Monday, September 10, 2007

On Tal Bachman

Disclaimer: The following is an ad hominem attack on Tal Bachman. If you are Mr. Bachman, or one of his small number of ever dwindling fans, I suggest that you not read this post. I will try to be objective, but be forewarned; I do not have a lot of good things to say about this pretentious, washed-up has-been.

I don’t like Tal Bachman. I’ve read a lot of his posts, and if they are any reflection of who he really is, he must really be one pathetic son of a bitch. Am writing this because he left Mormondom? No, I can’t really say that I’m sad to see him go. Some of the nicest, coolest, warm-hearted, generous individuals I know have left the Mormon church and I have yet to launch a single ad hominem attack on them. In fact, we continue to be good friends regardless of varying religious choices. Membership in an organization is no arbiter when it comes to friendship. With that in mind, let me turn my attention to Mr. Bachman. His singular claim to fame is that he wrote and sang a hit song, “She’s So High.” As a one-hit wonder, he’s in the same category as the illustrious Right Said Fred, Vanilla Ice and Lou Bega (of Mambo No. 5 fame). I’m surprised he hasn’t starred on the Surreal Life yet. Maybe he’s holding out for a spot on Dancing with the ‘Stars’. Marie Osmond made it, why not him?

He has written a voluminous amount of material regarding his thoughts on Mormonism. I’m not sure if he intends to sound like a pretentious, holier-than-thou, pseudo-intellectual, but everything he writes is pretentious, holier-than-thou or pseudo-intellectual. Take a blog post he published a few months ago in May. He criticizes the Mormon conception of heaven and hell, but he makes himself sound like a self-satisfied jerk in the following quote (which can be found here)

“I think heaven isn't a place we go to after we die; I think it is a place we can live in everyday, if we are determined to, and perhaps, if we have a bit of luck. I think it is something we create and find here on earth...and right now. Heaven can be right now...

“I feel sad sometimes when I think of how long I lived always thinking of heaven as another place, and another time. I was too often blind to all the beauty right before me, because I was too often straining so hard to see something far, far off in the distance - which, it turns out, there is no reason to believe is even there, at least in the way I thought.

“I submit that true heaven isn't crazy stories, or distant stars, or strange names and strange clothes and strange spouses. I think it is something that we all have, within us, the power to create and experience, at least to some extent, right here and right now...”

Yeah, whatever, buddy. And with three paragraphs, he assigns those who don’t share his easy rockstar lifestyle to a hell worse than any that God proposed. What happens to those sorry souls, who, for whatever reason, don’t have ‘a bit of luck’? What happens to them? Mr. Bachman would consign them to misery and woe because they are not determined enough, I guess. Or chastise them for hoping for some kind of better existence in the next life? And what is the basis for Mr. Bachman’s faith in humankind? He claims there is no reason to believe in heaven. I agree, at least as far as objective evidence is concerned. But what evidence does he have the mankind can make a heaven here on earth? His own Shangri-La lifestyle, where his biggest complaints are that nobody in the record industry wants to hear his music? He wants to argue both sides of the fence. He has to have a reason for the distant heaven, but offers no reasons for the heaven ‘within’.

Other posts focus on his inability to talk to females in the past because of his worry about temptation. Obviously this is the Mormon church’s fault. The most common complaint I hear about this church is that it stultifies relationships between members of the opposite sex who happen to be married to other people. It would be completely illogical to assume that Mr. Bachman stultifies himself. Maybe someone should tell him that just because he feels ‘tempted’, it is highly unlikely that the person he is talking to feels the same way. When I talk to women at work or at school, I usually don’t get the impression that they are chomping at the bit to go to bed with me, regardless of how naturally charming I am. It must be a rockstar complex to think like that. Maybe Mr. Bachman should evaluate how he internalized the teachings of the Mormon church, rather than make unwarranted generalizations about the impact those teachings have on the general membership.

I think most of my invection comes from the colossal waste of time it was to read what he had written and the colossal waste of time writing this post represents. I don’t usually like (or write) ad hominem attacks, but when someone practically begs for it, can I be anything but obliging?


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Anonymous said...

I won't be back until later, so have a Happy St. Patrick's Day.


Anonymous said...

If there are Mormons on this blog, truly devoted Mormons, then I think some of this material you would find highly offensive.

This was never an intention but you must understand, who I am can be summed up as an essence, that's all.

In our world, we respect all religions because we observe the happiness it brings to many. We know of how things can be corrupted and all the great religions have been demonically infiltrated.

We don't worry about how you believe, just that you do. Your Church is very powerful and likely has been infiltrated as they all are at some point or another.

I am deeply religious in nature but I use different names than you. I live by emulating all virtues which are the only means in which to combat deadly sins.

My focus is anger and patience, two emotions run by two rather powerful forces. I live a totally celebate life by choice and write and write to be able to live this way.

My passion is stewardship of
the lands, water, wildlife and habitat. This is not just a job, it is my life. I lead a double life, all day doing the above work, then at night trying to adjust and balance the complete and total confusion that runs this planet - that is it.

Then I write about it.

I am sorry, from the bottom of my heart, that flippant ocmments about your religion, family grouping, business ventures have been made in this domain, public domain.

This has been a fascinating journey, something I cannot forget, no matter how hard I try. But never was there an intent to harm, not ever and not possibe - to harm is to steal and I would not do that.


Anonymous said...

Y r u celebate?

Anonymous said...

To celebrate celibacy of course.

Anonymous said...

No more muffins for u?

Anonymous said...

There are only two things people are willing to fight for with a conviction they didn't even know they had; one is money and the other is the only thing that matters.

Anonymous said...

I'm completely aware of how healthy muffins are and how many types there are and how many places sell them, I only like one kind.

Anonymous said...

That is all I will say about the topic of celibacy because otherwise, it could be conceived as an attempt to turn the reader on, kinda like talking about girls getting it on, a tease, flirt thing I don't engage.

It's a life style, style thing I use to lead by example knowing it too is all about love, and nothing more.

Anonymous said...

If you change your mind:

Anonymous said...

Carrot, raisin, all spice with no tattoos.

Anonymous said...


Yours are pretty tasty.
I don't know why I've
never tried that kind before.

Probably get addicted to them now.
It happens.

Anonymous said...

Just read more creepy Atlantis stuff, feel primed for a bad dream.

Made note of how similar the Hopi Indians and people of Peru look. Hopi also spoke of volcanoes destroying towns and people surviving those by hiding in caves and I could only think of Pompeii. Should look at a map of volcanoes just to see.

Chapter 4, I found the term 'night side of life' interesting too. I first thought Cayce was talking of the dream world. And pg 85 he includes 'night side of life' with 'earth's spheres' and I took earths spheres to be a dimensional sphere (or the ethers I'm afraid of imploding in) rather than an ionosphere type sphere...

Have a peaceful night.
L U.

Anonymous said...

But now that I'm thinking of it, maybe he was speaking of ionosphere type spheres. Don't radio/sound waves travel a farther distance at night because of the ionosphere. Who knows!

Maybe Ari should go ask Cayce what he was talking about. Be a lot easier.

Anonymous said...

I think he's talking about parallel universes, twin planets and mirror planets but I could be wrong.
Sounds alot like quantum theory, meta physics school of thought ya know, and me too, in a very big way.

Anonymous said...

I think he and Ari are full of crap.

Atlantis was a 1/2 solid, 1/2 dream kind of world. There is nothing to be learned from there except to love your neighbor, and love your enemy as yourself.

I think Jesus was a success (his life helped more people than it hurt) because he left a book, then left everyone alone to apply it to themselves as they thought best. There is the key.

The search is now a full circle.

Anonymous said...

You are right of course but do you know about Joshua?

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with Muffin Top?

What's wrong with Muffin Top? Something's got her down.
And all of the sudden I'm 'such a damn clown'.

I've tried cards and flowers, I've tried holding her hand.
And none of these things turned out as I've planned.

