Monday, September 10, 2007

On Tal Bachman

Disclaimer: The following is an ad hominem attack on Tal Bachman. If you are Mr. Bachman, or one of his small number of ever dwindling fans, I suggest that you not read this post. I will try to be objective, but be forewarned; I do not have a lot of good things to say about this pretentious, washed-up has-been.

I don’t like Tal Bachman. I’ve read a lot of his posts, and if they are any reflection of who he really is, he must really be one pathetic son of a bitch. Am writing this because he left Mormondom? No, I can’t really say that I’m sad to see him go. Some of the nicest, coolest, warm-hearted, generous individuals I know have left the Mormon church and I have yet to launch a single ad hominem attack on them. In fact, we continue to be good friends regardless of varying religious choices. Membership in an organization is no arbiter when it comes to friendship. With that in mind, let me turn my attention to Mr. Bachman. His singular claim to fame is that he wrote and sang a hit song, “She’s So High.” As a one-hit wonder, he’s in the same category as the illustrious Right Said Fred, Vanilla Ice and Lou Bega (of Mambo No. 5 fame). I’m surprised he hasn’t starred on the Surreal Life yet. Maybe he’s holding out for a spot on Dancing with the ‘Stars’. Marie Osmond made it, why not him?

He has written a voluminous amount of material regarding his thoughts on Mormonism. I’m not sure if he intends to sound like a pretentious, holier-than-thou, pseudo-intellectual, but everything he writes is pretentious, holier-than-thou or pseudo-intellectual. Take a blog post he published a few months ago in May. He criticizes the Mormon conception of heaven and hell, but he makes himself sound like a self-satisfied jerk in the following quote (which can be found here)

“I think heaven isn't a place we go to after we die; I think it is a place we can live in everyday, if we are determined to, and perhaps, if we have a bit of luck. I think it is something we create and find here on earth...and right now. Heaven can be right now...

“I feel sad sometimes when I think of how long I lived always thinking of heaven as another place, and another time. I was too often blind to all the beauty right before me, because I was too often straining so hard to see something far, far off in the distance - which, it turns out, there is no reason to believe is even there, at least in the way I thought.

“I submit that true heaven isn't crazy stories, or distant stars, or strange names and strange clothes and strange spouses. I think it is something that we all have, within us, the power to create and experience, at least to some extent, right here and right now...”

Yeah, whatever, buddy. And with three paragraphs, he assigns those who don’t share his easy rockstar lifestyle to a hell worse than any that God proposed. What happens to those sorry souls, who, for whatever reason, don’t have ‘a bit of luck’? What happens to them? Mr. Bachman would consign them to misery and woe because they are not determined enough, I guess. Or chastise them for hoping for some kind of better existence in the next life? And what is the basis for Mr. Bachman’s faith in humankind? He claims there is no reason to believe in heaven. I agree, at least as far as objective evidence is concerned. But what evidence does he have the mankind can make a heaven here on earth? His own Shangri-La lifestyle, where his biggest complaints are that nobody in the record industry wants to hear his music? He wants to argue both sides of the fence. He has to have a reason for the distant heaven, but offers no reasons for the heaven ‘within’.

Other posts focus on his inability to talk to females in the past because of his worry about temptation. Obviously this is the Mormon church’s fault. The most common complaint I hear about this church is that it stultifies relationships between members of the opposite sex who happen to be married to other people. It would be completely illogical to assume that Mr. Bachman stultifies himself. Maybe someone should tell him that just because he feels ‘tempted’, it is highly unlikely that the person he is talking to feels the same way. When I talk to women at work or at school, I usually don’t get the impression that they are chomping at the bit to go to bed with me, regardless of how naturally charming I am. It must be a rockstar complex to think like that. Maybe Mr. Bachman should evaluate how he internalized the teachings of the Mormon church, rather than make unwarranted generalizations about the impact those teachings have on the general membership.

I think most of my invection comes from the colossal waste of time it was to read what he had written and the colossal waste of time writing this post represents. I don’t usually like (or write) ad hominem attacks, but when someone practically begs for it, can I be anything but obliging?


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Anonymous said...

dEREK >>> pAUL >> cHARLES >

Anonymous said...

Red Hot Chili Peppers - SNOW
Fuck yeah, authenticity

Anonymous said...

Talmage you are as talented lyrically and instrumentally as each of these bands, your time is upon you, in the exact time, you could not really care less :)

<3 U.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that one does strike me as bitter and twisted, with the face of an extortionist, but likes tree planting.

Anonymous said...

Night to you all. L.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning!

There is ABSOLUTELY nothing new to share with you guys today!

I'm looking forward to today because the second garage door guy is coming today. The first guy was a sweet old man who needs hearing aids. He was from W. Va. And after a lot of time just standing around talking he finally admitted he liked our place so much he didn't want to leave! Cute, huh?

Been thinking of all my big ideas for The new Corners and can't believe how much fun it is to plan a house when money and time are no object!

Have a good Monday! With L.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so now I'm looking for things to do...

But in this video

Megaton defines a soul mate at about 21:40 and by his definition Octavian a soul mate of mine. I am reminded strongly that I said he and I are shackled together in time to resolve this fight we have.

Sorry, don't mean to wake you :) or do I?

Anonymous said...

"Why should that be so pretty to see? Because fear is ugly and joy is beautiful, simple as that. Nothing so pretty as vanished fear."

Anonymous said...

Seriously? Learn to speak English correctly if you are going to write for the internet, particularly quotes on love >>>
How stupid do you think people are? We are actually highly intelligent but enjoy watching you continuously underestimate us ,,, it's become most amusing.

Anonymous said...

ask me how I know.

Anonymous said...

4 Corners??
Don't you mean
4 Churches??

Anonymous said...

Do you ever, like, tell the truth or is life one big facebook status update to you??
No, God sees all and will deliver the lesson you need, to match the deeds you have done, don't be confused. Paying Sunday penance will not erase the last 12 months of deceit, harm, lies, against another. Sorry, I didn't make those rules, they were established at the beginning of time.

Anonymous said...

So if I send you guys a friend request out of the blue, would you accept it or wait until after the next Tuesday with Armand to make sure he gives his blessing.

You're all pretty dickless when you do that.


Anonymous said...

When garage door guy #2 showed up today, he asked how we heard about their company, I said Angie's List and he dropped $300.00 of the estimate because of that. Wasn't that nice?

Anonymous said...

Kinda funny too about today. The chain on the last working garage door opener snapped, so now I have to drag it up and down myself. Not easy to do since the doors are almost 50 years old and weigh as much as I do. Our last estimate is wends, and it will take another 3 - 4 weeks for the doors once the order is placed.

I'll have Popeye arms by then from lifting the door.

Well, good night my dickless one. L.

Anonymous said...

Suck my lips >>>

ignorant bitch.

