Monday, September 10, 2007

On Tal Bachman

Disclaimer: The following is an ad hominem attack on Tal Bachman. If you are Mr. Bachman, or one of his small number of ever dwindling fans, I suggest that you not read this post. I will try to be objective, but be forewarned; I do not have a lot of good things to say about this pretentious, washed-up has-been.

I don’t like Tal Bachman. I’ve read a lot of his posts, and if they are any reflection of who he really is, he must really be one pathetic son of a bitch. Am writing this because he left Mormondom? No, I can’t really say that I’m sad to see him go. Some of the nicest, coolest, warm-hearted, generous individuals I know have left the Mormon church and I have yet to launch a single ad hominem attack on them. In fact, we continue to be good friends regardless of varying religious choices. Membership in an organization is no arbiter when it comes to friendship. With that in mind, let me turn my attention to Mr. Bachman. His singular claim to fame is that he wrote and sang a hit song, “She’s So High.” As a one-hit wonder, he’s in the same category as the illustrious Right Said Fred, Vanilla Ice and Lou Bega (of Mambo No. 5 fame). I’m surprised he hasn’t starred on the Surreal Life yet. Maybe he’s holding out for a spot on Dancing with the ‘Stars’. Marie Osmond made it, why not him?

He has written a voluminous amount of material regarding his thoughts on Mormonism. I’m not sure if he intends to sound like a pretentious, holier-than-thou, pseudo-intellectual, but everything he writes is pretentious, holier-than-thou or pseudo-intellectual. Take a blog post he published a few months ago in May. He criticizes the Mormon conception of heaven and hell, but he makes himself sound like a self-satisfied jerk in the following quote (which can be found here)

“I think heaven isn't a place we go to after we die; I think it is a place we can live in everyday, if we are determined to, and perhaps, if we have a bit of luck. I think it is something we create and find here on earth...and right now. Heaven can be right now...

“I feel sad sometimes when I think of how long I lived always thinking of heaven as another place, and another time. I was too often blind to all the beauty right before me, because I was too often straining so hard to see something far, far off in the distance - which, it turns out, there is no reason to believe is even there, at least in the way I thought.

“I submit that true heaven isn't crazy stories, or distant stars, or strange names and strange clothes and strange spouses. I think it is something that we all have, within us, the power to create and experience, at least to some extent, right here and right now...”

Yeah, whatever, buddy. And with three paragraphs, he assigns those who don’t share his easy rockstar lifestyle to a hell worse than any that God proposed. What happens to those sorry souls, who, for whatever reason, don’t have ‘a bit of luck’? What happens to them? Mr. Bachman would consign them to misery and woe because they are not determined enough, I guess. Or chastise them for hoping for some kind of better existence in the next life? And what is the basis for Mr. Bachman’s faith in humankind? He claims there is no reason to believe in heaven. I agree, at least as far as objective evidence is concerned. But what evidence does he have the mankind can make a heaven here on earth? His own Shangri-La lifestyle, where his biggest complaints are that nobody in the record industry wants to hear his music? He wants to argue both sides of the fence. He has to have a reason for the distant heaven, but offers no reasons for the heaven ‘within’.

Other posts focus on his inability to talk to females in the past because of his worry about temptation. Obviously this is the Mormon church’s fault. The most common complaint I hear about this church is that it stultifies relationships between members of the opposite sex who happen to be married to other people. It would be completely illogical to assume that Mr. Bachman stultifies himself. Maybe someone should tell him that just because he feels ‘tempted’, it is highly unlikely that the person he is talking to feels the same way. When I talk to women at work or at school, I usually don’t get the impression that they are chomping at the bit to go to bed with me, regardless of how naturally charming I am. It must be a rockstar complex to think like that. Maybe Mr. Bachman should evaluate how he internalized the teachings of the Mormon church, rather than make unwarranted generalizations about the impact those teachings have on the general membership.

I think most of my invection comes from the colossal waste of time it was to read what he had written and the colossal waste of time writing this post represents. I don’t usually like (or write) ad hominem attacks, but when someone practically begs for it, can I be anything but obliging?


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Anonymous said...

Yoon ~
If threats of suicide & self harm are now your new thing, I need to tell you this;
I will reverse that thought in you as well.
You will not go there because it would hurt your mother, brother and many others I am sure.
We have now met, I can access your heart and turn your wishes into hopes again.
You will hear a voice, you will take a different path.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Everyone!

Sarah's story was a little sad.

She had a good childhood (I have to feel that way, you understand). She was sickly, but I'm not sure from what yet. She had 5 children and her husband was the same one Jennifer tended to :) so he left before the 5th one was born. She had a problem with her brother too, maybe it was his wife...she couldn't or rather wouldn't go to him for help. She relied on church charity for a time, and some friends. Her children did better than she could again because of her health, and as they grew their circumstances improved. She died in her early 40s and her brother closed the crypt.

One of her children wrote of Sarah's story, her struggles and wisdom which, as family lore, are in the Pendragon crypt.

As a side note for Yoon: if you hear a voice kill it! No good can come from them. Alcohol should do nicely.


Anonymous said...

Principals of taekwondo are not hard to deliver mentally if needed to save a life and yoon is just a gift that just keeps on giving.
Alcohol would have worked just as fine I'm sure.
There's only one thing I want to do right now, and don't really care about the monkeys, they're all narcissistic and a waste of time but there's always that daunting obligation to save a life if one threatens to take their own.
I just want my favorite sis with me to play with, she is WAY funner than any of this & I love her alot.

Anonymous said...

Sweet - I cannot find one lid to match any of the containers I have. How am I supposed to make lunches?
This is the extent of my problems today. :)
Hope you have a beautiful day. x

Anonymous said...

One thing is for sure;
Love is meant to be nurtured,treated with tenderness and the utmost respect so it can grow. It needs rain, sun, a healthy foundation of
like-mindedness and sex, good sex, classic & classy, slow and fast, furious and sweet.
That's love and you can quote me. x

Anonymous said...

No worries sweet, I got all those beautiful words.
No more angelica language for that one though, SO ungrateful!
I'm just fine, and you too, I feel you.

Anonymous said...

Aww, I'm so glad your not mad about the magic sweet & don't worry I'll quit the cigs just for you.
I guess it's time to mention I never cared about all the garbage on my pages so go ahead yoony & co. no one looks at that stuff and I only needed to seem mad so I could find out was terrorizing sweet & hey, it worked!

Night baby, sweet sweet dreams & L U.

Anonymous said...

Matching lids with containers terrorizes us all, so can you be sure it worked? Because you never seem to know what you've done.

Still, I find myself stupidly flattered that you would waste the time to try to figure it out. Especially when you could just work too hard.

Put your feet up and let me rub the for you, My Poor Poor Baby. Someone should bake you cookies today.


Anonymous said...

The stuff from the library isn't hidden with or near C&A, but I don't know where yet. I also don't think it's all hidden in the same location. But I do think they were hidden in other gov't buildings that are now tourist locations.

Still so much 'unknown'.
L and "Good Morning! You woke up just to look for me!?!"
Your Audrey.

Anonymous said...

I'm goons try to go back to bed, so don't wait up...
L you and your misguided efforts, My Dear Sweet One!

Anonymous said...

Sarah's brother became more aware of her life and her children became a part of his life, gradually. When she became bedridden she asked the church to contact him. She needed a guardian for her kids. Sarah's brother even had the youngest two raised by him. He wasn't aware of her circumstances and there was distance, Sarah and her brother both moved after their marriages. The two kids now had cousins to play with, and I don't see his wife. The older three remained close and watchful for each other, a promise to their mother.

All of her children were educated, Sarah saw to that while she was alive. Most people in those days could at least read and write. The church did that, but math and science was always at the whim of the church. In France, everyone went to Catholic school, even Joanne. The stories of her always at church were of her going to school.

Hmmm, Sarah's oldest child is brighter than most people, a scholar. But they all were smart and their poverty ended in childhood. The second oldest wrote her memories of Sarah to leave for her own children. Those are in with the Pendragons.

The daughter who wrote of their mother married well. Her husband was introduced to her by her Uncle. Still have no name for Sarah's brother...maybe later. A form of Joseph, I'm thinking. Will look more later, her kids are interesting....

