Monday, September 10, 2007

On Tal Bachman

Disclaimer: The following is an ad hominem attack on Tal Bachman. If you are Mr. Bachman, or one of his small number of ever dwindling fans, I suggest that you not read this post. I will try to be objective, but be forewarned; I do not have a lot of good things to say about this pretentious, washed-up has-been.

I don’t like Tal Bachman. I’ve read a lot of his posts, and if they are any reflection of who he really is, he must really be one pathetic son of a bitch. Am writing this because he left Mormondom? No, I can’t really say that I’m sad to see him go. Some of the nicest, coolest, warm-hearted, generous individuals I know have left the Mormon church and I have yet to launch a single ad hominem attack on them. In fact, we continue to be good friends regardless of varying religious choices. Membership in an organization is no arbiter when it comes to friendship. With that in mind, let me turn my attention to Mr. Bachman. His singular claim to fame is that he wrote and sang a hit song, “She’s So High.” As a one-hit wonder, he’s in the same category as the illustrious Right Said Fred, Vanilla Ice and Lou Bega (of Mambo No. 5 fame). I’m surprised he hasn’t starred on the Surreal Life yet. Maybe he’s holding out for a spot on Dancing with the ‘Stars’. Marie Osmond made it, why not him?

He has written a voluminous amount of material regarding his thoughts on Mormonism. I’m not sure if he intends to sound like a pretentious, holier-than-thou, pseudo-intellectual, but everything he writes is pretentious, holier-than-thou or pseudo-intellectual. Take a blog post he published a few months ago in May. He criticizes the Mormon conception of heaven and hell, but he makes himself sound like a self-satisfied jerk in the following quote (which can be found here)

“I think heaven isn't a place we go to after we die; I think it is a place we can live in everyday, if we are determined to, and perhaps, if we have a bit of luck. I think it is something we create and find here on earth...and right now. Heaven can be right now...

“I feel sad sometimes when I think of how long I lived always thinking of heaven as another place, and another time. I was too often blind to all the beauty right before me, because I was too often straining so hard to see something far, far off in the distance - which, it turns out, there is no reason to believe is even there, at least in the way I thought.

“I submit that true heaven isn't crazy stories, or distant stars, or strange names and strange clothes and strange spouses. I think it is something that we all have, within us, the power to create and experience, at least to some extent, right here and right now...”

Yeah, whatever, buddy. And with three paragraphs, he assigns those who don’t share his easy rockstar lifestyle to a hell worse than any that God proposed. What happens to those sorry souls, who, for whatever reason, don’t have ‘a bit of luck’? What happens to them? Mr. Bachman would consign them to misery and woe because they are not determined enough, I guess. Or chastise them for hoping for some kind of better existence in the next life? And what is the basis for Mr. Bachman’s faith in humankind? He claims there is no reason to believe in heaven. I agree, at least as far as objective evidence is concerned. But what evidence does he have the mankind can make a heaven here on earth? His own Shangri-La lifestyle, where his biggest complaints are that nobody in the record industry wants to hear his music? He wants to argue both sides of the fence. He has to have a reason for the distant heaven, but offers no reasons for the heaven ‘within’.

Other posts focus on his inability to talk to females in the past because of his worry about temptation. Obviously this is the Mormon church’s fault. The most common complaint I hear about this church is that it stultifies relationships between members of the opposite sex who happen to be married to other people. It would be completely illogical to assume that Mr. Bachman stultifies himself. Maybe someone should tell him that just because he feels ‘tempted’, it is highly unlikely that the person he is talking to feels the same way. When I talk to women at work or at school, I usually don’t get the impression that they are chomping at the bit to go to bed with me, regardless of how naturally charming I am. It must be a rockstar complex to think like that. Maybe Mr. Bachman should evaluate how he internalized the teachings of the Mormon church, rather than make unwarranted generalizations about the impact those teachings have on the general membership.

I think most of my invection comes from the colossal waste of time it was to read what he had written and the colossal waste of time writing this post represents. I don’t usually like (or write) ad hominem attacks, but when someone practically begs for it, can I be anything but obliging?


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C. L. Hanson said...

Regarding the question of whether this life can be a heaven even for those whose lives aren't so heavenly: this is a hotly debated topic among atheists. One of the most interesting recent discussions was over on Daylight Atheism here: On Atheist Janitors.

IRAQ said...

Yeah, I grew up with Tal just outside of Bellingham, Washington and have corresponded with Tal since he fell from better things (note his slide in personal appearance to correspond with his enlightened view of life...). It has been sad to see the change and knowing that the seven children he is responsible for have a bitter shell of a person as a father. I also note that our former Troop 12 Scoutmaster (Warren Pugh) has followed a similar acrimonious path and shares many of the same views with Tal. When talking with his confused and angry kids about their father, it turns out that he was having an affair with a former love interest. So, I am not surprised to learn that Tal talks of dealing his demons with women - probably the same issue of fornication or adultery (just guessing here).
Jesus himself, while commenting on why the wicked Pharisees would not/could not recognize the greatest Being ever to walk the Earth for what he was, called them a "wicked and adulterous generation". As an Engineer, I have tried coax the reasons why out of scripture (with no apparent success) but this I do know - that sexual sin leads to people becoming like Tal and Warren Pugh - deniers of the truth. The same occurred with Oliver Cowdery, Harris and other early figures who apostatized from the truth. All that can be done is to love them.

Tal said...

Whoever runs this blog should at least have the decency to demand that anonymous bloggers not use it as a forum for baseless and damaging personal insinuations and accusations, which, if they do not constitute bearing false witness against their neighbours, appear at least to be in the same category.

For the record, I left the Mormon church because, to my great sorrow, I discovered that its founder did not tell the truth about his experiences, and therefore, that the church he founded is not, and cannot be, what it claims to be.

There is no need (though I know how tempting it is to do so when we are still absolutely convinced we are right) to posit some other weird "cause" for people leaving, like a desire to commit adultery, take drugs, murder, rob, or what have you, any more than to do so for people who discover that the Moonies or the J Dubs aren't what they claim to be.

The Eric I once knew and admired so much would never have stooped so low as to try to tear people down publicly through anonymous innuendo. I find your comments incredibly disappointing.


Anonymous said...

I just stumbled on your blog. I find the personal attack on Tal tasteless, although you do warn readers inadvance. Worse though are the comments by "iraq" who appears to either know or once known Tal. You sir are the lowest of lows. You make baseless accusations and imply his personal appearance is related to leaving mormondum. I do hope that your children whom you so profess your love and support to, someday read your bigoted comments. Peace out...

Kikki Planet said...

I am obviously months behind the conversation but I was left so.... aghast after reading your comments on Mr. Bachman that I couldn't resist commenting.

Obviously, you are a Mormon. You state almost immediately that your "issue" with Mr. Bachman is not that he left the flock. After all, a lot of your closest friends have left the flock, or so you state. Your issue, as you present it, is his intellect and his status as a musician. I am not quite certain what one has to do with the other, or what either have to do with his leaving the church, but you use them to qualify your "ad vulgar" attack on Mr. Bachman.

One can't help but wonder if you would be so willing to attack his posts and comments as "pseudo-intellectual" were they made within the context of Mormon Doctrine. Methinks not.

Your post attacking Mr. Bachman shows your true colours, friend - and the flag you are waving is that of a religious zealot angry that finally a person of intellect, a man of some reknown has left the church and been vocal, intelligent, thoughtful and non-prosecutorial of religion in general about his reasons for departure.

As opposed to accepting this, or dealing with the actual facts of your own faulty belief system, you attack like a rabid dog and then somehow manage to place yourself above the pack. Shameless.

One can only assume that it is far easier to attack Mr. Bachman for being honest, forthright and open in his struggles with Mormon doctrine than it is to face the untruths of the LDS Church. Easier to attack a "has been rockstar" than to attack your lying, adulterous, charismatic prophet, Joseph Smith. Easier to attack Mr. Bachman than closely examine the words and teachings of that great Mormon Misogynist, Brigham Young.

I am certain you felt a sense of satisfaction in your pointless diatribe. Sure hope that sense of self satisfaction carries you through to your celestial glory.

Unknown said...

I'm not sure what the author of this blob has against Tal, because as far as I can determine there are no real reasons listed here. The author seems angry because Tal has left Mormonism. Perhaps the author should research what Tal found, or like most Mormons, are you afraid of what you might learn?

As for Tal's life after he left the church, none of it has anything to do with whether the church is true or not. The fact Joseph Smith was a pedophile who married 14 year old girls and lied through his teeth about it (and everything else) should be of more concern to you people who follow this crook as if he was Christ himself. Take a look at yourselves before you criticize.

DPC said...

Ms. Planet:

I get the feeling that you didn't read any other posts on my blog and I doubt that you would have considered me a flag-waving religious zealot (I'm not sure what you're intimating as bad, that I'm a zealot or that I'm a flag-waver).


I'm not sure what you would classify as a "real" reason. Perhaps you haven't read Mr. Bachman's drivel that he passes off as deep thinking. As a sceptic and nihilist, I don't know how Mr. Bachman can be such a smug, self-assured writer. I'm sure that these are not 'real' reasons, but then again, I'm *so* angry that Mr. Bachman left the Mormon church that I just can't think straight. The loss of a self-admitted potential suicide bomber can hardly be classified as a loss...

Anonymous said...

For Tal Bachman's description of "Heaven" it can simply mean to find good in our daily routine instead of trying to search for something and never be satisfied. I think you're a bit too tough on the guy.

Kristy T said...

I think disillusionment with one's beliefs is the most heart-wrenching experience that will colour every aspect of your life, cause you to make irrational decisions, and stir up a force of energy that needs to be directed somewhere (in this case towards his church).

I saw Tal Bachman perform at a house concert within the last year where he shared his stories. Although he demonstrated remarkable vulnerability, I could sense some masking - regardless, I was really proud of him (even as a total stranger). I've been down a path myself of disappointment and I'm kind of fond people comfortable facing their own dark side.

