Monday, September 10, 2007

On Tal Bachman

Disclaimer: The following is an ad hominem attack on Tal Bachman. If you are Mr. Bachman, or one of his small number of ever dwindling fans, I suggest that you not read this post. I will try to be objective, but be forewarned; I do not have a lot of good things to say about this pretentious, washed-up has-been.

I don’t like Tal Bachman. I’ve read a lot of his posts, and if they are any reflection of who he really is, he must really be one pathetic son of a bitch. Am writing this because he left Mormondom? No, I can’t really say that I’m sad to see him go. Some of the nicest, coolest, warm-hearted, generous individuals I know have left the Mormon church and I have yet to launch a single ad hominem attack on them. In fact, we continue to be good friends regardless of varying religious choices. Membership in an organization is no arbiter when it comes to friendship. With that in mind, let me turn my attention to Mr. Bachman. His singular claim to fame is that he wrote and sang a hit song, “She’s So High.” As a one-hit wonder, he’s in the same category as the illustrious Right Said Fred, Vanilla Ice and Lou Bega (of Mambo No. 5 fame). I’m surprised he hasn’t starred on the Surreal Life yet. Maybe he’s holding out for a spot on Dancing with the ‘Stars’. Marie Osmond made it, why not him?

He has written a voluminous amount of material regarding his thoughts on Mormonism. I’m not sure if he intends to sound like a pretentious, holier-than-thou, pseudo-intellectual, but everything he writes is pretentious, holier-than-thou or pseudo-intellectual. Take a blog post he published a few months ago in May. He criticizes the Mormon conception of heaven and hell, but he makes himself sound like a self-satisfied jerk in the following quote (which can be found here)

“I think heaven isn't a place we go to after we die; I think it is a place we can live in everyday, if we are determined to, and perhaps, if we have a bit of luck. I think it is something we create and find here on earth...and right now. Heaven can be right now...

“I feel sad sometimes when I think of how long I lived always thinking of heaven as another place, and another time. I was too often blind to all the beauty right before me, because I was too often straining so hard to see something far, far off in the distance - which, it turns out, there is no reason to believe is even there, at least in the way I thought.

“I submit that true heaven isn't crazy stories, or distant stars, or strange names and strange clothes and strange spouses. I think it is something that we all have, within us, the power to create and experience, at least to some extent, right here and right now...”

Yeah, whatever, buddy. And with three paragraphs, he assigns those who don’t share his easy rockstar lifestyle to a hell worse than any that God proposed. What happens to those sorry souls, who, for whatever reason, don’t have ‘a bit of luck’? What happens to them? Mr. Bachman would consign them to misery and woe because they are not determined enough, I guess. Or chastise them for hoping for some kind of better existence in the next life? And what is the basis for Mr. Bachman’s faith in humankind? He claims there is no reason to believe in heaven. I agree, at least as far as objective evidence is concerned. But what evidence does he have the mankind can make a heaven here on earth? His own Shangri-La lifestyle, where his biggest complaints are that nobody in the record industry wants to hear his music? He wants to argue both sides of the fence. He has to have a reason for the distant heaven, but offers no reasons for the heaven ‘within’.

Other posts focus on his inability to talk to females in the past because of his worry about temptation. Obviously this is the Mormon church’s fault. The most common complaint I hear about this church is that it stultifies relationships between members of the opposite sex who happen to be married to other people. It would be completely illogical to assume that Mr. Bachman stultifies himself. Maybe someone should tell him that just because he feels ‘tempted’, it is highly unlikely that the person he is talking to feels the same way. When I talk to women at work or at school, I usually don’t get the impression that they are chomping at the bit to go to bed with me, regardless of how naturally charming I am. It must be a rockstar complex to think like that. Maybe Mr. Bachman should evaluate how he internalized the teachings of the Mormon church, rather than make unwarranted generalizations about the impact those teachings have on the general membership.

I think most of my invection comes from the colossal waste of time it was to read what he had written and the colossal waste of time writing this post represents. I don’t usually like (or write) ad hominem attacks, but when someone practically begs for it, can I be anything but obliging?


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Anonymous said...

I have so enjoyed the baby animals and architecture. They helped make it more tolerable. The deep connection and falling was the most beautiful of all; I used to be afraid of heights. Poetry, writings and lovely letter styles jazzed immensely, humour drove it and I fell in love with the little ones and the only one. One of a kind, always ,,,

Anonymous said...

Were you already aware? Because now I am too, and you really should fix the shed you've been living in. Maintain your property B, I don't want to visit the slums and I don't want a mansion, I'm looking for a clean, comfy, (and Oh God please be) a warm place to hang my Home Sweet Home sign.

And with all the faults and flaws I've seen here, nobody should be laughing...

To shut this blog would be a big help. I still feel like i'm in some kind of holding pattern. just an FYI.

Anonymous said...

If I ever get paid, with my first million I promised D a WW2 german tank, no joke! I'm only telling you this because I'm thinking of getting a cannon for yogi.


Yogi's response was the same for la Hire damaging Orleans before he left to see the King and Helen's father at her rescue.

His attitude was to fire and drive away the other boats waiting or trying to dock, but no war unless the criminals wanted one. There were two or three boats there with my father, husband and other families.

While I visited with my family, we were all safe, though many of the women felt once my family left (because surely they would be driven away), we would be brutalized from the criminals anger.

The boats waiting to dock usually left after a day or so's delay. Not knowing they were really small time crooks my family worried they would come back armed for war too.

Two of our boats left quickly when the criminals did and were tasked to build the horse. Locals arrived at the sound of cannons and were allowed to dock. Once their questions were answered they too were made to leave.

The horse was shipped and delivered to Troy by land in pieces, then assembled five miles from the gate.

Paris and his family were surprised that other men loved women enough to possibly die for their well being. (I think this idea is the ending to Helen's story, but not the exact wording.)

So I guess the holding pattern is over?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, only one boat left to drop off the men tasked to build the boat.

Paris was told the boats were leaving for supplies for their return home.

Anonymous said...


"Only one boat left to drop off the men tasked to build the boat." The other boat moved fired on criminals and a the third stayed at the docks with Paris and his family holed up in Troy worried they would be killed, they never left the compound.

L & Good Night. Sleep well.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning!

Just stopped by to let you know I was thinking of the airplane right before I fell asleep last night. I asked if something new happened to it and was told "no". But this morning I found this:

Anonymous said...

He was always so jealous, i always thought that was the oddest thing; a man, jealous of a girl. He never understood it was his personality and hardcore vibe that sparked disdain. The props surrounding were just words with no meaning. I was always slightly uncomfortable in his presence and he knew it. I knew one day we'd face off.
He knew my artistry was classic and marketable, he knew I had a thousand other interests, he knew I had a heart of gold but jealousy's got the best of him.

Anonymous said...

Of course you understand I'm referring to your ari, I mean Paris, of your twisted little story. Just an fyi and I rather live in a shed in the slum with love then a mansion of jealous sociopaths as much as i would rather be alone than in the presence of your kind; clingy sidelines.
The hero in all if this, is the subject matter of this blog. Integral, honest and kind. A whole person, with my help; complete.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy repercussion & chasing your tails. I'll enjoy sentimental sweet winds always gently blowing in my life whilst playing with my diamond in the sky.
Good night & Merry Sweet Dreams.

Anonymous said...

Beyond Love.

"You are so beautiful to me."

F. Scott Fitzgerald
Elizabeth Gilbert

dream me. <3

Anonymous said...

well, I don't think burning to death, or watching your children murdered (because seeing it the first time wasn't enough!!!) or having some impotent prick hunt, hurt and harass you in EVERY lifetime is something to be jealous of!

You just tell that asshole the grass is never greener, and if he is still jealous, you tell him I said to go pound sand! Because his attitude helps to set or destroy my own and I don't need more negativity. In fact I've walked away from a lot of it, which is why I'm alone.

Now you grow a new attitude and turn that frown upside down Mister! I need your help.

Anonymous said...

Might like to add, that the impotent prick's soul group did all of those things to me because he was jealous too and knew I would relive those things in every lifetime. Saw it as a gift that keeps on giving.

In this life it's as real as in C's life. I felt how heavy and humid air can get in a room full of blood, you can taste it in the air. And knowing that, it added to his joy. It's humiliating and very very sad to be the target...

Remember ALL of this when you think of jealousy. Besides, I've known how you felt, sort of, just not the depth of it and maybe next life it will be McCoy's turn to be jealous. Maybe.

