Monday, September 10, 2007

On Tal Bachman

Disclaimer: The following is an ad hominem attack on Tal Bachman. If you are Mr. Bachman, or one of his small number of ever dwindling fans, I suggest that you not read this post. I will try to be objective, but be forewarned; I do not have a lot of good things to say about this pretentious, washed-up has-been.

I don’t like Tal Bachman. I’ve read a lot of his posts, and if they are any reflection of who he really is, he must really be one pathetic son of a bitch. Am writing this because he left Mormondom? No, I can’t really say that I’m sad to see him go. Some of the nicest, coolest, warm-hearted, generous individuals I know have left the Mormon church and I have yet to launch a single ad hominem attack on them. In fact, we continue to be good friends regardless of varying religious choices. Membership in an organization is no arbiter when it comes to friendship. With that in mind, let me turn my attention to Mr. Bachman. His singular claim to fame is that he wrote and sang a hit song, “She’s So High.” As a one-hit wonder, he’s in the same category as the illustrious Right Said Fred, Vanilla Ice and Lou Bega (of Mambo No. 5 fame). I’m surprised he hasn’t starred on the Surreal Life yet. Maybe he’s holding out for a spot on Dancing with the ‘Stars’. Marie Osmond made it, why not him?

He has written a voluminous amount of material regarding his thoughts on Mormonism. I’m not sure if he intends to sound like a pretentious, holier-than-thou, pseudo-intellectual, but everything he writes is pretentious, holier-than-thou or pseudo-intellectual. Take a blog post he published a few months ago in May. He criticizes the Mormon conception of heaven and hell, but he makes himself sound like a self-satisfied jerk in the following quote (which can be found here)

“I think heaven isn't a place we go to after we die; I think it is a place we can live in everyday, if we are determined to, and perhaps, if we have a bit of luck. I think it is something we create and find here on earth...and right now. Heaven can be right now...

“I feel sad sometimes when I think of how long I lived always thinking of heaven as another place, and another time. I was too often blind to all the beauty right before me, because I was too often straining so hard to see something far, far off in the distance - which, it turns out, there is no reason to believe is even there, at least in the way I thought.

“I submit that true heaven isn't crazy stories, or distant stars, or strange names and strange clothes and strange spouses. I think it is something that we all have, within us, the power to create and experience, at least to some extent, right here and right now...”

Yeah, whatever, buddy. And with three paragraphs, he assigns those who don’t share his easy rockstar lifestyle to a hell worse than any that God proposed. What happens to those sorry souls, who, for whatever reason, don’t have ‘a bit of luck’? What happens to them? Mr. Bachman would consign them to misery and woe because they are not determined enough, I guess. Or chastise them for hoping for some kind of better existence in the next life? And what is the basis for Mr. Bachman’s faith in humankind? He claims there is no reason to believe in heaven. I agree, at least as far as objective evidence is concerned. But what evidence does he have the mankind can make a heaven here on earth? His own Shangri-La lifestyle, where his biggest complaints are that nobody in the record industry wants to hear his music? He wants to argue both sides of the fence. He has to have a reason for the distant heaven, but offers no reasons for the heaven ‘within’.

Other posts focus on his inability to talk to females in the past because of his worry about temptation. Obviously this is the Mormon church’s fault. The most common complaint I hear about this church is that it stultifies relationships between members of the opposite sex who happen to be married to other people. It would be completely illogical to assume that Mr. Bachman stultifies himself. Maybe someone should tell him that just because he feels ‘tempted’, it is highly unlikely that the person he is talking to feels the same way. When I talk to women at work or at school, I usually don’t get the impression that they are chomping at the bit to go to bed with me, regardless of how naturally charming I am. It must be a rockstar complex to think like that. Maybe Mr. Bachman should evaluate how he internalized the teachings of the Mormon church, rather than make unwarranted generalizations about the impact those teachings have on the general membership.

I think most of my invection comes from the colossal waste of time it was to read what he had written and the colossal waste of time writing this post represents. I don’t usually like (or write) ad hominem attacks, but when someone practically begs for it, can I be anything but obliging?


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Anonymous said...

The Cray Brothers. incarnate.
Means, Motive & Opportunity.
Massive data download &
Photo opps of u.
Thanks; You're Welcome.

And recordings of your dumb,
uneducated accent.

Come near us & well, use your own violent sick imagination, babe.

Anonymous said...

I always knew you hated me famous,
I just didn't think you'd take it this far.

Anonymous said...

What????? Crazy.

Anonymous said...

As crazy as I want you to believe. And no, to the other posties, Tal does not come here and does not use computers to play games on the internet.

Anonymous said...

We know who does though & you still have barely changed my mood.

Anonymous said...

Tal is lying to one of us then, isn't he?

Anonymous said...

Actually, wrong again.
But then, so was I.
On absolutely every
single score.

Anonymous said...

Knock it off, Talmarge.We want your body, That's all.

Anonymous said...

Did you know that while Venus and Mars are traveling together in 2015 Venus will travel at half speed due to Mars' slower pace? L.

Anonymous said...

"If you play on my blog, you're going to get played,baby.

January 3, 2015 at 1:57 PM"

Duly noted. :(

Anonymous said...

While I have considered my relationship to Tal and Ari a marriage, (that was how it was described to me...) there are times when it is a hostage situation.

I don't know what to do or even think, I have been told many things and have no real proof of to guide a belief. And it breaks my heart to think that that is the answer that Ive been given.

Anonymous said...

Hey L. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

I believe the timing of all of this was left to Ari for my maximum pain. I'm disappointed that not even Brig would fire a warning shot with a defiant post here or even send me an S.O.S type image.

And if I see another image like the one of you and your girlfriend in a tub with candles, I will come to your island and throw up on you both.

This hurt's gonna take me some time. But if you ever treat D this badly, hurting you back will be my new favorite repeat. Too bad that I think that needed to be said.

Anonymous said...

... yeah pass me a towel would ya baby ...

Anonymous said...

... please & thank-you love ...

Anonymous said...

happiness is,
then i found nothing else matters,
when u know the other half,
i wished skinny would roll the golf cart
so i could say good morning and cool
down the penguins sneaker, their one
and only pair because i love that u share
when i need all secrets, even if i look innocent
dirty is clean with me for infinite purposes;
the madness, the beginning, the hobby & duties.
Strange. Not really. I miss everything about genius
beast with it's heart filled with kriptonite, nite.
T time at sunset. I really am too.

Anonymous said...

I feel so very stupid that you and everyone else here were watching and waiting for my next crash and burn. Hope it was what you expected. I never expected you/Ari to use another relationship as a weapon. But this is where my heart is right now, so if you hear anything different it's a lie, ok?

I will try not to build my next castle so far off the ground. And as far as your life goes, I expect you to do whatever makes you happy, because we all deserve that. Love you.

Anonymous said...

Snort!I have found a better blog about Tal Bachman.

Anonymous said...

Talmage who's Viola Freshnet and why is she obsessed with me?

Anonymous said...

Lisa P-------e

Anonymous said...

Why ask Tal. He doesn't come on here, some say. Do you know otherwise?

I don't think anyone is obsessed with you.

Anonymous said...

So karma is a fact then ... Not just a novell, noble idea.

Anonymous said...

"I'm telling you I ordered them months ago ... there is only one kind I want, one kind I like. I don't care how many walls have to come down to deliver them ... go through my bedroom window if you have to but that's the muffin I need, in a basket, warm, cute & tender. Thank - you ,,, breakfast is the most important meal of the day afterall.