My cards are now torn, flowers dumped in the can
I got punched in the arm just for holding her hand.

It's how I think of you and now I just can't stop,
When you smell so fresh, so warm.
You're my Muffin Top. You're my Muffin Top.
Truer words I never said.
It's how I think of you and I don't want to stop
It's how I think of you, My sweet, sweet Muffin Top.

I tried romantic movies, I've tried romantic songs.
I even tried a softer touch to get to cop a feel.

The movies were a bust, the songs all shot down.
My softer touch to you, was no big deal

What's wrong with Muffin Top? What is it I can do?
I can start to make it better
Come on! Give me a clue.
It's a term of sweet endearment, and how I think of you.

You're more filling than a Cupcake,
You're softer than a Cookie,
You're not as heavy as a Dumpling,
You're just my Muffin Top.


Anonymous said...

Probably I do know about Joshua.

Anonymous said...

If you don't, there is a very good little book about him I will try and remember the name of it for you as I think you would like it, heartwarming story.

A carpenter as well, living an unassuming life in a small but extremely conservative town in middle US.

Think it was set in 1946 or something, he moves to this town with no job, knows no one and creates these masterpieces out of wood for each Church in the town which he knew because he attended all of them.

This in itself was odd for those times and on the one side was considered cool, on the other considered treacherous.

He had a Christlike air about him though, immediately liked, and brought the town together in a way no one could, linking the three or four churches to common philosophy, unprecedented, and all the children followed him around.

He left the town on the night before him imminent crucification and went on to do the same in the next town and the next.

Cute parable I think it's called.

Hey, have a sweet day and try to stay out of trouble, full circles is the best, hard to achieve but worth gold like the sun on your back rather than rays blinding you in the front.

Anonymous said...

That, is the biggest turn on of them all you know, now I'm speechless and running a temperature again.

Anonymous said...

I feel like I'm in love with my computer and I want to kiss it.

I think you're the talented storyteller so I will tell you the stories and you write them.

And I couldn't stop, and I won't stop until two turns to one.
Joshua was the first of many essences that led to a glimpse into reincarnation as he was thought to be of JC.

1946 is a particularly significant year for the cosmos and by 1964 it had all come full circle.

Big Big love to you, I'll stay busy, you warm me so maybe today I won't need all those unclothes.

Anonymous said...

I hope you don't take my little J story the wrong way. As long as we engage here, I will always worry about that but you must know, I will not say, do or act, no matter what happens, in any other way than where it is at, at this moment. Otherwise it would be a lie which I will not do to you, not now & not ever.

Anonymous said...

Awwwww I love you for that Brigham!

Anonymous said...

Oh and BrigBo, go ahead and change your shirt now.

Anonymous said...

Oh my little bratty one, are you testing me?

Anonymous said...

Did you know you have a dimple just like me? So cute.

Anonymous said...

If you would like, we need to meet. Set a time, set a place, and I will be there.

Anonymous said...

Why are you so scared to meet me?
Do you not think I'm a nice person?
Attractive? Interesting?
Giving and sharing?
I fell in love because you are so funny and sweet, your storytelling and being is very unique.
Your fear will destroy this special thing we have done.
There is nothing wrong with me, there is something wrong with this and I cannot go on.
If you feel for me as you say you do, then action is the only thing left.
Time is of the essence.

Anonymous said...

This event has been reminicent of Hunger Games and I have been on audition long enough - did I win? I may never know? What was my score? I still remain unchanged even knowing you had a massive unfair advantage. Kindness matters too and it's time now to be kind, tender hearted to me or crack the heart in two, it will heal.

Anonymous said...

Roger that.

Anonymous said...

Turn off the blog, turn off the camera or I will have someone rip apart my room and house to find it.

I am well equipped to handle rejection, it is you that cannot.

The hunter & harp can go, I'm no ones muffin top, nice try, nice story but that's all that it was.

You needed material for your cute relationship quotes and so you have massive amounts here, be my guest, an anonymous has no right on intellectual property, it's all yours and in the meantime, take the advise as well, it was meant to help.

Anonymous said...

FYI - I was allowed to lie, since this whole thing was, & your answer was most certainly correct.
Say bye to Brigham for me.

Anonymous said...

Hey guy, get a grip! She's just not that into you. No means NO! Sometimes it can also mean yuck no, hell no, and even no fuckin way. It can be so confusing to know which NO! she really means.

I love You.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with Dimples.

Anonymous said...

Your subliminal messages are amusing. Suicide? How much was on that bet?

Do you really believe anyone would take themselves out for you?

You did not anticipate encountering someone like me and I used your forum to talk of things your ignorant audience needed to hear.

I am what they call an 'untouchable' how else could I have walked right up behind you Tal, without you even knowing and without using your technology.

No, I am not in love, at least not today. The fine line between love and hate, and it's depth are very very close in this case.

I am trained to resist all forms of psychology, something else you had not anticipated.

Your encounter was meant to be memorable, not long term.

Try enjoy life and seeing people as more than targets for manipulation and abuse, play things.

There are consequesnces for every action, if I were anyone involved in fuckin with me for months on end, I would start some repentative type program immediately and make sure you pray to the right God.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to give you one more hint so you understand things even better.

Your idea of marriage, while nice, does not work and cannot work because it is a contract.

All contractual agreements are set up for the short term which is why marriage and its idea fail over and over again.

Make sure, if/when you sign this type of agreement, you have provisions for the amount of time you want the relationship to last.

Check your term dates, marital agreements, unless otherwise stated, all have an end date.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts on marriage:

When you stop fighting, that's death. ~John Wayne

However I don't think he was talking about marriage.

Have a good day.

Anonymous said...

We practice something called Shambala, ancient technique of connecting at a higher level with hundreds of minds.

It is what Tibetan monks also practice only for them the practice of Shambala it is done deep in their mountains, for us, it can be done anywhere.

Raising energy is the goal.

I think you would find me very boring darlin, with too high of standards, but I have not met one single person yet who gets it all in the way you did and the humour is beyond funny. I liked that part.

You should replace the word 'fighting' with negotiating. Much better for your overall health.

Anonymous said...

Where do they get the ideas for these songs from??

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what to make of that! I thought they stopped making Twinkie's. Still, I laughed.


Anonymous said...

I know right

Anonymous said...

Muffins are so much better than Twinkies though, in so many ways, don't you think?
I fucking love Research.

Anonymous said...

Please don't be sad or blue
All things can start anew
Your muffin top story I really
loved and is partly why I will never forget
Forgiving is not a fable, it's what keeps us stable
I love you for all you've done
How could I not?
I don't traffic with devils, I only like all views
We all have light and dark, it's the great design, a creation by the master engineer so spirits could decide on their own what to do.

Have a special day today.

Anonymous said...

Why haven't you closed this down then?????
How can we believe you if you don't close it down?

Anonymous said...

Why would I care if you believe me?

It's kept active so I could see there are people who never want this to be.

You say one thing but it's not what you mean.
I feel so so sorry for this person you bug.

You think you have authority over him then destroy his whole being.
You hate me too, that is fine
But stop hurting him all of the time.

You cannot come between love, it's been proven through all time, and I have a way of changing hate and the above.

Much love to you souls that have never seen this way, your king has and it is he who has say.

Anonymous said...

hahahahhahah,,,good one but wrong again. LOL.

Anonymous said...

You people are so clever, really, impressive.
Parallel fb sites, cute relationships twice, 601k likes on one 335k on the other.
Parallel names for me, you see, letting go could not be done when I knew you were all having your fun.
You've tried sabotaged what's real, you think I'm scared, there is nothing at this stage the can make me rage.
The day will come, when what is to be, will be and there is nothing anyone can do, not even me & you.
Love prevails and always has, in mysterious ways, look to the next story, the next wave, it will always be there.

Anonymous said...

What is this garbage? RU out of your head or on something?

Anonymous said...