But remember too that if you were to see me in person you would pity me! I think of you and marvel at the advantages and freedoms you've had and wonder the whole time what I would be like today if I'd had them. And then I get upset too.

I think Ari's problem is all because he needs a mother to help soften his hardcore vibe. Because he is smart with sound judgement, he usually gets too much independence too early in life and no one is there to wash his mouth out with soap!

Anonymous said...

Or perhaps you weren't asking me what I think your problem matter.


Anonymous said...

... fuck-you ...

Anonymous said...

got to go and start my day job now! Later.

Anonymous said...

Good Night Tal!

P.S. I typed super slow so you could pick up this vibe!


Anonymous said...

Integral, honest and kind? Hah, that's a laugh.

Anonymous said...

Slow vibes are known to laugh at the stupid stuff. You have fun, you hear? Oh can't do that very well either.....s l o w v i b e

Way too bad.

Anonymous said...

I know.
Yes we can.
You're welcome.

Anonymous said...

tRendy eh bro ...

Anonymous said...

yeah doll ... like,,, wow.

Anonymous said...

hey bro
How is it she sustained those injuries??
like... she's even cuter than before??

Anonymous said...

Her immune system is amazing ....

Anonymous said...

Couldn't be.
Not possible to be three places at once??


See u soon.

Anonymous said...

Still not speaking to Brig.

Having some trouble writing out my ideas (glad I posted the latest ideas here before my brain broke), plus there is a lot being done at The Corners. My brain feels sluggish and mushy. Trying for a restart...

Anonymous said...

As Hemingway roams.


Anonymous said...

Actually, the worst thing in the world is an x girfriend and a sideline here and there who turn fatal attraction into a reality using i phones and the internet as their weapons.
Fatal Attraction was based on a real life tale, like you. Real life fatal attraction.

Anonymous said...

What's it like to have to pay for friends?

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid that when we finally see each other again and I hug you so tight with no words except maybe, oh my God,
I will start crying uncontrolably. Not from being sad or overjoyed, and not broken either, but from the trauma they caused. And it will be at that moment I will know it is over. It will be then that the all is realized and it will overwhelm me.
If that happens, just bare with me and stay, motionless until I stop.
Then, I will kiss you.

Anonymous said...

... fancies herself an alchemist. A chemist of some sort, hoping to make a name somewhere, somehow. A bit samarui with the swords and ninja philosophy. Nothing that can't be countered as per.

True love protects, it waits, it never leaves.

Anonymous said...

A user of things; people, plants, animals and such
which is how she came to know the commons.
All are like minded in this way.

Anonymous said...

"I'm afraid that when we finally see each other again and I hug you so tight with no words except maybe, oh my God,
I will start crying uncontrolably. Not from being sad or overjoyed, and not broken either, but from the trauma they caused. And it will be at that moment I will know it is over. It will be then that the all is realized and it will overwhelm me.
If that happens, just bare with me and stay, motionless until I stop.
Then, I will kiss you."

Good luck with that.....FIFTEEN years.

Anonymous said...

God i can be dumb sometimes, just not today. And hopefully not tomorrow either

Anonymous said...

You're just in you own little fantasy world, aren't you?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is as far as I am.

Anonymous said...

The reason I had a whole age named after me (Helen) and Tal did not :) was because the set of ancient karmic laws the world used was mostly abandoned. Countries kept the parts of the laws they liked and did away with the parts they didn't.

Each country became different from another in their laws and customs. Once the laws began to change and people realized there was nothing to fear karmically, the laws were changed with a flourish.

Social changes were started, one example: criminals were imprisoned for the first time, others were killed. Many changes like that happened very quickly all coming from the debates that my death caused.

Anonymous said...

The idea of war (which was abandoned for the first time from the death blow Atlantis gave the world population) was returned as the world population began to increase steadily.

Once the mass psyche saw that the Earth and it's people were now thriving, it started killing thru war again. (I think I said something similar once before.)

I think the Earth or mankind will always control the population. From the animal kingdom, the herds are plentiful, but not over populated. They governed themselves.

I think if the population won't govern itself, something will come like a psychotic leader or a plague to reduce our population.

Realize too, that like the herds, some countries are experiencing reduced birth rates without wars and plagues. People are choosing to forego children for other things, but I don't know it is enough yet...

Anyway, with large populations, life becomes cheap. (In my own opinion) people forget manners for many reasons, and start with rude and obnoxious behavior. Once that becomes acceptable to getting your own way, improving that behavior seems slow to impossible without some form of discomfort causing a deep change in the mass psyche. Why change if you are comfortable being rude and obnoxious?

I'm not a fan of Dr. Spock and his no spanking policies. He is a foolish man who had no children, and now that I'm thinking about it, what was his relationship like with his mother? Were they close?

Some kids may never need spanked, there are some you can reason with, but when you get a kid like Octavian...

Anyway, don't listen to me. I have no kids, and no relationship with my mother. I think it's the mood I've been in for a while now.

Anonymous said...

Have a good day. I think I'm done now.

Anonymous said...

If you have a fatal attraction thing going on, you've no one to blame except yourself. Some women just aren't good sports when it comes to filling a void in your life. It's a form of spiritual usury.

But seriously, 2 things: you should have seen it coming before you even asked her out, she gave you every clue from the very beginning. And I'm sorry for any part I unwittingly played, I'm told Armand spoke on my behalf, but still...I hate it when they use me to help like that, and I suspect I've said a lot of things like that to everyone here before...without knowing your stories I'm sure I hurt you guys unwittingly. I'm very sorry.

Anonymous said...

"I'm afraid that when we finally see each other again and I hug you so tight with no words except maybe, oh my God"

NOT impressed by these words. All ready proven that you will hug anything.

"I will start crying uncontrolably. Not from being sad or overjoyed, and not broken either, but from the trauma they caused. "

Right! Where's the love? Really not important to some men...

"And it will be at that moment I will know it is over. It will be then that the all is realized and it will overwhelm me.
If that happens, just bare with me and stay, motionless until I stop."

If that happens, I would be stunned. 15! you do realize suicide bombers are promised the same thing as us right? I think it's looked as an "anything to get the humans thru a tough spot" carrot on a stick idea, and the idea/untrue promise really needs to stop. Still I've told you where my heart is...

Your words are great to see but just Not a Believer.

Anonymous said...

Progress Report:

Still making great fb progress! Am very relieved, since March 1, I've been to see everyone 2 times. I look at it as overcoming that ocd and buying my freedom. Don't get me wrong, I would love to be included somewhere in your lives, but since I'm not, well, it's all ok...

Realized too Thurs the lack of pain, or the progress made with my mother. The situation no longer holds a sting for me. D's daughter had her baby ( a boy from the name), and my thought was to wish them both well, no tears with any of these.

I believe I've just had time to get used to the ideas in this life and not a true healing, and I wonder if in the next life if I will once again have to get over these ideas. Because of the nature of repeats, I don't know if this response is now mine for keeps, or just for now, and that's the reason my book is so important to me right now.

it may not be published in my lifetime, but I hope it will be found and published before the next life. I could always use some good advice from myself. Trying to stack the deck in my favor for a change. Just an fyi to everyone. Have a great weekend, Love you.

Anonymous said...

You're right, I do need to remember boundaries, and I think my book can help me do that. The only regret I have in this life is that the others in it didn't feel the need in their lives to make room for me. I wasn't important enough to them to change their behavior for me to still be included in it. Going for now, again, Love you.

Anonymous said...

Calling All Angels

Anonymous said...

What are you calling them?


Anonymous said...

just a couple new paragraphs of info you already know about. Thought I'd share, although I'm not sure why since its not much...

Now having an exact location, the strategy on the boat was reconnaissance work. Once the kind stranger pointed toward Paris's home, watches were conducted on the compound hoping for a sighting of Paris or any woman he'd taken. A day later Paris was sighted along with some of his friends.

With boats arriving at the dock it didn’t take long to understand Troy’s purpose. My father sent for help and within a day two other boats arrived. Because Troy was set in a cove, my rescuers had no trouble staying out of sight while blocking others trying to dock.

Troy’s prisoners quickly noticed the empty docks and then after four or five days of no visitors we wondered openly at what was happening. Most of us relaxed at the quiet with only a small few worrying at possible trouble on our horizon.

When the friendly stranger was spotted making a delivery to Paris' home all activities inside the compound were suddenly as silent and still as the docks. With the gates kept locked, no one moved at the compound.

Anonymous said...

Spending time here always inspires new info! making some notes here to work on later. L.

When Troy heard cannon fire before Achilles showed up with his drawing, everyone thought the cannon fire was two sets of criminals fighting each other. It wasn't uncommon for criminals to fight.

