Monday, September 10, 2007

On Tal Bachman

Disclaimer: The following is an ad hominem attack on Tal Bachman. If you are Mr. Bachman, or one of his small number of ever dwindling fans, I suggest that you not read this post. I will try to be objective, but be forewarned; I do not have a lot of good things to say about this pretentious, washed-up has-been.

I don’t like Tal Bachman. I’ve read a lot of his posts, and if they are any reflection of who he really is, he must really be one pathetic son of a bitch. Am writing this because he left Mormondom? No, I can’t really say that I’m sad to see him go. Some of the nicest, coolest, warm-hearted, generous individuals I know have left the Mormon church and I have yet to launch a single ad hominem attack on them. In fact, we continue to be good friends regardless of varying religious choices. Membership in an organization is no arbiter when it comes to friendship. With that in mind, let me turn my attention to Mr. Bachman. His singular claim to fame is that he wrote and sang a hit song, “She’s So High.” As a one-hit wonder, he’s in the same category as the illustrious Right Said Fred, Vanilla Ice and Lou Bega (of Mambo No. 5 fame). I’m surprised he hasn’t starred on the Surreal Life yet. Maybe he’s holding out for a spot on Dancing with the ‘Stars’. Marie Osmond made it, why not him?

He has written a voluminous amount of material regarding his thoughts on Mormonism. I’m not sure if he intends to sound like a pretentious, holier-than-thou, pseudo-intellectual, but everything he writes is pretentious, holier-than-thou or pseudo-intellectual. Take a blog post he published a few months ago in May. He criticizes the Mormon conception of heaven and hell, but he makes himself sound like a self-satisfied jerk in the following quote (which can be found here)

“I think heaven isn't a place we go to after we die; I think it is a place we can live in everyday, if we are determined to, and perhaps, if we have a bit of luck. I think it is something we create and find here on earth...and right now. Heaven can be right now...

“I feel sad sometimes when I think of how long I lived always thinking of heaven as another place, and another time. I was too often blind to all the beauty right before me, because I was too often straining so hard to see something far, far off in the distance - which, it turns out, there is no reason to believe is even there, at least in the way I thought.

“I submit that true heaven isn't crazy stories, or distant stars, or strange names and strange clothes and strange spouses. I think it is something that we all have, within us, the power to create and experience, at least to some extent, right here and right now...”

Yeah, whatever, buddy. And with three paragraphs, he assigns those who don’t share his easy rockstar lifestyle to a hell worse than any that God proposed. What happens to those sorry souls, who, for whatever reason, don’t have ‘a bit of luck’? What happens to them? Mr. Bachman would consign them to misery and woe because they are not determined enough, I guess. Or chastise them for hoping for some kind of better existence in the next life? And what is the basis for Mr. Bachman’s faith in humankind? He claims there is no reason to believe in heaven. I agree, at least as far as objective evidence is concerned. But what evidence does he have the mankind can make a heaven here on earth? His own Shangri-La lifestyle, where his biggest complaints are that nobody in the record industry wants to hear his music? He wants to argue both sides of the fence. He has to have a reason for the distant heaven, but offers no reasons for the heaven ‘within’.

Other posts focus on his inability to talk to females in the past because of his worry about temptation. Obviously this is the Mormon church’s fault. The most common complaint I hear about this church is that it stultifies relationships between members of the opposite sex who happen to be married to other people. It would be completely illogical to assume that Mr. Bachman stultifies himself. Maybe someone should tell him that just because he feels ‘tempted’, it is highly unlikely that the person he is talking to feels the same way. When I talk to women at work or at school, I usually don’t get the impression that they are chomping at the bit to go to bed with me, regardless of how naturally charming I am. It must be a rockstar complex to think like that. Maybe Mr. Bachman should evaluate how he internalized the teachings of the Mormon church, rather than make unwarranted generalizations about the impact those teachings have on the general membership.

I think most of my invection comes from the colossal waste of time it was to read what he had written and the colossal waste of time writing this post represents. I don’t usually like (or write) ad hominem attacks, but when someone practically begs for it, can I be anything but obliging?


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Anonymous said...

Did you know, some people work out in a gym with a bunch of people watching each other, while others rock the fuck out in their livingroom or bedroom to get up the best possible gain. Some practice Shambala while engaging in this yoga, it just moves 100 miles an hour faster than yoga.

Feelin me?
Gotta go bath now and do stuff :)

Anonymous said...

i've even thought about tattooing?? how is this even possible.
Thank God for power naps.
Night ,,, can't sleep
everyone wake-up!!
xxxx <3 ^ ^

Anonymous said...

I'm up, I'm already up even tho it's not a school day.


Anonymous said...

Tal & Friends!

Guess what I found!!! I'm still reading Edgar Cayce's On Atlantis and I just realized that on pg 144, last paragraph, Cayce is saying how a person was in charge of caring for the records brought over from Atlantis and I realized that the records Cayce is talking about are the books of the Old Testiment.

Also at the time of Egypts civil war (Horus and Isis) the nose was removed from the Sphinx by Horus supporters with a cannon. Even tho there were laser weapons, not every country had them, and they weren't in Egypt. Horus had them because he supported Atlantis and they were the ones who had them. Once Horus left Egypt he never returned in that life. I wonder now if Horus is in the Old Testament using a different name....

And since Atlantians flocked to Egypt would mean to me that Isis lost the civil war, which we already knew, but at some point after her death and Atlantis was gone, there was a Lumerian revival in Egypt, the Old Testiment records were always made public. It was the parts that included Isis and her supporters that are in hiding.