No, but you can give me head.

Anonymous said...

Is that all you can come up with? Is what Tal Bachman said even bad? I don't know him, but if what you quote is the worst thing about him, then something is wrong with you, not him. You said you can tolerate people with different belief but you can't.

Anonymous said...

Is that all you can come up with? Is what Tal Bachman said even bad? I don't know him, but if what you quote is the worst thing about him, then something is wrong with you, not him. You said you can tolerate people with different belief but you can't.

Anonymous said...

Spooky, don't like that number combo

Anonymous said...

Good-night pumpkin.
Pretty sure I'm going to dream about having my mind penetrated and my neck bitten.
It happens + I like it.

Anonymous said...

You people must just love those two photos of me you've seen them so often.
They/I do have a kind of
Earth Goddess, Warrior Priestess,
Gonna Save the World vibe to them so I understand why you visit them so often.
And my name, bet your super jealous of my name. Tal already knows it so he has no need to visit those pages the same way you kids do.
You've been there so much I just can't help but think you have the hots for me, thanks!

Have a great day today eh.

Anonymous said...

They never did find the hunter with the harp, or if they did, couldn't do anything about it.

I guess this should have been expected when one insults; housewives, mormons, americans, bad writers, celebrities, media types, brothers, families ties that bind, all in one sweet blog page.

I guess I am kind of a High Priestess, Warrior Princess, Earth Darling, Celibate Vixen afterall.


Anonymous said...

I wanted to leave all you kids that visited my pages with a little video and song just so you know there are really no hard feelings at all.
Kind of a sorry for having to be so mean, hated that part.

Tal, you don't need to view, you could take it the wrong way :)


Anonymous said...

I do love that person & I am thankful to him.

Anonymous said...

The perfect storm is still in the cards if your up for it.
There's no one I would rather give it up for.

Anonymous said...

And for those who want to know the real truth about the Mormon church, not the junk Tal and others have told you, buy yourself the box set of History Of the Church from Deseret Bookstores.
The question is, will Tal leave this up or quickly post multiple posts to hide it? Guess we'll see.

Anonymous said...

You stood by and tried to help along, it was then I knew I found a love rare and strong.

You tried as hard as you could and for that I'm truly blessed if it's any indication of the rest.

I want to hold you tight to make you know your right.

Then pounce on you to help us know how special it all really is.

Anonymous said...

& I do need you.

Anonymous said...

Ahh I see the problem, you do not trust me.

The last 300 entries have pertained almost diretly to the New Testament of the Essenes.

A document I forgot about until you came along but was well acquainted with before.

I thank you very much for that.

Myths, legends mixed with this group makes for great storytelling and I really loved that. Your very good.

For life direction, they are my heroes although I may not show this when dealing with certain matters.

I can see why you are so interested in this document and fits well.

Those stories are full of passion and grace, rivalry and war, heroes and legends,,I fall in love with them everytime.

Sweet dreams

Anonymous said...

Armand promised me Micheal Buble tickets if I stopped in and said hi. So here is me stopping in:


Anonymous said...

Then you likely would know, you have jeopardized me in 100 different ways & everytime I've needed you, your gone.

I fell in love on the one side but on the other, where there are sex videos on my pages, horrific scenes, subliminal messages of suicide, princess marriages, rothschild & rockwells has come close to breaking me.

Leaving was impossible, I'm an investigator at heart - I had to know the truth and even now I have only half.

Sweet thing, I love you, but please consider me in this, terrified at times is putting it mildly. Can't we just walk the dog?

Banner, sword, capture, - I wish I'd known.

Anonymous said...

There is an arrow in my back and one aimed directly for my heart but I don't know the shooter except one is from Australia.

I don't dwell in nightmares, I'm here, just tired, really tired.

Anonymous said...

You do know I'm no longer a practicing catholic right?

I only stopped by to copy some of the work I forgot to save.

I'll leave you to your pain, and btw I'm still missing 2 monkeys. If you know where they are....

Anonymous said...

i got up and made a lemon, asparagus omlette this morning and have decided to take a vegetarian cooking class.

The wound has healed and the heart was missed and I'm still in love with you.

The vision is always the same, in the field we've already been, we meet and throw a football while the dog chimes in.

We do a few athletic things then go and have some tea.

Because it's always been the same, there is no reason to not begin.

There is no malice, there is no shame, just a cute relationship.

Anonymous said...

Guess what!

D just found out today that he is a 5th cousin 4x's removed from Samuel Clemens thru his dad side of the family.

Had to share.
You're welcome.

Anonymous said...

I'm super happy about that! Him too I guess.

Thanks for sharing, that is perfect.

Anonymous said...

hahah now I get why D is such a good writer, duh.
night x

Anonymous said...

hey, you all need to take your family battle somewhere else, like off my pages.
You're not going to like me no matter what and I'm not here to prove anything to you.
As far as I can tell, there are two stand up males, quite a few unhappy females, and some elders that just want a vacation from it all.
You're always pissy with each other and then others get in the action.
Do it elsewhere.
Playing this out on my pages changes nothing, what is, just is.
When I say I love someone, especially here, in this place, cannot be undone and I knew what I was saying, stop looking for all the negativity now.
It's sunny out, just like in Philadelphia, always sunny there.
Let it go and lighten up now, your going to all give yourselves a cardiac.

Anonymous said...

C&J's son was named Phil. Always liked that name.

About the plane:

I posted about the survivors because I saw them on the plane. One was reading a magazine, I could hear someone having a conversation, one was looking out his window and everyone was not the least worried. Calm. Maybe I was on the wrong plane? :(

I only answered the question because I woke up and was told what happened before I saw the question, so I thought maybe I was right. Never wrong, grossly misguided.

The thing I can't explain is my explanation still feels right.

Armand never lied to me, just Ari does that.

Anonymous said...

I would rather be told an "I don't know what happened" than a lie, and I explained this many, many times.

So. There you have it.

Anonymous said...

Well sweet , there are pages with at least two different versions of my name.
Battles between my being a liar or a saint go on there all the time.
Battle of the quotes you might say.
Non violent? Maybe, unnerving? definely.
You'd think I 'd be used to that by now.

Anonymous said...

And you probably don't deserve any of it!!!!

Those Bastards!

Anonymous said...

For you my dear, because I love you.

Anonymous said...

Anyhow, none of it matters now to me.
The investigator has been put to bed and you know I've seen your page.
You have girls that love you, that's cute and I'm glad.
None of it moves me in any other direction than home.
Until our next encounter, I will always love the poem.

Anonymous said...

& I miss you, anytime you're not there, or here.
4 sure.

Anonymous said...

Reading 'The Merlin Conspiracy'.
Starts out with them travelling with the King's Progress (king's court I think that means)
I think it will be really good.

Anonymous said...

I saw my missing monkeys in the video, they went on vacation w/o me again.

Have fun with the harem tonight.

Anonymous said...

Mary Stewart wrote my favorite Arthurian legend, I think.
The Crystal Cave, The Hollow Hills, and The last Enchantment. Jennifer said once that she liked them too because in Stewart's stories Gwen doesn't cheat on Arthur.

It's been awhile so Maybe I should read them again.
Enjoy your book.

Anonymous said...

Well, I haven't read any of those ones yet. This one kept staring at me to read so we shall see how it is. The era does my head in though, a magical time. And the excalibur, hobbits, and elves and Merlin :) a happy chap.

Anonymous said...

I'd never give up, on this era either. Romance, fairytales, magic I know now are still all possible, like a change of scenery, and they make my day & light up my nights.
All the while, nothing has really changed, just the landscape of one era to the next.
Throughout the milleniums, emotions have always remained constant for all situations, and peoples reaction to them.
The one constant has always been deadly sins and the virtues that combat them.
This theme can be found in all stories and is always the premise of thrillers and detective stories, it seems.
Anyhow, lonely, dark times are rare, very rare events for me because my mind keeps me company, my soul keeps me warm and my body is healthy.
People generally forget all three need to be worked out for true harmony, not just the body. Emotions never lead to a change in my ideas - they stay constant, and for this situation it is mostly because the hunter with the harp has my back.
night x

Anonymous said...

