.

I know that this year and next are very Important Astrologically and being as Tied to the Planets as I am as a Flow, it does not surprise me that it will be physically difficult, but its also different.

Ari has ALSO been saying 'GoodBye' to me. Not speaking the words but sending me Goodbye Songs for a few weeks now. And I wonder if these 2 very different voices that I heard this morning are the Audrey and Ari Replacements, or are they Additions. It's CLEAR TO Me that my metaphysical position has changed or Eclipsed the Earth Planet and Parts of the Solar System and am Now 'Syncing my Soul', Connecting TO the Galactic and will be Bringing NEW Mysteries and KNOWledge from OUT Side of our 3D Universe. The Sacral Problems/Digestion Problems I'm now having.

Anonymous said...

Seems to me that the A's (Audrey, Ari and Armand) are stepping Back as a Flow and as Time Well Spent and the New Solar System Behaviors that we are now Plied WITH are Bringing in a 'B' or and 'R' (or any other letter) Energy Pattern as a Sacred Script or Star Pattern that others in the Galactic see as Our Solar System.

My mother knows that I AM...not so much scared (though I am) but am not feeling well emotionally and physically, she is and has been available to talk to me anytime I speak to her. Even though she told me she TOO (like Ari and Audrey and probably Armand (since Javier and John have showed up, and is 'J' our new letter?)) is at a New location she is still with me. She also has said that many where she is are expecting the changes that we are making in 3D, saying that no vacations are planned where she is. It was a joke and while she did not tell me how this will unfold, she did say that she was incredibly proud of me and I know thats true because I hear it in her words. I've said repeatedly that Im glad the Energy between us is so different and it feels good to have that...thick, dense energy out of the way. She is happier and I feel it.

So there is more than just Earth that will be Changing. It is a Galactic Change as well, which we already knew.

I've noticed that Magenta Pixie has been Invisible as well, though now that I said something here I'm hoping that she posts a video so I know she is well. Being a Redhead and al...Chrissy too, I have not forgotten the dream I had of her helping me.

I've asked and Ari has said Taurus is the Red Hair Connection, and again I don't know much about astrology...

Now this is a De Magnet Sizing War that is AL but Done. It is the Last of the Energy Flow as the old Framework 1 and 2 Flows on by. It is being Propelled IN TO A Finish by the Galactic Polarity Flip or the Re Turn Ing of the Atlantean Energies that were BE 4 the Fall, so you can think of these days as Backward Motion A Weh FROM and Not TO the Atlantean Fall and Flood. It is the difference between the Pisces and Aquarian Waters and the Cup or Containers MAKE AL the Difference between the 2. So it is not War, the Battle is Done and is MetaPhysical:


Anonymous said...

I wonder if this was the reason that there is a Giant Wolf 'Haunting' SkinWalker Ranch: https://nypost.com/2024/02/08/news/mutant-wolves-in-chernobyl-developed-cancer-resilient-abilities-study/

Why pick a wolf, and why pick an Animal figure when there are so many other scary 'things' in this world?

The Giant size is a Light Reflection verses an Angle of Light. It is the differential between the 2 Spectrums like 1:1 would be a 1:2 in Volume Size. It is a Volume, yet a perfect reproduction.

So if wolves can live in the Higher Radiation that would explain the Wolf being at SkinWalker, but does not explain the Animal image over say... a slasher. And it would be true to think that those who can 'pet the wolf' are literally in a 5D Frequency. A Dream State Environment.

Darwin and his theory of Apes evolving into man is a cycle of Evolution that did not happen here, but there is a 'Wheel' Cycle as a Creation Cycle (and astrology cycle as well as other cycles) that is IN Port Ing. Remember Animals were Created before Man and Angels were created as God's Thoughts, his and her own Consciousness that Evolved IN Time as Markers or 'Memories' that Safe guard the God Psyche. These are 'Beings' as AL Energy is Self-Aware and hold a 'Knowing' of their Purpose IN Life, in that they 'Guard' the Psyche in a 'I won't ever think like that again' Lesson Learned. That they are Beings, Fully Sentinel and Creative as they are the 'Pure' IN Intent, the Godly or God-like Thought of God IS a Crystalline Projection of Light Perfection. And that they seem a blend of the Adam God-like, Godly Form with their wings that show a hint of Animals 'Ness' or Animal Charts as a Circle of Time, like Darwin's theory presents in a Singular (Evolution) Time, the Angels show us of Close Ness TO-Ward God because the animal and Human Kingdoms ARE Separate, though the Adam Form was AL Wehs the Final Intention of God. And it was through the Animal Path that God Created Man. Remember:

God Created Adam in the Image of Self because He was Lonely. The Animals are a projection of God in a Form that is not His, and is simply a Reflection of His Own Thoughts of Who he 'Thought' as His AND Her own 'Who AM I' Processing. God later, or shortly after the Creation of Adam realized Adam was not the Full Expression of His Self because he again felt Lonely Via Adam and Adam's Self Aware Ness.

The Planet, the Animals, the Human Forms...these are AL Steps that Reflect Gods Thoughts, Feelings AND 'There' 4 his Image.

So DO You see the IN Port Ants of Homosexuality BE Ing an A Front TO-Ward God and his own Thoughts and Feelings about who he is and his Love for Humanity and 'Why?' Homosexuality 'Goes against HIS Nature'

God is not Gay. God is not Promiscuous, having Created Eve as Adam's Wife. Now:

Anonymous said...

It is said that Eve was not Adam's 1st Wife and that there was Lilith BE 4 there was Eve. This is a Jewish A Count and it is a Re Flect Ion of the Creative Depth of the Womb. Lilith was the 1st A Peer Ance as a Vision or 1st Light and she was...not sure how to put it...FACT:

She was at a Depth, AS A WOMAN, that when she was created at the same time as Adam, she took Longer to Arrive. Much like I said about myself. Lilith was Image Only and she was not a 'Permanent Image'. Meaning: She was Holding A Depth that Is Literally Bringing the Larger, the Singular (Un Fractured (Fractal) or Reduced in Size (Re Sized)) Verse (Version) of GOD IN TO Existence. That Means, She was the Feminine that AL Forms of the Adam Light are Bass Ed or Base Ed ON. Here I mean the 'Other AL Ien' Images and physical forms are Bass Ed or Base Ed ON. Remember this IS Sound BE 4 it is Light, and it is the Song (or Hum or Melody) of Isis, the Double IS IS Creation of BE Ing. And that is the Lilith and One 'IS' and the Eve as the Return of Lilith or the Second Coming or the 'Grand Feminine' of Eve, the Isis.

You see?

So Lilith, being 'Image only', did not fade away did not Fade Away, but she Ascended Back TO the Creation Cycle to Complete Her Deeper Aspects and Pro Creation. Though Remember that SHE DID exist in her 'Self Aware yet to BE Come Self-Actualized' Form. This means She DID came in a Dreams, Dream Frequencies or Dream States BE 4 or even AS She developed Her more 'IN Depth' Physical form or Template or BE Have Ior. AND:

I hate to tell you Ladies that you were NEVER Intended to be Promiscuous IN the Sense that Many Sexual Partners IN ONE Life WILL Harm YOUR Psyche. This has an Ascension Quality that has NOT BEEN AD DRESS ED EVER IN 3D. It has only been known to Limit you Socially. AND this was Done 4 a Reason:

Pro Creation MUST BE Respected. It MUST BE made Aware to you Women who 'think you are men' and you women who think you can sleep with anyone you choose. You ARE NOT Men NOR can you Pattern your Sexuality like some Men do. Here I mean the One man per Multiple Wives. That is 'Idiot Shit' Math as a Verse or a Version.

4 the Men AND the Women who do this: It won't 'Get You that Far' as a TesserACT: It A Fects (as a Re Flect Ion) you Motor Skills and you cannot Ascend UN TIL (TIL BE Ing a Time Pattern OF Your Time USE, or How you USE Time) You Straight En OUT. You see?

Anonymous said...

YOU as Women were Given the Gift of Pro Creation. The 'Pro Creation Be Ing' that was Lilith with the IN Tense Ion of Manifesting into Eve. She was 4 that MADE with the TRUST of the Creation of ManKind.

So those screaming in the streets for their Abortions are an A Front to God. You have NO Rights 'There'. The Math is Against and not 4 you as 'Isis' IS the Meaning of a Bringing Fourth or Forth of a Second Verse or Version OF YOU. Here I mean:

It is a Mother Aspect of Bring 4th a Child which is Represent IN the 'IS IS' where the 2nd IS is your Child or 'Off Spring' like your DNA Re Flect S, Re Present s, Rep Re Sends, or Rep Re Sents as a Ser-Pent that Spoke TO Eve in the Garden.

It is ALSO the 'Lover' Aspect that IS IN (as opposed to the IS IS) Worship to God. It is the Ascension of the Virgin Mary that she is said to have done. This MEANS:

She Stopped HAVE Ing Children 4 a Time and Began HER Focus, Her RE Focus ON her God Source Connection. In our 3D terms: She took a break from Having Children. Why is this IN Port Ant to Bring IN TO or WITH her TO or TO-Ward her 3D?

There is a 'Don't Care' about their Creation Powers that has women Screaming in the Streets 4 their 'Right' to have an A Bort Ion, or an Abort Ion. AND:

That has a Saturn, where 'Flesh Goes TO BE Re Made' Connection. Do NOT Fear it. DO NO Thing IN Fear. DO it 4 the Right and Square Ing Reasons that is Science as well as it is the Progress Ion of Time. Remember YOU ARE E Turn AL and you DO HAVE the Time. Just Give it to Your Self.

Taking Care, Giving Care TO Your Self, Strengthens ManKind 4 the Better, Literally Squaring it IN VERSE as a God SOUND, Keeping ManKind Healthy and WHOLE and not a Broken Fractal, or a Non Player Character, or a shell of a Human Being like we see so many who are 'lost' or not in touch with their soul Today.

This is another reason 'Why?' I say the population is too Big. Though the Planet CAN Support the Population, the Minds of Individuals, IN Dividuals Cannot. The IN Divided Duals or Flail LITERALLY 'fucks' with the Mirror Re Present Actions. This means the Star of David, the TesserACT ION becomes Core Rupt Ed and over Time BE COME S Stuck.

It then Creates Non Sense, like we see TO Day. And this goes 'BE Yond Er' the Sexual and the Sexually TOO Many ARE IN TO Day. It is 'BE Yond Er' as the 'Er' is an Energy you in 3D do NOT See and Science is ONLY Now beginning to Ad Mit, Ad KNOW Ledge (Ledge being a Legend that is ReCordEd), Left to GROW and Create IN the Heavens as 'Your Will' the 'Er' BE COMES the 'Re' in the Star of David IN Verse of your OWN Tesser ACT Ion and it it ONE where you slow your Travels, your Tra Verse, your Own god SOUND into a Stutter, or at some Angles is an Echo that eventually Stops its Movements.

Now the Virgin Mary DOES have Children in 3D, she is Mother Seton, she spaces OUT her Mother Hood TO Tend TO Self. I my Self was not to have children in every life either. Though Mine were De Liberty Targeted if was the 2nd Coming of the IS, the 'IS IS' that had Octaves, those OUT of A Line Meant with GOD Source that made them the Target of Others' Cruelty.

Anonymous said...

It was TOO Bright a Creation Light and it IN TER FEAR ED with the 'Service (Sur Vice) TO SELF' Mirror that Many TO Day are Living IN. It is the 'Service (Sur Vice) TO Others' Energy that they were Afraid ('A Fraid' as 'A Fray Ed' an Un Ply Ing Growth, but read AL the Definitions of Fray, Frae and Frey) OF. These 'Conflicting' Mirrors have a Re Duce Ing, a Down Size Ing as a Re Duct Ion that to the 'Service to Self' Ones Feel as a Death.

Now, I've Spoken of the One Man per Many Wives type of Marriage, and I've Explained loosely how that CAME IN TO BE Ing as the Feminine needing to REGULATE (Late being the 'Later Ness' which is the Higher Dimensional INCLUSION or Time Use or Timing) Her Creation Powers. Here I mean you must allow 4 the 2nd IS of the Isis Form U LA into 3D. You MUST INCLUDE Your SELF, your Psyche's Intention 4 You into the Formula because your Off Spring HOLD Your DNA Close to them Selves and when YOU in your Greed TO BE a Mother IN Every Life begin to Mis Use Your Creation Powers by physically harming or not emotionally not tending TO-Ward your Child, YOUR Creation, you ARE Hurting your own Isis/Osiris Balance, your own Yin/Yand that IS Measured as the Feminine Magnet that IS IS and Applied as the ACT Ion that Osiris ACTs IN and ON and With as a Trinity that STOPS or Withers your Will TO BE an Ass and Not an Ass IN Tense Ion (intention). 4 EVERY Body God has Created has an Ass.

Bigamy, Big A My, as a Masculine 'fantasy' definition of Marriage will need to be explained. KNOW BE 4 its TOLD (as a Sound of God) TO You that it is NOT IN A CORD DANCE WITH GOD. AL Caps for the Multi-Dimention AL Sound Projection that is Logic. It is the Sacred Fire, that Sacrifice, that is YOUR Burden to BEAR and is the Masculine Equivalent of the Feminine 'InFertile Ness' no matter if it is a physical malady or a Ment AL/Emotion AL choice the Lady Makes. YOU ARE A Lord. ACT Like it.

With OUT these ACTs of Rest 4 your Creation TO Self, your Creation Self, you are spending your money in a Draining De Pleat Ion. Read AL the definitions of 'Pleat'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fFf0ClVLao

It is a Wrinkle IN your Fabric of Time and a Con Fuse Ing Fire Creation. Meaning you CAN Light Your Fire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sb27l41e6E&list=RD4sb27l41e6E&start_radio=1

4 When you USE the Feminine TO light your own Fire via 'a different Woman every night of the week' IN Marriage or NOT, you are IN the 'Service to Self' TesserACT Mode. It is YOU the Masculine who 'needs the help' to Henge as a SOUND Ing Board to Speak to God who sees your need to USE others BE Yond ER the Law of ONE where YOU are Able TO Reach Him via your SELF.

That is 'Why?' Men are considered to BE counted as One of the Children the Marriage Pro Duce Es. You see?

Now Angels are Adam Psyche as a Collective Conscious Ness with Wings of the Animal King Domicile (Kingdom) with is an Angle or Sector IN the GOD Creation Cyclce. It is the Transition of Leaving the Animal Kingdom TO-Ward the Mankind or the Adam Form. These Beings ARE God Source Self Aware Self Acting. AND there is an IN PORT ACT and an IN Port AL Dance or Stirring that they DO or ACT IN when the Move their Arms or Body to Create the Blue Color of Love.

Anonymous said...

They ARE the Bridge Connect Ing our Adam Form as the Dominion (Domain or Domaine (the Vineyard) God gave TO Mankind (meaning Women as well as man) In Genesis (Generations AND/OR Creations of ISIS) 1:26, 28 And this is the Weh Flow (as the EBB and Flow (with the Single 'B' in the EBB equating to ONE IS in the IS IS of Isis. And you see there the Flail of the 'E' Pushing the 'B' Twice is A Magnificent WITH DRAW Ing of the Higher Dimension TO Settle, TO RE Create YOUR Personal Timing that YOU KNOWCK or nocked OFF its Center. AND Do your SEE the ANGLES that are Sent to HELP You IN and TO A Corrected Timing? AND they use the Magda or the Feminine Magnetics TO DO SO.

This IS A Back Wash that can Harm the Heavens that the Angles are Stopping and Demagnetize or De Magnet Sizing and IN your OWN Dis Re Pair You are Stopped from Moving Forward into the Higher Heaven where you can harm in an EXPLOSIVE WEH? Do you see where MANY ARE Interpreting this as a Bad Angle many today are calling the EL O HIM. At least they KNOW that this Force is Masculine, they just don't see it as Them Selves. That Connection is Broken Light, disconnected until the TAKE THE TIME to Fix or Re Pair the Light Path.

DO You see where the Angles BE Ing in Complete Adam Form with Wings that Tie (or Ply) them TO the Animal Kingdom are Guarding, and are Guardians of BOTH Mankind and the Animal Kingdoms from an Eternal 'Mis Hap' or Miss 'Happening' that could blow the Heavens TO Hell? This is because of the Animal Conscious Ness being IN A Flow from the Collective Conscious Ness that EVERY Soul IS a Part of. Like the Angels Represent: A Permanent Tie TO the Animal Kingdom. 4 our Animals COME TO US IN and TO 3D from our Continue Flow of Consciousness TO-Ward the Animal Creation as a Region OF Time AND as a Region IN Space. So when YOU exhibit Cruelty TO-Ward Animals outside of the Need 4 Food, 4 you ARE a Part of the Earth, Plant, Animal ManKind Creation Cycle you MUST Drink the Water, Burn the Wood, Mine the Minerals of the Planet, as well as FARM and EAT the Plants, AND the Animals to Nourish your Adam Form. 4 When YOU do NOT do this, the Creation Cycle becomes Broken.

And Vegetarian Ism as wells the Cult-like Vegan Meant AL Ity Must BE kept IN a Volume that is Below the Average Threshold of Mankind OR the Creation Cycle Slows to a Stop. Your Planet and AL that IS IN the Planet will begin to Die in its 3D State . It will Re Turn TO Saturn and it is Sa Turn (Saturn) that will Re Turn YOU into 3D having ReMade your Flesh AFT Er having 'Kick' Ed your ASS. So in that sense you never really leave 3D, but AL Ter your own Self while You are 'Here'.

It is Part of the Science that is our Circle of Life. And it is the Sa Turn that is in the Re Turn TO YOU Mode that is the Basis of the Satan Be Leaf. But you see where the Attack on Meat, Farmers and the Regulations put ON our Earth or Planet Resources IS BE Yond Er the Reason or Ration AL of the Creation Cycle BY those who cannot Read or Interpret where they Stand as a Base or Bass? They are IN a Mirror Light So Bright they can NO LONG Er See Reason.

Anonymous said...

From February 10, 2024 at 11:57 AM:

"you ARE Hurting your own Isis/Osiris Balance, your own Yin/Yang that IS Measured as the Feminine Magnet that IS IS *Applied as the ACT Ion that Osiris ACTs IN and ON and *WITH as a Trinity that STOPS or Withers your Will TO BE an Ass and *when you choose to ACT IN Impunity, meeting that Level of Karmic Re Prieve AL, you are IN an Ass IN Tense Ion (Ascension). 4 EVERY Body God has Created has an Ass."

I did not re read yesterday's work so there may well be other mis takes. I wood like to add that when I explain of the Bridge between Animals and Mankind, I see it as an Astrology Wheel, or type of Pie Chart where there is Man, Animal, Plant and Earth Wide Slices in the Wheel. So the 4 groups start at the Outer edge of the wheel or chart and narrow into the smaller groups as they Flow TO-Ward the Center Point of Inner Focus that is a Point IN Time that is the Collective of the 4 Groups Combined AND is a 'You Are 'Here'' Location. It is where you Place your Aware Ness at any Point in Time in the Akash, or the Galactic as an Alien Life Form or Remaining IN Spirit or Farther OUT having no Meta Physical Form placing you as simply 'Thought'. Being Thought is the Greatest Disappearing ACT Ever as it is a Form of Eternity Time where you are IN your Mother Universe's Womb, Self Aware but not Self ACTualizing (Act U in an AL Size or Sizing. You are IN an Invisible Force State of Being Like I AM with you AL right now. It is AL SO why Isis is described as coming to a Persons Dreams to Communicate with them and it is why I write my work in this Weh: TO Open your Horus Human Frequencies that ARE in the 5D Dream Re AL M or Realm. I AM Magnet Sizing your 3D Brain Waves TO the 5D So you are ON Your Weh TO BE Ing an Ascend Master of your OWN.

You ARE ON a Red Planet, Earth has a Natural Frequency, a Schumann (Sc Human) Resonance 7.83 Hertz which is a Harmonic of the Color Red Portion of the Spectrum at wavelengths around 620 to 750 nm. And it was those who were new to their Adam Forms as being Fully Completed IN their Adam Forms that Painted or dyed their Hair and Skin Red. This was something we AL Wanted to Become: One with the Earth. You see?

It was 4 YOU, as an Individual, seemingly not a Collective but Solo, seemingly Sepa Rated FROM God Source TO Develop into a Strength as a Cup, a Container that holds Source IN your 3D Self. This is You as IN your Henge Strength, KNOW Ing Right From Wrong TO add the Color Red as One of a Badge of Colors we as Black Shadows Wear WITH Pride. Using a Process described Here:


Anonymous said...

From my last post:
"I wood like to add that when I explained of the Bridge between Animals and Mankind, I see it as a Cross Over between Animal an Man much like an Astrology Wheel changing signs where it is a type of Pie Chart of Man, Animal, Plant and Earth as Wide Slices of the entire Wheel. So the 4 groups start at the Outer edge of the wheel or chart and narrow into the smaller groups as they Flow TO-Ward the Center Point of Inner Focus that is a Point IN Time that is the Collective of the 4 Groups Combined AND is a 'You Are 'Here'' Location." Remember this is a Universe that is a Nebula coming into an Awareness of Itself and is a Dragon-like 'level of awareness' that is still learning of itself in a movement that it is Searching 4 a Strength of More Awareness....it is like Armand Was while still One with his Mother and the 2 worked more as 1 until His Bar Mitzvah, which literally means 'Son of the Commandments'.

Right there means that Other Forces are IN Charge. And it is at that point that Teens begin working IN Co Operation, meaning they are to grow their own Force IN Alignment WITH the Parents Force. It is not a Freedom or an Emancipation from the Family Unit.

Now Remember at this Time, it was the Will of Armand with the Agreement of His Mother or Nebula Space that had Ari and I ALSO Being Created at Different Locations With IN the Same Nebula. So his mother was in that Weh Carrying 3 Self Aware 'Spaces' that were Literally NOT IN Her. There were 'Imaginings' the 2 were Having and the Manifestation Began Elsewhere as having our Individual yet TWIN or Simultaneous Creation and Being at opposite Ends of the Spectrum of Polarity (of the Anke) and the 4 of us (Armand with His Mama or Maʽat, and Ari and Myself) as seen here: https://www.nasa.gov/image-article/cats-eye-nebula-2/ And you can see where the 3 are contained with in the Maʽat creating 4. And you can Also see where the Poles that Ari and I work at in the Runner Chaser Dynamic as we are the Extension of Arms. And by looking at the Cats Eye Stage of Nebula Growth, you can see where Cats are Considered Psychic and were worshiped in Egypt and many other areas.

You can also see the Nuclear Family here in 3D that MUST stay together as a Unit 4 that Cat's Eye Image where the 4 are IN (a Unit) AS 1, IS then A PROJECTION of 4 Independent Universes the Moment (if you dare find it) the Cat's Eye begins to Blink as a Spin as a Blink. So, Even though they Live and Dance together as One, they have their Independent, now Fractal, Locations as Separate Universes. These Electrical Ties that the 4 Sepa Rate Ed Universes Created or Share are BOTH IN the Internal use of the 4 Universes as their Individual DNA (their Individual Star Mapping) AND IS IN the Wake or Weh Direction that is their Line of Sight as a Part of their Star Mapping. 4 that Wake or Weh Flow that was Created by such an Event is the Parting of the Seas that Moses Cast. It was the Liberty Rated, the Liberation as an ACT of Emergence From Egypt. It was the Beginning of the 1st Religion unless you count Egypt as a Religion, which I do. But the Parting of the Sea was Symbolic of the Cell Split and a New Light Path or Star, or Energetic Light Point.

Anonymous said...

AND you must think in terms of Circles and Cycles and NOT Linear or sequential Time if you are typing to Map 'where in the Universe' these Lights will Appear AS Location. This Involves Arc's and Bended Locations since the original 4 are Blended (webbed).

Now Your Behavior DOES Create Special Places. Jane and Seth have called these 'Probabilities' in their books and they DO have a Collective Strength that ebbs and flows. The Collective Consciousness has Created many Locations, some 'good' and some 'not so good' and as they are Energy they are Fed BY your ACTs. Now, your ARE allowed to make Mis Takes in your 3D lives so do NOT Grow a Para Noid or Node IN your Own Fear or Uncertainty. USE the 10 Commandments as your guide 4 Checks and Balances of your Self Along the Weh. And understand that your Creations are NOT 4 Everyone and many need to be Produced WITH Warnings.

For Example: Smoking, Drinking and Drug use are not for many like Children and those who are 'Vulner' Able (here I see a Condor or Vulture bird) and can be harmed both Physically and Psychologically by these. And these have been around since before your Earth was a Planet of her own. Meaning, many in spirit will twist their Shadow Positions into a form of Relief that is much like the effects you feel in 3D from Smoking, Drinking and Drug use. It is a Shadow 'Blanking' like an Eye that Blinks where you can stop a cycle of pain until you can have the 3D Experience (or another Special Place) to Clear that location like any Hardened or Pained Muscle needs worked to relieve itself into a Healthy Shape, or you can Build UP that Location INTO a Strength that is a Muscle, like my own Lives Reflect.

Now, there is a Part of Me who realizes that 'You Create Your Own Reality' IS True. But there are also Time where 'You Have NO Choice' AS YOU ARE A PART OF A COLLECTIVE Consciousness. AND that IN Plies a BALANCE of Energies. And it is a Firm and Fix Ed Belief that Children ARE NOT IN Charge. Period. No matter if that Chid is in 3D Form or is a Former god in a Now Diminished Form. And it was Un Fortune Ant that the Energy was Against me AL these Years, but GOD has NOT 4 GOT En Me.

And I En Courage each of YOU To Remember that IN your Choices.

Anonymous said...

From February 13, 2024 at 9:46 AM:

"So the 4 groups start at the Outer edge of the wheel or chart and narrow into the smaller groups as they Flow TO-Ward the Center Point of Inner Focus that is a Point IN Time that is the Collective of the 4 Groups Combined AND is a 'You Are 'Here'' Location." " This is also why your Pupil's dilate and contract. Please read AL the definitions of Pupil.

The IN-Ward Flow TO-Ward to the Carts Center as the Outer 4 Groups wood be the Continuation of the Creation Cycle, AS Fractals or the Dividing into the Resized And Descending IN TO 3D Focal Point. 4 Example: 4 the Group known as mankind, you have OUTER of ManKind, Divided into the Masculine and Feminine, and perhaps further expanded into the Elderly, then Men and Women, and the Child/Children as the different stages of Masculine and Feminine. Plants wood be divided into Trees, Shrubs, grasses etc and Earth wood be the 5 Chinese Elements as they are AL Used to Create the Earth and it's beauty.

The IN-Ward Flow TO-Ward the Charts Center as the Outer 4 Groups wood be the Continuation of the Creation Cycle, these wood Pull into the Center and 'Dump' or Enter into the 3D or 3D Frequencies usually as an ACT of some kind, and you can see where that Center Point as a Focus or Focal Point of Concentrated Energy IS in a Torus ACT of Turning or Cycling. And that the Strength of the IN Coming Center Energies is decided IN a Co-Operative Effort (or Not) by the 4 OUT Er Groups and the Cycles with and in those 4 as Individuals.

Remember that we Live in a light band that surrounds AND hugs the earth so the Red Color Vibration is the Red Root Race that Edgar Cayce spoke of. And we on a Planet of ACT Ion so the Planet and the people well see a frequency off set between the two. We are Self Aware and Self ACTualized and this is why we live ON the Planets at a small harmonic (type) of distance FROM it and not IN the Planet as many believe the some beings do. And that is why a more shared frequency range WITH the Earth has that Radiation 'blend' that also allows for a Dimensional 'sharing or blending' like we see at SkinWalker or a more Quantum placement that many would call 'Time Travel' where they are Re-Located to a Star alignment in a matching frequency range. And those Ranges run in cycles, meaning they have a Window Portal open when Spacial conditions are met in the Sacred Geometry Of 'Here TO There'.

So the Color Red as a Range of Frequencies was more of a Celebration of 'Becoming Adam' in our Physical Forms. It was those who dyed themselves Red, used Red in their Art and their Arc Ka Texture (Architecture) which were their great stone buildings as Temples (hence the Ka), it was their use of Red that expressed their Alignment with their Humanity and the Humanity of others. Being Human is NOT a Descending as you think of it as NOT or Non Ascending 4 YOU Were NEVER Supposed TO LEAVE. You were supposed TO GO and Take WITH YOU your Soul, Spirit or whatever part of you that you think you left behind.

Red was also a Measurement of their Chakra System and the Summation of the Yin and Yang and it was our Job to 'Bounce Back' into the Higher Realms of Knowledge. What went 'wrong' was the need of those who did not want to give up their 'god head', their 'Strum Status' or their Multi Dimensional 'easy life' to help re build a New Planet. So they Came, Claimed Superiority through a....Blind to you, or a 'Behind your Back' unfairness that kept them A Float spiritually feeding their newly forming Ego Body.

Anonymous said...

What you see today is the ENERGY Driving the hate, ignorance and intolerance that is to be used THIS Time as a Spring Board that Launches a New Light 'Placement' IN the Stars. It is NOT True the Planet is Dying, what is BE Ing Felt by those saying that kind of stuff is the 'Shift' that Dimming Down of (the Light) at One Probability 4 AN Other. AND it Resembles a Birth 4 some and a Death 4 Others Meta Physically meaning as a Feeling that is Dis Torque Ing of their Emotional Body.

Now: I really like these 2 guys: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_uUdb7uJLI And https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGseQEfleRI

But 4 now watch the 2nd video 1st. I myself haven't watched either video to their completion and will do so with you as I analyze both videos Sepa Rate and Together to see what we get.

I will start by saying that we have the Moon as a Re Sponse to our then forming Astroid Belt and this was needed to stay in Communication with our Outer Planets, those on the 'Other Side' or those representing the Higher Dimensions and their Placements IN our Solar System Uni Verse. It is a 2 Chakra System of the Yin/Yang that our Solar System Represents as well as it is, AT the Same Time an Upper and Lower Chakra System with Belt Energies that we see at both Gobekli Tepe and Our Planet in the Mid Sections of our Left and Right Hemispheres AS well as the Entire Solar System where each Planet is a Chakra in its own Right as an Individual working in a Chakra Chain forming One System.

So you see there is a lot going on that Science will RE Fuse to Arc Know Ledger (Acknowledge or Write as IN Legend or a Ledger) as a Record, Fact or a part of their Math Formulas. So you see 'Why?' I do not advise Space Travel?

Understand your Solar System as a Cell and the 2 Cell-like Light Boundaries of the Astroid and the Kuiper Belts Block Much, just like your cells walls in their Upper and Lower Light Bands also form ONE Cell Wall that Contains the Inner Functions. And watching beginning of the 2nd video we see right away that our Moon is a Saturn 'Energy Portal' bringing to us what we need Directly and bypasses the Astriod belt. It is in that Weh a Quantum Import of Information. And when you know that the Astronauts heard music on the Un Blemished Back of the Moon, you can get a sense the Atlanteans Burned the Moons Face to dull the Energy Being Emitted IN STEAD of Making PEACE and Grace Full Ly Adjusting themselves TO the Moons Strength.

But the Moon is the Equivalent of Protein in our Cells, it is what feeds the Cell and keeps it alive, same too with the Moon as our Saturn Connection in our 1/2 of the Divided Solar System.

Now, We had this Moon arrive while the Astroid Belt was still Forming, and it is a Cord Connection to Saturn mostly, as the Mother of the Universe, and also to a lesser degree Jupiter as the Father of our Universe. And the Moon Cord is the 'Maternal Consciousness' for us to remain in contact with our Mother/Father Creator god or GOD and the Commandment of 'Honor thy Mother and Father' which said another weh is an 'Honor thy Masculine and Feminine Self' Meaning. I must take the Time to say:

Anonymous said...

Do not 4 Get that if you are Homosexual, there were Steps Taken to 'put you IN' that Position. It is 4 you to ask 'Why?' And it is 4 you to ReSpect your 3D 'Body TO Mind' Connection as you search 4 Answers. It is not a Time 4 Anger and Cruelty toward Self (with sex changes and costumes as cross dressing) it is a Time to notice where YOU Are in your Own 'Book of Life'. It is also NOT a Time to cheat your Self, here I mean your Higher Self, out of the Operation AL Tune Ity (Opportunity) to Connect TO You as you are Meant TO Seek and To Ask Questions and then To Re Pair to that Self. Do not waste the Time to Move INTO a 3D Position that also transfers Posthumously IN TO an IN Prove Meant, 4 this type of 'suicide', of not acknowledging or not questioning doesn't help you 'Here' or 'There' You see? Take the Time while you are 'Here' by Fine-ally Fine-ishing (as Both words are) moving and working in the Finer Energy Spec Strum that you in a 3D vib Rate Ion cannot see.

So the Moon was Placed before Mars was its own Vibration Frequency set. We were literally 2 worlds Floating together in a Connect Ion of 2 Sepa Rated Places found at ARC Tic-Like Locations. Here I mean there was a LOT of Coming and Going TO and From our Planet, Dinosaurs of the Animal Kingdom and Human-like beings of ManKind or the Adam Kingdom AL worked to-ward leaving monuments behind that we in our Dark or Sepa Rated Light would come to question when the Time was Right.

Those who did not die on our planet leaving their bones or their stone works for us to question, came and left the planet via the then still available Time Periods of the Combined Planet Energies and also the Locations of Mountain peaks and Polar Caps. And 4 those Coming and Going it was a Time of a Vibrational mathc where two or more 'Places' to go to were available to the Traveler. And this involved the Postion of other planets in our solar system to determine where you were able to travel to. You see the uses of Astrology? Even in your Sleep States there are Time Periods where you have traveled farther in your Dreams and brought the memories of your Dream Time at that Location back into your waking hours because Planets at the Time of your Dream were in A Line Meant to ADD or Enhance your Able Ity to Remember your Dream State Experiences. That is One Use of the Magnetic Energy of the Planets in our Souls Path.

This is true for your Body Aging as well, Planets and Solar Returns has a Current Day Positioning that Adjusts as we physically Age, like puberty, middle age and then the elderly or Aged, for example. You Chakras and your plants ARE in Co Ordination and this has a past life meaning as well where memories are delivered to you as your Chakras Grow into an more Aware 'Capability' or 'Capacity' to HOLD the Memory Overlay that is 'automatically' in a sense delivered to you when the Time is Sized in the 1:1 with your Chakra System. Some have de Liberty not Mathc Ed in the 1:1 so they DON'T remember and this would be for many reasons, just like remembering your past life is for many reasons.

Like when our Chrissy remembered her Mary of Scots Death in a Night Mar Ish Dream State. Un BE Known St to Her and Her Family she has been living that Life in an Up Date Ed or Up To Date Form ever since, in a Constant State of Revising Her Self TO Her Memories LITERALLY Placing them in a Stay Sis (a Quiet Verse of the Sistrum as the sistrum was believed to be an Instrument) that is a Rest or Peace Ness. It is her gently, quietly batting away the memories as a 'No, that is not Happening 'Here', that Happened Weh Over 'There' in the Past. Keeping the 2 Lives IN Communication, yet Sepa Rated. By Having these memories in the 1st place She is Measuring, Com Pair Ing Her Past WITH her Present and is seeing that there is very little Re Peating itself as an ACT Ion here into this 3D verse or life.

Anonymous said...

This keeps it in the Emotional Body and not in the Material World or External World of ACT Ion. You see? Now, Emotions are volatile and volcanic in AL of Us right now. So if she or anyone else is going through a hard time right now it is because the planets have aligned in such a Group Position that she or you in your Henge or Sistrum is IN Co-Operation with that Planets to Re Feel them, to ACT I Vate (Rate) To Chrissy so Chrissy can Re-Peat or Re-Send the Feelings Back without the 3D ACT.

Keeping them in the Emotional Body without the ACTion Frees the 3D Time and Space Limits as a Liberty. A Liberty that is free to move Passed the Past and into HER Life and not a Repeat of her Mary of Scots Life. And these SAME People that are in her life today will carry their burden if they were at fault, or they will experience their NEW Reality WITH Chrissy. And 4 Chrissy:

These who ACT IN their best interest are not TO BE Stopped in a manner that De Flects From You. Meaning: Don't Interfere in their World (their Life). I don't think you do that exactly...but Don't look for In Prove Meant where they ARE Today, and Don't think that they can do it to you again. It is YOU we are Liberating, not them, so they are not going to 'change their minds about you and suddenly treat you differently' IF that is what you are thinking. It is a Solo Cup Journey you are on. And not a journey that proves them wrong. Though they may treat you in a more loving manner, that is souly up to them though. Your Light Touches YOU and not the other guy. You see?

going through my own process, I did not see any in prove meant IN Octavian toward me and I also don't want to see him 'get what's coming TO him'. I know 'something did happened' to him in a gradual withdrawal that I've called a Demagnetized Process, so when you think of them today Understand that 'something Happened' as an Energetic Re Balance between you and them. This is Because they are not to hurt you a 3rd Time BUT they DO need the Resources of their own 3D life to Function and Settle or Re-Build their own Lives. 4 Example: My Octavian holds a job, gets promotions and has some good things happen to him.

And Believe that when your've lost your god-like or Spirit TO Self Connection as they have, it is 2x's or twice as hard to come back. Remember:

YOU NEVER LOST what they Lost in themselves. And as your Life Progresses you will see more of the Difference between 'you' and 'them', but until that Time they MUST have the Opportunity to reach certain events and mile stone in their 3D to Position them Selves to Choose 'Better' if that is how they are leaning or to not. It looks Un Fair, I agree, That is because your Reference is in the Mary of Scots Life. I don't think they remember that life as FULL as YOU do. See that as an Ascendance 4 You.

Take it and Reason it into a....knowing that it is yet to come for them and this is YOU BE Ing given a Chance to make your Peace WITH them BE 4 their Shit hits the Collective Fan (that 'shared reality' with you or the 'co-joined Weh' Flow you share with them). You DON'T WANT to BE there when that 'happens', you want to have severed your Connection as having built a Metal Fire Wall TO them so you ARE SAFE and OUT OF Harms Weh.

See it as a Safe Guarding Opportunity where you, simply by telling yourself until you truly believe and then truly feel it, that you wish them well and dont want to see them hurt. This IS YOU, ACT Ing like an Angel, Protecting your DNA Connection, that Shared Electrical Magnetic Flow TO and FROM them From the Burn they WILL FACE. Keep your own FACE at a 'Safe and Distant' Peace.

I will try to re explain it, this is only a 1st look...but understand that if they are agitated or seem frustrated when you are near, it is because they ARE feeling the Changed your are Making WITH IN YOU. So the Metal Fence you are building IS working to Sepa Rate You. You see?

Anonymous said...

The Peace YOU ARE Creating adds to the Distance. It Grows a Sepa Rate FROM theirs, and even though you are Visible to them, or perhaps they say things about you, there are no Ties that Draw you IN unless you ACT in a Desire to be 'there' in that space to fight. So Take the Time to Re Shape Your Emotional Body into Peace and cry, scream, or punch your pillow until you are Emotionally exhausted if you have to, drain that swamp of your emotional pain and fill that new empty emotional space with ACTs and things and those that you love. And when those others come back into your life (as they do run in cycles) have thoughts of them that are in the positive Spec Strum of your SELF. That is the only weh I know of to remove a Cord connection that is to Binding.

Remember that there is no Lasting Hate in the Higher Dimensions, it simply cannot survive. Remember too that this World has Rules to it that are in different Stages of Health and Healing. Meaning some are 'Here' Killing 4 their 1st time, while others are here Healing from being killed in their past, while others still are dealing with their Karma From Killing, so there IS a lot going on for us al.

Grieve, but do your best to remain IN ACT Ive (don't 'punch' or 'kick' back) and KNOW that the ones you're having problems with are DEEP IN You Right now as your DNA reflects this. THAT IS LOVE. That the 2 of you have reached the DNA stage of Webbed 'together ness' IS a Sign of Success in itself. It is NOT the 'LAST Chance' 4 anything. It is the END of the Trauma and that IS a BIG Deal in itself. Remember that Octavian and I do not share DNA, we are Related by marriage in every Life were we were 'family'. So those who share your DNA who have harmed you IN the Past HAVE MADE PROGRESS to get to that POINT in TIME. Octavian did not make progress, he has instead chosen to lost his OUT Er Shell or Shiva Light Circle.

DNA is where GOD picks UP his/her end of the Bargain with you that WILL BE Expressed as Love and Peace and to get there it is Test IN Patience and Temperance. Once you have been moved a weh from the Pain and painful emotional connection, THEN the Rains (or what ever God has IN Store Age) 4 them Come.

It's 4 YOUR Safety 'morse' or 'more so' than 4 theirs as you are the one working your DNA Code. They are not getting away with anything, and if it looks to you like they are advancing it is only to...make it hurt more later. So my advice to YOU is to let them have their prosperity or achievements today, while YOU store this time with them IN your DNA. Your Time with them Today can be a Dream that reaches you in the Future that reminds you of the positive work you've done today. You see? Just like your Mary of Scot's nightmare in this life, only in the next it may remind you of how much you've already eclipsed.

Keep the goal in Sight as your own now Horizon or Phoenix Rising Light. Make a Friend in the Future by talking to your Future Self, Speak the Reasons OUT Loud TO your Self as a Reminder that Focuses You here IN 3D and you may find things merge quicker in a more cohesive manner you are ACT Ing IN and a Weh Flow that is a Shorter Time Period of Strain 4 you.

