Monday, September 10, 2007

On Tal Bachman

Disclaimer: The following is an ad hominem attack on Tal Bachman. If you are Mr. Bachman, or one of his small number of ever dwindling fans, I suggest that you not read this post. I will try to be objective, but be forewarned; I do not have a lot of good things to say about this pretentious, washed-up has-been.

I don’t like Tal Bachman. I’ve read a lot of his posts, and if they are any reflection of who he really is, he must really be one pathetic son of a bitch. Am writing this because he left Mormondom? No, I can’t really say that I’m sad to see him go. Some of the nicest, coolest, warm-hearted, generous individuals I know have left the Mormon church and I have yet to launch a single ad hominem attack on them. In fact, we continue to be good friends regardless of varying religious choices. Membership in an organization is no arbiter when it comes to friendship. With that in mind, let me turn my attention to Mr. Bachman. His singular claim to fame is that he wrote and sang a hit song, “She’s So High.” As a one-hit wonder, he’s in the same category as the illustrious Right Said Fred, Vanilla Ice and Lou Bega (of Mambo No. 5 fame). I’m surprised he hasn’t starred on the Surreal Life yet. Maybe he’s holding out for a spot on Dancing with the ‘Stars’. Marie Osmond made it, why not him?

He has written a voluminous amount of material regarding his thoughts on Mormonism. I’m not sure if he intends to sound like a pretentious, holier-than-thou, pseudo-intellectual, but everything he writes is pretentious, holier-than-thou or pseudo-intellectual. Take a blog post he published a few months ago in May. He criticizes the Mormon conception of heaven and hell, but he makes himself sound like a self-satisfied jerk in the following quote (which can be found here)

“I think heaven isn't a place we go to after we die; I think it is a place we can live in everyday, if we are determined to, and perhaps, if we have a bit of luck. I think it is something we create and find here on earth...and right now. Heaven can be right now...

“I feel sad sometimes when I think of how long I lived always thinking of heaven as another place, and another time. I was too often blind to all the beauty right before me, because I was too often straining so hard to see something far, far off in the distance - which, it turns out, there is no reason to believe is even there, at least in the way I thought.

“I submit that true heaven isn't crazy stories, or distant stars, or strange names and strange clothes and strange spouses. I think it is something that we all have, within us, the power to create and experience, at least to some extent, right here and right now...”

Yeah, whatever, buddy. And with three paragraphs, he assigns those who don’t share his easy rockstar lifestyle to a hell worse than any that God proposed. What happens to those sorry souls, who, for whatever reason, don’t have ‘a bit of luck’? What happens to them? Mr. Bachman would consign them to misery and woe because they are not determined enough, I guess. Or chastise them for hoping for some kind of better existence in the next life? And what is the basis for Mr. Bachman’s faith in humankind? He claims there is no reason to believe in heaven. I agree, at least as far as objective evidence is concerned. But what evidence does he have the mankind can make a heaven here on earth? His own Shangri-La lifestyle, where his biggest complaints are that nobody in the record industry wants to hear his music? He wants to argue both sides of the fence. He has to have a reason for the distant heaven, but offers no reasons for the heaven ‘within’.

Other posts focus on his inability to talk to females in the past because of his worry about temptation. Obviously this is the Mormon church’s fault. The most common complaint I hear about this church is that it stultifies relationships between members of the opposite sex who happen to be married to other people. It would be completely illogical to assume that Mr. Bachman stultifies himself. Maybe someone should tell him that just because he feels ‘tempted’, it is highly unlikely that the person he is talking to feels the same way. When I talk to women at work or at school, I usually don’t get the impression that they are chomping at the bit to go to bed with me, regardless of how naturally charming I am. It must be a rockstar complex to think like that. Maybe Mr. Bachman should evaluate how he internalized the teachings of the Mormon church, rather than make unwarranted generalizations about the impact those teachings have on the general membership.

I think most of my invection comes from the colossal waste of time it was to read what he had written and the colossal waste of time writing this post represents. I don’t usually like (or write) ad hominem attacks, but when someone practically begs for it, can I be anything but obliging?


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Anonymous said...

I think it's the girl that he chose to sleep with after me that has me saying 'No.' to your question.

She was the very next one that came along, even if they had been friends for a while first, he chose her because she was persistent, and handy. He did not chose her because he loved her, he chose her because of her loyalty and decided to 'reward' her. And also 'rewarded' himself with someone seemingly loyal like her.

Me, I've always known, and said, "I love 2 at the same time." My doubts about T weren't because I didn't love him, my doubts came from 'is this a smart thing to do, who will get hurt here?' And I won't know if it's smart until something is done, I don't have a history of this kind in my past that I can look at for answers.

Plus, as I said before, I've always considered myself married to both anyway, and that has not changed for me at all. Only its proving to be a mental, not a physical marriage.

And you are right Anonymous poster, I should leave it alone and stop dwelling on it, and I do for the most part. But Ari asks that I share this, and so I do to get some relief...and will continue to share this until he stops bringing it up!

But I hope T understands thru all of this talk today, I still want things to move forward for us, absolutely. But I don't see any signs that it is and it all seems out of my hands anyway.

Anonymous said...

I hope this has helped and not hurt you.

Anonymous said...

but the main reason for not wanting to friend him on FB is seeing the past relationship with his girlfriend just blossom so beautifully before my eyes and watching all the other women competing for his attention. Some he encourages openly to continue and some he ignores.

I would love to see photos of his kids, his life and activities, rugby or whatever has his interest, but I can't see how I can separate out his women to enjoy his life.

Besides it's as he says: he never invited me in, therefore either he doesn't want me there, or he's told I don't fit in there for the above reasons.

If he were to open some of his page that doesn't involve his flirting with others, we wouldn't need to be friends at all for me to check up on his kids, but he doesn't do that.

Anonymous said...

Geez L! I thought you were done.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't last 5 minutes away from here! Ari would give me something super exciting to say to bring me back.

But I do believe our relationship has not evolved or progressed much over these years and it's becoming more obvious that its a clue.

Anonymous said...

Did you really sleep with Tal or is it in your imagination?

Anonymous said...

Very little is left to anyone's imagination when he puts photos of himself in his underwear online. He does it to excite his harem, even the ones he doesn't encourage.

Anonymous said...

You mean the fat ones? Those are the only ones he doesn't encourage.

Anonymous said...

You didn't answer my question and what a wonderful role model for his children he is....NOT!

