Monday, September 10, 2007

On Tal Bachman

Disclaimer: The following is an ad hominem attack on Tal Bachman. If you are Mr. Bachman, or one of his small number of ever dwindling fans, I suggest that you not read this post. I will try to be objective, but be forewarned; I do not have a lot of good things to say about this pretentious, washed-up has-been.

I don’t like Tal Bachman. I’ve read a lot of his posts, and if they are any reflection of who he really is, he must really be one pathetic son of a bitch. Am writing this because he left Mormondom? No, I can’t really say that I’m sad to see him go. Some of the nicest, coolest, warm-hearted, generous individuals I know have left the Mormon church and I have yet to launch a single ad hominem attack on them. In fact, we continue to be good friends regardless of varying religious choices. Membership in an organization is no arbiter when it comes to friendship. With that in mind, let me turn my attention to Mr. Bachman. His singular claim to fame is that he wrote and sang a hit song, “She’s So High.” As a one-hit wonder, he’s in the same category as the illustrious Right Said Fred, Vanilla Ice and Lou Bega (of Mambo No. 5 fame). I’m surprised he hasn’t starred on the Surreal Life yet. Maybe he’s holding out for a spot on Dancing with the ‘Stars’. Marie Osmond made it, why not him?

He has written a voluminous amount of material regarding his thoughts on Mormonism. I’m not sure if he intends to sound like a pretentious, holier-than-thou, pseudo-intellectual, but everything he writes is pretentious, holier-than-thou or pseudo-intellectual. Take a blog post he published a few months ago in May. He criticizes the Mormon conception of heaven and hell, but he makes himself sound like a self-satisfied jerk in the following quote (which can be found here)

“I think heaven isn't a place we go to after we die; I think it is a place we can live in everyday, if we are determined to, and perhaps, if we have a bit of luck. I think it is something we create and find here on earth...and right now. Heaven can be right now...

“I feel sad sometimes when I think of how long I lived always thinking of heaven as another place, and another time. I was too often blind to all the beauty right before me, because I was too often straining so hard to see something far, far off in the distance - which, it turns out, there is no reason to believe is even there, at least in the way I thought.

“I submit that true heaven isn't crazy stories, or distant stars, or strange names and strange clothes and strange spouses. I think it is something that we all have, within us, the power to create and experience, at least to some extent, right here and right now...”

Yeah, whatever, buddy. And with three paragraphs, he assigns those who don’t share his easy rockstar lifestyle to a hell worse than any that God proposed. What happens to those sorry souls, who, for whatever reason, don’t have ‘a bit of luck’? What happens to them? Mr. Bachman would consign them to misery and woe because they are not determined enough, I guess. Or chastise them for hoping for some kind of better existence in the next life? And what is the basis for Mr. Bachman’s faith in humankind? He claims there is no reason to believe in heaven. I agree, at least as far as objective evidence is concerned. But what evidence does he have the mankind can make a heaven here on earth? His own Shangri-La lifestyle, where his biggest complaints are that nobody in the record industry wants to hear his music? He wants to argue both sides of the fence. He has to have a reason for the distant heaven, but offers no reasons for the heaven ‘within’.

Other posts focus on his inability to talk to females in the past because of his worry about temptation. Obviously this is the Mormon church’s fault. The most common complaint I hear about this church is that it stultifies relationships between members of the opposite sex who happen to be married to other people. It would be completely illogical to assume that Mr. Bachman stultifies himself. Maybe someone should tell him that just because he feels ‘tempted’, it is highly unlikely that the person he is talking to feels the same way. When I talk to women at work or at school, I usually don’t get the impression that they are chomping at the bit to go to bed with me, regardless of how naturally charming I am. It must be a rockstar complex to think like that. Maybe Mr. Bachman should evaluate how he internalized the teachings of the Mormon church, rather than make unwarranted generalizations about the impact those teachings have on the general membership.

I think most of my invection comes from the colossal waste of time it was to read what he had written and the colossal waste of time writing this post represents. I don’t usually like (or write) ad hominem attacks, but when someone practically begs for it, can I be anything but obliging?


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Anonymous said...

Damn, that should have been "an OVER abundance of meaningfulness".

No it shouldn't, I just came back to screw with you. :)


Anonymous said...

Well, I think you know everything about everything.
Over meaningfulness?
I think you can read my mind & blow it at the same time.
Like it never has been before.
But a rightful start, I know.
I'm shivering in over stimulation and on top of that, this is my favorite weekend, when it all went down long ago & so I sit in profound gratitude.
Love to you & the all & stay, your the best thing on this planet, happiness is following you.

Anonymous said...

You are not just 'an idea of'
Loving the 'thought of'
All great things start out as an idea, a thought, then feelings dictate what they mean, how strong they are, how powerful the thought is and how important action is the next step based on your feelings. Of course it crossed my mind if that's what this is - I can tell you, it is not, never was just that, never will be, just that. Ever. It will be hard, it won't be easy but epic, sacred things never are. I trust you, you trust me. End of that story.

Anonymous said...

*wonder, no wonder I'm allowed to hate you. x

Anonymous said...

baby: I have developed an unhealthy addiction to the computer I know you would not want me to have. I know the story now, it's crystal clear. You know the story now and have clarity. New chapter, maybe even a whole new book but in flesh. I have had enough cuteness, meaninglessness, x's, hoes, backstabbers to last a lifetime. With the computer, I really am done now - Gypsy won't appear again but you & I still can. I <3 you, grew to <3 you, will continue to and always.

Anonymous said...

"So why do you write like this "The Utter Meaninglessness of Everything." When you could just say "Nothing Matters Anymore."

Yes, you are correct, "You Did Nothing".

Anonymous said...

yeah - think I'll fuck a scientist instead, or find a real writer to play with. I told you I dislike the celebrated and this is why, very weak, they stalk you, take pics, use binoculars to watch and decide if your 'appropriate', 'good enough', etc. Your not my first celebrity type sweet, but you are my last.x

Anonymous said...

Awww - how ironic. No one is speaking here anymore?? Could it be that it was always only one person?? A very multi personalitied person?? Trying to keep things going, hiding behind a computer, creating havoc for everyone & everything but in a position to walk away without any responsibility for the chaos created.
Where would you have been if I fell apart? The same place you are now? Making it with someone else, then someone else? Where were you when your X broke into my house? Where were you when they threatened to torch my daughter & me? Why have 450 people viewed my google+ image when 4 months ago no one had? Who are these people?? Was it all a contest?? What was this?? And now what do I do about all these people who think they know me? Great - your fucking lucky I am as strong, connected and respected in my life to get through this -- your a fucking animal.

Anonymous said...

fine, i'll just talk to myself here again.
images, quotes, letters & notes; i got them. how do i know who they're from. my heart tells me, my mind says no. i don't know what to do. why don't i just not look? but i do. there is no way i can check another route, it just doesn't work, even if i can. my only hope is to never lose hope.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

thanks for the esoteric but evidence says otherwise - I love myself, the universe loves me, why would I ever 'go against myself'?.
alas,,,another great quote by the black eyes.