Anonymous said...

Polarizing within families is a very real and common condition in modern life. So many things are beyond our control that it's best to always remain grateful, hopeful, and hold onto an unbreakable faith that all things will come back together in their due time.
People are capable of moving from hate to love in the most profound and moving manner, it's what defines being human and is the foundation for poetry, music and the performing arts. Nothing of great importance comes easy.

Anonymous said...

But I did hear your brother say he will warn me next time, and you said there won't be a next time. I was told a while ago I ruined you for all other women.


yes I did.

Anonymous said...

I know nothing about the estate mogul Lisa P, except that I find her interesting and used to stare at her photos with no answers given...maybe she should friend me on fb when I feel safe enough to go back. I would like it, but its probably another joke on me. (now that i said she's interesting, please don't think its ok to sleep with her. you know Ari set us both up with my remarks here on your japanese friend. you were supposed to watch how she was treating others around you, not how she was "treating" you. you dumbass)

Anonymous said...

A person who gets off or even believes they are powerful enough to ruin someone for another is pure mental mess ...a person I would never want to be near when their own prrsonal sky falls ... that kind of disillusionment and conceit is not only a false structure but a person who has eyes without a face, no human grace.

Anonymous said...

If you know nothing about Mz. P, then how did you know she flogs real estate for a living in TO?

Anonymous said...

When Sappho spoke with Jules about his first wife's murder after bowing low over her hand, he told her and her father that he hired a new lawyer to head up his office in Rome while he worked from Egypt.

When my father asked who, Jules told us about Antony. He finished the law degree he was working towards when I first met him. It was then that my father asked about his welfare and we were told that "He seems to be happy now that he is married." (Fuck you Tal (and not in an erotic way))

The stories of Antony's affairs were his work in the law offices managing the affairs of their clients. The list of women clients were made public/gathered from Antony's work files after our murders as part of the investigation into our massacre. Probably an attempt to smear his reputation, but there is more than that reason...L.

Anonymous said...

I may not know Lisa, but I know you at least a bit better now. And this pure mental mess ruined you for all women.


I just can't stress that enough.

Anonymous said...

Have a good day. Gotta run. L.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lisa does not sell real estate, Dumbass!

She is in the copyrite field.

Anonymous said...

...but thanks for confirming that Tal Bachman is DPC,,,or is at least the ego behind the scribbles. Not that we care or ever did but it fills five minutes waiting for the next email to come through.

Anonymous said...

So long, farewell, goodbye. Thank you to our little crew. See you next time. Moving on.

Anonymous said...

no matter what,

definately, true.

Anonymous said...

Hey Scribbler,

While I have missed being here, I'm having some routine maintenance done here at The Corners and I might not have as much free time to work. I haven't been writing much anyway, but I do have some things to share. Im not sure I want to keep putting my work online...BUT I may change my mind. Maybe you can ask Ari or Armand for my email ;) but only email because my phone number has way too many digits for you! Have a good day today w/ L.

Anonymous said...

Good night, sleep well.

Anonymous said...

People come to me all day long for a solution either to a problem or an opportunity and everyday I feel priviledged they have come to me. These are not stupid people, on the contrary, they are very smart. But make no mistake, they are secondary to those I love or am deeply in love with. My beloveds are primary.
I know the audience following this blog and right now you're thinking, does she ever shut-up, or something close. Your hatred has changed nothing and it never will. Your taste for manipulation has not been swallowed. You have not succeeded at breaking a bond that once formed, was, and is, unbreakable.
You speak of celebrity - this is a term you assigned to a celebtrated person, not the person themselves, therefore it is a label akin to bitch or dike. etc. It means nothing. You judge, rape and crucify and when it does not get the result you expect you seek love and forgiveness, all in the shadow redemption is the quest. You worship idols, even Satan and claim a person who spends all day raising energy from a variety of sources is a warlock, druid, wizard. I had a chat with Satan complimenting him on his strategies and he cried. How easy it was to gain so many followers seemed worthy of acknowledgement. It was a touching dream moment and an illustration of what is true.
Stop your thought I'm lecturing you. This is a decrescendo, a warning. You attempted, collectively, to inflict real and great harm on me for loving one of yours. You made a mistake. A very grand mistake. I've made them too. God will take things over now because I told you long ago, I follow Gods law only.
Good night and be done with now, fully.

Anonymous said...

If people are bothering you with their problems, you just tell them to look in a mirror and fuck off. It works every time. You'RE (see I remembered how to spell it this time) welcome. Later.

Anonymous said...

ok. I will, thanks. Later, Baby.

Anonymous said...

What a good idea! Did you hear that sweet ... all I had to do was tell them to fuck off and look in the mirror! The thing is had I done that I would have also had to watch my house burn down, take a poison arrow to the heart and watch everything I've worked for die on an unknown mountain!
But hey, genius beast advise dipshit ...

Anonymous said...

Baby I wanna help you fix your truck .... like I really really wanna help you fix it -

Anonymous said...

Close watch surveillance picked them up on sream again.
They don't think we know but they always leave a strand of long hair: black.
New locks installed etc.

Anonymous said...

So the theme of the book has changed. The story is now a childrens book about two starfish who are abruptly separated by a tsunami that hits their home waters. They travel far and wide through frigid and dangerous waters facing both struggles and triumphs large and small, to get home.
They are eventually happily reunited and never forget the value of their hardship and the strength it built in them both. They also learn valuable lessons on love.

Anonymous said...

Just joking, or am I.....hmmmm

Anonymous said...

Do whatcha have to do baby and nevermind the gay boys, they're just mad they didn't think of it and you know, their agenda is all they really care about anyways.
As well, all your music could be the soundtrack as a concession when Disney buys the rights to this little starfish story.

Anonymous said...

get your own towel, dumbass.

the massacre happened in part because O received A's letter about his using psychics. O simply thought he was asking the wrong psychics for answers. he intercepted several of A's letters and that was why A was still waiting for a response. O was asking the psychics for the details of the letters, and A's code.

Since A's letters were never received, no one knew to send a response, which A requested in each letter. O couldn't read the letters or he would have responded.

I saw my favorite redhead today, that she is getting older causes C many tears of that lifetime. you are lucky that you have them with you and you see they are all right. I try to remember I am excluded for a reason, but that reason escapes me...

Anonymous said...

Oh. lol, lelo & Co.
Starlight, Starbright, first starfish i see tonight:

Anonymous said...

Disney? No all my fairytales are dead. you dream killer.

Anonymous said...

besides, for me its been 15 years, and after 15 years this is as far as I am. you probable should have stayed with the asian, after all, she was nice to you, and thats all that matters, right? Brother dear and yogi are NOT off the hook here either, since they both knew you and Ari were making a fool of me. I mean after a time even they knew I was unaware.

Anonymous said...

Who says it's a fairytale.

Anonymous said...

You' ve been lied to and you believed it.
You didn't have the guts to say, I don't believe you.
Jesus was a man.
Men are the most interesting and intriguing of characters.
Stop foghting them. Love them with all your heart.
They give you nothing but opportunity.
I have always appreciated the patriarch and have come to adore one who encompasses it all and it is grand.

Anonymous said...
Do you not realize we know you are fake??
Do you not realize yet we know you make a living having your teeth bleached, hair streaked so you can play a role appearing with mr. Gq who likely thinks you're a total bimbo? Do you not think we know you are likely a cocktail waitress bu night? Who the fuck do u think you're kidding? You are fake and everyone but you knows it, period.