Everyone awake yet?

Anonymous said...

I'm just like you, I always need it too so here I am to say good morning to you & have the greatest of day,,,
Stay busy & stay sweet and we will meet again, near cranberry lane. Stay close to me all day, then no one will get in our way today or any other day. We have much to do. x

Anonymous said...

Good nite Everyone. Hope to see you tomorrow!


Anonymous said...


It's too early for bed.

I saw this website that had
the best little inspirational
quotes, stories, very dear romantic ideas & lots of erotica.

The romantic ideas were a favorite, no, it was the quotes, actually it was the erotica.

Maybe you want that instead of going to bed SO early on a national holiday.

I still love you so much and miss you, period. A, where have you been??


Anonymous said...

I've been up since 4. Have fun w/o me :)

Anonymous said...

Nothing is fun W/O you.
Sweet, sweet dreams.

Anonymous said...

hmmm that sentence structure is disturbing.
What it means to say is; (semi-colon)
Everything is much funner + funnier with you, not W/O you.

Clarity is best in these situations.

Anonymous said...

I feel I must react to everything I notice and post it here cuz it's fun & irritating to others.


Anonymous said...

Well after reading that book I finally understand the story behind that famous bible story of Adam & Eve!

That tempting, evil bitch!
Ruined it for all of us and
practically mankind!

Poor Adam! *sigh* ,,, humans.

love u sweet <3

Anonymous said...

omg i laughed so hard, my head off, ommm, so, funny.

Anonymous said...

"I feel I must react to everything I notice and post it here cuz it's fun & irritating to others."

Yeah, I like doing that too!


Anonymous said...

well, these types are honestly a dime a dozen. So far they have shown great competency and skill in recognizing when a text message is received, as well some real talent applying glitter to their already fake nails.
Sometimes to their bleached white teeth, unless the teeth have bleached so much, glitter can't stick.

Love you little o, that's why I'm litte x.

Anonymous said...

Everytime I think of that chick I think of someone I read about named Kelly Ellard. She acts like that,,, very hard core disguised as SWAG.
I think she thought I was her Reena Virk, or so it appears to those in the know.

Have a great day today!

Anonymous said...

& not only will I never let go, I'm not going to ever let go really well. Not only because it's the right and righteous thing to do, it is also what turn me on the most, every minute of every day.
And I don't tease, that's mean.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, my soul's already a couple thousand years old, what's a couple more waiting on a friend, especially a delightful, sexy, fun friend. The best of friend; the oldest, dearest friend.
A deeply loved friend.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well wait no more My Friends:

Audrey is in the building!

Love, Amen & God Bless.

Anonymous said...

Had a few new thoughts while reading more Cayce.

Pg 149 talks again about the time when Cayce was banished from Egypt only later to return. He was sent into exile from the civil war, then was returned after the moon was cut to help advise how best to survive the environmental changes and floods. Isis knew him.

The floods started 10 years after the moon cutting. It took some time for the moons backward drift and to work up the flood momentum, other environmental changes had to happen first.

Isis was murdered 5 years after the moon cutting. She was kept alive until her vibration was lowered, so that she wouldn't be free from reincarnation. Otherwise she would be like The 1st of us. The moon cutting lowered her vibration.

Anonymous said...

Also on pg 149, Cayce is again speaking about the records being hidden and I realized, he isn't talking about paper copies, he's talking about crystals. The crystals were engraved, inscribed, or laser cut to contain the records.

The crystals can be found now, but not read yet. We are still missing some of their technology to be able to do that. Also Sappho hid the last of the known crystals before her murder. She simply sealed them in a jar two weeks before her murder and they are in the tomb. There are two.

The crystals were only put on display at the Library once a year, part of a holiday tradition, so they weren't missed and when the library was destroyed, nobody knew what happened to them always believing the other party had them.

Most no longer believed the rocks held any history. There wasn't much to see when you looked at them. No Polish, no shine, no pretty cuts....just dull rock.

Always Audrey. P.S. Can you believe I walk around like this all day? Wow!

Anonymous said...

When Lucie and Ritchie died, Ritchie and A were in their mid 40's, and Lucie was 10 yrs. younger. They had two sons (7 and 5) and were expecting another baby (she was about 6 mo. along).

After her death, their grandparents (Lucie's parents) raised the boys. They had reasonably happy lives considering...


Anonymous said...

Well, I think I'm going to go to bed now... It's been another fun day with all of you!

Was thinking I should re-read Cayce with fresh eyes as soon as I finish it, maybe more clues would pop out. But Ari says no, maybe I'll skim it. Maybe.

Later, and Love.

Anonymous said...

I don't often read Edgar, but when I do, it's with a strong, exquisite malt scotch imported from Tanzania along with a Canadian cigar and a nice fireplace, that has a fire burning in it.

Anonymous said...

And I don't often read what you write here, but when I do it's with a priest, a rabbi and a monk who just walked into a bar.


Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day!

On pg 153 Cayce talks of "putting records in forms of the ancient Egyptians and part into the newer form of Atlantians."

The newer form was the crystals. Everyone know that they would soon be obsolete, but knew too that the cycle of technology would come back.

Hieroglyphs were evolving and changing too into an alphabet. The picture portion was mostly to describe the energy the crystals contained.both held the same story.

