Tuesday, December 1, 2009
On My Long Hiatus
It has been quite some time since I posted anything on my blog. I have a couple of articles sitting in draft stages, but they are nowhere near being ready to be released. I have been working on other projects (in particular, a novel that I am writing) and I haven't had the time to spend thinking and writing about Mormonism, philosophy and law. I am still undecided if I want to split this blog into two and have one devoted to religion and another devoted to law and philosophy, but as I am naturally lazy, I get the feeling it's going to stay the way it is.
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«Oldest ‹Older 1401 – 1600 of 4330 Newer› Newest»Just want to clarify a couple of things.
The only thing that worries or scares me about COVID-19 is the empty shelves in the stores and the money system. Behavior is always an indicator of Mob Mentality and after a couple of weeks, stores shelves are still empty. It amazed me that Shelter in Place became a thing when few people, compared to the flu in our enormous population are hurt by this. Why aren't only the most vulnerable Sheltered in Place and the rest keep the money system moving?
I tend to think there are many (countries and people) who are poised to exploit the situation and I NEVER EVER think relying on computer models to project outcomes is a good idea. AI is not Human and no matter how much it studies our behavior it will never get it right. Scary numbers are a prime opportunity to grab power, take control from the Individual in the interest of 'public safety' and it is happening globally right now.
I listened to Ep. 1206 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ David Icke : World Events TODAY last night, and while I have thought David Icke too extreme sometimes, I do know that some of what he says is true. The US government has abused its powers with FISA abuses, and please don't think that system is 'fixed' or abuses will stop because they have been uncovered. Too many were harmed recently by our government putting the screws to their targets, the people they want to control and assimilate back into the herd, completely ruining their lives.
A pandemic especially a weak one, is nothing more that an opportunity to redistribute everything from money to toilet paper. Taking more from the population because you've set new limits and changed long standing rules which have protected in the past will simply generate new patterns of behaviors which will keep our AI busy for years to come. How?
Power redistribution like we are seeing and will be seeing from this pandemic will challenge many to...not usurp it, but use loopholes to exploit it. There is no way to corral everyone, we are too individual and some in a sense will escape the herd mentality and lifestyle. Once one or two do, the mob will flood the gates too.
So Government can control your bank accounts, right? They can do that now with fake dossiers and FISA warrants for example. Our country is broke and has been for a while, we are just waiting for our AI to officially tell us our good news. But with our system breaking down as it is, the individual will have no choice but to become self supporting, outside of computer generated....not sure what words are accurate....life or tracking. Tracking is the word.
Watch some genius discover a way to live outside of intrusive and controlling government. They will start with an independent power source, like I have said. Once we have that, we are free.
These are NOT words of rebellion. These are words of a Repeat.
We have been here before. When Atlantis fell for the last Time taking part, or rather leading the Moon Cutting, government had been reduced to being supported by 'volunteers'. Those who donated money, time and knowledge to helping the poor, the sick, the 'tribes' living in herds.
Government had broken down so much it was a 'tribe' itself and no longer a ruling body. It was eliminating, excluding and deliberately sabotaging life that didn't live by their rules wherever they found it. I said before Sodom and Gomorrah were deliberately calculated for destruction. The Moon Cut was delayed until the larger pieces of the Moon were calculated to fall on those locations while a conference was taking place to explore other means of rescuing or moving the moon.
The government was reduced to a radical movement. It all began by following the same steps as we have today, and was repeated without a correction.
This pandemic is being used as a catalyst for change, because the fear is the next one might be worse or used as a weapon. It seems insane, I know, but look at the coup that just took place in the US and it is hardly noticed, and with as many people as we have living in our country right now, no one seems overly concerned. A paradox. A Zero Point firming or solidifying with repeats. Always remember Atlantis took 3 before it fell for good.
I felt such a relief hearing Daivd Icke talk about Elon Musk at the end of the show. I wonder who David Icke was during the days of Atlantis...
Greta Thunberg is someone to feel sorry for. Literally. Her parents have exploited their child to a degree that is shocking and cruel. I was thinking about George Clooney recently, I am glad he seems quiet (not making head lines) and hope he is healing. Another year for him out of the spot light would help him balance his psyche.
Yesterday when I spoke of a serpentine pattern, I neglected to make clear when I spoke of reading energy shadows that the serpentine pattern is formed by standing in an energy shadow for a 1/4 to a 1/2 cycle, circle, swirl or repeat, before leaving it for either a rest (returning to our 3D Time), or another shadow (each has a unique Time pattern). To switch Timing (or shadow book topics) is a safe guard for your own Black Shadow balance. Why, you ask?
Because one shadow swirl of an Energy book can span or explain a whole Era of 3D Time in a moment or two while you are living in Today's 3D current Time. It is harder if you are also doing this while awake and not sleeping because:
Your DNA is making lightening fast 'computer speed' adjustments to its own internal Time. This is Time or DNA patterns most only access while asleep, while it is also watching another Time from the past, as it is also keeping track of your 3D Time of Today. That is 3 different versions of Time all fitting itself or completing its math enough for you to be able to remember it all. You see? You are literally changing Dimensions so quickly you never leave the 3D. You are literally a UFO, meeting all of the requirements of one.
One UFO black shadow spin travels up and down all dimensions simultaneously in a spin so fast Time is stopped. Here my mind is thinking of the Caduceus symbol as an individual and not the Twin Flame use. The DNA is inverted or opposite, both DNA Times are active or 'on' together and the pressure causes a movement, Travel opportunity or epiphany movement.
What is firing up, and what is slowing down internally to you in your DNA must have enough Time to complete in 3D, the two must MATCH or equal each other. Other wise you have the Missing 3D Time from an alien type abduction, or you have the forgetfulness of a barley remembered dream. These are mismatches or incomplete mathematical Time conversions within your DNA. You cannot transfer the Time from 'There' to 'Here', you simply ran out of Time.
This is where Drugs and addictions come not play. They alter your internal Time and anything that changes your brain wave patterns will do this. Do you trust that kind of balance? Look at who is doing drugs and the ideas they are bringing back.
That is your homework.
"This is where Drugs and addictions come *into play."
"Yesterday when I spoke of a serpentine pattern, I neglected to make clear when I spoke of reading energy shadows that the serpentine pattern is formed by standing in an energy shadow for a 1/4 to a 1/2 cycle, circle, swirl or repeat, before leaving it for either a rest (returning to our 3D Time), or another shadow (each has a unique Time pattern). To switch Timing (or shadow book topics) is a safe guard for your own Black Shadow balance. Why, you ask?"
For example:
I am an extreme case, but I only use 1/4 and less frequently 1/2 of my day, usually the same Time every day, to shadow walk here with you. That is on a Daily time measurement or scale. Look at how many shadows or Topics I've walked through in a Month, how many Days I've rotated through each shadow Monthly. You've noticed the serpentine pattern of my work, I'm sure.
From March 26, 2020 at 9:19 AM:
"The government was reduced to a radical movement. It all began by following the same steps as we have today, and was repeated without a correction."
Remember, each repeat can either add an Energy Strength and build or it can be a weak movement and taper off. When you are dealing with massive Energy or Force that 'blankets' an Area, like Population or Mob Energy, it carries Weight in that it can build and also move quickly in its origin and quicker than normal after its established. It can change an Area Overnight...Notice I said Overnight and not during the day.
Energy, especially when I refer to Multiple Dimensions, becomes more translucent, more willing to cooperate, more agreeable to Movement in general without Sun or Solar Energy.
Grass roots movements appear into reality with a sudden full strength, after it has taken its time to 'percolate' or 'brew' without much attention paid to it. What has actually happened is an Idea was planted, but without the strength of Action to propel it into anything more, so it: Sits and it Rests.
As it does this, it builds its strength internally and manifests into 3D reality as a more explosive movement. Its like cooking Meth, but it is more accurately a simmering Math formula whose Action has been Resisted or delayed adding Time until the Self-Aware Reacted.
There are 2 main ways to create. The first is craftsmanship, keeping everything 3D from start to finish. The 2nd is an Idea, perhaps discussed, shared but generally without Majority support until Need or Desire is added.
It is not hard to fake a Need. A pandemic has been planned for as part of a Defense strategy, which is reasonable and we always knew was a possibility.
Trump's first response was not to shut down the country, until AI pushed and recommended it. AI is NOT intelligent, it is NOT consciousness. It is a Math formula without Individual Multi Dimensional Guidance, by that I mean the link to Spirit Self, the Multi Dimensional All Seeing Eye. It has no dream state to feel Frame Works 1 and 2 for example. It has no knowledge of Energy transfers form a Higher Dimension.
In my example of our pandemic, it has no knowledge of a natural, spiritual immunity of this virus. So AI is wrong.
Personally I find Trump, his ideas and policies very reasonable. Usually when I see people criticizing him, I look at their personal lives: what kind of debt do they live with; do they take care of their health or are they overweight; are they easy to work with as a coworker; do they over indulge in drugs, alcohol or prescription drugs; how many government social programs are they in favor of or live on; do they take care of their personal property or do they live like a pig.
It matters. It matters even posthumously because a problem here is an indicator of an Energetic problem in the Heavens.
When people criticize Conservative policies I absolutely wonder who they think the Self-Aware is or behaves as. So let me say it like this:
If she were to behave and live like some of you who indulge obesity, drugs, ill health, filth, financial debt or any Energetic imbalance...what do think would happen to all of us?
We live in her fertile bed. Don't you ever forget that. Clean up your 3D life and your psyche will follow. You can literally take that to the grave with you.
In practical 3D use: you have a health problem like cancer, move your body with the idea that moving your body can flush problems, even 'loosen' or relieve the problems posthumously. Every intension you have builds, adds and Transfers multi-dimensionally, so you can take it with you.
And you should ALWAYS be taking care of it, not matter what Dimension you find your attention focused.
I also wanted to say at the very end of David Icke's F2B interview, he gives this as his definition of death that I really, really liked it, and I believe I've said the same thing before too.
But understand the reason Audrey came into being is NOT to tell you your Future, but to tell you to own your mistakes, many of us have come by them honestly but you must Forgive your mistakes of the past and that is what is manifesting problems like your obesity, drugs, ill health, filth, financial debt or any Energetic imbalance.
Make sense? It is Shit Work to clean up your own Shit. But in a world of what is it now 8 billion people, there is very little Energetic room for you to ignore your obesity, drugs, ill health, filth, financial debt or any Energetic imbalance.
Have you ever thought that if you clean up yourself, removing the obesity, drugs, ill health, filth, financial debt or any Energetic imbalance from this one life of yours, it cleans up your DNA Timing so that not only does your own Energy transfer improve but your other lives, your counterpart selves also have a cleaner, clearer Energetic transfer?
It can mean Autism and other related Timing issues are not as prevalent.
But don't ever doubt: when you know you have a problem and you don't act to 'clean as you go' on any of your issues, you are not only hurting your one 3D self, you are also hurting your selves.
I've said before the Moon is porous and it spun. It was never intended to Sit Still, which is now a part of our Moon Math Equation.
The Moon craters are not impact type craters, they are a part of the Moon's porous nature. The smooth dark spots are a result of the cutting, the pushing backward breaking it free of its gravitational pull toward the Earth.
I get scared when I hear that the Moon drifts further away from our planet inch every year, and I wonder why Science isn't worried about losing the Moon? Especially if they believe it's in a spiraling retreat that they say it's in.
But it's not in a spiral distancing pattern, it is in a global warming pattern. It is reacting to our planet's heat. Heat can cause a magnet to permanently lose some of it's strength, and while the Moon is not a magnet...need to stop here and continue elsewhere...
No matter where our Moon sits in the sky, it won't rotate. Not even when Mars returns to Sage. It will however turn its burn marks in position to be shared with Mars because Atlantis was the final cut that divided the two dimensions. No other planets in our solar system have the stark transition or divide between them dimensionally as our Earth and Mars.
I said before that Mars and the Earth were once the same planet, Terra or Gaia...sometime during Day 2, water creation, Mars began splitting from Earth and somewhere in Chinese element of Metal the Moon formed from both.
At the beginning of our Solar System the Sun (which is also a portal) frequency resonated and portions of Herself appeared in their current mathematical positions of our Planets. This was how our planets came into physical being. The Sun's chakra system appeared first, Fire Creation Energy with each planet acting as its own portal as our entire Solar System traveled and developed through each of the Elemental Creation Universes.
To put it simply, the Sun chakra appeared, resonated into other chakras in the same place our planets then descended (because chakras are portals), and built (manifested) themselves physically through the Elemental Universes as we descended Energetically. A lot going on.
When the Sun Vibrated in what Science calls the Big Bang, Terra already had life and I've said before we lived through all of the creation cycles...not blind to what was happening, but it was happening somewhere else, not really to us. Earth was literally forming in another Dimension that Terra was descending into and had not yet reached.
It was a 'fading into' action, now we are in a slight 'fading out' type action, though we are NOT ending. And right now, we know people are crazy, we know we are globally changing or warming, but we are blind to our actual multidimensional changes. We are fading in and out in the same blending manner as we did way back when.
We are currently traveling into a higher Dimensional Action through our Earth Chakra. Can you guys feel it? The Warming part of Global Warming is Fire, the Fire Universe's adjusting to our frequency change. It is literally burning off or backing off other Elemental Universes to allow us entry into another frequency set. Same thing happens when you die and adjust posthumously.
We are also noticing our overall Solar System health of both Sun and other planets we are aligned with. So when Mars starts reopening its charka returning to its sage green color, our planet will feel the affects too. It is a part of our Atlantean Karmic return. We will be able to function better because Mars is functioning once again. All the planets will breath easier, function healthier.
I'm trying to find the exact sequence of events that will put us back in our...near original place, or vibration.
But don't think Atlantis has stopped us from our destiny. It delayed us, and we have to do some things differently than we normally would have had if the Moon was never harmed. But overall we can achieve our original 'Destiny' in more of a parallel return, instead of the exact backward fade out return. One way to look at it is more math we need to include into our original equation to get the right answer, the right outcome.
From March 26, 2020 at 8:29 AM I said a few things like:
"It amazed me that Shelter in Place became a thing when few people, compared to the flu in our enormous population are hurt by this."
"A pandemic especially a weak one, is nothing more that an opportunity to redistribute everything from money to toilet paper. "
It isn't at all that I see this as a weak pandemic or was trying to minimizing COVID-19, tho it does sound like it even to me after rereading it. There is a lot about this virus Im worried about. People getting reinfected, new reports that it is airborne, and others. Shelter in place orders should be enforced and are needed.
Part of what I was looking at was the AI aspect. Remember when projecting the path of a weather event like a hurricane or snow storm it takes several different computer models to track or project these. And in some cases the models used are wrong, storms dissipate and never materialize.
An AI form of disease tracking and projecting can be just as damaging as it could be helpful, and a those with political agendas can misuse and exaggerate a situation. I am worried about this pandemic because I don't trust many in our government to work on behalf of our people. After all there were those who almost took down our President, through our FISA process, media misuse, whistle blowers with twisted or exaggerated interpretation of 'witnessed' events...these are all things recent in our news about this president. And the last President, well he most definitely was deceitful, devious and corrupt. He knew and sanctioned political attacks.
So wile I do try to be careful of which words I use, sometimes my opinions and mood creep into my meanings.
There is always a doubt that news is reporting the truth and this is not a in fact a bioweapon, which is crazy in itself. China was reporting our military infected their people. So my question is:
Was it a a product of eating 'unclean foods' or is it a weapon China developed and accidentally released? I say its Chinese because both SARS and COVID-19 originated in China. That China is saying the US military infected their people leads me to believe we have no Scientific clear proven origin of this disease, otherwise we would know for a fact it wasn't a manufactured weapon.
The same strain of virus as SARS only now more powerful? China's medical science does a lot I'm not in favor of. It's recent gene editing of babies...They accuse the US of it being our weapon, but it's more likely their own.
No matter where it came from, it's a global mess.
I want to look back at Asia's culture and their role in Atlantis, so I'm taking another track, more of a moon path...
Who has the technology to reach the moon this time around? The US, Russia, China, India, Japan, and the European Space Agency. Most sending mechanical devices, never actually 'visiting'. The ISS is not on the moon for a reason. What is the reason?
I would think because it's cheaper. No actual landing, the ISS is more like docking a boat. Just like the ancient drawings in these same cultures of their gods and boat travel. Their sky ships, being boats, we interpret that to be posthumously, which it would have been for an undeveloped Anunnaki, one without lungs, traveling in a Day 2 water environment.... the UFO spin what we see come from higher Dimensions than your average soul, many Anunnaki visited in many ways. For the most part it is an analogy, but back in the day of a semi solid pre-3D form...not every fade out period of Time was complete unraveling of our Black Shadow, just like some souls even now don't take the Time.
So why is the Middle East left out of the Space race when the Anunnaki originally settled there...Their technology or equipment wasn't a part of the moon cutting either. I mean, the technology was used by other countries and didn't include them.
"the UFO spin *that we see *comes from higher Dimensions than your average soul, many Anunnaki visited in many ways. For the most part it is an analogy,"
I don't think this will lead me anywhere that has answers. It is probably nothing to do with Atlantis but is more from my own general past life experiences throughout the ages and not one specific event or Time period.
Yogi, Please take special care of yourself, you too Briggy.
While I don't see anything at all prophetic, I remember telling you that you (and others with deep chests like Armand) won't feel pneumonia as easily. Since this is a respiratory virus, please don't takes risks.
Eyes like Armand 's, which you and Brig are typical of, tend to be broad and big boned and chest size comes into play. Make sure you are breathing ok.
Again Im not too worried, just be aware this might be a disadvantage for you.
I am of the opinion that China's government did this on purpose. It is possible that an animal was infected, but SARS too? That's a careless coincidence.
SARS was their first try, COVID-19 is their second. If there is a vaccine developed, China will experiment and develop another type of COVID. OR it truly is a wet market problem.... but I'm not at all convinced.
Wet markets have been in China forever, how many outbreaks of respiratory cases or other illness have been in their past? It seems that if the source was a wet market, China would have ongoing and well known respiratory problems. While Guangdong province (SARS) and Wuhan (COVID-19) are separated by some distance, the respiratory problems show an evolution that leave me suspicious of China and their ambitions.
Hong Kong, Singapore, Mexico, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan. All of these countries have wet markets with no pandemics.
I'm waiting on COVID-25.
This is a lecture given by a brilliant Robert Schoch. About 45 mins into the video he talks about the Suns instability, the Human form and plasma.
All of which I've tried to describe here. But the Suns instability in the past led to Ra and then Aten worship. I also Love John Anthony West. I can't remember if I posted this link or even if I've told you that he is a counterpart to the journalist Charles Krauthammer. Some souls are absolutely amazing...So if your bored and have the time I found this interesting:
For the first video, finding this information about the Human form was a welcome surprise for me, it proves that our shape is a mathematical result of our creation wheel process. Our human shape is the result of one 'Energy Structure' being fed or processed through Universes in a 'Creation Mode' or Setting.
Our animal Kingdom is many different Energy Structures being fed through the same Creation Mode or setting. For Example:
Our horses have the same basic shape as giraffes, deer and others. Our birds all have the same general shape wether they are goose, pigeon, swan etc. But these basic generic shapes are all specific types or layer of animal Energy which result in a basic animal shape, much like our human form. Gobekli Tepe is a record of the different basic animal shapes from its pillars.
The Sphinx was created with the purpose of erosion in mind, that's why it sits in the middle of a bath tub type earth structure. This is also why rubber ducky's are a child's favorite tub toy, it reaches into a Time when the Earth was JUST STARTING to form, or bend. Even though there was always life on our planet in a human equivalent level of beings, I look at Flat Terra and our Earth as being two separate ways of life, or two separate forms of Time because while they are very similar they are also different or unique to each other.
Seth said in the Introduction of Jane's Seth Speaks that there was a different world in the same location as our Earth sits now. It was a world and not a planet as yet. You see?
And I think the next COVID will be either a 25 or 26, it could go either way....just trying to stay accurate.
To continue with our Adam Anatomy explanation and for all of the feminists who somehow feel slighted having been created second or after Adam, let me spell the word 'Adam' out for you so you are aware of your own misunderstanding of how the Self-Aware Multi-Universe works:
Adam is a masculine name given to describe both sexes, both Templates. A is the creation circle and rod Energy, both in equal strengths. 'd' is the same with the rod energy, or Time, or math being larger/longer in duration than the circle. That is the Masculine Template form. The Female form is the 'am' or the second half of 'Adam'. It is also the creation circle and rod Energy, both in equal strengths and the 'm' is the feminine.
So you understand at this point in our development we are Masculine/Feminine, because we already know from the Yin/Yang symbols that each of our 2 sexes contain a portion of the other sex within itself.
Both the d and the m letters are the representations of our physically external sexual identity. m representing our 'center mass' or chest. m is circle Energy divided in half and also represents Feminine breasts.
Breasts are a binary creation that the Creation Wheel mathematically placed over our Heart Chakras on purpose. It is a natural location in a Divine Feminine Energy. Feminine Black Shadow Energy has a different energy balance from the start of creation, from the moment women were created in Black shadow form. That is our center.
For the masculine the d is the completed circle energy without a stronger binary creation response like the 'm'. The rod energy in the d represents the external masculine penis. Now keep in mind EVERy man (and woman) had 'd' Energy and 'm' energy. It is the proportional Energy distribution that decides masculine personality traits over feminine ones. How a man may have more feminine traits, both physically and as a personality, because while we are only talking about your physical body form right now, that is being driven by your Black Shadow Energy Cycle. Remember your shadow self cycles and swirls, so your 3D physical body is a 'sampling' of your black shadow swirling, your chakra health. It ALWAYS goes back to your Energy portals efficiency and the 'type' of food (your thoughts, feelings and experiences) you feed it.
Men and women were created and endowed with creative power differently yet the same:
The masculine penis has a feminine counterpart of the clitoris, Each sex has one, meaning this is not (normally) a binary creation. The masculine has binary testicles which release the masculine life creation energy of sperm. Sperm is represented as small multiples with each containing and individual identity, a 'conscious coding' as Science would see it.
Both the masculine and feminine have breasts and a root chakra representation of Penis/Clitoris. Realize that masculine and feminine both have a physical representation that is different, defining the two sexes. If the two charka energies (Heart and Root) were 'balanced' differently while forming in utero, meaning they were transferring their black shadow chakra energy...Homosexuality can result...This needs more explanation because I can't quite see where the Personality is overlaid. One minute I am looking only at the physical body and the next I see the personality with it. Just understand for now that the Heart and Root forming the body do not match, or are over exaggerated somehow when the Personality Energy is applied.
Women were designed with breasts as a visual sexual distinction marking them as Obvious Feminine Energy. Symbolically and literally breasts are 2 circles centered over the Heart Energy Chakra to feed humanity. Testicles are two circles centered at the root chakra, and the different placement is determined when the personality is applied via the fetus' DNA and personal Timing.
Eve Energy is the Energy Cycle that is not an 'extra' step as much as it is a split in the path a Creation Cycle follows.
Notice the 2 'E's that flank a 'V' Energy. The E as you know is Masculine fertility or creative power, this is our ability to produce Human life. The V Energy is a rod cycle inversion like the tip-to-tip pyramid energy inversion. You are literally creating a miracle when you bring life to this dimension. For the more clinical types among us, it is a biological teleportation.
The whole name Eve is the powerful Creation of bringing life from one Dimension to another, it is a distinct and special honor. When this natural raw power becomes abused as a common group can do, the Self-Aware will tolerate it for a Time. Meaning she will give you every opportunity to stop the practice and fix the Karma associated with the abuse. If that is not done willingly, She will work the Math herself, changing course suddenly with the idea to soothe the part of her that is hurting.
Remember she is our fertile bed of life and when she is hurt to her own noticeable degree, you won't like the outcome if you leave it for her to fix.
When I say things like that right now, my mind is looking at Scientific abuses of their unhealthy fertility and genetic experiments, children born with addiction and prenatal neglect, parents having no real interest in raising their child, abuses both physical and emotional because of it, and those who are not parents that target children to feed their own spiritual defects.
There is a special Awareness, a special point of view within the Self-Aware that....sees the young as...not sure of the word. I only come up with 'special' feelings toward children. Even children like Octavian will be looked at as needing nurtured, they are here to work on their problems and spiritual well being as are all of you. The Self-Aware understands vulnerabilities and a person no matter their personal baggage being within the 'age of reason'.
Though sometimes children are decided for you, when you think about having a baby ask yourself how well you know your own past. Many of you are unprepared for the number of things that can...go wrong (not happy with word but need to move forward) especially in these Times of High Population.
Energy acts, reacts much much differently in a crowded Energy Environment like High Population. Many times is cannot complete in a healthy pattern.
As one with very mild fertility problems of my own from my past life trauma, it is ok to take a break and focus on who you are. I did that for myself in this life unknowing what I would find. It was right for both me and my husband.
Lastly realize, I am NOT trying to talk you out of having children. I am trying to help you see options to an overused pattern of behavior, to fix your own Timing on having children...it's possible you, and not your children are the ones who need help. You see?
Today's posts sound 'preachy' to me but they are intended to be words of caution and not a 'You should do this.'
Lastly as far as my 'Eve' explanation goes:
Creativity is traditionally but not limited to the Masculine. Nurturing that Creativity has been Feminine.
Keeping it not only alive, but healthy has been my role in all Dimensions. I am not ashamed of that role, and I say this for the Feminists. Nurturing that from the Masculine Creativity is a valid career choice.
Try not to be insulting to others as your come in to your own power.
While I'm not done explaining the origins and design of our human bodies, I wanted to jump ahead and share some others thoughts. Maybe you guys can come up with some wonderful insights of your own bout the topic.
Dragon Energy.
I was watching on the the Ancient Aliens shows and they were explaining rivers of Mercury found in tombs in China and Mexico. There are 'feathered serpent' and 'dragon' lore associated at both places. I haven't been able to devote the amount of time I need to this topic lately, but I will soon...These are my notes and thoughts so far:
My beloved Jingles was a fire breather, feathered, and wore leather belts with bells around his ankles and he loved to stomp when he was happy and excited. Reminds me of my Jaeger/Briggy, always airborne when he's excited.
Jingles wasn't really serpent, but could be considered 'serpent like'. He was a cross between a serpent and a feathered elephant. His face and tail were serpent-like and his body and legs were of baby elephant. While his face had a slight serpent shape to it, he were more mammal than reptile. They were cute, not creepy. His tail laid on the ground even as he walked, he was more land bound.
So while some dragons could fly, Jingles didn't, he swam. He was more penguin like because of his elephant like shape and his breed of Dragon didn't have wings. So his breed looks more elephant than serpent and his personality was warm and friendly. He loved hugs and attention, which made him perfect for the parades he was in.
It wasn't a Circus type parade, but...they were Seasonal and Animal type celebrations. Like Christmas has flying reindeer, Easter has chicks, kind of thing. The parades were...a precursor to decorating your home for the holidays. We decorated, sometimes dyed the feathers of animals. Birds with markings like Woodpeckers and Penguins, fur creatures like Pandas and Zebras remind me of that Time.
The parades were at a Time when Nature was always showing us something new, and we were showing the New Nature to our children and adults. It was a Time when Nature was literally Emerging into our world. We were beginning to actually see our new planet. We were becoming less spirit beings and were mixing with more planet energy, so we were seeing new animals...
So Fire Energy is the first step on our creation wheel and our Chinese Elements. Our world was separating into the different Chinese Elements and Nature was the result of that separation. Dragon Energy or Creation Energy is the complete raw mix before any separation.
Where I was just now lost in my memories of my Jingles/Jaeger I am back looking at hints and clues from my Ancient Alien show with this information less complete for now:
Dragon Energy is propulsion Energy involving the Fire Elemental Universe and Dragon Knowledge. Both combine and create Mercury. There are 'Rivers of Mercury in Mexico and China at Sacred sites involving Dragons/Feathered Serpents
The Chinese Yellow Dragon Wikipedia says:
The Yellow Dragon is the zoomorphic incarnation of the Yellow Emperor of the centre of the universe in Chinese religion and mythology. The Yellow Emperor or Yellow Deity was conceived by a virgin mother, Fubao, who became pregnant after seeing a yellow ray of light turning around the Northern Dipper.
The Mexican Feathered Serpent.
Here is where my notes stopped. I am unfamiliar with both Mexican and Chinese history so I needed to look up the Yellow Dragon and thought of an interesting tidbit about Armand.
Armand ALWAYS claims his 'Mother was a virgin.'
Until now I believed he was only joking, having some weird dream symbol phobia about his mother procreating sexuality that he can't face, but no. The Yellow Emperor, Jesus and others, even Merlin claimed a supernatural conception. It's because he literally remembers his connection to the Divine. His spiritual Creator really was a virgin, remember 'No one comes to the Father except through me.' That is his genealogy.
So how does this tie in with his bigamist/polygamist leanings? It originates with his bitterness and belief that women control both sex and food in a relationship and that his mother was a virgin.
Yogi, can you explain yourself?
I will start you off by explaining that no one really plays with Dragon Energy but you. Literally, you are the closest persona of Dragon Energy we have. And because of that you are not afraid to destroy or kill anything you are not happy with. A marriage fails for example, you will gladly become bankrupt in the process. Killing not only the relationship but the money, the Energy representation needed to keep the remainder alive along with it. In a word, you kill the 'Thing' and everything else that could possibly keep that 'Thing' alive, it's food source. In this example: the money.
I could go on and on about this for hours. But I do love you mostly because I know you come by it honestly. Still not right though.
While you were born and lived in Dragon Energy perhaps a bit too long, most of us aren't comfortable there. Tal and I don't play in that Universe at all. Though Tal admires it, he wasn't born or raised there. I admire it too, but only to be able to stand behind it, blocking me from danger.
I'm have new business cards made:
Audrey. the Dragon Trainer.
You suffer from Oldest Child Syndrome. Now that you know, you can fix it 😄
Some more ideas I have from watching Ancient Aliens.
They are talking about US Congressman Ignatius Donnelly, also a writer best known for his ideas about Atlantis.
Part of the Moon Cutting was inspired by the idea of removing the last of the gods. It was in part to quicken the departure of any non human being from the planet, this would leave only humans alive and it had to do with the ending Ice Age, the 'global warming' of that Time period.
Remember I said the Ice caps were a result of a higher radiation and the reason for the UFO sightings there were in part from that radiation. Radiation waves are a 'low dose' of Creation Energy. Similar to the Sun giving off rays of warmth that travel through our Solar System. We were in a period of losing the higher creation levels of radiation, which in effect was 'clipping our Angel wings'. We were becoming more and more Earth bound as Humans and were no longer the semi formed half 3D human, half black shadow spirit.
