Monday, September 10, 2007

On Tal Bachman

Disclaimer: The following is an ad hominem attack on Tal Bachman. If you are Mr. Bachman, or one of his small number of ever dwindling fans, I suggest that you not read this post. I will try to be objective, but be forewarned; I do not have a lot of good things to say about this pretentious, washed-up has-been.

I don’t like Tal Bachman. I’ve read a lot of his posts, and if they are any reflection of who he really is, he must really be one pathetic son of a bitch. Am writing this because he left Mormondom? No, I can’t really say that I’m sad to see him go. Some of the nicest, coolest, warm-hearted, generous individuals I know have left the Mormon church and I have yet to launch a single ad hominem attack on them. In fact, we continue to be good friends regardless of varying religious choices. Membership in an organization is no arbiter when it comes to friendship. With that in mind, let me turn my attention to Mr. Bachman. His singular claim to fame is that he wrote and sang a hit song, “She’s So High.” As a one-hit wonder, he’s in the same category as the illustrious Right Said Fred, Vanilla Ice and Lou Bega (of Mambo No. 5 fame). I’m surprised he hasn’t starred on the Surreal Life yet. Maybe he’s holding out for a spot on Dancing with the ‘Stars’. Marie Osmond made it, why not him?

He has written a voluminous amount of material regarding his thoughts on Mormonism. I’m not sure if he intends to sound like a pretentious, holier-than-thou, pseudo-intellectual, but everything he writes is pretentious, holier-than-thou or pseudo-intellectual. Take a blog post he published a few months ago in May. He criticizes the Mormon conception of heaven and hell, but he makes himself sound like a self-satisfied jerk in the following quote (which can be found here)

“I think heaven isn't a place we go to after we die; I think it is a place we can live in everyday, if we are determined to, and perhaps, if we have a bit of luck. I think it is something we create and find here on earth...and right now. Heaven can be right now...

“I feel sad sometimes when I think of how long I lived always thinking of heaven as another place, and another time. I was too often blind to all the beauty right before me, because I was too often straining so hard to see something far, far off in the distance - which, it turns out, there is no reason to believe is even there, at least in the way I thought.

“I submit that true heaven isn't crazy stories, or distant stars, or strange names and strange clothes and strange spouses. I think it is something that we all have, within us, the power to create and experience, at least to some extent, right here and right now...”

Yeah, whatever, buddy. And with three paragraphs, he assigns those who don’t share his easy rockstar lifestyle to a hell worse than any that God proposed. What happens to those sorry souls, who, for whatever reason, don’t have ‘a bit of luck’? What happens to them? Mr. Bachman would consign them to misery and woe because they are not determined enough, I guess. Or chastise them for hoping for some kind of better existence in the next life? And what is the basis for Mr. Bachman’s faith in humankind? He claims there is no reason to believe in heaven. I agree, at least as far as objective evidence is concerned. But what evidence does he have the mankind can make a heaven here on earth? His own Shangri-La lifestyle, where his biggest complaints are that nobody in the record industry wants to hear his music? He wants to argue both sides of the fence. He has to have a reason for the distant heaven, but offers no reasons for the heaven ‘within’.

Other posts focus on his inability to talk to females in the past because of his worry about temptation. Obviously this is the Mormon church’s fault. The most common complaint I hear about this church is that it stultifies relationships between members of the opposite sex who happen to be married to other people. It would be completely illogical to assume that Mr. Bachman stultifies himself. Maybe someone should tell him that just because he feels ‘tempted’, it is highly unlikely that the person he is talking to feels the same way. When I talk to women at work or at school, I usually don’t get the impression that they are chomping at the bit to go to bed with me, regardless of how naturally charming I am. It must be a rockstar complex to think like that. Maybe Mr. Bachman should evaluate how he internalized the teachings of the Mormon church, rather than make unwarranted generalizations about the impact those teachings have on the general membership.

I think most of my invection comes from the colossal waste of time it was to read what he had written and the colossal waste of time writing this post represents. I don’t usually like (or write) ad hominem attacks, but when someone practically begs for it, can I be anything but obliging?


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Anonymous said...

Feeling tired this morning...may just go back to sleep for a bit. It might be from the rain.

Just wanted to add about organs and glands. When this all started 15 yrs ago, I was convinced everything would take place in this lifetime. But like I said, R is probably right, as I am right too. Evolution of any kind is slow, and since I have yet to see evidence of change, time must play a more important role than I care to admit.

It has crossed my mind that we age, die, Joanne and others are found, and we return after that with fully functioning parts. But if this is what happens, I hope that my new life mimics C's without all the murder...that our births are predicted and celebrated, not hunted.

Have a good morning Everyone!

Anonymous said...

You and all your reincarnated friends you write about are behind the evolutionary curve - with parts that aren't fully functioning.

This actually explains a lot.

Anonymous said...

Hey Tal!

I just googled Ian Starglow and reported all of his images as offensive!

Just thought you should know.

Anonymous said...

Funny! Such a well developed sense of humor here!

Talking about the silver cord reminded me of when D's dad passed away. D and I both had dreams of him about a month later. He had heart surgery he never woke up from and was unconscious for about 2 weeks before that. I only mention that in case being unconscious before death eases the recovery time after death.

I forget what D's dream was, except at the end of it he told D he would be coming to say hi, or check on me and that he would be wearing a disguise so I wouldn't be afraid.

A week later I saw him in his white robe and he had a dream mask on his face. He said that he could stop by now because he found his 'laser marker'.

After that D was having feeling of his dad talking/guiding him at work and home. You could feel him around, just small quick stops. Maybe 4 visits total for us.

Anonymous said...

When I had dreams of my dad, he wasn't wearing a death rode.

I was sleeping and he and another (maybe Armand) were standing nearby. I didn't open my eyes to see them but had no trouble knowing where they were standing. My dad was told "go ahead and talk to her she can hear you." And he told me that he will be with me "thru the last of this amputation." When I woke and thought about what he said, I took it to mean that he is going thru what I was going thru too, and not actually here with me. It seemed like I was in a sound booth during this dream. Maybe Ari can explain it.

And I'm not sure if this dream came first or the sun bending the earth dream was first. It's also been some time since I've heard from him, so I suppose he moved forward toward new things.

Anonymous said...

Ari said both dreams were astral projection dreams. And the two or three later dreams were ??? . Don't know where, except they were brightly colored, vivid dreams.

He was mad at me. He was removing the telephone cable that I put in place to contact my mother. He thought I should stay away from her. As a side not I spoke to him the day before he died. He was apologizing to me...I think he felt I should give up, and by the time I had this dream, I already had.

I was leaving a class as he was going in to another one, I saw him a distance from me in the hallway.

And another one that made no sense. I was talking to him telling him he reminded me of my dad, but he was wearing straw hair, like a scarecrow.

Probably more info that you care about shouldn't hand me the microphone. I will talk.

Anonymous said...

I spent some more time over at Tyberonn's place today. I just love him so much and I can't figure out why! To me he is as cryptic (meaning kept in a crypt and also mysterious :) ) as Cayce, Ari, Armand and the rest of them. Sometimes I wonder why they brother with us if they don't want to tell us anything.

Have fun tonight! L.

Anonymous said...

Sorry but:

"He had heart surgery he never woke up from and was unconscious for about 2 weeks before that."

Should read:

"He had heart surgery he never woke up from and was unconscious for about 2 weeks AFTER that."

I really don't know where my head is when I write this stuff.

Anonymous said...