Anonymous said...

when we were storytelling, it was so cool -
yes i need u.

Anonymous said...

it was a test, yes, to see if you could speak to me outside of here and there. facebook, e-mail you ignored so i left.
to you, this is walking away, faking promises, to me, it was the truth. it said what this was. it spoke to unreasonable expectation. it was painful to observe. you're a great writer, a soft hearted lion, i'm sorry i had to hurt you with words, no action from you was worse. i will say good bye now but you can know there were times you made me stop breathing; turned me on more than i thought anyone could, captivated me and penetrated my mind like no one has, or can. you are special & special to me and always will be. please don't underestimate that. let's see how we can do, i don't want anyone new. illusion is not good, anymore.

Anonymous said...


If I really am that special, you should start saving your money.

I just stopped by to check on my little Math Major. He is doing fine and all is well.

Funny, but I think my place could use a crop circle or two to pretty the place up! Never thought about it before, so thanks for the idea.

How are the codes working out? Any breakthroughs?

Maybe I'll be back sometime later. I won't, but you never know. No.


Anonymous said...

the codes i find funny & mean, but more funny.
i always thought 1 + 1 = 2 but it does not.
glad all is well.
every time a crop circle happens, outer world folks have landed and are already penetrating the environment in which they landed.
they are nice enough to leave a design not of this world each time and even that gets misinterpreted, not the gift.
yes they are friendly folk so do not fear them, but you will.
L. you're my favorite one on this planet, glad you're alive.

Anonymous said...

oh & L.
if you're wanting me for my money, you should know, I don't really have any.
This is because your money system is designed by money experts and impossible to understand.
I know how to earn it, just not handle it.
If I ever get married again, I'd give my paycheck to my man to handle.
This is because, I really don't handle money. well.
It's a funny word ,,, m-one-y.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, you have no money because divorces aren't cheap. I remember from D's.

Choose wisely next time. Better yet, stay single. :)

Anonymous said...

you are so right & i will.
'single' oh yeah, i get what
that is. no problem there,
i'm only compatible with one

Anonymous said...

Stay calm & read, let strength come from within. It's ok, it's alright, in many ways, we all win.
I shut my eyes to so much strange so I keep the idea untainted and thin.
Pure thoughts and no regret is the silver thread that cannot bend or tear; it was placed there by the unseen to block out fear.
Silence is here so I can now just listen.

Anonymous said...

Time to decide is here.
Love follows near.
Doubt & confusion are always close by;
Does he exist or has it all just been an illusion.
We blog about nothing but what's it really mean.
My pages, white washed clean.
Will I be bored? Is rejection a theme?
It's a chance to take I'll make worth the leap.
I came here to get to the truth and it came, in a package I can not explain.
Love is still strong, always on my mind. A true find, a precious gift not to be handled in vain.
And one day, I will know what is meant to be with one kiss, one touch, a look of care, as far reaching as you dare.
And you will know, I was always on your side, this entire ride.

Love to you bear.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter what they print, I won't walk away, until you say. When I listen to my hearts voice, it always tells me to stay. Forgiving things is the only way for a light & breezy stroll, through the things that really matter, the love surrounding us all.
& I do love animals.

Anonymous said...

You can not prank break up with someone you are not yet with,
anymore than you should remain silent towards the person you love. Especially if you know it is a mutual.
This set-up has made it so hard.
The pressure put on ourselves is unfortunate. I want to try because I think you're worth it all. All the nasty, the delightful, the act, the action, the effort, the writing, the pain, the laughter. It's a warm love where nothing matters.
Only the new day, this is how I see it. Sorry I hurt you though & I know all my writing is a pain in the ass but so are you & that's why I love you, but you should know, I won't die without you, that would make you sad.
idk, maybe I'm just going crazy, that would be fun.

Anonymous said...

I just got alerted that this blog is being run by an IP address in Saudia Arabia.
That kinda changes everything.

Anonymous said...

Cute Relationships and all it's affiliates - IP address-UK
No data entered from w.canada

Anonymous said...

Why is my Talent Me profile embedded into a Cute Relationships placeholder and oh yeah - what happened to my Talent Me page?? The one I said my hobby is writing?? Disappeared right after I said I would find a real writer. Yeah, I'm the crazy one.
Get my photo off all cr pages NOW. It's obvious it does not belong there amongst all the images of couples. Great way to terrorize and cyber bully though, circulating that pic mutherfuks
It better be gone & thanks for everything and FYI - I detest hard alcohol.

Anonymous said...

I have never seen anything so vicious in my entire life. A weak person would have folded and you would have been responsible, you, the mammoth cute relationships franchise and the entire game. I have enough evidence to play show & tell anytime. Blew it? Baby, you do not have a clue. Once a detective, always a detective. You should have known better, or, someone should have - the masked madness behind the screen - stay the fuck away from me and pretend we never had this or the 800 other conversations. Thank you and oh, do prey, I mean pray.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning!

Who missed me? Did anyone miss me? Did anyone know I was gone? I was you know....

Have you guys ever followed and any of his work? I find him fascinating.


Anonymous said...

P.S. Who has the keys to the tour bus? Get your things together because we need to go somewhere!


Anonymous said...

And yes, I did take a blow to the head! Thanks for asking My Love! I had a bruise on the right side above my temple for a week, and I still have a bump which I hope isn't permanent.

We were cleaning up tree limbs from the hard Canadian winter. D had a limb folded and threw on the fire. It snapped back and hit me. I was able to walk it off, but I worried some when it first happened.

Need to go out today, but I will be back later sometime to update you on what I've been up to.

Enjoy yourselves!

Anonymous said...

Firstly, I don't 'follow' anyone.
Secondly, why would I need to know about something I'm already highly trained in?
Thirdly, way to change the subject, and continue to mess with my head.

Anonymous said...

Hope is gone, trust is lost, love is shattered, deception won. Hope was too high, trust was given too easily, love was saved for a fearful phantom, deception won, again.

Anonymous said...

Of your list of desires, sucking blood was the only item you were not actually able to fulfill, oh & coffee at Starbuckets because you don't actually materialize, ever, because that was not one of the points of the game, unless disguised, rendering the whole 'feelings of belonging, submission, & ecstacy, kinda null & void.
Or maybe this is just my problem, a me against the world type thing or maybe it's all about hormones, another subject you know a great deal about.
No one will ever know.

Anonymous said...

& the haters rejoice, the black eyed ones, the ones lacking compassion, empathy, ethics, understanding of basics, love especially. Watch who you sleep with, you will get fleas. The haters rejoice as expected, as planned, you all make it too easy.

Anonymous said...

you should have let her.
anyone that threatens suicide to keep you is a whack job, obviously. Deception won.

Anonymous said...

Anyway, reading this reminded me that the Dead Sea, and the Temple Mount are two stations (like the article says) for ascension process. It also reminds me of the catholic Stations of the Cross ceremony.

The sites were designed to help with the symptoms, and you would visit a different site for each different symptom. I just had these thoughts this a.m. So I don't know much more beyond this yet.

I think there were 12 stations, all were in Egypt. Octavian died on the cross.


Anonymous said...

