Monday, September 10, 2007

On Tal Bachman

Disclaimer: The following is an ad hominem attack on Tal Bachman. If you are Mr. Bachman, or one of his small number of ever dwindling fans, I suggest that you not read this post. I will try to be objective, but be forewarned; I do not have a lot of good things to say about this pretentious, washed-up has-been.

I don’t like Tal Bachman. I’ve read a lot of his posts, and if they are any reflection of who he really is, he must really be one pathetic son of a bitch. Am writing this because he left Mormondom? No, I can’t really say that I’m sad to see him go. Some of the nicest, coolest, warm-hearted, generous individuals I know have left the Mormon church and I have yet to launch a single ad hominem attack on them. In fact, we continue to be good friends regardless of varying religious choices. Membership in an organization is no arbiter when it comes to friendship. With that in mind, let me turn my attention to Mr. Bachman. His singular claim to fame is that he wrote and sang a hit song, “She’s So High.” As a one-hit wonder, he’s in the same category as the illustrious Right Said Fred, Vanilla Ice and Lou Bega (of Mambo No. 5 fame). I’m surprised he hasn’t starred on the Surreal Life yet. Maybe he’s holding out for a spot on Dancing with the ‘Stars’. Marie Osmond made it, why not him?

He has written a voluminous amount of material regarding his thoughts on Mormonism. I’m not sure if he intends to sound like a pretentious, holier-than-thou, pseudo-intellectual, but everything he writes is pretentious, holier-than-thou or pseudo-intellectual. Take a blog post he published a few months ago in May. He criticizes the Mormon conception of heaven and hell, but he makes himself sound like a self-satisfied jerk in the following quote (which can be found here)

“I think heaven isn't a place we go to after we die; I think it is a place we can live in everyday, if we are determined to, and perhaps, if we have a bit of luck. I think it is something we create and find here on earth...and right now. Heaven can be right now...

“I feel sad sometimes when I think of how long I lived always thinking of heaven as another place, and another time. I was too often blind to all the beauty right before me, because I was too often straining so hard to see something far, far off in the distance - which, it turns out, there is no reason to believe is even there, at least in the way I thought.

“I submit that true heaven isn't crazy stories, or distant stars, or strange names and strange clothes and strange spouses. I think it is something that we all have, within us, the power to create and experience, at least to some extent, right here and right now...”

Yeah, whatever, buddy. And with three paragraphs, he assigns those who don’t share his easy rockstar lifestyle to a hell worse than any that God proposed. What happens to those sorry souls, who, for whatever reason, don’t have ‘a bit of luck’? What happens to them? Mr. Bachman would consign them to misery and woe because they are not determined enough, I guess. Or chastise them for hoping for some kind of better existence in the next life? And what is the basis for Mr. Bachman’s faith in humankind? He claims there is no reason to believe in heaven. I agree, at least as far as objective evidence is concerned. But what evidence does he have the mankind can make a heaven here on earth? His own Shangri-La lifestyle, where his biggest complaints are that nobody in the record industry wants to hear his music? He wants to argue both sides of the fence. He has to have a reason for the distant heaven, but offers no reasons for the heaven ‘within’.

Other posts focus on his inability to talk to females in the past because of his worry about temptation. Obviously this is the Mormon church’s fault. The most common complaint I hear about this church is that it stultifies relationships between members of the opposite sex who happen to be married to other people. It would be completely illogical to assume that Mr. Bachman stultifies himself. Maybe someone should tell him that just because he feels ‘tempted’, it is highly unlikely that the person he is talking to feels the same way. When I talk to women at work or at school, I usually don’t get the impression that they are chomping at the bit to go to bed with me, regardless of how naturally charming I am. It must be a rockstar complex to think like that. Maybe Mr. Bachman should evaluate how he internalized the teachings of the Mormon church, rather than make unwarranted generalizations about the impact those teachings have on the general membership.

I think most of my invection comes from the colossal waste of time it was to read what he had written and the colossal waste of time writing this post represents. I don’t usually like (or write) ad hominem attacks, but when someone practically begs for it, can I be anything but obliging?


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Anonymous said...

Loo, L, it's garbage. Give it up.

Anonymous said...

Some days I think you are right.

Anonymous said...

And you're not fooling anyone Tal. You only posted that message so you could be the 2900th comment. Such a child! Still, good night with L.

Anonymous said...

Was reading John 20:15: "Thinking he was the gardener, she said, 'Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him."

It's the word gardener....there was no gardener, only John, who did garden but loved farming (both plant and animal). So I would never have thought there was a gardener unless it was John.

John was guided to leave the confusion of exactly what happened with Judas and the cross. It looks to me like it was meant to protect the crypts in France. But I don't think he was aware of France in our future, he just followed his spiritual guidance. The original Book of John was written after the cross while John was convalescing and finished before Egypt and France.

When you are sick enough for a last supper, much is going on. In my life I was overwhelmed by most everyone, I stopped reacting and stayed in bed for a long time. So too with John, he had to walk away, knowing something was going on with Peter and Judas, but not knowing exactly what.

Peter and Judas were related, brothers I think. Judas worked with Peter and since Peter was the brains of most everything, it looked to many that Judas worked for Peter's every whim. Peter had the idea to protect John telling Judas to offer up another man.

Octavian was flattered to be selected, he was a drug user who thought he actually was very wise, especially when he was high. Judas was also in C's life.

Some of the apostles were closer to John and I than others. Some we never saw, like Peter, unless we were in public with a lot of witnesses. John did promise me from the very beginning of our relationship, that we would move away from Peter and his troubles after he went through his tribulation. I was nervous, but believed John when he said we would be alright.

After John's last supper, he left for his hidden shelter because he needed to be still, quiet and rest, and while he didn't know what was going on, he did know he should stay out of sight until he felt better until his voices told him to show up at the cross.

Anonymous said...

A fix: John did promise me from the very beginning of our relationship, that we would move away from Peter and Peter's troubles after John went through his tribulation.

Anonymous said...

Judas was murdered by Peter's mob friends for not identifying John but someone else. The gold found with Judas was to make it look like a remorseful suicide, and we all thought that was what happened until my fight with Peter.

Many people who knew John, believed he was either on the cross or quietly murdered. Both were popular rumors and no one knew what to believe. The family thought it best to let everyone believe whatever they wanted, saying very little, retreating into what many thought was mourning.

Peter and I fought because he thought his mob friends kidnapped and killed John too. When John went missing Peter demanded that I tell him where John was, not knowing for certain if John was still alive. His brother was just found dead and Peter was certain John was alive and hiding somewhere.

There is still so much more going on here that I don't know about...I see it's there and part of the story, but I can't for whatever reason read it yet.

I told him he was afraid because of his brother's murder and he thought John was dead now too. He denied all of it and I told him "Hiding behind your lies, you are damning your future to save yourself today." Peter has been told a version of this in almost every lifetime.

I told Peter he was afraid his own death was next, and this whole mess was his fault. He put John's life in so much danger, I blamed him for everything.

Realize, Peter was never worried about John, he believed John's voices would always take care of him. Peter was missing the toy he had come to think of as John's mind.

John and I were stalked and harassed by his mob friends, finally walking away from Peter. And when Peter threatened me with harm to get the information he wanted, I told him it wasn't the first time.

John told Peter some of Phil's life and the part he played in it. I reminded Peter of his past saying, "Why do you think John spends so much time on you, a criminal?" He spat on me and I left Peter with the impression if John was still alive, I didn't know where he could be found. And I left him to get that impression on his own!