No humour intended. It isn't too difficult to theorize where your head is when you write this stuff.
These past incarnations you are remembering - for yourself, Tal, Brigham and others - are known to have had a variety of mental illnesses. It only follows that the current and future incarnations would also manifest mental illness.

Anonymous said...

Reincarnation doesn't work like that. It's a process of cleansing, clearing and returning to learn one thing and one thing only:

What is love, how do I demonstrate it purely and without condition. How do I overcome fear?

All people will at one time or another in their life, have their mental health challenged, including you above.

This is regardless of genetics, heredity and social status. It will be at that time when you find out who your real friends are and who has to go.

It will also be at that time that escalation of personal evolution should occur but often times it is not.

Loneliness is usually the trigger and on this planet, illnesses are conjured because the candidate lacks love in their environment.

All illnesses work on the cellular level and all cells have potential to turn where anger, pride, jealousy exist in the body.

Anonymous said...

There seems to be a general agreement in the philosophy of reincarnation that souls or life streams with mental illness are often fragmented and can, and do, reincarnate with a continuing, or new mental illness.

Anonymous said...

You are completely wrong and if you cannot produce a card that says you have a masters + a phd + a near death experience on the topic, shut the fuck up.

Anonymous said...

Your understanding of this topic goes against every purpose for the event of karma and reincarnation - why bother if it it only returns to what was.

You also insult the mammoth intelligence involved in your existence?? The design and engineering alone should put you in awe instead of looking for 'general stream' ,,, 'fragmented whatever'

Do not underestimate your creator, the universe, God, YOU have been given special consideration and challenges to overcome knowing full well it may take several lifetimes,

You are made in your creators likeness. If you choose mental illness in a lifetime to provide employment to nurses and care aids and have many people working on your behalf, then the meaning of life is revealed and that is the choice, life stream with reason.

Nothing happens haphazordly, nothing, all is all by grand design.

Anonymous said...


you look like you kept quite busy fulfilling the role of Ian Starglow yet you don't look comfortable or happy. You certainly looked good, in a rock and roll kind of bad boy way and the entire character has potential, but a male slut? you are not, so the acting was actually on target. Your message was good but if you've lived in England or spent time there, you know the accent is based on education level and social status, class status, and gets irritating after awhile.
The character of IStar would be great in a semi redneck english speaking completely disassociate to you. A character in the true sense of the word.
The character has comedic genius, excellent timing, and great potential. It also appears to have caused the most issues in your personal life and induced an entire new generation of fans.
a good thing right??

Well done. <3

Anonymous said...

And for the record:

The mental illness card has been over played. I either am and no longer care; or am not and still don't care.

Anonymous said...


People who march to their own drum get accused of being all kinds of things. Normally you just consider the source but here, well, a bit different, but still, consider the douchebag source and wash your hands of it.
Humour & grace walk hand in hand.

Shine on.

Anonymous said...

Spend the whole day pretending there is no such thing as time and you have no idea your age.
Just walk around all day like that and you will have your first experience with a joy you didn't know you could have.
Eventually, it becomes a habit.
Love gives this joy too, not infatuation type love but real love gives you this same sense of joy everyday and also becomes a happy habit.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to mention yesterday about D's dad in my dreams...

The last one I had of him, he was a tiny baby.He was being taken off a sub and passed to another man on another boat. The two men were in American WW2 uniforms.

Not a dream, but last week D and I were sitting at the kitchen table and we heard Schatzi's ball drop to the floor in the kitchen. There was no ball, the dog was laying by D. Mystery!

Ask them if they have enough energy for miracles, why can't they manifest a new master bathroom for me? Stingy bastards.

Anonymous said...

Yeah yeah, time heals all wounds, there will rain pennies from heaven, good things come in small packages, and they also come to those who wait, because attitude is everything!


Anonymous said...

Im starting today over:

Good Morning Everyone! Have a great day!!!!

P.S. Tal, the next time you fall asleep, pay attention. There's a new vision of me for you.

Anonymous said...

You are so wrong, crazy woman.In fact, you could not be more wrong if you tried.

Anonymous said...

Go on, let's meet for coffee. You already see me once a week. You pick the place and time.

Anonymous said...

One way or another,
all things will come to be.

All hopes, dreams & desires.

Patience is the key.

Let's have fun in the meantime and let all that seriousness go ,,,

Keep smiling, keep making people laugh, & let's keep it the same, as when the first spark began.

Nothing has changed to me.

Anonymous said...

Eyes like Ari's.

Came across this today, thought you might like to see it. He's a very handsome guy, reminds me of Twain, a little bit. Ari does say there was a reason for 2 marriages. I didn't check the years for the marriages, but the first one was 'over' before the second one started. The first wife developed dementia.

Anonymous said...

Was your week like this, Tal?

Sounds like you were dumped on. See you, L.

Anonymous said...

Tal does not believe in horoscopes.

Polly said...

The day Tal called and asked if we had any work he could do.

Anonymous said...

Polly said...

OMG!!! How could I have misunderstood the signs?!! Tal must be a reincarnated GOD! I saw him once.....seemingly transfigured.....glowing with ethereal light! Thor, perhaps! That golden haired, hammerwielding protector of humans who relentlessly pursues his foes..... It all makes perfect sense now!
January 26, 2014 at 1:44 AM

Anonymous said...
piece of Starglow anyone?
January 26, 2014 at 10:39 AM

Anonymous said...
& not Thor, no.
January 27, 2014 at 2:56 AM

Polly said...

Yes, Anonymous, you are definitely one of those people (aliens/reincarnated loonies) that us humans would lock away....
January 27, 2014 at 5:40 AM

Anonymous said...
we don't stay locked up for long ,,,
your technology was given to you by the outer world so easy for

Anonymous said...

babe - i'll be in the garden for the next several days if you would like to visit.
Was given rest after an outstanding review.
It's been an incredible day today and i hope the same for you.
So maybe see you soon.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

if you really really need me you will find me in oblivion where I will be practicing patience.
it's the place i find blissful and away from all the dark secrets and mixed messages.
do not take this in the wrong way like the haters always do, it's just a rest from exhaustion. you can't turn feeling off overnight, but they can't rule you either. if that happens, all you have is infatuation, temporary lust, & nothing more.
you don't need me here, it's time has ceased. if it all matters, you will find me.

Good Night <3

Anonymous said...

Have I ever shared my thoughts on slavery?

It always existed, but existed in earnest at the time of Atlantis. The money system was started, and some were very good at collecting it. There was a different form of slavery in the old pre-money system since anytime you have someone kept in place against their will you have a slave. We have those feelings at times, but some are abusing the word way too much.

There are always those who like to wonder the earth to find a better life or just to see as much of its beauty as possible. Traveling by boat, as one example, has costs in and "everyone pulls his own weight" kind of world. You would go by boat, and work off your debt. It was an agreement. And it took time to set yourself up in a foreign world, so in most cases, bonds of friendship and family were formed where you knew no one.

Things can tend to stay the same when people are comfortable. And why not if you are happy? So as time passed, the habit of working off a debt and also receiving room and board, weren't seen as unfair because you trusted your friends/adopted family and they trusted you. Plus those boat owners weren't in most cases wealthy, they gave what they could and it was seen as fair.

Others watched this happening a lot, and had no trouble taking it for their own and corrupting it. But slavery wasn't born of violence, hatred or ignorance.

As a side note:
People who thought the individual was responsible to take care of himself were often called "the sons of man". To me, these are today's conservatives. People who held liberal views were the "we need to take care of each other" people and were known as the "daughters of god". Both conflicted strongly then as they seem to do now, except back then the conflict fell into war.