But always keep in the back of your mind that where Energy is stored or radiated on levels like Nuclear and Electromagnetic Fields you are not calling or attracting spirits or other dimensions to yours, you are exposing, or rather eroding your own dimension.
And if this were such a good idea to do remember how many people are having troubles with this little, teeny tiny Frequency change we are making today. So when you die, you better believe you're going to need time and training to live in that environment.
So the ending of the Ice Age was an indication that the gods could no longer draw their life-supporting electrical type nutrition from the atmosphere and with their departure came the knowledge that Humans would be in sole charge of the Earth. And there were many who were competing for Kingship. And these out of control zealots were very, very impatient for it.
I don't know the exact science yet, but the moon seemed to be slowing down the ice thaw, prolonging the final departure of the different races or beings. So Humans, the know it all types like Octavian decided to move things along. Now at this Time most of the old gods were gone.
The fade in/out process had ended except for a few still needing extended sleep who could still survive. But there were still those of us like D and myself who, now Human finished the Time needed to form ourselves. We still had our remembered past, and we knew....not so much right from wrong...we remembered our other dimensions and how they worked, and they worked together with our emerging 3D world.
Many said, 'What does that matter now? We are becoming our own so your knowledge is no longer important here.' There was Science here that worked and also Religion in place as a reminder. So with reliable scientific advancements and knowledge, many felt the gods were no longer needed and they were being removed with the Moon Cut. Any that supported the remaining Human gods, those like Isis who already completed their fading in process, were murdered to get rid of them.
My mind is being drawn to the psychic Lisa Willams right now...I've said before she was murdered on the hillside with Isis, and she was living there when Mary Magdalene arrived with her family. So the events of her life today are much like mine, a 'wrap up' from our Atlantean murders. Not sure why I am making note of it here, except perhaps it might give her some answers at a later date.
It is the Genesis 1:28 attitude which many thought was a license to kill: 'God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.'
You see the nature of Man? Some will always see what they want in a sentence and think they have the Right.
On to the Moon lights. I saw a video of 'light bodies' for a lack of a better work flying low across the Moons surface. The cigar shaped craft that fly close to the moons surface, the insanity people experience every full moon and when the moon drifted close...We already know the natural radiation can expose other Dimensions, but what impressed me was shadow they casted in the video.
I know in the Heavens, black shadow forms have a density too, you can bump into one. I know from my ghost shows on TV that black shadow ghosts block light, and I know that when you fly as a black shadow (not the super fast tornado spinning type travel of changing Dimensions, the flying saucer type flight) staying within the same dimension you 'live in' you lead with your head and your shadow body naturally follows. Your shadow body then has a cigar-like shape, with a small black mist, fringe, or the more translucent outer edges of your shadow body surrounding it, trailing behind it. Like a Comet. This could be what we are seeing on the moon.
As a side note: I don't know why my dream experiences of the other dimensions have stopped. I no longer see Ari or Armand in my dream states like I used to. Right now we share a joint imagination. I don't know the reason for stopping the joint dream experiences beyond perhaps that part of my train is over, so I don't even know if you can fly leading with your feet...I haven't had that experience.
I want to know why the cigar shaped UFO's look bright white and not grayish, shadowy or black...I am also impressed with the UFO's that look like a large flying disk, then it separates out into many others. What's that all about?!?
I think I'll will be explaining the Hollow Earth theory soon. And no, there are no aliens living underground on our planet. At least not any in a 3D form. But the planets and their chakras are Multi-Dimensional and support Life on more than our 3D level.
Did someone ask once why I prefer to read and write as a way of speaking my mind? It's the math connection...I put my thoughts and work down as symbols, similar to math formulas. It's a legitimate form of Energy storage in more worlds than just ours.
The Math connection is the Energy form of symbols I like to use because numbers and letters are both used, for example Musicians use numbers as sound through their music. You strike a note which involves a heavy use of Time as Timing. You strike a note and eventually it's gone, and the only way to store it really is to write it down. Recording it to CD means you mush hear it again to get the information from the CD... Unless you write your music down.
Right now I am Timeless. The symbols I use stay put til I change them. Plus I 'hear' the Time, it is my job as a Translator to take what I hear, to take what I see, and put it in a different form and writing it down as symbols is a multi-universal storage system. For example, when Jane and Seth wrote their books together, I'm pretty certain Seth merely read them while he mixed and shared Jane's life and her husband wrote them down, and in his own symbolic shorthand too.
Though, because you are a family of musicians you know, symbols can convert to sound, a voice (sound) lulls me to sleep or puts me in a daydream, while the written word does not. And I'm tired right now.
But writing is multi-dimensional storage, it if were not so the Sumerians would never have left us their clay tablets and stone monuments.
Ancient Aliens S1 Ep105:
At 24 minutes into the show Osiris is identified with the constellation Orion and Isis is identified with the star Sirius the brightest star in the sky, and within the constellation of Orion is the Nursery of Stars.
From this description, everyone should be able to understand Ari and Audrey's roles. Ari works, both here in 3D and also in other dimensions (the Underworld) to explain your worlds to you. He has done this as Apollo, Seth, Ari and others. Here in 3D he has had lives of the same, yet his views are...not wrong, but...are not complete. I need to explain that some more, but must move on for now.
Audrey works to help create, but to also protect in a nurturing way. Her job is to explain other Dimensions to you and how they interact with your own. It is similar to Ari's job, but she provides guidance to your personal behavior (how to navigate you way out of a (star) cluster) as opposed to Ari providing more scientific background knowledge of basic construction. It keeps us very busy because while every cluster, constellation is unique dimensionally, it will also work under certain influences or pressures of other constellations and Universes. You see the difference between the two? Sometimes their jobs overlap, and sometimes their jobs are so different there seems no connection to other.
Audrey is represented as a Star because she has access to Creation Energy and keeps that knowledge with her through every dimension, without forgetting, much like one Star, which is a Star Chakra, is manifest in every Dimension. That is why she is described as Sister/Wife, she remembers their origins. She is likened to a Star because she is literally a chakra portal, a tip-to-tip connection to the Heavens. She births new information, how to care for old ideas and the ones she brings.
Her personality is devoted to the Individual and their well being. She is speaking to each individual and not a group. She encourages each individual to act responsibly for their own spiritual black shadow well being, both here in 3D and also in the Higher Dimensions.
Ari's personality is one of larger groups, speaking to entire constellations. His personality appeals to the 'masses' and his popularity today and in history reflects that.
But they were the First of the Egyptian gods, the stewards of the forming planet to arrive and be recognized as such. And they are the first to return today.
Audrey, even in 3D human form sees a person 'Energetically'. It is a nervous-to-nervous system connection that happens automatically. Because of her 'Star' nature, the connection happens without either one noticing it and is a function of Nature, or a natural Dimensional behavior. It is a natural 'We are All Connected' Higher Dimensional behavior. It is considered Love.
Ari and Armand both reside in...not Lower Dimensions (Please don't think of it as a Hierarchy or a 'More Evolved' State of being) but Different Dimensions which are Lower. They are needed there because their Different/Lower Dimensional state of awareness pulls Audrey toward them similar to a gravitational pull. So we are all staying together in the sense that we each have our own space, yet we are staying together. Like family you only see on holidays. I joke, but in a sense it is true.
Plus Ari and Armand have much to hide and I certainly don't want to see what any of that is. You see?
When Audrey is in a group or constellation of people she literally 'sees too much'. The swirling masses force her to...not so much shut down her own comfortable movement which then reduces what she sees by default, but she must back off and distance herself from the....natural motion of group Energy. It is an over stimulation to her nervous system which is like yours electrically based only at a 'higher voltage', and a long exposer to that level which she can't help but 'read' can be harmful.
It is also the bases for masses to protect their gods. Many today think royalty and leaders of days long past were put on a pedestal to be worshipped. No, they were protected so they could keep working on behalf of the people.
So Audrey works best one-on-one as opposed to group Energy, Ari works best in group Energy as opposed to one-on-one Energy and Armand works best somewhere between the two. Sometimes he works in a group energy sometimes he is a solitary channeler.
Speaking of Armand: Yogi, I am told that the only reason you were exposed to my last mirage, the one where I was locked outside in the cold thinking I was going to die that day, was because of the expletive I yelled. I yelled, 'Mother Fucker' and you noticed it right away as 'Not Possible' or 'Wrong'. Had I said anything else it wouldn't have woken you, I'll try to keep it down next time 😄
So we have a group Energy here, and it works because there is no group here at all. If there were group energy in both places it would create an Electrical short in my nervous system, again. A Mirage, which takes years to recover from. But the group energy here/not here is a Zero Point.
Within the constellation of Orion is the Nursery of Stars. The Zero Point on our Creation Wheel, it produces the final product of Star Life, and is the beginning or start of New Life. So, it is in one sense the end point and at the same Time it is a beginning. But it is the physical point of our Creation of Life or Souls.
I am struck by the Grand Canyon, here in this 'Creation' talk. The flat smooth surface sans the canyon portion has a Mars look to it. I said once that the canyon formed from the Moon cut, the moon pieces hitting the Earth cut through the crust and erosion began with the resulting floods. But is has a Mars surface look to it.
The Sphinx like rock on Mars and our own line up from our planetary separation. Also with Jupiter....didn't I say once there was a joint anomaly at 19 degrees I think it was? It is on more planets than Earth, Mars and Jupiter because it is the evidence of the electrical 'short circuit' of our Solar System becoming Multi-Dimensional.
In Mirage type feeling tones our 3D planet was not ready to host life, only the Space or location for our 3D arrival was set aside for us. It was a quiet hole literally waiting for us to descend into the 3D Universe, and it was like that across the Solar System. Spaces were set aside at harmonic intervals and the planets descended together, but at individual rates which depended on the Universal mixes they were each passing through at the Time.
Now, keep in mind we were at the very beginning one Energy and as we descended, more planets were forming and separating one from the others. We had our original Sun which arrived through all Dimensions to 3D right away and it warmed all the Space it could reach, priming the Solar System for the other planetary spaces it had set aside to later be filled.
So we were originally Sun/Creation Energy that descended into a Lower Dimension. This has nothing to do with...Higher Knowledge, or a Better Life. You will see that for yourself when you die. You are basically the same and problems you need to address, unless solved follow you. You are merely putting your same 3D self into a slightly different Universal mix. So don't allow your thoughts of other Dimensions being somehow more 'evolved' confuse your understanding of my words here. They are not 'evolved', they are simply using different Math Rules. And we already know all of the rules, we use them all right here, there is just a different emphasis on some of them. Understand?
So the Creation Energy separated itself out into a Harmonic, remember it is Explosive Dragon Energy and Step 1 on our Creation Wheel. So it exploded into Harmonics of it's Original and the remaining Original went (or Stayed) Multi-Dimensional as our Sun. The Harmonics of the other Planets went Multi-Dimensional too, but at a lesser Time, not right away. From our 3D point of view, Planets took more Time to form and arrive. You see the Tip-to-Tip inverse action here, Right? I see it, but then my head is busy spinning.
The Sun right away went Multi-Dimensional like Audrey did when She went through my Chakra system/nervous system in series of Mirages. Planets formed and my chakra points Physically, Emotionally, painfully opened up to meet Audrey. The Sun then becoming the First and Last position on our Creation Cycle, so every planet no matter the Dimension of Life they host has Sun Energy.
All planets, no matter their Dimension have life on them. All life on those planets see the Sun. It is our common ground and something to base your math theories on when looking for other life in our system. And I think you should start with our own system before you reach out to others. It's easier because we share some things we are already familiar with in our Universe like the Sun.
So as the Creation Universe separated out of our Solar System, leaving us with the Sun and her Harmonics, we descended a Dimension that began to mix Water, cooling the outer portions and Stone was made, Flat Terra. Think of Flat Terra as being Top and Bottom, both sides inhabitable and the Chakra growing on the inside outward. Inflating much like a balloon. I am not sure why Lumaria arrived into 3D before Atlantis, but I get the feeling Lumaria was the top portion of Flat Terra and Atlantis the bottom...But understand too that we are still a combination of all the planets together at this Time. Only the Sun had removed herself form our Planetary Group Energy. Creation Energy= Sun + All Planets still combined as One.
Where did China get its wealth?
That's the question everyone should be asking. Some of it came from lucrative trade deals, more of it came from imported manufacturing jobs, but MOST of it came from drug exports. And ours is not the only country they smuggle to.
Perhaps the reason why I don't like the Asian culture is their overtly harsh government structure toward people especially their own, but people in general. Humanity in large numbers like China has becomes a commodity, when that happen poverty thrives, when that happens homelessness....does China have a homeless population? Does Japan?
I know the penalty in China for drug possession has always been strict and that is why they are the largest producer of manufactured drugs and smuggling. The government, which is built as a Defense Structure, sees themselves as protecting their own people from drugs while becoming a Superpower by creating drug problems in other countries.
So the reason why I'm not a fan of Asian culture is their government structure of punishment. It's streamlined, massive and a lot of times unnecessary, targeting the innocent...its corrupt and was built to police and punish, not to protect and serve. The entire government is a war machine. You see? It's the same as NoKo without the sanctions.
And it will fail. I see a revolution soon, one with a new government or an altered one, something is different about it but I'm not sure what... This pandemic was way too expensive, way too disruptive, the worldwide public outcry from this, plus China's own internal rebellion will create a new attitude for the country. You see, 2 different pressures, both strongly applied at the same Time will always create something 'new'.
It looks to me like when they decided to drug us and buy our debt in the hope of owning the US, they brought about their own downfall...or their own change, a Tip-to-Tip pyramid conversion within the negative Creation Cycle in the Nefarious range of Feeling Tones. Serves them Right.
I feel very Q-like today, and the only thing I'm addicted to is my Morning coffee and my Evening chocolate.
Back to the Story of Origins and our Solar System:
The gods of Sirius, the Anunnaki, established the Lumaria lands and the gods of the Pleiades established the Atlantean lands.
It was a Binary projection of Light Creation Energy, One pressure on 'top', one pressure on the 'bottom' with the positive creation cycle arriving/starting, then the negative/ bottom cycle. Remember that 'positive' and 'negative' only reflect a cycle location and nothing more. It is simple a second Star Systems turn to Energize a fertile or stimulated Area or Space, and for a Time of an Age Cycle the two were fading in and out, completely out of cycle from each other until the Ages passed and their Timing began to overlap and then sync up together and completely, becoming the same Time period.
Humanity as we know it formed from the Light projection within the Nursery of Stars, we lived or existed on the Planetary Energies from it's beginning. This being before the planets began to separate one for another, when there was simply One Sun and One Planet. Binary.
As the Ages passed, our planets began to separate as they moved through the Creation Cycle of Time. It is true to say we all originate as gods from Sirius/Orion and faded into mankind from the Pleiades Star System. You may it as a Mother/Father parenting. In the case of Lumaria the Mother was the Orion constellation with a Pleiadian Father, and for Atlantean lands it is a Pleiadian Mother with a Sirius/Orion Father. However the entire Creation Light Source erupted from the Orion Nursery. The Pleiades offered a counter pressure, not a creation pressure, you see? It is the same as Yogi knowing his Mother was a virgin and is not a 3D conception of life of Mother/Father, but direct from Mother Source.
I heard someone ask if all souls were created with one source. No not all, some have two souls creating others souls giving the new ones balance in their structure. They are made for 3D and other worlds -/+ like ours. For example:
Armand was born of Feminine Energy only. He created Ari and Audrey. Ari and Audrey have no Mother, you see? Ari rejects as many women as possible, mothers and wives. Audrey has had repeated lives of no Mothers or good Mothers for a short amount of Time. And any girl friends she finds are very few. You can see where a mother/father co-creating can offer a soul more of a balance to their structor, more of the opposite polarities or pressure, right?
Though there is nothing wrong with how Armand was created or how he created Ari and I. Our parentage is not an issue for the 3 of us especially since we thrive in most places we live. The reason for the....situation or repeat here in 3D results from experiences we built and not ones we were born with. We had no reference of Mother/Father co-creating so we built our own through our Life Experience.
So when governments like China say they are 'competing with the US' and 'studying' a virus, what does that mean exactly?
In what way do you 'study' a virus? You already know how it likes to spread because you already know it's a problem when you choose to 'study' it.
What is it about this virus they have been 'studying', especially since they have no idea how to cure or vaccinate yet. We only have Hydroxychloroquine, so after all of this time with no cure, what have they been studying?
Don't be fooled by Timelines. They've had SARS and MERS long enough to know COVID-19 is an evolution of them. Both are also in the labs being 'studied'. A Batman type, a Scientist, was collecting bats to infect them and 'study' the virus. We all know from watching how the flu morphs into different strains that viruses can take on a life of their own and what better way to make a bioweapon than to feed it, actually encourage its growth, not engineer it, in a lab.
No, there is more going on in the lab than a 'study'. Do NOT forget China is on a mission to be in charge, it admits it 'is competing'. China's government has NEVER paid attention to 'quality of life' for its people. The government takes more than it Contributes (notice I didn't save 'gives'. 'Giving' and giving too much is bad Math.) and it's never a good idea to 'win' by harming/hurting others. Your own people and others.
Yes, I think it is a Chinese bioweapon 'study' with an accidental release. But make no mistake: They were working on it, and if it was work devoted to killing the virus they would have a cure/treatment/vaccine by now. SARS is not 'new' and 'strains' of one have common connections to another. There is a weakness in there that should have been exploited long ago had that been the purpose of the 'study'.
Notice most Socialists states hurt everyone who opposes them. I tell you there is no Math, no Planet, and no Universe anywhere where that will work out well for them.
And realize for this pandemic and socialist topic, I am criticizing Governments and not the citizens. DO NOT believe any excuse or explanation from China.
It has lied as a repeat, and that is not good.
"Notice most Socialists states hurt everyone who opposes them. I tell you there is no Math, no Planet, and no Universe anywhere where that will work out well for them."
The Creation Wheel is a Wheel because it represents a cycle. It is also an amplifier, deliberately 'enhancing' or making your main input somehow, in some form, Bigger. In short:
It Grows what you give it.
The repeat of your behavior changes with each pass through the cycle. You better choose Right from Wrong even if your Heart isn't in it. Any repeat of Right over Wrong will help, will improve you. Honest.
It doesn't take lifetimes to notice the change in yourself either. Timelines jump/skip/hop and even Leap with EVERY good intention. No matter if you see it or not. A repeat through the Creation Wheel does not take lifetimes, some repeats are daily opportunities for you to get it Right.
What are you feeding into your Wheel today?
"Don't be fooled by Timelines. They've had SARS and MERS long enough to know COVID-19 is an evolution of them. Both are also in the labs being 'studied'. A Batman type, a Scientist, was collecting bats to infect them and 'study' the virus. We all know from watching how the flu morphs into different strains that viruses can take on a life of their own and what better way to make a bioweapon than to feed it, actually encourage its growth, not engineer it, in a lab."
It was fed, grown or simply allowed to change in the lab. They have been studying the 'evolution' of how the strains are changing. The Scientist was collecting bats to see how strong the COVID-19 had become, it had grown or changed enough it was time to see what it actually changed into. The Scientist was wearing the virus when he left the lab and China not knowing how strong the virus had actually become had no answers for the world.
In a sense China was doing a real time case study, watching its own people trying to survive completely believing another country, like the US, would come up with a cure. So it simply kept quiet, believing it was moving itself out of the way so other countries can find the cure without asking for help.
You see why after Atlantis, Religion was left to train our humanity into a healthy repeat of spirituality? Why Science was deliberately suppressed for Ages and why I EXPECT humanity to not only know Right from Wrong, but actually DO Right from Wrong?
Many see flaws in Cristian beliefs. Clearing that up for them is only one reason why I am here Today.
'The Creation Wheel is a Wheel because it represents a cycle. It is also an amplifier, deliberately 'enhancing' or making your main input somehow, in some form, Bigger. In short:
It Grows what you give it.'
It is a Wheel in the Higher Dimensions, where you find more of an Eternity Time. When you are in lower Dimensions the Wheel takes on a spiral action, like you find when you look at your DNA. When you remove Time Action from your external DNA you would see the Wheel or Circle Action. But in ALL Dimensions you see the Creation, no matter if it is in Wheel for Spiral form.
Please Always Remember:
Lower Dimensions are not to be thought of as dumber, stupid or punishment of any kind. It is an elongated, expanded or slower exploration of Time and different Events or Energy forms within Time. That is all they are.
From April 14, 2020 at 8:55 AM:
"At 24 minutes into the show Osiris is identified with the constellation Orion and Isis is identified with the star Sirius the brightest star in the sky, and within the constellation of Orion is the Nursery of Stars.
From this description, everyone should be able to understand Ari and Audrey's roles. Ari works, both here in 3D and also in other dimensions (the Underworld) to explain your worlds to you. He has done this as Apollo, Seth, Ari and others. Here in 3D he has had lives of the same, yet his views are...not wrong, but...are not complete. I need to explain that some more, but must move on for now."
Part of Ari's problem with his 3D lives is his Transposition. He runs out of 3D biological Time before he can Higher Dimensionally completely 'read' or grasp the entire Idea in its original Energy form. This means his mind runs out of Time. Why?
He is not strong enough to keep the Tip-to-Tip connection open. He cannot reconnect to the other Universes once his original connection diminishes or closes. He cannot walk around all day like that though few people actually do. So Ideas like those of Darwin, for example are incomplete, when looked at closely his theories and ideas are seriously flawed or simply just 'bullshit'.
When you study something closely, you are taking Time to pick it apart little by little looking at each individual function of a theory or idea. You are also reassembling the theory/idea and re-examining the pieces, how they operate as a group making sure they hold up as per your understanding.
When your Tip-to-Tip strength is shortened, you cannot slow Time down in the Higher Dimensions. To be a Master of Time you must be able to on occasion elongate Time in the Heavens, walking through it as if it were 3D. How many times have I said I need to slow down while I'm standing in a shadow of information? How many times have I said I need to 'look at it again later' because things are moving too quick.
I can actually slow things down and look as I go, but I instead make a note of the crossroads of information because I want to finish my original thoughts.
Symbolically, from the dream symbol world, Ari sees the Tip-to-Tip conversion or access point as a dilated cervix. It scares him.
When he is as Apollo, Seth and others he mixes his energy with women. Ari does not channel himself with me, he stands a distance away and I hear him. It is a much easier process, but my point is: he never channels through a man.
Ari is a narcissist both in 3D and the multidimensionally, feeding his ego plays a role in every life and imbedding his legacy into History has taken deliberate planning and Time on his part. Don't misunderstand:
Ari is good at his job, but he has hit a glass ceiling on all things 3D while still focusing on his All Time favorite subject of how you perceive him. He has made it a part of his permanent black shadow image and his personality.
He can draw and paint as Da Vinci, he can explain elementary points of psychiatry like Freud and can write as well as Twain. Khufu's pyramid design was the reason he was selected to reign as pharaoh. Khufu, along with his Tesla lifetime are at odds with his need as Da Vinci to hide in a cave 'inventing' ideas that were known, some even used, since Khufu's Time.
To be a true 'Master' you must not so much 'master' Time but 'conform' or bend with it in whatever world you are living in. Fear of women in Ari's case has created its limits and compensating for it by cheap short cuts of Apollo reading to a channel work he should be giving us himself.
Tal, Ari suggests there is a connection, a reasonable explanation why Da Vinci was gay. It also holds an important clue to your views on women...more like your views on masculine and feminine relationships in general.
I've been feeding birds for years since my dad died, it started as and act of charity for the birds and a ritual or honor I've made in in my everyday (Fall, Winter, and Spring) life in my dads memory. Funny thing about it is: I always thought birds were creepy. Especially Chickens. They are 'wild-eyed' or fast fast moving, always looking panicked. I thought it was because they have pupils and I try not to stare to help keep the situation calm.
I bring this up because this year the woodpeckers are looking different. I have the normal traditional looking ones, but I also had a few that had no real white color, they were yellow, black and red. Lately I have one that is all solid (no speckles) in very brilliant, vivid color. Last fall I spoke to a neighbor a mile or two from us and she said there is a large one, the Woody Woodpecker type in the neighborhood. She saw it only one Time and said it's incredibly shy. I would love to see it, but my feeder is probably too close to my home for it to stop by.
Why am I bringing up the woodpeckers, I have no idea, except to say some are different in their mix of color, more so this year than another time Ive fed them. And since I've started feeding them, I no longer think they're creepy but are an engineering marvel of a precise, healthy Creation Wheel output. They are still not my choice of pet though, only because they don't like being held like a cat or a dog would. Birds won't curl up to you to sleep.
So from the Creation Wheel output the basic structure of my woodpeckers seem the same only the final touches, the fringes of their individual black shadow Energy, like their feathers in the Universe of Color is slightly different. The finer, last Energy applied when building a bird.
From April 17, 2020 at 9:41 AM:
"It is a Wheel in the Higher Dimensions, where you find more of an Eternity Time. When you are in lower Dimensions the Wheel takes on a spiral action, like you find when you look at your DNA. When you remove Time Action from your external DNA you would see the Wheel or Circle Action. But in ALL Dimensions you see the Creation, no matter if it is in Wheel for Spiral form."
So the spiral within our DNA is our external 3D Time period of 'Today'. Looking at the DNA coding, the markers placed within One circle or spiral would represent One Universe. Another spiral or twist would represent another Universe Creation, or the parts of 'you' that are created at one location before the Universe (or you) shifted into another.
I understand that Science untwists everything then finds the complete code that way, but if it would include the twist and look at how the code is then added together Universe-by-Universe, they would understand more of the Creation Cycle used when God builds a human.
I say it that way on purpose: God builds a human.
For Science who thinks, and proves otherwise. You are on the hook for your behavior. Always.
Experiments, when consciousness is applied is not yours to decide.
When you work on animals reviving DNA, you are pulling from another Dimension, taking what is not given freely. When you do this in periods of High or Congested Energy are you helping?
When you hear stories of cattle mutilation, mysteries of blood somehow surgically drained and other things where no one can explain what has happened to the animal...What runs through you mind and do you think what happened to the animal is right?
Even if you prove your science experiments are a success, I will never agree your actions are right. One the flip side of my example: anyone can murder another, but are they right to do so?
It is NOT a one way street or path, and to acknowledge it as a two way...sharing, is something we haven't seen since the gods of Atlantis.
A small correction:
"It is NOT a one way street or path, and to acknowledge it as a two way...sharing between dimensions, is something we haven't thought about since the gods of Atlantis."
Hence the 'offerings to the gods' in the Old Testament records. We offered more to the gods than our worship, offerings were covenants, negotiated trade deals. 'We need your help, we give you our help.'
And again, 'Sacrifices' Animal or Human are misunderstood and aren't covenants. And I have no defining explanation on them yet.
From one of the Ancient Aliens shows called The Supernatural Ones. (Somewhere here I posted things on this show before.)
The show starts by talking about the comic book type super hero powers similar to the powers reported of the Olympians having crazy strength, super fast speeds and other things. And while the stories date back 4,000 yrs or so ago, the actual gods themselves were gone by then. Only very talented psychics remained, and remember these psychics were experts, Phd's in their field of study. Edgar Cayce was an example of a Doctor concerned with our early physical health, only he would work while awake.
The Olympians are the source record of the Anunnaki type fade-ins still retaining their other worldly Dimensional Time manipulation. Always keep in the back of your mind when thinking about this Time period: We were still in a dream state of Life, 4-5D is sometimes not as similar to 3D as it could be. Like watching the crazy fast UFO's zigzagging through our skies today. This was similar to what was happening back in the day, and these were not unusual sites and a UFO would stop its crazy fast spin (or fold his donkey up and put it in his pocket) to sit down to tea and visit with you.
This is a Time...not a negative sine wave mismatch because that would leave things like extraordinary strength and speed out...so it is a type of Time condensing that does not slow Time down, but allows more Time pattern into our elongated version of Time. Ah! Here it is:
It is a Pressure mismatch, a buildup of pressure. I remember taking plane rides and also a...submarine type ride. It was a public transport sub designed inside like an airplane that traveled Crazy Fast like a torpedo. It, and the aircraft used Pressure for faster travel, though the submarine traveled through a tube or other type of guide, the plane did not.
When Temperature goes up, so does Pressure, other worldly type Creation Energy/Chakra Energy (a Natural Form of Radiation) can go from extreme cold to extreme heat. Hot enough to liquify stone. Adapting the Hot/Cold from our Chakra system in a still forming planet still using Creation Energy... it was not as hard to do as you would think, and would give the superhuman type unusual strength, speed, growth rate, and knowledge.
Radiation in other Universes is a black shadow electrical food source. Thats why Armand's early personalities like Neptune used a Trident. The trident works as an Energy matrix like a partial accelerator.
From September 15, 2018 at 9:23 AM:
"Music is too loud, too long, too close. Can't sleep, complain to the permit office but no one cares, "Call the police" they say. Called the police and they laugh too, caller ID so they know it's me before they even answer the phone. I get lectured to stop wasting gov't resources, even tho I use the nonemergency dispatch number. They send an officer out, but come back saying there is "nothing they can do, they are within the legal noise limit."
I explain they're using commercial grade equipment in a residential neighborhood and the topography itself is a natural broadcast tower. I hear them talking in normal voices from their backyard to mine, let alone loud music. I hear nothing but the Boom Boom Boom of their base in my home for 5 hrs straight, 4 days a week, 6 months a year. Cop who did 3 tours in Afghanistan said "don't move next to a rocket launch site if you can't stand the noise." I almost reached thru the phone to choke him. I was here first.
Went to State Police Barracks on airport dr to pick up copies of noise complaints, saw the sheriff talking at the lobby desk. He glanced at me, knew that I recognized him, kept talking while he stepped backward out of my view. Like I would hurt him? Ask for help? Or even wish him a happy "Hi".
One quick glance my way and justice is gone. Real life dream symbols.
7 Demons."
An Event Venue opened on an adjacent farm, so I now have one literally in my front yard (across the street) and another in my back yard. Living here for 20+ years now, we never had a problem with the one across the street, but the new one in my back yard....it is impossible to live with and I've told this to everyone in local government I can think of.
Last Summer I was hearing Ari say things like 'This won't be a problem for you anymore. Next year they won't be open anymore and you don't have to do anything for that to happen.'
Naturally I didn't believe him and went about my business of sending emails and meeting with our corrupt Permit Office. I will tell you Dennis Superczynski is...no longer a problem.
