Monday, September 10, 2007

On Tal Bachman

Disclaimer: The following is an ad hominem attack on Tal Bachman. If you are Mr. Bachman, or one of his small number of ever dwindling fans, I suggest that you not read this post. I will try to be objective, but be forewarned; I do not have a lot of good things to say about this pretentious, washed-up has-been.

I don’t like Tal Bachman. I’ve read a lot of his posts, and if they are any reflection of who he really is, he must really be one pathetic son of a bitch. Am writing this because he left Mormondom? No, I can’t really say that I’m sad to see him go. Some of the nicest, coolest, warm-hearted, generous individuals I know have left the Mormon church and I have yet to launch a single ad hominem attack on them. In fact, we continue to be good friends regardless of varying religious choices. Membership in an organization is no arbiter when it comes to friendship. With that in mind, let me turn my attention to Mr. Bachman. His singular claim to fame is that he wrote and sang a hit song, “She’s So High.” As a one-hit wonder, he’s in the same category as the illustrious Right Said Fred, Vanilla Ice and Lou Bega (of Mambo No. 5 fame). I’m surprised he hasn’t starred on the Surreal Life yet. Maybe he’s holding out for a spot on Dancing with the ‘Stars’. Marie Osmond made it, why not him?

He has written a voluminous amount of material regarding his thoughts on Mormonism. I’m not sure if he intends to sound like a pretentious, holier-than-thou, pseudo-intellectual, but everything he writes is pretentious, holier-than-thou or pseudo-intellectual. Take a blog post he published a few months ago in May. He criticizes the Mormon conception of heaven and hell, but he makes himself sound like a self-satisfied jerk in the following quote (which can be found here)

“I think heaven isn't a place we go to after we die; I think it is a place we can live in everyday, if we are determined to, and perhaps, if we have a bit of luck. I think it is something we create and find here on earth...and right now. Heaven can be right now...

“I feel sad sometimes when I think of how long I lived always thinking of heaven as another place, and another time. I was too often blind to all the beauty right before me, because I was too often straining so hard to see something far, far off in the distance - which, it turns out, there is no reason to believe is even there, at least in the way I thought.

“I submit that true heaven isn't crazy stories, or distant stars, or strange names and strange clothes and strange spouses. I think it is something that we all have, within us, the power to create and experience, at least to some extent, right here and right now...”

Yeah, whatever, buddy. And with three paragraphs, he assigns those who don’t share his easy rockstar lifestyle to a hell worse than any that God proposed. What happens to those sorry souls, who, for whatever reason, don’t have ‘a bit of luck’? What happens to them? Mr. Bachman would consign them to misery and woe because they are not determined enough, I guess. Or chastise them for hoping for some kind of better existence in the next life? And what is the basis for Mr. Bachman’s faith in humankind? He claims there is no reason to believe in heaven. I agree, at least as far as objective evidence is concerned. But what evidence does he have the mankind can make a heaven here on earth? His own Shangri-La lifestyle, where his biggest complaints are that nobody in the record industry wants to hear his music? He wants to argue both sides of the fence. He has to have a reason for the distant heaven, but offers no reasons for the heaven ‘within’.

Other posts focus on his inability to talk to females in the past because of his worry about temptation. Obviously this is the Mormon church’s fault. The most common complaint I hear about this church is that it stultifies relationships between members of the opposite sex who happen to be married to other people. It would be completely illogical to assume that Mr. Bachman stultifies himself. Maybe someone should tell him that just because he feels ‘tempted’, it is highly unlikely that the person he is talking to feels the same way. When I talk to women at work or at school, I usually don’t get the impression that they are chomping at the bit to go to bed with me, regardless of how naturally charming I am. It must be a rockstar complex to think like that. Maybe Mr. Bachman should evaluate how he internalized the teachings of the Mormon church, rather than make unwarranted generalizations about the impact those teachings have on the general membership.

I think most of my invection comes from the colossal waste of time it was to read what he had written and the colossal waste of time writing this post represents. I don’t usually like (or write) ad hominem attacks, but when someone practically begs for it, can I be anything but obliging?


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Anonymous said...

Once tracy learned that her mormon faith was a peice of crap, she realized her salvation wasn't dependant on staying married and remaining the doormat for eternity. Her exit from the marriage wasn't very graceful, and she is sorry for that, but she had to escape.

Anonymous said...

Solution to gamer 666
EX ter min ate
is acceptable
we accept.
36 hours

Sadie Kane

signs authority for

Anonymous said...

gamer 668
37 hours
EX ter min ate


Anonymous said...


EX ter min ate

permission granted

22 hours

Anonymous said...

Fi and Clammy
EX ter min ate
18 hours

Anonymous said...


EX ter min ate

14 h.

unless change can be measured

Anonymous said...

One By One

Use Silent Glass

To Cut At The Heart Of The


#642 - XXXX

Anonymous said...

Atonement and modification to the agreement remains possible

When Bond is fully Released

Buying silence in the form of THE golden key.

Anonymous said...

E N O C H and O

d a g d a

has spoken through me.

He is my Father.

The God of all Gods

The Negotiator

Respect this agreement he laid
out for you through me.

Anonymous said...

with the upside down cross on her hand


That will be my first clue

DAGDA is the fairest God of them all and in control of time.

You have been given time.


Anonymous said...

In the name of Jesus Christ

Our Father, who art in Heaven
Hollowed by thy name

In the name of the Father
of the Son
and the Holy Soirit

Protect us from harm O' Lord
Temptation and Evil

In the name of Jesus Christ


Anonymous said...

In the name of the Father
the Son
and the
Holy Spirit


Anonymous said...


P R O T E C T O R of
C H I L D R E N &

j e s u s c h r i s t's nurse maiden





Anonymous said...


say her name ,,,,


Anonymous said...