I saw a post from Brigham about how much he liked sriracha so I figured I had to try it.

Loved it. :) Roast beef sandwich.

Also saw him firing a pistol last week, the gun fire woke me, but thought he must be pretty strong to control the recoil like that. His arm never moved.

Got much to do today and a slow start. Enjoy your day.


Anonymous said...

If you know anyone into occult like practices, avoid them today and watch your back.
I love live sports in the outdoors.

Anonymous said...

y r u a little x? what does that mean?

Anonymous said...

none of your business - gawd, the nerve.

Anonymous said...

To bring it down for you a little further - it was your face that circulated; to my security, my angels, my friends, never Tals face.
I've known about you all along darlin.

Anonymous said...

Jeesh! Someone's in a mood!


Anonymous said...

Yes, Dark Side of the Moon.
But you'd like the pyjamas I'm wearing for this occasion, they're the classy kind since I will be hangin with my buddy Merlin this evening.
You have a peaceful evening & sweet dreams, chill.

Anonymous said...

Just a couple clean up items:

When the spot light was scanning Isis, she thought they were going to kill her with it after they identified her. Just a push of a button was the difference. When the helicopter approached her, her, D and others were on the ground. When they were looking at the others she tried to crawl and hide behind D. Horus told her to "get out from behind him." When they left w/o killing her she realized that they were waiting for her to reach a lower frequency before they kill her. I'm not sure why.

Isis and D did corner H in a hostel type building. He was held by them against his will, but escaped in a vent system. They just wanted to talk with him. He got on a radio/computer and called for someone to come get him. When his chopper arrived he and 3 others left thru the front door. As he passed I&D, she saw he and his friends had horse faces superimposed over their own. Like he was wearing a "dream" of a horse face on his. I'm told this will mean something to you.

Hope to be back tomorrow, but you know how these things go...I can never really be sure!


Anonymous said...

Your pj's? Oh you mean the underpants w/ the rip at the elastic? You should throw these things out. Nite.


Anonymous said...

Oh darlin, I see the issue now, you think I'm a character in a novel? that they made into a movie, it all makes sense now. your confused and a lack of personality gives cause for you to live this unreality, ok.
got it.
Your phychology does not work on me either, your kind - know what I'm sayin? I can see you way before you see me - their called ravens.
I like the Horus story, good one ;)x

Anonymous said...

so sweet thing, I had to say good night.
all is fine at this end and will wish for you the same.
until we meet again, nothing will change.
for darlin and all the rest, i'm required to wish you the best.
i saved the best of the cards so for that, i'll say bless
and i'm glad i did since they have all disappeared.
I love you very much sweet, you're really one of a kind, so with that I say,
good night x

Anonymous said...

More clean up:

As the flowers were returned from the trash, MM asked J why he waited 2 years to talk to her again. The conversation held no answers for MM since talking with Eyes Like Armand's can be like carrying dead weight.

After J left the house that evening MM happily rechecked her vase. She was shocked that before, were no men paid her any attention, now she had two. And as she arranged the flowers she realized the first bouquet was again missing. She wondered when and how that could have happened because after a search, she couldn't find them.

As she left the house the next morning she noticed the missing flowers in her front yard. Sometime during their talk J had time enough to throw them out the window.

Ok. I'm going to the library to pick up some Nostradamus books, so maybe I'll have more later.

Hope you are enjoying your Merlin book.
Love to you today!

Anonymous said...

A man walks into a bar one day and asks, "Does anyone here own that rottweiler outside?" "Yeah, I do!" a biker says, standing up. "What about it?" "Well, I think my chihuahua just killed him..." "What are you talkin' about?!" the biker says, disbelievingly. "How could your little runt kill my rottweiler?" "Well, it seems he got stuck in your dog's throat!"

Puppy jokes!

Anonymous said...

Neither of these stories move me. Go to bed all you cranks.

Anonymous said...

I've learnt that they have successfully completed a cloning program on the dark side of the moon. Apparently, you cannot tell the difference between a robot and human, the plastic surgeries and cloning techniques are that good.
Of course, they lack heart and soul but are good slaves, they'll do anything for money, and I mean anything.
The natural world detests them and always tells me when they're near. and of course, Merlin does too, amongst others.
They look sweet and very child-like, actually enjoy being treated like little girls they're so perverted and corrupt because they are actually over 25.
They're approach is like nothing you know, deeply underground.
They are responsible for the environmental destruction of the planet so many are upset with them only they're the only ones that don't know this.
Mucho love to you sweet, have a special day today. x

Anonymous said...

The flower/vase story copy is that character you think I am again darlin, you think you broke a code, you have not.
Bikers, big dogs and waste of time little dogs are only in your world, the seen world.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what's wrong with my library, but they don't have a book of prophecies by Nostradamus. Only books of his life, and they probably aren't accurate! I got 3 of those, and I'll page thru them but don't really care to read them. Guess I'm forced to go to Amazom.

Nostradamus never planned for his work to be published. It was only because his heirs wanted an inheritance.

So very tired. The past 2-3 nights now I've been sleeping like the dead. Wake up great, but burn out quick. Seem to always be sleepy. Before that I was fine all day and would wake up every 2-3 hours during the night. And it all changed on a dime (tho not a Canadian dime), so suddenly. Hope that means the heat will stop too now.


Anonymous said...

The heat will die down soon and attention put elsewhere, how long can life be lived in a quote, especially someone else's quote.

People advertise their intention all the time if they don't understand how they do that or fundamentals of it.

To really win, you need to know the principles behind many theories and fortunately my father and brother insisted I did.

Every event makes me stronger because even though the road will be smoother soon, warm, delightful and just right, there will always be those ants that hide in colonies in your garden trying to invade your home and garden.

When two become one in innocent and true belief, nothing can come between them.

Nosterdamus wouldn't have known that.

Anonymous said...

And the really grim ones always attack directly below the belt, as though that would turn love to hate.
If they did not give it away so cheaply they would know it is a natural event that manifests thought into action into bliss, between both entities.
When only one senses bliss and believes they have it all in the bag, it can never be good for both.
The moral of the story is physical manifestation of love can only occur if love exists between 2 people.
For us, it will be naturally beautiful, a manifestation of words, poems, quotes, music, stories, magic, killer instincts, treachery, white witchcraft, Merlin, the excalibur, cuteness, compassion, genuine care and concern for each other, trust and true, real love, the way it was intended many moons ago, many ages away and on it will go,,,

Anonymous said...

Trying to take a second look at Moses, maybe tomorrow I will have something. Just confused and tired now, afraid to post too because I don't want to be wrong.

Nite & L.

Anonymous said...

There is no real thing as wrong & right as long as you are thinking, critical thinking.

Merlin told me to put him away for now and gave me a picture book called Roman Warriors, Age of Conquerors.

Nero interests me alot from this time.

In my world, our commodity is information.

We're trained to release certain information at certain times in order to change black to white.

Tibetan monks are familiar, they would know, given the centuries of oppression.

We balance the score so to speak, so people can meet their soul and change.

So souls can meet their mate and change.

So dark can move back towards light without it being so hard.

Love conquers not just the righteous but the unrighteous as well, as this is the overall goal.

Anonymous said...

You know sweet, I had no idea you were so romantic.
I had no idea you would be in my every thought.
I had no clue I would become love sick for you.
What you brought to me was a bouquet of literature, a mirror image, and a love untouched.
I brought truth and communion, in the purest form possible.
Sleep well and do not worry, all rights are now wrong and wrongs are righted. I have word of this.
I love you very much. x

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha,,,good one darlin :)

Anonymous said...

