Monday, September 10, 2007

On Tal Bachman

Disclaimer: The following is an ad hominem attack on Tal Bachman. If you are Mr. Bachman, or one of his small number of ever dwindling fans, I suggest that you not read this post. I will try to be objective, but be forewarned; I do not have a lot of good things to say about this pretentious, washed-up has-been.

I don’t like Tal Bachman. I’ve read a lot of his posts, and if they are any reflection of who he really is, he must really be one pathetic son of a bitch. Am writing this because he left Mormondom? No, I can’t really say that I’m sad to see him go. Some of the nicest, coolest, warm-hearted, generous individuals I know have left the Mormon church and I have yet to launch a single ad hominem attack on them. In fact, we continue to be good friends regardless of varying religious choices. Membership in an organization is no arbiter when it comes to friendship. With that in mind, let me turn my attention to Mr. Bachman. His singular claim to fame is that he wrote and sang a hit song, “She’s So High.” As a one-hit wonder, he’s in the same category as the illustrious Right Said Fred, Vanilla Ice and Lou Bega (of Mambo No. 5 fame). I’m surprised he hasn’t starred on the Surreal Life yet. Maybe he’s holding out for a spot on Dancing with the ‘Stars’. Marie Osmond made it, why not him?

He has written a voluminous amount of material regarding his thoughts on Mormonism. I’m not sure if he intends to sound like a pretentious, holier-than-thou, pseudo-intellectual, but everything he writes is pretentious, holier-than-thou or pseudo-intellectual. Take a blog post he published a few months ago in May. He criticizes the Mormon conception of heaven and hell, but he makes himself sound like a self-satisfied jerk in the following quote (which can be found here)

“I think heaven isn't a place we go to after we die; I think it is a place we can live in everyday, if we are determined to, and perhaps, if we have a bit of luck. I think it is something we create and find here on earth...and right now. Heaven can be right now...

“I feel sad sometimes when I think of how long I lived always thinking of heaven as another place, and another time. I was too often blind to all the beauty right before me, because I was too often straining so hard to see something far, far off in the distance - which, it turns out, there is no reason to believe is even there, at least in the way I thought.

“I submit that true heaven isn't crazy stories, or distant stars, or strange names and strange clothes and strange spouses. I think it is something that we all have, within us, the power to create and experience, at least to some extent, right here and right now...”

Yeah, whatever, buddy. And with three paragraphs, he assigns those who don’t share his easy rockstar lifestyle to a hell worse than any that God proposed. What happens to those sorry souls, who, for whatever reason, don’t have ‘a bit of luck’? What happens to them? Mr. Bachman would consign them to misery and woe because they are not determined enough, I guess. Or chastise them for hoping for some kind of better existence in the next life? And what is the basis for Mr. Bachman’s faith in humankind? He claims there is no reason to believe in heaven. I agree, at least as far as objective evidence is concerned. But what evidence does he have the mankind can make a heaven here on earth? His own Shangri-La lifestyle, where his biggest complaints are that nobody in the record industry wants to hear his music? He wants to argue both sides of the fence. He has to have a reason for the distant heaven, but offers no reasons for the heaven ‘within’.

Other posts focus on his inability to talk to females in the past because of his worry about temptation. Obviously this is the Mormon church’s fault. The most common complaint I hear about this church is that it stultifies relationships between members of the opposite sex who happen to be married to other people. It would be completely illogical to assume that Mr. Bachman stultifies himself. Maybe someone should tell him that just because he feels ‘tempted’, it is highly unlikely that the person he is talking to feels the same way. When I talk to women at work or at school, I usually don’t get the impression that they are chomping at the bit to go to bed with me, regardless of how naturally charming I am. It must be a rockstar complex to think like that. Maybe Mr. Bachman should evaluate how he internalized the teachings of the Mormon church, rather than make unwarranted generalizations about the impact those teachings have on the general membership.

I think most of my invection comes from the colossal waste of time it was to read what he had written and the colossal waste of time writing this post represents. I don’t usually like (or write) ad hominem attacks, but when someone practically begs for it, can I be anything but obliging?


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Anonymous said...

So Bachman,

Which one of your many pampered lifetimes gave you the PTSD. I can't believe you lived so many times like a princess and yet suffer from it today!

After I forgot to turn off the burner, I couldn't remember if I fed the dog her supper, both yesterday. This morning I put an empty can of dog food back in the fridge. D brought it to me asking if I'm feeling ok (I have a cold) least we know the dog ate today. And we can guess who fed her.

He says he's not worried about me, but I think he's going to stick me in a home soon.

Anonymous said...

No one trusts a social worker.

Anonymous said...

It's Tal's small and childlike hands that keep him from living his lives in the trenches like Audrey. He's very delicate.

Anonymous said...

You should be in a home.You know nothing and act like a 10 year old.

Anonymous said...

Tal, delicate? Don't tell him that when he's playing rugby!!

Anonymous said...

"It's a bloody good thing you've always shaved. Indeed, retaliative measure would be pins to the eyes, instead, you know what confucius would say and do; stick to that."

Anonymous said...

"God could you imagine having to live in the heads of these people? Constant nagging visual nightmare, in broad daylight. I can just imagine the night time. No med can stop that train of thought. From the obsession with teeth to the envy of everyone to the pure disgust when looking in the mirror."

Anonymous said...

"We know the path it has, and will take. It's inevitable."

Anonymous said...

A says ,,,

Anonymous said...

"Actually, a minor chemical peel like this is quite harmless, do you know how much people pay for these? Your skin looks fabulous actually."

Anonymous said...

"omg that's hilarious. I do love the bob"

Anonymous said...

Awwww, look at all these early morning comments! Is someone missing me?

You're still delicate no matter what game you're playing.

And I am changing my hairstyle to a Cleopatra/Joanne look, looks like a bob cut right now. And I may even keep it like this but at least I'm taking care of my hair.

The cold is kicking ass today...I'd like to work here today, but nothing new or interesting is coming to mind. Just know that when something does, this is the first place I come!

Anonymous said...

Been thinking of Joanne being found and need to tell you my worry goes beyond the religious extremist hunter types ready to hunt and kill. And if they have the time, they will try to burn me, like the pilot from Jordan. From Joanne, they'll already know I'll die in it. So I better be right on EVERYTHING I said so far because if I'm not the more radical naysayers will be even more emboldened.

Those more peaceful members of church might even be scared, worried, or worse yet angry for many reasons...

But the reason that sticks most in my mind right now concerns everyone: nobody likes to be told they are wrong. So everyone from governments, to religious groups (now fighting for survival) to the individual people. Everyone is going to know my name and location, because I don't see them stopping until they do...

The only people who will be embracing are India (the Hindus) and Dali Lama followers, some scientists (cause they get off on this proof shit), and perhaps anyone facing their own mortality...

Anonymous said...

I have thought that I might go to the U of Paris and talk to them privately first. Maybe they would be willing to find Joanne without public coverage...Then announcements are made and the book comes out...

But I'm not doing anything until I look better, I need some reassurances, that I have something (more supernatural (even if it has a science explanation)in the physical world, that we all can see right away before I run and make a fool of myself. If that doesn't happen, then I don't know what else to do but publish my story posthumously. An option that is safe, but not my first choice.

Ari has said to look for physical changes to start next year, and I will be crushed if the don't.

Anonymous said...

Ari says 5 more years and we will be ready to go to the U of P. I will let them read my manuscript first, then we'll start to explore the area for Joanne while having the book already published, or at least close to it, when she is found. (Its largely a French story, so France should be the ones to publish it.)

Anonymous said...

On a note about the Jordanian pilot, I did watch the video of his death. Sometimes it helps to remove my fear ...

He was gone before knelt to the ground. In fact he knelt because he already left his body. His muscles had already contracted from the heat, which he felt, but was not as painful once his nerve endings burned/died. Once his nerve endings burned (the first 5 - 10 seconds) he was mostly pain free, but of course still frightened.

And I prayed for him and his parents.

Anonymous said...

After he died, he was still trying to put out the flames, and someone grabbed and hugged him telling him he was safe now...

Hope you don't find this too upsetting...

Anonymous said...

The only place your going is the nuthouse dear.

Anonymous said...

