Monday, September 10, 2007

On Tal Bachman

Disclaimer: The following is an ad hominem attack on Tal Bachman. If you are Mr. Bachman, or one of his small number of ever dwindling fans, I suggest that you not read this post. I will try to be objective, but be forewarned; I do not have a lot of good things to say about this pretentious, washed-up has-been.

I don’t like Tal Bachman. I’ve read a lot of his posts, and if they are any reflection of who he really is, he must really be one pathetic son of a bitch. Am writing this because he left Mormondom? No, I can’t really say that I’m sad to see him go. Some of the nicest, coolest, warm-hearted, generous individuals I know have left the Mormon church and I have yet to launch a single ad hominem attack on them. In fact, we continue to be good friends regardless of varying religious choices. Membership in an organization is no arbiter when it comes to friendship. With that in mind, let me turn my attention to Mr. Bachman. His singular claim to fame is that he wrote and sang a hit song, “She’s So High.” As a one-hit wonder, he’s in the same category as the illustrious Right Said Fred, Vanilla Ice and Lou Bega (of Mambo No. 5 fame). I’m surprised he hasn’t starred on the Surreal Life yet. Maybe he’s holding out for a spot on Dancing with the ‘Stars’. Marie Osmond made it, why not him?

He has written a voluminous amount of material regarding his thoughts on Mormonism. I’m not sure if he intends to sound like a pretentious, holier-than-thou, pseudo-intellectual, but everything he writes is pretentious, holier-than-thou or pseudo-intellectual. Take a blog post he published a few months ago in May. He criticizes the Mormon conception of heaven and hell, but he makes himself sound like a self-satisfied jerk in the following quote (which can be found here)

“I think heaven isn't a place we go to after we die; I think it is a place we can live in everyday, if we are determined to, and perhaps, if we have a bit of luck. I think it is something we create and find here on earth...and right now. Heaven can be right now...

“I feel sad sometimes when I think of how long I lived always thinking of heaven as another place, and another time. I was too often blind to all the beauty right before me, because I was too often straining so hard to see something far, far off in the distance - which, it turns out, there is no reason to believe is even there, at least in the way I thought.

“I submit that true heaven isn't crazy stories, or distant stars, or strange names and strange clothes and strange spouses. I think it is something that we all have, within us, the power to create and experience, at least to some extent, right here and right now...”

Yeah, whatever, buddy. And with three paragraphs, he assigns those who don’t share his easy rockstar lifestyle to a hell worse than any that God proposed. What happens to those sorry souls, who, for whatever reason, don’t have ‘a bit of luck’? What happens to them? Mr. Bachman would consign them to misery and woe because they are not determined enough, I guess. Or chastise them for hoping for some kind of better existence in the next life? And what is the basis for Mr. Bachman’s faith in humankind? He claims there is no reason to believe in heaven. I agree, at least as far as objective evidence is concerned. But what evidence does he have the mankind can make a heaven here on earth? His own Shangri-La lifestyle, where his biggest complaints are that nobody in the record industry wants to hear his music? He wants to argue both sides of the fence. He has to have a reason for the distant heaven, but offers no reasons for the heaven ‘within’.

Other posts focus on his inability to talk to females in the past because of his worry about temptation. Obviously this is the Mormon church’s fault. The most common complaint I hear about this church is that it stultifies relationships between members of the opposite sex who happen to be married to other people. It would be completely illogical to assume that Mr. Bachman stultifies himself. Maybe someone should tell him that just because he feels ‘tempted’, it is highly unlikely that the person he is talking to feels the same way. When I talk to women at work or at school, I usually don’t get the impression that they are chomping at the bit to go to bed with me, regardless of how naturally charming I am. It must be a rockstar complex to think like that. Maybe Mr. Bachman should evaluate how he internalized the teachings of the Mormon church, rather than make unwarranted generalizations about the impact those teachings have on the general membership.

I think most of my invection comes from the colossal waste of time it was to read what he had written and the colossal waste of time writing this post represents. I don’t usually like (or write) ad hominem attacks, but when someone practically begs for it, can I be anything but obliging?


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Anonymous said...

