Monday, September 10, 2007

On Tal Bachman

Disclaimer: The following is an ad hominem attack on Tal Bachman. If you are Mr. Bachman, or one of his small number of ever dwindling fans, I suggest that you not read this post. I will try to be objective, but be forewarned; I do not have a lot of good things to say about this pretentious, washed-up has-been.

I don’t like Tal Bachman. I’ve read a lot of his posts, and if they are any reflection of who he really is, he must really be one pathetic son of a bitch. Am writing this because he left Mormondom? No, I can’t really say that I’m sad to see him go. Some of the nicest, coolest, warm-hearted, generous individuals I know have left the Mormon church and I have yet to launch a single ad hominem attack on them. In fact, we continue to be good friends regardless of varying religious choices. Membership in an organization is no arbiter when it comes to friendship. With that in mind, let me turn my attention to Mr. Bachman. His singular claim to fame is that he wrote and sang a hit song, “She’s So High.” As a one-hit wonder, he’s in the same category as the illustrious Right Said Fred, Vanilla Ice and Lou Bega (of Mambo No. 5 fame). I’m surprised he hasn’t starred on the Surreal Life yet. Maybe he’s holding out for a spot on Dancing with the ‘Stars’. Marie Osmond made it, why not him?

He has written a voluminous amount of material regarding his thoughts on Mormonism. I’m not sure if he intends to sound like a pretentious, holier-than-thou, pseudo-intellectual, but everything he writes is pretentious, holier-than-thou or pseudo-intellectual. Take a blog post he published a few months ago in May. He criticizes the Mormon conception of heaven and hell, but he makes himself sound like a self-satisfied jerk in the following quote (which can be found here)

“I think heaven isn't a place we go to after we die; I think it is a place we can live in everyday, if we are determined to, and perhaps, if we have a bit of luck. I think it is something we create and find here on earth...and right now. Heaven can be right now...

“I feel sad sometimes when I think of how long I lived always thinking of heaven as another place, and another time. I was too often blind to all the beauty right before me, because I was too often straining so hard to see something far, far off in the distance - which, it turns out, there is no reason to believe is even there, at least in the way I thought.

“I submit that true heaven isn't crazy stories, or distant stars, or strange names and strange clothes and strange spouses. I think it is something that we all have, within us, the power to create and experience, at least to some extent, right here and right now...”

Yeah, whatever, buddy. And with three paragraphs, he assigns those who don’t share his easy rockstar lifestyle to a hell worse than any that God proposed. What happens to those sorry souls, who, for whatever reason, don’t have ‘a bit of luck’? What happens to them? Mr. Bachman would consign them to misery and woe because they are not determined enough, I guess. Or chastise them for hoping for some kind of better existence in the next life? And what is the basis for Mr. Bachman’s faith in humankind? He claims there is no reason to believe in heaven. I agree, at least as far as objective evidence is concerned. But what evidence does he have the mankind can make a heaven here on earth? His own Shangri-La lifestyle, where his biggest complaints are that nobody in the record industry wants to hear his music? He wants to argue both sides of the fence. He has to have a reason for the distant heaven, but offers no reasons for the heaven ‘within’.

Other posts focus on his inability to talk to females in the past because of his worry about temptation. Obviously this is the Mormon church’s fault. The most common complaint I hear about this church is that it stultifies relationships between members of the opposite sex who happen to be married to other people. It would be completely illogical to assume that Mr. Bachman stultifies himself. Maybe someone should tell him that just because he feels ‘tempted’, it is highly unlikely that the person he is talking to feels the same way. When I talk to women at work or at school, I usually don’t get the impression that they are chomping at the bit to go to bed with me, regardless of how naturally charming I am. It must be a rockstar complex to think like that. Maybe Mr. Bachman should evaluate how he internalized the teachings of the Mormon church, rather than make unwarranted generalizations about the impact those teachings have on the general membership.

I think most of my invection comes from the colossal waste of time it was to read what he had written and the colossal waste of time writing this post represents. I don’t usually like (or write) ad hominem attacks, but when someone practically begs for it, can I be anything but obliging?


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Anonymous said...

You know Joanne woke up from her rape induced coma to find leeches on her, even one on her bite wounds.

Today you can grow a human nose off a rats anal sac and you have to admire how little medical science has changed.

Just sayin.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No one should be talking about these matters since Tals Uncle has been charged again. What is wrong with you? It is very likely the police are monitoring this blog for that very reason??? Hello? Have some respect for God sake!

Anonymous said...

I have never seen anyone get so messed up from religion besides you, and ,,, Marilyn Manson.

Anonymous said...

Actually don't worry about the Joanne and rape comment, I just forwarded to my contact at VPD (Victoria Police Department) for their review because along with all the other rape stories here, they are very interested in this material and have been for awhile.

Your welcome.

Anonymous said...

We have photos of all the disguises you use, better try a new town, a new nice girl, a new everything.

Anonymous said...

Tal wants all child molesters executed! Can't say I don't disagree. Tal made excuses about his dad's extramarital affairs, it would be interesting to see if he makes some rationalization that gives his uncle a stay of execution in Bachmania.

(The extended family may want to have a conversation with all of their children that have any had any contact with the uncle.)

Anonymous said...

love ya baby

Anonymous said...

Tal Bachman is a fool. He believed a lie, gave up the truth, took others away from the truth and lost his family. He lost his income because his future employers know he's not all there, emotionally. He is a sorry excuse for a man. He posts here, using verbiage that he has often used before. It's so obvious.
As Tal would say, Good Luck.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe Randy had affairs.

Anonymous said...

Randy recently had an affair and is going through a divorce now.

Anonymous said...

No. I won't stop. It is true. Nothing to get over.
As long as you are here, we will be here.

Anonymous said...

Well this really is quite the grouping because what have we got here:
Pissed Mormons
Suicidal X girlfriends
X Foster Kids
Mormon mothers
Mormon others
and a bunch of Haters for the ride.
No wonder Tal was a mental mess waiting to happen. This much is obvious. Maybe this is why he had to do what he had to do. Maybe this is the only way to find peace. The peace everyone deserves Not hellfire for exercising 1st amendment rights.
And what role is mom playing? to allow this mess? or play into it, not sure which.
We have groupies here and actual fans, fangirls they're called.
X friends
X best friends
New friends & new
best friends are all here. All reeking havoc on one life.

Then there is DPC - he's actually Enoch. Evil blogger ladys team.

Heavy medication is no surprise. It is amazing you can even rise.
You created this though, and will need to make things right, you are in a fight, for your life.

Anonymous said...

I'll say anything to get you to tell me everything.

I wanted the Puppet Master and now I have him.

Tal is the least of my worries.

He neither has the resources or initiative to be a stalker or harasser, but you do.