Why I fought with Peter was deliberately left out of the book by John.

Anonymous said...

John never returned to our house, he stayed in the shelter for a week or two filling any boredom he had by writing when he could.

We asked for Lazarus' help even before the last supper, as soon as we felt things were getting out of hand. John and I needed his help to move and the three of us decided it was okay to move closer to him. When I settled our belongings into our new home, we went back to get John.

Seeing me moving away without John gave the impression to everyone watching that again, something bad happened to him. The distance to Lazarus was far enough it was the perfect buffer from Peter, who didn't yet know John was still alive. As long as Peter didn't know about John, his mob friends wouldn't know either.

Some years after moving from Peter we told a few of the apostles we were leaving for Egypt. Some would come to our new home and they were welcome as long as no one said anything about John being alive. The day before we left we told Martha, but no one ever told Peter.

Peter's past finally caught up to him and he was in prison before we left for Egypt. It was Peter's mob friends turning on him that landed him there, but he fared much better than his brother, remaining alive a few more years.

When he was released, he retired from his crime boss ways. Even though he was much older than everyone else, he aged badly in jail. Martha started his physical care which wasn't easy because even though his body was now feeble, his mouth wasn't.

The Sermon on the Mount happened while Peter was still in prison. John, Lazarus, his son and I returned briefly to take John's parents with us. People, family and friends that remembered all the events heard for the first time that John was alive, and with the fiasco of Judas' still believed suicide along with Peter's arrest and the years since then, we felt it safe enough to return home very, very briefly.

It was about the time we left for Egypt and the stress of Peter was behind us that I realized I was once again pregnant.

Anonymous said...


Before John 20:15, I didn't see angles. If anything, I see visions which is different than seeing an actual angel standing before you.

And I was asking my voices where John was. I was worried about him and was delivering some food and things he would need. It was a scary time for all of us.

John had food out there is was his father's land that they farmed, so he didn't always need me to bring him stuff, which helps when you are being watched by the mob.

Anonymous said...


John always had food while he was there, it was his father's land....

Anonymous said...

Also, maybe we should change the word 'mob' to 'Jewish leaders'. Even though they were both. What do you think? L.

Anonymous said...

I think you're nuts, L. That's what I think.

Anonymous said...

Good night then. L.

Anonymous said...

Israel was governed on the federal level by Rome, but on a local and in some places city level, it was under Jewish control. But everyone answered to Rome. This was because Jewish life was governed by religion and faith, not politics, their spiritual leaders were not seen as politicians. And while everyone knew this was a farce, everyone felt it best to let it stand.

The trouble started when John was asked by Peter to help the Jewish government. Their idea was to use John to help them gain more power from Rome, even hoping to remove them completely from the country. He told them the situation was a karmic condition that need to work itself out on its own. "I tell you, this generation will not pass away..." until everything is done.

He was talking of the Atlantean days, the Ark of the Covenant, and the wars surrounding that time. And when you tell some people things they don't want to hear, you are called blasphemous and considered a traitor to your religion. And the religious ones sent their thugs to harass John. Again, more here than I can tell you yet.

When I said Octavian was flattered to be selected, he was unaware of what was happening. He believed he was finally getting the recognition he felt he deserved as a spiritual leader, by Judas. When he was arrested he believed he was the spiritual teacher the Romans were looking for. Peter and Judas expected him to be arrested and jailed, not killed, and there is more to this too of course.

When Octavian died, Peter realized the Jewish leaders were coming for him too, and when his brother was found, he himself went into hiding. Peter summoned me to tell him a way to save himself, "What are they planning to do to me." When I wouldn't help, he wanted me to summon John and we fought. John and I never saw or spoke to Peter again.

It was after the last supper, while John was resting and away from everyone, that he thought about suicide, jumping off a cliff. And it was John's mental and physical state that had me clinging to him when I saw him in John 20:whatever. I knew Peter and the cross wouldn't get John, but he was nauseous, weak, not eating, losing weight, looking bad and talking about suicide.

Plus the ascension steps were known to many, passed down from C's time, I did not want him away from me where I couldn't care for him. And that was also the very thing he needed. He promised me, to get me to leave, that he wouldn't kill himself, and that was the only reason I left. But only after I saying what I could to prove we all needed him.

John realized after he left the supper, that Peter would never change, feeling his efforts were wasted. His misery over that failure, angry Jewish leaders trying to arrest him and having dragged his family into an unsafe situation was too much. I didn't tell John of my fight with Peter until after we moved nearer to Lazarus and I felt he would no longer want to harm himself.

Anonymous said...

Everyone have a good weekend! hug Chris for me when you see her next. L.

Anonymous said...

Was reviewing the Nov 26, 9:44 post, and I realized that the Eden's spin was a lot slower than Earth's spin, and that caused time to change, both how we measured it and also it's affect on the planet. It also played a role in freezing the polar ice caps.

In case I don't post anything more, I will say my Good Night now. L.

Anonymous said...

And the faster spin helped many lose their past life memories, shortened life spans, and started the aging process for humanity. Again, L.

Anonymous said...

Peter wanted to find John, hoping he wasn't killed, to keep himself from going to jail or being murdered.

Guess it would have simplified the story if I would have just opened with this line.

Good night for real this time. L.

Anonymous said...

Remember when I said I would never support other forms of suicide? I am reminded of Morgan ending her own life, to be followed by Joanne's birth. It seems to me that Morgan's life in a sense left off where Joanne's capture picked up.

And looking back, I still don't regret ending Morgan's life. It's the nature of duality that makes us all hypocrites. L.

Anonymous said...

I'm told Ashton was Octavian's college rival and later on his nightmare. He wasn't a senator, but was the deputy to one. Cicero, he was a senator before he became in charge, or coordinator/records keeper of the Senate.

May have more later, but for now I need to stop. Have a great Sunday! L.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Looking back, it's been a busy and productive week here. Interested to see where we go here tomorrow. Sleep well & Good night! L.

Anonymous said...

Boy you really can't make some of this stuff up :)

Helen wasn't in Egypt because during her time it was ruled by a very strong family dynasty. Since Egypt didn't want an outsider and since my family didn't agree with Egyptian politics at the time, my being involved in Egypt was never considered by anyone.

Like most countries, Egypt went through several phases of power, strength, glory and defeat and the country started the brother/sister marriages well before Atlantis fell. The masculine and feminine co-rulers was a way to keep a spiritually balanced country run by a spiritually balanced government. But the marriages started symbolically as a way to recognize that we are all connected and family. So when you read that there were brother/sister marriages realize most were symbolic not sexual.

They were seen as brother/sister marriages instead of husband/wife marriages to promote the idea that the co-ruling siblings came from the same source, God, having the same father/mother source like siblings. And they were to work together as equals, again siblings, for a larger family or in this case, country.

Because psychic ability can be hereditary, brothers and sisters sleeping together were hopeful experiments trying to strengthen a family's psychic ability to maintain it's dynasty.

Tutankhaten for example, had incestuous parents who only married to produce psychic children as future Egyptian rulers. Tutankhaten's father was also married to another woman he was in love with. History usually refers to women from love marriages as the favorite wife. He also had a third symbolic brother/sister government marriage. The biblical King David also had brother/sister marriages to promote peace and trust.

Incest was seen as bizarre by most even in that time, but some will go to great lengths to maintain their power and strength.

By Cleopatra's time, the brother/sister marriages were no longer incestual, having been symbolic again for hundreds of years. Egypt had once again opened its doors to foreign psychics hoping to strengthen it's government.