When Paris and the guards didn't respond to the cannon fire themselves, our rescuers believed it was because they were unprepared for an attack. They were only equipped to keep criminals in line within the walls of Troy.

Troy watched the events and when the boats parted with both seeming to leave the area everyone, especially the women, breathed a sigh of relief.

So firing on a boat and later Achilles arrival at Troy appeared to be two unrelated events. There were other things my family did to deter boats from docking, but I don't know what they are yet.

At some point during all of this, Anna and another woman got into a fist fight...a somewhat funny story. I actually "see" the humor, but not the events...

Breathing my own sigh of relief that the story seems to be moving forward again, even if it is sporadically. Always, L.

Anonymous said...

Also need to make a note that while Lucifer doesn't believe in psychic ability, he also doesn't believe in karma. But he thinks he protects himself from it by ordering a killing as opposed to doing the killing.

He does this as a precaution, because he knows that psychics can be accurate....he may also not like psychics because they may have told him things he doesn't want to hear.

I think Horus might have been, or at least worked closely with the king who banned psychics, or witches or whatever they were called, in the Old Testament. I'm told you guys know this already, but its news to me. When I brought up the O.T. connection and Horus before, I never checked it out. I'd like to have his name.... L.

Anonymous said...

March 20th, 2015

Your asshole is fine.
Aromatherapy, essencial oils, and
keep stimulating. Its nice and pink

Sadists and scientists. Swamp people we used to call them.

Attack face and genitalia. I recognized it from the image right away.

Bloody good thing your not shy with me.

Spiders are from Thailand. Any idea how they got here.

I have to report this.

Anonymous said...

Ari's more your asshole than mine, but it's good to know you two are doing better now.

I heard you asking me to be kind to you earlier when you heard about the fist fight and I would love to help you so you won't get picked on... BUT you could have sent me a warning, same as Brig and yogi, and posted something here to explain Tal's asian. While I try to always be merciful, I do wonder what you were thinking to turn you back on me....Realize, I wouldn't have believed you even if I did see a warning message, but at least later I would know who my friends are...

Put yourself at ease little sister, Im not a revengeful person: while I don't yet know about the fight, I do know you won it and it will make you proud.

I hope all things are well in your life. A hug.

Anonymous said...


A soulless sadist.
Willingly possessed.
Fear and loathing at sound of name.
Lost without a Master.

No honour, no dignity, no loyalty, but for no reason, save, narcissism.
A disgrace to family name.

Known to Police.
Known to Close Watch.
Known to Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Love him,
Goes beyond that.

Deep regard for.
Total trust in.
Passionate belief in.

Yes, I love him.

Anonymous said...

A lost mind, the biggest fear.

Newly awake and

Now stripped of rationale thinking,

Left suddenly alone

To fend for myself

Using a now broken mind

To survive.


Anonymous said...

I will never let my guard down and I will never believe a word you say; or write.

Anonymous said...


fuck you then

had a dream i saw you and even got to hug you. the next day i was missing you and trying to find you i saw a woman who was a mess and needed all the help she could get and we were by a brook.

i looked up from my work and I saw you coming down a path with two bottles of beer, and when you saw me you suddenly took another path at the split, not expecting me you were pretending you weren't there to see her.

I think you prey on messed up women (because you think they make you look good, perhaps? Not realizing they make you look like you don't understand human nature) I don't know why you do it...Ari said it's yours to figure out anyway. if you do meet someone, PLEASE tell me. I'm only saying this one more time because of the stupid dream, I don't plan on bringing it up anymore.

I'm also told yogi feels some remorse over Bell. I think I'm putting that here to ease Bell's pain...but please, please, I'm so very sorry for you both.

Anonymous said...

The social attitude over how abuses like Helens were handled came from a big belief in karma. The laws that were abandoned after Troy stated that not every victim of a crime deserved the crime against them, but focused more on the criminal.

What was considered acceptable proof in those times was scarce, and there are many problems with eyewitness testimony alone the best solution for everyone was to separate the two parties involved.

I guess what I'm trying to say was there was no police force/army, and like Joanne's army, police were hired on an "as needed" basis. Like Helen's rescue were victims families.

Karmic beliefs/laws (or God) held so much room for the two parties working things out between themselves, and also being given every opportunity to do so. Lifetime after lifetime after lifetime until its settled or soothed.

Even though crimes were becoming more frequent in Helen's day, it was still always believed the criminals would be held accountable or more justly than any man could make it.

During the days of Atlantis, the Eye For An Eye slogan came into play as time began to settle over the Earth. When Eden faded into the background of Earth some people (victims and those who thought they were victims) needed to see karma right away...and while Eye for an Eye is the basics of karmic belief, it excluded so many other options that it was always encouraged to not act rash, to be patient.

The Eye for an Eye was Horus' belief, and used to aid in his power grab with Atlantis.

Anonymous said...

There was NO evolution of any kind! But I did NOT read what your dragon is saying because my brain is still broken and this time I don't care to fix it, why bother when it will just break again? Tired of the repeat.

I had a fb talk about evolution with Moses just last week. If evolution is a fact, that man came forth from apes, where did the neanderthals and the other groups go? Science says they died off...ok, but "evolution" says/implies they were around a long time to make the physical changes science says took place, meaning that all of the types of species between ape and man survived even thrived, everyone likes to forget evolution is slow. The idea of evolution without a lot of time smacks of creationism.

We still have apes and we have humans but somehow lost everything in the middle? ALL 4, 5, 6 of the different groups died off with no survivors? And why aren't the monkeys still morphing into something else, they did it once right? why did they stop?

I could find the skeletal remains of midgets or down syndrome, but that doesn't make them a evolutionary step of human.

Besides I think man came BEFORE apes, thinking the animal kingdom was cute and cuddly we decided to make the apes saying, "if we were a part of the animal kingdom, this is what we would look like." Remember the Old Testament squarely puts man as a caretaker of sorts over the animals. (It's only Armand who actually thinks he is one of them.)

either way it's meant to be seen as another connection between humans and animals in a "we are all connected" spiritual link.

We were always as were are now, just parts of us lay dormant, and that's not evolution either.

but you and your dragon carry on with your day, forget I said anything....broke. brain. hurt.

Anonymous said...

"We still have apes and we have humans but somehow lost everything in the middle? ALL 4, 5, 6 of the different groups died off with no survivors? And why aren't the monkeys still morphing into something else, they did it once right? why did they stop?"

recreating this is important to proving any scientific theory...

I'm done now.

Anonymous said...

March 18th, 2015

Fundamentally speaking, parasites cannot survive without a host.

You really do amaze me. I can't believe you a actually fascinated by this. Just when you think you know someone you see a whole new dimension, in your case, a new shade of every color.

I will still say, watch who you tango with. Sadists do not wear a sign and are often very charming. Indeed, science collided here.

Your father would have been very proud, part of me thinks, he was here, in spirit, presiding over events.

Anonymous said...

You could not possibly have known this would happen. Sadists are incredibly sneaky then claim mental illness when caught, or blame, or whatever.

still <3 U 2.

Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ! Anyone else here cold?

Anonymous said...

The Eye for an Eye meaning was the basic karmic belief but it's meaning changed when time changed from Eden to Earth.

Horus adopted it as his to justify retaliation, changing its old meaning of "things will be fair." to an immediate ( removing time or any delay) "I'm going to make things fair right now," meaning.

I can't tell if I made the point earlier or not.

I don't tango. Not ever.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Sunshine


Anonymous said...

Your idea of karmic balance suits your needs only.

10 against 1
death for an insult
death for bringing light
where there was only darkness
death for exclusion, ethics
for the uncorruptible.

How convenient, and the average sadist code.

Anonymous said...

Taste your Sake

Anonymous said...

As are you baby ,,,
as are you.

No doubt

Anonymous said...

my kind of beautiful

Anonymous said...

I hope you get taken out.

Anonymous said...

you mean taken out like on a date?

Or do you mean taken out on a date with death?

Anonymous said...

You still make me laugh baby, omg

i <3 U

Anonymous said...

Just had another creepy Atlantis feeling from some news reports today.

With me trying to explain that in Helen's time how the world laws were being done away with and countries were closing their borders to multiculturalism each forming their own customs, laws and ways of doings things.

Now here we are trying to put things back the way they were at Atlantis with multiculturalism being promoted, borders opening up, laws and things changing so much back toward's spooky.

The global warming alarmists of today with the moon drama of yesterday....the Earth changes both times.

too much change too quickly is worrisome to me, is it being done right, or are the people making the changes also trying to make a name for themselves like Horus did?