It takes tremendous courage to continue believing in anything after the premature loss of your beliefs and I wish him strength and hope in finding a new path past his 'bitter shell'. He may never be the same Tal, but he will return to a new normal where he will find support, acceptance, and if he's courageous enough maybe a new truth.

A note to the author: you either have never faced substantial hardships, and are therefore naive, or you are being an arrogant ass covering up for some insecurity of some sort. This is just a reaction based on one blog post where I am inferring about your character - totally hypocritical but hopefully personanally illustrative for you...

rachel anne said...

Clearly I am years behind in the conversation (if you could call it that).

This is such a disturbing post.

So much so that in the beginning I started by merely skimming your words because I didn't want to stomach witnessing that kind of senseless acid coming from one human towards another.

When I got the part with the three quotes beginning with “I think heaven isn't a place we go to after we die; I think it is a place we can live in everyday, if we are determined to....."
I started reading more carefully, as naturally I was attracted to the more positive verbiage.

I finally thought; oh well now it seems this guy actually makes sense. Maybe this blogpost actually turns around somewhere because this is not an evil person. This is a thinking, searching, caring person.

So I stopped skimming and scrolled back far enough to realize it was not your words (blog author) that I was reading, but the words of the person you are attacking.

I'm glad I found this years after you have written it, because I've seen and worked with the man and I know he is 'nothing' like what you have described. Therefore it is pretty clear that your observation skills need work and your powers of prediction are weak.

Either that or you are just jealous.

Anonymous said...

admittedly, this comment is years after the discussion has ended.

however, i felt the need to point out how ridiculous and hypocritical you sound for attacking a man for his own personal religious/spiritual journey. why are you so angry at him for not believing joseph smith's ridiculous and utterly illogical stories?? you know, the guy who claimed he LOOKED INTO A FREAKING HAT AT A STONE AND TRANSLATED GOLDEN PLATES. uh, yeah...

Anonymous said...

Interesting conversation, although I find it to be typical. Someone of faith takes a stance, only to be ridiculed and harassed by those professing the doctrine of "people can say and do anything they want to, even if you don't want to hear it, unless I don't want to hear it." This debate is broken because when people of a religious background start speaking about things in a religious context, non-believers attack from a non religious angle, which creates a huge disconnect. This author is arguing something different from what people are attacking him for. Everyone is creating a straw man argument and beating that up instead of attacking this man's points. I absolutely detest modern debate style that automatically begins with "I'm offended at your remarks," or something of that nature. To bring things to a totally emotional level is useless.

I once had a political blog that received thousands of hits in a short time. However, it was only because I manipulated the message, causing people to want to view my posts. If the message was positive for their candidate, people liked it and would read it. If it was negative and logical (even the same candidate) people hated it and wouldn't read it. And the few supporters who did read the negative articles would only do so to attack it. It showed me that in order to get readers and hits,a message must be manipulated to reader satisfaction. This blog does not do that; therefore, people will not read it, be offended, and attack its message because it differs their own beliefs...which is exactly what all the hypocrites are doing when they attack this blogger. "You shouldn't attack someone who doesn't believe what you believe." Isn't that attacking someone who doesn't believe what you believe? Pure rubbish.

Anonymous said...

What a load of horse fertilizer. The op obviously is jealous that Mr Bachman had the courage to say and do what he felt was right and just.

Everyone has the right to express themselves but only God has the right to judge.

My advice to the op, get off your high horse and find a way to get this years old blog post off the net buddy.

Melissah said...

If y'all were years behind wonder what I am, no jokes please,my mind already flung enough zingers at me for being "behind" I just wanted to keep this going, no, actually I was reading every comment until that inner voice screamed, "Next!" I wanted to say what I was suprised that no one else thought... or if they did, they never said. well, I am not brave, I am just so far behind that it looks like I am ahead, ok, ok... did anyone else think the writting style was quite Talish (New word alert!) And, I felt like either I was far stupider or something was missing...

Anonymous said...

Well, hm. This was written years ago...Nevertheless, I do have something valid to add to this discussion.

You see, there are some accusations flung around here regarding Mr. Bachman (some valid, most not) and I wonder why anyone would bother to fabricate anything, when the truth is far more devastating.

Rather than cheat on his wife, Tal has the opposite problem. He is actually concerned he may have low testosterone, as it's hard for him to, shall we say, get it up.

And he's a tax cheat. As a dual citizen of the United States and Canada, Mr. Bachman owes taxes to both countries that he has never paid. He hasn't paid one red cent to the United States from all of his earnings on his one nearly forgotten hit. He's also avoided years of taxes in Canada. Now, it would be a real shame, wouldn't it, if someone were to report him to the proper authorities for tax evasion and tax fraud. Those proper authorities would be the Internal Revenue Service and the Canada Revenue Agency, both of which maintain an anonymous tip line specifically for such information. You know, if anyone were inclined to report Mr. Bachman.

As for the lying, the back-stabbing and the constant mind-numbing self-absorbtion, they just come with the territory and are the price you've got to pay if you know him. So, really, calling him what he is, an impotent tax fraud, is FAR more effective than fabricating half-truths, as some have done here. Don't you think?

And by the way, Mr. Bachman, if you're thinking of coming after me for saying this, it would do you well to remember that truth is an absolute defense against the charge of libel. Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

I am so sick of Tal Bachman defenders and sycophants who just rattle off anti Mormon crap as if THEY personally were there in Smith's life and time or are SO certain that Bachman MUST know the truth. He just joined the bandwagon of mis info like so many others who were so quick to run with info in a few books. None of us were there, none of us can do anything but read other's words and assign belief or disbelief to them. For such , so called, intellectuals, you all are so stupid. You strain at a gnat.. Tal Bachman has made a shambles of his marriage and his children's lives because his super ego ruled. I agree with other posters that his drivel has been lauded by his sycophants long enough. Use your gut instinct and brains, people. Don't just follow blindly these con artists. You are no better than the people in Mormonism you complain about.

Anonymous said...

I imagine his tax lawyer friend, Bob Mc Cue, who is also an ex Mormon has told TB how to dodge paying his taxes. If so, perhaps Bob Mc Cue has over stepped the mark as a tax lawyer. Worth looking into perhaps? I would imagine that Mc Cue would only tell legal strategies to avoid tax but these cronies might need to disclose that information if they want to avoid looking like hypocrites. As for Smith being a so called pedophile, as someone, probably Tal under a fake name, put on here, TB says he is looking for a nice girl to wed. At his age, I hope no "girl" would want to come under his spell. It would smack of pedophilia to many of us if he weds any woman who is much younger than him.

Anonymous said...

Hi. I'm the "Anonymous" that (correctly) posted about Tal being a tax cheat. (He is.) As regards dating younger women, Tal does prefer them, but it's really Brigham, his brother, that's the one who dates truly underage girls. Again, this is just a fact, not libel or sensationalism. Brigham prefers them high school age -- around 16 years old, as one former fling of his was.

I think Tal would prefer to have a harem of women, actually; he's said as much privately, and this is why he's so attached to preening for his hoard of female Facebook followers.

As for Bob McCue, I think Tal has managed to alienate him, as he has many of his former friends. You see, no one sticks around him for very long. Whether it's because he talks about them behind their back (he talks about everyone behind their backs) or because they get sick of his overwhelming selfishness is anyone's guess, but no one ever maintains a close relationship with him for very long. So it's not McCue advising him, but rather his Victoria-based Easter European accountant, who does pro bono work for Tal so he can name-drop Tal as his client.

Again, these are just the facts...

Anonymous said...

I find it hugely ironic that Tal bleats about being so badly used on here. The anonymous bearing false witness, etc. when he does not espouse such a biblical concept, surely? It seems that these biblical things only have meaning when applied against him and his actions. For the poster who said the moderator seems angry just because Tal left the Mormon church, o, no! He has been so cruel and hateful to so many since 2004 that he deserves to take a lot of flack for that alone.He has used phony names to leave spiteful comments all over the place. Karma is a bitch, isn't it, Tal?

Anonymous said...

Well this sure seems like a fun place to be so I will put in my two cents - getting to know Tal as a facebook friend I witnessed one of the most interesting, confused, authentic individuals. I forced him to speak to me because I wanted to know if what I observed was accurate and in the time I connected with him the best description I have is, he is sweet. Surprisingly sweet. When I challenged or called him on some of his very imaginative/creative but rather harsh writings, he took it very well because by then, he had grown up and wised up as we all do. Anyone here slamming Tal is for sure #1 - jealous of his ability to be so authentic and real considering the rock royalty status of his father 2) jealous of his deep thought and deep need to express it which he does extremely well 3) jealous of his pure musical talent and ability to write good songs all the while dusting the bullshit fame game. I grew to respect the guy and always will so please: to the author -- take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself how you came to be such a jealous, unempowering, obsessive soul wrapped up in a ridiculous attempt to make Mormonism attractive -- you're just plain weird to bother and who cares about his brother, father, your inciting a lost cause and you look and seem like well, just jealous, beyond measure.

Anonymous said...

What a joke the jealousy comment is. Those of us who really know him, and we do, don't fall for the sweet Tal that you obviously have. Yes, I think he has had to grow up. You can trust me when I say that none of us who have posted here are in the least bit jealous of Tal Bachman.

Anonymous said...

Well I'm super relieved then that your not jealous - just a bunch of weird, back stabbing tattle tails who consider themselves both judge and jury whose families, lives and pasts are perfection - well done!

Anonymous said...

Wow, unbelievable. As the "Anonymous" who keeps posting FACTS about Tal, I'm not really sure why the anonymous "Tal Facebook Friend" would think *I'm* jealous. Jealous of what, exactly? Frankly, I'm SICK of hearing him and his racist comments towards, well, everyone who is not white. Whether it's calling Black people "porch monkeys" or shouting "MOTHER AFRICA" every time he sees a Black woman -- and let's not even get into what he calls/thinks about Mexicans -- I'm GLAD I'm not him, not jealous of him.