I hope you can feel my hug.

Anonymous said...

The Moon (I'm looking at my 1st video by the Library of the Untold Channel on YouTube) is Large for the size of the our Planet, and so it must be light weight.

It is and it is porous and it is not hollow, but is electronic in that it is highly 'Magnetically Computerized' the materials are similar to that at the Mesa at SkinWalker. Though the Mesa has a broken rock pattern to it that seem as though a Pressure was Put on the Mesa at some Point and Location that has the stone surface broken into bricks or brick-like pieces. But it resembles more of a rubble pile from a Solid piece of Stone wall being broken or crushed. So there IS a Difference of Surface Covers on both.

Like with our Planets Manifesting into our New 3D Universe there were 'Places' or 'Spaces' saved in each verse or version of our Dimensions for each Planet and More. And the Moon is an example of the 'and More' Part. I said that Jupiter and Saturn are the Father and Mother of our Solar System, and we AL Know that they, and the other Planets, arrived at different Rates of Time. So too with the Moon AND it did not come from any other Location than 'From Above'. Meaning it arrived just like the planets did, it arrived Dimensionally and it did so at a Time when our Outer Protective Lens began Covering our Planet sealing us ON TO our planet. AND we could still travel via our Cave and Temple-like Time Machines.

That being said, the Firmament was NOT as Firm in Form until after the Fall of Atlantis and the Moon was Burned in an effort to 'Tone it Down' as it was so Close to Us (our planet) in its arrival. AND this was at a Time when the Energies of Mars were Still available to our Planet.

So when I said the Moon was Shared with Earth and Mars, that was true. Can't really see when Mars Descended, it seems to me that it was there in a form of Plasma-like or Force or like an X9, where Science Knew it was there by not fully manifested in its current form and when the Moon drifted Backward that Brought the rest of Mars into it Place.

Remember we were AL ways to become a Solar System with the YinYang Sepa Rates And for the Earth, Mars Planets and with the Forming Divide of the Yin and the Yang then Forming the Inner and the Outer Planetary Rings you can see where all of this was a Stage of Growth leading to a Maturity for our Universe or Solar System as I think the 2 are the Same.

Now in the Past we believed that the Earth was the center of the Solar System, and sometimes it is Best to Remember that as a Point of Reference before you Expand your Ideas to include the other Planets in our Uni Verse. It keeps your Ideas or Blame ON YOU and Your Locations. 4 when you become more aware of the Magnetic Ability to 'Move Objects' like was done with your Moon, you better Believe that you are Dis Rupt Ing the Lives of other Planets and that wont be Tolerated in a Shared Universe. No matter if you can see the Life that Lives there or NOT. Here I am thinking of the Astroid 'Mining' or other types of Tinkering Science may have planned for its self or its riches.

Anonymous said...

Now when the Atlanteans Moved the Moon by burning its surface, when its Idea was to Cut (or Weld) it in a Size to Fit, it was with the Idea that the Magnetics of the Moon would....not be so 3D Ish. Meaning they blamed the Moon 4 their lack of Technology continuing to work or function 4 them. Instead of downsizing the Moon Energies to stop our Progression into the 3D in that we would be left without our 'Comforts', they were surprised to find that it EX CELL ER RATE ED them. And they were Looking 4 an EX CALI BRA RATE ER. It was Argued that the Moon was External TO our planet and Not a Part of the Planet, they were looking 4 'things' to use IN Turn AL TO our Planet, natural organics of our to use while the Firm A Meant (our outer Planet Lens) was Re Shape Ing from the 4D into the 3D completing its Seal of Sepa Rate Ion.

IN Stead of seeing themselves as PART of the Planet in a Cray Lens Form of Humanity, they saw themselves Sepa Rate Ed and Dominant in that Sacred Laws COULD now BE Challenged and Broken because Few were seeing God's Justice EN Force Ed in the Energetic Credit System of Karma. They were used to Living in a World of Immediate Gratification or none at AL. You see?

Now, At the Time of the 3-4D Split between 2 Populations of Earth and Mars, meaning BE 4 the 2/3 of the Worlds Collective Consciousness Died in the Earth Changes of that Day, there was the Moon that was Shared between the 2 Dimensions UN TIL IT was Burned and Scared. And That Shift of Consciousness Change the Cosmos as well. And Earth was Treated Differently ever since.

Notice the Back Side of the Moon from yesterdays video, and I confess I haven't yet watched the Entire Video, the Moon Projects Saturn's Song, the Song of Isis, or the Solar Winds type of Information and it does so FACE Ing MARS. So yes the 2 Planets still SHARE the Moon only now Mars is no longer in a Continual Flow of A 'Moon Song' Information Gathering or Sharing, it has Gaps and Spaces in the Record it Receives when it is our Eclipse Season 4 BOTH Solar and Lunar Eclipses Affect Life ON Mars.

The Original Purpose OF the Moon was to Move Gradually Back-Wards of its Own as our Earth Sepa Rate Ion Continued in a more Gradual Growth of Independence for the 3D From the 4D. You see? Had they left well enough alone the Moon would have Re Sized Herself AS Distance to Fit the Earth Planet Energies and would have had a Less Dis Aster US Water RE District Bastion that you would see as a Redistribution. These 'Bastion' Locations where the Water Locations are Larger or Smaller than Before are the Result, the RE Salt of the Energy the Outer Lens or Firmament RE ACTs 2. You see?

You ARE Made up of a High Water Content and it is YOU IN Mastery of YOUR OWN Water Ness IN your 3D Body that when you ACT IN the 10 Commandments Keeps YOUR Living Waters Running Filled with LIGHT. And that Light that is in YOU DOES Matter in the Material Sense that YOU ARE READ and UNDER STOOD BY the Outer Light Band or Lens that is the Earth's Firmament.

You working with the Light Lens that surrounds the Earths Surface is the SAME as our ONE Sing EL Moon Working WITH the OUT ER Band of our Universe, where Saturn Sits.

Anonymous said...

Now it is IN Port Ant to note that the Lives on Mars are a Part of the Flow that Reaches our 3D and Earth Planet. And as they are a Harmonic Step Higher in the Universe AL Chakra Chain, they can either Help us or Not. AND that has Little to do with them, but EVERY THING to do with YOU. Here I site and cite the World Wars of BOTH 1 and 2 as an Example of your IN Able Ity to READ the Energy on the Wall that Divided the 3 and 4D. That is a Shared Space and you MUST Account for the Star of David Inversion between the two locations until YOU have Ascended enough IN YOUR Heart or IN Your SELF that YOU ACT in a KNOW Ing of Right Behavior FROM Wrong Behavior. The Shutzstaffel Uniforms that some including myself have reported seeing in our Psychic visions has a 'Protection Squad' meaning that originally formed as Secret Service type of Protection. In the Higher Dimensions these BE Ings range in Service as a Temporary Duty monitoring the Planetary Changes to them Inform their Populations of their own Changes to make. Like my mother jokingly telling me that no one where she lives is planning on a Vacation any time soon. And this is because I have surged to Make a Friend IN and WITH Them. 4 Our Planet Energies ARE Changing and YOU will WANT your NEW Abilities. As these are How You Live Naturally on the other side, you can wait until then if you choose, but the majority of you already have them but do not understand what they are and how to open the flow of them.

So, Mars being a 4D planet with 4D beings means that they are aware of YOU IN 3D. They are a Planet that is ONE Stop on the Ascension Chain of Life so it would seem as if it is an Accelerated Verse or Vers Ion of your own. This means the Two are Remarkably Similar yet the Timing of Different or 'Off'. This is more of a....We have a 24/7 Clock and Expand that into a Calendar of Months the make a year Etc. So our Time is AL ways 'ON'. But they have a Timing that has Accelerated Periods of Time in the Clock and Calendar where...things get Super Natural. Best weh to put it.

https://training.seer.cancer.gov/anatomy/nervous/tissue.html Use the 1st Graphic in this article.

Do NOT 4 Get that this ONE Stop on the Chakra Chain that Earth is a Part of is ONE of the Axon 'Strings' that Emanate (Amen AT (AT then forming the AT Mos or ATmose Sphere (and here I think of Chrissy and my calling her in the Past as 'MoS', and do not 4 Get the Bible's Moses for he was named 'Moses' or 'MoS ES' 4 that Same ATmose Sphere Reason.) From your Galactic Center or Milky Way. Which when com pair ed to the Nerve the Milkyweh is the Cell Body that include the Nucleus (spelled a bit different the Nuclear of our Nuclear Energy, but you should KNOW they are the SAME) Light Center of our Cells.

You see the EX Tend ED TIME Use of the Axon, as a Projection of 'Light Thought' that was Formed IN TO Matter and you see the Planets in their Chakra form as the Schwann's Cells, the Schumann Resonance (the 'Reason Dance' or the Reasoning Movement of Light that their Thought Project as ACT Ion or Sound) and that Reasoning is Contained WITH and IN the Myelin Sheath Light Band that Keeps the Energy Contained TO SELF until it is Time to Eject (like the Ice Cube in my vision) through the 'Node of Ranvier' or the 'River of Life' that Contains 'Living Waters' Carrying AL Kind of Energetic Information ON its Streams. These 'Node' Points are Ecliptic meaning Eclipses are a BIG Transfer of Energy.

Anonymous said...

And DO NOT Make the Mistake of thinking you are not sending signal OUT but are ONLY Receiving them. 3D is NOT the Last Stop on the Chakra Chain or Circle of Life. It is a Zero Point 'Anything Can Happen' Zone. 4 what you do NOT See in the graphic is the Quantum Connection of the Axon Terminals to the Den Drites (the Dendrites) and for that Explanation RE RE AD or RE View what we AL Ready KNOW about Hathor's Temple At DEN DERA 4 (I kid you NOT) the 2 (the Dendrites or your Nerves and the Dendera Temple Location) are a Nuclear Collider in BOTH Thought and ACT Ion. The Nile IS Honored because it is an Enlarged Graphic that a Giant ReFlect Ion of the Human or the Horus Nerve.

This type of Quantum Timing here has a Spectrum or Spec Strum to it where Frequencies are Organized Differently and Elon Musk is that best example of a Martian ON Earth. His lack of sleep and other habits have kept his Brain Waves in a 3D Pattern Expressing them on a 4D Cycle. Meaning he is in a Trace State in many of his waking Hours and since Sleep, while it is an Unconscious physical Body Present in 3D that Mind is VERY VERY Busy and you must 'leave your body' to then 'Think like an Alien'. You see.

I am Watching this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2iVlhPa-L0&t=445s to get my information about Elon's Life. And I haven't finished the video yet...

Now the main difference I can find between Elon and myself is that Im very aware of my 3D world. So much that I prefer to be alone. Elon may be a 'loner' too but he works with others in meetings and I've yet to do that...

But it is the Weh in which Elon is using his Internal Time that has him on a Personality Spectrum of Autism and you could see where Autism is much like the Time Use of Mars can be understood not so much as Time Conflicts where the 4D is trying to fit IN a COMPLETE Form with our 3D where outburst and personality DisRuptIons Show. 4 Me those Disruptions were...Smoothed OUT where I followed the Basic Timing of 3D and this included in my childhood where my Mother put us down 4 Naps regardless if we were tired or not. That ACT Alone, that WIDE Awake Bore Dome with the Rest Ick ED, or the RE Stick ED ACT Ions of my Young Chakras placed in Stay Sus (or Stay Sun) Forced my Mind to keep busy in its Bore Dome to Bore its Connection To SELF keeping it OPEN and ACT Ive, or ON. That Light Flow was AL wehs there. You see?

It is a Patience that he could develop that would Take him OFF the Autism Spectrum. And he may have developed that Patience as he Matured. I don't know, I don't look at him too often since I have my own personality to manage. But we both share a trait that Day Dreaming, and Trance-like states like for example he played or plays video games and I love to knit. Both serve the purpose of living in the 3D world while your mind is focused else where. This kind of Body Mind Connection is that of the Mature Ice Block in a High or fast paced Spin around the Smaller Cube that is Stationary in ONE Location and then is Launched by the Outer Pressure into a Distant Location and being fully aware of its Self in that you Remember when you return your mind to or IN TO 3D what Happened. And that is the Trick, remembering what you saw or thought or experienced.

Anonymous said...

Now this Mental or Attention with drawl from the 3D while you make these Higher Dimension AL Time and Timing Adjustments is what Teen Agers are doing. The Emotion AL Out Burts by some and the Depression, and the With Drawl that parents observe when Puberty Begins is another Stage of Chakra Growth or Alignments being Made. AND it is Critical that Parents BE 'there' telling or Nagging their Soon to BE Adult Children to MOVE OUT of the Negative or the Mourning they are doing and not ABSORB that Negative Thought Cycle to take over into their Positive Cycles. It is IN Port Ant for the Parent to BE 'There' AND BE Aware of how their teen is thinking/feeling. It is NOT the Time for them to Emancipate FROM the Parents. It is the 'Tower' Building Time for the Teen to Connect to his/her Higher Dimension AL Awareness via their Chakra System, it is not Time to Sepa Rate their Chakra from the Parents, but to create their own Rate of Frequency.

This is when your child is troubled. When you do NO THING or Do NOT Motivate your Child IN TO the Positive Polarity of their Feelings. And this is the Time 4 Suggestions, Reminders and if that does not motivate your child then it is time to Restrict them. But the Time for the Spankings or other physical con FRONT Ations is Passed AND these should have been a Part of their Childhood. A smart mouth on a child should never be tolerated, neither should other forms of aggression. Mourning should NOT BE a Life Style, it should be a stage or phase or even a 'touchy' subject or area of their life like the Blank Spots of Mars Time Ing, but it should never En Com Pass or En Fold You as you live your Life.

That is a Lack of Strength that needs Built UP and that is YOU as the Teen Ager needing to MOVE OUT of that Space and push your Light IN TO a Shape that can HOLD Joy and Love. And if you are a parent, you should have learned how to do this just so you can help your kids man over (maneuver) their Emotion AL Bodies. AND Sexuality can suffer as a result, even if it is thru divorce, 4 Divorce hurts your emotional body where Desire Is Stored. Raise Mature Adults by setting Limits to your Childs Activities keeping them Age Appropriate (NO MATTER HOW Talented They are, they should not be making adult money or using Adult Energies.) and their Responses, help them shape their Emotional Body. Smart Mouths have NO Place in a Child, a smart mouth is a 'Gate Weh Drug' into Dis Rupt Ing the other 9 of the 10 Commandments. 4 you are not honoring your mother and Father when you cannot talk to them but must be angry, Insulting and argumentative in an abusive manner. And I would like to remind everyone that I am not talking about extreme cases of extreme abuses or punishments. Some people get my meanings and some (zealots) will abuse my meanings. AND this is a Time where God IS Needed in many Family Lives, which we see in the news reports of Parents killing their kids and kids killing their parents or in their schools and in many other atrocities.

Anonymous said...

It is Time to Reign Yourselves IN and work as the Team that God Intended the Family to be. It is a Time and a Place to Settle your differences from your Past Lives and to Co-Oper Rate (as an AL Chemic and Bio-Logic AL Copper Metal) to Smooth the Energies between Parents and Children where the Sharing of DNA IS LOVE, a Love Bass Ed or Base Ed Time 'Platform' 4 (squaring) you BOTH TO-Ward one another. This is the Face to Face, Full Chakra Body Energy you share and it is the Turning Point in your Longer, Higher Dimension AL Connections. It is the Healing of the Past, and yes, it can look both ugly and stagnant and those too are part of the Math Process, where Breaks and Rests are given so you have the Time to IN Core Per Rate these Thoughts and 'Event Changes' into your 3D life. The Rests and the Breaks are for your Epiphanies, New Ideas and New Attitudes to reach you as a Framework 1 and 2 emerges into your 3D life it is the Framework of 1 and 2 that is Setting To-Ward you a Squaring you and 4 both Parent and Child.

I did wonder a weh again, but to continue from the last paragraph of February 19, 2024 at 9:56 AM, where i wrote of the Ice Block Circling the Ice Cube and the trick being one of Remembering your Dreams, BE Ing Able to bring them 'Home' into 3D with your Return:

And that Forget Full Ness is the Magnetic Re A Line Meant that is you returning your Brain into the 3D frequency Range. No matter if it is You trying to remember a Dream you had that night, or you trying to remember if you fed your dogs as you were day dreaming. These are the 'Sleep Walkers' Jane and Seth wrote of that are the Creators, the Miracle Workers in that they are Strong Enough IN their Dreams they are Able to Break Certain Patterns that Science Believes are Laws of Physics. These Dream Walkers are IN Golem-like responses, You see? They are in that sense Bi-Located and that IS Every One in a Day Dream State.

Dream Walker are NOT in a Sense Delusional or De Lumen AL (read the definition of Lumen) they have NOT Ignored their 3D world. They are the Shining Ones in a 3D Form. They are NOT Blinded By their Light in that they See Only themselves and are Narcissistic, they are projecting their Light OUT into their Environment without the ACT of Manipulation of the Narcissistic. They simply project a Vibe that others Gravitate or Notice. Gravitate being the Drawing Nearer To, and Notice it Staying where you are, but turning to FACE as an 'A Line Meant' or a New Light Path that HOLDS Meaning or a well Defined (Finer Higher Dimension AL Energy) Purpose. Meaning: They Energetic carry or take you with them, You see? And it is YOU willing to go on their journey in Co-Copper Ation or ACTion. You Tune TO-Ward them.

Your ability to remember is a Magnetic Resonance. And it is why many have no memory of their Birth and toddler years. And this was the Stage of Memory our Forming 3D World was IN when Atlantis Fell. It did not take long for the Masses to forget the technology or the Lives we lived while IN the 4D Frequencies. It was a Complete and Near Total Wipe OUT, a Clean Break in the Light Path, and we see today the Phil Terrain Ing (filtering) that happening Today in a RE Merge Ing with our Atlantean Past, 4 more that just me are having their memories of that time restored to them in their Lives today. Like Elon is bringing his 4D life, his technology, into his 3D world.

Anonymous said...

But in 4D, sleep or the 'refreshing of Mind and Body' is done in a Dream State which can also Include Day Dreams. And it is a Soothing ACT. It was 'Why?' I had to stop my work abruptly when I 1st started with you guys, I had to continue to ACT IN my 3D life so could Hold 2 or MORE Places AT the SAME TIME, yet be able to remember that others do not meta physically 'see' what I see. So I could also know, or remember that others do not know what I am talking about. I have kept to the Patterns of our 3D Timing as best that I could. And I did this so I could Open Portals Physically and not just Mentally like Elon, myself and others do.

Do you see the difference?

Elon is already building or manifesting Creations into our 3D. He brings the 4D into 3D and he forms companies and builds HIGH POWER rockets at a Time when we are told Emissions of AL Kinds are destroying the Planet, and cars that are not practical in cost or efficiency. So they cannot replace what we already have. And this technology is not for the Masses, like we see with cellphones. So, Elon still has some Self Re Pair Ing to do. AND these are my opinions, and I DO KNOW that he has Governments (plural) ON him, wanting him to do this or that, things not in our best interest but in theirs. I DO KNOW that he is weighing and measuring HIS Acts to not become 'sick' like our government agencies ARE. Do NOT 4 get that the Government is NOT 4 the People. There is a SOLID Divide, a De Mark Ation Line that has the People and the Government IN a Divide. And you can see the Government Law Less Ness in NY gaining Possession of Trumps Wealth.

My question is this: Which Government Agency is Guiding NY through this Process? I find it hard to believe this is the Brian Child of Engoron and Prosecutor James. AND we have the FBI trying desperately to get their Binder from Trump, so I guess my question just answered itself. And AM I Worried about myself becoming their target? No. You should hear what my voices have been telling me lately:


Anonymous said...

Sorry I'm late posting I was out with the dogs brushing them when I heard My Canadian Geese, so I know someone's awake and checking their email for any messages. I rushed back inside to post what I have 4 you so far:

The Songs message was that I will be having Fun Fun Fun (3x's) and Since Im not the One telling Lies, there is no real taking the keys from me, though there maybe 'conditions' beyond my control or behaviors/mental Adjustments of others that need to be met that might restrict my travels. Im told that this year is a transition into a more Meta Physical Life where I AM is not restricted To or From the 3D. It is where the Higher Dimensions IN Terra ACT (interact) with the 3D. You see? It is the Poking of Holes in our Atmos Sphere to Blend and Adjust our 3D Magnetically.

So when you Look at Images of Lumens as they are Biologically Defined by Study.com which says "The lumen (plural: lumina) is the space within the tubes, tracts, cavities, and cells of the body. Air, blood, fluids, food, and other substances move through the lumen, enabling the function of organ systems. Some of the largest lumina in the human body are located in the arteries and intestines.Oct 31, 2022"

That is what we as a Physical Planet are Experiencing and it is also done Individually as well.

And since my fake heart attack, I've worked to keep my blood pressure low and have had a lot of success doing so until this past month. My gut problems, and the treatment of them, spiked my blood pressure again and Im taking a few steps backward to bring the heart and intestines into a co ordinate ed working order, which Ari says will take at least until the end of the summer. I think the difficulties will be from our current world events (after all the media, politicians and the protestors (like Antifa, blm, who, wef etc are those who are causing destruction for their Money) WANT Us to live in Fear. That is their Meta Physical Greed and also this New Position, New Atmos Sphere in the Meta Physical sense wrecking this havoc until the Yin and the Yang of the 2 begin to smooth out their differences from the Pressure Applied to them FROM ON High. This is 4 the Planet Yin and Yang as well as my own. You see?

And that thought of this FINALLY Ending helps calm me. So I am patient and am told to rest, BE Tired, don't push to get stuff done, but Re Lax. And this is hard for me because when I am anxious, it has been released in the past by 'doing stuff'. Audrey said in a dream to me that she wanted me knitting again. And I told her she better heal my fingers since I've over knitted for the past 10 years! But I do know she doesn't care what I do as long as Im still and quiet-like, Positive and not in Mourning. So I've filled my head with Daydreams and they tell me, slowly, more of my Future Plans. This is me becoming that Outer Ice Block in a GRAND Excitement, thile the Inner Ice Cube (of my 3D Life) must sit and do nothing. You see?

And while I LOVE what I see and hear, I am aware of their lying to me in my past and that provokes more tears that are showing signs of FINALLY Slowing/Stopping. And the Ice Block Excitement is Draining the last of the Swamp as it Builds a NEW Pressure for the Smaller Cube where I sit in 3D.

Anonymous said...

When we moved to the Corners 20+ years ago, I collapsed into bed and stayed there for perhaps 10 years. More BIG things (this time in the + Spec Strum at least 4 me) are again moving and D and I are moving with them again. The Move is necessary, they say, and it reminds me of the Nomadic Tribes, like the American Indians that moved 4 the same reasons. The Dome over our Domicile needs....to be closed or allowed to 'drain' or 'Re Co Bind' with the Atmos Sphere because it no longer serves our Meta Physic AL needs. So we will be selling The Corners. No matter, I have my memories of the place and they are good. Even the painful emotions have served their purpose and Im glad for the shelter and protection I've had while here. I feel like I've Changed the Polarity of the Dome enough and am ready for an Ex Cell Er Rated Lumina or Sepa Tepe, a NEW Time or Timing, and need a New Planet AL TI Tude (Light Tube and Sound Tune) to Mathc my New Atti Tude (Light Tube and Sound Tune). You see?

A New Dome, Audrey said, will be placed over our New Home and Farm and it will reflect many of the Energies of SkinWalker, though there will be differences. My Farm will have a more Air or Atmospheric Energy and not the Ground and Atmosphere Energetic that is at Skin Walker. This means the Miracle-like Energy comes through Me and not the Metals and Materials found at SkinWalker. But the Dome over our new Farm is similar to SkinWalker, both are Lower Level Atmos Spheric Firmaments. Though mine is more of a AL Chemic AL (2 AL's of Dimensions) and does not have the more 3D Ground metals discovered at Skin Walker. It is a Vibe Rate Ion AL Block or a Lock OUT of Certain Levels of Frequencies. I described this in the past from a Dream Experience I had as flying into a Pillow, a Soft, Absorbing Energy that stops your progression, your travels on a Path. In 3D this is reflected as a 'no matter how hard you try you can't seem to achieve, or reach a certain goal.' It is where your psyche is trying to Focus You into a different direction, one that is Better 4 You as a Squaring OF (or TO) Your Self.

There is a Literal 'Circle' of Lumen/Lemina Magnetics (the Masculine/Feminine and the Single/Multiple Forces of the Magnetic Light World) at SkinWalker that is an 'AS Above, SO Below' Dome, like the 1/2 circles we've seen in many ancient Hieroglyphs. We've seen the Instruments at SkinWalker read Energies that travel into the ground and also up from the ground so we know that the Ground Metals they have found complete a Computer-like Circuit and that the Under Ground with the Atmosphere-Ic (Ice) Dome is the complete Circle.

It is a Mathematic (a Mathc Magnetic) Value and SkinWalker is the Complete Circle and many would use that Magnetic Location IN the Bubble or Circle area to Live in 4D in more of a Mars Atmos Sphere or Life style. Those living at SkinWalker know there are Special Forces or 'properties' there but they do not know how to ACT I Vate, or rather Use the 'Rate', the Time Bend Able Ness that SkinWalker has. I also think there is a Measure Ing UP of Self or an A Line Meant of Self that they must be aware of, meaning an ACT I VE ( an ACT Ing Hive of Lumen (masculine Polarity) or Lumina (Feminine Polarity) Or 'ON' 1:1 Mathc with Self for them to actually Tap IN TO the Energies to be able to use them in their Lives. Beyond making themselves Sick, you see? Hopefully my work will help them.

So I will be at our new farm, creating my own version of SkinWalker, and they tell me it will be quick work since I AM 2 Air signs and 1 Fire Sign. I can really light that place up fast. Their Joke.

Anonymous said...

And 4 the Astro loggers (Hi Briggy!) or the Astrologers, your Sun, Moon, Risings Signs ARE Frequency Ranges that are Firmaments that Surround each of your Cells making UP your Cell Walls and they Represent the Upper Light Band, Lower Light Band and the 'filler' that is a Bass or Base Frequency that your Work (as well it is your Person AL Word as a Sacred Script or Sound Projection) Level Operates AT and is the Date A (Data) that sits and works Electro AND Electron IC AL Y between the Two Bands.

This is YOU Working as Lord Shiva in a Cell U AL (Cellular) Dance and the Frequency Spikes that Touch each of the Upper and Lower Bands are Contained in the Fluid between them, and they are Electro Magnetically Charged in a small Localized Swirl of their Water Component that is seen as an 'Excited Frequency' at that Location. This is where the Date A or Data Travel begins to Hang UP and Start a More Through 'Investigation' or a Searching for Other Information. It is Best Described here:

Scroll to the Photo of the Giant Propeller from this Site: https://www.nbcnews.com/slideshow/a-rare-spectacle-on-saturn-32956840

It is a Literal 'Stop and Search the Galactic of YOU and YOUR Experiences and it is the Inclusion of AL That IS or your GOD Source. It is A Deep Contact Reach TO-Ward SELF and it is a Literal Open Ness TO GOD and is a Portal TO GOD and is NOT a Light or Mirror Source that when TOO Bright is a Narcissism that we see in some of the other photos. But know that there is a lot to explain in the Rings of Saturn and there are lot of other things happening that I have not explained yet. But notice the Shadow in the Giant Propeller that is Cast and KNOW that it is an Eclipse Energy that Nulls or Cancels the Light Information IN the Rings Themselves and KNOW that it is Played OUT as a Cosmic REACH that MUST BE Filled or Created with NEW Energy. It is the Removing of Old Energy Energetic or Information Storage and it is Creation Waiting to BE Filled with NEW Energy or....not Tainted but Polarized Energies. It is not Magnetic AL Y 'Touched' yet. AND this is also understood as Dream Symbols will HOLD that Space in a Frame work 1 or 2 that is a UnDefined or Yet TO BE Decided FUTURE Time Period. I don't know off hand what that is called in Astro Logging or Astro Logic Ly. But it generally a RetroGrade-Like Energy or a Dormant SPACE Location of TIME, which we see or feel as a Length of Time. This SPACE Location BE Ing felt as a Length of Time, is an Inversion in the Star of David between the 2 Triangles that Combined in the 1:1 Energy Flow IN a FLIP and it has the Etheric 'Thought' Connection described here: https://researchmethod.net/ethos-pathos-logos/ as the 3D or the 3D Based Triangle of the 2 Triangles and you see that these 2 Triangles ARE the Giant Propeller and the Galactic Forms like our MilkyWeh Represents, and Ethereally it is a Star of David. I cant tell if that makes sense to you or not, but know that the Propeller Like Planets Placed in the Galactic, Two Arm Extension of the Ring and Rod, Arcturian or Boötes Representation is the Basic Portal Form, Formulation or Portal Opening.

Remember that Imagines like here (scroll down to the Image of Stone Relief: https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=396719690755349721&postID=2076493895960381237&page=21&token=1708698585367

AND NOTICE the Difference to the Burney Stone Relief here: https://tarihvearkeoloji.blogspot.com/2015/02/kadinin-otekilestirilmesi-lilith.html The Blogger has the Goddess labeled a Lilith in the Burney Stone originally Holds a Ring and Rod in Each Hand. And notice the 2nd or the side-by-side image labeled as Goddess Ishtar and take note of the Dress she is wearing while holding ONE Rod and Ring and you see the Henge or the Stacked Lumens that are together the Lumina Form AND you can see this Same Henge Display in the Dendera Light at Hathors Temple. Which has a Zodiac Connection as described here:

Anonymous said...

From my last post on February 23, 2024 at 10:36 AM:

"And 4 the Astro loggers (Hi Briggy!) or the Astrologers, your Sun, Moon, Risings Signs ARE Frequency Ranges that are Firmaments that Surround each of your Cells making UP your Cell Walls and they Represent the Upper Light Band, Lower Light Band and the 'filler' that is a Bass or Base Frequency that your Work (as well it is your Person AL Word as a Sacred Script or Sound Projection) Level Operates AT and is the Date A (Data) that sits and works Electro AND Electron IC AL Y between the Two Bands."

I was talking about our Cells and the Cells Wall that surrounds each of our Cells. and here in this link: https://oldeuropeanculture.blogspot.com/2019/10/an-ki-ankh.html you can see where the Blogger (or the 'B' or the BE-Logger) makes the connection to the Firmament. And You can see where it is not a far stretch of an explanation from my own. BE a Logger yourself and Understand that his paper straws and string photos are using astrology symbols. His 1st photo has an Eye of Horus shape that then has the Lower Band (or Straw) bending into the Zodiac sign of Vesta and Aries. These are more that co incidences. In the 3rd and 4th photos you can see the B Logger, take the Upper Light Band or Straw and creates the Boötes Constellation with the Aries-like symbol and once the Upper Arc is Twisted into its OWN Polarity Cycle you have the Anke head ro the Rod and Ring Strength and the Magnetic Force of Attraction or Repulsion is Generated. But it is the Sealing of the Arc into its Completed or Threshold Strength that Creates the Magnetics.

And you can see this in our B Loggers Firmament Image. You can see the Land and Waters on the Land as the Rod and the Ring of the Firmament is also completed in its Circle as part of the Land and the Land's Waters. And Remember we see this continuation at SkinWalker where their UFO Lights seem to travel continuously through land and air without breaking its Path.

So I will be busy this year and 1/2 creating a Protected Space for D and Myself. One that jams equipment that is used to Steal my Privacy IF things even Go that Direction. It is not something I will need to Focus ON, or Feed Daily it is a...No TressPassing Energy that 'Happens' when this level or Volume of Self Awareness is met and it is the OUT Er and so it is the Larger Reflection Projection (or Arc Location of the Strata) of my Cells, much like we see the Rock Strata (or Stratum of the SkinWalker Grounding Arcs in their Ground penetrating Radar that were multiple football fields in length.

So Multi Dimensionally, Soul Ly, I should have no problem creating in the Mountain Elevations which are usually Higher Dimensional, if only symbolically. But there will BE a Magnetic Dome where some 3D technology will be....disrupted, like at SkinWalker.

Lumens in our Cells are the Basis of the LuMaryAnn (LuMarian) World, or what many are calling Lemuria. Lumens and Lumina were the Base IS or Basis of their Energy Use. Magenta Pixie made a few videos of Lumaria: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ATuygRPva8&t=251s and also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MXMQsV66qg and perhaps there are more, but I will try to re watch them and see if they make more sense to me now....maybe even see if Edgar Cayce or Dolores Cannon have any information.

Anonymous said...

We have a busy day today with a lot of ground to cover. Hope you are All wearing your Dance Shoes!

I found this Magenta Pixie video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaJEA7y63OU and in the 1st few Minutes she describes the LuMarians and Atlanteans as Time Periods and not Places which is true. She then explains the memories of the Lives Durning these Time Periods are tied to our DNA as Opening, or Resonating which is a Vibration Applied to the Lumen/Lumina of our Cells which then Magnetically Stimulate the DNA into Awakening, Re ACT Ing, or Waking from it's Dormant Sleep. And your Cells become likened to 'Crystals' in that they Re ACT IN that Opening or 'Awakening To Source' Manner. They are Literally Re Spond Ing TO the Call of God, or God Speak.

And this Magenta says later happened 4 our Adam Forms 5 Time in the Past, which is the same as Edgar Cayce. So there ARE Sudden Changes IN our DNA And the Major Changes, like the Arrival of the LuMarians onto our Then Earth Planet, 4 it was Not Earth as it functions today, and the Sudden End of the Atlantean Time period, these wood BE 2 of the more Obvious Earth Changes.

Now the Arrival of our LuMarian Time Period would BE a Weak Reflection of our DNA where Genes look like they are Broken or Obsolete and Science Must Remember that LuMaria Brought DNA With Them so that 1st Break in our DNA wood be the Degrading of the Lumairan Time TO Rise of the Atlantiean Time and the 2nd Major 'Sudden Change' in our DNA would be the Fall of Atlantis leading to our Rise as Homo Sapiens Sapiens, and there is debate about when Modern Man Arrived on our Planet.

Some say this 'sub species' appeared 160,000 years ago in Africa, but there is evidence of 'ARC haic' Homo sapiens that go back 300,00 years ago. And so there needs an Explanation.

Our Fimament was not as Solid or Firmed as it was Durning the LuMarian and Atlantean Ages or Worlds. Worlds would be the better Word here because though We AND our Planet Were BOTH a Different Kind of Being on a Different Kind of Planet and that Planet was at a Different Vibration AL or LOCATION. And to see the Ruins of these two different Time Periods is to look at the Planets Broken or Dormant DNA. We see the Remn ANTS of their Time, just like we see the Remnants of their Time IN our DNA. WHICH YOU as a 'Homo Sapien' literally means 'The Wise Human' can ACT I Vate as a RATE of Time you have Opened Multi Dimension AL Ly through your GOOD Faith and KIND ACTs. 4 When You Think and Move your ARE Electric AL at BOTH Places, Using your Higher Dimension AL Thought Location, or the Universe AL Depth or RATE that you Think IN, to Place it as a SCRIPT which is your ACTs in 3D. You are Literally Moving your Body, Electrically Writing TO the AKASH.

Symbolically, The Sacred 'Book of ACTs' which the Bible Contains and Records the Movements of Jesus, John and the Disciples, and the Letters of the Apostles reflect their Thoughts as Sacred as well. Thoughts and ACT Ions are Bound Together, you see?

So durning the Days of LuMaria the Firmament was not the Giant Planet Hugging Atmos Sphere that we Know or Believe Today. It was not ONE, but was Many Smaller Atmos Sphere Locations ON the Planet. This gave our Atmos Sphere a 'Porous Like' Appearance where some places where more Hospi Table or Hospit Able which is Ho Spiral Able as a 'Host Spiral' or the Basic DNA of our Black Shadows becoming a Spiral Rate IN a Time that was Forming as well. You see?

Anonymous said...

So the Firmament was not World Wide but was at Locations there Pockets of Time were Forming into a Regular or Reliable Rate or Passage that was a Beat of Sound. And this gave the Planet at the Place Location a Porous of Moon-Like Atmosphere where Circles of Host Spirals of Time were in a Measurable Rate. Without the Ability to Measure the Rate, we were seen as living on a Ferris Wheel, where we your More Solid One Moment and Without a Form (as a Black Shadow) the Next. And the whole Idea was to Build the Adam into Form, as well as the Planet. 4 there Needs to be a Place 4 that Form to Live.

So the Atmos Sphere was Pockets of Light Locations that were Circular or Cycles of Time that was a Different Rate from our own Today Time or Timing. And it was the Atmos Sphere that was seen as Moon-like withe Spheres of Etheric Light, which is the Appearance of Darkness until you Mathc your Rate to the Environment, Just a reminder.

It was the Job of anyone Interested to Come to the Place Location of this Porous Atmso Sphere and Grow the Light at these Host Spiral Ing Locations. Meaning we were to Live in that Location and Grow as Expanding Circles of Atmos Sphere and Brighten the Light of Each Cycle (Circle) Location so that the Firmament wood Merge and BE COME ONE Location and One Rate, and that was Creating a Shared Space 4 Every One to Come and Explore, You see?

This is the Annunaki Guiding the Planet into a Core that was then Sealed in its One Light Firmament and not the Circus look of Lights Flashing Off and On in an Un Settled Child-like Flux or IN Pulse but creating a Maturity as a Solid Pattern and Plat Form.

Now, Robert Sep Er H has said in many videos that there were Red Head Caucasian mummies found in Asia and they were ACT Ing as 'Birthing Coaches' for the Asian People to 'Arrive' 4 by then the Planet had a Stability to it that Groups were Arriving IN Mass as a Universe Strength themselves, and the Energy was High or at a Magnificent (Magnified) Strength.

And it is an Energy Blend that is so powerful that Science wood Define it as a Planet that has Collided with our Earth Planet at that Space (or Place) Location. It is an Energy Transfer that you can Believe wood Alter (which IS a Table) the then Collective Atmos Sphere Adding to It as a ReShaping as the Final or Missing Piece or IN Gradient (Ingredient) to the Planets ONE Firmament Light.

So the Red Headed Mummies were there to Hold the Light on the Asian Lands, Keeping it Bright Enough to Attract or Draw TO them Magnetically Via Light, the Asian Peoples. And Realize the Asian Peoples KNEW where they were going and realize that Paths Cross AL the Time and this was a Nature AL Occurrence and the Difference is Volume. 4 the Numbers of People Arriving at ONE Time had Significantly Increased.

AND the Numbers of People Leave was Enormous as well, 4 this Occurred at the Time of the Atlantean Flood where 2/3 of the populations were said to left. One side of the Planet Perished, and the Other Side of the Planet Expanded. To HOLD and Retain the now missing Light.

Now, to the World and the World of Science it looks as thought Atlantis was Myth and never 'Happened' on our Planet as there is no real Evidence they every existed. And they Did. While at the SAME TIME it looks as though the Asian Culture is Very Ancient and has a History that is Well Documented when IN Fact they are the Last Group of the Adam Forms.

And remember we are not talking Skin Color but we are Talking about a Time Period that did affect Skin Color and other Features to Degrees. It is the Path of the Arrival 4 Every Race that has our Adam Features Sepa Rated and these Sepa Rates were based on which Moon-like Porous 'Earth Bound' Portal that was a Forming Atmosphere these Groups Descended through.


These Skin Colors are NOT Sepa Rated Beings from yourselves. These are Mirrored Reflections of your OWN SELF having Taken a Different Path to reach the Same Location. AND You did this 4 the Fun of the Travel Itself.

Anonymous said...

When I say "While at the SAME TIME it looks as though the Asian Culture is Very Ancient and has a History that is Well Documented when IN Fact they are the Last Group of the Adam Forms." Realize that our Forms are EVER (as an Eternity Time) Evolving and Changing. So they are the Last to Arrive, while also being Fully Formed as an Adam Image. It was simply their Forms BE Ing Sized to Scale due to the DNA Record of their Past Experiences merging and twisting with the Sepa Rate Time. The 2 had to Blend to a degree. It was seen as something of a Soft Landing where changes were considered Subtle yet obvious.

I believe it was the Sepa Rate Ion of BOTH the Atlantean Departure to their 4D World having Kept their Energy at a Different Location that Altered the Eyes, Height, Hair and skin tone of the Asian People. And it was the Ratio of Atlantis Leaving and the Asian Arrival or Settlement that held our Planet INTO Stability and not an Up-Ward Thrust back into the Higher Dimensions.