So when I started hearing Ari comment on my pain with comments like 'This won't be a problem for you much longer. Next year they won't even open.' I wondered 'How?' and my first thoughts were 'He's lying to you again.' and I continued on with my emails and county meetings.
But he kept repeating his message, and I kept calling him names.
So when the State responded to the Covid-19 threat with 'Stay Put' orders and 'no gatherings over 10 people' I thought 'Ari knew we would have a pandemic and didn't tell me.'
And here is why I am telling you all of this:
He claims he 'may or may not have known' a pandemic was possible, but what he says he did know was the owner of the wedding venue in my backyard had stopped paying bills. He hasn't paid county taxes for last year, has had more parties than I was told his permit allowed (thought there is no allowable party number listed), and has not paid his mortgage or whatever scam or squatters rights he is using.
So my point is, Ari claims he was not getting his information from 'global Energies'. He claims that since my problem was more an 'individual' one, he was looking 'locally' for the answer. And he said nothing about it being a cash flow/tax problem, but like I said, the owner has had more than his fair number of parties so where is his money going?
Ari assures me the property will no longer be used commercially, the noise situation is over with and when it's finally sold it will be residential. It is considered 'Historical' yet it is subdivided, I'm told they won't build keeping it intact as a farm. We'll see.
To add another Dimension into my 3D reality, I am told that the noise was stopping in part because you guys stopped posting. The party venue was a 'gathered Pressure' I felt from my first comments here years ago. It was an overflow manifestation of my pain from then and literally being Forced into returning here. In physical body terms it is also how a person can become physically ill from a painful, stressful situation, and how Jesus, also in a painful, stressful situation was able to manifest wounds from a cross he was never nailed to.
The owner opened a wedding venue next to my backyard. In addition to hearing EVERY wedding, and long late night hours of music, I found out from my hair stylist, the owner was divorced having cheated on his wife with a masseuse from Pa. So a clown who knows nothing about marriage is hosting and profiting on as many weddings as he can find, while deliberately hurting others.
I don't believe some of you can understand the entire explanation, but I sure do! So Thank you guys for keeping your distance and not posting.
Where is NoKo leader Kim?
It is possible he is suffering from COVID-19. He is, in my opinion, too young to have the health problems that are rumored, but...and I could be misguided, but I think its the pandemic. And I think every government believes this is the case.
If true, I bet whoever gave it to him (unless it was wife or children) was shot.
Obesity and smoking...NEVER a good mix, even in the best of Times.
Of Ari, Armand and Audrey, Ari is the smoker, it's his addiction of choice and I don't know why he chooses to harm his lungs. Perhaps it is because of the 3 of us, he is also known as an athlete. Athletic success is very dependent on lung health.
Armand tends to overeat first then perhaps drink. Even though in this life I drank everyday for 20 yrs that is not my first choice of comfort...Isolation perhaps? I do know it took an awful lot for me to start drinking, 7 extreme lifetimes all converging into one Finite Time Period...I have forgiven myself and moved out of the pain.
Because of the pandemic, I have D walking with me and our dogs. On days he works from home, he joins us for three 15-20 min walks. These have hills and because of the dogs is a quick and sometimes uncomfortable pace which has hearts pumping. On work days like today he is reduced to at least one, somedays he gets two.
In addition to walking, he has homemade chicken soup with homemade chicken bone broth a couple times a week. He hates it but he does it because 1: it shuts me up, and 2: he knows with his family's medical history he might have a harder COVID recovery. The soup is a preemptive strike in case he is exposed, it is a build up of natural immunities.
Ari suggested I share my reasoning with you guys. If you are interested in making broth these are the videos that taught me:
If your diet is ever reduced to liquids only, make sure it includes broth. You can get vegetable and meat nutrients. Because my dogs are in part my work out routine and their breed is susceptible to hip problems, I include a healthy splash of beef broth to their suppers. This includes 1/2 serving of store bought kibble, 1/2 homemade dog food and beef broth. I found the liquid slows down their eating to a healthier pace, and the meat I add is London Broil, pot roast, sirloin cuts, on sale. But basically any meat that shreds easily...
https://damndelicious.net/2015/05/13/easy-crockpot-dog-food/ I like the ingredients, but don't like the crockpot to make it, too mushy. So I:
Make crockpot dog broth: cheap marrow bones, any meat cut, and 4-5 raw carrots cut into chunks to water, cook overnight. In the morning, cook rice on stovetop, when done add rice to a bowl with frozen vegetables, kidney beans, butternut squash, crockpot meat, marrow, its carrots. Serve with kibble and broth.
J Man and Thena love it. Ari said to post this because you guys would care. Is someone is asking?
I said recently that the Anunnaki used stone for keeping their records of Knowledge and History for a multi-dimensional reason, in addition to it being a form of long term information storage here in 3D for Ages. I was impressed by their cunning in their multi-dimensional reasons, but I couldn't explain why at the Time. And now I can:
This strongly implies Stone keeps its form through Dimensions. We see this on Mars, a 4D planet where there are the beginnings of pyramid bases, something that looks like a Sphinx perhaps before it was cut or shaped and other...curiosities that remind us of similarities that link our world to Mars in a yet unknown, weird Energetic 'overlay' with Earth.
While Mars is physically 4D which is determined by its position in our Solar System (mostly distance from the Sun, but there are other factors), Jupiter is 5D. This is a Dream State world and Life, and while Mars still has some 3D character, both as a planet and (posthumous) Life, Jupiter does not. It does however, have the 19 deg mark on its surface that 'tethers' Earth and Mars to it. (more for that later.) So Jupiter is known in 3D as a Gas Planet proving it is Higher Dimensional and more Etheric, different than the 2 planets before it and also why the two have a shared Moon.
When the Self Aware's Creation Math formula encountered the Masculine Energy of the Flail symbol creating our Astroid belt, it filtered out the Moon Energy of Jupiter before it then 'allowed' Jupiter to further become a planet. So, the Self-Aware created the binary of Earth and Mars (the differences between these 2 will be for later as they are not exactly equal Binary), the Moon was created next as the Natural Creation Math next began to Create Jupiter. The internal porous nature of the Moon implies that it once had a large gas component to it.
So our Moon is the Result of Jupiters first encounter (a first Fade in/out) of the Flail type Harmonics which also created our Astroid belt. Our Moon was Jupiter leaving the Creation type of mix that was creating Planets and it was entering the Flail Energy Creation type that was creating astroids.
Jupiter as like some but not all of our planets, faded in and out as it became gaseous, more Etheral. Again, first creating our Moon with it as one half of the total 'astroid separation' or the removing the Rock/Stone Energy from Jupiter, making it 'rockless' and without stone. So the Moon, and of course our Astroid Belt could not advance through the Flail type Energy separation Jupiter went through.
I'm not shown the sequence for the remaining outer planets but they seem to be a 'second' Creation or second production of planets. A different (second) fade in/out of our Sun.
As a side note: the Giant size of Saturn happened in the same or a similar Universal Mix that created Nephilim Giants. Atmosphere is Everything. Best to know when entering ANY creation mode.
We also know Stone is a multi-dimensional substance because it travels throughout our space in different Universal mixes as comets, astroids...some systems have precious stone and metal astroids like diamonds and gold instead of stone...Can you imagine that!?! In those Universe Systems these would also be used as a Multi-Universal form of storing Knowledge and History, much like the Crystals Cleopatra placed in hiding before her family's massacre.
I bring this up to use the Stone transcending higher dimensions in conjunction with our UFO sightings.
The whole explanation of Jupiter and our Moon came into being because I was watching Ancient Aliens and UFO encounters, and I wondered 'Why do Alien craft fly through Water and Air but won't fly through a mountain to get to the other side, even flying only close to the Moons surface?' After all ghosts walk through walls and stuff...
So the answer to that is how the moon and other 'rock' Energy separated from Jupiter, and the knowledge that Air and Water are similar Atmospheres in the Heavens with Water being the denser or more concentrated of the two, Rock and Stone are not Atmospheres. Simply put, the UFO's can see our mountainous terrain as too dense to travel through. Same when they see our Moon and Mars.
Any UFO flight video would have them entering a cave or other Earth type opening to enter into Hollow or Middle Earth (if there is such a thing).
I am told there was someone showing a sign of support toward Atheism, that Darwin somehow was right in guiding his theories away from the existence of God.
Let me start by saying this:
Ari is the first one of us to jump in a Self Loathing, depressed state of mind. Atheism, or any general denial in the existence or other rejection of God is Self Loathing and Depression. And here's why:
No matter what you discover in your treks through Science, no matter how 'Evolved' you think you are, you will always find you, your basic Physical, Emotional and Elemental makeup is designed and patterned after God. You will NEVER find a separation. PERIOD.
You, as Science are always saying our DNA is closely related to Animals, and you can pick any variety of animal to use here in this example. That closely related genetic material is the same EVERYWHERE you go, in every Kingdom of Life (Animal, mineral, veg., etc), only the Mix of that material is different. This is the same in every dimension.
When you deny the existence of a Higher Power, God or Deity you deny your very existence because every God Particle you stumble across IS God and those very, very small and sometimes elusive pieces can add up to be the God you are looking for as a Force. Sometimes that Force is 'Corrective', sometimes it is the Love you are looking for, and sometimes it is relaxed and evenly spaced to look completely neutral in the Higher Dimensions, and Non-Existent in the Lower. But NEVER doubt:
You cannot find God because there is NO separation between you and God. You are made in the same Image, meaning you are made of the same Stuff. So you are nothing but God.
God Blends. And as long as you are looking for something other than our basic Elements, you will never find God. And you will never Understand what you are looking at. It is interesting to me that the smallest particle in Existence, the God Particle created the biggest and the best Universally.
Ari knows better than to Deny God, and he does it because if he believes this post is true, he would then have no one to blame for his problems but himself. He would have to then have to Act in a Self Healing manner because he would truly see His portion of God won't move unless he does. He has the power of God just like EVERYONE.
So he has God on his side, in fact he has a Larger portion of God directly under his control than your average person. He is a Christ. What does that mean?
To me it means one hell of a beating. It is not only getting your ass kicked, but also handed back to you with instruction to 'fix it' when you didn't break it in the first place. A lesser person would say 'I didn't break it, so why fix it so it can happen again?' Now, we all know the nature of Repeats and how they work themselves out backwards.
Best to fix it yourself, when you wait or let the person who broke you fix you....you get what they gave you. Again.
Fix Yourself + Forgive others = Something New + Something Better
When the Fix/Forgive more negative portion of our Sine Wave = the New/Better positive portion of our Sine Wave you have a Balance that can Live for as long as you like it to.
But don't ever believe Atheism is a good place to be. It is not a 'We are all connected' spiritual or genetic representation of God.
You whole attitude proves God is Feminine Energy. If it weren't so you would be the highest vibration among us. You're last place because you are afraid of Her. You chose that look for yourself on purpose. Coward.
Audrey. of Arcturus calling out a Dumbshit.
From April 24, 2020 at 3:16 PM:
"Any UFO flight video would have them entering a cave or other Earth type opening to enter into Hollow or Middle Earth (if there is such a thing)."
So why would a UFO disappear into an Earth cave, cavern or sliver of opening leading down into the Earth? Maybe it's a 'feeding' or another type of Energetic 'nurturing'. I know the semi-solid Anunnaki rested in caves once they became 3D enough to survive a sleep state.
About yesterday Tal,
You and Octavian share many of the same attitudes, and you both think very highly of yourselves because of your 'book smarts' and classroom success. Here's where you differ:
Octavian is quiet, a man of few words and one who will do things out of sight. He learned to be quiet and go about his business for his successes.
Ari is very vocal and known to pitch a fit when he is not included. That is his High Investment of spending a lot of his Energy on his image, both his physical beauty and his legacy. So much is made of Osiris' death, yet there is no Tomb or other type of honor for Isis who did the work of putting putting him back together. You see the difference?
For you it is not about the work or its quality, it's about how many people adore you.
You and Octavian (in his healthier Black Shadow days) were both similar vibrations. And here is where troubles began for you both:
Neither of you endured a share of failure. Success after success after success, you both spiraled out of control in an 'upward' fashion. So there was no Slowing you guys down until the Math kicked in to make things equal in balance.
Over Time he learned to quietly manipulate, and you learned to pit a fit or mope in depression until someone comes along to fix your situation so you can work.
Octavian did this in the past by paying people, buying/rewarding their support, and you've done it by charming people into believing you are ready to work, charming them into giving your opportunities as opposed to figuring out a more 'serious work' related path. Hardly professional, from either of you.
Here is where being a Christ kicked in for you:
"there was no Slowing you guys down until the Math kicked in to make things equal in balance."
A Christ will put things in Equal Balance. An Octavain will not.
Surrounding yourself lifetime after lifetime with Armands personalities, like Yogi, using them as your mentor, modeling your behavior after his, is fine and something I think is a great idea until the 'issues' you both suffer from appear. Then its back into survival mode for you both: Armand retreats from family while he kills not only his troubles but also their food supply, and Ari becomes angry (some say abusive) but everyone knows a Slight was done to him and he is threatened and overreacting.
For every Woman wanting a baby:
Tell yourself what you really want is a Teenager. The time a soul is a baby is very, very, small in comparison to their lifespan. When souls age, some get 'hung up' from their past experiences and suffer, no matter how good an example you set. They in many cases may physically age, but not emotionally. The...I don't want to say 'trauma' but that is the word for now, the trauma of the past keeps many in an heightened emotional state much like you see in teenagers. It can be as passive as a 40 year old who seems lethargic and slow moving, one won't clean their apartment, to the 40 year old who lashes out to keep having their own way.
But no matter their own personal pattern, they are stuck and passive or aggressive, they are uncooperative.
It is a Time mismanagement, in that they cannot move out of something that happened to them when our Earth was in a 'teenage' growth stage. Little things have taken on a Large significance because of the Hormonal balance and have been kept as a perpetual reminder to your Teenager. The Nephilim were souls who were born little and had taken on a larger than predicted, and larger than 'normal' look. One is an exaggerated Feeling Tone, the other in an exaggerated physical appearance, bot both are different outputs of the same Creation Mix. You see?
When our Earth was forming, we as souls were in a developing stage as well as our Earth. Plus we were being told that we were the Stewards of the Earth. This meant that whatever we were thinking, feeling, or going through was being shared in a 'Energy Mix' kind of way and being...Embedded into the Earth. Earth was going through her own trauma of being 'birthed' and we could help her or hurt her as we were doing the same. We were to be careful and kind in a guiding way because what we were doing would impact/influence Her own formation in a we were the parent, she was the child kind of way.
The Nephilim were the result of the Sons of God and the Daughters of Man union. These were at a Time when the beings still living in the Higher Dimensions mated with the forming 3D women. This was not advised, but in retrospect could not be stopped because our atmosphere was still blending and many were affected by it, much like they are today with all of the unrealistic conflicting ideas people are presenting as 'Good'.
The result was a race of Giants with recessive genes. Why was this ill advised? I will tell you:
The recessive genes were needed to survive. Gene editing is not a good idea. The splicing and dicing Science is doing today is ILL ADVISED and seems non-permanent. I think once the 'spliced' patient dies...They will be ok, but it will be felt posthumously similar to a 3D body having lost a limb trying to re-incorporate that loss in Black shadow form. But you have restricted Needed tissue information. There is much more to say about this. Just don't do it. Even in our current Time people with recessive genes suffer. They tend to be hyper sensitive in nature and must be careful.
In ANY mix of 'still forming Energy' you can predict an outcome, but is your prediction accurate? And in ANY mix of 'still forming Energy' you better be strong enough in spirit to weather the storm and at that Time, our Earth had many types of storms no matter what Dimension your spirit resided.
For the most part, the weather was fine and similar to what you experience today. But much like today you can see many who 'live in their heads' and are traumatized by the that changing Energy mix. Autism for example, the level of frustration that can erupt. Anyone with quick tempers is another. 'Quick' in this example is 'unsettled' sometime 'unexpected' or 'unpredictable' Energy and it is usually 'strong' or having had a period of 'build up' or other 'no release'.
So it was ill advised to procreate this way in an unstable Energy, because many many anomalies were formed and from the Higher Dimensions like 8th or 9th it was seen as 'unsurvivable' and ill-advised because Birth and Death are...in a sense Trauma because they are a shocking, quick change in Dimension. It can be cruel and for some it was. Many were frightened, suddenly being born, suddenly dying....Here is where Tal is. Here is the reason for his NDE's, here is his fear of women.
Tal hates being held back. He is Success driven, and loves accolades. Really who doesn't? Birth and 3 and 4th D are restrictive in nature. Birth is the Tip-to-Tip pyramid connection most confining and limiting. It scares Tal because he sees no sense in waiting, he has had no mother who would hold him back in his success to allow his childish emotions to grow with his body. So his Emotional Body doesn't evolve. He has feed his Emotional Body far too long on success after success after success and many many accolades, and is clinically a Narcissist. It is a deeply embedded repeat.
Many have heard of the genetic experiments done by the Atlantean's, well here they are. An immature attitude of the Sons and Daughters bore a Race of beings that Everyone told them would not survive. Nephilism was a seemingly clever shortcut in Time, arriving into 3D without the carefully planned steps meant to protect our planet and its population. It was deemed by those who participated in it as a clever elimination of unnecessary caution.
At this Time Period the Atlantean's were...more than a country, they were a global following, a way of Life or a 'modern' Belief System. A new generation who thought they new everything and our old ideas were no longer needed. Today's Liberalism.
So beings like the Neanderthals were.....I just lost in my thought...But the Nephilim is remembered through our Time today. The Blue eyed Blond Master Race of WWII and their cruel Human experiments was a sign, or marker, showing us an alignment of a similar Energy Mix, our Time (1930'2- mid 1940's) firming highlighting itself with the Nephilim in the cycle repeat of all things. It was a Calendar Alignment clue Hitler gave to us in our search for our origins. What looks like bigotry to some, is also a....not help...but a telling, an important piece.
"One is an exaggerated Feeling Tone, the other in an exaggerated physical appearance, bot both are different outputs of the same Creation Mix. You see? "
Should read:
The Teenager is an exaggerated Feeling Tone, the Nephilim is an exaggerated physical appearance, but both are different outputs of the same Creation Mix. You see?
The Ancient stories of Armand mating 'supernaturally' are misunderstood. This is NOT a Nephilim type procreation. No short cuts are taken, though often his mothers are virgins.
Was it Helen of Troy's Father or Merlin's life where it is said he visited a woman disguised as a Swan? The Swan, in Armand's mind, represented Sperm. True, as a dream symbol it is an ass-over-backwards approach, like his (Chinese or Japanese life of) riding a donkey backward to arrive on Earth. But the Swan's neck was thought of as the Sperm's tail.
But the idea in that story was an Energetic, a more Electrical guiding path of sperm to create the right gene sequence with the egg. It is NOT a Short Cut, but is something each of us does when growing our new 3D fetus because: EVERY newborn is responsible for their DNA. Always.
Selecting the right sperm to grow in conjunction with the egg is a...'First Mix' or the first stages of blending your black shadow into a 3D body. And that's all on you, it's also one reason why Seth/Jane have said 'You create your own reality.' You are involved from the very beginning.
What we learned from the Nephilim Giants is that we needed to use a Higher Dimension to enter into 3D life. Life cannot be created at a lower dimension, like 4D. The beings that created the Giants were 3D women using 'almost 3D men' in a physical sexual act. This is different than a soul selecting their own DNA as a fetus.
Even Octavian must do this...and as a Virgin Mary type birth there is no sexual act involved.
And since Tal won't tolerate ANY form of restriction, he is born automatically resenting his relationship with his mother because he must slowly become more and more restricted in his higher dimensions to be born, then add more delay to grow up here in 3D. The tip-to-tip conversion, that slow transfer of his consciousness from a higher plane to here in 3D is Ari's nemesis.
For any woman with a child impatient to grow up, take the Time to explain the importance of being a child. For any woman who has a Teenager who thinks they should be holding jobs making BIG money or advancing in a life meant for adults, do what you can to slow them down. Stopping a forming personality, one who traditionally has trouble dealing with women telling them 'No.' is an age old, world destroying Repeat.
And when mothers don't deal with children unable to handle their disappointment, personality traits like Misogyny and Narcissism become a Giant portion of their life. For male and female children alike.
I don't know that a child prodigy should sit in a college classroom. This is Ari's problem. But neither should they be stopped completely from advancing, they should definitely be slowed down until they are adult enough to understand fame, fortune, knowledge and power.
But it is not unusual for Ari to cut and run from a his mother the moment his dad would. It a trigger for him, a life and death traumatic memory, even involving NDE's in an effort to show him the connection or fear of his creation birth.
When did Tal's NDE happen in this Life? As a boy rejecting his mother to live with his father? A teenager over-acting as an adult (with perhaps a girlfriend)? An engaged man waiting to be married? A married man with a first child on the way? I am certain there was a mother, girlfriend, lover, wife or mother-to-be 'thing' going on in his life at the Time.
Same old drama. Yawn.
In short:
You can't deal with your Mother, any of them, why do you think you can hold a relationship with any woman? Hence the homosexual portion of your life experiences.
You refuse to be held back, so Da Vinci was gay so Ari could have a legacy in the Renaissance movement. Though I don't have time to look at the actual explanation right now.
Maybe you can do your own work on this....
But to sum it up:
There is no one actually teaching Ari, he won't allow it. The struggle he has from not conforming to Time during the Rest period...he thinks it actually prolongs or worsens the experience instead of Acknowledging, lessening and...not removing it, but neutralizing it. Knowing it is there, but keeping it neutral enough to not allow its influence.
But make no mistake, Ari is frustrated by his predicament too.
Edgar Cayce said once that Intent is everything in Karma. He said that someone who does something for the wrong reasons has a Karmic...not burden...unbalance. This unbalance occurs even when the situation works out ok for everyone. Why is that?
Intent is the Input to your creation wheel. You started off wrong with your very first step. You see?
And make no mistake about this Tal: You had the very best help this whole Time. You chose not to trust it because of the form it came in.
Or so I'm told.
To Clarify "But make no mistake, Ari is frustrated by his predicament too."
I know this is true because Ari keeps setting up lifetimes meant to deal with this Repeat. The 'honest intent' is there, the follow through is where it falls apart at the individual personality. This is different than Octavian whose attitude is one of not wanting to be here and is somewhat confused as to why he is...And Ari is not in the the same dismal shadow shape, but he hits the exact same point of Time every time and stops.
Da Vinci was arrogant on most levels (Dimensionally), his sexuality was NOT determined at birth. In MOST cases (if not all), there are experiences the personality has within that same lifetime that is calculated with a type of 'Conscious Math', one that is aware in an actual 'Living' or an 'Alive' state that adds and subtracts Thoughts, feelings, Repeats, Intentions. It does this 'Real Time' and is in constant motion or use, embedded as a portion of your Chakra System.
It is your real time connection to God, at this Plane of Thought, it is your electrical connection to the Akash both as a recording device and an question/answer pathway to epiphanies. Here I am reminded of the many Times I have felt the electrical buzzing at the back of my spine a few inches below my shoulder blades. I said repeatedly I could feel it spinning clockwise and likened it to a know being turned. Im told that is an exaggerated, more pronounced adjustment it was making to accommodate Audrey.
There is a name for this...Sanskrit, I just don't know or don't remember what it was called.
And somehow, your most still, quiet, sorrowful yearning activates or....it notices your calling out for answers. This is also why Birth and Death make impressions in the Ethers. Because these are the 2 times a soul reflects, repents, asks for guidance, prays for Mercy, and Accepts the outcome. But this connection to the Akash is NEVER closed, the communication portion may be in a dormant-like reduced state and ignored, but it is never closed off, gone.
I remembering watching an Ancient Aliens and wondered here once about one of Ancient world leaders who burned a spiritual leader and while watching the man die in his fire the one who condemned the man to his death had a 'conversion' of some kind, one where he completely changed his life.
I do know the same thing happened to Johanne at her death and those few who were involved in it. Johanne calling to her Creator, Octavian then spending his remaining life flailing himself as if he were Jesus. It is the Universe suddenly intervening in a situation.
I think this is hard for you Tal, you are definitely confused as to how this happened and I don't have any real advice for you except to stay still, stay quiet and keep asking your questions.
"I said repeatedly I could feel it spinning clockwise and likened it to a *knob being turned."
"There is a name for this...Sanskrit," The name can be found in the Sanskrit records.
"This is also why Birth and Death make impressions in the Ethers. Because these are the 2 times a soul reflects, repents, asks for guidance, prays for Mercy, and Accepts the outcome. " This is Ari 'symbolically' dying to become Tal here in 3D. Ari becomes...forgotten, his collective lives are separated out, almost in a 'left behind' kind of way. But make no mistake:
A birth here into 3D has had a 'death like' approach to get here. It is your job to notice and respect what has happened to give you your 3D experiences. More to say here later...
One of the languages Cleopatra learned was Sanskrit. Another one was her knowledge on the Dream Symbol languages which she used when she translated the Sanskrit History Stories into the more Scientific Creation Explanation of how our Earth was created/formed. Her work survives somewhere in the Vatican Library. One of many copies that Ashton delivered to Rome after our murders.
I don't know if it was signed by he author or not.
It was her Doctorate Thesis.
Hers and every Pharaoh had their Doctorate and post-doctorate work stored in the library, along with an autobiography of their life. The Sphinx, the pyramids and Gobekli Tepe, all designs and explanations have been kept. India's records are only a small sample of what the library held.
Phil had just started working on his when we were murdered. Part of it exists and I can explain what he chose to work on. Later though, to give Yogi a chance to find it first.
From April 27, 2020 at 12:38 PM:
"In short:
You can't deal with your Mother, any of them, why do you think you can hold a relationship with any woman? Hence the homosexual portion of your life experiences.
You refuse to be held back, so Da Vinci was gay so Ari could have a legacy in the Renaissance movement. Though I don't have time to look at the actual explanation right now.
Maybe you can do your own work on this...."
The complete answer is to STOP and REST. No matter if your Action is Work or Pleasure in nature. Even Seth/Jane said that Achilles died from his Heel because he didn't REST. Look it up.
I have been pestered a lot lately to tell you about Steve Gleason. I have resisted so far because I worry about my own legacy. I don't pick on homosexuals, I don't physically beat up on children, and I don't criticize people in wheelchairs. My hope is that our world has reached a point in its development that foolish movements like Political Correctness are seen for what they are. Everything I have been saying on these subjects are not the product of hate and I can only hope those reading will see.
Because you are a higher than normal vibration Tal, you and Eyes Like Yours will be slowed down in a Hard and Public way. Because that is where you have put yourself at the expense of yourself. In public. The sudden stop, the Forced rest, that's you leaving it up to the Universe to handle it for you.
So now Ari has one personality very publicly forced into a REST. The Universe doesn't care how you become still and quiet, She just cares that you are and the Public part of your Lives are just the Her following your favorite Formula: Your Personal Glory.
If I had a medal for every selfless act! But lets get back to what interests you:
You. So the Math behind the Feminine now has one of your other personalities in a Forced Still and Quiet period of Time. Will this help, now that you/Gleason are still and quiet? No, not if you/he follow Ari's attitude. Your mistrust of women will come back with a Force because he will blame Her, in this case the Self-Aware, and not himself for not Co-operating with Her.
You seem to think that EVERY lifetime MUST be a success, and to you that means you must be a 'MUCH Adored Public Figure'. I put that description in caps so you look at all of the components involved and you realize that is WAY too Math to carry around with you in EVERY lifetime. You MUST give something up, you are not that strong, no one is.
Obama and his administration are being called on his Bullshit, finally. He and make no mistake, he was in charge and knew what was happening at the FBI, IRS, CIA and other Agencies. He misused power. He encouraged it. I bring this up because once the Press and the Public get tired of the 'political correctness' movement...Well, who know how the Self-Aware will guide the clean up.
I don't know Gleason's past lives to tell you more. And I'd rather not anyway. His children, and your own deserve to be proud of their father. Ari has done some amazing things, but his hasn't followed the rules. He hasn't taken care of himself along the way.
You are a part of the Self-Aware. She will never lose one of her own because She is NOT suicidal. Though there is more to say about this because she will at some point 're-purpose' Herself. But She will clean up her laziness, because that is what you and Octavian are to her. Spiritual Laziness. She will Force you and Octavian to progress, which is not where Octavian's heart is right now. And because of everyones collective reluctance to co-operate we will always have the Poor. The Poor I speak of here is spiritual, those refusing to co-operate.
There is a Book of Christ coming here soon. It explains the Energy distribution an Higher Vibrational Entity (or Oversoul) like Ari, Armand and myself can be Victimized Repeatedly for Shit we didn't do. How Mass Energy, like for example a pandemic, is passed back and forth between personalities of an Entity and other shared responsibilities. For the amount of pain that is dealt with, it is no surprise that there are thousands of years between Christs.
Briggy, I heard this 'Slow Down' song today. It fits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-E3T3n8a5o
For those interested in following Dream Symbols:
Yesterday I was out walking and 3 Canadian geese flew over my head honking what sounded like approval. I went to Costco and there was a guy helping out at the register. He had long curly blond hair pulled into a pony tail and kept calling me 'My Dear'. I couldn't criticize him knowing my own hair is suffering from the quarantine.
I hope everyone is well.
Ok, I finally decided. My book title is:
'Someone Will Remember Us.'
By Audrey.
The Atlantean From Arcturus.
I'm very Firm on that.
I clicked on this link thinking I would find corroborating, helpful information on Canada to help piece my version of world history together. Listen for a while. I trip over this kind of stuff about Eyes Like Yours all the Time. Hear what (especially) the first woman has to say, the tone she speaks with about their relationship and also the children they interview.
EVERYONE explains away this man's abandonment as 'poverty'. He MUST leave to make money. Excuses only, and only poor in spirit.
I debated with myself before posting this, but if I have to know this about you why should you? You've said many times you wanted to know how I 'live' or what it's like to be this way. Let me welcome you!
Book of Christ.
Chapter 1: The Void.
The ultimate 'alone' period of time. It is a Metaphysical function of Time, a completely natural phenomenon creating a Vacuum which cannot be stopped, changed or otherwise altered. You might say it is the Ultimate Tipping Point. A Birthing of...anything, not just experience, that you want to Transfer Dimensionally.
While EVERY personality of a Christ Oversoul reaches this point independently of the other personalities, there is a 'collective' cleanup involving All personalities. (More to say on this later.)