You're a "Facebook friend". You DON'T know him. You've never seen his OTHER side. You've only seen what he WANTS you to see. Eventually, sweetie, there will come a day when he will cut you off like he never knew you. I've seen it happen a million times. When he's gotten whatever it is he needs from you and now treats you like a stranger, remember this. Until then, you're just playing into his narcissistic fantasy.

Anonymous said...

Ok Factsman, this is the thing - Tal cannot benefit from a single thing I say or do, we became fb friends because of real, mutual friends. Those people are all large in the music industry so are you large in the music industry? Do people playing at sold out shows invite you on stage to sing the song that inspired their career? Very likely a resounding NO. Have you ever bared your soul and displayed so much vunerability knowing full well you will be ostersized to the max - another resounding NO -- Tal is raw and on the side of a Snowden in terms of exposing untruths etc. As for racism - free speech, free will and all that good stuff so let me be clear -- my view and subsequent defense of Tal is based on his reactions not his actions - it what he didn't do and could have or did do and didn't have to that makes him a higher evolved human than anyone here or anyone who uses the internet to trash celebrities - I find it a sick game you all play and this blog should be removed.

Anonymous said...

Okay, "Facebook Friend," it's time for you to have a Logic 101 crash course, since you obviously skipped that class at your community college:

1. Facts are facts, regardless of who says them. You see, whether I am in the music industry, or not in the music industry, does not impact the FACT that Tal has fraudulently and repeatedly cheated on his taxes and should be serving jail time for doing so. My career also does not impact the FACT that Tal is a racist. Can you understand that who I am or what I do have no bearing on FACTS about Tal? The two things are entirely separate.

If I'm a veterinarian, or a barista, or a schoolteacher, none of that has any bearing on the truth of Tal and his criminal tax avoidance. I don't understand why you want to attack the messenger -- and why you think being a musician is somehow a "get out of jail free card" that allows one to do or say whatever they want.

2. I don't understand how Tal and his "Dr. Love" Facebook posts rise to the level of Edward Snowden exposing the NSA. Please enlighten me.

3. I find it interesting that you passionately defend Tal when I call him out on his racism or tax avoidance by invoking "free speech," but then demand that this blog -- which is also free speech -- should be taken down. Care to explain why Tal should be afforded the ability to backbite friends and strangers alike, but we cannot state ACTUAL FACTS about him without you going into full protection mode and making unreasonable demands for its removal? How is his right to free speech somehow better than ours?

The rest of your diatribe is just plain ridiculous. Hear me now: you might have a knee-jerk hatred of me at the moment, but someday, something will happen between you and him that will prove all of us who are trying to warn you right. We are trying to tell you that he is not the person you think he is. I'm sad for you if you don't at least allow some part of yourself to accept that you don't know everything there is to know about him, and that the things you DO know are what he wants you to know.

You're just seeing what you want to see. I'm sure Tal, with his studies of the mind, will agree that tendency is human nature. Just remember we warned you when Tal inevitably kicks you to the curb in a few years' time.

Anonymous said...

You see this is why this is funny - Tal is likely completely unaware I am even involved here and he would never expect me to even waste my energy, however, why should I trust your information as being 'fact'?? In respect to a likeness of Snowden - Tal risked a great deal to expose the Mormon church for he deemed as a higher good just as Snowden exposed the NSA for mass surveillance since he believed in greater good. I would bet money you believe Snowden is a traitor. All that aside you somehow think that Tal has influence on my conviction that slamming someone in this public domain is cruel - he holds no influence whatsoever and has been the target of enormous critisism so I doubt this impacts him in any way -- moreover he has a life and likely does not care what you all think anyhow. I knew the concept of what he did not do rather than what he does do would throw you for a loop since it is a bit too esoteric for your type so you did prove me correct there. As for freedom of speech - that's a fantasy - my biggest concern for Tal throughout all of his writings was the risk he was willing to take and how reckless it seemed at the time, particularly to his image and perception of -- another concept you likely don't get. Anyhow, factsman -- stick to your facts and know only that 'truth' is your truth only, it does not actually mean it is true.

Anonymous said...

Factman - I just realized your American. You should come to Canada and see how forgiving, cool and uninterested Canadians are in your 'guess you missed logic 101 in community college' name calling to other races (we built the tunnels so they could escape you) and your deep concern for a musician not able to figure out dual taxes, dual residency and dual citizenship. Also, stop acting like "we're all trying to save you from Tal" as though you have some concern for me which you do not, at all. Fake and phony bullsitting americans - shoulda known. - the worst of the worst - no wonder Tal had to get out of that warped Utah state full of pedaphiles so take your concern for me and shove it right up where Alaska can't find -- your arrogance is what has irked me the most but now it all makes sense --

Anonymous said...

I'm Canadian myself. I don't know what the blog owner is. I can tell you as a Canadian that Mr. Bachman will have to go a long way to get forgiveness from the many people he has trodden over and insulted since 2004. This man has a negative and nasty streak in him that I guess he has not shown to you. That is obvious because if he had you would not be standing up for him. Many of us Canadians have been abused by his childish wrath/pity me parties and we are sick of him and his lies. You say he exposed the Mormon church, I think he did little damage. He was just another bandwagon hopper that thought he would obtain glory at any price. His wife knew his real character and she divorced him. I don't care if this blog owner is American or from the moon.

Anonymous said...

And what would be the other side of the story - you know, the one where the accused gets to say his piece?? How many of you have used Tal to get to his Dad? Perhaps that's what he was reacting to. I do not care who/what Tal does - there is not a single thing you can tell me to change my opinion of him and there is not one single benefit to defending him - I am a standup type when someone is unfairly trashed and cannot defend himself reasonably and based on the blog disclaimer within. Factman - I do not believe you are Canadian, lots of Americans pretend to be Canadian but I know from your language what and who you are - I spent lots of time in the US so don't bother - also, I'm super bored with this conversation now so good luck and I will think about what an empowering kind person you are and how sorry I am Tal was unkind to you - really, I will. Peace out

Anonymous said...

I am not Fact man.I AM Canadian. None of us used Tal to get to his father. We have no need to. There are more than one anons on here. Tal Can post a rebuttal on here any time he likes. If he can refute the clams against him, let him do so.Nobody is stopping him.

Anonymous said...

Ok Anon, just for you I will take a moment and enlighten you - no one on this planet worships rock stars more than the US so to use a brother, son , distant relative to get close to one is quite plausible. You churn them out as baby faced disney characters, manipulate, convince and connive to box them up, provide them with handlers and market them with the same emotion as you do widgets. Now, you say your Canadian and there are other anon responding to what I am saying -- most of you are referring to events from 2004 -- 2004 people!! Do you realize that was 9 years ago?? You are all very petty and believe yourselves somehow better so I guess I just assumed you were American. Don't get me wrong - I have great friends in America but Hawaii only since I don't really consider it a US state. Now, you want to draw Tal here to argue with you - I will say this - Tal is much smarter than me but I am basic and blunt so my message get heard loud and clear, he prefers a more judicial type of conversation and debate - I don't debate, I'm here to irritate this blogger enough so he takes this blog down but if he does not at least someone has spoken with some understanding of what motivates Tal as well as put forth another view so you can know that in 9 years he is quite obviously not the same person. If he knew I was writing this though - he would not be impressed - he stands on his own and can fight his own battles so please get off your computer, get off this blog and stop talking about someone that did something offensive 9 years ago - and as for the American anons here -- focus on your own country and the deep need for you to rebuild your own country, rebuild world trust, and rebuild every bridge you have burnt - you spend way too much time critical of everyone and every other country -- start purchasing all those abandoned homes all over your states and rebuild communities - your in trouble man, can't you see that?? Good luck, you will all need it.

Anonymous said...

People- Tal is not here anymore. He is now known as,
" Ian Starglow."
Ian, is a mix of Julian from the Trailer Park Boys and Russell Brand.
just an fyi

Anonymous said...

Now that, is adorable. 'Ian Starglow' eh. You look hawt with a cigarette for some strange, probably perverted reason -
And so, I rest my case. Talk about being in your element and perfect outlet ,,, Nice work Tal & I hope the TV show morphs into a series etc ,,,

Anonymous said...

So clearly 'adorable' is the complete incorrect term to describe this character -- quite hilarious is more accurate but very clever is even better ,,, so your audience will need to also be half intelligent as well so they don't assign the things you say, to your true identy, risky business there starglow but I doubt you would do it any other way right --

Anonymous said...

There is something very odd and deceptive about this blog, like why was this conversation started up again a few months ago after no conversation for a year? The blogger hasn't written anything since 2011 and everyone has become silent.Its twisted, like the Ian Starglow character who may see this as a marketing tool for his cause. Should have told you long ago I've been a PI for years which is why we could not click. True story. If this conversation was created for marketing purposes then your not nearly as smart as I thought and the fact that deception will always be revealed and will always be ones fall has still not been realized. It is that, that is truly disappointing.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for proving all your haters on here correct and know this - this character your playing is career suicide - not sure who told you istarglow is a good idea except for that voice in your head - even the journalists and friends you recruited appear extremely uncomfortable once confronted with your true objective which is to come off as superior - your only hope now is to announce your entry into rehab, humble yourself completely and hope people forget what you have said because istarglow and tb are one in the same, not mutually exclusive as you had hoped. Too bad since it actually would have been funny if you portrayed the character rather that replaced yourself with this character - dual personality is not really attractive considering all the other hang ups.

Anonymous said...

Holy - must be weird to have someone beat you at your own game. Obviously there were only 2 people having a conversation here but deception thought it would appear to be several - sound familiar?? Hope this give you pause and cause to think about who, what and where you trash and burn.

Anonymous said...

So, what I want to know is-
have all the Bachman kids been adopted by Ian Starglow?

Anonymous said...

that's cute -- tb is an entertainer afterall so kiddies would understand he is entertaining the general public but tb is an entertainer slash philosopher slash solomon-like relgious researcher slash writer slash divorcee slash etc and so all that has been communicated through the vebicle of a sudo/alter ego could have been done without antiquated stereo typical brit punk drunk but what the fuck do I know eh

Anonymous said...