I will fight any extradition, since my government has no agreement with theirs


Anonymous said...

Do you know what it feels like to get smashed in the face with a cloth bag full of nickels and the person just keeps walking completely oblivious and unsuspecting cuz all they're carrying is a bag full of nickels?

Anonymous said...

one fix: "I have thought that I might go to the U of Paris and talk to them privately first."

should say:

I thought that WE might go to the U of Paris and talk to them privately first.

Because the more heads/help we have the better off we will be. But realize I don't know how you guys feel about it, so don't think I'm forcing you, I'm inviting or suggesting...L.

Anonymous said...

Someone hitting you with nickles? That should help with your money woes right?

Anonymous said...

Make one move towards me, near me, close to anyone I love anywhere near me ever again, and you will.
This includes you're dwindling crew, the biker, the slut and the cat butt licker (that's you)

Anonymous said...

Put 100 nickels in a bag and test the theory mad cow

Anonymous said...

see! who's working their inner princess, hmmmm?

tho i did think you were supposed to balance your masculine and feminine more than this.

Anonymous said...

Say good night.

Anonymous said...

Geez Tal! a whole bag of nickels to the face?!?!

I know violence has to be part of the equation, but Sheesh!

'good night' comes later, like at night.

Anonymous said...

The likelihood of Tal even writing on here or even knowing you, is zero to none.

Anonymous said...

Because it is 'good night' time, I am wishing a good night and Sweet Dreams. L.

Anonymous said...

Oh Corby, get a life.
We know what you've procured.
Stop lusting after the young boys.
Stop using jail bait pretending you care about their well being.

Ms. Bo jangles they call you.

Anonymous said...

me too baby ,,,
I will.

Anonymous said...

Remember I said you are using your peace maker skills to help the kids. Actually you are much more of a judge than a peace keeper. But with your kids you need to judge and keep peace after you judge its too far gone and needs to stop. You look at a situation, then decide restitution.

But I tell you honestly Tal, you really do know how to rip something apart too! I'm looking at Obama when I say this...

D is the peace maker and judge, but you both have the same skill set rebuild mentality. He brings everyone to the Table to negotiate.

Now yogi, he's the destroyer, but he only destroys that which he thinks cannot be rebuilt. He will judge something as needing fixed and destroy it completely instead of saving it to rebuild...

So with Tal, everyone knows his job is to screw them over. He never makes a secret of it.

With D, he will reason with you and if that doesn't work, it will seem as if he's is leaving you alone. BUT what he is really doing is screwing you so hard that you will blame it on someone else. you'll never see it coming and you'll think it's some else doing.

With yogi, he'll tell you once, twice if you're lucky, that your pissing him off. And if you keep it up, he will quietly get up and kill you without another word, and you will see he coming for you and never guess his intent until its too late.

I'm not sure why I'm saying all this, but I hope it fits in here...

Anonymous said...

Neither does anyone else - you don't know any of these people.

Anonymous said...


Pocket Full of Nickels is the first studio album by American band Spin Doctors, released in August 1991.

It peaked at #1 and #3 on Billboard's Heatseekers and Billboard 200 albums charts, respectively.

Release date: August 20, 1991
Artist: Spin Doctors
Label: Epic Records
Nominations: American Music Award for Favorite Pop/Rock Album

Anonymous said...

I hear Tal is getting married at last. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why not try talking about someone you actually know.

Anonymous said...

August of this year. She's an American.

Anonymous said...

Good, they're nice people.

Brig, you know you need to apologize. You'll feel better when you do. It will mean something nice for her, ok?

Anonymous said...

Almost forgot,

Good Night, I'll see you guys tomorrow!

(I don't believe August...15)

Anonymous said...

Isn't she from Pittsburgh? You played there, is that how you met?

Anonymous said...

She's from Lehi, Utah.

Anonymous said...

i-phone IP addresses make me laugh
so many security holes the account holders have no clue

Sorta like groupie fangirls have no clue. Jail bait.


Anonymous said...

I know, right

Then they talk pictures of themselves and put them all over the internet

Then they yap on blogs of people they have never met

Anonymous said...

Then we take pictures of them everytime and everywhere they turn up

All from the same IP's

for months

Anonymous said...

They really overuse the word "awkward" but it does give an idea of the age group.

Like here, no too swift, not to sophisticated.

Dirty deeds done dirt cheap.

Anonymous said...

And no one even wonders why they practically give i-phones away


NSA are no dummies - make the people think their business matters, no credit checks, give em a phone and watch them show themselves

hahahh best. strategy. ever.

Anonymous said...

In Canada, it's CSIS but they are sister organizations if you will.

Anonymous said...

Internet Protocol for dummies

Anonymous said...

While they seem to have a thing for Talmage it's really Taylor Swift they think somehow they are impressing or getting the attention of somehow.

It's amusing, sick and sad to watch all at the same time - who are these people's parents?? What the hell went wrong?

Anonymous said...

In 12 hours this notebook will cease to exist just like the i-phone they tracked to the empty mailbox, as will all addresses.
Do not fret. We are extremely well.
Just think of where the distant harbour meets the sky, under a moonlit waterfall and listen to your dreams.


Anonymous said...

9 posts from the same person, yet playing different characters. You don't have the power to shut this down.Only Tal can do that.

Anonymous said...

They weren't different characters and who said anything about shutting this down?

On the contrary, please continue.

DPC does not stand for Tal dear.

Anonymous said...

They're all little.


Pocket Full of Nickels is the first studio album by American band Spin Doctors, released in August 1991.

It peaked at #1 and #3 on Billboard's Heatseekers and Billboard 200 albums charts, respectively.

Release date: August 20, 1991
Artist: Spin Doctors
Label: Epic Records
Nominations: American Music Award for Favorite Pop/Rock Album

Anonymous said...

Brought to you by:

The Gaelic Nation

with love;
Anam Cara

Celts worldwide,

Say good night.

Anonymous said...

1) STAR 1) CON

Are you sure he's not GAY?

Are you sure you know who your friends are?

You are emotionally depleting to them, and your family, and your husband.

Are you sure you know what is going on?


Anonymous said...

My cold is still bad....

So your new body uses time internally (or thru your cells) to look younger. The cells will replicate themselves to reflect your divine energy pattern, more so than it does now. And because it uses time more efficiently this way, it will not take as long as a physical improvement using a traditional growth spurt. It a 2:1 ratio improvement on speed.

It's not an atomic blast type change that Ari already described to you. And everyone will change to the degree time will allow them.

For people like D's son, he won't change. For people like D (with no appendix) he will change some but there is more there I can't reach yet. For people who have met their karmic challenges they will change completely, meaning they can create miracles for themselves.

Anonymous said...

And those people will still be few for a couple hundred years yet, but still rare until then...I think that is why Hatfield is needed, to expand on his teaching for these people.

need another minute...

Anonymous said...

I mean: this type of person is still seen but also still rare until then..


So having an appendix and other parts are need to create miracles. That is also how history started pampering those in power, so they stayed intact and out of physical danger, protecting them from harm so they could continue to work for the people.

Something happens to the glands, possibly even the major organs when a person creates or causes a miracle, a boost of energy that creates adrenaline and the adrenaline protects against radiation type harm. This is also the reason for the Holy of Holies and why only one person could interface with the energy source toward the very end of its use.

Anonymous said...

Anyone with enough karma cleared can use their 'new look' to keep themselves healed. Like for example, you cut yourself and it leaves a scar. Living with the scar is so yesterday. And the degree of speed the cut heals and fades depends on how much karma, or clearing, you still need to do.

You should see other channelers start talking about this kind of stuff at the start of next year. We get it now, because we are closer to seeing these changes than most...

You would never get cancers, tumors or other health problems because your newer body can overcome any abnormalities by living in it's divine body image. But you do have to take care of yourself. Repeated physical neglect or abuse can still defeat your new physical body image. Your divine image will think you know best and stop trying to fix itself because you are repeatedly asking it not too.

The free flow of energy will become blocked again if you insist on treating yourself poorly. The energy flow will stop and is harder to overcome each time....

The extreme longevity comes from a fully functioning organ/endocrine system, and you as a human get more of a say in how long your remain alive here...but I know that the spirits will help guide or lure you away when it fits within your plan. They will tease you into wanting to return to their world.