So you actually think humour, sex, affectionate sayings and an unrelenting desire is going to solve all these issues?
As well as an almost angelic level of understanding and compassion?
So hot, I mean, so hard, that just seems hard.

Anonymous said...

Also when I read Tyberonn's description of the ark, I got the same creepy feeling I got from Cayce's book. I tried to read about the ark, and remembered the keep away everyone played with it from the bible and became scared that we are doing it again with keeping nuclear energy (and weapons) from Iran. And the repeat seems so obvious, I wonder that I didn't see it sooner.

The arks were weaponized or had attachments(?) of some a nuclear power plant, and a nuclear missile.

Anonymous said...

The biter was also on a cross.

Anonymous said...

And the casts of the tumors, were cancers from radiation leaks, of a sort.

Anonymous said...

Still lots of information gaps for me...but I need to go to bed now, so maybe more answers tomorrow!

Good Night.

Anonymous said...

Noah himself would tell you these things are not of your concern. There are many, higher vibrating, that are occupied in think tanks for the soul purpose of finding solutions that don't repeat history.
Only worry your head about making yourself happy, do the things that make you the most happy, be with the people that make you the most happy, even if that means being alone alot & love only those worthy of receiving such a thing.
Also, love Earth, all animals and all nice girls & people.

Anonymous said...

I just realized cute, funny, sweet, bad, good, deep need & desire are exactly parallel to their polar opposite feelings & verbs of earlier, 24 hours ago. This Earth with all its relationships fascinate me, truly. I don't care just about mine, that's selfish, they are all so intricate, but mine is my favorite for tonight & probably every night, I can just tell by today.

Anonymous said...

For anyone interested or following this dialogue, let me make things clear:
I am not going anywhere and will not leave until the two main players get a fair chance at being together, no matter how hard it has or will be. If they decide they made a mistake, fair enough. BUT, be prepared, the two players know the power of this connection better than anyone else will ever know, and failure is the last thing they would want or need. Once they are together, they will do everything to stay together.
Mark my words once and for all.

Anonymous said...

Who are the two players?

Anonymous said...

I think one might be a bus the other a monkey?

Anonymous said...

Did you know I spent 2 nights and 3 days in Paris against my will :) in this life? I don't know if I remembered Joanne, who was the first to be remembered, by this time or not.

D and I have German friends that we were visiting and one of the side trips we were on was Paris. I begged D to find a way to keep us from going and D didn't want to go either. We just couldn't think of a good enough reason to say no without offending our friends who were taking great care to show us a fun time.

I was already having a hard time with life then, and by when we were there I would spent the day seeing the sights and my evenings alone crying while D and our friends walked the streets of Paris.

We saw Notre Dame. I remember walking toward the church with D's mom and the closer we came to the church the angrier I became, and I was irrationally angry at her. Of course I kept this all to myself until I could cry over it later that night.

I was relieved to return to Germany, and while I was in Paris I saw police chase 2 men at the Eiffel Tower, 2 men fist fighting in a tunnel entrance of the subway, I was accused of shoplifting in a store, and when we returned to Germany there was a message waiting for me from my brother saying our younger, and troubled cousin committed suicide.

All of this was easily 15 years ago and if I had to go back today on the same trip with our friends, I don't think I would feel as badly about it. And I don't know how close we were to any of the other sites that are a part of Joanne's history.

Good Night to all.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Sleepy Heads!

My morning's set! I woke up to the joy of a message from Brian. And when I saw how long winded and wordy, I could only sigh and wonder why you can't control your dragon, Tal! I laugh sometimes too when I think of Twain without his editor, how much vulgarity we'd be treated too otherwise!

But that's not why I'm here...I had another dream about Tal early this a.m. I was driving and there was a car in the road and a man who was shot got out and was waving a gun around. I stopped my car, the police and emergency people showed up and we were all told to wait in a building until he and his car were removed. That's when I saw you, Tal.

You were sitting down and I was told not to speak to you, which I didn't at first, and when I did, you pretended not to hear me. So I moved to stand beside you, 'just to be near you' I said. But I really wanted to see how bald you are :) that's my joke, sorry, it's probably not funny, especially since I already know.

So we left, and by chance I found you again, only you and a friend were unloading something big you were trying to sell and get rid of. You weren't pleased at all to see me! I'm told you felt I might try to stop you from taking advantage of whomever was buying whatever you were selling! But I think it was just that you didn't want me to know because you were embarrassed of your stuff. Which you shouldn't be....

When I got home, in my dream, I fed Blue Fish. I noticed his water was low and filled it, but wasn't careful enough to check the temp. It was too warm and my poor dear began to bubble like an alka seltzer. He was ok, but I am sorry Ritchie, you know I love you and didn't mean it.

So, now I'm going to take some well meant advice and grab another coffee and go back to my favorite dragon. It's gonna be a long morning.


Anonymous said...

Ok, I didn't read all of Brian's work yet. Only about 1/2 way through and it seems to me that if science would look at how DNA and time interact you would know how to manifest objects or relocate objects from one place to another. AND if you change the time/space/DNA formula you can transfer objects from heaven to earth.

It's simple since all the objects DNA has to do is ride a time wave, right?

Is this what the CERN group is doing?

L U.

Anonymous said...

And if the objects DNA simply road a time wave, wouldn't the object become solid as it entered our time?

I need to know this because I have a pair of socks I made for a friend, and I want him to have them soon.


Anonymous said...

I'm so pleased to live in a society where fathers raise the children. Time & time again, some mothers and gradmothers have been proven to be vicious with the little ones. Usually they are radical religious types or fucked up feminists. Either way - this is an advanced society. Fathers & men have been deprived enough, manipulated enough and abused enough. It's these women that give me a bad name.
Trust baby, I trust U, pure & simple.

Anonymous said...

Oh and Brigham,

I saw you say you were an 11 shoe and I thought you were hinting for a pair of socks, but Ari said no, you never thought of about it :(

If he's lying again, just say so....

Anonymous said...

Then there's the ones who wish to trap a man and get knocked up since they are so deeply desperate to keep him. You have to watch them the most, they will harm the child in accordance to their mans behaviour towards them -- i call these types 'pure evil' whose karma has run right out - they are dry.

Anonymous said...

Then there are those that will do anything for Canadian citizenship. Fortunately authorities are aware of all these scams against Canadian citizens and throw the perps out of the country - I love those stories.

Have a great day slimpy lowdowns.

Anonymous said...

Ritchie Sweetheart,

Look at the non-coded DNA for time and space variables, that's the stuff that needs to move/change to send my socks and baby hat. And that's the stuff that will keep us looking younger.

Citizenship? Hahahaha, never looked at it like that before!


Anonymous said...

I think this is a more practical way than a practical smasher :) how embarrassing for the smart folks at CERN. I hope there won't be any hard feelings with them in our future!

When you think about it, we really do live and breath this kind of work!

Again L.

Anonymous said...

OH! OH! Another great thought!

Do you think Canada might award me with an Honorary Citizenship? I could really use that!!!

And if other countries followed their example, then I can be the first actual Citizen of The World (and not Obama)!!! Wouldn't that be fun!