The Void before a Transfer is in a sense a Flood of Abandonment, the Knob Turns, Calculations are made and Tests are passed. Tests are always passed. If they aren't there is a left behind separation. This does NOT stop a collective souls advancement but here's where is gets tricky and harmful to the Collective Soul, the OverSoul:
You leave pieces of yourself behind, sometimes very important, much needed pieces where that personality, that needed experience is unavailable to you. It (that personality) is simply unable to keep up. Done Repeatedly, the OverSoul is 'thinned out' experience is lost to Time, or Timing' and the OverSoul becomes inexperienced. So each Time it's done as both a repeat within the same personality and also done by many of the OverSouls personality it lowers the Dimensional Reach of the entire group.
Now it looks to Ari as though he is herding cats trying, to get his entire self but to the rest of us it looks like he got what he wanted this whole Time, and he is frustrated at Narcissism that's developed and become a prominent characteristic across the Pyramid shape that defines his personality, his OverSoul. It forms most of the Base, this means almost every personality he uses has it.
The 'Thinning Out' process does eventually stop the OverSouls advancement but as a pyramid shape it is now broad based with a low height that tends to be rounded and unable to peak. Without a Peak or a 4 Cornered Pointed Tip converging, narrowing into a Pin Point....you don't get the focus you need to Create. It's short and squat.
Remember We, no matter what form or shape we take, are ALWAYS a 'Projection of Consciousness'. FOCUS, Focus, focus is the only way to Transfer anything and everything you need to reach your goals.
But Tal, your 'Love 'em and Leave 'em' Repeat is so Heavy and broad based we have no choice but to believe that was your goal. So yes, Ari is very frustrated.
It will take Time to sort through, but it is repairable. Put the Time in.
So those 2 messages were for Tal, but what about Yogi?
I'm glad you asked!
Sadly, I need to stop right now. But it is on my list of things to do.
It does strike me as very funny that Tal is losing his base!
Obama is where I first noticed how strong it was, I marveled at his unchecked corruption as a 'Lead From Behind' Leader.
Jokes aside, its more Ironic than funny. The broad base, the Foundation of Ari's Shadow building is strong. The Strength to keep it alive is there, this can go on for as long as you like, but that it is short and squat, that's the Self-Aware pushing back, keeping you stunted.
Besides, it's hard to watch. And it's a hard test to take with that base.
And "this can go on for as long as you like, but that it is short and squat, that's the Self-Aware pushing back, keeping you stunted."
This is were it all started for you:
You love the Feminine until it holds you back, no matter that you need it. You have personalities like Obama railing at God, or more obvious: anyone with Responsible or Healthy mental characteristics that remind you of the Self-Aware. So the Feminine, because she is everywhere and a portion of every Subject you study in Class, is cut as soon as you need to give back, as a slowing down.
So you alter every Equation, the Math as soon as you need to contribute in every subject, every relationship.
Apply what I am say about Tal here to yourself.
Remember you are one to have multiples, use ideas best described as 'bigamist' to think here...it is the same Feminine viewpoint as Tal only using Time differently.
Physically, your OverSoul personality is best described as 'Big Boned', 'Broad" with a 'Lower Center of Gravity'. A Wide Girth is just as out-of-shape unhealthy as one having no discernible Peak. Ari said "You're damn close to being a Fat Ass."
You are a Pillar, not really a Pyramid.
It might interest you to know that the reason I helped Briggy first and so completely/successfully was because all of the Fight had left him. He was in a Void.
He was NOT giving up, though it absolutely does feel like it at that stage, but he was Still and Quiet...Stunned into that position, aware, yet still weak enough he couldn't get up and stand properly.
I told him what to do, when to do it, both physically and mentally. He trusted me. And he did it in Short Time.
So Briggy, what did you do for your OverSoul self and your future? Think about it.
Tal should look at the the 'restriction' periods of Life as a Spiritual Claustrophobia. You don't like a retraction in any form, and when it happens to you...you understand it and the process, but...it collapses the black shadow You condensing itself into the physical DNA type format, the Adam Template. You notice the condensing DNA as seemingly missing pieces of yourself, that now seem unreachable to you and you blame the Divine Feminine for the shortage. Your Mother issues.
Realize, in the Heavens you are not restricted in a space, you are actually in a Dimension and freely able to move and interact with others. You know exactly what is happening to your black shadow, but you don't like losing your knowledge and memories of your past. It is a phobia and a lack of Trust.
You live and in a sense 'walk' around in black shadow style, talking, conversing, bullshitting with your friends and you suddenly realize you 'forgot' or can't find a memory you want to access. It is an amnesia every soul goes through (except the Autistic), one like I have now and you know I am ok (sort of), but you hate it because it makes you look and feel Stupid.
It humbles your Pride, so when you arrive in a 3D classroom and you find you do well...you embrace it and it feeds you ego.
Make no mistake here Tal. It is an Emotional Body...Deficit and is tied COMPLETELY to the Feminine Self-Aware. The Emotional Body under your control is seen as Feminine, which it is, but you only focus on your masculine skills of Athletics, and Knowledge so you measure your Emotions and feed them from your Masculine 'successes'. Narcissism is a Masculine form of Success Driven Emotion. It has nothing Feminine about it.
Paying attention to your Failures can remove....or Move a lot out of your way. I changed the wording in that last sentence because you literally don't like Removing anything. 'Removing' is how you come into this World. Fighting Mad.
Pent up Anger in Volumes can and WILL change your Sexuality:
Rosie O'Donnell went from the 'Queen of Nice' during her early, early talk show days to becoming a very very angry lesbian. Many in the field of Science and Psychology believe it was because she was a lesbian and a 'Mass Rejection of Homosexuality' is to blame for her anger.
No, she was angry to the point of an 'unhealthy' or unbalanced Emotional Body. The Creation Wheel, one governing this lifetime, turned and the Universal Math became skewed or also unbalanced. And now she is even MORE angry because the Universe is telling her 'something' is wrong in a way she and everyone else CANNOT ignore.
Her mother died while she was young. She embraced her lesbian self. She is/was heavily medicated for psychological reasons. She adopted children (also medicated) and is divorced.
When she embraced being a lesbian....that should have solved her problem or soothed her soul. Instead she became even more angry because that was when she started throwing her hate around at the public and also any family she tried to make.
These are the steps you follow as well.
Anger "to the point of an 'unhealthy' or unbalanced Emotional Body. The Creation Wheel, one governing this lifetime, turned and the Universal Math became skewed or also unbalanced."
The Universe is NOT punishing anyone. It is pointing out in a very Blatant way you have deliberately ignored things and are no longer allowed to do so.
There are signs, more than one and in more than one Lifetime that went ignored. I'm talking to Tal, Rosie and many others. Sexuality does not change on a whim, it does not change easily. It was done by refusal of this very basic thought:
'I know I shouldn't do this, but I just don't care.'
The Universe is Forcing those who misuse their thoughts. Action always follows that Repeat of misuse, in this case a show of Force from the Universe. She sees You, a very important part of Herself hurting Yourself which is Herself. You are the Same.
Realize you are NOT in mortal danger, your soul is not....destructible in any way. You are very Black Shadow Flexible. You can change your sexuality anytime you want, because clearly you did. You see?
Best advice:
Stay Still and Quiet. Become introspective. Answers come.
Said this from the very beginning. Yes, it stops your success. Yes, it doesn't feed your narcissism. Yes, it feels like a waste of Time. It is fixing or relaxing the unseen Emotional Body. Your Emotions have become abused and MUST rest/relax.
It is a Black Shadow muscle stronger than the physical. All you have to do is Rest, then Minding your Manners (an Action) will gradually, in the Circle of All Things, become easier.
"You are very Black Shadow Flexible. You can change your sexuality anytime you want, because clearly you did. You see?"
Most change their sexuality between Lifetimes. It is the most comfortable way to solve Emotional problems, to be born into a Sex best suited toward reaching your goals. For example to participate in the Renaissance Movement, I was born a male but this is not what I am talking about.
Realize that I am talking about an Over-abundance of Anger, Masculine Tendencies. There are other ways to change your sexuality to achieve spiritual goals. These are considered more acceptable ways spiritually because they are less Harming...more later.
"Make no mistake here Tal. It is an Emotional Body...Deficit and is tied COMPLETELY to the Feminine Self-Aware. The Emotional Body under your control is seen as Feminine, which it is, but you only focus on your masculine skills of Athletics, and Knowledge so you measure your Emotions and feed them from your Masculine 'successes'. Narcissism is a Masculine form of Success Driven Emotion. It has nothing Feminine about it."
You seem to think the Feminine is outside of yourself. You see it as something you are not and you greatly admire it in others. You make a show of it.
Nurture your Feminine half as I've said and the Rest (my word play) of it will grow and adjust. All on its own. It's the Math that does this, you can trust Her to do it right.
Chapter 2: Timelines as Exoplanets.
Many who channel have talked about 'jumping Timelines', our planet 'splitting into two worlds', there are those who are 'woke' and those who are not, A Sift, a Change, an Acceleration of Time, etc. etc.
When you die you change frequency, yet all you have done is leave your body. It is very similar in feeling to being in a dream state and only difference now is you have ALL your attention now in the posthumous world. That is because your 3D physical body DNA has changed. In your Dream State, your 3D physical body portion of your DNA is still very active or Activated, so you are only partially focused in your dream. The remainder is tied to your physical body, keeping it alive. That portion that keeps your body alive are what some call Codes or Keys. Are you with me so far?
The Codes and Keys are Activated and your Consciousness responds changing its awareness, your DNA Coding has changed its Timing allowing you to perceive other Universes, Understanding or Knowledge. You feel awake in another World when you Die, yet you remember the Basics of that world from every dream you've had. Liberalism, that joyful feeling of 'We are all connected' and comparing our 3D world to your new 'feeling' wanting 'fix' everything to reflect a better world. The one you just had a glimpse of.
This is different than Bloodlines. Timelines deal with Multi-Dimensional Travel. Bloodlines deal with the Emotional Body. It is more Soul related, and yes, the two work hand-in-hand.
The Big Bang:
When a Universe forms, it goes through series of steps. Every Universe is slightly different yet the Basic steps are surprisingly similar.
Creation Energy is Explosive. That is the Nature of Creation. One nano second there is nothing, the next there is something. But there is a subtle gathering of Universal Genetics that is the precursor, an indicator of Fertility that lets us all know to 'Stand back a little further.' These can be Temperature changes which for those in the Heavens is felt as Density, watery changes in the Environment. Much like our nighttime temperatures are cooler and changes occur that affect our ability to see/feel other ghostly realms more easily.
Explosions like Big Bangs don't happen every day, and they really if every happen in an already established Universe, Galaxy.
So A Big Bang is a Sudden 'Sucking In' of Fertile Atmosphere. It is an Extremely Large Physical Space that has Firmed up to the point of Contraction. It literately pulls the surrounding fertile space toward itself, making it a part of itself, a more Dense Firming in a circle shape. It has, at the point of the Big Band literally 'Touched the Creator' in that it has suddenly and mysteriously traveled through All Known Universes, Through All of Time, all At the Same Time. That is its Timing.
It Timing is important because it is the Direct Connection the the Creator Herself. It is one of her Chakras.
One very important piece Science need to learn. Space appears and disappears with no problem. It is the flow and ebb of Time. It is nothing unusual, is mostly predictable, even visually predictable and there are many, many 'established spaces', Universes that are safe. What I am talking about is 'Frontier' Space.
Our own Big Bang occurred, space contracted, a Chakra portal, a direct link to the Self-Aware was birthed. That direct link is very self aware, and according to Armand she won't let you get away with anything. That is part of his fight with women. So:
When that Chakra opened, all we had was a portal. Remember I said the space for the planets in out Solar System was set aside but hadn't descended yet, that it was forming into....a condition that would 'contain' the Creation Energy. At this point the Sun was just a space set aside for the Self-aware. A portal type space with noting in it.
Part of the Big Bang was the Self-Aware arriving through the portal. When the Sun Energy ignited, the Self-Aware was exploring her new Reach into a New Universe. When she began arriving through the Space, she vibrated. That is how she moves or travels. The vibration reminds everyone who sees it of the slither of a snake, the Reptilian type Sacred Knowledge. But it is a slow pouring of Aware Life that follows a Timing pattern that moves along a Frequency Line. You see? Like a Snake. Keep in mind your own DNA shape here.
The the Self-Aware explored the New Portal, our Sun shone with her life for the very First Time. Gobekli Tepe was built to watch how she was shaping and changing not only our Space but how our surrounding Universes were also changing. The Caduceus symbol I spoke of on March 25.
Life begets Life. Her arrival through the portal she made is akin to her sticking her head in a hole in the ground to see what is there in that spot in Time. When she does that, things shake and shiver (temperature). It is simply her moving that does this, and because she 'slithers' in frequency, an ebb and flow in some locations, vibrations from her Sun travel shakes the surrounding areas in a mathematical pattern forming other resonant portals in specific locations. Those are our planets.
As the Self-Aware in a sense lays down across the sky, she travels the planet portals too. Remember these are a direct result of the Sun and are also filled with her Awareness. When you think of our DNA pattern these planet type portals are the crossbars or the rungs on our individual DNA patterning.
She has a DNA pattern just like you. There are many Science types in the Heavens devoting their Lives to mapping her DNA. The Astronomers I criticized on this blog are pre-schoolers in comparison. This makes their arrogance even more ignorant when you see the larger knowledge, the better view from the Heavens.
Crap. An error:
I meant to call the Sun Portal and the Self-Aware's arrival the Rod of Asclepius, not the The Caduceus symbol.
The The Caduceus symbol involves our planet, our Universe. These are the crossbars of her DNA and the The Caduceus symbol has much to keep our Science types here busy. Our Universe connects to a double-helix structure. One is the Sun, and where is the other? Anyone?
Our Sun in an Energetic Line with our collective Planetary Energy as the crossbar should lead us two our second Sun...This is the 3D view.
I'm thinking the answer originates further back in Time...meaning a Higher Dimension...
Even though our Planet, Mother Earth is largely seen as Feminine, our operating Energy has been largely Masculine or a Male Dominated one. I think the Answer we are looking for is...too close to see...There is a second Sun somewhere and here is why:
When the Self-Aware created a vibration, she makes a noise. A Bang, and also a planet creation like Ohmmmm, but she is talking to someone when she does this. A Peer, an Equal or a partner. Her other Half. That would make him...not separate from her...but where she looks inward in portals, he looks outward in a different direction but is...
I don't know. He certainly is elusive. My joke because the shadow is closed for now so the answer must wait. Or you can figure it out for yourselves first.
From May 6, 2020 at 8:10 AM I said:
"So A Big Bang is a Sudden 'Sucking In' of Fertile Atmosphere. It is an Extremely Large Physical Space that has Firmed up to the point of Contraction. It literately pulls the surrounding fertile space toward itself, making it a part of itself, a more Dense Firming in a circle shape. It has, at the point of the Big Band literally 'Touched the Creator' in that it has suddenly and mysteriously traveled through All Known Universes, Through All of Time, all At the Same Time. That is its Timing."
Remember when you read that paragraph that we lived on that 'Firmed' Space from its very inception. Flat Terra. When we flew there in black shadow form, we could feel our black shadows adjust and also 'Firm'. Atmosphere is everything, it gave our black shadows the same constriction, the same 'tightening up' firming as our Flat Terra.
We came and went as we pleased, each Time twisting marginally, and untwisting as we left. As Flat Terra began to bend, and also inflate (2 separate and different Actions), it was harder for our black shadows to leave. We needed more Time to arrive and more Time to adjust to leaving, until the only way to leave was an extended sleep, leaving our bodies 'keeping them warm' in one Dimension with Life by 'keeping them cool' in 3D Temples in another. Then next phase of our 'arrival' was shorter sleep cycles of 8 hours within every 24.
Now, you know from our ancient stories we lived on our plant the entire Big Bang. So to Science I say:
Be careful what you do. There is Life EVERYWHERE. Where you think it is impossible to Live, there is Life.
Bomb the Moon, you are Bombing where others are currently Living. Stone is Multidimensional. You see for yourselves the UFO's flying on the Moons surface, you read my description, my explanation of how we came into being. Put 2 + 2 together and find another way to get your knowledge, your information. Don't bomb, don't mine your Outer Space. It is NOT yours, it is shared.
The Big Bang did NOT look like a Big Bang to those Living within it. If you take, you interfere. Learn how to ASK.
Learn some Manners. Ask First. And don't forget to say 'Please'.
To Science I say:
You already destroyed one planet, your own. You don't need to Repeat the cycle, you will lose way more knowledge than you can ever gain on your own destroying things. The Atlantean Advanced Technology was not the first thing the Self-Aware removed during the Final Fall:
Human Life was.
I'm going to let you think about that for a while.
I truly hope many reading this will intuitively understand. I am long winded, very wordy and Repetitive for a reason. I will say things a million Times and differently because the knowledge I share is Multi-Dimensional.
That means it appears in EVERY world you meet.
God is Organic: That means completely Natural, no fake Techno Parts. Remember you are gods.
Atlantis had many, many Scientific experiments. None of which survived the Karmic Floods. God, the Self-Aware Multi-Universe did that.
Why do you think implants of any kind are a good idea? If the Self-Aware Multi-Universe were a girl born a boy...how do you think she would change things for Herself?
You see where Science creating a 'pregnant man' is an Atlantean experiment? Preforming addadicktome's to those who ask, implants and the extreme tattooing is not helpful to those thinking it will solve their problems.
In a Multi-Dimensional world, it doesn't. Just ask the Atlantean's.
It is a Narcissistic feeding.
From May 6, 2020 at 8:10 AM I said:
"So A Big Bang is a Sudden 'Sucking In' of Fertile Atmosphere. It is an Extremely Large Physical Space that has Firmed up to the point of Contraction. It literately pulls the surrounding fertile space toward itself, making it a part of itself, a more Dense Firming in a circle shape. It has, at the point of the Big Band literally 'Touched the Creator' in that it has suddenly and mysteriously traveled through All Known Universes, Through All of Time, all At the Same Time. That is its Timing."
This is also how objects are manifested and teleported. Always done with a lightening fast Big Bang!
Also realize the Tip-to-Tip Time conversion. What Science sees durning a Big Bang took many fade-ins to complete, but not the 13.7 Billion years they think. You can’t measure it the same way we tell Time, it doesn’t convert over to a realistic number of years.
So the Idea that Time stays at a consistent speed through the Universe is the 13.7 Billion years Science calculates. However Science knows this is not accurate because over a short period of time an astronaut returns from outer space to notice a DNA change. We return from outer space with evidence of being Time Warped. The same thing happens to a spirit returning from its UFO type travels.
Any Doctor who supports Gene Editing should watch what will happen to those who return from such trips. They can't even walk without support. Here my mind thinks of Steve Gleason. It makes no difference to my mind that DNA seems to re-activate into a normal 3D condition after a return.
Of course the change is the result of gravitational pulls of All kinds, natural radiations of all kinds, atmospheric pressure and its structure which Science should be studying, and many other Pressures and 'Pulls'....there are Laws of Attraction of many unfamiliar kinds that Science should take the Time to Find and also Understand before is plays Celestially.
We don't know enough Basics yet and Science...doesn't see enough of the 'Different Forces' of the 'Anti Gravity' type to believe they are there or would be an Aid to them to understand. To other Beings, Science looks like children playing in a swimming Hole for the first Time, caught up in floating and spinning themselves in Space they don't see any of the dangers of Mis-Understanding of what is actually happening to them.
Has anyone sent a probe to measure atmospheric planet energy changes durning a planet's retrograde? Astrologers have long spoke about how those Energies affect our World Conditions and higher Dimensional Feelings, our Emotional Body. Might be Time to find the more external equivalent. Being in an Environment influenced by a planet under a retrograde could be (I'm not saying it will) a double whammy for a persons DNA. The Emotional body influence and the physical 3D body.
In stead of laughing at the masses, believing everyone was upset about Pluto because of a cartoon dog...We know Science is wrong, because most of us feel the Retrograde. And even we who feel it don't have all the information. I said before Pluto works in conjunction with others like it, slightly smaller in size. If Science is only looking at Pluto and not the 5 together, it misses the complete purpose of Plutos work.
We already know plankton lives in outer space. So the Animal Kingdom is present there. Where is the Plant Life? It should be there too. Perhaps we, if we take the Time to look, can find the Biblical Manna. We could feed the astronauts indefinitely and without the 3D labor of Farming. But usually all Kingdoms are represented in all Universes in varying degrees and in different mixes.
You see the opportunities of study that they are currently missing because they separate themselves from Spirit, ignore Religion and mock the outrage of those having legitimate experiences with planets like Pluto?
You see why Audrey emerged, right? She is overly cautious for Multi-Dimensional reasons and has seen things you would not believe, because of your Limitations not because of her Delusions. And she doesn't like some attitudes.
I think that last paragraph was from Ari or Armand. Moving on:
Since there is plankton in outer space, there is a high water component. Since there is a high water component, there should be a way to harvest it for our astronauts. Would that also be Manna, a food and water combination, serving both our needs together?
The East Coast polar vortex we are experiencing today, could have outer space influences. A Pressure build up of other Planetary Forces influencing a cold spot in our 3D world.
I know temperature changes occur when hormones change. So why would it be any different for our planet? I know our bodies physically change with each Time cycle completed. (I'm thinking yearly right now as an example) We age, we feel better/worse emotionally and physically, we gain/lose life responsibilities as we change.
I have often wondered if I am here as a precursor to a Time Cycle of Doom. To explain our afterlife because something will cause so many to appear in the next higher Dimension seemingly all at once it will stress or Pressure the 4D into limited resources, explaining to you where you are and how to maneuver in your new world.
It is on the negative portion of our sine wave where most technology has been developed, Times of War for example. It might behoove us to save our 'latest war technology', meaning not use it for war, but immediately use it for Humanity instead. Using it to benefit the population and not killing changes the entire math.
China for example, laser technology used for their military weapons and not welfare improvements for their everyday life. Laser technology in general is not used to its full potential due to Lack of Imagination. A negation on our sine wave causing the Self-Aware to leave the Math as Incomplete.
I don't see anything like war happening, probably because I don't want to look. I am afraid, like years ago reading Edgar Cayce's work and getting a Creepy Atlantean Feeling, the pitiful Fall of a once Beautiful world.
The race of giants that were born and lived on our world died when the Moon was cut. They were described in some records as angry. Well, of course they were angry, they knew political groups were forcing a Moon Movement, and they knew that would end their lives. We also knew it was not just the giants, but also the psychics like myself who were their target. Dinosaurs, the very small race of humans, neanderthals an others.
The World War that Akhenaten took part in, the worship of One God was symbolic of One People, one type of people. Removing everyone who didn't fit the Adam Template, that was the reason for the war. Instead of letting the old gradually fade away, they forced it. With that Forced exit the separation of 3-4D became firmer than was ever intended by the Self-Aware. There is NO FIRMER separation found anywhere in our universe than our 3-4D divide. That is not the norm and was removing it was the purpose of our slow Karmic Return.
The level of confusion happening durning those days was astounding, and the deliberate...Did someone ask once why the gods/the Anunnaki were left out of the Old Testament?
The Old Testament is a record of the Final Fall of Atlantis, it is a record of the Final World War in that Cycle to both scare and warn Mankind of how fragile our World can be. It was not intended to document the years and Ages of Peace, only the war. It removed the Moon Cutting, it removed most of the advanced Technologies of that Time so that Mankind would focus on the Actions it took. Today we say things like 'A gun never killed, the person using the gun did.'
Should we have guns is NOT the argument. Removing the guns, still leaves you with knives and mental, spiritual illness. Remember, boxcutters are not weapons. They were used with airplanes deliberately used as very dangerous weapons. The root of the problem, any problem, is Spiritual. That is why EVERY Christ is tempted with their own suicidal death, and why EVERY Christ is confronted with their own Temper and why EVERY Christ is tortured.
And everyone alive is a Christ and without it there is no evolution. And that was why the Anunnaki were not included into the Old Testament, they were peaceful, it was Others misusing their technology. It was not the technology that was the problem. The technology was changing, evolving but not removed until it was catastrophically misused. We are to focus the Fall of Man, not the fall of technology.
Any fights recorded among the Anunnaki themselves are for the same purpose as the Old Testament. They were seen as warnings to others to mind their manners. They were the 1st 2 World Wars. You see? And:
When I say 'And everyone alive is a Christ and without it there is no evolution.' I am NOT suggesting you must be harmed to advance as a species....Wow! The misunderstood Human Sacrifice I have been looking to explain, just Flashed in front of my eyes!
Need to stop now so I can slow it down and look through it.
The Dogon tribe call their Creator Amma. I described the Adam Template as the 'ad' portion being masculine, I said the 'am' portion was Feminine. The Dogon God 'Amma' is a Tip-to-Tip description of the Self-Aware Multi-Universe transferring herself, inverting herself Tip-to-Tip which has created our Universe. So Amma is the Sky God, the collective god particle forming the Universal Sky having completed one inversion.
I say it that way for a reason:
A Christ, one who preforms miracles, manifests or teleports objects, has gone through two inversions. One at a physical birth, which puts her into a 3D Human form, an Adam Template, and later the Second one inverts her again, Restoring her to her 'original' spirit while still in her Adam Template. Having cleared (cleaned) her entire chakra system she is both Re-opened AND Re-aligned. Much like a combination lock having 3 or more different thumb wheels that must have the correct numbers to open the lock. You must be able to transfer your individual Coding, your Bloodline Combination when you transfer such things...you are an open Channel, no longer locked.
Somehow these explanations have a connection to Human Sacrifice.
Nommo was created by Amma who replicated himself several Times. One having disobeyed Amma. Which is a part of the Adam and Eve story of being removed from Eden...
The Human race cutting the Moon disobeyed God. The Giants, the Neanderthals, and others did not disobey God. Forming as they did was ill-advised for many reasons I have yet to fully explain. For now though: It was always known they would eventually become extinct, but they were alive and therefore had a say in how our world would be run. Few of the Humans did not like to share their control, and they did not want to wait for it either especially since the Human population was increasing and the others were declining.
These Humans, these over-ambitious eager few, but took matters into their own hands and made serious, uneducated miscalculations.
We, for all of our 'Billions' of years in Age, are still a young Universe. When we moved the Moon, we adjusted Time. That physical adjustment put us at a slower, longer Time advancement, it elongated not only our Time but also our Solar System, AND set our Science and Technology advancements back by decades while we worked on our Spirituality, reshaping, re-strengthening our Black Shadows.
We were all affected by the catastrophe. Those living in the Higher Dimensions of 5-8D were also too close to the Blast Site. It hit many black shadows with a traveling shockwave. Cayce said something that needs elaborated. He said that the Atlantean's are returning, but I need to move forward.
Realize even Flat Terra never saw Eternity Time. So from the very beginning our Solar System was Always in degrees of an elongated pattern, we will see it contract with our Function of Time being Restored to a less ladened or loaded Time Action. It will be a noticeable but NOT drastic shortening. And in a way I can't explain yet, our Solar System contracting doesn't 'Firm up' our planet, we feel less dense...not floaty or high like we see from many right now, but optimal and lean.
When you see the subtle contraction, then you will see and respect Pluto's function and how her role actually protects our Solar System. She and her 4 other friends are the Gate Keepers, and Energetic Guard of our Solar System. The Astroid Belt has a slightly different function, in that it controls the flow of the gaseous planets...it is a two way Highway management in that the Sun, and the different planet Energies are buffered...the Astroid Belt appears to function as a Lung, filter or valve directing and controlling flow and safety. In both directions, toward and away from the Sun. This affects Time, from another 3D position, or Pressure. Another Pressure point applied.
It affects, it keeps the more noxious stuff to a manageable level and moving so nothing stalls or backs up in flow to contaminate us long term. This would create a gas chamber type condition for us in its extreme malfunction, but in a mild malfunction it is partially responsible for epidemics/pandemics.
When things happen fast, both our Belts must become aware and react. That means when Time starts changing its Tempo, the Belts must have Time to notice these changes through the Timed measurements it makes, calculations it understands, and changes in position and the range it manages.
The Belts do NOT allow viruses and the like into the Solar System as a flow from beyond. Viruses are manifest within Solar System and our planet atmosphere as Life, they are born here and do not travel here. Once the Belts make their adjustments or changes their natural 'valve' like changes cut of their incubation and in a sense their food source. Plankton is a blessing.
Notice this does NOT kill the virus, because they are now hosted within the human body. What it does do is starve the virus of its Time as an outer Pressure, as the pandemic plays out through the human infection, the germ itself 'knows Time is short'. It either changes to adapt or it dies. It knows it cannot survive here forever, the Human Body will eventually kill off the virus. But the virus will take advantage of bodies with weak systems, knowing full well each death it seals its own fate.
But a virus on our planet is Noticed at the farthest reaches of our Solar System and that a planet the size and distance of Pluto making Her changes stopping the furthering of a threatening life force as small as a virus...
I hope you see why more people than myself are outraged by the State of California, the arrogance of Science and the ignorance within our Colleges.
Colds and the Flu, COVIDs and viruses in general can leave the Planet completely never to return, why don't they? I'm glad you ask:
Our Solar System is more elongated than it should be. If Everyone alive would govern themselves instead of trying to win control over Everyone, our Solar System would relax its shape. Here's the thing:
You know what stress does to a human body, it weakens important protective bodily functions. It does the same thing to our Universe, our Solar System physically. A slow and sluggish Time movement is as unhealthy as obesity is to your heart, blood pressure and cholesterol. And your Solar System has been out of shape because of the Karmic Baggage of Atlantis.
The Fall of Man that Everyone frowns on was the Final Fall of Atlantis, the Heavy Karmic Burden applied to our planet. It was not our arriving and colonizing our planet. Do you see the difference? One was a gentle downward sloping movement, an evolution. The other a very damaging free fall.
I want to make something very clear:
It is not my intention or my will to stop the Liberal movement. It is a necessary, much needed awakening that can't be stopped anyway. It is a period of growth toward a positive direction that must play itself out.
It is very important for people to know their strength and to feel powerful, you are after all gods.
The purpose of the Liberal movement is to learn your strength, to use it sparingly and to know when it should not be applied. You, as a Solar System, are seen as only now entering an Age of Responsibility. You are NOT within the Age of Reason yet. That is around Age 25 in Human years. We see you as in your Late Teens to Early Twenties. If this were not true, I wouldn't be here to offer this advise and guidance, you would have remembered your manners all on your own.
You are literally prepping yourselves to become Adults and some to become Celestial Parents. But the Math won't support this advancement without your exercising self control.