Anonymous said...

good one, dickless

Anonymous said...

While my family was waiting to see me for the first time since my kidnapping, I was kept busy.

First I was instructed to sign the letter, which I did.

Then a trunk of clothes belonging to Paris' sick mother arrived in my cell and I was told to "Wear something pretty." But when I looked there was nothing pretty in the box. The clothes were old, worn and after giving birth to four good sized boys, her clothes were too generous to fit. I thought I would be whipped again for sure.

I did manage to find a beautiful silk scarf, which I used to wrap my head. After we burned our hair much of what we had was also burned and we were told to cover our heads to prevent any lice from spreading to Paris and his family.

So when we were free from ours cells but still on the grounds of Troy, Achilles leaned in behind me and whispered "You've done something different with your hair."

I took my scarf from my head and wrapped the baby tighter, hoping the cold wouldn't make her cry giving Achilles his first look at my hair. Missing his sense of humor I was acting unsure when I touched my hair and replied, "Yeah, do you like it?"

It was always our game to see who could make the other laugh first in moments that were too serious. I still say he laughed first covering it by looking briefly at the rescue progress.

We were in the shadows of a building watching as two men were carrying the woman who gave birth two days before. She was not doing well.

He recovered by the time he returned his attention to my hair. Taking his time to studying my head, he turned his hand from side to side and made a face as if to say it was only ok before he replied "No, not really." before grabbing my arm and the baby to help me to start our walk down the steep cliff.

Anonymous said...

I know you checked your fb status last night to see if I really did ask for your friendship.


Anonymous said...

You're very sweet that way. L.

Anonymous said...

Quick fix: "He recovered by the time he returned his attention to my hair. Taking his time to studying my head, he turned his hand from side to side and made a face as if to say it was only ok before he replied "No, not really." before grabbing my arm and the baby to help me to start our walk down the steep cliff."

Should read:

He recovered by the time he returned his attention to my hair. Taking his time to studying my head, he turned his hand from side to side and made a face as if to say "It's ok." before he replied "No, not really."

Handing me his sword, he took the baby and my arm to help me start our walk down the steep and narrow cliff.

Anonymous said...

A note: Achilles giving me his sword and my handing the baby over to him is very important to us. A role reversal of sorts I'm told we should both pay some attention too. Be aware of I mean. Nothing serious.

Anonymous said...

There was a better, more comfortable pathway the family made to the cliff when Paris' family first moved to Troy. I was not used at the rescue because it was gated at the top and kept locked until boats docked for business. After my family arrived there were guards watching it, so we used the cliff side and not the pathway.

There is more to the escape that I figure out later, more than one escape route...but Achilles were the last ones to leave Troy in escape.

Have a great day, its very nice outside today. L.

Anonymous said...

Time to quit, there are a lot of missing words in the last posting. Tired too, woke up that way...

Anonymous said...

Bye to you too, My Love.

Anonymous said...


I don't think I can help, but I'd like too, so this is what Ari has said:

Wiggles is ok (doesn't know he's been dognapped) and with someone named Jack who has a red truck. He's not out running, jack has him.

I hope this can help you, and if it doesn't please know I don't mean to cause you more pain by it. Let me know when you find him, because I'm told you will. L.

Anonymous said...

So I'm reading and under the paragraphs of 'Alien Interference' he speaks of a slave race designed to mine gold, and it hit me!

The 'caveman race' is what he is talking get about, and like Cacye these are again described as slaves.

Someone took monkey DNA and tried to alter it into something more useable/helpful and not meant to be human at all. I'm not sure how they did it except that they died off at the same time the dinosaurs did and for the same reason. They weren't organic enough to our system or world to survive.

But I think that the engineers that tried to designed this slave race weren't alive on our planet at the time. I think that these engineers were ethereal, made their designs, and delivered the slave race via a crazy as that sounds.

It's baffeled me for a long time that the world at the time of Atlantis wasn't very machanical at all. And everything (their technology) they used and developed was very organically based. If the Earth didn't provide it they never thought about developing it. They did very little with man made chemicals, if there were any at that time.

But the creatures were intended to be helpful and they were, but there was no thought of making them more human or creating human types, mostly because we already did that.

Anonymous said...

I have to get on with my day now, but know that I am thinking of you Brig. I was told you know Jack and that it was a joke gone bad, I hope that's true and you have your dog with you soon. Love you Brig. L.

Anonymous said...

Was VERY captivated by the PBS show Wolf Hall! It focused more on the relationship between Anne Boleyn and Thomas Cromwell. Feel so bad for both, even tho history can be exaggerated, and even untrue, I think there is more truth to their recorded history than fiction.

It wasn't until after the series ended, today in fact, I realized you should have been watching it too because some of the people, MoS and Elizabeth, are/will be in your life today. It's my experience that the others (from Henry 8th's time) won't be too far away.

In fact, knowing Anne Boleyn's history and recorded personality, I'm pretty sure you married her once or twice before :) Does she look familiar to you at all?

For me its hard to tell, because all of the women from that life look to have been painted by the same artist because all of the women kind of look the same...

Anyway, Ari suggests that you look at the story, familiarize yourself with the (future) players because the game goes on, My Love, the game goes on!

While you should take a back seat to the MoS drama, remember we are in a different life, you should be ready to give good advice to Mos and E. Remember it's not your circus, and not your monkey. Besides MoS can handle herself nicely and emerge the winner...

Hmmm, wonder at her future now... it looks pretty bright!

Love you, My Darling!

Anonymous said...

I think that all of the Henry 8th players will be only on the fringes of her life today, like for example they would be in her husbands family, her in laws.

Like I tried to say in the past, most everything for us and MoS is, or can be, a painful reminder. That is all its supposed to do, just remind them.

I think she will notice what is going on more than participate in it, but will be there for it until she knows these people are monkey types. I think her own life being a nice one will lead her away from them all on its own, but until then...

Anonymous said...

Ari suggests this link might help you...have a good time while you are there, I think its fascinating stuff!

Anonymous said...

If i did not matter to the hearts of those i truly love, you would never have known my name.
Logic prevails as obvious as witty banter is a pre-requisite to romance.
Destiny has always irritated haters.
As for action VS words; you know nothing about it.


Sweet dreams, silver and white, until you see gold in the moonlight. <3

Anonymous said...

Eminem ft Rhianna-MONSTER

You trying ta save me, stop holding your breathe.

Anonymous said...

After much debate of "Should I say anything or keep quiet?" I found I really have to tell you, I STILL think yogi and Brig both made a mistake with Bell and Lucie.

While I don't know what happened, I just feel you both threw away a good thing and whatever your problems were they were fixable.

I've been thinking a LOT about Lucie's these past couple of days and when I saw her new photo and it kind of makes me mad Briggy, and I don't know why.

Anonymous said...