The Greek dynasty that Cleopatra belong to was well after the incest experiments ended. A Greek came to power in Egypt and restructured the government back to it's original purpose, ending incest. It was the government structure that was the dynasty Cleopatra was a part of, as opposed to it's former family dynasty.

Anonymous said...

Good Night! L.

Anonymous said...

Helen's family was successful in business, and as successful business owners they also had a hand in politics. There was often a gathering or party that was planned. Having just been married, Helen planned a party for her husband. It was his birthday and her first try at entertaining.

Since my husband was well liked, the party had many showing up at our house with food and well wishes. I knew it would be big and believed I would be ready, but once the guests started to arrive I had my doubts. My close friends and family did much to help.

My husband's job was to greet his guests. After his welcome, he was to tell them where there was food and to direct them to the patio garden. The house and garden were full and noisy with music and conversation. With the torches all lit, the stars out in glory, plus the beauty of the lighthouse and the air full of my flowering bushes, it was romantic!

When my husband joined the crowds in the garden, he noticed a man standing off by himself watching the party. Realizing he didn't know the stranger and missing his introduction at the door, my husband started a friendly conversation.

They spoke of the nice evening temperatures being great for the crowd, and when my husband asked the man if he had something to eat, he replied, "No, thank you. I'm not hungry, I ate before I came." Feeling awkward when the conversation suddenly lulled, he asked, "Have you seen Helen? Which one is she?"

Obliging my crazy stalker, my husband pointed me out, and in the stranger's disappointment he replied, "Oh, that's her? I thought she would be prettier." Ignoring the obvious insult to his wife, my husband looked at the man and said, "I thought my wife invited you. How did you hear about my party?" And together they again searched the party for the friend who brought him.

When Paris said he didn't see him at the moment, my husband replied, "That's ok, what's his name? I'm sure I know him." Adding a pointed, "I know everyone else here."

Paris gave a nickname, saying he arrived in town for the first time a few hours ago, not knowing anyone he met a man, and after they started talking his new friend said he was coming to the party and invited Paris to join him. Since Paris had no plans for the evening he decided to join his new friend.

My husband, not knowing anyone by the nickname said, "Ok. Well, have a nice time while you are with us." And they parted.

Anonymous said...

You can strike the "obliging my crazy stalker" part. That was just me telling a joke. :)

Anonymous said...

1) light is generous
2) the human heart is never completely born
3) love as ancient recognition
4) solitude is luminous
5) beauty likes neglected places
6) the passion heart never ages
7) to be natural is holy
8) silence is the sister of the divine
9) death is an invitation to freedom

Thank you blue, my anam cara, for helping me see this all again, my blessed rare gem and soul friend.

Anonymous said...

Good to know. Thanks! :)

Achilles wondered over and sat. The two were talking and I saw Paris suddenly lean forward holding his stomach. Achilles moved closer and with his hand on Paris's back he waved me over.

Kneeling on the floor beside Achilles, I listened as Paris told us he didn't know what was wrong, but he suddenly didn't feel well. When my husband joined us, he asked Paris again where his friend was so he could take him home. Paris said he hadn't seen his friend in a while believing he already left the party and since Paris was so insistent that he couldn't walk because the pain was now too great, we had no choice but to let him stay the night. I watched as Achilles half carried Paris down the hall.

When he was settled in bed, we asked him if we should send word to his family and bring the doctor. He wouldn't give us his families name insisting he didn't want his family bothered, all he needed was to rest and to let whatever was wrong work itself out. And no, nothing like this had ever happened to him before, and would we mind leaving him to rest now?

When he didn't show up for breakfast, I waited until lunch time to go to his room. At my knock, he gave a brisk and irritating "Enter." I told him, "We're having lunch if you would like to join us." He replied with a sharp "You could of at least brought my breakfast. Is this how you treat the sick in your home?" Stunned by his angry rudeness, I explained, "We thought it best to let you sleep. You said yesterday it would help. But now we would all like for you to join us to see how you are feeling."

When he arrived he made a show of hugging the walls as he walked, needing to lean his weight on everything. I wondered at why I seemed to be the only one that thought this display was pathetic.

My father asked at his health and when the news Paris gave was no better than yesterday, he asked what Paris thought could be wrong. He said, "I don't know, it was probably something I ate." And when he said he didn't know what he ate throughout the night, we started suggesting the different dishes that were served.

Achilles suggested a summer fruit salad, and I said right away, " Oh no, I made that, there was nothing wrong with it." Paris quickly followed with, "No, I did have some of that. And I remember now it was the only thing I eat here yesterday." And I burned with anger, and once again his insult to me was ignored.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, this paragraph goes at the top of the last message. Not sure how it slipped by the copy/paste that I did.

The party was winding down with only a handful of guests still lingering. I noticed Paris during the night, even asking Achilles and a few others if they knew him. Everyone shrugged him off and whenever I saw him, he was always alone. Then he was on my sofa, watching as a large group of friends were saying their goodbyes.

Anonymous said...

Having just arrived in Greece, with no family to contact except a friend he just met with no real name...Paris asked if he could stay another day or two, just until he started feeling better. When we hesitated, he reminded us that we were honor bound to give care. Everyone agreed except me, who said nothing.

Before leaving to return to his room Paris told me I could bring his dinner to his room and not to disturb him until then. As soon as he was out of ear shot, I told Achilles it was rude of him to not carry the weakling back to his bed.

That we were honor bound to give care came from a set of laws in place since Atlantis that were designed to protect travelers. Already centuries old, the laws were used worldwide and in place to promote peaceful karma. Gods were honored when people honored one another, and if a guest in your home became sick, you honored gods by giving your guest every care until they recovered.

The next day every time I delivered his meals he was asleep. With my husband being busy and me at the market place, no one even spoke to him that day.

So when Achilles smiled at lunch the day after and asked me how our guest was feeling, I was angry and told him this was a joke. He, our father and my husband were having lunch and I told them all I didn't think there was anything wrong with him. "No one else from the party was sick, so it's not food poisoning."

"Could be a food allergy." Achilles suggested. I scoffed and said, "If he's so sick, where's the fever or chills? There is no rash, hives, spots, or vomit! He complains he's nauseous but eats everything on his tray. All he does is act weak and whisper when you're here, and when it's just me, he is strong enough to order me about! There is something wrong with him, but physically he's fine!"

"What do we know of him? Nothing!" I added. "He probably didn't give us his real name. Plus I could be wrong but some of my things were rearranged in my room when I got back from the market. Why won't he let us contact his family, and send for the doctor?"

When I admitted nothing was missing, my father spoke up saying, "He seems educated, speaks well...he must have some money because his clothes look new. I saw his boat this morning, it's expensive as well, maybe he's not telling us his family name to protect them from rumors of his illness." I agreed, "He is used to servants, clearly!" I said.

Anonymous said...

We need to delete "I could be wrong but" from this paragraph since I'm never wrong, only misguided:

"What do we know of him? Nothing!" I added. "He probably didn't give us his real name. Plus I could be wrong but some of my things were rearranged in my room when I got back from the market. Why won't he let us contact his family, and send for the doctor?"

This is all I have ready for us, so I may/may not be back today. L.

Anonymous said...

He was with us five days when my husband went to Paris' room and asked him what he was planning to do since some time had passed and he was feeling no better. He encouraged Paris to once again contact his family, saying he was leaving on a trip soon and will see that it was delivered. Paris admitted he felt slightly better than the night of the party and was planning on leaving soon. Greatly relieved, my husband left Paris to tell me the good news.