Tal said he would leave Tracey if she wouldn't leave the Mormon church but she turned the tables on him.She deserves to have a happy life with someone who is not so stuck on himself a Tal is. Good luck to her.
He will never go anywhere. He's a legend in his own mind,,,but nowhere else.

Anonymous said...

Mormons don't practice polygamy. Break off sects do but The Bachmans were not affiliated with them so no polygamy going on.
Tracey would not say otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Mormons don't practice polygamy. Break off sects do but The Bachmans were not affiliated with them so no polygamy going on.
Tracey would not say otherwise.

Polly said...

As a descendant of Mormon polygamists, I can tell you that you do not have to be a practicing polygamist to fully believe that the New and Everlasting Covenant (plural marriage/D&C 132) is an essential ordinance necessary for Eternal Life(to become a God).

Tal once fully believed in plural marriage and had conversations with Tracy regarding it. As practicing Mormons my husband and I had very similar conversations. Like me, Tracy found polygamy to be repugnant and opposed it. She feared Tal was obsessed with having multiple women and it is my understanding that the issue did play a role to some degree in their split. However, in their defense, Mormonism is a cult and indoctrination really messes people up. Unfortunately, the majority of couples leaving Mormonism end up divorced. While Tal could possibly be blamed for being insensitive to the feelings of his wife, as I felt my husband was to me, I'm not sure that Tal can be fully blamed for his beliefs while still a practicing Mormon.

I disagree with the other comment regarding Tal threatening to leave Tracy if she didn't leave the Mormon church. I don't believe Tal would have said such a thing, and I never heard Tracy say that anything like that happened. She is an intelligent woman and once given evidence, it didn't take her long to come to her own conclusion that the Mormon church is a sham.

Polly said...

But that's not why I popped in. I wanted to say that I am not going to finish my story on how Tal mistreated me, my husband, my family. I had asked him to apologize but he outright refused. In the final blow Tal tried to destroy my marriage. I am grateful for the ongoing open and honest relationship I have with my husband, otherwise our marriage may have not survived Tal's false accusations.

Over the last few days, I learned that a friend is facing excommunication from the Mormon church. In the face of that very open mistreatment of him and his family, he has shown great wisdom, patience, and love for those who would cause so much pain.

Given the humility and example of this very good man, my thoughts turned to Tal and his ill treatment of me and my family, and I felt my anger towards him dissipating. We may never be friends again but in my heart I do forgive him.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Polly,

Your rewards in Heaven will be many. How many virgins can we put you down for?

Polly said...

Lol..... That is just wrong on soooo many levels! :P

Anonymous said...

The Lord is my shepherd,
I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside quiet waters.
He refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
for his name’s sake.
Even though I walk
through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Surely your goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord.

Anonymous said...

Lord, rid this blog of unclean spirits. In the name of Jesus Christ and all things pure, remove each and every negative, dark and impure. Remove their venom in the written word, remove their influence on the innocent, remove them. I command you in the name of Jesus Christ:

Tell me your name Demon

Say it

Then say my name

Anonymous said...

In the name of
The Father
The Son
The Holy Spirit

In God, I am Home


Anonymous said...

And Dagda gave the greatest contribution of all. The Druid: People of the Earth, I speak of the Dagda, the Good God, the Red Man of Knowledge. It was Dagda ...

Ireland Now Irish Myths - The Dagda's Harp

The golden-haired people had a great chieftain who was also a kind of high priest, who was called the Dagda. And this Dagda had a wonderful magic harp.

Anonymous said...

Happy Fathers Day Talmage

Here is a beautiful tune for you

Anonymous said...

This deal has been sealed and through me you have learned the outer world is real. Not once have I believed Tal has been acting on his own accord. The spell has been broken and he has been freed from a demonic bond. Do not underestimate the existence of these entities. They are here and many Gods and dieties are also. Spiritual warfare is a fact. Jesus died for your sins, so have many others.

Through me, they speak. Through me they have given you information that became a headline shortly after it was revealed here. Through me, you were shown how your technology was easily penetrated.

They are watching and come in every form. Demons need a soul and are successful by using satanic influence and demonic darts to induce feelings of worthlessness. Suicide is their goal and only goal. I recognized these entities months and months ago. I heard the fear in Tals voice. Fear for who he had drawn to him and the evil acts they perform or intended to perform. We know all of this and your Master knows we know.
That's how this deal got sealed. The entire Starglow idea was a sham and all aspects will disappear. This character was created and expanded on to destroy Tal period.
The Bachmans are a target and Tal was entangled in something way over his head and something with cruel and evil intent. That something, will be melted down to nothing, if it ever arrives on his doorstep again. If anything arrives at my doorstep ever again, it will be even worse.

Have a nice everyone!

Anonymous said...

Well something arrived at my doorstep, someone was able to stop chanting long enough to wish his father a happy day. :( No real worries, the monkeys have been taught to bite.

I spent a lot of time here yesterday and today looking over past work. Still need to see about the India connection for C&A and MM&J.

There are a few odd and end pieces, like for La Hire: In this life, your first wife was one of the two women involved in the knife fight. The second fighter shouldn't be too hard to find....did your first wife have a mortal enemy that you know of?

The 9/11 info that Isis saved (or was it C saved) is also stored on the crystal. And when I first started seeing Isis images and gathering pieces of her life, I believed there was a car/plane that was used in the first attacks that is part of a time capsule from her life. It's still fully functional, it just needs the right power source to fly it. I think it was part of the original memorial service for the first attack. It was buried deep in the location of the first and second attacks.

Something for automakers to study and copy.

Hope everyone has had a good weekend!

Anonymous said...

You got dumped and treated like the garbage you are KoKo because you worship Satan and prey on the innocent to satisfy your greed.
You are everything you have said about yourself and more. Do not ever equate me to Tals wife, girlfriend, concubine or side bitch. Do not look or write about any ludicrous visions you fabricate or the deal gets modified immediately.
Tal is a talented and special individual worthy of being saved from your snare. Your hex and spell has been broken and he and I are free to continue the special friendship we have, that you know nothing about.