I do think that John's and Magdalene's passing was peaceful and that's probably why I don't have much memory of it, but I do think they knew when they were going to die, their plan...It wasn't suicide tho, but I do get the feeling they just laid down and died...

Anonymous said...

Didn't history somewhere (Cayce or Bible?) refer to a group of people as immortals? That's this group i'm talking about...

Anonymous said...

These are also referred to as gods. And as the gods slowly died of (or in some cases killed) new beliefs and religions took their place...

Anonymous said...

I do think that it is still impossible to be a true immortal, to live here and never return to the Heavens, but I don't know why some point you have to return.

Anyway, I was laying in bed a month or two ago and I felt a stabbing on the right side of my spin, mid back. The pain shot from my spinal column outward and I thought my heating pad had a short in it and I was being shocked from it.

Seemed like someone was sticking a pin in a Voo Doo dollI and I was feeling it being stuck in my back (but again from inside out).

So I felt the pain off and on for a month or so after it started and told myself not to panic but that it could be part of everything I just described. And I still don't know if it is...

guessing I'm done for the day or close to it. Love to you!

Anonymous said...

1) STAR 1) CON

Are you sure he's not GAY?

Are you sure you know who your friends are?

You are emotionally depleting to them, and your family, and your husband.

Are you sure you know what is going on?


Anonymous said...

There is a connection between acupuncture and Voo Doo dolls. But interesting to look and see the history.

Anonymous said...

1) STAR 1) CON

Are you sure he's not GAY?

Are you sure you know who your friends are?

You are emotionally depleting to them, and your family, and your husband.

Are you sure you know what is going on?


Anonymous said...

1) STAR 1) CON

Are you sure he's not GAY?

Are you sure you know who your friends are?

You are emotionally depleting to them, and your family, and your husband.

Are you sure you know what is going on?


Anonymous said...

1) STAR 1) CON

Are you sure he's not GAY?

Are you sure you know who your friends are?

You are emotionally depleting to them, and your family, and your husband.

Are you sure you know what is going on?


Anonymous said...

"Are you sure you know what is going on?"

no, Im not sure at all. but I do know I have your attention


And that's all I really wanted! Love you.

Anonymous said...

1) STAR 1) CON

Are you sure he's not GAY?

Are you sure you know who your friends are?

You are emotionally depleting to them, and your family, and your husband.

Are you sure you know what is going on?


Anonymous said...

1) STAR 1) CON

Are you sure he's not GAY?

Are you sure you know who your friends are?

You are emotionally depleting to them, and your family, and your husband.

Are you sure you know what is going on?


Anonymous said...


Oh wait,,,you already have

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...



"MY brother, such a chauvinist pig navy master, he hates me too"


Anonymous said...

1) STAR 1) CON

Are you sure he's not GAY?

Are you sure you know who your friends are?

You are emotionally depleting to them, and your family, and your husband.

Are you sure you know what is going on?


Anonymous said...

1) STAR 1) CON

Are you sure he's not GAY?

Are you sure you know who your friends are?

You are emotionally depleting to them, and your family, and your husband.

Are you sure you know what is going on?


Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...


1) STAR 1) CON

Are you sure he's not GAY?

Are you sure you know who your friends are?

You are emotionally depleting to them, and your family, and your husband.

Are you sure you know what is going on?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


1) STAR 1) CON

Are you sure he's not GAY?

Are you sure you know who your friends are?

You are emotionally depleting to them, and your family, and your husband.

Are you sure you know what is going on?


Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

1) STAR 1) CON

Are you sure he's not GAY?

Are you sure you know who your friends are?

You are emotionally depleting to them, and your family, and your husband.

Are you sure you know what is going on?


Anonymous said...

1) STAR 1) CON

Are you sure he's not GAY?

Are you sure you know who your friends are?

You are emotionally depleting to them, and your family, and your husband.

Are you sure you know what is going on?


Anonymous said...

So Tal is getting married to a woman from Lehi? I hope they'll be very happy.

Anonymous said...


Someone's in a mood! Are you feeling ok?

Anonymous said...

The down side to all of this is, your still stuck with the same personality for a lot longer....unless you change. Which we all know Tal has no interest in.

Anonymous said...

I mean youRE, not your

Anonymous said...

Good Night, I'll be around tomorrow. Or maybe not, I'm really not sure. But I want to Nite!

Anonymous said...

Also there is no truth to the rumor of Jules being sick at all. He never had any of the health problems listed in this article and was completely healthy when he was murdered.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Been thinking a lot about the physical changes I was talking about earlier, and I got the feeling that the changes will take place all together, for your entire body. All the cells in your body would change over using time differently, doing this gradually.

But when I was talking about it some months ago it seemed that there were steps, like first the glands, then the organs...

Maybe there will be more on this later. Tomorrow I have a Dr appointment. Good Night. L.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Earthlings!

Today's Aries new moon promises to take your life to a whole new level. With both Sun and Moon in Aries (first sign of the zodiac) means a completely fresh start for you, full of new possibilities and opportunities!

And I'm feeling it today with the happiness of Spring and the feeling of fun!


Ari wants you to know that your marriage didn't fail because of the good parent/bad parent game you guys played. You marriage failed because you two did NOT love each other. Commitment and love are two different things, and you both were committed until you realized you didn't have to be. (But I would have never given up a horse or any animal I loved to try to make a relationship work, that's just crazy!)


Ari wants you to know that you can still make your relationship with Lucy work if you wanted too. Realize, I'm usually being played when I do Ari's bidding, but today, oh what the hell, I'm in a good mood, so I'll play along :) Love you My Baby!

Thinking of you with GREAT Love.

Audrey of Arcturus, always at the cutting of Creation!

Anonymous said...

That should read:

Audrey of Arcturus, always at the cutting edge of Creation!

There! That's better. :)

Anonymous said...

And did you remember that this April is the 20th anniversary that we saw each other in Durango?

No, you probably didn't...No matter, I know what I'm dealing with in you :)

Happy Anniversary My Love and Everyone enjoy the Aries New Moon energy the rest of this month! L.

Anonymous said...

My Baby, leave me alone.


p.s. I'm not your baby.

Anonymous said...

Fine, then I'll find me a new Baby.

Have a Happy Sunday Everyone.

Anonymous said...

Did you guys ever see this article? It was written some years ago, I recently read it and decided to save it, but im not sure why.

Helen is mentioned in the article, but Helen, Joanne and Cleopatra sightings were common. Some were reported at the times my girls were alive and some were reported after I died, as their having once been at these places.

Helen did travel to Alexandria for training/studies, it gave her credentials, authority, or a degree to practice her talents. Realize she could work without it, but it did open up other opportunities, like advising governments, kings and the like. My father paid a lot of money for that education, sending both Achilles and I there for little over a year when we were about 16.

Because I was certified in Alexandria I was famous. But I never worked there. Achilles was not certified, used instead as part of our psychic demonstrations and for his own studies...I don't know what those were yet, and will keep an eye out for them.

As always, L.

Anonymous said...

I was famous because I received a PhD while I was there and phd's were rare and well publicized as part of the certification.

After I returned to Greece, I started dating, husband shopping :) met D almost right away and married him just as fast. I was still 18, D was 20-21, he graduated early from his own studies and was already working for the Greek gov't assigned to the Sporades, the rest is history.

Anonymous said...

In Helen's life her father and husband were governors over provinces, but the title was king, because there was no title of Govenor in those days...

Anonymous said...

And they both had family histories of that kind of work. But everyone in a governor position was seen as a king.

Anonymous said...

Except Achilles, he wasn't a king :)

Anonymous said...

Helen was 25 at the time of her murders, Achilles died closer to 30 and the cut on his heel was a sports related injury, not a battle injury. He was married with a couple of kids at the time of his death, and our father died the year before Achilles.

Our sister Caroline felt very only after all of the deaths, and our brother Tim became governor after our father's.

Anonymous said...

Birth order (if you're interested):

Tim, Achilles/Helen, and Caroline. All of us were very close in age.

Anonymous said...

Achilles and Helen were twins, I can't remember if I told you that before.