Sarah may have been younger than I first thought, in her early thirties? Ask, or blame, Ari. She has breathing problems, asthma, I think. And there wasn't enough oxygen in her blood...

You can wake up now :)
L U Sleepy Head.

Anonymous said...

The Pendragon family was born from Sarah's oldest daughter her second child. Her name is a form of Mary, after her grandmother.

Have a good day! It's very nice and spring like here (sunny until the afternoon), so I'm hoping to put some patio furniture out with Schatzi's help.


Anonymous said...

Well, bringing chaos back to control always takes a bit of effort and who knew they still make shoes with phones in them.
I'm just glad I don't have to get rid of my favorite pyjamas after all this!
I'm still so enthralled & delighted though and wake up just to see you.
The day has been sweet and there is no chance of falling anywhere but back to earth, just to be with you and only you.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'll believe you. But just this one time!


Anonymous said...

I think Sarah was premature at birth, and that's why the lung issue.

Good night! I hope I see more of you tomorrow...I really hate it when you're gone :(


Anonymous said...

P.S. You know the character Carson (The Butler) from Downton Abbey? He looks a little like the man Durand Laxart, Joanne's uncle. Another of Armand's characters.

Anonymous said...

Crap! I forgot to include: Sarah also wrote her memories of her parents which the daughter Maria (or something close to this) kept and included in her work with the Pendragons.

NOW I'm done. I think.


Anonymous said...

Whose gone? Did people leave this blog? I could never leave it, or this, there's just no turning back. It's become the second best part of my day, my life, my everything. I love the sweet, history and myths; legends and lovers. I hate it when your gone too. o

Anonymous said...

there are too many L's now, and A's and the rest of the story has to be whispered.
you don't need a jealous type and I know your not possessive.
Pure things don't need that.
I read only those things and see only those things.
Love would not say that.
That's the question; would love say that?

Resting now sweet, see you in a big way. x

Anonymous said...

See sweet, I think you are far away from me right now and there are those who want to take advantage of that, like the above sounds like one of the mothers.
It's alright though, I will always know since discernment is a specialty.
What is said from deceit and malice will never wash with me,
I know your tone, style & way.
They will try anything though I see, they just don't understand, I'm B.
Love. x

Anonymous said...

Babe, wow, it's like a really long squash game, did I tell you I used to play alot? I'll teach you if you teach me something?
But, I laughed! I was wide-eyed! eyes wide open, & my head was done in just by two words, again because I'm like that. So I cooked & cooked, I'm not a chef but I did keep busy. I'm reading about crossing the bay of biscay from plymouth UK in the 14th century.
So, I love the everything. sweet dreams. x

Anonymous said...

This message is removed by author.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Cutie!

You do know that MM wrote Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, and Uther wrote Beowulf, right? They did this when they lived in England (for about 5 or so years).

MM started out writing this as a story for her son which soon evolved into a book. It wasn't a writing contest between MM and U until later in the stories :) and the only reason Beowulf outsells Sir Gawain is because Beowulf had much better translators. No Joke! I can prove it too: The originals are in with the Pendragons.

As a side note: When it was decided to publish/distribute Sir Gawain, it was untitled. Another reason it doesn't do as well in sales.

So why does "reading about crossing the bay of biscay from plymouth UK in the 14th century." hold your interest? Something happen to you then?

Won't be home much today, so I will stop by later to wish you 'Good Night'. And if I think of more stuff, I will share it then.

Have fun today.
Leaving you with my Love,

Anonymous said...

Ok, sorry, MM should read MF. Sometimes it's hard to keep it all clear in my head.


Anonymous said...

haha, you are so smart. I love you.
off line, off grid today, must work & focus but will see you later & feel you all day. x.
-no, nothing happened on that crossing but the destination impacted my view, love those ppl.& everything they do, they love nature & music and know love well. xx

Anonymous said...

You know sweet, it's odd how much I trust you.

It's odd how much you turn me on.

It's spooky how well you know my mind, my heart and my being better than anyone.

It's strange how I will keep a secret with you and I'm amazed at what I will do for you.

Now I know what love is, as I have never known before and I wouldn't change anything.

Truth has been revealed, in every way and freedom is always the the footstep that follows.

I will never not love you and I will not leave, because you want me to stay and I appreciate everything you write and do for me, her song especially. x.

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a productive day today. I didn't do so badly myself.

Tomorrow I go back to the library to return some Downton Abbey DVDs, and pick up a book about Jo and Yolanda. Don't really think I'll find anything new in it, after all, nothing new about Jo has be uncovered lately...right? But I haven't seen this book yet and feel I owe it to myself to give it a glance.

Funny, but my poor sweet dog is barking in her sleep. So I should probably join her to see what's got her so excited!

Good Night Love!

Anonymous said...

That's a really good idea. I always knew you were a gentleman.
Give her a kiss on the forehead and a pet and she'll relax, doesn't that mean their dreaming when they bark in their sleep?

Well, I'm sure you will take care of her and enjoy your reading.

Night, & see in dreamland maybe?

Anonymous said...

Oh and yes, the day was very productive and so sometimes get to leave a bit early on Friday, always like that. I am so glad yours was productive too! a beauty day here today.
I will definitely garden tomorrow if it is the same as today - it's a little garden but the activity!

Just wanted to mention that as I forgot before.

Anonymous said...

When I arrived to check on my dog, Armand was already gone. But she still had the stick in her mouth, so I left her to chew on it.

I wish I was into house could use some cheerful landscapeing. Its still a mess from a frozen pipe that broke in a bathroom. It was gutted, along with another because they all need done. Soon the contractor comes to fix it all for us. Electricians, plumbers, bathroom cabinets and other parts are all in hallways and living room! My next house will be new, and I won't move in until the landscaping is perfect! So it is said, so it shall be done.


Anonymous said...

I grew a canteloupe once. It wasn't very organized, it just happened! And 10 foot sunflowers, well maybe 9.5 feet but super sonic sunflowers too.

I never even used to eat the food that grew, it was all just to experiment & learn about organic and biodegradeables. Now I eat everything because it's from organics. I can stay out there an entire day sometimes!

Bursting pipes, I have no clue. Good thing for trades people, I've seen them fix anything, gut anything and turn it back to much better. Refurbishment gets me excited for some reason.

You have your hands full today. I hope the sun shines for you, probably it will, and me too since I need to be outdoors too.

Anonymous said...

On second thought, maybe you do need a new house! Some things can't be refurbished!

Anonymous said...

This is even better! I'm going to get the bike fixed.

One time, I got pinned down and it is true what they say, there are just so many ways to make that beautiful music but after that I rode my bike.

When I got pinned down I was on my scooter riding up a mountain and fell off.

Anonymous said...

damn, oops, forgot to say something else again but there is one thing I would never do, and have never done because it is polite to always use the front door.
I never answer the back door because I really don't like people dropping by llke that, even if they bring cake! or cookies for that matter :)

I need a nap.

Anonymous said...

Ok, very funny Scooter.

Your Edna was M's Elizabeth. She said to tell you that she "is pleasantly surprised" at how comfortable she is. I took this 2 ways: she was in sorrow or physical pain or both, and she is higher up on the food chain than she thought. So she is comfortable, lucky girl!

You didn't ask about her before now? Tsk tsk.

When MM&Everyone left for Egypt they did so to explore C&Everyone's life, but also M&J wanted to go back and retrieve something that was theirs to take with them to France. Don't know what it was, but I'm told it's yours to figure out.


Anonymous said...

I would help you guys, but Ari would just lie to me :(

So lie #1: whatever they were retrieving didn't have to be from their lifetime. It could have been left from J&FirstWife, or from Nefertiti.

L and Good Night.

Anonymous said...

Lie #2: M&J saw it when they ran to Egypt the first time, and wanted to try to buy it, from its current owner. It was actually smaller than a breadbox Scooter, and it wasn't cheap, but was affordable.

Lie #3: Search your dreams, ALL of you.


Anonymous said...

This feels like it's a final exam for you guys!


Anonymous said...

Babe, is the writer above the mother I'm supposed to get to love me? or is it the EX I'm supposed to be jealous of? I really can't keep up anymore and don't care anyways, I'm not into everyone else.
Nothing changes, feelings are the same as they were from the moment you said Godspeed & no matter what the game.
I will see you on the light side of the moon soon boo, in that sculptured forest not far from here, until then I will take lots of naps. x

Anonymous said...