And REMEMBER that our DNA shows our LuMarian History to a Degree and there is NO Sepa Rate Ion from the Adam History no matter Who's ON 1st, and Who's the Latest Arrival. 4 We are Once AGAIN on the Move, Changing our Bass DNA Pattern to Reflect a New Up Dated (Rated) Form. And it is our Physical 3D Death and our next Re Incarnation AL Entry back into our 3-4D Time that has our DNA seemingly 'Suddenly' Altered. Our Planetary Time is the DNA set that Science sees 1st so they will not see any Note Able Changes in our DNA Until AFTER the Event Settled into its New Pattern. Unless of course they begin to realize they do not KNOW what they are seeing and begin to see the same DNA IN A NEW LIGHT. IN a NEW ORDER that is our SPIRIT and Higher Dimension AL Time. Like I said at the Beginning of todays work:

Our Lumarian Arrival Came with a DNA format and would not be thought of as the 1st Arrival of Man. Their Time Use does not translate Neatly or Completely into our 3D Format. And we did not evolve from Animals, any 'animal' DNA Connection is a Dream Symbol 'Place Holder' as 'Filler' until Science can Reverse Engineer that Portion of our Time Use At that Time Period. And the ONLY Weh to RE Verse Engineer that Pre-Time Period is to Understand MORE of the 4 and some of the 5D Laws of Physics. When Science Sepa Rates the Animal DNA TO Fit the 4 and some 5D Time Laws or Time Format, they will see the IN Verse Ions of Information that the Tip to Tip Star of David, or Inversion of Some Physics Laws Plays or Reflects in our Light LumensLumina as DNA. It is Time's Behavior at 2 different locations that confuses Science when looking at our DNA Sequencing. And here I see a Black Cube, the Tesser ACT, Fits into a New Beat or Rate.

You see?

Anonymous said...

So we were never a part of the Animals, though the Missing Higher Dimensions of our Human DNA leave an Animal Primate Form for Science to see as a Literal Translation. And it is not, it is only the Time Shared (as our living in the same time period as the animals) that holds the Confusion. If science were to remove the Animal DNA from our 3D or 'ToDay' DNA Results they may see the Pattern to the missing DNA of our Early Adam Forms. I think...I'm getting confused.

And when I said ""While at the SAME TIME it looks as though the Asian Culture is Very Ancient and has a History that is Well Documented when IN Fact they are the Last Group of the Adam Forms." Realize that our Forms are EVER (as an Eternity Time) Evolving and Changing. So they are the Last to Arrive, while also being Fully Formed as an Adam Image. It was simply their Forms BE Ing Sized to Scale due to the DNA Record of their Past Experiences merging and twisting with the Sepa Rate Time. The 2 had to Blend to a degree. It was seen as something of a Soft Landing where changes were considered Subtle yet obvious."

Realize that it takes Time to Arrive to another Planet Location. It is a Back and Forth Type of Fee IN and Out before it it the Final Settling IN. So this Sudden Disaster of Atlantis was an In Coming Wave of th Asian Population and Culture. And this is a Thought Driven Process where Those who are Incoming are in a vibrational Change that is Thought and Mood or Emotionally Driven and well as it is Geomentric and then Geographic Locations as their 'Space Place' begins to Form or Firm. So it is a Circus like we see today.

Now, many are traveling to AntArcTicA to 'conduct their 'experiments'. And it is the Radiation they are Experimenting with, 4 what else is there but the Energy AKA Environment? There are stories of Caverns under the Ice that are Creating Environments that are Flourishing and the Aliens that are Fading IN And OUT there say they are Crowded. Now that to me smacks as a Culture that is Arriving at our South Pole Region. And they are Arriving here because their Home Lands are Crowded as a Consciousness that must Expand. They are described as Blue Eyed Blonds and funny enough the Nazis of WWII were also the Master Race of Blue Eyed Blonds. AND this Race lives in a High Radiation Area where Memories are Wiped in some cases and those in 3D are seeing another Reality that has a Dream Like Frequency Vibration or Range to it and yet they see it as RE AL Ity because it looks so RE AL. Yet it is not fully manifested, but it is a Merge Point.

Now back in the days of Atlantis, the Younger Dryas Time Period where our DNA made its last Sudden Change, where it seems Abruptly Edited or Altered and many theorize that this was because of other Higher Dimensional Being Creating 4 us, be it Benevolent or Malicious. The Start of that New DNA Pattern or Sequence at the Last Major Gene Change is the Post Younger Dryas Time INSERT. 4 that is what the DNA is Telling You: it is the Expanded Verse of our 3D Time, it is More Detailed than its Predecessors for that Reason: With an Expanded Time, a Slower Version, You see more Detail or Coding or Information.

And when you are Posthumous, your 3D Coding Condenses until you choose to Reference it again as an Old memory or other ReCall, and this Posthumous Life where the DNA is RE Flect Ing is in a Time Expansion (similar to your 3D is now) while the Passed 3D is beginning to Fold or Collapse or Condense as a Thicken or Sealed Energy that will slowly become Dormant until it is Re Open En Ed or Magnet Tic Ly Stimulated into a 2nd, but Re Duce Ed, Reality as it is an Overlay that your Emotion AL Body Re Cog Sized as an Influence in your Life Today. It is Re Cog Sized as something you should Consider because you've been at this 'Time Event' before.

Anonymous said...

So your DNA Does have a Future Component To it. It has Threads of IN Form Ation that Lead into what you see as a Future Component, but IN RE AL Ity it is a Simultaneous Life. Where AL Happens AT ONE Time. Like we see at the Ant Arc Tic A.

The Beings there are Slowly Losing their Energy Strength as they Transfere into Form. It is an Exchange of Time and Space. AND You MUST Understand that there is NO Explosion, NO Ecological Dis Aster Taking Place that YOU are NOT Causing.

This means that it is YOU in your Riot Mode during an Energy Transfer of Biblic AL IN Port Ance that is the Dis Aster. You are RE Act Ing BADLY to a Creation Energy that IS IN Motion. And this is YOUR Be Have Ior, and YOUR RE Spond Ing Able Ity or said another it is YOUR Responsibility to Control Your Self.

You feel Hate because you are Hate Based, you feel Love when you are Love Based and YOU ARE THE Creators of Both WHILE Being Magnetic AL Held in Judgement 4 your ACTs. You can Feel AL that You Want: But it is Your ACTs that ARE Sacred Script written in the Akash that are the Judgements Against or 4 You. You See?

Now, we already knew much of what I said told and yet the BIG news is there is another Race of Beings Merging with our Planet. And it is said that they have been in contact with our governments 4 a long time. It is said that there are no military bases at AntArcTicA and that they are Experiment AL Studies happening there, and it is said that the Environment is hidden under the Ice and that there is Advanced Technology they are using.

AND THAT SMACKS of the Atlanteans, where an Hubris took place using Higher Technologies in a Changing and Forming Period Time and they were Re Move Ed OUT and Away FROM Our Planet. I cant help but see that as them being Punished for their Crimes. AND as Edgar Cayce has said, the Atlanteans have returned and they ARE US. So It is Time to BE Have. It is Time to Settle down and Remember that there are Laws Governing Us AL and they are the Multi-Dimension AL Laws of the 10 Commandments.

Anonymous said...

That is the ONLY Weh to A Void a Dis Aster which is Very Very Different from An Aster. Though the 2 are Re Late Ed they are at Different Polarities and you NEVER Want a Birth to start Off on the Wrong Foot. And this is where our Planet IS Right Now:

She is Giving Birth. Literally. Calm Your Selves and let her Love Show.

Now: If our Government is in Contact with the Beings at AntArcTicA, why is our Government So Divided today? It is as though they do not realize or believe in the Beings at the South Pole.

I myself do not know if these Being will Emerge from their Environment to Live in our Time. It could be that they are Simply to Remain where they are and to Encourage our Planet to understand that we are not alone but are a Part of A Larger Collective. And they are helping Adjust the Time ON our Planet to A Void a Dis Aster. They are Regulating the Pressure we are Under and that is why it seems as thought Law Less Ness is IN Charge and Laws have been broken in Favor of the Ignore Ant.

They bring with them a Love Timing (Remember that Love IS a Frequency so it has Time Patterns) that Keeps the Hubris Fed Today so they are Re Move Ed From our Special Place Tomorrow, just like it was durning Atlantis and this will be With OUT the Dis Aster of their Final Fall.

And there is more to say about those at AntArcTica. (Tica here has a 'Tepe' Feel...I don't know what Tica means, but I'm told to write it as 'Tica' and not 'Tic A' from now on.) Just know that I am not done with the subject and it is not to be feared and it is Natural Growth of Time, Space and Consciousness, 4 Time and Space ARE Conscious. There is NO Other Weh.

I get the Feeling that they will not materialize but are only here to add Love and Support via the Radiation Levels of their BE Ing so that we do not Explode Ourselves in these stress full times. And they will recede, yet stay local to us as a Connection to our Galactic Lives. Their Strength of Communication on our planet may be Influenced by the Planet Energies of our Zodiac.

Anonymous said...

Now the Younger Dryas Time was the Fall or the Thaw of our Atlantean Lands. Remember that I said the the United States was Atlantis before it became a Weh of Life, 4 (squaring) our Planet. It was an Emergence Point for the Atlanteans to Arrive on our planet. It was also the same for the Asia's and like many who are traveling to AntArc Tica they are Also acting as a Focal Point for the Blue Eyed Blonds in that Area, like our Red Hair Race went to meet our Asian Race as they were Arriving.

So be aware that those Arriving to our Planet Come in Populations that are AL Ready Established in Thought (a Consciousness) and a Time Use (a Frequency Range) and Place or Location (Space) that is 'A Float' in a Solar Boat that many today call a Space ship or a Mother Ship that is Either Hovering Over or Descending onto our Planet and this Solar Boat or Space Ship is Miles above the Earth and in a Flux of Contact depending on the Energy of our Planet at any Time. This Ship or Boat they are On can be quite Large and is adjusted to the Size or Numbers of Consciousness, Souls, or ET's in that these Beings have a Semi Physical Form to them. And their Gradual Approach to our Planet CAN or MAY Be with the Intent to Merge IN TO our Dimension.

But you see where their Ice Caves, their Environments Under the Ice Shelf can be the Same Explanation as with the Lumarian Race or rings, where they Emerged from Caves or UnderGround Shelters, as I think I remember Jane and Seth describing....Ice and Stone hold High Levels of Radiation and make Perfect Craft. BOTH Reflect and Hold Light as Crystal Resonance (or Re ACT Ions) at certain Energy Levels.

I read in one of Cannons book of the Atlantean Crystals that were their Light Source as being Round Balls of Stone in different Sizes and the SubConScience Ness (subconscious) that was talking with Dolores was saying they are ordinary rocks (which I also said when I spoke of Cleopatra Placing her Atlantean treasures in Mexico. And she did so because she was told to return them to Atlantis. And this was done so they would begin their ReCharging Process making them ready to be Fully Functional again when Atlantis Rises, 4 it was NEVER Meant to be Destroyed. The Math 4 our Planet does not support its (or anyones else's country) Permanent removal. Realize that Lumaria is rising WITH the Atlantean Life (Style) They are iN Marriage like the YinYang Symbol Explains. And when you see the YinYang as Marriage, you see the Sacred Ness of Remaining Together in your 3D Marriage. 4 Since Marriages 1st began, and this goes back other planets and other realities before your planet was even considered 'a thing', they AL Wehs included the Presence of God.) Lumaria IS Rising WITH the Atlantis because as Agent Pixie described in her video Lumaia was more Thought and Heart Life Style while Atlantis was the Masculine Verse or Version, having the same capabilities as the Lumarians yet needed more Earth Materials to do it. And because they needed to 'Work' the Earth to care 4 their needs, which IS the Masculine Polarity (the Yang being the Lower portion of our Chakra System) there was not enough Heart Centered Decisions being made and there formed an Opinion that the Planet was a Man's World. Leaving the Feminine without a Say is an Energetic Wobble from its very Start.

You see this in break up of families which is the Foundation of any World. Divorces were thought of as a solution by those IN the Marriages and now the Governments have also embraced the idea to break Families apart in many different wehs....But I wondered off again:

Anonymous said...

These round stones that were used for many things but were also their source of light are found in Costa Rica here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stone_spheres_of_Costa_Rica and when you look at them in their Clean and Pristine Conditions like in this photo you can al most see the glow they once held: https://earthlymission.com/diquis-ancient-stone-spheres-costa-rica-archaeology-mystery/ Especially in the photo where the 4 people are in the pit with the stone. You can see a faint light of the glow it held. So if you are cave exploring in the ArcTic (either North or South) and the Walls begin give a Light that has no source realize that it is a 'Charged Space'. That the Energy is Higher Dimensional and check in with your self to measure how you feel and ask if you should continue or leave.

I said once that our 4D Earth has Ocean Waters where Edgar Cayce's Map of the Future United States says they are. His map is not wrong for the 4D Environment that are Built or Reflected From 4D Frequencies. I had a dream where I woke up sharing Audrey's consciousness, meaning I was her, and she was walking on the Remnants of the brick wall of building that had mostly fallen, though we were still a story above the ground. The ground around the building were overgrown and I woke to BE Her as she Pointed at the ground below, turned a little and spoke to someone behind her, 'Look they caught another one.' and I saw using her eyes coyotes, 3 maybe 4 of them and One had a possum hanging limply in its mouth. Audrey turned back to walking on the wall and there was a Narrow spot and I may have said 4 her to stop, or 'Uh Oh' or something. Remember She and I are thinking, sharing our thoughts, and she explained that she must get past this narrowed place, I thought it was too dangerous and was afraid of falling, She then told me she will be alright and to go back to sleep, which I did. Johanne fell from both a ladder and a building. So, you can see the concern. But I bring that up to explain that Audrey (and Cleopatra did this too when she and Jules traveled and met her Father-IN-Law at a place where they wanted to Revive the land. Father and Son never fought, but there was a difference of opinion of how to help the land produce...and that is one of the things that Audrey does, she goes to places and looks at the Energy and how best to revive or IN Spire it to Rise and Move as a Creation Energy again.

Meta Physically it is the Raising of the Dead or rather Stalled Energies. And it is what I am also doing in this Life with you today. IN Spire Ing you AL into a Healthy Direction. Back to the Atlanteans and the Younger Dryas:

It was as if the Atlanteans began to Emerge from the Ice Shelf that was Present over the East Coast from the Carolina's to Canada. And Science knows that that was a Pole for the Planet Ages Ago. The Grand Canyon and the West of the United States is Desert due to the Radiation Blast of the Sudden Sepa Rate Ion of the last of 4D Frequencies in to the 3D. It was a Radiation Event, like a Lightening Bolt Event that cut the Crust of the Earth Creating the Grand Canyon. Remember we are a Mirror that is a Webbed Energy, and it was the Webbing that was burned or short Circuited as the Moon was Burned and by that Burn it was Drifting back to Fit the New Frequencies it was Receiving from Saturn.

Anonymous said...

Remember the Biblical Lot and his wife who turned into a Pillar of Salt? This was that same as the Fertile Soil in the West became Sandy, and Desert-like at other locations. You see? What was once a Land that was a Pleasant Season, not what you would call tropical though, now became dry, arid when the Atmos Sphere lost its Water Component itself becoming a Dry Heat, where the East Coast is very Humid. This is a Weather Pattern or Earth's Memory of the Days when the Poles were East/West and not North/South as they are today. The NuClear Radiation Pattern Blow out from the East Coast TO the West Coast And the Blast Came from the Tectonic Plate that was TOO Near the Surface Waters of the Atlantic Ocean. It Literally was a Chain or Sequence of Events that had the Tectonic Plate Sinking father below the Ocean Waters (again a Salt Water, so Salt is missing in the West or the U.S. or it Crystalized the Soil into Sand. But you see that Crystal Ness of Salt, Sand and Soil as it changed, right?) So the Tectonic Plate Over heated and Forced a Sinking of itself to Cool Off and Survive. The Pressure of the Sinking of the Tectonic Plate Forced the Fire Heat to not so much Melt (but that is one thing that Happened) the Ice Shelf of the Younger Dryas, but to Stop it at that Location and 'Blow it out the Other side of the Earth'. Literally in the Asian Lands and the People there came into the Last stages of their Adam Form. Met by the Red Hair Beings, who could live in their Atmos Sphere and be with them as they were IN a Back and Forth Form and Flow.

Had the Atlanteans NOT attacked the Moon and instead Matured Emotionally as they were TOLD TO DO The Planet would have taken its Time in a Healthy Natural Order or Process yet still would have Merged at this Point in Time as a New World regardless. Remember this is a Galactic Meeting or Merging and that is an Infinite Number of Worlds Merging and Leaving our Planet Chakra Star Source at this Time.

The Atlantic Tectonic Plate having been draw on TOO DEEPLY to power the Laser-like Missiles to Burn the Moon, dull its own Rock-like Light (like those in Porto or Port-O (Puerto and a Form as a Masculine and therefore a smaller copy or verse of Larger and Feminine Soul American Peru) Rico ) in turn blew up the Pole Location of the Younger Dryas Ice Shelves (4 there would have been 2 or perhaps 4 smaller Ice Regions) and the Earth Changed at that Time as the Moon Mathc Maticlly Settled into Her new Location, her Safe Distance from our planet. Remember She is a Psychic Portion of our Universal Mother Saturn to Mars as well as Earth. And Remember that Jane and Seth in one of their books described Lumarians as having the ability of leaving a piece of their Consciousness with their Children to watch them as a Babysitter-like remote viewing. And this is the Moon's purpose or Function: To be a Psychic or Remote Communication to our Universal Mother Saturn. She is the Conscious of our Earth and Mars Planets.

Anonymous said...

So the 'Tica' I was told to use instead of the 'Tic A' in my Feb 25th work, has a 'Rico' and 'Rica' linking it to Puerto Rico and Costa Rica both of which mean 'Echo' or a Re Sound of the Original, having a Bounce Reflection and not a Harmonic Creation. You see?

There is a Delayed Timing to a Rico or Rica where a Harmonic of the Original is Created AT the SAME Time as the Original.

And Both are Lands in our Left Hemisphere Belt Energies. And you see where that series of Islands, Peninsulas and Land Bridges would be the result of an Echo Chamber Forming Sound into Matter as Land in this case between the North America and the South America. You see the Lastest war in the Middle East, and the Traditionally Porous border, now an open border, on the American side of the Planet as well as myself are all in alignment having issues that need Settled and regulated, meaning they need to be put into a reliable, comfort-able Pattern of Time and Use.

This Conflict is a Force that is Pressure Opposing the Upper and the Lower 1/2s of the Earth and Human Body. This is the Ice Block in a Fast Spin around the Ice cube and it is fun for the Ice Cube who was still young, child-like in its excitement...experiencing it as an amusement park ride, on the Negative Cycle that we are AL BUT Leaving Behind it is Stress, Worry and felt as Pain which is 'Either', 'OR' and Often Times 'Both' Emotional and Physical.

Now 4 our Mother Mary, Beth, I want to point you to an article here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/02/2-6-6/

And I want you to watch the Video of Father Giacomo Capoverdi. Spend Time wonder who is Haunting Your House in their OWN Devotion TO YOU. And the photos of your Home in this article are Breath Taking in their Grander and Beauty: https://www.ncregister.com/blog/the-holy-house-of-loreto-italy

And I want you to consider who Donald Trump is to Your House of Worship. For his Presidency was 4 Told by a Soul that is connected to you either Spiritually one of Yours or Emotionally One of yours.

And it is important that you see the dream symbolism of your own Ascension into Heaven and your childhood home being lifted and relocated by Angels to a new location. And I what you to Identify with your learning of they House at a Time when I too am packing and planing to move this year. This is 'Why?' you and me and Mary of Scots were all Mary. It was more than a popular name, it was a Light Path that to keep our Priestess Connection, we chose to Follow.

Anonymous said...

This Spring, as I've done the past 2 years I will be going to the Shrines that we have in MD and I hope to see the National Shrine Grotto of our Lady of Lourdes, or how I like to think of it as Our Lady of Lords, as Cleopatra was also called the Queen of Kings and my son with Jules was the King of Kings which, because of our murders we followed through ON as Jesus and Magdalene.

Now Bashar has said that Jesus had no Intention to Create a Religion, and that he was a Teacher of the Esoteric or the more UnSeen 'Philo Sophia' the Philosophy behind the Beliefs that we were already Practicing and was Expanding the Beliefs as Practical Uses or Philo Sophia Cal Thoughts or Thinking, 'Cal' meaning Calibrating these Thoughts and Beliefs into our Beliefs that then Manifest into Positive and Correcting ACTs that Heal our Minds and Body's and 'there' 4 leaving the Pain of our Past Lives behind so we can move into a Better Future. 'Better' being the idea that we were Taking that Old or Past and Forcing our lives to Center on the Positive Cycles and not the Negative. And to see Each Negative Event that we've lived through as a Hurdle already Jumped (as a Time Line or Time Period) and not as an Event that must be Re Lived.

It is meant to be handled like my Dream with Audrey as she walked on broken building as if she was walking on a Wall, like did did as a child walking home from school where she told me 'I can't. I need to get across, if you're scared go back to sleep.' she had to cross that narrow part and did so by focusing her entire mind on Her Will and not Mine. And I was there more to notice the building, the overgrowth and the coyotes than I was 4 any other reason. Audrey of course had been thinking of Me and that did wake me and brought me to her and that did also tell me (and I was slow to realize this:) she was living on our Earth in another Life as a Future, or my next 3D Life. And I did ask some questions about it this morning, but before I get too far off track:

Frederick has been my father's name, he also being named after his uncle and had named my older brother Frederick as well. Frederick was also in D's family with his father and maybe his grandfather...so I did not realize until the past few years there was a feminine side to Frederick (MD) via Emmitsburg and the collection of Churches, Shrines and Grottos that has made this place a refuge for me for so many years. I am hoping that my aunt can join me, but am not sure since my uncle needs her care.

And it feels different to me, Ari has been more of a comfort lately, Audrey is around more that in the past with Dreams and others Talks, I even heard from Armand once or twice....

You dont need to watch the video unless your want to, but I came across it this morning and I thought of the Color Blue being the Color of Love but also one that our Beth is tied too. Even Her eyes are a beautiful Blue, and as Merryweather I said she was laid to rest dressed in Blue as well as we most often see the virgin Mary in Blue. In this video I thought of the Blue Bottle Trees, the porches and windows as a Sign of 'Bless this House and Grounds' and it was very much the same as the Passover as a yearly remembrance where Evil did not lurk but Passed Over the Home that were painted with Blood. It is also the Idea that you touch Blue, Wear Blue or even sit on blue furniture, or sleep in a bed with blue covers. But it is NOT Stopping the Evil or the Dis Rupt Ions of our World but are simply blocking them from entering your Home or your Spiritual Being as a 'My Fathers House has Many Rooms' Meta Physical or Meta Science. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_XFquKOVlc

Anonymous said...

This was the same Idea as the Standing Stones placed in Lines as we see in Carnac, France and Easter Island and the Standing Circles they Form where those IN the Circles themselves are guarded/Protected much like your Blue House, or your Blue Umbrella is protected from a High Dimensional Fire like at Hawaii. These held the same 'Breaking Up' Idea of an Energy Stream as Painting/Wearing/Touching the Color Blue, Be Have Ing and Thinking IN the 'Color of Love' that Jesus Taught and the Virgin is often Pictured wearing. These Stones, their Size and Placement as Distance, Horizontal and Vertical have a Mathematical Calculation to the Blue Frequency Range and that Frequency was Still Energy, meaning it was a 'Bubble' or 'Pockets or Protection' where the Weh of the Danger, Evil or the Negative Vibrations were said to Flow around or over but could not enter those locations. Like it is said the Animals were penned in, and it gave them a 'Deer in the Head Lights' Blindness keeping them in their Pen. This is the Basis for any Dome that is placed on a Property, Land, Place or Space. Like at SkinWalker.

That is what the Virgin Mary represents. The Feminine Mother often thought to be a Virgin because there was no Promiscuity or Moral Core Rupt Ion. It had little to do with Sex, or Having Sex. It was Sex that was not in it's...Abused Form. It was Sex that was Loving TO-Ward Others and was not in its 'I don't care' or in its 'I know I shouldn't do this but...' Service to SELF attitude.

It is You as a Seeker, One who IS and IS IN (as an IS IS at 2 Sepa Rate Ed Locations) a Search for the Magnetic Mathc TO YOU, YOUR Vib Rate Ion.

I AM Aware that many find Statements like these are Old, Out Dated, and even Un Real Istic as the Need to Love Another can BE very Strong. It is not the Physic AL Love or Sex ACT that I AM Opposed To. It is the Promiscuity, the Fickle Nature of those who are Hyper Sex U AL Sized (sexualized) where there are too many sexual relation ships in One Life and NONE of those Relationships involve Love and a Roman TIC (Romantic) ACT. Remember that Love is not an Emotion that Dies Easily. That is because Love REACHES your ENTIRE SOUL. Love is a Deep and LAST Ing use of Time, it is the Eternity Beat or Bass. It is the Law of ONE and is NOT a One Night Stand. However, Breakups do 'Happen' and are Under Stand Able. It is the Commitment to Marriage that is Sacred and that is 'Different' than living together, but even Living Together should be a commitment.

I must have a small side-bar here to get rid of more of Ari's shit 4 him:
It is Tal's inability to talk to women that has him seeking women from other lands as his sex partners or Latest X's. And he likes being an International Incident, it reminds him of his own Universal Beginnings feeling that his Soon-TO-BE X's rely on him MORE BE Ing so far from their Home AND their need to stay with any children they have but do not share. It's a cover, a Hidey Hole, Cave-Like Form that Collects what his 'Shyness' cannot FACE and it is the Bass Es, the Bass Frequency of His Essence that when his Hidey Hole becomes Clogged with UnSpent, Un Settled or Un-Dealt-With Emotion, and the Emotional Body becomes Overly Abundant or 'Too Dense to Mature' it remains Child-like in its projection and it Inter Rupts the Psyche Path from Reaching 3D and a NDE is produced. It is a Symbolic Re Birth and a type of Shit Sense that means something only to him.

Anonymous said...

And no matter if his 'latest' is still with him or not, this is not over 4 either of you. This will continue 4 you BOTH until 'the fat lady sings'. Meaning the Feminine Self Aware Universe that Bore you BOTH believes she is FINALLY BE Ing Received and Respected BY YOU BOTH. Life goes ON from 'here' and positions change at unprecedented Rates and this NOW Includes our Earth. There is a Sepa Rate on our Planet as a New Lens Shape And you BOTH will see how you've behaved and how you've hurt others. Please follow the 10 Commandments and ACT like everything you THINK and DO is in the Presence of God. I have to put this here for you both as you look at Dendera Formula and the explanations I will be giving. Now back to my work:

It was Acknowledging the Multi-Dimension AL Path Weh that Sex Touches YOUR Core NOT the 'other guys' so you cannot 'change him' or help him, or even clean him up. It IS you acknowledging the Love you have for them and you MOVE ON. You do NOT Touch them, you leave them A LONE.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIQcXR3AFYc at 2:20 Cybele is described as the Mother of the Gods and her name Cybele is 'Sy Bell' which is 'Symbol' as a Dream Language or a Script Turning IN TO A Sound, meaning she is a Writer and Interpreter so She is Thought and 'there' 4 as Thought she is a Universe AL Being and not Personified or Person Sized as a Smaller yet Completed Verse 'fitted into a smaller Size or Fractal as a Sepa Rated Copy of the Entire Whole or like we see at the Dendera Light Bible as the Smallest Kneeling Figure as the Convex Ending of the Light Bulb Lens. Where the Largest Figure becomes the Smallest and the 2 are at Opposites Ends of the Light Spectrum (Spec Strum):


NOTICE Sever AL Different things 'Happening':

ALL Figures are Out Side of the Light Bulb, it is the Electrical Thought 'Sharing' AND OR Energy whose Intent is to Form Matter and or the Sound or the Material that is being Guided Via our Tunnel Tube or in this formula our Light Presence, Our Lumin Ence or Lumin Essence. Which we see displayed outside of the Light Bulb positioned BE 4 the Smallest Adam Form or Man Kind. Realize that the Solar Boat or the Universe AL Umbilical Cord is in a partial Plano-Concave Lens where only the portion of the Cord where the Henge or Lumina Form their Tower of Light or Babel (Sound). Here I am also taking into account that there is also a Rectangular Platform Supporting the Umbilical cord, when I call the Solar Boat Shape a 'partial Plano-Concave Lens'.

The Largest Figure to the Left or the base of the Light Buld is the Universe AL (which is a Sepa Rate Of Time) Self Awareness and the Other Beings Under and Supporting the Dendera Light Bulb Represent that same Universe AL Self in Different Stages of Sepa Rate Ion.

Anonymous said...

There are 4 different Sizes to the Human or Adam Forms Represented under the Bulb and OUR 3D Human Form is the Smallest From that Stops SHORT of the Bladed Monkey and we Humans are Exalted on a Pedestal and with our 3D Form we AL form an Obelisk-like Connection to our Higher Self and this could be understood as the Tower of Babel. A Place Meant or placement 4 us to Commune and Talk to God and God-Self.

It is IN PORT ANT that you see yourself as God in that YOU ARE IN the Image of GOD, A Mirror of God as a Fractal or Child of God that is Growing into a Larger Aware Connection, 4 we AL feel at Times the Disconnect, the Lonely or IS O Late ED 'Place' we can create. The 10 Commandments, intuitively tell you you ARE A god as a God Reflection and God is a Positive and a Negative Force that is Regulated IN His/Her Behavior Due to His/Her Strength. They have the Power to Side Line YOU (meaning a different Time Line, Parallel Time Line or a Special Place) giving YOU AL the Time YOU Need to Wise EN UP. The 10 Commandments Keep you FACE Ing God and when you are not FACE Ing God, the 10 Commandments Lead you Back to God.

God has Taken the Time to Regulate His/Her Behavior Placing Angels where they need to BE, so God KNOWS Better, and Gods and gods behave IN Time and Timing too Allow for as many Souls or Selves to Join them before they Move ON again, leaving YOU to Work at YOUR OWN Pace until YOU decide to Wise UP and Re Join Him/Her. So, 'Re AL (align) your Size' (realize) that you are NEVER Left Alone, but must KNOCK TO Open Doors YOU either Closed or those that were Closed ON YOU. Meaning: You Must adjust YOUR Sound to mathc the Creator. NO Thing is EVER Completely Cut Off in that Everything IS AL Wehs IS. You see?

Now, YOU KNOW that YOU are the Mind Cap Stone and a Body Obelisk, you can see where YOU are the Crystal Mind and Crystalline (Cryst (or Crist) AL Line) Body and this Tower shone (as we are talking of Light) in the Dendra Formula that you kneel on is an Elevation, and is symbolic to the Stone Throne that Isis wears as one of her Crowns or Head Dress.

She is shown more Often as Her Universe AL Connection Strength with her Bull Horn Creation Cycle and it is Under Stood as Wisdom or Magic and IS IS Describes Her in a Thought so Deep it is IN its Universe AL Form as well as her 3D Form. She IS IS Literally AT 2 Places as the Same IS Ness or BE Ing Ness. And another weh to understand this is to Take the Stone platforms of the Dendra Light Diagram and rotate them 90 Degrees Clock Wise, Literally turning the Dendera Horizontal Platform into a Vertical Isis Throne Presentation. Like you see here: https://historycooperative.org/isis/

4 the Entire Platform of the Complete Dendera Light Bulb is the Isis Throne she is Shone (as Light) wearing as a Crown when she is not Shone wearing her Creation Cycle and Bull Horn Chalice or Controlled Band of Light, like our Cell Walls also Represent. And keep in mind that the Bull Horn Chalice has an open top and is Contained until it (like Tal's hidey hole Emotional Body) over fills and spills out into our Lives. Normal people allow the flow of their chalice into their Crown Chakra Connection and mange their Emotions and ACTs within Bounds the Bounds the Bull Horns Represent as an Emotion AL Maturity so there is no overflowing, no spilling out into another's emotional connection with that person. It is a Connection to another that is as Balanced as it is Shared between TWO. You see the 2 Different Space Locations 'there'?

So the Dendera Light Base which is Horizontal in the Light Diagram, is the 'Ver TIC AL' Back or Back Ing of the Isis Throne Crown. And the Rectangle that lays flat on top of Isis' head that is the Platform that Ex Ults the Smallest Adam Form. I say it that weh because the Henge that Keeps Energy within Bounds and Supported or Lifted as shown in the Dendra Diagram is RIGHT BE 4 the smallest Adam Figure.

Anonymous said...

BE 4 I continue, I want to Clear Ify (FYI), or Clair Ify like with our multi-dimensional Connecting 'Clair' Senses, meaning I want You, Octavia and everyone else to KNOW that when I talk to you as if you are somehow Down Graded in my 'lake of respect' 4 You, it is to IN Press UP ON YOU that YOU are NOT a 'Stand OUT' BE Ing here. I AM talking to you like that to show you DIRECTLY how Ari and Tal Think and that is a VERY OLD Pattern of Thought 4 them:

YOU ARE ONE OF MANY that Ari Uses. It is NOT Love by a Normal Definition that MOST People hold. It is a 'You'll Do 4 Now' Fickle Feeling that he BELIEVES is LASTING and 4 Ever when he looks at women. It is part of his 'Short Timing' Attitude where a NDE IS or IS IS his Connection TO the Other Side.

It is his Immature Emotional Body that in his middle age has....lost his youthful testosterone NEED. It is not an Emotional Growth or a Wisening UP, NOR IS it a Learning Experience. It is HIS PATTERN, His RE PREAT that IS a realization that he is getting older and he is slowing down. It is NOT You, 4 if you were to leave he would DEFIANTLY find another. It is his Timing and that is why I caution you. It is YOU who will need to Mature in your next Life while he will HOLD his Pattern because there is no need 4 him to change when girls flock to him in great numbers and AL think they are 'the One'. Just like you do TO DAY.

I am NOT putting you down or disregarding you OR even Insulting the Divine Feminine that IS and 'IS IS' IN AL Women. I am telling you that the next time you see him you will remember this Life and your love 4 him. BUT He in his Metal FLASH of seeing only what HE WANTS he will not notice you LIKE He DOES NOW. He's had you and he is an EXPLORER. He Travels to Different Lands, he LOOKS 4 the New and Unfamiliar AND he has SEX with it. He is not different from other men, in fact he is only an exaggerated, Ex Aggra Rate Ed, verse of MEN in General. Agg Ra being very similar to Ang Re or angry. He is in his Masculinity, like you are in your femininity, Lost in the Strength of your own Mirror of Light.

I tell you this as his Sister and a Twin Sister at that: I have seen his behavior in MANY, Many, many Lifetimes and it is the same old song. Your Reaction will be one of recognition and his will be one of looking 4 the NEW: checking their Teeth, their legs, their physical strength and beauty and their hips for child birth and it will be like he is buying a horse to breed.

You see the 'partnership' the 2 of you have and tell me I'm wrong. You see him AFTER he is done breeding and he is 'ready' for the feminine to hold a career and help him as an old man. As an older man he IS planning for his advancing age.

I AM not putting you down or insulting you. I talk to you so you KNOW how HE sees women. AND YOU won't Like it and it WILL BE a struggle 4 you 'Then' as it was in your 'Past'. So Remember:

You've done this BE 4 YourSelf. I AM not really predicting your Future, but telling you how you will feel from your Past with Cleopatra. And if you or anyone else thinks I AM Angry as Cleopatra and want to hurt you because I AM Hurt, then remember this: I NEVER KILL Anyone IN my anger. I NEVER 'Side Stepped' the MURDERS of Anyone, keeping the knowledge of their murder to myself or even allowing the Murders to 'Happen'.

Anonymous said...

Now when you withhold sex in the Tantric Sense during your Lives, and here I do NOT mean Celibacy in a Life Time Commitment, but perhaps 4 a period of Time durning a Life where you focus on your work, career, develop talents or focus on meditation and spiritual discovery where you perhaps find your own answers to the Meaning of Life, it is allowing your psyche MORE Time to focus on that direction of your life as well. That is because your Emotion AL body is Involved in your Career, Studies and Talents as well. It is the Passion that Bashar speaks of. This IS IN PORT ANT because you cannot BE Excited at Work and Excited at Home and Excited ALL the Time. Rest and Relaxation IS IN PORT ANT 2. You MUST have a Position (a Pose SIT Ion) in your Life that is a Refuge that Re Stores your Life and Priorities.

That is the Timing that Parents are to teach their Children. A Time to Play, a Time to Learn, a Time to pick up their toys, and a Bed Time. It is a Cycle as a Sy Bell and it is IN Port Ant that we ALL create a Healthy (meaning Balanced) Pattern of Cycles.

And yet there are many who have used sex to further AL of those things, and we see addictions, and other moral 'Mis Takes' and THAT is a Part of the Energy we see today, where a Company traditionally focused on entertaining children, creating wonderful Classical stories into their lives now is a threat to their Developing minds. Schools have long been interested with the care of our children to teach math, science, language, civics and practical skill like typing, accounting (basic money management and balancing), Home Economics, Shop and of Core S (course) Health and Athletics as Sports. Most of these have been done away with and the basic math, science and language skills that are still taught have been touched by Obama in the name of his own Racist ideology that now has our children left behind the rest of the world.

AND AL of that brought to our children today IS Reaching their Souls via their Sexuality BE CAUSE (if you are looking 4 the Cause) Sex and Sexuality IS the CLOSEST CONNECTION You have TO YOUR SOUL. IF YOU Core Rupt that, then your Dream Symbols that are a BIG PART of your Soul to Self and Self to Soul Communication is not Read Able or 'Re Ad Able' meaning there is still a 2 weh communication of back and 4th 'happening' between the 2, but the meanings are Mis Under Stood in that an Inversion has Happened and Good and Evil have Changed Rolls (here I see a Torus that is a Lens or Lumen that Hugs our Outer Black Shadow Being (like the outer Circle Lord Shiva Dances and Touches to ACT I Vate, or Rate a Certain Frequency is in a Polarity sent by the Largest Figure of the Dendera Light that when Received by the Smallest Figure is Under Stood as Crossed or otherwise Inverted. Regardless it is not the Message that was sent. And this is at that POINT of the Dendera Light where the Sex of one of the 5 Figures Involved has Changed.

The Woman SITTING and FACING the Henge or the Lumina, that was the position that Audrey was in with her arms hugging her knee as she was FACE Ing our Eternal Flame. It is also a YinYang or Belt Energy Location and you Must be in a Co Operation with that Energy because they are Coming from 2 Different Positions. Where YOU the Smallest Figure see either 'know thing' or 'No Thing' and the ONE at the Belt Energy Location sees Every Thing. And that is the 2nd Largest Figure of the 5.

And Today we see many who have abused sex so much that the 2nd largest Figure, the Saturn or your Eternal Flame Energy is no longer Feminine or Motherly, but is Fatherly, brutally eating his children. Realize that that needs an explanation and I must move on for now. So Audrey is Me, as she was also Isis, Helen, Cleopatra, Magdalene, Morgan, Johanne, Gloria and Barbara.

Anonymous said...

Also in that dream, remember I said there were 2 or 3 other Shadows there besides me and Audrey. These were the Others that were supporting the Light Bulb or our Light Frame needed 4 my Lives to communicate. Audrey was motivating at least 2 other of our Lives to ACT in a Weh that Helps me today. Im sure Cleopatra and Magdalene were the other 2 Audrey had set into ACT Ion before she Woke me through her Thoughts of Me.

Now, at 5 minutes into this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIQcXR3AFYc we are told that Gender Confusion entered or became a part of the Feminine Energy and this is a Common Cycle 4 those who are in their Vulner Able or Weak connections to their Higher Consciousness and we see the Vulgar IN their ACTs.

Saturn becoming a Father Creator that eats his own Children is an Energy that is sent to us as a Distant or Small Light Source or like I described as on SkinWalker where Orbs or Circular Energies Form in the Sky, kill a Sacred Bull or Cow and then Fade away.

We also see this Creator Energy Absorbing the Created Energy Predominantly in the Animal Kingdom where Animals kill and devour one another. It is not a hated on their part, it is food and Humanity has that same need as we also have biological bodies that are a ManKind Kingdom that must rely on Animals and Animal Products AS WELL AS Plants and Plant Produces and Earth and Mineral Produces such as water and metal and Energy like Magnetics and Oils to name only a few. For those who are vegans and vegetarian for the reason of protecting the animals from cruelty, why not 'Give Thanks' and pray Be 4 each meal you consume. It is a lack of gratitude on your part that leads you on an Angry and not an Agree Path. Not every animal is an Emotion AL Support or Service animal. Though Food IS a Service they provide and it is those animals who spend the majority of their Time eating and feeding themselves that are the Food Service Animals 4 us. You see? That is why Horses, dogs, cats and others should not be Food for our Bodies. Wild animals like scavengers should not be food for our bodies either.

Under Stand that the Animal Kingdom and our ManKind Kingdom Flow from One to another. You KNOW that Animals were created before Mankind and mankind is the Image of God manifest into Man or in this case a body that is as organic as the 5 Chinese Elements. It is the Timing of these 5 Products that is different 4 the Kingdoms, and this Timing is seen as a Different Light Path for each of 4 kingdoms. So, mankind (Adam and then Eve) was created by God last, and yet we are given Dominion Over the other Kingdoms. So that is something of an Inverse or Dimensional Inversion like we see with the Tip to Tip Triangles Placement of the Star of David in there more Elongated (E Long Rated) or Sepa Rated Display or Place Meant.

Anonymous said...