Such a pleasant morning here at The Corners, sitting outside during coffee...but breakfast is almost over and I need to get started on my day, plus there is rain this afternoon. Enjoy yourselves with whatever you will be doing!

Anonymous said...

I mean, drinking coffee.

Anonymous said...

Caroline felt very alone after we all died.

I think her marriage was a good one, and after my daughter was born I asked her to raise my kids if anything should happen to me never suspecting anything would. Caroline is very patient, loving, kind and all she wanted to do in that life was be a mom. Achilles wife....not so much :)

He married someone in Egypt and she never fit in. A spoiled princess type.

Anonymous said...

She was a student too, very smart and of course very beautiful. You know, the kind you always pick for yourself. And the determined kind, that can cross over into being mean to get what she wants, or thinks she deserves. She was actually Egyptian.

She fell to angry hell a few years after your death, but Tim mentored the kids. She allowed Tim but not Caroline because she thought he was very good looking, trying to destroy his marriage and then marry him. Didn't work, she had already started drinking by then (even before you died), and Tim is very loyal in marriage. He loved his wife.

Anonymous said...

I just love being here talking to you guys, like this, sharing the memories! I'm going to miss this when this stops.

Anonymous said...

Your wife was jealous of all the attention my kidnapping and murder got from Achilles, my family and also the publicity after our rescue. But she really gave trouble when you placed yourself as any part of our father's family. She felt you were choosing us all over her, and because we didn't roll over towards her will she never wanted to be included, saying she never felt included.

I'm told this reminds you of someone. L.

Anonymous said...

To answer your question as to why this type of woman is a repeat for you: there is more than one reason, and the reasons are the juggling act of a mental repeat when you look for a wife.

The first reason is you are a very handsome man, you know this both when you look in a mirror and how women react, and also the lengths they go to meet you and the things they say and fb comments.

So your idea of an equal partner (which is really what you look for) in a relationship must be beautiful too. And she must be smart like you.

Then if that smart and beautiful woman has a troubled relationship(s) your rescuer ideas kick in. Because you know some women, like me, are actual crime victims, you want to help.

For example: you meet someone smart and pretty and start a relationship with her, she tells you of a brother who hates her. You believe her. Later you meet that brother, and you see it's true, the two don't get along, so you again believe everything she has said about her fights with her brother are true and are his fault alone. You could be assuming every woman is like me and every fight she has is with an Octavian.

If you would date longer (or insert a period of time) without jumping into a sexual relationship on the first date, you might mess up the equation (juggling act) long enough to see the other side of your smart, pretty (and by then she's your) wife's stories which were all told to you as deliberately or mostly one sided.

Anonymous said...

That they are smart is true both in the classroom and in life, they are capable in both. But the life part is manipulative (usually) which you see as them being in charge. Them being in charge leaves your mind free for other things you like to concentrate on.

Because they are in charge (and by this time know it), rarely do they walk away from an argument without getting what they want which makes them spoiled after a time, and the longer they get what they want the meaner they become in their fights to keep getting what they want. Once you realize it's not working for you any longer and try to change it by putting your foot down, it's usually too late. You seem to accept verbal violence as a BIG part of your relationship equation, but that is usually how it happens...

The asian started 'claiming' your kids with comments of them being 'her' favorites, or in some other way as 'hers'.

And while I don't know exactly when you started dating, I do know it was 5 minutes after Ari shared my doubts/cold feet with you, and by 'dating' I mean sleeping together (F U Tal!)). I also know you were still only dating with not much talk beyond that ON YOUR PART right? You liked her aggressive ownership, making you think she is looking out, protecting your relationship from invaders (other women). But in truth, it's just mean behavior...and you should be the one telling your women friends to stop, that would also change your relationship equation.

She also start shoving other women out of your life? That all started with her 'claiming' your kids and when the other women didn't get the message she got more 'up front' with them. And again you should have been the one to correct any misunderstandings, after all they were YOUR friends, not hers..realize Ari is helping me here, so if this isn't accurate...But if we are talking of a fight or words between the newly named Tess and the asian, then I'm on Tess's side, because the asian was flaunting her relationship of what a close and wonderful family you were becoming, you should have asked her not to talk like that on fb, explaining that it would only cause problems for you with Tess.

Forgetting kids already have a mother figure and aren't looking for another from your next relationship is Step Parenting 101.

Me, I always compromise in my relationships :) winning is something that usually happens to me after years and years of dealing with the same problem. I want people to like me and because of my past, a time when they usually didn't, I put up with more (to the point of ridiculous) so they might continue to like me...when in fact they would respect me more if I would walk away from them.

I hope this helps answer some of your questions, or at least points you in a direction to finding them. Just remember you came by all of this honestly and tragically. L.

Anonymous said...

Still, I like that you are now in a committed relationship with Audrey and am in NO WAY helping you find anyone beyond her with these comments. Ok?

Anonymous said...

A message for The and T
From Me

The evil and the wicked gathered
that day to decide what to do
about Bee. They used a ploy
straight from the Viet Kon
then video streamed getting off
on my screams.

Just as I am getting off now
realizing the ecstacy I felt
when everything burst and all
points died at once.

We know you are dangerous, we
know you are to be feared, we
just wont live like that.

But it was the dream I had
afterward that brings me here.
Of T and me playing in a field,
people and big boy toys were
everywhere and the feeling between
us only we could touch.

Dont look for us anymore, we are
not there. We saw you on our last
night there, Dragon Impact searching
and seeking to no avail. You did not
damage me in any way, just made me
a bit more aware. We are in the place now suited to us, for you never really understood who we are.

Anonymous said...

Whatever you say, I'll have to read it later, and don't even get me started with what's wrong with yogi! Kidding, or is he up next? I'm asking because I don't know....

And it may not have been 5 min after Ari mislead you on my cold feet, but it was definitely the next time she called, possibly even that same day. And I don't need Ari to tell me it was her who call you, because she was in charge remember?

Still, I love that I am the one changing you into someone we both love and need. Love from The L.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think it's either VERY funny or very sad. I choose to laugh!


Anonymous said...

Tomorrow! I'll be here.

Anonymous said...

And if it helps anyone who has made the repeat type mistakes:

The point of the repeats in this life was to make us aware of them so we can now develop healthier new patterns to end them. And we needed to be aware of the repeat to end them, right? So it's all good...

And Tal, Ari wanted to point out that it's you holding the feminine energy in your sexual relationships, especially once you let your latest strong and determined choice be in charge :) you start looking like her Bitch and not her equal partner. Love you a lot.

Anonymous said...

I can't cut it out. I am honor bound to deliver ALL the messages. Just know he makes a very good point, but its not EXACTLY how I see you. I think you're more slave than bitch. Kidding with Love to you.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! No need to growl.

Anonymous said...

A good lesson for us all to know from your repeat Tal, is to ALWAYS look at how people treat those they don't like or oppose, its the hallmark of their character.

Also if you stayed together, it would have been only a matter of time before the asian turned on you. I'm sure you were aware :) after your first fight you would have really looked at her...

Anonymous said...

The vision I had that one night was of her with her makeup looking like a raccoon around the eyes. Upset, I looked around on fb but found no raccoon type behavior. After I realized it was just Ari's night to upset me, I saw the same vision of her, this time with more detail to it. Her eye makeup was smeared because she was crying.

Quite possible she was doing both. But hopefully I won't have anything more to say about her.

Now about your latest radio interview, I haven't checked lately, is it available to listen to yet? But I need to say I was disappointed to see that you are still trying to promote Ian, using his photo and not Tal's on fb. I have only two words to say about that: Tess Octavia.

And incase you think 'Audrey.' isn't any different, you're wrong. Just like you are not Ari, I am not always Audrey. Tho I'm so close it scares me!

Your music career might do better if you start acting like the new improved more positive Tal. Practice on that why don't you?

Audrey. Life Coach and Happiness Motivator!

Anonymous said...

Got to go especially now that I know you're awake for the day! :) L.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Tal, how many lifetimes you gonna ride bitch!

Anonymous said...

Won't dignify that with an answer?

Awwww, look who's wearing the man pants now!


Anonymous said...

Is Tal bi polar or borderline personality disorder?

Anonymous said...