Way back in the day, The Sons were starting the money system, and The Daughters were still able to function in the old pre-money energy system. And for a time both worked together. The Sons and the Daughters were the War/Religion theme and also the Conservative/Liberal theme, the more obvious Masculine/Feminine theme, and other themes too.

Anyway, if I don't see you later, have a good day today.

And as always,

Anonymous said...

One of the different types of slavery at the time of money's first uses was the call to prayer. It didn't start as a feeling of slavery, but stemmed to evolve into one. Horus proclaimed that it was, plus his movement had it's share of supporters.

Every continent had a call to prayer type service of duty. Sodom&G was on the decline of the call to prayer. S&G was immoral in Horus' eyes because it was the most difficult part of the country to convert to his way of thinking.

The slavery Cacey speaks of with a type of non thinking or subhuman beings is still not clear to me.


Anonymous said...

I'm either missing pieces of the puzzle, was never meant to have them in the first place, or am too exhausted trying to understand. Nothing makes sense and from where I sit, it looks like a whole new game has already started.
Oblivion is the best option, not because I give in and give up, it's just safer and more pleasant and answers can come to me without interference.
I can never not care now, which doesn't cause unnecessary pain.
But an everlasting infinite ride into no where land, will cause unnecessary pain and one does not need to experience pain to bring them to a truth or a gift, that's a fallacy, although I understand many people believe it to be true.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I've been tested enough.
I'm pretty sure I failed.

If I had not, we would not still be here.

I can live with that because
I tried everything.

I just didn't know the deal.

Anonymous said...

Cacye's subhuman beings were the Neanderthals. They died off due to the atmospheric changes the earth was experiencing.

They came into being the same way our human form did. There is a lot that isn't known about them. They had talents that died off, as they themselves did too, during the earth changes. They simply went by way of the dinosaur.


Anonymous said...

"If I had not, we would not still be here."

Somedays, I'm only here because you are looking. :)

Anonymous said...

Right now that's all I have, but as we all know I may or may not be finished.

Later & Love.

Anonymous said...

looking is the addiction
a fresh new outlook is the ticket

addiction, infatuation, absence, secrets are not things to feed

making you free was my only intent

I had no idea what I was doing

Anonymous said...

there's an odd vibe of ownership in all this,
do people make claims on each other here?
this must have to do with an utter inability to trust each other.
where there is trust and true love, these things go without saying.
i don't think i can ever give you what you need or want
not because i deceived you, i would never do that.
i just don't think i'm what you thought and the longer we go along, the more this becomes true.
i never ever thought, it would need to take this long.
i just had no idea of anything, how could i? i came as a thought, in a dream, never meant to be real.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry though.

Anonymous said...

I really did come to have a deep and true love for you. This does not cause me pain since it is so pure and true. It is a statement of your worth, what you have always been worth, and me too. It will never just go away. I wanted to help but I think I made it worse, somehow, I just dont know how, or by whose definition. I for sure dont care if these words label me the fool, or all the other things, I know who I am. I am still not broken or even upset or sad.

Just please do not forget me and my original intent for you. You can fly now.

Anonymous said...

"Fly! Be free!" ~Mork from Ork~

He was my favorite alien. You can fly now too you know, and you are My Favorite Martian. So fly, my favorite, for you were always free! (I mean this in a metaphysical sense, please don't jump off of stuff.)

Anonymous said...

My darling, my dearest,

I already do. I live everyday to empower others and make their life better in whatever skill I have that they need. I just could not do it here.

Wabi Sabi Simple

'Create beauty, value imperfection, live deeply'.

That is ME but who are you? I may never know as long as you keep me in a facade.

But love, yes I will always love you because what's there not to love??

Anonymous said...

I'd have to be your favorite, how many do you know?

Anonymous said...


If you are 'Create beauty, value imperfection, live deeply'. Then I guess I'm 'Live long and prosper.' Especially since all then stuff you mentioned is always a given in my world.

Still working on info for Neanderthals. They were telepathic only, and their reproductive cycle was different. When they gave birth they were birthed in a sac/membrane which also contained placenta type stuff.

They looked like they were born in very soft shell eggs. But they were human in all other ways physically, and some of their human and telepathic abilities were extreme in their operation.

Because of the egg type birth, their lungs were what gave out in the end. And I'm not sure how or why beyond that yet. And they weren't covered with hair, tho what they did have was slightly thicker and more coarse than your average human.

They remained telepathic with each other and with humans thru their extinction. I think it was just their lungs that stopped their survival.

They were considered to be human, just a different type of human. Some were smart, like engineer types. They like us, had a range of intelligence and talents.

Anonymous said...

So when they were born you just chewed off the cord and tore open the sac like a birthday gift. Kidding!

There was no water to break, until the sac ruptured...and contractions were felt but not painful.

Anonymous said...

oh your humour always perks me up.
interesting study you have undertaken along with all the other studies.

'There is more to this world than the eye can perceive'

All these things should be considered, of course a billion year old planet holds secrets.

It is only for the curious to discover, and the very open minded. Do they exist? There are legions.

Anything of high or profound thought revealed here, was give permission to be revealed here, in the same way your dreams have guided you somewhat.

I do not trust 'visions' since discernment is difficult and they are very open to interpretation and the receivers personal agenda.

Anonymous said...

The unfortunate part, is you just don't think I need you. Probably because I told you that. But that is wholly, untrue.

Anonymous said...

Then...why say it?

Also, sorry about the vision, it's an old Halloween costume...:)

Anonymous said...

Alot was said in the beginning, as you know.
Then, in one moment, everything changed and I had no idea what to do.
But I thought it would flow, it seemed so joyful, easy and fun.
I found a great friend to play with, have adventures with and tell stories to.
Then I realized my super soulmate was either scared of me or hated me and wanted me dead for things I'd said.
And there was so much unfinished business I knew nothing of. I just talked and talked and you let me.
Then these dark secrets crept in and suddenly I'm getting life advice and correct relationship behaviour from demons on a fake facebook page disguised as cute.
And the joyful flow stopped dead. I was in enemy territory ambushed and ripped to shreds.
For months.
Now, it's a crossroad and not sure where to begin. You hold the cards and the key. I seem to have no say. How can I when I have no idea what this is? Why have you allowed it to be this way? No one who truly loves someone would want this for them or expect them to do this for this long so maybe I am really just the fool they say.
Anything is possible here.

Anonymous said...

Oblivious if fine. I guess I just was not ready, for the unreality of this. The fears, the hatred, the past where I really didn't exist.
Or, we end this wait, break the ice and begin. The latter just seems too normal a thing for two people who set themselves up for this kind of decend.
I'll let you be the 1700 comment this time, just to be sweet for you.

Anonymous said...

It is right, those friends, X's, you should listen to them.
They let you almost destroy yourself with ian starglow.
They wrote here only as anon's so they could say how they really feel about you.
Their advice for you served their own interests and they always seemed to support your worst decisions.
It is no wonder they hated me so much when I came along. Truth burned them badly. You loving what I said sent them foaming at the mouth.
They acted as though it was real, all the stories we told. I'm a goddess alien and you Moses!! And said we are the crazy ones. Do they not know a story from real life?? Simple storytelling almost got me burned by them.
So yes, please let them hold you and keep things status quo because it has to be them who really love you by virtue of just being told.
Why would you want to try something bran new when you have the old.

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow is June 1st. Get your complete monthly Horrorscope here:

She is fun to read, because she puts such a happy and positive spin on everything, I leave her site thinking I'm gonna win the lottery every month. She's been very sick for months, and last months reading came out late. Hoping she's on time tomorrow, something small to look forward too.