'RUN, from the delusion and truth my friend, RUN'
that's what runners do :)

Anonymous said...

~~~ THANK YOU ~~~~~~~~~~~~as is yours ;0

Anonymous said...

The question of course, has been set up to ask:
'why follow this person?
is entrapment the key? if you do not know them at all, what was your plan?
no twitter, no facebook, no tumblr, no i-phone'
why would this person be of so much interest to you and your Cute Relationships??
Is harassment the second key? a revenge from before?
Lovers?? Who are they? Where are they?

Anonymous said...

We do know the score.

Anonymous said...

This sentence does not make any sense at all:

'Using love for the purpose of deniability, only works if not one single link can be found between the denier and the lover.'

shouldn't it say
'only works if there is a link between the denier and the lover?'

Perplexing sentence structure but familiar nonetheless, as though I read a sentence like that, 900 comments ago.

Has no one told you yet, this whole thing is over?

Tired of msg's yet? Turn off auto Duh.

Not a pain in the ass at all, but what you resist persists.

Anonymous said...

Just so you know:
I hope you get me fired with your meta data. I really need a vacation and time to spend on my hobbies.
The payout would be well worth the risk.

Anonymous said...

-------'and it's a whitewash'-----

Anonymous said...

I wonder what would happen if I told people I was mentally dating a celebrity that doesn't know I exist but I'm certain he does know I exist?
Or start chatting about my love affair with an anonymous writer who I think is sending me love letters subliminally via a Cute Relationships page that has 337,000 likes?
Or that I think I'm the reader an invisible writer is in love with.

I wonder what would happen if I told anyone that??

Anonymous said...

or, more obviously, believed any of it myself??

Anonymous said...

Make no mistake about it. This is a story of Revenge by a Destroyer of Souls. Is the Destroyer the Biter? Is it the Monkey, or the Coward? Is it Enoch? Could it be the Evil Blogger Lady? No matter at all, no souls were touched by them, the souls with eyes to see the unseen, hearts to hear the unheard, ears to listen for a sweet whisper, went untouchable and unstained.

Anonymous said...

Code 1 - conquer and divide

Code 2 - Attempt to discredit

Code 3 - Use psychological warfare

'The logistics behind group bullying and/or persecution of one or more persons in which the group feels threatened and/or intimidated by for reasons stemming from their own self hatred and loathing.'

It has been proven that the ring leader of group bullying activity are most often Libras when it is a female gang.

Anonymous said...

You will never steal my happiness or suck my soul energy. You can not get to me. And you will not get to him either, ever again.

Anonymous said...

I thought you were supposed to clean up around here while I was gone, not make more of a mess.

You and your silly codes.

Anonymous said...

spank me then

Anonymous said...

No. But I will wish you a good nite.


Anonymous said...

Seriously? I only care about nature. I'm not sure what everyone else is talking about.

Nite L. (yes that means the garden has new flowers and sitting area.)

Anonymous said...

I could never be in a relationship with someone that didn't trust me or I didn't trust them?!! What is all this talk of 'cute relationships??' There is nothing cute about jealousy in a relationship if it is true love!!

Anonymous said...

Do you want to know how it became known your game was rank?

If you actually knew Tal, you would know he has a unique sense of humour and a very unique writing style from years of honing both.

I have no idea what he's doing, where he is or even what he looks like now. I have never 'checked him out'.

I just went with the flow of heart to heart, soulful communication.

It was the warmth that became addictive - perhaps the mind is drawn to that because it's nice and since Tal is known as having a warm and cheerful disposition, perhaps we chatted here, perhaps we did not.

These things don't rule my world and I am certain, they don't rule his and I am positive, they should not rule yours'.

Anonymous said...

"Tal is known as having a warm and cheerful disposition"


Anonymous said...

There's a reason why Tal's wife left, and there's a reason why his children choose to live with their mother. Not too hard to figure that one out.

Anonymous said...

"Tal is known as having a warm and cheerful disposition"

Yeah, but you know what disturbs me about him? He's a chronic nail biter. If he could keep his hands busy or wear mittens (and cut his hair).....Wow, the world is a better place when that happens! Or at least it would show that he sees his world as a better place.

My Sdaughter says she loves nature and the earth, constantly wanting to keep the earth clean. But when you go into her home everything she owns is laying on her floor, and not much is clean. I haven't been there in years, so maybe that's changed for her....

Still, Tal is doing better now.

Anonymous said...

I disagree.