This worked similar to the old movie reels where you have a single picture slightly different than the one before and after it and when time is included the 3 show a movement. The hieroglyphs are a single picture, I think they might show movement it time were applied to them.

Even though the crystals were described as newer, they had been around for a while.

The Asian style of writing and hieroglyphs are different takes of each other. They use one picture/character for one word. The Asian stories are left out of most of the world's Atlantian history for a reason. They didn't like or agree with Atlantis in its later years, but mostly left them alone because they had no answers to solve the problems the world was facing. Part of developing their own language was a form of protest "We don't align ourselves with you."

Now I see us evolving back to hieroglyphs because of computers. The lol and the smiley face used to show humor are words and symbols to indicate ideas more than actual words.

Anonymous said...

I said before that "Hieroglyphs were evolving and changing too into an alphabet..." This was coming about because they were losing their computer/crystal technology and it was harder to understand the difference between words like ceremony and sacrifice.

So building the word to be more specific became more important. It also helped determining if someone was being serious or a smart ass when they blogged which you didn't have to worry about in the earliest days of hieroglyphs.

You see?

Anonymous said...

Maybe another 10 years away before we can get to the technology point to understanding the full meaning of the hieroglyphs. Then another year or so to develop the apps for that. All with my ideas of course :)

Also the hieroglyphs are a lot like the college at Alexandria. They are meant to be read as they are today to covey a basic story, but the longer you stared at it the more info you saw. The longer you stayed in a the college the more your skill set improved, but you could walk away at any time with something.


Anonymous said...

Need to take a break. Don't know what my plans are for today, but you may see me or not!

But always L.

Anonymous said...

Evil is live spelled backwards, lived is devil spelled backwards.

Meaning You are living in an evil environment if you do not live fully and spend your time backbiting your fellow man.

Anagramming and Hieroglyphics are important communication tools in times of war.

The ancients recognize only one sequence:

Speak no evil, See no evil, Hear no evil.

Time & time again this sequence works. Call it out to the universe and the universe responds by dissolving the essence of evil in that individuals presence.

It's that simple.

Truth flows like a hit song, it has a distinct flavor. There are no fragmented words or sentences, truth is spoken while looking in the eyes of the receiver and not flinching.

Truth, love, Integrity always prevails in this universe - it was created for that purpose.

Love to you all today - do not be afraid, the monster under your bed is an illusion and the voices in your head are your guardian angels,,, it's all a matter of discernment.

Anonymous said...

When they observed two hearts beating at the same time with a swirl of black circling above doing everything to thwart their love, the trumpets rang for this must stop they said.
Two hearts beating at the same time is a rare event - be off with those dark hearts, they know of nothing to do with true love.

Anonymous said...

Did you know that those two hearts...once they are synced in time, not only do they beat together but they also stop on the same time.

Something to think about.


Anonymous said...

Which is why we should never be in the same room together :)

In Atlantian times if you had an app that could read the hieroglyphs, your computer or crystal operated device would sync or lock onto certain symbols. The device would then read energy stored in the akashic records. The crystal device locked onto the hieroglyphs at one end, and lock onto the stars at the other.

Anonymous said...

That's why astrology & astronomy were so important to people.


Planets have live on them. Always did, like the Earth and Eden. We can't see the life on these planets because they operate at a different frequency than Earth. Think of Ohhhmmm, the hum.

You asked why you were musicians and D and I are technical. The other planets have their own hum too. Some are repeat hums, more than one note.

Anonymous said...

" The device would then read energy stored in the akashic records. " should read "stored in, or sent to the akashic records."

If we can find their hum, we can call them using the akashic hallway (phone line), to communicate with them. And the position of the stars play into when the hallway is open to us. Ari/Tal and I already communicate like this. But we will be doing this with people on other planets, and someday inviting them over. (I really want my dragons!)

They already know we exist, much like some here believe they exist. When they know we are ohm and we figure out what frequency/hum they are, we can meet up and I can get my dragons.


Anonymous said...

I am kicking ass here at The Corners!

Anonymous said...

We already pretty much what I've just described in our dreams, we just need to bring it down a note to get it here.

Anonymous said...

The astronomy is important because the energy of them act as a waveguide of sorts. They can amplify the signal strength, as just one example. And I think if science would listen in the stars we can get a glimpse or hint of some hums.

Birth charts are up next, tomorrow I mean. Unless I get it tonight.

Signing off for now.
LuMaryA. (My hum)

Anonymous said...

I am familiar with some of these ideas, particularly the records.
The other just makes makes sense
and seems to be a language I speak or learned before, moreover, it explains the telepathy I wondered about.

Have faith in the Divine.
Renewal is the message.


Anonymous said...

Have faith in the divine? No, I don't trust those sneaky bastards!

Anonymous said...

you know i can't say what i wanna say even tho i have before ,, don't matter anyway i can't find the words but if pictures were my thing a baby kitty is a delight, so gentle & sweet, i've always loved pancakes for their tasty syrup you can eat, and while I respect my Father so much, the Animal Kingdom makes me as weak as some words, i feel i can touch. this is the most beautiful of times i think, be well and always remember what to think. x

Anonymous said...

I don't know what to say! Especially since I don't know what you are talking about.

Anonymous said...

this is how I think of you baby ,,, x

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha! Didn't watch the video because I can't stop laughing!

Anonymous said...

As you know, I LOVE to make swaggers laugh ,,, that's what they do when they have no clue what's goin on.

Anonymous said...