I bet it was all Enoch's idea. This is working well for you, Tal. How many other alter egos have you got out there? What comes after the brit if he doesn't play well? A Russian rocker?

Anonymous said...

This is very true and since things always do seem to work out well for Tal he could find himself riding a ten speed on the Pat Bay Highway and embracing life on $1 a day so he can learn all about those he has disdain for - that would be a great character for Sir Talmage -

Anonymous said...

I think it's time this entire dialogue just stops. We all have dark and light sides and no one should sit in judgement of anyones choices -- live and let live and all that -- this is not even meaningful anymore, to anyone. The name of the blog should be enough to not want to even step in here - yuck.

Anonymous said...

It's a bit like the Bachman Curtain, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe what I am reading. I hope that I never end up harboring such anger and disgust for another human being like you have demonstrated here.

For what it is worth, Tal has been a very good friend to me. Get over your obsession with Tal, dude.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Total Idiot said...

My attention was drawn once again to this blog this morning by a friend who (I assume) found it by accident. Reading some of the more recent comments, I felt again shocked by the virulence and, I must say, unfairness and falsity, of the personal attacks.

My question is:

Given that I have never asked anyone to take my word for it that, whatever other good things Mormonism might be, it cannot possibly what it claims, what are the personal attacks for? What is their purpose?

Even if they were true, what would that have to do with whether the founder of Mormonism told the truth or not? My suggestion is: obviously, nothing.

And if nothing...what is their point?

What is the answer to that?

The bullet point of my journey out of Mormonism is very simple:

1.) I was as devout a Mormon as I think I ever could have been - and I think that every honest person who knew me well as a Mormon would attest to that. I married an angel I adored; had eight amazing kids; and thought I would live the rest of my life as a happy, dedicated, devout Mormon;

2.) My then-wife and I discover (late 2003) that Joseph Smith was not a reliable source of information about himself. The false Book of Mormon claims, the plates stories, the First Vision stories, the Kinderhook Plates fiasco, the Pearl of Great Price smoking gun, Joseph Smith's nauseating personal add it all up, and - there is no way out for Mormonism. It might be a million great things; it just can't be what it claims. And for true believers like we were, that was devastating;

3.) Our senses of identity, belonging, purpose, everything, was rocked; and to my horror, even my marriage and family began to rock under the strain. I tried to keep everything together - my wife, my kids, myself, all of us together, intact and happy, as we always had been...I found us counselors, tried attending different churches together, tried initiating new family projects, read dozens of books on relationships, etc.; and in the end, I failed;

4.) My ex and I separated in 2008, and finally divorced this past spring. Most of that time, I felt devastated and heartbroken about our break-up. And when you can't feel anything deep for anyone else, because you can't stop pining for the family and woman you once had, and you can't stop trying to figure out how to put it all back together again...that's not "low testosterone". That's called *mourning*; sorrow; regret; loss. There has never been anything wrong with my testosterone levels; that would have been easy to fix. The problem was a lot worse: there was something wrong with my soul. It felt broken, and I couldn't find a way to fix it.

It is only now, this year, that I have begun to feel like myself again.

By the way, since this is a public blog, I want to make clear that I wish my ex nothing but the very best on her journey, wherever it takes her. I'll always cherish all the great times we had together.

But now, those days are gone, and it is time to move forward - for my kids, my ex, and me. I hope (but don't expect) that the anonymous posters who have delighted so much in malice, seemingly just for malice's sake, will respect that. But that is up to them.

Anonymous said...

I can not speak for the other posters but I will be as clear as I can for my last post here.
Mr. Bachman is disliked so much by so many, not because he left the Mormon church,he is disliked because of all the vile insults he hurled at people who would not agree with him. The countless posts and emails that called others stupid in every way possible because they refused to agree with him.You Bachman defenders do not know how vitriolic and nasty Mr. Bachman really is.
If he has changed and moved on, that's good, but he has hurt so many people that none of us are just going to roll over and forget it.
As the blog owner said, it is because he was one mean son of a bitch!

If you are now changed, good luck to you but don't mask your past nasty behavior with the "why I left the Mormon church" thing.

If you want this blog ended, contact the blog owner and live a life being kind and considerate of people who don't have to agree with your views.

Anonymous said...

The times in my life when I was walking through hell I was very unpleasant to deal with - trust in the human race was non existent and the backbiting players I thought were my friends turned out to be playing two cards and consistently were motivated by jealousy and greed purely. When disagreeing with evidence found out in discovery, they named me every nasty label you could think of - that's what has happened here - you want Tal to acknowledge he was vile while in the throngs of a personal hell -- your expectation is derived from a lack of compassion or outright inablility to conceive compassion. Give credit where credit is due and stop having any expectations at all - then there is no need to trash someone behind their backs on a very warped and dark blog by a very warped and dark blogger so called lawyer not even close philosopher as this blogger is while he imitates an intellect. Try compassion, it's proven to be the best medicine for humanity - thanks.

Kayla Jensen said...

Wow, I am sorry I cannot write as eloquently as most of you but I have to say something here. Tal has been an amazing friend to me and helped me through some very difficult times. Whenever I had a friend who needed someone super smart with some great advice, he was there to help. He has always been there to help me and many around me. I had the pleasure of meeting his ex wife and his children last year. All very nice. It makes me very sad that the posters that had negative things to say about Tal, truly do not know his heart. I do. I love him like a Brother. I have seen many sides of him and it is really tragic that you would tear apart such a sweet soul who has been through so much and still risked his life to help others. If you don't know what Tal did pre-1999. I am sorry that you don't you don't know much. Anyway, I am not here to argue, I know that if you argue with an idiot, you get beat with experience. Now, I am not saying that the Blogger or negative posts are completely idiots, just perhaps grossly misinformed. Peace to all. Kayla Jensen

Anonymous said...

People, Tal is the lawyer. He has written several posts on here. He's playing you all.

Anonymous said...

Tal is not the author of this blog - if I came upon a website like this,about myself, I would play here too. The man has 8 children - playing here is child's play,,,it doesn't even fall under deceit since the premise of this blog is to destroy his crediability - I would classify the role as clever and self-preserving as well as good subject material for a book or playright --players do get played,,

Anonymous said...

Years ago I met a young man on a flight to Hawaii. He was on his way to Brigham Young University campus on Oahu.
He was only 18 and I was 23 but he was quite worldly and very polished.
He had a command on the doctrines of Mormonism and was so passionate I couldn't help being impressed even if the religion itself was of no interest.
He had such a desire to help the world, a profound calling and nothing could come between him and that calling.
I would have been considered a type of temptation but he never judged my lifestyle.
If that is what Mormonism produces of young men and probably produced in Tal, then good on them - they provided and cultivated the foundation for a respectable young man.
The military provides similiar training - not a bad idea for rambunctious young men with only time on their hands.
Naturally people change but foundations never cease or dissolve within a person.
Tal admission of being a very devout Mormon I have no doubts about.
Visiting my friend at that campus were all highly engaged young people keen to change the world.

This blog has nothing to do with either of these facts making it confusing as to why it exists at all.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad this is over. It is truly stunning to see what happens when humans harbour hate, have unrealistic expectations or find themselves in the world of being celebrated by virtue of family and a catchy tune recorded 15 years ago. What a mess. Life should be much simpler than this. All the best.

Anonymous said...

Yes well to my horror (moreso than the horror Tal supposedly felt when realizing Mormonism was fake)that he does actually get off on setting up fake names, keeping even a blog like this going to keep himself relevent and promote his new project and generally use the people as tools to advance an agenda. At first it was just a hunch.
Now though, it is just fact as certain software and evidence can reveal.
1)The entire Mormon story is bullshit - ask how Catholics felt when Priests were identified as pedo's nah we weren't shocked - fuck , what is wrong with you??

2)Your manipulative ways have caught up with you and can be summed up with Ian Starglow who has confused and distorted what started out as possibly a good show.

3)Yes you are definately not what I thought and not worth the moments spent here. Saying your spiritual now and actually living spiritually are two different things. Good God man, you initiated a conversation under a fake name with someone who was defending you against people who were actually you???

4) Please review the ramifications of this action, it would take one cold son of a bitch to do such a thing and from what I gather, you are one cold son of a bitch.

Anonymous said...

And Tal always manages to get in "why I left the Mormon church". Won't he ever shut up! You're not a child, Tal. Grow up already.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Bachman is pretending again. Poor spelling, cursing. Another fake post from the delusional master. Thinking he's gradually reeling some one in, for his own enjoyment. As always, he insults our intelligence.
Let's see you take this blog down. You know you can at any time.We won't even shed a tear.

Anonymous said...

The bare bone facts are, he turned the wife he adored into a baby machine and now she is a single mother of 8 children but that is his MO and trickery is the only thing he knows. Sadly, it is masked with fake humility (I tried to keep the family together and failed) NO SHIT Sherlock.

Anonymous said...

For those of you that don't 'get' how this works Tal has something called Facebook Admin or a ghostwriter or a wingman -- whichever you call it these people set up fake names and sctually circle those who question statements he makes - they are bullies/cyber freakshow so thanks to people like Tal blogs and facebook are simply unsafe because of fraud - the fraud they engage in continuously. Tal - be a man for once and take this blog down so we can all forget about the time we spent defending you against yourself. You got caught this time from the moment I came into play - why - your cocky and underestimate the intelligence and connections of other people. You also underestimate how many people want to see you crash - they do.
I hope for your sake you give up acting (your not good at it) and focus on family and create a real life, live a real life. No one and I mean no one cares about your Mormon history - if you are a certain age, we all have had experience with one of the religions - you act as though yours was actually important - it wasn't and you let your obsession, possession destroy the only thing that mattered - family. Focus on the talent you do have, hardwired into your dna, leave social media for good (your not good at that either)and live the life your father can be proud of and won't find himself always having to explain 'talmage rage' --- take responsibility for your life for a change so your children can be proud of you also. Please do this - the gig is up.

Anonymous said...