That religious terrorism is global both times, killing Isis in France...

Anonymous said...

Hey, is anyone else here really burning up? The heat is harsh.

Going to bed soon, so have a Good Night.

Anonymous said...

We know where you live
We know where you work

We know everything about you

We watch every move you make
We know you IP addresse
We know your family

You come near the beloveds and we will let you live
For living for you means hell on

You've tied this town up long enough
You thought you were smarter then
everyone else but we watched

We knew, and so did they

You have no allies now, none.

Anonymous said...

discuss karma
You are not educated in that
For if you were,
you would not be in the position
you are now in.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to make mad, passionate love to him ,,,
We think about it all the time.
We dream about just holding each others
hand, can you imagine what sex will be like?

And we both know it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Good Morning Sunshine


Anonymous said...

ADAM LAMBERT --- genius boy

Theres a thin line between a good time and a flat line

What they need in this world is some love

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to make love to him ..
Not even the mad and passionate
just to be absorbed
at the same time
a want so deep
so honest and true

can't wait
so pure, so real,
like something I've never really known,
nor has he

but if there are two more deserving people of this, on this planet,

it is us.


Anonymous said...

Come near us ever again

and you will be ripped to pieces

after you cut my bangs

Anonymous said...

Santana - Into The Night ft. Chad Kroeger

Anonymous said...

copy & paste

Anonymous said...

Santana feat. Everlast - Put Your Lights On

Anonymous said...

Eminem - The Monster (Explicit) ft. Rihanna

Anonymous said...

Katy Perry - Dark Horse (Official) ft. Juicy J

Anonymous said...

U2 - Mysterious Ways

Anonymous said...

Natalia Kills - Wonderland (FULL SONG)

Anonymous said...

Stevie Nicks - Rooms On Fire

Anonymous said...

Stevie Nicks - I Can't Wait (Official Video)

Anonymous said...

Enigma - Gravity Of Love

Anonymous said...

The Verve - Bitter Sweet Symphony

I love you baby.

Anonymous said...

The Verve - Lucky Man

Anonymous said...

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Simple Man

you are my simple man & i love you, deeply.

Anonymous said...

You think I'm confused?
You think I'm "not connected":
You think I talk game the way you do?

Ha ha
Try me.
You will be shredded but left to live,

by whom; I have no idea.

Santana - Smooth ft. Rob Thomas

Anonymous said...

Come near us ever again

and you will be ripped to pieces

after you cut my bangs

April 1, 2015 at 9:17 PM

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

You think I'm confused?
You think I'm "not connected":
You think I talk game the way you do?

Ha ha
Try me.
You will be shredded but left to live,

by whom; I have no idea.

Santana - Smooth ft. Rob Thomas

April 1, 2015 at 10:26 PM

Anonymous said...


Santana - Maria Maria ft. The Product G&B

fuck with me again & you're dead, ripped.

Anonymous said...

Sting - Desert Rose

Thank you INDIA

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm very flattered that you spent 5 minutes of quality time here posting nothing but crap, unless of course I'm misguided and you weren't really saying 'Hi' to me...but then it's the only thing you could be saying since you've nothing else productive to add here.

So 'Hi' back at you.

Adam Lambert? A modern hair cut..consider it!

Sit tight, I'll be right back, need to find a moon picture....L.

Anonymous said...

I'm use this photo for my moon talk today:

I want everyone to find the almost perfect circle burned in the 1 or 2 o'clock position. Then find the other circle right at the wolf's head.

These were the anchor points the lasers used to hold the moon in position while cutting. The other burn marks were the cuts or shavings that were removed from the moon.

Science can tell from the anchor burns and the cut burns how long the process took. It took one and a half to two days.

Religious terrorism started before the moon cut, Tal. It was argued that people like me were 'troubled' by the moon's close position and we would feel and function better with it was moved. Realize that is just one of their arguments to move the moon. Then once the moon was cut everyone went ape (hi Ritchie), but it was violent before the cuts were made.

Anonymous said...

Oh you are welcome.
And we enjoyed your little story too.

Thanks for participating.

Anonymous said...

Also the moon seems to have rotated or turned upside down once it was released after the cuts...

From the view Isis had, there was an anchor beam near the base or bottom, there was the other above it to the right, and a wider, more defused beam making the cuts. At least 2 beams turned on at the same time, but the beams weren't all at the same location. Tho they were all located in the mid west, Norad and farther out.

The near perfect circle that is off by itself at 1 or 2 o'clock was at a 7 o'clock spot, then it was later stopped/turned off and they switched to the other anchor beam with possibly some overlap using both. I only saw a snippet of the event in my dream.

i also think the moon power might be stronger where the scars are the darkest, but i don't know why yet...

Anonymous said...

gotta run now, but I might be back later, you never can really tell.

Anonymous said...

Get it?

We got it.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

March 20th, 2015

Your asshole is fine.
Aromatherapy, essencial oils, and
keep stimulating. Its nice and pink

Sadists and scientists. Swamp people we used to call them.

Attack face and genitalia. I recognized it from the image right away.

Bloody good thing your not shy with me.

Spiders are from Thailand. Any idea how they got here.

I have to report this.

March 29, 2015 at 11:17 AM

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said ...

March 18th, 2015

Fundamentally speaking, parasites cannot survive without a host.

You really do amaze me. I can't believe you a actually fascinated by this. Just when you think you know someone you see a whole new dimension, in your case, a new shade of every color.

I will still say, watch who you tango with. Sadists do not wear a sign and are often very charming. Indeed, science collided here.

Your father would have been very proud, part of me thinks, he was here, in spirit, presiding over events.

April 1, 2015 at 1:04 AM

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Sunshine!

I'm going to go play a round
of golf today then walk the seawall.
Not the whole seawall, just from
one county to the next, provided it
does not hail, or thunder & lightening ....

Hope you have a beautiful day,
it is afterall, my most favorite
of long weekend -

Thinking about you and the lovely
things you do.

Anonymous said...

As I wait breathlessly for your return, I will soldier on. (Hi yogi)

"It was argued that people like me were 'troubled' by the moon's close position and we would feel and function better with it was moved."

What I was trying to say was there seemed to be no place for the dreamers on the new Earth, and it seemed the closer the moon moved (and realize there were many many years/lifetimes involved in the moon's movements) the more bizzare the dreamers sounded to those more grounded. We couldn't function in the marketplace.

Because dreamers sounded bizzare and were proving to be wrong, the witches/psychics or dreamers were outlawed. Once we were outlawed, we were hunted. No, Isis isn't in the bible under another name, but thanks for asking! That was because we were seen as being so wrong and unimportant.

Pushing the moon back farther was advertised as a way to include everyone into the new money system.

Anonymous said...

Since we couldn't function in a money world, we did our best to function in the old ways, living in groups as our psychic abilities diminished.

The fact that our camps were hunted was not advertised. The religious extremists just started killing and those killings were kept as state secrets.

Most of us didn't know we were being killed until it was too late. Those of us who figured it out moved to dreamer friendly countries like France thinking our way of life would be protected there. But the extremists followed us everywhere...

I'm not sure what happened at all of the villages that seem suddenly abandoned, tho i'm pretty sure most were left because of flood fears. But thats not true for them all...

Anonymous said...

I'm still not speaking to Brig.

I've always considered him the most sensitive and gentle of the Bachman men, expect that kind of stuff from Tal and yogi, but never Brig.

Anonymous said...

"I'm not sure what happened at all of the villages that seem suddenly abandoned, tho i'm pretty sure most were left because of flood fears. "

I'm thinking Mexico here...Not realizing Atlantis would be completely covered three different times, they stayed and left when the flood news reached them (maybe even as a precaution).

I did have a dream where some of us were holed up in a tall glass building thinking we could ride out the flood waters...When I looked out the window you couldn't tell the difference between the flood waters and the extreme rain and dark clouds. It was like complete night during the day. I was shocked but calm, only one woman sobbed what we were all watching, "We'll never survive this."

Anonymous said...

"some of us were holed up in a tall glass building thinking we could ride out the flood waters..."

A twin towers type building, and there is that creepy 9/11feeling again.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

March 20th, 2015

Your asshole is fine.
Aromatherapy, essencial oils, and
keep stimulating. Its nice and pink

Sadists and scientists. Swamp people we used to call them.

Attack face and genitalia. I recognized it from the image right away.

Bloody good thing your not shy with me.

Spiders are from Thailand. Any idea how they got here.

I have to report this.