Anonymous said...

It's as simple as this...either Tal Bachman is a decent and honest human being or he is not. No middle ground. He is NOT for a variety of reasons.

Anonymous said...

Being a decent and honest human being is ALWAYS his call to make and that will trump his variety of reasons, like every time.

Anonymous said...

'Did you really sleep with Tal or is it in your imagination?'

Wait a minute! You don't know do you?! Did Ari give you some hint in one of his talks that it's out of my imagination and in a more solid dream state (astral).

Because I'm not saying anything more about it :) and if Tal Bachman isn't awake there yet should Ari and I wait?

Waiting would be the polite thing to do, but would it be the right thing to do. Right for me, I mean. Not you.

Anyway, it was a dream just to prove the place is real and the dreams are possible and it was after your girlfriend told me you two were dating so I was in no mood for you OR Ari. A kiss.

Sorry, but I thought you were awake for that too, honest. And if Ari threatened before to let you sleep thru it, you might want to believe he can do it.


I don't want to wait if I don't have too. I just decided.

Anonymous said...

Did you feel like a winner when you were playing me?

Anonymous said...

I was just kidding about not waiting. Plus it's out of my hands anyway, but just know that I'll wait.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I see what you just did right there!

You decided something, and then you waited for a time to see if that was what you really wanted, then you decided again before you acted on your first decision.


Anonymous said...

Uh huh, that's right!

And I can decide something as many times as I want because I used Time in the equation properly, waiting for it, and my decision, to mix delicately into the formula of pastry that is my life.

It would be no real fun without you anyway. L.

Anonymous said...

Tal pads his underwear with a rolled up sock. His rugby team's nick name for him is Little Dickie Bachman.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! See what I mean? NO fun without you!

No he doesn't, and no they don't.

Anonymous said...

So, I need to watch the latest Magenta Pixie a couple more time because there is a lot she says that I might be able to add in this story. Like:

At about 9:12 I got lost in my thoughts which I always do...but I realized the Atlantean scientists and others were call Priests because of the interconnectedness to the other dimensions. When you make a miracle, someone on the 'other side' or another dimension is working with you. What you needed to do is prove someone from the 'other side' was working with you to be seen as a Priest/ess to get your phd. Another reason why I think being an Atheist is a dumb and hurtful move for both the atheist and the god they deny. Why hurt someone no matter where they live? But anyway,

Catholics still do this when trying to canonize a 'Saint', only they usually wait until the Saint has died.

And for Cleopatra, she was the last one to be officially recognized as such a person in Egypt, but of course Armand would have followed had we all survived. And I think he would have been very successful in reviving some of the old ways because John's life was successful in his teachings...

After our murders we had to recover from the shock of O's (and others) hate, so we were not widely known in Johns lifetime on purpose, and I think John was also the next Christ because he was robbed of his chance to shape the world's ideas in C's time, so he did it in his next life. So we didn't become popular until after our deaths for safety reasons too. I think. Plus there were other reasons for that too, I just don't know what those are yet.

Another reason killing someone is foolish. Stopping nothing because the victims return to finish his mission, the killer now has to account for the murders.

Not sure if any of this is new...seems kind a rehash of the same stuff. But I can't tell for certain.

Anonymous said...

"Catholics still do this when trying to canonize a 'Saint', only they usually wait until the Saint has died."

Trying to find any miracles associated with the Saint, I mean.

Audrey. said...

"Catholics still do this when trying to canonize a 'Saint', only they usually wait until the Saint has died."

Trying to find any miracles associated with the Saint, I mean.


Audrey. said...

A new year for me, maybe some new habits too?

Anonymous said...

I'm glad it wouldn't be the same without me but if you don't believe the Little Dickie Bachman comment then you really have never slept with him.

Anonymous said...

I guess you're right.

It's been 2,500 years, and a lot can change in that amount of time :)

Anonymous said...

I wish you the best.

Anonymous said...

If it's your vision of me beating you on your chest in anger, stop it. That's not how I feel, I'm heartbroken, angry and still in the vomit stage so I went out for a short walk...sometimes it helps when I move, sometimes it helps when lay still and quiet. And I can never tell which will actually help until I try one of those. But I had a busy and active day.

I hit D in two separate rages over O a year before my mirage and I regretted they happened as soon as the rage left. I haven't felt like lashing out in rage since my mirage. D knows I don't feel that kind of anger anymore and you should know that I'm telling you.

I'm trying to find peace and less sorrow. I read thru some past post and got some comfort, no answers, just calmer.

Anonymous said...

Whatever you are doing with this now and in the future, please don't laugh about it. I say this because I don't really know who you are or what has happened but NONE of this is funny and I don't know what I've done or why.

I still wish you well and good luck in August, I'm sure you both will be very happy. I'm sorry that this has dragged on so long for you, I REALLY wish you would have done more to show me I was wrong so it would have ended much sooner. I am a fool.

But you shouldn't call her a gorilla, it's really not a good way to start a marriage.

Anonymous said...

And so what to do about VICTORIA DUARTE?
Do you think Michael Moore is from Bogata too?
Or just likes drinking beer from her ear??

Call them @ 250-984-1703 or just drop in
930 Balmoral Street, just make sure you first
say a prayer.

Anonymous said...

Did you just make this up?

Anonymous said...

Thank you India.

Anonymous said...

Someday, I will ask you to your face, "Why do you hate me?"

It will help us both if you would have your answer ready.

Anonymous said...

Don’t worry, it wont be anytime soon.

Ari has a message for you about the two visions of your girlfriend that woke me that night. He said the second vision of her heavy makeup being smeared comes from you Tal, and your attitude towards women and not from me at all. He assures me that I want this marriage to take place...The raccoon image was how I saw her, and the tear stains are how she will be because of you.

Armand is right. Women are a commodity to you and one of us being just as good as the other is how you see women that qualify as possible romantic interests. Not one of us is special to you since you treat all of us the same. You are a repeat like that. Remember when you and C used to dress as paupers and used to do charitable acts for some and pull pranks on others? No, you wouldn't, but you have Ian and his girlfriend doing the same...

Sure there may be another reason for you hurting me with this. I've heard you say "There are other things going on that you know nothing about." So, what are those things? Care to tell me directly? Just remember, it's very hard for me to forget people in lifetimes, and in the future I will remember this too.