About UFO's, I tend to think they are evolving as we evolve in the more we remove or release our Karma the more we are exposed to their existence. Think about it:
If UFO's were always present in our world, we would have Tribal stories of crash-landings and Alien abductions. Yet there are no tribes that describe these, there are no UFO disks or cylinder shaped vehicles on any lands. That is a recent 'happening', tho some say 'rumors'.
Instead the Tribes speak of 'visitors' and teachings, not abductions, crashes or terror of attack.
Personally I think it's the Anunnaki not so much returning to us as they are measuring our progress, how far they can manifest into our world. Sightings and the like are a good way to let us know 'others' are around us. Plus I'm sure they are counting on our Stone monuments and tablets as clues for us to figure it out.
So it is possible that one day in the future a light will appear in the sky shaped as a disk that will be able to slow its spin down enough for us to see their actual 3D Adam shape. The truly talented will do this and also walk and talk among us and leave when they the same way when they are done.
Angels appear all the Time, as do miracles. That is how they teleport.
I say on Ancient Aliens that Linda Moulton Howe had pieces of metal, fragments given to her from Roswell. she recently had analyzed. They cam back as different, very finely layered metals which we all have within our 3D body. We have the same in a more gaseous Black Shadow form. In theory, a very high rate of black shadow spin would flatten out and also separate itself into fine layers of metal. Layering would be a separation of Time Transfer, some metals taking a hairs breath to longer or shorter to convert to a solid metal...
I don't know that alien bodies were found at Roswell, but I know others report there were. Gray shaped Aliens simply formed with a running out of Time condition, unable to finish into a full 3D Adam Template, it had a change of Universes and finished out its remainder Black Shadow as a Metal Blend from a more Metal Universe, or one that forges Metal from it Universal makeup.
But the Gray Alien and the craft are the same Frequency mix of Metal formed as it spun across two Universes of Time. One metal mix starting in the gaseous Black Shadow Universe, spinning into a biological Stone Universe of Bone and fetus before finishing off as finely crafted outer metal. But the Metal is our Blood....will look for a Bloodline tie or connection later.
Everyone enjoy Mothers Day.
There are several edits needed from yesterday's posts:
"I *saw on Ancient Aliens that Linda Moulton Howe had pieces of metal, fragments given to her *that came from Roswell she recently had analyzed. They came back as different, very finely layered metals which we all have within our 3D body. We *also have the same metals in a more gaseous *state in our Black Shadow form. In theory, a very high rate of black shadow spin would flatten out and also separate itself into fine layers of metal. Layering would be a separation of Time Transfer, some metals taking a hairs breath longer or shorter to convert to a solid metal...
I spoke about Obama being corrupt, the fake outrage over Justice Kavanaugh, Zukerberg, Soros, Musk but I have never said anything about Joe Rogan.
Probably because I find him a mix of someone who is right and also wrong. The others have mental illness and control issues but Joe has bad habit that need cleaned up. He is both smart and stupid at the same time.
I saw some recent podcasts and was surprised at how haggard his face has become. At first I wrote it off as studio lighting, but I now don't think so, because it keeps nagging me. When Im being nagged, it's because I need to 'look at it' until I completely understand what I'm 'looking' at. I need to give it Time.
What attracts me to his podcasts is how quick and smart he is. He makes excellent points on topics but he also looks tired, sometimes fatigue takes a toll but where does it originate.
Lately the only Time he relaxes and slows down is by getting high. That I am told. I don't like drug use, but when I became aware of Ari and my past lives, I was put on a cocktail of drugs which included anti depressants, anti psychotics, bipolar drugs all trying to find a combination that would stop me from crying, which I was doing all day long while physically weak and in bed.
D's job had him traveling 5 days a week, and I somehow managed on weekends to get look normal, until I could no longer do even that. I survived 2 years like that always telling myself "I know what's going on here. I am having memories and the emotions will slowly pass, just like they slowly faded in. They will leave, they will change just as soon as I've seen everything I'm meant to see. There were images, dreams, voices, visions all manner of Spirit and Other World experiences that (pay attention here): NEVER became less obtrusive until I started the drugs.
I am saying I don't think I could have the Life I do today without the Help. Bigger Help than I could have given myself on my own.
Remember this whole Time: My dreams, visions, voices etc. They were all Real. These were not exactly psychotic episodes, these were actual real past life memories. And when I could no longer have my weekends with my husband...I had to admit maybe my mind was really in trouble here.
I was on medication, seeing a psychiatrist for about 3-4 years. I gained an enormous amount of weight, and while my crying slowed down it never stopped and even though the voices never left me I told the Dr that they did. But I had some of my strength and some of my life back and when I started showing signs of diabetes I asked the Dr to take me off of the medication. We both agreed I had been stable for a while, and I promised myself if I started to slip backward with no forward progress, I would go back on the medication.
Why am I admitting all of this? To let you know even I couldn't go it alone. And if I couldn't go it alone, why do you think you can? And I am talking to Joe Rogan types when I say this. He is high while at work. This is different than ending his show, smoking one joint with his guest. This is 'normal' for him.
And when that is your 'normal', that is a problem.
And Time to lean on others for support.
I found my answers, the nagging part I was to look at, to notice when he made an 'innocent' comment.
He made fun of 'Right Wing conspiracy groups'. It is not so much that he leans Left, he isn't flaming obnoxious about it. But in the past he has criticized 'out of control' ideals on BOTH groups. I admired that he could do that, but this Time his comments came at a when Obama's corruption is in the news. Right in you face Left Wing Corruption, and he gets a laugh from his guest about the Right. And I wondered:
Joe being a very smart, very fair guy now making fun of the Right while the Left is on the very of being arrested LITERALLY. Why?
At that moment one his podcast, his black shadow, his mind was taking a Deep Dive into his Emotional body. Being high when you do this...not aggravates the problem...but exposes it, exaggerates the problem. Others notice, like I did.
Joe is similar to what Clooney is dealing with, only without the 'group' influence of the Iranian General for Clooney. In a Word: Joe is still functioning, Clooney is not. One is on the verge, and one is in the throes.
The whole purpose of bringing this up is to point the 'play' of the Physical Body and Emotional Body together. Provoking one, like the physical body using drugs and getting high, provokes the other like the Emotional body making hurtful 'jokes'.
Here I'm told Ari wants Tal to realize this is about him too.
I criticized Tal once that he is too handsome, too proud of his look and uses it to 'feed his fans' thus feeding himself from their worship.
Same too with Clooney and Rogan. All 3 of you following the same pattern.
And as a side note to you, Yogi: there is a reason why 'eyes like mine' are not married to you whenever you are famous, only when you are downtrodden, not the right word but ok for now.
The pressures of your success feed your ego too. It literally 'pokes the Bear'.
Realize, 2 or 3 marriages Blown To Hell in one lifetime...thats some Heavy math involving Real (think Long) Time. You act the same as Tal.
I just learned something about myself here today too: my views on women have always been Family OR Career. It is unrealistic to have both. There isn't enough Time to do both well at the same Time. And if you have a child needing help....and successful yet idiot husband...
Plus, I've done the career thing, literally to my death, haven't had a lot of Time on the family.
About my predictions:
You see now Obama's Involvement, that he knew about targeting Gen. Flynn and President Trump?
I say it went further. I say it was Obama's brain child, but you see once the Barr/Durham (Armand/Ari respectively) Investigation is over how President Trump's Impeachment will be removed: Biden had an involvement. Congress knew about the dossier, but not that it was dirty. McCain knew and voted to keep Obamacare, Shumer knew when commented on TV how the Intelligence Agencies can hurt you, and Pelosi knew when she put together the impeachment. Even knowing it was fake.
Remember when she was against impeachment before she was for it? She knew it didn't meet the 'standards' of a crime. Why did she change her mind to pursue it? Obama's involvement played into it...Im not sure how yet, maybe he reached out to her, again not sure...but she is ignorant and angry at Trump because everything is coming to light and she knows it, and her name is attached now attached to it.
Trump has every right to figure out what was going on, why he was being targeted. I'm talking about the 'perfect' phone call.
Obama and Durham are both different 'branches' of Ari fighting his own war. It is a case of how each of us judge and correct our own behaviors.
Lastly about Kim Jong Un...I'm told not to comment further about my claim of his having Covid but to let it play out some more...
I'm not wrong, I am never wrong. But while I am often misguided, I'm told this is not the case either.
So I wait.
Lastly, to clarify: Joe Rogan is not in the kind of shape Clooney is in.
I think Rogan is beginning to teeter, he has started an extreme back and forth swinging of Emotional Body pain with lack of sobriety to staying Emotionally neutral and sober. He keeps that up and he will need a Time Out, a Rest.
But he is starting a Process. One involving Time to heal.
Tal is right, Durham's office contacted Pelosi and she is prepping her answers for her interview. Durham already has answers from others, so I hope she tells the truth.
I believe she is an intermediary, an enabler who allowed Schiff to precede with impeachment at the request of another or others.
Remember when I said some of the Fore Fathers would return and 'fix' this...who is Durham? When I saw his photo for the first Time, I thought Civil war...maybe he was really Revolutionary war.
I know. Sometimes I scare myself too. Its a well managed Creepy Atlantis feeling sometimes holding extra Creep.
Briggy, I'm just checking in, how are you doing?
To be honest Briggy, I really didn’t know why I was asking about you earlier. I just felt I should. I can across this this afternoon and you and I need to have a serious talk about your ‘friends’:
Hasn’t you dad said enough to you about the people you hang out with? You just wait for me, while sit here and gather my strength!
And don’t you dare start talking to me until I’m ready.
Do you know how King Tut died Brig? Do you know the purpose of his Life, the role he was to play for Egypt's peace?
No one really pays attention to the Role of Osiris. Watching the first 5 minutes of this video explains it perfectly:
I called your friends 'lost boys', the last name of your now deceased counterpart surprisingly close to the Peter Pan story...you see where I am going with this, right? It's not genius analysis, it's obvious.
Since you are such a sensitive soul, have you looked at this counterpart and his life. I have not, but maybe you should to see the pain from his family, his brother. Look at his life and see the similarities to your own. But I tell you, people in pain don't respect the pain of others. They are too busy expressing their pain to notice what it is they are doing to others:
That is you Brig.
Realize, You are a very sweet, very fun, very intelligent man, and you deserve good things and a good life. You are unhappy and even traumatized because you refuse to follow through.
Isis and Osiris were actual people, they were the last Egyptian gods and were ousted late in their reign because of the chaos of Egypt. Osiris was killed and Isis went into hiding. While they ruled Egypt, they did not live there for many reasons, instead they went into the world on purpose.
Had Osiris paid attention to the world and less on his social life, he would not be dickless today. When you live as one like you are Brigs, one who has a LOT of life force meaning Energy, you must be make careful choices. That is because you hold Dragon Energy, Creator Energy. And it will explode right in your face and holds enough power to wipe out everyone standing around you.
Do you even know how close you stand to Armand's being right now? No, you don't.
Everyone has and uses Dragon Energy, it is not unique to you or anyone else. It is Creation Energy and we are all Created. What sets you apart from others is your Bloodline. There is more to say about this, but for now: Everyone knows you shouldn't drink and drive, Everyone knows this.
Tut was not murdered, Tut was a teenager making foolish choices. And Tut knew better. Just like your counterpart. Tut lost an opportunity to Heal Egypt. He wanted to play with his friends rather than help with things outside of himself. He was NOT ousted or in any way involved with the controversy of his Father.
Isis and Osiris, their story was the Adam and Eve story of being removed from Eden. Had Osiris remained focused outside of his ego...he would have been aware of what Octavian was doing and outcomes would have been much different. This is for both Osiris and Antony. And you Brig.
You may not want power that you are born with, many who delve into addictions and abuses feel as you do, many don't want responsibility and I can't blame them, but you have the power to hurt people deeply and you use that power irresponsibly.
In case you are wondering, your counterpart and by that I mean YOU are doing ok. He is still very dazed and will be confused for a bit yet. You see, he was drunk when he died, so...
Isis and Osiris were newly human. They had completed their last fade-in process. Tut was born human, so he was also newly human having a physical birth. But the 3 were contemporaries and were all in the new Adam Template.
Isis met Tut once. he was about 10 years old. Isis travel freely because she chose to remain anonymous, working where she will. So she stayed with him for a year after his father died, not always directly interacting with Tut but he knew her as a servant. When she saw him as no tyrant, she left.
Her hopes faded immediately when he died. There was an outcry when Tut's father ruled, there were demonstrations and protests, but when the Egyptian Dynasty ended and changed hands....There was the real Action. That was War, and it was World Wide. Everyone fought over it, everyone fought for it.
Isis was hunted because she was the last of the known gods not accounted for. She would not surface, so they started killing wherever they thought she was. They never announced this was their plan, they merely started doing it. So no one really knew that was why they were killing, and that is only one reason why they were.
I had no real power, I lived like they lived. My death was symbolic that the old ways were over and done. So when Tut, who represented the New died and I was still alive with whereabout unknown...they wanted to make sure I wouldn't surface and claim Egypt.
Bloodlines: The DNA thread that connects us to our past. The Tip-to-Tip conversion of why we behave the way we do repeatedly. The painful memories we need to remember. Is it realistically possible to heal?
I said it was with Time.
Until I get answers to those, I can say this:
Briggy, you can transfer and share your knowledge, you have influence over your counterparts and the more foolish repeats. It might help the other families you are a part of if you as Brigham Bachman to take pride in who he is. You can help the ENTIRE Self that you are by remembering you are important, you are an example, you are In Charge of the ENTIRE operation.
I really could use the help here, Briggy.
While I don't know exactly what I am talking about here in your life, I'm told you do.
From my Real Life Dream symbols of Today:
When I posted this morning, I wondered where I was 'going' with my posts. I don't know your life Brigs, I don't know what is happening and I wondered if I was 'lost in the Ethers' or if something actually happened. I was feeling guilt, self doubt and by 9:56 I heard the dull 'Thump' of a bird hitting one of the large and many Windows here at The Corners. I asked D to check and see if it lived.
He told me it was a Woodpecker. He said it was the one I Love to Watch, the ones with the extreme Vibrant and Solid color of Garnet (my favorite shade of red), black and Bright White. It stunned himself from flying, but he would live. It broke my heart, but I was relieved he didn't die. By 10:26 he was gone.
As a side note: D remarked how bright the colors were, and they were WWI German colors. You may want to notice the Time period of that country Brig.
I described the Color of the different Woodpeckers as 'Finer Energy' durning the Creation Cycle. I think you should look at this next portion of your development as learning to manage the Finer Energy of being a Soul Leader. You are the original Frequency before entering a Fractal process.
When you enter the Fractal process, their core frequencies are You, the original. The finer fringes of that Energy 'off' following a specific Timing. Here in 3D it is and age difference with a level of 'forgetfulness' That is, and this is Important: Until You Speak UP.
Passing the information on to yourself such as a word of caution as you live different lives is Common Place. It happens everyday AND it is heard through the Common Frequencies of You. Or rather You Both. You see? The Common part of 'You' from two different locations.
You are the Higher Self here in 3D Brigs. You are the voice of Caution your others would hear to not get into a car when drinking OR getting high. This is why you went through the whole 'Clearing of Self' process...To make yourself Heard. You recognized One Problem, and you solved many because of it. The underlying trauma is now be looked at, because you sobered up, stopped the repeat because NOW you get it, now you understand.
To give you a Dream Symbol Explanation:
You are an Eagle Scout earning a new merit badge. The badge of Feathers. It is the Gift of Flight when you are able to be heard of by one of your selves.
What happened to your counterpart was a form of suicide. He knew the risk before he got in the car, he ignored his conscience warning of the dangers. And while most think of Suicide as a tragedy, it is also a murder. Killing oneself is murder.
You already opened Time for yourself to travel, now you must act within that Time opening. Most people see it as a Point of Power that Jane/Seth spoke of. But to me they are describing nothing more that Will Power, a using of Determination in the Now.
Again, I don't know what happened. But I know you are feeling a Mirage because of it. Feel your feelings, but move during the day. Stay focused not on a failure of any kind, but on an Action to 'Finish the Process'. I'm told this is the last mirage for you. Ok? Focus on that. I have more advice to add later.
Disappointment and Guilt:
These are powerful tools in every equation expressed in two ways. You can feel it within yourself, using it to build yourself or you can throw it around the room and blame others.
But whatever is going on with your 3...Fix it. Whatever it is, I used my 3 years wisely.
Tal, you've been dickless for a long long Time. 4D to be exact. It's YOU who is doing something wrong, otherwise at least one of your many many many very many relationships would work for you. Right? Asshole.
Yogi, you too. Remember you are a messed up version of Time. What ever Tal is doing wrong YOU are doing it in Spades. You involved yourself in another couples sex life:
Briggs, you may want to start to wonder why you wear a hat. Could be restricting your brain power. If it helps you at all, I think you are the normal one of the 3 because you knew your were having problems and you asked me for help. Remember it took the bird small Time to fly from my window. Thats why I posted the Times.
And if there is really nothing going on and I've got things wrong, Tal is still dickless. It's a part of World History.
And I'm shrugging it off with a very pretty smile on my face.
For my 3 BEST Runners: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ll__XRs408
Todays Math Equation:
Learn How to Take Back Your Power.
Your Problem for Today:
You only hurt yourself + Everyone standing Around you = In the End
And you've been happy with that for a long long Time.
From May 13, 2020 at 8:14 AM:
"Isis and Osiris were actual people, they were the last Egyptian gods and were ousted late in their reign because of the chaos of Egypt. Osiris was killed and Isis went into hiding. While they ruled Egypt, they did not live there for many reasons, instead they went into the world on purpose."
The different Fade in periods quickly led to political take overs. When those ruling parties were in sleep periods, others took over, ruling Egypt creating Dynasties to preserve their work so another with an opposing view could not come in and change their work.
This was Octavian's problem, and he was one of many who felt this way. He did not want to enter a sleep period, it would have removed him from power during what he and so many others saw as the perfect Time to change things Permanently. They were hastening Time, a time period, by rushing their Political movement. But the Effect actually elongated Time, slowing it significantly.
Because he stayed awake too long he became psychotic, stuck in an 'awake dream state' of disassociation. He knew better, he just didn't care to do better.
When Isis and Osiris woke up that last Time, things were different. It had been a period of 2 Sleep States since they had ruled in Egypt'. So those who woke up were always waking to something significantly, socially different in the world. But you were no longer reinstated to the life you had when you went to sleep. You started new.
Human Sacrifice was at the very beginning a political movement. It was the murdering of those durning a sleep state, thus forcing the physical births. It was also the idea that passing back and forth into life and death kept the transition between worlds open, pliable and with that communication of Godly knowledge would stay accessible. And if you found high levels of a natural Earth radiation...These areas were a help when transitioning and communicating with the gods.
But the sacrifices were also seen as murder. Remember, durning this time we still remembered our posthumous life, we hadn't completely forgotten our origins and we were in contact with that world. So while many saw it as murder, some saw it as no big deal because we still knew where we came from. Some of it was much like an assisted suicide, where the person was dying and didn't want to suffer any longer.
So there were many reasons for the practice and I must be careful. It is like today: a person wearing a mask even just a year ago, unless they were Asian, did so because they were anarchists hurting others, destroying property, not wanting to be identified or those robbing stores, banks or others. Now today everyone wears a mask for a different reason. Looking at that short of a Time span, it would almost seem as the two reasons overlap. You see?
A bit backwards this a.m. (but what do you care, you don't follow through anyway.):
"Todays Math Equation:
*You only hurt yourself + Everyone standing Around you = In the End
Your Problem for Today:
*Learn How to Take Back Your Power."
The Reptilian Brain.
Even though we were semi solid durning our early days as a planet with a population, we had a human shape. That shape was formed but not yet completed with internal parts. It was a shell, the result of a Self-Aware Creator evolving through an organic mathematical process that our Black Shadows wore. Our Shadow selves and our Universe formed the same scientific math, the same creation process.
We could manipulate objects using our hands and we could walk using our legs and we did this before we had a need for food. We were still electrical at that point in Time.
Within our still electrical human shape our brains gradually formed. Our brains at that point were a condensed portion of our black shadow packed into a circular shape. The Reptilian part of our brains were the first to 'turn on', it was the first to form and ignite. The remainder of our brains were still in a black shadow form that was slowly integrating itself biologically.
At this point in Time we were a 'blend' of both biology and shadow.
So it was not that we didn't have a full brain contained within our skull, we had a fully functioning brain pattern, only the reptilian part was 3D first which blended and operated in conjunction to the remaining black shadow portions of our brains.
It's almost a 'superhero' type existence, and it looks to me like an incredible time to be alive in 3D. We hadn't lost our ability to create miracles, yet we had some 3D...not confinements or restrictions...but we were walking the Earth literally as Angels.
After condensing our Black shadow into a human shape we next started a skeletal system, an organic Living stone system surrounded by our black shadow. Some of the ancient bones we found today never had a completed 3D solid body that surrounding them. Some had certain organs, but some were still mostly Black Shadow, mostly electrical.
Once that portion of our brain connected to our living stone system, we stayed that way until the next Universal Fade in.
But I don't want to give the impression that our physical biology was a step-by-step process. Our bones and brain were formed and having completed that, our organs and muscles were completed. It was not that way.
Our complete black shadow cycled through the creation process several times before our physical body was considered complete. Even though we had bones and a portion of our brains were 'working' they needed 'other parts' of our yet to be formed biology to be considered as complete and independent of the Higher Dimensional electrical atmosphere.
Our Bone Creation cycle would need to connect its still forming marrow to the rest of our still forming biology at another Time. You see? It was a series of back and forth movements of adding, refining and disconnecting ourselves from one dimension to another, yet never leaving any of those other dimensions because of our condensing black shadows separating and inflating as a Chakra system.
We were UFO's building an outer shell for ourselves that was not the fine layered metal we find in wreckage, but one of a metal flesh. Imagine that!
One of the Ancient Alien shows spoke of meteorites that are superconducting, conducting electricity without any resistance. You do the same in a Black Shadow format, spinning at a high rate becoming a UFO one here in 3D with a metal shell. No Resistance.
That is one reason for Life here in 3D, to release your resistance. That was the reason for the Audrey/Octavian relationship, Releasing Resistance. There is everywhere you travel posthumously Creation. You must learn to bend and adapt into the Universe you wish to Live in. Living is Creation. As Audrey began to see true Beauty, Octavian began to lose his.
As a side note: There is a connection to The Lady of Fatima speaking of Russia being consecrated and the Seymchan meteorite located in the Magadan Oblast of Russia.
To convert Spirituality and Spirit Self into Metal is the Sacred Art of Alchemy. It is the Reason for Life Everywhere, it is to See True Beauty.
And sitting on your couch getting high and drunk with your buddies won't get you there. It is a wasted opportunity that has run out of Time for your soul group Brig.
Dry your tears by moving. I mean it. The tears will leave, will be pushed away when you move your body. It refocuses, repurposes your Energy Strength from your Emotional Body of tears and sorrow, into your Physical Body of whatever action you choose to do. It is you re-balancing the 2 bodies.
The gods of old were not as obsessed with mining gold as they were with Creating gold...but there is more of an explanation here.
Briggy, I want you to see this as your advancing into the next level, the next stage of your development. If it helps you, I also shot myself in the foot before I became aware of how seriously explosive the Creation process is. Be Careful, it's a whole lot easier.
Do not dwell on the other life. I want you to understand: that family is together for a reason and it MUST play itself out. That is a separate issue from you right now. Your purpose is to stand up and not judge or feel the other family in any way.
You must be aware of the Time Differences between the two of YOU. That is what is making you sick and sad. That is the only thing you are being asked to do.
I am too human!
You are just too soft from being spoiled, repeatedly. I never found anyone willing to spoil me, or care in that way.
Once your Emotional Body begins to relax and unclench your testicles will drop and allow for a new perspective. You'll see.
I miss the men you guys used to be. The higher dimensional versions of yourselves were you see your idiot behaviors for what they are: Perversions of the real you. And you willingly let it all go.
With all of the murder, rape, watching your children being tortured and murdered (which is a completely different grade of pain). The public insults, my failures forced on by others and more...in all rights I should be the one walking around with idiot problems, not any of you.
And yet here you are, all three of you moving on your bad choices, as grown men inflicting your pain onto others!
Look how important you 3 are.
I woke to the sound of astroids colliding this morning. It was unusual because while they looked like typical astroids they sounded like metal being forged when they collided.
Like the superconducting meteorites and the extremely fine layered metals Linda Moulton Howe was given from someone having access to Area 51, your 3D physical body is also a superconductor via your DNA.
You are a microprocessor like the meteor and when the Universal Electrical grid is finally tapped into, used and understood you will see for yourselves how your body draws from it what its needs. You will also have a much bigger medical understanding of your DNA shooting signals throughout your body communicating within itself to itself to keep itself healthy, in addition to harming itself.
Realize you will not live forever here in 3D, but by understanding how your thoughts influence your body and also your behavior you will clean up your mind as well.
When your DNA picks up on a problem, it does so from the spirit world first. DNA is constantly 'on' and is a type of filter system. Your chakra system directly interfaces with your DNA feeding it the Finer Black Shadow Energy that is the Chakra Source. DNA carries the information as an Electrical signal throughout the body, distributing it so every part of your body is alerted and updated constantly with new information. Don't forget your DNA IS your black shadow.
And remember because this is important too: we are not only talking about problems starting, but problems also healing. It is a 2 way street and which direction you take it up to you. You can do so much to prevent diseases well before they start with the power of positive thinking. And moving, You must put your thoughts into an Action, just like you must actually move your black shadow in a spin. Without an actual movement, you are just a positive person. That is nice in itself, but is only half the answer. This means if you meet someone who you instinctively don't like, you accept, ask yourself 'why?' and you treat them better than they treat you as you follow a guide involving some boundaries. Let's not go crazy with misplaced Love, ok? In most cases, Forgiveness is the Calling here.
It seems as though I took a detour in my explanation of your body sending supercomputer type signals through your DNA but I did not.
Science has dreams of mining Astroids, but it should be dreaming more about reading their information than stripping them clean.
When you learn how to read the electrical component of your own DNA, brain waves from EEG's and fMRI's will start looking archaic.
"Your chakra system directly interfaces with your DNA feeding it the Finer Black Shadow Energy that is the Chakra Source."
Your Chakra points are the Tip-to-Tip inversion transfer of your black shadow from 'there' to 'here'. Keeping them healthy and open, accurately transferring YOU is the purpose behind manners. Manners, and Teaching manners and enforcing manners in yourself and children WILL affect the Earth and its health.
It will do this Alchemically.
Your good behavior, your healthy Heart and Mind, will affect the Metals and Organics on our Planet.
Yogi, it is NEVER too late to pay your X's the money you owe. Personally, if you show up on their doorstep with an apology...you may end up with a mirage. But in all honestly, at this point I would be tempted to let sleeping dogs lie too. It was Ari prompting this suggestion, but...
I am hear and here anytime you want to talk.
"It will do this Alchemically."
It will do this Alchemically through the Universal Electrical Grid and Earth Core, its own Charka health. When you try to make restitution as both collectively as a planet and individually as a person, you prompt a chakra opening, a healing in the other person as well. Right?
That is one of the reasons D and I are secluded here at the Corners. That is one of the reasons I don't think it is a good idea to introduce myself to the world. It is too big of a tip-to-tip shock with this large of a population, who know what would explode. Right?
It is the collective Alchemical reaction I am worried about...an Atlantean type sudden changing of Time.
Yogi, you think you know who owns the voice that you hear? Who is talking to you, guiding you? You don't know shit. We always seem to work it out somehow. 😅
The meteorites that leave the Astroid belt are mathematically selected. Science should take the Time to understand the math and the path the meteorites take. Understand the meteorites is what would be the outer shell of Jupiter had math not stripped it forming instead a gaseous planet. Science, to find BIG and important answers they need to know why that happened at that stage of our Universal Creation, and why occasionally an astroid is released from the Belt.
Alchemy is the type of Science the Anunnaki specialize in. It is the Art of Materializing from Spirit, meaning transferring 'stuff' across dimensions.
That sounds like Teleportation to me....
So the Anunnaki left because they saw their efforts as Largely, as in 'Long Time' (think elongated), Delayed. There were guidelines and rules of conduct always in place to protect our planetary way of Life. Pay attention now, there is an important astroid clue here:
An astroid escapes the Belt for reasons as yet unknown. Every so often a person arrives and while operating outside of the 'norms' of the Times helps the planet with world changing discoveries and ideas. BOTH change the Worlds trajectory in an influential way. Both are released from their group with instructions and missions, one advances the Solar System and the other advances mankind.
The worst thing Science can do is to stop an astroid's progress. It is going somewhere and doing something. Follow it.
The Anunnaki had no intention of leaving our planet. In fact, they didn't. They are using 3D births. Will they use any other arrival method? Yes. More will arrive like Audrey, abruptly interrupting a life to strengthen and reshape its purpose and live here 24/7. Right now, most are being channeled like Edgar Cayce and Seth. These were more the philosophy and spiritualist types and not the Science types. Why are those here first?
Because: Your Spirit is where Alchemy begins. That is they only way to gain any type of knowledge: To Mind Your Manners.
There is no other way. When you mind your manners, you shorten Time, here I am talking about your personal Timing where 'Time is of the Essence'. Manifesting both Spirit and Objects is a removal of Time. All, both Objects and Spirit come Through You. You must be as Timeless as you can be without being obsessive and anal. Being obsessive and anal takes from our formula because it is an unnecessary Repeat of behavior it adds Time back into our math. You see?
Being decisive Not divisive, being Honest about your motives, acting for the good of a Group Energy yet firm in when Enough is Enough toward keeping the Group Energy within guidelines. Group and Individual Energy float like your chakras float around your 3D body and both of these Energies must remained centered. An 'on purpose', constant and deliberate action of Toning a Sound.
Briggy I want you to know you did NOT throw your counterpart 'under the bus' causing a death.
Brig let his guard down, and let's face it, he started repeating a behavior that had runs its course. It has run out of Time because Brig had said, 'I got this.' and the Universe believed he did. The Universe had advanced Brig into a new set of frequencies within 3D.
So what happened?
For me an occasional glass of wine or 2 is great. I sleep better, I relax and I am comfortable. But that is not the only Time I am relaxed and comfortable. I can now do that sober, I even like sobriety. Any more wine than once every week and a half to two weeks and I can literally feel my old self, my old world creeping in. Old feelings resurface, and my newer, hard earned perspective becomes forgotten. Why do I drink at all then? Ari tells me too. I've noticed too that there is a needed chemical change in my brain when I drink...it keeps my mind from floating off. When I don't drink periodically I become ungrounded and idealistic. The reverse of what drinking used to do for me.