Tal is perfect beyond all measure. A god emerging from the bright sun light to help us all understand he is the one we've been waiting for.

Anonymous said...

Nope, nope, nope. You're wrong too.

Tal should see his kids living with their mother as a chance to work things out between themselves and their mother. They deserve and need that, and may even be why they were born. And making peace and forgiving someone takes ALOT of time. Ask me how I know!

Besides he probably already knows this, he is a very smart guy.


Anonymous said...

You were the friend of MoS and son who kept them in touch. Stay in touch and keep checking to make sure everything is ok, that nothing that happens is out of bounds.

Realize I'm not told what is happening with you and them...but I get the feeling your situation might be better than D's...

I know you feel excluded from their lives, I'm very, very sorry. But I don't think you are as excluded as you feel.

Have to go, but L U.

Anonymous said...

One last thought...that your kids can move in with you when they want scares every first wife :) Use it sparingly, but appropriately, if you need too.

Anonymous said...

I'm smart to set my clock 15 minutes fast so that I'm 20 minutes early to everything I have to do each day.


Anonymous said...

And I don't always give personal advice, but when I do I'm goddamn right about it.

Anonymous said...

Silence is renegade resistance. A peace. Comfortable and content with the results and what is standing. Silence is listening with an open mind, heart and soul for filtering; a channel and gateway. Listening is for decision-making and discernment. I'm so glad you still hold strong to religious beliefs.

Anonymous said...

Ego is continually tampering with the mind but it has not yet found a way to tamper with the heart.


Polly said...

Now where did I leave off... oh yeah. Why Tal is a liar and a thief.... let me count the ways...

Anonymous said...

'Only God can judge us'

Polly said...

Well... that statement in not only false, if you don't believe in "God", it's also inconsequential.

I'm still's quite a long list.

Anonymous said...

Tell me more.

Anonymous said...

Polly - did you copy that saying from this entry??

'And what is this? You cannot even spell truely correctly?? How can you possibly be true?'

Well, let me count the ways ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Anonymous said...

Polly - did you copy that saying from this entry??

'And what is this? You cannot even spell truely correctly?? How can you possibly be true?'

Well, let me count the ways ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Anonymous said...

Hope to be back tomorrow, sometime between 10:00 - 2:00.

Had a dream about Ari/Tal this a.m. He was my chocolate marshmallow sheep and he said "God told me I could keep my job. I asked." And them he gave me a big wink

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I buy things just because I like the jar they are in.

Anonymous said...

Did you dream this cause you gave him a job writing quotes on Cute Relationships and now that he hates you, you trashed him and then wanted him fired?
Or is that the game of bachelorette meets hunger games somehow went completely wrong?
I will miss your 337K cute relationships page you dissolved then attempted to link to facebook, which I do not have an account with, but please don't think it changes anything.

Love you sweet.

Polly said...

"Anonymous said...

Polly - did you copy that saying from this entry??

'And what is this? You cannot even spell truely correctly?? How can you possibly be true?'

Well, let me count the ways ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"

No I did not copy the wording from that posting because I don't read the inane comments on here like that particular posting because, well, they're inane.

"Let me count the ways" is a phrase that originates from a poem written by Elizabeth Browning Barret. The phrase is so commonly used that it's become a cliche, which was my intent in using it.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know your auntie and mommy were God!!?? When did this happen??

No one tells me anything :(

How is your tour bus driving holding up?? Getting any?


Anonymous said...

Why did you say this before Polly:
this is just one of ten things you wrote about Tal.

Polly said...

I'm sure Tal will be thrilled to have you to write his story; you just told him that you don't like him, that he can't play the guitar, that he is omparable to a convicted pedophile, and you don't seem to know the difference between *your and you're*...... Good luck getting that story!
January 11, 2014 at 8:28 PM

Polly said...

If you use basic reading comprehension skills within context, you would realize that the comment you reference is not about Tal at all. That comment is about the pathetic logic of Anonymous "investigative journalist" who wants Tal's cooperation in writing Tal's story/biography.

Anonymous said...

Well, I just want to thank whoever nominated me to play your game with you.
I'm not a great 'gamer' but I hope I kept it interesting and different for everyone.