WAKE UP Everyone!!
I just got back control
of my guest account!!
Did you notice swaggs??
Administrator is next to
be turned to dust in this
cyber game of tricks and IP

Anonymous said...

What's a swagg?

I have nothing new to share with everyone today :(


Anonymous said...

Well Audrey, a swagg is a person who posts things like the following to anywhere anyone wants to read inFANtile inspirational quotes such as the following:
'I love when I get a surprise text'
'The boy gave me his coat when I was cold, marry him'
'The boy said hi, I have to get knocked up by him'
'Come on sluts, let get a limo'
'Let's see if can bag a rock star'
'Let's see if anyone notices everything about us is fake'
'Let's use our magic powers to take out our enemies'
'Who do I have to kill to get what I want'
'That skinny bitch, she stole my man'

Love you baby, have a great day today!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

'it matter not'
'be love'

Anonymous said...

Thanks Anon, so glad to have you as a friend.

Anonymous said...

There was never an obligation in this. What was said 4 months ago has occurred and she is pleased.
Everything that needed adjusting has been fine tuned.
This thrills her.
That 'feeling' warms her, in a way never felt before, and it always will. It just can never again be found on this grid. Time is up, he said, this phase has faded now, into the abyss, for special keeping.


Anonymous said...

Then suddenly, out of the blue, THrottled, on a motorcycle, in the daylight, in leathers, and lace.

Anonymous said...

And she liked it, alot, and so will keep it as a thought.
Night baby, see you on the right side of the moon, soon.

Anonymous said...

for you baby ,,,

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I have other plans today!

Some other time perhaps!


Anonymous said...

How sweet, just not my thing :) a too confusing path for me I'm afraid. I like my paths straight, like my martinis dig? Straight UP.

Anonymous said...

Funny, but it was either that video or some really bad music (sung in the original Greek, no less) everyone's blaming on Sappho.

It's also funny with everything going on in your life it's this video that you find confusing!

Ok, then it's "Good Night Everyone!"


Anonymous said...

My dog needs a bath.

Anonymous said...

Well my dear o, what ever do you mean? I said the sexual orientation is not a path I take, by choice.
Trust, do I of you? Yes I do. Why wonder? My life is not confusing, its been like a story in movement and I have loved every minute. I hope you feel the same of yours.

Anonymous said...

Want help bathing him?

Anonymous said...

You guys have fun, there's not a single thing left to express.
I know the story from back to front, you know the story too.
Happiness is dependant on actions alone. I've given all I want to give here and the vibe is gone so on a cool summer eve, in the middle of a
daydream ,,, or you can just climb through my window with a basket of warm muffin tops, I'll never not love U, L.

Anonymous said...

"Which is why we should never be in the same room together :)"

In Atlantian times if you had an app that could read the hieroglyphs, your computer or crystal operated device would sync or lock onto certain symbols. The device would then read energy stored in the akashic records. The crystal device locked onto the hieroglyphs at one end, and lock onto the stars at the other.

REAL or does this writer EXIST?
You decide. But NEVER laugh at them - laugh with them.

Anonymous said...

three more comments and I can be number 1300 -

Anonymous said...

I want to be the 1300th comment because

Anonymous said...

& finally ,,, you'RE welcome :)


Anonymous said...

My 'Good Morning' to all who are mine!

The reason science has yet to find hums from other planets is because they are searching the whole spectrum listening for a hum to appear or start.

They also don't hear ohm when they search, and here's why:

Black is the absence of all colors and white is the presence of all colors. And that's why!


Anonymous said...

Ok, so:

When you separate out white, you see the color spectrum. It's also important to say that black and white aren't even part of the color spectrum, but are colors in this world. They are in charge of color and sound. :) Cute huh?

Right now they are searching Black and they need to be searching White selectively. They need another piece, a filter to look underneath black, lower frequency to reach the white spectrum of dimension, meaning time.

Remember that all things reverse when they come here. Time, sound, color and other things operate different, Ari told you this before, right?

Black controls sound frequencies here, but white frequencies control sound in the heavens. White controls colors here, but the colors in the heavens.

You're feeling me now, right?


Anonymous said...

Crap! I mean, white controls colors here, but black controls colors in the heavens.

But I'm sure you were feeling me there too....


Anonymous said...

So my advice to all of science is: Mind your time.


Anonymous said...

God! I feel so abstract this morning, and I look like a Picasso.

Maybe some breakfast would help.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm sure science knows it's formulas, but do they know how sound is emitted from other planets.

Just because our science formulas work on our planet, do they still work on others to see the life they hold?

You need the formulas for their planet to see their life. Right? This is fun, never had a job that was this much fun!

L & thanks for all the fun!

Anonymous said...

Taking air samples and landing probes on Mars is a good start, but it's missing something. Need to say that, Martians would see our probes as UFOs if they were to get a glimpse of it.

You also know the universe is changing quickly now too right. I think when the dust settles, and soon, science will be able to see the rules and life of other planets a little clearer.

Einstein's life for our planet was a 'coming to know ourselves better' rather than a 'knowing how the universe works' idea.


Anonymous said...

And to everyone reading this in the future:

If an alien comes up to you and says "Take me to your leader." They're not talking about you kings, Prime Ministers, and Presidents. They're talking about me :) And they are probably lost because I gave them directions....

All day folks! All day long.

Anonymous said...

Everything being done.,everything that's ever been done is because it has been allowed to be done. Glimpses into the abyss, outer planets, ruling planets is being given as the human race can handle the information.
This planet needs to release its misery, misery loves company and seeks out friends where ever it can find them starting with the internet.
I have to go find happy, I'm sure he exists.