Angels are always there for you when no one else is, I'm glad everyone knows that now.
Some of the most genius, heartwrenchingly sweet, noble & misguided have no one, it's just the way of your world but that is why God gave us dogs and let us use his name backwards - so we always knew God & Dog are man's best friend, & mine too.
I am glad I'm not an elephant though, no one really goes through that which reminds me, I'm have a spinach salad for dinner, a bit late because of the napping but I love having a nap, very good for body, mind & soul.

OK, night now and sweet kiss for you only.

Anonymous said...

& I love that too but I don't think I realized I did until now, but it is a part of the everything for sure.
So many new things, so cute, so crazy, the crying, laughing out loud, really.
This is the best book of them all.

Anonymous said...

For you Sweet, because I like & love you -

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it's like living alone for me. And if I do become a lesbian, no you cannot watch.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I just figured out what your problem is you're in the wrong forest! You weren't supposed to be in the sculptured forest! You were supposed to go here:

I really am alone.

Anonymous said...

Do you have a hard ball? You should get that look at...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It warms my heart to know you have so many people that care about your health.

I'm very glad for you.


Anonymous said...

There is the Black Forest in Germany but I didn't go there either. You are complicating matters again as it is simple ,,
'She's a beast, we call her Karma' and all good things come to those who wait.
The virtue of the day is patience which combats wrath & chastity combats lust.
The music videos were for you anons above, not all were for sweet.
The dark horse is always available
and only you can change your ways.

Anonymous said...

Music video? This is the Chinese Year of the Wooden Horse. I made a music video of this animal. Perhaps you remember it? It was also a one hit wonder, so I guess we have much in common, you and I.

Call me and we can meet. Maybe work on a song/project together. I would like that very much.

I am sorry to come here and find you unwell. Stay off you feet, use your scooter to get around. Don't put it off, use Belle's referral. I heard you play with it, but Honey, that can only make it worse!

I found this for you, just in case. I thought it might help:

I care about you too!

Anonymous said...

Good Nite! I look forward to you each and every day.

I like & love you too.

Anonymous said...

Isn't the term 'one hit wonder' code for; you pissed someone off by refusing to conform and put out a mediocre, repetitive, zero substance product? Poor Audrey! That happened to you too?

Dragons and dark horses have battled it out for centuries. Horses always win because they switch back to white effortlessly.

Surly there is a song already? After all this depth, I think I could even help! No, I know I can.

Well I hope everyone is well and for clarity, my scooter was an elite 50cc motorbike and I wouldn't take advise from Bella but I don't think that was meant for me anyways.

I do like trying new things afterall, but only with those I love & trust.

Makes sense.

goodnight, sleep well

Anonymous said...

Who knew this would happen tonight? I'm just as surprised as you are!

During Jo's interrogations she was heavily shackled. Her interrogations took place in the library in case she said anything that needed to be looked up and argued. It was just her chair, a large distance, a long ornate table for her 3 interrogators, a smaller writing table for the scribe and large book cases surrounding all of it. The long room was emptied and closed because she was there.

It took months for the interrogation to start, Cauchon couldn't find a way to kill Jo and get away with it now. She was discovered after the push out of her window, and after much discussion with those who were concerned by this, he intended a mock trial.

Joanne had yet to meet the Bishop, and the first time she found herself alone she started yelling out her window, "Help! I am Joanne the Young Lady! I am a prisoner of Bishop Cauchon! Tell everyone I am here!" She was able to yell 3 times to a priest and two others on the ground before her neglectful guard could unlock the door. He punched her in the face to shut her up, then shoved her hard backward. Before she could recover from the punch she was out the window. She opened her eyes just before impact. There was no panic for her.

Jo woke up when a foot shoved her shoulder. She was laying on her side and when she opened her eyes she saw the most elegant shoes. They were a beautifully embroidered white satin. She closed her eyes tight and vomited blood all over them. In those days when a person vomited blood, last rites were soon needed. Cauchon swore, took a step back and spoke to her guard. "What happened?" "She tried to escape." "How." "She jumped."

Cauchon walked to the window and waved the guard over to him. He leaned out and said, "Did she think she could fly?" As the guard also looked to the ground to respond, Cauchon waved another toward them and the puncher was shoved out by his replacement, the biter. Joanne heard him scream and then silence before she fainted. He did not survive his fall.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for another one of your violent fucked up stories audrey3 or whatever, how remarkably useful and enlightening for some to ponder. Your the best informant we have.

Anonymous said...

2 weeks later, the wife of a man who watched her fall was brought in to check Joanne's virginity. No help was brought in earlier since she wasn't expected to survive. Everyone believed the fewer people to know about Joanne the better, for so many reasons.

The Bishop was angry that Joanne would die after he just paid a handsome reward for her capture. His original plan was to question her briefly then kill her outright, so he was frustrated that her whereabouts were now known and at his being forced to justify any actions. She was already approved by the Vatican when she started her work and her words were always accurate, so everyone who knew of the situation was very, very worried.

No one knew Cauchon paid for her or even ordered her capture. He told everyone Joanne was delivered to him because he was asked to determine her identity and reevaluate her divinity. If she was Joanne, did she fall out of grace with God because of her capture, and then too, Cauchon loved the very serious matter of does God now want the Church to punish her?

Ok, now I'm ready for bed! Nite Everyone.

Anonymous said...

Thought maybe since your kids like frogs, they might like baby turtles too. Not sure about some of the comments tho...


Anonymous said...

Hey Audrey, for you to think about while you sleep;
God doesn't care about your churches and the wealthier they are, the farther away they are from his Creation.
You are walking with Creations rival but so be it, you were given free will just as the rest and created in the image and likeness. What you do with this, is your choice as a Creator would offer his creation.
Now, every word above is from a dark novel you picked up and it has poisoned your mind and you go on to poison other minds but powerful minds will over ride you because you are simply confused.
They will put dreams in your mind, maybe tonight, so you can see truth a bit better because you are not drowning in a sea of love rather you are drowning in your own misunderstandings.
Even this can be corrected so watch and wait, light will enter your cave too, a perfect light, not one stained with blood.

Anonymous said...

I look forward to you too baby, these choppy seas are subsiding and I didn't even get sea sick!
I smile for you everyday, in everyway, everything.
I love that it's getting warmer & warmer out, this too, warms my heart and lights up my days.
Hope the sweet dog is well, give her a kiss & pet goodnight and sweet dreams to you both.

Anonymous said...

Sweet, I am a bit jealous of how much you love your dog, I think this must mean I truly love you.
I'm off to stimulate and drive the economy for a day and wanted to say, have a super special one, & be everything beautiful you wish to see and be;
You're my like, my love, my everything.

Anonymous said...

Babe, why do these people still try to talk to me? Do they not get there is nothing they can say to move me? Their hateful words, inuendo, it's all so pointless. I walk a happy path everyday and fake is not something possible for me to achieve. Why don't they get this by now? Why can they not take words of wisdom and let it be? How can they not see spirit in everything and just be happy for each breath they breathe. I sincerely do not get it at this point.x

Anonymous said...

If you can start out with a happy skip & you meet someone that illuminates it, adds a skip, this is love, you're my extra skip & always will be.

Anonymous said...

Good morning Everyone! Sorry I'm running late today. It's a rainy day here so I going to celebrate with a small tea party (I have cheese cake!!!). I'm also told you and I are planning meat loaf for dinner today Tal! Are you having sweet potato fries too?

As soon as Joanne surrendered, she was taken to a rich man's house and locked in his basement. Her hands and feet were tied and there was no real light. A day passed before Cauchon arrived to look at his prize. She couldn't see him, a guard with a torch stood by Joanne in case she made to move on the Bishop.

"They say you haven't eaten anything. Why aren't you eating?" "All they serve here is crap." And she nudged the plate of manure farther away with her foot. Since she wasn't yet in Church custody, guards were supplying her needs and they believed she didn't need anything.

Cauchon laughed, "When you're moved you'll have food until you are determined a heretic. When that happens you will be burned." She shrugged an "I don't care." Her Saints had said repeatedly since her capture that Joanne "will not burn." They told her he intended to talk to her first so he won't do anything for awhile. And Joanne believed them. She also hoped that she would be found and rescued, but how hard it would before then was unknown.