Just so we're clear: Im mad at Brig not Lucy.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Lucie not Lucy.

But I'm still mad.

Anonymous said...

And I really do feel like Aunt Clara, so you probably shouldn't pay any attention to me.

But if she did move on first Brig you should have been paying more attention to her than your boy's or bro's or whatever you call those tic infested hounds you think are friends.

Anonymous said...

Still very upset with Moses, and D's daughter with her FB rants about how her father is an asshole. More mentally ill people having kids! Just what I need to see, more child abuse.

Good Morning! And fuck you Tal (just so you don't feel forgotten).

Anonymous said...

Im done now, thank you for letting me vent

Anonymous said...

No, I'm not done (but I really did think I was):

If you fix your women issues Briggy you will find you don't need to hang out with your "Lost Boys" any longer even finding a better quality of friend.

And yogi's red carpet photo from March holding hands with a woman his daughters age! You might as well walk around in silk pajamas, Hef.

Anonymous said...

And when I saw D's daughters FB rant (we aren't even friends and she U friended her father a couple years ago when she was told to grow up) Ari told me to "Remember who you are." and that helped dissolve my anger.

You guys should take Ari's advice and do the same in your next relationships.

Anonymous said...

She unfriended her father

Anonymous said...

And being called Hef is NOT a compliment!

Anonymous said...

You need to step into the future and most certainly stop worrying about what others are doing with theirs.
Present is a gift, visualization creates your future but the psst? haha ,,, dead & gone.

How does one step into the future?


& a permanently deleted facebook account.

<3, have a beautiful day.

Anonymous said...

If I were in charge of my own head I could easily stop worrying what others are doing, but since Dec (F U Tal) I have come to realize the group effort of my own mind is NOT working out for me and I want to quit my job.

Tell me how to kill the connection to give me some peace from it all.

Anonymous said...

You kill the connection to get some peace from it all.


Anonymous said...

Just like you did? How was that so easy and quick for you to do?

Anonymous said...

Have a Good Night. I'm going to look around here hoping for a new idea or two.

It was a disappointing past couple of days, I'm just angry at how a lot of things have ended, including your girlfriend Tal. But that and a bunch of other things happened all at the same time to dump on me. I just want to feel better, calmer again. Will try again tomorrow maybe with better results! L.

Anonymous said...

Remember this from May 13 @ 9:00 a.m.:

"Someone took monkey DNA and tried to alter it into something more useable/helpful and not meant to be human at all. I'm not sure how they did it except that they died off at the same time the dinosaurs did and for the same reason. They weren't organic enough to our system or world to survive."

This is the reason I'm against DNA splicing and dicing. It's too intricate to be done correctly, and this may always be the case, I don't know. But I do know that it wasn't fair to the slave type race they were creating, plus I'm sure dying the way they were forced to might have been painful. It was for the dinosaurs.

The beings that did most of the cave man creating were in other dimensions and viewed as more evolved. They were seen as overseers or guardians of the Earth by those living on it. It was believed by most that it was the job of these inter dimensional beings to provide and care for those on the Earth.

There were many different interdimenal groups all giving different forms of care.

Anonymous said...

Including your leprechauns, garden gnomes, fairies and pixie types to oversee the care, survival and new ideas for gardening.

Will keep an eye out for the other lesser known groups of Earth Keepers :)

Anonymous said...

The Earth keepers who created the cave man types were not much farther above the astral plane of creation. If they had access to a higher level of creation or rather, dimension, all of the caveman types would have had a better chance of surviving. Their DNA would have had more of the pieces for a more complete/successful DNA structure.

Their project of creating a new species would have worked if the cave man types were created at Ari's dimension. You see? L.

Anonymous said...

Leather and Lace - STEVIE NICKS with DON HENLEY

Give to me your leather, take from me, my lace.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Life again ,,,,

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, lucky you.

Me, Im feeling a little better than yesterday and the days leading up to it, but Im left wondering if what I've heard about you is the truth, or if you are actually keeping up with your Japanese. In other words, one moment I'm fine, the next I'm not. But the bulk of it is ok. Either way you have your own life, and its very clear where I am in it. NOT bitter, just trying to make peace with it.

I do know that you and your family live a life that is vastly different from anything I'm familiar with...or even agree with as far as the relationships you choose for yourselves, and not family.

But I'm here because of Ari wanting me to once more act as his minion.

Be right back....

Anonymous said...

Have you ever read or followed this woman?

She is someone who helped calm me before my mirage. Her and Celia Fenn spoke volumes about the symptoms we all would be feeling, so when I was hurting the most, i didn't panic as much as I probably would have without reading their work.

Ari wants me to share the link with you mostly for her latest article. She is a visionary, and Im told some of you are too. Anyway she describes in great detail what she sees, you might find/see something similar...

I like her work, but am somewhat put off by her attitude. She seems to have little respect for authority of any kind, her politics are very liberal, and she insists we know or should care as she does. But like I said, she has been a blessing when I needed one.

Friday, my friend Jill was visiting. She is from England and is the one I said before whose husband was sick and died, and also the one who wanted to take a Joan of Arc tour in France. And I wouldn't mind taking one myself :)

Anyway, we were eating lunch and her glass of iced tea impossibly fell of its coaster spilling all over me. We both looked at each other and she said she thought it was a spirit that knocked it over. Pretty funny because thats exactly what I thought!

There was really no reason why it should have fallen when it did, even if it was off center of the coaster, which it wasn't...

Anonymous said...

And as far as my griping about being a minion, if its the only way I'm going to be included in this, then I'll be a minion.

Anonymous said...

As fas as my day job goes, D is really putting the screws to me working for his company.

Starting in June I have to start filling out a timesheet! I used to be a trusted and valued employee before he decided to automate everything to give himself more record keeping flexibility.

Besides taking care of the Home Office coffee mess (which I love), I approve employee timesheets (Ahhh, the power I enjoy), and help him out when he needs info from home, since he can't take his computer into work...

Anonymous said...

Have a good day everyone! L.

Anonymous said...

Because the beautiful truth is this:
In the end and at the hour of your death you will not be asked if you treated your friends well. The answer to that is common.
You will be asked to review how you treated your enemies.
If you cannot believe this truth you need to read books. And, take a giant leap outside your comfort zone.

Anonymous said...

I said somewhere on the previous comments page that the heart attack symptoms at some point changed over to heat, but both seem to come from the heart chakra.

Over the weekend I had both, heart attack symptoms and heat, at the same time. I think that's new, because if both happened together before now I never noticed. I did ask Ari if I was having an attack several different times, even tho I know better than to trust the answers :) He didn't seem to concerned.

Anonymous said...

Who is Ari?

Anonymous said...

Empower and authenticate.
In everything you do, move
away from hate.
Jealousy is hate.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Brig, the Japanese kill orcas. I think it's pretty hypocritical of you and Tal to say you admire nature then hang out with people who murder it.