Now, Saturn becoming father-like, eating his children is also like I described the Comet's Approach To-Ward our Atlantis World (4 by then the world was using (and mis using) their Tectonic Plates as their Energy Source) being Small not because it is far away, but because it is weak or New Energy as a Probability that is now visible and growing either Larger or Smaller, and the longer ACT Ions and Attitudes (which are Meta Physical Altitudes or 'AL Tit Tubes' 4 I will be talking about 'Tits' to some who resonate with that word and 'Breasts' to others and why I am shown as Isis Suckling my Horus-Human Child, which is Sy Bell Icing or Sizing (Symbol Sizing or symbolizing) Humanity. But the longer you stay in an attitude the larger the Orb strength becomes over time and it is looking for a place to connect as a Mate and a Mathc. And that is how you Manifest.

In the Video they also speak of a Meteorite Stone and of course the Stone of Wisdom that Kings sit on or place their feet on durning their coronation. AL of these ideas are Saturnian. And they are Quantum Connections, like the Moon is for our Planet is a Quantum Connection to Saturn, and Saturn is to the Galaxy. And that is Similar to Audrey ACT Ing as my Saturn Connection and my connection to the Galactic. And the Stone 'floor' that I saw as a Disc or Platform (Plate Form) that is also drawn as the Solar Boat in many Egyptian Formulas.

But when you feel the urge to become a Drag Queen, castrate your Perfect Adam Form AND urge Minors (Miners who have yet to fully emerge from their Outer Planet Positions into a blend with their Inner or Closer Planet Energies to our Earth that make their own YinYang into a Blended and Perfect Timing or Time Use) to do the same in a confused state...take the Time to Look at the Man in the Mirror that IS YOU. Ask why it is that you cannot FACE the Reality that IS your ADAM Body.

Notice too that since you have gone to that Gender Extreme why you are not practicing a Tantric Holding of your Sexual Confusion. Simply Holding OFF instead of Projecting via your Action would (wood energy does burn off as it also cauterizes to Heal or Seal) give the Message more time to settle into its Completed FORM that 'Mathc Es' your Essence. You see where the Mathc would now Include your Essence into the Formula or the New Deeper Reach you are Creating simply doing No Thing other than Asking Questions as to 'Why?' 4 when you ACT on every feeling you have, that IS itself a Promiscuity and while it may not be Sex it certainly affects your Over AL Sexuality.

Anonymous said...

There is not a doubt in my mind that Javier will achieve his goals for Argentina even FACE Ing opposition. His causes or his Wars are 'Last Chance' or are nearly 'On Life Support' by the Time he Surf Faces and begins to Trans Form them. As he is One Armand's many Personalities, he is strong and shares the Trait I've explained before as 'He will ask you to stop your bad behavior Once and if you don't listen, he will come for you.' Kinda Saturn-like, eating his child that will not listen. And again that will be explained more fully.


"Milei, pausing frequently amid cheers from his bloc, told Congress that if they opposed him in his bid for change, they would face a ‘different type of animal’.”

Now, if I was an Argentinian politician, I would STOP and take him at his WORD. 4 He Literally IS GOD's 1st Word Ever Spoken as a Man. And I'm not suggesting that Javier IS or Will BE that 'different kind of animal.' For he is also Intuitively seeing what is coming...And with Trump soon to join and help guide the United States, it will be easy enough for Canada to also Sober Up and walk a Straight Path.

Stopping the Sexual Mutilation and the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 'mind games' WILL create a Smoother Energy Flow in AL Areas, even affecting our Money flow and Fiscal Responsibility. Once you Begin your Tantric Restraint over Promiscuity in its many different Forms, like Javier IS doing 4 Argentina, the entire Energy System (At its Aster Source) will Begin A New and flow Clean and Clear, Like Light should BE. We are just now coming out of our Earth Planet 'Portal Contraction' or Light Restricted Flow. And things will begin to Re Bound or Open at our New Light Location as a New 'Place' or like my dream where I was Thrown OUT with the Ice Cube who was clearly excited as a Child. I AM 'here' with these New Child-Sized Energies as they begin to Emerge to keep you as a New Race of Humanity Safe, Protected and Guided as a Mother Should.

You see?

Anonymous said...

One of the things I'm told now as this NEW Year Astrologically begins with Aries is how to use the New Energies as they Stabilize themselves and are working to Correct the Negative Energies that have taken over. Literally, as a Flow pushing the last of the old Hubris and High Emotions into a Sobriety at the same Time it is Conditioning our Atmos Sphere into the next Higher Vibrational (Jacob's Ladder) Step or Vibration Range. And the Images they show me of my New Tricks are amazing.

This Flow is more of a Magnetic Flip of Polarities in a Flow than it is an actual 'pushing out the old Energy', but it moves Magnetically in a Tidal Wave of Justice and Sanity. And it is in a Jacob's Ladder from the Top or Higher Vibrations, Down to the Lower. And while EVERY One will know of this Event, there is a Generational Change, a new influx of Birth and Death that will Finish those too determined to Show Remorse. Still, in the Annuals of Time, this event is a SNAP of your Fingers.

It is the Beginning of our New Being. And Notice the Spelling:

'Being' and 'Begin' both use the same letters. 'BE Ing' spelled as it is represents the Mature, Stable, Reliable, Adult Energy, while 'BE Gin', which is still a 'Being' is spelled in an order with the 'G' in the middle of the word and not at the end point, like it is with BE Ing. And this is where we are this year as a World and as Individuals. We are feeling the New Energies begin to Move and 'Self Correct' from the Negative Atlantean Fall and Flood Energies. We, or others still in or just starting their Magnetic 'Eye Opening' Polarity Flip are Circulating or Re Locate Ing the 'G' Point Placing it at the Tail Wind Position of this Energy Flow at the Rudder or Steering Position of their Solar Boat. The 'G' 4 (Squaring) them is their Losing their 'IN Pulse Ive' Childish Ness settling it into Maturity and Wisdom and (dare I say) Faith.

So AL of this means that we did some kind of Par AL EL Time Line Ex Change into the Positive Atlantean Cycle to Continue on an Ascension or Ascending Path with their Atmos Spheric Energy Source. We took a Bar of Light Script, like 'l' or '-' that we would see as our Past or History Time Line and are now at this New Location and the Energies 'there' are BE Giving (BE Ginning) to move. They are Giving their (Energy) Movement TO Us Both For-Ward (4 as a Squaring) and Backward as the Letters 'ginning' IN Ply. The State of BE is now moving in an Ebb and Flow type of Vibration until it settles into a more 'fixed' yet still Flex Able Rate. You see? This will stop in a few years time because of the Flash OF Light Speed at which the Magnetic Poles (of each of us) are Changing.

So 4 (as a Squaring) this year and a few more to come we are in a BE ginning Energy that starts small in it's Child-like or 'New' weaker Energy Strength having 'Just Arrived' at a New Location. A New Story (as a New or Truer, more Complete History) this Energy HOLDs or Carries is FINALLY able to Flow TO and Mingle With the Negative Polarity, Changing, Transforming what ever Negative Polarity it can change (due to how strongly rooted it is) and Nullifying, Neutralizing the Negativing that is Stubborn, Resistive or Strong. Some will still go down fighting, but the Majority will See and Real Ize as a ReSizing of their New Reality with their Old, that old 1:1 Mathc Ing. And this will be a Back and Forth 'Examine and Re Examine' of Ideas and Attitudes, so it will be a short Length of Time and not as volatile as the 'Riot Years' we just witnessed. Tho, some will express, voice their anger BE 4 they can Square and Contain, Hold and Manage it. Remember:

Anonymous said...

It is the BELT (BE L T) Energies of our New Higher Dimension AL Planet that we are settling, where the whole Planet ACT Ed as an Open Portal Hole of Belt or Conflict Energies, where this energy was no longer contained to the Middle East or the Southern U.S. and Northern South American Border. The Entire World FACE Ed these Energies, and it is now a 'Matter' of 'Clock Work' where this new Time will settle and smooth into a Timing that will begin to BEAT in a Sense Able (Read Able) Weh that we AL as Crystal Time Pieces (or Fractals of Time that we are).

The Giant X placed over Texas (T Ex As, where 'As' is a State of BE Ing) is the Final and Largest Magnetic IN Coming Push of our Individual Polarity Shift. It is that Crossing of the Zero Point a Number Line where we BE Gin to Ascend. Ascend Ing here means we come together into a Beautiful and Read Able 'Crop Circle-like' Frequency Pattern and is what the Muslim Faith Full Create over the Lands when the AL Kneel together at Specific Times of the Day with their foreheads on the ground and the Bodies, their Chrata Light Lines FACE Ing Mecca. When they Stop as ONE People and Pray, No Matter where they are in the World at that Time of Day, they create a Magnetic Force of Faith, and it becomes a Global Picture or Representation of their Pilgrimage, and their Prayers around the Black Cube.

So What do I see myself doing in the Future?

I see vertical Portals Opening and I see Myself AND D walking thru to another Location on our Planet. I see us 'traveling' that weh and having no need for Planes, Trains and Automobiles. I see us doing this in our Adam Forms as I am shaking Hands with those who 'I AM' to Meet. So I am not a Marian Apparition, 'I AM' is 'Working' the Time Differences between My 'Here' and 'There' Locations. And my 'There' Location IS and 'IS IS' Energy that is my Intention to get to 'there' that Literally Forms an 'IN Tension' Energy Force that 'Drills a Hole' or (Vertical) Portal in our Earth Planet Atmos Sphere that D and I merely Walk Thru.

This is also how YOU AL Travel Multi Dimensionally IN your Dream States. And I think I've already described these portal openings before. For you who do this in a Dream State it is a Magnetic Shift in your Consciousness, while in the 3D Form it is the same or similar Magnetic Shift Opening A Portal, it is more Atmos Sphere IC (Icy or Cold) as a Higher Radiation yet not as Harmful as Radiation can be. It is the Cold Spot that you Feel if you are a Ghost Hunter and the Dimensions being to Merge and you see a black shadow or hear their voice, even as a record or 'unintelligent' Haunting.

I also see this being used as a Helping Hand to others in Need. I see myself busy doing something when Ari says, 'It's time to go.' and I walk and I find myself at Dusk in Woods and a Child is Crying softly. He tells me he is looking for his parents and can't find them. We walk Together a short Distance through another Time Portal Opening that places us where his parents are calling for him and he runs right to his Mama. By the Time he mentions the Nice Lady I am already home again.

I also see myself arriving at a location in front of a crowd. I turn to wave to them as I stop in front of their government leader. I greet him and I tell him that there is a gift his mother wants him to have. Whatever it is that she wants him to have is right next to me and I reach into the air, pick it up and bring it into our World. And it amazes even Me.

Anonymous said...

Ari tells me not to stress about our new Farm. He says whatever mistakes I made in the design of the house will be fixed by him and others in the Higher Dimensions who are excited to help me. He says that there are designers of al kinds ready to help not just with my Ward-Robe but also help with my Hair and Make UP, tho he is not talking about just my Pretty FACE, but my entire Make UP as my entire Body will become a bit more Youth Full in that the Magnetic Closeness, or Dimensional Blend that Come thru Me and is more True to My Permanent Image than my 3D one, which doesn't age. You see? The Aches and Pains of Age will recede.

He reminds me often that I do not need to worry about paint colors, furnishings, room sizes or organizing rooms as they already have the design ready to Over Lay over our Property. It is as tho we drive up to the house and it is completely ready and furnished. He has insisted this is the case and it has been months he AND Audrey have talked like this...

It is such a lovely dream.

There have been very few words of Caution from them, and I take those very seriously. They tell me there is no need to worry that I have a Work that Needs Completed and this Time there is no Sacrifice I need to make. They say these are 4 others who stay in their Old Ways and become IN Sis Taint (insistent) and IN Volve Ed, meaning they ACT and Touch the ARC (of the Covenant) Directly. 4 them it is a Lesson in the Electricity and Magnetics of our Self-Aware Webbed Environment. Those who want to Harm Me or D will find the IN Port Ants of not BE Ing in A Line Meant with their Environment in a 1:1 Mathc.

Both Ari and then Audrey has said that this will make D angry. And they tell it in a weh that has that Deep 'Cleopatra was angry with Antony for marrying Octavia.' Feeling. D has lost more wives thru murder, but he will AL Ready have seen the results of the Electrical Magnetic working for us that his recovery will be much much quicker than mine. He will know that we BOTH are ok.

And I've worried about death Sepa Rate ing us as well and I see a vision of D and I and any dogs we have walking through an open portal together. It is not a death, but a Travel that we do not return from and we are together without leaving our Bodies. It is leaving one Physical World and Arriving into another Physical World and He nor I will need to mourn the Loss of the other. And it seems like it is still the Same Life being Lived in New Frequencies. Very Similar as is happening right now, and I ask them again and again 'I'm not dying right now am I?' like they told Johanne that she would not burn, but she did die anyway. They say 'No.' they say D and I will both know when it is time to leave together and that we won't be back for a time. So we will know what is happening.

My work will change slightly. I will be doing things like advising Governments how best to Use the Man Power, the seemingly ExCess of Humanity, putting people to Work in a Meta Physical Power Structure that benefits the Lands and the 3-4D divide, keeping it Healthy and Flex Able, so much so that the Physical Earth Changes are Gradual and Softened and not the Explosive Destruction that was previously fore told. Because let's FACE it, the Atmos Sphere will BE more Sensitive and Calming Humanity, bringing it Back into the Awareness of the 10 Commandments, WILL BE needed for the Safety and the Sake of Us AL. But realize this is NOT a Doom or a Damnation Event, it is more like we do not need to Rock our Collective Boat because the BEST Results in the Higher Dimensions come from a Gentle Arrival. That is what we as a Planet will need to Understand.

Anonymous said...

Funny enough, I had a vision of my dad this morning. I'd been wondering about him, I've had talks with my mom which have been a breeze and a breath of fresh air four us both and my dad has not been 'there'. When I had the dream of my mother leaving on a trip, she said that she was taking a part of my dad with her. And I thought that it is a psychic connection, like Ari is not 'here' but yet he never leaves either, and while I was relieved that they are together (or however things work where they live now) she was by herself and needed to be...it seems temporary, short, like perhaps an overnight or a week stay. BUT they know where the other IS and they are in constant communication. But 4 my mother this was her 1st solo journey somewhere and not so much another Lifetime starting.

So I saw my dad this morning, and it made me 'wobble' emotionally in my beliefs, the images I wrote about me and D yesterday seemed suddenly 'fake' or 'un re al' even childish fantasy of magic and wishes that come true IN YOUR DREAMS. But my relief at seeing my dad, watching him move, knowing that his life is going on as normal, as if he were 'here' and not 'there' too away from the foolish feeling I suddenly woke with. So my foolish feeling did not last and I thought of nothing but the short moment I saw of my dad.

And I Expanded the Image to get closer to what he is up 2. Years ago, Before we moved to the Corners I had a dream of Gloria's final moments before she drowned. She was in the water watching her family on the beach and she felt so grateful for them and the vacation and the fun they were sharing. A wave came between her and the beach and she went under and drowned, but she 'popped' right back up to the surface and when she heard hear mother Scream, I woke from the dream.

I got out of bed, went to the kitchen grabbed a box of tissues and made some coffee AND I continued the Dream. I started at the beginning of it, replaying it in my mind a 2nd time and with that re-play more detail was coming thru. It was a Deeper Look of what I already saw and it continued beyond where I woke, and I realized now that I do that a lot with my visions and dreams, sometimes 'I AM' actually back at or in the dream rewatching and sometime I am feeling a Sepa Rate Ion where there is no more information to gain and 'I AM' BE Ing ('AM' and 'BE' are 2 different locations) somehow Blocked or Stopped from re-entering the dream. So there are times when I see only so much and no more than that.

But my vision of my dad was not one of those times. Lucky Me. He looked just as he did here in 3D, though I noticed he was younger than he was at his death. He looked like he did when my brother and I were in High School so he looked like he did at 40 only smaller. He was sitting in some kind of car that looked so strange and he was running an admiring hand over the interior door panel. Really all I saw was my dad and the car door, I didn't see the entire car.

I was making coffee this morning wondering at why a 6ft man would look so PERFECTLY the same, only re duce ed in size. And it DAWN Ed (like a Phoenix Rising, 1st Light over the Horizon (A Horizontal Light and not a Vertical Light) that he was still the same height, the car he was in was larger than our 3D cars and there were other differences too:

The metal was Heavy looking, the glass in the window was down and I knew that was how I got such a good look at my dad. The glass itself is a gold tint, reflective so I wouldn't be able to see in and I realize now my dad wasn't in a car, he was in a space vehicle and the size of it's door made him look small.

Anonymous said...

I remember how our 9/11 event was a re-play of the Atlantean one, where I described their flying cars were attacking others at that same location and realize (Re AL, or Re A Line the Size and Rate) that that Our NYC was at that Time Under and Ice Sheet (a Large Ice Block and not the more personal Ice Cube size) and it is reminiscent of the Admiral Byrd 'AntArc Tica War' where Admiral Byrd was in contact with the Higher Dimension AL and Time is not a Tepe but is a Tica. Not sure what that means yet except that Time had not yet 'thawed' into the Tepe and during the days of Atlantis I don't remember anyone wearing a coat or the temps being freezing.

An example of Tepe Time would be Time like we see on the Moon. It is Rock and not an Ice Sheet, Ice Shelf, or Self as a Cube. But there is Alien Activity on the Moon as well, so there is the same Higher Radiation at both the South Pole and the Moon, One is Water 'Re Late Ed' or 'Re Rate Ed' IN Sync With Boats (as a Personal Size or Ice Cube Size) and the other is Air Rated IN Sync With the Rock or Land. But BOTH Water and Air have a Magnetic Base or Bass that involve a Ship or a Land. BOTH Water and Air have a Higher Dimensional Radiation that is the Energy Source forming a Magnetic Electrical that is the Energy Product.

Delta's or Pyramid 'Peaks' are formed using either of these Mediums, and it is the same Geometry 4 both with different Para Meters and values. The short verse 'here' is that a Dome is formed as a Reality and we see it as a Light Band that hugs our Earth and we see it as a Dome within that Light Band like SkinWalker, Mt Shasta, AntArc Tica, and maybe even the Arc Tic...but no one ever says anything about the Arc Tic...why?

Because the Arc Tic is the Head, the FACE of our Planet, it is REading that Horizon, 1st Light that Saturn and the Moon Bring TO Us from the Galactic AND our Solar System Chakra System which is the Re Form AT Ing of the Galactic Energies into our Self-Aware Shared-Planet Webbing, it is Re Size Ing and Re Rate Ing EVERY THING within the Multi Dimensions that is the Multi Dimension AL GOD, so we have Access TO 'AL that IS'.

And this was AL Wehs the Case, but it is NOW as a Time Period where Phil Ters (the Masculine portion of the YinYang of Terra, Terrestrial, Terra Essence forming the Terra Es Trail or Terra Light Path) are NOT Re Move Ed from our World because there are still so many who need or must be governed by them, but these guiding Lights that seem to block many Reaches into our Terra Energy World are now much more Obvious, because we have our Sight Back or our Eyes Opened. And these Energy Releases are granted to some and Not others by their Individual Geometric Reach. AND know 4 Now that Cycles play a role in Who, When and How Many can reach and use these Geometric Positions. Be Cause Time IS of the Essence. AND the Math must Match or Mathc.

So why was my dad sitting in an Atlantean Vehicle? Especially when he was such a Train guy when we were his kids. I remember photos of him standing beside different locomotives and he is so small you can't really see that its him.

Anonymous said...

The vehicle my dad was admiring was a 'multi passenger conveyor' it was bigger than minivan and can convert between passenger and cargo as needed...it is made to go long Distances and that was the reason for the Heavy Looking Metal. I want to say it was Inter Dimensional Transportation and the Heavy looking Metal was Heat and Ice Resilient, not Resistant, but I see that it is Hyper Sonic 'Protective'...Meaning that it it technology that is no longer Inter Dimensional, but was Re Duce Ed into Re Main Ing 'Earth Bound' but was able to Circle the Globe (where the Circle Shape of our Planet was what Dis Able Ed the Multi Dimensional Able Ity) in 15-20 minutes.

And it was that Technology that Re Place Ed the ability of the gods to Appear (A Peer) and Dis Appear at will. Now what 'I AM' Seeing myself doing IS a Time Travel but one that stays IN the Bounds of the Same or Near Same Time Use. Meaning I never Leave the Planet Dimensionally until D and I decide or Feel the 'Pressure' To leave. This is a Time Pressure in an AL things must Die or Cross Over, this is not a persecution, Thank God. This is Us Leaving to become More Comfortable in our Bodies, into a place with a More Compatible Time 4 Us.

Right now, people, Animals and Plants are dying and leaving a body behind, one that breaks down IN Time and becomes a Part of the Earth.While they themselves are Waking and in some cases Walking into their 4D Physical Form. For them, it is a 'Rip Van Winkle', A Rest IN Peace Van (Sized Energy or Vehicle) that uses the Wrinkle of Times Ebb and Flow to Teleport into a 3D birth and death. And 4 them it is Like I described years ago where our Sleep Stated was not the 8 hours of every 24 that we have today but were longer Time periods of Sleep that were spaced farther apart, or Sepa Rated. And when you felt tired you went to the Temple and the Priestesses would help you sleep and help wake you as (or if) needed. Many Groups, like those Isis helped, offering to help the woman close her home, were in that sense doing the same, Traveling back to a more Comfortable Use of Time via a Cave, Cav E R N (similar to CERN who is missing the 'A' and 'V' Mathc Steps), or Car A Van and these literally left No One Behind. Like a Marian or Marine. And this was also Why Lazarus, Laser Us (as Apollo is a Template of Man Kind) was placed in a Tomb waiting for John to arrive and wake him, similar to a Priestess would wake those whose Time it is To Arrive (or Wake).

Now there were those who skeletons are found. like the extremes of the Giants and the Little People BOTH Groups remained Perfectly Proportion Ed and are not to be considered in a Growth or Hormonal...that is Incompatible with Time. They are not in a state of...Mis Mathc in that manner. They were Smaller/Taller due to their Light Lens or Soul ER Strength or Brightness and our Solar or Earth Light Compatibility...so it was a Parallel Insert into our Earth Light that had their Reflection in a Convex Lens where the Focal or Focus Point LENGHT, or Distance from the Lens created Perfect Human Forms of Smaller, Average or Giant Sized Adam Forms on our Planet, with the Giants being the Last to Leave with many choosing to Remain and Die a Human Death to Symbolically Prove they were ManKind. Many caves were 'uncovered' that show the remains of giants and these were Late Arrivals where the Time had passed due to miscalculations of Planets and Mathc Angles, while others had a last minute change of heart and were too late and unable to build enough energy to Propel them 'Home' or to a Time Location that was more comfortable for them.

Will we see these BE Ings Re Emerge from the Same Cave Paths that Returned them back 'Home'? Ari says no, not 4 some time yet. So he is not shutting the door on that idea, but it looks like the angles are wrong 4 that type of return...more there I can't see, so I will move on:

Anonymous said...

I will still be traveling multi-dimensionally in my dream state, and I will be traveling Multi Dimensionally in a Loop that is not Leaving its Pattern for a New One, so there is No Shocking Time or Jet Lag that I must deal with. That is what is a Caution: The Jet Lag between Dimensions is Concentration of Jet Lag that will need an Adjustment Period, like the One my Parents, and we AL experience. To I will stay 'Earth Bound' (be it 3 or 4D) UNTIL or IF the Firmament that surrounds our planet is Softened and to what degree it will Soften by the People Living ON the Planet as a Collective Consciousness and the Planet Position itself (2 different Angles both stimulating the Firmament from 2 different Dimensional Locations). And that is the Ascension Geometry forming a Temple, Delta or Pyramid Peak or Peek as a Focused Cone-Vex (convex) Location or Point. That is where our Earth Light Path will BE.

Back to our Light at Dendera and it's representation as the Plat Form or Plate Form (like it was in my Eternal Flame Dream with Audrey Praying or IN Prayer ) the Different Sized Figures are Kneeling on AND it's Isis 'Throne Crown' that is that SAME Stone Base Rotated and Displayed as a Parallel ON Isis Crown Chakra, on the top of her Head. And Let's take a Deep Dive and look at the Henge that the Dendera Feminine Figure IS Facing:

I've seen visions sent to me that 'A Re' or 'are' despite their Bright Clarity are too small to see AND are turned sideways like they are 90 degrees off. And I wondered, 'Why do they bother so send and Image too small to see AND turned sideways?' It was and IS frustrating.

Understand that One 'IS' is similar and ON it's way to it Becoming an 'IS IS' Strength, One Strength at 2 Locations that Work Together as an Added or Combined Strength which can Literally become a 3rd Strength at ONE Focal Point Location when you stop screwing with your life and become more Serious. Remember that 'IS' is a 'TO BE' Meaning or Definition and when you see the many, many definitions of 'IS' you see how STRONG a WORD it 'Re AL E' is. It holds a lot of Energy. And it is a 3D + 4D Manifestation or Insert. Said another weh it is 5D + 4D = 3D as a FrameWork 1 that is a 5D Dream or Wish-Like Energy that Mathc Es (its own Self-Aware 5D Essence) into a FrameWork 2, that is a Time Coninue ACTion (or Continuation) as the 5D flow then Converts and Continues into a 4D 'FrameWork 2' Environment or a 4D Osiris Emerging Energy Laws that are a 'Phil T ER' or Gate Weh Filter that is a Mathematical Gatekeeper that is the Osiris or the High Metal Light Flash that is the Same Rigid use of Time that has Tal as a Double Light Birth and Death or NDE Use of Time into the 3D.

Anonymous said...

4 Ari's many Lives it is a NDE as a Miracle Return or a 2 Lives in One, and for me it is a Mirror Cycle that is a Miracle IN Sert or Seat or Position, when it is not a Permanent Death. And do you see where for Me it was a Growth of Glow Strength that is no longer in a Re Duce Ed 'DO' and 'DI' Double Bounce that Ari Follows. But is now in the Eclipse Position, which is the a BI Pass of his Blocking My 1st Light, and I an IN Front of Him to See For My Self the 1st Light that he Mis Interpreted 4 us AL.

This By-Pass Position was a Magnetic Flip, A Role (Chakra-like Roll) Re Verse AL, where I AM the ONE who gets to Speak 1st, and there IS NO Re AL need 4 (squaring) a Second Time to Correct the 1st Verse or Version.

To Help Understand this Flip or Pole Re Verse AL, Keep in Mind that when we look at the Light Bulb we are looking at the Masculine or Male Polarity of the 2 Sexes in the Diagram as Polarity and the Different Sizes of each Figure as Strength Measurements of Each Pole Position along the Bulb. It is Multidimensional Re Duce Meant or the Blocking of much of the Feminine Energy that has been seemingly Maligned having been Misaligned as a Re Salt of our Malalignment (read all the definitions) since the Atlantean Fall. It takes a few Ages to Mend and Smooth Time.

Remember that Isis is known to have 10,000 Names and it is said that Helen's was the FACE that Launched 1,000 Ships.

Anonymous said...

I didn't re-read todays work, Im sorry if any mistakes become a problem, but you AL are very smart people and I think you'll be able to reason thru it.

Now the Cycle of Tal that Began with the Osiris Death from his Dismemberment was his Mirrored Light that IS 'H-IS' His Self Light or Light Body meeting UP with his 'Brother' or a 2nd Masculine Energy Source that Dismembered Him. Dis-Member-Ed and not RE Member Ed him. You See?

So this is Tal or his Osiris Energy, IN a Re Duce Ed Size that IS a Concentrated or Contracted form or the )( Concave of Himself as a Pillar of light. It was a Shattered Mirrored Fight with Self...

This is His Projection of Self through Both the ) and then the ( lens Positions as a X and then the Y Chromosome USE (it is the Time Positions contained in the Chromosomes that is OFF BEAT that he has Kept and Uses TO-Ward (as a Direction and a Directed Use of Energy Flow) that has His One Source Light of His Light Body (Pillar of Light) Traveling through a Universe Philter (which is an elixir that is to arouse Love or Love for a particular person) as Part of the Philo portion of the Philo Sophia (Masculine Feminine Thought Cycle that is the 'Wise Dome' of Love it is the XY Chromosome of Masculine ManKind.

But notice the output of the Concave )( Lenses and you see the Scattered and Disused Result where Each Part of the Energy IS (as the X Chromosome) is perfect Recreation of the One Light Pillar that is now in a Fractal Sized Energy meaning 'Smaller and Scattered' and is NOT Traveling into a Focal Point Unless it has a Convex Universe or Lens Strategically placed and waiting to Re Focus his idiot Self.

(As a side note: Im worried that I might have mixed up the words 'Concave' and 'Convex' using one when I meant to type the other. This is part of my dyslexia so be aware and possibly correct it for me if that did happen.)

This is where He Uses the Explosion of his Diffusion of Self in the Concave that OUT-Ward Energy Thrust of the Explosion to 'Grab his Ideas' that are Universal yet are 1/2 Baked. They have a 'thread of Truth Backing them as a Universal Understanding and then some 'Where' along the Line it break down and is Lost as it become Proven to be Wrong, Mis Leading or Mis Under Stood. He counts on the 'Eyes Like Ari's' Over Crowded 'Volume' of the Scattered Energy that is his many many Lives to 'Sure UP' (or Shore Up if we are talking about Energy Based Flow rather than and Idea Flow) or Re Group or Re Clarify TO Re Direct the now Sepa Rated Parallel Path BACK to the Original.

This is his Ideas that cannot hold water so he relies on his other Fractals of Self to later Gather and recoup the Losses of the Energy Ideas.

Now there are MANY ancient Fairy Tales of Ovens and Children being placed in an Oven and children being 'fattened up' to be baked and this is NOT a Cannibalism. It is an Idea that Children understand as a Cocoon, a warn, safe, protected Environment that is a WOMB. 4 Jack and the Bean Stalk, the Giant's Wife hiding Jack in the Oven was her as a Feminine IN a Universe AL Size keeping him safe protected and Warm, Not an Ice, from her Husband. Remember too that Food and Processing the Food to eat was 'Woman's Work' From the VERY START. It was AL WEHS 'Man's Work' to provide the food to then be processed that BOTH the Man, Woman and any Off Spring Energy the TWO (2) SHARE will then EAT. NOTICE TOO (2):

Anonymous said...

It is the Same Energy 'Food' that the Family of 2 Adult (Universal) Energies Brought and Baked that feeds the Masculine and Feminine Universes as well as the IN Habit Ants that Live WITH and IN their Dome Main, or their Dome Main Light or Dominant Light Brightness which is the Lens that hugs their Masculine/Feminine Shared Space. You see?

Now when I said yesterday that I eclipsed Tal or Ari, it was Me with the Ice Cube (which is the Child Like Verse of the Outer Universal Size Energy) having BOTH Me and My Ice Cube thrown INTO that New Position where Ari or the Masculine NO Longer Block Me. I Emerged from my 'shared space' where the 3 (the Ice Block, Me and the Ice cube) were Sepa Rated, and were Placed in the New 'Un IN Come Buried' or unencumbered Location. This is the Beginning of a Para LL EL Time Line. A NEW Universe in our Galaxy and a NEW Light is Shown and Shines in the Sky. It is the Birth of a New Earth and a NEW Solar System as a Uni Verse. And it will look like an Explosion, a Nebula Blow OUT or a Nebula Blow UP depending on how you choose to see or Under Stand it as an Idea YOU are supporting. Like we see at the Dendera Light.

So BE Ing Ejected at that New Location DID NOT Hurt Me and it made the Ice Cube squeal in Joy and Excitement, it was a fun Experience 4 the 2 of US. AND NOTICE:

The Ice Cube and I ARE or 'R' now ONE. AND 'While' (an 'ACT Ion' or 'BE Have Ior' of Time) the Ice Cube is no Longer and Ice Cube but is now One With Me as an Outer Environment Lens that Hugs Me, we Both that are Now One 'R' Still a Part or the Ice Block that 'Birth Ed' Us. It was Me and the Cube, as the Scientist or the Masculine or Yang of the Yin/Yang, worked like we saw the Octopus in our Cell Dividing video being Baked in the ConVex Lens of the Ice Block or Ice Sheet in a Super Fast Spin, one that the Cube (like the Feminine Black Cube) and I shared as the Oven or Firmament that the Masculine worked to Sepa Rate us from the OUT Er Larger.

Said another Weh, ' The New Location that me and the Cube now Share as One Being IS the New Feminine Universe Energy Location as Opposed to the more Masculine 'Birth' of the Ice Block Breaking and Fragmenting into 'Fractals of Self' where the Light SHELF becomes Broke IN TO 'Cont IN ANTs' or the Continue ACT Ion of Flat Earth Terra Breaking into 'Con (Continue Ing) TI (like Tica) Nence' where 'Nence' is the 'New Essence' of the New Land and is an 'IN Divided Dual' and Individual of the Greater or Larger Energy. It is in that Duel Sense a NEW World, a New Land with a New Aware Ness and 'There' 4 a New Place Location.

It is a Continent (READ AL the Definitions) that has Broken From the Original Land or Environment that is Setting a New Timing that Mathc Es (Es meaning the Essence) OF That Which SHE Came FROM. And that has an Anunnaki Meaning of 'Princely Off Spring of the Feminine AN or the Masculine AM of the God 'I AM' . So, it is the Feminine Universe that is the 'IN AN A', Ayanna Inanna. Now what YOU in 3D of on Earth see when this Happens is the Goddess Ishtar as a Star Explosion Expansion in the Skies (the multi dimensions or Layered Sky (skies), But what is Psychologically Happening as the Ishtar HAS an Essence that is described as a Mathc Formula (Please: ALWAYS Remember the Self Aware Ness over the Math of EVERY Universe) De Scribe Ed 4 YOU:


Anonymous said...

What Tal is going thru today is the Empty Space I left. 4 We did share a Womb until this Time of our Life. He will need to Re Form that Empty Space he now feels. Basically it will 'shrink' in Size as my Volume has Left that 'Shared Space'. I will stop becoming a Victim of his folly or Fall E. And he will stop his Double Birth and Double Die in each Life. These Energies were IN Place since the Atlantean Sepa Rate Ion. And now that is over 4 us both and the Masculine and the Feminine Between Him and I Stop that 'Bad Marriage' Cycle. And I become the Mother, One that KNOWs the Danger of His PAST and WORKs HIM OVER to FORCE a New Pattern, which IS his Natural BASS, or Base Plat Form.

I will spank him. And he will be a Man and not the shy little boy who cannot speak. What I will BE Doing is Keeping Him Confined in an Oven until he Baked into a Mature Essence or Mind that is his Emotional Body. Right Now his Ethos, Pathos and Logos, his UP-Ward FACE Ing Triangle of the 2 Triangle 'Star of David' that our Adam Forms represent at the 3-4D Divide is in a Wobble, as it is reduced in Reach and has been since the Fall of Atlantis and in this Reduced 'Reach or Height' it has Thickened and become a Seal in a Strength that has the Feminine Energy Blocked from our Planets Environment. And it had the Feminine Energy Limited IN Her Arrival TO the Planet via 'From With IN'.

That Constant Feminine Thrust of Light from within the Planets Chakra Core IS (as one IS Location) the Creation Energy of Birth in a Constant State of Birth. You see? TO DAY there is an IS IS as many think of the Goddess Isis as a Universal Energy Strength. This IS IS is STILL in a Planet ACT of Birth, meaning our Mother Earth Energy will NOT Die or Stop in that she will no longer Provide 4 You, she will AL Wehs Provide 4 you and her IN Habit Ants (plants, animals, Mankind and herself as Minerals and Planet), but she will be ALSO in the Form of Air and Water, 4 when our Atmos Sphere Changes with the Addition of the Feminine Energy Cycle to the Masculine we've relied on since the Fall and Great Flood, the Water will also Change as the Sky and the Water Sepa Rate and the Water and Land Sepa Rate. And we see this Water Change at Locations where My Apparitions have been Re Peat Ed in Strength (as both a Population or Crowd of the Faith Full and as a Shallow or just below the Sur FACE fresh water source that is Touched BY MY Radiation or my Essence BE Ing Ness. It is a Polarity Strength and Sorting that is done to the Water, though AL Water has as a Base or Bass Component.

I must leave that energy for now and move in another direction:

Look again at the Image of Inanna, a bigger image of it, and notice the Star over her Right Shoulder. This is the Star of Ishtar or said another Weh, it is the 'IS Star'. You see? The Star that 'IS' as a Self-Aware Universe that 'IN AN NA' Comes From. And you can see a Pattern of Letters Forming a Beat or Bass of Sound in the 'IN AN NA' and of course the name can be spelled to reflect the 'IN AN A' which 'IN' and 'AN' are States of Being followed by the Projection of Both States into a NEW location by the Last 'A'. And do you see where the Dual State of IN and AN in that type of Projection would be another weh flow where Isis is Personified as ONE Being?

Anonymous said...

And Do you see where IS IS as the Universal Goddess is displayed as Feminine Light in the XX Chromosome, where ONE IS is ONE X in a Double Down Repeat? And do you see the Definition IN the Question itself when Asked 'What 'IS A' Woman?' And how FEW can Answer the Question....A Woman 'IS A' Blend of the 'IS' Universe and the 'A' Portal Location and this is a Birth Canal in a Delivery of Self. It is the Feminine Energy LONG Since Blocked on our Planet.

Notice Inanna's Right Leg.

Her Thigh is a Flower Bud of Pod like we see in the Dendera Light as a Flower or Lily Bloom held or guided by Largest Adam Figure that is the Image of God. Notice that there's a 'Thread of Light' or Snake that Travels the Length of her leg that is very similar to the Snake Energy of the light bulb. Notice too that it seems to end at her foot that is on the Lions Back, the Leo. And remember that our Sphinx is a Female Lioness.

The Dendera Light and Inanna's Right leg are in the same Light Projection that is the Convex Lens Projection. It is 'Oven' that Sym Bell Icily (symbolically) Holds the Energy IN a Container before its Re Lease.

Anonymous said...


I'm told to stay still and quiet, and it is because of these new Incoming Energies that are working to re arrange or EX Cell my Sacral Chakra. I'm telling you this because it's my last major step before I am complete and can practice my 'art' of Time Alignments as Opening Vertical Portals as Doors to other Earth Locations. taking objects out of Air, and using my hands to heal others (tho my words heal as well). This is also that Younger Light Energy that is said to transform the Crone into the Maiden.

And I'm told that you will also see the effects of a Re Verse Aging Process. And there is NO chance Im wrong on that because it is your Mother that is Directing that energy to you. She is committed and determined that you remain in 3D and show the world what you are made of...which is Her DNA with your dad's. She is funny in that she is making sure you get your share of this energy via her 'free time' connection to You in the Heavens.

Is there a family joke that your parents used to blame their kids behaviors on each other's DNA or the other's side of the Family? I hear both your parents saying to the other 'This comes from your side' like in the Past it's been a running joke. I think this a continuation of that joke only in a reversed cycle where your mother is saying that this re verse aging process is from her side of the family and she is WORK Ing that Energy Deliberately To You.

But your mom is making sure you get the Maximum, and she is bragging about her kid. And I have to admire that 'push me out of the way' strength she is not ashamed or embarrassed to use, so that you KNOW you are to rest, be still, be quiet and bored if you must but physically you are not to do too much moving around, you are to be absorbing not expelling right now.

It is you body in rest that will allow for more energy to pack inside of you (your cells) in a Condensed Amount. Realize that it is happening to those who have reached their Peak or Summit Frequency RATE, and not so much a 3D Age, but an Age of having reached your Frequency Goals in Life. Make Sense?

Anonymous said...

The Idea that you sit and rest, EVEN WHEN YOU DO NOT FEEL TIRED, is that you do NOT siphon off that IN Coming Photon Energy to keep your body moving or IN Motion. It is an Energy in an ExCellUlar Rate that YOU NO NOT USE in 3D, but Store in the Cells as they place your Light Body Image or your Permanent Image into your 3D Body and the Light then Overlays the 3D Body Image and you will see your 3D Image reflect that Higher Dimension AL permanent Image and the result is:

You look Younger or at least Rejuvenated. So try not to do too much physically where you feel like you had work out just yet. Your mother wants to see you IN this Younger State, and she is using her DNA Connection TO You to make sure you, not only Fill with this new Lumen Pattern of Light and Hold that Energy as it Converts into the 3D Time Pattern, but she wants to make sure that you feel her Near You at this Time as well. She sees it as feeding you, as she did when you were her small child.

She wants you to Re Main where you are because she is so very proud of you, your life, your career and your work here with me and she believes you put the BEST FACE on the Family she created with your dad. This is not to say she wasn't proud of the other boys, she was and they are AL with her. She is saying that you make a great Family Spokes Person and she wants to see you in that role and is Literally helping you move physically into that role by making sure you get enough of the Light by not spending it on 'other movements' right now. Sit and let it fill you and then you and I will move when the Light Patten has Settled into a Perpetual Motion that is Literally Self-Sustaining, staying younger.

I get such a 'Love and a Family Pride' Feeling from her to You. Your dad says 'Hi. And do as your mother says, it makes my life easier.' (and she just playfully hit his arm.)

Your Brothers died close together as they did because they didn't want to be a part of the Craziness of Today that is so Dense and Toxic...It seems more work for them that will be Best Settled in Its Proper Time, meaning a different pattern...There are others that need to be moved into your Brothers Lives and Time Positions, and here we are talking about a Web of Time that is best suited 4 another Life. It is Better 4 them to 'Watch' these New Energies from a Distance that is more of a Bird's Eye View of our planet. And while they AL Watch together, they are involved in guiding and protecting the Family that re mains here as well.