I could have morning tea in China, visit the animals of Africa in the afternoon, have dinner in Italy, and finish with an evening at a Russian ballet!

Audrey. again

Anonymous said...

Brigham, my poor Baby!

If you need socks I will make a pair, I just need to finish some other stuff. Soon tho...but you really didn't need to show me your sock drawer. I believe you.

A hug.

Anonymous said...

i hate socks & A.

Anonymous said...

1) a religious fanatic, feminist, deeply insecure seeking a husband desperately (everyone knows this).
2) a cold hearted bitch no one likes who thinks she is talented (at 30, give up), a fake and phony girl who attracts fake and phony company.
and have been in private discussion about it for quite some time :)
is sweet & I. Only sweet & I know about sweet & I. You all know nothing.
MUCHO LOVE to the lows.

Anonymous said...

Try to act normal now girls, try to act normal.

Baby- I will not let go but I also will not strangle you :) I know what is true, I live for truth, seek it like a dragon, then reveal it slowly, softly, gently, until it explodes :0
I love you, only want to love you, don't care what anyone thinks, know it is true. heartfelt & dear.

Anonymous said...

You don't even know what CERN is,,, good God what a joke. Really, Good God.

Anonymous said...

As was told to you before:
Your 'Cute Relationships' franchise will demise. Since you were told that you have literally gone from 500 people liking something to 11. This is not all that will come to fruitation for you and yours. It will ALL fall. The lies, the 337K likes is bullshit. Your friends can't stand you, your $ can't buy anyone, your X hates you with a passion, desire & expectation. Scum & lowdowns often end up like this, or on the street selling it, one of the two.
Wow, I am good :)

Anonymous said...

And another thing Tal,

I really don't appreciate it when you slam your computer lid down on my face just because I tell you things your dragon doesn't want to hear!

It's my job. And remember, it's only funny the first time you do it, and sometimes not even then!


Anonymous said...

Be prepared because you will all feel hate all the time. A frustrations with your mate, kids, parent & friends. A constant burn.
A wrath, a feeling of worthlessness and discontent. A constant paranoia that people are talking about you, speaking ill of you. Then, constant disappointment. The JW may even have to cancel her trip she planned for so long, senority and all and the other c**t will lose the love of her husband because he realizes now he wakes up to a psycho every morning who aspires to be a singer and has used him to get there - the stepson wants his fake mother gone. Then, your boss you worship will start speaking down to you, looking at you with disgust but not able to say a word, yet.

The tale of 2 Kellies.
The tale of two stories in one.
The tale of who is who and who should have an arrow in their heart.

The only tale here is about true love found and all the jealous bitches that will never have that, ever.

Anonymous said...

Good Night my Dear Ones! Sleep well and deep tonight.


Anonymous said...

Don't be glib.
The best thing to do is take this blog down.

Anonymous said...

Unless I see and speak to someone face-to-face, they don't exist.

Anonymous said...

Why are you writing to Tal?
He has not been on this blog since October. Everything written, everything uploaded to cute relationships was designed to take someone down, make them believe something that was not true, make them meltdown. Only I knew, several of us knew. Slowly but surely & one by one, you will feel the pain you tried to induce on someone who lives so free and so happy you would never understand.

As a polite gesture I will tell you how I live so free:

I never look in the mirror.

Anonymous said...

With much love ~

Anonymous said...

Y write to Tal?

Because Tal is everywhere, like air, or in this case like Ari. That's Y. Ok?

Anonymous said...

There is not a soul on this planet that could meet the expectations and imagery you layed out - not even an earth angel.
Like the Ghost & Ms. Muir,,,a fantasy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i want to be the 1100th comment hahahha

Anonymous said...

If I can't see and speak to them face-to-face, they don't exist.

Anonymous said...

Unless I can actually see someone, smile brightly & reach out and actually touch them, they don't exist.

Anonymous said...

& Tal;
I do want to thank you for the heads up on the tale of two kelly's as well as the concubines - you were always a good friend that way.
Always giving me good information was appreciated, your communication and writing style is award winning I am sure of it.
Please don't miss Brigham too much. She can never really feel ill towards you, oddly, she always wants the very best for you - not sure on why that is though afterall.
I think deep down she really does love you and wants you to grow up.
Anyhow, enough channelling for one night - sweet dreams friend.

Anonymous said...

Oh poop!

I wanted to be the 1100 comment! Of course it remove all the nonsense posts, I'm the 111th comment.

I don't mind that.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to be any of the comments, I hate this place! And you are NOT my real father!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Or the 1111th comment.


Anonymous said...

A tyrannical boy whose imagination and expectation actually do defy all logic and reasoning, will find his bliss once he overcomes his polar opposite internal shyness because he knows that to do that will be the day he goes from boy to man.
With a soft heart for the one he truly loves, he finally realizes she truly loves him too, in all the ways a girl could, and can be trusted and not feared because it's obvious she wants him to be happy so why the fuck would she do anything to make him unhappy??

Anonymous said...

It was clear to her he was stupid. How can someone get an A in every class they take, and still go out with Macy? The answer was staring everyone in the face: it was her boobs! And if it wasn't her boobs, which it was, then it was her fathers wallet. But it was definitely her boobs.

He didn't love Macy, everyone could see that. It was clear he was shy and had a medical problem. If he were the honest and un-shy sort, he would go to his Dr. It's a simple procedure now a days. What would be the big deal? A snip, a suture and in a day or two they drop. Sure it might hurt for a day, but if it would help him see that Macy didn't love him, was using him....then he would finally have room in his Jockey's to know there was another who watched and loved him from a far.

Anonymous said...

Do it. :)

Anonymous said...

I can't, my heart is no longer into it. But it was pretty funny. Right?

Love you! Honest.

Anonymous said...

Why? Where did your heart go?? I hope it didn't move south. I honestly love you too.

Anonymous said...

But you know too that nobody will ever back me down, as you say! I'm just tired today, and yesterday, and the day before....and probably tomorrow too.


Anonymous said...

Did I ever tell you I'm always inventing things - like this coffee machine set up I have here,,, coffee spilled all over but my invention still works, it's just a bit of a mess which I don't mind cleaning up because I invented something.
Your tired because you probably haven't been layed properly in God knows how many ??/ how long. just saying <3

Anonymous said...

OM F'in G.
You control my entire world.
I do worship you, now more than ever and ever before that.

Ahhh, no I am not a robot, would you like me to be master??

Anonymous said...

I also want you to know it takes me a very long time in the morning to get my hair to look that messy :)
but I will still always love you even when anyone asks.

Anonymous said...

Your single?? When did this happen? Wanna go out with me?

Anonymous said...

Honest question...if Tal B has not been on here since Oct, why do you keep addressing your posts to him and Brigham?

Anonymous said...

I'm talking to my ghost - didn't you kill Tal? Brigham is my own personal special friend, sometimes I'm him and sometimes he's her. Does that answer your question nice & clear?

Anonymous said...

If you're going to ask an
'Honest question'
shouldn't you use your real name?