Anonymous said...

You will move on and forget my face. I am not a threat to you; I'll always choose grace.

Let others live too, leave Tal on his own, let go of what you think
you own.

I have you boxed in, what do you think I've done for 7 months?

I made sure who was in the know were from various groups.

You will forget my face and my name and move on, to engage in all the good things you say you undertake.

All others can begin their own new projects still, and continue on their God given free will --

~~~*** as long as, you give it to us.


Anonymous said... ones won the lottery for this month yet?

Anonymous said...

Uther died of pneumonia. He had a bad cold and after sitting by the fire for some time he told Morgan that he wanted to lay down and take a nap. When she brought him a dinner tray of soup she found he died...

Yogi if you get a cough or cold that lasts for more than 7 days, don't take a nap find a dr. You won't feel pneumonia, you will feel tired/fatigued. L.

Anonymous said...


When I came to you with my headache, You were knitting Yogi a pair of socks and I can't help but think it's good imagery for you both. Circumstances will change in the next life mother/son or some other parent/child combo. This fracture can heal then.

I am told to let you know that I like your attitude, but to be honest it's a general feeling I have and don't know any details. I was also told that you used to knit but hadn't for awhile and only with the last couple of years did you take it up again. Don't know if that's literal or more dream stuff.

I feel so bad for you both, I had no idea anything was wrong...and it makes me think maybe I shouldn't be here...then I remember when I give personal advice how goddamn right I am :) small joke.

A hug to you both.

Anonymous said...


I didn't mean to sound so ominous in this mornings post, I just want you to take care of your health and to know what to watch out for, that's all. It's NOT a prediction of any sort. I need to try to be more explicit, so I'm sorry if it caused you or anyone else any stress.

Also when Uther and Morgan left for France, he was more than ready to leave because he had his own troubles there. He was passed over for a job he applied for, and was frustrated and angry. It was political. He opened himself up to more criticism when he and Morgan married because of her, but neither cared too much about it since they felt both their lives were in the toilet, for that little bit of time.

Tal, making excuses for someone is also a way of trying to understand how a situation could happen. Just a long distance perspective.

Anonymous said...

I bet Ritchie and Beth are really married either. Scares me a little because I liked seeing the baby wave in one of my images, and thought it was all real. No matter, as long as you understand the lies they tell me.

I did see and image of Ian superimposed in the clouds two days ago, he was carrying two kids, almost toddlers. I was told grandchildren, but who knows for certain who they really are and if they are really real. And about your latest Ian video, Tal, funny. But for whatever reason I'm very happy you have your Japanese friend with you at all times. I hope she keeps you from doing something, or someone, stupid.

I'm so sorry for Tim, too...I wish I had something to say that is more than that. Maybe later, I never know, you know?

I hope to be back soon, today or tomorrow, if only to play here, would like to tell you all a story but don't have anything yet. My friend with the sick husband, remember? His viewing is L to you guys!

Anonymous said...

I mean:

I bet Ritchie and Beth AREN'T really married either.

Anonymous said...

Sweet - I'm flying to Summerland for the weekend and wanted to let you know that.

It's weird because your new video I have seen every one of those video hose on my pages. It truly has to be the worst video I've ever seen and 7 whole views.

Whoever directed this, the Japanese photographer psycho X should get out of the business like right now.

It is horrid and looks like something out of the 70's. I've been on video shoots, what was the budget for that one?? Like a grand??

Anyhow, just my thoughts. Not sure why they think that would make me jealous but I know they put alot of effort into trying to get me to be that way, It just won't work. I'm not weak minded.

I'm only jealous of Roger.

Love you <3

Oh and really, the Ian Starglow thing could only make money if you sell the licence to the concept, otherwise the whole thing is garbage but I know the actressess really want to hold onto it, probably their first rodeo - that can be alluring if you've never been in a video before. Why do the girls all look the same??? Cloners

Anonymous said...

One last image for Bell and Yogi that I forgot to include earlier:

I heard myself asking Yogi if he would were a pair of Bells hand made socks (you two were sitting together on a couch) and with his finger raised he said emphatically "I would wear a spool of thread if it helped keep me warm!"

The image of them in the clouds that I saw years ago was Bell resting her head on Yogi's. They were both reading a wedding invitation from Beth and Ritchie.

Even as recent as the Tal playing hard ball, I saw Yogi laughing at his computer and Bell was there asking him what was so funny...she decided she couldn't let that opportunity go, called Tal and told him she could get him a referral from her Dr. Still a little funny to me, but again very very sorry...

If you need help rationalizing Tim, I can see where someone would take the opportunity to 'pile on' the retribution after being forced to do the right thing, or at least made to stop doing the wrong ones when they weren't ready to stop. I'm using my own life for this, and not anyone else's. Realize I don't know what I'm saying or even have an understanding of what is happening here.

So I will turn off the mic for now. L.

Anonymous said...


Web definitions

Philippine drama is a television form of melodramatic serialized fiction. It is rooted from two words: "tele", which is short for "television," and "serye", a Tagalog term for "series" and "drama" for drama. ...

Anonymous said...

darling, we're not just cute looking together, we look alike! And neither of us are Atheist, this is so important to me.

Anonymous said...

'I don't normally engage in a special investigation, but when I do, I leave no stone unturned, no truth unexposed and put my shield of angelically blessed armour on and fucking engage full force.'
I gather my elite team, spread them out in 4 corners and we work and work. This happens before the investigation even begins :)

Anonymous said...

And I'm going to tell you my conclusion in this investigation.

True Love can never be broken
Love Prevails
Logic Prevails
Strength of Character (which you have) prevails
All make for a beautiful girl with a pure heart. I loved that girl the most in all of this. She is fortified with strength and dignity and genuinely believes in you without wanting anything from you.

That is as rare as a snow leopard. A clean girl. And, she loves you of all the choices she has before her.

That is the concluding result of this special investigation.

Have a sweet day sweet.

Anonymous said...

I think I'm going to gag.

Anonymous said...

Tal told me personally a much different story than you think you know about him and Tracy.
I still see he is plugging himself as a free thinker. O my gawd. He is anything but.

Anonymous said...


I'm not comfortable with the sock imaging, I don't think it means too many good things, so if you don't mind for now I'll hold off on making you a pair. If that ever changes for me, like Bell's name changed for me, then I'll let you know. But for now, I just don't like the idea. You can blame Ari, it's not his fault or idea, but go ahead and blame him anyway. I'm sure he deserves it.

Anonymous said...

It was stunning to watch, how she grew to love you & how you did her. Anyone that understands this type of love stuff was touched, like a fairytale and all the audience wants to do is read the next chapter. It's expected to be much less malice driven, a happy chapter but not because anyone is naive or a prude :)

Really cute <3

Anonymous said...