I learnt alot about myself which I suppose was part of the objective. It was good to have a place to hone writing skills - for what, I'm not sure yet.
I wish you all the very best in life and love. You all seem to know where you stand and where you stood with each other before.
I stand the same as I always have.

Thanks again, it was tremendous fun and a really unique experience for me.

Anonymous said...

but please ,,, let her go and don't ever come near her again.
She really wasn't looking for new friends.

Anonymous said...

I'm always looking for new friends! PLEASE like me on fb....I'm trying so hard :)

I realized that time really does stand still here. Nothing's changed at all since I showed up.

L and missed you.

Anonymous said...

No, time didn't stand still. Previously, I didn't know who all the players were :)

Anonymous said...

Through you all, my wife and I got to see the ugliest side of the internet and will write about that. Your assumptions alone, your celebrating pain and suffering you think you caused, you're creepy, sick relationships and to follow my wife and place garbage all over her pages. You know this IP address, then you know who I am, you know our home PC IP address, then you know who I am. What you don't know, is what I do for a living. What you never knew, is I was there throughout your entire game, watching from an IP addrees you knew nothing about.

Stay the hell away from us and off my wifes' pages, you've been asked many times.

Anonymous said...

It was entertainment while you were away hun, cheap entertainment.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all your with this Monique (we know you don't care if they know who you are my bud)
But mostly, my REAL husband for having my back as always and watching from afar.
The binoculars, pictures,,, they thought I was talking about them ,,, entertaining for sure.

Anonymous said...

**help Monique, all your help x

Anonymous said...

Why would you know I'm married or that I have a circle of friends not known to you?

We were NEVER friends - you always did like your little games also really sad, gawd, pathetic.

As for the sweet/babe/baby - all in fun. Hubby fully understood the game,,, plan,,, all along.

Anonymous said...

When I look at photos of Tal Bachman, there is almost always a very creepy/angry look in his eyes. I wonder what me is capable of when angry?
I thought he was being noble and raising the kids himself. Seems not. I don't trust him or his word.

Anonymous said...

I think ya screwed up there or just wanted to intimidate:
'When I look at photos of Tal Bachman, there is almost always a very creepy/angry look in his eyes. ***I wonder what me is capable of when angry?'

What are you capable of when angry Tal?

I've only experienced what your capable of on-line and in mental warfare with someone, playing a harsh hunger games with them when they NEVER asked to be a player.

Anonymous said...

Why are you trying to control the truth? No one has ever put a person in a more vunerable situation than we were in and call them a friend at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Please don't pretend you don't know exactly what computer clicks in here. But what you will never know, is who clicks in here under that computer.

Please realize I could never be friends with a group/person that would engage in what you engaged in here; isolating one person so you can rampage them and see how they cope with all their life responsibilities. Impossible to forgive and forget. I'm sorry if I led you on, I had very good reason.

Anonymous said...

Bullshit! There is no good reason for leading someone on.

You want to hunt me, come hunt me then Fucker! I'm right here.

Kidding! It's me not sleepy yet, so I thought I would come and help mix it up a little here. :) How did I do?


Anonymous said...

You've always been the hunter. If you were the hunted, you wouldn't use slapstick humour about it. You can play your game and walk away when it gets demanding. Fun.

Who are you anyway??

Anonymous said...

All mindless chit chat over the anonymous internet. To hook whoever in and keep weak minds entertained. If you take your words as seriously as you pretend, prove them. But alias's and phantom is more your style. Then you can say how stupid everyone is. I'm no ones random sample.

Anonymous said...

How long have you kept this blog going now? Seven months? Are games supposed to last that long? Did a participant not fall down dead as you all had intended or fall down in love with a fake friend/invisible love?? What happened that made this run for so long? Kill me now, please.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I put the comment about Tal being creepy. I'm not Tal. That was a type o.
Somebody is getting way too worked up.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for getting my page cleaned up. I guess that's your way of being helpful/protective so I should say thank you. God forbid any real link.
Just ghostly assistance from afar. cause God forbid! What's the worst that could happen?? Scary.

Anonymous said...