Anonymous said...

Just authenticating, you know, keeping it real for you.

Anonymous said...

And I don't think you kill nature at all Brig. I see what you doing is pruning the ground for a healthier forest.

Rejuvenating the forest.

Anonymous said...

I see what you *are doing as* pruning...

It kind of loses its impact when you have to keep going back and correcting it.


Anonymous said...



of crucial importance in relation to the development or success of something else.
"the alliance that played a pivotal role in the revolution"

synonyms: central, crucial, vital, critical, focal, essential, key, decisive

•fixed on or as if on a pivot.
"a sliding or pivotal motion"

Anonymous said...

hey let's just switch the pages really fast so no one has time to
see or take a screen shot of the nasty truth or the true love quotes or the real deal. Great idea minion #2, that's why yer my bestie though I would slice your throat in a ny minute if ya cross me but ,, luv ya,, kiss kiss.
Yeah our different time zones makes it so easy to dupe the dupes man it gives me a feeling of empowerment,, no wait,,, power, yes, a feeling of power, I have no idea what empowerment means ,,, ha ha lol, i'm laugh with myself especially in my blue wiggy wig ,, hee hee,,fun, but I'll still will plead insanity.

Anonymous said...

things were so much easier when we just hacked her computer, now we have to photoshop all the time and make up so many stories for this blog dammit god and I'm tired of shifting pages all the time too it confuses me and god i'm busy thinking up new lies for this blog. At least I can blame it all on Ari everytime or is it Armand, or Isis or O or Helen oh fuck, I don't know,,,need a new meme STAT.

Anonymous said...

God what a bitch the nerve of her to live by her word and make a mockery of our evil planning and trickery. She is just absolutely nothing I am I cannot even relate to this sort of authenticity, and the gagging love shit makes me want to scream blue murder he should be mine all mine I owned him first. Quick put the sheet back to what it was at 10 am. DO IT. And Ari said I'm not a bad person just because I do bad things so I will sleep well tonight do hot yoga in the morning and kill someones dream by noon but i'm not jealous, just territorial, like a wolf and me and BB,,,King were like kindred because I play a kit.


Anonymous said...

So I'm just waking up right? And I feel a chakra again open, only this time it feels lower, like solar plexus and I think, was I wrong and it was always the solar plexus and because to was so strong before it felt like my heart, or am I working myself like a traffic light, off, on, open, closed, you know?

Then I was reminded they float (the chakras) a little bit. But I don't think it was that, I think a different one had opened, or is being used stronger now than the others. And I don't know why it would do that, or should I be thinking 'uh oh what's next?'

Now I'm going to read whatever bullshit you posted overnight Tal.

Anonymous said...

Funny, but I still can't believe I take the time to read what you put here.

Way to contribute tal.

Anonymous said...

Cold. As. Ice.

No seriously, I'm as cold as ice right now.

Anonymous said...

Ari, told me, "one more round of chemo then we're done."

Hope that's true, and I'm already praying for Mercy!

Anonymous said...

Did you know the people that are the strongest are usually the most sensitive? Did you know the people who exhibit the most kindness are the first to get mistreated? Did you know the ones who take care of others all the time are usually the ones who need it the most? Did you know the three hardest things to say are I love you, I'm sorry, and help me?

Anonymous said...

After John and his family arrived in France, there was a period of 15 years or so before his mother passed.

The portion of the church (Camelot) that holds our bodies from that life was actually used as our home, but like Camelot, it was a multipurpose building, until our spiritual importance was recognized after our deaths, then it was a chapel/something else, can't see exactly what else yet...I know that sounds confused, but I think it was a Notre Dame type use before Notre Dame was built.

John's family started France's church/welfare system.

Arthurs father was the one who started rebuilding Camelot, and in his life the building was always under some kind of construction. And under his care it became the capital or government building because the last of the welfare/church portions had their newer buildings finished.

The dome at the top of the building was added during Arthurs life and was Merlins design and idea. it should be remembered as a crown, and not just for the building but for the people living there too.

The buildings crown impressed Tomas Jefferson so much when he saw it (he recognized it from his Camelot days) he insisted the new capital for his own country have the same design.

I think he brought the architect from France to lay the design for D.C. and also some of its buildings. It was largely the purpose for his trip to France, to gather ideas and find French talent to help design and build his new country.

I've always been aware of the close relationship between the U.S. and France and have always considered the U.S. as France's bigger (and uglier) sister. I suppose that comes from its Atlantean history.

Anonymous said...

Mercy is reserved for the righteous personified, not those that break into peoples houses, leave their hair about, terrorize to marginalize, violate and try to break souls for friday night fun, have multiple addictions, massive jealousy issues, user and abuser.

we know how and who you play with, do not come near us.

Have a great day ,,,

Anonymous said...

It has always been part of Armand's makeup to design and build building's and other big things, usually the bigger the better. Ari's too but not as much, and me, hardly at all. I like having things built for me much better, you see?

After John's mother died, there was less than 20 years before Magdalene died, she was sick the last year of her life, cancer or cancer type illness. By the time she died she was ready to leave, not scared, she was taking a lot for pain...but it was peaceful toward the end, the closer to death she became the less pain there was. The more comfortable she was becoming the more she moved toward the comfort, but it was slow...

John followed two or three years after that, a heart attack.

I know that Sarah was about 18 when her mother died, and I believe the only reason she married the asshole she married was because her mother was gone. Choosing a husband for herself soon after her mothers passing was the first decision she made on her own without guidance. She felt very lost without her mother even though she was doing her best to be independent of her while she was still alive. She had a lot of hope for her marriage and was very young and naive.

Magdalene knew of him but never met him or she would have scared him off. Sarah was 'dating' him but because her mother was so sick the two were never introduced.

Making her first decision, then seeing it was a failure shook her confidence for years, but she managed and was a lot stronger than she gave herself credit for. All her kids thought so, even putting it in writing for us.

Sarah felt that her brother did better in life because her father was still around to guide him, but her main guidance was gone.

Anonymous said...

and ahh no Tal does not come on here and comment, he has friends to do that for him ,,, he's too busy building his life back from you trying to destroy him.
The only thing more PATHETIC than a liar is a liar in complete denial. Get it straight.

Anonymous said...

Lazarus was one of the last of us to die. he was old and enjoyed good health in that life. By that time the building that was there was falling into disrepair and needed work, not sure on what was happening...

The building was still usable, but...oh

I was trying to understand why John's family crypt was closed...our location was a secret, for future safe keeping. Either that or nobody cared where we were :) my joke.

During that time there really weren't large cemeteries, you were usually buried wherever you dropped, and quickly too. So that we were stored in the basement was not too unusual.