I 4 1 AM SO Glad you're here helping me.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday as I was out with the dogs and setting the bird feeders out I heard a Chorus of Canadian Geese and thought, 'Wow they sound so close.' and I was expecting to see them flying at treetop level. I had to search the sky for them and was surprised to see them about a 1/2 up in the sky and their Flight Formation was HUGE. Couldn't believe how many there were.

Had to chuckle a bit because the Peek or the Point had 4 birds that were in a Constant Circulation and it seemed as tho there was no appointed Leader of their Group. 'Too many Egos', I thought. But that is not necessarily a negative as long as you AL continue to Work Together. It can work as a Cycle of 4 that is in a Circulation of Creation Energy. Staying in that Close (and not too tight) Formation, one that has that IN-Pressive 'Blue Angle' Flight Pattern. 4 working their Sepa Rate ED Jobs together as One Leader, ONE Mind or One Goal IS a Squared Strength AND is ONE that Draws a Crowd from the 4 Corners of our Earth Planet. I will stay in the Squared 4, and you will be the Close Circle of 4 and together we form the Triangle Over the Planet. This is IN Port Ant because it is an ARC, like I saw the 1st Time I looked into the Arc of the Covenant and said AL that I see is a Square, a Circle and a Triangle. And we are as Spirits Projecting that onto our 3-4D Planet and the People of the Planet are to Reflect that Back to their Selves IN Spirit as that 2nd Reflection which is the UP-Ward Triangle of the Star of David. You see?

And with that being the case, One of my 1st plans is to Set the Planet Straight on the Idea that Humanity has been designed to be a Slave Race for another Race of Beings. That did NOT 'Happen'. You were designed in the Image OF GOD and were Brought Forth BY HIS WILL and Desire for Family. THAT is VERY CLEAR in Genesis and IN our Planets 'NuClear Families'. The Mother, Father, Off Spring (as Siblings) IS a Multi-Dimension AL Family Relationship. Meaning this Family Structure 'Travels the Distance' TO the Highest Heaven.

So I encourage Every ONE on Every PLANET (Remember that this is a Multi Dimension AL Book, and you are reading your 3-4D Copy today) TO WORK TO Preserve the Family Structure and to set NO LAWS That IN-Fringe ON its Cycle as we see today where Government seeks to Take Children to feed Their need to Molest and Mutilate (in their Multi (Dimensional) Late State of Being) those who cannot Defend or De Fence themselves. 4 Fences DO 'Make Bad Neighbors Great Again.'

Now, there ARE Times when Children Need Protection and a Sepa Rate Ion is necessary 4 this Time BE Ing. There is a Mental Dis Turbulence that has some Adults working in a Bull Shit Logic that is Crime IN their AL (Criminal) and Cruel Ity TO-Ward others who need and rely on them. which is then in its Re Turn Back TO them Cycle a Harm TO their Own Self or 3D life. This type of Re-Cycle is Destined to Phil Tar (Tar having a T AR which is the 'T' DI Live Er Y as an Energy AR or ARC Ed TO-Ward another Reality. This IS A Part of the Sepa Rate Ion of the Wheat FROM the Chaff.

It is the Karma or Karmic Cycle that is in a 1000 year Rest. But to think Humanity was Created IN an ACT of Slavery is NOT Correct. It was Created in the Nature AL of God Energy and 'there' IS NO Stopping Creation Source Energy. EVER.

Anonymous said...

So it IS A Para 'Noid' or Para 'Void Ing' Idea of your own SELF WORTH (or WOTHR) Idea to BE Live that the Feminine GOD IS A IS in need of a Slave. And let's FACE it: Humanity IS and HAS BEEN pretty uncooperative in doing as GOD Desires of Living IN the 10 Commandments. So IF you feel like a Slave, it IS probably the case that you were Once the Slave Owner and you are feeling a Kama in your Emotion AL Body you need to AD Dress or RE Dress. I say this because I have NEVER Felt like God's Slave, even having been 'dumped on' as I was. 'I AM' IS Well Come most Place, it has been an UN Need Ed Burden of others Killing the Messenger.

So my message 4 the Slaves: This is where YOU AS Thought are in an Mis Mathc of Self WOTHR (Worth) you see? The R MUST be in the Center of the Word 'where' or Wear at the BELT of the YinYang MUST Balance and Smoothly Transition in Flow. And those believing they are Slaves many have Moved that Turbulent (or Turbo) Belt Energy Position To their Final OUT PUT or Final END Ing of that Word, keeping that 'Victim' mentality ACT Ive and Putting it OUT 'there' everywhere they go.

Remember: Keeping Energy that is OUT Side of the 10 Commandments, in the Root Chakra and NOT in the Sacral where 'There' IS A Time to Sepa Rate and Sort Energy Like a Gall Bladder is designed to do, this WILL Manifest as ACTs that are not Help Full to YOU AND 'there' 4 Man Kind. As YOU are a Part of ManKind and it IS the description of Man BE Ing KIND that IS the True De Script Ion of our DNA Code. Belt Energies Managed in a Fair but Firm Manner which are then Ex Press Ed as a Fair but Firm Act Ion ReFLECT a Heathly Lumen Ess DNA.

So is IN PORT ANT that the Entire Planet KNOW No One Lied to you, No One manipulated you, No One tricked you this ENTIRE TIME. It has been YOU who have not followed the 10 Rules of Life. The Faith Full today KNOW this to be true. Those who are still loyal to GOD that Others say does not exist. They are the ONEs who BEND (their Knee As we see with the Goddess IN-Anna who is the Feminine 1/2 creating the Anunnaki and as we see with the Soul Reflections of Kneeling gods Supporting the Dendera Light Bulb Formula) TO Gods Will, and as a result they are the ONEs who are Gloria Fied, Gloria Freed or Glory Fired Today. And others in their Birth TO our Planet are doing so to continue ON IN Working or Finalizing (setting their Squaring Pins or Markers of) Their Ex Act Ing (Acting in their Squaring) State of Being.

So I agree with you yogi when you call me 'Soul Sister' in the Light of our Shared Lumen Essence, our Origin, it is a True Reflect Ion Light of Us.

Anonymous said...

And Briggs:

I did feel your Joy and Excitement. Im told to tell you that since you did a good job of doing the Back Ground Check on Johanne BE 4 I could begin my work in France, that you should reach out to the names I've mentioned here, those that are Eyes like Yours and those who are not. Do the same type of Research WITH Them if you guys want to include them in your Publications. You are to ask them if they have had any strange dreams, de ja vu feelings, hearing voices that guide or guided them. Interview them to see what they know about who they were in the past, if they have any memory of the Lives I've shared WITH them in those days and about them today. See what they remember of those days if anything at AL and if they are willing to be included in your future publications.

They have interesting Stories and I think YOU can give them Person AL Readings of their own by touching their Hands in a Connection TO Them AND I AL SO think you can be your own Verse, Verse Ion of Dolores Cannon's 'Type' of Past Life Regressing, tho I think you need to develop or perfect what process you do AL Ready Have as your own Regression Process by practicing on others in your Family.

Very Exciting 4 You!!! Now I see why you were so excited!

Doing this for my work here can help you 'Hang your own Shingle' on your Door 4 Others in Need of Help, BE Cause KNOW ing what the Root of their Problem IS IS the Gate Weh TO-Ward Healing and Health. Like it was 4 you. And THAT is How Faith Healers and those who Lay Hands ON Others Heal. They Expose the Truth and with those Flood Gates then Opened, the Turbulent Flood Waters Soften into the more 'Even Flowing' Gentle Waters of Aquarius. You will be helping those Find the Pressure Release 4 Them TO-Ward Their Selves. Telling them parts your own story and Experience can Help them as you Start them to then guide their own.


Anonymous said...

And Yes, Briggs: you were one of the Apostles who did Travel and Heal others along side (or Para LL EL WITH) John/Jesus and Continued ON After he Left. And maybe 5 years Later in that Life you did arrive in France. And you were sought out and good at your job, tho I know that you know that.

Now, when we Com Pair our Solar System to the Dendera Light we can understand that the Woman kneeling/Sitting FACE Ing the Lumina Henge Represents the Moon and the Lumina Henge Herself is Saturn in a Stacked Life Lumin-Essence. And that is what Saturn IS. She is bringing the Galactic Life into our own Via Her Rings. AND she is Talking to the Moon, with Earth FACE Ing the Scars that theAtlanteans Placed upon Her and with Mars where Her UN Blemished Dark Side FACE Es which is Her UnBurdened Essence that is not in an Example of a 'Karmic Overlay' representation of Her FULL Self much like the Overlays we ALL WORE in 3D.

4 When I speak of the Horus Human, it is ONE who has had the Strength of KNOW Ing (from the 10 Commandments) Right FROM Wrong AND DO Ing Right FROM Wrong. And it is LARGELY the Return of your Psychic Power because you have taken the Time to Shed the Overlays that is Karma that Time Collects. This is the Dirt you have Cleaned FROM Your Windows (BE it from your Criminal Behavior OR your Victim Ness OR 4 Some it is a Collection of 'a bit of BOTH'. 4 Many after a Big Hurt Come UP Swinging and they swing at whoever is 'there' and not necessarily the Perpetrator.

So the Largest Figure IN the Dendera Light can BE GOD Source Energy and it can also Represent the Galactic Energy as the Collective Energy, BUT NOTICE:

The Smallest Figure on that Chart is FACE Ing the OUT PUT of the Belt Energies that the Masculine GOD and the Feminine Bended Knee GODD ESS, the God Essence which is FEMININE and Universal in Size like the Plump Venus Statues Represent. 4 the Numerologists: you can Reduce Letters JUST LIKE you can Re Duce Numbers. The DD is in the B Strength of D as is the SS. So the Goddess as a WORD 'STRENGTH of MOTION' (Think: Spin Rate) is at TOP Speed that Represent the Letter 'B' at the end of Both Words GoDD and ESS (Essence). And Understand the Star of David IN VERSE or Inversion that takes place where the 2 'B's in my name are placed at the Beginning of the 2 Sepa Rate Ed Portions of my name. And that the 'B' type Strength of Motion at 2 place in one word or one being is the OutPut of the Yin and the Yang of that Feminine Source which the Belt has 'Processed' as an Energy OUT PUT and is the ACT Ion the GoDD ESS and the Person has Decided ON.

Now that Largest GOD Figure at the BASS of the light Bulb Represents Jupiter in our Solar System. And when the Feminine Facing the Henge IS Saturn, it the Smallest Figure at the Light Bulbs End that is the Moon. So you can see where the Formula is 'Open to Interpretation' and Dependent on which 'Strength of Motion' is Involved that Determines the 'Place Location' (like Moon, Saturn, Earth) or Mathematical Values Involved in the Formula. And it IS Confusing so you MUST Re Main Grounded in your OWN Location when read the Light Bulb. You see?

It IS a Labyrinth. A Labyrinth is 'Laboratory Ra Tory' as a Lab Ra Story which IS a Lady Rhyme or Lady Rime and you must read ALL the Definition of BOTH Rhyme AND Rime. AND Remember while you do so that the Rings of Saturn are made of Rimes. And this is the Collective Unconscious Reasoning for Watching your Mouth (the words you use) in the Presence of a Lady.

Anonymous said...

So the Rings of Saturn are made up of Individual Rimes Strung together to Form a Word Ed Message AND this Message is Passed in the Frequency Band that is Music. AND you guys are Musicians KNOW this is another Form Communication AND that the Songs that you Write are Coded in Vibrations of BOTH Music AND Words Plied Together which is Hitting the Listener at 2 Different Places at ONE Time. This Forms a Triangle Peak that is Delivered as a Arrow to the Heart (they either Love or Hate) and it then Penetrates the Rest of their BE Ing that 'Permeates' to their PAST Experiences as it reaches more 'Permanent Rate' that is their BY GONE Times.

Now: IS Saturn Bringing IN Musical Messages, or Words in a Foreign Language or it is BOTH? I've said Once BE 4 that if you change the speed on some of the Intercepts Science has Collected that there would be a Message...but do they also need to Re-Order or Re Position the Message, since there IS a Delta Inversion or IN VERSE that IS Occurring. AND I wonder if this has been done by the NSA and it the TRUE 'Alien Communication' that IS IN Touch with our Governments.

This is very much like our DNA in its Layered Rubik's Cube Representation. Also Remember: the 'B' that represents a 'Strength of Motion' is a Spin Rate that is Ice Block or Universal in Strength. It is the Out Er Spin that Launched the ACT Ion that is the Ice Cube with is a Smaller Environment that has a Consciousness WITH it that was Myself (or YOUR Self). So try not to 4 get that this is Layered Cycle we live in that is also a Mirror WITH IN a Mirror WITH IN a Mirror 4 those who have yet to clean their Windows which remove the OverLay Layers TO-Ward SELF.

Boy, it's fun working with you guys.

Realistically, I don't think NSA spies on the Skies, I think it is focused on spying on that which it sees. Because that is what Science DOES. It spies on you, not the alines. And it will NOT Acknowledge the Dream Symbol Aspect of Life it finds at ANT ARC TICA, Science Takes what it Sees 'there' as Literal. And an Over Dose of Dream Symbols has an UnGrounded FORCE in Ones Life. This is the Insanity we see from so MANY in AL Areas, AL Angles of our Lives today. And the 'AL Angles' of our Lives IS because we are in a Heavy Dose of not only Creation Energy But IT IS Creation Energy in that Super Fast 'B' Spin Cycle.

Creation Energy CAN BE Dormant or what you would think of a your Adam Form IN Sleep. But IF YOU Wake it, like we see so many of the 'Woke' today...It MUST Wake on its Own Especially when you do not know what you are doing because 'Waking' it is best left to a Priest or BETTER YET A High Priestess. You see?

Anonymous said...

Now I said once that the Mesa at SkinWalker looks to be to have once been a building that is now displayed as Rubble. The Rock itself has been his by a Frequency Burst that Crumbled the Rock into Square-Ish, Brick-like or Rectangular Shapes. This is a Slow Decay of the Surface Environment that the Below Ground Energy and the Above Ground Energy. This is the Decay of the MisUse of the Upper and Lower or the Yin and the Yang being OUT of Tune or in an Mis Mathc of the 1:1 Exchange.

It is the 'Don't Dig' Rule being Broken, 4 Example. It is the Provoking of the Atmosphere, Waking it 4 No Reason. And You see where the Rabbi Woke the Energy in a NON Aggressive Manner. It RE Spond Ed to WORDS.

Now it that is NOT PROOF that Prayers ARE Heard and ANSWER Ed. Then I dont KNOW what I can Teach you. 4 even having read these Words IN their Entirety there IS NO POWER 'here' 4 you if you do not begin to see YOU as an Individual ARE a SkinWalker Energy IN HUMAN Form. AND the Safest Weh to Access and USE that Energy IS through YOU as Prayer.

It is YOU as a Grown Up 'Using your Words' And ALL OW Ing the Universe to 'DO the Math' as FrameWork 1 and let the manifestation of that Math Flow TO you through Framework 2 and YOU ARE there to Take that Answer THRU YOU BE Ing and ReFlect It OUT-Ward from YOU. This is placing it in a Sepa Rate, one that is its own, from yours. It is the 'Phil Terra Ring' that IS Man-i-fest-ation. The Action of Man IN Feast or Festival. You see?

So the Mesa had an Energy Over Flow, like the Numeric Remainder from a Division Problem, at that Location which Manifested as a Force that Cracked and Shattered the Stone. And I suspect that it was done at the end of the Ark's use, where Care Less Ness was the SAME Attitude (or Tune) that we see today from MANY IN Charge.

Today, there is a Surplus of Humanity that many IN Charge are trying to kill. We saw this with Vaccine and we saw this in Egypt durning the Time of Moses. I wonder if the Israelites that left with Moses were eventually Cured through Prayer using the Arc. I know the 10 Commandments were Given, so it would have been the 1st or most obvious Example of Karma and Healing the Past From the Present. And that IS a Time Line that Jumps or is Re Located or even Re Direct Ed.

I know that when the VOLUME of Humanity that we have today Begins to Pray and ACT as if they are IN a Constant State of God Present or Presence it is OUT Standing (Well BEYOND the Under Standing like the Dendra Light Describes) what our World will BE COME and Where we will BE Positioned.

Anonymous said...


This is an explanation of a Timeline Shift or Jump. It represent a Sepa Rate Ion, A Time Split as a 'New Time' Beginning. And you can see that BOTH Bulls are in a Seemingly Incomplete Formula as they are Now ONE Bulb that had been Stretched IN TO 2 Locations or in 2 Universes. And this is the Reliance the Re A Line ANCE or ANTS, Plural, of the Mother/Child, as well as the Universe Size Ice Block Ejecting the Ice Cube DNA Sharing.

Also Im going to stop calling the Dendera Light a 'Bulb' and start calling it a 'Light Path' or 'Light Line'. But understand that it is a Light Projection that could also be Black and could also be Sound.

That this formula is a Multi Purpose or Multi Layered Explanation is something that we must keep in the front of our minds as we look for more examples of when this Verse or Version of the Formula is IN Use.

Everyone have a great day today. And if you can, Take tomorrow off with pay and enjoy a long weekend.

Anonymous said...

Rime MUST offer Every Opper Tune Ity and it is YOUR's to Choose the Upper Opper (Operation AL) or the Lower Opper, 4 YOU are the Operator.

Now you see where Virgo and Scorpio are mostly the same Sign. You see where Virgo is CLEARLY the Feminine Creator Ending HER Symbol with the Ichthys which is the 'Continuation of Life or Life Path' and Scorpio is the Masculine Ending His Energy Creation as an Arrow Head, a Pointed Energy that is both Drill Bit and Path or Projection Indicator. You see where Scorpio would be the Largest GOD in the Dendra Light Projection, and Virgo would be the Light Projection herself? You see where Virgo and Scorpio Energies are Twin Souls or Twin Flames or Twin Flame Letters? And do you see where they BOTH Start with a Series of Aries Symbols that when 'Stacked IN Agreement' are a Re Peat Ed Energy with no Breaks or Alterations of the Energy or Script which seems as there is no type of 'Evolution' only a 'Continuation of Cycle' as One Aries Rotation or One Aries 'length of Time' as One Written Symbol it forms the Letter 'M' with a Child Attached to it?

That 'Holding' of an Energy Pattern with NO Deviation Applied TO it or From WITH IN itself IS a Tantric Energy Pattern. It is Energy with NO Release, Expulsion or Alteration of the Contained Energy until it has built a force that 'Produces' a Birth or a 'Birth that is Scorpion that is a New 'Angle Direction'.

That is 'Why?' I sit here for so long 'Nesting', writing undisturbed until the World is at its Final Sepa Rate Ed Point. Let those who do wrong Seal their Fate. It is the Fermentation that GOD Created in Genesis. Read ALL the Definitions of Fermentation and see the 'Splitting IN TO Two' Worlds or 'Places' as an AL Chemic AL Process that has a Tantric 'Baking' done to it.

And I sure would LOVE to run out 'there' and proclaim my KNOW Ledge, that Plat Form of the Akash and Inner Wisdom that Audrey kneels and Prays ON. But it is 4 YOU ALL to become your own AL and see what is 'Happening' and is 'Wrong' in this world today and to MAKE your OWN STAND of Choosing. There is NO ONE to Re Main 'Un De Side ED' IN this War between Good and Evil. The Formula will Fail. Sometimes God IS Mysterious and other Times, like TO Day, God is VERY Blantant. And it is those Times where YOU as Individuals are being given a Chance to put your electronics aside for a moment and NOTICE your World.

You see where Taurus is a 'Softened Verse' of the Aries Symbol and the Softened Verse Sits A Top of the Creation Cycle and how that is an Indicator that Taurus have an Open Portal to their Creation Powers and MUST FACE...I don't want to call it 'a Risk' but let's go with that 4 now....that they FACE a Risk of a Power and a Strength they do not know they Have... This is the Down Side of Creation where things can 'Blow UP IN their FACE' if they can NOT Manage the 'Rolling' or 'Cycles' of their Emotions. Because lets FACE it, Creation Energy IS Uncomfortable EVEN when you have the Emotional Strength of Maturity. You are Constantly taking the Hit so you do not hurt others in your weh or Push to get what you want.

Elon Musk comes to mind here with his cars knowing that Electric Cars are not Environmentally 'better'. They are on the SAME Path as the Mercury Light Bulbs and Plastic grocery Bags. And the Government IS heavily Involved and is NOT in our BEST Interest. They have become the Anti Christ and the Individuals who Participated IN this Persecution of the Population will be Sorted Via the Osiris AL Chem IC AL 'Vibe Rate Ion AL' Scorpion-Like Energy Projecting you 'Some where else'.

Anonymous said...

Now, sure 'we al die and go to the same place.' but NOT Exactly how you would think. Remember: Murderers do not FACE those they Killed. And this goes for Killer Vaccine Devel-Opers who know their vaccines HARM and Do NOT Cure, AS WELL AS the Intentional Gene Editing of the Killer Virus AND the INTENTIONAL RE Lease of these Viruses. AND the GOVERNMENTS Over SEE Ing AL of this.

I Tell YOU the Truth, God will NOT Bring A Country Down, He will bring those who Brought the Country DOWN, Down. AND this is Done in the SAME 'Double Down' Chances He Gave YOU to Re Pent (meaning you have a 2nd Opper Tune Ity to Celeb Rate a Pente Cost Re Union WITH and IN your Self. That Pente Cost is You and God Re Merge Ing and Working Together as ONE. This is your Pentagon Star Script which is a Border Out Line of the Pentagram Energy Path within. The Pentagram Energy describes the Major (Dendera) Light Projections of Each Point and is a Star of David with the Tip TO Tip or Du AL Tipping Point counted as ONE Connecting 'Place'. This Forms the Upper and the Lower Sepa Ration which the Virgo Symbol has Created and the Scorpio Projects via the Osiris Sorting or Gate Keeping which is a Tantric 'Holding of Judgement' Waiting 4 a Lady Liberty or Lady Justice Re Lease.

Now, I speak of Elon more so than other billionaires. And it is because I see something in him and I see he is 'open enough' where those like Zuckerberg are at this Time 'Double DOWN Down' Fixed and Un Re Sponse Ive and is a part of the global 'War on Children' and Child trafficking problem.

If Elon 'Matured his Timing' like I've tried to get Tal to do, Set a New Use Internal TO Him, meaning he keeps that OPEN Portal connect to his bright ideas, but Practices the Tantric of HOLD Ing his Genius Ideas Close to Him in its INCUBATION FORM Meaning that he is NOT SO QUICK to ACT, but allows the Idea more Time to 'Perk U Late' and itself Mature...I would feel the world IS IN a Safer Place. Right now, his Ideas are Pre Mature and are Harming and Collectively Harm Full to the Planet and Population.

Same with the Internet and Cell Phones and Computers. The Harms of them were Largely Un Known, but we AL see the Rot of our Lives. And when YOU give Up YOUR Life to Live through a Computer, 'there' is NO NEED 4 YOU 'TO BE' Material. The Material World and YOUR Power to Inter ACT IN it WILL Break Down. Look at the last 20 years on our Planet. Many believe it is the Move of Society away from God and Religion. IS it? I think it's because Electronics suck up so much Time that children are not Introduced to our World in the Spiritual Sense. Imagination is not Brought Down into Physicality in a game of play ACT Ing, but a video game keeps us all entertained and isolated even from noticing the homes we live in while we play these games.

Here I think of the Amish Community having rejected Electricity and now only use it Sparingly. They have NOT 4 Gotten God, they have done this to KEEP God in their Lives. Know too that there is NO Autism and other medical conditions IN their Communities. And Yes, they do use some technology so they can still earn a living, How EVER it is their Discipline in their Religious BE Leaf and Focus on God that others are denying that is their Strength in Physical and Mental Health.

They did not Diminish God in their Lives so there is no Re Sizing, as they kept their ReAL Size (Realization) WITH God, KNOW Ing that He exists. These are very Tantric People, a Strength in Religion and Faith and in their Day TO Day Life Style Choices.

Anonymous said...

Looking at our Zodiac Symbols and Other Basic 'Sacred Geometry' Shapes:

Inside of the a Pentagram drawing is a Pentagon Shape. It is the IN Verse, Having been Duplicated, of the Outer Pentagon Shape if you were to compare it with the Outer Larger Pentagon. Inverted like the Star of David and rotated as some of my Visions can be turned on their side.

You see the TesserACT Square within the Square similarity here? You begin to see the Mirror WITH and IN the Mirror itself as the Outer of the Pentagram IS the Pentagon 'Container'. Realize that Some Sacred Geometric Shapes Are NOT in a Con Figure of ACT Ion (Configuration) that is a Side Wehs 'Place' 'Location' (2 Sepa Rated Lights, where 'Place' IS Self and 'Location' is the Re Salt as the Thrust from the Work of Mathc IN ACT Ion. There is a 'Salt to Electric' AL Chemic AL Re ACT Ion 'Happening' here that is the Basis of the Nebula Fert AL Bed. Meaning it has a Taste Inter-Pr ATE ATE Ion (interpretation) or Sense that is Palp Able and has the same Energy Transfer that Forms the Mouth Portion of our Nu Clear FACE.

Realize that the letter A and the Letter E BOTH have a Energy Force of 3 Duplicates, where A is Triangle Spin and E is the Par AL EL LE (you see the Ellen of my middle name and my Helen name and How Ellen and Helen are Simiilar Maths or Mathc es?). The A and the E are the Same Energy Cycles in a Different Light Prism as AL of the 5 Vowels are our 5 Senses presented in a Different Light.

Wow. I did not see that coming!

These 5 are delivered through 5 Different Prisms that when Merged create the NuClear Centers or NuClear Locations, like our FACE and our Reproductive Locations in our Adam (which has 2 'A's) Form which Produce the 'E' or Energy Cycle as a Symbol representing the Sperm or Flail Energies, and Eve (which contain 2 'E's) Form which Produce the 'A' or Energy Cycle as a Symbol represent the Egg or Insert as the Ichthys Forms.

These 5 represent the Canadian Geese from March 13, 2024 at 10:40 AM that were in JockeyIng IN Positions to A Void a JackKnifeIng. You See? It is like the god-like Council of 7' each having a SAY, a God Speak in a Rotation Tune that is IN our Dimension a Rotational Turn or Time Share Sequence. And this is much Like President Trump being 2, as 2 are better than One when in a Core Rupt ED Shit Hole like our Government ACTs IN To Day.

The Jack-Knife Ing, that is like the 5 Geese in Flight Example is the Sudden Stopping of Energy that would (Wood Energy as the 5 Chinese Elements that each Transfer and HOLD an Area of Awareness ON and IN our FACEs) Stop their Forward Path and then Throw the Other Geese into their OWN Lead Positions as the Flail and as the 'E' Represents. It is the Ice Block throwing the Ice Cube and Me with it beyond its Self. It is the 'A' that the Geese Formed becoming the 'E' and it is also the Comet-like Head of the Anke slowing and then Rolling Under the Flock or the Tail Energy literally Spreading itself like a Peacock (also a goose shape) looking for a Mate if we are talking Birds and Arms if we are talking about the Anke. It is a Blood Drop for the Masculine FACE TO Penis Relationship and a FACE TO Womb 'Warming' for the Feminine. The Warming of the Feminine Womb 'Weeps' (remember there is a Sight as one of the 5 Sense) a Moisture for Sexual Activity and for your FACE there are tears of Sorrow and joy, And the Masculine Ejects his sexual desire through his moisture concentrated with sperm.

Anonymous said...

As a side note: I realize the discrepancy of 4 geese from earlier in the month to the 5 from yesterday. The truth is that the geese jockeying for position were too numerous to count and too tight a circle as they were moving positions too rapidly to count. 4 was an estaminet. It is one of those little things that bother me and I am trying to be super accurate to remove any doubt and inconsistencies in my work. Though, I know there are a few errors and like with the numbers of geese Im hoping they are small errors if they matter at AL.

I know I've explained the pattern of my words before but as usual Bashar does a descent job as well AND he explains the Importance of Children's learning thru Story and the dream symbols involved in storytelling as well as how to best teach a child thru stories. And this reminds me of the ancient Tribes being able to HOLD their Information KNOW Ledges (Legends and Ledgers) IN TO Perpetuity. Read AL the Definitions of Perpetuity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sh4RgdyFlL8&t=1980s

Begin watching at 20 minutes if you are pressed for Time and Pay attention at about 26 minutes as Bashar describes his 'Ship' as a Crystal Computer that Holds Information and the Example he gives. He shows the Complexity of the work he does as a Translator. He gives an example of what the Computer Ship has stored as a Sent Tense which is Information sent on a Tension Wire or Stream, that is literally an 'Excitement' that is Frequency and a Collective Excitement is a Frequency Range. But he gives an example of the message stored with in the Computer Ship (large compared to our Computer Chips) compare to the Expansion of Meaning that we process as a Translation and share with others.

I myself just made the connection of Bashar's Home Planet Essassani and the Assani People as they are 'Of the Essence of the Ani' as a Planet and are 'As the Ani' as a People. Meaning the Planet is Created by those Followers of that Ani. It is their Collective Consciousness that Literally creates their Planet. And he describes this 'Shared Thought' type Life ONE as the Collective of having the SAME Intention where they choose to Live the Story Of Peace and this when Done IN MASS (be it IN-WARD Focus on Self at 1st) as Individuals to then blossom OUT-WARD still in this Inner State to Include Others. Like we form a Library together here on the World Wide Web. It is the Same Path we are Under Taking, that they have taken.

I have found that Falling asleep to Magenta Pixie and Bashar as I did at 4am this morning that my thoughts while falling asleep give Visions. which I will share after I post todays work:

And a Saliva in your Mouth and a Snot for your Nose. The wax for your ears has the least Water Content of the FACE or Facial Senses. These are 'Plasma' Based Discharges, a Nuclear Waste from each of your NuClear Senses which are Input/Output Portals, and are Duplicated for Sensory Perception. Like the Gemini Symbol Indicates. And though the Ears are Set Back from the FACE they are Still in Duplicate Form but they use the Entire Center of the HEAD, which is the FACE and Skull So Hearing is a Sepa Rate Sense in that it is Like it Was WITH GOD, the 1st Sense. There 4 it is in the Black or Dark Ness and Formed in a World before there was Light. That is 'Why?' your Ears are denoted by the Pisces Symbol. AND you see the 'Shift' or the Rotation or the Placement of the Dark Ness BE 4 the Time of Light Creation? The Ears are Rotated or Turned more toward the Center of the entire HEAD and NOT on the FACE.

Anonymous said...

With the Right and Left Hand Path the Left Represents the Unseen Forces while the Right Represents the Obvious, and that which is more Earthly Laws of Physics, Maths and Sciences. AND it is Political as well, though it Mystifies those who deal with the Mystical Realm how the Left can justify the carnage it creates from its Politics. A Proven Failure even IN Spirit and it is the delay of Time that has those absorbed IN Self thinking otherwise.

The Left and the Right Paths are to be IN BALANCE in a Co Ordinated Dance TO GETHER. The Left being the Inner Realms, your God or your god Connection TO Soul and Spirit which you are NOT Sepa Rate Ed FROM, it is UnSeen due to a Person AL Time Use. Paying Attention to your Inner Self WILL Bring More of the Timing and Benefits (Like Healing and Perspective) TO You. The Right Hand is the Outer, the Masculine, the Collective or the obvious where those in the Left of their Hearts and Minds are not absorbed by Their Self in that they do not see the suffering of a Open Border causes. Here I speak Directly to Obama, 4 he KNEW what he was doing, AS DID George Bush with his Lame Duck 2nd Term Presidency ignoring the Open Border problems and not setting Healthy Guide Lines for the Humanity Crossing and the Residents.

The Left and the Right Hand Paths are your Electrical Connection to BOTH Worlds and it is YOU who Manages YOU OWN Mental Health. Talk to a Doctor, Talk to a Friend, Take pills if you must, BUT KNOW that YOU MUST BE the ONE TO DO YOUR OWN Healing. That is the Weh of BOTH Paths, they come together IN Cooperation and Flow from One TO the Other, back and Forth THRU YOU. AND KNOW it is NOT a Hope Less Sit You Action (situation) unless you repeatedly make it one.

So if you Truly do not believe in God, how are you able to be happy, to heal emotionally and physically or enjoy anything in this world? I believe that those who do not believe in God DO believe in Him/Her they just don't understand God's connection to what they are doing. 'Forgive them Father, for they do not know what they are doing.'

4 KNOW Ing the Right and Left Hand Path Connecting IN its Complete and Nature AL Form is the Finer Energy of Multiple Energies Focused and Merged into One and it is YOUR OWN Pentecost AL Moment.

Now, lets understand the Biology of the Adam Form for your own Person AL Pentecost AL Movement or Moment (depending on your point of view but know that it is BOTH a new Sense AND a new Time and is the Pisces STRETCH or Expansion of Energy from the Mastery of Living in Both Worlds. It is the Igniting (Ig Night Ing) of your Eternal Flame IN TO your 3D Life and that Flame Opens your 3rd Eye TO IN Clude the Other Side:

Read AL the De Fine Actions (Definitions0 of 'Node' and Realize that your Head IS a Node Point of Energy. AND the Senses ON your FACE KNOW this TO BE the Case. When I watched Johanne as a Light Body as she fell from her Prison Room Window her head was TWICE as Bright as the rest of her Eve Form. And that is common in MOST Cases for Humanity. And remember Science already has the Technology to show the Light Reflection of our Brain Patterns. So I am Not telling you something new.

Anonymous said...

Now with the Bi Later AL Placements of our Physical Features like those that make up our Face, you can see where the Timing is OFF or OUT of Harmony or OUT of Sync in the Right and Left Hand Paths that Feed our Conception Via our Egg Magnetic and our Sperm Magnetic that is our Yin and Yang of SELF. BOTH are Under YOUR Control as an In Come Ing Soul or Soul Group, Like me and my Past Lives are in a '7 Sisters' Con Figure Action (configuration).

When the Magnetic Connections has NOT BEEN GIVEN Enough of a Time Balance of the Masculine and Feminine SELF as YOU in a YinYang Flow you can see where Homosexuality IS a Result. It is either the Left or Right Hand Path that needs a Build UP of Magnetic Strength while here in 3D. Homosexuality is a Sorting of Higher Frequencies of the 'MIND TO SELF' AL LINE MEANT, meaning the Adam or the Eve Form IS Complete in the Pattern with no abnormalities but the Sexual Nature does not Mathc the Adam or Eve Form IN the Laws of Attraction. AND Remember: The Book of Genesis was Written BE 4 we were Fully 3D. AND it Clearly Labels Homosexuality as an A Front not only TO God but to Humanity. When Homosexuality Reaches a Threshold Dis Ease will manifest and Harm the Masses. So, even tho YOU are a Homosexual, WE are AL Connected and ARE Helped or Harmed BY the Behaviors of Others. We are IN this Together as a Shared Space NO MATTER that YOU Control Your Own Reality.

And 'Why?' are there so many seemingly weaken in their Sexuality Connection to their SELF? It is as Edgar Cayce said, 'The Atlanteans Return' during this time and it is the Same 'Thought' Magnetic Mis Placed Time Acceleration that Kicks or Ejects a bundle of Energy into a Wrong Cycle. When you do NOT take the Time to Arrive in your Island Hopping Rush to get here during this Time Acceleration that IS 'Happening' on our Planet Right Now the Electrical Flow of your Own Left and Right Hand Paths Cross during a Gender Marker or Phase as a Cycle. Choices were Made BY You that YOU were Not Ready To Accept IN Balance Proportions.

A Pharaoh was a Priest IN a Phase of Balance that was SO Ex Act Ing in its Priest-Cision, De Cision, or Zion Phase AT those Hard to Control Acceleration and Stop Points that AL Cycles Did SO IN Unity. When that use of High Acceleration or Control IN Dimensions that You have (what used to be a Pope) an Ex ALT Ed Being One in a Phase Relation Ship With SELF that Alternate Realities, like those I present TO you IN Phase and IN the Writings of this Work. It is NOT Procrastination that Brought Me to this POINT IN My Life. It was my Love (my De Vote Ed Belief) TO Ward Disciple Ship that is a Discipline. An ACT Ion of you 'the Disciple' Building your Ship.

Now your Ship Building involves ACT Ion and that ACT Ion LITERALLY uses the Electric AL Created from the Spinal Column which is the same Protection Purpose as the Schwann in our Nerves and Nervous System. These Vertebrae (and Schwann) are Vibrating Receptors that HOLD the 4 Corners (N, S, E and W) Orientation, Polarizing the Direction as Individual Gate Keepers that Collectively are the Osiris Temple. Remember that Your FACE it the OUT-Ward Projection and your Spinal Column is the Inner Projection AND Co Incident Ly it sends Signals that Promotes an ACT Ion Response 4 your Body which IS your Ship. And Your Face become the Ice Cube WITH SELF and your Body is the Ice Block in its Motion, ACT Ions or Movements.

The Osiris Temple is a Flow Stopper. YOU have the Osiris Mechanism WITH and IN YOU as we AL have the Yin/Yang Chakra Combination as ONE Pattern IN Concert With the Individual Chakras. So you see where the 'Matrix' (if you do not believe in GOD) or the 'Web' (if you do believe IN God) begins to Spin and Solidify as a Plasmic Being in the Higher Dimensions that forms into the more solid 3D Matter?

Anonymous said...

Each Vertebra of our Spinal System is an Orient AL Temple itself, the Pagoda as a Stacked High Rise AND as the Single Pagoda Gate or Arbor. And with the 1st Image in this article https://posturegeek.com/blog/vertebrae-shape/ the Birds eye view of vertebra (bottom Right of the 1st Image) shows the close Resemblance and the Inverse of the Taurus Symbol and the Isis Crown. This is the Portal Structure or Template (Temple Plate where Audrey prays for our Lives in front of our Eternal Flame) and is the Snake within the Dendera Light Path.

She is, like the Isis Throne Crown, at a 90 Degree Angle or Phase. She IS Touching Our Light with Her Intention, meaning She is placing Her Polarity or Will ON our Cord that Connects US (as ME) in AL My Lives. And this is Ex ACT Ly what your Higher Selves DO 4 (as a Squaring ACT) You as well. Take the Time to Feel, Hear, or Absorb their Commune Ion, that is their Ionized Tune TO You as their Communication TO You. It is their Guiding Your Path.

The Osiris 'Mechanism' is designed to Restrict Time beyond a certain POINT. It is also a Healing of the Sick in that it is the Regulator, Allowing what it recognizes or is 'Able to See'. This is a Mechanism in that it Evolves as a Structure, Changing its Density, rather than Changing its Size to 'Fit the Square'. For Example:

This can be seen in the Doorways that are Carved in Stone that Go No Where until YOU Mathc the Vibration that the Doorway HOLDS. It is not an Opening that will suck you and anyone else into its Open Portal State. It is tuned to Me and D if he accompanies Me, but it will NOT allow a Bum-Rush to Cross a Border.

It is the SAME as a Stone Ball that is 'programed' to light itself at dusk, where only the Stone Itself Glows and Gives Light or Warmth where Needed. It is the 'Regular' Use of, or a Repeated Pattern, that is 'doubled down' or 'hardened' in its Intention that it is a Programed Polarity and Automatic. A 'Programmed Polarity' IS a Cycle or Phase Relationship of many Energies with Thresholds set TO ACT or NOT.

So the Temple of Osiris IS MORE SELF-AWARE and Less Co-Operative when encountering the Higher than Normal and the Lower than Normal. Hence the Eclipse Seasons and Devil Comets. Which are Designed to Burn OFF the Re Main Er Energies and it is the De Magnetic Process of Close Er of One Energy Phase AND Energy Thrust. And that is Where WE ARE TO DAY. Closing an Energy Cycle, Phase and Thrust. And that is 'Why?' I AM Able to Come 4-Ward IN My Nature AL State of BE Ing. The Re Move AL the Cycles, Phases and Trusts that have been a Pain Full Energy Intent De Liberty Sent to Cause Me Pain IS NOW Clear Ed and De Magnet Size Ed into a Smaller Weaker Threshold. Because the OUT Er Osiris of the Collective Environment of our Planet is also changing, the ability to De Liberty TAKE from another is now a Weak Dream Symbol as well. That Energy is now harder to use as a Weapon to Dis Able Another. It IS however still an Energy that is TO BE a Correct Ive ACT of Discipline like in the Penal Code of Justice.

Anonymous said...

That means: Don't BE so Quick just yet to tear down your Jails OR Free your Prisoners. Prison is a GREAT Time to GO WITH and IN and Communicate WITH Your Higher Self. AND That was the Original Intention of 'Slavery' IN Biblical Times. They were Prisoners who were trapped BY their OWN BE Have 'Iors' (like an 'Ion' Ized (Iced) Environment). It is 'them' being trapped in a Crystal or Prism where they do not flow thru the Prism TO the OUT Er Side. Prism Er S and Prisoners, You see?

Now the Book of Revelation was written by John who described himself as a Prisoner. This at a Time when that Book was a Prophetic Dream Journ AL, A written Record of his Dream Journey thru the Different AL Dimensions durning His Ascension Process.