I remember Tal letting his dad know I showed up here. They were on the phone and Tal was saying "and then she comes back a couple minutes and tells me to piss off."

Yogi said, "Maybe you should do what she says."

And I agree, maybe you should...

Anonymous said...

Good nite, see you soon. L.

Anonymous said...

that dripping ice cream feeling you get when you have had a day full of family & love,,.
wonderful gathering at the oceanfront but fuck I miss you.

Anonymous said...


In this phase;

I so love the break-up because I'm even more in love with the make-up.



Anonymous said...

touch, lick, feel, explode.
all in one innocent episode.
then there's more. wet, wild and free, in the wind, lots of sin.
The forest sings and dances for their naughty ways, because it knows, nothing can get in the way,
of true lovers that want to be.

Anonymous said...

Unless it's mad passionate extraordinary love, it's a waste of time. There are too many mediocre things in life. Love should not be one of them.

Seduce the mind and bring a man to his higher source has been my job, it didn't happen overnight. It took time and tribulation to get to know the heart I decided to find. But it was so worth the time when I finally did. There were so many posers, it took time to see the real. Now that I have, I will never go back.

That is the essence of what happened here.

Anonymous said...

'Oh, hey, hi"
'What's your name?'

'Oh, hey, hi'
'My name is A Miracle and
I just made pancakes, want some??'

Anonymous said...

I had pancakes for breakfast yesterday but it didn't come with A Miracle! I was thinking about some of those funny articles were they say "dr's remove 30 lbs tumor complete with teeth and hair" and I can only hope mine doesn't take after me.

Got a busy day of clearing up more branches and storm damage from our hard Canadian winter. Schatzi will help because she likes to do that kind of work.

Enjoy yourselves today because Mondays closing in!

Anonymous said...

I don't believe Randy had an affair. I don't believe he would EVER have an affair. But I do believe Ian needs to work on his core. Sit-ups would help. He might get more women to look the next time he mows the grass with no shirt on.

Shine on oh dark one.

Anonymous said...

Another dumb conversation between women about someone they likely have never even met and will likely never meet??

Sad lives you ladies lead.

Try and have a nice day and shine, sorry, but you do not. Dark?? indeed, umm, you, kinda are

Anonymous said...

Oh shut up! And put your shirt back on. No one wants to see that!

Anonymous said...

I agree, Randy wouldn't cheat. He doesn't need the Kanye West type publicity to sell his name. If he were getting a divorce he would just get one and not announce it to the public.

Personally I'm shocked and disturbed. I'm shocked by this news and disturbed by other reasons than his divorce.

Anonymous said...

Baby, my brother and I are going for a run before Church then we will be playing a round of golf to honour my father.

I can't help but think you you're a golfer too?? I'm not great but I did win a trophy for ladies longest drive once.

The reunion in Summerland has been so beautiful and my brother and I have some ideas we want to try. These ideas just never seem to die for us.

Stars, moon, trees and bees, that's what you mean to me.

Anonymous said...

'If she's amazing, she won't be easy to get.'
'If she's easy to get, she won't be amazing'.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning!

It is I once again, the Beautiful Audrey Of Arcturus, here to share with you a vision of Bell and Yogi to help ease your anxiety!

When the joke was told about the woman on the airplane that was about to crash and the man took his shirt off and said "here iron this." There was much humor in the room!

Brigham or Ritchie, can't tell which, laughed and asked "how is that a bear joke?"

Tal said, "because she said it was."

Yogi response was to scold Audrey. by asking her "Don't you have some ironing to do?"

Beth said "I'm not ironing that."

And Bell, once again on the couch beside Yogi turned and asked him, " You want me to iron that for you?"

So it's hard to see a divorce when there is this kind of attitude in the room.

Enjoy you run and your golfing and your sit-ups, you liars.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you just ask Tal about Randy's affair because he's the one talking behind his father's back, telling everyone.

Anonymous said...

No. The way I see it poor Audrey's the victim here. Besides Tal can come here and talk to us anytime he chooses. As long as he wears clothes.

Anonymous said...

Tal talks about everyone behind their backs. Even dear ol' Daddy, who gave him with a job, gets no exception to Tal's undisciplined, backstabbing, wagging tongue.

Anonymous said...

Fuck, do I love you & I seriously cannot even count the ways.
During our brunch a sun dog formed while eagles flew in and out of it and a dragonfly stayed the entire time throughout the brunch. It was so esoterically divine, I thought of you first.
It was a beautiful sight and my thought of you was even better.
This much is very true.

Anonymous said...

Just because you cannot understand something, like the essence of what true love is, does not make it untrue? Just as people with negative essence will always see corruption in purity, that's all they know.

These are the people I pray the most for.

Anonymous said...

Get out! Did you really think of someone besides yourself first? Drs. Appt first thing Tues morning. Results 3-4 days later. Maybe you can be nice to me...

Anonymous said...

For all the golfers out enjoying the day:

Jesus, Moses, and an old man go golfing. The first one to tee off is Moses. He smashes the ball and it is heading right for the water hazard before the green. Moses raises his club, the water parts, and the ball makes it to the green. Jesus gets up to swing, cranks it out, and it is headed for the water hazard. Jesus closes his eyes and prays. The ball skips across the water and lands on the green two feet from the hole. The old man's turn comes and he drives the ball. The ball looks like it is going to drop directly into the water. A fish jumps from the water hazard swallowing the ball, as an eagle drops from the sky, grabbing the fish. As the eagle flies over the green, a bolt of lightning strikes the eagle, making it drop the fish. As the fish hits the green, it spits out the ball and the ball falls into the hole, making a hole in one. Jesus looks at Moses and says, "I really think I'm leaving Dad at home next time!"

Anonymous said...

Then suddenly, it just became obvious, that the world revolved around me and it was very important I knew this. I then, in turn, made those in need of that knowledge, see the same in themselves. Then, love made us, we didn't make love.


Anonymous said...

I so love you for the golfer story.

Anonymous said...

Who do you love more, me or you?

Anonymous said...

Just stopping in to wish you a good night. Very tired, too much stress here, I don't see a divorce I see the opposite of one. And I since my exam I feel uncomfortable, it aches now that she felt it. And it's hard to put it out of your mind when you ache.

Mercury is retrograde but I am hoping for a story soon, would like to throw myself into my work. It feels good when that happens, so I will try paging thru some books tomorrow see if anything interesting jumps out at me.

You do look good in your videos, hope you had fun putting them together. L & Night.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I felt it too.
Everything you say, I feel
in a big way. Deep down,
I always knew. And knew what
I would have to do. But thank
God, it's you and thank you to
you too. All ways in this state.
But you know how much I think of you too. It's my warm blanket at night.

Anonymous said...

I happen to love that wagging tongue, like, alot.

Anonymous said...

So many Pretty Little Liars on one blog at one time. It's like watching an episode of 'Victoria Has No Talent' over & over again.

Anonymous said...

Weather forecast for this day at this time:

"snow dream, and a perfect storm occuring during its star stream"

Must be a risk taker.

Anonymous said...