A message for The and T
From Me

The evil and the wicked gathered
that day to decide what to do
about Bee. They used a ploy
straight from the Viet Kon
then video streamed getting off
on my screams.

Just as I am getting off now
realizing the ecstasy I felt
when everything burst and all
points died at once.

But it was the dream I had
afterward that brings me here.
Of T and me playing in a field,
people and big boy toys were
everywhere and the feeling between
us only we could touch.

We know you are dangerous, we
know you are to be feared, we
just wont live like that. I am just supremely happy i am not you.

You did not damage me in any way, just made me a bit more aware.
We are in the place now suited to us, for you never really understood who we are.

Dont look for us anymore, we are
not there. We saw you on our last
night there, Dragon Impact searching
and seeking to no avail.

April 19, 2015 at 4:20 PM

Anonymous said...

Boy, Venus really is running slow this year :(

One thing I noticed: Everyone wants to know how or why I am able to be...the way I am, but when you tell a person to watch how they act and control their words, because their actions and thoughts affect how others feel about them, they don't believe and wonder off. And before you know it you lost your audience!

It really is all about minding your manners. And when you tell young adults this the first thing they think of is to tell you off...or that you are wrong.

She is nice to her friends, so she is a nice person, yes. BUT you have to be nice to those you don't like, or those that upset you too. The voices don't start until you are trusted NOT to hurt or humiliate, period. It's called taking the 'High' road for a reason. It will cost you discomfort.

The universe won't trust you with it's treasures if you pick and choose to follow only the laws you like. You MUST respect ALL of the universe. And ALL must be included.

While violence is a part of the equation, it's still a small part: Pick and Choose Your Battles Carefully! Not everything that you hate or annoys you deserves a 'Fuck You', you know?

Anonymous said...

Too much on her plate? No better time to start her training, while the opportunities are there!

I only commented on it because I'm wondering on the role of gov't and much violence is acceptable? How else do you stop a war, other than using war? And I find it hard to believe remaining uninvolved to stop wars stops anything....

Enjoy your day. L.

Anonymous said...

Nothing is going on thats too too bad, she has been in anger too long and needs to make the changes in her life that will lead her out of that anger and she really doesn't want to do that because it hurts.

But the universe will start to show her real soon that it will be in her best interest to willingly make the changes than be forced to make the changes.

I don't know exactly what is going on, except that it sounds more dramatic than it don't worry too much, she could just be breaking up with a boyfriend or something like that.

Anonymous said...

I think she has adopted some of her mother's way of dealing with things, and that's not a good look on anyone...

That the universe will help her change if she doesn't willingly change herself is a tool spirits often use when they live here. It's not her soul's goal to mimic her mother and she has another calling she needs training for.

As soon as she sets her goals and her behavior is on more solid ground, meaning she changes first and sticks to those changes, constantly repeating them into being second nature, she can do what your friend does, the guy you pay to speak with Ari and Armand. She can easily be a trance channeler and make a good living at it.

And part of her training is to watch her words and attitudes in real life. The quality of the info that comes from those sessions is affected by both. Plus, no one trying to be a spiritual person would hire a trash talking spiritualist to help them understand themselves. Because we all know:

You put your own oxygen mask on FIRST, THEN you help those around you.

It happens no other way.

The 10 years I already spoke of as being ahead of her will still be there, she won't lessen the sorrow because she has conformed. She will increase her spiritual strength gaining a better position, being a stronger channel.

I don't know when she can start channeling that way, so realize Im not saying in 10 years she will be able too, it may be sooner, but I think Ari already explained why its important to mature physically first, right?

And she also can hear Audrey's voice during that time, I don't know who she will be channeling tho.

Can't wait to find out!

Anonymous said...

Ari wanted me to tell you:
I got all this from looking at her photo wondering why her makeup looked so harsh (heavy). I was thinking it's because her attitude is (heavy). After I told you about that this morning then the good news of her talents was shared with me.

Ari has more to say on this later...when you guys get together next. L.

Anonymous said...

Good Night. L.

Anonymous said...

Just an fyi,

I've spent some time thinking of my book layout and I don't see any real chapters in it. Just occasional breaks in the story where the different lifetimes rotate thru the book several times. And after a brief introduction of my girls the only way you know which of my life's they are explaining is thru the names of the others involved in that life.

Making note of it here to remind me, because I'm still here rereading stuff...

I think I might be back to Joanne's life when I start up again, it feels like it will be soon too. Nite again and L.

Anonymous said...

"Are you sure you know what is going on?


No I'm not, but whatever's going on doesn't look too good for you. You know when you finally start talking to me I'll be too busy...and you'll have forfeited all the time you could have done so here. L.

P.S. But live for today, check out Susan Miller's astrology forecast and enjoy yourself:

Wed/ April 22 to be one of yr favorites. Venus+Jupiter will create an enchanting day. See what I wrote for yr sign::

Anonymous said...

43 Dragon Eggs (or so my sources tell me) found in China! The egg size look about right, each was about 1 Lb when they are laid and as much as 5 Lbs when they hatch. But I don't know what these little fossils will weigh in as...


Anonymous said...

I was finally able to listen to The Drew Marshall Show.

I love him because he reminds me so much of my brother before he became sick. Same humor, same look.

I also love when you spit and sputter for words :) you waste more valuable air time, no wonder he downgraded you from friend to acquaintance.

At least you didn't sound too bitter and jaded, it's very important to stay positive and say nice things, especially when you're talking about the music industry, otherwise why would they ever take you back? L.

Anonymous said...

Did you also notice that he didn't whine about Bryan Adams being 'gone' from Canada this time?

And that Tal has yet to give Michael Buble credit for staying?

Anonymous said...

I did notice that, now that you brought it up!

I thought it was funny when Drew brought up Ian. I could hear Drew's mind saying "wait a minute, what the hell am I doing?" before he buried his comments with a quick change of subject.

Anonymous said...

You're a dangerous repulsive little troll hiding behind a fake smile. Your aura alone vibrates unnaturally and you are the devils servant.
You will not get away with your use of red parasites to immobilize. You will feel the suffering you caused in your temper tantrum because Tal realized you are a bad seed to bad apple and needed to get out of your world desperately to protect himself and his family and children.
You do not understand the laws of the universe, what you did will come back to you in ways you cannot even imagine. If you read books you would have read countless stories on this topic of clockwork orange karmatic arrangements but my understanding is you do not read books therefore you carry on thinking you have control over events. If you did, I would be dead as you intended but low and behold, here I am. You must wonder how that happened since the dose you gave me had maximum lethal effect>>> koko.

Anonymous said...

I watched people break out into a cold sweat at the sound of your name alone, with them looking left to right insuring you weren't anywhere near them. Tals facebook page with Starglow all over it is run by you, it has been deemed fake by facebook. You run everything, don't you??

Anonymous said...

Only an asian would consider kissing a fish with a fuzzy ass and think it a work of art. Hard to believe Tal has kissed lips that kissed that!

Anonymous said...

You know this hurts me deeply.

Anonymous said...

Even if you don't think I'm a real relationship, you knew I hadn't walked away. At least with Joanne you made sure she was dead before you moved on. When I saw some of your words here, I didn't know what you were talking about, so I put them down to more of the nonsense going on here.

I'm worried that all three of my favorite Bachman men can't connect with women they say they love. Realize I'm NOT judging the reasons for their breakups, it just seems odd that first yogi is divorced, then Tal moves on without the courtesy of a goodbye, and Brig has to be just like them and guys really don't know what you're doing, and you're all very bright men!

Anonymous said...

But there are days I see things just like you do, this relationship is a very cruel, sick joke. And I can only ask why they did this to us both...but don't worry too much, 5 mins from now I'll be feeling different. So enjoy your day.

Anonymous said...

And I can only ask what is still motivating you to keep your nonsense here going. Why are you still posting nothing but fools speak?

Anonymous said...

Personally, I don't think you guys want the "relationship" part from women, you just want the sexual part, and you all feel too ashamed to be honest about it. Because using women isn't nobel, so you try to disguise it by being unable to work out your differences with them. All subconsciously of course.

Anonymous said...

And that Tal could so quickly walk away like he did makes me wonder if he too believes muffins are nothing but a cruel joke, but never said so.