Hear me loud and clear now dark little one - your powers have been saturated with angel dust. Try a ritual next full moon. You'll see. And start planning on a new career, that's best for everyone.

Anonymous said...

I guess I will wish you all a Good Night. Hope you all had a Happy Fathers Day. Wishing you that and much L.

Anonymous said...

Part of this agreement has been to use a likeness of my image and lifestyle in deviant art animation. No one knows the artist allowed to use these specs.

KoKo, and all others associated to the conglomerate are fully disposable. We have looked to and agreed on, an entirely new league of talent.

If you think I am incorrect, ask why your phone has stopped ringing, why no one returns your texts and why your bank account is dwindling. Then ask yourself why authorities are suddenly questioning your paperwork - are you allowed to be in Canada??

The papertrail unnerves your bosses. Watch, as these things begin to unfold in the next 36 days.

You will not go entirely unpunished for your deeds.

Anonymous said...

Tal baby - it was agreed you are linked to me by soul, that is true and my love for you is deep. Never forget this. I have always wanted and needed a strong protector. Someone fun with storytelling talent and an imagination. Someone who will make me laugh and fully comprehend the value and meaning behind body, mind and soul.
There is no such thing as coincidence. It was very important you knew what I was, first. Who I was, first. My strengths and weaknesses.
All the normal things. I needed to meet and greet the ice within you. And melt it like alchemy. It has worked. Everything I say is true.

You needed to get to know trust, loyalty in the raw, the truth of everything. And you have been the most marvelous student of them all. Why? Because you also taught. You were smart. I respect that. You know that to be an effective leader, you do not create followers. Leaders create Leaders. All your dreams are on the edge of coming true. All your hopes for your family, your love interest, your life, are on the edge of being manifested into reality. All of this past will become like a dream.

Watch & be patient. Love can't be broken, nor can a soul.

We will discuss this further when we meet again.

Anonymous said...