````` Hear no Evil
Speak no Evil ~~~~~~~~~~~~
....... See no Evil ````````

Is the motto from the start.

Your heart was just so full, just a big fuzzy bear. It was bang that second onward that added so much spark and flair. The rough waters and stormy weather are for stories later on, just know for sure no matter what, I'm not going anywhere. Said before maybe, because the end play was near. Love always was, right there.

sweet, sweet dreams this fine evening <3

Anonymous said...

Where did everyone go? It seems as tho just the two of us are here now. Why do they leave?

Anonymous said...

I stopped by Bells place earlier and felt better so I thought I would dig myself deeper into a hole long as you know I consider this to be for entertainment purposes only now! I do have fun here.

There is movement going on with the plane. Since it has yet to be found my thoughts are still in play. China knows, or at the very least suspects N.K. They are starting an investigation and will question NK soon. They will know the truth, but worry how to bring it all to the worlds eye. That will be a hold up, for years yet. But it will be known to the world. I think they will privately push for a new NK gov't before anything is announced.

Thanks Bell. L.

Anonymous said...

Wild & Romantic
Funny & Smart
Good-Hearted & Kind
Just a bit shy

Creative & Clever
All Create Private Desire
especially, Loyal & True
Add Trust & Trustworthy &
You See What A
Rare Pink Diamond,

Looks Like to me.

Anonymous said...

That's You.

Anonymous said...

It has become crystal clear,
a picnic is near.
Near where the wild roses and sage grow, under blessed conditions.
When and where, no one but us knows.
Best part of all, the picnic is ruined with a sudden rain fall. The old growth oak cannot cover us because that's not what we want.

Anonymous said...

or it stays super sunny and we wrestle in the nice green grass and throw a football, that would be cool too.

Anonymous said...

The plane is gone as scrap. The most interesting parts are still around in a warehouse looking building. The prisoners themselves are fine. They are also treated well, I mean well by NK standards.

They have food brought in, they live in luxury as living space goes. They are in the center of the country, in another warehouse looking building, looks prison or military from the outside. Inside they have well furnished apartments. They have no electronics, but have a tv to watch movies, read books, they are given supplies for hobbies. They are worried and can socialize with each other.

They plane landed along the coastline, sheltered, and prisoners moved right away, and the apartments were furnished and changed after they arrived.

Neither pilot was in on it. The NK fighters met them visually, indicated there was a communication problem and signaled they to land.

Anonymous said...

Be swift as a coursing river,,,,,

With all the force of a great typhoon,,,,,

With all the strength of a raging fire,,,,,

Mysterious as the dark side of the moon,,,,,

Anonymous said...

The instrument panel of the plane indicated it was on course, but as the pilots stayed on course it was actually leading them toward NK. It was deliberate. I don't know too much more than that. It was all done to the aircraft from outside the aircraft.

NSA (& my old office) has looked at it but found nothing to act on, just questions. It is of great interest to them and other countries, Canada too. I think there was a joint military discussion about this recently....

It could be as long as a 20 year wait for the prisoners to be freed. It could be exposed much sooner than that, but probably not by NK & China, since they would kill whoever leaked information, and families.

China is enjoying it's first real taste of prosperity and doesn't want to look bad to the world because of this. I don't think harm will come to the prisoners as long as they continue to not cause trouble. They were told this.

Not sure why they would put up with NK doing this to them....

Anonymous said...

Grace Under Attire; leather garter belt, outer gear is in signal and ready, with all ears and eyes steady, onto the unseen.

Anonymous said...

Not sure why China would put up with NK doing this to them, I mean.

NK developed and tested this on their own aircraft before trying it on a commercial flight. They intended to adapt it to use against other military aircraft. Any military exercise in the region, but the development of their plan was finished early and they were excited to try it, so they did. Then they couldn't believe it worked and then decided to keep bringing the aircraft toward them.

Some parts of their technology did fail. The crazy sharp left turn the plane took was a rebroadcast by NK not the plane.

Anonymous said...

Now that I said all this, watch the plane be found in the ocean soon. :) but there's always a chance I'm goddamn right about this too!

Don't know if there is more to tell yet...seems like theres not, but I'm not goddamn right about everything, so I might be back. L.

Anonymous said...

I'm told one prisoner did die, an older man had a heart attack. But he was the only one and the other prisoners know about it and are not alarmed by it. It was simply unfortunate. L. P.S. If you have questions and I hear them I can try to look for answers. Don't know if it will work, but might be fun to try.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh, China wants to know how NK did it and use it for their own. Okay, thanks, that makes sense. Someone should stop that.

Gloria Rose Taylor is the name of my mystery life. She was named after her grandmother and died May 27, 1917. She was 17, but I don't have a birthdate yet. She drowned in Santa Barbara at a family reunion, or vacation.

The reason why I love Downton Abbey if because she was born into an affluent family. They had servants, houses, pretty clothes, lifestyle just like that on a smaller scale and w/o the titles. My People!

Anonymous said...

Everyone except her father called Gloria 'Rosie' mostly to avoid confusion with Granny. For formal occasions she was called Gloria Rose.

There was no body recovered, but her mother kept a lock of hair from her first hair cut, photos of Gloria, some other stuff still in an attic somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Also forgot to tell you, I think I'm going to start knitting mittens and gloves instead of socks :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, you have some pissed Mormons who are tired of being counted upon to turn the other cheek. Tired of half truths and ego massaging people who are too lazy to read History of the Church from Deseret online and find out the real truth. Tired of Tal and his look at me, aren't I wonderful. Let me trash the Mormon church because my career isn't going anywhere and any pub is good pub.
Jesus said that if you want to know if something or someone is good,,,"By their fruits ye shall know them". Look at the fruits of the Bachman boys at the moment.
No, I'm not a religious fanatic, neither are the rest of us. We won't go away though.We will expose Tal for the liar he is.

Anonymous said...

Who says we don't know Tal or will never likely meet him? Many of us knew him on Salt Spring, in the States and even today.
You are foolish to assume some of us are silly women. We can be anything we want to be. Just like you.

Anonymous said...

I am,
never have been,

anything but

I never needed to lie.

And I definatley do not promote love, peace, brigham philosophy and threaten, stalk, harass all
in the same breathe.

Anonymous said...

This is for you baby - stay strong, watch alone ;) xx

Anonymous said...