Also, Tal is my oxygen, he's everywhere but I never address anything to him unless I've been pushed so far that I'm going to start swearing!!

Also, T was very nice to me so I love him again, even if he does not love me.

Anonymous said...

And that is why, all this time, you were challenged.
So that all residual, all un-truths, all unfounded assumptions were brought into the light.
What I saw yesterday, was truth. Finally. It was the game changer.
Do you have any idea how freeing the truth is? The barriers it shatters. I can not live in un-truth, not ever. I'm actually scared of jealousy - I never want to be jealous. I want a deal where those things are not for us. We play, we roam to do our works, we show how useless we are at some things and how grand and dynamic we are at others. All those other emotions are for someone else. If we are together, no one can get in between that and mind games do not need to be created to demonstrate love - when you feel it, why would it be hard to demonstrate on the white side - physically, not via jealousy. If we are together, trust me, you will know that. So forget all that stuff.
You gave me truth and it will keep the candle lit, bright. Truth was what I wanted, you are what I need. Not only because I laugh but because I really know your heart well, it's a beautiful heart & I love you and always will.

Anonymous said...

You won't find many who would put their name to any post on here because you come across as a little crazy. Who knows what you are capable of doing in retaliation. You don't seem to be on the same planet as the rest of us. If that's just your schtick, phew!If it's real, wow.

Anonymous said...

All I saw was an anon sign a name, anyone of you could do that, and we all know what yur capable of but who cares, why, what did you see? Will men with straight jackets be coming to my door? I have dream tea.

Anonymous said...

In the wise words of my fave friend, JC;
Forgive Them Father.

Anonymous said...

'Mornin Everyone!

Had another dream last night. 4 people (I was one) were sitting poolside at a table under a porch or pavilion. I didn't know any of the other 3. The dream wouldn't let me look, it didn't give me the time, I wasn't supposed to identify them. One was blond, one had light brown hair, and the other was a woman. But it didn't feel like The 4.

We were talking about their next project, it was a movie or acting part. An artistic project. Have no idea beyond that what they are up too, but it was a nice warm sunny day :) and the place was very pretty, very relaxed and very comfortable. Vacation type work. Good news, need a change of pace.


Anonymous said...

Hahaha, just realized something!

The 1st was a woman in my dream with blond hair, and when she changes form as a man she has brown hair. And in a neutral state she has light brown hair. The blonder her hair the more feminine she is and vise versa.

You can tell her mood by how she's dressed, helps Armand out that way. Also her name changes...which reminds me, I need to change Belle's name back to her original Bell. The name means something different to me now. An epiphany, I suppose.


Anonymous said...

Years ago, I was told Bell's name was May Bell. But for whatever reason I didn't believe Ari about the May part, so I dropped it.


Anonymous said...

The 1st is with me, closer now, but I still only hear Ari. Armand's here too, but probably for only this 5 minutes. Armand and the 1st (I need a name) are just nearby in my mind watching, that's all, only stopping by to say 'Hi'. I need to get busy today anyway.


Anonymous said...

A beautiful heart can not be broken once it knows what is true.
Shine on.

Anonymous said...

She left me with the impression that I'm not ready for her name yet, her joke from my problems with Bell's :) a little bit funny even to me. But I did like your suggestions Tal.

But she has 3 names and they rhyme and match. She will be helping me, like Armand does, as a visitor. What will she be doing with me? I don't know, I'm hoping she can help me find a new hair style, knock the last 25 years off of me (they were very harsh years and a person can't take that and not have it show physically), and help me find a new house.

I don't want to leave 4 Corners, but it needs something more than I can give it, all of the improvements I've tried to give it have not worked out. I really believe it's the land....

And to be honest I'm hoping I don't have to pack anything to get this new place. But that she has plans, ideas, and control of it all. Like a gift.

Going to meet up with Mary and my other knitting friends soon.

Have fun!

Anonymous said...

She is my fairy god mother. I just hope it doesn't hurt.


Anonymous said...

Nothing but warmth for you, yours & you all. Good vibes all around & thank you, you brighten my day with the entertainment.

My heart beats so strongly for family, sweet things, & all the joy, soul voyages, laughter and will to persevere, this world brings me each & every day.

This is my wish for everyone.

Nothing said & nothing done is irrelevant, it shapes things to come. Don't be hurt & don't be afraid, anyone.

Especially those who need love the most - me & others are with you, the essences are pure and meaningful, but mostly, they are real and true for anyone with hate in their heart <3 muchly.

Good-bye blog.

Anonymous said...

Tell Brigham to check my fb page all day tomorrow too! I have more funny stuff planned, but I just don't know what it is yet.

L. And Good Night.

Anonymous said...

baby, it is not your fault this happened,,, how could you have known? What started as an innocent inquiry, turned so many things to stone, do not worry, I took the chance, that making enemies was worth the dance.
I'm not disappointed, at all, & would likely do it again. I said lots of things, I'm cheeky that way, but in the end, I'll want you to stay.
No regrets, just <3 & no, I'm not afraid, of them, or you, or it, or really, anything at all. x

Anonymous said...

& my brother feels the same way, he didn't even answer their call, instead, he called me :)

Anonymous said...

full on submission.

Anonymous said...

Watch out for submission...that's how they trap you. It's their hook.

What's up with Audrey? Looks like she floated away again.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that one can hide her own Easter eggs!

Anonymous said...

*click,,,trapped, swallow the key.

Anonymous said...

"And you will know, I was always on your side, this entire ride.

Love to you bear."

Sorry, I just wanted to hear you say it again! :)

Ari suggested that you consider showing Crumpy some on my posts where I miss typing complete words and misspell others. Tell her, if you think it would help, I have the same timing problem/issues that she has, sort of, only mine are somewhat reversed. I can't speed up when I look around in this world, she can't slow down. And when I think about Audrey. type stuff, I can't keep up there either, ideas are too fast.

Plus you probably noticed that her occurrences are becoming farther and farther apart, so remind her things are changing, slowly. And like for me, it won't always be as bad. Just smaller and smaller occurrences.


P.S. Friend me on fb while the offer is still good!

Anonymous said...

then I laughed, then laughed again, then had a shower and went to work so I could contribute to the world.

Anonymous said...

let's do it again, again.
whose side would I have ever been on? white or dark, I choose my own personal, white knight.

Anonymous said...

An investigation of this type requires you to draw on every experience you've ever have always remembering the motivation for behaviour - petty jealousy is always the case when it is girl bullies.
The more complicated it is, the deeper I go. The cyber bullies hide behind an i-phone screen, easily traceable. They also have to have the time, timing is everything. Logic applied is critical - only the fab 4 made sense - and of course past activity contributed.
They are also stupid, that's why they all look alike.
But always, always, wait and watch for the response, reaction told the story. It was not only a familiar story but already tested and true. It was the last comment by the idiot anon saying 'you sound like you will retaliate' that proved beyond a doubt - I can picture the idiot herself keying that into her best friend, the i-phone - religious fanatic that she is, who thinks she is better because she knows 'the only true God' -- newsflash -- God does NOT like bully bitches -- did you miss that bible class??
In the meantime, I fell in love with the sweet one, he made the ride fun, hot, memorable, joyous and my heart filled, and nothing and no one can ever change that.