Ethics People - the one thing lacking in every post here: fundamental ethics.

Places with such skewed ethics are best avoided while the pursuit of of obtaining a high level of personal and professional ethics is a happy path.

Good bloggers, philosophers, leaders know this. Peace to you.

Anonymous said...

I forgot how much I enjoy being right, and on so many levels.
I am truly sorry to have had to be so harsh and rampage on the only two people here but it was necessary.
You both needed a stark lesson in ethics and the only thing you both have in common is the healthy ego that has seen you through this and will see you through your new phase of the journey.
Eventually it will all become crystal clear and you will know, I did you a bigger favour than anyone else around you who cater to your wims and feed your egos.
Your welcome.

Anonymous said...

Last anon____what on earth are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

As of April 19, 2013 the only poster here was Tal and his ghostwriter. Promoting his new project as alter ego Ian Starglow was the only purpose in getting this blog going again.
This was proven through forensics (going backward and observing dates of blog entries) as well as comparative writing styles.

This blogger has not been on line here himself since 2011 - this is the only active blog within all the writing he has done - it became obvious something was peculiar about it if you know anything about fake profiles, cyber bullying and games people play.

People playing in this murky cyber world are playing with ethics because they have none - this blog in particular was set up to get a script together for Ian Starglow - inciting both those who dislike Tal and those who supported him.

Excellent material to create the character.

Hope this clears things up for you Anon above but I really could not care less - i have no love for ethically bankrupt people no matter who they are.

Anonymous said...

Anon - I actually find it amusing that the entry you ask 'what on earth are you talking about' is the entry that confused you - as though the entire blog starting from about September 1 was not bizarre enough.

It's obvious the writers here are actors?? The language, writing styles and blatant innuendo makes this obvious.

Bringing this truth to light was a personal goal for me and so it has been done, summed up in the final entry you seem to find bewildering. LOL

Ilona said...

Seriously? Tal created fake names for this blog?

Come on. Talk about being paranoid. Get help.

Anonymous said...

'friend' or 'fan' ahhh yes ,, one of his biggest fans - great insight, thanks.

Polly said...

I have known Tal for many years. I rarely listen to rock music, so when I met Tal, I had no idea that he and his father are well known rock musicians... nor does it matter to me. I also know his ex-wife and his children as well.

As a once believing, fully committed, born in covenant, now ex-Mormon, I completely understand Tal's departure from Mormonism. Tal and I had very similar exiting experiences and I have been very appreciative of his ability to put into words the trauma one feels when your world view is shattered by the truth. He has skillfully exposed the often ludicrous side of a religion I have come to consider a cult.

Like Factman, I have seen, and been on the receiving end of Tal's mean, rude, hurtful side, and from my perspective, most of Factman's account of Tal is true. I would submit, though, that his tax evasion was more a result of chaotic disorganization and gross procrastination rather than intent.

I also do not see Tal as a racist, rather, he tries to pass racist comments off as humour. He would argue that he and his friends that do this with him are actually making fun of *true* racists. Much to his chagrin,I don't see the humour in it. I have publicly and privately taken him to task for these types of comments, as well as for his flare for insults,and for his misogynist comments... especially his critique of women's bodies.

Having known Tal as a good friend for many years I have also seen him heartbroken and in the depths of despair facing the loss of his marriage. Like Ilona and the other women defending Tal (Hi Ilona, I thought that was you posting here)I have seen Tal's vulnerable, kind, thoughtful, sweet side... and what these women say of him is also absolutely true! He is most often kind, expressive, intelligent, and incredibly interesting.

I believe that when you truly love a friend, a family member, a spouse... you learn to accept the more difficult, imperfect side of the people you love along with the beautiful, uplifting, and loving side. I think Ilona once said it well...

"Tal is perfectly imperfect!"

Anonymous said...

@Polly - your writig shows class and anyone whom you deem a friend should be grateful to have you as such.

To be fair, Tal should be considered one of the 'good guys' and smart enough to write meaningful music, while recognizing the pure dysfunction of the music industry through the vehicle of Ian Starglow.

I would say he is naive in expectaions and responses - a bit childlike.

Life is hard enough without having the internet right there to trash your every move simply because you were born into a celebrated family who, it appears, took great strides to shelter him through religion.

At the end of the day though, none of this is important aside from providing a glimpse into the wacked world of these industries from a micro point of view.

Tal has helped everyone see how utterly ridiculous it is to worship and create idols out of musicians - firefighters and first responders should have stars on the walk of fame with musicians playing music celebrating them - not the other way around so he can take some credit for that.

Polly said...

Well....thank you, Anonymous, I appreciate your compliment. :)

Tal has worked extremely hard on his Starglow project. He has brought to life this hilariously, charismatic character on a very tight, shoestring budget. He mostly ad-libs his lines which truly highlights his intelligence, quick wit, and natural, comedic genius.

Like almost any performer and artist, Tal would hope to get the publicity and backing to turn his project into a viable, income producing production. There's a real possibility there, but, as I would think anyone in the performing arts would attest to, it takes a lot of work to make that happen. Clandestinely keeping some obscure blog going would not significantly contribute to that. He certainly has better things to do with his time.

I'm not sure that Tal is trying to make any real social statement with the Starglow character... the fact is, he would probably love to be worshiped and idolized! lol And he knows he can provide for his family while doing that, so all the better. I say...all the more power to him!

Anonymous said...

Polly - normally I would agree with most of what you have said but I worked in an invesstigative field for years where I can tell you unequivocally, people you least expect, have strange behaviours behind closed doors.

I doubt this blog will impact on the success or non success of the Starglow character but I believe to be successful it has be that - a character. The formula strikes as just off somehow.

Regarding worship etc, humans should not worship other humans period - and the ones that actually are worthy of some type of admiration are all dead.

Performers are necessary to the world, I agree, but I have never met one worthy of worship, feeling intimidated by, or wishing I was them - ever.

I refuse to judge though, just observe -- Tal deserves all he puts out there, agreed, and I personally will always wish him well.

Anonymous said...

Now is a good time to end the toxicity of this blog by saying this;

Personal economics should not replace personal ethics.

The universe responds to a persons 'intent' only - nothing else matters.

All paths lead to the same place; self awareness and truth

The truth is: true happiness comes from empowering others.

To those who participated with this blog, to the author, to Tal -no one deserves to have a nasty blog dedicated to them, least of all, Tal so consider deleting it -it's easy to do.

2014 is the year to do great and rightful things and I hope that's what everyone does -- the end.

Anonymous said...

No one deserves a nasty blog devoted to them, least of all, Tal? He has devoted many hours writing nasty things about other people. Why should he be exempt?

Anonymous said...

Ian Starglow is hilarious and quirky funny! How could anyone not find that really funny lighten up! good for you Tal ignore the humorless that lurk on the internet

DPC said...

Pilate answered, What I have written, I have written.

John 19:22

Anonymous said...

DPC- did you just use a bible quote to justify writing a blog about someone you do not know, have never met but feel confident enough as a philosopher to incite hatred against?
At least Tal took a moment here to give a birds eye view of his life during the time you focused on the most in your analogy of again, someone you have never met.

Please re-read virtues and 7 seven deadly sins phase of your storybook that developed your evolved view of the world.
You are indeed wrapped up in pride, anger, lust, temperance, greed and sloth more than likely.

I feel bad for you.

Polly said...

DPC - Ad hominem either positive or negative, is a logical fallacy. Any real philosopher would know that.

DPC wrote - "He {Tal} claims there is no reason to believe in heaven. I agree, at least as far as objective evidence is concerned. But what evidence does he have the mankind can make a heaven here on earth?

"He wants to argue both sides of the fence. He has to have a reason for the distant heaven, but offers no reasons for the heaven ‘within’."

I find it interesting that, aside from your personal attacks, your only "doctrinal" attack on Tal is for holding an idea that has been the focus of Mormon doctrine and expounded on in length by almost every Mormon "Prophet" since David O. McKay... that is.... the idea that within each of us is the ability to experience the peace and joy of heaven here on earth.

You agree with Tal that there is no evidence for and no reason to believe in the Mormon heaven... or any heaven for that matter. And yet, you state that, for some undefined reason, we must maintain the illusion of heaven for all those "sorry souls" consoling them in the hope, albeit an admittedly false hope, that perhaps the next life will be better than this? By maintaining the illusion of heaven, are you not, in a sense, robbing the "sorry souls" of their ability to exercise their own free will? By maintaining the illusion of some far off heaven are you not robbing them of their desire to "create" a better life - even a heaven - for themselves in the here and now?

Mormon doctrine, even the hymns they sing decry this complacency... "Then wake up and do something more than dream of your mansions on high!"

I believe that one of the more positive aspects of Mormon doctrine is that people have to *work* for their place in Mormon heaven. If one truly, and humbly, applies that process of self improvement and development there is the potential to actually become a well rounded, good person improving on their peace, joy, and lot in life. In a very real sense,and in accordance with Mormon belief, people can create their own bit of heaven on earth.

Tal has the faith in himself to create his own heaven on earth, and encourages others to do likewise. The Mormon "Prophets" teach that we are the offspring of God himself, with the potential to become like Him, and endowed with God's divine attributes we have the potential to experience heaven on earth.

My question, DPC, as a practicing Mormon, where is your faith in your religion, in humankind, and in yourself?

Anonymous said...

Who ever said that DPC does not know Tal Bachman? Also, this is not about the Mormon church, this is about Tal's nastiness to other people catching up with him.

Anonymous said...

This is the most boring piece of literature I have ever read.
Move on

Anonymous said...

C'mon Tally Ho don't play into this stuff they write here
we already know your a mean son of a b***h brotha, that's why we love ya.
These folks here are confused now lets git goin and ignore all this mess here and now cause we have some business to do in the here and now. everyone knows heaven and hell are here.