As soon as you can,
Pick up, and start reading:

'The Shack' - "where tragedy confronts eternity"

By William P. Young

that is, if you have not already.

Anonymous said...

And I hope you like soft purple, mauve.

Anonymous said...

no worries baby,

I don't read their garbage
or look at their views, it's like
a soap opera, which I would never ever do.

I'm too busy reading, getting sun, listening to music, having fun, all the while always thinking of you.

So Be Well for me & just,

Keep to your plan.

Anonymous said...

These people simply mean nothing to me and I wish they'd forget about me.

You know my only care & concern, I have no time or interest in this fringe side show, although I know other people do.

Do not ever forget, what we know.

Anonymous said...

Trust - Freedom - Total Contentment

Real Love - Wild Mad Love -

Focus - Humility - Laugh with the bees.

Devils dance where kisses are free

Angels play in the heart and dance to each new score and cord they invent.


Anonymous said...

Stopping by to wish you all a Good Morning! Will be back later today sometime. If only to wish you all a Good Night. L.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I know exactly what you mean and I feel the same way. I mean, it still kinda amazes me and freaks me even after all this time but then I think, what the hell?
What's the worse that can happen?
I choke laughing super hard? I get an overwhelming desire to shove grass down your throat or gently bite your neck? I mean, really, what the worse that can happen? It's not like it hasn't been analyzed to shit already. Also, I like how it makes me swear so well, and write so well. I also cannot ignore the fact that each time I thought it best to walk, I am immediately engulfed with a unusual nauseating feeling, followed up by profound dismay.

Yeah, so have a really good day and maybe write more later ~

Anonymous said...

'Oh, hey Hi.'

'So, I was just wondering if you'd be interested in having me as your weakness, and you can be my strength?'

Are you busy right now?

And we play roles that switch from submissive to dominate and back again, playing hard to get, hide and seek, resilient & resistant at the same time.

I even have a nice lacey purple outfit in mind for that game.

I totally need to know who would win :)

Anonymous said...

1939th comment but if you divide the 939 by 3 it's 313.
I love numbers, so intriguing.
Do you see?

love from me

Anonymous said...

1939th comment but if you divide the 939 by 3 it's 313.

I love numbers, so intriguing.
Do you see?

love from me

Anonymous said...

Back home now, they signed me up for one more test (mammogram related) no big deal. The rest I won't know about until late this week or early next week. Going to try to go back to sleep. The dog saw something outside the house after midnight and I've been up ever since. L. & Later.

Anonymous said...

If you're going to insist I take food home from your bash in your precious tupperware, then don't ask me two weeks later for the tupperware back?? It's just fucking tupperware.

People can be so irritating.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sweet, God I hate looking at the material from last week. I AM SO sorry I had to be so horrible. I was trying to get one thing and one thing only which had nothing to do with you but you were the catalyst that made it possible. I promise I will make it up to you finally at that time. I have been trying to since but having to view that stuff was hard today.

I deeply, truly, honestly think you are beyond measure and you mean the world to me. Believe me.
Trust me. No regrets at all, just <3. I won't need to review that stuff again now so smile bright for me today and shine xxoo

Anonymous said...

Was thinking about the NK stuff I posted and I think that most every govt believes that NK did something, they are just trying to figure out what. And the only reason I was given this info is because it's obvious stuff and not a true secret....still it helps my self esteem, so I'll take it!

Am as nervous as a cat right now, would tell you more about Rosie, but most of what I know of her is her drowning and her moments right after death. Not in the mood for that.

Armand still won't give a hint about the name la Hire, which I think would be a very funny story. If you don't mind I'm going to hang around here and read past stuff, maybe it will lead me somewhere new....L.

Anonymous said...


After reviewing the first couple response pages to this blog, I think you work very hard. I don't think your boss appreciates your real value and you should go to him and ask him to give you a raise. You have earned your keep and then some in your work!

Also I think it would be fun to try to write a song with you, and I've suggested it before but got no response. So maybe we should write one here. It will solve all your money woes. I promise! Why don't you write the title and the first line of the song then I'll write the second. Unless you're scared or can't think of one to start.

A posting from the past that made me smile:

Anonymous said...
It's a bit like the Bachman Curtain, isn't it?

October 4, 2013 at 1:04 AM

That such a thing exists is one of the feelings that should be kept close at all times!

Anonymous said...

Just a stray memory from C's life.

Bernice and J were related, you already know. She was his Aunt. His father was her brother.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

People who promote 'jealousy shows you care' are the same people who are limitless in their need to sabotage others' happiness, peace and joy. Jealous people are sabotagers.
They are the same beast.
The same insecure being.
I remember now, the last time I saw that. I didn't fight. I let the beast win and in the end, everyone lost because you cannot have something you stole?? You get satisfaction for getting away with theft only, you are just a common thief.

I'm go with the flow and keeping my guard down, not up - your nasty works will never change me, break me or shake me. I'm just glad, I'm not you.

Anonymous said...

Well I'm happy being me right now either....

Hey, have you read any of Steve Rother's work?

In this channel in the Atlantis section he says, "Most of your sciences believed that 65 million years ago, there was an asteroid that hit the Earth and put a lot of dust into the air and wiped out 70% of all life forms on planet Earth including your dinosaurs."

I realize now that he's talking of the moon carving. But the dust didn't play as big a role as the backward movement of the moon in dinosaurs, and some other events leading up to the moon being cut. The scientists at the time were pretty good at cutting the moon and then pushing/propelling the pieces away from the earth. I believe the only moon parts to hit the earth landed in S&G. The flood were what damaged the earth. Isis was shocked that the scientists went ahead with their plan knowing the damage it could cause.

The enormous storm clouds that helped generate the floods also helped block most of the moon dust, plus other physics laws came into play...

Can't sleep.

Anonymous said...

And another genius beast displaying their superior storytelling abilities amongst the monkeys.

Anonymous said...

Tal, next time you're in town give me a call again, it would be sweet to see you and have a real conversation. You can tell me everything then.
I read up on the link you sent about your friend who just published the book on the butterflies and other short stories.
Please let me know how that is going. This connection here obviously has me addicted to the internet and I'm too busy for that. We don't need it anyway.
You do not need to be scared with me, but I can see how the last months have made you this way. Like really, wow. I have nothing but compassion and empathy for you and I respect everything you tried to do. You know how I feel.

You're a sweet bear.

Talk soon, mucho grande love.

Polly said...

Wow, all you anons have been busy. I was going to complete my previous post; "The day Tal called asking if we had any work he could do." He said he didn't want to be a charity case. It's interesting to have popped after the last comment on publishing books. That's exactly what I had offered to Tal as a way for him to make money.... paying him book advancements to keep him afloat when he filed bankruptcy. We had a verbal agreement.

Now for the rest of the story....