Cauchon was convinced she was already raped, and if he wanted her gone he planned to use that information to sentence her. He also wanted to know if the rumors of her miracles were true. If she could give him a pot of gold from God and that would be worth keeping her around!

I don't know where Joanne was when she was pushed, I think she was already at the University. She was taken straight there from the rich mans basement. And as soon as she arrived at the University she yelled and was pushed.

After she woke from her fall, a tree trunk was brought in and she wore her neck iron. The thing was heavy and cold. It caused her some shoulder and back problems because it weighted about 15 lbs. For comfort Jo would sit against the tree with her knees up supporting her elbows. She kept her hands on her shoulders to lift some of its weight from her collar bones, and as often as she could, she would lay down.

The chain connected to the tree was probably 8 ft. long, so she was going nowhere, and her window was ordered to stay closed, at least at first. She couldn't walk without help, her left knee wasn't stiff, she just couldn't move it at will without helping it. She needed it braced or wrapped and she needed a cane or walking stick. And there was no stick since it could be a weapon, so when she was taken to the Library she relied on her guards for help. And once when she fell, the biter dragged her back to her room by her hair.

Joanne was allowed baths when she was to appear in the Library, and there were only about 4 appearances there. The Library was kept sparse on purpose, Cauchon was very superstitious. He believed that Joanne could have a God given ability to send a letter opener flying into his heart if God indeed favored her after all.


Anonymous said...

Good Times! Enjoy your opium tea.
So you know, you are all spirits and angels of creation and God does not favour any of his creations, can you understand this?
Is one story I write better than the other, is one child better than the other, was one experience more important than the other?
They are the marvelous mirage that makes up the all, all is God.
Take notice for a change, try to understand.
I hope sweet is broke and everyone hates him, I'll love him even more.

Anonymous said...

babe, I'm going to stop writing here only because it is getting you into more and more trouble and you don't need that.
You know how to find me, you did it already, you can do it again.
We will need to go on energy now & just know, I feel you strongly.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well I am happy to report I finally found the 2nd and 3rd fraudulent pages you all made in my name.
Normally I know it is the most severely insecure that does what you folks have freely done, and I would not go so low like you, but fraud is different.
Have you succeeded in tearing apart a friendship? lovers? buddy's? someone that means everything to me? Not likely.
BUT, you will read over words written to you and know, I write what is true, I say what I mean and I live my convictions.
Your opinion of me means nothing because it cannot compare to my opinion of you and nothing, abosolutely nothing, you do, changes my mood.
What is to be, will be and if it cannot be, then it was not meant. I will live my life regardless and know this experience was helpful to those who had eyes to see and ears to hear.
Please delete all the pages you made in my name -

Anonymous said...

This post is removed by the author.

There U happy now?

Anonymous said...

You awake?

No? Good! I just going to tippy toe around and pick up a few things. I'll just be a minute, you won't even know I'm here.

There. All done. Bye-bye.

Anonymous said...

you are so funny <3
baby, can you please just stay away from all these women that are in love with you, they give me a headache and cause me to lose weight I get so stressed and insanely jealous.
ok, thanks, bye.

Anonymous said...

My puppy spent some time chasing her tail this a.m. She just wanted say 'A round and around Hi' to you. And then we laughed and laughed.

A good morning kiss to you!

P.S. The fish did some jumps for me when I fed him, so 'Good Morning to you too, Ritchie!'

Anonymous said...

mmmm,,that is very good.
morning all <3x2 so sweet.

Anonymous said...

I have heard since 7:57 (the above anon) that it's Bear Season, and the holiday I was looking for earlier!!!! You are very good at hiding Yogi, I didn't see this coming!

So I'm off to track some bear, unless I'm wrong....then Ari is an asshole.

Have some fun today!

Anonymous said...


So....Joanne was tortured 3 times. She was allowed to bath for it because she was taken to church. They used the basement of Notre Dame for their exorcism.

They always opened with prayer services, then some form of pain at the same time bombarding her with statements and some questions to get to to admit...what, I'm not really sure. They would stop and pray some more, then question her again.

At the first exorcism they burned 4 crosses on the underside of her forearms. At the second they burned 5 more crosses, and the third exorcism they were tired of Jo's resolve so they broke her left arm, and where working to break her right one when she stopped them.

All 3, Cauchon and the priests, thought torture should be allowed. The priests rebelled after the second exorcism proved a failure, so Cauchon didn't tell them about the third time until he got the confession. Jo didn't sign it because her arms were broken, but her hand was guided to make an x.

The two priests didn't like it at all, but when it came to vote, one was repulsed by Cauchon and said no, and the other said yes. He was looking for a better position promised by Cauchon.

So he had his confession, and still he did not have Jo burned.


Anonymous said...

Joanne spoke at her interrogation of karma, in Catholic terms. After Cauchon had his confession he wanted her dead and gone. He was angry that this had gone on as long as it did, almost 9 months.

He had no plans of being there when she was to be burned because she told the 3 that she will not burn. It scared him that there might be some kind of divine intervention, and even had second thoughts about it. But it confused him because she was shot, captured, pushed, tortured and no karma yet.

So he tried one last experiment. Rape. Her 4 guards were in her room and told her to stand. When she did the biter punched her hard in the stomach. She didn't even get to straighten from the punch when he hit her with a crow bar and broke her jaw. She was knocked out then and woke up 3-4 days later.

The rape was planned to get her pregnant. He waited to make sure that happened. He also interviewed her guards to see if anything bad had happened to them in their lives. Nothing had, so he figured her words of not burning were a bluff on her part.


Anonymous said...

Since nothing happened to the guards who repeatedly hurt her, nothing would happen to him and the priests.

She told them too, that she was a Saint, like her voices, that was why she heard them and Church officials like Cauchon did not.

She died 20 minutes after the fire was light, and the fire burned for a week. The priest who agreed to her fire was praying for Gods pity, saying "We have burned a Saint." He did this as he stood watching the flames as soon as he realized what was happening. The biter reported the prayer to Cauchon. As soon as the fire was covered over the two priests became sick and died, and the 4 guards were murdered and missing.

Not sure of the scribe and the nuns never saw Jo they just delivered things to her. I actually think the woman who took care of Jo after her rape left town with her daughter soon after the rape. She left her husband, went back where she was from....


Anonymous said...

baby, on the way to work today I found 3 perfect flowers!
I have them on top of my hard drive so I can look at them while listening to music and working.
We prety much do what ever we want there, my team & I and see our boss once a week we're so autonomous. A bit of a covert operation I can't wait to tell you about, very unusual & rather rare situation given the entity. It's really is a great job, the people are fantastic, unique and so very passionate.
This is what makes me this way too, & even more now because
of u, <3.

Anonymous said...

Joanne was going numb in the fire. It hurt, then she started loosing the feeling, and when that happened she thought her miracle was happening and she was going to get out of it somehow. When she realized her hands were free, she walked straight out of the fire and stood right in front of the biter. He had an amazed look on his face then suddenly raised his arms in a cheer.

Joanne turned to look at what had him so happy and she saw herself limp chained to a tree trunk. She covered her mouth with her hands and just stood there and the image faded. She was in a dark void, wondering what to do and when all of her Saints showed up she made a sign of the cross. Michael/Armand asked her if she was alright.

The next time I saw Joanne, she was laying down on a black void. She just woke up and was feeling sick and started crying. She looked over at her Saints, they were watching everything by looking down into a wishing well of sorts.

Joanne asked "What are they doing now?" Catherine said, "they are starting to let the fire burn out." They had already added everything thing Joanne touched to it. And after hearing Catherine say it had been a week, she started crying again and asked in anguish "Where does this hatred come from?!?"


Anonymous said...

What kind of flowers.

Anonymous said...

I picked this video out for you A. I hope you like it dear.

Anonymous said...

I hate to be the one to tell you A, that kind of anguish just doesn't happen, at all, spirits move fast and there are no tears, there are no black voids. There is only a pure light, a type of light not perceived here and you would never remain in that type of environment!
Understand this, there are many levels in our solar system, near death is when you enter higher levels immediately and decisions are made there, not here.
Your sorcerer is misleading you, didn't I meet her at four corners the other day? I had her twirled around so fast she didn't know what hit her and didn't know which direction to follow me in. It was amusing.
Night now.