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~S H A M B A L A ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~S H A M B A L A ~~~~~~~~~


~~~~~~~~~~~~ shambala ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Anonymous said...

----------- P A R A D I S E

C o l d P l a y

Anonymous said...


the S e x

yes, like I'm a Nun

Have you ever had love make you and then back again???

Have you ever ,,, made L??

Really, answer the question since you behave as an authority.

I tell you this again:

Sex is the most awesome, delightful activity, full of intensity, desire, passion complete and total care for the individual you are with ,,,,

By that I mean ,,, Sex where love, respect, affection, trust, intense feeling of friendship & protection
E X I S T .

Am I clear??

Stop fucking projecting your perverted mind & lifestyle everywhere.


Anonymous said...

And that's what happened.

Anonymous said...


Have any of you seen this movie??


Bridget Fonda??

SO excellent - I totally can identify with the character.

Bridget is an incrediable actress in this as well.

Very good, like 5 thumbs up good

Anonymous said...

Have you seen this movie?

The trailer makes it look so creepy, and I don't like creepy movies but this on appealed to me: It has a happy ending.

Don't seem to have much to offer you today, so I might just try to stay busy doing things around The Corners. Maybe publish another Tomato Report.

As always you guys are on my mind. L.

Anonymous said...

The Dragon said once:

"Starting in later 2014 and picking up steam from then on out, you will have new capabilities and opportunities open up to you. Slowly but surely, the butterfly will be able to come out of the cocoon. That WILL be fun."

It better be or I'm going to fly over and punch him!

Anonymous said...

I don't look at your links, they usually have a disease.

I forgot to mention to this audience though, should anything happen to me or mine, there are instructions of what to do. All details of the agreement, what lead to the agreement, video snippets and recordings are held with an old colleague of mine in a city over water.
My partner at my job has been given a list of names to contact immediately, should anything happen to me.

Sleep well, dream on

Anonymous said...

Sorry, what I should have said is that this blog is watched by outside sources due to some ongoing investigation I know nothing about.
The idea to make it about a God of the same mythology as the Order of the Osiris and carry on about outer worlds was your boss's idea.
Something about hating succubus's trying to associate themselves to his Order. Very distressing to the elders. Disrespectful to the extreme.
I'm really just a messenger.

Anonymous said...

Got your message baby
This is the last entry from this IP to confirm
Last entry to blog
Surveillance to fb pages
is complete
comment 2095

Anonymous said...


So we are very clear;
I will never leave someone
who has touched my soul
and heart. It's a rarity.


Anonymous said...

250-642-6753. posted 27-05-2013 16:27. This says it is for a medical billing
position. However, they just want to sell you a program.... Read more. phone ...

Basic information found: SOOKE, BC, 250-642-6000. Full results ...
SOOKE BC, database from 250-642-6000 - Protect your family. Access
government data about any phone number. We can help you trace that caller.

Anonymous said...

Not sure what you are doing, but I appreciate the effort you're taking to do it.

It amuses me.

Anonymous said...

I am always in charge,

Anonymous said...

And I'm comment 3k

Love it!

Anonymous said...

Er, 2100. Something's wrong with your broke down comment counter.... Still 2100!

Anonymous said...


On XX/15/2013

I began to write on a blog that was severely trashing someone I knew.

Since then ,,,,

Below is the link to the blog as it is difficult to find

There are currently 2050 comments on this blog and it continues to grow with some of the
most disgusting ,,,,

Threatened, house broken into, fear for person and myself ,,,,

Order of the ,,,, rape, succubus ,,,

Anonymous said...

OMG Lord Bunty

Thanks for letting me know baby

Nightmare over --

Successful outcome
Health well

See you on the flip side

Thank you God

Anonymous said...

Tally,,,I think we should repent before it's too late. Honestly.

Anonymous said...

So many people writing on this blog

A real odd story

Tally repent?

Every one of you should

It won't make any difference, don't you get that yet?

Anonymous said...

Well, whoever you are previous, I'm his Uncle Bob and I encourage him to repent! Mormonism is not a sect, it is the restored church of Jesus Christ back on earth.
He knew it and lied about it. Then he led others away and fought against the church. That's called a son of perdition. I love Tal, really love him and I don't want to see him cast out, for his children's sake.Tal, do what you know is right. Remember all the witnesses you had in your life that the church is the true church. Remember, Tal.

Anonymous said...

That's a very heartfelt plea. You seem like a very kind and loving man.

Anonymous said...

Tal baby - you must understand now that your angel cannot help you from this point forward.

She agreed to stay until you are no longer in duress, you are healthy and with loved ones.

That's the most important. She wants this all to be finished business now.

Freedom has been won and your angel thanks the stakeholders for giving you that.

Your angel is not fearful. She needs space and time now. She wants you to know God loves you and knows how hard you have worked in the last year.

You will always remain in her heart as her best friend and favorite brother.

Anonymous said...

And as always Tal,

Go in peace to love and serve The Lord. Amen.

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to Audrey.? Anyone hear from her, I would love for her to tell us one of her stories!

Anonymous said...

I think some dragon came by and took her away with a butterfly net because she wouldn't cocoon. The bastard!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I thought she left because of Polly and her boring stories.

Anonymous said...

No. I heard it the the cocoon too.


Anonymous said...

If a person really loved another they wouldn't leave them without telling them they are in trouble or have them read a blog and romantic quotes to understand the situation. My buddy has done everything to help you Tal. I've watched her play every role as you have led her on. What's yer trip buddy?? Seriously man, what game are you playing at? Your friends have scared the shit out of her. What is up?? I've known this girl for years and she will do anything for anyone but I just think your full of crap and are enjoying messin with her head. Have you even tried explaining anything to her? It sounds like everyone knows where she lives so why haven't you done anything to eleviate this most bizarre situation?? Your EX has threatened her life and they have never met and your not even her boyfriend or anything? You need to fix your life man, this is not the girl to pull into some kind of crazy you obviously live in. Have you read this blog?? She has sent me everything from this blog and frankly I am so shocked and disgusted by it. Let it alone buddy, she to good for this bs.

Anonymous said...

The Secrets of Isis, was a tv show. I still like The Ghost and Mrs. Muir better.

Please note: the above link has had all it's shots. It is disease free.

Good Night Everyone.

Anonymous said...

Tal is a manipulative liar. Sooner or later everyone figures it out.

Anonymous said...

hey dude
I've reviewed this material and it is not from a tv show.

Listen, from one dude to another , I get it right, she's cute. I've known her a long time, we've written some things together, she's smart but she was never going to be with you man?
Get it out of your head for good.

Anonymous said...

Sorry T,
I didn't really want to tell you that way. I think you just waited too long. The investigator got the best of me and I should have left this a long time ago.