Anonymous said...

Yeah baby...
Clearly the whole thing is much bigger than you & me.
http is both a blessing and a hit.
Like the ocean, sky, planet, I leave it to a higher power.
My words to you remain true.

Have a peace filled, productive & positive week, my friend.

Anonymous said...

"Clearly the whole thing is much bigger than you & me."

Is it? because I think it's a lot smaller than it used to be...Ive been thinking that you might be disappointed with the muffins, and here is why: they'll be dream muffins right? I don't control my dreams, do you? And many of my dreams are worrying, or at best informative, but no hints of muffins. Therefore, your muffin count will ALWAYS be at the discretion of others, and we all know how mean spirited they can be...not to mention they out right lie to you (which this could be), plus I'm still waiting for ANYTHING good from my efforts of FIFTEEN years. They have no care to help ease any burden so why after all of this do we think muffins are satisfying? So if you decide to give up again, please don't use it, and don't allow them to use it, waiting for max pain. Just tell me gently somehow, it will hurt and that should be enough pain to keep everyone happy. I am told to tell you that my heating pad no longer keeps me warm, ask Ari about it.

Anonymous said...

After Jules was murdered, A had O followed periodically to watch him. This started when A moved to Egypt, also because A was told of some questionable remarks made by him and his friends. C didn't know about it right away, but supported him being watched, he was, after all insane.

The info in the letter about O's psychics came from A's investigation, not knowing he was sometimes followed O believed C told A about it. But A's investigation never revealed why he suddenly decided to see psychics.

That O never liked psychics is a big part of this story and also the book that I haven't even begun to look at yet.

Anonymous said...

Have a good day!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, just a bit more :)

Cicero knew from the beginning, and later Ashton knew of O being periodically investigated and supported it. After our murders, O's offices were openly and permanently investigated and the idea was sold to him as an increased staff.

To help Rome heal it's divide, trying to do away with political party's, O was appointed the leader or Caesar, a position O named after his late benefactor. As he grew less political, his office slowly downsized as others fulfilled his responsibilities.

Anonymous said...

No, I don't think you understand.
The task is complete.
I thank you for your kind
thought and actions.
It warms me to know it
will, and has come back
to you tenfold.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

But what am I supposed to do if I find something really, really good and have to absolutely share it right away?

I need a backup plan.

I can't live like this.

Anonymous said...

Honey, if Tal is bothering you while you're here, you just tell him to fuck off. After what he did to you, it's no wonder his career is over.

The patriarch is still standing in deep shit too as far as I'm concerned, and I'm currently not even speaking to Brig.

Could this kind of behavior be the reason divorces run in their family?

Anonymous said...

And you can't really put the blame of any of this on Tal, it's not his fault he was raised alone in the woods by a bear.

Tho I still can't believe he did this to me...

Anonymous said...

You can stop impersonating other people, we know who you are. We know how, why, when and where evidence is stored.
What you fail to understand is; we don't care.
You behaved exactly how we wanted you to. You have done exactly what we wanted you to.
You helped prove love rules, love heals and love oversees all laws.
Thank you for your help. Start living again, stop worrying about us.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Worry about you? Funny, I don't do that anymore. I'm worried about me...

Anonymous said...

Perform immediate reversal of hex.
Corrupt golden strands now.
Right of Park North.
South until the end.
In the name of holy ghost.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wild fox
Do not underestimate the triad.
Do not have sympathy when they play pathetic.
My love for you remains pure, untainted.
I love you more than ever.
I am all ways seeing.
Until they end.
And we begin.

Anonymous said...

They waited on this full moon, in their arrogance they danced, laughed and were merry.
At what was to be the final assault, the final insult with a hopeful result.
I make thunder, I love lightening, so your sorcerer has a preference for me and for him.
But don't let that stop your dance, I'll send some fairies to you at once.

Anonymous said...

Remember I said there were records hidden in some government buildings that are now tourist locations?

Some of those tourist locations are part of the area from C&A that was flooded after our murders. Records and some objects were sealed in jars and quietly buried, we were murdered, then Rome blow up the dam/channel/lock system and flooded the area and parts of the library building. But the records are safe and well preserved!

The dam was blown because it was no longer serving its purpose...the hall of records part of the library was emptied, moved, then flooded.

O had no part in this, by then he had already removed himself from politics to feed his OCD and since he never cared for Egypt so he largely ignored it. He supported the flooding because he felt any destruction to Egypt was a good idea, but it was not done by his command.

All of the removable good stuff from the library and surrounding area was taken and distributed elsewhere...L.

Anonymous said...

"All of the removable good stuff from the library and surrounding area was taken and distributed elsewhere..."

Which was why I was able to see the floor from the library in a news article once. My Monkey Rug is the closest thing that reminds me of the Libraries beauty. The floors were removed before the flood.

There were 4 floors, I may have said this before. One celebrated the Animal kingdom, one for the planets and their zodiacs, one for the maths and music/art, and one celebrated Earth and nature. I think.

I will try to find the news article, but don't hold your breath that I'll find it.

The floors were at the entrance of the library and used to point each visitor toward the correct hall of records for their research. If you were looking for science/math information you would follow the math floor leading you to those stacks. L.

Anonymous said...

The dam was built in the first place to preserve the library. When the waters didn't receded but grew, the dam began to need work and was no longer strong enough to hold. L.

Anonymous said...

In the garden of Eden sat Adam,
Massaging the bust of his madam,
He chuckled with mirth,
For he knew that on earth,
There were only two boobs and he had ‘em

Anonymous said...

So. In love. With You.

Anonymous said...


fuck you

Anonymous said...

In this article:

the mosaic was intentionally covered over to protect it when the building was demolished. It was left deliberately, a gift to us all as I see it, but I'm not sure why the floor was forgotten about.

Still looking for my floors...

Anonymous said...

A gathering pf angels
Appeared above my head
They sang to me
This song of hope
And this is
What they said
They said...

Anonymous said...

Good night. Sleep well. Looking forward to part two of your poem. L.

Anonymous said...

Me too :) < 33 night.

Anonymous said...

My Dear Heart
I can't believe I almost forgot to say ...
Sweet Dreams ;)

Anonymous said...

Good Morning!

This was what I was working on when someone pissed on my Christmas. Enjoy!

There were thirty men on the boat with my family all hoping for word of their loved ones, willing to retrieve any woman they could find. It surprised Paris greatly that the families found one another, but scared him even more when he realized they had a drawing of his face asking where he could be found.

For every port in the new Bulgarian/Romanian search, the men from the boat would make friends of the locals, usually in a tavern. The personable group would charm the taverns into the evening with funny stories, and in the good humor and the drinks they bought the locals, someone would ask about Paris. If no one from the tavern knew Paris, they would move slightly deeper into the area to check, then leave.

When my rescuers arrived at the coast near Paris, Achilles found a man who identified the drawing. Knowing Paris was from the area Achilles wanted to say hello to his old friend while he was passing through. Having regular business with Paris and his family, the friendly man readily supplied exactly where to find Paris.

Now having an exact location, the strategy on the boat was reconnaissance work. Once the kind stranger pointed toward Paris's home, watches were conducted on the compound hoping for a sighting of Paris or any woman he'd taken. A day or two later Paris was sighted.

It was decided to follow Paris until one of the women were spotted, then quietly rescue anyone that was found, slipping away unnoticed just as Paris had with each of his victims.