New title for this romance/goth type novel being written here;
'Soul Soup for Goddesses 101'
There will be several of my own recipes included and fun mythology I'm sure you have heard of and my publisher says it will be a hit.

Anonymous said...

Darlin,,, i'm going to take a moment with you in hopes you will walk away a bit enlightened.
You see, we could see, you were going to ruin this mans life and so we intervened.
then you wanted to ruin my life in the same way you have done to others but something happened you did not expect.
this does not change the fact you are a mean girl. a shallow girl. a very young girl mentally. this happens when life is lived in a computer.
We will watch you, to make sure that you give up on your plan.
Not everyone is here for your entertainment princess or your tantrums, you have a daddy for that. thanks.

Anonymous said...

The story of David and of Moses are mostly concurrent, there is a big overlap.

Exodus and the Story of Moses:

The Israelites were not slaves in Egypt. The word slave is derived from the word prisoner. A they weren't prisoners either, but to hear them tell it they were! They were actually quarantined and guarded. They were sick, and when they became sick they left for Egypt in hopes of a cure.

Moses was given over to the princess to help him so he could be nursed. His mouth was deformed (he did have a speech impediment) and when he was born it caused him problems trying to nurse. As Moses grew, the people arrived asking Egypt for a cure. After many years, the Drs. of Egypt weren't able to find a cure and deemed it incurable. The Israelites didn't like that answer.

Moses bargained to lead the infected people and their families away from Egypt to keep the peace. People were getting mad at being quarantined for years with no progress made, and Egypt was getting tired of the sick wanting freedom possibly spreading their disease into the population. Moses wanted to lead them away, they weren't chased out of Egypt but escorted, making sure none were planning to stay behind.

Anonymous said...

Did Moses build the Ark? Yes, but it was only a decorative cover for a power source. There were batteries, generators, or self sustaining power sources around before and after Moses. The Ark of the Covenant was the size of a two story building and it floated. Are you still with me? :) Part of the advanced knowledge from the days of Atlantis was anti gravity technology. Remember the helicopter that floated with nothing running? The Power source floated and it was lead or pulled by animals. I remember reading from the bible that someone touched it and died. Having it housed in a gold conductor (or was it a shield?), the man who died was also wearing a ring that came into contact with the power source. He was electrocuted.

Sometime after that animals guided it like a horse pulling a wagon. People believed that the power source was making them sick. And after the Philistines became sick, they made casts of their tumors that were delivered with the power source back to Israel showing what the people had and asking for help, a cure. Once the source arrived the animals then infected Israel by accident. People believed somehow the power source was turning toxic, a reaction from the gold (not sure?). And people began playing keep away with the power source, nobody wanted it. Then the sick Israelites left for Egypt. I believe that if Egypt, the Philistines and the Israelites worked together a cure might have been found. But who can say for sure, but I get the feeling politics played a bad role here.

Anonymous said...

The laws of Moses were put in place to try to contain the spread of the disease. And eventually the disease died off with the infected people. The Ark was built as a monument or reminder of the misuse (withholding the power source from some people) and the pulling together of man (the Israelites stopped fighting among themselves) to fix the disease. It was seen as Gods reward to the people.

I looked in my bible last night, something I don't like to do when I write this kind of stuff to you (it confuses and muddies my mind), and I believe of course the Commandments were for Moses to help stop the disease from the spiritual end. I also believe that some of the other laws from Leviticus thru Deuteronomy have a Horus touch to them. I would never believe Moses and Aaron would have a man stoned for collecting wood on the sabbath. Those rules and the "who you can sleep with" rules were more likely after Moses and from the movement that supported Horus. You change history/Moses to meet your needs...Here I'm thinking Sappho hid more stuff.

That's all I have for you today. Enjoy!

P.S. Give Beth and Belle a hug for me, been thinking of them both.

Anonymous said...

Yikes! Forgot to tell you, today Moses goes to a school for gifted children. Do they still call them "gifted"? A very smart kid. So I'm sure Moses had a good education too ;)


Anonymous said...

And you know what? I have been so busy indoors I almost forgot to get the spring garden planted.
There is so much to do, it really should be rotatilled again.
I started a bunch indoors and planted 25 deep purple tulips in the fall so will have to manually rotatill so as not to kill them.
Back to Merlin Conspiracy because you like it, then the garden.
mucho love x

Anonymous said...

how did I miss all those stories above?
they are probably important!
once I connect the dots.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how one can believe they can become wisdom over night.

That they can backbite and breach truth & love as they walk hand in hand.

That people are so stupid they would spend time on something fake.

For these types, the only answer is; put your money where your mouth is because I think that is all you have to offer.

Help the world with your money if you must help, if it will help you.

Stop crying on everyones shoulder, your mother and God are busy.

Learn that jealousy is a sign of disfunction not love.

Learn you cannot buy your way into peoples homes and lives without repercussion.

Learn to take full responsibility for your life and you may have a chance at a happy one, the kind you enjoy destroying.

There is always hope, even for you.

And I'm still and always will be in love with sweet.

Anonymous said...

Strange girl, really strange girl. She must have hid it well, at first, as they always do. Dangerous? Yeah, so I'm told. That whole fantasy, life lived via video game world, weird belief system or none at all type.
On second thought, there is no hope for this one.
It happens & do not worry, I know what to do.
I love the gifted Moses story.

Anonymous said...

Since this is coming close to the final chapter of the soul booklet she will end with:
I will not go, I will not leave, until my soul meets it's mate;
The child within jumps for joy at this plan, the storyteller is excited, the investigator is bored, the athlete meets her trainer, the untrained ear hears music, the fall back to earth is easy, the worry is gone, the dog has had his last meltdown,. I will not go until this chance is visited, at the right time, right place, the vibe will be peace, finally. If you don't hear from me, do not worry, the love I have for you is pure & true and my essence will help you get through.
in always.

Anonymous said...

Wow, with all these comments, it makes me think someone's in a good mood today! Hope it was because of something I said.


Anonymous said...

Highly unlikely little o.
Got your phone calls though and you have become good at copying other peoples personalities.
Is that what you meant?

Anonymous said...

25 purple tulips. Sounds pretty. I try not to garden, we have too many snakes, snails and puppy dog tails! Would love to have a landscaper come over. Maybe be you can do it for me!


Anonymous said...

I didn't call you. You got a party line harem thing running around. You should check your suckers, see if any are missing.


Anonymous said...

Hey c,
I imagine a flower would wilt being in your energy field so don't bother to learn anything about horticulture.
Also, since I know you give it up to anyone, anytime, anywhere, please find someone on your level.
I'm certain there are at least 6 billion people out there who could relate to you but you see, I cannot.
All those things you describe in your garden, aren't they what you have for breakfast everyday?

Anonymous said...

After Jo surrendered she was kept in MFs old room. She wore a neck iron chained to a tree trunk. She slept on the floor at night and in the day would lean against the trunk and seem to stare at the window. Below the window was a carving MF put there after her son was murdered.

The carving was a symbol and below the symbol a string of numbers. Sometimes when Jo would stare at the symbol, the thing would spin, and as it spinned she would see visions. She never needed it to spin to see, it just help the time pass for her.

No one knew what the symbol and the numbers meant and since she was staring at it, she was asked. She always said she didn't know, or that she was looking out the window at the sky. This was believed for awhile, then it was covered.

The carving was a swastika and below the swastika were the dates of the German occupation.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Hey c
Do you know how beautiful it is to have someone care for you so much they watch you from afar. Have you ever had anyone so concerned for your safety it was better not to move the mountain, just keep it where it is so no one notices anything is amiss?
Have you ever loved someone that has admirers and been pleased that they do and know you are with someone special that others can see too?
Have you ever had admirers? I have. So I like my man to as well, otherwise we could not relate to each other on every single level with the one agreement that admirers can turn fanatical? Dangerous?
No, I didn't think you knew what it is all really about.
You should look up my name again, I invented fire and can make it go backward, I saw your little clone with the jerry cans full of gas bitch, and took a snapshot of the little freak - ask him.