The other site I like for weekly info, and I don't bother with daily readings. I don't know anything about astrology, I use it for entertainment. And I never had a chart done. But I did go to a trance channeler.

Anonymous said...

They didn't seem to say much, I remember I was scared to death. Dead people! They had some helpful advice for us about Ds kids etc. they also told me to never play with Ouija board because you never know who you will get.

I took them at their word.

Anonymous said...

I may stop by for dinner tonight. Just a heads up, ok?


Anonymous said...

All I really want is a rustic little treehouse with a bubbling stream flowing continuously below, mostly for the sound.
Right in the middle of a sweet forest with lots of trees but range too so I can see animals from the treehouse.
I'd grow herbs on every windowsill and slide down the stairwell from the treehouse to the forest bed below.
Everynight I'd want to sleep out under the stars even if it's raining.

I bet everyone want that right?? No wifi either.

Anonymous said...

always loved this song;

Anonymous said...

Who will feed the moths while you're up your tree?

Nice dream. You should build a Rene house or even see if there is one to rent out your way...don't you have vacation time coming?


Anonymous said...

Looking at judas, peter and events leading to the cross.

Anonymous said...

Well, it's best to keep 'what ifs' out of your dreams. They have a tendency to destroy the dream before it can even be formed.
Have you ever seen Jesus Christ SuperStar? I'm sure you have. It explains the story very well, deals accurately with reincarnation and has a mystical soundtrack that stays with you for years.
Beautiful stuff there.
A Rene house would be good too, I like the oceanfront but you can see things from a treehouse, and I like moths.
I love all nature except spiders.

Anonymous said...

I need to follow along in my bible for this one. I was part of a bible study for 4 years which I loved, but this was many many years ago. My last year was as a children's leader for 4 year olds. I stopped the bible study because D and I moved to The Corners.

John the Baptist was the apostle Andrew. And was Peters 1/2 brother. There were about 20 kids in that family with Peter being the oldest and Andrew the youngest. John the Baptist died sometime after John&Company left for Egypt. He stopped baptizing while J was preaching, and resumed baptizing after he left.

Looks like a lot of side trips for this story, but the Book of John, which is my favorite (I love the way it starts), was J's journal. It was copied and left behind for the others to edit with their own memories of J. Their were others who edited it too and those copies never survived, and some apostles never added or changed it, but kept it as a keepsake of their time with John. It was one of the apostles who made the copies for everyone.

The Book of Revelation was Johns dream journal. He was never a prisoner, but felt helpless and like one, just watching his dreams. A prisoner too during the day, being alone and isolated for long periods of time. I can relate to that. At least until his recovery was complete.

Anonymous said...

You spend the last 10 years building a career, establishing a network of trusted peers, learning everything you can about your job so you can eventually teach it to others, get so good at it you get used to stakeholders calling to say 'can you help here, I got your name from,,' You single handedly change processes established years ago with an eye on the future and it is a success and you get rewarded and acknowledged in an environment that makes that rewarding outstanding achievement tricky. You provide for your family with a single focus on the well being of the child or children sacrificing everything you ever knew for their growth.
After all that hard work, you meet someone who turns you on with words alone. You laugh, have so many common fobias and dislikes for good reason, you just click and you know that person somehow holds part of your own soul and by destiny, they are single too. You think it's the best thing in the world and thank God for thinking about you. Right at that moment in time and space you think;

Yeah, you should be able to have a tree house. It just makes the most sense.

Anonymous said...

Peter was a wealthy Jew and he and J were each other's benefactor. John 1:42 J is giving Peter a reading, and tells him via "son of John" that he has eyes like J. It was thru Peters connections in church and community that made J famous.

J tried to help Peter understand his personal and past lives as best he could. Side trip: Peter was also in Egypt when C&A were murdered and was put under suspicion for helping O. After the investigation he was thought to not be involved, but before the murders he did give O information about something. I don't think he would have done so had he thought O was going to kill. But still his motivation wasn't nice to C&A.

And for Joanne he was the one married to her prison nurse.

Anonymous said...

I love the Psalm's.
I can relate to them.

Year ago (17 years now) they were of great comfort to me when I had to live on an island where I knew no one after providing evidence in a corruption case. The corruption was high up in the police department of the city I lived in so I had to leave the city right after giving evidence.
I refused traditional protection and kept a Bible with me everywhere I went, even re scribing Psalms and selling them in greeting cards to the island people.

I'll never forget that.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever listened to 'Jars of Clay'??

This one is my favorite - still gives me chills

Anonymous said...

That J was well know was mostly Peter recommending J to his friends, partners and family. J was giving readings and advice to earn part of his living.

J was beginning to treat Peter differently, more impatient, avoiding him and he demanded MM say why. When MM and Peter had their final argument, she was telling him things he had done that hurt J in the past life. That J was suffering because of Phil's life.

He didn't like what he was hearing...called her a liar and wanted to hear it from J. He seemed to think that since his feelings about MM were well known to her and others, she was retaliating.

The fight started because he wanted to see J and told her to bring J to him. She said no.

He even took this up with J later. One of the reasons J&Everyone left was because of Peter. He was influential and it was felt there would be no real peace plus there was another calling in another country...Peter died 5 years after J left him.

He was then trying to turn everyone against J, that Judas came into the picture to save J from an arrest, J left, and Peter denying the man they arrested was J all came from Peter turning on J. When Peter wept, he became withdrawn, not a recluse, but he stopped...but it wasn't the same for J and the family left a year or so later.

Anonymous said...

Need some time to look at the I will leave you for now...unless I don't. L.

Anonymous said...

When he was arrested, everyone but MM abandoned him and carried on their way, denying their identities so as not to be associated with the great teacher. Within 24 hours, they all went from disciples, to average peasant with no identity because of denying their past.

MM was the only authentic who never ever denied her past or relationship with the teacher no matter how much they smeared her

Then, Judas was confronted by the teacher in dreams and drove him mad, to suicide I think?

Anonymous said...

Nope! Judas was murdered for NOT turning over J.

But I'm still not sure what was happening....

Anonymous said...

The chapters of John are out of order. L died after the cross. It was thought that some may have tried to murder him, he was found unconscious near his house.

He was on his roof making repairs, fell, was found with a head injury. So he was labeled as sick because no one knew he fell. They thought stroke.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, what did you just say??

Actually, a theory around the fairies is that Judas being 'labelled' as the traitor which set up the right to forevermore label all black men as such.
Second to this, MM being labelled a prostitute which was also the mechanism to set women up as being prostitues in some form or at least having that essence or motive in all they do.

Now fairies don't usually lie, or elfs or such so take the above however you wish.

Hope your day is going very very well, swell even and all that

Anonymous said...

Martha was shopping for food when she saw J coming home. She knew he was due to arrive soon. I think there was some time between the cross and L, a yr+.

L moved away temporarily to have his son be near his grandparents, both were older and sick. He was still local, just farther. When the accident happened both sisters were notified and were staying at his house and were with him when he died.

He had a will at the temple that said his son was to live with MM&J. :) He distanced himself from Martha because of Peter some time before this. The son was 8 almost 9 when he arrived in France.

Anonymous said...

MMs son was 5 and Sarah was 3 when they arrived in France. MM had both her kids in Egypt, and they left in part to get rid of the trouble J was having...

When J was at the cross he was telling the fool on it that he should tell everyone his real name, J wasn't feeling well and his mother was there with J to care for him. MM would never be around a public execution, not after the pain of C.