Ari asks that I tell you things I've noticed about you along the way in this life that may help you be aware of your new marriage. Free advice. Your joke about me right? Saving you money is the only reason why you ask to talk to me. (And for the record, early last year when I just showed up here, you called me a bored housewife. You couldn't be more wrong.) That’s a big clue as to how you start to ruin your relationships: your jokes are insulting.

It's your emotional immaturity that hurts your relationships. I first noticed it when you bragged about asking the hottest girl in high school to go out with your step-brother. I thought "He thinks the hottest girl is some tart who will entertain or service his brother." High school, right? Or so I thought.

Your emotions show up in your voice. I first noticed it when I heard an old radio interview you gave. You were talking of your dad and mentioned he was dealing with a tough time (I know now it was Bell), and I could hear the pain of it in your voice. I also heard it again when you were telling me that I shouldn't think that you have no feelings for me. You had just gotten off the phone with Ari...I had no idea what you talked about at the time but Im sure what you did right after that call added to both my recent confusion and now my pain.

When your emotions show up in your voice you should see it as an area that needs your attention. You can't block your pain from appearing there. Your dads breakups and your far that's all Ive seen.

There is more, so I will be back...

Anonymous said...

find a life you can call your own.

Anonymous said...

You seem to always bite the hand that has fed you. You did this with your church, your record label, the music industry, anything you are done with and want to get rid of. Once you are done with them, you work to dismantle or discredit them, forgetting conveniently how much they were there for you when you needed them. You will burn every bridge and not care that anyone else is still standing on it, like me, or care about the people who still depend on that bridge, like your old church for example, trying to take away the legitimate help they still offer to others.

How long will your marriage last? I don't know, how long before one or two of your cynical/sarcastic jokes get in the way and make her cry? Then after a time of your jokes, will she joke back when she hears the pain in your voice? I'm not saying you will get another divorce, I am saying you will eventually make things harder, and that will happen when you are tired of her hand feeding you things you no longer like, just like all the others (church, music industry).

I know this could sound like sour grapes to you, but I think of it as my wedding gift to her, not you.

I also know she will join the group or is already there, and Ari has told me that I can walk away now that we are done. Hopefully that will be true, and I believe it might just be. You see, I can't eat Asian food. The type of breast cancer I'm at risk for is fed by estrogen. Asian food contains a lot of soy, which gets converted into estrogen by the body. How's that for a dream symbol in real life! But maybe the group is done, I wouldn't know, no one tells me things.

I did ask for new voices and was told "no." but that Armand will soon take a more active role. No matter, I wish you the best, but I still can't believe you treated me this badly, Tal. I know I deserved better from you. Maybe your girlfriend should watch how you treat your enemies, or people you are done with, or how you treat people in general.

Bell, Beth and Ritchie, thank you for walking away when you did. I did feel you absence.

Anonymous said...

Who do you think you are playing ,,,

Anonymous said...

you are the creepiest, slimiest piece of work i have ever encountered in my entire life and you comment on Tal -- OMG, GET REAL.

Anonymous said...

Yes, no one doubts that Tal treated you badly. He treats everyone badly. It is good, after 4000 posts, that you are coming to terms with it, and are recognizing Tal as the manipulative, self absorbed, narcissistic, abusive, excuse of a man that he is. You too, can now walk away with a clear conscience.

Anonymous said...

"Bell, Beth and Ritchie, thank you for walking away when you did. I did feel you absence."

They walked away because they realized you're certifiable and had no idea you were going to bring them into the white rabbit hole you did.

Keep your white limo at home and far away from my presence.
If you really do wish Talmage the best, as you so dishonestly state, and
you really 'can't believe you could be treated so badly,
then why continue posting and pining for attention; anyones' attention?

For once, live what you say you are and if you cannot then stop telling Tal what you think
he is. Stop projecting what you are onto others, no one, and I mean no one, is like you.

Anonymous said...

We don't care about your obsession, your hurt feelings, your perceptions. We don't care about your investment that did not produce the rate of return you expected. We could not care less about shopping, make-up, hair styles and popularity. If you don't get it by now, let's shout it out for you ,,,
We CARE about respecting the planet and the rights of its inhabitants. We HATE organizations that violate our fore fathers dream to a fulfilling life for all including the experience of real LOVE. We hate liars, deceivers, fakers & takers. Those lacking fundamental ethics, integrity and logic.
In other words, we hate you.

Anonymous said...

I, for one, do not wish 'Talmage' the best, and I'm very honest about that. He deserves every shitty thing that happens to him. He only brings it on himself, and then, of course, he whines and carries on about it. And no need to be unduly concerned, or worried about 'Koko', I hear she is just as self-absorbed, manipulative, abusive, and immature as 'Talmage' is! A dysfunctional, codependent, cosmic match!

Anonymous said...

There is not one moment of my life that has been spent worrying about 'Koko'
She holds no influence, no interest and carries no special feature to anyone save her limo driver and those paid to befriend her. The 'Pinks' and various, are what they are referred to, or so I am told.

Anonymous said...

We are not prudes, we are not possessive. We enjoy erotic love with the one we love, not multiple partners, soulful partner only. We do not believe jealousy is demonstrative of a loving relationship, rather it is the earmark of a primitive, gruesome existence where love would never reside. We do not believe in crude sex, crude treatment of males or females. We recognize it is a necessary part of this most outstanding planet in order for the evolution of its inhabitants. Understand this, you are all participating in the mosaic, how you choose to participate is based on free will, you creators most precious gift to you. One day, you will see this. If not one day, then you next life as you will have many opportunities to be brought to light, you will be pulled from darkness no matter what you think you know.

Anonymous said...

You're forgiven

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Whatever you do, do not ever eat their cake but always pretend you have"

Anonymous said...

Prophecy: Isis' husband is murdered, cut into pieces and scattered thru the world. She searches, finds the pieces and reassembles him, all except for his penis which she can't find. Using her magic she makes him a new one.

Hey, does the Asian know she is working with a prosthetic?

You should tell her.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Argentina!

Anonymous said...

'Happy is the man who feeds the poor'
We shall do this work together one day, you and me.

Anonymous said...

Are we? Only after you answer the question I will ask to your face. I know you said 'No' so I asked Ari, 'Can he do that?' His answer was that you will be sidelined for some time yet, but you'll be cut from the team until you have an answer.