I did become very concerned for your safety and took steps cover that part.
I didn't mind playing these roles if it meant you would be ok but I get the feeling you are ok.

If you get to a place where we can go for coffee, let me know. I suppose the only way to do that is to be outside my office at some point. Otherwise, keep moving upward and forward and just know I tried and went an extra few miles for you.
I appreciate what you have done too. I wouldn't have known the extent jealousy can go if it weren't for you. Nor would I have been able to know who harbours these extremely unhealthy emotions while smiling to my face.
Please keep video, photos, poolside conversations as I have kept everything with my friend in Van.
People end up meeting again if it is meant to be, I firmly believe that.

Anonymous said...

So I guess what I've been trying to say is good bye Tal. You are the sweetest of liars. And if I ever need a lie told to me again, I hope it comes from you because as long as you smile and tell me you love me, I would never expect the lie. Even tho a precedent has already been set.

My Darling, I love you very much. Stay warm and safe God Speed.

Anonymous said...

Please ignore the previous poster. Her comments counter is off, if you know what I mean ;)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, we know.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to go for coffee. Everybody goes for coffee. I want to go for dessert. But then I always say dessert, and everyone only hears desert.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they hear you just fine....

Anonymous said...

Had a funny thought in that spot between awake and asleep!

Since time changes during sleep too, it would be easy to reach alien life in our sleep and ask them what their worlds are like so we can find them and they can find us easier.

In theory we would be cutting right to the chase! Hope everything is ok with you guys. Everything is fine here, I'm making herb bread!

Anonymous said...

I can,
I will,
I want to,
because I do too.

Anonymous said...


'Painted red to fit right in, yeah, yeah'

'Yeah, they're goin down, all the right friends in all the right places'

'I've been waiting,,, for a girl like you, to come into my life, yeah waiting, for someone who, can make me feel alright, yeah'

'I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed, get along with the voices singin my head'

'You say I'm crazy, yeah you say I'm crazy, well that's just weird,'


'I say, dream weaver, crazy just for you'

'sweet dream or a beautiful
nightmare, either way I don't wanna wake up without you' Putcha in each of prayers, wrap you around all of dreams,
sweet dreams ,,, '


'who needs true love as long as you love me truly'


'I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do, about you now, cause maybe ,,,'


Anonymous said...


wish I could post cute animal pictures here, it would so brighten up the decor


Anonymous said...


'you should always have cake
when you celebrate'

famous author unknown


Anonymous said...

'I said Sara, your the poet in my heart, never change'

' To be brave, save a stranger, sable on blonde, dark against light because they hurt too much.

'Just how deep, do you owe that dream, in your hands each night'

I said Sara ,,,this time

Anonymous said...

'Oh was it you I heard calling, which voice, did I force you to remember in the sacred name of love, well to be brave, save a stranger, sable on blonde.'

Anonymous said...

Your my soul mate, best mate, wing man, brother, stay strong. Don't know why this blog is here bro but you're loved by us, hope you know.

Anonymous said...

Canadian Northern Shield Ins
1675 Douglas St # 510
Victoria, British Columbia, V8W2G5


Anonymous said...

contact the Seaterra Program Office.

510-1675 Douglas Street
Victoria, BC V8W 2G5
Main reception: 250.360.3002
Fax: 250.360.3071

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...




-- And the Lord so loved his enemies forgiveness in the end --

Anonymous said...

It was nice to see you today

I got a nice picture of you and your family together, it was SO nice to see you again! Matches up nicely with those other ones of you and your cousins etc, Really great shot, sun was perfect at that moment

You are one of my fave succubus's darling, you know that right??

No hard feelings, I understand the need for greed,,,ahhah just kidding with you of course

We love keeping our eyes on you, you and you because, as you know darling, your really um gorgeous


Anonymous said...


They are never going to let up. They will never let us be together.

There are too many of them and they come out of every crack.

I have been advised now to let go of this. Advised by very higher ups you understand.

Everything I have said stands.

Various people know various things and we have met to seal the last seal.

You must get by now on your own. This is too much for us now. I have to let go. I have to, I'm told. You understand this I am sure.

Peace and goodwill to all

Godspeed & love.

In the name of all that is pure & good.


Anonymous said...

Go back to reading the phone book to real need to work harder than that today.

Anonymous said...



Run license plate:

735 RLH



Anonymous said...

Not the phone book


the employee listing

Very important link for me to have on file with my friends

Anonymous said...

The Lord is my shepherd,
I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside quiet waters.
He refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
for his name’s sake.
Even though I walk
through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Surely your goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Anonymous said...

In the name of Jesus Christ


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

T h a n k y o u

B r i d g e t H a z e l l


Anonymous said...

" A sad empty shell of a person. Shallow in the extreme. People are generally afraid of her, she's known to do cruel things behind their backs. Like set you up all the time. People actually hate her because she scares them. They can sense something off, something is just not quite right and she works out because she so body image obsessed, as though she doesn't know there is more to a person.
She actually believes she's a princess and at night, fulfills her fantasy doing bizarre things I'm told. What those things are, I never wanted to find out. I transferred out of that unit as soon as an opportunity arose. I was creeped out by her"

Anonymous said...

" A sad empty shell of a person. Shallow in the extreme. People are generally afraid of her, she's known to do cruel things behind their backs. Like set you up all the time. People actually hate her because she scares them. They can sense something off, something is just not quite right and she works out because she so body image obsessed, as though she doesn't know there is more to a person.
She actually believes she's a princess and at night, fulfills her fantasy doing bizarre things I'm told. What those things are, I never wanted to find out. I transferred out of that unit as soon as an opportunity arose. I was creeped out by her"

Anonymous said...


Code was broken last night, we picked everything up on MSN before it disappeared this morning.

It has been sent

I loved every word

We will and can

I just needed the one entry today

Earthbender has confirmed other

All is well.

Love is endless here

Anonymous said...

Oh, sorry, comments bothering you?? Well, um, why are you reading them?? Why are you even here? Your hatred runs very deep, doesn't it. That must feel horrid, to be that way.

Anonymous said...

Something's wrong
Something's wrong

I just got intel

I must run from this hell

good bye to you all
good bye

forever and for good, you can be sure

Anonymous said...

Roger that! Call me!!!

Anonymous said...

Intel, Intel

Thank you for the show