Anonymous said...

******* Your Welcome *******

I'm glad I've been able to help you write quotes and material for novels and games for so long here. Hopefully this has helped you and helped pay down debt from the Starglow disaster. I gave you some of the best because they were a gift.

Please, don't try to find me again. Good luck with the writing career, at least you have a solid start now.

******* Your Welcome *******

it was my pleasure :) B.

Anonymous said...

It's not "your" - the correccontraction spelling for *you are* is *you're*.

Anonymous said...

Huh? Shouldn't that read "correct contraction"? lol

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes it should. Thanks! :P

Anonymous said...

*You're* welcome. Glad I could help. :)

Anonymous said...

F R E E D O M -------

Thank you GOD.

'Devils dance where kisses come cheap.'

Anonymous said...

P L A Y E D a l l a l o n g.

I W O N.

Thank you God.

Anonymous said...

No worries Tal. I feel bankrupt too some days, you're in good company :)

Anonymous said...

"This connection here obviously has me addicted to the internet "

You mean you're an internet succubus beautiful monkey type woman?


Anonymous said...

No I don't mean that at all you freak!

Anonymous said...

Yes, you did.

Give Ritchie my love.

Anonymous said...

Will you two girls shut up and get some sleep now?

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to scrap shit off a shoe when the tread is deep. ~ author unknown (but only for now).

Anonymous said...

And another thing Tal:

When I post atmospheric science stuff, maybe you should call Brigham too and let him know. He has a degree too, right?

To be an effective leader Tal, you should learn how better to use your workforce exponentially. (I picked that word to amuse Ritchie.) L.

Anonymous said...

Isis believed there was another way to fix the problems before cutting the moon, still not entirely sure what it was...

The next more drastic idea she supported was to cut the moon once and see the effects, then continue to cut on an as needed basis, I f it ever was needed again, and she didn't support this thought strongly. There was another way to push the moon away and it had some merit otherwise D, Osiris, Ritchie and others wouldn't have been in S&G when it exploded. They were attending a conference of some kind to discuss other options than moon cutting.

Science and O didn't support this idea because the moon would drift backward then it was believed it would be pulled forward again eventually. And they weren't convinced the power sources would still be available to cut again. Isis argued it would be if the moon drifted forward again.

So from this, I guess the power source was fading and because it was fading the moon was pulled toward the earth in a "divine intervention" or gravity/magnetic kind of way to keep the power source alive.

The cutting took everyone by surprise. They acted without the worlds approval and Isis was notified the moon cutting had begun by O gloating and sending her a message via computer thru Martha.

There was a need to fix the moons forward drift, but it wasn't an immediate need....they had about twenty yrs or so, before action absolutely needed to be taken. The reason the moon was cut was Os need to win and be right, to force once and for all the new energy system of money. He thought the world would thank him because everyone would be using the same thought system.

Anonymous said...

That S&G was destroyed during the conference was deliberate. Also Os scientists calculated the cut angles to destroy S&G on purpose. Seems cold, but they went ahead as per Os instructions.

The president wasn't involved in S&G destruction. He had given the all Atlantian resources over to O to fix the problem. He put O in charge and didn't care about the details. Dumb Ass. And here we are again trying to save the earth.

Good Morning my Handsome Angel!

Anonymous said...

Isis died about 5 yrs after the moon cut. Some floods started when she was murdered. It took 100+ Years for the moon to find her new place. Helen lived about 2-300 yrs after the moon cut, and time as we know it had settled on the earth.

That time functioned way differently played a big role in how Isis could have moved the moon.

Yeah, I'm that good!

Anonymous said...

When Joanne's fire was allowed to die, O and the other priests arrived at the fire site and saw for themselves that she did not burn. This will haunt/remind them today, in this life. Maybe it will remind them to choose wisely, I know they were afraid after the fire.

I'm at a loss to say why this paragraph fits here in this writing right now, except that, to me it does.

Anonymous said...

And when I say they were afraid, I mean it reached their very heartless souls. Love.

Anonymous said...

For Ritchie and Brig,

"It took 100+ Years for the moon to find her new place. "

should read:

It took 100+ Years for the moon to find her new place in Earths orbit around the sun.

It's a clue you in your search! L you both!

Anonymous said...

I bet the suns power also changes depending on the orbits.

Like for example, the backside of the sun could be burning hotter only when the earth is there. The sun burns brighter where ever the earth is. Awwwww that's so cute!

I LOVE my job!

Anonymous said...

Realize that was just and example :). But the point was that you should keep in mind that as time changes (and could even be happening now, I'm just not aware) the planets different orbital positions influence or will influence the suns burn strength, and also the location of sun spot activity, or increase/decrease of hot/cooler spots on the suns surface. Does this make sense? I can't tell if it's written clearly....maybe I can write it better later, don't know.

Anonymous said...

Also for the future, the sun strength also plays a vital role in reaching out to life on other planets.

Anonymous said...

Also there are photos and videos of Isis on record, along with this whole story. They are stored in the crystals w/ C&A&Family.

Looking forward to a bright future for all of us!

Anonymous said...

Hello?? Are you still there? Hey, the mic was turned on for me right, I'm not talking to myself again am I?

Anonymous said...

And as far as the high visitor count here goes, you should charge admission. :)

Anonymous said...

Just thought of something else, since Os fear has reached his soul, he shouldn't cause problems, especially when Joanne is found. A feel good clue for me, I suppose.

Anonymous said...

Breast biopsy tomorrow morning. Should be back home by 10 or 11 a.m. The results for the ultrasound won't be at my dr. for another day or I'll know something maybe by the end of the week.

The biopsy isn't for a problem they see, but to have a record in case it changes or changes into a problem in the future. They are also marking the 2 biopsy locations while they are there so they can find it easier on the next mammogram. Happy now? Big Baby!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking.

Anonymous said...

Good nite. I hope all is well with everyone here. L.

Anonymous said...

The only thing I can't understand is how the Druid Head of the Order of the Osiris has not yet offered me a job yet? You can't possibly think you can generate the type of quotes you need without me do you? How much money do you lose each time that happens?

I've partnered with succubus's in the past. We always worked well together because I didn't care what they got into after midnight.

I've never been scared of anything because of these partnerships.

Think about it.

Anonymous said...

Holy shit did it get quiet around here or what? Did I make a spelling mistake? Maybe you don't think I'm serious? I am very serious.
One mechanism I used in the last year here has been forensics and forensic expertise to know who you are and what you have written, as I am sure you are beginning to realize.
I want to negotiate a deal whereby you release anyone you currently have under bond to be free to do as they please without repercussion and release anyone else you think you have under bond at the same time.
I will then finally keep my promise to never see any of you again with a few exceptions, or concessions, as they are commonly referred to.
This assures all those involved will never have to be concerned this messy affair will turn up on some random tv show or in some random Guardian newspaper or article. And please do trust me on this, these things do happen, usually by accident, when material is prematurely released or when some type of deal wasn't negotiated first.
There are several ways I can know if you are in agreement with my offer so carry on as you have been. Nothing has changed and you don't need to change your ways - I'm not interested in what you do, only to whom you do it. If it crosses my path and I dig the person, I may just dig in.