Too hard to sort thru today and it's too confused. it's a long story that's told out of order...

Anonymous said...

No matter what you read today you must also know that all data has been altered at one time or another through the ages to suit the purpose of the times. You can only take the very best of these stories; Noahs Ark, John the Baptist and vibe with the message in them. Those ones, and almost all others are about faith, virutes, courage, true love, blind dedication and so on.

That's how I see it. I'm not super religious today.

Need sun.

Anonymous said...

other things too but am gratuiously fine with sun,
shovel (soon) & rake. Seeds
and wood dividers. Can not be avoided. And music. Maybe lemonade with mint.
enjoy \\^ ^//
smile for u.

Anonymous said...

N wonder they call it 'deviant art' and 'deviant meme'.

Babe - if you decided that being a priest was your best and highest calling and you could never have physical contact with a real women (like me) for example, I would support you and accept this. This is not a flakey claim that I will change my mind about later. Your happiness is my happiness in that sense.
Replace the word 'priest' with any other scenerio and you will get my drift. If I have to live my entire life with the stories and make-up cards, knowing you are within your highest calling, I would do that. I know this now.

It would be the last thing I would want or need, and I could never imagine such a possibility because I have totally different imaginings, but I could live with your decision.

Like everything else, I really wanted you to know this.

Or did I just get wacked by the wacked monkeys wanting to make me think you've gone into the priesthood?? hahaha

Never know but at it's fun to write stuff.

Anonymous said...

Making people think your totally stupid or even better, a li'l crazy is the best self preservation strategy on the planet. I so enjoy it I almost feel like I'm bad.

Anonymous said...

but I do support you, I just don't think that's the case. I'm pretty clear on what the case is at this point and it's good, really sweet.

Anonymous said...

And stay away from horoscopes and Quji boards and people that say they are psychic, they think they are chic, they are not.

Astrology is only relevant for exact date, time, ruling planet, rising planet at the time of birth and must be complemented with the study of numerology and mythology to have any validity whatsoever.

Daily scopes are total crap, so are compatiblity scopes, love scopes ,,, dumb.

fine, probably done now but maybe not.


Anonymous said...

During the Spanish Inquision and at the height of resistance to the Roman Empires Army and Airman
you are just so cute, funny and totally sweet and sexy. I see them and hear your voice in them, feel the warmth and it keeps me going. Then after 300 AD there was peace between the Irish Repulican Army, I'm glad I look, it's my joy for now from you to me then I send back from me to you and we are one because I know you feel it too and all the darkness fades away. And because of this the Renaissance period was consider the most romantic time period and we could learn alot from how love relationships were formed in those times.

Anonymous said...

Tal Bachman is playing so many characters on here. He makes me cringe, as he thinks he gets away with it. Nope! You use too much from what you have said in the past to your writing buddies. You can't help but use terms that are very obvious. You clutch at straws to out wit your opponents. Get a proper job and move on.Go work for Uncle Tim.

Anonymous said...

I want your autograph ,,,

Anonymous said...

I agree, there have been comments here and there that smack of Tal.

Anonymous said...

A puppy, a guppy and a bear walk into a bar. The bartender says, "What is this? Some kind of joke?"

Just a Good Night laugh.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I forgot one...

Brigham runs into a bar and asks the barkeep, "Give me ten shots of your best whisky." The bartender sets up the ten glasses. Brigs starts drinking them as quickly as the bartender serves them. The bartender asks, "Why are you drinking so fast?" "You'd drink fast too, if you had what I have." The bartender asks, "What do you have?" "Seventy cents."

NOW it's a Good Night!

Anonymous said...

That's a good one!

And I have agreed with everything you have said today.

In fact, all faith is restored and I can blissfully carry on.

All decisions are in the mens hands' now and I don't need to know everything.

Peace has been restored in the village once again, and I hope for a long while, although I miss you desperately.

Hey! I'm on vacation and many things that went unattended to all winter, need tending to :)

Mucho love <<<333

Anonymous said...

I'd tell you WHY all this, Talmage, if you were mature and humble enough to hear it. But I have tested you several times and you're not.
So you will never know now, Sweet one.

Anonymous said...

By the way, I'll tell Trace you said hi. Typing is not as difficult as it used to seem.

Anonymous said...

hey! don't copy my nicknames!

-- you never realize how important the small things in your childhood make up to be big things, like character. The last thing you think about when building a big bonfire is how that action will teach patience and a respect for fire. You never really think spending all your days outdoors, climbing trees, running wild, riding horses without saddles would teach safety or create such a grand appreciations for nature and the amimal kingdom.

It is not until much later, after you've seen some of the world, done the things you planned, then sit back and realize how you accomplished those things. How you learned to navigate in such a complex mirage and you realize, it was all the little things that you did in childhood that prepared you for life. Who would have thought fearlessly jumping off cliffs into pristine waters would later help you to take many leaps into the unknown. The list is endless but It's just sweet to know that it is the little things that make life so precious in gold. It is the small things done consistently, everyday that shows a heart that is full of big love and an appreciation for the gifts life brings both big and small. It was all those small things that made being a warrior a natural choice and fighting for what you believe in, second nature.

Love everyday to keep fires burning. Do small things everyday to keep your heart smiling.

You ignore the negative unless there is something good to be learned from it or you have the highest regard for the source and want to correct what is perceived as negative.

In all of it, you only have yourself to answer to, you know you have very good reason for the decisions you make and that only you can decide about that decision, no one else can.

Hope today shines bright for you. <3

Anonymous said...

Just stopping by to say 'Hi!'

Got some running around to do today, but over coffee this a.m. I realized a few small things.

Clara, I ALWAYS loved that name, was suicidal after her mother died and that's why she was hospitalized. She had a break down when her lover wasn't going to be free of his marriage. Then her mother was dying and she had to watch. That was the breaking point for her. She did attempt to kill herself and Twain forced her to go to the hospital. I'm not sure what kind of treatment she least I know she survived it.

When MM first saw J's garden hiding spot, she was walking away from home because Martha and her obnoxious friends were over and MM wanted away. When she explained this to J he offered his spot. He said he used it for the same reason. He only asked that she not tell anyone about it...

Anonymous said...

So what types of important things happened in your childhood that taught you to become selfish, to distrust, to lie, to denigrate, to steal from others?

Anonymous said...

While growing up and attending Church every Sunday I distictly remember the priest always saying that if you have nothing nice to say, not to say it at all.

Also, and this one is really relevant here;

when you point fingers, make sure you don't mind having 3 pointing right back.

Those ideas stayed with me.

As did the 10 Commandments or Commitments as we like to call them,

Anonymous said...

Forgiveness is important too because there will come a time when the person who forgives may need forgiveness themselves.

Forgiveness is a one way ticket to peace and joyful living period.

Remember, Jesus forgave his betrayers. He probably did not trust them, but he forgave them.

Anonymous said...

You think I made you a better person with patience and endless, relentless support, arguments, total freak outs to get to the matter.
Nah Bro, you made me a better person. More well rounded and convinced me to hold onto my convictions and not stray from those no matter how uncommon those convictions may seem. To stand out, stand up and ignore the toxic influence surrounding me. To have courage more than strength and you made me laugh more than anyone ever has.
You're much better than you think.
I trust you more than anyone for these reasons.
Everyone and anyone else can go to hell.

Anonymous said...

I never said I was a Saint.

Anonymous said...