They say alcohol is a depressant, yes, it is when it has turned on you spiritually. For many many years it carried me through events I could not change. It helped me immensely durning those years. Because of the series of Mirages, wine depresses me enough to keep within a set of Operationally Optimal Frequencies, so I don't float away into an 'unreality'.
Would Briggy 2.0 have died in a car crash had he never hung out with his 'friends'? Yes, he may very well have died regardless.
Briggy is operating in a new set of frequencies, and where was his counterpart standing?
At his first Saturn Return. Remember everything I've said about that in the past. I'm told to let you guys think about this for a while. Brainstorm among yourselves.
But I am going to have a Serious talk with your 'friends' Brig. If I were you, I would stay away. You'll be surprised to learn, you are not the only one whose poor choices and old habits are now turning on them. Just Watch.
It won't take longer than a month to make my point.
From May 21, 2020 at 8:27 AM:
"Group and Individual Energy float like your chakras float around your 3D body and both of these Energies must remained centered. An 'on purpose', constant and deliberate action of *Tuning a Sound."
Relax Brig, I'm just going to talk to them. I'm nothing if not the Voice of Reason. I will be their conscious, they WILL hear me because my voice is new and different to them. They will ignore me because my words are the same as those they choose to repeatedly ignore. BOOM!
You can always warn them if you must 😄
Just stand back a little and to the Right. Ok?
A very Excellent question from E was delivered to my desk while I was walking the dogs.
Time becomes an obsessive/anal Action, even OCD when it is abused. It is a repeated thought (sometimes an action) intended to be a pre-emptive strike against a problem as opposed to waiting for the problem to circle around and manifest itself.
Always on your guard, waiting and watching for the problem to return. It is Fear with no Time included for Rest or Relaxing from the problem. The only way to stop it is to relax. Then when the problem actually returns, IF it does return, firmly/determinately say, 'No. I would rather do this, than worry about that.'
An OCD condition usually involves an Action that represents or holds more of a Dream Symbol meaning. For example, you always wash your hands or are a compulsive slob (also a form of OCD when you can't survive in a neat and orderly room) may have a meaning that has nothing to do with loving or hating germs. It could be a reminder to yourself, one offered every minute of everyday to you to Be On the Look Out for...whatever your issue is. A near constant BOLO issued by you for you to police your mind or actions.
Slowing Time down is the same as making Time to stop the compulsive thoughts and behavior. It is making Time to clean up even just a corner of a room, keeping it clean for a Time, then slowly adding more of the room into your cleaning cycle. It is also becoming more aware of your thoughts realizing the falsehood behind them as you think them, just telling yourself 'This Time I will remember to behave differently. Instead of becoming angry/frustrated I will take a deep breath and say it gently.' Even if you are talking only to yourself. Believe it or not, the Universe doesn't like to be screamed at any more than you do.
But whatever the issue you are dealing with, whatever the situation you wish to alter (because sometimes it cannot be removed) it is a slowing down, a catching of your thoughts as they fly by and making the Time to argue with yourself, motiving yourself to remember and act in new way. It is you shaking yourself awake and being awake enough to shake yourself. A paradox, but the more you catch yourself the easier it becomes.
But the compulsive, anal part is out of sync with Time, you must wait for the problem or repeat to actually arrive before you can change, fix or heal it. These things are on Timers, you'll see that when you start to notice them.
Watch how you treat the women in your life. There are too many, take some time off or you will have problems later. It's Time to Rest.
And I hope you don't have girlfriends just so they clean your room.
Because that's what its looks like to me...and I WILL tell your mom. Again.
More about Mars:
I don't know why, but I believed that Mars was bigger than Earth. Yesterday, I saw on an Ancient Aliens show that it is about the size of Earth's land mass. And I remembered I said once that it was mostly separated from Earth durning Day 2, the Water Creation cycle. I remember say Mars was 'splashed' with water, as the water formed on our planet and 'fogged' or rained with it on Mars. But I saw Mars drifting away from Earth (our joint moon hadn't arrived yet), leaving as our planets were both in a giant rain cloud 4 sizes larger than we were.
But this happened at the Time the pyramids and the Sphinx were being built. The water erosion on the Mars Sphinx matches the water marks on the Earth Sphinx. The body of the lioness and the human head, marks the monuments as being built at the Time when Animals were living here and Humanity had just started forming the Reptilian Brain portion in 3D.
It was marking when Time when began, our entrance into 3D.
The Sphinx on Mars also has head issues. And I said once before the original head on our Sphinx was a lioness ...There is something here for later.
That Mars separated and drifted from Earth, was the basis of Isis' thoughts that the Moon would also change direction. It was never in danger of colliding with Earth, it was Mathematically impossible. When I said those things to everyone, I did so with the attitude that they would soon see for themselves a change in direction.
I knew an idea to forcibly push the moon away was being considered, but I believed the idea didn't have much of a chance. I never once dreamed others would actually be able to cut the Moon. The power source needed to do that would need to be unbelievably magnified, overloaded and completely explosive.
Mars has separated from Earth, drifted, then settled into the Harmonic space created when the Sun vibrated into being, creating our Frequency Dimension.
I told everyone this about the Moon. But by that Time no one seemed to remember Mars moving from us. Money and Power were in play at this Time too. Attitudes were like they are today, everyone had an opinion and theirs was the only one that was right.
As soon as we....get through this angry polarizing Time both Mars and the Moon will....react. Im just hoping it won't be a rash mass human extinction like the reckless worldwide tsunami. God promised it won't be a water destruction.
It would be an Aquarius one. Right? I don't know, I'm asking. Just throwing out some ideas. Maybe the Astrologers in the group would know an Aquarius resolution...
I'm going back to bed, I feel like I'm in a weird space right now. It's raining here, I'm cold and tired. Please behave yourselves.
I went back to bed, I'm still cold, tired and feeling weird. I asked if I was still alive, and I asked if I was dying. I heard the 'yes' and the 'no' that I wanted, so I asked 'What is this then?' You know what I heard back?
I heard, 'It's a Global Rest Period.' The moving Energy had suddenly stopped and we are feeling the stillness of it. The dregs, the last of the worst feelings...
Thats why I'm a tired ice cube, Briggy was miraged, yogi is thinking about restitution and apologies for his wives.
Like I said weird.
Here's what else I'm thinking. Aquarius is a sign dealing with a repeated 'Dispersing' of generally Good things, like healing, knowledge, but again, generally Good things that help. A Cleansing Water, carefully contained, and poured in careful measures. It is not a tsunami type release. Clear, measured knowledge restored in an orderly manner.
It is not the salmon swimming against the current of Pisces either. Tho some might be still required to do so, like yogi and Tal.
Must go now, need Heat.
From May 21, 2020 at 12:10 PM:
"And I hope you don't have girlfriends just so they clean your room."
When you fall into such a thought pattern especially as a Repeated life pattern, and especially at an age before your 1st Saturn Return...It indicates a more 'fixed' idea or what Seth/Jane have called Core Beliefs.
Here is where parents need to be more involved with their teenagers. Remaining involved is to maintain the counter pressure of a more independent life, yet not one completely liberated. Parents at that point are a bumper guard, still saying 'yes' and 'no' to a Child but also discussing and supervising the Almost Adult mind. The Child and the Almost Adult fading back and forth into Time. You see? Most forget there is a regression and the regression being ignored and not 'bumper guarded', redirected into a forward movement..it can remain and fester.
I've made no secret of the fact that I think both your parents gave you too much freedom too soon in your life. Couple that with your past lifetimes, and your dependence on women to play certain roles in your life for you....
I want you to notice the social trend, many young never leave their parents preferring to stay in their basement renting space.
Compare their never fulling advancing into adulthood with being left in adulthood too soon without being properly checked on. The outcomes are mostly the same.
In your case: Just because you seem to be financially responsible, do well at school, have many friends and are involved in many activities does NOT mean you are ok.
In your case: you are flying Under the Radar.
Alexander the Great was a smart, charming, well educated, handsome young man when he died. History has him walking the Earth as a successful politician from a wealthy family who used his good looks and friendships to charm and ultimately Influence. He was stuck in the idea of having a Midas Touch and he ignored the negative portion of Creation.
My point:
Had The Great Alexander cleaned his own room all by himself for a change, he would have tapped into more of the problem area of his personality. He would have found the part of him that some did not like and ultimately killed. He would have been more aware of those who criticized him, because he DID have some pretty legitimate critics. He dealt with his critics by ignoring them, 'they are just jealous'...when no, they were just ignored as being the negative cycle of Creation.
Cleaning your room, washing your clothes, cleaning you bathroom AND your kitchen may seem mundane to you, BUT I tell you if you were to do those things regularly you would find your problem. The reason why you pass off the mundane to others in your life is because it slows your success. Success after Success after Success is NOT a good look on anyone. It feeds an ego the same thing every day and is not a balanced diet.
Remember I am NOT saying you need to stop your success. I am saying you DO NEED to slow it down. You have an Entire Life ahead of you and you want to live it all in the 5 years. That is your Repeat.
Alexander the Great loved the masses loving him, an OCD in itself. Clean your room.
Also notice, The Great Alexander and your life...have the same basic setup. Your grandfather and The Great's father are Armand. Ari ALWAYS follows Armand lifetime after lifetime. Only their women change.
It is not your destiny to have many many relationships with women. That is a lack of commitment, a poor showing on their part. Women know when they are being used, they know when you turn your attention away.
Remember: your mom's tears and anger WERE in part justified. You know that, you were there and saw that. You didn't learn FROM it as much as you Learned how to DO it. Do you see?
It is Ari's favorite trap. He must like it because he repeats it more that someone with his Smarts, his knowledge should.
This is the problem with divorce, you lose the Art of Staying Together.
I am very proud of you, that you know there is a problem this young into your life.
It is not a big problem you are dealing with. It is one that demands your dedication. It is a precursor to your relationship dedication. One will teach you strength and how to dedicate yourself to the other.
Temporarily removing yourself from your women trap, builds your Self Strength up...you will develop a MUCH needed dedicated staying power AND you will find a better quality of girlfriend. Remember you are being given what you deserve by the Universe, once you acknowledge it and work to change it, the Universe will step aside and things will flow towards your goal.
Clean you apartment, dedicate a length of Time to it and your personal life will look cleaner to you. It's magic really.
Put it in your head, that some of what you read about 'The Great' is mythical, blown out of proportion and idolized because of early death. Do NOT think that you must every live up to that reputation: It simply wasn't real to start with.
The Creation Process, the Wheel itself, implies it is a One Step at A Time movement, improvement, healing, learning or however you think of it Process.
It IS important to remove the girlfriends and maybe one to two other activities that are also bogging you down. Focus on ONE input to the Wheel at a Time. Thats how the Wheel run best. It is a misuse of Time to think you can do it all, manage it all at the same Time. That is where Armand fails with his feminine relationships.
It was great allowing me to sit so close to you. Thank you for your company!
From May 23, 2020 at 9:37 AM:
"Do NOT think that you must *live up to that reputation: It simply wasn't real to start with." The Criticisms against him were deliberately removed.
I have yet to really explain why or how removing your emotion baggage or meeting any one of your life goals helps your counterpart selves, which are actually YOU living again in the Mix of it. But for now I will leave it as this:
If at least You (and only the You of that one Lifetime) meet what was asked and planned for you, you have removed yourself for the problem, no matter what any of the other You's do. That alone should be incentive enough. But when You leave the problem in a heathy manner, I assure you Everyone notices, even those who are from different should groups. The only way I know of to truly 'fuck with the Math' is to not have a problem. More here later.
I think it's admirable that E, still so young in his life is already pissed off at Ari. I wondered why all of the sudden I was able to talk to E here and I was led to believe problems must be acknowledged and pondered first before questions come to my desk...I heard E scream in frustration 'You suck Ari!' Well yes. But Ari is in good company, he and Armand are thick as thieves...
But I was thrilled by Yogi's even thinking about apologizing. And this is for E:
Your grandfather watches his children very closely, that is how his Emotional Body learns. He calls, keeps in touch and he cares. He has seen changes in Brig and because there is back and forth during the process, he knows those can be traps. He is used to the Dragon Energy he was born in and is also a Watcher, So he watches and studies the process before he actually joins it. He is watching Brig, so he knows there is benefit from this deep type of Emotional stirring.
He is only afraid of NOT completing the process, afraid of the trap becoming an explosion much much worse than the original problem. Your Grandpa does not have many problems, he has surprisingly few actually, but those few problems run right to his soul because he is a direct and open channel. The Time is VERY Very fast and is a Reaction before all of the Information he needs to know is forwarded to Him. That Reaction makes what your Grandfather is doing right now totally unbelievable:
He is actually thinking of sticking his toes in the water. I feel so proud!
You E, I want you do this for yourself now while you are still so young and before the bigger and more interesting projects of your Life come your way. Ok? We will continue to talk as you work, I promise when I hear something for you I will tell it. And do NOT worry about what people or old girlfriends are saying about you. I'm just glad enough you care about the Bachman name to want to stop that old repeat! Use your anger when you feel it to motivate yourself to move and clean, because nothing will change for you until you learn how to work with yourself, using your own cooperation to heal yourself.
Like with Ari, your Grandfather's problems started in the Heavens (higher than 4-3D). He had a good relationship with a woman who, because she is Feminine Energy (meaning she is One), thought she was, or would be the only relationship. When she faded into the lower Dimensions, she saw he had moved on and now she was one of many, because his Masculine type of Creation produces Many...You see how a mix-up in understanding can happen? But he saw he was separated from that first relationship...and decided many things. Ari did the same and so did I.
You see the different use of Time, how we, all 3 of us decided things using our knowledge of Time coming out with different ideas. So who was right? The one who caused themselves and others the least amount of pain. Manners.
So Armand and his 1st Wife fought (the historic records show this), and every Time they fought he goes off and marries more women in a group ceremony. This type of reaction to an old fight...that is what he is afraid of. But the joke here is the women, they were all Eyes Like His until the original fight became serious and painful to others. Remember, he created entire countries with Eyes like His, then 'Shit got real' here in 3D and that is why I've been tell your Grandpa that he 'doesn't Know Shit'.
So he hesitates, this looks as though he is stubborn and not interested in fixing a problem. But he is actually not interested in making it worse...you see? And that knee jerk reaction of making it worse frightens him, and to be honest, thats why I can only help him when he is more downtrodden. You see?
No one wants to offer an apology and have it thrown back in their face. No one. But for me and my point of view: I have not been offered enough apologies that I would ever throw a sincere one away. Depth of feeling behind an apology is an actual 'thing' that can make a difference. And if the person you are offering it to cannot feel or see it yet...that is ok, forgiveness is for YOU. All you have to do is feel it deeply. Ok?
And suddenly I don't feel so alone anymore!
All of these old stories, explaining our long ago past, I feel like Aesop until you google him and see his statue!
Sometimes you have to wonder about the Math...
Let's talk Skinwalker Ranch.
Stay away from it.
I watched the Ancient Aliens about it w/ D who now wants to watch the TV series.
My first thoughts were:
1. If the government is talking to Aliens, they may tell the government my name. I expect Marine One to land in my hay fields any day now. My only worry is how to explain it to the neighbors. Joking, maybe. I'm not really sure. If I suddenly go dark, publish everything you know about me. I would really like to be found this Time. I hold no hope of being found with you guys, but I do with others. Thanks in advance.
2. I said before, the Arks (and other things like their version of our cars) were buried, Skinwalker looks like a likely place to me. That hit me in a super excited way until I realized, 'Someone is using the Ark!'
3. So now I'm scared.
So far the only thing the shows have proved to me is a light phenomenon and higher than normal levels of some frequencies.
The 'No digging!' rule...disrupts the 'seal' that was put in place long ago...Ever wonder why the Arks are mostly in the desert? The site is much like one of our Toxic Waste dump sites. This one sprung a leak and when you dig there you...stir up the reflective nature of the ground, focusing it into a laser beam concentration of power.
The seal was fine until Earthquakes and Tsunamis shifted it over Time, so a crack is leaking power. As long as you don't 'Mound the Earth' the radiation stays defused, scattered, unfocused...but it is a fragile thing, and can be unpredictable when you don't know the geometry or even where the ark is buried in the first placed.
A little bit of digging can go a long way....so does the radiation create the desert, and for Gods Sake: No stone circles!!!
And when I said, 'Someone is using the Ark!' I did NOT mean it was us.
I think it is keeping the 3-4D divide open and THEY are using the Ark. Or at least they know it is there...Remember the spirt world sees some of the same Energies we do, like Stone and Metals. Gold and precious stones the Priests wore...We were 4D when we used that in conjunction with the Ark.
But I also thought the Ark was dead...that the organic parts of it, are gone or dead.
Perhaps it is just a 'normal' land phenomenon, after all...but that doesn't feel like a complete answer either.
And don't be fooled: They know exactly how the cattle are dying. They put cattle and cameras on the property on purpose just to see. So they do know.
What they might not know is it is a random act. It is nothing done on purpose, the radiation focuses into what looks like right now to be a deliberate strike aimed at a cow. But it is a random, unrelated act that the cattle crosses into. It makes it look like cattle were targeted or selected, but I see it as...an accident at this point, and nothing much to do with Alien activity.
They don't want our genetics, they already have a better understanding of it than we do. Unless they are checking it for its Time value...I just can't explain why the cattle blood is gone, how they are being cut...I do think the blood is gone due to the metallic nature in it...
Got to go and start my day.
An epiphany from my walk w/ D and the Dogs:
Why do some killers and those they murdered have parent/child relationships like with Joanne and Mary of Scots? Because ALL Peace is created within a 'Love' range of vibrations. When someone in the past has hated you enough to murder you, having them see you through a loving, caring relationship, like a mother caring for a newborn...it can change the hate perspective right away.
It take the relationship out of the Hate or Threat feelings, and allows both parties look at it through a Love based one. Realize it softens the harder feelings it does not remove them. The murder stops, and Answers come more readily when the vibrations change, 'relax' or flex more.
A parent/child relationship this way is not always recommended, when the murderer stays in a psychotic frequency pattern for example. But if both parties want to see things differently to start Peace, parent/child is a recommended place to start.
That is why I believe MoS and Mother want change the situation between them. They are Mother and Daughter and that decision was by choice. Peace will come, but it is a process and is a fantasy to think there is no work required beyond a maternal bond.
Take me: there is no relationship with my mother for the remainder of this lifetime. It was mutual for us both. But the maternal caring was there and would be a more recent memory for her than the murders. She did this as Joannes father, and also my mother. Same with my Dad in this life being Joannes mother. And my older brother, he has always died young as my sibling...that plays a role for him too. He will remember his mortality and act more cautiously toward me in the future out of respect for his own life. He did this to help him get past our past.
If this is for MoS, she has great family relationships with everyone else, right? It is only a Mom problem...maybe pointing that out can help.
I feel like I should being saying more, but I don't know exactly what...It is the pain of knowing your creator seems to hate you that I don't know what to say for her. I do know how devastating that is to feel and that is what I sooth or give her a perspective on.
But for years and years ugly things were said between me and my mother too. And I don't know how to help...beyond giving her a long hug, I think she needs to cry.
"Same with my Dad in this life * and also being Joannes mother."
"I do know how devastating that is to feel and that is what I *want sooth or give her a perspective on."
Giving her room for tears will keep her emotions moving and given time they will free up...She seems too stoic at times, and when she does that, things become war for her and her mom, right? Hold her after the war, but do not coddle her. She is a grown woman looking back on a childhood, she is no longer a child...Seems like she is breaking free from her mother and that is her sorrow...
It seems similar to the steps between me and my mother. But it was ugly before it was settled. And it is unrealistic to think it will be 'fixed' beyond an agreement to disagree and ultimately perhaps leaving each other alone.
If someone is crossing a boundary and hitting. Separate them. Insist they stay apart for a time.
The Time has long passed for smacking a smart mouth. Encourage MoS to put her anger into tears, it is sign of surrendering into the emotional pain, she must acknowledge she feels pain, which brings answers or an understanding that help her...
But call her mom out if things went too far. She is the mother and ultimately responsible for any tone the conversation takes. Grown ups don't hit each other to settle their disputes, distance does that.
My job put physical distance between my mother and I. And yes, she hit me but she also got hurt when she did it. An accident, honest! We had words again months after that, and saw me giving her the finger in a mirror. She came back toward me and when I thought the fight would get physical again, she chose to the room...
Better set boundaries. Face to face especially is you haven't seen her in a while, she might know you are serious.
I know one story, one lifetime for them both. I freely admit I don't know how many lives the two have shared. MoS may well give as good as she gets in this situation.
If you feel MoS is partly to blame, tell her. She is too old to be acting out with a smart mouth. While you feel bad for her, you don't agree with how she is handling the problem. Tell her this is not a new problem, maybe she should try new ways of handling herself than backtalk. Remind her that that has never worked out well for her, so why keep doing it?
Setting boundaries is NOT choosing sides. Tell them both you expect them to not hit each other in front of the grandchildren. Tell them you don't want them to even raise their voices in front of the kids. Shame on them both for causing kids so much stress. They can say what they want to each other in private.
But if you don't like the MoS attitude, tell her. In fact tell your first wife you know that their relationship has always been hard for her. That is very true, but tell her she is ultimately in charge of the tone...That was always in her power too. She knows this intuitively.
Hopefully at some point they will stop, or drift apart, giving each other a break and enjoy a happy life. Maybe recommend not so much close contact. But I am here and limited, and you are there and better informed...
I believe there are 4 main Arks that are buried globally. The Energy was not...removed, but was hidden for Safety reasons. When the floods finally happened, more people than expected died and by the Time the Elements and Dimensions settled once again, those who survived the floods had already past generations before.
It did not take long for the remaining population to move on. The Arks were...feared and all the knowledge of how they worked and how to use them safely died. They were covered beneath the ground for safe keeping and left alone on purpose: Did they survive the trauma in tact, or are they damaged beyond use and repair? And everyone familiar with the technology has now died. You see?
So, one Ark is in Utah, I believe there is another in Chile. El Enladrillado has volcanic megalith plates that cover the ground like pavers, creating a patio. Notice:
El Enladrillado is the Desert of all Deserts. NASA ran land rover type tests in preparation for their Mars explorer trip. The desert is committed to being as dry as Mars, there is an Ark there...I give Ancient Aliens credit for all of my information here.
As a side note: Mars radiation, its reduced chakra size is why it is dry. It will rebound and become fertile once its Atmospheric Radiation and Its Chakra Radiation become a Balanced Radiation Pressure, internal/external Pressure. You see? Anyway, to continue:
Chili has the best UFO videos, a high rate of sightings and Utah, located Left/West of the US, has rock paintings that record their sightings, so too does the most of the Left/West side of South America with their desert geoglyphs. So the paintings and glyphs are a record of sightings...maybe warnings.
The large volcanic pavers at El Enladrillado prevent digging. I am convinced there is an Ark under the pavers. The UFO's, the geoglyphs/pictures recording the sightings, the flat land, the desert conditions...the same, you see?
This is why I think the Deserts can become fertile again...remove the Ark or better contain the Energy produced and the ground wold regenerate. But do we want to do that? Is it safe and do we know enough about the Arks to handle it safely?
Here I had a flashing Memory, of Cleopatra meeting her Father-in Law for the first Time with Jules. But they also met to discuss how best to use the Land they were meeting at. Why is was infertile and how to revive it...
So you guys can try to find the other 2 Arks for me while I figure out why the Arctic and Antarctic have Freezing Cold temperatures, while the Arks have Extreme Heat temperatures. But both are 'unusable' ground in different extremes...Why? Both give the same Alien type sightings and also interactions.
Stay safe and well grounded if you choose to accept this assignment. This message will self destruct in 30 seconds, so cover any parts you deem important.
To be clear:
The Atacama Desert is the location of the NASA tests, the El Enladrillado location is the Ark. Beware of the size of these locations and their respective locations when you search. Treat these as two separate locations at times in your search. Sometimes it triggers your own memories to see them apart more than together.
I don't know what that means, but it is Best Advise. Ok.
Point out to both MoS and Mom that they cannot control how the other behaves, but they can control their own, and one behavior affects the other. It either helps or hurts the other. It is their choice. Recommend distance for a Time. Then leave the subject alone until you know the two are talking again, them remind them of this point again, then leave the subject completely.
I don't think it will get physical again, that was unusual behavior, but a common occurrence when murderers and victims confront each other. All you are doing is reminding them they are mother/daughter in this life. It will reset them both in Time.
Ok, good work.
After yesterday's posts I usually look for 'signs' when I post everyone's personal problems online. One of Yogi's songs on the radio, a song by any artist that could connect to whatever I posted, seeing anything else that might link back to this blog, seeing someone closely resembling any of you guys, or even hearing Canadian geese flying overhead. I look for it all and I Love what I saw yesterday!
Heading home, I pulled through a 4 way stop turning onto my street. I passed a car I've never seen before. It was a low to the ground, open canopy race car. I was surprised because it was a race car and you don't see any on the roads here. It was the same shiny, clean red as my jeep and the man driving it was wearing a black helmet with stark white hair totally reminding me of Yogi!
It was a visual conformation of his level of commitment and I laughed right away because:
it's always nice, and even fun to have new gear and 'associated promotional items' to complete a task, but stamina and true grit are also needed and that comes from within. But I do like how there is no confusing you for anyone else when you roll out all first class like that!
P.S. It's not a race, but thank you for the laugh.
P.P.S. At least you're aware it's going to hurt, and coming out all prepared like that....I'm sure you'll be fine.
Take this article for example:
I just saw this https://www.foxnews.com/world/indian-yogi-prahlad-jani-claimed-to-live-without-food-water-dead
and thought of our own yogi right away, who is FINALLY dealing with his human 3D 'dirty laundry'. It's a good sign for me to know. And it's best not to clench when you feel the painful moments, it only prolongs the experience.
Just remember its temporary, ok?
Here's another insightful post dog walk post:
Ari was the yogi who passed. Armand would never willingly go without food...not ever. In fact, I don't think Armand ever participated in a famine.
I remember the first moon landing. Our neighbors came over to watch it, they were an older couple with broken TV and
a teenage daughter who was studying too become a pharmacist.
At the time I was very frightened and more than a little worried that the men might died. I wondered why anyone would risk their lives for that.
I think it's the lack of appreciation for being alive that upsets me. From thrill seekers to those too timid to try something outlandish like bungee jumping. And then I remember Johanne pushed from her window. And I realize it's not that I'm timid, it's that I remember the feeling of a free fall...
I truly don't understand the need for Space Exploration. It is a big waste of money, especially hearing all of the BIG and impractical idea some have and the poverty of on our planet and countries with starving people. The knowledge we've gain from these trips don't justify the expense. No where close.
But who am I to judge?
I think what bothers me the most is, I don't understand the need to risk your own life doing dangerous stuff. I guess it's the 4-6 hundred year life cycle I am Timed to coupled with the fact that I've been robbed of more life, murdered, more Times than is healthy for a psyche.
I realize that I am here through counterparts and other personalities with Eyes Like Mine, so in the larger broader scope it's as though I never left, but I still feel it.
And I have the same 'you're crazy' attitude toward rioters looting and intimidating with violent protests. I know first hand about zealots. Isis was confronted by 2 when they killed her.
So, I wonder what rioters think will happen to them, when they provoke suck fear and sorrow at even the destruction of another's property? That Energy goes somewhere. My life history shows that.
You don't need to watch this link. I put it here because I feel it's a guidance, or well intentioned comfort to me, that perhaps the things I've spoken of here are true. I was not actively 'looking for clues' but more information, hoping I would hear something that would trigger a new branch of information to look at. I feel like I'm out of material right now...
Anyway Dr Marshall is speaking more of D than of me. D being the King of France and myself the Pope. I do know the prophetic Timing is off, that's easy enough to do, even for me. I think the antichrist has come and gone and we are waiting until...I'm not sure what.
I don't know that I want to come forward and uncover graves and tombs...I still feel like I will remain anonymous and any discovery will be nearer 2030. I get this from the planets. The alignments, retrogrades, conjunctions and the like. But I will do as I'm told, because I don't know of any better way.
I'm happy that I've had so much quiet Time here to explain as much as possible and hope that it is read and understood in the spirit it was given. Riots, looting and large global protests would mean it was not.
It means you are an idiot looking for any excuse to cause problems, and I will refer you to the Universe to correct your behavior. You won't like that, but you will learn from it.
It was always in the back of my mind that our high population will trigger another disaster like the Atlantean End. I don't know if it will or it won't, so I cannot say that there won't be another major passing of people into the Heavens using the information here as their posthumous guidance because Higher Dimensional resources would be stretched too thin on the other side.
Group Energy are Mob Mentalities and Dragon Energy. It's a tinder box waiting to explode.
P.S. Dr Marshall has videos about the 3 Days of Darkness that I want to look at. But it is obvious to me that the link I posted just now and the prophecies he refers too are for the most part written as Dream Symbols.
Lastly, it is not lost on me that there are riots, violence and looting durning a Global Rest Period. My own rest periods were filled with violent self-debates and angry thoughts as well...It's a Time to look at things you had no desire and no Time for in the Past.
That last sentence is referring to the Atlantean Past as well as our more current life Past.
Everyone have a good weekend.
P.P.S. Briggy check in on your 'friends'. They popped into my head yesterday, for no reason. And I wondered 'Why?' Also I'm not sure why but I need to mention Joe Rogan again as well...I know he is not high 24/7 but I do know he is sometimes like that at work. Not a good sign if your an alcoholic, not a good sign when you're a pot head.
For a country to fall it, and I'm comparing a 'fall' to the days of Atlantis, you have a high population, violent behaviors or wars, and an economic collapse. We are Here.
And I think it's the 'final' fall for the Us.
Our first Fall was durning Edgar Cayce's Time. We had WWI, the social changes of 'Liberation' with the Roaring 20's and wrapping up with the Great Depression.
Our second Fall was the Vietnam War, Women's Liberation and Civil Rights, and an economy that removed Jimmy Carter and gave us Ronald Reagan.
Our third Fall brought us the Middle East wars AND Cyber wars, violent protests (also war) and no Economy.
I blame Ari.
I was holding out hope that our economy would rebound quickly, but our debt was deliberately made with clear choices. It was more than irresponsible neglect, but I can't find it's purpose of 'good'.
When I posted the link about the French King and the Pope, I believe they are more of a 'group thought' of how we should behave than they are individual people. Though again, I'm not sure what the 2 Witnesses will ultimately do. And I really don't appreciate that they are both Times (in the Bible and the later prophets cited in the video link) described as men.