March 29, 2015 at 11:17 AM

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said ...

March 18th, 2015

Fundamentally speaking, parasites cannot survive without a host.

You really do amaze me. I can't believe you are actually fascinated by this.

Just when you think you know someone you see a whole new dimension, in your case, a new shade of every color.

I will still say, watch who you tango with. Sadists do not wear a sign and are often very charming.

Indeed, science collided here.

Your father would have been very proud. Part of me thinks he was here, in spirit, presiding over events.

April 1, 2015 at 1:04 AM

Anonymous said...

Anonymous says....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If I had known the truth would be
this shocking, I never would have pursued it.
Chasing the truth, thinking it would set me free.
Well, it has.

Seekers of truth do a whitewash on the grey - they are brave, a bit insane and never stop until white has replaced every other color.

This is because white is the sum of all colors combined. White space is a art technique used in advertising all the time.

To much of everything creates confusion, white space eleviates the confusion.

Whitewash has occurred and there as well as north, east, west and south.

The old is gone.
The new is here.

Good Friday & blessed be.

Anonymous said...

No, they're right. I'm no good for you. I'm focused on gardening and get wrapped up in my artwork and doing the best job for the money I'm paid. I deliberately stay broke to keep my grateful, humble and will walk five miles before ever riding a city bus. I trust absolutely everyone and would not harm until they do me wrong, or go against me.
They are right, I could not fathom hurting anyone physically or emotionally and could not have predicted the pain that was enjoyed being inflicted on me because my heart and soulfulness can not grasp it.
No, I'm no good for you, I read a lot and enjoy my own company too much. All I ever wanted was to make the world more authentic, less lawless and greedy and move people to care more. It was a dumb plan.
Despite it all, I still do, I still will and I still can. But, they are right, once in love, my heart knows only that heart and no other.

Anonymous said...

Just stopping by to wish you all a Good Morning!

Hi Brig! I'm finding I can't stay mad at you, I guess I'm so weak I can't even hold a proper grudge.

Have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

"White space eleviates the confusion."

No, it doesn't. I still can't read the Dragon's works...I think if he really understood his topics he would make it easier for us all to read.


I Love You.

Anonymous said...

The perfect evening for
dragon back riding, under
tonight's full moon, just
as the ancients used to do.

See you there.

Anonymous said...

First, let me say how sorry I am about your grandmother.

I woke up to look around FB trying to figure out why I'm still seeing visions of Tal's girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

Is right, is real, is stronger.

Anonymous said...

It's not so much that I'm afraid of dying. I'm afraid of it being a perfect murder. That's why I had my last will and testimony witnessed by the doctor that treated me for both the mosquito and poisonous spider bites. We took photos of the sites and the progress of healing, then sealed the file and got it notarized by his lawyer.

A statement of facts and historical data was also provided. Contrary to certain beliefs, I have interests to protect. I'm far from hostile. Sadists are hard to recognize, can happen to anyone. I'm a realist with extraordinary common sense - simple, like a kiss.

Fuck, that was smart.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we're aware of the 2 koko's, we're aware of the laurens, the airbrushers, the bachmania's. We're aware of the minions paid to do your dirty work, we're aware your 'connections' we're aware of California, middle America, etc etc and on and on ,,, why the fuck else do you think testimony was witnessed and sealed??
We're aware of your costumes, your getups, your regular change of hair color, style, your 100 years and education in the cosmetic industry -- good for fuckin you - truck stop somewhere else now, you're done with me.

Anonymous said...

T, you are a sharped dress man.

Anonymous said...

I mean, sharp dressed man.
Still lovely.

Anonymous said...

Oh right,
also, when you have 10 years in at a really good job,
you have excellent benefits,
in particular, the best in medical
care, fyi.

Anonymous said...

As if anyone gives a shit what you trust ,,, words, actions who cares what you think ,, good


Anonymous said...

Take a good look kids,
this is what it looks like
when you have no personality,
think of yourself as a
'Goddess' and ego
has to run things for you -

Not a pretty site.

Anonymous said...

Your right, I'm not a pretty site, plus there is another birthday on it's way....wouldn't bother me so much if I looked ok.

Had dream of D's daughter this a.m. Seems it was just Ari's night to pick on me, that's all.

But if I'm wrong, I've already decided that I can't watch her bipolar behavior (don't know what else to call it) especially now with a baby, but still wish her the best, and I've already said all I'm going to say about Tal's love life.

So I'm not sure what the point of his dream's/visions are...

On a lighter note: Happy Easter from L.

Anonymous said...

T, you are a sharped dress man.
April 5, 2015 at 4:51 AM

Anonymous said...
I mean, sharp dressed man.
Still lovely.
April 5, 2015 at 4:53 AM

Anonymous said...
Yes, you are correct.
My shit does not stink,
that is true.

Modern medicine, this is Canada.
April 5, 2015 at 5:38 AM

Anonymous said...
Oh right,
also, when you have 10 years in at a really good job,
you have excellent benefits,
in particular, the best in medical
care, fyi.

Anonymous said...

Did you get the file I sent you?
See the link to the Wolf are Evil group?



Yes I finally saw it yesterday for the first time. Surprised to find out you were telling me the truth with a post here! I'm still committed to giving you your space and privacy tho, so I don't plan on stopping by again. I only stopped by because the vision shook me up.

My mantra: If you wanted things different between us you would have friended me long ago.

I did LOVE the video of Brig and friends playing! The song is one of my favorites. A hug to Brig.


Anonymous said...

When the docks were emptied before Achilles’ arrival, boredom set in for some of the women. Surviving for so long with angry aggression in a tense environment, some of the once fearful women were becoming angry aggressors themselves.

Since the women of Troy were known for their beauty from wealthy families, some were spoiled beyond repair. Being used to luxury and often catered too, the safety of the empty docks returned some to their old and pampered ways. We were quickly losing the unity fear had created for us and began fighting among ourselves.

One woman more than any of the others suffered severely from the sudden change in attitude. Her vanity and arrogance always refused to be checked and because of it her friends were few.

While the rest of us were burning our hair, she did what she could to pamper hers, believing that while the rapists were still leaving marks on us all, her beauty, and her willingness to cooperate with the men softened, even forestalled some of the blows she was to suffer.

Anna was delivering a bucket of water helping to bathe the woman cut and brutalized so often by her father’s enemies when some of the water spilled over its side soaking the skirt of the other.

Complaining strongly, she berated Anna, treating her as she would any clumsy servant. Anna spoke sharply in return encouraging her to help, even explaining a little known trick of caring for the unfortunate while keeping a tiara pinned perfectly in place.

Forgetting herself and from the laughter Anna’s comments drew, she struck Anna’s face and the sound of the slap silenced the room. As everyone tried to make sense of the slap, Anna set her bucket down. Straightening and leading with her right she followed through with a hard punch square on a very pretty nose that refused to stop bleeding.

Anna greatly concerned with the woman screaming in pain, led her by the hair she refused to burn, dunking her head in the bucket several times in an effort stop the bleeding.

Filling her time before our rescue, the woman continued to cry over her broken nose, constantly asking if it looked the same as it did before the fight. To spare her more tears everyone answered “Yes.” But to be honest, I couldn't see it.

Anonymous said...


Tracy Sandra Hartley
& Heavy Indica

"Where the forest of wolves meets the black waters of the coast"

Your contribution, and SSI in general has been, fab.

Polly too, nice to see you

Always loved Honolulu too.

Bye friends ,,,

Anonymous said...

You don't have to worry about what I think of you Tal, tho I do appreciate your words!

I don't think less of you because I know full well we were both played and I wonder how much of this is their joke on us. I also know Ari will use this against me anytime he sees fit, possibly for years to come.

I see ours as a unique relationship and it's hard to keep right from wrong straight in my head when I so clearly remember Antony, Sam and others. I find it VERY hard to remember which lifetime I'm in, feeling as married to you as with D.

To me, sometimes there are clear boundaries, and then other times the boundaries are gone. I don't know what's appropriate when they both are in play and the boundaries seem to change everyday. Plus there are places in this world that have no problem killing women for this, and would not put up with me. If I were to prove and find Joanne some might even revive the practice with a vengeance if how I feel is made public, and with my history I'll be dead for sure. I know full well putting all of this into words, explaining myself here will backfire on me if Joanne is found in this lifetime, but I, and me alone, want to tell you this so there is no more misunderstanding. I will worry about the rest if/when it happens.

I am surprised you haven't dated before now and I hope that was because of me :) but I am upset that you would ask Ari if you were breaking the connection between us if you did (that you planned to move on without telling me), and I'm humiliated that I was the one supplying you with the answer via my chocolate marshmallow sheep dream.