Anonymous said...

Yeah...I don't care much for rap, or prima donna rappers, sorry.

BUT I do care for Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum novels, so I'm gonna go read a little with some chocolate, then call it a night.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

It never ceases to amaze me how basmali rice turns out perfectly every time, I mean everytime!

Anonymous said...

I used to live on this island long ago and I would go into the live crab store and buy a crab, put it in a bucket and ride my scooter to the ocean close by where the crab had been caught and release it back into the ocean.
I did this because it was a rush and one of them stopped one time and looked back at me as if to thank me.
The funny part was my X boyfriend who I had really disliked was a crab fisherman and I could imagine him picking up the same crab twice in his crab traps and be all confused, like, didn't I already provide you a slow death?? hahha.
Well, he smoked way too much pot anyways and it was funny to make him think he was od'ing or something.
This is my bedtime story for you tonight which I hoped you liked.
May be back to say another sweet good night.

oh baby, the moral of this story is you will never have to pick me up McDonalds cuz I haven't eaten there in 25 years and I don't eat live crabs ;)

Anonymous said...

I love McDonalds! Every time I pass one I think of Brig. And I don't think any one should eat stuff while it's alive. But the crab story reminds me more of Ritchie as well as you. I can see you both liberating crabs. Ritchie because it's seafood, and you Brigs, because you don't like seafood.

I might not be at work today. There is a woman in my knitting group who is well traveled, and said once that she wanted to visit France and take a tour of all the places that Joanne is famous I looked at her.

She was with Joanne, hosted her at her home as she traveled. Also with C, she was a mother figure, an English governess type. Right now her husband is very sick, so I want to check in on her.

Have a good day everyone!

Anonymous said...

Well I'm glad you liked my story! Whose Brig? & Ritchie?

baby, why are these people still trying to talk to me? So weird.

Have a great day sweet, I will never give up on things where value matches worth, time, effort and importance.

I know I upset these minds here but I have an obligation to do so and I thank God everyday you know this :) L U.

Anonymous said...

Funny! And you really have taken it upon yourself to upset people!

Anyway stopped by to tell you a little about your son E. He was C&A's first son. I didn't realize it until I friended/un friended you on fb. Give him a hug for me!

See you guys later!

Anonymous said...

Phil and E were great together. Phil was so excited to have a brother. One of Armand's hang ups is he loves having siblings, swears he hated every life he had as an only child! They were 4 years apart, but that never mattered....they had a lot in common, but I'm not sure what yet. Need some time to investigate. I think it's more on a soul level, as in soooo many lifetimes together. Maybe we can find the bigger (more famous) ones.


Anonymous said...

Thanks baby, loved the angels and real life barbie, that girl is genius, I am a fan.
Words are hard to come by sometimes to say what is meant. In my world, value is everything. It's quality, substance, intelligence, it exceeds wealth, it is a rare gem, where there is great value. It also denotes reasonable, articulate and polished, you see, so one word has so much meaning :)
Some days I cannot write here from an energy perspective so please know, nothing has changed, and no one can change where I stand, and I won't change, nor will I stop.
I will see you soon.

Anonymous said...

Phil and E built models together, only they weren't kits like today's models. They would build them themselves, replicas of buildings and other things, a form of architecture, I suppose. Also sports were big for them both. Phil would take E to games, and practice with him for his own games. Something about school too...they both like science, and experiments. Just some of the stuff they did together.

His name was Alexander.

Anyway, good night. See you all tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

haha ,, that's adorable, I can picture it. Nice to meet you A.

Anonymous said...

I think the problem lies in people believing it is necessary to suffer to feel good.
It is necessary to take down a rivalry to feel good.
It is necessary to steal beauty, take what you think is yours to feel good but mostly people think who they are, you should be too.
This is incorrect, your own misery is yours to bare, not share.
There is only one answer to this problem, love yourself first and all comes to you. Achieve this first. The greatest gift in the world natually follows, the most sought after gift of them all - love, in its purest form. Everyone of us are screwy in some form or another. Stop taking yourselves and all of it so seriously. Stop telling me who I should be and who I should not be with via images everywhere.
Your behaviour leads directly to self hate, one path only. Don't try to take everyone with you. Be brave enough to go it on your own.
Thank you for listening and I don't care if you can't understand.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Angel!

Had a dream about you this morning. Your hands were still small, but you were working as Crumpy's manager and she was famous! She was an actress on a tv show and you were always in LA working. But in the dream you did talk to me for a moment, then left to write a song with Colbie Caillet.

No wonder your hands are small and childlike.

Anonymous said...

Good morning little pumpkin -
Oh, yah! I'm so glad we got to visit! Odd, I kept seeing that city in mind, for awhile now.
We were down there alot when I was a kid so I thought I was missing it but that didn't make sense. Thanks for telling me! I love dreams that aren't scary.
Little hands, funny, and handy for that meticulous artwork I play in when I'm temporarily unhappy or need to key reports, you notice every detail <3
I hope the rest of your day is very good, it's very early so it will be, I am sure.
I will think of you during waking hours too.

Anonymous said...

Was reading The Dragon this morning and your mask is slipping! Your personality is interfering again! Because he's wordy the channeling is turning corrupt. Maybe next time, hmmmm?

Love to you, my small fisted one!

Anonymous said...

my little pumpkin, don't they know channelling cannot be corrupt when your really good?
They're is only one type that can be corrupted.
Either way, I LOVE his stories.

Anonymous said...

there, not they're dammit
and you're not your, dang!
so hard with no spell check
still, I laugh & laugh.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, got a reaction with that one! Maybe you're too defensive about your work. Could that be why there are no albums coming out? Someone stamped all your covers "Does not play well with others!!!!"

Still I love to seeing you have a basket of kittens. I'm weak that way!

Did you know that I had a classmate in school who looked just like your Lu? She had a twin brother who looked just like you with dark hair! I always wanted to be friends with her, but she was only in my school for a year and our desks were never near each other. Their names were Joy and Jay.

Later and Love.

Anonymous said...

sorry, i'll focus. Just laughing about so many things this fine afternoon. I realllllyyyy love funny people.
Lu is beautiful. Never really thought I'd be good at that but viola,,amazing what practice does, you never get really good at anything if you are not committed to many hours of practice,,,

Hope the sun has been bright for you all day. I have some reading to do but beyond that it will be bath & bed so <3<3,\+ is what I'm thinking + 0+x :)

Anonymous said...

that's a favorite word of mine,,even if I did have to look up its meaning ,,, you are so smart <3
you amaze me everyday.

Anonymous said...

I hope you had a busy day, and get to relax this evening. Will stop by again tomorrow. Enjoy your reading.

<<€<<€<<^ means walk the puppy and say Good Night.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I know. I'm back. So who won that bet?

E was the apostle Luke.


Anonymous said...


I'm posting again hoping you picked this time slot in the betting pool. So, did you win anything?

Did you guys know some of Ari's Blah Blah books are coded? He uses the phrase " These books are written this way for a reason." As a beginning of message marker, and also as an end message marker in 2 of his books.

If you guys know where those phrases are, try using the code that Jules was supposed to have used, also since Ari was Da Vinci, you might want to try the code backwards. Use the 2nd marker as the beginning marker and the 1st marker as the end marker.

I have no idea what the messages say.

Have fun and Love!

Anonymous said...

Maybe I can help - I'm an expert anagram decoder,,,trained by the best :)

Anonymous said...

Sweet, I feel I should warn you that when I toodle off to work, It's jeans and a sweater, boots usually. Then on the weekend it's an array of pyjama's, summer dresses since I keep the heat on high and shorts, BUT when I have to deck out, for something special, you may not recognize me. It may be classic & skin tight or a feminine suit type ensemble. Most do this dance the other way, the skin tight first. This is the bit 'the secret' forgot to mention because the dance is best slow, soothing while reaching higher and higher.
My hair, well, nothing a few beauty items can't master, albeit, it is a bit wild these days.
Then at bedtime, well we won't go there since it is not polite to discuss such things on a world wide public blog.
Just wanted to forewarn you of all the dimensions this perfect storm carries and how great and fun it has and will be to create.
In my world, nothing is better than you in it. This is my world.