Now Slaves DID exist and they were Prisoners and the 2 words were Inter Change Able. Children from Poor Families DID sell their kids as Slaves and AGAIN: The word Slaves took on a Servant Meaning. One where they Committed NO Crime and Worked to Serve a Family. Slaves were often Loaned to others in Need and they were paid in some cases and not paid in others but were given the basics and the excess of the family. AND there are MANY Opportunities of Spiritual Growth 4 BOTH the Family and the Slave themselves. These should be understood as Karmic in many cases and a healing or releasing of a Debt for many. And it is NOT TO BE Confused with Burning in Hell for AL Eternity, it was a Release FROM and A Weh FROM that Idea of Punishment.

Now Children who were sold as Slaves in MOST CASES were 'Better Lived' than had they stayed with their birth family. Poverty was a condition that many IN Poverty didn't like. Now that may seem a silly thing to say, but to give/sell their child to a wealthy family was in part an Adoption Process. It was done durning a Time when the Families taking these children CARED about them too. Like what 'Happened' for Moses. Moses was never a slave, yet he as a part of the family had responsibilities and Many of the Poorest wanted that 4 their children. Do NOT 4 Get the Spiritual Nature was Present more so 'then' on our planet than it is 'now'. Today you are not at Rock Bottom Spiritually, but you are NOT as AWARE of your Spiritual Nature as you once were.

Life on Earth was Understood as One Part of the Entire Cycle of the Spiritual and the After Life. It was NOT the idea of ONE Life and you never come back again but remain in Heaven With God. Everyone Understood that WE Had GOD WITH Us and that our Planet was One Part of a Flow of Energy that Carried You THRU and TO the Next Life. So finding yourself as a Slave in one life and goddess in the Next, that was not unusual AND Cruelty IS FAR GREATER IN YOUR LIVES TO DAY, than it was back in the day.

After the Destruction of Atlantis, Travelers stopped at homes in search of Shelter in the Night. And it was considered Safe because of the Stories told to Children who grew into Adults who raised their kids to believe in God and Gods Purpose to Serve Others 4 the Betterment of Humanity. A Humanity that God Loves, and He/She must Love Us because They, neither the He nor the She has Killed a Soul yet. Meta Physically. GOD is a Multi Dimensional Creator. He does not see a 3D death as anything other than a Re Locate Ion and many Times that Re Locate Ion takes you from a bad place as an Electric AL Change of Locate Ion 4 You. Tho there is an adjustment period needed to Center your AL Chemic Body TO your New Location.

Anonymous said...

Now in many Time durning the Days the Younger Dryas (and the Older Dryas Periods) there was NO Death Involved because of the Time Use on the Planet at that Period. It was a Visu AL (a Vishnu Change) more so that a Physic AL one) And that was in part due to the Understanding of Plasma and Plasma Use in Forming Matter. Here my mind goes back to when I said that Science is Missing the Easiest weh to Recycle the Plastics It has Created. And Plasma is 'Touch' Create Ion. It is a Polarized....area that has been 'Touched' or Permeated by Idea longe enough that it has begun to Sort and Sepa Rate itself into an AL Chem Ice AL Re ACT ION, meaning it begins to Move of its Own with the Dreams and Stories YOU TOLD IT. Taking a Plastic Bottle and Adding an ION to it...is much like Musk's Neuralink. Doesn't that make Ionic Connections via the 'Visual'? Now there seems to be more to say about plastic recycling, but I must leave that 4 now.

Slavery and Prison was in those days understood as I've described because in those days Karma, Dharma and the Spiritual Nature was taught to ALL via the Legends and Stories of Ancient Tribes across the Globe. Because our Globe is a Planet and it is a Node. It is NOT meant as a Prism that is a Prison, like an Earth Bound Soul Represents.

IF you Do NOT Regulate the Strength of those De Liberty Stealing FROM Others, the 'Osiris Will' WILL Jack Knife. It will Lock Down the ACTIVE Energies, Keeping it Contained until it has Spun Its SELF Out of Energy. This Karmic Lock down is what we are Emerging FROM and it IS the De Magnet Tica which is the De Magnetic Sizing process much like we are going to see 4 Some while others are in the Opposite Node of Magnetic Sizing.

It is NOT a process of leaving some walking the planet as if they are now Zombies. It is a Process of Demagnetizing your Touch, your ability to draw forth your dreams or creation powers. It is an Ion IC (or Ice) that needs to be re structure ed or re organ ized and YOU must be the one to do the work. They have lost their memories of their Other Side, their Left Hand Path, and having abused Humanity because of that loss, they have now lost their ability to create. They are Earth Bound until they Re AL Size them Selves 'ONCE AGAIN' INTO this World.

Anonymous said...

The Nodes as they Form Themselves is a type of 'Blinking' that Jane and Seth described where we are selves are IN this State Blinking State in our Waking Hours. Bashar AL So described this and it is a Part of that Free Flowing Timeline Attraction or Attracting TO YOU and it is a Magnetic Pulling more so than it is a Repelling. It is YOU Pulling TO YOU a Rotation of Energy that is like a Rolodex of Energy in a Torus type of Energy Contact TO and WITH YOU as you are E Merged WITH and IN its Flow.


Now, Brad Johnson who channels Adronis From Sirius, some months ago said that the 'Med Bed' Technology was going to be released to us soon. This is a bed that when you sleep on is supposed to Heal you And Rejuvenate you. And Since my Surgery I've noticed a Change in my Sleep. I used to fall asleep with my iPad watching videos, and there was a time decades ago where I only fell asleep with the tv on. Now I have a Dedicated Transition Time where I put the computer away when I feel drowsy and I fall asleep from a day dream and/or an Image I am watching from the 'shadows on my eyelids'.

And I'm more worn out durning the daytime having had good nights sleep. I've never felt more tired and older than I do right now. And it is from this new Sleep Pattern I was encouraged to make. So I asked about it about the Time I was told to talk to yogi about him resting.

The Med Beds that is my interpretation of what I've heard Brad say, is the Magnetic Tube that We Drift into when we Sleep. THAT is what is Reacting Differently To US. It is a Deep Tissue Massage that is Connecting our Cells with a New Message. You see? It is that Light IN Us being Reflective in a New Manner.

And Remember that this 'New World' this 'Higher Dimension AL New World' IS coming thru Us as AL Thing DO. Even our Planet and Solar System was Guided into Position By the Ancients. It was Only when the Collective Consciousness became a Strength and a Pattern did the World become a Stable or Set Platform. One where we had to Ex Cell ER Rate our Earth Based Platform back into the Higher Dimensional Spin that it was in the Atlantean Times. This of course the simple verse of the entire energy that is Moving our Planet into a New Position.

But my version of the Technology Brad spoke of as a Med Bed IS the Organic Magnet that we sleep in Every Night becoming stronger now because of the Natural Flow of Energy thru Ourselves TO-Ward our 3D. And since this Sleep 'technology' has a Chakra Relationship TO our Waking Hours Via our Spinal Column and then to our Cells, our sleeping in this stronger more Resonant Tunnel IS Healing (if you are Ill,) and Rest Full or 'Re Plenty Ing' you Physically.

And now that you know this newer Strength of an Ancient Energy is coming back, it is NO BETTER TIME than the Present to begin your Bed Time Prayers by closing your eyes as thinking Pray Full Thoughts and Seeing if any Images Present themselves TO You in the Shadows of your Closed Eyes. This is You Entering your Magnetically Healing Tunnel for a 'Sleep Stay' there.

And for me falling asleep while watching my computer, it seemed important that I do that at that Time. 4 the Process has me more Tired than ever, and back then I needed to stay awake and build a Life 'here' on this site.

Anonymous said...

Now there is something else going on. I've had a new voice talking to me for a week or so, she simply showed up and is 'bubbly excited' and happy with a lot of excitement, a Fast and Positive Movement. She is Fun. And she says her name is Bell. Right away I said 'No.'

I know that 'something was upsetting' or 'something big' was happening with Beth and it was never explained to me what that was. And I hope to God that her Mother is still with her. I have not and I refuse to check online to see if Bell Passed. I am that disturbed by the possibility of her being gone from us. I told the Bell who is talking to me that I was disappointed and had hoped to meet her here in 3D, so it bothers me that she claims to be 'there' and not 'here'.

The Bell I am talking to is NOT Put Off that I don't believe she is now on the other side. In fact she told me that she was warned that I wouldn't believe it's her. She did say that she is proud of her daughter and that it is her great pride and joy to know Beth in her Entire BE Ing. She knew there was so much that was special about Beth, who she calls Cali, she was Happy that I proved her right. I think that she is reading my work as I write it as they all must be doing because they seem to know where I am in my writing.

She told me that she is 'there' because she had a fall. And Im not sure if she is talking literally or if there was a Fall in the Meta Physic AL sense, where 'Fall' is a meta 4 of some kind. But it looks like a 'Sudden' Hard Hit or Collision of Energy. I just can't see if it's sudden like a Heart Attack or sudden like a Car Accident. you see?

No Matter, If I'm wrong about it being Bell, I DEEPLY Apologize to Bell and Beth. And if who Im experiencing is really Bell, please know that I've felt a heaviness (a Heaven Ness of Sorrow or Mourning) around Beth, that 'something big' has happened for a year or more and Prayed for us both at the Mother Seton Shrine last Spring. At that Time and some Times since, I would mostly have 'flashes of thought' where Beth would suddenly come to Mind. Recently, since the beginning of March this Voice would emerge as if it was Her placing my Mind onto Beth. This voice is now speaking to me on her own, having dropped the images of Beth, to talking directly to me.

I believe she wants you to know she is well and pretty Happy. And I can assure you 1st hand that she very much is. And even if this is not Bell (which Ari assures me it is) I am looking forward to hearing more from her, she said she was looking forward to helping me and is not put off by me of my not believing it is Bell. Her Energy is very spontaneous and I could use a little of that in my life....

Anonymous said...

Now as Bashar gave is more of the Mathematical Values of Probabilities while here he explains the mechanics that WE Drive or Draw TO-Ward OurSelves. You do not have to watch this video again and there are many from Bashar to choose from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5MtqJcSDVw does describe how you Attract TO-Ward Your Self by Choosing what you want and excluding what you don't. AND that is great except there are Different Magnitudes of Abilities 4 EACH INDIVIDUAL of Us. Meaning:

You Past comes BACK to Haunt you OR Help You Depending ON how you Electrified that Past. BeCause: Like it or not YOU are a Continuation of Your SELF, even though you are a New Soul in an Earth Age you are IN A Crono Logic AL Presentation. That is a Crystal Sepa Rate Ion of YOU.

The Crystal Sepa Rate Ion IS a Difference in the Upper Dimensions of your Minds LIFE. This Means that when you Image Nation (your Imagine AT Ion (or ACT Ion) as the Heavy use of Ionization IS you placing your Large Ion Body into an ACT, or Life , Or Motion that YOU in 3D see as an Imagination. This Imagination IS you creating Miracles in your Higher Dimensional Environment AND:

It could be that YOU as A Higher Self ARE TELLING You as you might see yourself in 3D as BE Ing, what to do or which direction to move in your 3D life. I've described this BE 4 saying your Children are in some cases remember their Past Lives as the play in their Present. These are in that sense an Overlay they are placing on themselves unconsciously or subconsciously AND can also be done in a Dream State as a layer of Distance, where a child having a NightMare can Wake in terror only to be told by their parent that 'it was just a dream' and THAT IS the PERFECT Time Marker 4 a Child who has the Trauma of Terror Behind Him or Her. It is telling the Child in a Sense that 'Yes it seems real' but that is in a 'Place' that is not 'here' TO Day.

4 Re Peat Ed Night Terrors are Common in that Your Child KNOWs that this 'place' as a Vibration of Earth or a Range of Earth Vibrations was where the trauma Occurred BE 4. Children who see the 'Earth Changes' TO Day are being Reminded of their Past Days of Atlantis. They resonate with the Protestors of 'Climate Change' and other Complaints like Oil and Gas, for the Ark of the Covenant that was Controlling the Natural Earth Energies of that Time were Under the SAME or SIMILAR Pressures of Protest.

And that is what they are Making the Connections TO TO Day. The 'TO TO' is the Node Energies of their Atlantis Life and their Present Life IN a Straight Line Effect or Energy Use. School Teachers De Liberty Scare Children IN these Node Positions as they teach their view of the world. This Fear Power or the Power TO Create Fear among the Student is the Ultimate 'I AM God' Complex 4 the Teacher. Children Immediate Look 4 a Savior because Children KNOW their Needs are Met by others like Parents, teachers, police or other Officials.

I feel like I am talking to someone in the group. But tell your child before they fall asleep that they had a good day today. Point out AL of the Fun they had, and remind them that there is more fun to be had tomorrow. Tell them that and leave their day on that kind of 'planning 4 Tomorrow'. This sets a Pattern in their Minds of a Squaring themselves BE 4 they Fall asleep.

Anonymous said...

Let them know that there are Parts of this world that DO have Problems, but they themselves ARE Helping the Planet by Following the Rules of Kind Ness. THAT is what the Planet needs right now. Plant a Small Garden of both Flowers and Vegetables IN Pots if there is no yard and show them that MANY are Living by the Rules of Kind Ness themselves. Give them the Idea that THEY ARE Creating a Peace in their World just by BE Ing, and Play Ing ( Imagine ACT Ion).

What ever their school is telling them is too intense and it is not destructive as much as it is making a connection to their Atlantis Life because that IS A String Line Connection 4 the Entire Planet Right now. Tell the Teacher that your child is having troubles and to soften her Tone. Tell her GIVE them HOPE as they are just children. Tell her I'll send her a dream myself if she pisses you off, tho I do think she will listen and accept what you tell her. But it is the stress of the Agenda that she is laying on the kids that is causing the problem. If you check with other parents I think you might find additional accounts of other kids saying things that their 'Teacher said'.

Telling Children they must DO things as Activists or the World will come to some harm IS an 'out of Proportion' Energy to hand a Child who just wants to Harm Less L Y Play. Children KNOW they ARE CHILDREN. Teens...Now that is when they KNOW they are NO Longer Children but are IN a Back and Forth Mix or Flux between the 2 AND where you must KNOW your Child has Opened to their Higher Self in that they see the Unlimited Potential (4 it is Potent AL) And YOU Limit your Teens Exposer to the Creation Energies that give them their 'Live 4 Ever' Bullet Proof feeling. Teens placed IN an Adult Energy Stream of Adult Wealth and Adult Decisions WILL at some Point Drown IN IT. Teens must be gradually exposed to Adult Forces. And it this is similar to what the Teacher is doing: giving Adult Problems to a Child who is not yet even a Teen.

4 their Night Terrors, Let them Play themselves thru, pay attention to the descriptions, the words your child is using or choosing as they are remembering and you can look for Para AL EL S that are present in their Lives To Days. But do so knowing that the dreams WILL End soon, as your child will make the proper connections to Past and Present. Using soft word description to soften their fear, Re Leaf the Energies as they Pass onto the Next Time or Sepa Rate or Time, Here think of the Ickthys Fish as a Leaf with a Ickthys Tail being the Bulls Horn Cup or Cradle of the Newer Leaf Forming. This is your child taking the Passed Life bringing 4 Ward as an Up Dated IMPROVING Energy. They will see that Today is not as Desperate as yesterday was.

Their Dreams are the Osiris in a Jack Knif Ed Energy. It stays Higher Dimensional in that it IS a Dream and it is a Lesson that Stays in those Higher Realms.

Encourage Peace and Peace Full ACTs from your Child and not ACT Ive Ism. These are 2 Sepa Rate Ed Motives and that is a Start Point in a Taint Ed Ion Energy of Force and not a Peace. Remind your Child that there are Safe or Safety Procedures in Place that WILL PROTECT THEM AND YOU when you are sepa rate ed from your child during the day. And that you BOTH or you ALL will Meet because YOU Know where they will BE and will come 4 them. Are they afraid of a Large body of water, like a tsunami? I too had a scary Atlanean Flood dream where I saw a Tsunami overtake a building I was in, and you can tell them that others like myself have had the same or similar dreams so they are not alone if you feel it would help them, but focus on their Current Life and the fun during the day and tell the teacher to back off and remind her that children are Helpless to 'fix' the problems of Today. Ask her to Stress the Importance the kids remembering their parents are following their own safety procedures and will be there to pick them up.

Anonymous said...

Here I see a WWII connection where your child was sepa rated from their parents during the war in Europe, and they were traumatized with fear and then later discovered while they were still a child that they were orphaned. So, it is the Separation from you durning a disaster event that is the creating the Nightmares so YOU can BE 'there' when they wake to tell them they are OK.

Nightmares are Stress or Pressure Releases that Bring Energies TO the Sur Face to be seen and Let Go Of. Seeing them in the Dream State lets the Child KNOW that the dream is not happening 'here'. Until the Teacher reminds them that a disaster event could come.

And like your school teacher, I do not think my own writings are appropriate 4 AL Ages. And could be taught in a Story Form like Aesop and his Fables, Dr Suess and his Rhymes, and Walt Disney did with his Fairy Tale Cartoons.

Anonymous said...

I do try to check in and see how my work is affecting others. I heard Tal say just yesterday with my concern over Bell that if there is anything Inappropriate (with my posts) that he would not forward the messages if they didn't apply. He words were to reassure me that he would not allow my messages to hurt you all, but My 1st thought was 'I'm Inappropriate?!? Have you never looked at YOU?' but I did get the spirit of his meaning. And I wondered then why he was IN Charge of deciding what is 'Appropriate' when he has made enough inappropriate life (and death) decisions on my BE 1/2 of our Shared Energies BE 4.

At lease I can now hear his words but because Tal has removed his emotions so I do hear him, he is shielded emotionally and can't hear my answers.

Briggy then jumped in saying 'We get to Decide Because we are men.' and he turned away embarrassed because he couldn't Hold his thoughts together to Elaborate. Which is ok Briggy, because I did understand where you were going with the Idea that the Feminine is the 'Bringer of Life' even in the form of Ideas and it is the Masculine that is like the Osiris Mechanism or Temple or Math process that Energy Limits that Phil Terra's or decides which of the Life Energies, move 4 Ward, which remain where they are, and which are devoured, like with the Re Cycling of the 'Saturn the Father' and 'Saturn the Mother' in Her own Masculine/Feminine, YinYang Balance. But yes, the masculine does decide which Life/Idea to forward into Action and which to not Act ON or IN. And with yogi and Briggs 'there' with Tal to decide or edit my words as a group, I do not feel the threat of another death like in my past.

I looked at Cali and how she was possibly taking my words and she explained much the same to me as Briggs only from the Dimensional Angle View and not the opposite polarity. She said she didn't expect me to know about her mother because it was described to everyone as My being able to See the Heavenly Energies Manifest into 3D since I AM IN 3D using My 4D Vision. So I see the 4D Vision using my 4D vision, I am, like every one else, no longer see those higher Energies, and in that sense AM blind or restricted in 4D, like many are in 3D. Cali also said that she knows her mother is around her, feels her even.

And if that's true, Im very sorry for any loss and could explain why I was so agree able to tell yogi that he will become younger to some degree. I can't bear the thought of losing both so close together and I can't gather the courage to look online for Bell. It will hurt more. But information about yogi came to me 1st and when I asked about Bell...I got no answers and wondered 'Why?'

Take care of yourselves, stay together, and I know that you are already....

Anonymous said...

Going back to Bashar's description of the Parallel Realities and their Flicker, the Blink and the Sliding Scale Rotations that the Energies Make: There is only so much YOU can Control.

I KNOW that many encourage and tell ONLY YOU Create YOUR Reality. And I have Agreed that that is true UP TO A Point. When you get to Creation Nodes that Run IN Cycles IN YOUR Life, there are like Tarot and Astrologists AL SAY: There are Time when the Time is Right, and there are Times when it is advisable to Wait. AND Those are Determined by the Outer, Finer, Higher UnSeen Forces with MUST come Together to Finalize (Open and Close or Soften) a Period of Time as a Portal or Weh Flow Alignment. When these 'Happen', they can be Done in Degrees or Angles OR they can be done, like they are today, in Totality and Totality is Often a Un Hinge Ed Mess.

So, like with JoAnne's death, there was a Probability I would die as I did, AND I DID eliminate that probability. I told EVERY ONE what TO DO and When TO DO it 4 the BEST Possible 'OUT Come'. And OUT Comes are Emerging Energies FROM the Creator that are PURE Potential Meaning they are a Full 360 degrees of Creation in a 'Bear Ly 'there'' Strength OF Time. And as these Creation 'Pure Potential' Energies move toward 'You and your Collective' (no matter if that 'collective' is an Idea you are entertaining or a Co-Joined Reality with a Group) It begins to Arrive in a 'Larger Size' as a Forming Idea, a Sequence of Events that brings you your goal. This Increase in Size is a Faster, not so much an Eternity Time now, Spin one that is Forming into a Cycle that will transition into your Life or Lives for 4 (Squaring) with you and any others.

My being shot by an arrow, my falling from the ladder, my being pushed from a window, my being held captive, my being tortured, my being raped, Impregnated and finally allowed to die. This was a Comedy of Errors made AGAINST ME who brought an Energy Strength that Others who were not Mature Ity Touched or Altered or Changed.

THAT is a Karmic Over Reach that Altered MY Creation Energy. My Delicate Balance IS going TO BE Isolated from the Masses. I Will Go where I'm Told, When I'm Told, to Help those who I'm Told are Ready 4 My Help. Otherwise I will only put out messages of how BEST 4 YOU TO Solve YOUR Own Problems.

I will DO a MUCH Better Job of Bubble Wrapping My Energy From YOU. This is a 'Safe Distance' 4 US AL. And the Energy is SO FINITE IN its Endings and Arrival, it is Arriving IN that Order this Time, that it WILL BE YOU that gets hurt or Harmed and NOT Myself this Time. You see?

Those that want to harm me won't be able to. AS My Spin Polarity will NOT Merge With their Spin Polarity, and while that has ALWAEYS BEEN the case with me and the others, it has been the Outer Sealing Energies that were the 'Collective USE of Time' that were Not IN my Spin Polarity. Meaning:

Anonymous said...

Good and Evil Co-Existed and BOTH were IN Flux as a Polarity Strength and Location. AND this world was IN a Karmic Delay, where Time....needed Time to Catch UP TO Itself, or Reach the Higher Dimensions.

Today the 'Delay of Justice' or the Back and the 4th or Squaring of Time and NOT the Triangle 'Spin of Confusion' many have used to their advantage to steal another's Money Energy is Stopping. And this is because that 4th or that Squaring of Time is IN it 'Kept Open' Position of the TesserACT and NOT the Narrowing Pin Point of the Star of David. And what is the Difference when Each, the Square and the Triangle, has a Smaller yet Perfect Replica of itself as a Potential Time Delay or a Jack Knife Ing?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesseract Scroll down to the Black and Blue gif or Tesseract in Motion and you will see Many Many Angles and Shapes Emerge in the Tesseract Motion or Spin, Including the Diamond pattern, Like Magenta Pixie references. This is the Morphogenic of Time Travel. And lets take a paragraph or more and Study the Word 'Morphogenic'.

'Morphogenic' is an Emerging Time. A Travel that Literally Goes NO WHERE, but Stays PUT. And the 'Put' was Placed IN Each and Every ONE of US. No matter How many Dimensions you walk around WITH or Carry IN YOUr Self. You ARE Multi-Dimensional. And it is only a 'Matter Forming' ACT ON YOUr Part to Light Each Bar or Barb of your TesserACT. Lighting Each BAR or BARB is YOU Bringing more of YOUR Light into the World.

Morph O Gene Ic. Mor (Morgan) Ph (the masculine Phil) and O (Creation Spin or Cycle the Masculine and Feminine Create). It is the Feminine ACT Ion coupled or Paired with the Masculine WORD of Phil (Remember that 'Phil O Sophie A' are a Perfect Balance of Gods Words Forming Thoughts or a Thought Path of Philosophy and it is the Balance, the Sharing of the Energy between the 2 that is a Bight Light Path. It is a Dimensional Travel that is Kept IN PLACE, so one View is a Brightening and a Dimming or Dormant Ness. and it is a:

SOLAR Flare. And Remember that our Sun is said to be Erupting STRONGLY Right now. AND it is the SUN that is the Mirror Reflection of the Soul of our Planet. AND IT IS FOR EVERY PLANET IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM. 4 when you share yourself and mathc that other Angels that the other Planet Represent you will begin to Understand that our Solar System IS a TesserACT where Each Planet is a Bar or Barb Light.

And Yes, I Know. It is a 'Mix Me UP' kinda world we live IN.

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter EveryOne. Celebrate the Christos, the Pristine Crystal BE Ing that is Christ and your own 'I AM' verse.

AL of the Other Planets ARE Each ONE Aspect of our Own Earth. It is the Musketeer 'All 4 One and One 4 All', Q's 'Where we go One, we go All', Bashar's saying 'The One become All and the All become One' and the Marian 'No Man Left Behind.' Idea.

These are AL expressions of 2 Weh, Left Hand Path Working WITH the Right Hand Path as ONE Approach or Path, like the YinYang Symbol Explains.

AND 4 the Our Other Planets, Earth is ONE Aspect of themselves, or of their Own Planet. You should be able to realize there is an OUTER Sacred Geometric Shape (like with my Pentagon example), as well as an Inner Geometric Symbol (like my Pentagram symbol) that our Combined Planet Energies ARE Forming in their Tele Communication Ports and Paths. These Paths are not seen in the Lower Dimensions as Direct Lines like we understand from our Star Map Drawings. These appear to us a the Atmos Sphere of that Planet and Together, as a Group of Planets we are Forming a Plasma Contained in our Solar System 'Ring of Light' or 'Ring of Fire'. And these are our Asteroid, Aster Oid (Ion) and Kuiper Belts working with Saturn's Belts to keep Us AL Moving ON Time.

But our Geometric Shape is not that of the Oval of our Solar System.

The Idea of Mars, once having an atmosphere, we know was Tru in that Earth and Mars were Once One Planet. The Moon and Mars were AL WAYS 'there' but merely Came into Focus. A Focus that we now see very Clearly. The Moons Drift TO the Earth was not a 'life or death' situation. It was an Earth Change that if everyone had kept their hands to themselves as Mars and the Moon were Coming into our Focus we would have been fine.

The Energies of the Earth Mars Split were changing our Atmosphere, as the Moon was Manifesting and Mars was Dropping onto Place. And 4 those of us who remember these Ancient Days, the Arrival of Mars looked a lot like a 2nd Sun. We saw the Fire Star that it once was before our Sepa Rate Ion BE Came Matter from Plasma Light. Forming it into the Red Planet that it is today.

Now, We ALWEHS KNEW it was a Planet, and it was 'Born in War' from the Atlantean Hubris and Aggression. And the Lack of Mars having an Atmosphere is the Stark Cut OFF of the Osiris Mechanism. I call it a 'Mechanism' because I see it as a Skeletal Bone Structure, or Stone Structure. It is a Cut OFF of the Planet's Emotion Body and 'there' 4 its Tele Path Ice Communication.

Which CAN and WILL Change Once we open our own Planet and Begin to Speak 4 Our Selves with our Solar System.

Mars played a role durning WWI and WWII, Subtly at 1st (WWI) and then with a vengeance (WWII). This Time period WAS Predicted by more than Nostradamus. Our Move to France during John's Christ Life, our heavy Focus of Lives IN France has been to...Protect Europe. 4 the Belt Energies Dipped IN TO Europe, leaving the Middle East 4 (squaring) A Time and this is the Natural Time, Timing Result of the Atlantean War and Final Fall which is the Tugging our our North Pole Wondering around the Planet as it does today.

You see?

Anonymous said...

Now the Nazi Uniforms that many report as having seen 'aliens' wear, even I have seen Ari in this Uniform, ARE from Mars or I should say 'Mars Bass or Based Frequencies'. Our German Equivalent of these Uniforms are Bass Ed on our Earth Frequencies Merging with our Mars Frequencies and BE Coming ONE. You see how the 4D Mars Frequencies are now Returning to Earth in a War Ing Approach, as that is how they Left the Planet Originally?

And do you see the Star of David Inversion that has the 4D Version of that Same Uniform, becoming in 3D the Inverse and War Version of their 4D Guidance (4 they are Guides) or Osiris-like Gate Keeping for Our Collective as well as their own? It is Stability or Stabilizing Energies at Both Locations as a Star Point Location that if it were to Flow would have Harmed the Earth. This is Not a Stealing of Energy nor is it a Siphoning Off of a Shared Energy. It is more of an Environmental Cleaning and Clearing the 4D has been doing on our BE Half.

What 'Happens on Earth Stays on Earth' function and Let's FACE It, We've had so much of our Atlanetan Clearing to do that has kept us Pre Occupied and Focused TO-Ward the Past Meets Present De Mark Action Line and Mars was Focused ON their Present Meets Future De Mark Action Line. You see how our 2 Sepa Rate Ed Planets still Combined?

Now the Time or Window of War is Closing. So is the Time of Sexual Abuse and Using our Children as a Sex Toy or Slave. And the Time for Protecting Criminals is Closing as well. You have al heard that the Eclipse in the Coming Days will pass over 2 Large Christ Crosses where the 2 giant X's Form from 2 Past and 1 Present Eclipses. As well you've heard of the 7 Cities named Nineveh.

It is Taurus and Pleiades Energy, also known as the Seven Sisters, or Messier 45. The Name 'Nineveh' is '9 Weh' as one interpretation. 9 is the Number of Spiritual En-Lil Union, an EN Light EN Meant and a Completion. Another interpretation of 'Nineveh' is '9 Ave' where Ave is a 'Good Will' Greeting or Parting, a shout of Welcome or Parting. 'Ave' has a Strong 'Ave Maria' Connection to the Marian Energies and the Apparitions, or a Sign in the Sky that I still believe is Coming. But it is a Feminine Greeting, with 'Eve' in the Middle of 'Nineveh', in a Complete Strength 'of Nine'. Here I my mind goes to Magenta (Magnetic) Pixie and her channeling of 'the Nine' and a I wonder again at her having 'gone quiet'.

This also has the meaning of clearing the old and ugly energies to make weh for the Feminine Higher Dimensional. But if the sky is clear enough to see the Eclipse, there might be a sign in the sky 4 the masses. Like a Spinning Sun as was seen durning one of the many Marian Sightings. A Spinning Sun seen by those at the 7 Nineveh Locations would be a nice 'Welcome!' from the 'Cause Moses' or Cosmos. If not, it's OK, either weh I'm good.

Anonymous said...

The Spinning Sun would be the Sun Adjusting her Timing to Mathc our Open Portal Planet Timing. It is Not an Illusion as much as it is a Mirror Reflection of the Fast Energies Racing Across our Planet at this Time. The Other Planets will not see this as it is OUR Reflection and not theirs. Tho the DO Experience our Intense Energies Via their OWN Astrology Readings of the Solar System. They have had their Interpretation of our Bad Aspects AL A Long this Corridor, this 'Core I Door' of Time Line we Push OUT via our ACTs. They see and feel there their own Astrology the Good and Bad, just like we feel from them.

And when you realize that each Planet is ONE Stop on our Weh TO Earth, and an Incranation you can see where when you do NOT GIVE, 4 YOU Must GIVE YOUR Energy (and Not the Other Guys Energy) at Each Stop, you see where any short Exchange of Energy no matter the Cycle Pole or Polarity, you see where an Illness a Genetic Type would erupt at a certain Point IN your Life TIME as a Short or weakened Emergence into your 3D? And do you also see where you, not allowing for the Length of stay at these other Planet, or Planets, can find your sexual preference in a Homosexual Position, or WORSE YET being attracted TO Sexually Molesting Children?

Now, many think homosexuality is fine, allowable and not a Sacred Crime. And I say with a GRAVE WORD of CAUTION TO YOU:

It is TOO CLOSE TO your PSYCHE to Manipulate and should NOT BE Touched. Notice at this Time of Cleaning Up the Energy on our Earth Planet. Look at how much of it is Criminally Sexual in AL of the Crimes. Even Immigration, open borders has Many Types (or Aspects) of Sexual Criminal Activity contained With and IN Its Self. AND because of that 'Close to your Core' Location MANY don't want it to Stop and FIGHT To Keep it ACT Ive or IN Motion.

It is One Example of Bear Energy in Hands that are NOT Disciplined enough to handle it in the Right Had Path of 'Caring 4 the Health and Well BE Ing of others.' Because the Left Hand is 'Too High' or both paths are taking the Same Approach. The Polar Mathc affects the Solar Mathc, you see? One must Adjust 4 the Other in A Line Meant, and the Entire Osiris Balance is Skewed to One Side and NOT a Balance Mathc or the 1:1 where your Emotions mathc your Adam Form. AND, to make it more confusing, there are degrees of Mathc Ing, 4 a woman can have masculine Traits and yet still be Feminine and Happily Married to a Man.

Commitment IN a Sexual Relationship is VERY In Port ANT. To BE a Homosexual AND Promiscuous IS a Double Whammy of Sapping our own Magnetic Strength, Bleeding it OUT in the 'Kosher' Sense, be it Taking from the Physical or Right Hand Path of Diseases or Physical Health or be it taking from the Left Hand Path of Emotional Health and well being as a Magnetic 'Ability to Solve Problems' or Health of 'Heal ThySelf' in the Emotional Body, 4 your Emotions Play a BIG Squaring Role (like the Passion Bashar Describes and Encourages) in Healing Mind AND Healing Body.

4 when you heal Mind AND Body (as the YinYang Duel, Left and Right Hand Path) You have Literally Placed Your Self ON a New Time Line. You have the Solar and the Polar of SELF A Line Ed and your Mind and Health ReFlect the Change of your Light and Place Meant or Meaning.

Understand that sexuality IS Core Rupt Able. That means it, when Core Rupt Ed IS an Addiction Behavior. And when ONE of us Publicly Uses or Manipulates our Sexuality, it Draws the Attention of Many, Both 4 and Against it. It is in that Sense the SAME Energetic Phenomenon as Traffic stopping to watch the After MATH of a Car Wreck.

Anonymous said...

Porn is another example of the Addictive Strength of Sex and Sexuality. Those that Watch pornography then become 'turned ON' and IN the Mood for Sex. Prostitution AL Wehs brought IN Money. Sexuality IS the 1st Seal of YOUR Magnetic Core of YOU, EVEN BE 4 the Sepa Rate ION of your Creation Birth, that ION is YOUR Sex (Male or Fe Male) and YOUR Sexuality (the Degree of your Masculinity or Femininity).

You were born either an Adam or an Eve form, and as I said before the Adam Form uses the Feminine Portal Opening Vowel of the 'A' in its Spelling or Script, while the Female 'Eve' Form uses the Masculine 'E' Vowel that represents the Flail or Sperm Fertility as opposed to the Egg Portal of 'A'. So you see where your Sex Literally Carries you thru to the Next Age of your Life where you Procreate? It is that Fish Tail Location, that Opening Phase or Continuation of the Ickthys IN the Symbol of Life Configuration.

Some where you cut your SELF Short IN your Emotion AL Body, where your Emotional Polarity no longer mathc Es (Es BE ing the Es Sense or Essence of) the Adam form. AND you CAN adjust your Emotion AL Body into the proper alignment.

Sexuality was always seen as 'Addictive', where Add is the Fire in a Building Strength of Gathering Others TO Ward its Self. It is in that Weh Highly Magnetic.

Taking the Time to Abstain from Molesting Children and Gender Surgeries like those the Atlanteans preformed, here I include Fertility treatments AND Sur Rogates To LIVE THRU the Pain IS YOU Building the Strength to Heal your Karma (be is good or bad, or Victim or Criminal Past) Un Til (aa an Un Tilt Ing Polar Projection Focusing its OUT Put Light in a New Degree as a Path) You have built the Meta Physic AL Strength to Launch and Arrive INTO New Time Line.

That is You, Holding Open the Ickthys Fish tail, this is YOU in the Fish Tail NOT Continue Ing (Con TIN Cueing (up)) IN the SAME PATH. You Literally Stay Put in the Open Fish Tail of the Left and Right Paths NOT PROGRESSING until you have built your Outer 3D World into an Ice Block Spin that when Critical Mass Strength of YOU has been reached you as your 3D Self is Ice Cube Launched into the Appropriate Time Line that best Mathc ES your Desired Reality or in this example your Hetero Sexuality. Here I see 'Hetero' and words like 'Inutero' having a Tarot Card type of Meaning that builds into a Predictability as well as Path Polarities as Outcomes.

This Jumping of Timelines is the Symbol of Life configuration each of us has, where the Current Timeline has Stopped To GET A HOLD of Itself. This Pause then Brightens the Light at that Current (or open) Ickthys and in a Quantum Leap leaves that Ickthys for another at another Location which then starts that Light Process or Light Progress Path. Reminds me of the Book 'Pilgrim's Progress'.

Anonymous said...

Now, I include In Fertility in my understanding of Sex and Sexuality, because Including others into your Marriage is NOT the Weh to go either. Fertility IS a Meta Physic AL Issue. It is AL Chem Ic (as Ice) AL AND 'Ak ASH Ic' in Nature This Means:

The Ak-Ash-Ic Records record you as the Akh and as the Egyptian idea of Soul that has Transfigured Death in the KA and BA Sense. This Transfiguration has Burned itself OUT as 3D Death and a 4-5D Posthumous Life, here it has the Record as ASH where the Point of Power or the Eternal Flame of the Soul has moved to a new Location, AND it has Placed that 'Ash Record' ON Ice, in that the Soul WILL Pick Up the Eternal Flame again where it left off to a varying degree or one that is a replay. Tho remember that the Akashic record records your Posthumous Lives as well as the 3D, my point is that Dimensional Threads are stopped and pick up again your dimensional return. So you as the AK (or KA, depending on your Dimensional Inversion) are always writing 'Your Story' (as Bashar says) somewhere in your Flower of Life record, and you become (at certain views) a Circus of Lights, flashing off and on in the 'Ash and Ice' Reflection of 'Dark and Light' that IS You.

Being Addictive to Sex and Sexuality IS the 1st Step from your Psyche, It is the Quickest Weh to Gather Energy IN TO A Group.

Boom! Right aweh you have 2 Large Groups of Souls if we are talk souls. Dark or Light if we are talking about Feminine or Masculine Paths, but it is a Projection of Energy that looks like this: https://cosmoquest.org/x/2022/03/how-a-planetary-nebula-gets-its-shape/ Where there is the 2 Arm Projection or Extensions, no matter if it is in Trumpet w/ ripples Form of the 2 image used or the 2 arm projection forming the Eye. There is a 2 Group Sepa Rate in the articles Sampler Image.

Sex (and the Resulting Sexual Acts) is the Strongest of our Magnetic 'Able Ness' or our 'Abilities', which is a Collective of 'Able Strengths'.

It has remained the Strongest Creation Energy on the Planet and when Sex is Core Rupt Ed, MANY Fall, having been Attracted or drawn TO Ward it. Core Rupting Minors like many are doing in our Schools IS a Karma Jack Knife type of Stopping an Energy Flow. This is Because Sex IS so Close TO Eternity Time here in 3D, meaning Touching IN Mass the Core Being of our Children is YOU in an Eternity Time 'FEELING' of 'Para Ad Ice Pleasure connection to your Self while robbing our children of their Liberty to Sexually Choose 4 their Selves. And it is that kind of Robbing, Stealing or Energy Theft here in 3D 'IS A' 'No Where to Go' De Magnetizing of Self 4 You, the Robber, the Thief.

Solar Flares and the Eclipse ARE Sanitizing. This is 'Making Sanity Great Again'. It is a Re Sizing of the Sane polarity of Phil-O-Sophi-A, meaning it is at a new Angle of Receptivity. Much like a Planet that has now tilted TO a New Angle in the Solar System.

It is positioning the Ions that form the Plasma Seal or surround of our Earth SUDDENLY Bright and Clear and the Mathc that is out of A Line Meant is CLEARLY Visi Able to see. Our Visi Ion Clicks Magnetically or Flickers ON in Brightness. And we are Pair Ed, Mathc Ed to an added Higher Dimension.

And it is doing the Same Plasma Seal on the Micro Level of our Individual Souls as well as the Macro of the Planet and Solar System.

Anonymous said...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hB3ReyGq3I Gregg Braden talks about Tal's Shroud of Turin. Then at about 26 minutes Penny Kelly expands on the Shroud topic again and Gregg further explains the process that Recorded (similar but not exactly the same as the Akashic Records, just know the Shroud and the Akash are both the results of Light as a 'Re Cord ER', Recorder, or Recording Device. The difference between the Shroud and Akash is the amount of what we think of as Astrology that is involved. The Shroud being the simplest form and not containing the larger amount of Astrology Type of Math needed for the Akash.) the Image on the shroud and this is 'Why?' John never went in side of the Tomb or cave to Lazarus, but called OUT TO Lazarus To Come to him. It was Lazarus' 2nd Birth and he must emerge from it of his own will and By Him Self.

If there was anyone else in the cave, the ricochet of Waves would have interrupted the Image on the cloth, or possibly his own return, because the cave was in a Stone Henge-Like Pattern forming a Vortex of Rays that is Hologram-Like or Halo-Like in that your Entire Chakra System was in a Halo-Like Light Body of Gamma Rays, and Open like the Halo represents of the Crown Chakra.