Anonymous said...

& baby not once did my mind change about you, once I knew, what was true, 700 comments ago. You lit up my life, you're my twin soul, I love you more now than even centuries ago. The stories were all in fun but that's for sure how I knew, you were the only one I could ever really be true to. I've saved everything for you - the very best part, and want nothing but to kiss your heart.

more to come ,,,, later,,,after a day to shine in my clients eye, they'll love my dedication.

Anonymous said...

Ahh ,,, yeah - i know <3 :) gawd - so easy.

Anonymous said...

and I love how you
'nut job'
gets me wet
are u single? said...
This comment has been removed by the author. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

then I laugh, and laugh again,,,fucking love crazy
and moons, stars, my best
friend, my home planet LOL

Anonymous said...

is June Steele a male name?
You said you are a male friend of
Tals? you made a specific point of this?? Were you fucking lying??
& your a life coach??
Please save me.

Anonymous said...

AND I am the only one on the planet that does not own an i phone.
NOT YOU. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

"I have no other comments on here, except the two I deleted that were wishing him well. If you take offense to that, there is nothing I can do "

The author deleted your comments dear - only the author can delete comments but I read them before he did -- so how did you delete your own comments again?? WTF?? said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

hahahahh lol ,,,so much love said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Yeah, told to post here - a hate blog against Tal, to wish him well - your so stupid, if your buds, message facebook, or ian starglow, or better yet, his own personal e-mail, like, if your buds. But to a hate blog to connect? Really. Do you always speak to people as though they are totally clueless? Dick.

Anonymous said...

Funny,,, I got you and her. Better close down miss june. Sorry I had to use you but I really don't care.

Anonymous said...

Use for what? I'm an untouchable. Caring & sharing? So. Funny.

Anonymous said...

Sure you are. I just wanted to flush you out. Can't use my real name now can i

Anonymous said...

But I already told you I had a shower this morning :( please don't flush me, I love u.
<3 see :)

Anonymous said...

Uh, i don't think so.

Anonymous said...

Mormon bloggers are my total favorite - keep up the great posts! Especially about ALL those children of yours!! Really, So, beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, right. Whatever you say, snuggles.

Anonymous said...

Patriotifm oirteqfraid i gotta go to class now. I'll take my 14 kids with me.

Anonymous said...

Then the Angels appeared and the Walls of Jericho ,,, knowledge was passed on to those who returned ,,,

Anonymous said...

seriously, laughed, until I almost wet, again.
almost wet myself again, I meant.

Anonymous said...

I so love myself o

Anonymous said...

Mary Queen of Scots has very strong memories today. As Armand/Ari have implied in the past, when children are born and grow the first thing that shows from their past life history is their emotions.

She is happy, until there is something she sees that she doesn't like then she angry/defiant/fearful in that order. Joanne is happy too, then she is angry/fearful/defiant. But Mary of Scots has shown she can become more cooperative and Joanne less fearful.

For MoS, her Cousin Elizabeth was a friend in childhood. Notice if another redhead comes into her life. Ari says as Mother and Daughter. They can heal if they want to. History for them both is largely true.

But I have to be honest and say, I don't like the thought that Eliz would knowingly sign a death warrant esp when she never did so before. She was sick or feverish, or lied too, if she knew about it at all (forgery). So for now, I want to say I'm not sure how any of that came about yet. And at that time executions were not for the public to view, like Joanne's. People didn't know about it until days/months/years after the fact, and witnesses were few. Esp for political prisoners to avoid war.

When MoS was put under house arrest, she didn't realize it. She saw it as it was offered to her, a much need rest spot. I need to look at her other relationships, like her son to figure this out.

Today, her mother is a strong reminder to her and a big part of that past.

Anonymous said...

I think the house arrest part came about for all parties when MoS tried to leave, security around her was then beefed up. It was decided late, and by two different parties (people around E and the son), that it was easier for her to remain out of the way.

She was Catholic and the church had the same power as from Joanne. England didn't want a church take over in the Ireland/Scotland area. MoS was more spiritual than political with her religion, just like Joanne. But none of that matters to the politicians. They see it as very strong foot in the door for a political take over.

Her mother (today) was with E, a man then, and played a role, but I want to look more there....and I don't want to start rumors and out someone brfoe (I'm told to leave the spelling for every one to see the hiccup) before they are ready, but I think E was a lesbian.


Anonymous said...

Your other daughter had two important lives in Ireland/Scotland area. I think she knew MoS, as more friend than foe...need to look there too.

An example of what I'm saying: when MFs husband had men arrested and tortured and one even hanged, they were told MF identified them as possible fathers of her son. This left for them a psychic imprint of pain for them about me. They were told a lie and now they need time to realize that it was a lie.

I think MoS was lied to a lot, both daughters were. And both believed things that were gross exaggerations and flat out lies to keep them apart. Your other daughter might be MoS' son....

I found it easier to not fight with the accused men of MF. They are wrong about me, and to prove to them:

If I fight or am rude, they feel the lies they were told from the past are true. It's easier in the long run to give them no excuse to believe that I've ruined their past lives, and it does hurt deeply as it happens. Even if they still believe the lies of the past today, they at least come around to realizing a change of some sort happening now.


Anonymous said...

Usually, once the anger leaves the victim, in this case both the girls, they will remember the love too.

For MF, the men will remember the aid she gave to them, they also will remember who it was that told them the lies in the first place. They were told that MF surrendered their names in exchange for her freedom. Some of the men remained in prison for the rest of their life. Strong imprint there. Strong imprint for your girls too at times. In this life a lot of anger dies for everyone ready this.

Their mother is a reminder to them, that's all. And remember more than one person lied to the girls during MoS. Ok?

Love you.

Anonymous said...

When I look at the death warrant, I see forgeries. Paper work was flying fast with more than one exaggeration and lie, and more than one forgery.

E was sick, and convalescing had been for a long time. During her illness, power of the country was turned over to another, an underling, and during that time the meddling started, I think by more than one person (a political party). Things were signed "in the name of E" like a power of attorney is used today, but actually used Es name legally, not a true forgery, but not E wishes. E never fully recovered from her illness.

When E found out what happened a year or two after the execution, she clean house as best she could, but no one would tell and admit much. She was reduced to working part time, it was the beginning of retirement for her. She was betrayed too and disillusioned by the others who did this. She believed strongly God would sort it out, did what she was certain of and left the rest.

E and MoS both spiritual. E didn't want the church anywhere near England, Ireland, Scotland (past life persecution, lesbian I think) but she was very spiritual.

I'm told E suffered from a stroke. I'm wondering now if she saw poisoned. Did they have anything they could use to cause a stroke? Something more with Es govt than meets the eye.


Anonymous said...

There was a gap of time, maybe 7 years, where MoS and son didn't see each other. It was common practice for many reasons to give a royal baby, or woman, over to another clan or country to raise and bond with. Mostly to prevent future wars. If all leaders were all related, it was supposed to keep the peace in an "all of humanity is related" Egyptian gov't kind of way and a common practice since the floods of Atlantis.