The skeletons, bones, etc around the henge were because of its hospital type use. Many believed of its healing power long after the nuclear power plant all went away.

Got to run and do stuff today, but I will keep thinking about this...

Anonymous said...

Tal your mind is very disturbed! I can't be the first to tell you this.

Anonymous said...

"The building was still usable, but...oh"

The building was changing purpose, or altering it's purpose or not being used as much for some was always used, but its function stayed in the shadows until Arthur's father...

forgot to include that in the last post.

Anonymous said...

oooH ooooH!!!

did you know that as we start to look younger, there is a whole new cell behavioral pattern that comes with it? The cells start to behave differently!

right now I'm looking at cell replication as opposed to cell reproduction. For example, the cells can reproduce twice as fast of course, but also reproduce/replicate the cells that were lost, like bone density for example.

Hormones will follow, but won't be at the same pace as the cell replication since the two can work independently, yet together from then on.

a whole new "Cell Science" that Armand controls and watches for us. He manages the time infusion, or should I say the timeless infusion of our cells. That involves the speed of our changes as well as other changes for us. I have no idea what that means yet, but I can't wait to know more! L.

P.S. Isn't the future fun!!!

Anonymous said...

got it,

Anonymous said...

Ritchie, My Sweetheart!

Ari said the "trigger" for these changes can be found in the Mitochondrial DNA first. It's woven with a piece here and a piece there, then after the trigger has been activated or reached, the rest of the cell changes will be more obvious.

....but I'm no expert :)

Anonymous said...

Did you know that there are other ways to group DNA to figure some stuff out?

Like, if you take a piece of Mitochondrial DNA and a piece of another DNA type, you can find the keys to other markers and DNA types or groups?

It's a BIG jigsaw puzzle, so it's a big mistake to exclude M DNA from any other search or equation just because it's been labeled or identified as M DNA, because that piece also fits in some other equation.

I don't know if I'm telling you something new here or not...I don't know enough about DNA a to say. L.

Anonymous said...

So for each equation or code you are trying to solve for should start with the complete unlabeled DNA structure every time.

You'll have better luck that way.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I think is a miracle that the human body can survive here at all, let alone reverse an aging process and healing!

Anonymous said...

I am fully aware that you think you have the upper hand. I'm just waiting to see where you think you're taking it.

Anonymous said...

O, sorry, did I catch you in the wrong time zone?

Anonymous said...

Having the upper hand is important to you so you can have mine. Along with the other things you 'took' I think we are now ever.
Enjoy the upper hand, I think i'll just stack my cash, stay cute, and stay focused.
Don't copy me.

Anonymous said...

I never took anything from you. You did that to yourself.

Anonymous said...

Is your upper hand small and childlike too?

stay close to me and don't feed the monkeys.

Bye for now.

Anonymous said...

You've got more than monkeys to worry about.

Anonymous said...

Do I oh wise one?

Anonymous said...

"The building was changing purpose, or altering it's purpose or not being used as much for some was always used, but its function stayed in the shadows until Arthur's father..."

While Lazarus was in his later years, whatever government work he did in France had been taken up by others and both he and the building were pretty much left to enjoy their retirement. The building was about a third of the size it is today and it was a stone and timber mix. It was comfortable...

There are several foundations and several different rebuilds for it. I think three between John's time and Arthur's.

Anonymous said...

You are so easy.You can't help yourself.

Anonymous said...


Ari's been bothering me all day with your sketch pad. He said there are drawings there of your girlfriend. Since I'm NOT part of any kind of harem, can you please remove one of us from your notebook? I would appreciate it.

Also I'm supposed to tell you that it's in bad form for you to have put us (me and your girlfriend) together in the ways that you have. Drawing us both in the same book, walking away from us both like neither one of us mattered to your heart, it really makes it look like you don't know what you are doing...

If all of this is wrong please accept my apology. L.

Anonymous said...

I watch Tal on his favorite bench in the park, with his sketch pad. So, that's you he's sketching then?

Anonymous said...

I've found its ok to stand by you in this because I know you've been alone a very long time now, a few years after your marriage started, and I know thats a lot earlier than you think you've been alone, but it's true.

If I had any idea of Ari's plan or know how much this would affect you, I would have come here and clarified the comments you heard. I had a lot of cold feet with D too, so if you hear anything more, realize it is natural for me to doubt and be afraid.

Ari tells me now he would have told you the truth after a month, and I believed when this happened that he was explaining all of what I was feeling...but he didn't. And I'm sorry I didn't check up on him and you, the very public forum here stopped me. I no longer have that concern and I don't know why, maybe because of the consequences?

The really bad pain for me comes from you not telling me, and saving it for later, but you already know that...

Hoping for new stuff tomorrow. Love you and Good Night!

Anonymous said...

So how did you enjoy Letterman?

Anonymous said...

I hate letterman, always have. I loved Leno.

Thanks for asking.

Anonymous said...

so Im watching the first Graham Hancock video in the latest the E.K. email. We already know that when the moon was cut, Atlantis was trying to impose it's money system on the whole world, and many naysayers, including Isis, thought the old energy system was fixable, it was just in a lull.

But at 10 minutes into the video I realized some parts of the old energy system, or rather, the power stations around the world were working better than others.

Atlantis tried to get other countries to cooperate with them into the switch. When that failed they brought out Horus and had many science priests come forward to say everyone else's was failing too and it was just a matter of time, so we all need to switch and use a different system now.

Atlantis was motived to do this so their country or land/ground would not fall into a laborer/slave category, still being a big player in the world's influence.

When that failed, because many science priests now from other countries were telling Atlantis they were wrong and like any ascension process, working on their spiritual strength would increase their power source. But most don't like to do that because of the pain and the bad attitudes involved.

Im not sure if I said before that the science priests are the same as a scientist holding a phd and intuitive or having other psychic ability. I already spoke of these people when I said they took their time to go thru the proper planet alignments and absorb that energy before they were born. But there were medical priests, science priests, artist priests, anyone holding a phd was called a priest (or priestess). Only the phd's held jobs governing their land in those days and they were called queens, kings, princes and princesses, a promotion from priest/priestess.

So the leaders of Atlantis, because their energy system was failing the worst, took action thinking if they didn't their country would not survive, other countries would come in to "help" and they would be forced to rely heavily on them, becoming in a sense a slave type nation or ground.

So to keep their standing in the world they told everyone they were wrong and cut the moon forcing all countries to use money. Because now everyone lost the old power source too, even if theirs were still working correctly or marginally.

Again, the leaders of Atlantis thought there would be some small world destruction as they saw it, but not world devastation.

That the dollar dominated the world, Obama's new global warming crisis, his earlier desire to find an alternate power source other than oil losing billions in solar panels and his electric cars, his moon bombing when he first took office and the stupid look he gets on his face when he reads his teleprompter to us...creepy Atlantis feeling! you guys feel it too right?