Still, you know my hopes and I try to stay positive and not to put much importance on the 15 factor. But I must admit it does get the better of me sometimes.

When I first learned this was a marriage I asked how long our marriage would last and was told 40 years. But clearly Ari's idea of marriage must be vastly different from mine and because of that I have no idea where we are in those 40 years or even if they started yet.

L you.

Anonymous said...

"War is not to be likened to a task which can be completed in installments, bit by bit, part of which when done is done forever. War is rather a race of extraordinary character, which once started, has to be run through to the end."

Sir Winston Churchill

Anonymous said...

It's not so much that I'm afraid of dying. I'm afraid of it being a perfect murder. That's why I had my last will and testimony witnessed by the doctor that treated me for both the mosquito and poisonous spider bites. We took photos of the sites and the progress of healing, then sealed the file and got it notarized by his lawyer.

A statement of facts and historical data was also provided. Contrary to certain beliefs, I have interests to protect. I'm far from hostile. Sadists are hard to recognize, can happen to anyone. I'm a realist with extraordinary common sense - simple, like a kiss.

Anonymous said...

Ok, and with your simple sense I worry what D thinks, he has extraordinary common sense too, but I've never told him my options, especially since I don't know what they are. I plan on waiting until there is more forward movement.

And since you've made out your will, you know that my story can also be written just like Ari/Armand's is, I don't need to remain alive to finish it, which is good because I think I'll be out of time before its done and there is yet another lifetime I won't be able to enjoy the fruits of my labors.

Just once I'd like to introduce myself and relax and believe I can remain safe.

Anonymous said...


"She's my friend because we both know what it's like to have people jealous of us."

No truer statement has been made and it has been that way since the day I was born.

Thank you for helping me see the light and bring you light. I will never forget you.

Dying was never a thought, never an option.

I love my life, for my created, deliberate simplicity and passion and I will love someone for the same reasons. When thunder and lightening collide under a purple sky. I have no idea what it feels like to be jealous of someone and nor should have you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Good Night. Sweet Dreams.

Anonymous said...

Why are any of you addressing Tal here? I know for a fact he does not bother with this blog nor does he use computers at all?

What is your point to this if he never reads any of your hate or messages or crazy ass ridiculous stories about Isis, Paris, Ari, Armand.

Are you trying to get him to view song lyrics or storytelling?

What is your trip? Or are you simple gamers trying to get the attention of non gamers? You make no sense.

Anonymous said...

They're soul mates beeb bee!
SM and doped up Peenaple.


One and only soul mate, the only one.

love you so so so much lots a lot

Sweat about it...moa-moa

I'm in your pipes

redonk - dig?

Anonymous said...

Did you know that your feelings drive vibrations into forming words?

I found that out last night right before my dream of two crazy hunters who wouldn't leave The Corners forcing me to call the Hunter Police.

I actually keep Corporal Boback's number on my phone, no joke. Anyway, it happened years ago and I think it was my version of Jesus' Temple Rampage. No charges were filed on any of us.


So anyway, that's how telepathy originates, by feeling. And as the feeling emerges from its source, it hits the atmosphere of whatever world you are living in at the time and the atmosphere converts the feelings over to vibrations, and the vibrations then form words. Automatically.

But thats only if you want to say something to someone. I had a dream with Ari once and because he is very petty he was mad at me, and I felt his anger travel thru the air. It felt just like anger only someone else's and I felt it externally and not from within. But it hung in the air like a bad smell...

Anonymous said...

The atmosphere converts or reads the feelings as vibrations...

Anonymous said...

I used to wonder why we've been brother/sister in more lifetimes than husband/wife and its for safety reasons, believe it or not.

People accept the brother/sister telepathy because the psychology is different, less sexual than the husband/wife type relationship. So while I'm still never really liked/trusted I am tolerated (not killed as often) when we are siblings. Even for poor Joanne it was the underlying reason for her death, everyone was afraid of me knowing about, or having sex.

So my fear is understandable, and with the religious extremist popping up now in most countries ready to kill, I'm not sure what to do. But I do know I'm too old to run and live off grid like Isis, and I don't believe Joanne's miracle of not burning will stop an extremist for many different reasons.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Gotta tidy and prep for a little Easter get together, just the besties for this one.
How be we discuss a bit later, still gotta make more food to have with a bit of sangria.
We're even going to have special coffees outside afterwards cuz it is a celebration.
Hope your Easter is great, please smile.

and, Peace.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to ride my new bike to work tomorrow. Three miles everyday is sure to tighten up my ass! ,, hehe you know what I mean ladies. That, and tennis always do it for me, every spring. Winter is for squash and I don't mean the vegetable although as a vegetarian I do eat a lot of it.
I guess I just want to write something light and try and make someone laugh today - just the mood I'm in. Hope you too, hearts a singing and birds are a chirpin, so cute.

Sweet dreams tonight ok ;) for sure.

Anonymous said...

My dreams should be sweeter tonight, I hope. And I wish you luck with your own as well. L.

Anonymous said...

They certainly will be now that I have a gun. Gun and a rose I go for Easter - get it, Gun and Rose hehehe.
Seriously, they came in the album with my favorite song;
Sweet Child O Mine and we laughed and laughed, then had a sangria.

Anonymous said...

- A Real Confession -


Heavenly Father please walk through my house and take away any worries, sadness, financial concern, illness and watch over my family and beloved and friends, the flowers in my garden. Bring quiet to those in chaos, light to those in darkness and cold, and love in the hearts of evil doers, in the name of Jesus Christ our savior, our friend.


Anonymous said...

Do I believe in true love?
Marriage? The real need for
a loving, protective man to
be an important part of the
family unit? Adding, to make
it whole, complete and fully functioning?
I do now.

Do I trust and cherish the
companionship of a very select
Oh yeah.

Do I see formal dating as necessary?
Not necessarily.


Anonymous said...


To continue on with my death theme this week, I've been wondering how John and Magdalene died. Come to think of it, I've seen/felt everyone else death except hers and of course my own.

In a dream when Ari informed me we were to work together on the Earth changes, I ask him how I was going to die and he said "a heart attack." and he was amused. I didn't feel it but I heard it in his voice.

But since so many things that have been told to me have been wrong, misleading, or just haven't happened yet, I will remain doubtful.

So I wonder why John and Magdalene's death is still a mystery.

Also want to look at their son, I don't know much about him except that he was charismatic and is recorded in history.

Hate to leave Helen's life when I was on such a roll with it

Anonymous said...

He's not one of our group, but we know him today, like we know Dan Brown and I wonder why they aren't a part of our lives (and Ari just added "yet")

Also looking at my copy of Peter The Great, His Life and World by Robert K. Massie and I don't know what the connection is between him and Magdalene's son.

But one thing I do know: I'm off in a new direction!

Anonymous said...

The purpose of John, Magdalene and family leaving Israel was to visit places or the trauma points of their lifetimes.

I originally thought India was one of the places John's family visited, now Im not sure if it was an actual place they (and in Cleopatra's life) went to or if its some sort of dream symbol place name meant to alert me to an event/feeling rather than the country. Know what I mean?

So the same "India" event/feeling that Cleopatra had, Magdalene had too, as an example. And since I'm not clear on it yet, I will leave India for now but keep my eyes open for it...

So John's family went to many places before France. Egypt was first because of Cleopatra's family trauma and its close location, then Europe after a shorter stop in Jordan. I'm not sure exactly what happened in Jordan except that it was happier times in C's life. Great memories, vacations, stuff like that...

Rome was the next stop, and this is where Joseph died and that he died there again right after Jules is a big part of who he is, his personality, and a statement of his life's work. It means something to his soul group reminding them all of his soul's spiritual work path.

After about a year in Rome, we arrived in the south of France. Magdalene is famous there because Isis was murdered in the South of France and there was a monument for Isis still standing at that time marking the area where she was murdered.

Possibly the monument (or temple) marked her grave. Sometimes monuments were grave stones and if they were big enough grave stones they were called temples, just an fyi for you reading history.

There is a women, a psychic in S. France, that knew or was told via her spirits of who Magdalene was, and we kept in touch the rest of our lives. Do you know the psychic Lisa Williams?

I also know James Van Praagh, from Egypt, I think.

Anonymous said...

I meant "There was a woman, a psychic in S. France"

Oh, she was in the building that was hit by the missile when Isis was stabbed.

I think that's all I have today, I'll think of this off and on thru the day and if I find anything else I'll tell you because it's fun!