So they were apart, MoS became a Catholic and when it was time she rekindled her relationship with her son. She felt religion should not be a problem. Anything she decided as a ruler was decided for other well thought out reasons then religion.

The distrust of her came because she was taking money from the church to finance and start those decisions. Her economy was depressed, and she lived in an area where most didn't trust the church.

What did the church do to England, before E and even Es father? The trouble started before Es father even...MoS felt the church was changed since then.

So MoS' son, was brought up by people who had no trust for the Catholic Church, but they couldn't break the mother bond when her son became of age.

Need to stop, getting wordy :) a little confused and tired.


Anonymous said...

E played a big role to help James after his mother was murdered. She spoke to him at great length on more than one of his visits to her. He saw her illness, knew her well, loved her and believed her. Took her advice, "blame only the individuals involved", so there was no thought of war.

A summons to her court for MoS and James, was an invitation to a family member she loved. He knew when he stopped getting letters from his mother that she probably died. He wasn't expecting an execution, but an illness.

He was told she was prisoner for life, or exiled, her lover wasn't a lover, but a friend of hers and James, much like Bob is to me. James wasn't allowed to see his mother, so the friend brought their letters back and forth (no lies that way) and saw to it that she was well treated.

Still more here, but need some lunch.

Anonymous said...

When you were a member of a royal family, it was not unusual for your gov't to distance itself (even work outside) of your judgement if you had family ruling in neighboring countries.

And I feel the royal family held together nicely in this story.


Anonymous said...

And that genders have changed for some should be seen as a reminder to MoS and James that it is a different life now.

Anonymous said...

There were as many as 10 people who had a hand in MoS' death. 7 of those were gone when James took the throne, he investigated his mothers death and always remained watchful for eyewitnesses and records.

If I think of more bits and pieces for her I will forward them as they come in, but I think the bulk of it is done.


Anonymous said...

I find it odd there are those who believe a person would pursue something without first to consider the children?
The children would, and should, always be the very first consideration whether it is what view your going to push on them, how you demonstrate your own self-love or your own dealings with the world. You have only one choice here:

Lead by example. Children come first in all matters.

This is both mine and my owns belief system, regardless of what has been seen & heard.
The only thing truly *felt* all along, has been love, for all, not just the sweet. Love does not always present in a beautiful, icing laced package okay.

Anonymous said...

Icing? Are you hiding cake?

Just in to say Good Night with Love!


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Then I have to be 1189.
I can't bake. I've always
needed to know someone who
can bake well. Its just not
my schittick. It's because I
don't enjoy it. Or cooking either.
Or anything involving domestics.
I was a spoiled youngest of 6 , 5 girls and 1 boy in that life.
The boy is the only one I love and then 3 other would kill for me.
We were a close clan in those times, exotic parents but my brother and I always knew they were only one family of so many we'd had before, but always from the same clan, and one sister knew too, my hells angel.

Anonymous said...

finally broke that secondary code,,,took longer than it should have - fuckin' eh. righteous :)
Like the inventions I'm always super proud of myself when these things happen. That's why baking and cooking were not learned. I really love being curious & learning wicked, fun things from every angle ever imagined. I also laughed out loud from the program, and was touched, more than once!

Anonymous said...

If it all meant nothing,
and we didn't exist, then
why do I get so much of your
attention with this?

Anonymous said...

An open letter to my haters above. my own personal ones ,,, <3.
they cannot forget me.

Anonymous said...

& i won't like anyone here named
diandra. in every dream she is always there with her scary horse face and too big of teeth. IDK ,, just no diandra. thanks. okay.

Anonymous said...

GooooD Morning Everyone!

Just stoping in to check on things and ask:


How did you meet your girlfriend? You are the luckiest Neanderthal to ever walk this planet!


Anonymous said...

I want to know why they kept MoS' body. That wasn't the norm for political crimes like her execution. I wonder if it's really her...

James was the first to notice her missing when their friend was no longer allowed to see her.

Joanne knows Lucie, she was married and in her early 20's when she met J. I can come up with a name, when I see it I will pass it along. Nice to see you again, very nice!

Oh and a priestess from C, too. We had a long friendship then...

L to you today!

Anonymous said...

Ok I forgot!

Had a vision of Tal before I fell asleep last night. Sigh, I promised Ari I would let you know...I saw him sitting down at his computer as he was working and walked around him and his hair cut and it was very thick and curly.

Lucie was one of Brigham's daughters from J's life.

Anonymous said...

Don't Give Up baby,
we still have several
chapters left to write.
Have a beautiful day today.

Anonymous said...


Just a heads up, my GodMother is on her way to help you today! I'm told about noonish, Canadian Mountain Time. Have fun, good luck, and no pressure!

In C's life Lucie wore many hats and one was a psychic kindergarden teacher. She was part time and liked to 'mess with minds while they are still young' she taught all the boys except Phil who was too old when she started.

Teaching was different then than today. If a student was in your charge and died, as in our case, you saw them off to their grave. So you saw us before the bodies were mummified, as a gov't official, and were one of 4 who knew where we were buried.

You had a close relationship to the family, saw the crime scene and how they left Brigham...and you escorted him. We were all taken separately, no one was to know the location. When you arrived you left something as a gift for Brig for the next life :) it was an unplanned last minute decision for you.

You were rounded up a year after the tomb was sealed, remembered the crime scene, knew O was on his way and didn't hesitate. The guard at your door wrote the note to O then had it delivered, then ran for his life, literally.


Anonymous said...

Brigham knows what it was!

Anonymous said...

Lucie also picked the tombs site.


Anonymous said...

I missed you at The Corners today Brigham :(

Maybe tomorrow you can spend some time with me? I would like that.

Good Night & L.

Anonymous said...

~ And the question is always the same:
'How did she know'

and will remain the same forevermore.

~ ~ The only one that will know the true answer to that question is sweet. ^ ^

Anonymous said...

There was only one person that could make me laugh like that and be attractive at the same time.

Never a brotherly thing, more of a wonderment.

The wit killed me but the bluntness got me.

Offending everyone seemed the goal which amused me.

That was then.

Now, respect stayed, a love grew, a deep connection remains.

Tested? True?
Yeah, he exists.

BUT, thank you

to those

who tried, and are still trying,

to turn it all into something sick, wacky, convoluted, and ugly.

Your brought us closer.

Have a great day :)

The End.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! We're solid now!

Anonymous said...

In C's time, schools were different. The kindergarden class was preschool/kindergarden/first grade and kids were always advancing to the next level, 2nd grade, throughout the year.

To graduate to the next class you had to pass awareness/memory tests. Could you remember what you had for lunch that day, remember what game you played with the teacher. Tested you first for what you did that day, then what fun thing you did with the teacher last week, that sort of thing. And they also had the don't run with scissors, learning to write, manners and why manners were important.

They did this 1-on-1 with the teacher and also with a class of 5-10 students. One day would be with the teacher for an hour or two, the student would even be given homework to play a scenario out later that day with dolls. And the student and teacher would talk about what the dolls played out the next day. And the next day, there might be 5-10 students with the teacher for a time. Something different each day.