Anonymous said...

Audrey girl!

For you:

Love you,

Anonymous said...


Ok. Honk when you get here!


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure why I haven't seen or know more about what Isis was doing during Atlantis. Im sure she was involved in the power source crisis, but I don't see what she was doing, only some of her direct dealings with Horus.

My voices told me to stay away from the conference that killed everyone at S&G. I was watching the moon cut somewhere south of that, waiting for D in Martha's tribe.

oh, I was supposed to be there but told D to go without me, I felt to show up would antagonize Horus into a public argument.

there is more here i need to see, be right back.

Anonymous said...

The conference at S&G was also a call to prayer and pilgrimage to Mecca type function, these were designed to bust the power source, or keeping its channel open usually you were there about a week.

All the world's most spiritually powerful leaders were supposed to be there. When I told D I would wait for him, I told him I didn't know why I wasn't to go only that it had something to do with Horus. we both believed it was to advert another disagreement.

Horus knew where I was waiting as soon as he knew I wasn't at the conference, I just don't know how... he contacted Martha who had no idea who I was and I left her tribe later that day.

He was angry that I didn't die with the others, but was too busy with the cutting to find me or even send someone to find me.

The reason I stayed alive was to help other countries by telling them what to expect. So thats why Isis traveled so much, that and Horus was trying to kill the one that got away.

Anonymous said...

Planning a tea party this afternoon. all this Atlantis talk has reminded me that tea parties were a spiritual ceremony or celebration honoring your guest. It can also be seen as a religious ceremony, because it was done religiously and really that was the 'religious' attitude of the day.

So later I celebrate the Spirit and the cheese cake in my freezer. Its made by the Cheesecake Factory, and since I bought it at Costco I have a ton of it :)

There is some significance with the tea leaves tho...i wonder if maybe it was a different kind of tea. One you could get high from, like the indians would smoke a peace pipe and get high, you could also pour boiling water on it and drink it? Not sure, but just a thought.

Anonymous said...

going back to the video now...

Anonymous said...

The time chart Graham uses shortly after 10:00 is wrong because again "time" is different before stuff is fully formed into 3D. It skews the results of their time tests. Don't know much more about that yet, and I think I will in the future.

And there was ALWAYS civilization. Even when you die there is civilization, until you want to explore that wilderness on your own.

Oannes the Fish God is Armand, you can't get more obvious than wearing a fish on your head. But what I find funny is that it even looks like Armand! Im reminded of that photo # that I said was him years ago in one of the Cleopatra books.

The story of Noah and Oannes are the same and from the same recording. The translation is different because two different countries or lands each translated it into their "language"

That the names are different in each of the different lands doing the translating is significant and a practice I don't understand fully yet. But it was still kept in Cleopatra's day with all of the name changes in the Roman part of our story, like when A's mother arrived in Rome her name was changed from Selena to Julia.

Even the Catholic Church...I know that it is used to mark a different stage of spiritual growth, but why change it from Noah and Oannes? Oh!

Its something with the lands vibration! The names were heard differently because the land translated the sound differently. But this isn't the complete answer...

The Temple of Horus at Edfu was the revival of Horus and Isis history shortly before, or at the time Cleopatra and O were born. Or possibly at C's birth since her birth chart was always know, and she was probably foretold.

OMG! did you know that if you knew Isis' birth chart and then C's birth chart that you can read the two together and get the complete story thru the stars? Wow!

By Cleopatra's life much of Horus' reputation was already lost, some of it removed by his supporters and also by the chance God was offering him thru reincarnation to change his history. Oh!!! Joanne!

The wall was to remind us both! He was to change and behave/stop killing because he had already declared war on me in the Heavens, so the wall was his warning here.

And for me it was a reminder that if he didn't change or stop killing, he would be identified forever as a killer thru Joanne and the fingerprints.

Hey, are we having one of those weird contests to see who gets the most info from these videos? I'm 12 minutes in, where are you guys now and how are you doing?

Anonymous said...

Gotta stop and grab some lunch!

Anonymous said...

A fix:

The conference at S&G was also a call to prayer and pilgrimage to Mecca type function, these were designed to *boost* the power source, or keeping its channel open, usually you were there about a week.


Oannes the Fish God is Armand, you can't get more obvious than wearing a fish on your head.

Another of Armand's passions involving his food is wearing their skins. It's a show of conquering his food and sometimes used as a warning for others :)


The story of Noah and Oannes are the same and from the same recording. The translation is different because two different countries or lands each translated it into their "language"

The original report was "written" using the old energy system, in the akash and very similar to having been down loaded from the internet. It's also similar to two psychics reading the same energy "file" and both coming up with pieces the other psychic missed...Im not sure when the last of the old energy system was gone from the Earth, but these two countries, or lands, were still working and using the old energy system for a time after/during the floods.

Also the country names of the Atlantis hemisphere are in the bible, as are Horus, Obama, and Isis IS in the bible, briefly and as a masculine name. will have to look later.

Need to stop for a while, may not be back. I stopped the video at 12:37. A note to myself.

And the plate for my cheesecake was from Nana Bea. I know she agreed to be a part of D's mom's next life with Horus. I also know that she was an Isis supporter and we were friends/coworkers then.

I will know her closely then, and she will again be a bit older than me, 20 years and not the 50+ we had in this life. Or 10 years if they are sisters, but Nana will have a position of some "authority" over D's mom. And Nana and I will be working together briefly, I think she will be involved in gov't somewhere...but I won't be impressed with her daughter, my sister in law. I think D's mom and Tim meet via me because of the work we will be doing.

Still I look forward to seeing Nana.

anyway, I gotta go. Had fun with you today! L.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else here hot?

I won't be here tomorrow, there is a yarn sale that Mary and I must attend! Lucky me!!!

And if I can only get thru 12 minutes of the video per day, it will be the longest hour and a half of my life!

Anonymous said...

Good night! Had fun with you guys today. L.

Anonymous said...

Tal would know how to post a live link to Audrey Girl and I doubt he loves anyone on this blog.

Anonymous said...

"I said somewhere on the previous comments page that the heart attack symptoms at some point changed over to heat, but both seem to come from the heart chakra.

"Over the weekend I had both, heart attack symptoms and heat, at the same time."

It's called menopause.

Anonymous said...

It is?


Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else here cold?

Anonymous said...


Audrey girl!

For you:

Love you,



Just don't forget to give her your kingdom, then curl up and play dead, ok Tal?

Anonymous said...