Take your time, as long as everyone has their health, I'm not in a rush.

Anonymous said...

One more FYI:

That girl is costing you money everyday with her temper tantrums and demand to be noticed. If you allow her to continue, she will be the reason your entire empire crashes, site by site, advertising $ by advertising $, memberships, disruptions in distribution of your message; the list is endless. Weak links and loose cannons make for shaky bedfellows and need to be kept under watch.

but you know this.

Anonymous said...


I was thinking of the video images of Isis. I think there is a recording of her talking about how she felt the problems of those days should be dealt with. About a 20 min video. Would be interesting to see. L.

Anonymous said...

Got some free time before I leave, just wanted to let you know that while the drs are doing their thing I will be keeping busy thinking of you, D, and everyone here. And I will be searching my mind for a funny story or two. Who knows Maybe Armand will finally give the story for la Hires name.

I feel strong enough like I'm not going to break down and cry, so I told D to go to work. He took the past two days off. I am even managing to eat breakfast! I just look at this morning as good practice for dealing with whatever procedure comes with the cyst (I'm still believing it is that).

P.S. I didn't know Brigham would 'just sit on the couch cracking his knuckles' but now I think about his pictures and wonder how I didn't know! L.

Anonymous said...

I am home, all is well, just uncomfortable. The ice pack hurts me too. Needed one of D's tshirts, it has a tank on the front of it :) L.

Anonymous said...

You know, I've been thinking a lot about you lately Tal, and I really do think you need to Piss Off again.

I don't take my direction from you. :) If I have something to say here I'll say it. Loose cannon and all!


Anonymous said...

So you can just go pound sand!

There, now I've said all I'm going to say. Ok?

Anonymous said...

The video of Isis was a recorded speech she saw giving, and not a journal type recording.

There are videos of O and the president as well. They are 'news reel' like clips and images. I see the walking, talking and shaking hands together...

Anonymous said...

The ultrasound came back ok. Not perfect but benign, a relief, and I will follow it up, so no worries. It may not require any action other than watching it.

Panda reproduction is on of the happier things to come out of the Earth Change cycles. They will improve their numbers.

Also one of the videos of Isis has her with her dragon! She had several, about 4-5, not sure if she had them at once or one at a time. Wish I knew their names, will try to poke thru her written history to see if there's one there.

I'm still going to come here as long as I don't need to register an account. Since I don't know what is going on here now, I feel the need to say that. I will continue to check on things here and add information as I get it in because it's fun. You do whatever you must too. L.

Anonymous said...

And since I strongly believe our body functions with revert back to the Isis Age, so too might some of our dinosaur type friends change. Elephant, rhinos, pandas, and so many others will also start to morph!

Anonymous said...

Signed, sealed and delivered.
And we act in good faith.
Any event to change that good faith will be acted upon.

Now, we live our life and we know what we need to do. I will not let go. I have no reason too now.

And I will continue to exercise the rights my father and his father fought and died for. That nobility, I am not afraid of, and I am willing to die for, just as they were. It's called
freedom, period.

Remember this.

Also remember, cocoa needs lots of sugar to be added to it to tolerate its bitter taste.
Add some sugar, sugar.
You too have the right to
a happy life.

Love you sweet, lots.
Really happy & proud of you.


Anonymous said...

A word on Os future:

When D and I saw a psychic many years ago, we were told that most people believe that if you killed you must be killed, and we were told that simply isn't always the case.

There is no reason why he can't become a Mother Theresa type. BUT he will need much work before that can begin. And this may not be his future, just an option.

I saw his baby picture once, he was probably a month old. He was an ugly baby, I hate saying that about a baby, but....he was swollen and puffy and he looked so uncomfortable. I thought that the earth couldn't support him, his life. He needed something it couldn't give him.

It could be that there is 1000 years of peace because he can't reach where we are headed, then in the back and forth of all things, he returns to figure himself out, then embarks on his more peaceful efforts. 1000 yrs will be good and boring for him to reflect.

My thoughts of time in heaven, it's bendy. So there is a measure of it, and he can't stretch it beyond astral. He can sit and chant for as long as he likes. :)

Anonymous said...

"And I will continue to exercise the rights my father and his father fought and died for. That nobility, I am not afraid of, and I am willing to die for, just as they were. It's called "

I don't know what the hell you are talking about. You are some kind of Drama Queen!

Anonymous said...

As a side note: Moses also used a Mother Teresa type karmic balance, when he killed a man, he devoted his life to peace by leading the Jews into the desert.

Anonymous said...

Heaven and hell are here, I've seen and lived both. Enjoy hell my friend.

Have a great day eh.

Anonymous said...

Mother Teresa was a Virgo :)

Anonymous said...

Man and woman in a snow dream,
in the middle of a star stream,
where two souls collide, they make love, not war. Where two hearts become one, all there can be, is unbreachable love.

Anonymous said...

Make sure you understand, there is only one agreement.
No side bitch will be as an addendum to the prime agreement, you understand this right?
Even to imply such a thing is a breach of the prime agreement???
The agreement I hold, is binding.
You are not privy to it.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Tal's girlfriend is upset about him looking around to add to what he calls his love slaves. No doubt a residual of his ongoing affinity for polygamy. Someone should tell his girlfriend that was the same issue his ex had with him.

Anonymous said...

Not quite, but nice try.
Your relentless need to manipulate the truth, mind fuck with anyone you think you can and use basic advertising principles to induce emotions not based on fact is amusing to me, continually amusing to me. Thanks for that.

You've never had anyone love you have you?

Anonymous said...

it is a fact. Tal's ex told me herself. He openly advertises his polygamous leanings on his facebook.

Anonymous said...

So. What are you? Facebook cop?

Anonymous said...

No, just telling the truth.

Anonymous said...

What are you?

Anonymous said...

You have never once told the truth here, or probably, anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Rather, it is the other way around. There are many people on here that have told the truth. You attempt to hide the truth.

Anonymous said...

Most of this blog does sound like Tal's concubines are stalking him.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what Koko would think about your description of her?

Anonymous said...

Best way to bee:

Wrath? - Patience

Pride? - Humility

Greed? - Charity

Lust? - Chasity

Envy? - Kindness

Gluttony? - Temperance

Sloth? - Diligence

Even your Master agrees with some of my philosophy and could appreciate and benefit from the dance between white and black that will always need to exist.