But the Fall of a country certainly looks 'different' when you are living through it. Which is why I held off, not wanting to admit it...
Just so you know it's not all gloom and doom here at The Corners, this morning we have our second nest of baby birds learning how to fly 😊! There is one baby left in the nest patiently waiting for its turn.
I think there will be more for me to tell you about King Tut's life, but it is eluding me right now probably waiting for you to square yourself some more. Find a more stable thought or behavior pattern for yourself and to repeat it....Im told to ask about your friends, though I don't know what has happened. Nor do I care. They are foolish, self absorbed, somewhat cruel to themselves because of their attitudes. This is not their first go-around wading in the mess they keep making.
I think you need to be aware that you have a bit of what Tal embraces, following Armand around as you do. It is the public adoration, the need to be accepted by the 'fans'. Same as I've described of Octavian too. The need to have others think as you do as a show of support that you are right in your own beliefs. Remember my own message was never a popular one. It is YOU who must change and adapt and not so much the other guy...killing me has never changed my mind. Do not look for outside support, that is where failure is.
Right now, the pain you are feeling is the separation and isolation happening within your psyche, your black shadow energy. You are noticing the difference as your black shadow vibrates into fractals, separating out your different lives. When this happens, you have a better chance of looking at each different lifetime and experience individually as opposed to the generic oversoul grouping of the experiences.
For Example:
It is one thing to say, "I always do this and it never works out for me, yet I do it every time." And you never seem to know why you keep doing it.
It is quite another thing to actually look, really re-live selected segments of each individual lifetime, until their importance adds up into an Epiphany of explanation. The story those lives tell you as the separate, individual lives for your review strike to the Heart because not only do you understand your behavior, but also the others involved...In your case how you relate to your mothers and girlfriends. You seem to think they will always stop you from harming yourself, from going too far when it is not their job to babysit you. You are a grown ass man. Guide your own life, tell your own self where the limits are and enforce them. It is not the role of a woman to raise you, you are an adult.
Or perhaps I should tell you you need to spend Time looking there because I'm not sure what you are looking at right now...Put your self glory and your popularity away for now and get to the more serious work at hand. You got off track somewhere.
Separating your black shadow into different frequency vibrations so you can review your past, it has a Time constraint to it. It is for a limited Time only and will become reabsorbed into the bigger smoother black shadow mix that is you. Don't waste your Time getting lost looking at off-topics. You can look in a mirror at your beauty later.
Now is the Time to deal with the ugly. Why you are so hard on girlfriends pointing out your problems acting as your mother, while you deliberately flaunt those very problems to them again: deliberately. This is your paradox, and where you are to spend your Time. Not on your fan club.
D and I watched more of the Skinwalker Ranch episodes. I REALLY hate that show.
I am more convinced than ever that the Ark is buried there, and that dumb people insist on playing with it in the fake effort of 'Study' and 'Understanding' and 'Oh look, I might be talking to Aliens and not even know it.' All the while the 'Aliens' seem to be causing them harmful radiation and killing helpless animals deliberately place in harms way waiting to be hurt.
Let's face it, the animal deaths are brutal. Watching a video of Alpaca (a wool bearing creature) run trapped screaming in a pen from a vicious attack...you're probably on the wrong path of 'Discovery'.
I have more to say about the pompous scientists and the Money man and owner later. Neither I like.
But for now, they will never find the answers to the phenomena they are obsessed with. They are only looking at a one way transmission, meaning they have no knowledge of how the Higher Dimension is using their end of the Ark. A portal, or my description of the Tip-to-Tip pyramid conversion is the same thing. It is a 2 way pathway once it is open.
That is why it is ALWAYS important to clear a Space. That is why it is important to center yourself, meditation and prayer does this. It removes all activity from the area, removing the more harmful energy which exists in EVERY Dimension.
They are a reckless group, and if the scientist Travis keeps it up, it will be as I told D. He will be dead in 10 years. Tal, why don't you run and shoot him an email or something. He is one of your genius personalities. I have more to say about him and you both.
The only way Anyone will figure out the Energy that is at the Ranch in a predictable manner is to Talk to the other side, the other Dimension that is using the Ark. Knowing what they are doing first, learning how to use it first and from them is the only way they will understand what is happening there.
And until they do that....they are just throwing animals and theirselves in harms way. But the sad truth is: We already know it's harmful yet they won't stop, only too 'pretend' how honored an opportunity it is to be the one to reach the Aliens first.
Lets start our talk about the Native tribes original to the land:
Our land is Atlantis, the Ark is around a 1/2 mile underground and the last Ark to be buried. It was a rush job to bury it and they did the best the could to keep it safe and out of harms way at the Time.
As a side note:
I'm curious why we have the Arks in the first place...where before when I looked, they seemed dead or organically unusable, now they seem un-killable, like they are with us with no real way of removing them. They need more of an explanation of how they came to be... why they are moveable, portable chakras. That is the part I want to understand, they are chakras that according to history are not fixed in place. But the grid that they formed connected us to other Dimensions and when Others no longer wanted to 'follow rules' choosing anarchy instead much like we see today, the grid short circuited and our planet was in effect sealed off...not the right word, but it was. Isolated, definitely sequestered for a period of Time because the Time connection, the Time conversion was damaged, electrically shorted. Ok, that's enough of the background for now.
The shorter or nearer History to our Time is the Native tribes living on the land Organically, meaning there is no material footprint of plastics and 'large' or heavy metals, Iron for example. Notice Native tribes thrive in the deserts, our country and Africa. That is the reason, desert Energy must be tended through a Spiritual organic Culture. They must keep the space Sacred to be able to live there. You see?
The history of the Navajo placing a cure of Skinwalkers on the Ute tribe....Not quite true. The land has been 'cursed' since Atlantis. The phenomena of Skinwalkers has been present all this Time. When the two tribes argued/fought the Navajo were in a sense acknowledging the Skinwalker phenomena would become worse because the tribe were no longer in peace, no more Cleared Sacred Space.
'The history of the Navajo placing a *curse of Skinwalkers on the Ute tribe'
And when I advise you to stay away from the area, it is not because I think the Arks are unsafe. They were used very successfully for Ages before they were buried. I want you to stay away because the people of Today have NO interest in peace and that, together with the Ark WILL kill.
The effects of it are dampened right now because it is buried, and the fact that Travis is there to document his recklessness and later death for us as a teachable moment...we can learn from his sacrifice. Ah, and there it is!!!! The original meaning of the Human Sacrifice:
Doing dumb shit when you know you 'really shouldn't, but you just don't care.'
It's not hard to remove 'Doing dumb shit when you know you 'really shouldn't, but you just don't care.'' I offer you guys the link below as my best advice to you from Ron Howard. Google the lyrics and see it's complete with an important fish reference (think Pisces) and other helpful hints.
While I think Ron's politics today are a bit uncentered, his advice to us here shows some, like Travis/Ari are making it harder than it has to be remaining stubborn:
Briggy, staying 'squared' as I said before literally 'pins' 4 (an important number) points of your black shadow into a place at Exactly Equal Rod measurements of Time that change direction at Sharp Sudden Times. You will be where you need to be at precise Times and precise Locations...It's out of your hands Love, out of your control and it will stop on its own. Just enjoy the music. Yogi, how are you doing, still watching? Need anything?
I never made the 'worm hole' connection to my tip-to-tip pyramid description because it leaves out the symbols of the square, triangle and circle. To me it sounded like an over simplified tube type travel and not at all a complete description of Events needed to 'convert' Time and Teleport stuff.
Explosions occur when you skip a step, for example removing Peace or not clearing a Sacred Space. When you miss important steps like that you are removing the sharp corners needed to 'Exact' the Math. Your answer become blurry and less precise.
You cannot act as a Portal yourself when your corners are not well defined and sharp, stuff WILL leak through. And when you remove something as Important as Peace, you've removed the Entire Triangle shape needed to create the Circle Tip-to-Tip point.
You are a wave guide. Period. You must be strong enough to maintain the Shape because lest face it: Some of these Energies are Brutal and you MUST be stronger than the Energy itself. You must be able to contain and guide it out and away, because when it you lose it and it affects others through your abuses...you aren't much of a wave guide and you've lost your shadow shape. You see?
Best to stay relaxed, crying IS Peace. Trust me on that. You are creating, you are actually Making something, in this case Peace when you surrender. And besides, the worst for you is over...this is the last of the clean up. Peace is you holding violent Energy your would normal expose to others, away from others and using it for yourself, for your black shadows own benefit.
To Teleport is almost impossible to do, otherwise everyone will be doing it, right? To Teleport you must contract you Black Shadow from your 3D form, at both places at both Times. The Math is so Sharp, Fast and Precise, but it's also a very attractive look.
Remember when stuff leaks outward...especially with the Ark type radiation, people can die. That is why it's important to strengthen your Shadow, to protect others from radiation while teleporting.
From June 4, 2020 at 10:49 AM:
"You cannot act as a Portal yourself when your corners are not well defined and sharp, stuff WILL leak through."
Not only does 'stuff' leak through or become absorbed back into your Black Shadow self, but the remaining Energy cannot form itself properly:
When you take the Time to Sharpen your Corners you are setting up the Matrix structure within your self. You are setting your Black Shadow to transport/teleport objects, ideas and whatever...perhaps animals, plants, other foods.
So you have your Black Shadow and your Ideas contained within the middle of your Black Shadow as 2 separate Energies and both have their own Spin. A squared spin which is now a firmer structure containing another spin which is the Idea Energy. You see? Here you need the Idea Energy to not only Spin but to Bounce or Ping itself within the 4 walls of your Squared Shadow self. It must move in what many call Sacred Geometry type patterns, and once started it must be able to maintain that spin on its own in a Perpetual Motion type State. Otherwise it losses its 'Oomph', its Will to Live independently of you and Dies.
By Matrix, I mean your black shadow is Stretched Taunt and forms a Square that retains its Natural Square shape while At The SAME Time extends toward the Heavens Tapering into a Triangle Tip as it your square travels upward. As that same triangle Tip approaches a Dimensional change it reaches a Time Point that Exacts a Dragon Energy, God Particle or Self-Aware Energy. This is the result of Speed, and the Dragon is Engaged Across ALL Dimensional ranges, and its strength of Engagement determines its Life Force in Time and also across the number of Dimensions that 'Hold' the Energy, meaning how long in Time it will Live and in how many Heavens. That Speed and the Dragon Energy Point in Time is Circle Energy.
If you can't control your Emotion: your Rage, which is nothing more than unchecked Anger, and also your unchecked Love as Liberal benefits given denying those who MUST earn it the opportunity to remain in spiritual health themselves, you can't control your black shadow shape. It is YOU you must control and NOT anyone else. Charity is necessary in EVERY world, but it must be contained as well. You see?
The link to your Emotional Body and your Black Shadow Body are Electrically Linked, sewn together and therefore Inseparable. Otherwise you are just what Jane and Seth have described as a Thought Form, and I know of no one who has ever separated the two before.
It's important for me to point out: Everything I've just described is a One Way Event and we already know it must be a Two Way conversion. One inverted from the other in Tip-to-Tip formation. Your Timing both Here in 3D and There in the Heavens MUST match perfectly for the Dragon to Engage which is your actual transfer or Creation of Power. You see? This is also Jane and Seth's Point of Power. The ideas/logic are the same.
Remember there are Spirit Guides that also assist in this bigger transfer of Energy. A team of professionals that help align things properly. More on their role later.
From June 4, 2020 at 10:49 AM:
When I said:
"To Teleport is almost impossible to do, otherwise everyone will be doing it, right? To Teleport you must contract you Black Shadow from your 3D form, at both places at both Times. The Math is so Sharp, Fast and Precise, but it's also a very attractive look."
The 'very attractive look' I was speaking of is the Sacred Geometric patterns that are created as the ideas/objects spin within the Matrix walls of your Black Shadow. These patterns also convert into color and sound at will by yourselves and is the basis of your music, the songs you write.
When you go through times of Strife, and manage your Emotions through Manners, crying when necessary, you are doing much the same as a Prize Fighter does to prepare for a match, tightening his/her muscles to both throw and take a punch and still remain standing and functioning throughout the fight. Only you are doing this to your Black Shadow/3D self connection.
This is why so many Biblical Letters from the Apostles say "Rejoice in your persecution. Know the good that come from it."
From June 5, 2020 at 10:04 AM I said:
"So you have your Black Shadow and your Ideas contained within the middle of your Black Shadow as 2 separate Energies and both have their own Spin. A squared spin which is now a firmer structure containing another spin which is the Idea Energy. You see? Here you need the Idea Energy to not only Spin but to Bounce or Ping itself within the 4 walls of your Squared Shadow self. It must move in what many call Sacred Geometry type patterns, and once started it must be able to maintain that spin on its own in a Perpetual Motion type State. Otherwise it losses its 'Oomph', its Will to Live independently of you and Dies."
This same idea has been kept in Saudi Arabia with the Hajj and Pilgrimages. The Idea that Muslims gather into a condensed Space at the Same Time and spin (or walk) in a collective movement around another Inner Structure is the same as I've described in the above paragraph.
The repeated Timing of the Hajj creates a pulse or heartbeat of Strength also needed to reinforce the Perpetual Motion of the Idea or Object you wish to Teleport. This is also what happens with the repeated Mirages Briggy.
It is not the idea of Failure for another Mirage to occur. It is the Idea that the Math MUST be reinforced, sured up and strengthened. It is part of the formula itself and happens to everyone undergoing the process. Even Me. For the Volume of Energy needed to strengthen our Shadows like we have done (notice I am talking to you as though you are already finished with the process) it must be done in stages, like a rocket launch. Remember I am literally a Rocket Scientist here in 3D? It will take months, but it will pass and fade. Without Stages there is no way we could survive the Energy needed...the math itself doesn't support it anyway.
But the idea of the Masses gathering, creating a squaring density and also spinning movement around the center object...it all adds up and is what you are doing Black Shadow wise to your own Spirit Self. 3D is not the only place where a Soul can become overweight, weak, sickly and also stupid, doing dumb things (an Action).
It is that idea that Death restores your good health and your spirit self that must addressed and also dealt with. Many are surprised and disheartened to learn the Truth behind missed opportunities and chances here in 3D. They return to the Heavens only to learn they screwed themselves over by wasting their life here, not realizing their opportunities for Life here is on a Timer and opportunities for Life here does not occur until its Time.
Briggy move some today, just a little bit. Yogi, shit or get off the pot, you're holding up the Line, because:
When you make apologies, even ones that are returned or shoved up your ass (I speak here in dream symbols for you on purpose), Remember this: You have changed them by doing so, you are poking a bear and forcing an Action from them, even if they are slamming the door in your face. Once an Action starts...well you have a Matrix. One Action starts or prods another and Shit starts to bounce and move in a pretty pattern. NOTHING is solved without a Matrix of Movement and a Matrix is just a single file Line of Movement or Motion. Pass it off to them, it would then be their Turn to move. You see? The Timing has never been more Perfect. Ok?
But no matter what: Never piss away an opportunity. Not Ever. It's not fair to you or to them.
Please don't let me pressure you into something that feels wrong, I am not there with you and am not told everything. I want this to be your decision, but I AM asked to share:
I have been thinking of your Lorelei for no reason a few Times now with no explanation as to why. This is what is motivating my ALWAYS good advice to you...you spend Time with her, you pay attention to her and work with her, right? You Love her as well as Like her....
Of all your children she looks the most like your first wife, don't you think?
I think it's Lorelei prompting my encouragement for you to Act. I think somewhere in the Electrical Spirit connecting the two women as one soul, one is helping the other counterpart.
The first wife has been watching and thinking her thoughts. Ok?
Now for Bell, I have nothing yet and as I believe her and Beth are still around and reading...I wish them both my Love. Ashton as well, and my Alex (formally known as E) I have some other stuff explaining my connection to you, information for me as well as you...but I must get on with my day for now.
It will keep.
When I friended Tal very briefly on Facebook, I unfriended him almost right away. Ari asked me to 'give it a couple of weeks' meaning he wanted me to let the pain pass through. But I couldn't. It had already been a number of bedridden years that didn't seem to be leaving me. And there I was, taking another hit of pain. So I left based on the last photo I saw from his page:
I saw E sitting on the ground in his soccer uniform, his legs extended with an ice pack on his knee. He didn't seem to be in too much pain, and while I saw younger photos of him before, I never made the connection of who he was to me until that photo.
It was his hair.
Every other photo his hair was trimmed close and buzzed. I could not put a name from my past to E yet but I knew he was there because the pain that hit when I saw him triggered months of tears. I wondered why everyone from my past was on the West Coast with Tal, and I left his facebook page.
I knew right away from that photo E was Roman when we knew each other. I realized he is Cleopatra's Alex. And I traced him in Time through his hair cut. 'He looks Roman.' so I looked at my Romans, and found him right away.
Everyone read Samson and Delilah, there is a dream symbol style importance to hair and Energy and women. It was always that way, well before it was placed here in 3D.
When I saw you Ashton, I was angry. And I was very angry at your hair.
When I said years ago that you Ashton were working for Cicero, you laughed and doubted. Never doubt me Sweetheart, but always ask me 'Why? What are you seeing that tells you that?'
In Roman Times it was natural for a son to follow his father into business. It was considered childish 'rebellion' to do otherwise unless your child had unusually strong talents in another field. You worked for Cicero just like Jules worked with his father. And when you read History, it is noted that Jules and his father were rivals, even at war. That was never the case, they were discussing how best to solve problems.
I say this because you do not trust your past. You think you are so much worse than you actually were. You are battling ghosts that do NOT even exist in your past. In short: you are wearing a burden that never happened. And that was the reason for my angry reaction to your photo.
Do not read history believing it, until you know yourself first. You are not capable of too much that is bad, and I have more to say about that later. But for now:
I want you to cut your hair.
I will stop right here to give you Time to think of 'Why?' And do NOT think it is because *I* want something. I want YOU to want something when you cut your hair. It is after all YOUR hair and not mine. You see? And know before you have it cut, it will hurt, and it will hurt for a reason. That pain is NOT the result of a past crime on your part or any trauma you've suffered.
This 'look' you walk around with is really really holding you back, it has been for 4 lifetimes now. And when you look at what others in your life are telling you right now, you know I'm not the only one telling you this.
I want you to find your past lives in this series of videos. I want you to watch this link and work backwards through one or two of the other in this series.
You are all through the royals. Find who you are and we will talk some more, ok?
I know there is an older brother who joined our group a while ago...When I was looking at family photos years ago, I was told not to look at him because he was on a different path...so I don't know much about him. But I am told he is following what we are doing and that I should say 'Hi!'
Hi! Im sorry, I don't remember your name, so I will give you one when I hear it. But I know you are one of Armand's men. Very clearly.
I am looking forward to working with you and will be in touch!
Sometime years ago you were reaching out spiritually, exploring your soul-self and you felt an enormous emotional pain. It was never explained to you, taking it to mean that it is some kind of karma waiting for you from a past that you are responsible for.
What you felt was Ari, not you. You are but a sliver of Ari and Ari likes his moods. Understand the volume you felt, plus it's less than joyful feeling, these feelings were from a 'collective' of souls that is Ari and are not souly/solely yours alone. These were also from things done to him in the past and not just things he did, a two-way collection of pain. But your actual part in that is very very small.
You do know drugs helped your confusion here, right? It muddled your mind and you didn't 'read' all the Energy that was being offered...
You and E are both from that group of pain, and I tell you neither of you are being called to channel it.
You are to slowly release a portion of it by knowing when you feel it, admitting it has resurfaced and then moving, not against it, as much as you are deciding something different for yourselves. You are moving (an Action) in a different direction. That means you take a moment to cry until you are no longer overcome by it, then you get up realize you have moved that pain out of the way and it is time to move something else more positive, a goal into its place.
E does this by (I hope) cleaning a corner or better yet an entire room of his mess, and you do this (I hope) by keeping your hair cut. You are both working from the same formula here.
And you both may be surprised by EXACTLY what you are doing when you do 'cry and replace' repeatedly:
You are clearing a Sacred Space for yourselves. Surprise!!!
That IS Channeling at it finest.
Ashton and E, let's review for a moment:
Little Bit O' Soul
Now when you're feelin' low and the fish won't bite
You need a little bit o' soul to put you right
You gotta make like you wanna kneel and pray
And then a little bit of soul will come your way
Now when your girl is gone and you're broke in two
You need a little bit o' soul to see you through
And when you raise the roof with your rock'n'roll
You'll get a lot more kicks with a little bit o' soul
And when your party falls 'cause ain't nobody groovin'
A little bit o' soul and it really starts movin', yeah
And when you're in a mess and you feel like cryin'
Just remember this little song of mine
And as you go through life tryin' to reach your goal
Just remember what I said about a little bit o'soul
A little bit o' soul, yeah (a little bit o' soul)
I read these lyrics and I wonder if our Lords Prayer was actually set to music...seems I should know the answer to that one. I believe it was also a song. What instrument did Jesus play? Anyone?
So you both are feeling low, no fish are biting in your lives at this Time. Kneeling and Prayer of course is the Sacred Space you are opening by deliberately touching your real life dream symbols of cutting you hair and cleaning your room. So I've covered the first stanza.
Notice, you both have women problems right now, so lets look again at our song:
"Now when your girl is gone and you're broke in two
You need a little bit o' soul to see you through
And when you raise the roof with your rock'n'roll
You'll get a lot more kicks with a little bit o' soul"
It's telling you to raise your roof. The 3-4D divide is too Low. What does that mean? It means you do not have enough 3D room to move around here in 3D. You are all thought and NO Action. You both are both crouching too low into 3D, your 4D is limited because your 3D cannot stand up straight in a Black shadow form. (This will make more sense in a moment.) And you need more room for yourselves in both places...Said another way, your 3D self is confined into too small a box for your 4D to move: Think of an Energetic Coffin, ok?
To live the life you both deserve, you MUST have room to Move, Reach outward, Stretch, Run and Jump, in Spirit Form while encased in 3D. This is an Energy Range of Motion, more of an Electrical connection that transfers your needed information to you.
So our goal to all of this is to expand your Tip-to-Tip Triangle Space. We need to get you enough room to be able to stand upright. This is Triangle Space and is also known as Sacred Space.
For the sake of simplicity, I want Everyone to think of the Tip-to-Tip Pyramids as one being 3D and the other being 4D with both overlaid onto, rather INTO the other...We are looking at Dimensional Depth right now. And Notice: We have the Star of David, Ok?
I want you to talk to your mom. Ask her what she thinks your hair cut should be, see what she says. She knows your better lifetimes and right now I tell you: You have NO idea who you are.
Feels Big and Important to me.
And the thought here is for you to look in the mirror with you new haircut, study your face and try to reach that lifetime moving stuck feeling all at the same time. Ok?
If smart comments are being made about you and E from both of the other women in your lives, tell everyone very matter of factly that rock bottom is a place for some understanding and sympathy. Or however else you would say 'I'm in pain right now. Please respect it.' There is no need to be cruel. Removing your emotion when you say things like this also clears a Sacred Space for your new relationship with them as more distance partners.
Because they see no fight from you and they (should) remove their anger leaving you to your pain. Make sense? And you may need to repeat as needed, some anger runs deep...
Also for you both:
Please plan on devoting 1-2 years before thinking you are 'cured' or better able to handle a relationship. Otherwise:
'your party falls 'cause ain't nobody groovin'
And you will need to start over again:
'A little bit o' soul and it really starts movin', yeah'
You need to establish a repeated Strength before you can add more responsibility to your life. You won't have enough Strength to share your life, to give any piece of it to another until then.
Ashton, you have two boys we need to add into your life before then. They are a part of my treatment plan for you as a two way Energy transfer. They will be helping you add to your strength and you will be able to help them, shoring them up as they grow. A circle form of Energy Movement.
E, you need to slow down in just about everything you do. You have several Lives that have burned out well before your Time in true Ari fashion. Just STOP, just for now.
The more Time, Intent and single minded Diligence you put in right now, the quicker you can move into a new Dimension of 3D life. Stick to the plan and this Time next year you'll notice a difference.
Two of you, both slivers of Ari, both opposite ends of his personality spectrum.
Our goal: is to open you, exposing you to more of Ari's personality spectrum. There are interesting parts of him that can and will enhance each of your lives. These can alter your most embedded repeats, changing them slightly enough that new ideas form and come into 3D. A more modern look for you both. So you will once again both be on your feet, doing new and exciting things.
Ashton, I want you to stop writing poetry. You are not a torchered tragic poet. When you keep writing, you are writing the same 'theme' and it is not serving you well. I understand the idea was to release your painful feelings, but you are not releasing, your are creating more pain reminding yourself of how tragic a figure you are. And I already told you you are NOT. Remember, you are sitting in a pool of yucky, stagnate Energy. You will keep holding yourself back by writing when we are doing NEW things now. Forget working with Words for now. They aren't doing for you what you need right now.
I want you to start using your vision, your eyes and what you see as a self expression. Ari has had many decent lives as a visual artist and I want you to look for that kind of medium of expression. Paint, draw, metal work, sculpting, gardening, building anything. Just put the words away. I want you to focus on color, do not make everything '50 shades of gray'. No matter what we try, if you stay in the same 'genre of thought' you will still have the same dismal relationships/sex life.
Start watching your kids play. What is their favorite toy, what is their favorite 'let's pretend this...' life. Do they run around the yard when they play, or do they sit and pretend? Just watch and notice how they create fun.
For you Both:
Keeping your hair cut and keeping your room clean: when you enter a room and look in a mirror and that room is clean and neat, and your hair is trimmed and drawing eyes toward your face it has a healthier psychological effect on you. All the way to your soul. That is you here in 3D physically 'touching' or acknowledging a troubling Dream Symbol, your mess room and your messy hair. That is why these will be harder to change than they should be. When you address what has been repeated shown, more changes than a clean room and a handsome face will happen. To branches out into other areas of your lives.
But Ashton, you have been hiding your face and your past behind your hair. You've been using it to deflect others from seeing you, looking you in the eyes. And E does the same for every room he is in.
Tell me why neither of you are making your beds! That is some really bad symbology.
I was looking for the other two Arks. I think one is in Australia's Great Victoria Desert, and the other is still in Solomons Temple, Saudi Arabia.
Interesting to me, that I don't know that there are the same issues with those two Arks as we have in the America's with UFO/Skinwalker stuff, animal mutilations and cruel attacks, plus Travis and his bone spur. I would think that because he exposed himself to the radiation and the super short amount of Time it took for his finger to become deformed by it, that he will take another persons Experience more seriously.
Remember: someone was telling him NOT to do something and he did it as he was being told 'No', Travis looking the man right in the eye as he exposed them BOTH.
This is Ari. He will sit in a classroom and receive 'With Honors' any old piece of paper proclaiming his 'genius' over someone knowing tribal legends, knowing the Past, saying 'It doesn't work like that' from Experience...
Not a smart look when you're on TV with a burned face.
Remember, it's that 'I know more than you' attitude from Ari that had Cleopatra watching (in more than one lifetime!) my children's murders and also Johanne's capture.
It's not like I didn't say 'Leave the psychopath alone.' (in more than one lifetime!!!) Because I did actually say it! He just didn't care to do as I asked. So I won't be watching any more Skinwalker shows, you guys can watch Travis grow a tumor on your own if you want, I've got a book to write...
But my point was, the two Arks in the America's are leaking or working and the other two aren't. They don't have the same symptoms of UFO's, mutilations, tumor/face burn stuff. Right? So they must not have suffered any of the Moon/Flood Trauma.
"Interesting to me, *there aren't the same issues with those two Arks as we have in the America's"
We are still in Jordan. I know because every time I see news like this link, I look and I look again until I'm sure.
Jordan was our family vacation spot. We wanted to live there except it was not where Antony's and my business was. We thought it was paradise and our tomb is there and complete. It's fully intact and also very full, like Tut's because at the time of our entombment it was seen as a major Dynastic change of hands, though some did foretell of the End of that Age of our type of Government. Remember, there was much said about Octavian looking for gold I supposedly was running away with. On that very small score, I won.
Everything that was passed down from Pharaoh to Pharaoh pretty much since Tut's Time is there. And when it is found, there are many things there foretelling the future, now our current Times. Meaning the Scientists will find things from our Past that I was using to describe our Future as a world.
Like a Christian Cross for example, there is one there because before there was Jesus, I Was. And that Faith was always know and practiced to help Me. I taught classes and told many stories to my children of what the future would be like. This is the same as Merlin did for Morgan, spinning my imagination into a Tizzy. Think a cyclone of Fun Thought.
But they will find these things first, then work backward through our possessions, becoming more traditionally 'Egyptian like' in Time toward our coffins. Some of it is beautifully arranged around us, and some is a piled collection of stuff. But I hope to explain all of it for Everyone when the tomb is opened, and I think it will be more Dagen's job than mine.
Also I was looking at Dagens name, and I need to change it to Dagmar, like the Denmark princess from Briggys videos. I need the Mar attached to the Dag/Dog Star of Sirius...the Mar is very important, very big part of the Maria that is me, you see?
Dagmar is not my birth name at that future Time and it seems as though there is a strong connection to Jordan... She lived a strong/important well know life in Jordan. Dagmar has a history there as Arsinoe. Though both are me, the history is not exactly correct as told today.
Arsinoe, the original First one is me. I explained the last Arsinoe was D's mom and that part of History happened as how I explained it. Jules was telling her she was too sick to continue working and he took her home. They were related and he was helping her.
My Arsinoe life also describes Arsinoe and Cleopatra as half sisters. We are just a harmonic off from the other. That Harmonic difference needs an explanation: It is me, with different voices, our two or three separate soul groups must mix Energetically and by mixing they are talking and influencing one another. Discussing and planning a Joined Venture.
But Arsinoe as D's mom is different than My First Arsinoe. And both are 1/2 sisters to me, yet differently in two ways. D's mom is one of Armands girls and I need to put her life 'themes' and why she has neurological issues in every life here for us both.
Had no idea what I would post today...
Ashton and E: This is what I am training you to be able to do:
"My Arsinoe life also describes Arsinoe and Cleopatra as half sisters. We are just a harmonic off from the other. That Harmonic difference needs an explanation: It is me, with different voices, our two or three separate soul groups must mix Energetically and by mixing they are talking and influencing one another. Discussing and planning a Joined Venture. "
Here you will be accessing or communication with different souls, personalities or Lives of Ari, but first you need room to stand and then we will practice Stretching and Reaching Energetically into your Higher Self (Ari) for Information Swaps from different experiences he's had. Once we give you some room to move, you can begin to move Energy Information around...