When my husband told Paris he was leaving in the afternoon of the next day, Paris announced he would feel well enough to leave the day following his departure. He said that he wanted an extra nights sleep to make sure he was sea worthy for his journey home, even demonstrating it by weakly taking a few steps. He will be gone in the morning. Satisfied, my husband gave his goodbyes and left Paris' room.

I thought of spending the night at a friend's home for the night my husband was away. And while I gave her offer much consideration, I told her "No, I'll be ok. But thank you." I was afraid that if Paris realized I was no longer there to care for his fake illness, he would complain very loudly later at his treatment in my home.

I would do nothing to dishonor my family. Since he was always in his room never wanting to be around us, I didn't feel threatened by him, I just didn't like him. So I stayed.

I kissed my husband goodbye at the door and continued on to deliver Paris' lunch. He heard my approach too late, and I caught sight of him rushing into bed. He was standing at the window watching my husband leave our house.

Again angry from his blatant deceit, I set his tray on the dresser beside the door leaving him without a word to get up and get it himself.

That night, my husband was straddling me. Trying to push him away, I said he was hurting me, it was late and to leave me alone. Paris cut my nightgown and slapped me hard saying, "Be quiet, I'm not your stupid husband!" And I saw his knife near my face.

Anonymous said...

I started moving and screaming both at the same time, and since he hadn't confined my hands before I woke, he was having a hard time keeping up. I had a small metal trinket box in my hands and clocked him on his forehead several times before I was stopped.

With Paris still dazed, I was up out of the bed, screaming and grabbing everything I could to hurt him while running for the door. He quickly regained his senses, and once he did, he choked me into unconsciousness. I was almost out of the bedroom.

When I woke I was on a boat.

Anonymous said...

I think I'm done for today! L.

Anonymous said...

A very sweet Good Night to you! L.

Anonymous said...

No, thank you, DeAndra.

Anonymous said...

No DeAndra here, just L.

Anonymous said...

Well, you are both wrong.

Helen and her family lived on one of the Sporades Islands and Paris lived on the east coast of Bolgaria.

I don't know exactly which Island Helen lived, or which city Paris was from except to say that his coast line was rocky with cliffs, then a narrow rocky beach meeting the water. It was far from his house to the water, just dangerously steep.

Ideas are slow today, don't know what I'll have for you. Tomorrow I won't have time at all. I have my first MRI scheduled for my breast cancer screening. I don't have cancer, I have atypical cells that will turn into cancer, so I take a pill every day for five years that starves those cells and get a MRI and mammogram every six months apart from each one. My mother had a double mastectomy in her early sixties, and I tell myself most days I'm lucky. Told to share and I'm hoping you care.

Anonymous said...


It WASN'T far from his house to the water, just dangerously steep.

Anonymous said...

Twelve hours after being dumped and bound on Paris' boat, my husband returned to find our bedroom in shambles. Local searches were made with nothing found.

Despite the blood found on the bed sheets, my being alive was considered a certainty when my trinket box was found. Some of Paris's light brown hair was caught in the welded corner tab of the box along with the blood. And my family started to widen their search.

Achilles made drawings and wood carvings of both Paris' and my own face, making copies of his drawings for others to fan out in their search. Everyone listed everything they heard Paris say trying to get an idea of where he might have taken me. Asking people from our party if they could identify mannerism, customs, accents or anything that might point to where he had gone. And my family left home to find me.

Ritchie and Beth lived to the north in Alexandroupoli and when my father showed up, locals pointed him toward Ritchie, saying his sister was also violently kidnapped two years before.

Ritchie was shown the drawings and agreed Paris was also responsible for his sister's disappearance and he too believed his sister was still alive. It was arranged for Ritchie's family to join the search, adding what information they remembered about Paris.

Achilles found two more families along the Turkish coast both agreeing they saw and spoke with Paris. All of his victims were women from wealthy families and from what my family could tell Paris had been kidnapping women for five years. He would travel, hear of their beauty and take them.

My husband found one family in Istanbul and it was that family that gave the idea Paris was from the Bulgaria/Romania area. It was his clothes that led the Istanbul family the region. Their search forced Paris to stay home for a small time so when he was ready to kidnap again, he dressed like the locals.

Once my family was ready to search the Bulgarian/Romanian coastlines Achilles painted a new sail with my face on it. And at every port they stopped to search they raised the sail and went door to door in the hopes that someone would offer information.

There were thirty men on the boat with my family all hoping for word
on their loved ones, willing to retrieve any woman they could find. It surprised Paris greatly that the families found one another, but scared him even more when he realized they had a drawing of his face asking where he could be found.

Anonymous said...

Good night, DeAndra.

Anonymous said...

The eye of the great God,
The eye of the god of glory,
The eye of the king of host,
The eye of the king of the living.

Pouring upon us
At each time and season,
Pouring upon us
gently and generously

Glory to thee
Thou glorious sun.
Glory to thee, thou son
Face of the God of life.


Anonymous said...

Gravity of Love ENIGMA

Anonymous said...

Goodreads recommends;

A letter from home:

Anonymous said...

Not real sure what you are up to now...

Anonymous said...

"what they need in this world is some love"

Adam Lambert - If I had you

Anonymous said...

- The Wellspring of Love Within.

- The face is the icon or creation.

- The visible and the invisible are one.

- Weakness & Power.

- The false image can paralyze.

- The soul as temple of memory.

- To Transfigure the Ego is to liberate the soul.

- One of the greatest sins is the unlived life.


Anonymous said...

* the face is the icon of creation

Anonymous said...

It's been months since my last visit and this trash is still going, give it up and find something else to do. Oh and if Mr Bachman is about...there's a reckoning coming!

Anonymous said...

Does Brian, the dragon have anything new coming out soon? I miss him.

Poor L. seems to be running circles around Brian with her channels. Looks like she's winning.

Anonymous said...

Miss Yamakoko


you have my utmost respect


Anonymous said...

"cause everything is never as it seems"

Castle Walls - STYX

Anonymous said...

"in the stillness of remembering what you had..."

Fleetwood Mac - DREAMS

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all your time, effort and phenomenal degree of deceit. In exchange I gave you creation, humour and an outstanding work performance.
BUT, I keep my visions to myself.
All I am and all I care for are landscapes, nature, animals and Gods world, the world of children and rightness. This was just a very long 18 hole game of golf. Please carry on without me, I'm busy.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're busy, I really wasn't ready to give up the microphone to you anyway! L.

Anonymous said...

For you for Christmas My Darling! Hope it helps.


Anonymous said...

I think this paragraph needs to be cut and pasted back later in the story...its out of order with some of it misguided.

"Once my family was ready to search the Bulgarian/Romanian coastlines Achilles painted a new sail with my face on it. And at every port they stopped to search they raised the sail and went door to door in the hopes that someone would offer information."

Anonymous said...

Not sure why, but it seems very hard to write today even with a couple of new ideas. Feel like I just wasted the day.

Thinking I should take a break. I might stop back tonight to look around at some of my stuff, but if I don't, have a good evening. L.

Anonymous said...

Just to let you know, panic, small fear and sorrow has settled in again and it's always times like these that I feel the need to say, "If I've said something that's hurt any of you, I'm really sorry. I don't know what's going on in any of your lives, and I worry now especially since learning of yogi and bell...I'm only here to have some fun." Whatever I'm feeling will once again work itself out. Just hope it's quick!

I'm not sure what my plans are for tomorrow, but you know by now I'm always somewhere. Night. L.

Anonymous said...