When the friendly stranger was spotted making a delivery to Paris' home all activities around the house were suddenly stopped and the gates to his compound were locked. Turning many away, no one entered or left the compound.

When there was activity, it centered around one building in the compound. Since Paris made money from his sex trade, his compound was a big, gated, almost community, but also secluded from the nearest towns.

My rescuers believed a description of Achilles was given to Paris as well, and in an effort to keep the number of their group secret, it was left to Achilles to confront Paris alone.

After sending a message to the house that he was coming, Achilles arrived at the gate and without a word to the guard he held up his drawing of Paris. The guard opened the gate and escorted Achilles to Paris.

Anonymous said...


I think Beth's name was Anna or a close form of it in that life. L. and have a good day.

Anonymous said...

(I know Paris was one of 4 boys in his family, but for some reason one of the brothers isn't part of the story and I'm not sure why or what happened to when I say Paris was seated with an old man and two others it's really one or two others until I figure what is going on.)

When Achilles entered the house he started pounding his fist on the walls as he walked, shouting for the coward to come out of hiding and saying, "I found you!"

When he entered their banquet hall he saw Paris seated with a much older man and two others at a table. "Ah! There you are." Paris annoyed, said impatiently, "Kindly stop shouting in the house. My mother is ill and napping. What do you want?" "I want what you took from us. I'm here to take my sister home." He said walking to the table.

When he saw Paris' face, Achilles made a show of studying his drawing. "The likeness is remarkable, don't you think?" He turned the paper briefly to show them as he fished in his leather pouch for a pencil.

"Although, that’s new." He smiled gesturing with his pencil at the bright pink scar across Paris' forehead. Leaning on the table he penciled the scar on his drawing. When he was finished he floated the paper across the table for the four to see, adding with a smirk, "Looks like it hurt."

Hearing a woman scream from the back courtyard Achilles tensed looked toward the window.

Anonymous said...

Never mind about the head count at the table, there were 4 people sitting at it...I'm just confused. Maybe by tomorrow I'll have it sorted out. L.

Anonymous said...

BLAH...yeah... BLAH

Anonymous said...

Come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with me.

Anonymous said...

Paris was the oldest brother, then Peter was a year or two younger. Next is the missing brother and finally Joanne's father. there was at least a 5 year age difference between Pete and Jo's father. Jo's father was always treated as the baby in the family by everyone, he was very spoiled....

Anonymous said...

R U awake yet Sleepy Head?

Anonymous said...

No, I don't think you understand.
The task is complete.
I thank you for your kind
thought and actions.
It warms me to know it
will, and has come back
to you tenfold.

You' ve been lied to and you believed it.
You didn't have the guts to say, I don't believe you.

Anonymous said...

ChrisIsis. Of. Faith.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mental mess.
Get a real life
With real love
Real friends.

Anonymous said...

I am awake baby.

Anonymous said...

Unshakeable in Faith
Oh ,,, sorry ,,,
I thought this was a blog
about unsung heroes and
mega Romantics.
Carry on, don't mind me
Copy Paste Right.

Anonymous said...

Looking at two locations:

Helen is from Skopelos, Greece and Paris is from Burgas, Bulgaria. But I don't remember Helen's landscape being so mountainous, and I don't remember Paris' as being so flat. But these were the names Ari gave me, I'm just not committed to them.

Anonymous said...

Paris acting bored with a worried face, made a gesture to the others that continued toward the elderly man. "My brothers and father." And after the elderly man bowed his head slightly Paris asked, "Why are you here again? If you're staying a while I can repay the hospitality you gave to me." Achilles paused a slight moment as if considering it as a strategy, "No, I think I'll just take my sister and leave right now. But thank you."

Paris trying to mask another scream said, "Your sister isn't here." Achilles quickly countered with an "Are you sure? Because she was last seen with you…and do you know there is a woman screaming in your back yard?"

Paris said, "It's not what you think." adding that I was gone when he woke up, had no idea what happened, so he left. When Achilles asked, "Why didn't you tell someone violence had taken place?" Paris said he didn't want to get blamed for it, tried to find me himself, couldn't and left.

Achilles said his father and brother-in-law wanted to meet with him. Since he was the last to see me he might remember something that would help in their search. And because I was giving him aid and care at the time of my kidnapping, he was honor bound to help in the search. Paris glanced at his father and the old man nodded.

Leaving, as Achilles neared the gate to the compound, he heard one last scream. Longer this time, he turned his head and saw the building housing the women.

Anonymous said...

Not sure I want to use these paragraphs at all but:

Inside the building were cells with some bigger than others. The biggest cell was referred to by the men as a party room. If a group on men showed up together women were put there to be raped all by different men at the same time.

Sometimes a woman would be gang raped with the other women forced to watch until it was their turn. The men were mostly into seeing the fear... it was usually always violent and before I arrived one woman died from an attack.

The smaller cells usually housed two women. A man or two would go into the smaller cell to rape either one of the women or both.

When I first arrived, Paris had already confided in Peter that he was impotent, sort of...there is more there I think. Peter, not believing it, raped me in a cell while Paris watched. The two wondered if it would help.

Peter was my first rapist so when he showed up alone for the next time, I stabbed him in his testicle with a splintered edge I lifted on the bed. When he was stabbed it looked like he snagged himself on the bed frame. That was what I told him. He did a lot of screaming both when the splinter went in and when he took it out. He didn't rape me again after that, but I was beaten a lot at first...

Usually once a newcomer was violently raped, she usually didn't fight anymore. She just cooperated and prayed they wouldn't hurt her. And if you weren't hurt, you were considered lucky by the other women.

Anonymous said...

Had a very colorful dream last night.

I woke up in the morning with the sun already as bright as midday. Even tho I noticed it was unusual in my dream, it was normal for that hour and place where I was living.

I realized I needed to feed the cat and dog as I always do, when I saw there were three german shepherds instead of one. Schatzi was still sleepy and not in a hurry to get up, another was sick and laid there whining, and the last one was busy chewing hard on his butt.

So I went to ask D what he knew about them as he was already up and getting ready for work. He said he saw them too but didn’t know anything about them. They seemed friendly and since I always wanted more than one dog, he decided to leave them for me. When I turned back to the dogs, the sick one was already gone and the chewer got up and ran off too.

On my way to feed the cat and dog, I noticed two objects by the cat bowls. Not knowing what they were, I stared at them. They seem to steadily grow in size until I could tell they were two very real mice. When I wondered why the cat wasn’t playing with them I realized that even tho they were real mice, they were made from chocolate.

Moving closer to scare the mice away, I saw them morph into three cats, and it was the cats that ran away in fear. Which was too bad, because if I had know the mice were going to grow into cats I wouldn't have tried to scare them away.

Next, I was sitting at my workbench with my first job in the agency. The office looked a bit different than when I actually worked there, but all of the equipment seemed the same, just rearranged differently.

My co-workers and I were getting ready to leave on a field trip, we were happy because it was a pretty day and we were out of the office on agency time.

I was sitting in the back seat of my co-workers car (Armand) looking down at something in my hands when we were told to look out the windows because we were missing hot air balloon day.

As I looked I saw the more traditional balloons in the air, but there were some smaller balloons that traveled only a couple feet from the ground with no baskets. Those had moving parts to them and I remember thinking they were remote controlled. But all the balloons were brightly colored.

Then I had to wake up…

Anonymous said...