This truth has set me free once again and

I am thrilled to know

It is not something I can ever tell, because I have already forgotten that hell.

Anonymous said...

Have a good nite. Sleep well.

Anonymous said...

Have you guys heard Angelina Jolie want to make a Cleopatra movie?

In the interview she calls me complicated! Now I ask you am I complicated? I mean really?

Anonymous said...

Because I really don't think I am.

Anonymous said...

Because I really don't think I am.

Anonymous said...

I really don't.

Anonymous said...


Dark heart has died
Tear purge complete

Clean air is everywhere

All is ok


Anonymous said...


Network is falling, as sure as the sun is setting.

Black Net is next, as sure as the sun will rise again.

Scotland Yard held a conference


Anonymous said...


It is true.
Costa Rica is the safe haven.

North, East, West & South
it is the North & South Native we must trust and no this has nothing to do with Stevie.


Anonymous said...


Most lovely to meet you.

Johnny take a walk.

Anonymous said...

Enchantment was mine.

An interesting case.

Interestesting to note:

William Shakespearean

Mark Twain also fit in.

In the Louve of Paris there is sealed vault.
At the Vatican, there holds a note.

It was a puzzle you see, like Romeo & Juliet,

without the death, you understand.
Cute to note.

Anonymous said...


There has been a complete sweep
on the order of Princess Anne

This from the word of one driver & friend

A convenant they said
Not sure, or cove

We made winds 80+ then up again, then again for the sole purpose of disturbing the crows


Anonymous said...

Budget has been set for 6.2 mill,,,

for the next 6 days.

Got a call on the rotary

Anonymous said...

Remember this Wonderwalls:

923 Caledonia Avenue
929 Caledonia Avenue

850 Caledonia Avenue

We know.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

850 Caledonia Ave.

Anonymous said...

Mele Kalikimalka (May-lay)

Christmas has come early

He sees you when your sleeping, he knows when your awake, he knows when youve been bad or good so be good for goodness sake.

Anonymous said...

www.cute relationships^+facebook
www.cute relationships^+windows
www.cute relationships^+aol
www.cute relationships^+msn

cute relationships + earthbender
cute relationships + sadie^may

Anonymous said...

www.cute relationships+facebook
www.cute relationships+windows
www.cute relationships+aol
www.cute relationships+msn

cute relationships + earthbender
cute relationships + sadie^may

Anonymous said...

www.^cute relationships +facebook
www.^cute relationships +windows
www.^cute relationships +aol
www.^cute relationships +msn

cute relationships + earthbender
cute relationships + sadie^may

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...



984 TNS

Report out finding immediately

Check Missing Persons





Report out findings IMMEDIATELY

Anonymous said...


-ever come near me again
-call my i phone
-park your vehicle at my work
-threaten me using animation
-you're the grossest chick I have
ever met

Your succubus photo has been sent to several mutual friends, my security at work, my manager as well as the police along with your twitter photo. Combining other photos proves it is you

stalking, paying people to stalk, threatening our mutual friend whom you think you had a real relationship with, threatening his life or limbs for wanting so desperately to get away from you is all in evidence

Your organization is small and disorganized. Mutany is already happening and you're the only one who doesn't know about it.

STOP trying to make yourself seem bigger than you are -- it's ALL Daddys money little girl

We followed the trail

Listen to me carefully, you are but a fly to me.

My brothers well being is all the matters you crazy bitch. Get on with your sad being and keep to the dirty waters from which you came.

Anonymous said...

You did the same thing to your last boyfriend. I met up with his mother on Dallas Road. He's happy and safe now, and my best buddy and favorite brother will be too and you will go back to the other places you belong, to live your life they way you want not forcing your kink on everyone else who have morales.
You will forget you ever knew any of us.

Anonymous said...

What are you blathering on about? sheesh!

Anonymous said...

The Lord replied, "My precious, precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints in the sand, it was then that I carried you"

Anonymous said...

Interview Notes:

"My son was terrified of her. They weren't even together really and when he met someone else she threatened suicide, said she was pregnant and that she would sacrifice the baby to Lucifer if he didn't stay with her. Privately with the help of family, we got her out of our lives but honestly, she was like a maggot. She tried blackmailing him with photos she set him for, she tried extortion. Yes, it was quite the experience, I must say. And the poor girl my son was in love with, she made her life a living hell but we protected her because she made our son so happy and stayed strong throughout the ordeal. They're still happily together and have a nice, clean, God loving life together and for me, I Thank God for that."

Anonymous said...

I asked God who I should think of as the enemy if we all seem to be made from the same stuff.

So he showed me instead.

Anonymous said...

Remember the part of the bible where the apostles are talking about who would be seated at the right hand of the Father?

All my images with Armand have had him to my right. And most on my images with Ari are the same but there have been some exceptions, and I think when I have the exception type images they are images that Tal shares too.

Anonymous said...

Also realized that in dreams I seem to appear (like when I appeared and saw my dragons) at their 3:00 or on their right.

That's probably a science clue for Brig and Ritchie.

Anonymous said...

i listened carefully to the language of my heart and soul.
I watched and used everything I knew.
To turn dark back to light
and make everything right.
I allowed this love to grow because nothing in my being ever knew something so pure, almost beyond magical.
And I would do it all again
For you, and only for you.

Have a beautiful day <3

Anonymous said...

Have a beautiful night. XO

Anonymous said...

The Fellowship of the Ring
Part 1
Lord of the Rings

tea, lots of rest, smile :)


Anonymous said...

Some writers here strike as being incredibly truthful and real.
This blog fascinates.
Really, it does.

I quite like it.

Anonymous said...

"The need for the physical manifestation of true love is greater than all fears, inhibitions or doubt. It is also the reason for the invention of alcohol and humour. They thought of everything."

Author unknown

Anonymous said...

Back to my book

Sweet dreams you guys

Anonymous said...

WOW, no one seems to think I'm funny!
well, it's all about the children anyhow,
and how I love to see them laugh like when I play Mrs. Who and Mrs. Whatsit?|||
They always laugh

Anonymous said...

WOW, no one seems to think I'm funny!
well, it's all about the children anyhow,
and how I love to see them laugh like when I play Mrs. Who and Mrs. Whatsit?|||
They always laugh

Anonymous said...

Did you know:

All virtues combat vices.
In the Christian world, all vices are called deadly sins. In the Avanglelist world, each deadly sin is given a name and status.
Each name given is the name of a demon based on their order of rank. For example:
Patience combats the most powerful demon; Satan, who is in charge of induce anger and wrath
while humility combats Lucifer who is in charge of pride and it goes down from there.
Interesting to know there is literally a virtue that combats all dark forces on this planet and all dark forces have names.

Just like we say:

In the name of Jesus Christ

These are powerful requests when made sincerely.

Anonymous said...

This is just a reminder to all my friends that now read this blog.