When is the reckoning and what will it be?

Anonymous said...

Do not panic and do not worry.
Things are exactly as they should be.
Love never leaves, no matter how many wishes it would.


Anonymous said...

"listen carefully for my heartbeat"

Chill Out Lounge - Enigma

Anonymous said...

My sorcerers' a Saint Bernard, so shoot me ~ what's yours??


Anonymous said...

your essence, romance, intelligence.
always, forever, permanently.

Thank GOD INDIA loves me & I love it.


Anonymous said...

"sometimes love can be mistaken for a crime"

George Michael - Father Figure

Anonymous said...

ok so I hope you have all enjoyed the show, it's been mucho fun for me and my country.
Don't bother with the totally unevolved insults, we got your number.
You should know by now blue and I love each other alot and it's an ancient kinda love thing you might wanna stop messing with and come near me or my beloveds and your dead, plain and simple, no court case no nothin we know everthing about cha all and it's in a safe with someone ya never expected so listen ,,

Merry Christ-mas and enjoy the season the world is in great jeopardy so best you enjoy it now while you can and love those who actually love you back, ya know, don't force it or pay for it.

Baby blue ,,, I am so in love with you, Heres a song just for you to describe what you are to me and started this whole thing ,,, xoxox


Anonymous said...

Streets of Fire - Tonight is what it means to be young

keep it up - THIS IS FOR REAL.


Anonymous said...

Overkill?? Guess again. Think about that word. No, really, think hard about that word.


Anonymous said...

"how do you have such perfect spelling and printing, it's like your not even from this planet"

Anonymous said...

put your tits and ass away, you just don't seem to understand how unspecial they are - a playboy mag with all it airbrush makes you look amish - don't you get that yet?
You lesbian relationships are also very unspecial or unique, you think you hold a secret, you don't. Study history, study Calligula, Nero, Julius Caeasar and you may realize sexualization of women as a means for slavery is 4000 years old but your too stupid to know this, you are so limited, uncultured and unthinking. You think you invented something to hook a guy -- sex with another girl, girl on girl, wow, seem legit, seems sexy. Never have I seen such limitation in females.
GET EDUCATED, Study history. You invented nothing, you are lame. That is why you have succumbed to this kind of slavery -- your bodies are just that -- a temple to house your mind and soul. The temple simply is not meant for exploitation and your not sexy, you're sick.
START again, begin again. Change it up, you're boring.

Anonymous said...

Oh, here, you can have the microphone now,,,


Anonymous said...

I'm ready for the reckoning.

Anonymous said...

There is not one single one of you here that could have endured what we did and come out of it even better.
I am supremely indebted and grateful to blue for helping me with this sight, even if he is not aware he did so.
Your collective witchery and pecking did not work with me, why do you think that is?
Individually you will start to see me in your dreams, but don't be afraid, it's just a dream, it cannot hurt you.
Individually you will all start to see the strangers to you that assisted me, some of you already have, but don't be afraid, they won't hurt you.
All darkness has been brought to the light and beginning Christmas Day you will all see a direct change in yourselves and your landscapes.
Starting Christmas Day through until I decide, you will not escape this ever present feeling and vibration, but don't be afraid, vibrations and feelings cannot hurt you.
There is no reckoning, only redemption is available to you.
There are no fools here, unless you are mirroring your own self and world view.


Anonymous said...

Garbage but merry Christmas anyway.

Anonymous said...

baby blue

My husband has advised I'm to never to speak to you again.
He won't tell me why but he insisted I do.
He told me to publish this note where the public will see and that is all he told me.
I'm not even allowed to wish you well or any Christmas greetings.
So here it is, for you.

Anonymous said...

And that famous quote..." it's all over now, Baby Blue".

Anonymous said...

I am, literally, in shock.
The only good piece is, you will
never be able to divert blame or
create baseless libel accusations.

We were smart enough to insure
coverage on that. Not like last


Anonymous said...

I knew you couldn't stay away.Just a matter of time.

Anonymous said...

Go back on your medication . You don't need Bachman to make you feel worthy. He is not worth your idol worship.

Anonymous said...

You're talking to the wrong person, Sweet cheeks.Talk to your psychiatrist and have a merry Christmas without the drama.You're working yourself up over totally eroneous assumptions. You are not on the right track.

Anonymous said...

Sorry skank,
we know everything ,,,
you just continually get hooked
you're easy.
We know who it goes back too,
we know who is involved, we
know what you are and what
you do
Cuz, we know all about choo
Blue is not the target - you are.
and we know no one cares about you
anymore or your victimology.


Anonymous said...

Absolute garbage. You are so caught up in your fantasy world that there is no point playing this part of the game. To all other players, we'll have to wait. See you after December.

Anonymous said...

All other players loathe you vortex,
Didn't they tell you, savage game is over.


Anonymous said...

That's not the game we're playing. Didn't they tell you?

This is getting very boring.


Anonymous said...

In Chess, if you've made a complete horlix of your game and a Loss is ... a game is beyond them and makes more sense to concede defeat and Resign.

Anonymous said...

Check mate:

Although synonymous with "unbeatable", it can be used metaphorically to refer to anything you hold in high esteem.

Derived from the game of chess; checkmate is an offensive position in which the loser cannot move his/her king out of "check" (ie: imminent defeat).

Checkmate therefore means "unbeatable" with the implication that it is highly desireable to obtain.


Anonymous said...

So I guess this makes me the Grand Master but luckily for you I can't stomach any kind of worship so let's just be thankful and enjoy the lovely Christmas season.

It really is just all about the luck of the Irish.

Night & hope you see me in your dreams.


Anonymous said...

your cute and sweet and seem really physically strong and I like that
i'm really glad i don't need to worry anymore and i know this is pretty much over now
i'm not an angel or an alien but i do have some unusual skills gained through a trauma which taught me to never be a victim of circumstance
this planet is absolutely the planet of polarities and there truly are no victims if you look closely
i know no matter what i say there are those that will hate me and that is fine
all really is fair in love and war so i wish the remaining players the sweetest of the season and look forward to an exceptionally good 2015
don't forget all about all your accomplishments and blue, you are very musically accomplished, teaching this would make the world smile

ok, until we meet again i keep you safe and sound

Anonymous said...

"she makes people food like cookies and things and adds slow burning poisons so she can take out her competition right away without any suspicion whatsoever. She breaks meds into drink as well. I would not eat a fucking thing she has cooked or touched, especially if she is jealous of you or thinks you've dissed her in any way." She'll get locked up one day, in a psych facility for sure."

Anonymous said...

"yeah she plays the role of honeytrap as well, watch her around your husband, she uses her little props to snare them, usually after feeding them a weird mixed drink with God only knows what's in it, just always be cautious around that one and the Christmas season is prime time for her bad act to be in full display"

Anonymous said...

"I sent that photo of her to some of my buddies in the movie industry here. You know how small the community is over here and I figured she may try getting parts as an extra. They circulated it around because honestly, it scared the shit out of me too, creepy as shit."

Anonymous said...

Baby Blue

I hope you are awake and get this note. Yes, I have had help with this thing by someone who has alot more money than me and is well connected. He has known me for 30 years and I am equally as close to his wife.
He did not look into you. He respects our friendship and applauds it but he was very concerned for me and my reputation and what has happened because of our friendship.
He knows I don't 'obey' just as you know that.
Your essence, romance and intelligence are with me, always, forever, permanently. No one can tear that apart.

Have a beautiful Christmas Day and let this note touch your heart as you have touched mine.


Anonymous said...