In the mean time, L you!

Anonymous said...

Paris was the capital mostly because of it's proximity to Stonehenge, any differences the two countries have had comes from the differences in how the Henge was being used.

After we arrived in Paris for a couple years, we spent a month or so in England to see the Henge and other sacred spots, but never did more than visit. Because France was where we needed to be.

France had its own power supply of sorts but it piggybacked off the Henge. And I'm not sure where France's power source was kept.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning,

I hope everything is alright with everyone.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to tell you yesterday that the psychic Sylvia Browne was also my Nostradamus personality.

Wishing you a peaceful day. L.

Anonymous said...

I was worried why you are suddenly silent, so I looked...

I try to stay away from everything named Heavy Indica, and newly middle aged women thinking a name change is the fresh start they are looking for, even as a joke. And have no comment on the new names, they may mean something different to her, but maybe not. :)

But you yourself did the same as her Tal when you fathered Ian. The reason I want you to cut your hair is all a part of your depression/self loathing. You look like you are happier when you take care of yourself. I'm sure you know...and you also know that one follows the other in a cycle. Keeping your hair cut even tho you don't feel like it, will give you some nice surprises when you look in the mirror, lifting your spirits :)

Fathers are VERY important to families. One of the things I want to put in my book is why, and the need for children to have families over the big villages of today, but that may be a different book.

I don't like science involved with conception, or much of what happens to families when they fail, or the fact that bad parents can see their kids.

But I do think families would be happier (or at least mentally healthier) if people wouldn't insist on having children in every lifetime. Proving lifetimes are actually a fact might help with that...

I agree with Brig, some people need to get their shit together first. Tho I always liken it more to boarding an airplane: flight attendants always tell you to put your oxygen mask on first, then you help your kids. Same with lifetimes.

I hope D picks better than his 1st wife in his next lifetime too. She was found unconscious in a gutter because she did something to piss off a drug dealer. She was hospitalized and refused to help the police. So your situation looks a bit better than his was.

She has 5 kids that I know of, and after D's turned 18, the state took the next two from her so she went off and had another. His daughter testified in court to help the younger ones get away. She had strength enough to help them but she had refused to do the same for herself. I feel bad for her but not guilty about her.

I'm sorry if you are having a difficult family time right now, and I hope all is well. Just remember to stop on occasion and take a deep breath and remember that I'm on your side, ok?

I'm not trying to turn my back on your life, and I hope you don't think that I am. When I go to look at the kids, you and your family, I get really really scared, and I don't know why. Ari says it was explained to you once before why that happens. L you very much.

Anonymous said...

A couple things to add:

I don't think science OR religion should be involved with conception. My apologies to Ritchie, I wasn't picking on you my sweetheart.

And about the airplane analogy, my point was that you need to clean up your own problems before you can help another tender heart deal with their own.

Which is why I decided to not have kids (when I was pregnant it was a surprise). I don't have too many regrets about it and when I do, I force myself to remember how poorly I was feeling back then and the people involved in my life at that time.

Also asked if I would add: I'm dizzy this morning, my eyes were blurry off and on yesterday, and that I also have a thyroid condition, the opposite of yours of course. Might have had mine all my life, as opposed to it suddenly changing when it was diagnosed.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the world's (to me extreme) population is needed/necessary for the earth to make whatever energetic changes others keep channeling about. If the population is being increased via some divine plan to be "used" to ease the Earth's transfer so it doesn't collapse or be destroyed...somehow. And that when everything starts to settle down into a new normal pattern of living the population will decrease into a more comfortable number.

I just read an older Tyberonn channel and I was just thinking out loud. Good Night.

Anonymous said...

Ari told me that I was once my father's brother and a plural wife to Brig. I believe him as I can't think about anything else but them.

Anonymous said...

or it could be I'm just tired.

fuck you

Anonymous said...

Ari asks that you watch this:

Anonymous said...

Ari asked that you post live links if you want people to bother watching them.Ari said he told you that 3 nights ago in a dream.

Anonymous said...

No he didn't. Dumbass.

Anonymous said...


Gramma still hasn't made contact with her new world yet, she thinks she is dreaming.

They are with her but somehow disguised, she doesn't know they are actual spirits and not characters in her dream. They are waiting for her to start asking questions, then they will tell her...That is also how you know kids are more aware of this life too, when they start asking questions.

I'm more interested in your cousin, I'm not trying to be mean at all, but his memories of her were all about him and his pain. I wish him so much rest and peace.

Anonymous said...

Ari did say not to worry, she won't be late for her funeral. His little joke on time management ;)

You may see her like I saw D's mom. I was awake and talking to her and she stepped into astral to watch and listen to me here.

She will see everyone who leaves a message for her when the time is right.

Anonymous said...

She reminds me of Camilla Parker Bowels.

Anonymous said...

Not sure what I'm doing this weekend, but I would like nothing better than to leave some messages here for you guys. Just don't know if it will happen. L.

Anonymous said...


I saw the last 2 photos of your Chris and remembered the time I said one daughter was depressed and the other was angry. At the time I couldn't tell which one was which. Chris is depressed.

Lael is angry. And a bit self destructive, does she have tattoos too? Also see if you can ask her to remove her cover photo, it's been up long enough and I don't like it at all. Plus future employers all look at fb. While I may seem set in the old ways, there are others out there with jobs and advantages to give that don't need trouble. The photo represents defiance. Not humor.

I think the country (by way of the west coast) has a warped sense of humor. Sarcasm is not humor, and neither is criticism, and mixing the two is arrogant ignorance and makes it no funnier.

I'm not sure of the stages of grief, I think depression is farther from healing than anger is. I say this because when I am depressed I don't want to do anything. When I'm angry I have energy enough to move or react.

I know both are angry and depressed and they often venture into the others territory. I'm sorry to say this will be the case as they work on their lives for awhile, but there are many opportunities to move beyond this in the near future, and it may take a few tries until they do. Maybe 10 years? Plus they do have joy in other things in life right now...I need to remind you (and me) I'm only speaking of the most prominent theme in their lives right now. I hope this doesn't sound all doom and gloom to you, because I didn't mean it to...

Hi Ashton! L.

Anonymous said...

I think I see Lael as self destructive because she has been in anger awhile now, she has had time to build up her strength but hasn't built up her new attitude on the MoS theme. So her actions are self harming and physically marking. When/if you talk to her stress to her her actions, Ari says "Don't take 'No' for an answer." Both girls are going to have to cry...

Chris won't be in anger near as long, once she is strong enough to move she will keep going, so get out of the way! :) She isn't self sabotaging by her nature, but keep an eye on her. L U.

Anonymous said...

My Dear Sweet Briggy,

Ari insists that you needing to get your shit together is your using marijuana. He's said it over and over, at first I thought he was joking...I don't know what to say, other than I think using it and alcohol to soothe a soul causes more problems than being sober and punching someone in the face (joking of course, please don't punch people). Taking a recreational hit once in a while is different than soothing your soul...

When I drank regularly I noticed I was making promises and deals, and offers of help that were not in my best interest and were not appreciated by D's kids and both our mothers. Be careful. I think you might have sold your soul to people who didn't appreciate it. That is a great motivator for you to change, My Angel.

For you (and your cousin): Stop looking at your pain, and start looking at those upsetting you. Both you and your cousin's pains are legit but the only way to move out of those feelings is to really LOOK at the other people. Do this from a sober state of mind. Staying sober as long as you can will help brain chemicals to change and will bring with that a new look at those people. You will feel pain when you do this, I'm sorry Love, but you need a look at what the other people need to do but aren't because that is where your sorrow lies.

You don't feel loved because they won't make the changes to themselves so you feel more comfortable in their presence...I think. And it's the same sorrow most people (me) have after anger of the situation passes.

I had 2-3 drinks a day for more years than I will admit too. As soon as D and I met we started drinking wine after work and for me, it took off from there and D still drinks wine daily. He's not a drunk, but we both had troubles with it...

You are off and on again which is great news for anyone kicking a habit, so cheer up! I made the commitment to leave it behind but had to wean myself from needing it, both physically and emotionally first. You are weaning emotionally, and sporadic use is a GREAT sign.

Anonymous said...

All healing comes in cycles Love, there is no falling off the wagon. But there is a shutting down process you need to understand: cold turkey quitting isn't something that worked for me because of the emotional pain that keeps returning. And you are shutting it down, ok?

But you need to keep going, and keep understanding it's a cycle, and keep working. That means crying, or something very close to it. And switching back and forth from using to stopping, shortening the using each time you switch and lengthening the time duration between each use.