When I first arrived, I met Peter as soon as I was taken from the boat. He was watching for his brother’s return and met us before I was placed with the other women. Asking me who I was, he then turned to Paris and asked if he’d tried me yet. Paris said “No.” and made some excuse. Peter was frustrated with the response and asked Paris if he wanted to watch and I was raped.

Paris had been dragging me from his boat by my hair with my hands bound, and by the time he threw me against the stone wall of my cell, my head hurt and I was sick of it. After a smug “Make yourself at home.” He slammed and barred the door and I was on the floor sobbing uncontrollably. I didn’t notice the other woman until she moved.

It was dusk and when she heard my screams coming closer to her room and her door being opened. She was already in the darkest part of the cell curled up, praying to not be noticed.

There was one candle in the small cell, and by it I could see her moving toward me. She was trying to soothe, saying gently how the shock of this would wear off soon. Leaning against the wall with me she told me there were many here all taken the same way, and that I should cry quietly from now on, not only am I scaring the other women, but I’ll be attracting more attention from the men than I want. On the floor she held me as I took her advice and cried as quietly as I could.

When I was ready to talk, Anna told me the house and grounds were known as Troy and that some of the women thought we were in Bulgaria, but no one has been able to say with certainty. She next started describing the horrors of the building and what Paris and his brothers were. Women were raped and the men were violent criminals.

Angry over the news and my head sore and aching, I saw the candle. Grabbing it, a dirty cloth and a bucket containing water, I started burning my hair.

Worried and scared, Anna asked what I was doing. “I’m burning my hair so the men can’t use it to hurt me. Plus I’m hoping they wont choose me if I have no hair.” And I singed my scalp.

Greatly relieved, Anna took the candle from me and said happily, “Let me help you, and you can do mine next.”

Anonymous said...

A fix: "Paris said, "It's not what you think." adding that I was gone when he woke up"

Should read: Paris said, "It's not what you think." adding to change the subject that I was gone when he woke up

"Achilles said his father and brother-in-law wanted to meet with him"
Should read: Achilles said now that he found Paris, he sent for his father and brother-in-law who were still searching, and wanting to meet with him

Thats all I see so far. I hope to be back again tomorrow. We'll see...have a good afternoon/evening. L.

Anonymous said...

Did you get the file I sent you?
See the link to the Wolf are Evil group?


Anonymous said...

Rhymes With Orange Photography.


Anonymous said...

B.You nothin but beautiful to me baby ,,, stealheart unchained.

Anonymous said...

yeah. sweet.
FX the laptop back when time permits.

Anonymous said...

keep the i-phone, H doesn't want it. Neither do i.

Anonymous said...

I guess I like being here so much because I look like the normal one.

I'm doing better at staying away from everyone's FB pages too, since March 1 I've only stared at everyone one time. It's part of my plan to finally accept the restrictions placed on me and you. Just another addiction I'm trying to harness a bit. My mantra is, if you guys wanted me there you would have invited me in long ago.

Looking forward to today, got some new ideas to try and finish up Helen's Troy ordeal. L.

Anonymous said...

Since Skopelos Island is where I'm being led, I will say the lighthouse was on the eastern part of the Island somewhere on Mt. Polouki, and we lived at the base of the mountain facing the Aegean Sea. Morning!

Anonymous said...

In the mornings our cells were unlocked, we were to wash, eat, tend to the young or anyone who might be sick or hurt. Anyone who could work, did.

Laundry, livestock, cooking, with some farming and gardening, were all done by us, and when we finished our chores or had none, we were either in our cells or the big room, but we were always locked in our building. When we were outside working, the gates were locked and if deliveries were expected, we moved back inside.

If a boat pulled up to the dock, work stopped until women were selected and the criminals were settled.

The front gates, when unlocked, were quietly guarded and since all of our work activities were done at the very back and most secluded part of Troy we were never seen or heard, because that involved a whip.

The gates of Troy were always locked at night; criminals were made to leave the compound in the evening because everyone at Troy wanted the luxury of sleeping through the night.

Us women liked it because we felt it would cut down on drunken behavior (which it really didn’t), but mostly because it gave us a time of relative safety. After hours we only needed to worry about the family and guards.

Boats were the easiest way to reach Troy. If someone came to the gate on horse or wagon they came from the towns, with the closest being twenty miles from any direction.

The dock was public, as all docks were in those days, but Troy was so isolated, the steep climb from the water was the quickest way to reach it and they received the criminals only from the docks. This kept them away from the townspeople.

The townspeople knew nothing of Troy, believing the story they were originally given. The father inherited a successful business he and his brothers still operated a distance away. The boat traffic was proof. The family liked the privacy and the peace of not living near their business and no one was given any more information than that once the family settled at Troy.

Anonymous said...

Have a great day today! This maybe all I get done, but you shouldn't care since I'm not paying you for anything. L U.

Anonymous said...

Stopping by to say I won't have anything for you today, but I plan on a nice quiet weekend so I'm hoping for more of my ideas to come to you very soon.

I was thinking Tal, if you're strapped for cash again you can always do those drawings that you find at carnivals, little kids parties, and busy sidewalks.


Also I hope I didn't hurt any feelings by saying I'm not looking at you guys from fb anymore. What I feel when I do that is a good and loving feeling and somedays because of my moods and this story it help me. Im not getting info on your lives (which you know). I just don't want anymore sudden slaps from any angry asian troll dolls you've invited into your life (which you have every right to do). Besides we all know Ari can send me there if he decides to...I do know Tal, that all the (physical) women in your life have all been very pretty but mean/angry enough to act out about something. Its one thing to have an issue, but quite another to be mean enough to act out about it. I think you actually like that they are mean. Realize I'm not telling you this to help you choose another girlfriend, I would NEVER do that. But if you do (and you have every right) and I find out about it, I will throw up. No joke. Just be kind to me. Ari asked that I tell you all of this, Im sorry. L.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to keep harping on this topic but, the photo she posted and the comments she made were designed to hurt someone (not me), she just lucky enough to kill two birds with one stone. My wanting to throw up comes from any unwanted sexual contact: from homosexuals (I'm not gay); anyone I find creepy, strange or mean; and you (and D) with another. I'm sharing this because its something I just realized about myself, and since I was told to tell you stuff about yourself, I thought I would explain about myself. I hope I'm done sharing now...

Anonymous said...

We both know, you've to much devil in you to be a successful monk.


But thank you.

Anonymous said...

On this day ,,, the thirteenth day of the third month, (313), the birds are singing, sun is shining, fully healed seasons left behind to begin again. Spring, rebirth, and the most beautiful day, sentimental, gentle wind, blowing through my life again ,,, thank you. I love you, as completely as the seasons complete themselves, completely in love. With the All.

Anonymous said...

You are, my All.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't Tal Bachman use his degree? Why live on a shoe string and belittle yourself? Are your moods too unpredictable to work 9 to 5?

Anonymous said...

Why don't you use your degree? Why live on a shoe string and belittle yourself? Are your moods too unpredictable to work 9 to 5?

Anonymous said...

For every judgement you have, three fingers are pointing back at you.
When you express your judgements in a public domain, they come back to you in tens and in godspeed.

just an fyi

Anonymous said...

SANTANA Into the Night ft. Chad Kroeger

Anonymous said...

TIMBERLAND Morning After Dark ft. Nelly Furtado, Soshy

Anonymous said...

FLEETWOOD MAC Sentimental Lady

Anonymous said...

STYX SuperStars

Anonymous said...

Marilyn Martin {Stevie Nicks} from the soundtrack
"Streets of Fire" SORCERER

Anonymous said...