Anonymous said...

For example, why can't someone just walk up to another they are drawn to and say 'hey, I like you, wanna do something together?'
Instead it's a major dance with all kinds of opinions and misinterpretations getting in the way. The conditions put onto love are surreal, so unnatural. Then there is the competitive factor, the lies, the manipulation the other parties play. I myself am immune, but it does not change the fact I find it, sad and desperate. But why can't the two drawn to each other just connect? Because the truth be told, nothing else matters but that, in the end.

Anonymous said...

This is why people are always telling you to Piss Off!

Not me, but others. Yes.

Anonymous said...

My dog still needs a bath.

Anonymous said...

Use plenty of soap....

Anonymous said...

Did you know that the land of Mu was much of China?

Did you also know Sen. Harry Reid was George Washington. He hasn't changed at all! Poor soul.

But I just stopped in to say good night.

With L.

Anonymous said...

good story bro
love your stories, and it's probably true!
Mu eh? hmm, did not know that.

Anonymous said...

Did you know that if you have a near death experience (like pronounced DOA) and you survive, that day becomes like your new birthday. You always have your original birthday, but if you experience this, you get a whole new birth date on top of surviving the near death!

Did you know that?

Makes for a confusing astrological chart but you get cake twice a year!

Anonymous said...

So then I was doing this artwork I do to relax, fancy penmanship, and planning out how to teach it to grade 3er's and I was suddenly hit with this wet and wild daydream of snow in June and suddenly I realized I could never love anyone else or my artwork as much as my cat. You save these thoughts when they come as a daydream and I know how to control that kind of lust which it feels like it is sometimes and sometimes thats a good thing provided its tempered and with someone you trust.

Good night & sweet dreams

Anonymous said...

that can't be right,,damn, I meant you, you because I don't have a cat! duh. You, is what was meant.

Anonymous said...

What happened with the DOA? Did you survive? (I have to ask because I work with the dead all the time so it can get hard to tell the diff.)

Would like some Edna stories too, then maybe someday I'll tell you some of hers. :)

Anonymous said...

You don't have a cat? Y not? Everyone needs a cat!

Anonymous said...

Your Chrissy was Egyptian too, like me....but where???

I'll keep my eyes open. Everyone have a good day!

Anonymous said...

I may have one or two stories for you and I agree with everything you have said today!
It's all about my good buds: style and grace. I love them. So helpful.
If I get a cat, I shall name it Styling Grace :)

Polly said...

I'm just stopping in to tell Anonymous "Factman" that he/she was completely right. Tal Bachman is a bigot, a tax cheat, and a narcissistic verbally abusive bully.... so it's not much of a surprise that he has also proven himself to be a compulsive liar and a thief.

All would do well to not have anything to do with him.

Anonymous said...

But you didn't seem to mind those things when you posted here:

Blogger Polly said...
Yes, all your children, and their mother, should have been with you, together.
I'm truly sorry...

November 16, 2012 at 11:37 AM

Anonymous said...

PUHleese. Tal is really trying to draw everyone out today. Who are you trying to kid? We know you are all the characters on here. You should be more careful about little phrases you take from other's pages and use yourself. Can't you find something better to do with your time?
Enough of the psycho astro stuff already.

Anonymous said...

Just because you can not understand something does not make it untrue. What character are you playing this time?

Anonymous said...

"You should be more careful about little phrases you take from other's pages and use yourself"

You're the LAST person who should be giving this advice. How are your glory days going anyhow? Good time since you graduated high school like 5-7 years ago or is your style to just hold onto those glory days and try and relive them over and over again?

moved outta mommy and daddas place yet?

Anonymous said...

Bath your dog yet?

Anonymous said...


Polly said...

Anonymous wrote:

"But you didn't seem to mind those things when you posted here:

Blogger Polly said...
Yes, all your children, and their mother, should have been with you, together.
I'm truly sorry...

November 16, 2012 at 11:37 AM"

You lifted that off of Tal's blog. I wrote that 1 1/2 years ago in response to a post on a completely unrelated subject that is of no significance here.

The sad truth is, I have learned quite a bit more about Tal in my interactions with him over the last year and a half. I once trusted him. I once believed he was an honest and good man. What can I say? I was too trusting.... and I was duped!

Anonymous said...

And what did he learn of you?

Anonymous said...

Probably that you're psych ward material.

Anonymous said...

Love you baby ,,, i got this.

Sara with an i

Polly said...

That's a good question.... but you'll have to ask him, though.

Anonymous said...

come to think of it
there is actually no story & nothing you could say that would make me not want to do some eroticwild things with him (i just invented a word) if I ever happen upon him. dig me?

good, super glad we have that settled.

Polly said...

Huh... yeah... whatever... to each his own.

Yeah...I probably was psych ward material. That's what my whole family was telling me... that I was crazy to trust him! I kept telling them, no, he really is a good guy! Unfortunately, my family was right.

I've apologized to my family,they still love me.... and that's all that matters... end of story.

Anonymous said...


"I'll pay for everything if you'll be my boyfriend"

Anonymous said...

Family have no other choice but to love you.

Polly said...

"Family have no other choice but to love you."

Actually, that's not a true statement.

Anonymous said...

and there was no truer statement ,, it is only your conditions that get in the way.
With that said, I hate half my family :)

Polly said...