"secretly they don't think she has any talent at all and don't know why she thinks she should be the lead. They're all going to leave in 2015, all have other offerings. Management already have a plan to pretend they never met, no signatures were exchanged anyhow. It was considered free entertainment. He knows but she doesn't, she's too wrapped up in herself to understand the harsh reality or denial is her preferred method of dealing with real life - she's known for that."

Anonymous said...

"you already know the relationship between the other players, which is why you and i took to playing racquet sports when we were together, remember? My wife and I still play. I taught her the game just like you taught me so long ago"

Anonymous said...

Sorry I'm late wishing you merry Christmas, Tal. It was fun to hang out with you last week.

Sending you hugs and kisses.

Anonymous said...

Starting Christmas Day through until I decide, you will not escape this ever present feeling and vibration, but don't be afraid, vibrations and feelings cannot hurt you.
There is no reckoning, only redemption is available to you.
There are no fools here, unless you are mirroring your own self and world view.


Anonymous said...

Chelsea Dagger - The Fratellis -



Anonymous said...

"what amazed us the most was when they couldn't find anything on you but were so compelled to believe you weren't 'good enough' to have this friendship, they focused on your smoking habit. Considering what we know about their habits, this was highly amazing to us. B, I've always hated your family, your disgusting sisters especially, so this was a pleasure for me. I know who you know and what you have done with your life. My family, from Hawaii to Seattle to Vancouver have always loved you and you know how Jack felt about you - my father had the highest standards and continued to be in contact with you long after our divorce. We feel you are safe now but just in case I have a date with an official next week to insure all is well for you and your beloved. We have invested 10K in this mess and do not intend to leave you. Merry Christmas, Mahalo"

Anonymous said...

... and B, do not forget about the tattooed airbrush artist and your outright rejection of him. He never did forgive you for that, but more importantly is his relationship to the sleazy producer. Remember, we knew them all moons ago and you knew them before that. You never could just obey and all they ever wanted was for you to like them. One problem with that was they lacked morals, hid behind religion and you saw right through them. Its all come back to haunt. Your town has no shortage of minions, a desperate place. They hate how successful youve been, even if you dont think of yourself that way.

Always my love to you and Sam says the same.
PS make sure my niece knows all this.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

remember this also, Mr. Bachman is a kind, decent person. Whatever occured here he did not wish for nor harm against you - that has been made very clear throughout. He has a heart the size of your silly island and cares deeply about what has happened. He would not hurt a soul, he lived a bit too sheltered life to understand they degree of evil jealousy can elicit, he is an innocent. Forgive him well and even better, forgive and forget the rest of them - their desperation for money, status, the thought that fame is good gave cause for all of this. Wish them all well and walk away but do not believe Tal had anything to do with a desire towards harm, he did not.

Anonymous said...

Nicki Minaj, Drake
Moment 4 Life

'you're a star in my eyes'

313 of 365

Anonymous said...

"we're unsure why a battle continues to rage on the image teenager conglomerate they share when the gig is up yet they continue to replace each others images in the placeholders. They don't seem to understand it holds no influence on your reality. Some can be directly related to these entries but within 5 minutes they can be gone. Who would set their own future to this kind of promotional material other than perhaps a teenager. We watched this war rage long enough to know they don't seem to understand when to concede or surrender when winning or losing; they live in the internet. It's amusing to imagine what an actual conversation would consist of or how they are able to form sentences."

Anonymous said...

b, in conclusion;
let this group continue with their games; there is alot of money, jobs, economies resting on this.
You set out to save a stranger and you did just that. It cost you but that's never stopped you before.
I've insured your reputation, career are well in tact; management hold no influence there, you're valued by higher ups, we know this.
You know why I did this for you and the baby, you never took a cent from me when you could have done me in with our inheritances. I'm writing this so this readership know this is for real. Remoting into your computer created the confusion we sought, it worked; you know who is who now. Live like you did before this began and let things play out in the physical world as they will - this world is creepy as shit and not good for your particular health. We love you and I feel privileged to have helped you here, you did the right thing coming to me - on the surface it seemed very complex but once mapped, it was easy to see how everything and everyone connected.

Say goodnight & Godspeed.

Anonymous said...

"and B, don't let them make you think nothing has changed; we know for a fact everything has changed. This friendship of yours has been the best part of this thing and while they will have you believe it's unstable and unreal, their real fear is you will be able to identify who is who if the two of you connect. They now know, you already have. Now, they struggle with what you have that they will never have. What you gained. The pay off for never giving up. I'm telling you this; do not give up now.
My father always hoped we would stay together, his sentiment towards Scottish mythology and all, but after shadowing you and this, I'm glad we didn't. Both L & B agree (our code geeks) and from what Sam learned on his visit over there. Stay the course, I know you're a happy soul despite those who shattered your ability to trust but trust me, this is a good thing, a thing you have deserved all your life.

Aloha always.

Anonymous said...

B, you know this has been BS from the beginning---right?

Anonymous said...

By the way,,, B stands for Buttercup so unless you know her, shut the fuck up.

Anonymous said...


Pharrell Williams

Thanks India, I love you now than ever.

Anonymous said...

When you are a true child of God and his universe, nice is all you know, you follow Gods laws only; justice is in the hands of the universe for which man has no control over. A true child of God never wishes harm even for those who have set out to break the spirit of another. This is karma, this law works and does not need prisons to execute its law. The law is created for lessons to be learned only and for love to shine its bright light wherever dark hearts reside.


Anonymous said...

Jessie J & B o B - PRICE TAG

"it's not about the money, we don't need your money"


Anonymous said...

B, our work here is done; it's a wrap.
We got what we need, say good night for good.
Another time, another place, deep into another time zone, some other time.

Anonymous said...

Your work here is done, what a laugh. You can't stay away from here for more than a few hours. You are pathetic.

Anonymous said...

You finally did it
You finally broke her
Slashed wrists up to her armpits
lying in a gutter
She bled to death
with signage all over
herself saying
'I'm sorry, I didn't know'
She couldn't be here anymore
the cruelty, greed, selfishness
of man so disgusted her she
was willing to leave her own
beautiful baby
and she missed him or
didn't understand him
and was so tired of trying
to figure it out
the obsession created
destroyed her
the confusion, the game
the absolute hatred for her
was too much to bare

You finally did it
She's gone
Carry on.

Anonymous said...

they know when you leave, when you ar on-line, they know every move you make. You have every right to know the answers, to save another from this cyber terror, your the only one strong enough to deal. The only thing they don't know is how we communicate, the language we speak and how we have shadowed you for the last month. The only thing they don't know is you know your job, you know why you do everything alone and you know who is on your side and who is on theirs. They are mere mortal, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing. What they don't understand is if we know so much, why have we not got them arrested yet? We could, theirs enough evidence, there are witnesses, the spider bites alone have left their mark. What they don't know, they will not know until the hour of their death - only we know this.

Anonymous said...

what they cannot grasp is why you never leave, they call this pathetic but you made a promise to not leave and you have not. You made a promise you would unmask these actors and actresses and you have. You promised you would show what real love is, in its purest form, and you have. Love is telling someone when they're going the wrong way, not letting them go for fear of a confrontation. Real love is showing strangers in real terms what they're dark path will lead too if they don't change direction. Most everything you said that would happen has come to being. It's time to plant a new garden out of weeds, it is never, ever too late.

Anonymous said...

I was right then. Here you are again.You will never leave. You just say you will and then say you said you will never leave. never go. If you have no other life than this blog then you must have very little life at all.