Ok, now I think I'm done :) unless im not.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate you taking the time to talk, I heard some, but probably not all, or I suspect I didn't hear the words that would answer some of my doubts.

I'm not sure it's smart to keep coming here, but I really like sharing what I think I know with you and everyone. And my book I like sharing, because I always thought of it as our story rather than just mine...Later.

Anonymous said...

The "asian" does have a name. Your continued use of the term "asian" in referring to Tal's girlfriend is only your jealous attempt to label her as a non-person.

Tal made his girlfriend the Vice president of his business venture to give her some sense of "investment" in their relationship. All that "investment", of course, is to keep her from leaving him. Which, in his mind, would be an act of "betrayal" (his word)after all he believes he has done to promote her.

Problem is, his so called business goes absolutely nowhere.

Anonymous said...

Of course, her position as the Vice President is dependent on her maintaining a sexual relationship with him.

Sexual harassment: is bullying or coercion of a sexual nature, the inappropriate promise of rewards in exchange for sexual favors

Anonymous said...

I used to believe that you were someone I could say everything too, that there is nothing I couldn't say and share with you just by the very nature of our relationship.

At the first sign of trouble, you deliberately threw a wrench into that and walked away, leaving me here talking to myself! And here's me, too stupid to know...

And then there's you wanting to hurt me with the knowledge of your secret. Which you did. You deliberately kept it from me for the perfect time, to make it hurt more. Which it does. I feel defeated sometimes knowing this has add more years of sorrow and delay toward my own goals, and that I don't know what your goals really were.

And I know I can't tell you everything after all, because I don't know how it will upset you, I can't trust you to tell me, and I can't trust you to not to use it as a weapon when you finally do tell me.

And don't forget, YOU never told me about it, your girlfriend did. She was even in charge of delivering your very good news. You were in a relationship with me it was YOUR responsibility to tell me.

I'm not jealous of her, and she is a non-person to keep me from hating her, so I can put all my anger and sorrow on you, not her.

Anonymous said...

You made her vp of Bachmania, I thought if anyone was to have that job....never mind.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

You're a dangerous repulsive little troll hiding behind a fake smile. Your aura alone vibrates unnaturally and you are the devils servant.
You will not get away with your use of red parasites to immobilize. You will feel the suffering you caused in your temper tantrum because Tal realized you are a bad seed to bad apple and needed to get out of your world desperately to protect himself and his family and children.
You do not understand the laws of the universe, what you did will come back to you in ways you cannot even imagine. If you read books you would have read countless stories on this topic of clockwork orange karmatic arrangements but my understanding is you do not read books therefore you carry on thinking you have control over events. If you did, I would be dead as you intended but low and behold, here I am. You must wonder how that happened since the dose you gave me had maximum lethal effect>>> koko.

I watched people break out into a cold sweat at the sound of your name alone, with them looking left to right insuring you weren't anywhere near them. Tals facebook page with Starglow all over it is run by you, it has been deemed fake by facebook. You run everything, don't you??

April 23, 2015 at 5:04 AM

Anonymous said...

And can I trust you on a world stage to watch out for me over yourself, Mr. Hero, when you know how easily duped I can be? Or can I only count on you when you're not pissed at me when I have to be honest? Can I trust any of your family to point out problems, I wonder how easy it would be for Ari/Armand to recreate something similar to this in front of the world?

Anonymous said...

D's feelings ARE a big concern for me for many reasons, he's a really nice guy and I don't want him hurt. He is all the family I have.

While I love my brother, he isn't someone I ever went to for help. Without D I would truly be alone. There is just him and the idiot speak that happens here, but I used to believe the idiot speak would morf into something more friendly that I could understand...I read Brian and he seems like such a great guy and wonder why there is none of that here.

Now I believe the idiot speak won't stop and while I'm majorly disappointed I'm still willing to believe there's a bigger reason for it than you being an idiot. :) For now at least.

I haven't told D about much of any of this or what will happen soon because I don't know (or trust) what's going on. I don't want him hurt, and I'm sure parts will hurt him. Or at the very least suprise him a lot.

Last and more morbid concern for D is his repeat of suddenly dying, he does this in every life that I've seen. If I move forward with my plans, and that happens, I will be out there in front of everyone alone. He is there one minute and gone the next and my psychic talents won't cover what I've lost from losing him. I'll be alone with no protection, no one close to me. It feels like my own survival relies on his.

But if that does happen, at least it's just me left out there since there are no kids or dependents this time to also get hurt. So I should relax about they can bring on the armed drones for the witch hunt.

Anonymous said...

To include my own gov't spying on me when I say that...Atlantis, Morgan, Cleopatra, all my girls had that concern.

Anonymous said...

Before I met D, I was engaged to someone who looked exactly like Ari did when I first met him, any differences were minor. I didn't meet Ari until years (10+) after I broke off the engagement.

I mentioned once before that Ari had straight blond hair in every vision I've seen of him, but at that time I was also calling him Seth, from Jane's Roberts Seth. It was Jennifer who told me his name, in my dreams.

Anyway, I met Philip and we were living together after we got engaged. First there were his moods, heavy angry drinking and he smoked; then there was the yelling; which was followed by throwing things in temper while he screamed; and we finished our engagement when the violence escalated from there. It took some time, 3 months, to get rid of him completely because of his temper.

During that 3 months, D asked me out, he just move here and was recently separated from his first wife and said he had no plans to go back, leaving her back in Pa. She was cheating on him and didn't want him anyway.

Philip was in my house while I was gone and found out about D from a very sweet card he left taped to my locker at work. D and I watched our backs and eventually Philip wondered away...which he did eventually.

All this happened so long ago, Im not sure why Ari wants me to tell you this, so don't you let him use it as some form of torture.

When I see Ari next his hair will be curly and he said he was thinking of making his wedding ring part of his physical image. I would like that.

Anonymous said...

While I don't see my connection to Tal/Ari as cheating like his first wife, I wonder if D would...I did ask Ari/Armand about D's dream relationships and never got an answer, typical.

D hasn't been too interested in my book, he read parts of it years ago, and he'll probably read it after its finished, but he doesn't ask to read it and his work takes up his time.

Did you know his last life was as a German WWll soldier, he was shot in the Battle at Stalingrad and it took him some time to die. He was advised to not get hurt if he decided to take up skiing, it would remind him of that death and he would be more ready to give up and die because of it.

Ari also told me this a.m. that D saw one of Hitler's speeches, I'll share that with him, see what he says about it. Who knows, maybe he will know which one he saw.

And no I don't think you are 'anything like that guy', i just don't know why you need to even know it happened, thats why I'm worried...

Anonymous said...

"Did you know his last life was as a German WWll soldier, he was shot in the Battle at Stalingrad and it took him some time to die. He was advised to not get hurt if he decided to take up skiing, it would remind him of that death and he would be more ready to give up and die because of it. "

Ari said that it took him over a day to die in the freezing snow, and his appendix scar is where he was wounded in that life. Im not clear on why he needs the scar of it in this life. But I'm told D gets it.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

A message for The and T
From Me

The evil and the wicked gathered
that day to decide what to do
about Bee. They used a ploy
straight from the Viet Kon
then video streamed getting off
on my screams.

Just as I am getting off now
realizing the ecstasy I felt
when everything burst and all
points died at once.

But it was the dream I had
afterward that brings me here.
Of T and me playing in a field,
people and big boy toys were
everywhere and the feeling between
us only we could touch.

We know you are dangerous, we
know you are to be feared, we
just wont live like that. I am just supremely happy i am not you.

You did not damage me in any way, just made me a bit more aware.
We are in the place now suited to us, for you never really understood who we are.

Dont look for us anymore, we are
not there. We saw you on our last
night there, Dragon Impact searching
and seeking to no avail.

I guess the good doctor really is as stupid as he looks. Its that, or hes a liar, and a greedy fuck.

I love you baby. Stay strong. For me.

Anonymous said...

Joanne's father became town mayor, i think it was, after she won the release of Orleans and he kept the position until he died some 20 years later. The town prospered in his care. So he was elected because he was my father, but kept the job of his own right.

don't know what he did before that...we had a small herd of sheep (most families had herds of some kind), but he did something else outside of our'll come to me.