One theme that is noticable in these "forgiveness" types of comments is that the blame is laid on the person who has been hurt. It is they who are lacking some character trait and are required to forgive. The idea that perpetrator is not to be held accountable, is not required to seek forgiveness, is not admonished for their offenses is astonishing. That is the logic abusive people use to cover their abuse.

Anonymous said...

Are you referring to your X whom you are now/still madly in love, with as a 'perpetrator' now?

I'm always amazed at how people do this. I've stayed friends with every X, unless I didn't want to but I did not seek revenge on any of them - that's just weird -

just an FYI.

Anonymous said...

No, I am not referring to anybody's X as a perpetrator.

I am referring to the idea that people who perpetrate - commit offenses - and then lay blame on those they hurt in an effort to deflect their responsibility for, or to justify, their offense is a tactic used by people who are chronically abusive to others.

Anonymous said...

Likewise, people who support an offender, and lay blame and responsibility on the person hurt, are also abusive.

An example we commonly see of this is to blame the victim of a rape for the rape.

Abuse, in any form, is just another way to rape someone of their dignity. To deflect, blame, or justify it, as many of you have done here, is yet another form of abuse.

Anonymous said...

Then who are you speaking of? You do know the subject matter of this blog page, don't you? Otherwise, why are you writing here? I'm sure there are lots of blogs about abuse.

Anonymous said...

Wow, now that is award winning acting. The words are right out of a victim handbook. Good for you to demonstrate such a good memory or ability to reiterate something in writing.
If you have experienced these types of abuse, such as rape etc everyone knows councelling, victim impact statements, lawyers, police etc are who to speak to them about and if there is sufficient evidence that a crime has been committed it would go forth.

You would NOT write about it on a blog.


It would taint your case if you had one - duh.

You sound alot like a little girl I used to know named Cheryl and sometimes she called herself other things. She loved the victim role; as much as she loved her stripper role.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I am aware of the subject of this blog page. If the complaints, and many seem to have legitimate complaints, about Tal's actions are, in fact, legitimate, then why are so many anons rushing in to protect him, to obfuscate the issue, to blame those that have been hurt, denigrating them and requiring them to forgive. Sounds like Tal is an abusive man in many respects. If he is found to be abusive, why do you anons jump in to defend the abuse?

Anonymous said...

And there you go again - deflecting, blaming, obfuscating.

Anonymous said...

Cherry, not Cheryl.
She loved tigers and when boys treated her like a little girl.
She was quite obviously gross and perverted in that way since she made money off helping others overcome abuse/perceived abuse perpetrated by men or sometimes women.

But, oh sorry, what were we talking about??

Anonymous said...


one minutes it's rape, the next it's

'And there you go again - deflecting, blaming, obfuscating.'

Why didn't you answer the question presented to you?

What you actually just did was:

deflecting, blaming, obfuscating.

ahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahtoo funny twisted sister

Anonymous said...

And there you go again.

Anonymous said...

Christy, not Cherry! Like the cookie. Hard to remember which because she had multiple personalities and would switch between various characters. Very jealous little girl though on the whole. Came off as together but a total mess on the inside. Like,.
a wow type mess when pushed to show true colors.

Anonymous said...

And again.

Anonymous said...

Baby --- I have never been so fucking stoked to have the grouping of haters presented here! And here I was worried they were someone I may have respect for??

In all of this, you are the only one I respect, the only one that matters, the only one that should never be lost, the only one worth loving with all the heart, mind, soul and body, as one.
That is all that matters.

bye bitch.

Anonymous said...

And yet again.

Anonymous said...

Glad your mail order University degree gave you such depth and higher intelligence you are able to repeat the same thing over and over, kind of like you do with your 'story'
Super inspiring and empowering to others.

Anonymous said...

I never said I was a Saint, or oblivious, you did.

Anonymous said...

& no matter what is said, the subject matter here has remained the most dearest, the most caring and the most sensitive. Also, the most real. Gracious and funny and thank God for him. Everything, you are not.

Anonymous said...

And, it's a full circle, with the exception of one thing and only one thing - the most important thing - what was found.

In the meantime, rememebr one thing:

Victim or stripper?
You can't be both.

Anonymous said...

Again, typical denigration, deflecting responses responses that abusers use. There is no "story" to tell, just observations.

No one is a "Saint", and no one said you were, but there are people who. strive to integrate a system of moral principles into their behaviour that excludes bigotry, dishonesty, denigration, and general abuse of others.

Anonymous said...

You are so sanctimonious and such a mess I cannot even answer.

Anonymous said...

And there you go again. Even in your non answer you use denigration, deflection and general abuse still trying to justify your behaviour.

Anonymous said...


As if, I would ever, in this lifetime, or any lifetime, give a fuk, what you think of me??


Anonymous said...

baby --- listen carefully.
-- do whatever you have to do --
you will never lose what you have found --- I have all the answers now --- and I have known much for months and months. I have never lied to you about our real friendship, not once.
---- some things just had to be retained you understand ----- but, make no mistake --- there were many moments this was so much fun ---- & keep cool, your fine in every way, it will only get better & better as you continue this ------------------------------way ----

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter whether or not you respect my opinion, or anyone's opinion of you. You are posting on a public blog. You should not expect that I or anyone else, will sit by and tolerate your public abuse of others.

Tal Bachman has the right to his own personal religious views. Tal is a public figure, and he should expect that people will publicly push back against against his public statements they do not agree with. However, using denigrating, abusive language toward Tal, as the blog author did, is reprehensible.

Likewise, Mr.Bachman should not expect people to tolerate his own bigotry, denigration, and general abuse of others, or that of his enablers and supporters in any forum, public or private.

Anonymous said...

Hello! It is I, the ever endearing, yet often times wrong, beautiful psychic, Aurdery of Arcturus, stopping in to wish everyone a good ending to a very busy day,

And to add that Clara made two suicide attempts. Sam told the second one would be made public if she didn't voluntarily go to the hospital. He made it clear he would have her committed to save her life. He lost 2 children and his wife and he was emotionally tired. She tried to cut her wrists during one of her rages, I think.

I think I would like an autograph....

Anonymous said...

I agree. We will not tolerate abuse from Tal Bachman supporters or from him.

Anonymous said...


The storm in the forest has left there and I would never leave you now. I only know of what I read; of what stayed, that's all I care to know.

>>> I think of one thing all the time. I do this because it's the nicest thought of them all. >>>

&&& do not worry, or make me jealous, nothing has changed at all, and you know all is forgiven even if I don't know it all.

allways <3nitenite xosweetdreams


Anonymous said...

So what what came out of the other night? I get a good feeling from it, but don't know what 'it' is...just that I think Ritchie is doing good things.

Live Long and Prosper, or at least try to get thru the day, eh?

Anonymous said...

Have you ever read:

A Wrinkle in Time

by Madeleine L'Engle

That can be the first book you read to me :) while my head rests on your lap.

Anonymous said...

hey ,,,, thanks for the new lesbian stuff on my page guys but you should know by now neither your imagery or toxic words has any influence over me. Only he influences me in that way.

Just an FYI:

I've had many girls come on to me in my life - being gay is not new - I do not go that way nor can I be swayed that way just as I cannot be swayed to be unfaithful to someone I love -- this is just my way k.

Anonymous said...

Lesbians, yes, I thought I should be one myself. It's hard for me to stay quiet so the men have time to think real hard.

It's my cross.

Anonymous said...

Did you know John the Baptist and John the Apostle were cousins. Yes, you probably did, but did you know they were both named after their grandfather, Joseph's father.

Joseph had three other brothers...