I need to tell you that our stopping for now has nothing to do with your girlfriend, or very little really. It has everything to do with you not telling me about her. At my mirage (Dec 09) I cut my mother out of my life. She would hurt and humiliate me too, withholding information from me only to use it later against me, just like you did. And with the hard time she gave me after she discovered I didn't want anything to do with her anymore, I promised myself better in the future. I've got to go.

I am not jealous of her at all, everything I said here about her was from Ari. He and Armand can tell you the same. I think too, if you wanted me to meet her in the future you would have found a better way to introduce us, first impressions are important, and it will take more time than I first thought because of our introduction. Now I need to put some time distance between my foolishness and embarrassment.

I'm told 3-5 years before I will see you, so any communication we need to have until I ask my question can be thru an interpreter or other third party...

I genuinely thought you felt the C&A lifetime too, but I know that you will never remember it as I had too, so it will never hold the same meaning for you. I saw my cross stitched Norman Rockwell earlier today and I feel very alone all of the sudden, again feeling that C's life and this one too, doesn't mean anything much to you. I thought these were our memories only to find they are my memories and only just a good story to you. Cleopatra was not ready to part with her lifetime, she was robbed of quite a bit. And to have you walk off and leave me like a fool while I was telling you all about us...

Anonymous said...

hahah wow so self absorbed, amazing.

Anonymous said...

It broke like a twig because it was one-sided and its foundation was weak.

Sent from blackberry

Anonymous said...

And because you had ulterior motives.

Sent from blackberry

Anonymous said...

Learn. Move On. You are forgiven.

Sent from blackberry

Anonymous said...

Thank you baby,
you are my absolute hero.

Loving it clean & pink,
no regrets.

xo always, all ways.

Anonymous said...

and which one would you be referring too?
c'mon, be brave

Anonymous said...

The psycho with the big belly.Or the blonde with the big belly. he laughs at you both.

Anonymous said...

... maybe they deserve it

Anonymous said...

Thank you for paying so much attention to me. I guess I've had
an impact afterall. Took alot longer than I had hoped but still,
if my sharp perceptions and interesting outlook on life has affected
even one of you, as it appears it has, then I am satisfied and feel
quite blessed by that. Like a good song, movie or book. If even one word
resonated and made you walk a different line then my work here is truly done.

Thanks, you made my day today. I really can get on with my own life now as what
I set out to do has actually been accomplished. I feel blessed and somewhat
illuminated. I hope you do too.

Anonymous said...

AMERICA - Horse With No Name

Anonymous said...

What a load of BS/ We all know you will be back within hours You can't stay away you keep proving that time and time again/You're laughable

Anonymous said...

America=Sister Golden Hair

Anonymous said...

Thank you Paul. Your clever antics with reptiles and fans has been duly noted. It's odd though since I have not given you a single thought or spoke of you in 4 years?? Irrelevance and all that. Noel to you and be joyful. Forgiveness rules.


Anonymous said...

Oh and say hello to Ozzy & Gene would you?? We all know you guys are super tight.

Anonymous said...

Victoria's Got Talent:

Judgement Day

Would you like to be a judge or have you ever been a judge?

Leave your contact information here:

Anonymous said...

Ahahah LOL ... you bitch.

Anonymous said...

Hi Yvonne

Are u still counting Pennies??

How was yer workout today?

oh, gotta go,, bus is coming.

Anonymous said...

Fatboy Slim --

praise you like i should :)))

Anonymous said...

you beautiful baby
dont ever forgit that

i know i wont

nevermind this lawyer blogger but dont let im sue ya ass :P

Anonymous said...

How to destroy the competition in just one blog:

trace anyone who disagrees, stalk and kill the author
pay small amounts of money for usage of minimal varied talent
such as computer hacking, artistry, animation, airbrush, make-up
visual manipulation for maximum dividends



sue me.

Congratulations to us ,,, parti down now kids, ya done great.


Anonymous said...

C'mon now

Death is on Holiday ,,,

Just enjoy;

British Columbia

Forgiveness Rolls
Freedom Rocks
Your advice

Anonymous said...

Elsewhere - Sarah McLachlan

Anonymous said...

Sable on Blonde - Stevie Nicks

'in silence she says, excalibur'

well to be brave, save a stranger ~

Anonymous said...

All ways ~

Anonymous said...

I have a premonition that Tal is going to die young. Within the next 5 years to be exact.

Anonymous said...

Keep up with that thought and it will most surely come true, for you.

;) love rules ~

Anonymous said...

That's about as accurate as you being in tune & psychic enough to have 'premonitions'

haha laughable

Anonymous said...

I didn't have a premonition, jackass.

Anonymous said...



Big difference between a 'near death experience' and death.
Had you not intercepted someone else mail, impersonate that person
and answer his e-mails, you would not have known anything.

Near death occurs everyday, look it up, it's called NDE. It is so common
it is in an acronym.

Who the fuck are you to judge what someone else has done with their life
becoming privy to it only by proxy then setting out to project your primitive
religious beliefs, spreading rumours and fear ,,,

Zombies, living, walking dead -- get educated, travel the world, do something with your life then maybe your assumptions will be dissolved or at least converted to fact.

If you think long and hard, there are likely many times you evaded death, from childhood onward -- did this make you into a demon girl??

Fuck you and your perceptions that someone else's experience gave them, someone you did not know, had never spoken a word too and framed them with warped fear mongering ideas ,,, your are a pure stereotypical, average sheep with a big mouth.

Sweet Dreams and remember this: forgiveness and love supercede all; your fears and hatred disguised as religious devotion are plain as the lipstick ground into your lips and the fake eyelashes you promote. You lied, cheated, stole under a false belief. Your done with me, once and for all.

Anonymous said...

WTF are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

And for Gods sakes stop wearing knee high sox over your knees!! Did that not go out of style in like 1980?? Oh right, porn tells you that the 'boys' like the innocent school girl look even if you are 30 and up ,,, they also like a mind and enjoyable soul and vibe.
Didn't Uni teach you that??

Fuck you and your innocent 'duh' when it serves you ,,,

Just say a prayer, since the song if you have to but do something to cleanse that tainted soul and heart of yours ...

Anonymous said...


John Grisham

'A tale where dignity & truth collide, leaving you breathless and wanting more'

Anonymous said...

It's funny because I know so much stuff about
it could ruin

But I won't because I'm nice

Anonymous said...

I get those too baby, so I take a 'nap'
and I

Anonymous said...