Anonymous said...

ahhh -- super touching that the ian starglow formula has been changed up so as not to be related to 'its' creator, tal.
Shouldn't you thank your responders here for showing you the way on that or did you realize the formula could not work all by yourself?
Research could not turn up the article that instigated this blog, the awe inspiring theory of heaven and hell being here that tal supposedly penned so once again, logic prevails - this blogger and tal are either one in the same or very tight bro's, like brothers ya know??
Don't performers always say bad publicity is even better than good or none at all?
Kinda sad that the elusive factsman was right all along but sometimes time spent to get to the truth is well spent, and the outcome is all that matters.
Anyone who spends the time tal has spent defending a decision to leave a church, paragraphs and paragraphs that go on for hours, simply cannot not be totally normal or comfortable with a grown up decision - so weird, like beyond weird.
Kinda harsh when Taylor Swift can't even save you, think about it.

Now this is the end of this bullshit blog.

Anonymous said...

I must admit that I am astounded how long he has gone on about and defended his decision to leave his church. It does seem an extremely over the top need for attention. Poor me, sort of thing. Perhaps it just keeps him in the public eye until he can get a hit again?

Anonymous said...

No need to write as though the subject matter is not aware, he knows everything written here.

Most likely reason an educated person would speak out about the religion of mormonism long after it's relevance? Boredom and an obsession with social media.

Instant gratification and validation of superiority - not benevolent at all, a tool to hone writing skills, all reasons are self serving.

No need to send anymore people from your camp, time to learn the freedom in letting go and starting anew. Do it.

Good Luck.

Anonymous said...

'Poll of citizens worldwide vote the USA the greatest threat to world peace'

Wasn't that exact thing written here? this blogger is american with no qualms about inciting hate, Tal is American with no qualms trying to trick everyone here, the americans replying here are shown as arrogant and ignorant.

I was wrong - this has been the funnest of times exposing all of you because the world agrees with me -

Anonymous said...

Tal is not American. He was born in Winnipeg, Canada.

Anonymous said...

Educated at University of Utah - formative years spent with mother in the USA until divorce from Randy.
If you have been exposed to any of Tals writings, his focus is on US politics, his passion if for US military complex and genius of.
Take a view of a video of Ian Starglow in which he trashes the Canadian music industry - truth be told, Bryan Adams and the Bare Naked Ladies could not stand him - why? because of his arrogance problem and belief he should be the headlining act.
He's American enough for me.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. I guess you're right.

Anonymous said...

There is always hope for people and countries, nothing is absolute and all things can change overnight if collective thought moves in one direction - that direction should always be towards love, not hate, bigotry, judgement. or violent solutions.
Brainwashing and mind control are the the true enemies of the citizens of the US.
Greed, vanity, unhealthy competition and rivalry - fear.
If any country can reverse a trend, it is the US. Switch focus.
Like Tal, most people exposed to you for even a short time can see greatness and good.
Ego and false patronage have misled you.
Be well.

Anonymous said...

In my experience, people with special skills, talent and education find the bliss and nobility they seek, in teaching and coaching if they have an athletic specialty as well.

Charismatic, humorous performing types are very successful in this area even if it takes years to realize.

Anonymous said...

FYI - final note:
the above description is often referred to as 'consultant' in public and private sectors to reflect an exemption for special talent or unusual knowledge.
It is an accepted profession in both Canada and the US as well as Europe.

Anonymous said...

Every single one of you here have your own blog - from Iraq to Polly. Unreal. You all support Tals other blog while trashing him here (Iraq)
What exactly is your game?
Is there even one person here that knows what it means to live authentically?
Clearly no, there is not, you just all write and write about your sad marriages and sad experience with religion and carry on as though your intelligent.
Some (me) started out here genuinely interested in helping Tal out with a wise perspective but you are all headcases, every one of you.
Tracing who shows up here, manipulating and mocking the situation.
You all need to take a good look in the mirror, not just the blog author - ignore anything written here that is intelligent, correct and compassionate, it was not meant for you because you will never listen anyways.

Polly said...

Anonymous..... whichever one you are. You are truly odd. If you want to live an authentic life you may want to consider using your real name! Also, I do not write a blog. Your super duper spy software has failed you.

Anonymous said...

So you did not say the following:

"Yes, all your children, and their mother, should have been with you, together.

I'm truly sorry..."

November 16, 2012 at 11:37 AM
from Blogger Polly on 'Ronnie Time' blogger since May 2011, 19 views posted to 'Tal Bachman in a World gone Mad'

Anonymous said...

Actually remaining anonymous is all about true authenticity - in the beginning I was hugely supportive of Tal and did not want to appear to be trying to impress him.
Also, I do many many things for the world, remaining anonymous is very important since one never advertises their benevolence in order to actually engage in benevolence
You on the other hand, seemed to have a need to make sure everyone knew who you were -

Polly said...

The quote you posted is a comment I posted to one of Tal's posts on his personal blog. Why it identifies me as a "Blogger Polly" is beyond me as I do not have, nor have I ever had, a blog. So what you're saying is that it's authentic for you to lurk around the internet, spying on people, tracing their posts all under the guise of being "genuinely interested in helping Tal with your wise perspective". Most people would call that "stalking"

Polly said...

Hahaha.... investigative journalist??? Your posts really crack me up! Wow, I must have hit a raw nerve of truth there! Tell me, exactly what am I playing "both sides" of?

Anonymous said...

do you really believe a single dad with 8 kids and a messy back history of religious cult activity is someone to stalk?
If I was interested in Tal, I would have mentioned it to him, but you, please do keep up the great work wasting your life posting irrelevant info on his facebook page, always pining for his attention -

Polly said...

Hahaha......Okay, Yyur facebook comment makes it painfully obvious that you are not a competent investigator. It's also quite obvious that you do not have any type of frienship with Tal in that you can just 'mention' your "genuine interest" and impart of your " benevolent and wise perspective to help him." What a crock! This conversations, if that's what it can be called, is most certainly a waste of my time.

Anonymous said...

thank you for behaving and responding in the expact manner I had anticipated. Very good.

Polly said...

Well.... it's raining here, and I'm stuck inside waiting for the Maytag repairman to come take a look at my 20 year old washing machine......yes, Maytags really are that reliable, it still looks like new. Since I've already wasted my whole morning, and you have already proven your incompetence as an "investigator" as well as the sheer lunacy evident in your posts, it should be entertaining to read your psychoanalysis of me in one of your "investigative" articles on Tal Bachman that you will so benevolently, yet anonymously, give to the world. Please let me know when it's published!

Anonymous said...

Just out of interest (this is to the investigative journalist)or is it Polly, sorry...anyway, it's not your, it's you're. You are going to need that when you write articles. I don't mean you offense, I am just surprised that you don't know that..or use that.

As regards people using anonymous, rather than their real name. Those of us who know Tal also know that he would be sending us nasty emails, as he has often done before. He can not stand any critics and reacts with venom.

I also don't think it is fair to say anyone here is a Mormon playing both sides. Tal has done far worse, even if that is true, which I don't believe it is.

Polly said...

As to using anonymity to hide your identity - I would question the fairness of your idea that it's okay to criticize someone without allowing them to know the identity of their accuser. Stand behind your words and allow Tal, or anyone you criticize, fair rebuttal and's the standard of fairness and justice.

Anonymous said...

The story is about a person who, through perseverance and discovery comes across a truth that is violently opposed.
To protect his family he tries to discover who is the greatest threat by creating a blog where people believe they can express their hatred openly, only it is a trap.
In the meantime, much to his surprise, even on a hate blog, there are many comments that express genuine care and concern for him.
Things are more problematic than the average because he has has acquired some fame via musical talent and comes to a point of not knowing who is real and who is not and so reignites the debate and interest about him with a new platform and new genre.
A smart marketer, he uses material already established to gain publicity for a project he can't afford to formally market in a difficult marketplace.
All he wants to do is put the past to bed but no one will allow that and no one understands that most people have many talents but he is boxed into only having one.
The moral of the story is what he set out to do, protect and save his family, ends up saving him.
A happy outcome. The end.
--you would all benefit from reading the words rather than looking for spelling errors or a place of weakness you can exploit. Also, you have an obligation to fix your own lives before attacking someone else's.

Polly said...

Seriously, "investigator" dude........ you need to get some psychiatric help.

Anonymous said...

Oh hey, thanks Polly, great idea, could you recommend your shrink then? He seems to have done a bang up job with you.

Polly said...

Actually....... Tal is often my shrink! :D

Polly said...

Why don't you talk to him and see what he thinks of the comments you have posted here?

Anonymous said...

Tell me now, how does someone educated at Brigham Young Mormon school, who has played the good wife for like, ever, come to be on a page like this?
For you, Tal must be very exciting since your life is so dull.
Yes I can see how you would make tal your shrink in that typical bored house wife fantasy land you live.
Oh my god, I wouldn't spend 5 minutes with you, you're SO typical - useless boring housewife sitting in Utah voting against gay marriage.
Your voice means Nothing, you are boring.

Polly said...

Haha! Nice try...... but again, way off the mark. So much for those investigative skills you keep claiming you have. As I stated earlier, Tal is incredibly interesting and I consider it an honour that he considers me to be his friend. I believe he feels the same way. I'm here sticking up for my friend. What is your purpose here?

Anonymous said...

Wow, Dan really is a lucky man but for me, you're just dull and really unattractive.
I don't like unattractive dull people but like you always say, to each their own.

Polly said...

Really....... that's the best you can do? You can't give a legitimate reason for your participation here and for your ludicrous comments (other than what is obviously stalking) so you resort to immature insults. I suppose it was foolish for me to have expected anything but an immature response.

Anonymous said...

Explain how someone who remains anonymous is considered stalking in your mind?
It's idiot females like you that gave cause for the Ian Watkins of the world to continue their rape of their fans kids because those that tried reporting him were labelled stalkers.
Face it, you have been busted lying here several times and your pissed you were too stupid to cover your tracks.
When did Tal assign you as his BFF?
You seem jealous at the idea I have crossed paths with him and can speak to him anytime I choose.
I don't particular like Tal but he has a story I want to write.
What's your exuse for this obsession?
Bored house wife fantasing about old rocker who can semi play guitar - impressive lady, you definately do need him as a shrink since he is so very qualified.