It helps them.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone ever seen what melanoma looks like? It's considered the grossest of all cancers, literally eating away skin cells, turning all white blood cells to red. Tortuously painful. It occurs when people are obsessed with suntanning both in tropical climates or using sun tanning beds in the wintertime in non tropical climates. It is a cancer that befalls the vain.

Anonymous said...

In numerology the number 22 represents the Bhudda

Anonymous said...

In numerology the number 11 represents Jesus Christ

Anonymous said...

In the

name of

Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ

Anonymous said...

I love you

Anonymous said...

"If nothing is true, and everything is permitted, why is it falling brick by brick?"

Author unknown

Anonymous said...


2202 monks of Tibet

and of course

Dagdas harp


Anonymous said...

Psalm 23
King James Version (KJV)

23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

Anonymous said...

Had a dream of sorts this a.m. Some of it I found upsetting....I was walking toward a front door and saw Beth in the yard, we were happy to see each other and I gave her a hug. She said she paid a bartender some money so she could sleep there overnight without having to go home. She took me to Yogi whose face looked burned and crispy like a black marshmallow. When I started asking him what happened the burned parts started to flake away and peel off. And as the burned parts fell away his face was unharmed and restored. Then I realized a small part of brigs nose was missing and I think that happened because he was worried about something to do with me. Did I say something that upset him? Hope he is ok. There were more parts to the dream that I can't remember right now....the only one not in it was Ritchie.

Still looking at the miracles of J....

Anonymous said...

Also as I was waking up later, I saw a big white sign that said "Spell Broken!" In bold red letters. Take no comfort in that, because I felt it was only a sign of encouragement and not a true change of reality. Good night.

Anonymous said...

Yes darling, it is true.
We are finally through.
The rhyme, the rythm, all those
beats, never sure which was a lie and which was true.
You stole my focus, not my heart, and made yourself my emotional rescue. Now please be gone once and for all, it is obvious this has become a recurring nightmare I have awoken to.

Anonymous said...

I would never steal anything from you. I'm against thievery of all kinds. Plus you have nothing I want except your heart and small parts of your mind which you easily gave....

Anonymous said...

The miracles of J did for the most part happen, but some are misunderstood.

J didn't heal the Romans son, just predicted that he would get better. Sometimes he was given credit for a healing just by giving info on situations and how to better handle them

J didn't wither the fig tree just noticed it was dying. He was walking with MM because he was sick and needed to move. He felt weather anomalies strongly and was confused/frightened by memories of Atlantis, that old repeat. The 'out of season' part could also have been part of a disease for the tree. It took months for the tree to die and was kept as a record for his mental state more than anything else.

Calming the waters was another prediction he got right.

But levitating on the water, water to wine, healing the cripple....still have no answers for, like the sinks in the ladies room.

Anonymous said...

Magic carpet rides, witches on brooms and other stories are all born from levitation and anti gravity and Atlantis. Everyone have a good day today.

Anonymous said...

And what then of my time? It was not given out of being generous, it was forced like a fishing expedition and taken on a hook. I did not give you pieces of my mind, I opened the window for you to see in. Anyone with a heart would have given in. What has it accomplished? Other than you didn't get done in?

Anonymous said...

Of course, you are right. Giving up some heart to you I should have realized may cost me my life, career and all that matters to me. All so that once you are strong and pain free, you can thrive and fly far away to be. This was a chance I took. I just thought it would happen 8 months ago. Whats the reason now for remaining in a box? I may never know so I guess that's okay. Right.

Anonymous said...

You gave me one path to understand the situation. Hundreds of images to create the picture. I did well and each time I said I was anything it appeared there. Am I cute? Really? Oh good. Thank you now what else? Hmmm was that you or was that the devil. Let me guess.
You made it seem you were in trouble, you made it seem you were trapped. You grabbed at the emotion sure to get me wrapped. Of course I could fall in love with that. But you see, this is the think. That was in the spring. I can love still, I don't know of all the pain you people speak. I know I did a good thing. But please just say you can fly now and be done. That was the goal from day one.

Anonymous said...

Strong and pain free? I'm not too sure what they've told you, but this thing that has hold of me, and its symptoms are for life with no chance of escape or parole. Even if I manage to work thru it yet one more time, I now have other health related issues. Did you know DRs can write addendums to biopsy reports? Now I need a surgical biopsy and I have to go back and have the second site they wanted to watch biopsied too. But that could change too into something more devastating since I now have an 80% chance of breast cancer in my's still early yet. Anyway, it never goes away, it's just a matter of when it comes back and every year it steals more of my heart. I haven't been comfortable in years. Realize this isn't a complaint no matter how depressed it sounds, it's an explanation. I don't want to be cut and I think if anything I said here was right or real, well....where are my miracles? L. & and please don't believe it will get better, it doesn't, it just pauses for a short moment. And please don't be mean to me right now, we both know I would leave if I could...

Anonymous said...

Another weird story by another anon posing as TB. Get a life and leave us be. Don't care about your bullshit story, diversion and illusion. Your an expert. Satan knows all the tricks and I know all his. Whatever. What if. Say what you want. I'll believe when I see and until then will keep to my God given faith. Don't direct stupid stories to me again, you're just evil little one, little bitch. You prove yourself again and again.

Anonymous said...

That's fine. They've just given me every reason now to stay. For my soul mate, I'll wait out every season. You've already seen what I can see, you know what I know. My love, my dear, we will be together as one on a day they will never know. My resolve is clear, I know now what to do. I will wait until I see you peer from behind that fine oak tree. Love and Godspeed.

Anonymous said...

Now get to work, before we start sending things over to your office. You will never keep us apart you clearly don't understand. You get out witted every single time because your EGO is your master man.

Anonymous said...

As if he would ever allow you near his children, knowing what he knows.

Anonymous said...

Everyone has that one teacher they believe loves them the most. It comes from the same place of believing they are a Princess because Daddy told them so. Sometimes it could be an important neighbor or someone they meet through a show. Either way it's infatuation of a little girl not yet ready to grow. Not a woman, just a flirt with an understanding of what is lust only, never been loved. So sad, yet I've seen it all before, for common people tend go this path.

Anonymous said...