Anonymous said...



an ancient Sanskrit greeting still in everyday use in India and especially on the trail in the Nepal Himalaya. Translated roughly, it means "I bow to the God within you", or "The Spirit within me salutes the Spirit in you" - a knowing that we are all made from the same One Divine Consciousness.


Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone wants to come on to you. You're pretty safe.

I bet Tal has been enjoying dipping his pen in her ink though. Not you, her.

Anonymous said...

Baby - these creatures are out for blood and are satanic in their worship which is why I could not keep quiet about them.
Please watch their demonic darts, hopefully you learnt about those all those years ago.
They have a relatively powerful master (female) who has been identified now after many months.
Trust no one now.
Love you baby

If you need to dip your pen in her, I'm sure you have good reason :)

Anonymous said...

How would you know I'm 'safe'. Do you know me and if so, how??

Have you been stalking me?
If so, why?

You act as though you actually know how I look physically but how is that possible if I am anonymous??

Who are you?
Really now, don't be shy
you say so much behind the curtain all the time

Anonymous said...

Destroying the purity of us and what we made is one goal - they hate it.
Destroying the happiness we share, they hate it.
The laughter we share, they hate it so they plant seeds of doubt.
I have no doubts. I too, give you, all benefit of doubt. I am walking now with the most loving master of them all, who loves you too. We can not break. They hate us both equally. I can wait. Let their black rain fall, then an unusual rainbow will penetrate. We are fine in that light. Stay in that light, with me.

Anonymous said...

...something eerie ties us to the world of animals.
Sometimes the animals pull you backward into it. You share hunger and fear with them like salt in blood.

Barry Lopez (b.1945)
American writer

Anonymous said...

We lift our eyes from the city horizon and let them play over the entire hemisphere of the sky-the home of day and night, of auroras, clouds, storms, sun, planets and stars. And now we begin to feel less the lord of creation. A gull soars easily past, bound for the utmost rim of our circle, and we begin humbly to take stock of our puny fears within celestial space.

William Beebe (1877-1962)
American Naturalist and Explorer

Anonymous said...

The glorious sun-the centre and soul of our system,-the lamp that lights it-the fire that heats it,-the magnet that guides and controls it,-the fountain of color, which gives its azure to the sky, its verdure to the fields, its rainbow-hues to the gay world of flowers, and the purple light of love to the marble check of youth and beauty.

Sir David Brewster (1781-1868)
Scottish physicist

Anonymous said...

A call to all angels, all forces here and before. To end this, once and for all. Mix up their code, disrupt their http, add ss and kk to every end. Send back the black sorceress in government steel and follow up with an exodus for the rest.


Anonymous said...


So I just read the latest from the dragon and I can only say, "I hope that's just part 1 because there isn't any new info there..."

Still I appreciate all the effort he puts into his work and hope he never stops. Hope someday I can get his autograph. I bet it's artistic, very swirly.


Anonymous said...

Well really Tal! There's no need to be so mean, after all it's not like I enjoy telling you these things!


Anonymous said...

Spinning round and round throughout the night, each spell is reversed, each curse sent into the morning light.
The Leader runs without its source, back where it came from, to meet its new force.

Anonymous said...

And I will face you like a man, and you'll be my bitch.

Sleep Well tonight Everyone.

Anonymous said...

Hey, you guys don't think those 5 were somehow tagged in their sleep so we can follow their travels do you? Yeah, probably not.

Anonymous said...

Those drugs you're on have side affects!

Anonymous said...

Jezabel, Jezabel,
you know our plight
they have given us
quite the fright
we will turn inter
to intra overnight
and play that song
over and over on the

we want no harm you
know how we work,
restrain yourself and
turn them to cork,
soft and sad with only
one fit, and keep them
to their kind, away from
the blind.

They gorge on their eyes
because they are sick.

Anonymous said...

There once was a man named McGill,
Whose acts grew exceedingly ill,
He insisted on habits,
involving white rabbits,
and a bird with a flexible bill.

Anonymous said...

fuckin awesome, excellent video
remember, just copy/paste the URL into google to see the video


Anonymous said...

Free will to do whatever you would like to do

But as the song says, as long as it is not, in the

'Name of God'

You understand how that does not work and God will, cut you down.


Anonymous said...

They're all yours now baby.

I trust you explicitly to take this, will connect in dreams.

Enough calls have been made.

Sleep well

Anonymous said...

But nice to finally meet you Enoch
I've seen you several times
I see you now, too bad about the eyes and the vibe
You'll never compare
to the sweet

Anonymous said...

Stalking is such a Talmage word. I don't stalk. I just know who you are. If I told you how, you'd know as much as me, wouldn't you?

Anonymous said...

Or you could just ask Tal.

Anonymous said...

He knows everything.

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes he does.

Anonymous said...

and that really is, the most beautiful thing, to me.


Anonymous said...

I think my on-line persona is almost identical to how I am in person.
Authenticity is as important to me as the 1st Amendment is to Americans.
That's probably why my pages get viewed or my comments initiate a conversation amongst a varied audience.
This is not to brag. It is to say that if I ever made you feel loved, empowered or wanted here, I I know how to do the same in person.
Being down-to-earth is super important and makes a person approachable by virtue of the vibration they send out.
I like to look people in the eye and stay with them until they are at total ease.
This makes first encounters comfortable and any other thought dissolves.
I have faced so many kinds of people this way from some who hate me, some who love me more than anyone on earth, and others who are scared of me.
It works in all cases. It works because if you shine love, love is returned in even the most hardened. I love the downtrodden for this reason, they have the most grateful, beautiful smiles.

Essence matters and the more refined it is, the more ability one has to make the negative turn into something truly beautiful and truly amazing.

I will always be enthralled and enchanted no matter what the score.

Anonymous said...

You would also want to have a rather dynamic sense of humour if it happened that you walked smack right into your own soul mate, tripped, stumbled, then made them fall with you. Start laughing your head off, throw the dog the ball and begin chatting.

That would be funny.

Anonymous said...

Just in to say 'Hi', I was busy thinking of all of you today. There really just isn't much more to say besides that.

So I'll be around, maybe tell you a joke if I get bored...L.

Anonymous said...


'But I killed a spider for you. I know how much you hate them.
Punish me if you must.
I have no regrets.
I love you.'


Aftermath of loyal dog tearing house apart to kill spider for his trusted owner. LOL

I laughed and laughed, one of my faves.

Anonymous said...

That made me smile, unless you weren't talking to me. L.

Anonymous said...

very plausible I was speaking to you ,,, yes.

Anonymous said...

Why did you ask me if I was ok? Did you have a bad dream?

Anonymous said...

That was back in Feb that you asked, and I wonder if you were joking, or if you had a bad dream. That's all.

Anonymous said...

Really bad dream. That is, if you are talking to me? I wrote about it here and will include it in my novel. I am glad these types of dreams actually never come true, only daydreams do.

Anonymous said...

I might need to have one of my ovaries removed, which surprises, and scares me a little. I won't know for sure what it is for at least another week, we are thinking it's a cyst. AND beyond the usual fear issues, I feel fine...I will let you know as I know, ok? I'm 51 :)

Anonymous said...

Were you okay in February?
You seemed to be.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe in any of that stuff. I'd never let them remove anything. Fortunately, I've needed them to but good luck! That almost sounds like a facebook status!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, guess that's a bit insensitive but I just don't really care.

Anonymous said...

In the name of the Father,
the Son,
and the


Blessed Be.

My Beloved.

Anonymous said...