ENIGMA Silent Warrior

Anonymous said...

Red Hot Chili Peppers DANI CALIFORNIA

Anonymous said...

Love you T.
stay strong.

Anonymous said...

Lark, Leah, Lori-Jean, Lauren
an Archer of minions
Crazy Street
A Sorcerers Dream.

Anonymous said...

3241 - 1234
remember or forget.

Anonymous said...

Wake up bitches cuz i wanna fuckin kill you ... and i can, right now.

Anonymous said...

432,,3 ,,, say yer prayers

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You don't think we know about your hiearchy of hair dressers??
Your triangle of power source?
We operate from a hexigon.
We know, and so do many others -
the right others, the anonymous ones.

SEALED, in a safe, safe.
Find new friends, friend.

Anonymous said...

I made some minor edits this morning, they don't affect the story much. Since I don't really know what exactly your role is here (I just know I'm not paying you), I thought I would repost with the newer version:

Peter was my first rapist so when he showed up alone for the next time, I stabbed him in his testicle with a splintered edge I lifted on the bed. When he was stabbed it looked like he snagged himself on the bed frame, at least that’s what I told him.

He did a lot of screaming both when the splinter went in and when he took it out. As soon as he started screaming in pain, I started screaming in fear. Pretending not to know what was wrong, I ran to the door and started screaming for help. At least that’s what it looked like to the guard who caught me trying to escape. Peter didn't rape me again after that, but I was beaten a lot at first.

Usually once a newcomer was violently raped, she didn't fight anymore. She just cooperated and prayed they wouldn't hurt her. And if you weren't hurt, you were considered lucky by the other women.

When I first arrived, I met Peter as soon as I was taken from the boat. He was watching for his brother’s return and met us before I was placed with the other women. Asking me who I was, he then turned to Paris and asked if he’d tried me yet. Paris said “No.” and made some excuse. Peter was frustrated with the response and asked Paris if he wanted to watch and with my hands still bound from the boat, I was raped.

Paris had been dragging me from his boat by my hair and with my hands bound he was swinging me into walls, rocks, trees, and anything else that could hurt.

By the time he threw me against the stone wall of my cell, my head hurt and I was sick of it. After he cut my hands free he gave a smug “Make yourself at home.” He slammed and barred the door and I was on the floor cut and bruised, sobbing uncontrollably. I didn’t notice the other woman until she moved.

Anonymous said...


hiearchy of hair dressers, Funny! do you drink when you think this stuff up, you're pretty good at it!

Anonymous said...

Go There===>

Anonymous said...

She does like to make people laugh ,,, and they do,
as you know.

Anonymous said...

She was so toxic it oozed from her pores. She uses religion to play reformed. Everyone else was to blame so the game carried on well past 40. I met her again while undercover, the minute she knew of who I'd become she disappeared in the night, then resurfaced when her master returned.
Hiding in a nowhere town, only her demons can be found. To be fair and square, these things run in the blood, but for our world, that's no excuse. If they turn up again, an alert is there, on permanent standby, for us both.

Anonymous said...

The first morning after my arrival, the guard opened our door and Anna introduced my new life. When guards and women both stared at us, Anna whispered, “Be ready, we’ll hear about this later.” touching her head.

Once we were shoved outside, we started our chores, and within five minutes I was approached by two other women.

They asked who I was and where was I from, telling me to look busy with my work. Some talking was allowed for our work, but conversations would bring out the whip. So very softly I told them my story.

I was asked about my hair. They had been staring at it since our doors were unlocked, but I was polite enough to wait for them to ask. Though Anna told me some of the women’s names, and which women I would find helpful and which I would not, I didn’t know who I was talking to so I didn’t offer more information than they wanted.

To my surprise they were horrified by my explanation. Quickly distancing themselves from me, I heard one say something of “a whip for sure!” And I worried, “Will I get Anna in trouble too?”

Left mostly alone my first day with only one boat at the dock, I wondered at my family and how they were taking the news of my kidnapping. I knew my husband had returned to our home by now and would search, and I prayed.

Believing I would survive and return home, I spent much of the day hoping Achilles would hear my prayers. We were telepathic with our family having a strong psychic history, but I was also aware telepathy wasn’t a foolproof way to communicate.

Prayers were received accurately enough, but it was hit or miss system of receiving. Its success relied on many things. One was the person the prayers were intended for being in the right frame of mind. I knew my prayers would reach Achilles; it was just a matter of when.

As we left our building the following morning, I noticed another woman. Her face was bruised and swollen and from the way she held herself it was clear she had other injuries too, but it was her burned hair that had my attention. We looked at each other briefly and she went to work without any more notice of me. Anna whispered, “Yesterday she had no bruises and hair.”

Boats came and went for two more weeks when Paris and a guard with a whip came to our building before lock up one evening. We were all in the big room, some were mending their rags, some were sharing stories of home and some were playing with the children, babies born in captivity with the oldest being a girl of three or four.

When they entered the women scattered and grabbed the children. The two came over to me. “What? What is it, what happened?” I all but screamed as the guard grabbed my arm jerking me off of the floor.

“You started this!” Paris pointed at my hair growing back in uneven patches, and the guard whipped me once. “You have everyone here following your lead!” waving his arm around the room. I looked past his arm seeing only a few who didn't follow. “I’ve had complaints.” and the guard whipped me again.

“Stop it!” I screamed. “You don’t understand! We have lice!” At his reaction I remembered the time before my kidnapping when he ordered me to kill a spider in his room. Now I realized his fear of bugs went deeper than I first believed. When he’d suddenly gone quiet, I said very seriously, “You really shouldn’t be in here unless you want it too.” He motioned to the guard to continue with his whip and he left our building.

I was whipped five times before we were locked in our rooms for the night and I spent the night wondering how else I could use his fear and if he’d had any others.

Anonymous said...

The paragraphs explaining our family history and telepathy/prayer will need to be in the beginning of Helen's story. I added it here to help explain what she was doing and will move it when I write more of her beginning.

Are you having a good weekend? I hope so.

L. and Good Night!

Anonymous said...

She struck me as incredibly aloof, detached. It just hadn't occurred to me she had inherited the same stone cold psychosis as the rest had; an innate vanity and belief the world owed them. A genuine sense of entitlement. Output with no input.
I lost interest in the entire endevour by then, although I knew I could have been very helpful.
Thank God for India.

Anonymous said...

It's not near as confusing as you give yourselves credit for. You set him up, in a production way over his head both fiscally and personally - you intended max damage. You wanted his attention, you craved something he could not, would not give you. So he disappeared. And you attacked the only authentic, warm thing he had known, the only thing that did not cling. The only thing that understood there really was a monster under the bed.
A long time has passed now and you can not let go of that craving. But you will let go of me, and of him. You brought mass chaos only unto yourself because what you do to others, you do to yourself. What you fail to do for others you fail to do for yourself.
Have you not yet realized there is only one way to happiness? Empowering others, not harming them.
Let live, let him love who he wants, let real set in, today, now.

Anonymous said...

Rude hopeless wenches.
Karma's not the bitch,
Jealousy and envy are.
There is no way way
happiness will find
these people, it hasn't
yet, it never will,
they deserve their
agony, they earned it
fair, square, hands
down. No doubt.
I'm happy for them.
Gross mindset disguised
with a pout and blackened
eyes, chopped bangs. Truly,
as lovely as your mirror says.

Spirit hears, sees, speaks
all things and brings the
wind, rain and perpetual
storms to those who have
this within.