This was in the spring of 1959. L'Engle was reading about quantum physics at the time, which also made its way into the story.[6] When she completed the book in early 1960, however, it was rejected by at least 26 publishers, because it was, in L'Engle's words, "too different", and "because it deals overtly with the problem of evil, and it was really difficult for children, and was it a children's or an adults' book, anyhow?"[1][5]

In "A Special Message from Madeleine L'Engle" on the Random House website, L'Engle explains another possible reason for the rejections: "A Wrinkle in Time had a female protagonist in a science fiction book," which at the time was uncommon. After trying "forty-odd" publishers (L'Engle later said "twenty-six rejections"), L'Engle's agent returned the

Anonymous said...

Tesseract concept[edit]

In the story, Mrs Who and Charles Wallace explain to Meg that they will be traveling by "wrinkling time" through a tesseract and that "the fifth dimension's a tesseract. You add that to the other four dimensions and you can travel through space without having to go the long way around. In other words, to put it into Euclid, or old-fashioned plane geometry, a straight line is not the shortest distance between two points."[9]

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I wonder what Noah wasn't at the S&G destruction.

I know the floods didn't happen right away, but was yogi there, then died, and reborn before the floods. Or was he told not to be there either?

Yogi's new assignment.

Anonymous said...

I wonder *why*

Anonymous said...

Your link needs to be blue "Tal".

Anonymous said...

I don't even know what that means.

Good night and I hope you have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

If It's a blue colored live link, people can click on it and be taken right to it. Don't need to copy and paste.

Anonymous said...

Dad was 90 when he passed away.
He'd smoked and drank well for many of those years yet had no ailments or illnesses when he passed peacefully in his sleep.

It's all about genetics and how well you live, love & pray;
He was a spiritual family man.

Anonymous said...

There is a phd in bio engineering and a Masters in chemistry (or is it math?) in my knitting group. She worked with infectious diseases at Ft Detrick and she swears you need to do yoga, eat natural organic and a bunch of other stuff to live long and not get cancer.

When I reminded her that cancers have been around longer than chemical foods because of the bibles recording of the philistines making gold casts of their tumors. She didnt have much to say...

She is an atheist now, but was raised catholic and is originally from Argentina. She also sleeps with a gun in her night stand and was taught as a child how to use it on people. So if you ever stop by her place, call and let her know you're coming. Because I'm sure her shooting has improved since her cataracts surgery :)

Anonymous said...

The thing that bothers me the most about atheists is they denounce they have a creator. There are spiritual growth stages or reasons why they do that...

As a daughter of a god it would crush Armand to hear such words from me, and I would never not want him with me, pushing him away like that.

There is a video of Isis saying that she was the daughter of a god, so there is proof that the bible's Daughters of God were her supporters, and it was her political/spiritual movement.

The political/spiritual groups were blending together as the last revival of "living your life by spiritual rules".

Anonymous said...

i thought blue tal was some indigo spiritual clue, but live links...they are possible, but not here, spiritual or technical. Your fault.


Anonymous said...

Had a great time at the yarn store! I saved over $45 because of the sale + coupons (and God Bless Mary for lending me an extra coupon!). So I told D the $83 that I spent was his birthday gift to me. Its no big deal, he just likes to bitch every now and then.

I bought a surprise for my Briggy while I was there :)


Anonymous said...

Dave is looking online at real estate, every now and then he gets the urge to leave The Corners. This one looks like it has Three Corners. Cute huh?

I just LOVE the laundry room!

Anonymous said...

you guys should buy it. after all it only has three corners and those look small...

Anonymous said...

This one has a beautiful horse barn...

Anonymous said...

It has bigger corners and more land than 4 Corners, plus a tree house for Briggy! Love it!

Anonymous said...

you know, if you guys would stop all of your foolish divorces, you could afford such a place. and you would have been able to contribute to paying for such a place Tal. After all, why does yogi/Armand have to foot the bill alone?

im upset there are no interior pictures!

Anonymous said...

He was a fighter pilot, A-1 pilot and one of the first snowbird pilots. He did search and rescue and taught air cadets, 27 years a pilot. I think that contributed to his longevity and peaceful dis,ease free passing.

Anonymous said...

And Briggy WILL be contributing Tal! He'll be marrying money soon.

Anonymous said...

So fly that, Air Cadet!

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for you here in Beacon Hill Park, Tal. I'll wait on your favorite seat and perhaps you could sketch me?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OneRepublic - Counting Stars

Anonymous said...

Your link is broke. Like you.

Anonymous said...

being broke keeps me going to work hahahhahhah

oh, you need to know how to use ctrl c and ctrl v to insure the link NEVER breaks :)

Anonymous said...

fab song though right?
did u understand it?

Sent from I-phone

Anonymous said...

Don't know why the link didn't work before, but seems fine now. Tried the curl c and v twice neither time worked.

thought it was another one of your idiot jokes.

Did I understand it? Did you? Cause if you did, then I definitely did.

Anonymous said...

Ctrl not curl.

Anonymous said...

He taught me the value and essence of being a lady and how to be happy.

Anonymous said...

He was an officer and a gentleman. I loved him very much. At his funeral a jet appeared overhead and disappeared as quickly as it appeared. It was an unusual sighting for the area and left a mark on all of us.

Anonymous said...

then I laughed and laughed then I played with my
then had a smoke
tickled my heart
added some numbers
and laughed again
then I
then I
had a shower

haha <3

Anonymous said...

if talmage danced in his videos, he'd dance just like the singer in Counting Stars.

Anonymous said...

White wash + subliminal messaging, constant putdowns,
nothing empowering, violent
images, threats, reverse psychology, reversal of
heartfelt truths to suit =
lack of confidence
jealousy + envy =
kiss of death
never bliss
hell on earth
an empty life.

Get help, life is too short

Anonymous said...

In spades & in threes.
Black, white and yellow.

Nothing new.
Seen it all


Anonymous said...

Seven great deceivers:
Pride, anger, greed, lust, gluttony, envy, sloth.

Anonymous said...

Discovery & essence;
cornerstones of truth.
Persistence, commitment,
desire & dedication all work
to favor the favorable.

Nothing you touch phases me,
Nothing you think you know is correct. Nothing you write matters. Cyber bullying at its
least finest.

Anonymous said...

if talmage danced in his videos, Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

lol. not even drunk tal would dare it.

Anonymous said...

Another one of your 'productions?'

Anonymous said...

OneRepublic -- All the Right Moves

Anonymous said...

HAPPY - Pharrell Williams

Anonymous said...

you sound like a broken record, posting the same song over and over. you don't get any points for originality.

finding it interesting that the most of the world was destroyed by water, and then the fish god comes as its Christ.

personally, I think my father didn't like the moon cut either, and his psyche affected the mass psyche to teach it some respect by drowning the guilty. a dream perspective.

hey, anyone else here cold?

Anonymous said...

so why would the lands gods come as the next Christs?

to restore the Earth's more natural resources, I think. My job would be to remind them of who they are and where they've been with proof and explanations of reincarnation. Also to show that they are the most important natural resource, via miracles. And to explain the most productive steps you should take to get there...