I'm quite a bit older than Tal, and not the least bit romantically interested in him. And, yes, I did give Tal some help. However, Tal treats everything in his life the same. He misuses and abuses his personal belongings, he misuses and abuses and damages any home he lives in, he has completely mismanaged his finances and has left his family bankrupt.... his children didn't even have beds to sleep in. He abuses the generosity of his friends, he is verbally abusive to strangers,colleagues, friends, and family alike.

Unfortunately, I couldn't know any of this when I met him. His wife had recently left and he was a mess. I saw someone who is incredibly talented and needed help, both in his personal and professional life. At the time I thought he was a good investment.... and who can turn away children in need?

Speculation of anything other than that is quite ludicrous.

Anonymous said...

Tal knows his his ass from the hole in the ground, and when he forgets the universe shows him the difference. It's part of his plan, we should be so lucky.

I want to know why he looks so sweaty in that video. Is that normal?

Anonymous said...

'At the time I thought he was a good investment'

You helped finance his little pilot project and that made you own him because you are the X he is trying SO hard to shake.

When you invest in someone, they pay interest, you don't own the human as well.

Your such a fucking nasty headcase.

Anonymous said...

Last time I opened one of your links, you took control of my administrator on my computer, kind of like how you take control of everyone who crosses your path.

Polly said...

I'm not Tal's "X", and I don't need to use some old "blog address" that I'm not even aware of to post here. Also, it might help if you learn some basics in the English language, such as, the difference between *your* and *you're*, and that words often have multiple definitions and uses. An example would be:

invest - 3. to use, give, or devote (time, talent, etc.) as for a purpose or to achieve something: He invested a lot of time in helping retarded children.

Seriously, I don't know why I bother.... but it no longer matters.

Anonymous said...


You just proved you'RE full of shit

Tal would never refer to children in that 12th century language you stupid cow.

Anonymous said...

Polly said...
I'm not Tal's "X", and I don't need to use some old "blog address" that I'm not even aware of to post here. Also, it

Three comments before that you explain its a blog from 1.5 years ago


Constantly trying to be an AUDREY or an L or an A


Anonymous said...

'I see through you, your dirty tricks, and you make me sick'

Silence aint in season.

Have a great day today!

Anonymous said...

Keep kickin ASS Baby! You'll feel better when it over...

Anonymous said...

In case the message has not yet hit home, at least I'm nice enough to make it a Johnny Depp video:

Love you baby, hang in, I'm super proud of you <3

Anonymous said...

The video won't play on mobile devices. :) still feel better today!

Anonymous said...

watch it on a laptop while listening to the birds sing and be happy, it a true story :)

Polly said...

Wow! I sure hit a raw nerve there.

For your information, the definition for "invest" and the accompanying example sentence is a direct quote from

This subject, however, brings up the obvious fact that you don't know Tal very well. Tal refers to mentally handicapped people as "retards" without hesitation. He has even called, or inferred, that his own son, through lack of scholarly effort, is comparative to a "retard".... and vehemently stands by his description. That he would treat innocent people, including his own children, in such a derogatory way is quite revealing of his true character.

Although it is quite likely that Tal has treated most of you "anonymous" people the same way at one point or another, you are free to defend him all you want. I used to defend him and have even done so on this blog. However, at the end of the day, his behaviour is indefensible. Like "factman" says... facts are facts.

Anonymous said...

No, I still haven't bathed my dog.I'm waiting for Tal to help me.

Anonymous said...

I can't see Randy allowing his grand kids to suffer like that, if what you say is true, Polly.
I saw Tal and his son around Easter time. They seemed ok but why didn't you report him to social services if he was not looking after his kids properly?
He certainly has anger issues and a screw loose sometimes, that's for sure but he has had to take care of his kids since Tracy left.

Polly said...

The kids have lived with Tracy for the most part. Tal has not always had the best relationship with his father, so Randy probably just doesn't know. Bringing beds for the kids was one of the things I helped him with which I was happy to do. He was on the verge of bankruptcy, and there was no means to set up two households. I know I am sounding harsh in these posts, but it's not like Tal is a horrible father that deserves to be turned into social services. I once worked in social services and dealt with truly horrific parents.

Tal is capable of, and often is, a very loving and fair disciplinarian. He also makes the most of his time with the kids often planning fun activities and outings which they seem to really enjoy. Certainly, there is, at times, some tension between he and the kids...which is common in most families, but that doesn't mean there is full blown child neglect or abuse going on.... because there hasn't been.

Polly said...

The "retard" comment of Tal's is especially grievous to me, and I've told him so, because I have a sweet sister and niece who are mentally handicapped. For him to refer to them that way is, to me, unconscionable.

Also, his son is incredibly bright, insightful, and intelligent. The derogatory comment to him, and to defend it, is extremely hurtful and uncalled for.

Anonymous said...

Tal told me that he alone was looking after the kids and his wife only visited the house as a guest. I am confused now. He said Tracy left them all and just wanted to live her own life.

Polly said...

Huh... No, if that is, in fact, what he told you, that's not true.

Anonymous said...

Then he has been telling untruths. What really happened, Polly?

Polly said...

I already told you. The kids, for the most part, have been living with Tracy.

Anonymous said...

Talking about other peoples' children on a blog like this just shows the degree of class you operate under.

Also, the conversation is total bullshit - I know it is, Tal knows it is, and the funniest is that you know it is and you still do it.

Can we say 'meltdown' now -- hit any posts on your way to hitting rock bottom girls??

Anonymous said...