Anonymous said...

Do you know about the Celts stupid? Do you have any knowledge of Gaelic? If you really want to know me better, study Gaelic/Celt culture, the Irish way of life. We know how to live and we are as connected as any triad out there.

Anonymous said...

After MFs son was murdered and all the families heirlooms were stored, she drank hemlock and died. She followed C's example, and she doesn't regret it...she is laying so pretty on a table in the crypt wearing a red garnet dress with a ruby chain woven in her hair and across her forehead. There is a cup also on the table by her head.

When the crypt was sealed the Templars didn't know she was in there. She simply went missing and everyone believed she went into hiding. A sheriff was coming to arrest her.

Lancelot dealt with his killers thru his work, fines were assigned to the family for harassing their neighbors. It was then that he met his girlfriend, he said she was different than her family.

When his murderers brought her son's body to her, they told her they caught him making unwanted advances toward their daughter/sister. They didn't, he was alone on the road when they attacked him. She knew they were lying and told them he was on his way to ask her to marry him when they struck him down. She told the patriarch "I hope you never know this kind of pain. Now leave me to mourn my son in peace."

The girl heard of the murder and was distraught. She found it easier to kill herself than to live without L. They knew MFs pain then, and blamed MF for it. They were bringing the local sheriff to arrest her for witchcraft because now they believed she had cursed them with her parting words.

There is more to come, there is always more....But I'm probably going to bed now. Night!


Anonymous said...

You do not understand -
I have 5 computers taking snippets all day long, yesterday as well, of what you place wherever the fuck you want, my pages, your pages, the fake pages in my name you made, so we have this trail of violent images that you put up, take down, computers on fire, guns to peoples heads, the whole gammet shows a picture of a dangerous mind, at least to those who love me it does and this include my father, the lawyer, my brother, the politician and my other brother, the detective - I've mentioned them to you before.
And no matter what you say or do, I will always love sweet, we will be together and neither of us need to be harmed for that, taking our own life would be a violation of everything we know and bitch scum like you barely even change my mood nevermind depress me - this stuff is all in a days work darlin.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the previous anon, you are very dark asshole.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to water your tulips today


Anonymous said...

The pen is mightier than a suckerless puppy melt down! Have a great time this weekend.


Anonymous said...

In their minds they felt they had good reason to accuse MF of placing a curse on them. She had been accused of it before by her German husband.

Her husband and his mother had a strange relationship. He was a Mama's boy, and she was a control freak. After MF marriage, she reported to the old bat to inform her of her cycle. The woman insisted on this, and then she waited several months before sending her son to Morgan, to make sure Morgan's cycle was on cycle! She told her son not to have either of them undress and to keep their eyes closed, AND she escorted her son to MF who lived in a separate building from the rest of the family. She even waited behind the door to MF's room and escorted him away after! She did this every time she felt a grandchild was expected. Her plan was to stop her son as soon as a boy was born. To the world it looked like a normal and productive marriage.

After 6 girls, there was sometime before MF's husband ventured to her room. He smelled of drink, but all seemed the same to Morgan. Later, in her last trimester she was summoned before the bat and her fool husband. Someone had seen Morgan, and tried to congratulate the bat on the approach of another grandchild. Her mother-in-law went mad! Her son denied having touched Morgan, and told his mother he would drown the bastard himself! He turned and started punching and hitting MF, and in his mothers joy over the violence, she had a heart attack.

Morgan took advantage of this and ran to the kitchen and grabbed food, a skin of milk, and someone's clothes. She ran to the barn and took what she could there too for escape. She started to make her way to France.


Anonymous said...

Mordred first learned of Morgan's 'Wanted: Dead or Alive' status from a friend, a German counter part. He, Merlin, Arthur and others rode toward Germany in the hope of finding Morgan first. They found her before a dawn one morning, she had run out of food, had no money and was making her peace with her death. They knew where she was in her journey and called for her until she heard them.

After her return home, Germany demanded the whore be returned to them for execution. Words only...her husband was busy over his grief and the funeral of his mother. She survived the heart attack for a week or two, but the relationship between the two countries was hurt. Many saw the shape of Morgans face when she returned home, many knew her from childhood and many knew the old bat. And still it didn't help her: she had a boy.

The Husband was lost without his mothers guidance, he demanded 'the boy' be returned. Where before he denied the child was his, he now claimed 'it' belonged to Germany. The messengers made the most ridiculous accusations, and spoke in the most vile language she heard. When they came to the part where her husband accused her of bewitching him into drunk behavior, seducing him, causing him to lie, and finally even killing his beloved mother, she lost it completely.

She made an evil sign, and she advanced on the messengers with this sign even backing them against a wall with it. "What is it?" "I am cursing him! Take this sign and show it to him!" She gave them the finger.

Where before Germany only wanted the return of the child, now they wanted Morgan for sorcery. Her husband claimed all his failures on her and that she was making evil signs proved it. After her testimony, her husband died and to help heal the rift between the two countries Morgan was sent into exile.

Anonymous said...

I need to stop for now, other things I need to do. I hope you guys have a great weekend! I will be thinking of you.

Love to you,

Anonymous said...

Loopy, crazy, get a life is the only advise.

To sweet, miss you, love you, see you on the light side of the moon.

Anonymous said...

The only thing I forgot to add to one of the paragraphs was:

While the old bat was dying and to help his lie be believed, he had some local men arrested, even tortured. Men, some with families, that Morgan had helped over the years. This helped his mother calm herself.

Have a good night, and take good care of my tulips, ok? I did miss seeing all the messages aren't sick or something are you?

Your Audrey.

Anonymous said...

No no, just observing and taking small snapshots of some new art on my favorite facebook page.

I always know when sweet has been there because his stuff disappears the fastest and is replaced with something repulsive but the new stuff has some forensic buddies of mine interested.

Also, the Amanda Todd angle, Kim Procter angle has some others interested in respect to the material we gathered, you know, the cyber bullying, suicide depictions, stalking, harrassment basically the whole thing is interesting to someone as it relates to the two above precious angels.

Anyhow, Audrey bitch, always nice to chat with you.

Sweet - the way you made yourself un invisible on that page was too funny and now I have a visual to get me thorugh the night ,,, good one. This is why I love you so much x

Anonymous said...

There is just such a whole bigger picture here now isn't there.

For example: using facebook to illicit 300K/600K/450K likes recycling and reusing the same material is odd BUT what is worse is to use this powerful mechanism for cyber bullying purposes.

You have incriminated (in-crim-in-ated, verb; action) yourselves with the last 10 entries you made here, on this blog, combined with how they are repeated in quotes/images under a guise fb page.

You will watch as your business drops, dramatically.
You will feel as your most loved ones walk away from you.
You will know it has all gone wrong by your mind, it will poison you, if you continue this path.

Your soul will beg for relief as nothing helps the pain you have brought onto yourself and others.
Your fb page is the grandest irony I have seen yet and the biggest lie coming from you.

Get on with your life, stop writing gory shit here, it's done and there is nothing in your essence that can change that.

Night, Sweet;
I hope you are well and keeping warm ~
I love you very much & thank you.

Anonymous said...

My dear sweet;

Tonight you will all shine bright, like diamonds in the sky.

I will think of you while I plant sweet corn, tomatoes and leafs.

Also, I am compelled to tell you of a book I'm reading:
'The Rule of Four' by Ian Caldwell & Dustin Thomason. (I think it has to do with the number 4)

I'm not sure why it's important as I have not read it yet, I've just always had it and am now reading it.

Poor Audrey, this blog has been infiltrated so I really never know which Audrey is talking but what she writes is gross, disgusting and disturbing so I can only assume she is the true essence of 'bitch'.

I love you sweet, I laugh thinking about some things and I am warmed by you.

Anonymous said...