Better find cover, and soon.

Anonymous said...

baby i've never been so awake in my whole life - i really did believe people could evolve, listen to wisdom, or become better than they were yesterday, and most do, but these ones here, and there, they really and truly are 'born this way', hardwired, i'm free, no more effort necessary and the focus is returned, to me with the exception, of what i found in you, that is really the true blessing.
i am smiling wide, this bs here is done,
you know where to find me, see you then.
:) <3

Anonymous said...

Having some trouble today, worked all morning for only 3 short paragraphs. Plus yesterday I forgot to turn the stove off, forgot what I walked in the room for, and forgot what I wanted to do next.

today, I'm very tired. I'll look at my stuff again later to see if I still agree with it. But until then L.

P.S. looking at the date/time stamps I wonder if you guys ever sleep!

Anonymous said...

Been looking at some names and came up with a few.

Hector was the youngest brother and he and his friend killed Helen and her husband.

Ajax was Ritchie. It also makes a great dragon name and is kind of cute: Ajax and Anna.

Hope everyone is ready for another work week! Good Night! Love.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but isn't this backward: "A genuine sense of entitlement. Output with no input." ?

You probably meant: A genuine sense of entitlement. Input with no output.

you must have been sleepy when you wrote it :)

Anonymous said...

forgot to tell you, I believe some of the name in Homer's version to be real names. And I know I'm no authority with names, but...

The story was already very old when Homer wrote it, and some of his version was taken from Troy's side of events which had already blended into the true version.

still so much more to come, more surprises! L. & Night again!

Anonymous said...

Was your point really worth trying to kill her over?? Creating chaos in her peace. She is sorry this one comment instilled such hatred. She is sorry for every single thing.

I do hope you enjoyed the terror, heightening your relationship between woman, man and inducing the passion you seek.

Please forget her name, she is mine.

Anonymous said...

Warnock, Beadle, Deelman, Chesko Weber.
Stay the fuck away from her and off her property now and forevermore.
She does not care about you or your causes.
Especially Beadle.
We've got your digits, get it.

Anonymous said...

YOU don't know us, but we know you.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Bachman,
We are certain you do not visit this page
but if you do, we feel it unfortunate such
cruel and literally, crazy people have written
and posted so many things in retaliation against
Please deal with things immediately.
The person who has put heartfelt trust
in your innocence is under constant, daily
threats. We are watching things daily. We have
known this person over 30 years, a peaceful
harmonious life has been turned upside down.
Please end these vicious assaults, now.
Of all the people, not this one, never this one.

Anonymous said...

Get it straight.
This is one of the kindest, most quirky
and creatve person.
You think she would harm herself
over you capital L's??
Are you for real?
She could be with whoever she wants.
She has the highest standards, lawful
ethics and morals not one of you could
come close too.
You've broken into her house more than once.
Left indication and inuendo several times on her
on or near her property.
You are bottom feeders and your time has come.

Get it straight, happiness is a constant companion of hers and that is why you hate her.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Everyone!

I'm feeling so much better today than yesterday, and I can't believe the big, big difference! Tho I'm still dealing with some forgetfulness this morning, I feel like I could run a marathon and actually win! Realize I hate running so a marathon is out of the question, and the hard part today will be to slow/calm down. I'm all spun up :)

I am posting yesterday's work with the idea that it can be reworked or even deleted later if needed. I am still stuck with fixing it but want to move on with my story...enjoy:

For different reasons, I didn’t keep in touch with any of the women after our rescue from Troy, but I thought of them often. And for those different reasons their stories of home and family became very important and moving.

Not only because we were painful reminders to each other of the past we didn’t want, but authorities wanted our individual accounts of the events and they ask that any contact with other victims be passed through them first. They were matching as many of the events as possible for the truth, asking for every account we each could remember of the other women’s lives before and then during Troy.

After our rescue, Paris and his family were reported to Bulgarian, Greek and Turkish courts among others. Investigations were started and women testified to the brutal events of Troy. Scars, both physical and emotional were added to testimonies as evidence.

Troy itself was not taken away from the family as evidence. Authorities had access to it in the start of the investigation, but taking the ancestral home seemed less important once property descriptions were given by the women. The women were there and their scars proved they were victims.

So while I wasn’t able to keep in touch with the other women of Troy, I did think of them. Anna’s family sent a gift of thanks to mine along with her personal note to me through the authorities. Both items promised a closer friendship once the investigation was over.

Because Troy was a tragedy involving only women, authorities were not at our rescue. It was considered a domestic or private matter to be settled between the families involved.

Crimes against women were settled privately, but within the laws of karma. Husbands, fathers, brothers, sons, were responsible for the well being and safety of their female members. This was a worldwide attitude and necessary during the social fall and destruction of Atlantis. My family’s only legal recourse was to file a complaint against the family of Troy.

Investigations offered no justice to victims. The only purpose was to put a very public smear on Paris’ family name and used only as an official record of events to stop rumors and untrue stories.

Protecting the public from these acts of violence would be a tattoo placed on all members of Troy. This would have been different if women were murdered.

Anonymous said...

Can't believe it's the 16th of March already.

I was told when I posted my latest song that yogi was posting...are we playing another game here that I don't know the rules to?

I will tell you that I've seen many fish and some bear visions leading up to yesterday. I spent yesterday in bed and I saw a cute white puppy soaked, shaking himself dry. And I was reminded that he'd just come out of the water and water is a healing or cleansing dream symbol. Hope you are feeling better too Tal.

I do wonder why I've never seen animals of Beth and Bell and are they still a part of this?

I saw a lot of images yesterday and many were of people I don't know and I wonder why I see them.

Anonymous said...

Tal, I hope you weren't upset because I closed the door to The Corners again. The front door gets open and shut at Ari's advice, not mine.

The last time the door was automatically opened and several posts that I made for friends only had been changed for everyone to see. I left it alone until Ari said to shut the door. So you've no one but yourself to blame :) Sorry Love!

Anonymous said...

One woman I thought of frequently was from Turkey and though I heard of her story my first night at Troy, I was there for nearly a week before I saw her.

Because Paris’ criminal friends had a grievance against her father, she was the only woman brought to Troy by someone other than Paris.

Leaving her there to use every time they arrived, they carved her arms each time as a record. Doing this, she and her attackers would see how often they were getting even with her family.

With her attacks so violent, her mental and physical state diminished so severely that at the time of our rescue she was merely awake. Even though waking up was all she could do her attacks continued.

She had been returned to her family and nearly a year after our rescue she quietly and peacefully died, enraging the family who had so many hopes for her recovery. Keeping her arms covered and returning her to old and loving surroundings seemed to bring her around a small amount.

As our stories of events emerged, her family was able to know who took, and then destroyed their daughter and sister. After her early death at fifteen years of age, the family's rage to took over, hunting Paris and then her attackers.

(Though no one had been living at Troy since our rescue, people seemed to know just where the brothers lived. I’m not sure why yet…)

Anonymous said...

When you glow, the dream will find you.

Anonymous said...

Just so you know, my family didn't murder anyone. That Achilles dragged Hector's body around was just great drama for Homer's story.

Because our father was a governor and D was a murdered gov't official, my father was granted funds to convert one of his boats into a warship to destroy Troy, and again I'm not sure why...but there is more story here.

They of course were hunting for Hector and Peter and if found, they may have killed them, but Peter was murdered by someone else (possibly even at Troy at this time) and Hector was hiding there when my father and brother blow it up.