The desk work would advance for a child in kindergarden as their attention span for learning increased. Play was encouraged more than desk work, but both were used.


Anonymous said...

When a child was ready for desk work (2nd grade). They were placed in a classroom by subject and performance, so there were no classes according to a child's age. All were selected courses, like for high school and college and the teachers, parents, and student did the planning. So the focus of a younger student was on the subject of his talents and interests.

A student would still have kindergarden type classes and say, math or science classes at the same time. More freedom to design education for the student. When a student was ready for a more advanced class, they stopped they old one and waited for the start of the class they needed. The student went year round, and the number of classes changed through the year.


Anonymous said...

I suppose the whole school system was run as some more advanced gifted schools are run today.


Anonymous said...

For all classes experiments were encouraged. A science teacher might give a student a lab experiment and ask the student to think of another way to reproduce the same results and leave the student to it, being on stand by.

A language student would be given a book as an example and told to write their own. Again teacher on stand by. So much freedom in those classes.

Anonymous said...

It was required for an older student to act as a teachers aid for younger students, like Phil & Alex.

An art student would show up at a kindergarden class and draw/paint/color a picture the kids wanted using the colors the kids wanted. They would do this as a group and for each kid. Teachers and parents would study the pictures setting and the colors used to see a child's talent.

A music student would put a choir of students together. health classes taught everything like today and nursing basics too. The school was designed, so whenever you stopped your studies you had a useable skill set. All under the teachers supervision, for both the student, the student teacher, and the two professors, I guess you would call them.

Anonymous said...

In the school Sappho was a literary student, fabric designer, and psychic student.

I came across a work of hers on the internet once, I need to find it again. It was written as a story, but is now presented as a history fact (an actual woman living in that C's time), of a young woman in charge of an army. :)

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you're talking about.

Anonymous said...

Obviously this blog was written about someone where 1200 comments came in defending hhim. Read and re-read, I don't think this blogger is correct but he does have a right to his opinion I guess. Rock on blogger person, I wish you all the best, Sara.
*Tal has been a nice family friend to us and would be hurt by your blog abut him.

Anonymous said...

His Song

Even if she wanted to, they had played too many tricks with her head by then.
She wanted nothing more than to go back to how it was; off the grid where everything was fine.
They wanted to grind her to dust, for committing no crime. It all became too much so she wished them all the best.
She was not sad as they hoped because she knew, to fly again, it would all have to fall so the universe could decide the rest.

Anonymous said...

So...what did the coded messages say?

Did Ritchie meet my GodMother?

Anonymous said...

Well, level 3 messages were viewed - very intense in a good way but also wild, also, in a good way & so many new projects to keep you out of trouble with.

Anonymous said...

They think they broke us?? hahahhaha
They couldn't even break level 1 code.

Anonymous said...

Your feelin me right?? hahahha badass...

Anonymous said...

You know, for a moment when I saw some things and heard some things I was pissed, like really pissed. Then I said 'wtf man, consider the source' and how much work they need to do on their mind & soul to gain even a minimal amount of depth and understanding.
Since that is a choice, they may never get there and just keep repeating the same things over and over again - and they believe hell is somewhere else,,, funny.
Then I see your heart in these other things and it warms me up so much that I just cannot stay pissed for long.
I guess the moral is to open your eyes, expand your mind and provide your soul with imagery that leaves an imprint on your heart - then nothing in this world can disturb that because it's lovely.

Anonymous said...

Even if this 'thing' started out as a game, it will end in a reality that has been made possible because I have mad love for the character attached to me (if he were not, no one would
know my name).
No one could have known that everything beautiful in my life, I manifested into the physical from a thought; from living in Hawaii and Europe all the way through to having a job I love as much as myself.
With this in mind, manifesting my mad love is already occurring. I see him everywhere, everyday. He is so close to my heart there is very little room for anything else.
Before you get in the game, you should know your opponent or you will be turned to dust, either immediately or under a strict strategy, which was, slowly but surely.

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

"when I saw some things and heard some things I was pissed, like really pissed." I was too, because some of you have real potty mouths!

I just wanted to add that your first wife is on board with the program (at a soul level). She wants to move past this, however it might look to everyone. 2 of the 3 sexes changed so when the 3 look at each other each one knows it's different this time. It's a reminder that works.

Have a good evening Everyone!

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure the toilet paper company's are all in a conspiracy together to shrink the amount of tp on each role while increasing the price! Like, that's price rigging.
I think my cat is also in a conspiracy to kill me or have me killed, except I don't have a cat.
My baby is so funny, cute and talented, how could I not love him
so creative as well.

Anonymous said...

Here's a nice song for you -

Anonymous said...

Hi ya Everyone!

The transfiguration was process that took many, many years to complete, and as you know, the bible names the personalities that emerged. Why it's presented as a moment in a garden, I don't know.

Lucie and Ritchie were married in C's life. They were introduced at a dinner party at C&As house, and both were at C&As wedding.

Ritchie worked for A, a very trusted man and 2nd in command. Like A was for Jules, and his name still exists too. As always I will keep an eye out...Ritchie was fighting O forces at the time of Lucies capture. He survived the O takeover but died shortly after, a year or less, from natural causes. So Lucie and Ritchie died a few months apart. After the defeat Ritchie couldn't return home, because of illness I think.

Our house keeper/cook had just showed up for work, O left the house 2-3 mins before, saw the scene then ran screaming into the streets for help. Everyone ran into the house.

When A saw Os ship in the harbor, he sent a message to Ritchie before he left the house to confront O. Lucie had just showed up for Brigham (there is a story here) and Ritchie was there to answer A's message.

Ritchie grabbed my hand and started to look around the room, so he knew right away most of what happened. But not much if anything about what happened on Os boat with A.

Lucie may have been pregnant at her capture...


Anonymous said...

Lucies and the other names were turned over because Os men raided the house of an Egyptian official and they had a knife to his daughters neck.

He prayed for forgiveness for the rest of his life. I hope this helps some....


Anonymous said...

And to try and cut short any pain, in case the one who turned over the names reads this in the future:

He sought forgiveness from psychics too. He was made to understand if he didn't surrender the names he and his family die like C&A. Os men would simply move on to other officials and do the same to them. He, should see it as an end that could have continued through more families.


Anonymous said...

Cute, beyond measure.

Anonymous said...

And really, it's that that I love you for.

Anonymous said...


For you because you're a badass at work!

Anonymous said...

I don't read rag mags,
Taylor Swift is not a threat.
I don't get intimidated really ever so that daily dealing with power is a breeze for everyone.
I really never had fears, unlike so many dears, and I do not experience guilt, shame or regret.
I stand on integrity & innocence so people can trust, I never let them down and I believe love is a must.

This is how to have a happy life.
This is how you draw only the best. My energy & soul does not rest when faced with a deviant, no conscience, no heart, just self obsessed.
This is why I was excited to be a badass at work.
If things don't stop with that mess, it will only get worse.

Love you baby.

Anonymous said...

Love you too (if you were talking to me)!

And to all you badasses at work, have a good evening ok?


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