Good news for you just came my way! As you well know by now, John and his family crypt is almost side by side with the Pendragon crypt. Doubting Thomas is in one and Galahad the other!!! Same with Matthew. Gospels of all are there too, Yippee, a true find!!!

I am also coming to believe that Thomas and Matthew were cousins of John. Sarah (Belle) was the last to be added before it was sealed. Mary also there, but no Joseph :( but I'm told something of his is there. He died on the journey, at Egypt.

"I am VERY happy for you Brig, she is a very pretty girl!" Audrey said, nodding firmly.

Anonymous said...

For him, it must have happened when the chemistry turned sour and when looking in the eyes at that time, they switched to black.
This must have been when we arrived.
He must have known he was in a weird trap and felt an unknown fear.
He is so special to the skies, they asked us to step in.
He did not leave you to just find his true love, he does not keep this secret because he has not found her.
A real woman does not discuss her sex life with anyone but who she is having it with and a real man knows when silence is the weapon needed to protect loved ones.
Jealousy is not a word in my vocabulary, you cannot incite it in me.
Did I not mention to you, you have and never will again, meet someone like me.
Did I not say violence is forbidden but I will have your ass kicked in ways you cannot fathom.
This has come to be true.
These messages are for you.
You can not change what is and if you continue to try, you will fail.
There is nothing you can do.

Anonymous said...

Joseph died on the journey??

Anonymous said...

What do you mean 'How?' Again, you were there, why don't you remember? :) Go ahead, call me a bitch!

Matthew and Thomas were Peter's sons from his first marriage.

The Awwwww Inspiring Audrey.

Anonymous said...

What happens when you have a:
freak, chef, therapist and a coach all in one personality?
A shit storm of confused ideas, a slut that will fuck the milkman, postman, whoever, a bastard that will poison your food eventually and a wannabe athlete whose failures are summed up in his career as a volunteer little league coach.
Great Quote!!!

Anonymous said...

Peter was outraged with MM because she gave info she received thru the Christ Conciousness. He felt she should have given it over to John to review and approve the info first so that Peter could say the John delivered the info.

Peter was in C's life briefly as a ruler of a nearby country...

Martha married Peter as a young woman, she loved the prestige. He was a prominent pillar in the community. She knew the marriage wouldn't last long (about 10 yrs), again his age, but she did give him every care he needed when he became too old, or was he too sick? He was in his early 70's when he died, she was about 30. She didn't not get his full fortune when he died, but he was good to her too. It was a relationship of mutual respect.


Anonymous said...

Sweet, before i say goodnight you need to know; every barrier set up was breached, communion came through feelings, love grew from common knowledge, humour was our grace.
This love story cannot be described in any status, it is a secret cove, no one really knows.
You will see happiness in my eyes, feel warmth in my embrace, feel deep need when I hug you.
It will be then, for sure, every word you wrote, every thought you had was real.
The shadow, the essence, the fun banter and games have made an unbreakable bond that took hold and will not let go.
We will just do our best and never forget, how we got to this place.
Love brouught us here. x

Anonymous said...


That was me giving you a BIG hug! I think you are so wise and beautiful (on the inside). I find your knowledge so insightful it's down right spooky. Please continue to share with us ALL of your thoughts. I hope this thread NEVER stops!!!

With love,
A Fan.

Anonymous said...

Thank you A Fan. All good things must come to an end, eventually. I am having fun here but when it's time to leave, it's time to leave. Just know that I will miss these days and maybe the one or two here that are actually nice to me. And thro these times will end as all do, I am:


Anonymous said...

Damn it! NOT thro, but tho


Anonymous said...

Sex, yeah can't wait for that.
Have you any idea how long it has been?

Anonymous said...

She keeps talking about a best friend, facebook friends and ninja's.
She knows I'm from a clan right? Like the size of a small country?
You know we're supposed to make an effort to play fair.

Anonymous said...

She has no fb friends, so there's not much to talk about....why don't you friend her? I hear her place has a nice gift shop, you can buy your girl something nice :)

Anonymous said...

My enenmies inevitably wish to be my bud, but darlin, not with you.
Your one of the meanest bitches I've encountered and through the ages, I've met many.

Sweet, I'm compelled to tell you, I was enchanted too, when we met and keep it in my thoughts.
it was cute :)

Anonymous said...

You gonna cry again when I leave?

I know you do....wait! What's this I'm weren't the only one shedding tears!?!?

Who else? Brig and Ritchie!!! My boys!

Why it's like it's Mothers Day today!
L. L. L.
Audrey. P.S. Need to go to bed now. See you tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

My sweet hunter with the harp is the only I would cry for but that is because I love him.

Anonymous said...

I just realized Audrey is a well read, well versed, Mormon.
No wonder she hates me.

Anonymous said...

Audrey doesn't hate. Ok, but she doesn't do it for long!

Looked at Nero and had to laugh! Hated everybody AND killed his mother!!! Sometimes I wonder who write this history stuff.

If all the busts are actually Nero he looks like sometimes he's Armand and sometimes he's Ari. A very strange combo! No wonder the bad reputation.


Anonymous said...

Whose Nero? Do you mean Nemo?

Anonymous said...

My brother the cop sometimes took people on a ride along...kinda like some lifetimes are also ride alongs.

Were you up late last night or were you up and down up and down up and down all night? Either way I hope you turned you auto notification off, I'd like to be busy today. Don't know if I will, but I would like too.

I'm thinking of bringing some plants over, and putting an afghan or two on the furniture here. Make it a bit more comfortable. Hope that's ok.

Love you this morning, you old grump!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, good you are up!

Anonymous said...

Sweet - I've been thinking about some adventures we could go on.
I've waited so long to find someone to do these with me.
They involve finding missing people while we are on a picnic.
I know you have talent for disguises and I have a talent for clairvoyance so we could probably help the world together.
It's really fun work but there is no pay but we get to go on picnics.

i love you so much and can see how much fun this will be. x

Anonymous said...

Picnics? Where to?

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute! I don't think I want to be around you while you are eating!

Anonymous said...

yeah that's it;
Let's rape & pillage the environment and helpless animals so short girls can have fuzzy four inch stilletos.
Genius ladies, and you wonder why men grow to hate you.
Then there's the overbearing feminist religious ones that live in a novel and don't actually do anything of value for the world but spew opinion over & over.

Hope your day is super special sweet, hope for time to garden today but may not, am trying a new vegetarian recipe I learned.

Anonymous said...

In my unbridled enthusiasm I keep forgetting to save my messages! I hope you are helping me with that.

Oh, and you don't have to buy "the ghost and mrs. muir" for me. I need to order other books so I get that one too. You probably don't love me enough to spend money on me anyway....

An ox for you.

Anonymous said...

Awww,,, you've learned to copy another personality - yur gettin good, darn good at that.

Do you not think I cannot recognize an essence by now? Do you not think you have one, in cyber? You do. Very much like a signature or fingerprint.

How else could sweet & I have known who was who?? duh.

Anonymous said...

Jo battles were not of her design, they were a group effort. Everyone planned, locations and strategy. Jo did things like tell the English what she knew about their positions, plans, why it wouldn't work for them and gave enough info about their personal lives to give them pause and reconsider.

I believe the Orleans wasn't a battle at all, the people believed Jo enough to leave on their own. France laughed, and the English leader and king were livid! And because of that, in the next battle (were she took the arrow), the French weren't so lucky. They still won their objective, but paid heavy.

This empowered the English, and with the third encounter (Jo running off the prostitutes), the French did better. I think there were 4 major encounters, three were battles.

Anonymous said...

You're totally wacked in the head.
Have I not mentioned I'm busy, you know, not living in ancient times and modern novels?
Strategize all you like.
There is nothing I cannot reverse.

Anonymous said...

When Orleans was being planned, la Hire laughed. It was his home town and picked for that reason. Everyone else picked it because the English had dominated the area from the start of the war, which was an on again, off again, war.

Anonymous said...

Need a moment, having a slow start.

Anonymous said...