Quitting any habit is a juggling act of determination (or anger, to get it right before you take your next drink or smoke), emotional pain (get ready, it will hurt your feelings), and a more healing perspective (understand and forgive yourself).

When you feel the need to smoke/drink put it off as long as you can, then take a smoke/drink KNOWING FULL WELL you are going to stop as soon as the pain has changed or stopped. Stopping is the key. That means putting your joint out and dumping your drink before you are finished with them, you see. Your goal should now be to remove your sorrow, or take the edge off, but not get high or drunk.

Notice if your drug/alcohol use is further apart in time each time you use, and each use is not as long in duration as the times before, and you will know you are well on your way to finishing this. In my case I felt so grateful when I realized this, and that help me to keep going.

As you cycle out of this, realize I was drinking at odd hours, when I felt I needed it, this is also important. My last drink (for healing, not the half glass I occasionally have for sleeping) was at 10:30 a.m. and I only needed half of the drink to get past the sorrow. So do what you can to get out of using at the same time of day, but focus more on when your body/mind needs it, while cutting the amounts back at the same time.

I think you are on the right track, My Baby, and it took me...maybe a year to kill the repeat, i don't really know. Just keep telling yourself each time you use, that you are cycling out of it, that's most important, because you are and you need to take the credit for what you've done so far, ok?

You have made big and positive changes in your life and you need to feel good about them, they are not a defeat but an acceptance of the situation.

I'm told this has to do with your mother, but I want to tell you, your moving away has helped her realize a few things. And it's one of those cases of her realizing, whether or not she ever admits it, same with mine. So you making your positive changes is helping her too, she is aware of her problem and don't ever doubt it.

Sorry this has taken me some time to write, I am hoping it's helpful and accurate...otherwise Ari is an Asshole. Again.

Anonymous said...


To answer some of your questions, I don't think this is from your current mother, tho you have had issues before. It's the 'bad mother' theme that is bothering you, more so than the woman...

I don't know the events that started it for you, but that Cleopatra was part of your pain because she was as you say your 'favorite mummy'. You remember that time of happiness and realize you don't have that today.

it's also your problem with the newly named Tess Octavia. She pisses most people off, just like D's family's Bitch Sister and my own mother. They are right, but they point out stuff to embarress and humiliate, rather than to help, don't know when to shut up, and point out your flaws over and over again.

Which brings me back to Tal...moving in with your father only delayed your experiences when you married a woman like your mom. :) But it's your A.D.D. that keeps you from seeing for yourself the space your kids are at with her.

You are right tho, the word' self defeating' is more accurate than 'self destructive'.

More on this to come...need a moment.

Anonymous said...

Right away, you again turned all authority over to Tess, (this time it was the kids) because she was the current woman in your life, setting up a good parent, bad parent relationship between you, Tess and the kids.

You may believe you two backed each other up, because you did, but you were never the bad guy disciplinarian, she took the fall for that. True, that parts of being the bad guy were her own doing, but the kids don't see you as a parental authority, only as a parental friend.

You were their friend, constantly making peace and fun, not holding them accountable for their actions because you gave that job over to Tess who always did it badly. And then just try later to take anything away from that one! Well, you realized too late you were screwed...

First time I'm looking at this, so I'm saying it badly...She was forced to be the bad guy, and you liked that because you got the advantage of being their friend/hero/peace maker. Ari and Armand touched on this before right?

The kids live with their mother and that wounds your pride because you worked so hard to be their father/friend but not their father/authority. Are they more ready to 'obey' their mother than they are to you?

She tells them to do something, they do it right? But with you, you need to always coax and convince them. Please don't get me wrong, teaching a child to reason things out is great too, but when that's all you ever do...remember I said violence always needs to be part of the equation? Just know violence I'm speaking of here from you can be an angry no nonsense tone, in addition to a spanking.

But I think what you are unhappy about is you find you have no authority with the kids other than to try to reason with them, and you think you have no real way to get your authority back. It's just lucky that most times they are reasonable kids. But when they don't want too...

Personally, I think all your kids had too much freedom making way too many of their own choices too early in their lives. The disappointment of not getting things, activities, or their own way from your parents is an important lesson to teach. Just because you can give it to them doesn't mean they should have it. And I'm saying this about you both. Kids today don't respect authority from others because it wasn't taught to them in dealing with their parents.

Realize, I in no way think your kids are spoiled (but I absolutely do think Tess is), I think they treat you both differently and you believe the kids should have chosen to live with you because you are the nicer of the two. But even a child knows nice doesn't always get the job done...

But remember, I don't have kids and I'm looking from a big distance, so who knows, I could be misguided. But I hope this gives you a perspective you find helpful. L.

Anonymous said...

I don't think you're a bad father at all. In fact you've done much, much more right for them than wrong.

I think you use some family and some career to deal with past life issues, to settle karma. Some of your kids NEED you to be their peace maker/hero to help them with their own hurt feelings (karma).

They may have chosen you as their father just so you would do that for them. It is not bad what you've done, you are using one of your talents for this. You're just unhappy that her way worked with the kids (in the sense that they live with her), however backward her approach is.

You've known for a long time your marriage would end, you should be very proud you held it together for as long as you did. And your marriage didn't fail, it ended or stopped. The time to work together with Tess ended, now you both work apart with the kids. Sort of :)

Again, I don't think you've done anything wrong as a father. You took one approach to fatherhood and you're surprised or disappointed you have this result. But maybe your kids need to see both approaches ( yours and Tess') so they can pick and choose for themselves what works and how to use each of the techniques when/if they have their own kids.

Maybe they will take both of these approaches and making a more gentle blend...

Anonymous said...

And if it makes you feel better, I'm not perfect either. D told me I left the stovetop on again...

I know I should worry, but I just can't right now. Anyway, I think that's all I have for you guys. L!

Anonymous said...

Jax Gym
Hot Yoga
DJ's @ weddings
Shaw Cable

Anonymous said...

Come near me ever again and I will blow your fucking brains out, in total complete provable self-defense.

We know ALL
We know who

It is just a matter of time for you.
Not everyone you think is your bud, is.

You're a wackjob psychotic, common knowledge.

Anonymous said...

You know ALL, you know WHO???Hahahahahahaha.

Anonymous said...

Black Moxie waitresses
Cross eyed gay boys
Mount Drug High

Am I forgetting anyone?
Let me know if I am

Anonymous said...

Well that's not very nice!
You should always be nice to naomis and bus drivers.

Sheesh didn't you know that!

Oh, and Greek people

You may want to visit San Remo one day

Anonymous said...

"They have one thing and only one thing in common:
Their entire identities are founded in status and material wealth; pure, unadulterated greed and a distaste for the spiritual and esoteric.

It is that, they find the most threatening. To think angels know what they get up to after midnight gives them the nightmares they cause others"

"Money is their God, abuse of power is their self worth."

Anonymous said...

"yeah, simple really. It's called secret society. So many cropping up nowadays. Copy cats everywhere. The real and true SS are a dying breed. Its all about new money now."

Anonymous said...

Looks like you need a Ritalin refill. Again.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of hanging my sign at our little farmhouse:

Audrey of Arcturus, P.A. (Psychic Advisor)

Specializing in:

Telling you what your problems are,
Explaining your chaotic life of today and yesterday,
and of course
Mentoring grown men acting as small boys.

Anonymous said...

Rates of an all day session like yesterday are $1500.00

To get me to talk about only yourself please see my One, Two, or Three Trouble Discount Offer. To be posted later.

Tea will be served for $2.50, Cookies add $1.00, and Muffins are not recommended. (The Muffin Man is NOT to be trusted!)

Anonymous said...

And I get every other day plus Fridays off (with pay)

Annual and Sick Leave is to be used at Audrey's discretion.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...


RESULTS: April 8th, 2015
Client: xxxxxxx xxxxxxx

Full Physical: Excellent
Psychological Evaluation: Excellent
Residual Effects: None

PTSD: slight, understandable, will pass with time.

Presciption: none

Recommendation: swimming, sauna, walking, tennis, company of close friends, family, beloveds only.

Leave time requested: None
Needed: None

Anonymous said...

My Book title:

Managing Karma for dummies

I like it!

Anonymous said...


Client: xxxxxxx xxxxxxx

Won't leave this world alive.

Anonymous said...

I used to LOVE tennis. Never played with rules tho, just batted balls across the net.

I was better than you at it.

Anonymous said...

You are forgetting quite a few. You wanted us to let you know.

Anonymous said...

We seriously doubt that

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