Polly said...

I'm sure Tal will be thrilled to have you to write his story; you just told him that you don't like him, that he can't play the guitar, that he is omparable to a convicted pedophile, and you don't seem to know the difference between *your and you're*...... Good luck getting that story!

Anonymous said...

Every response of yours' depicts a weak and shallow individual. I did not equate tal to Ian Watkins, I related you to Ian Watkins' groupies. I did not say tal could not play guitar, I said semi.
You twist everyones' words up which is what a bored housewife who fantasizes about a younger mormon who you used to know, would do.
Yes, you do need a shrink.
You really are a sad, pathetic person and you have shown this here for anyone who cares to know what you'RE all about.
I don't need tals permission or co-operation to write about him but you wouldn't understand the world of publishing since you are so very limited, unworldly, unstreet smart, uneducated.
BUT, you have given me an insight into who considers' themselves a 'friend' of tals.
He needs new friends.

Polly said...

Please let us all know when your story is published, Tal Bachman and Friends, written by Anonymous. It sounds promising!

Anonymous said...

You simply have no idea what you're doing or talking about, do you.
Keep posting so that others may not read how pathetic you show yourself to be in each and every previous post.
Or is it the tracing factor your into.
Your gig and game is so obvious man it has become amusing.
Yeah, you'll be the first I'll inform about any article, book I decide to write.

Polly said...


Anonymous said...

Abort mission. Snow Leopard has left the internet. Delete.

Anonymous said...

Settle down girls! Tal is not worth all this verbiage.

I don't think either of you are the housewife swooning over younger Mormon type. Haus frau's have too much to do as it is and he is hardly young now, is he?

I think at least one of you is "the man' himself.

He has boasted in the past about how easily he can rattle off answers to emails, how easily he can become who the 'fan' wants him to be.

Beware, ladies or girls. He aint always as advertized.

Anonymous said...

p.s. It's sure fun though, isn't it, Tal?

Anonymous said...

'Snow Leopard' was the name Tal assigned to a girl he openly admitted on his facebook page to vigorously stalking.
The moment several of us saw the posts, an independent investigation was launched and those he thought were 'fans' or new 'friends' were neither, they were assigned to his page.
When she wanted nothing to do with him since she is happily in a healthy strong partnership, he posted 'Abort mission' letting several people who had been helping him with stalking this person which meant his secret society needed to be dismantled as well.
Several of you are here on this page.
Do you have any idea how terrorizing it is to have someone like Tal do this?
It was cruel.
There is no story to write - this is a huge wake-up call for the likes of Tal.
His obscure relationship with women cannot be played out in cyber, there are many people unwilling to be moved by celebrity status or remotely impressed by achievement of this nature.
Cockiness and underestimating people in general are the symptoms.
The real problem, only Tal himself knows but the immediate silence when the 'snow leopard' term arose and the action taken immediately afterward as well as the last post describing this as 'fun' is your first clue.

Anonymous said...

Moving back to Norway, have had enough drama here in Canada & as always, enough from the US too.
Good luck Tal.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Tal, my pal, has psychological problems to conquor. That's probably why he has studied psychology. Trying to fix himself. I wonder if that's the reason his career has stopped. Perhaps others in the record business see the problems also.
If he is stalking a woman,and having others help him do it, being a celebrity means nothing.He is quick to call others on supposed stalking but he's no better.He has pet names for his kids so Snow Leopard sounds plausible as a cover name for a woman he's interested in. He's so weird.

Polly said...

I'm not a housewife, although I was bored. And, yes, this actually is fun...however,I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not Tal. :P

There was no response to the Snow Leopard comment because some of us actually have lives to live... was it some sort of test?

Tal was not stalking, he was sharing the follies of his dating life which have been quite entertaining. Unlike Anonymous here who uses "independent investigation" as an inane euphemism to cover their truly abhorring stalking behaviour.

There is nothing wrong with Tal having pet names for his children. They are endearing names and his kids seem to like them. I have endearing pet names for each of my children, as do probably most of you casting judgement here.

As far as using Snow Leopard as a pet name, Tal once compared me to a lioness... he obviously admires the big cats... and I thought it was a wonderful compliment. Snow Leopard, whoever she is, would probably be pleased to have such a cool pet name!

You all live in little bubbles priding yourselves in your false moral delusion.

Anonymous said...

Tal, why have you not gone to the owner of this blog and asked for it to be shut down?
You could have done it months ago. Why have you not? Please answer.If you have and it was refused, please tell us. It is odd that you could not get it shut down. What is stopping you?

Anonymous said...

Leave it alone, he has now learned his lesson
Pet name or not, one cannot use terms like stalking to describe how to pursue a love interest
Semantics and all that.
Also, why should he take this down?
There is valuable material here if anyone actually read the words.
Perhaps tal has and sees this.
As for so called friends, an inventory purge is in the making surely.

Anonymous said...

Of course he will keep this up.
This is a one man show.
Well done.

Anonymous said...

Well, I hope Talmage HAS learned a few important lessons. He has derided many people and thought of them as stupid but he has been played by these same people for years.We allow you to think we are stupid because it serves our purpose.If it has made you humble, then it was worth it. We stand ready at any time to remind you that you may be intelligent but you are not wise. I quote that because it is very true of many people.
Perhaps you really are different now. We'll see.

Anonymous said...

Just leave it now.
The guy is a complex, complicated Leo.
Think Madonna, think Obama.
We all know he comes from a nice family so let them be to enjoy the recognition they are finally receiving.
It's not like he has committed any minor or major crime.
Perceptions are very important in that world and the ability to provide the public with a skewed perception is very easy to do, even for the sharpest, particularly if you act as though you don't care what anyone thinks.
Maybe start keeping an eye on the real deceivers - there are many out there with very dark intention that are professional at portraying an innocent.
Tal is not one of them.

Anonymous said...

You have to wonder if there is truth behind the meaning of ones given name or sun sign they were born under.
To me, it's an irrefutable truth, in the same way reincarnation is an irrefutable truth.

Anonymous said...

Tal told me that astro signs and such are hog wash.

Anonymous said...

Well he's wrong.

Anonymous said...

This is what you need to do:

Grab video footage from the last 15 years ie she's so high footage, rogers arena, Junos, touring, etc up to ian starglow footage.

Splice into one video (could add some family nosalgia) footage to; use video to support re release of she's so high but a much speeded up version featuring guests (Bieber, Drake for example) and have it mysteriously leaked to the media - no record label needed, create demand, label will find you.


Anonymous said...

All Enoch again I bet.

Anonymous said...


are all equally important since they all deal with humankind.

If this is getting too strange, maybe it's time to remove this blog page.

Whatever is done though, does not matter to me.

Anonymous said...

this is a strange blog isn't it
of the 4 above ology's, mythology is by far the best and most interesting

you never really know if you are in the presence of a reincarnated god or saint,,,it's not like they could tell you since you have a history of locking those types up and feeding them psychotic drugs

there are many here now because the world is being destroyed by people who need new shoes every week or need to prove their success by having a big house or hot car or lots of high maintenance women around them

people on this blog or reading this should know aliens are here, helping in all areas but mostly in agriculture because your soil is contaminated and all your food is toxic causing all of your cancers.

that, combined with an unreasonable need to prove yourselves and try and make people envy you - you'd all better off just being the best you can be to each other and especially to the lands - good stewards of the land is the single most important thing needed for this planet to survive learning to be good stewards is all that is asked of you

The solar system is shared by many beings.

Polly said...

OMG!!! How could I have misunderstood the signs?!! Tal must be a reincarnated GOD! I saw him once.....seemingly transfigured.....glowing with ethereal light! Thor, perhaps! That golden haired, hammerwielding protector of humans who relentlessly pursues his foes..... It all makes perfect sense now!

Anonymous said...

piece of Starglow anyone?

Anonymous said...

& not Thor, no.

Polly said...

Yes, Anonymous, you are definitely one of those people (aliens/reincarnated loonies) that us humans would lock away....

Anonymous said...

we don't stay locked up for long ,,,
your technology was given to you by the outer world so easy for us to stop time and walk away, then theres the shape shifting we like to bedazzle you all with -- LMAO

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Aliens, and Gods and Saints of your mythologies are the same thing.
All have come from the outer world or heavens as you call them.
The difference lies in immortality.
Aliens, Gods or Saints are immortal, humans are not and are driven by distinctly different objectives for the planet.
One is not better than the other since soul or conscience is the common denominator and all have been made in the image and likeness of their creator.

Just an FYI

Anonymous said...

Aliens, and Gods and Saints of your mythologies are the same thing.
All have come from the outer world or heavens as you call them.
The difference lies in immortality.
Aliens, Gods or Saints are immortal, humans are not and are driven by distinctly different objectives for the planet.
One is not better than the other since soul or conscience is the common denominator and all have been made in the image and likeness of their creator.

Just an FYI

Anonymous said...

SO, yes, why don't you re release She's So High? At least it would get you back in the public eye with something that people already know you for.

Anonymous said...

Fascinating stuff here - quirky ideas, good advise, nasty banter, great video and now, hopefully, action.

No one can write here forever BUT, most interesting and unusual.
Thanks blogger DPC, a purpose was served afterall.

decir algo en broma - muchos gracious

Anonymous said...

Thank you & remember, not everyone wants something from you.
Trust instinct & keep moving forward.
See you on the other side one day, in the meantime - just do your best to not waste time.

Anonymous said...

Aside for the need of a controversial 'featured artist' collaboration for a re release of she's so high, drums are needed;
the kind of drums and drumming you would hear in Africa or from our Aboriginal; First Nation people.

Subtle flute as well. would help a revised version of this song.

Anonymous said...

Remember: musically, the element of surprise is important here, if you wish to succeed.

Also, do not try to understand, relate to, or find the anon here who has mystified you - that is not part of the plan.

The truth is; we answered your call.

Anonymous said...

Just so you know, Europe thinks you're crazy.