Anonymous said...

Glamorous - FERGIE featuring Ludicris

"flyin first class, up in the air"

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Oh and our apologies to baby blue, we needed the nickname for our props, no disrespect to you of course.

Carry on, we wish you well, as always.

Anonymous said...

I will always believe Tal is an innocent in all of this and your findings were correct in that respect.

Living life in the internet is like living in the lawless wild wild west.
One would need an enormous amount of time to post some 3000 comments to a blog about someone. I'm glad I'm not there.

Administering facebook and blog pages, being a heavy facebook/blog user would be the only way.

Let's leave them now to post all their degrading comments about me and what I just said, I won't see any of them anyway.


Anonymous said...

I know you did not know it would get so harsh.
I know you tried to help but had your hands tied.
I know what you know.
I know how this all came down.
I know you care.
I know you are shy.
I know you are unsure.
I know you are confused about why I got outside helpfrom such an old friend.
I know you have been let down.
I know trust is difficult.
I know you think your heart cannot take another hit and you think it will.
Mostly I know you tried.
I know you are a special kind.
I know you are immensely talented.
And I know this can be made manifest.
I will always be your friend.
I know what you have gone through and
I do not judge you.
You don't know that this has been one of the best things that could have happened in the end.
That the important things said were true.
The rest had to be said.
I know in time you will understand.
I know at times I've been mean, mixed up and unsure.
I am very sure of what I know
that will never change.
Your essence will never leave or be replaced or forgotten.
I will never forget you.
No matter what the game.
No matter what happens.
It would be impossible to do so.
Your spirit will always remain.

Anonymous said...

I know I am crazy and so is one other who I pretend to be but what are you doing here? I am a sad case, I know it.


Anonymous said...

What on earth are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

Why are you following this persons computer and why are you so incredibly cruel.
Something horrible must have happened to you in your life that you never got over.
Its obvious to anyone who is clearly very sweet and who is clearly a mean mess.
Sad, very sad person you are


Anonymous said...


CAudioFilterAgent64.exe (tid

WM_DEVICECHANGE message received

Open Waikiki Device Interface okay

Anonymous said...

A C tress
stop using AC everyone knows your Audrey or L depending on which personality you decide to have that day

Anonymous said...

unless you are able to recite the entire philosophy of Anam Cara dont bother trying to steal my personality as well -- find your own although its likely way too late for you

Anonymous said...

You got your computer hacked? No way!

Anonymous said...

If you play on my blog, you're going to get played,baby.

Anonymous said...

You are completely full of shit and a piece of shit to match, baby.

MYSTERIOUS WAYS -- U2;_ylt=A0SO81zno6lUTEsAqOnrFAx.;_ylc=X1MDMjExNDcyMTAwMwRfcgMyBGZyA21jYWZlZQRncHJpZANxUXpTQW4ycFR5MmRjNHNvU1NfQ3NBBG5fcnNsdAMwBG5fc3VnZwMxMARvcmlnaW4DY2Euc2VhcmNoLnlhaG9vLmNvbQRwb3MDMQRwcXN0cgNteXN0ZXJpb3VzIHdheXMEcHFzdHJsAzE1BHFzdHJsAzE1BHF1ZXJ5A215c3RlcmlvdXMgd2F5cwR0X3N0bXADMTQyMDQwMzY5Ng--?p=mysterious+ways&

Anonymous said...

Say hi to Lucifer for me and remind him of our deal -- demons never ever breach an agreement, baby.

Anonymous said...

Don't say I didn't warn you, BAYBEE.

Anonymous said...

Taking you a long time to check with the oracle. What should you say and do next?
When you least expect it, Baby. He will leave you.Of course, you could meet me on the church steps across from the Turtle Refuge tomorrow night at 5.You could bring the oracle with you for a talk about the nature of things.

Anonymous said...

Lauren says go for it.

Anonymous said...

No? And I was going to wear a red carnation and everything. Gotta fly to South Africa on Tuesday so will have to leave you for a bit. Keep on astral planing.Check in when I get back.

Anonymous said...

"Buttercup, or should I say Cady ,,,

Call me anytime should you need me again ... and baby, stay off the internet."

Love you always my rare gem & true blue.


PS file has been destroyed as per your request.

Anonymous said...

"oh honey,,,you gamed the gamers
well done since they're professional and you're mere mortal
your dedication is beyond measure
none of them will get new trucks this year
maybe i'll get you one
oh right you don't want things
you're happy in your own skin
you don't need toys, i know
sill though no one deserves a medal more that you

Love you baybee hehe"

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I upload quotes the are the nastiest, completely devoid of humour, soft essence or reality because it makes me feel smart and educated all in the same breath and depth of presenting as a good Christian.
Sometimes I have multi personalities especially when I engage in drink and debauchery.
Sometimes I've always been this way.
Sometimes, ok, all the time, I enjoy trying to ruin peoples lives who have worked hard, put everyone before themselves for a higher good because well, I can, if I hide behind a computer screen.

I'm so happy I can type and upload cute clothes and things.

L or maybe A, not sure, what day is it? Oh dear, I need a nap, it's been a hard day already and I've only been up for an hour ,,, dear dear me.

Anonymous said...

Yes I sold my soul a long ago but really I couldn't just sit back and watch everyone I ever knew do so much better than me. It was the best decision for me so that envy, anger, impatience, laziness and my crippling fear could all be justified.
And more than anything, I hated people in love, it sickened me and I felt it was fake especially the purer it was. I'm like that, super perceptive.
Thank Lucifer the computer has given me this power, ail, I mean hail L.

Anonymous said...

And I'm really sure I have gotten the attention of Taylor Swift with all the photos of her I have so carefully uploaded. I really think she would want to be my friend or soul mate because every photo I uploaded she was in a cute and flattering outfit, I think she would appreciate my effort there.

Your Audrey (you know, as in Hepburn, my other soul mate)

Anonymous said...

Thank you begbie, your investigative skills are remarkable.

Eriko Y -- talent grand, we know this

Rebecca Black - Saturday

"You know we knew it was all bullshit all along? Still, you endangered us."

Anonymous said...

So Audrey and L are the same person then?
Who else is on here these days?

Anonymous said...

Come on then, tell us.

Anonymous said...

On holiday, are we, dear?

Anonymous said...

You've been very bad, haven't you!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, you're still my Anam Cara. You'll always find me here.Whenever you're ready.

Anonymous said...

thanks babi, be well.

Anonymous said...

Wow ,,, psychotic & unreal

Envy is the bitch

Spelled right into the name.

Good luck, you will most certainly need it, and do try and smile once in awhile.

Anonymous said...

Have you been in the psych ward for a while? It's been nice and quiet without you.

Anonymous said...

No, he's just been touring.

Anonymous said...

"But maybe it was presumptuous of him to conclude that his ownership of the ranch was more than transitory. Tolstoy had said the only piece of earth a person owned was the six feet he claimed with is death. The gospel of Matthew said He makes his sun rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust.
All around was a moral insane asylum where coyotes stole the life savings of peasants who simply wanted to work.
Wasn't the potential for devolvement back into a simian society always extant within? The systematic spread of fear, the threat of imagines foreign adversaries is enough to make one realize home is the heart and to love your own heart is the only way to love another and make a home. A real home; safe, sound and solid. You have to stand solid alone to create the world that is pleasing to you and forget the rest, it does not matter."

Anonymous said...

"When I say I'm going on an adventure I don't mean I'm going to go ride a horse or climb a small mountain; I mean I'm going to go uncorrupt the corrupt, make the day of a poor soul, or try and locate a missing person. That's an adventure to me."