The bitches hate me most in the classic, skin tight, even more than the words spoken to them, which is a bit odd.

Well, good night & kiss.

Anonymous said...

Somethings are best left unsaid, and that you cross dress should be one of them.


Anonymous said...


!21 esab gnisu yrT .nwod uoy wols ot yrros m'I esiwrehto ,spleh siht epoH


Anonymous said...

you don't slow me down,
oh, you weren't talking to me.

Anonymous said...

When people experience near death, particularly in a noble way, they have experienced something no travel blog can explain.
They return with an intense desire towards service and knowledge, opulence and wealth wasted on material goods becomes impossible to appreciate and the natural world is all that matters to them.
When they meet new people or fall in love, everything is for the first time.
They have an impact on children and animals and learn things very quickly.
They have been profoundly moved by the spirit world and life becomes a joy, truly joyful.
To share that life with someone is very rare so when they do meet someone with the depth to understand; loyalty, trust, and faithfulness are given without all the normal conditions and nothing can alter that because it is just a great love story that can go on and on, no end.

Anonymous said...

base 12 must mean volume,,,haha
you know i don't know anything about music!
either that, or its foundation for make-up, not sure which.

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone!

So did you figure it out yet? Try to make sure you get all the message markers...there may be 4 of them in one book.

Can I look over your shoulders while you work? Or is it done?

Loving you all from afar!

Anonymous said...


I would love to help you, but I was smart to thro those books away, remember?

Anonymous said...

baby i don't listen to these ppl & all they imply, i know how hard you try. time is on our side and love is a feeling, it travels anywhere & like wind, unseen but felt, so i will be your light breeze off the ocean front.
just wanted to say nite xx

Anonymous said...

Hope the sun shines bright for the ppl today,,especially those living in grey - don't let the past define you, every day is a new day and chance to begin again & make it better. Spend a day paying it forward and you will learn the value of this life given. Someone, somewhere loves ya.

sweet,,ooo ,,xxx, <3

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but do they love me enough to spend money on me?

The rest of this message is deleted by the author, and will be revealed at an after party. Maybe. Probably not, but maybe.

Anonymous said...

No after parties for you baby, unless it will be immensely beneficial to your career.
You have to get up early tomorrow and do me, more, do more and bake a cake, remember??
Also, the neighbours are all cutting their grass today, I think they're trying to tell you something, and I never will either.

Anonymous said...

What career?

Anonymous said...

Did you know that my Schatzi is a big happy bundle of Belle energy? Jynx was Armand and Hobbes is lazy!

BTW I've been meaning to ask you, how's your ball? Feeling any better?

I hope you sleep well tonight!

Anonymous said...

I always wanted to be with someone who was a writer, so I could finish his sentences.
Smart, so I could challenge him; witty, so he had an audience, and charming so he had a subject.
Someone who let the rain hide the sun so I could warm him;
who liked fairy tales so I could play with him and loved animals and children so I could relate to him.
Someone who forgot all he achieved so I could remind him, someone I really wanted to break out of my comfort so he had a beautiful companion, playmate, lover.

Thank God I found him.

Anonymous said...

sweet ~ i'm starting to think you're a bit of a bad boy but in a good way ,,, excellent :)

Anonymous said...

So did you figure out the code yet? Did ya, did ya, huh, did ya? So excited I can't wait to know what it says!

Better get cracked! Time's awasten, tic toc, tic toc!

Anonymous said...

Yes,,,it means 'come over and play in my sandbox and don't be shy if I try to kiss you'

Anonymous said...

wait, on second look I think it means happiness and contentment come from creating a simple life where beauty can be found in a messy kitchen and a garden full of only God knows what.
It may mean relaxed expectations are a key to this feeling, or, it could be interpreted as love really does conquer all, but it probably means; love the one your with and trust them with all your heart.

Anonymous said...

Well, whatever it means it doesn't mean a kiss or anything like that! You said yourself you were celibate, you are even celebrating it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Brigham.

Anonymous said...

don't be silly,
I also said chasity is a virtue and patience combats wrath.
All of that is true and should be taught to our daughters and sons BUT,
Nothing, absolutely nothing is better than breaking the rules that reside within the illusion.
Great thought must be put into it first, several considerations if you decide to build, light and create a bonfire.
That part is not a game and should not be taken as such.
Saving something for someone who knows its value is a gift not found at WalMart or many other places for that matter.
For the right time, place and vibe.
It was never meant to be kept hidden away forever??

Anonymous said...

yu have no idea how much yu make me laugh, i mean, how could u?
cry, a bit yes, inspire, that too feel like never before, every. day.

Anonymous said...

Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Love and Later!

Anonymous said...

I really hope someone it keeping a nice record of all the comments! I'm missing some, and the cut, copy and paste functions are all broken on my computer. I have doubles (and some triples) of some comments and others are missing completely. Don't ask me how! Did Ari say anything to you, he isn't doing this is he? Every time I go back over my work the document file is different!

Tal why don't you email me, you could help me out for a change. On 2nd thought, don't bother, I know you're afraid of me. So don't fret, we're good.

Still, I'm hoping you will overcome your fears enough to like me on fb. There's nothing to be afraid of there, I haven't posted anything in some time.

Does Bob still come and visit you? I've heard very little about your conversations, what did he want in the first place?


Anonymous said...

so baby, tomorrow, i've decided i'm going to start my book but not on the computer, in a journal so it's kept secret and will tell all the secrets the restless & brokenhearted need to know but it will be short - the best material i've ever read has been brief.
wishing u a sky full of bright stars, sparks, maybe lightening if i wish hard enough.
<3 nite & love & x + o sweet 1+1=1

Anonymous said...

I'm reminded to remind you to not forget to include a chapter on cures and remedies. Like Cayce's books. Giving people the chance to heal is the true power of The Lords and Ladies.

Today, we are demolishing a small corner of my cherished Corners. I'm glad because I finally get rid of the ugly wall paper some poor old woman put up. I don't know her :)

If you find yourself missing me today, post something here that makes me laugh.

The Original Audrey.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but the above should read: Reminding people how to heal is the true power....since they already know right from wrong, they just need to remember why it's important.

Again and Always.

Anonymous said...

Ummm, I have a question for Audrey, if that's ok.

Audrey, I was wondering if every liberal would just shut up and calm down, would bugs and rodents be wiped from the earth. And if that's true, could bugs and rodents then be likened to liberals. Are they the manifestation of liberals in the animal kingdom?

Thank you. I am a devout reader, I love you Audrey!

Anonymous said...

These people are so tricky with computers I'm pretty sure it's their only definable skill which leads me to healing remedies:
stop taking pictures of yourselves, each time you do you lose a bit of yourself;
stop with the self absorbtion, the world doesn't revolve around you;
please put some clothes on, you look like everyone else in your underwear and if you must take stripper shots at least have the bra and g string match;
take the high road for a change, you all travel on gravel or on low board.

morning sweet, have a beautiful day <3.

Anonymous said...

"you look like everyone else in your underwear and if you must take stripper shots at least have the bra and g string match;"

I agree! I laugh too when people like Ian encourage this behavior by bragging that he was the 1st to see a "scantily clad Brittany Spears". And I wonder why he boasts about seeing a 1/2 naked mentally ill woman. It's sad really.

From all my studies, men with premature ejaculation problems enjoy this kind of humor. You'd be surprised by have many preemies there are!


Anonymous said...

I don't care if you don't want advice, don't read the comment. why are you still here anyways?
I didn't want to get trashed on every level either, or surveilled, or threatened, or my background, & photo checked out over & over, or be made known to anyone, or have my entire life cracked open by strangers, or be perceived as a witch, or a heretic or a stalker, or someone pursuing something out of my league.
But this is your conclusion after 956 comments; 800 of which were two people connecting in a way no one was supposed to know about until we decide to tell them.
You really can't see the forest through the trees can you? or even understand the meaning of that phrase.

Anonymous said...

o -- that last comment wasn't to u, it's in response to a different one elsewhere but your comment is funny, poor Brittany, total smear campaign, i'm impressed she survived it.

Anonymous said...

I think my comment is about poor Ian. But nice try at a poor save. Did Brittany survive it? Kudos to her then!!!