Once given a beginning, it will never stop. I am a writer. I can make the story end how I want. I'm not just a writer. I am relentless. I will stay to the bitter end and call upon my army of editors to assist. This is my pilot novel with intention to license and script, also leading to my Masters. I will not give up now & not ever. Not when true love is at stake, but, I think you know this.

Anonymous said...

*never needed them to, never needed them to remove anything is what I meant before :9


Anonymous said...

Somehow I knew you would help me feel better...Ari told me to tell you all about it, and when I did I started to feel better. Sorry because now I know you all might worry. And for whatever his reason is, he tells me to tell everything. So I will to get some relief.

In 05 I had a miscarriage, I really didn't want children then because I knew I was hearing voices. And when I started hearing voices, I laid in bed all day crying. D realized how I was spending my day and took me to the Dr. I was heavily medicated for almost 4 years because I wanted to get rid of Ari. And because some of the medication had side affects, like weight gain, I tipped the scales at 220 lbs. I don't know what that is in Canadian weight.

I stopped the medication when I was starting to show sights of diabetes, and was gradually losing the weight. And at 150lbs I found out about the pregnancy. There were two, twins.

It felt wrong to be pregnant, and I was afraid, then of course, a week later, I like the idea and was happy about it. Then a week or two after that, I miscarried.

Then I started to feel mild irritation, but then it would always go away. I figured since it always goes away, there wasn't a problem. In 07 I put all that 'women's wellness' crap on hold because I was have a lot of other pains.

Anonymous said...

And while I was dealing with all the other crap for all those years, I lost the rest of the weight, stopped drinking almost all together, got rid of people who bothered me, and forced myself to not be a recluse. it's a lot easier to go out than it used to be, to the point I don't think it's a problem any more.

The pain went away altogether, as far as I remember, I'm still shocked, but now feel foolish in a 'what did you expect' way.

Thanks for the blessing Yogi. I love you too.

Anonymous said...

L. I have an adventure planned for us. I told you about it before. I can tell, especially now, that you would be exceptional for these adventures and would really enjoy them, I promise.

Stay strong, shine, sweet dreams.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to try to go back to sleep now. I have to be up and ready tomorrow at 8:00 because my favorite bug guy is coming over. Our garage has termites.

Again I'm VERY sorry to worry you, but Ari was harassing me. Sorry and L.

Anonymous said...

baby - you know I only go to my pages now since I have enough cards saved and have seen all those little movies ( I really liked those, thanks.)
If you don't see me here it's only because I'm in editing or at work.

xoxo <<<3 super sonic
flesh for fantasy and all that :)

Anonymous said...



I see the new technique being employed to instill more doubt, using analogies and relationships that will always be apart. What they fail to see over and over again, is this is Gods will and we just agree. I can reach you through mind, right to the heart, in a language they could not understand right from the start. We are not scared of them, too many people know about this. All that's left to do, is write Chapter Two. I will never give up, I want you to know, and have not be moved by the dark shadow who has such entanglement over you. In time, this rope will be chewed clean off, mark my words.

We love you.


Anonymous said...

I just got completely wet watering the garden. There is a leak in the hose, but at least all the leaf and flowers got a shower :)

night night & love

Anonymous said...

Just checking in to say Good Morning and to let you know all is well right now.

Anonymous said...

'hunting shadows, know the story, dating a celebrity, no one exists'

You act like your dealing with a kid.

In an intoxicated state, anyone can test fate. A life can be ruined with one house party. I keep an open mind and know there are always two stories within.

Never give up on a good person based on hearsay, blackmail, and bitter twisted kin. Tal has always been very nice to me, both here and before too. Do I dream and wish upon a star for him?

Fucking grow up. We're not 2.

I don't bother telling you how to live, just to be fair and resist your need for revenge and to cease your purely evil ways.

It's time to wrap all of this up and keep everything secret, just like I did since the beginning.

bye monkeys and beasts, you're just a waste of skin, post all you want on my page, you mean nothing to us.

Anonymous said...

Restricted control for comments depending on IP. Guess What. Stay Away from me. Total bullshit scene. My novel. It's over, completely, don't care about time invested. A lie from the start. To keep me in a movie scene, forevermore, frozen. Will. Never. Happen.

Good bye dear, I wish you the best.

Anonymous said...

I think I need to clear something I said earlier up. When I said I was heavily medicated to get rid of Ari, I would have done that with any voice I heard. That Ari is the one I hear most is because he is the one I love the most, and that's why he was asked to help me.

I wasn't trying to be mean, it just came out that way. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

P.S. The good news is the garage doesn't have termites. And I'm told Armand will see you soon. L.

Anonymous said...

You're a nutter - completely and through and through. All of you are and have each other for good reason. We're moving tomorrow so you can stop watching my house from your house now.

Anonymous said...

And trust me, everyone knows about you - all about you and there is not one written truth here. Anyone can play a game, really, anyone.

Anonymous said...

My one buddy and his Shakespearian sonnets cracked me up, the other with expertise in American poets and writers from the 18th century. My sister playing Wicca witch was also impressive.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I just had to look but you know that already since you tagged my computer, like you tagged the 5 when they were sleeping (comment 1778)

We tagged your tag :)

Anonymous said...

There is not a single thing you have that I want and there never was.

Just so we are clear, and I have told you this many times, and many know I have told you this many times.

Anonymous said...

You're so wacked you think anyone read your garbage about Ari or Armand?? Why would anyone?? It was from the voice of a total nutcase. We just needed IP addresses and you just went on and on.

Anonymous said...

Brain injuries are difficult to recover from, if you ever really do. Get my vibe now??

Just an FYI

Anonymous said...

Best part? Getting the 337K Cute Relationships page taken down. We, and others know your franchise is a front.
Other bests? Finding who was behind the anons and exposing them for the cowards they are. Bestest part? Finding out who the Puppet Master is. Admin are just monkeys, no one cares about them.

Anonymous said...

That apartment building you watched me go into all the time? I went right out the back door, up the back alley to my boys house. You have no idea what was actual & real. We played you all and it was fun. Hope you had a bit of fun too aside from the fantasizing, which I never once had for you.

Anonymous said...

*** Stalking and harassment is illegal TALmage ****

Anonymous said...

I made you believe what you needed to believe so you could survive you life. And you did, survive, and thanked me by terrorizing me. It warms me to know I did this for you though.

Your welcome.

Anonymous said...

Bitch, You Can Have My Ex.

Bitch: I don't want you ex

Get off my pages and out of my life. We got your number too

Keep changes them pages up gosh darn, no one will notice

Anonymous said...


or rightfully pissed, disgusted, horrified at the degree of deceit shown over and over again. No contact, subliminal messages that are aimed to harm or induce fantasies that will never materialize. Leading and Lying, leading on and lying over and over disguised as humility. Attempt to take away innocence, happiness and the light that shines constantly. Misery loves company and Your Name is Misery.

Cruel? you be the judge, or better yet, let God be the judge.

Believe whatever you need to, to get you through the day. You will never get close to me again.

Anonymous said...

I just made sure you can never forgive me, that's all.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe you and I will never understand, not today, someday, or any day. Words mean nothing, actions are disguised, it's all a game you expect someone to understand then guilt them when they won't play anymore. Yes, it is hard to be you, and no one knows what's it like - I wonder why?

Anonymous said...

How does it feel to be rammed this much? Now you know what I felt for months and months while you entered little cute quotes into text boxes and remained one of the most selfish people I have ever encountered.
I hope you're feeling my vibe as strongly as it is meant to be felt.
You are correct, I am nothing like what you thought, I care nothing of what you think about me, getting to know you blew my mind almost everyday, in the most twisted of ways okay?

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