"If I really was a bitch, I would..."

no, no, you've cornered that market very well, masterfully actually, A+

no worries there whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

yo keep tellin yurself that, denial is many a besta friend ayy, specially witha vodka on ice

Meanwhile, back in reality ,, baby girl could you please ,,,

anything sweet, whatcha need?

Anonymous said...

Pages that include matching images
1280 × 1280 - ... me and my friends and we take sexy pics feel free to submit any pics and it will be up on FACEBOOK,TUMBLR, TWITTER,TUMBLR BOYS,INSTAGRAM AND...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


With tears in my eyes I begged you to stay, you said " hey man I love you but no fucking way"

Anonymous said...

fuckk itt

Anonymous said...

"U just dont understand ,,,,,
Its scary to think the
guy that u talk to and
care about could be
talking to 5 different
girls while hes talking
go U ,,, Like he could
be telling girls the same
thing hes telling u and u
would have no idea"

Fucking grow up -- war is scary, starving is scary, illness in a child is scary,
a sleazy guy is NOT scary, your self esteem is, that is understood loud & clear.

Anonymous said...

Just stop talking about it. Everyone knows about him and his bed of Roses.
God only knows why anyone gets impressed when the cook speaks to them but
this town has always been like that. Let them have their cult and their
black jags, they all have cancer now anyways.

Anonymous said...

OneRepublic - All the Right Moves

Anonymous said...

OneRepulic - Counting Stars

Anonymous said...

Styx - Castle Walls

Anonymous said...

Is this the blonde with the big belly again?

Anonymous said...

:) gonna go buy a ten speed

to the 'secretaries united'

Don't ever call me sista, like, ever.

Anonymous said...

Oh my poor, poor baby. I had no idea that happened to you. I only just heard.
I am SO sorry! Especially if I ever said something out of misguided anger
or wrong information. I have always wished you well and thought highly
of you and always will.

God, so sad, so sorry.

Please take care of yourself T, stay positive, you really deserved much better
than that! Always stay strong, all ways ... and keep your chin up.
I'll say a prayer for you for sure,

regards and + vibes

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

An impersonator is someone who imitates or copies the behavior or actions of another.[1] There are many reasons for someone to be an impersonator, some common ones being as follows:

Entertainment: An entertainer impersonates a celebrity, generally for entertainment, and makes fun of their recent scandals or known behavior patterns. Especially popular objects of impersonation are Elvis (see Elvis impersonator), Michael Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, and Lenin. Entertainers who impersonate multiple celebrities as part of their act, can be sorted into impressionists and celebrity impersonators.

Crime: As part of a criminal act such as identity theft. This is usually where the criminal is trying to assume the identity of another, in order to commit fraud, such as accessing confidential information, or to gain property not belonging to them. Also known as social engineering and impostors.

Decoys, used as a form of protection for political and military figures. This involves an impersonator who is employed (or forced) to perform during public appearances, to mislead observers.

Sowing discord, causing people to fight, or dislike each other for social, business or political gain.

Anonymous said...

Nothing is wrong with Tal. He is busy posting on various sites with the computer you say he doesn't own and never uses.

Anonymous said...

Busy hands r happy hands :p

Anonymous said...

ahaha Scooter thinks he's funny & in a repulsive, egocentric whackjob sort of way, he is,
don't you think friends?? mental disneyland is his specialty.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers of the world and those on this blog, from all Nations, & Tal, you're very important to your children ~

Anam Cara

Anonymous said...






just a continual








You are very welcome.

Anonymous said...

My summer, your winter
my pm, your am

movie magic baby,
digital manipulation
at its fucking worst

entertaining tho

What's the deal with those costumes? Like, Why???

haha LOL

Anonymous said...


S. hello Choco Stafa, how've u bin?

Anonymous said...

Mz. Y
Doctrine your life as much as you want.
Keep lies and flattery close to your heart.
Continue to harm, negate and hate, please
do. I am the last person on Earth that you
could ever get too.

Anonymous said...

March 2nd, 2014 to 306-791-2014

With the beautiful Irish country singer sensation Beverley Mahood's
17th year hosting the Kinsmen’s Telemiracle


Anonymous said...

July 2nd
My Time

Case Closed
Game Over

No winners
No Losers

Carry on wayward sons, on this harvest moon you see,
ordinary love, counting stars are not the breeze that
has come your way.

Riding waves now, somewhere away, but a nice set-up for me to see.

My being? unchanged. Tal? still someone who seems
sweet to me.

You all, see you ,,, idkkkkkkk ,,, never.

Anonymous said...

You can't stay away but your 15 minutes are up. Nobody cares anymore about your posts. Tal never did. Live in reality.

Anonymous said...

Please jump this time

Anonymous said...

Never joined a cult/club. No matter how many times I was asked.
Never wanted to owe anyone anything. I rathered utter failure in
the eyes of society, but then again, I always had specific talents
I gave back and paying it forward was always my way so I always knew
I'd be ok. No matter who or what hated me so ... Much like a listener,
I knew who to avoid or keep close, depending on need and desire.

She had her 15 minutes you say? Who are you talking about? No one here appears
to be trying to win Tal over so I guess you are are just the fuck up
puppet they say you are and darkly deeply perveted servicing the darkly
deeply perverted, at least, that's what they say and it's kinda how you
appear to everyone too.

Night now and Oh, super sweet dreams eh *cough* oops, sorry.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

but i don't give a fuck about you ,,,

haha lol

that's why it's funny.

Cuz he's the only cool one here.

Anonymous said...

Got all,
in stunning realization;
continue same,
always same.

permanently, in every way,
with each deed done.

Anonymous said...

it was all in the tongue
always brush and take care of your tongue

prior to 2013 she was a very short, fat, nothing
to anyone.
after 20 different hair colors, styles, botox and
selling of the soul,
she became 'something'

but the stain on the soul remained
and her number is known

she is on a list and will never escape it
going underground or back to the town of 50 billion
nameless faces is her only peace plan.

she will see my shadow and hear my name, everywhere.

Anonymous said...

"she will see my shadow and hear my name, everywhere."

Yes she will, and she will wonder why you hate her when she sees your shadow and hears your name, wondering why you ALWAYS walk away. Antony walked and married someone else, Jean, Tal, Twain wouldn't sit with his dying wife even after she asked him, and Phil, looking like Ari, wanting nothing more than to hit me. Yet you make such a public show of loving and respecting all other women (your fb page for example). What's wrong with doing that with me?