We developed a language, so you wouldn't know. I've known all about you from day one. What you've done, where you have been, how many you have done and how scared you make them feel within. You best hope we never meet alone, you've made sure this can't happen but are you sure? You terrorized my family and blamed it everywhere else, when I knew all along from the black heart it came. Your time is up and your number has been called. Please come see me face to face, if you wish to discuss any of this at all. That way, it's a fair balance. Do you know what fair play is my dear?? Because you don't, I called on Karma. I know a coward would never meet face to face because my dear, you are a flake.

Anonymous said...

Fake nails, fake white teeth, fake smile, fake personality, fake friends, fake family. A flake. Do you even actually exist? The job is a joke, given out as a dime to a dozen. Your illusion is broken, like your mind and soul. I always knew, for you, there was no hope. Poor sweet, to have had to meet you. Must have been a shock to his dear sweet soul. I wanted to help him back to soft. Back to real. Back to all that is good. And I did. He is loved, real, true and pure. Not violent, like you.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget little girl, I know what I know because you did it to me. Complaining about Christmas ornaments being removed when my services were in such demand I had no time for such foil. What a weirdo we thought, when her first she brought herself a plate of cookies she baked for herself cause it was her birthday? She had no friends, boyfriend or family to do this for her you see. She creeped every moment from then on.

She started this blog to extort and destroy, because she didn't like not being his 'girl'.

I will never give up. I will never leave. I know what happiness feels like and how it breeds. I also am privy to what is meant to bee.

Anonymous said...

We know everything you have on your phone. Pictures, videos. Shadow, Shadow call my name. Wipe out those photos that she has no property rights over, if you can not, then have someone accidentily, switch up phones. Perhaps find it in a purse, you never know what the universe has in mind for its hour of playful just deserve.

Anonymous said...

U make such a good

sweet sweet dreams tonight

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What have you been smoking, girl?

Anonymous said...

Oh sorry

DeAndre Lee

were you talkin to me?

Anonymous said...

Morning, Babylon.

Have a bright, shiny day today.


It's good to be handsome & cute.


Have you seen Eminems 'Not Afraid'
vid?? check it, really good ;)
H's favorite

Anonymous said...

You will never know ~

- Who we are
- - How we know
- - - What we know
- - - - Why we want to know
- - - Where we hold what we know
----- or what we intend to do
------with what we know.

Much depends on you. You know who.

Time is of the essence.

We can, and will, wait forever or until we are all together.

Anonymous said...


Stop wasting time lying to yourself.
Not everyone is like you yet somehow you think deep down they are.
Your game is well over and well understood.
Start living to make the world a better place.
Then, and only then, will someone be able to possibly love you.

Anonymous said...

Sweet, you have been worth every step, every word, every action. Time was never wasted. Love and rightousness was the order of the day. No regrets as we move with the wind and the waves.


Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha. That's funny.

Anonymous said...


I know.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

For every one freakshow,
there are ten people that
want you gone.

Anonymous said...

With love from ,,,


Anonymous said...

No one believes you.
No one is listening to you.
No one wants anything to do with you.

You are all smoke and mirrors dear.

Anonymous said...

"She's basically a one woman show with her Uncle pulling the strings. She takes small bits of things she knows about someone and capitalizes on it to terrorize them. Talmage owes her money and she detests people that owe her money. She's obsessed with him and has photos she has used to try and keep him attached to her. She knows all the tricks, she's been doing this shit since she was a little kid. Don't let her scare you with the horrific images she posts, certainly take a snapshot of them and have them on file but basically, she's just full of shit, she has no army, no best friends, no real friends that I know of but she posts images to make herself seem big and popular. The computer is her only weapon."

Anonymous said...

"Everything to do with her has to do with ultra egos. She really doesn't like herself so she has created many ultra egos to boost her self esteem. She is devastated the Ian Starglow ultra ego is such a disaster, she really thought she had hit the big time."

Anonymous said...


You all still think this is about Tal, and love, and love lost, don't you?



Anonymous said...

Starglow is a disaster, Bachman is bankrupt?
Who knew?

Anonymous said...

Sorry about all these comments Tal, you know how harrassed we've been since being on this blog. Some my fault I know, but the call they made recently to my i-phone elevated everything. The last straw so to speak. The images are bad enough but I don't need to look at those, it's the overall intimidation I can't tolerate. I've gotten my family involved and friends who no one knows. I've changed habits just as any one would do. I pray to God none of my actions have gotten you physically hurt, which they have threatened us with so many times.

Anonymous said...

For Christ's sake, Tal! How many people do you owe money to?

Anonymous said...


Got er. Perfect shot. Hardcore.

735 RLH

Known associate/relative


Anonymous said...

1600 hours exactly.

Anonymous said...

who are these stalkers? Some woman accuses different people every few days of whatever she has delusions about. Will somebody please call the cops on her? She is dangerous and psycho. She's obviously a mental patient somewhere and if she's stalking or involving others in it, the police need to be told.If you live in her city/town,call the cops.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I've had enough. I am going to report this blog as of right now. You can all get your ip addresses on file and they can track the stalker woman and her cohorts down.

Anonymous said...

Ok, the butter comment made me smile a little....

Anonymous said...


If you could see my smile right now you would see it light up the dark sky.


Anonymous said...

Your right, someone should call the police and

Report TALMAGE as missing.

He's being held against his will.


Anonymous said...

They are all lying

He is in trouble

Report him missing now
Send the link to this blog

include 778-433-0626 trace


Anonymous said...


If you get this we know all the quotes are contrived. We know what the plan was. We know you are in trouble.

STAY strong

Anonymous said...

Pissed because I described you as hardcore 735 RLH?? That's because you LOOK hardcore

who are these stalkers? Some woman accuses different people every few days of whatever she has delusions about. Will somebody please call the cops on her? She is dangerous and psycho. She's obviously a mental patient somewhere and if she's stalking or involving others in it, the police need to be told.If you live in her city/town,call the cops.

Anonymous said...


He is in trouble and being held against his will


Anonymous said...

1258 Pembroke Street
923 Caledonia Ave
929 Caledonia Ave
919 Caledonia Ave

735 RLH

www.cute^relationships |+windows
www.cute^relationships |+facebook
www.cute^relationships |+tumblr
www.cute^relationships |+bing
www.cute^relationships |+yahoo
www.cute^relationships |+google
www.cute^relationships |+google+


HE IS Involved with the links above. HE IS writing and producing animation for cute relationships against his will. Check the links and you will see what I mean by this.


Anonymous said...

YOU ARE HIS Cleopatra aren't YOU??

In the interview she calls me complicated! Now I ask you am I complicated? I mean really?

Anonymous said...

& KOKO Puff

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