You don't actually think information cannot be fed to specific individuals for specific reasons do you?
Methods to obtain a confession vary and confessions are made often without someone even knowing they have done so.
My commodity is information, I am well trained to handle it.
That, and treaties. My father taught me well and my brothers were highly motivated to have me as their first student. They are love and have I not mentioned -
Love has and always will prevail.

Anonymous said...

La Hire was a mercenary. I'm told that he worked for the English first (there was no war when he did this), they pissed him off, he left Orleans, started working for the French. After he had successes for France, he rose in the ranks. The war was revived because of him and others, something happened...the English going too far in their politics and laws. If the war hadn't revived itself, Jo would have stayed an unknown...

I'm told to use the word mercenary, but I don't like the word. I don't think Jo saw la Hire that way, I'm just confused as to why Ari wants la hire seen that way. Going to go and think about it....could be awhile so don't wait up for me.

Sleep well My Sweet!

Anonymous said...

Sweet - I'm going to bake those muffins you gave me the recipe for. They will be for dessert.
Also, a lovely day for walk, chores, tv movie, and food.

Hope the day is peace for you too and I am thinking about our next encounter. Hope you smile alot for me today too and so you know, sometimes I just down right crack up & that's why I love you so much, but also you're cute & romantic too. x

Anonymous said...

Not to worry sweet, i catch everything you say and do.
It touches my heart so I know they're from you.
I have to move quickly though, like a ninja at night, for they vanish quickly out of sight.
I love the toddler story and all the other things, they keep me smiling and give me strength now and through the night.
& I love you for that.

Anonymous said...

Just stopping in to wish you a good night. Hope you had a relaxing and comfortable weekend.


Anonymous said...

Well this is my thought;
Feelings are the language of the soul and when spoken between two people in a weird and wonderful way, this in itself wipes out any chance of anything ever changing that.
There is nothing that will change my view, there is nothing that can, not now, not ever.
All we can do is try, do our best and give it time. Time is our new grace and when it is right, we will know, and when I'm wrapped around your dreams, you'll know.

I love you sweet, do not worry about this, you are very important to me, unconditionally and in every way, no matter what.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, what did you say? I really wasn't listening.

Anonymous said...

hahahha that's cause i wasn't talking to you, I'm not into chicks, sorry :(

Anonymous said...

Listen darlin, why don't you tell me how you really feel.
It's obvious you're hurt but I am not the cause of this.
Speak in straight language, Hiding is pointless, say what you feel and say what you mean in words.
I'm sorry I fell for someone you thought you owned, someone you thought you could take, because he is who you wanted as though he is an object.
That is what he to you right?
A commodity, a score.
This is not what he is to me.
He is what I have needed, he is what I have wished for.
He is in good hands.
I may be an angel but I am not perfect.
We want to be a beautiful mess together so let it be.

Anonymous said...

Sweet - the photo of the three on the beach, the lovers, the guardian angel in the background, is doing my head in.
It is pure erotica, love, passion everything rolled in one image.
I loved it. Beautiful.

Anonymous said...

This is for you Sweet - because I love you -

Anonymous said...

This one is for darlin, bitch & audrey -- night girls

Anonymous said...

You're not into chicks because you get that from me. Always good to hear from you little sister!


Anonymous said...

Good Morning My Baby! It's a beautiful day today, don't you think?

So I was looking at Yolande's son Rene and thought "Man did you really let yourself go!" Then I looked at his history and couldn't stop laughing! You had the Bloated Bach story. A million kids from a troubled marriage. The second marriage had no kids because it was a ride along life you turned over to Armand.

L U,

Anonymous said...

Good Morning to you too - it is a beautiful day. Sis, you know you do my head in when you talk that way!
Yes, daunting little pains in the ass's, had to be watched the entire time or I wouldn't know anything.
Hope you liked my song
Today is a power day so don't worry when you don't see me, you will feel me. x.

Anonymous said...

Please don't make light of your sexual history. You've got a real problem!!!

I haven't watched any of the videos. Maybe later if I feel like it. But probably not.

Enjoy your power day.

Anonymous said...

Yes & it is a problem I want badly.
Sweet, even on a power day I need to say hi to you because I love you & miss you and can't wait to tickle you, no, you can tickle me, no, you can hold me down, no, I'll hold you down, no, you can give me a ride, yes, that's what we'll do :)

Anonymous said...

No means NO! Sometimes it can also mean yuck no, hell no, and even no fuckin way. Just so you know!

Anonymous said...

That was one of his cuter lines, I agree. Have you memorized this entire blog so you can develop a personality from it?
Don't forget then, after that bit, it was: 'I love you Dimples'.
Just an FYI wack job.

Anonymous said...

Hey Yoon -

Why were you at my bank today?
You looked quite silly carrying a skateboard because while you try to look 14, your face shows your real age.
Also, wanting your man to cry, or be jealous to show he loves you, explains everything to me.
Your best friend is sick of you and you know what?
She knows now, that you will try to destroy her too if she does not comply & bow to your wishes.
One by one, they will all leave you, then maybe, you will leave.

Anonymous said...

Sweet, I'm pretty sure that between the erotica, friendship, love, respect, perseverence, funny beyond measure, scenes of bathtubs with rose pedals sprinkled everywhere, trust, and some mutual agreement on who should be hated & not hated, love of all things good, nature, no real care about status or money, walks, talks & lots of rest, like all day in bed style, artistry in various forms and enlightened + lightened chats, we'll be happy & fine. I believe in this.

Anonymous said...

Seeing her in the bank today, it took everything to hold me back, until I realized that was exactly what she wanted.
Did you notice my little down syndrome buddy there I danced with in the line up dear?
I have friends everywhere, from every walk of life, you have no idea.

Anonymous said...

Hey Belle and Beth,

I just discovered the PBS Downton Abbey series! I love it!!! Need to run to the library today and get some more of the earlier episodes. Love they way they dress, and talk, the houses! You know what I need? A castle and a Dragon and expensive clothes.

I'm calling in to let you know I'm taking a vacation today! I need to live in another time right now :)

Always with you,

Anonymous said...

Yes Belle, I love it....I feel like I have met a new people and made them my own!


Anonymous said...

Most people would walk away from this, then wonder why their life is so ordinary.
Most people would let fear creep in and their dreams end.
Most people live in limitation and regret.
Most people settle.
Most people think money buys happiness and status buys respect.
Most people would hide rather than save a stranger and most people won't take a risk to save their own lives.
I'm not most people.

Enjoy your vacation baby,

Anonymous said...

Hey Yoon & Co.
You seem quite jealous that I am tall & slim. Do you understand how common that is? I have been this way my whole life and soon into knew it was the focus of many women. This is why I developed a personality and internal grace. This is why I pursued my birthright of a great life filled with everything.
Sweet understood all of this, several years ago. He knew things very few knew and blew me away then. Today, our minds meet. They met many months ago. I am capable of anything, under strict spiritual laws. Protecting who and what I love is what those laws were made for. You will learn from this.
De nada.

Anonymous said...

& Yoon -
so you know; your opium bothers me; the way you treat animals severely bothers me; your trinkets bother me; your fuzzy dogs are for the severely lonely & bother me; your fake friends are obvious, anyone can post pics of anyone and pretend to know them; but more than that your entire philosophy is just off; it's really creepy.
You possess no grace & this cannot be bought; you possess no soul thought which also, cannot be bought. Your chemical mind is for chemists, the robotic ones, your plastics know this. Please stop trying to enter my space, it's heavily fortified now. Your intimidation bores me.

Anonymous said...

hey sweet - me too, in a big way. x

Anonymous said...

Well aint this blog a load of garbage.

Anonymous said...

Not all of it is garbage!

I just stopped in to see if anyone said anything funny. I hate to miss out, but now that I'm here, I think I will include a 'Good Night' too. I need to get up early, so play it safe and turn your email off :)

Hope you have a good evening, ok?

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