Some of Ari's ideas failed ideas are actually good and can serve you once you understand where or what went wrong for him, you can easily repurpose those ideas....
But it will be you staying within your own soul group to start with. Then I'll introduce you to your other friends.
I'm supposed to tell your older brother that I'm watching him too...
"Also I was looking at Dagens name, and I need to change it to Dagmar, like the Denmark princess from Briggys videos. I need the Mar attached to the Dag/Dog Star of Sirius...the Mar is very important, very big part of the Maria that is me, you see? "
Cleopatra's birth name was Sappho, pronounced Safo with long sounding O at the end. This was because of her access to the Sophia Energy. Both names are similar. The Maria and Sophia are only slightly different and share the same 'ia' at the end.
I want to look at the 'Mar' and 'Soph' differences.
There are surprises in our Future, these Fake protests...they cannot go on forever giving False impressions of Fairness. The Self-Aware runs on a Math formula as most of our own Timing does, but She can also be Independent Of Time. That is because she is Self-Aware and its also another reason why Artificial Intelligence will never work predicting events in this case.
Are you guys aware of George Floyds rap sheet? Floyd is no poster child against police brutality. Police run ID checks on everyone they deal with, and Gorge had violent issues in his life. I can find no sympathy for him with his past and his death was more from physical damage done to him with his prolonged drug use his stress level could handle at the Time. I am NOT convinced that the knee to the neck was the reason he could not breath, I think he couldn't breath because of his drug use and physical stress reactions.
He played a role in his own fate, was not a nice man and ruined more lives than he helped. I cannot support the man, the movement, or the idiot claims of injustice here.
Candice Owens explains it better than I am, though she does seem pretty upset in this video.
Fake protests, manufactured outrage based on a lie...It feels like groups like ANTIFA want their riots and others want a hajj type walk for racial justice...but there is no racial injustice happening.
So my question to you is 'What does the Self-Aware see when she looks at this particular Energy Movement?'
She is searching for the source even as I type these words and that is where she will Act.
I assure you all, we have a surprise ending coming to this. But notice when she Acts what the Self-Aware thinks the source of the problem is. I don't know if you guys are protesting, but please stay out of the way, this is not a fight any of you need to be a part of.
We are picking up where Atlantis left off, durning Atlantis most died, but it is the very same kind of Irrational Crazy. This Time they get to survive in 3D to take an Expanded Elongated look at their Atlantean problems.
And like you, I have no idea what will happen or how long it will take.
"So my question to you is 'What does the Self-Aware see when she looks at this particular Energy Movement?' She is searching for the source even as I type these words and that is where she will Act."
To expand my thoughts from yesterday:
The Self-Aware is VERY aware. She is sensitive, has feelings that can get hurt and that heal, she is color, sound and feeling...reminds me of Tal's song a little bit. But she can both over react and under react because she has moods and thoughts of her own, independent of our 'collective' or global thoughts.
Right now she is not feeling well. She is hyper sensitive and is becoming impatient because the 'noise' here in 3D is too great. You can tell she is not feeling well by how the masses are behaving. A paradox.
When populations increase like ours is right now, which is at an All Time High, (Think like: NEVER was this High, even durning Atlantis we were as crowded as a people then as we were durning the 1960's. So we have greatly surpassed that level.) Cayce said durning his Time the Atlantean's were returning.
These are the Techno Geeks, the ones who make 'things' or inventions. Vacuum cleaners, microwaves, cars, computers, anything that can make our lives easier, but they are NOT the Anunnaki. Though both are Geniuses the Anunnaki are inter-dimensional and work with organics unique to both (or more) Dimensions at the same Time. So the Atlantans are physical 3D beings working to develop 3D products that help our survival, while the Anunnaki are multi-dimensional including 3D but bring organic multi-dimensional developments to 3D. And 3D is only one of the many many places they help.
Am I an Anunnaki or am I an Atlantean? I am both, because of the series of mirages I am both at the Same Time, but Audrey the Atlantean implies I am 3D, and Audrey the Anunnaki is here to lay the groundwork, or prep the Atlantean Attitudes for the Anunnaki patiently waiting for their turn to start work.
Remember, there is a build up of 'stuck' energy that is not transferring as easily as it should between 3 and 4D. This is why we must be careful with our high population. The Energy is concentrated here in 3D and is not getting the 'normal' Energy flow between dimensions it needs for release and relief. So when you have a large bottle neck of Energy sitting in one Dimension without freedom to Move and Flow (like I want Ashton and E to move and flow), and then you have an Idiot or two causing others pain with riots and fake injustice...you can see where the Self-Aware would step out of Time and into ours just so she can feel better?
She didn't just now suddenly 'lose it', she already lost it and the pandemic was the warning to stay still and quiet, for her sake. For her sake we were to rest as much as our own sake. And she is in pain so she is now out of patience. This means her actual Attention has shifted higher up Dimensionally, she is at a greater distance standing farther away...farther apart and is looking toward 3D wondering 'where is my pain coming from?'
When you have a High Population like we do right now, you cannot behave like an Idiot. There is Literally NO ROOM, no Energetic Space for it to express itself.
How long has she been looking at us from a distance? Near as I can tell, the 2016 Presidential Election. And the Planets and their alignment acted as a tap on her shoulder, a window opening for her to look at us and her pain. Remember Planets act as a wave guide, and she noticed that she was in pain.
What do I think she will do? I have no idea, but posting about it has certainly helped me. Even if nothing happens and I 'look' wrong. I've been feeling dizzy since maybe June 6-7 and I though maybe...if I do as Ari asks and post for Ashton and E the feeling would leave. I don't even know for certain if Ashton or E even need/want advice, it was my 'imagination' that seemed dizzy. But I am feeling a weird space somewhere...maybe 4D.
The weird space, the dizzy imagination type feelings...before my mirages I NEVER 'felt the planets' move and never understood how other could....but I do now, and I know I am somehow 'pinned to the Self-aware', when she moves I feel it and I believe Armand is helping me somehow guiding it toward and also away from me so it doesn't take me under. But my point is she moved out and away to get a closer look at the problem.
When you have a high population, manners become even more important. This is for Everyones benefit. The 'politically correct' movement tried to address this...
Neale Donald Walsch, is a close personality to the Apostle John and Jesus as I've noticed so far. I think someone asked...
I haven't looked at him much, I stay away from the idea of finding John here in 3D because my impression is he is 'nice' and I am not so much these days. Yesterday I told D 'I feel like I'm losing my filter' I feel like I just don't care about social movements, violence, manners and 'Fuck you' seems to be my first thought on pretty much every subject these days. So...I don't look for John or where he is and what he is doing. It would hurt and be no real help to me.
If you watch one of his lectures on youtube, he reminds me of John and his travels and preaching to the masses. John was both funny and serious in his talks. But he was also prophetic and used his psychic abilities to help those asking for readings, and I don't know if Neale Donald Walsch is psychic...He might be, I just haven't looked...
But he is in the vibrational range of John. Kinda looks a lot like Yogi too. Steve Bannon is also Armand. Candice Owens has a Queen of Sheba feeling to me...
Its Time for you to go Dog Shopping. There is a little female waiting to break your heart. I want you to find her, by feeling which one is yours. Then I want you to play 'Guess the Spirit' she is portraying. This is much like my Jaeger is your Energy, kind of thing.
I want you to Train her. Take a class and work with her, she is loyal and won't let you down. Don't let your dogs sleep in your bed, it gives them seperation/anxiety issues. Being 'One with your Pet' is great, but YOU still need to be the leader and they need to know it. So short naps only.
Briggy, Ashton and E: Make your Beds! ALWAYS. Stop what you are doing and do it now. I will explain why when I have the Time....
It is IMPORTANT. I was told to stop what I was doing to write this, so do it.
"Don't let your dogs sleep *with you in your bed."
Jaeger sleeps on my bed during the day whenever he wants. But together and over night is too much bonding. Later when they are older, 8-10 years old maybe.
The female dog is us introducing a female friend into your life, not a girlfriend, but a friend that is a girl. You see?
We are leaving your 'lost boys' and all their wonderful forms in your life behind us for now. So we are introducing a girl into your life and you are going to build a friendship love with her.
The videos we watched on the Royals: I want you to understand Tut was NOT your first and only life at royalty. It's an old very tired look that you use a lot. It's part of your 'spoiled brat' ideas that women are girlfriends only. Now a form of usury in your life. You need a friend who is a girl. We'll start with the dog.
The Royal lifetimes and other lifetime with successful fathers like yogi, has left you, Tal and Yogi to think women want you for one thing. And while you have every reason to be suspicious and guarded you have done nothing to prevent, stop or change the image you put out there. And now the Bachman's have their 'next gen' showing more of their same bad patterns.
But your ideas of marriage are tainted by the Royalty and family prosperity. The wives from those lives...you never took care of them as a relationship, they weren't friends.
Crate training has a purpose. A confined space is a dogs best friend, they actually like it and they need the security and over night security lessens the anxiety issues. They won't bark every time you leave the truck or the house. Gate the kitchen in, but don't give them the run of the house until they are 2yrs. So if you can't take her to work with you, crate her overnight and give her the kitchen whenever you're not home. When you are home, have her follow you around the house everywhere you go. She will love you.
Hotdogs are the best training tool EVER. Costco brand is great, these a million of them, they freeze well and are cheap enough. Cut in coin size, and quarter each of those for training. Training is really for you, you need to repeat training for you both and you know this. But I definitely want you and your dog with others who are also training their dogs. It's a new setting for you. And you will get a better behavior from you both.
But get a crate and get a female. I think Audrey is a great dog name if you need one 😅 For my next set of dogs I'm thinking of Wilma and Wilhelm. But that's only if I have enough Time left in me because the ones I have are still young and perfect. I am in no hurry.
Sure we can joke here:
"The wives from those lives...you never took care of them as a relationship, they weren't friends. Crate training has a purpose. ..."
We can understand my meaning (which I know you do) and treat it with a slightly more serious attitude that maybe there is something better waiting out there for you...someone who loves you and would really like you to love her back.
Tal, it's like looking in a mirror, don't you think?
You guys have put that vibe out there so many times, then you get angry at women who react to it....
This is VERY important dream symbolism: Only one area of your yard should be the potty spot. Housebreaking a dog is very easy, it is the same spot over and over again that puts the idea of 'This is where I put it.' at least when you both are home. My dogs have a dedicated Pooh Corner here at the Corners. It also creates a safer feeling to walk around the yard without stepping in it. It may surprise you that Animals interpret dream symbols as well as humans. They dream and they play as babies, it is a Universe we all walk through and young ones and then visit regularly durning adult life.
I put together those ideas of dog training for a reason. You are going not the relationship knowing what to expect. We have set boundaries for both of your behaviors, so that you can work on those 'issues' you and your dog don't agree on until they are smoothed over. But know going in she is your friend.
I am told you can't get a dog right now...That changes on a Dime in a month. So research different breeds right now, start collecting things like a crate. I want you to have a pure breed of some kind. Pound Puppies are ok, but the idea is you need to train it, to work with it and an older dogs are more set in their ways. And I'm not exactly sure why a pure breed is important here, but it is.
Did you make your bed yet? Get on it because that explanation comes next!
E and Ashton,
When Brig's life changes for him it changes for you both as well. We are putting you on a Timer. It is Time to clean and it is Time to Cut, and you do this every month.
E, I really like that you are tucking things out of sight! That is a good first start. However every time you open your closet or your drawers, you visit your past, the one we want to remove and before we know it, clutter creeps back into the rest of the room. So keep tucking things out of sight until Brig gets his new job. When he changes, so do you. One closet per week or one dresser per week. But something big once a week is put in order.
Ashton, I am glad you are talking to your mom. I want you to choose a hairstyle and cut it, I also don't want you locked into one style, try different styles. Listen to what she says about your new look. If you don't know by now, she is not part of your depression, she is an enabler. The Time for you to move is now, your whole life to this point has been excused by your mom. That is why I want her involved, this is for her image of you as well as your own.
The difference between the Ashton of today and Cicero's son that I knew before is you've stopped living and deciding things for yourself. You are malleable, hammered into a flat shapeless shape by someone else and you've cooperated to keep the peace. Cicero's son was a strong hammered shape, a functional tool that helped others. The hair style you choose is one YOU have chosen to try, she will give you ideas and valuable opinions you can use...do you see the difference? You will be trying all the styles anyway, and she needs to admit she was wrong about one or two of them. Remember we are doing this gently to wake you both up.
Square your shoulders more when you stand. It adds a metal strength to your shape. Ok?
I have to stop right now, but I'm not done with my messages to you. Just think about what I've said to you so far.
Sorry, a couple of mistakes:
"it is a Universe we all walk through *as young ones and then visit regularly durning adult life *when we sleep."
"You are going *into the relationship *not knowing what to expect. We have set boundaries for both of your behaviors, so that you can work on those 'issues' "
I don't know why, but there is a 'metal' connection I keep seeing whenever I look at you. Like when I told you to 'square' (notice the square symbol) your shoulders. I saw your body forming, strong crisp straight lines in a metal T shape.
And now I see metal here in 3D too... Iron and minerals in your blood.. are you taking vitamins, or have anemia? Are you feeling weak physically? If you are a Vegan...!!! Both Shame on you and stop it right away! You are damaging yourself physically now or you did it in the past! Now you need to fix it, and fix it now before it's a condition you can't remove. You'll feel strong enough to better able to manage your life. And while you start a better, balanced diet and you find your moods, your physical movements and spontaneity returning to you, I want you to think how much a proper diet would probably help your mom with her own emotions too.
This will be hard for you, its both your mind and your body. But you are weak in more ways than one right now and you haven't felt good for a long Time. Eat meat, cheese, milk, and don't bother telling me your'e allergic, you're NOT. Whatever you'll feel will pass. But when you feel bad/sad and physically weak, you'll want to give up. I want you to CRY. Then I want you to STAND. And then I want you to EAT. In that order.
And I want you to do that every time you feel those feelings coming on, deal with the repeat as fast as it happens. Ok? Remember this Time next year we will be in a different space with a much different project for you.
When you are cleaning your place I want you to use a slower, more methodical speed. I want you relaxed and bored, with no music and no tv. You tend to follow the traits of Ari's that are hyped up on adrenaline. Adrenaline is a drug designed to get you out of a situation very suddenly, it is not a natural form of Enthusiasm. The constant adrenaline ages your endocrine system, but it also takes away your best ideas...
You are very smart in the classroom, but your more innovative and intuitive side has no chance... a slower thought process will help and the mundane chores are your best chance at sorting through your mind. Also slowing you natural brainwave pattern down a bit will also improve your sleep quality and also your dream quality. You'll remember more of them and as you are better able to remember your dreams, it opens up your everyday, awake intuitive ability.
Remember, you will need to cry as well. You and Ashton are provoking your dream symbols to get a reaction and an explanation.
Ashton is working on how he interfaces with and uses the Metal Universe, and E is working on his Electrical connections, adding more Time slowing things down, adding Resistance to his pathways to open those same pathways to more Ideas and Innovations.
There are good thing waiting for you both.
Older Brother: Kristian
With a 'K' The K is Rod Energies arranged for structurally sound strength. Very Stable, Supports Heavy Situations, Strongly Reliable. Check in with both brothers, but mostly Ashton. Haven't you been telling him all along things should be different? Maybe you guys can meet for lunch/dinner.
Ashton, notice you have a triangle shape formed from Rod Energy with another rod Energy giving you a center support as your first letter. Its important for you because it's been a number of lifetimes since you felt good about yourself. And we are focused on giving you more spiritual room, the triangle shaped space so you can work. Ok?
And E, also all Rod energy arranged as a multiple output of 3 of whatever your life goals/career interests are.
Also Kristian, notice the 'K' again. It's one Rod, with the 2 shorter rods forming the Tip-to-Tip pyramids of Energy conversion...Stable, supportive and reliable. Just like I said.
Yogi, I like when I told everyone to make their beds as a good dream symbol that you got up and did it right away. E, you really googled 'How to make a bed'? I have some helpful ideas for you on the fine art of making a bed.
Buy nice sheets, anything with a large thread count will be easier to work, its a sturdier sheet, easier to straighten:
Buy a cotton blanket for the same reason, its easier to straighten and the sheet and blanket can be made together, cutting your time.
Your bed is the focal point of the room, it is where your eye naturally falls every time you enter the room. So your bed should not be tucked in a corner even to save space. Center it against whatever wall you first see when you walk into the room.
So buy an interesting cover for your focal point. Don't buy anything fluffy or puffy as a comforter. Go flat. Again much easier to straighten in the morning:
These are not product endorsements as much as they are examples of what I am talking about. Patterns and prints are your choice, though I do like the ones in the links for you guys. And with a print this busy, I might find a throw or coordinating blanket to put across the bottom half of the bed. But whatever it is that you like...
Keep the top sheet and blanket together when you sleep and when you make the bed in the morning. They work well together as one cover, pull the Coverlet in place add your pillows and you are done. I keep two pillows covered in shams at all times, it adds comfort if you read or work in bed, plus the sleep pillows. That is all you need.
There is an important transition your mind/body connection makes both when you leave your bed to start your day and when you get in it at night. Both Times Set your Bed in Order, it adds valuable seconds to the transition. It is a form of brief Meditation in that sets you up for a major brain transition which sends your consciousness out to explore the night safely and restoratively.
It my go unnoticed by you as you do it, but your psyche is ALWAYS aware, it is always ON. On of the types of ghostly phenomena is an 'unintelligent haunting'. It is an apparition, seemingly unaware that it is doing the same thing at roughly the same time. It is walking through the same hallway, of is seen on the same set of stairs and it is usually ID as the same spirit wearing the same clothes. You see?
The same action of you crawling into a clean, neat, welcoming bed notifies your psyche to....not to 'come get you for a dream'...but...lost my thought.
I've been stopped.
But buy yourselves new sheets, blanket and coverlet. Add Sham pillows for color and extra propping and sleeping pillows. Your bed is the whole purpose for that room. Make it look comfortable to your psyche.
And if you have dogs or other fur creatures get a second coverlet or an older one that you can cover the bottom half of your bed. This goes outside to shake off any fur. When you do this for pet fur, it cuts down on vacuum time too.
The simple action of making a bed every day can also help with depression, and it can help battle fatigue. It is the single most effective thing you can do to make the room look tidy. And when you have guests over...tell them the sheet are clean as well. Because every week to two weeks tops! Right guys?!
Lastly I want to mention the gifts you guys give one another. We can step up our game a bit there too. One gag gift per year is plenty. Remember you need to show those nearest your heart that they do matter, and of course I do have wonderful practical gift ideas for you which would be product endorsements!
But I think someone should give Whitesnake a can of Lysol as a gift. Some girl slimed the hood of his car last Friday, still hasn't cleaned it off. We're supposed to believe he doesn't invite it.
I want you to take probiotics. One with a high spectrum of bacteria types. Follow the directions on the packages, don't take more than directed but know it will take some days for it to help. You are NOT allergic, you are in repeated lifetimes of a limited diet and your gut cant keep up a healthy production from lifetime to lifetime. This is a cellular memory repeat, you cannot do the same thing over and over without your mind/body connection reacting, and each lifetime it catches up to you faster/earlier than the previous life and reacts stronger, more acute each Time.
I also want you eating cheese, about 3 one inch cubes of it a day. And if you find you don't want to eat it, force it, and if that makes you upset while you are eating it, I want you to stop and Cry. I need you to feel and let your pain to pass through you. Then I need you to finish you cheese. Remember when you don't want to finish it: Cheese Never Killed a Man. You will live through it. I promise you. Ok?
If you truly don't like any type of cheese (for example, a cottage cheese) I want you to eat an egg. But which ever you choose, I need you to stick to dairy for now. And I need you to increase your gut bacteria as you do this. You will be prompting a reaction in your bowels, forcing it to work out its own issues. Bacteria in the intestines act as a resistance, you need it for them to function properly. Think of it like the slither of a snake, they move portions of their muscles, contracting and expanding to force the forward motion. This is what bacteria does for you, it forces your intestines to not only process but also move your food through you.
You won't feel well, but it will only be for about a month. You are more Anorexic than you are allergic and if you don't make a dedicated commitment to this daily, the spirits will stop giving me information. And I say this more for an explanation for your dad than for you. They shut him down because he did not trust the information I was giving him.
This is because we, meaning you, me and the Spirit world are all are acting as part of a portal that their advice and information comes through. Portals take Energy, meaning their Strength, Time and Effort, to keep open and if you think your Required Action is an option at this point...then they (and me by default) become the only ones working, holding open a portal no one is really using. It is not us abandoning you.
It's an FYI for you and not something I actually think or hope you choose for us both. We need to get a bunch of Shit to move through you, both as a spiritual metaphor of sad emotions and in a literal 3D physical sense...I would really like to see you feeling better, you deserve to feel good.
I want you fine a quiet spot outside to sit and enjoy nature. A couple fo time a week, if not everyday for at least a 1/2 hour, and longer if you like. I want you to find some chairs with cushions that add color or or cheer, and yes, I absolutely want you to set those out in the morning when you use them and put them away when you are done for the day or bad weather. This is the same purpose as you making your bed in the morning and cutting your hair. It is you Deliberately setting up a Deliberate Environment of peace and calm to channel your feelings. Sometimes it will cause you to cry, sometimes it will bring you peace. It is our goal to keep moving the tears until the peace becomes the more permanent of the two feelings. OK?
When you are sitting outside, you can read or occupy your mind, but I want you to also Feel. Sunshine, cool/warm breezes, heat even. This is important for anyone suffering from Depression. It actually Stimulates your finer Electrical Interface from your spirit here into 3D. It is the Earth coaxing you into noticing she is working her connection to you, telling you 'This is not such a bad place to be.' When you notice a breeze, it is her sending you a noticeable Dream symbol of encouragement. You don't need to notice every little sun beam, but if your thoughts break up because a wind blows, realize you noticed it because your 3D electrical connections are working and interrupted your thoughts. We need that to happen.
Don't become discouraged, your depression will be moving even if it take a week before something more positive to moves in. I have to tell you, yours has a density to it that is heavy. This means it has ethereal type branches that leads to many different areas of your life. While that is typical and provoking, reshaping negative Dream Symbols into something more positive changes many different areas of a life all at the same Time, it also takes more Time to enact because it has that far reaching life altering effect. We are working all across the breadth of your black shadow as well as deeply into you black shadow at the same Time. It will seem more difficult for you than for E because of this type of Energetic Density.
We will be unpacking a lot.
From June 12, 2020 at 5:10 PM:
"There is an important transition your mind/body connection makes both when you leave your bed to start your day and when you get in it at night. Both Times Set your Bed in Order, it adds valuable seconds to the transition. It is a form of brief Meditation in that sets you up for a major brain transition which sends your consciousness out to explore the night safely and restoratively.
It my go unnoticed by you as you do it, but your psyche is ALWAYS aware, it is always ON. On of the types of ghostly phenomena is an 'unintelligent haunting'. It is an apparition, seemingly unaware that it is doing the same thing at roughly the same time. It is walking through the same hallway, of is seen on the same set of stairs and it is usually ID as the same spirit wearing the same clothes. You see?
The same action of you crawling into a clean, neat, welcoming bed notifies your psyche to....not to 'come get you for a dream'...but...lost my thought. "
Your psyche is the Math portion of your Black Shadow. It is much like the unintelligent haunting. It is full of facts, lacks Emotions and Personality and acts as Clock or Calendar. It is not to be confused with the 'Reptilian Brain' that is the first physical manifestation of our brains formed from our Black Shadows and it holds our First Responses, our very basic reactions that we rely on when we start to interface with our 3D environment.
Our need to suck for our nourishment as babies is stored there. Our adult kiss is a derivative of that infantile need of food. A jerk or jump reaction to loud noises, fight or flight reactions that manifest before the situation is understood and calmed, sleepy comfortable daydream states as well, are all reptilian controlled.
We never looked like our gray alien friends as we were forming into 3D, we were always a more Ethereal image of our final 3D physical body. It was an Advanced Projection of our Finished Form from our Math calculations. We were a holographic projection with a denser core of bone structure taking shape. We had an inner light source that reflected this image and we walked around as an Energetic mass with some density.
This is not unlike what your shape will be when you die. Your black shadow can convert an inner light, changing your black shadow into what Jane and Seth have called your Permanent Image. That is the same 3D DNA image you have today only untwisted as a black shadow and reflected somehow as light, not shadow. And you typically wear a bright white death rode when you show your face.
So if you were to reach out and touch someone forming a 3D body you would feel their outer skin and features as pillowy soft, dense but softly pliable, with a firmer denser center structor of bone, which would have formed as cartilage before it became bone that we know of today. If you bumped into someone it would be like bumping into a pillow. You wouldn't get hurt, but you wouldn't pass through like a ghost. And this was pre-Anunnaki Times and during their first days. I say pre-Anunnaki, because again, it is also our posthumous and pre-birth conditions too.
So your psyche is a part of your black shadow overlay, like your personality is another type of overlay. But the two mesh together within your black shadow with your psyche working as a Timer, keeping track of your black shadow dream symbol experiences, placing them in front of you when it is Time.
For us here in 3D we have Hormones that age our body, change our moods to reflect 'Time to go to work.' and we get serious, 'Time to go to sleep' we become tired, 'Time to wake up.' 'Time to take a vacation.' So your psyche is the spirit version of hormones.
But like I said it is math based and manifests itself, or communicates itself in 3D as Dream Symbols. It gives an object, like a tree for example a brighter, extra 'hit' of Energy to make it stand out or become more noticeable than it normally would. It gives an object a certain 'something' that makes it 'pop' from the rest of our vision. And I am reminded that durning my mirages, entire rooms lost Energy, and looked like mirages, only images...
Loved ones that have passed also can highlight objects like that so we think of them. My cousin who committed suicide like monarch butterflies, my aunt would see them a lot after he passed and she would talk to him knowing he was there.
So when you are tired and walk into your bedroom for sleep, I hope you notice if your well made bed has caught your attention, giving you a feeling that you can sleep completely peacefully because you enter into a restful sleep by following an orderly pattern of Math...and coincidently enough, the math formula it uses looks a LOT like a well made bed. It starts with a Square...
There is more on the pattern it follows, but I am to stop here.
But I think the unintelligent haunting is someone's psyche, not exactly left behind to haunt, though that seems to be what it is doing, but is perhaps someones favorite part of their day. A memory their spirit is having of 'I remember when I would hear our rooster every morning when I would go down for breakfast.' And someone here in 3D sees them on the steps for a couple of times. I'm just guessing here.
Have a Good Evening, and a Good Nights Sleep.
As part of my warnings to you about the Self-Aware studying her pain and finding its source. I know you guys are West Coast and perhaps still on your pretty Canadian Island. I know anger and rage are being used as the excuse for violence and that it is popping up everywhere, and is being sponsored to do so.
There is an app I want you guys to look into getting to stay informed. It starts with your county name and uses the word 'Scanner'. At least this is how it is in my area. For example if you live in Frederick County your app is called The Frederick Scanner. It's an app that monitors local police scanners and I think you guys should have it. But look into getting an app, I think this one will also send text messages to you, I need to look and check.
You could probably even get an app for surrounding counties to you especially since you are close to Seattle. I have MS-13 a half hour drive away from me, so we all have our problems. But know I myself am not expecting trouble and its nice to know when you hear sirens in your neighborhood what exactly has happened.
Just DON'T any of you get involved.
Today is is my older brothers birthday, Flag Day. He has been gone 45 years give or take a year...that is so hard to believe, because parts of his death are like yesterday in my mind and when I think of him, I haven't aged a day since then. It is the Psyche Math, which is also probably the source of my ideas about the Fountain of Youth.
I said before hormones were involved, and while I still stand 100% behind my Words and Ideas about aging, I have backed off the idea that it would happen to me, and here in this lifetime. If ever. It is probably found only in one of those posthumous hybrid 3-4D lives...
I really like that you are catching yourself when you are moving/thinking too fast. The more your catch the more it helps! I also appreciate your cooperation...you must really want that monkey off your back!
I hope you are feeling well, I know cleaning is slowing you, which is working as we want it too. When classes start, there will be pressure on you to reverse course and ignore it again. I want you to lose two activities from your schedule. And I want you to clean for 2 hours, 2 or 3 Times a week. Dishes loaded into dishwasher every day, towels hung nicely after each use, shoes neatly under the bed if that is where you keep them. The 2-3 hours are Laundry, bathrooms, vacuum/dust and more. These are pretty easy and I will offer advice when Im told. But for now, you are doing well. The real pressure will start for you when classes do.
In the mean time we are building a nice repeat for yourself. The one closet looks great too.
I think a cookout is a great idea to celebrate you first real meat! I don't want you to do that until next month at the earliest, just any or all types of dairy, and slowly at first.
Here is my first product endorsement, in honor of your cookout:
I bought this at Costco, and there is a photo of a hamburger on the bottle that I think is an Excellent First Burger for you. The recipe is on the Nonna Pias website, but the glaze is amazing and has other uses too. I think you would like it.
Cutting your hair (I heard your mom dropped something when you told her, we want her to notice you like that.), changing your diet and going through a divorce with children involved....That's A LOT of change happening all day long for you. So make sure you have that half hour to decompress, even if your are bored while you do it. That space of Time we are carving out for you will quickly fill itself in with emotion, and there will be Time when you need it there for you. Ok?
And Lastly for Everyone,
As soon as your feet hit the floor, turn around and make your bed. That sends the message to your mind that your sleep is done and your day has begun. This is you flipping a switch, putting a halt to any lingering drowsy feelings right away, then go take your showers and drink your coffee, eat your breakfast. We need that sudden start/stop switching for our brainwaves. We will be using that Action later for our more advanced experiences, our post graduate classes. Ok?
By doing that right away you are Sending your Psyche signals, telling it you are ready to talk.
Because your Actions are how you communicate to your Psyche, you are prompting it to start sending you daily dream symbols that you to either recognize or ignore. It is always a choice, but the making your bed part is a dream symbol you send back into the Universe to speak to Higher Self.
Remember how important Intentions are, when you put them into Action it is beyond discussion on your part sending clear signals and Intention to your Higher Self. After your bed is made tell yourself:
'Ok. I'm ready to talk. What do I need to know about Today?.' Then pay attention for any object, any Action, or any other Sign the Universe is Highlighting for you. See what Pops to your attention throughout your day. It is a game of sorts, it is direct communication, and it is viewed as a Dream by you and your psyche-self each of 'you' sitting at different ends of the Dimensional Spectrum talking through symbols.
It's your first lesson in becoming a Sensitive.
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