Tal, what's your job description? what can we count on you for, hmmmm?

Anonymous said...

What i meant to say was i hope you liked my favorite song i posted earlier 'Video hoes with nowhere to go'
another country great by 604 records, also a Canadian Country Music Grant production.
Fucking loved that one, same 'talent' used too!
k, really, bye now

Not sent from I-phone

Anonymous said...

No, you need to understand this lowlife bling ring needed to be halted and broken. I would not stop until i got to see that day. Now, i can stop.

Anonymous said...

And the reason that the world will never again be destroyed by water is because the little fuckers remember in their mass psyche the damage Armand will do to them.

Armand will kill them again and eat them from a stick with no worry of himself. I've seen him do it.

Anonymous said...

going back to Graham's video again to see what I can see. Hope to be back soon.

Anonymous said...

Finally finished the video and tho it was interesting I didn't find anything to note here except that Graham does spend time at about the first thirty minutes talking about India, and I think "There is that India connection again."

I feel like I'm being teased with it.

I know it was important, but limited, not as important as France...could that have been Isis home base for a time? Cleopatra and John and his family visited it, and I think that's all. Joanne & Morgan didn't play a big role in that country, and I'm not sure if Helen did or not.

That the country has lived in poverty forever is a clue, that I do know.

Anonymous said...

Yes darlin, I've known about her all along. You were friends with her on fb in 2010 only she didn't know I knew that. She's linked to it all in about 10 different ways and known as totally two-faced.
I wasn't interested in the minions, I was interested in the financiers.
How anyone can look a person in the face knowing what she knows says it all,

Anonymous said...

It is no coincidence that
'real' and 'rare'
are only one letter off

Of course, there is no such
thing as 'coincidence'

Sent from I-phone

Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming, Tal. When can I see the finished sketch?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, like this is where you would keep in touch with Tal; a hate blog on Tal??? Pretty sure if you were for real, he'd give you his e-mail or fb or cloud or his fanpage or text or phone, or skype, or face to face.

lol, so dumb, like, all the time.

do u understand yet?

Sent from I-phone

Anonymous said...

I posted that for you, bring out your usual response. You have your own blog personalities....plural. Just wanted to make this one jump today. U so easy and you respond the same way EVERYTIME!

Anonymous said...

Now, what will you follow up with...hmmmm....

Anonymous said...

Will you pretend to be Tal, pretend to know Brigham, write some crazy stuff, and on and on you go. You have been padding this blog for so long.

Anonymous said...

My pork chops are calling so I have to go. But I'm sure you will be on here, no matter when I come back.

Anonymous said...

1. I don't do cloud. At. All. D forbids it as a security risk. Plus I don't know how to use it.

2. Email, no, Tal would never see my email with all his other mail and multiple email accounts.

3. Text? Nope, not for me with those itty bitty keyboards, I'm practically a two finger typist anyway. Too slow.

4. Phone, no the bill would be enormous!

5. Skype or face to face. :) no.

6. FB or fan page. No. I'm too afraid of what I'll find there with your girlfriend. Plus your whole harem is there.

Do I understand yet? No. But this is for you right now:

Anonymous said...

May 21 @ 11:52 I said:

"OMG! did you know that if you knew Isis' birth chart and then C's birth chart that you can read the two together and get the complete story thru the stars? Wow!"

I also when you have a birth chart like the kind they had in those days, you can read the prediction of when your next life is scheduled to start. Like Cleopatra's would have given a time of when Magdalene's was to start.

The star readings were another way of reading the akash, also the two at times were read together as you know, but one birth chart led or gave big clues of the next. A reading talent that could give birth names, dates, places and other predictions of your next life before you die. That talent I think will have a revival soon.

Anonymous said...

"But I'm sure you will be on here, no matter when I come back."


Hope you enjoyed your pork chops. In case I don't find anything new to add, I will wish you a 'Good Night & Sleep Well' now.

Anonymous said...

I think what hurts you the most L about Tal's girlfriend, is related to his leading your killer right to you, then he slaps your memory in the face by getting married after you were tortured and then torched to death, after you spent long hard months in prison daydreaming of a romantic rescue living on one kiss.

I know you were left feeling foolish again here but remember: his gonads are for display purposes only.

Anonymous said...

No, that's only some of it, but I thank you for being concerned! Means a lot to know that I have a friend here after all.

The other part of this has been that its 16 years now since this has started for me. Because of that time, I suspected that the promises made to me were lies, then T walks away so easily, I think that deep down T knew they were lies too...

Anonymous said...

That T is still FB friends with his girlfriend is telling too, he doesn't want to part with her.

Anonymous said...

I see. So you want a relationship with a man who treats you as if you were ALWAYS the only one?

Anonymous said...

Well, it would help.

But if I can't have that then, I would like some advanced warning one any upcoming visions of his romantic naps and baths with other women.

While I was fool enough to believe the nap of him with his girlfriend was fake or doctored image designed to hurt me, it was actually an announcement to me that he moved on. I just didn't get that he could ever be so cruel and dishonest, even if he was in pain... And I know he was.

Anonymous said...

At least you didn't have to burn to death to get the truth in this life :)

Anonymous said...


Is anyone else here hot right now? Been burning off and on for years! Scorching!

Anonymous said...

So what do you want T to do?

Anonymous said...

Funny, because I don't know!

There are many on his FB pages who admire and flirt with him, and he would never remove them because he doesn't even know who they are. T will sleep thru anything! And when he is awake and aware, his ego needs that kind of feeding...

How do I tell him to stay single when my first thought now is that we've been lied to and like fools we fell for it?

But I hope that he does stay single, because if we've been told the truth after all, well, it would be too much emotional work for me to become part of a harem. And I'm tired of feeling so hurt all the time...

Anonymous said...

Anyway, T should know that Ari told me after Christmas that he would keep kicking T's ass until T gets it right.

At the time I thought that meant every relationship T will choose for himself will be a wrong and painful one. But there is much doubt for me that Ari would tell me the truth about it...

It could be that T finds someone and Ari/Armand break some of the connection between me and T, so that we both live in peace.

Now why do I feel this way, you ask? Because there is nothing happening with us, not even visions of your day to day life. And I wonder if that already happened. That part of our connection has already disconnected. And the fools are too stupid to know it yet.

Anonymous said...

There are other things I need to add about my own family and my bday this week, but that will take more time and I may have to stop 1/2 way thru it. I'm feeling uneasy and unsure in most areas of my life!

Anonymous said...

I think I'll save it for later after all.

Anonymous said...


Please stop whining and rehashing the same old "someone done you wrong" song and leave it alone!

You already admitted that the events and the outcome from all of this is beyond your control. Learn to relax.

Try breathing.

Anonymous said...


Why is it ok for you to be married and not feel like you have a harem? Should T be allowed the same?

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