Anonymous said...

you really are kinda freakish talmage, not sure why we agreed to help someone who enjoys and employs psychological warfare, you cannot win here, you're not a warrior.
there is only one group on the planet who is immune to your psycho analysis and we are it.
you asked, we answered, now take the instruction, or leave it, our task is finished and we have moved on.
When will you?

Anonymous said...

If Tal Bachman is posting on here under false names and acting like a psych patient then I am surprised his kids have not been taken away from him.

Anonymous said...

On the contrary, dic's like him make very goog parents

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I was totally wrong! You do win afterall ,,, what you have won, only you know and only you care about -

Anonymous said...

So let's make clear the facts again;

you've gone from a hardcore mormon to a hardcore atheist.

It happens.

SO divinely gangsta of you

Anonymous said...

AND your a movie star too??
Well, if I had properly done my research and known that, I would never have hijacked this blog.

Of course I would have worshipped you as an exalted one instead.

WTF was I thinking, oh dear, doomed I'm sure.

You have my utmost regard

Anonymous said...

He starts out sending subscribers over to your facebook page. He finds out little details about you, even where you live and turns up in places that appear a coincidence but are targeted. He uses equipment from his little job his Dad gave him at cbc to track and hack computers. He knows every anonymous here. He has fans that set up google+ in your name and has grim, sadistic pictures posted to your google sheet. He only knows US law and doesn't know entrapment is illegal in Canada.
He is a scared little boy who uses psychology to try to derail you. I knew months and months ago there was something not right with this boy and throughout this sleazy process it was proven. Everyone of you have had your computer compromised unless, you are one of them.
Leave me alone now - I do not like you.

Anonymous said...

Then let's report him to the police asap.

Anonymous said...

Drinking & blogging just don't mix and stay in school kids ,,,

Anonymous said...

Not ridiculous at all. If he's been doing what is listed above then it's obvious that he's a case for the police to handle. If I find out he or his buddies have done those things to me, or posted false Google accounts in my name, I will contact them.

Anonymous said...

Do what you like - not our style.

It is probable that is precisely what he would like you to do.

Anonymous said...

tread carefully.
this person commands respect while being adverse to criticism,
all the while, he does get hurt by things that are said here.
what he must know, the truth will set you free; it is the only way.
open, fair and transparent is the name of the game.

Anonymous said...

Nothing criminal occurred, civil maybe, but not criminal and the only casualty for me is the relationship and who I was before this all started, also having to endure a quick study in the subliminal and coming out of it unscathed, no worries, and this is the very last thing I am saying here.
Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

You've all been doing this for a really long time haven't you...
Enoch Root, Bob Belvedere, Evi L Bloggerlady and DPC.
Enoch I like, even Bob but you all must understand this:
At the hour of your death, You will not be measured on how you treat your friends, You will be measured on how you treat your enemies.
Living this way, whether your x-mormon, satanists, atheists, catholic, this spiritual law stands true and has since the dawn of man.
This is how having empathy for Tal and all the drama he has caused is possible.
This is how this blog has been tolerated. Do not mistake this for anything else.
This web/net your all into is cracked and flawed and you have missed the point of much needed authenticity although you throw words and images to give an impression - I see through you, your dirty tricks, and it's made me sick, does that help you?

Anonymous said...

By the way, we took a snapshot of the 100 images you posted to the google+ page (some disturbing shit there dude)


we took a shot of the page after you removed all 100+ images the moment I played nice with you here -
The amusing part - you got the wrong person, but we are connected.

The question is, how were you able to target an anon?

Anonymous said...

The story ends with the writer learning a valuable lesson in ultruism.
This blog was like stumbling across a group of people beating up on someone, stepping in to help only to realize it's a fun game amongst a band of brothers.
I stand by every single thing I wrote here.
Of the 100+ images posted to my google sheet, an image of the movie 'religulous' made clear who was behind the saturation of images posted overnight.
The link to all the images was obvious but digging deeper to get to the true source was a bit more difficult.
This family, large, with many talented members competing for attention to their particular talent, would be very daunting and high pressure.
I feel sorry for them in truth and can see why some desperate marketing measures becomes necessary.
I'm sorry I got involved to the point you felt it necessary to attempt to intimidate me.
My intention all along was to shed light but I am highly adverse to deception and react strongly - I also had no interest in getting the attention of those I happened to.
I hope now, this ends the story as it appears to - there are so many more important things going on in the world than what you perceive as 'trolls'.
The pure innocence that got me involved here has been shattered and for that I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Godspeed to you all.

Anonymous said...

Oh people
this all would be interesting if it were not about someone so predictable.
it's his brother that is the interesting one - a poet and genuineley sweet

Anonymous said...

Brigham? Yeah, Tal is a psych case many who know him say. Always has been many say. Leaving the Mormons was just the tipping point. If it hadn't been that it would have been something else eventually.Don't know him myself but can see that in some of his actions and writings.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the previous poster.

Anonymous said...

Just a reminder to watch your Google plus accounts as he will open fake accounts in your name and post spiteful pictures on them.

Anonymous said...

Is Brigham a singer too? Does he sound like Tal or Randy?

Anonymous said...

Tal relies on deniability to get by
Brig is raw and doesn't care
They're both hunters and have that mentality
Tal places women on a pedestal in his lyrics but in reality has real issues with them
If Brig is talented in music, who would know?
DPC (the blog author) came out of the woodwork to post a comment here awhile back; Tal made the exact comment or quote in a post 5 years ago
You don't want to make an enemy of these people but I live by one quote only:
'in the sacred name of love, be brave, save a stranger'
fear and intimidation doesn't effect me although there was a real attempt
This blog has been made relevant to give Brig some attention so that for once, it's not all on talmage - someone else in the family just might get a shot for a change eh.

Anonymous said...

Maybe a re release of She's So High could be a family affair since no one actually knew who Tal was when it was released way back when.
That would be a nice thing.

Anonymous said...

As a final note on this I can only hope that:

- Lessons learned guide your future Tal
- You realize your brand of dealing with criticism is pointless
- Strong, bright women are not to be feared, it's submissive women who are fake and boring.
- Lose the religious influence and slant for good - there is no room left in your life for that discussion.
- Use family to launch your music back into the spotlight if that's important to you.
- Stop wasting time on social media for your own good.

From someone who you totally screwed with, finally realize, not everyone wants something from you, rather observations over time gave cause for concern and the elitist nature and attitude you came to needed adjusting.

Make the above work and you will find the peace and happiness you have sought, that we all seek.

Anonymous said...

Tal's not so bad. More bark than bite. I would love to talk to Brigham. He seems so good natured and happy, but he is also like his brother...they both lie, and are both very smart. But if a smart, pretty, and successful woman took the time to speak to either of them they would both lie, turn tail, and run. They do it all the time.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, they both do do that. Sadly.

Anonymous said...

Piss off Tal!

Anonymous said...

Yeah but can they cook?

Anonymous said...

Ever watch them eat?

Anonymous said...

Tal and Brig could start a new band called The Sons of Perdition.

As they are both liars, they have led enough people astray with their lies and half truths that it would be an apt name. To be fair to Brig, it was dear brother who led him astray first.

Anonymous said...

If I can forgive him, you all can
Yeah he's a semi headcase but who isn't
Crazy's the new normal
Maybe too much rugby (is that even a sport?)

Anonymous said...

It's not rugby that Id's Tal as a head case. Him using big words no one cares about and the weird hair is what has us all worried. Still, he and brother Brig are kind to kids and animals (as long as they keep their hands out of the fish tank) so there is some good in them.

As far as starting a band, are they still interested in music? I only ask because I haven't heard anything lately, thought they might have moved on to other things, other interests.
Good night guys, sleep well. And Tal, don't forget to Piss Off!

KoKo said...

Talmage Bachman is my Master and the only one. I worship him and will do anything for him.

Anonymous said...

All of these comments look like a Top Secret Battle Monkey has been here.

Anonymous said...

Yes, for sure, a game amongst a band of Monkeys, Gods, witches and Sorcerers.
Makes sense.

Anonymous said...

This blog lit up at the mention of Brig.
My money's on Brigham, he reminds of Enoch.
Tal reminds me of DPC but funnier.

Anonymous said...

Fun fact: I know Moses and his brother, and you've seen them as friends of mine.

Big hug to Brig. Tal, no hug, but take care ok?

Anonymous said...

Nice try but you will reap what you sowed. I know that as sure as I know you.We will all be there to see you shamed, Tal.Where will you hide then?

Anonymous said...

Shut up Monkey!

Anonymous said...

I just love all this bonding going on here among all the anons
Does this mean yer all ready to tell the truth about who you are and what your objective is with this blog?
Does it mean tal will now live to his fullest potential, and brig will be recognized as a talented member of that group?
Will DPC finally come out?
Now that would mean progress but then again, I'm a simple optimist so probably not.

Anonymous said...

I would introduce myself but I not convinced I want to know you people yet.

Anonymous said...

You'll need thick skin and a good personality.

Anonymous said...

Good detective skills and intentions help as well, some risk taking is necessary to get the message across.

Anonymous said...

The up side is I have personality and intentions that are passable. But I don't like risk and the monkeys deliver all the messages, that's the point of the monkeys!

I hope that's ok.

Anonymous said...

Finally! done. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Tal, are you really a tax cheat? Did you really yell out MOTHER AFRICA on fb? I ask because I've seen some of your posts and wondered myself why you don't just call your sponsor when you're having a melt down. You know Armand loves hearing from you, we all do really.

Also try not to call her your Ex. I really hate that, it's gutter talk and you can't X her. Call her what she is, your first wife, that also leads people to believe you've moved on and that you might have a second. Or at least someone else.

Funny, but I sometimes have to laugh when i see the very few fb writings, looks to me like you've got quite a harem over there! :)

Brigham. You really dated 16 year olds? Please tell me you were 14 when that happened?

Tomorrow ok with you guys? I've got more life advice for you.

Anonymous said...

Finally the voice of influence and reason - must be Mom or girlfriend but welcome either way
Have fun ladies ,,,

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