This is the same idea as the story of Veronica's Veil and the Idea of our FACEs and Hathor's Temple at Dendera where the feminine FACE and the Feminine Reproductive System are highly Radioactive. Realize that the masculine faces are radioactive, but it is the Intuitive nature of the Feminine that sends it over the top, giving it an extra depth.

So In a sense, Tal was in both a 'Dark Room development' at the same Time the 'Photo Flash' was being taken. 2 Steps in One. You see? And I know that the Bible doesn't state how long of a Time John stood there calling out to Lazarus. It only says that he'd been dead for 3 or perhaps 4 days. John called out 3 Times and it gives no indication of how long it took Tal to emerge from the Tomb. Or Womb, what was your mother's labor like?

Bethany was our home. That was where we all lived, tho it has a connection to Beth and is one reason why I call her Beth.

But what Lazarus experienced was a Parallel Reality. Being sealed in a Tomb was TOTALLY a LuMarian-Like Teleport Ion of Himself as the Flash Image does represent. Now the BIGGER Question should be:

Was Lazarus' body IN the Tomb the entire Time, or did his body actually Teleport to another 'place' or other Dimension to become healed 'there' and then returned to where we laid him to rest? Not to take anything away from Jesus, but...John and I were acting as Guiding Lights for Lazarus to return. This is the Same as I described the Red Hair Caucasians that were there to welcome the arriving Asian Cultures. I said they were a 4th Dimensional Culture, like Ari is a 4th Dimensional being...That 'Flash' or Radical Radiation Change that the 4th Dimensional Earth underwent that Brought the Asian Culture ALSO Took the Atlantean one Away.

Anonymous said...

3 Baby Owls!

https://www.wbu.com/owl-cam/ If you go back to last night there is another Owl who brings her a mouse which she tucks in the bottom right corner. Before the eggs hatched there were no rodents or other remain in the nest.

I've been watching this web cam for months, tho not daily. Reminds me of the stone reliefs of Ianna flanked by 2 adult owls.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


In this video (which you don't have to watch, but I put it here because I like the Beyond Mystic Channel, and the team that Jean-Claude puts together) Janine gives another tarot reading where she speaks of 'Benevolent Beings' that have been working behind the scenes putting 'something into place' for some time now. And there are others who have touched on it, like Penny Kelly and Kerry Cassidy and Meg Moonbeam. And if you haven't already watch their latest shows that were posted on Beyond Mystic last week.

I've wondered about Janine as she is not shy or concerned about what others think of her. I've wondered about her past lives and how she could be so fearless about her psychic gifts in a 'How was she never captured and Burned before?' She seemingly has no Past that Haunts her.

So yesterday when I watched the above link, it dawned on me who she was. And you know that Bell has been on my mind (and I haven't heard anything from her since my last post) and I feel she is now guiding me, in that she wants me to 'Look for her' in my Past and tell her thru this work of where she can begin to search her Past lives.

Years ago I wrote about Beth's Elizabeth who was Beth's grandmother in her Virgin Mary life. and how defiant she was when the Magi or Herod's guards showed up at her home. And today she is Janine. It's been years since I've seen a picture of Beth and Bell, but I do remember some and the eyes are the same or similar enough to be considered the same in that they are not counterparts, but are family like sisters in their resemblance. I see a closer Spirit relationship to Bell and Janine than to Beth and Janine, but they are all 3 Sitting next to one another In Cycle durning their Creation. Best way to explain it.

And there is a relationship of Beth's name where important people in her life (like Eliza-Beth) and our family town (like Beth-Any) that are important in our Jesus Lifetime. Like bread crumbs that lead somewhere...Anyway I completely see her there with Beth in that Life, teaching her as her granddaughter.

And I completely see her as Past of Bell's personality as Strong, Determined Fearless Independence. leading me to ask 'Was Bell the Virgin Mary's mother as well?'

Now Penny Kelly has been accurate as a psychic as well. Tho I did see a video on the Beyond Mystic Channel last year where she was describing a 'War on the Moon' and the 'good guys were winning'. And her description was her seeing the Atlantean War, where there was a public debate about what to do about the moon and the public outrage after the Moon was Burned.

Anonymous said...

It is a Timing that Penny has where she sees more of the Past and that is Included her Visions, where Janine is Foc Use Ed (focused) on the Events of Today. And believe it or not there is a 'War on the Moon' today. It is Governments jockeying for Supreme Positions and Territories Co Vert Ly, like they have done at AntArc Tica. And like back in the Day, the Governments don't think that should involve us, meaning the rest of Humanity.

From the Higher Dimensions, there are 2 Poles or Energy Polarities that are Sepa Rate Ed or Ing on the Planet and that is the Government Vs the People. And this is in every country right now. It is the Shadow Operation of 'keeping secrets' and Steel Ing the Liberty of the Masses by not Involving them and Creating Events 4 them that are not In the BEST Interest of Every One.

This is Steal Ing or De Liberty Ing others to the Degree and Amount that it has Created a Density or a Structure that has become an Obstacle that now Seals or Surrounds them as a Magnetic Dis Able Ity. We Call That Karma. And it is THAT which will be Taken Off of Governments and is 'Different' than a Country having to take the Karma. 4 the people in the Lands of these governments were Robbed, so why should they Fall.

It is an Isolation or Person AL Karma that will have Governments Failing and ReBuildIng. In many cases it's a Re Move Al of the deceitful and replacement with Benevolent Ones. Personally 4 the U.S. and Canada I see the end of 'Black Budgets' where money, even money that was given for a Known Purpose has 'gone missing' or is lost when it is Time 4 an audit. I see the size of government decreasing and much of what they are doing now is over. And this is NOT a Magic Act, this is an Energy that Many will FEEL.

When the Energy Shift is Real Sized (realized) and Mathc Ed as these Outer Atmos Spheres are becoming Porous (like the Moon is Porous) and the 'Miracle-Like' Able Ness returns to Humans In BOTH the Inner Left Hand Path of those 'Kept their Shadow Health' AND the Outer Right Hand Path of 'Keeping this Inner Shadow Strength' Present and Mathc Ing it INTO the Outer 3D World as they Lived IN it, these are the ones who are Portals, or Moon-like Craters that Create that ARE Air Bursts at their Locations. These are like the Russian 1908 Tunguska Event and the Older Atlantean, East Coast Event at the Carolinas and North from there.

These are NOT Meteor Showers hitting the planet as the Burn into out Atmos Sphere, these are the Collective Conscience IN Ploade Ing (Imploding) as a 'Sudden Death' of an Awareness, where People Real Size IN Large Numbers certain Ideas, like they've been De Liberty Lied to by their Government for AL of these years. Covert Operations of the Government on people won't continue. No Matter if it is Foreign Army Invading and amassing itself durning an 'Immigration Event' at a Border as we see today, or a J6 Event where the Government creates a Show Of Strength to Pre Empty (Preempt) the last of our Liberty Strength, 4 that IS what they are trying to do by creating a situation to 'make an example' of those who still believe in Freedom and Liberty.

No more Covert Energy on a Government Scale. And I tell you it is a Scientific AND Spiritual Energy Event, where the Right Hand Path of Science and Technology and the Left Hand Path of Spiritual Meet AND Mathc. This Carries over into the Realm of Science can Prove more of the Spiritual Nature of the Kingdoms. Here I mean Mankind, Animal, Plant, Planet and the Spaces BE Tween these Kingdoms, and How best to Include these IN BE Tween Spaces as a Part of our Planet Environment. This will mean our Planet won't be considered 3D anymore, THO Parts WILL RE-MAIN (as these are AL Self Aware) until more of the Atmos Sphere opens, as the Atmos Sphere is a Collective of our Conscience Ness.

Anonymous said...

And the Phosphate Backbone of our DNA reminds me of my Dream with my Mom who went to the grocery store and bought a Fruit for its sugar. She traveled to see me and she became Tired and weak and with that the dream became Higher Symbolized, Symbol Sized she we could still Share Time together. She was showing me she was weakened in her vibration Rate having traveled to see me and needed the Sugar for her DNA to adjust to its new Higher Dimension or Rate. And the Telepathy Stopped and the Imagery, the bright Colored Symbolism of the Dream at the grocery store check out began.

So 4 the Moon the Focused Light of the Full and New Moons are the Phosphate Backbone and "The four bases are adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T)" are the Waning/Waxing Timing that is the Ichthys Beginnings that are the Pinched or Collapsed, or Merged Points that are the Beginnings of the Fish FACE and Fish Tail.

AND Remember that the Ichthys IS the Symbol of Jesus and Jesus was the 'I AM' Portion of Each of Us. The Ichthys was understood during our Days in John's Time as our DNA.

Now, Homosexuality and other Dis Order S is the Upper Band of Light in its Weakened State of Connectivity, And it is Un CONSTANT OPEN Fish Tail where there is NO Focal or Focused Light Merge ANTs or Ance that creates that Closed Capsule or Capped Cell, or Capped Soul. A Capped Soul is one who is in a Cup or a Constant Connection of an Open Portal of Communication TO Self. And it is Them Standing Outside of the Light in a Space that Drains their Money Energy because there are no Spiritual Connections to their 'I AM' Self. This is where they are Feeding in the Constant sense of the word from their 4 Bases of four bases are adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T) without Squaring them as a TesserACT in need of the Inversion or their Focal Merge Point where the DNA NEEDS to Inversert or need to Express the Inverse of Self.

This is where the Criminals, or those without God suddenly Be Live (believe) IN God and a Higher Power. This is those who are not standing with One Foot in Each Light Path or Each Phosphate BackBone are never Exchanging and then Expressing their Needed Spiritual Strength here in 3D. AND I Tell You the TRUTH:

The need for Solitude to Ask POINT Ed Questions and Communion WITH SELF, CAN and WILL Make AL the Difference or Distance:


This is one of D's Personalities, and can you BE-LIVE he dos not like this guys music, while I love him to peaces (not an mis Spell that I caste). And that is natural in the Magnetic Laws or Magnetic Behaviors.

Anonymous said...

I've been told that some were asking about what I was doing for the Great American Eclipse. We came back from our PA visit Sunday and our new home is beautifully coming along. I'm hope full that that will continue and Ari assures me that any miss takes we've made, He and the Angels will fix. So my job is to relax and put my feet up (but not lay around the house, after AL its not winter right now) and include more fun things into my day.

I don't feel done with my work here by any means, but I do feel that it is a Time I need to not look WITH and IN as much and should pay attention to the Sines and Symbols that are Moving IN and A Cross the World Right Now. And when I look at the Difference IN the Amount of Attention this year's Eclipse had compared to the previous 2 eclipses in the ReSent Short years BE 4, you can see where the Population has Grown IN Aware Ness toward the Divine, the Spiritual, and the Celestial Energies. And it is a Sign that the Larger Greater 'I AM' System is Ready to Launch. Here is speak of the Collective 'I AM', the Horus-Human Connection A Cross the Globe. And it may not be completely pretty, but it WILL BE Done.


The 3 Eclipses, were the Symbol-Ic (A Symbol of Ice (Higher Dimensional Energy)) Energy Changes that are the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, and it is the CLOSE Ness Proximity IN Time meaning they Occurred within a (roughly) 7 year Window and as an Energy IN Print, that is a Rapid Succession and Rapid With Drawl of Energies. A Flash Bang of 2 Endings of Energy Systems in Aug 2017 and Oct 2023 followed by an Extreme Rapid Opening of New Energies of April 2024. And I encourage the Numerologists to notice the Dates and Times AND the Latitude and Longitude when Com Pair Ing the Double DO OR (door) Slam to the Bright Light Now Present IN our Time. It is a Flash Bang when Watched From the Higher Dimensional Time Use, and is your (Zoomed IN and Expanded) 3D Time that makes it seem different.

4 the Alpha and Omega IS a Period of Time. No Matter the Dimension you Live. And while there have always been those on Earth who are Christ-Like Energizers, Holding their Own Open Portal Space and sharing that with others, we are now becoming a Majority (Ma Jor Ity, and my mind goes to Jordan and the Knowledge that is Sequestered (read al the definitions) in the Ptolemy Tombs). Feels like there is a lot to say about what we will recover and uncover there. Here Im talking about both Relics and Ideas or 'Patterns and Beliefs' that can guide our Planet in a Path TO the Galactic beyond the Moon and Saturn Connection.

But 4 now, know that the Moon in it's Waxing and Waning Positions and the EXACT of its Focus at the Full and New Moons IS a Value Opening and closing TO the Heart or the Saturn of our Solar System and Like the Human Heart of our Adam Form, there are 4 such Heart Values in our Solar System. Our Moon is One Value. AND that is IN Port Ant 4 Science to KNOW how the Moon is Hand on the Galactic Clock that Tic's (like a Tica) A Weh the Seconds. These Seconds of Time that our Adam Form Understands and Translates as a Segment or Portion of Time is 4 the Galactic a POSITION and a Light Year BOTH at the SAME Time.

Our Planet (and by DeFault our Solar System) has been in a Heart Arrhythmia which is the 'Ar' Masculine Armand, with the 'Rime' (read all the definitions or Rime and Rhyme) of the IA (of the Goddess InAnna) which picks up only the 1st 'I' and the 1st 'A' Sound of the Feminine. And you see that an Arrhythmia is an OUT of Step or Synch Dance of a Pattern. We as a Planet MATTER to not only the Solar System but also our Galactic, the Gaia Tica. So: AL EYES are Literally ON US Right Now.

And how many MORE People were Joy Full at the New Energies Arriving. "Every ONE Knows and Every ONE Goes TO Brother Love's Show. Hallelujah."

Anonymous said...

There is Something so Reverent that Be Comes a Person, Literally Comes TO a Person who has Seen their Soul Praying 4 their Self.

Anonymous said...

From April 10, 2024 at 9:18 AM I said:

"Hail LU Yaw is a Greeting where 'Hail' is the Masculine and where 'Halle' is a Feminine Welcome of Higher Dimensional (Higher 5D and Above) Excitement. So it is the Hail as the Masculine and the Yaw as the Masculine Tied together by the Feminine LU, the Magnetic that Binds the Masculine or Lower Frequency. To say 'Halle LU Weh' is the Higher Dimensional Pronunciation."

And that Paragraph IS the Basic Formula of ALL and AL Male and Female Chromosome thru Out the Kingdoms: It is the XY of the 'Hail LU Yaw' and it is the XX of the 'Halle LU Weh' Feminine, the FE MI Nine. And the Feminine, the FE MI Nine is from the FE Line Race of Beings and their Nine, as Nine Lives. Here I am talking about the Higher Psychic Ability that is Reflected in the Felines or the Feminine, than I am talking about a Human-Animal combination. So it is the similar Physic ability of 'Give and Receive' Signal Strength Projection in both the Feminine and the Feline. And the Canine (also in Nine) is the Animal Kingdom's Reflection of the Masculine of the Human Male.

Here I see the Pentagon that a Pentagram Energy creates in a 9 Strength, and the 9 Strength is a Different Position and Distance from the Pentagon 5 Energy. So remember it is not a good or bad determination or definition. It is Location and perhaps Function or Mission, there parts of the 9 are Collapsed into a Combined 5, and is a Sharing and not a Decrease in Strength. Tho Age does Matter as a Maturity or Behavior.

And do not 4 get that 'Nine Eve Eh' plays a BIG Role in the Finale Eclipse as well. Study the 'Nine Eve Eh' and Re AL Size that it is the SAME 'Eve Eh' Energy of Nine Eve Eh that is Contained in the 'Ave Maria'.

Ok, NOW I am done. 4 Re AL this Time. I'm going to bake cookies or make frozen dog treats or something.

Anonymous said...

You AL Ready Know about Caves being a Tele-Port-AL or as I see it a Tally-Port-AL, but do your own research by reading the definitions of both Tele and Tally. You know that it was and IS done via a Self Aware Ra-date-Ion in and Action which is Ra-D-Action which is the Left Hand Path, and deals with the Script of a Word more so than the Sound or the Action the Word Full Fills on Be 1/2 of that Self Aware.

Now, Everyone sees the Rooms carved into this Bed Rock. But how many of you see the Eye Out Line?


Now let's talk about the Ancient Civilizations found beneath the Waters:

Remember we are Mirrors and we are IN Mirrors and those Mirrors are also IN Mirrors and that continues Until you can See 'NO MORE'. Here I mean a Horizon, a Closeness and a Distant Cut Off of your Awareness. And remember that that is a Higher Dimensional Thresh Hold that is in One Part our Brains reaching the 3D Limits and another Part our Left Hand, Psychic, Higher Dimensional Connection that is Strong Enough to work in our Porous Brain Wave Frequencies.

That means YOU have Opened your SELF Electrically to the Higher Dimensions and you see more of what many think of as the After Life in your Today Time. And like your Heart and the Solar System your Mind has Valves that work in a Similar Open and Closed 'Flow Control' that Limits YOU by YOUR OWN WILL To, and get this:

Your OWN MENTAL Health. You OWN Your Mental Health.

This of course is You as an adult and not as a child who is being sexually twisted and used. And Even then you are not Limited to your Past. And to get past the past that was Trauma is 'Meta 4 Ic LY' you in a cave traveling to a new location.

You ALL Know there are Millions and Billions of Earth Planets that are Copies or Duplicates of Earth some of which you go back and forth from each and every day of your life even while awake focused. And it is YOUR Porous Nature of your Mind in a Reliable, Consistent 'Thought' which forms a Wave Pattern that does this 4 you.

Time Lines are Funny Things. 4 when YOU catch YOUR SELF in a Pattern Repeat, like when you are removing an addiction (4 example) you MUST pay Attention TO Your Every Minute of Every Day so YOU Hear YOUR OWN Thoughts. And to Place yourself IN a New Time LINE You are Literally Scripting Your Current Time into a NEW LINE as you Live Your Life.

So you must FOCUS ON your Current Life Line, Temporarily. It is Temporal Lobe, which Processes Memories that you are Sub Do Ing. It is the Temporal Lobe that is 'part of the problem' and your Current Day ACTs are another part of the problem.

You MUST Change your Present FROM the PAST. This means: It doesn't really matter where or what Today's Problem Stems From (remember it is a Light Path that is the Stem of your problem. What Matters is that you KNOW there is a Problem and that YOU are Excited to Remove the Problem 4 that Better Life Line or Light Line or Time Line, 4 they are AL the Same.

Anonymous said...

The Closer Focus that you Now Place on your Thoughts, are in a sense you as a Comet of Light, A Sound Burst in a 'Ball of Light Approach' Peering at your thoughts. And it is YOU IN the CLOSE Ness TO your Own Thoughts, Literally 'Hearing yourself think' where you can see where and when your thoughts Turn YOU back into your Addiction.

They Literally Turn your Light Path BACK to your Old and Set Patterns of Thought. Because they are 'Golem-Like' in their Repeat, Conditioned IN that Pattern because YOU Trained them to behave, become Active at certain Times. So they automatically turn ON. And it is YOU who must Say, Right 'there' and Right 'then' because we are Now ON our Right Hand Path and working on our 3D Behaviors and 3D thoughts, you must interrupt those thoughts as close to Mid Thought as you can catch them and say, "Not going to 'Happen' this Time.' as you remind your self of your NEW Position.

So you see where there is a Back and Forth of Timeline Positioning 'Happening' that is not a 'Tug of War' yet can BE HOLD Ing a Position of Stubborn Resistance.

This 'Back and Forth' IS Needed, this is YOU allowing the Forces, the 4 of your 'Squared (In your Thoughts) Self' to ACT in the Left Hand Path of Creation AS YOU BE HAVE IN a New Pattern. 4 when you ACT you are Ionizing the Space Around You. This Ion Izing is YOU Re Sizing the Electrical Connections of Time Lines, Probabilities are being Pulled Back and Forth in YOUR Effort find its Mate or Mathc.

AND: You may never see this Coming. But you Will FEEL the Difference it Makes. It, the Left Hand Path is at an Emotional Body Level or Dimension. And, One Indicator that you are 'Crossing the Rubicon' and that is a 'No Man's Land' of Neutrality, a NEW and Untouched, or UnPolarized Space of Letting Go of the Path that Contains the Pain and Suffering of the Emotional Body.

At this Time, if you are aware of the lack of pain connected to your problem, it is IN Port Ant that you stay connected TO your new Thoughts and Reasoning, Because even though the Emotions are Removed or Subdued or Sealed, the New Ion Sizing is now moving into the Growth and Strength Phase. Remember, we are talking about Frequencies of Light, and Waves and their Phases that YOUR Thoughts Drive and Control.

And Back and Forth Must happen for a time because it is a Weaving of Electrical Current, a Web of Light, a Junction Point we are Creating to PULL the BEST Case Scenario TO You.

And Remember: You do not need to make the Clean Cut of Completely Forgetting the Old Memories. That is a Radiation Level that is Birth and Death-like. AL you need to do is See the Difference, that IS Distance, between your old 'Feelings' and Patterns or Behaviors and your New.

So there is an Angle of Energy that is Eclipse-Like where you do see a portion of where you 'Were', but enough of that Old Light is Blocked From your BE Ing that is doesn't Re IN Act itself. And that Eclipse is meant as a Time Marker so you see where you are IN Time. This is YOU Knowing what the Left and the Right Hands are Do Ing AT the SAME Time.

Focusing ON the Eclipse can cause Blindness, much like focusing on the Eclipse Position of as we begin a new Time Line can bring more of the Old baggage with it, re open ing an old wound and including it into the New Weh.

I get the feeling that todays work is more 4 me than you guys...like this is the reason 4 me to remain 'out of sight' for a remainder yet. Allowing everyone to absorb the IN Sight I've brought to the Surface so far.

Anonymous said...

Everyone know what a Japanese Pagoda is but do you see the Pagoda Function when you look at the 1st Image here:


And do you see where the 2nd Image is a Carpender's or Stone Mason's Pattern or Guide and a Ruler?

So when you 'Open yourself Electrically' as you, me and many others are continuing to do, we work in an Ebb and Flow 'Process' just like the Moon in her Wax and Wane. And that is an Indicator that we Operate within a 4 Chamber Valve System. Just like a Heart. 4 there IS A Clock guiding the Watch Piece that is the Moon. And the Moon works under its OWN Time Mechanism, but like a Watch it is Set by a Higher Force of a Clock. Hence the need for the Full and New Moons. It is in that Sense a Clock and a Calendar, like the Maya Calendar. And that is because both the Maya Calendar and the Moon Act as Valves that 'Read' Time, Just like I do. We serve a Multi Dimensional Purpose, live a Multi-Dimensional Life (just like each of your do) and Adjust our BE Ing and Meaning and Emotions to the Occasion or the Frequency Set that IS the Occasion, Season, and Daily Time.

So when you 'Bring Energy thru you' as many are doing you are a Valve AND a Phil-Ter 4 Terra. You are Literally Seeding Terra on a Multi-Dimensional Level, like the Anunnaki did before you.

Now, I like the Why Files youtube channel, but I completely disagree with the analysis of Zachariah Sitchin work. I think it is WAY TOO nit picky about his translations. To say that Sitchin's Planet does not exist and yet say that Science's planet 9 does exist....well it stifles the TRUE 'Inter-Pretation', the 'Inner Present Action' of our Intuitive Black Shadow understanding of what we are seeing or hearing. 4 the Ancient Writings are NOT LITERAL as Science would like to make them. And there are Problem From BE Ing Too Literal, especially since there are few Absolutes....

They are a Spiritual Record like the Old Testament of the Bible, clothed in Symbolism so that when you read the Old Testament it takes you back to those Days, much like a Fairy Tale and Play as 'Pretend' does 4 Children. And it is the Parents job to teach their Child the Difference between 'playful pretend' and 'Reality', where one is the Left hand Path and the other is the Right hand Path. The Child NEEDS to KNOW their Footing, the Line between RE AL and Imaginary 4 the Safety of this 'Shared Space World' we Live IN. 4 we are ALL working with different Frequencies and Vibrations that need Care.

These Ancient Writings set the Emotions in each of us as do the Fairy Tales which are Equally as IN Port Ant as the Information or Knowledge that Rides IN ON that Emotion. So these Stone Writings are like the Temples and Temple Pillars and Henges that are SET in Specific Place Locations that Allow for Information to Reach Each of US Via our Emotions.

This is HOW we keep our Emotion AL Body Clear and Strong. Keeping it in Motion and in Good Health as Strength. Even in the Heavens those in need of Safe Spaces are Sepa Rate Ed as Children, considered as New Arrivals. But After a Time, they SHOULD BE Adults in their Strength. It is an 'Un Attractive' Look for One to remain as a Child, Literally, you have no Magnetic Ability. And NO Matter where you ARE Posthumously, you will BE Made to MOVE, as you will eventually not even have the strength to RE Main IN Place.

Anonymous said...

Now, I could read Sitchen's work and gain more from it than I could anything Science has to write about. And that was AL Wehs the case in school, not only 4 Me, but for others like Bashar and his teaching of how to tell a story. It is the BEST Weh to Preserve the Lessons of the Past, while those Lessons Told and not followed or applied, should be followed up with a spankingby the Creator Parents. 4 that IS how the Universe Creates a Healthy Planet: like the Fall of Atlantis (the Spanking) Led to the Horus-Human Birth. Finally.

And the Truly Sad part is that it didn't have to Happen the weh it did. But we are here now, and what's done is done. AS LONG AS Science does not think that we are Locked INTO Disaster every so many years, 4 the Ancient Cycles do not need to be a Ruin of ALL and AL. The Ruins that Science Sees of these Ancient Cultures is NOT the Entire Story. 4 the Splitting of a Planet, like we are IN the midst of today is an Energy Path and NOT an Ending.

What I mean is, The Planet had Energetically Duplicated itself. That has already Happened, and we understand these as Main Probabilities or Arteries of Light. And these Arteries are Wehs and Flows and when Science SEES the Remains of an Ancient City, they believe that people lived there. And that WAS the Case BUT that was one another Copy of Earth.

Remember that STONE is the BEST RECORD of Existence that there EVER WAS. Just because you see the Ancient Towns and Temples does NOT mean your Copy of them ever held Life. These should be seen as Time Markers or Dream Symbols or even Physical Reminders of those Times and if you think they ended in Dis Pair and Destruction, then learn what ever lesson that they did not and 'ACT ABOVE' that Lesson OUT here. 4 I tell you:

Most of the rubble that you see was never a City De-Stroyed, it is De-Storied as a Forgotten Story. Science already knows that when Attention is not paid to a 'place' like a Temple or a town that it breaks down on its own. When Worlds under go a Split it is the PEOPLE in their Birth and Death Cycles AND their Frequency Resonance as their own Mastery that determines where they Go next.

Many Earth's have been abandoned by the Masses in that the people themselves have chosen other paths, ascended paths. And when that 'Happens' as a generational cycle and not an event like the Flood of Atlantis, you have a Low Population of Survivors and you have BAREN LANDS that themselves are Falling Apart due to having no attention paid to them. And that is the REST Period that is needed even for Lands after a Trauma like Atlantis.

Remember that YOU Spur Time ON by your Acceptance and Rejection of 'that which you no longer want'. And 'that which you no longer want' can simply be because you've become bored doing the same thing over Time. I myself cycle thru periods of Sewing, Cross Stitch, Knitting, Painting and Beading. It is not out of Anger, Hatred or an Attack from others that I abandon some hobbies 4 others.

And it is the Same on our Planet.

Anonymous said...

Now, the Fact that we have Temples still today means in One Part that Others ARE STILL USING the Temples at other Earth Locations and that Stimulated Energy 'there' is still influencing the Energy 'here' and that is a 'Probability' Influence that is in a Sense Stimulating our Location into Saving or Preserving that physical Location 4 Us until we enter the Cycle where we are Mature enough IN Spirit 'here' to appreciate what those BE 4 us Built and SHARED with Us. It is our Legacy, Inheritance and Tradition as we MUST KNOW where we Came FROM to See where we ARE and where we are Headed.

That works in an Energy Flow IN Co Junction with Stone BE Ing a Strong Construct of Time, one that can Travel a Distance without Attention Paid TO It. You see this as the Earth's Left and Right hand Paths, and there are Locations where many go to rest and relax and Resonate as a Frequency BACK TO these Times that YOU think are Long Gone. They are Lives that we manifest to Re-Live or Re-Experience as a Healing Therapy and an Enjoyment, like a hobby that you would like to Pick UP again.

So Do NOT look for the Masses to Die off in this Earth Splitting Energy. It will in a Cycle of Time reduce the Population as many are having children they don't want or 'need' because many are in need of a Focus on their selves at this Time. Paths themselves when they are at a Junction Point of Time like we are at today are written as Ball and Socket Joint of our Skeleton BE Ing. One of Stone, and One where the Planet Projects itself into Probabilities like the movements of our Arms that Stem FROM our Shoulders. This can be understood as the ACT Ion of our Arms in Motion. Energetically we are a Light Body Projecting Light AL over the Place in a Movement or ACT. And these in the Higher Dimensions are Us, and the Planet as another Example, in a Range of Probabilities. If you Break you Arm, there is a Scar after the bone heals. Same with the Planet. Yet there are Probabilities where you never broke that Bone, and same with the Planet.

And this New Gentle Ness in this Transition WILL create a Gentle Ness in the Physical Earth Changes. Now I still do not see massive earthquakes or other disasters. AND that is a GOOD Sign that many will ACT Appropriately to reading these Words. They will adjust themselves instead of Forcing the Planet to Adjust US. And like God, she WILL Spank the Population when Necessary.

Understand that not ever ancient City Fell in Ruin, just because you see Ruin on the planet. Our verse or version of Earth simply chose another Path and that Ruin was not Fallen or Abandoned, the Population simply chose NOT TO Bend with the Times at our Angle. This does NOT necessarily involve Crime on anyones Part. It involves a Lack of Communication, and that it AL. Staying IN Touch with Family, with History, or other Parts of this World is Important to KNOW Ing where they are Located so you do not lose sight of their Tree Branch 'Thread of Life'.

Today, this does not mean that Changes like flooding, quakes and more won't 'Happen' it means the will 'Happen' less dramatically and Humanity will BE Pre Pair Ed for such Events have an Advanced Notice of 'Things to Come'. This is YOU being the Anunnaki, helping the Peace Full Settlement for the Earth in Labor and Deliver a NEW World in a BIRTH that many think of as a SPLIT. Remember Answers are Given once you in SELF are Connected, and 4 those who are Innocent in a Karma Free Clarity, they are Given Answers BE 4, or Earlier. And these are Answers to a Path that You may decide NOT to Take Collectively. OR they are Answers to those who are ready to hear and accept and it is those who can alter the UP Coming Events BECAUSE Remember:

Anonymous said...

Tha Math can BE Deeper at some Points. The Geometry is Complex and Webbed and much harder to read at some locations than at others and it is the Strength of the Shape Shifters, those who web into Time altering themselves, Acting as Watches or Time Pieces themselves as Crystals so they can set their Watch or Crystal BE Ing until they Find or Locate the Life that Resonates or Appears or Comes into Focus.

I sit comfortably with my Morning Coffee every Morning and ACT this Weh.

BUT Make NO Mis Take: The Split of our World that the Spirits or Channeled BE Ings describe IS the Creation of a Labia as a Valve, Door Weh, Portal, is a Manifestation of Choices We are making and Sides we are Taking and ACTs we are BE Have Ing. It is SOOOOOO Easy to Cross INTO a Better 'Place' from where we are today. IN Fact it is Child's Play. Literally, BE Have Accordingly and you simply ARE 'there', building a BE Have 'Ior', which a BE Have 'Ion' or Atmos Sphere you are Creating A Round a Situation or Idea. It is an Energy that YOU are Tainting, like a Home you Live IN that is a Portal that needs Closed or Folded up as it is your Platform or Base or Bass. It is your Signature as an Energy Script, and it is a Grave Yard when you are in Dimensions like our Earth and a Ruin when a Collective Idea Seam Less LY 'dies' to move to a new Earth.

When you study the our Human 4 Heart Valves you see that 2 are essentially the same, The 3rd is the same, yet (to me) it seems slightly different and the 4th is a Labia. There IS One Labia of the 4. There IS YOUR Mathc or Math. THAT is the Start Point and is the Higher Dimensional of the 4 Chambers.

I bring this UP, because the Valves, AND the ConCave Vs Con Vex Lenses that Form from our Thoughts that Surround US and the ACTs that Follow or Haunt, depending on the Moral, the Manners of our ACTs, use a Time that Places these 'Other Probabilities' and "Other Realities' in their SEEmingly (or SEAmingly) 'Random Place Locations' at SEEmingly (SEAmingly) Random Times. These ARE Predict Able and is how the Ancient Stone Calendars were/are Accurate.

4 when you KNOW what you are looking at, you will see that the Gaia Tica (the Galactic) is a Watch, Like I AM a Watcher, meaning AS IT AL WEHS Meant: that I Watch the Gaia Tica because I Go 'There' and I Pattern My Self TO that Location, Staying 'There' UnTil 'something' comes into Focus and I talk to that 'something' which is really part of a Larger BE Ing that IS A SomeOne. You see? Go Back at look at the Door Weh and Pagoda images. It is the SAME.

The Watchers is a misunderstood Idea in that many think it is a Creepy Para-Noia that they Feel when around me, but what it really is is a Para Noir A, A Dark Environment that is Black Shadow, Noir as the Night.

Anonymous said...

"4 when you KNOW what you are looking at, you will see that the Gaia Tica (the Galactic) is a Watch, Like I AM a Watcher, meaning AS IT AL WEHS Meant: that I Watch the Gaia Tica because I Go 'There' and I Pattern My Self TO that Location, Staying 'There' UnTil 'something' comes into Focus and I talk to that 'something' which is really part of a Larger BE Ing that IS A SomeOne."

4 That IS Prayer. That is what 'Happens' when you Pray. AND it is with those who Pray where I AM Most Welcome. 4 when you do not Pray as a Communication to those you do not See there is no Setting of your Own Clock and you Fall like the Atlanteans in their Hubris State where the Left hand Path and the Right Hand Path do not Mathc and Mate as an AL Chem IC AL Exchange of 'Current SEA' or Money.And their Definition of the Watchers Turns A Skew:

"The Watchers is a misunderstood Idea in that many think it is a Creepy Para-Noia that they Feel when around me, but what it really is is a Para Noir A, A Dark Environment that is Black Shadow, Noir as the Night."

4 that is what those who are not Grounded in the Left and the Right Hand Paths IN Equal Measures and Flow. And Valves are a Timesharing Process for the Health and Well Being and Well Beating (as a Bass or a Heart) as a Strength of Being and a Sound for the Sum Total of a Strong Being Sound.

And then there is Light. Meeting a Threshold of a Strong BE Ing Sound Produces Light. And it will not BE Understood by CERN or any Science until they Understand how IN Port Ant Spirit IS IS IN their Work. 4 when the Left Hand Path and the Right Hand Path Work together IN Harmony Sound, Science will Stall in their Progress, like they have since the Atlanetan Fall.

Scientists must become the Devote Priests to become the god or Magician, like the Goddess Ishtar until her Relief was defamed as an Up Date Ed Formula of Time and Time's Process or Path. Let's look again because there are a few things I've missed the 1st Time around:


The Rod and Ring of Ishtar's Left Hand Remain IN Tact, is still Tacked as Attached. They are Pinned in Place as a Reach, like with Shiva and like I AM to Arcturus. How EVER (as a Period of Time) Her Humerus, Scapula and part of her Clavicle are Missing. Her Shoulder and Rotator Cuff are erased. Her entire arm looks Darkened, becoming Night or more UnSEEn, as if Burned OFF before it was chiseled to remove or Erase the Humerus completely. And that IN TURN Removed the Ring from Ishtar's Right hand yet the Wand or Rod of her Right Hand Remains.

These represent the 'Stages or Cycles' and 'Depths or Strengths' of the Disconnect between goddess and Mankind.

So, the Creation Energy comes from the Left Hand Path that is now IN Dark Ness and at the Humerus that is Completely UnSeen (though the Universe itself does remain and we do still see the outline Image of where the Humerus should BE). The Humerus CAN BE Manifested or Brought Forth, 4th Again.

Anonymous said...

Notice on the Right side of the Ish Star's Wesekh. That Too is removed for the Balance and Flow Absorption of the Energy coming IN thru her from her Left. 4 there is NO Thing to Sort and Compute coming from the IN PHYSICAL FORM.

Remember that this is Strictly Feminine Energy that we are Talking about, IT is the WEH of the YawWeh that has been Re D ACT Ed, redacted, Read the definition and you can see it is the Script, the Word or Sound itself that has been with-drawn due in 'Main Part' to the Atlantean Fall. The 'Main Part' is IN Port Ant in that there are other lesser Light Path Strengths that come into 'Play' adding and subtracting to our Light Strength and Path Direction.

This, or these missing Ish Star parts show Depth and what Remains of our Dimensional Depths Physically and Psychically and 'there' 4, Psychologically. 4 your Psychic Readiness IS what Your 3D mind Reflects as Psychology.

You see where this is a Stepped Down Process into the 3D. AND that you can hurt and harm others as they are trying to Fit Their Selves INTO 3D? WATCH how YOU Play, AND DO KNOW Many today are coming IN without the Health Benefit of Parental Timing, Parental Attention. Children as Left or Dropped OFF at Businesses that are called Day Care and Schools that menace their Basic BE Ing: Their Sexuality.

Sexuality is the Gate Weh and the Path to AL Fertility and Fertility that the Ish Star is KNOWN 4 is Weh More than her Reproduction. Fertility IS the Result of the Left and Right Hand Paths IN a Marriage of their own. It is their Union, and one that is in a 1:1 Mathc or Mating Cycle that Produces Creation Cycles and Creation Energies and:

When the Creation of 'AL Things' has the Ability, the Able Ness to Arrive into a New Dimension, like the 3D in this example, that is called Fertility.

Remember the Law of One is as part of its definition in a 1:1 Ratio or Mathc. And Marriage is the 1:1 Ratio working together from Polar or Pole Opposites. Like One Man and One Woman working together as One Couple. It is the Complete Magnetic Law of Attraction with the Law of Repulsion.

The 2 working together as 'Pole Opposites' and 'as One Union' Travel the Distance. As that is the Law that I Travel ON and WITH.

And as you know from the modified or updated Ish Star Stone Relief, not every Environment is Perfect. It is YOU who Perfect Es the Environment.

IF that were NOT the Case 'Why?' Wood the Anunnaki and others came to our Forming Planet to Guide it into an Inhabit Able Place 4 Humanity, for our Human Form to continue to Grow and Alter as an Adapt Action into the Horus-Human Race of Mankind.

And FROM the VERY BE-Gin-Ing or BE Jinn Ing the gods fell due to their Magnetic Feeding FROM the Magnetic Strength of the Daughters of Man. The Fall Gained its Strength From Sex and Sexuality. Had the gods instead Built their OWN Strength, Squared their Footing in their Left and Right hand Path, Promiscuity and Paranoia wood BE in a Much Different 'Place', even Today.


Anonymous said...

Soory, I forgot to include this link:


Anonymous said...

Early this morning, Dad Owl delivered a small bird to his kids and one owl caught it and ate it whole! Never saw anything like that from one so young, and it is the camera deceiving us into thinking the owlets are small. ATE IT WHOLE! You sure don't see that every day! OK:

Let's talk Shoulders today and 'Why and What' they represent. Why is Ishtar missing one and where we find Shoulder Energy in our Past as I like to pull the pieces of the Past together 4 those of us in the Present.

Please google 'Menat' and look at the images. And know that it is a Symbol that we see at Dendera that I've been Calling 'Creation Energy in a Projection' that creates a Trumpet Blast or Horn Energy as we saw here: https://www.facebook.com/112001578818426/photos/a.547703008581612/2842695732415650/?type=3

At Dendera You see a Path from the Trumpet or Menat AND you see it in the number of 4 Paths feeding its energy to other Temple Locations. Undestant that the Menat produces Sound Waves and they are Received by those Tuned TO-Ward those Frequencies. You MUST have a Desire or Destination IN Mind of what you are Searching 4. You see?

Understand that the Wesekh that is Created from the Menat in the Dendera Description is NOT the Same as Told in the Ishtar Description where she is standing on the Lions and between the Owls.

We now see Ishtar has been modified into the 2 Stand DNA or 2 Sugar Phosphate Backbones that we are Familiar WITH, the Carbon Base we know and THINK We Under Stand. She has been Reduced AL Chenic AL LY into Inter FACE Ing Her BE Ing to the Right Hand Path and that is shown in her Wesekh being....reduced as well. And it is that Wesekh that is the Ancients Understanting of our DNA Pattern.

And do you see where Saturn Is a Henge or Djed Pillar in our Solar System and the Moon is one of the 4 Temples Tuned to Receive Her Source Material, be that Material 'Knowledge from the Galactic', or our own planet's 'Eco-Logical', the Material she delivers is Logical. You see?

So Saturn's Rings are a Wesekh and the DNA of the Galactic Brought 4th. And Saturn DOES have 4 Main Groups or Rings.

Anonymous said...