I don't think we care what you think, anonymous last. You must be the bi polar one.You are so jealous that someone else might know your beloved.

Anonymous said...

This is how I see you, this blog, and your 'Cute Relationships' page. -- jealous is not a word in my vocabulary, what is bi-polar? sounds fun.

With the exception of the dear, sweet, lovely friendship that resulted from this experience,

contrivity is your game. a game i knew you were into for so long omg.

deliberately created rather than arising naturally or spontaneously.
created or arranged in a way that seems artificial and unrealistic.
"the ending of the novel is too pat and contrived"
synonyms: forced, strained, studied, artificial, affected, put-on, phony, pretended, false, feigned, fake, manufactured, unnatural; More

Anonymous said...

I would always want my beloved to be loved by others, just not you, cause you're horrid.

Anonymous said...

No one, on the planet, knows the true story, but me and my sweet cat Grace. And that is how it is going to be.
As for the debris, it's over with you - I know everything you know and can prove it, trust me. Be done.
Main character of this novel: live well, forget your haters' - all they care about is correct grammar.
It's solid, all good. good night forever.
and good bye debris.

Anonymous said...

Oh boy!

I see we are back in bizarro world. Well, enjoy your stay, I just stopped in to wish you all a good night.


Anonymous said...

To figure out who someone is on a blog must take either strong psychic abilities, a connection to the blog administrator, or a strong connection to the main character.
I mean, you had every advantage for that exact thing not to happen, so, I wonder what happened?

Think about it.

'It' is just fine baby.

Anonymous said...

But no, I didn't know your ass had gotten so big and seeing me described as petite, pretty, perfect, would cause you so much pain.

I never pay attention to my looks but one thing I do know, lots of baked goods will cause a fat ass.

You'll just need to work harder when you do workout if you don't want an ugly wide ass like some of your friends have.

Anonymous said...

You already knew I was always described as very smart, and I've known that much longer than you.

Smart, cute, gorgeous, beautiful were words I'd been told enough to know I needed to develop my mind and character because being described that way meant potential corruption to my character.

I went to great lengths to develop spiritually so I would also have great character, along with eyes that can make one stop dead in their tracks, or so I am told.

The best description, and most accurate that means the most to me is:

She is a great mother. Cool and sweet and a great friend to those she loves and bare none, the most diligent worker we have ever had.

Anonymous said...

All these things make a person naturally sexy, naturally attractive to others but it's warmth that draws them to me. Anyone can see, I am very warm hearted so I draw the same to me and repel the opposite to me.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning My Dears!

So I looked around briefly this morning for the name of Sarah's oldest son. Found nothing except that he laid the ground work for Sir Isaac Newton.

There is a strong science connection of reincarnation with Sarah's son, Newton, and Einstein. Either Newton was also Sarah's son or Einstein was. Either way Sarah's son's career started as a hobby. He studied the stars from a book that his grandparents brought with them from Egypt.


Anonymous said...

You used information you knew about an old friend of mine who found fame. You tried tainting TA with the idea I stalked him but you forgot to tell TA that I had 150+ e-mails from that famous artist and he called me at home and work so many times I had to get rid of him, he had become a lost, scary satanist, and those close to him all dropped him for that reason. His fame meant nothing because he had become a dog with fleas.

I'm single because I want to be able to give the person I end up with the best of me, the very best part has been saved for the right person.

End of story.

Anonymous said...

Astrological influence was always a big money maker and he became an expert in astrology and astronomy. Not really a seer, but a scientist. Liked to do psychic experiments with people, because it ran in his family.

He advised many people in powerful positions. But liked mostly to study the stars by himself.


Anonymous said...

I have never needed a kinky sex drive to hold a man but it does help to be good at it and enjoy it with someone you love very much.
I'm looking forward to those times and I know saving it for a special friend will be so worth it in the end.

Anonymous said...

And you, my special friend, will never be forgotten. In fact, you're at the beginning of my memories for the day is anew and when I say I love you, nothing could be more true, in that dream and all the other ones too. There is just something about you.

Anonymous said...

Baby, you'll have to understand, I'm not the sweet innocent you think I am. I've been pushed beyond the limits now. What has been said above is what is. It's truth. Jealousy is the problem. This thing won't let up or let you go. Her obsession is nothing like I have ever seen. WTF??
I won't go on with that until she leaves. She crossed into my world very much uninvited.
I don't judge you for this, the minute I knew I could see how it happened. She is simply an evil little girl. It was her that I remembered, no hope for her. There is none, she's too dark and dreary.

Anonymous said...

And it this reason that most of my friends have always been male with the exception of some very old, very special girlfriends that live far away. And it is they I value.
I value you and wanted to prove value because our situation warrants it and anyone in the know has taken advantage of that fact. But you need to know, and only you, so you can choose the best path for you.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe my godmother is letting me walk around with this hair!

Enjoy yourselves today.

Anonymous said...

There is a big difference between obsession and ones' passion.

Anonymous said...

I have every right to defend who I am. You've used, abused, took pictures off my brothers facebook page and tried talking to him.
You're a freak show and I'm here today to show you why your man left you and fell for me.
It's a no brainer. Will we hit it? Your the last person that will ever know.
I do love all my friends, special ones in a different way but it's always been about the friendship, okay.

Anonymous said...

I thought the crazy woman said she was going away for ever! Get help! You need it badly.

Anonymous said...

Projecting again.

Anonymous said...