Remember when I heard Brig say he would warn me "next time" and you said right after that that "there won't be a next time"? I heard the joy in your voice as you spoke, you were happy and wanted to hurt me and I mistook the joy for something else. I thought when I heard you speak that what Ari was saying was true, you broke up with the Asian and were happy to talk to me. But I think he only told me that to get me to cooperate and to start posting again.

I came here today to say that a few nights ago I had a dream of you. All 8 kids died in the same horrible accident and you were alone with no family spending a lot of time blogging about it to a small audience. Then the Asian came over to me and wanted to spend time and do something together. There are no hard feelings toward her from me and she didn't seem to care emotionally if we were friends or not. Her emotions were disconnected, said all the right things with no feeling behind them. Or maybe after the way you used her to hurt me I just don't want to hear her emotions. I know my perceptions can taint my dreams.

It strikes me as interesting that she dresses in the traditional style of Japanese dress both for formal occasions and when she takes the role of your stooge or buffoon, trying to promote clothes even the Japanese don't want to wear anymore. Im under the impression that they are rentals...but while she may say she is proud of her heritage, she is also making fun of it, so which is it, how does she feel? I thought I heard you say she had a hard life: Did she, are you a hero?

I do think your marriage won't be too happy, but may have bouts of happiness in it. You just don't respect your relationship. If you cared about it you would have never used it as a weapon to hurt another, cheapening it. You would have treated it with more honor, protecting it and telling me the truth. You and I have two very different definitions of what love is.

Don't stress about your kids tho, when I woke I realized they couldn't possible all die in the same accident because all 8 are never together (unless they will all be at your wedding). I think it might be that they all take the same view of you, share the same opinion and that's the accident for you. But it's what you wanted to build for yourself.

I have asked that my dreams of your life stop too. While I care about you, you made it clear you aren't my responsibility. Ari said they will tapper off, like the images of your life have, and that I can build them back up whenever I want, but I think I good on that score. I also don't feel as much need to come here as often, but I will tell you there are times when I want to come check on things and it hurts a lot. But I am fighting to kill what I stupidly built. Ari says I am cycling out of our relationship but still, I don't understand what all of this was for, or why, it was a lot of work and for nothing. And Im hoping I don't see you in 3-5 years to ask my questions, its probably best we don't meet because of the pain involved.

I will also remember the fun that I had here, I just wish there had been more of it. Take care and Love.

Anonymous said...

Ari is pestering me to include:

D and I waited two years before we were married. I think he is implying that you should slow down, "Where are you two going?" (if you really are committed to one another) is his question to you. I am reminded of my vision in the clouds of Ian holding two toddlers and being told they were his "grandchildren"... if you are planning more kids, just remember what a mostly contentious marriage does to little children. I would never bring children into a war zone but then I wouldn't do most of what you've done.

Just be aware that I'm NOT trying to stop your wedding by forwarding this message, as far as I'm concerned we are done. My horse has lost this race.


Polly said...

"Yet you make such a public show of respecting and loving all other women (your fb page for example)."

The phrase "public show" is the key clue here. All of that sweet talk is for a "public show" because he knows women fall for it. In reality, Tal is an extremely misogynistic and abusive man. He is also a slob in literally every aspect of his life.

Seriously, get over your obsession, you are better off without him.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

so rude

Polly said...

No, just bluntly honest.

Anonymous said...

Don'tcha love how she tries to pin it on Polly??
Always blaming everyone else or trying to trip em up

Wasn't Ian Starglow supposed to be your ticket out of
mediocreville? Your chance to prove you have 'skill'?
Get your teeth right in with a musical family so you can
write home, let all yer friends and grandmother know how
successful you have been?

Only it didn't work that way because the concept was shit ,,,
so,,,I guess yer bitter, resentful and oh so hurt

You were usin him in the first place dumb bitch, your skkum of the
earth hear me loud and clear & take fucking responsibility for
yourself; quit writing under other peoples names and trying to fool
people - classic narcisistic condition as well as a violent sociopath

hiding behind a mask

Anonymous said...

For the last time,sigh, you are writing everything yourself. Nobody cares any more.

Anonymous said...

You people write such garbage, constantly projecting your own insecurities, example 1:

'the most painful love is one that cannot be expressed, affection left unknown, the love that withholds touching, afraid of what it would say ,,,, blah blah blah

You live in ridiculous romance novels always trying to instill grief in others when all you are doing is expressing your own grief over and over in hopes it affects your target ... or induces hopelessness in others ,,

You are afterall, sadists, make no mistake of that ,,, enjoy your sad lives embedded in the net while the rest of us have fun, find love if meant to be, swim, sing, dance, actually do real work, real creativity and give the best vibes out into the universe

We live for soul ,,, shambala and anam cara not, freakshow

Anonymous said...

They are the most boring people I've ever observed - they actually think you are sitting around waiting for some romance novel to knock on your door,,,
It's no surprise Tal became a target ...

Total waste of skin these folks, living in mommys basement, sitting naked writing on a
'cute relationships' teenybopper page, fantasizing about you and anyone else they can conjure, totally sick, for sure, agree wholeheartedly.

The instigator and financier is a whack job, clearly. Obsessed with Tal, gay, in love with girls if they pay attention to her, obsessed with men if they pay any attention at all.

Get out before they make you one of them -- they seem fascinated with you.

Anonymous said...

When I see Tal's face, it makes my stomach turn. I detest him.

Anonymous said...

He makes me sick to my stomache too. There is a crazed look in his eyes that makes me recoil.

Polly said...

First - this really is Polly - no one is pinning anything on me so stop your obsessive, jealous rants directed at Koko. So whichever Anon wrote that truly crazed rant, your mental illness is leaking out.

Second - Tal is well over 6 feet tall and is a formidable man. However, he does not have a "crazed look" in his eyes whatsoever. He is actually quite handsome, and can certainly be charismatic.

Anonymous said...

Gee Polly thanks for being my cheerleader but just last week you posted this below so I'm a bit confused about your real view of me. Also, saying anyone is jealous of koko is silly and as equally confusing as your blatent contradiction and some sort of mental blank space that goes on with you ,,, you don't know anyone in Canada well enough to even know this. Maybe stay off blogs for awhile ,,, or are there 2 Polly's here like there are 3 Koko's or is it Eriko Y? or is Eriko Yamamoto? or is it Choco?? Not sure, don't care.

Polly said...
"Yet you make such a public show of respecting and loving all other women (your fb page for example)."