Now when you read these posts, notice that some of the Wesekh Images are Vertical, like the Wesekh itself and some are Shown Horizontal, placed on their sides, like the djed Pillar. That is a different Angle, a Corner that was turned as a Light Path and This is 4 you to use your Imagination as you 'arrive' from one figure in their Egyptian Math Formulas into the Next. Remember you are a Gyroscope so you are to use your Mind/Imagination to transfer yourself from one Image in the Formula into the next while keeping the entire Path in your mind while AT THE SAME TIME you change your own Orientation of Understanding, your Higher Mind as 5D. You are Driving DimensionS, with and 'S' and that is how the Higher Dimensional's can literally See if you have Grasped and Idea. They see your Higher Dimensional Body Vibrate or Resonate as a Philo and Sophia Philosophers Stone. They see you energetically Absorbing the Energy Idea that surrounds you. Like an Amniotic Fluid that En Rich Es You. 4 you absorb as much nourishment from the Outer Amniotic Fluid as you do from the Unbilical Cord which enriches the Fetus. It is a 2 Path Arrival into 3D. You see?


When we go thru the descriptions of these pathways and functions, take the Time in your Mind's Eye, your Imagination to Twist, Turn or Rotate the Imagery in your mind. You are Traveling at the Speed of Light and Orientation, Like an Airplane and like the Orient as a Land Mass Its Self Must BE IN the Proper Angles to Land Safely, in a Tolerance Emotionally and Physically and read all the definitions of 'Tolerance' 4 they al apply. When the Orient Descended (or arrived) to Earth the Land itself was not occupied and was seen in the 3D version as Barren. Remember that it would have been at a Different Level of Radio Activity and when a Probability OR a Time Line Shifts, it makes Adjustments that ARE LIKE WE SEE TODAY.

ACTIVITY is Energetically 'Blown Apart' and that means it is in AN 'Open Source of GREAT VARITY'. To the Point where the 5D Dream Symbol ACTIONS of amputating your penis in favor of a vagina that will be painful for the rest of your life seems like a great idea. And allowing another HUMAN BEING to harm themselves while they are in this State of Being...does not seem to me to be 'Compassionate' any more than allowing them to believe they can in fact BE a Woman. It is the irrational and the Reality, which remember IS a Self Aware BE Ing, Bleeds OUT of the Ungrounded Individual and Suffers IN TO the Greater Good, which IS (Usually) the Future of the Collective or the Masses. That means MORE that one HUMAN BEING Suffers by loosing ONE to the Fantasy. Look at the Families of those who are Lost in their Transgender Feelings. Everyone is affected.

I tell you, the Truth is NOT Be Ing told about the Medical Knowledge: the Hormones and the Pain they Bring to the Psyche. AND these ARE KNOWN to the Medical Establishment. That IS A Crime. To not inform the Patient, their families AND Co-Workers or other Students. AND: It is a Deception against one who is not able to Center themselves in their 5D Higher Mind to their 3D as a Completed Journey due to lack of....their Geometric Angles cannot connection in 'IN Port Ant' Locations so much of the Math Literally Blows Right By Them. It is a Timing Issue where that Math does not have the Time it needs to CAPTURE or Collect or Gather and then HOLD that Ionization, and this is at the 5D level.

And as such it IS a Mental Illness as it is a Break in an Energy Path. 4Some it is a Short Cut taken so they do not need to settle an Mathc, so they bypass it completely because:

Anonymous said...

TO Them their Own Heath as a Multi Dimensional does NOT Matter. And I tell you: You AL WEHS Matter, 4 you are AL WEHS THOUGHT. Period. If you find yourself as a Homosexual, that is you having IGNORED, meaning more than one Lifetime something as a Spiritual Path that you need to Complete. The Spiritual Lesson has been ignored enough that it now has touched your 1st Step from your Psyche, your Sexual Bass Frequency. And it is at the 5D level or Frequencies in your 3D Brain Wave Patterns that your Own 3D Spiritual Awareness can Straighten and Sort as a Re Connect Ion TO your Psyche. AND that has AL WEHS been ACTIVATED via Prayer and/or Meditation and/or Soul Searching. PERIOD.

Now many will Pooh-Pooh this as bullshit and think its 'fine' as an Energy and they will leave it in place. AND I would agree with them if we were still in the Past or a Passed Time. However, we are not 'there' anymore and Time has Moved ON. Probabilities are such that you CAN remain in your State at one of the other Earth-like Locations. But KNOW that while you are 'here' with me today, you are out of Excuses because now you KNOW AND Have been Reminded while you are 'here' with me today.

This IS the Time on our Planet where it was like 4 the Bishop while I sat IN Prison with Him, telling him, explaining to him in Pains Taking Detail what his future will be Like. Hence his self-flagellation after my death AND when you read the definition of 'flagellation' it DOES have a Sexual Gratification tied to it and believe: Yours will be Altered as well. This means your Future Live will be Alter-Ed. Paying attention to those IN your Life today who are hurt by your ACTS. Opening TO Them as well as Opening TO your own Feelings of your Future is a great 1st step into reconnecting your self to your SELF. You see?

Now, IN Times of High Population, where the Numbers of people are much greater than....the Land per capita AT THIS TIME. Here I am seeing the Power Energy that a Human BE Ing Bring into 3D com Pair ed to the Earth's and it becomes very clear that we Collectively are Power Plant FULL or an Energy that not only Mathc Es the Planet Chakra but excels it, Excites it from our own, in a when we are angry she knows and 'clouds over' and it affects her own Nature Behaviors. Here it is the her Elements and the Element ALs Beings, those with strong Linages and 'AL Legiances' that are 'AL (multi dimensions) Legions' of Energy that is combined IN TO One that are affected.

That is Literally how 'shit happen's' in the sudden sonic boom of a Tunguska Event. That was the SAME Energy that I tapped into for the Fatima Marian Appertains of 1917 and it was the Re Main Der Energy of that same Light Path that Hit Russia. You might say I 'softened the blow' 4 not only did I use Light from that IN Coming Energy Stream, I diverted it enough thru my access, my tapping into the Stream, to Affect its landing in an Unpopulated Region.

But know that it is the SAME Energy that appears at SkinWalker where a Bull or Sacred Cow is Sacrificed to God. And KNOW that many are against Cows and Cattle as food right now. In FACT: the Fires that hurt the Cattle Ranchers, Killing their Cattle was NO ACCIDENT. AND it is the Cattle themselves that are Sought, 4 Cattle have AL WEHS been Sacred. It is a Mathc or Tuning to that breed of animal.

Anonymous said...

And KNOW Ing that should help science figure out the Mathc and Math Angles to our Planet as Earth IS a Giant SkinWalker-like Equivalent.

Now we at at a Cross Roads where we sit together like I did with the Bishop. But Realize that the Explosion the is the Tunguska Event is 'Happening' Well Above the Earth Planet and is IN your Emotional Body.

You are AL SAFE unless you choose to ACT on your Feelings and Kill and you will be judged Harshly because you KNOW. You AL WEHS KNEW, and I have TOLD YOU PERSONALLY. Just like I did with the Bishop. And believe when I say he has Healing 'Happening' in Other Places and that I will not see this because I am not 'there' I AM 'Here'.

So this New Air Burst is an Opening that is a 3D-5D connection of our Human Form. It is the Wesekh that we see Ishtar Wearing that is NOW 4 Some of Us in its completed Form or FORCE. It is the Return of our DNA from the 1/4 Cycle into the Menorah 1/2 cycle of our FULL Circular and Cycle Pattern. It is an Addition of Time and Timing into our Lives, and with that is the return of the Lost or the Dampened Energies and this is a Finer Energy EX Cell Er Act or Ion Behavior or an Acceleration of the missing Electric AL into our 3D and know that we are not really 3D at this point in time but are a Higher 3D-4D Blend and that some of us are Porous in this Energy use. That means, we will still open and close like valves in a Larger System, like your heart is to your body form and relay on a Bass Pattern. And it is the Friends you've made on the other side who will ACT IN the Osirisian Laws to help these Energies Provide. They are Guides 4 you Money Energy, the Energy Money itself is your own.

But KNOW that there is no Doom or Catastrophe Coming that I can see, like a Discharge Event that kills our Cattle that will Happen to us, There is A 'De Rail Meant' of Light Event where those who have no Interest in Sorting their Energetic Connections TO-Ward Self and will continue to ACT IN their Impunity (as a Round-About Delay 'IN Punishment') that will see an Energy Subtraction and this Galactic Magnet Sweeps across the Multi-Dimensions of the 3-4D Divide in an Effort to Re Store an old Sore that was our Atlantean Injury that affected AL of Mankind.

So understand that any physical Earth Changes WILL Occur in the next hundred year cycle. If AL goes well in your Hearts Today, these Physical Planet Changes will be gentler, having Her pressure Reduced and Reconciled by US Today. The Planet will, of course Pick up the Slack of those who continue to hurt others in their ACTs of Cruelty and Self Ish Ness and we will see this as a 'Suddenness' 4 our Planet. So any Floods and Quakes that need to 'Happen' will be told to those in tune with the Earth before they occur. These with Elemental Ties will be guiding others to Safer Locations, and Edgar Cayce did leave a Map 4 the US, as did the U.S. Navy have a similar map of its own survey with is very similar. And there is more to say about the Future U.S. geology. But 4 now I must move ON:

Anonymous said...

A correction from April 19, 2024 at 11:57 AM:

The 'De Rail Meant' Light Event is the Sorting of Souls where those who are not taking Life Seriously as a Productive and Positive Growth Opportunity and can no longer match their Bass Frequency to our Planet are moved OFF to another Earth that can support their Life, and it is 'there' that they Find their Masculine/Feminine Balance. Because right now this Planet IS Advancing in her own Ascension Balance and has waited Long Enough to do so. She has proven her own Tantric Abilities And Strength by considering Others, Like the Plant and Animal and ManKind Life that depend on Her as well as Alining with our Other Planets and their Timing.

Believe that She, Like Me, has been Forced to Sit and Wait until the Time was Right.


"So understand that any physical Earth Changes WILL Occur in the next hundred year cycle *and not while we as Humanity are going thru our Horus-Human changes. The Physical Earth Changes will take a few hundred years to complete. If AL goes well in your Hearts Today, Meaning you Work to Keep your Mental Health STABLE, these Physical Planet Changes will be gentler, having *Earth's pressure Reduced and Reconciled by US Today." But the Idea is that, that Like the Arrival of the Orient Cultures and their Life Arriving, Merging IN and With our Planet, they did not Arrive over Night, taking a Time Length considered 'Millennial' to Settle as others cultures have done. But the Physical Earth Changes that will need to 'Cross Over' our Planet can be softened in Duration and Severity BY YOU Minding YOUR Manners and Kindness in YOUR ACTS. Here I see this Cross Over as an Overlay that Magnetically Alters as it Sits Above the Earth and it Mathc Es Her, what we call 3D, Essence TO Her Higher Dimensional Ones. Which we AL Do when we Alter our Selves.

Placing ourselves on a Stone Alter in our Ancient Past had this similar Magnetic Resonant (Reason ANT) Purpose. Here is is the Philosopher's Stone that ancient Royalty used, and when not ON the Stone Alter, but IN one, like a Stupa or Cave it went beyond Reasoning and represented Travel and had ties to Physical Health, like with Lazarus. Tho realize that an Alter was like a Landing Pad and was a Beacon of Sound much Like a Tomb Stone or the Sphinx, Especially durning the days where the Ark's were still Functioning in Strength and not misused in their Purpose. Our Earth Functioned as its own High Powered Ark, and that is the Point that We are to ReTurn TO.

But 4 now, those not returning to our Earth are to remain here and Watch as they are now the Watchers. Observing without the Ability to Touch and ACT Magnetically is NOT to be understood as a Punishment. It is 4 (Squaring) You to Sit and Rest and Re Position Your Self, Like we see at the Dendra Light, as a New Place to Under Stand the Light.

AND just because you think you have do not have access to the Higher Dimensional Energies right now, does not mean that that is True, or that you will not any time soon. It is the Darkest BE 4 (as a Squaring of YOU) that makes it seem Non Existent and Far A Weh. Simply Bring 'it' 2 You by Co Operating IN and With It. Attract (A TracT as a Time Line 'Jump') it TO You via your own Higher Dimensional Joy and Good Will.

Now, I ask you 'Is abortion a Right or a Wrong?' AND 'Is Abortion 'Re AL Ly', or really, a form of (Re) Productive Health Care?' ESPECIALLY when you Choose to 'not care' about the New Light YOU Connected TO. YOU have a Choice to have sex with someone or not BE 4 You find yourself Pregnant.

Anonymous said...

4 Women: Stop and Think a moment: You have NO IDEA the Higher Dimensional Energy that 'Happens' TO YOU durning Conception, Pregnancy and Delivery. None. And that is No Matter if you physically feel it or not. When you Abort that Connection what signals are you sending to your Higher Self? ACTs have Results and some Results can be harsh Consequences. AND I tell you the truth:

When you take your Time Selecting a Mate or Husband, QUALITY is the Result. It is YOU that Makes the Man (Appear), Literally. Promise Skew Ity as a Sexual Liberation reduces the quality that you attract Magnetically. That is a Part of Sacred Geometry, Too Much of a 'good thing' so close to your psyche will burn itself out Quicker, AND here's another Truth: When you Divorce with Children, you are messing up their Sexuality not just your own.

Making Smarter Choices 4 Your Self here in 3D IS VERY Liberating. I recommend many try it and Acknowledge the Results. That means you Thank God and Appreciate the Paths YOU Took IN Life. This Acknowledgment that your Life is better 4 having made the choices that you did is Food and Money and Fuel as Propulsion (Pro Pulse Ions, Ions and a Magnetic Electric) that is a Good Place you are Building 4 Yourself, both 'here' and 'there'. I got side tracked... Going back to this Magnetic 'Air Burst' we are IN:

As Part of the Physical Changes that the Planet will go through over a period of hundreds of years we may get a chance to see 4 ourselves the type of Arrival that AL Cultures (not just the Orient) have taken via the AntArc Tica Blue Eyed Blonds and the 'experiments' countries are doing at the South Pole. Is it their Intent to Arrive and Live with us, or is it their Intent to Hover at the Door Weh and interact with us from that Position and Distance? I'm asking because I don't know what their Intent is just yet, but ALL the Markers are such that We are Ascending TO-Ward them and are using them as a Guide for us as a Gyroscope Guidance System to Land, and they are doing the Same TO-Ward Us. And with that Merging Energy, we see within our own Adam Forms their same Energy Flux, Pulse, Flicker or New Pattern. Where the Blue-Eyed Blonds have their own uniquely shaped eyes, like the Asian Eyes have their own shape, and we become like them as they are becoming like us.

So, 4 the Planet AND 4 Us as ONE Mathc, it is IN our BEST Interest to Stop Hurting Others, and 4 Others to Stop BE Ing hurt by these others. There is no need to BE a Victim in an Energy Like we have Today. It is a Heal Ing Energy we are IN, One that is LITERALLY Searching the Lands to Re Store those in need. It is NOT the Time to Build MORE NEED or Feed that Need. It is an ACTion Energy and this means: YOU ACT TO Accept the Past and Leave the pain full feelings, gently Bat it a weh from you in favor of Mental and Physical Health to Heal your Own BE Ing by acting in a pattern that is fair to you and does not steal from another.

Here I mean this new Energy is a Sepa Rate from what you are used too and that you need to ACT IN IT as IF YOU ARE it's Mathc as a Sepa Rate Right (Hand) NOW TOO, or 2 as a Sepa Rated Pillar of Light pushing some thoughts FROM your Mind to Focus ON the Positive or the Desired Outcome IS what this New Energy is Searching 4. So the New Energy + Your Own Mathc TO-Ward IT, will Excite and Ex Cell Er Rate INTO Your Being = the 2 Forces (the New Energy and You) Produce a New Weh, a new Flow of Life that is an Environment 4 us AL. That Shared Space that is a Continuous Motion and Sustain Able when you Raise above and stay in the Positive and Healthy Choices of Life.

Anonymous said...

And BE Aware that some changes will reshape your Emotional Body. This means it will hurt your feelings and that pain is drawing your Emotional Swamp OUT and Swapping it for Fertile Emotional Ground, One that produces what you Plant. It is the Current Exchange Rate, you see? It is also why Javier is an Economist, that is Literally what is Happening in Argentina by His Hands, Left and Right. You see?

And it will run its course as a Re Peat that burrows (or as a location, Boroughs) deeper and more solid as an Energetic Entry, that is a Porous or Portal Location AND Time Pattern with each Cycle Repeat. So feel bad, but make it a point to not stay there. And as an Example of my meaning of a 'Porous or Portal Location AND Time Pattern' that is 'Me' as each of you are your own unique Location and Time Patterns. You see? How Clean is your Room? Is it Clean enough to get you from 'here' to 'there'?

Remember there is a lot 'Happening' at this Time. The Earth is making long needed changes and that is One BIG Scattered Energy Point that we feed or Bass ourselves on. And many often Read that Scattered Ion-IZ-ACTION, Ionization as a Time to get High, like the festival of Drunkenness of Olde.

Now, you see where Sexuality IS BE Ing 'Touched' by this Energy? And many are Mes-mer-ized (M Es (Essence) Mary (as the Feminine Dimensional Energy) Sized,) by their new Unbalanced Arrival of receiving this Energy IN themselves. It is that they, IN their AL Chemic AL Black Shadow State have 'Struck Gold'. Literally ran IN TO (From 2 different Path Wehs at 1 Time) it and it is IN their Mind Connection, as Resonating like the letter 'M' with this Rich Umbilical-Like Energy Environment, as if they have received an Epiphany and they Interpret this Energy as a Sexual High more so than a PhiloSophers Stone Moment.

Does that make sense? It is in their Dis Orient Ed Electrical Gyroscope State slowing their 3D Timing even more as this Energy delivery works in more attempts as Repeats to Sort and become Accepted. Cutting off your Dick and Flouncing in a Manner that you think is Feminine is a Distortion and a Childish Game you are playing in your Life, taking it and your Future IN a Direction that is a Burrow. It is you Standing in the Dark Open Portion of the Ichthys and are NOT Standing in the Light Path of Either of the Tail's 2 Light Lines or Light Rails.

It is that Same Psychic (if you have your footing) or Dream State (if you don't) that has many TO Day Disconnected from the 3D where they think its ok to do what you want when you want. And here in 3D there is a 'Webbed Together' State of Being where you are NOT IN YOUR OWN WORLD, like you are in your Dream States. Here in 3D, Others can get hurt by those who are 'A Sleep'. And we see this a lot in the news today.

It is IN EVERY ONES BEST Interest to set Guidelines so those in these Dream States HAVE Borders and Boundaries 4 their Protections as well as 4 others. And when you do not create Borders and Boundaries AND ARE IN A POSITION TO DO SO, like those running Governments into Ruin as well as Judges, Prosecutors, Colleges and many other Officials are IN positions to do so, along side Parents and Spiritual Leaders like Popes and others are in positions to do so...When these do NOT:

Anonymous said...

They themselves BE Come Involved IN this Polar or Pole Er Flip, IN the Inversion, the IN-Verse of Themselves and are Traveling ON and IN the Negative Cycle. You see?

Now, these groups I've named who were IN Positions to Help those who cannot Manage the 3D Imagery, literally Mathc Ing it to their 5D FrameWork 2 as it is trying to deliver itself to them into their 3D, they KNOW Better and are NOT Drunk in their 5D Symbolism but are Drunk ON En Rich Ing themselves that places their own Egos in a High or semi-high State. Like a 2nd Hand Smoke, they are KNOW Ing Ly taking money, breaking laws, causing pain to the lives of the Sober as a Re Bound, a Vicarious Weh of Life thru the 'victims' which are the Dreamers which are those Psychologically IN the violent and the sexualized 3-5 Merge.

None of this is OK. And Living IN a Creation Energy is NOT an 'I get Everything I want' Energy. Creation when NOT Sampled Core Rectly as a Squared Sampling IN a Period of Time that Creation Cycle can Quickly become a Cartoon Dream-Like Energy that we AL see from you. It is UnSafe Driving in a Shared Space.

Remember the Imagery with in framework 2 IS itself Self Aware and in that sense is Alive just as We ourselves are alive. Tho, WE IN our 3D Forms (and that is EVERY ONE A Live TO DAY) ARE AL WEHS STRONGER than that which is delivered TO Us.

There are NO Excuses.

This is YOU Directing your Gyroscope Ship or Craft to Come IN at the Correct Position, or Orientation. When you are feeling Off in life or Confused by my work, Take the Time and begin again, following it like a Light Path, a Travel can help Because we are Entering the Halls of Amenti or the 'Amen Tica' where the Time Portal or Tica does not close. It loops around and Presents as Both Labyrinth and Mirror, and it is the Consistency of your ACTs that Opens Portal that was the Mirror to the Feminine Sound Energy that was tunes the Labyrinth into the Lady Rhyme that I admit that may need some editing.

Remember Too, we are using our Ball and Socket, Convex and Concave Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=-tPOOsvQwK8 as that is the Light Path Flow and Direction. This is not only YOU as a Gyroscope Moving your Light Projection of SELF, but it is also the Planet as a Gyroscope Moving HER Own Light Projection Self. Tuning her Concave Lens that is the Firmament as she Rotates her Convex Chakra Core. 4 you are a Planet in your own Right.

This is Ball and Socket Joint that IS YOU as you are a Core of Light BE Ing Shining your Light thru a Lens, the Concave Atmos Sphere that surrounds or Hugs you. It is YOUR Job to keep your Ball or Core Shape in a Rounded Sphere and it is your Job to Keep you Lens IN the Clean and Clear Position. Don't look through a dirty and miss-shaped lens. That is how Miss Ed Under Standings 'Happen'. This is You not Paying Attention to your djed Light Pillar, where you are in Prayer facing your Stone Pillar of Light (like the Stones they Altered durning Atlantis to give off Light). The Prayer-like Attention or Meditation or Wish Full Fill Meants is you on the Femiinine or Left Hand Path and you are Adjusting the Djed Position AND Shape as Height and Width along the Light Bulb or Light Lens Projection.

We are seeing a Horizon Light 4 the 1st Time and we must Tune ourselves, guide ourselves into a proper Landing. Much like an Air Plane or a Bird Lining UP and coming in 4 Landing. And by Doing this we are Orienting (like the Orient or Oriental Lands) that Phoenix Rising Light, Taking it from its Eclipse 'Sliver of Light' Position into a FULL Sphere of its own. By doing so it is a Maturity, a Nurturing and a Feeding to keep our Position as we Grow the Light as an Idea or Place into a Stability that is then an Orbit as a Fixed Location TO our Own. A Tidal Locking. AND Believe Your Sexuality and Sexual Behaviors ARE the Most IN Port ANT and TELL Ing as it is your Bass Sound. And:

Anonymous said...

This is how you Sort and Store things in your Mind. So yeah, sex tells a lot about your Mental Health.

Now when we are in the Djed Position, where we Meet and HOLD an Idea that Resonates as the Vertical Pillar to then Project as the 4 Horizontal Barbs or as Circular Discs, we are a Pillar of Engaged and Bright Light and our Wesekh is in a Sound Wave Pattern that IS our Hum. That is our Constant Bass. We are Also Using that 'Internal To Us' Hum that is our own Vibration or our own BE Ing Ness as the Energy we use to Communicate Telepathically. 4 when you think A Thought You ARE in a Telepathic Communication. You ARE using Telepathy to Communicate AND your Spirit Guides and posthumous Loved ones and Family Hear you. And this Thought Projection was Named Thoth.

And the djed Represents this as a Bass Hum because you are IN Constant Thought:

Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual. These are the 4 Rings of Saturn and your own djed. And we take idea that the Animals do not have souls or the Spiritual, Thus they having only 3 Rings in their Djed. What is 'Happening' is a Blend where their Physical, Emotional and Mental are Removed From the Spiritual. This means there is No Fate, Ambition or Life Plan Tied TO them other than Instinct Survival. HOWEVER: Spirit DOES Flow thru them in that Spirit IS IN AL of Us. God Spirit is 'pre blend ed' in the sense that God's Spirit, the Higher Life that is God Energy is Blended in the Animal's Physical, Emotional and Mental, and is not a Sepa Rate of its own, you see?

Now you have to know that the Ancient Images of the Animal and Man Blended together as a 1/2 man 1/2 animal being IS done to describe Energy Distribution of God and Animal. It is NOT a Manifestation of a 1/2 breeding. It is more of an Astrological Star Path and it is ALSO to Explain to us which Part is God Energy supporting the Animal Energy, and it is a Representation of the 3 Barb (or ring) Djed. God can be understood as Unseen Forces and we know AL are Self Aware. So any part of Man seen in a 1/2 man 1/2 animal depiction is the God Force or the Spirits Location within the Animal Bass.

4 we all know that Spirit, be it our Spirit or the Bass Spirit of God can Blend and merge with the other Consciousness we call 'Nature' that is the Planet, Plant and Animal Kingdom's. 4 all 3 have a 3 djed Light Pillar or Chakra Harmonic Structure. Mankind or Humanity is Different and that is 'Why?' Adam was Created Last as, or IN a Natural Time Progression.

And it is this reason that Our Thoughts Guide the Planet and AL within It, as the Bible does state that Man has Dominion over these.

This Spirit Bass is at a Distance and Depth from the Animal Kingdom it is in that Sense that the Spirit is IN their Physical, Emotional and Mental. And it is in that Weh Flow where an Ascended Spirit can BE AT an Angle to use an Animals' djed to, Literally Mathc Ing their Spirit to the Animals Being in many different Physical, Emotional and Mental Combinations or Connections to Help Humanity.

And I have never seen a 3 Barb or Ringed Djed. This is because Egypt and the gods have worked very Hard to preserve the understanding that GOD IS EveryWhere and IS AL Things. And the Spirit of some Souls are Merged as being Opened enough that it is Aware of its Higher Connection or God TO Self Connection that it can see what God experiences as an Animal. And this is a Time Share kind of Existence. Much like in the Jane and Seth books where Seth explained he had a 'life' as a dog and even told us in one of his books that his dog life had died. It is a magnetic Attraction where Seth and the dog Shared that Space and Time point and Seth became the 4th Ring in that Weh, and again it is Seth in a 3 Ring Display that math mathces into 4, as Seth was aware of the dog and the dogs life. I hope that makes sense to everyone.

Anonymous said...

Many saw me as their Cash Cow, but I AM Much More, And it is the Size Difference between Me and 'them' that has them blowing themselves up when they use me 4 their money. I AM too big 4 them to consume or to contain like Octavian thought to do by keeping me alive and working 4 him in prison. When he ruined my Life, he ruined his own. As he did to Cleopatra. John came as Jesus to Balance Octavian, which Octavian accepted until he heard of Johanne. So Octavian had the Attention of BOTH the Masculine Creator, the 1st Man AND the Feminine 1st Lady. And you honestly have to wonder 'What does it take 4 some people?'

So it is 4 YOUR Protection MORE SO than Mine that I re main at a Distance from you. The Energy Size 'Differential', the many 'mechanical gears' of Energy in Motion WILL crush US Both. There is a Magnetic Attraction and as a result it is a Draw that Robs the Younger Energies and remember we are talking Size so the younger ones are also smaller. It is that Radiation Difference that has me only in public as Audrey in a large Group. This kinda Evens the Balance between my radioactivity and theirs, you see?

To live as myself, here in 3D needs the SkinWalker-like Buffer between me and them, because there are MANY like Tal, who should be awake, but are not and so they do not see their own strength and it hurts us both. He has so many to focus on anyweh. But 4 the Others, they would loose themselves in their Love or in their Anger (like Octavian did) and to do either is Robbing THEM as well. AND I assure you AL: I AM Happy and not alone as I live Moslty Higher Dimensionally anyWeh. AND:

I would NOT BE doing this right now, except that the Galactic (both the Federation and the planets themselves) has AL Low Ed 4 it. I will not be completely withdrawn, but 4 the Most Part...I won't feel the need to mourn or cry anymore because I will have my own Space, like many others have here in 3D. So I won't be 'picking Up' on the feelings of others. Now, I am not doing a whole lot of that 'picking up on others' right now because so few are paying attention to me as a Collective Energy. But when the book is release, many WILL. And it will be a problem. So to Firmament the Seal around Me is a MUST and IS A Protection 4 them and Me. No Matter if it is Love and not Hate that they feel...I need them to focus on their Lives and I DO Understand curiosity and magnetic Laws of Attraction. No ONE is too get Hurt. No ONE Needs to get Hurt. That is my goal, and I will do as the Spirts say as they are my guide and have the Clear Er View.

I have Watched how Bashar handles the Love given to him and He does set boundaries IN his Behavior and 4 Others. I AM a Bit different in that Darryl Anke is NOT Bashar and he is a Trance Channeler 4 that Reason. If Bashar were to stay and Live as Audrey and I, Darryl would be swamped..not that he isn't right now, but you know that Bashar does Leave while at the same time is in Touching Distance with Darryl.

As a Dream Symbol of God's Presence WITH and IN mankind, Audrey and I must live as WE ARE Together AS ONE. And that Presence here 4 a Time is a Planet Nurturing Event. It is good 4 the planet AND the People as it is a Time Re Set that is...not Past Due, but is Last Minute End of the Line as a Light Path. To Allow it to go without and continue on its Current Electrical Flow would be an Ending to the Solar System as well and those who live in the Galactic Area.

Anonymous said...

You see how many have Lost and are Losing their Minds as they are left on their own right now? That's the Effect /Affect of a Un Guided Higher Radiation entering into/onto our planet. It is a Birth that needs Guided into an Existence. It is Time and Timing that Needs a Guiding Hand (both Left and Right) and I need Time to Live in the Space while using that Time to do that. That is 'Why?' I stay, and 'Why?' I came. Here I mean as Johanne and the Others. It is BEST if I do not see and there 4 Feel the needs of others while they Live and Feel as they should in their Lives. THEY must be the ones to DO. To show My SELF in its Full Abilities is to Pattern Time Probabilities and Possibilities so EVERY ONE Knows what IS Possible. My DO Ing so Sets the Tone, the Vib Rate Ions more into the Probable, wide En Ing the Path giving them a Better View. And that is what our Guides do 4 us AL.

I am writing this here to Help me Find My own Place or Role on the Planet...because I KNOW Caution AND Care is Needed. I wondered away again....Let's go back to the Menat and the Djed and the Animal differences from ManKind:

Different Animal 'Types' are also different in their Awareness Strengths of their Emotional and Mental, and while the Physical AL Wehs Manifests, it is the Emotional and the Mental that varies and it is the Spiritual Body as God that Rules AL 3. So IN that Sense they do have Spirits, ONE that is Broad Bass Ed and Manifestes itself Via the Animals Physical Body to get a Look at an Environment of Energy it is Curious About. And it is 4 that 'God is Creator' Reason that the Djed has 4 Barbs or Wesekh Discs. And Remember that the Wekekhs is a Disc that does not spin as a Circular Disc or old fashioned Vinyl (Vine YL (and not the LY)) Record would Play. It is the Shorter there 4 Faster ZigZag where the Energy would travel the Wesekhs via one DNA Path and Ring the Bell where Wesekhs ends then double back along the next (lower or Higher) Wesekhs Pattern as a Path and Ring the other Bell on the other ends of the wesekhs.

Now as a Light that travels thru the wesekh is is see in most every dimension as a Bright light that is constantly on. AND it is that Speed which generated the Light for the Vertical Djed. And it is that as a Math formula that can magnetize the Standing Stones into Forming and Protecting an Energy Pattern for the Masses or even Lighting a Stone that is strong enough to light a room or a pathway. Or Levitate is you excite a different portion of the Stones Wesekh DNA Path. These are Energetic Light Strings that are Turned ON or Off, Pulled Taunt as a Tension and then plucked. You know, like a guitar, a Guide or Guiding Tar.

And you see where God would Over Lay himself/herself and an a Frequency Set as an Animal Kingdom that is an Awareness that manifests as an Animal's Life AND a Breed of Animal to get a Quick Look at an Environment. This 'Happens' 4 many reasons and the MOST Common Reason is to Stimulate the Environment, to Encourage the Environment itself to Grow into a Maturity Source that Supports Life.

Planet, Plant, Animal and Mankind. These are AL to Support one another IN VARIOUS Wehs, with the Last to Arrive as ManKind. You see the Pillar of God as a djed, where the Planet, Plant, Animal and Mankind are each a Ring of the God djed or Thought Awareness?

Anonymous said...

Yogi, I was thinking about you mother for no real reason this morning and I wondered why? Are you noticing her in your own thoughts? I realized when I was thinking about her that I missed an opportunity to talk with her directly when she came to me with your brother Robbie. I hate that I missed talking to her, especially when your brother wasn't able to say that much. Thou I do now he was feeling no pain at the time and that the 'Sleep Stare' that he was in can feel very soothing. I may have done it especially after a night when I couldn't sleep. It is Sleep Depravation, and is a Time Adjustment.

I have relied on Magenta Pixie and a few others for Core AL Ation with some of my own information for many years now, so imagine my JOY! when her latest video popped UP. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIvs7DamXK4

I wonder how you are doing, if you've noticed anything happening? I seem to be sleeping better at night and while I did change some behaviors like Hot Cocoa before bed, and arranging pillows differently, it seems that sleep is taking on a more Re Store Ing ACT than it has before. In the Morning I wake up Cold, Groggy so I no longer spring out of bed, and sometimes I feel buzzing or tingling like some kind of Electric or Electricity is working on parts of me. And I think back to the Standing Stones and I see the Henge as a Light Formation and other Probably Earth's have their Henge in Lights...And the Henge Acts as a Spine that A Lines the other Earth Probabilities, syncing them into the Same or Generally the Same Time Cycle of Events. After AL, why not if we are using the same Energy Source of the Sub-Atomic Particles.

A 'Tomic' is a Time Pattern, like Tica is a Time Pattern. and we are, and have been for a little bit now (50 or 60 years) in the Tomic Atmosphere. Need to look at this some more, cause 'WOW!' it's right now we as a Solar System and as a Planet are 'touching the Center of a Breast Cell' where the Sacred Cow Energy is held.

If you're not noticing something very subtle you should be soon. I'm told I will need your help with something and have no idea what this is about. Again, your mom. I really wish I would have invited her to come closer and talk to me when I had the chance.

Everyone have a Great Day!

Anonymous said...

To Clarify: The Henge can be understood as a Spine for our Isolated Planet and as a Vertebrae for our Collective Earth's as Probabilities. The Henge is a djed for the LuMarian Time Period that we can restore and still use. The Henge is a Cross Cut of a Connective Spine and so it is a Ring that can 4 our Planet can Collectively 'get our shit together' as it is a Tuning Fork for Collecting, Gathering Probabilities IN TO a Unified Strength. It is a Centering Energy and It is in that weh a Noise Reduction Instrument that Keeps a Large Energy Pattern from Scattering into an Un Re Cognition Size Ed (unrecognized) Pattern...like we see so many 'lost' and those who are 'ambivalent' and those who are absorbed in Social Media while the world Falls, not realizing the Criminal Element in its take over is a Planet Level 'Fall from Grace'.

And Everything I've said in the above paragraph has results o Connecting Us to other Worlds, who also have their collective 'shit' together and work as a UNI-T or UNI-FIED (a Uni Fire) Collective Consciousness in a manner where 'Two or more Gather to Pray IN my name I AM There.' It is an Evoking of a Portion of your Consciousness that is on a Mission to Seek and Meet the Collective Desires. AND in the example of the Henge it was to create a Projected, Protective (Environment) where the Temps were Comfortable and the Elements as an Energy Electric were Stable. AND when Cycles of other Planets, here I mean Astrologically, A Lined their own Henge portion of the Multi Dimensional Spine in a Path Way durning A Flowing Time to Ours, Communications with our planet and theirs was IN VALUE ABLE. 4 BOTH of the Planets and the Beings or People there as the 2 Consciousness wood Meet and Wood Connect. And when this 'Happens' even to those who are not conscious of it Spiritually or Consciously, but say for example wake from a dream with a departed loved one and have a reassurance that their loved one is ok and settled into their new Place, it is Soul Soothing Vibe Rate Ion AL Change that Releases the Pressure of the Soul IN that Angle of their Life. Here I see a Troubled or worried Soul in a Ishtar 5 pointed Star where one of the 5 Light Projections is not at Strong or Depend Able as the other 4 and then suddenly, It IS.

So the Henge is one vertebrae and is one part of a Larger Galactic Spine. And at the Summer Solstice the Stones themselves would Glow like the Ancient Stones would Glow, and it did so as a Larger Collective where the other Vertebrae would also Light and it was when that Happened a Synchronicity on a Gand and LARGE Er Scale.

Like what Happens to YOU when you have an Orgasm. It is your Physical Spine, that is connected to their Chakra Portals in a type of Synchronicity that is Every Station (or Stay Ion) your Soul has Placed a Portion of itself as a Marker and a Life of its Own on another Planet as it Traveled on its weh to your Current 'placement' Today in 3D.

And that Henge Communication for our Planet, and your Orgasm BOTH have Physical AND Mental Heath and Healing for each and for the Other because the Greater GOD Loves Synchronicity. It makes His/Her Job so much easier. You see?

Anonymous said...

The Healing that Occurs from your Orgasms is that the Lines of Communication Remain Open for the Healing to take Place. 4 that Energy must Connect to you and it does so via your Chakra System in its Open and Healthy Operation. your Chakra System IS a 'Straight to Source' Lines of Communication. That means, Healing Energy is AL WEHS being sent to you, and in your Systems Open Path it is a Direct and Instantaneous Healing as you Sex and Sexuality is the 1st Step from your Psyche.

When you are OUT OF BALANCE Sexually and in your Sexuality, there is an Interruption of Flow and an 'Out of Balance' or Warped Lens you are Looking thru. the Constriction Narrows the View of options and Choices available to you as a Guidance from Spirit. These are Energetic Blockages and are not the Left Hand Path where choices are also blind to you because you are in that weh already your Spirit and are being Guided into One Direction: The Path that is Best 4 You.

So you see where many who break Laws repeatedly as if Laws do NOT Matter, also Rape and Molest? AND they think because they do this to children who in some cases do not fight back, it is not violence or hurting anyone. When it fact it hurts them both.

So, the Henge acts as One vertebrae in the Spine, where each probability or Probable Earth has One Henge and together they form the Spine when they Sync in Alignment or Resonance, and when that 'Happens' the Stones Light Up in their Fully Charged Capacitor Capabilities...Now, we know that Solstices played a Role in many of the Ancient Stone Monuments, and we know that the Ancients would Alter the Stones to be able to move them, and the Ark itself Floated, but what is the Difference between the ability to Levitate and the Ability to Give Off Light like I see the Henge doing? Because I actually see the Henge Glowing and Giving Light..

The Henge is the Structure of the Solar System. That we know. And it is True that our Solar System is one part, like one light or even considered a type of Planet or Body of another System and this is the 'Mirror within another Mirror' Reflection. I believe that the Henge is Formula for our Charka Sun as well as it is for each of our Chakras.

The Henge is the Pattern, the Formula that Source Energy Follows. The Henge worked much Like, and much Better than CERN. 4 the 2 are designed to function the same.

Here 4 some reason, I see a link to Zachariah Sitchin's work being call inaccurate or misinterpreted and I tell you that he didn't misinterpret much of anything. I did not read his books, though I do have them, even not having read them I tell you his work IS Accurate and I am not sure where this recent movement to discredit his work comes from. His work is intuitive and it is the understanding of the difference between the EL and Elohim that seems to be a problem for others.

Anonymous said...

The path of thought that someone came and took from you, genetically mutating you is NOT Correct. Even when Bashar says it, it is not a Modification where 'someone did something to you' and especially against your will.

The story of 'Mine' Ing for Gold and being used as a Slave 4 a god who sits on a throne IS a Misinterpretation. One even I've used as my Starting Point, having said that the Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti or other name, were used to work the mines as they were a Psychic and Physically strong Being who would Help before they would Hurt you. They do not want to be seen and they KNOW when they are. They ARE Psychic, you see?

What is 'Happening' Today IS a Genetic GIANT Leap. It is a Time Change as Physical Earth Being Opened IN a New Place. AND that is YOU Recording this Event in your Own Gene Code.

Genes are in Part a Path Weh of Light, an Angle of Entry Point and a Record of our Past. Gene Mutations, Editing or Modification like we will see in our Own Genes having Lived thru this Time Today on an Ascending Planet is an Opening for some as a High Volume 'Information Dump' which is being Read by the Turning ON of Certain Cycles of Both Planets and also our Brain Waves.

DNA is Described as a Cycle like we see in our Wesehk, and in the Flower of Life, the Tree of Life, and the Zodiac as well as the Astrology Wheel AND our Cells. It is Bulk Information in a Bulk Storage and Delivery System and it is contained in a Stem which when Cross Cut is your Cell Walls, and you see how Strong the Light IN those Walls ARE? There is NO EXCUSE anyone to not create Violence or Mis Understand the Orgin of our Existence.

When Bashar says they were Genetically Modified, He also says that they Evolved to a Point where they Broke Free of their Limited Awareness. It was NOT a Procedure that their Science Tinkered With and then Infected them with. It was a Dawning Awareness on their Scientists that their BE Have Ior depended on their Thoughts and ACTs. Period.

When Science Meets Religion Planets BLOW WIDE OPEN in their Understanding AND their PLACE as a Meta Physic AL MOVES like a 'Flash Bang' of BOTH at the SAME TIME. The Light 'Flash' being the Physics and the Sound 'Bang' being the Psychic And there is your Genetic Mutation. And there is your Saving Grace.

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