Bye baby ,,, this is never going to work. You can have her, she's too gross to deal with.

Anonymous said...

I will never forget how hard you tried T, and all the information you gave me. Thank you for that.

Anonymous said...

If T hasn't been on here since October, why address a post to him?
T is everywhere. T is everyone.T runs this blog.T uses it to further his own gain. T. has nothing else to do because he is bankrupt in many ways.

Anonymous said...

I said I stopped feeding the monkeys and cowards that hide behind a computer screen.
Even here, I insist on being real.
Millions of people have gone bankrupt - stop throwing rocks from your glass house.
Those involved in this blog, combining it with Cute Relationships to terrorize, will pay. In a big way, they just don't know it yet.

Polly said...

Just popping in to let you all know that, hey, I'm just getting started....

I'll be back soon!

Anonymous said...

Don't bother Polly/Audrey/D, no one reads your crap but I love how you use hot girls in Cute Relationships posts that you think look like you.
Super funny cause ahh I know what you look like and you aint them baby... LOL.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Don't bring my name into this. I not causing any trouble.


Anonymous said...

Perfect night for Harry Potter & normally I don't post here about food, but,,,

my homemade fettucini alfredo with asparagus and shrimp was seriously to die for!

Hope everyone is having a nice evening, it's supposed to be a lovely moon tonight :)

Night <3

Anonymous said...

I'm making shrimp scampi soon. Will post the recipe it I like it.

Full moon? Is that y this board went ape yesterday? I'm holding out for the new moon. My horoscope says good things!

Check it out.

Anonymous said...

You are so funny ,, you make me laugh everyday. Good read on the link above -

Anonymous said...

I just woke up from a dream that you were in. Very vivid, very sweet.

Anonymous said...


I'm pretty sure you didn't.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure I did.
Let me whisper the vivid into your ear so on one else can hear.
Oh wait, that comment cannot be from you, you know your my dear, so who would intrude, on such a sweet and vivid dream. Oh yes, psycho D, you.
So lonely and sad, on a hot sunny day, young and so hot, can find no one to play, because she 'smokes maryton'

Anonymous said...

you will never lose me, ever.

Anonymous said...

Everybody have a good evening and sweet dreams tonight, just not about me ok?


Anonymous said...

Why would I dream about you D?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

'It's a craving. A desire. Unlike any I'd ever had before, but also, a knowing.'

Anonymous said...

'Love us supposed to start with bells ringing and go downhill from there. But it was the opposite for us. There was this intense connection between us, and as we stayed together, the bells rang louder'

Anonymous said...

For your lyrical and visual pleasure:

Anonymous said...

Do not ever underestimate anyone ever again. Empowering others is the new game. Dig? Good.

Love you sweet,<<<3333, 4 ever & now.

Anonymous said...

Newton and Robert Oppenheimer are the same...

Audrey. constantly breaking the laws of science!

Anonymous said...

I need a joke, any one else want to hear a joke?

Astronomers have found another planet much like Earth. But we're still the only one with chili cheese fries. Suck it, fake Earth.

Haha, it was on a Hallmark card, can you believe it? So of course I bought it.


Anonymous said...

~~ te quiero amarte bebé ~~


Anonymous said...

Lol. Love you Audrey. Are you available for private readings?

Anonymous said...

'there are superstitions, writings on the wall ,,, if you believe in things that you don't understand, it's disaster ,,,'

Anonymous said...

Ek het geen muffins.

Anonymous said...

Anam Cara is always there for you too ,,, just call her name, like Sara.

Anonymous said...

~~~ 'Ye duniya pittal di'~~~

yes ,,, so true my friend, & thank you, you too.

it will pay off in the end.

Anonymous said...

yes, yes, of course it is wonderland(la).

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

And what is this? You cannot even spell truely correctly?? How can you possibly be true?

Well, let me count the ways ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Anonymous said...

You guys all have a good and comfortable evening!


Anonymous said...

~~ 'never complain, never explain'~~

& wishing you also, a lovely evening L.

Anonymous said...

Tonight's lesson:

What is a dichotomy?

'a division or contrast between two things':

eg. "a rigid dichotomy between science and mysticism"

Anonymous said...

Oh shut up!

Anonymous said...

'But I thought the story began when they shared a simple bag of chips?'

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

'submission during the discovery phase gave cause for the chaos that insued, impeding the proceedings quite deliberately.'

Anonymous said...

'yes but even so, certainly it is preferable to kiss the neck than to bite it?'

Anonymous said...

'And what of the art of love and soulful passion? Surely it would supercede, but would it supercede deep connection and lasting love?'

Anonymous said...

That's up to you...but stay busy and have some fun today.


Anonymous said...

Using love for the purpose of deniability, only works if not one single link can be found between the denier and the lover.

Anonymous said...

Investigations 101.
Got er covered, but thanks for such a deep tip :)

Anonymous said...

Using tips for the purpose of deniability, only works if not one single link can be found between the denier and the tipper.

:) I'm trying to be a pain in the ass today.

Anonymous said...

Hey did you wake up every 5 minutes last nite?

That was me being a pain :)

Anonymous said...

'When dealing with meta data one must always insure they obtain the data in real time. Use forensic analysis to insure there is no falsehood in real time'
'A snippet tool is the only tool that can actually take an accurate snapshot on screen'
That's Love.

Anonymous said...

Every 1/2 hour is good enough too. :) Your mind is weak.

Gonna run now.

Anonymous said...

'Anonymous & The Velvet Underground'

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