I am looking again at the pilgrimage Joanne's mother made, not sure why she went to Orleans for her care after my father died, something more there.

Anonymous said...

I think they were presenting her with the keys to the city in my honor along with paying for her care in my memory.

Anonymous said...

The church didn't turn their backs on my family, but there is something wrong, a falling out of some kind before my father died...some law he passed that the church wasn't in favor of. it had to do with a land grab the church wanted, and he told them no. The church made it harder on my family to attend, but they weren't excommunicated. L.

Anonymous said...

"White space eleviates the confusion."

No, it doesn't. I still can't read the Dragon's works...I think if he really understood his topics he would make it easier for us all to read.


I Love You.

April 4, 2015 at 8:57 AM

I Love You Too.

It's because he's a 'Marshall Artist' AND a "musician" but more importantly, a professional computer hacker.


Anonymous said...

ever see Waynes World?

Anonymous said...

God you are so adorable ,,,

I <3 U, like, alot. :)

Anonymous said...

Lavender infused olive oil.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

When I was losing my grip
You had a stronghold on me.

That's why.

Anonymous said...

I never saw Wayne's world.

When D's son was in high school he wanted to be a hacker, I bet he doesn't like or believe in psychics because they don't give him the kind of evil hurtful information that he looks for from them. That reminds my My Handsome Hero Husband, how is your own Octavia today? I hear she is in fine form and comfortable in her new name.

You have my every sympathy :) and of course my every Love.

Anonymous said...

Lol, you're a real wit n shit, but jokes are only funny the first time theyre posted. After that it's not your work and the universe redirects the energy elsewhere, always searching for the new and frest. Remember that my favorite repeat ;)

Anonymous said...

Fresh, not forest...

Anonymous said...

At my first, very brief and overly excited look at the latest earthkeeper email, I know that he has a dual meaning message for us in his channel excerpt. I also realized that the time capsule's container from Atlantis that contains the flying car and other items is just as important as the items it holds for us.

It's a man made composite of natural materials that will replace our plastics industry. The material is much simpler to make and reshape/remold or recycle into other objects. Science will feel like they missed the obvious when they developed plastic and not this material because it's easier to make...and nontoxic.

The material the car is made of is important because it's made from an antigravity material that when power is applied to it its antigravity properties turn on, and the internal antigravity system is "boosted" and uses it as part of its antigravity system to clear, say mountains n shit like that, avoiding accidents.

Something about using the cars to attack other cars at the Atlantean 9/11 I need to look at again. There were protections in cars that were to help prevent the type of collisions that were used to kill...

I am looking forward to answers! L.

Anonymous said...

"and the internal antigravity system is "boosted" and uses it as part of its antigravity system to *automatically* clear, say mountains n shit like that, avoiding accidents."

Anonymous said...

When E.K. talks of "the crystal vortexes of Arkansas and Brazil" they are to be read by us as physical chakras of our physical form. Look at the locations on a map for the western hemisphere and know they correlate with the human physical chakra locations. Also know that when he uses the western hemisphere he actually means something different than when he uses locations from eastern hemisphere.

western hemisphere locations equate to physical body changes and the eastern hemisphere locations equate to mental changes in those physical chakra locations.

Anonymous said...

There are also actual crystals stored in the Atlantis time capsule that have videos for how to operate these cars, a video owners manual :) it also records the language the whole world was using at that time. And of course there are videos of other things so we can get a good picture of what life was life in Atlantis.

The world knew of this time capsule, it was buried in a world celebrated (or mourned) service, depending on how you felt about the new money system and if you felt it was progress.

Everyone knew the world was changing, that the current technology would also change, believing some of the technology would gradually fall by the wayside. And with the gradual demise of that technology, something else would come forward to replace what was lost. Most believed that only a portion of their technology would be lost, that they would still be able to keep a lot of it operating.

The world would become more mechanical to replace the technology advances that would be lost.

Everyone also thought there was time, and no one was overly stressed. People seemed to be discussing the best solution to the problem, then the moon cutting changed everything.

Gov'ts did not go to war over the cutting, they poured all their resources into their countries survival. As soon as the moon was cut, war was done away with as part of a world wide repentance from the recent wars, which led to the moon cutting in the first place.

Hitler played a significant role in Atlantis during that time too. I think as an advisor to our current president...Part of the karmic reason he started WWll was to get his face and actions recorded on video. We can go back to Atlantis and compare that this is indeed the same political criminal, and when his face comes around again in the future, the world will know his true politics. Just like George Washington/Sen. Harry Reid (and others) is known as a liar in yet another lifetime...they marked themselves by going on camera so that we all know who they are and the lengths of corruption they will go to.

Anonymous said...

The world kept its repentant attitude on war for many lifetimes (or hundreds of years, not sure how many). The repentant attitude was falling by the wayside shortly before Helen's birth (about 50 years). It accelerated and died off at her death, and gov'ts changed their customs to follow suit. Remembering her as the need for the changes, marking an age.

Anonymous said...

I think thats all I have right now! L.

Anonymous said...

I know the Van Auken video We are Starborne from this mornings email was sent out once before, but I am watching it again for new info and this popped out at me:

At 14:00-16:00 Van Auken is talking about our celestial origin as the ancients described it. He speaks of Light as the source, and we all know by now that Light breaks down into frequency ranges. It's those frequency ranges that Ari has already described to you as being which star system or planet each person aligned themselves with, or "came thru" vibrationally to use the talents in that vibrational range here on Earth.

What a mouthful!

Like for example, Arcturus is a vey wide vibrational set of the light source that is used for healing. Medical doctors, new age healers, councilors/psychiatrists, psychics, witches, "miracle workers" and others all use and work with different vibrations contained within the complete set which the Arcturus system holds.

If you are a medical doctor or nurse you use one set of Arcturian vibrations, and if you are a holistic type medical doctor/nurse you use a midrange blend of vibrations that include both modern medical techniques and ancient medical vibrations to heal, and a holistic healer would use the end spectrum vibrations within that medical grouping of vibrations. And these vibrations should be understood partly as knowledge.

Using these knowledge vibrations helps doctors quickly diagnose conditions, any type of medical recall or research, along with medical type advancements or developments. These people are often seen as "naturals" or very talented and are often leaders in their career fields. A pretty intuitive, knowledgable people that are easily led to the answers they are looking for.

Others who didn't come thru this set of vibrations to work in the medical field are seen as bad or at best mediocre in their field of 3D study. They don't have the spiritual study behind them and would never be seen as a leader, make advancements in their professions, or even good at their jobs. They are book smart in their field but have no spiritual backing, and are often in their field of 3D study for the money. Tho these types are seen in every field or vibration of study.

I think this is what I'm seeing more and more of today, souls working in a field of 3D study without the "natural talent" backing of a spiritual vibrational study. I think this phenomenon (if I can call it that?) is somehow related to (but not only because of) an increase in population. But I don't exactly know how it happens, beyond a "flooded market" type explanation. Maybe later I can explain it better for our "why it's important to control your population" chapter.

If you were to think of these vibrational skill sets on a number line, once you reach the higher end range of medicine and medical healers, you start to blend into the lower end of science and scientific knowledge frequencies. I'm told the number line is a good analogy, but not a perfect one...this has to due with the nature of time and how it's used quickly and differently in the heavens.

That's a new idea that I need clarity on to better describe it to you, but for now I'm going to continue on with the video to see if I can find anything else for us.

Anonymous said...

For this paragraph:

"If you were to think of these vibrational skill sets on a number line, once you reach the higher end range of medicine and medical healers, you start to blend into the lower end of science and scientific knowledge frequencies. I'm told the number line is a good analogy, but not a perfect one...this has to due with the nature of time and how it's used quickly and differently in the heavens."

It's the "higher/lower vibrational range" description I don't like. The higher vibration should not be seen as more evolved than the lower vibration sets, they are all equal and should only be seen as different, not better or worse. You see?

Anonymous said...

For more clarity in this paragraph:

"I think this is what I'm seeing more and more of today, souls working in a field of 3D study without the "natural talent" backing of a spiritual vibrational study. I think this phenomenon (if I can call it that?) is somehow related to (but not only because of) an increase in population. But I don't exactly know how it happens, beyond a "flooded market" type explanation. Maybe later I can explain it better for our "why it's important to control your population" chapter."