"But this is your conclusion after 956 comments...." Yes, that is my conclusion after 956 comments.

Want to know what sexual problem narcissism equates too?

Little o. still loves you, no matter what!

Anonymous said...

sorry baby, language!,
I just really struggle to understand these people.
then Winston reminded me if you've made enemies in this life, you've lived well.
I don't even eat sheep so why would I become one??
good ole Churchill, which reminds me, did you know I was born in Winnipeg?

Anonymous said...

You're right, why have enemies when we can all be friends? If you friend me on Facebook, all of this can go away for you, cause we will be friends! See?

If you follow Ari, you are sheep, no matter where you were born!


Anonymous said...

Just checking in to say 'Good Night Everyone'. Hope your days are as busy and productive as mine have been (FINALLY)!!!

I'm hoping for another story to come home to me soon since they can be as fun for me as they are for you.

I think out of all comments I've heard today Ritchie's were the funniest! And Beth I hope you change your mind and do show up at the next meeting. After all, Ian is a side of Tal that must be faced and healed. And you are a great healer too!


Anonymous said...

Oh, and 'Hi Yogi!' At 4:04 PM. It's good to see you! I didn't realize Churchill was a request for me...and when I did, I dug all the way to the back of my book closet for one I bought years ago called 'Consuelo and Alva Vanderbilt'.by Amanda Mackenzie Stuart. I haven't read it yet, and of course my books won't all fit back in the closet.

Consuelo was in love with Churchill. Maybe it's time I read it.

Have a Good Evening!

Anonymous said...

One thing I've never done is live in the past. Why? It destroys people. The present is obviously code for 'gift' and no one should live in the future either.
I just realized why I cannot relate to these ppl - they all live in the past and as long as you remain addicted to facebook, you also live in the future.
Very unhealthy, I feel sorry for you.
As much as it will bother you all, sweet will be more than fine, everyone has a bit of starglow in them, it's all good.

Anonymous said...

i think it's time you changed out of that bathing suit, you've been like, wearing the same one for a few days now.

Anonymous said...

oh man, I crack myself up ,,
night baby,
I got lots of exercise today but didn't write anything in the journal.
Sun was sweet out & it was a good day.
I always liked Winston, straight shooter I thought.
He said many smart things.
So, until later

Anonymous said...

Nero looks to me like a young Winston. Some difference yes, but they are close at times in Churchill's life. Churchill's face really changes! That must be your thing Yogi, you don't really switch much from Ari, me, and you in one lifetime. But you do switch between eyes like your own in one life time. (And sometimes you get so close to Ari, even I can't tell the difference!)

I read somewhere that Churchill was self absorbed, but I guess he comes by it honestly, and I think they meant he studies himself, a lot. Armand usually picks one interest per lifetime and examines the hell out of it.

Good Morning!
From a Busy Busy Audrey!

Anonymous said...

hmmm,,million things to think about.
The eyes, and all they see or do not see, eyes wide shut, eyes wide open.
Yes, in those days self absorbed probably meant self discipline or something other than what it means today, introspective, all photos of Winston show him this way,

Einstein as well.

Have a super day, I'm excited as I am everyday :)

Anonymous said...

Tal is going nuts again. Thinks he needs a therapist. Must be PTSD.

Anonymous said...

Aren't puppies always excited?

Anonymous said...

Odd, I thought you would be the capricious one and I would be implacable??
All my socks match this week and I know for sure, I cannot live without saran wrap, Lu!
& don't talk about Tal that way!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, what?

Anonymous said...

You don't know what Discworld or Colour of Magic is?
Me either!

Anonymous said...

but I could still be a therapist if you need that :)

Anonymous said...

I have no idea what is going on. If he has said and done all those things you write in letters why are you posting it to your twin site? Why not tell him?
Do you think that will end truth & love walking hand & hand? Nothing can breach this or that. I trust sweet 110% and nothing you attempt to say and do matter to me or change my mind. I'm not a flake, I don't flow between maybe's and what if's. Get it straight. Keep posting letters, keeping asking for understanding, sympathy from someone you tried to destroy?? Your actions are the statement, not the statement. I don't care who or what you do and if sweet takes steps to appease you, it's because he's a gentleman. If he decides it is you who he loves because he knows he has my faith, heart,and trust, I would find a way to live with that and trust he had good reason. Do you understand now what love is?

Anonymous said...

Good Night. Sleep well and deep tonight.


Anonymous said...

I will, it's time to try shy, it will be good for me.

Anonymous said...

Sweet is not sweet. Don't you know that yet?

Anonymous said...

well baby, I learnt I'm not shy and I can't go a day without connecting with u.
I know I should have some compassion but I just don't.
To me, your a dear soul that did not do anything wrong.
One day, I will show you this and one day, there will be clear skies, tall trees, a picnic basket, a dog, a football and two hearts that beat as one and we will chat, laugh, & be merry.
I'm not going anywhere that takes me away from here, I won't.x

Anonymous said...

Yes you're right, sweet is actually spice & I'm sweet
damn dyslexia!

Anonymous said...

why do you always go on about what you 'deserve'.
Explain to me what you do to insist on 'deserving, like, anything?? Do you mean to say starving children deserve that? Do you mean to say you are so incrediably dazzling, gorgeous, intellectually challenging, great career, no sleazy baggage, no tats, have extensive understanding of the damage make-up and fake nails, hair, tits, do to the environment and are all about vanity??
Do you mean to say only ugly people 'deserve' poor treatment?
What exactly do you mean when you say 'I did not deserve this'? Like your quotes, you make no sense from an evolved point of view & you will never be a warrior because that means going within, just like throwing on a pair of yoga pants does not mean you have tibetan understanding. You, my dear, are pure vanity.

Anonymous said...

& fyi, it is your vanity that most would find repulsive, eventually, unless they too, were highly vain. Perhaps that's why it didn't work out with sweet??

Anonymous said...

ya know sweet, i'm starting to think you like me.
I could be wrong, but, i just get this distinct feeling and i'm usually not wrong about these things.
We should hook up.
like, sorry to be so forward and all but you seem like you could enjoy that & me too so maybe let the universe work out the details & we can, ya know, hit it sometime??

Anonymous said...

ya know baby, we understand certain cultures very well - we ran with them in the earlier centuries and knowledge shared was the friendship, the relationship was of high regard because of the like mindedness so even centuries ago, a love for that culture was ingrained, their respect for love & proper ways, enlightenment was mutually respected - I feel you.

Anonymous said...

oh darlin, i surly can play dumb :)

Anonymous said...

Nothing says 'I love You' to me like a bunch of messages I don't understand! I sure did miss the love yesterday!

Your yoga pants comment made me laugh! I saw Miss Yoga Pants at a grocery store once. She was a chain smoking, verbally abusive broad wrapped up in the worlds strongest spandex! Almost took a small video for my fb page :)

I don't think you're dumb. I think you can't be trusted.

Anonymous said...

& I think you are certifiable :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, I am. Can you help me with that?

Anonymous said...

Aren't you someone's mother?
Someone they should be able to look up to, admire & respect? What happened to you?

Anonymous said...

Mother? Certifiable? You are as trustworthy as I am, baby.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but, at least no one can accuse me of not being super funny, cause, you know, I am.
cute & clever as well but that's not relevant to this discussion really :)

Anonymous said...

Since all you anon's know who I am, why don't you just go by your real names now? Why hide out pretending to be sweet, or a fan, or a hater - just be.

Anonymous said...


So Joanne's banner was very simple. The pole was a dark mahogany and not carved...don't know the word I a spindle on a railing is cut not really carved. There were two wide ribbons attached to it top that were embroidered, one for Jesus and one for Mary.

The flag was a black cross outlined with silver on a white flag. The cross was not a Christian cross but a Templars cross, yet even that wasn't exact. It most looked like the Knights Cross.

The cross was equal parts in height and width and the ends flared out and almost met forming an almost square.

Anonymous said...

When the 4 Christs realized there was a problem in the heavens and war had been declared on them, they came together. They joined their hands and were surprised that they formed not a circle, but a square. And they prayed.

When I first realized I could hear the heavens, I looked to Jesus and the bible. I reread Genesis and wondered if Jesus was the only Son of God, was there a Daughter?