The phrase "public show" is the key clue here. All of that sweet talk is for a "public show" because he knows women fall for it. In reality, Tal is an extremely misogynistic and abusive man. He is also a slob in literally every aspect of his life.

Seriously, get over your obsession, you are better off without him.

July 15, 2015 at 2:54 AM

Anonymous said...

Except for me, because I know I am real, you are one person posting all the posts in different names.

Polly said...

No, I'm not your cheerleader, nor is there a contradiction in my posts. I have consistently called you out on your obsession, stalking, jealousy, and off mental state.

What's with all the commas,,,,,, like not knowing the difference between "your" and "you're" is this one of your new idiosyncrasies?

Anonymous said...


I only speak one concept:

Tal doesn't give a shit what you think of him ~

Polly said...

You're right, he doesn't care about what I think, it's what I know - his ugly truth.

Anonymous said...

You're confusing reality with dreams you've had again.
Do you sleep well at night?

Anonymous said...

O, P L E A S E. See a therapist, Polly.

Anonymous said...

Oh my G, you are still so funny T.
So vibrant & colorful, you make me
smile and lol.
Subtly esoteric with an unconcealed
flagrant romantic heart.
Adorable, dear, and just enough bad and good
to wake up the soul.
You are golden, you always have
been <3

Anonymous said...

He is and always has been one pickle short of a cheeseburger.

Anonymous said...

i love pickles

Anonymous said...

I hope you don't mind bitter ones.

Anonymous said...

God change the beat and rhythm already.
What was is gone, what is will change,
what you think about doesn't matter.
Stop trying to bring dead things to life.

It's dust, feel the wind, go with a flow
of something other that what you have been.
Play in the rain but shut the fuck up for a
change up. You bore.

Anonymous said...

Nuthin worse than a person with no personality.
They absorb the personalities of everyone they are
attracted to and attempt to steal their essence.
Clothing, make-up, material goods are used to
depict who they are and are as vacant as them.

They are easy to spot and even easier to avoid.
You know their scam and tricks but for those that
don't, it can be debilitating. I feel sorry for
those that get ensnared and entrapped with someone
like that, it's difficult to exit,, at least not
gracefully ,,,

Anonymous said...

Exactly the same, right back at YOU.

Anonymous said...

Sorry ,,, my words are 2 fuckin eloquent for you to relate too, you
can not have them.

they are read at tea time only, bitch.

Anonymous said...

~ i despise u ~

Ari. said...

Did you make the connection with the color red and the sun yet?

"Land of the Red Sun Rising"

"She is your Atlantis"


I hope it hurts, yes I do.

Anonymous said...

If only you could spell.

Anonymous said...

Ari now r we?
If only you could decide which personality
you like and stick with it.

must be confusing

Anonymous said...


her link will put malware on your hardware

Anonymous said...

But Polly B, you are Tal's friend, yet you write that he has ugly truth?

Anonymous said...

If only you weren't an asshole. I've been told that we are parting ways right now because my future work is of a very delicate nature. You would hurt more than you would help. I can believe it.

But I still can't believe you treated me like such a fool. It's still a shock and a BIG sorrow. I just can't believe it. I hope she never finds the location of these messages because when you ruin your relationship with her too, she will hurt us both. The upside for me is that you will be a three time loser. You should shut the blog down now anyway, you won't get any more stories or info from me. I'll only come here to hurl obscenities at you from now on. You ass.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about Tal, life will treat him well because he's so fucking charming and all of his feelings are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

super charmer; magnetic like ,,, feelin it ~

Anonymous said...

You said u were only coming on here to hurl obsceneties but you are so addicted to this blog. Go work with the other crazies at the drop in center.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he doesnt like you

Anonymous said...

Duh, do you think?

And it's the reason I'm gone.

I wish your future well Tal (knowing full well you'll fuck it up).

And when you think of me remember the needless pain you gave me because when I think of you that will be where I'm coming from. The only thing I ask is that when the time comes for you and her to start ripping into each other you hide your computer. I don't deserve another lifetime of being called a whore by a public who would never understand.

I stopped reading the dragon (I don't agree with the way he runs his life, so I'm not going to read his work. I feel his perspective is tainted, dumb and limited) I have NO interest in fb either, that fun is over too. The only thing left is to forget about this place too...

I realize too that while I wouldn't be happy in a contentious marriage and consider it "failed", you may find its your comfort zone so you wouldn't see it as the bad marriage that I do. I also suspect now that she has been a part of the group for awhile and that those pictures maybe were posted public to hurt me, or maybe at your request without her knowing, but if she knew what she was doing she WILL "attack" to hurt you later. And I'm stopping my posts, and friendship here because I don't trust you to make smart decisions in your life.

Anonymous said...

Some time ago I had a dream about Brig. He came over and sat beside me. He was resting against me and I put both arms around him holding him as we both rested. While he was settling to rest his dog and Lucie followed him over. His dog settled at his feet and slept and Lucie settled beside him on the floor with her head resting on his knee. It's a comfort to me that his dog and Lucie followed him, but I don't know what's going on here in their lives (I'm really tired of having to keep saying that). But the tone of the dream was a comfort to me. And thanks to everyone for all of the well wishes with my dog, I wish I could heal her. She comes home today but I fear our time is short, she is 10 1/2 years old.

Just so you know Tal, I DO plan on telling D everything, but I want to WAIT for more direction from Armand on the subject because I don't fully understand what happened here or why yet. Plus I want to give myself more time to distance myself much farther from this pain first. I feel bad about my coming here when I really want to leave but I was told I'm cycling out, and this is part of the cycle. But it will happen.

I don't understand why you think you care so much about the Bachman name Tal, your actions don't do it much honor. So you have my every blessing to share it with someone else. On the same note, I plan on laying clues, giving hints and other help for McCoy to give her every chance to really see you before she makes a commitment. Where before the marriage looked like a rest or a breather lifetime, it now looks like a lot of work on my part.

I will be thinking of you in August, but mostly to wonder why you don't love me, choosing the path you did...path to hurt me I mean. Where does your desire to do that come from.

Anonymous said...

You're wrong. These aren't special circumstances between us. We were in this together, I thought I found a kindred spirit with you. That it was us against the spirit world or us against whatever world we are in at the time. Now, you're just one more thing I need to be cautious of.

Anonymous said...