Tal has freedom, he can love whoever he wants, but he loves me.
I have freedom to continue my work, love who I want, and I love Sweet. It's a nice friendship, believe me.

Let it Bee.

Anonymous said...

She knows what I think of her and I have photos, video and voice describing what she thinks of me.

Anonymous said...

You might want to try practicing what you preach.

Sorry to crush your delusion, but Tal only loves himself.

Anonymous said...

Everyone should love themselves first. Duh???

Anonymous said...

Don't reply back for me -
Your vibe is a waste of time for me and I have other things I must tend to, cause, I,,, ya,,, know,,, have a life.


Anonymous said...

No, Tal's love for himself goes way beyond what normal people feel. He is incapable of feeling love for anyone other than himself.

Seeing that you spend most of your time here, it is a wonder that you have a life.


Anonymous said...

Your Master grew to respect my resilience and I suppose the perseverence as well.

The length I would go to to save a stranger apparently gained me some unusual fans.

Really, it's kinda all in a days work to me, saving souls. Living and dying are normal things to me. That was another attitude that seemed to grab some intrigue.

The fact I would take the degree of risk and be willing to walk in harms way for freedom and true love seemed to impress some of the old school. Enigma or enigmatic was the term used.

Know what I mean?? I'm not even being vain. I've had fans before but have you ever had fans from the absolute least expected segment of society?

It's like, really it is.

It's only 8:34?? Why would I be going to bed??

Anonymous said...

For some reason, you seem to think I am Tal's girlfriend. She calls calls him Master. You sound like you are jealous of her.

Anonymous said...

You seem to know alot about it. In today's relationships, it's not necessary to call the man Master, unless you're a fangirl or something. Worshippish, made up fantasyland fake type friendship, something like that.

Anyhow, sweet - me too, in a big way, stay strong.

Anonymous said...

You believe that because she calls him Master they have a fake, fantasyland relationship, but in reality Tal loves you,

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it's only in the fake, fantasyland Ian/Koko relationship that she calls him, Master. In reality, she might actually love him. Unfortunately, Tal probably can't distinguish between his fake, fantasyland character and his real self - because there isn't much distinction between the two.

Anonymous said...

The poor girl is caught in the middle.

Anonymous said...

She has to keep playing the buffon sidekick in both his fantasy and his reality.

Anonymous said...

Out of everyone's concern for correct spelling that should be buffoon sidekick.

It must be a terrible thing to have your life relegated to small bit part in Tal's fantasy let alone in his tortured reality.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about spelling mistakes, I never seem to notice them. And having a small bit part in Tal's life is better than no part at all.

Anonymous said...

Forgot: biopsy is ok, so all results are in, and there is no problem. Unless you count old age as a problem. Have a good morning! Love.

Anonymous said...

As long as you enjoy being Tal's doormat, good on ya for playing the part.

Anonymous said...

Tracy got tired of being the doormat. At some point it became better to have no part at all in Tal's life.

She says her life is so much better now with a good man that actually cares for and loves her.

Anonymous said...

That indescribable feeling you get when you get up to get ready for work, the sun has set, the birds are singin, you're still breathin, and you realize it's Saturday and you don't work on Saturday.

Back to bed.
Love that.

Anonymous said...


I used to ask God who the enemy is since we all seem to be made from the same stuff.

So he showed me instead.


Anonymous said...

I really am in a league of my own.

I call it the Boys Club because they let me sit with them and smoke cigars and drink brandy.

I listen to their stories of corporate warfare and they let me talk about whatever I want.

They look at me like I'm their favorite baby sister and the comfort is in knowing there is no want amongst us. It's just fun banter and wit. And it's always been this way.

That's why I like boys best. It's for them, I found one like them. A brother of sorts with a heart that sparkled and sparked. A mischievous vibe, mysterious look, a heart of real gold almost shattered but in no way broke.

But to be witty is the mark of a good soul. To have humour is Gods greatest gift, because he knew how hard this journey can get.

Anonymous said...

That's nice. Except gold is a cold, heavy, lifeless metal.

Anonymous said...

Favorite baby sister - the obligatory female friend *allowed* into their little club - but you're never chosen as the woman of desire and love.

That must really suck.

Anonymous said...

A poet you are not.

Tal baby, you must know, your angel will never leave you now. You must keep faith, trust and a very strong will. Promise me you will do this.
We made some observations and progress from a hill. We linked the dots on the map and have a notion but still ,,,
Stay light & breezy with the wind and listen for whispers in the leaves -- we just may be in the eaves.

Love you sweet, your my best friend and favorite brother.

Anonymous said...

Fucking cray,
I can't believe this material I am seeing here.
Fucking Z man.

An organizational structure, solid & made of bricks.
One comes loose and they all fall down, house, apartment, townhouse, condo, one by one.
The fronts they represent need new decor, on the welcoming mat at the front door.

New licence plates are always pretty if they have 'British Columbia, the Best Place On Earth to Blow, all your money' hahah I just made that up :) Cute eh???

Anonymous said...

No, Tal's angel did leave him. He doesn't think of Koko as an angel.

Anonymous said...

It's mote like after years of treating her like a doormat, Tal drove the angel away.

Anonymous said...

This agreement, continues to be breached.
Your day-to-day, we don't care.
All and any bondage, must be delinked.
All or any.
No Gray
Wolf is
to remain

Anonymous said...

----L I A B I L I T Y:-----
When someone becomes irrelevant to an organization.
When someones behaviour gives cause for critical financial degression
When someone sacrifices an organizations reputation and business functions for selfish and immoral reasons.
When key personnel go rouge

Anonymous said...

That's why he renamed her Koko.

Anonymous said...

Financial degression
Sacrifices the reputation and function
Going rouge

Yeah, Tal like to blame Tracy for all of that.

The facts are, she would have never left if he had treated her kindly, and respectfully over the years.

Forcing the immorality of mormon polygamy on his wife and family is grossly immoral.

Tal caused their financial ruin. He had total control over the finances, mismanaged their money, did not pay any taxes for years, ended up in bankruptcy. Even the cost of the divorce was inconsequential in comparison.

The children evidently prefer to stay with their mother, so if anyone has made themselves irrelevant it is Tal.

Anonymous said...

Santa Barbara is reminded of her vision where the 4 are sitting poolside on a beautiful day to plan their future events. I wonder why Her Greatness is remembering this now?

Anonymous said...

God Tal,

Put a ball in your sac and move on with your life already.

Can you, please, Whiner?

Anonymous said...

Tal can't move on with his life. Tracy took his balls in the divorce settlement.

Anonymous said...

OMG poor Tal!

Maybe science call grow him some off a rats anal sac.

Anonymous said...


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