I think a lot about the other Christ, who are they. It leaves me somewhat sad to think this spirit is not and has not ever been a part of this world. That he is not has much to do with the disappointment and pain of mankind embracing war. He has kept himself apart from from this world on purpose. He is different and he was the first.

And what make me saddest is to wonder how easier a time we would all be having with him as a part of our world. Where would we be now had some chosen a different way.

There is something different about him that sets him apart for Armand, Ari and Audrey. And I can't quite put my finger on it. He has a feminine name with a man's face. But that's not all that makes him unique.

Anonymous said...

During one very real dream, I set out to hurt Ari, to punch and kick him. I was screaming my hatred at him when I was grabbed and held from behind. His arms were strong, and when I realized I couldn't break free, I broke into tears. And as I cried the arms became smaller and he was a woman holding me.

Maybe the reason why he is not with us now is because this world cannot support his life from a scientific point. The frequency or Earth's hum of Ohm needs to be higher.

Anonymous said...

So Joanne's banner was special to her because the symbol on it reminds her of a time when the 4 in the heavens came to pray, and they prayed for her.

Anonymous said...

It's the heart chakra that ignites a heartbeat in the womb. The chakras start all the body functions of a baby. And when life begins will always be different for everyone. Just like dying can be a different process for each person too.

As the soul frequency changes or lowers itself, the chakras materialize and a body develops and begins to function. Once the heart chakra is strong enough, or materialized enough, a heartbeat happens.

And that is how babies are born.


P.S. I consider the exact point of 'when life begins' to be very different from 'when a baby is born'. To me they are two separate and very different things. And 'when life begins' is always after the birth. Good Night, I'm done for the night, I think.

Anonymous said...

The reason they didn't kill Isis right away, that they let her go the first time and killed her on a hillside, is the same reason the 1st of us isn't on earth right now.

Anonymous said...

There are many Gods but there is only one Creator.
Your creator designed you in the image and likeness of himself in spirit form with intention for you to later be flesh & blood. Your Creator manifested every impression into flesh for the purpose of mankind to thrive. They will never be able to explain the big bang theory because of this fact. Your Creator created all your natural environment, sun, moon assigning various Gods and their descendents to oversee his plan. The plan is embedded in our father, son & holy spirit. Jesus Christ, like all reincarnates, knew the plan and responded, had he not, he would have been a fallen angel. He is an angel that did not fall.

Anonymous said...

Wow, baby, u poor thing.
& yet you stay so sweet.
Happy Good Friday!
Everyone is away so
I'm going in to make
up time. I love work!
'Wishing you the stars,
the moon and a garden full
of wild & wonderful things'
this saying, I do have a copyright on :)
I love you.
Stay cool, be strong,
I am here for you, all

Anonymous said...

See you.

Anonymous said...

so smart, brave, funny, cute, bad, pinned, panged, thoughtful, loved alot x

Anonymous said...

Hey Brigham!

If you friend me on fb I'll let you drive the tour bus, ok?


Anonymous said...

Awhile ago I started keeping things that go with this blog so I had the story from the beginning.
If you want to see, it is a love story where rights have been made wrong, wrongs have been made right.
The universe got involved to erase all the pretense, to get real, to be silly, to provide protection.
This is it, in the purest form and it will not stop until it can perform.
The characters are too good, they care beyond the scope.
They cannot be shaken or stirred.
They just know, by feelings alone.
This is it, the greatest story, of course we want to be alone.
But this story was not just for us, it was always about us, just not for us alone.

Anonymous said...

Honestly? I find myself swaying between smiling, laughing or being turned on & not always in that order.
All the while understanding the seriousness of it all.
The deepness of it all, & how happy u make me if now, then always, i can tell. <3 :)

Anonymous said...

The stories fascinate me as well, all of them; the good, the bad, and the confused. I <3 tumblr.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Good Night Everyone!

I hope to see you and say something soooo profound! But if that doesn't happen for me :( then just remember I'm wishing you a Happy Easter.


Anonymous said...

I mean 'hope to see you *tomorrow*'

Again, L.

Anonymous said...

Easter - the greatest story of resurrection and its sister, reincarnation, that has ever been told.
Grandest gift from this story is its truth: you were born to exercise free will. Love without condition or fear. Forget your petty jealousies, unhealthy thoughts & insecurity, they are not of God.
You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars, you have a right to be here.
Happy Easter to all that read these comments & to love: i love u more everyday, truly, honestly, purely.x

Anonymous said...

Born to exercise free will, child of the universe and my favorite ' you have a right to be here'

It's all fun and games until they come for you. And they will come.

Anonymous said...

I hated the Mid Shift the most, and I miss nothing of my career and former life. Tho I'm still trying to make this one better... you know, I seem to have problems making friends. I'm not sure why.

For the mid shift it was just me and the biter, and since we were working together in a secure room, there had to be two of us working in a locked room at all times.

The biter never spoke to me unless she absolutely had too, and sometimes not even then. I asked our boss for the day shift, there was enough going on to justify the change so he agreed.

My first Monday back on Days I was in the ladies room standing in front of a bank of sinks. I turned on the water and two sinks down the line, water started running. I simple moved two sinks over.

Went back to my office and asked a coworker the obvious plumbing questions, and he said it wasn't possible. I just needed more sleep at night, I still hadn't adjusted to the day shift, I said.

Anonymous said...

haha - you'll be fine.
coming for me?
i'm ready.
no worries,
at all.

Anonymous said...

Coming for you?!? You still believe they are telling you the truth?

So my plan is, there is no real plan. There is no agenda for me to do anything that I haven't already done. There are no wise words and any wisdom is cleverly hidden from me. There is only a story that has yet to be investigated and it may not even be an accurate one.

People are different from me, this is NOT a complaint, it's just something that can't be helped.

What I see: Joanne will be found first since she is the easiest. I can readily believe many will visit the site, some for healing, some to pay homage for the miracle, and others for personal reasons own. But very few will see the site as I do. It's a painful crime scene. At least for now it is.

Joanne is in the small township of Anthony, as you know. She can be found under a simple paved road with a metal detector of some kind. In her day, it was a farmers orchard and church owned property. She is still chained to her tree. An apple tree.


Anonymous said...

I think you'd have no problem making friends if you really wanted to.

I'm sure there are many who want to be your friend too but why would anyone want that?

Quality before quantity anyhow. Friends can have a way of making you feel lonely.

That's why I hate facebook.

I used to have a very busy roster.
I could not imagine such a thing today.

And do not ever forget, you tell the best stories!

I am enthralled every time I read them.

Your words are the most popular.

You must know you really are one of a kind, like, my kind & I want to make pancakes with you.

I need a nap.
nite. <3

Anonymous said...

I see the happy mother has awoken.

Anonymous said...

Weird anon above the nice one:
Tell me your truth:

Anonymous said...

It might be healing to have a rape kit of some sorts done on Joanne too, if possible. I would like to have her baby's DNA on record, it's the biters baby, and for some reason I don't think he has changed much. Maybe this will help him, or me...whichever.


Anonymous said...

this is how the story goes ,,
there are no more words to be said.
i refuse to live here
i hate this shit she posts
i hate these people
except you & brigh
& maybe one other
I am done with
this and all the other

The chapter of the beginning
is now being written, i will
see in my dreams again & you will find me again but never here.

Anonymous said...

knocked up?? typical, typical of someone who fakes suicide, behaves desperately. Yes, do make sure you get dna, time & time again this old trick is proven to be well, a trick of the lame ass.
BUT, if she is, and you and I hook-up, I get to be its step mommy.

Anonymous said...

baby,,,these two that you're trying so hard to shake - do they know about each other? It's obvious they know about me, but did they know you were in in with others while you were playing with them?

Anonymous said...

i know, i wasn't going to write here babe, but i have to tell you, every time i go out to the garden to see the new flowers i get soaking wet!
this really has never happened to me before, manic spring weather!
also, i do accept this synergy & would never leave it.
i am completely aware because it is on my mind 24/7.
sweet dreams tonight one.

Anonymous said...

So why do you write like this "The Utter Meaninglessness of Everything." When you could just say "Nothing Matters Anymore."

You are so deep I find I can't look away.

Hope everyone had an abundance of meaningfulness for Easter this year.

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