Phil was handsome and in the army when I met him. After the army, when he started getting violent, his hair was very long and had a mustache he never trimmed. Later when he wanted to get back together, he showed up at my door with his hair cut just the way I liked it and was very sweet with his apology. I didn't let him in the house. She thinks you look like a weird loin, but you look like a mangy one. She just doesn't see it yet, but she knows you don't look right. :)

The sun being red is not my job to see right now. I need to worry about my own pain, not yours.

Anonymous said...

Ari & Armand
what a joke
you mean BB & KT
don't u??

Anonymous said...

Meatloaf -- Paradise by the Dashboard Light

Anonymous said...

Why are you writing and posting things to Tal here?
He doesn't have anything to do with this blog.
Your encryted messages are being read by you
and whoever hacked our computer and follow this
IP everywhere, which is probably you since you are
the only one actually participating here,
with yourself - is that why you keep saying
you know you should be on here?

Neutral Observer said...


Looks like Bachman hurt the hell out of Audrey, and she just scared the shit out of him!


Anonymous said...

Discernment, scrutiny and fact finding. The story can be told in red.
For the last time, he is not a celebrity by choice and circumstance.
Leaving a legacy as a soft heart with multiple talents is preferred.
Distinguished in writing style is the preferred.

For the last time being someone people are scared of does not work.
All things are temporal and that is a paper foundation. Forming a
self foundation through positive action, empowering others and a
genuine love for all things without massive contradiction, is a
solid foundation, not built on material wealth and thievery.

It's a treacherous mountain to climb, and difficult to maintain.
It's not for everyone.

Good Luck.

Anonymous said...

A person is not wanted 'dead or alive'.
It is your soul that is wanted 'dead or alive'.
Souls are easier to enslave that way.

Maestro, honey, I am good.

How does one survive 6 poisonous spider bites with no
repercussions, illness or scars?

No one knows cause no one ever has, until now.

Scientists would do well to realize:

Your creator was/is the greatest alchemist that ever
existed in the universe.

I can't wait to ---- him.

Until then, I'll keep playing
with my writing pen.

Anonymous said...


Feelings of euphoria come from nature and cracking codes, not from the internet.

fyi when you leave your facebook page open in hopes the public will view your
timeline, comments, and who likes and comments on your photos and status's,, every
government and law enforcement agency is there too.

Psychologist also enjoy studying that kind of person to gather information on
EGO and cyber bullying, as well as the fundamental manipulation facebook is known
to create in the easily influenced sector of our society.

It has been the perfect invention for the security industry too, particularly for
authenicating dates of events, uploads, photos and ownership thereof.

Fascinating stuff, truly interesting the depths people will go sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Trolling again, are we? You pathetic excuse for a human being.

Anonymous said...

You still in therapy, Polly Bo?

Anonymous said...

You are just jealous that I get to sleep with Tal and you don't.

Anonymous said...

While that does sound strikingly fun, jealousy is not within me so
no, sorry, you have never made me jealous in anything you do or anyone
you do, you just haven't got it.

Anonymous said...

Acktung Baby

"The Fly" - U2

Anonymous said...

The only question is, do you get to sleep with him before or after
you threaten suicide?

Anonymous said...

Well, he's not all that good in bed but I have never threatened suicide over it.

Anonymous said...

it's unfortunate you are not capable of seeing how ignorant you are.

Your last comment proves what I've always known -
you are a lying skank in the highest degree, no class whatsoever.

If it walks like a duck, smells like a duck, talks like a duck, it's
a fucking duck or in your case,

a lowdown skank with nothing going
for her except what you beg, borrow or steal.

Fuck you man, you make me sick to my stomach, you are that gross to me.

Polly said...

What a fatuous site - not sure how you Anons keep yourselves straight, all the Anon commentary certainly lives up to the blog's name.

Anonymous said...

"You still in therapy, Polly Bo?"

- No, was never in "therapy" - I just take weekly morning sessions at the shooting range,then sail a 65-ft yacht in the afternoons. Best combo therapy ever!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
July 26, 2015

"But Polly B, you are Tal's friend, yet you write that he has ugly truth?"

- There was a time, but that was because I honestly trusted him and believed what turned out to be his lies. There is a very thin line between complete trust, and stupid gullibility. No, I'm not Tal's friend. Tal has very ugly truths, many of which I enumerated above. And, he was never really my friend, or is truly capable of being a friend for that matter.... he is only a master of manipulations and lies.

Anonymous said...

i've learnt alot from talmage ,,,
i like 'im.

Anonymous said...

but how can you luv im if you never met im?

Anonymous said...

i'm sure you would like every detail of how that could be but you're tacky & i hate u so - no.

Anonymous said...

you're the only exception to many guidelines

Anonymous said...

let me take a moment down another stream.
I know what you try and I know what you do.
I will never relate to how you could be so
cruel but I now understand love can bring
out a beast in some, it's true.

I'm sorry you've been hurt or made confused.
Nothing should be so difficult nor should it be
that simple too.

I want to thank you though.
You showed me things I never knew.

What happens from here is the glue.

Wishing the best for all here is what I will do
letting time reveal what is true.

Good night & let peace take hold.

Anonymous said...

*William Goldman & bbtumblr*
yes, let's
we would love that

Anonymous said...

~ let peace take hold wherever you may find it ~

i now know
still love

it all

because now, it is all different.


always & in
all ways,

Anonymous said...

You must be on vacation.

Anonymous said...

It really is you that writes all these posts, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

People - how rude of you.
Just because you're sadists and computer hackers.
With self esteem so low it is underground.
And just because you use animal feces (chicken) to torture people.
Have atheism in common and practice witchery.
Does NOT mean you should not wish TALMAGE a Happy Birthday!

God! Where are your manners?
I suppose it's your parents fault. Or the fact you can't have a baby.
Or the fact who you love, loves me more. But this untrue.
It's because of your life choices and the guilt you feel about them.
The degree of guilt is in direct proportion to your actions.
You were unsuccessful at killing me (documented with photos!!) as well as unsuccessful at killing yourselves.

Of course the world would be better without you but it would never be better without.
Happy Birthday baby, I will love you always.
The rest of you can tell your stories walking. Mental illness must be Gods fault too.

My physician just loves the Ivory Coast, well, except for all the diseases he had to
treat there while he was with Doctors without Borders.

Anonymous said...

Show us the photos!

Anonymous said...

Call my physician.
Or his lawyer.

Anonymous said...

Want their number?

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