Anonymous said...

"And I had never missed someone so much, in my entire life."

Anonymous said...


Oops, thought this was an e-blog
Oh, well, shine on. <3

Anonymous said...

Surprised to read that Randy Bachman only owns half of a flat in London and is not paying his ex spousal/child support. I liked he and Tal better when they were Mormons. Just in general, they have both gone down to low depths.Can't Randy afford his own flat, all by himself?Just saying as it seems very odd.

Anonymous said...

and what the fuck would that have to do with you? Judge, jury much? Get a life now, like a real one and let go of the bachmans, they can do whatever they want, its called free will and where the hell do you get your info? star rag mag?

Anonymous said...

Oooooo, baby, you had to come out for that one, didn't you? You are so easy.Now you'll have to do a foul mouthed rant again.

Anonymous said...

Who are you? At least that person called you on what you are which appears to be a subscriber of Star magazine. Nothing wrong with that.
Talking about private spousal arrangements on a blog about someone you likely don't know is about you, not the person that you angered.

Anonymous said...

if you know anything about this blog it is that no matter what you say there are trolls here that bombard it with massive rhetoric on the bad bachmans and the goodness of their religious stories, i wouldn't waste a moment of energy on them they pull you in before you even realize its happened

Anonymous said...

No, actually, the Randy story was in several newspapers. Don't read Star or any magazines like it.

You know the word rhetoric then. You get pulled in , baby, because you have the characteristics to be pulled in.

Anonymous said...

you're the devil in disguise my dear.

Anonymous said...

I'm not your dear. I told you that if you played on my blog, you would get played, baby.

Anonymous said...

Like a Prayer - Madonna

"I could not care less about you and what you think of me, you mean nothing to me"

Anonymous said...

Ditto, Babes.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you learn something from this? Stay away from nasty blogs. Why do you keep coming back as different characters and writing weird things that mean nothing to anyone. Nobody cares about your metaphysical stuff or is it that you hope Tal will love you if you keep coming back. Trust me, he won't. Go do something positive with your time.

Anonymous said...

why would i trust you and i have no idea what you mean by 'metaphysical' do you?

Anonymous said...

Um, yes I do actually. You are boring now.Until the next time.

Anonymous said...

Really? How interesting.

Anonymous said...

So, where did your code go????That was fast.

Anonymous said...

Delete as many times as you like; snippets were taken immediately after posting and sent out - your bag of tricks are well known by now,


Anonymous said...

all communication with secondary and third parties was done by rotary telephone or in person meeting places. we know your end game, we know your intent, do not believe for a second hacking of this computer was not known, that was your first mistake, all actions have been deliberate, we do not care what you believe to be true or not true.

Do not bother this family every again.

Anonymous said...

What on earth are you talking about? Didn't your husband tell you not to come back to this blog?You are either nuts or playing your nutso character tonight.Either way, who cares.

Anonymous said...

Kaiser tomatoes to broad of the right. He knelt down by her pillow and kissed her goodnight.She reached for his gauntlet and there, neath the moon
twas the Jordan of hope that had waited so long.Got it.

Anonymous said...

Tell me, whats it like to be so bitter and twisted?
You seem to know alot about this anon. I imagine it must be very exhausting being both a psychotic and sociopath.
No amount of yoga or fake workout attire will cover that but we have let you run on for a long time. Sooner or later though, God will cut you down.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't know about either. No idea about the workout attire either. I sure hope you don't make any further references to God because you criticized people earlier for putting their religious beliefs on here. I'm going for a sandwich now. Try and calm down.You put way too much emotion into this.

Anonymous said...

Right from the mouth of the prime cyber bully & just a bully in general. Miserable mess, you'll get to feel the emotion one day, not a matter of if, only a matter of when.
Sweet dreams

Anonymous said...

I don't think that person is a cyber bully. Tal Bachman used to cyber bully lots of people. He used to send out awful emails to people who dis agreed with him.

Anonymous said...

Tal doesn't read anything here & doesn't even use computers. It's all been designed to harrass 1 specific person relentlessly until she cracks ... she called in old friends instead with computer expertise & work histories in law enforcement, private investigation.
She got the answers she was looking for and protected her interests and family.
End of that story.

Anonymous said...

Well, there you have it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, got it. Such melancholy never lasts, maybe 16 or 17 hours or until the river runs dry or until I'm forced to breathe fire. It's never intimate though, hasn't been for /
been for 20 years, just overwork spiced with bigotry; status quo if you will, rut of the litter.

Anonymous said...

Of course you are right ... You always are, on almost every score. But let us not forget the power of Gods greatest gift to the human race; humour, honesty, soulful sexiness. Sometimes, premium vodka & a grape cigar. You are, and always will be, my own, personal wonderland for which I care for, deeply. No one can intrude there, ever.
Happy V day to those who care about such things. Economy is important too but love still rules.

Anonymous said...

Just so we're clear
Everything u have said,
I have heard before.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic ,,, getting a blowjob while I speak r we dear?
I love u.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You just control everhthing now don't you - from the black witch to the Asian to the horse face.
Ok so I cannot be controlled, many have tried before u.

Thanks for the effort, sorry u wasted you're ti
me mucho love

Anonymous said...

Too many spelling errors to comment .
Enjoying yourself?
Cameras reversed so to speak.
No harm done. Live & let live.
Much love - another time, another place, another planet perhaps.
Love to everyone who wasted time amused me - sorry,,,, I know that was not the goal but life can be unexpected EH. haha lol

Anonymous said...

"Never have I hated someone so much"

Anonymous said...

For months ,,,

Anonymous said...

To the poster a few back. How do you know Tal doesn't come on here? He has access to lots of computers and uses one to help his dad research bands for his radio show.

Anonymous said...

I happen to know Tal comes on here a lot and even spikes the conversation if it's getting boring. I know because he tells me.

Anonymous said...

Thanks but I think I'll listen to those who actually know me. There is no such thing as soul mates, just past lives and a chance to correct karma through others. If you obey and follow orders your whole life, you will not live, love yourself first, listen to others who are like minded only, not riddled with personal agendas. Happiness was not found or lost there, I was already happy. Answers were found there, you made it easy.

Anonymous said...

"So are you saying you hacked into the computer of an underage citizen, set listening devices in a private citizens home and terrorized them relentlessly for your own informative gain? Is that what your saying?"

Anonymous said...

That sounds pretty wacko. Name the person that has hacked your computer, etc.

Anonymous said...

"You simply did not have probable cause to take such extreme action against this citizen. I daresay given the relatively minor offense said action stemmed from. Please explain, in detail, what your true motive or, thinking was for this."

Anonymous said...

"I've never played games or gambled. I just know I wouldn't enjoy either and I've really just been too busy developing a solid moral code I could live with. One that sustains me through both good & bad times. Anyone that knows me, knows this."

Anonymous said...

Why don't you report Viola to the police then? If you are telling the truth, do it.

Anonymous said...

The real reason and the main difference? Always there, always helping. Tender, kind & warm. Poetry in motion and the funniest individual I have ever encountered. Genuinely spirited, soulful and smart. Worth every moment of effort & thought. Enlightened and enlightening. All huge turn on's. That's the difference.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many times the good doctor has been divorced, or how many break-ups she's influenced and how much $ she makes dishin the psychoanalysis so no one has to think too hard for themselves - doc knows best.

Anonymous said...

D.J. Powell & Associiates.
Restraining order against;
For Life.

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