Ari likens it to a form of "spiritual autism". For those of us who don't know, Ari believes that the physical autistics we see in people today is because they use time differently. They physically are mis-synced, or are out of a more natural step with time. The degree they are out of sync with time causes their degree of isolation from this world.

Most spiritual autistics can be identified by their lack of social skills. Most physical autistics too, but their communication with the world they live in is hampered and the causes are physical. The spiritual autistics can still communicate with this world, but most of us wish they wouldn't. :)

For the spiritual autistics, like O, he has crossed over into a mild (?) physical autistic. He was diagnosed with ADD as a child (which he has outgrown), but like most of the spiritual autistics, he has no social skills, has a strange sense of humor, and they are more prone to develop mental illnesses.

Anonymous said...

The spiritual autistics also misuse time by somehow 'skipping the time' needed to absorb the vibrations and frequencies that help a person become more comfortable and successful in their calling.

Anonymous said...

It's like they're not done baking in the spiritual oven and are delivered half baked.

A Barb's Bakery joke.

But they come in unprepared and when these people are given positions of power violence and incompetence increase.

Anonymous said...

Also, remember I said that Jack and the Beanstalk was an Atlantean kindergarten type teaching? I think there is a part of the story where Jack hides from the giant inside an oven. And there are other stories where ovens are used somehow for children...

Anonymous said...

In the same video, at about 27:00 he talks about the he is describing what happens when a person is standing off in a mirage. But I disagree that there is anything magical about it, and I resent the fact that they try to dress it up as a reward for meeting challenges, or doing good works. It is no blessing.

Anonymous said...

I mean:

What he is describing is what happens when a person off in a mirage.

Anonymous said...

At about 29:00 when he talks of Arcturus, he is speaking of the Hospital portion after death. Where you rest or receive any rehab/healing of pain you need from the trauma of your lifetime.

Anonymous said...

At 31:00 he starts describing the different planets and you should know that when he says Mercury is the college of the mind he is also saying Mercury is the planet associated with the mind chakra, and at the "college of Mercury" you study things designed to improve your mind chakra.

Student from Venus are working to develop their heart chakras, Mars is fear and the root chakra, you get the idea...A series of colleges, one for each chakra to help it open, grow, develop.

Anonymous said...

So these colleges are preparing your spiritual chakras while in the heavens to function properly in heaven's use of time. This helps you meet your goals when you incarnate and your chakras begin to function here in time on Earth. Its a syncing of your chakras to time as you come to Earth, so these steps are very important.

The different steps from childhood, puberty, young adult, middle age adult, old age, and then the elderly are all adjusting their chakras in time. Some are firing up as you grow. Some are shutting down as you age, redirecting the energy from those chakras that are winding down and building others chakras up.

For example a teenage mother would be using a different combination of chakra strengths than mother who has reached the age of reason would, that a gramma see? And sometimes when you don't take the time, those chakras aren't strong enough to support the parents life let alone a child's whose chakra's also depend on you.

I also know that forgoing children in some lifetimes ensures that you get a child who is synced. You took the time to put your own oxygen mask on, it helps your child somehow slow down and to do the same for themselves, or you're a vibrational match for a child who has done the same so you don't run into autism situations unless it's your intent to help the autistic see that they need to take healthier spiritual steps to incarnate.

For Twain, I know he picked their children because of his karmic need more so than Livy's. He had more problems dealing with from them from past lives, especially after his wife died. Livy was more there to help them both, than to settle a karmic need of her own.

I think from a soul perspective, Livy agreed to Clara as a daughter to help her and Sam make some peace. And I believe Clara rushed to get to be his daughter, her bi-polar antics are what I'm looking at.

She wanted a life where she was once again his wife, and Ari said "No, I won't have you as an equal partner again. You will be the child you are known to act like." And she did act like it.

Realize if she would stop incarnating and clean up her chakra system first, then when she returns she would be able to make her peace faster and without the mental illness.

I am reminded at this point to say that she is earth bound, or more astral and can't get beyond that so her manipulating time to heal her chakras isn't an option. Like O, she is forced to sit and wait in time even though she is astral.

But Im not sure why Sam/Ari would even let her be his daughter if she was unhealthy like that...ok, he didn't have a say in it for some reason...he made a compromise like, "I'll give you this life, but if you don't make your peace with me, then thats all. Deal with it on your own 'time'." :)

Anonymous said...

I'm saying I let Ari pick out Sam's children and I agreed to them. Does that make me better than you, I think so...yes.

Anonymous said...

I think some see astral life as boring and to fix your chakras/karma on Earth is more interesting to them, so when Ari said "You can be my daughter, make what you can from it and then we're done." she jumped at the chance.

I think in the future you two will know each other but not be close or, and only briefly.

Anonymous said...

But you should realize that any healing is a juggling act and today I've been talking about the interstellar healing type juggling that goes on between here on Earth and there in the heavens with your chakras and time.

Class dismissed.

Anonymous said...

At 37:00 of the video, the story Van Auken is reading reminds me of the 4 Christs. The first, Then Armand came into being, and then the Adam and Eve story of Ari/Audrey or Ra/Ma'at.

Anonymous said...

I think I will stop right now at 42:00, and watch the rest of it another time. Hope you weren't bored, and that I gave a clear understanding of what I got from listening to to the video so far. Love.

Anonymous said...

Susie Clemens used her life with us as a rest and a break from her harder karmic lives. Much like I did with Gloria's life.

I'm not sure why Langdon left us so young...

Jean had no emotional karma with us like Clara did. We helped Jean deal with her epilepsy by giving her a safe, comfortable place to live with her disease. I don't know what caused her epilepsy.

Clara made a little progress in her life with us. She did tell you after she died that you were right, she needs to look at herself more and stop looking at you. She's let go of you and will stick to your agreement with her. I don't know what happened between you both leading up to Twain's life.

I do know some of it has to do with Clara's daughter. I don't think either woman has been fair to you in their past. Clara believes she was/is in love with you from lifetimes past, yet blamed you in some misguided way for her problems. But it was you she came to see when she was our daughter.

Clara's daughter doesn't love you, also blames you and doesn't care enough to fix it. She doesn't hate you, she just doesn't think the work she needs to do is worth it and is content to stay away. No real problem there...

Anonymous said...

You're a dangerous repulsive little troll hiding behind a fake smile. Your aura alone vibrates unnaturally and you are the devils servant.
You will not get away with your use of red parasites to immobilize. You will feel the suffering you caused in your temper tantrum because Tal realized you are a bad seed to bad apple and needed to get out of your world desperately to protect himself and his family and children.
You do not understand the laws of the universe, what you did will come back to you in ways you cannot even imagine. If you read books you would have read countless stories on this topic of clockwork orange karmatic arrangements but my understanding is you do not read books therefore you carry on thinking you have control over events. If you did, I would be dead as you intended but low and behold, here I am. You must wonder how that happened since the dose you gave me had maximum lethal effect>>> koko.

I watched people break out into a cold sweat at the sound of your name alone, with them looking left to right insuring you weren't anywhere near them. Tals facebook page with Starglow all over it is run by you, it has been deemed fake by facebook. You run everything, don't you??

April 23, 2015 at 5:04 AM

Anonymous said...

A message for The and T
From Me

The evil and the wicked gathered
that day to decide what to do
about Bee. They used a ploy
straight from the Viet Kon
then video streamed getting off
on my screams.

Just as I am getting off now
realizing the ecstasy I felt
when everything burst and all
points died at once.

But it was the dream I had
afterward that brings me here.
Of T and me playing in a field,
people and big boy toys were
everywhere and the feeling between
us only we could touch.

We know you are dangerous, we
know you are to be feared, we
just wont live like that. I am just supremely happy i am not you.

You did not damage me in any way, just made me a bit more aware.
We are in the place now suited to us, for you never really understood who we are.

Dont look for us anymore, we are
not there. We saw you on our last
night there, Dragon Impact searching
and seeking to no avail.

I guess the good doctor really is as stupid as he looks. Its that, or hes a liar, and a greedy fuck.

I love you baby. Stay strong. For me.

April 24, 2015 at 11:24 AM

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