A search of the building was made before the attack, finding nothing of value and no one there, they cannoned it. Funny but the cannon may be why there are no cliffs in the area :)

Hector was found crawling from the destruction, but died the next day of his injuries.

It seems once the young girl/woman died, the war began and everyone started to kill... but the war was not a battle as Homer described it.

It was called a war because every family wanting revenge for the women seemed at some point to attack. my fathers was the most coordinated attack and there is more to it I can't reach yet.

Not sure why, but I was prompted to fill you in on this now. Got to go, so have a good day. L.

Anonymous said...

When you glow, the dream will find you.

Anonymous said...

Going to dream a sweet dream now. Good Night! L.

Anonymous said...

There will never be a time we believe a word you say.
Not even your last comment.

Anonymous said...

Yes you are right, about everything I read today.
Dead on actually.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning!

Finding minor mistakes from yesterday that I won't bother to fix until I'm finished with her story.

Picking up where I left off with more of Achilles' first visit at Troy. Will do what I can (because it's fun) but its also a busy construction day here.

Hoping to see you later with stuff! L!

Anonymous said...

I don't think UVIC would appreciate you copying & pasting your thesis here, do you?

Anonymous said...

The only way for a happy ending is if you see through the emotional bribery.

Anonymous said...

Hey, did you guys know that shortly after Helen's death that women around the world were cutting their hair off for their weddings to protest any arranged marriage they were unhappy with.

I'm pretty trendy.

So...what world customs have you started Tal?


Anonymous said...

So what I'm really hearin' you say is "None."

Took an unexpected detour today with my favorite copy of The Iliad and Helen of Troy by Bethany Hughes. I hope to see something happening there.


Anonymous said...

Precisely why knowing license plates an friends in the MVB are so very handy.

Anonymous said...

So if YOU judge, it's ok but asking why Tal B doesn't use his degree is judging? I think not. I think it's a fair ?

Why does he stay poor when he could use his degree?

Anonymous said...

Thanks Sweet,
; x

Anonymous said...

me too ,,,

Anonymous said...

many more ,,,

Anonymous said...

"Why does he stay poor when he could use his degree?"

Because his degree is boring? And good for him if he is (but who would hire him that hair?)

Teasing you! L.

Anonymous said...

Good Good Morning to you, My Dear!

So I was trying to understand Helens early history, like her birth from an egg, and it seems as though some of it might have come from art, like another poetic Homer type story.

Also since Helen came from a psychic family the history of her family springing from the gods and goddesses would be true and much like were are doing here today. L.

Anonymous said...

So the other place for Troy I had been looking at was Bulchik, Bulgaria. It seems to have more rock, so that coast could have had the cliff and pathway that I remember. Also I read a bit of its history and at some point in time it was dominated (my word) by the Greeks. And I'm thinking my father :)

My father outfitted his boat to be a warship before the rescue in case there was trouble, and since it wasn't needed then he didn't ask for reimbursement until after my murder. My family was going there to confiscate Troy and any other property. After D was murdered, his family put all their support, both money and manpower behind my father. After taking and leveling Troy, the plan was to find the remaining two brothers.

Sorry, I'm a little ahead of myself...I got very sleepy this morning and took a small nap. I'm not confused, I just forgot something I wrote weeks earlier and hadn't posted...need to go find, fix and share it. Anyone else here burning up? If i'm not freezing, i'm roasting, but I'm never comfortable...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Brigham Baby!

I know you asked some time ago who you were in Helen's story. You were one of D's relatives, and I met you before the wedding.

Your name, Hectors friend and Lucy are named somewhere in the story...Your L.

Anonymous said...

Who.... Me?

Anonymous said...

Sacred divinity.

Anonymous said...

Brought to you by divine intervention; created from grand design, while having a smoke in heavens bathroom .

Anonymous said...

<3 u sweet,
nightie, night ;)

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning to You!

Nothing to share with you yet, and later this morning Mary and I are off to the Amish market! If you see me here later, then you will see me, otherwise go and make a point of having some fun today.

P.S. No Smoking! In the bathroom or anywhere else! And don't forget to miss me while I'm gone.

Anonymous said...

Nobody understands time better than me, except maybe you.
nightie, night.
Dream fun.

Anonymous said...

BUT ,,,
Never, ever, have i missed someone
as much as i miss
:) x

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Even if I set my alarm 20 minutes ahead, like 8:20 is actually 8:00, I'm still late everyday. Maybe set it an hour ahead. God there's stupid people in this world, but they do make me seem super smart ... you're so cute and funny, it makes me dizzy sometimes, it's raining.
Sweet dreams, sweetheart.

Anonymous said...

I pretended to be bothered by certain things but I wasn't really - it was just so I could get the RC's interested enough so they would take things over. God I hate the name norman, it reminds me of the bates motel every single time I hear it. I do love Jesus though and all he stands for and I'm in love with my moses. Ahhh, been a great day today ,,, you?

Anonymous said...

The talented romantic one wins hands down. His sincerity drives me wild but I'll never share him. Total devotion and dedication to me only and visa versa or forget it. Hope he likes me.

Anonymous said...

It's time 4a face2face.
Nobody's away that long.
If it is not what can occur
then truth will have reared
it's ominous grace.

Anonymous said...

That Armand took a warship to Troy for the rescue was a story! Using it they blocked three boats from docking while my family spoke with Paris'. But they did more than that, just not sure what yet. Making a note of it here so I remember.

We have snow and a nice cozy fire planned! L.

Anonymous said...

I could never leave you,
I love you.

Anonymous said...

Well, that's good news that I'll never get tired of hearing...but what did Ari do now?

That you call him an ass reminds me that I've been wanting to apologize for calling your girlfriend an angry asian. It was very meow, meow; and I regret doing that. AND with my track record, I'm sure it's not even true. I was told when I realized she was a big part of your life that she was your Atlantis. But "Fuck You Tal!" was the only thing I could say.

Remember when I said you could do whatever you wanted with the my work? I do have a couple of new restrictions to put on that statement and since nothing has been signed by anyone this is a free flowing agreement and feel that as long as we tell each other here or in person, I can do that. Bachmania Entertainment is to have NO part of my efforts (I don't want anyone else involved). This is between me and whatever advice/support/arrangements you, your family, and mine can give. I am aware too that I'm wrong and there might be nothing going on at your end.

I'm really looking forward to finishing this! It's been painful to see, but at the same time I've had the best time here with you guys.

I feel the need to say all of this because I clearly don't know what you guys are doing and lately I've been thinking its really NOT smart to keep posting here no matter how much fun I'm having. I feel like its asking for trouble and then there is another exciting part of my story and I'm right back here happily doing what my head just said not to do.

As far as a face2face, I'm not going to do that until you cut your hair! That your girlfriend's a hairdresser and left you looking like that proves she doesn't love you.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but the Asshole has something he wants to add....

"That you think your in charge of B.E. and your hands are in all the projects is stupid. The only way to contact B.E. was thru your girlfriend, you gave away meeting clients at their first introduction (email), plus you made her your second in control of a company that has your name. Some really poor symbolism for the man in charge."

The Asshole.

Anonymous said...

ha ha lol ..... Bae

Anonymous said...

omg. mmm hmm. smiling. wide.

Anonymous said...

Just let the RC'a handle Helen of Troyia, their well equipped. They're also already well aware.
Rest & be pleased.

Anonymous said...

Expect this blog to disappear too, entirely.

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