Tal is not creepy - this game is creepy and every opposing participant is a mental mess wishing for company.

I'm not here to trash Tal -

Do you realize these games keep 911 very busy people take them THAT seriously?? Death threats, violence, emotional wreckages.

Anonymous said...

I hope everyone finds meaning in their life outside of constantly trying to kill off their competition.
Competition is the cornerstone for healthy personal growth if you know the difference between jealousy and rising to defeating your competition through merit.

You can not break a person who is unbreakable. No person or persons can be broken when they have an unshakable faith and trust in a higher power and themselves.

Those that still believe in the good of mankind and Tal for that matter, can not be broken, ever.
They may go to great lengths to protect their family and interests but broken?? Never.

Let it all go and begin anew.

Thanks for letting me write this, I'm probably done now.

Polly said...

Yeah.... whatever... :/

Keeping your silence in the face of injustice and abuse only allows the abuser to keep hurting you and others, as well.

Abusers use shame to force you to keep your silence. They will use verbal attacks to denigrate your personality, belittle your appearance, infantilize your power of mature action. Maintaining your sense of shame to silence you serves to protect themselves.

I will not be silenced.

Anonymous said...

I know!! How about this. We all tell the truth instead?? For example: I know you are not 'Polly' and Audrey's are Bellas and Sapphros.
I know this is game where stakes were high and loss could be great. I know that one of the participants broke the rules of the game and now he will made to suffer and go without because you bitches say so.

You see, when you speak the truth, it flows freely and silly words don't confuse it. If anyone is abusive Polyy -- it is YOU. Make no mistake of this.

See, that truth felt good, as one example. I freely told you I have been a private investigator in my life and now live like the Bhudda. You see, truth always sets you free.

TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE, NOT breaking silence, make sure you know the difference.

I'm very busy now so don't reply for me - I have a large garden to care for so bye.

Anonymous said...

A REAL woman is NOT a provocator that cries wolf.

A REAL woman seduces a MAN'S mind before she touches his body.

<3 to you.

Anonymous said...

And you, my darling sweet, have a fine mind.

Anonymous said...

Who gets the death threats, etc.? If you know who is sending them, turn them in.

Anonymous said...

I still would like to know the story behind la Hires name, and there's been nothing new coming to me these past couple days. Still, I hope that will change soon. It's kind of fun to tell some of these stories.

Good Night Everyone.
With Love.

Anonymous said...

He's obviously the limo driver.
God Audrey, can't you remember anything??
And what does that have to do with sweet having a fine mind?? Sexy, fine mind.
God Audrey!!

Polly said...

The truth does not "set you free" that's just another cliche that means nothing. Truth is truth....just facts. What we individually learn from or do with the truth is what matters.

It is a fact that my husband and I helped Tal quite a lot. My husband and I brought him two bunk bed sets for his children when they had nothing to sleep on. One of those bunk beds was a beautiful, sturdy pine log set that belonged to my sons when they were children.

We told Tal that the log set was very sentimental to us and was the one item we would eventually want back. It was important to us because our oldest son had recently passed away and our younger son, in memory of his older brother, wanted to pass the bunk set on to his future children. We were happy that Tal's two little boys could enjoy it in the mean time.

Whenever it appeared that Tal may have to move due to his financial predicament, I reminded him that the bunk set was sentimental to us and belonged to our son.

Due to Tal's financial issues he had ongoing concerns about his housing situation. At one point he thought he would be living in a relative's basement, and asked me to move the furniture and pay for a storage unit. Another time he thought he would end up living in the woods, and specifically suggested that I take the furniture back. On yet another occasion he thought he would need to move to a much smaller apartment, and suggested that I either take or sell the furniture and replace it with IKEA furniture. (That he wanted IKEA furniture surprised me because he always stated that he hated contemporary furnishings.) At this time he had started dating his Japanese girlfriend so I suspected that he actually wanted the IKEA furniture for her... and he was trying to manipulate me into buying it! In any event, Tal had consistently communicated to me that, due to his unstable housing situation, that he wanted me to take responsibility for the furniture, or he was likely to dump it. In each instance, I reminded him that the log bunk set was sentimental to us, and if his boys would no longer be using it, we expected it to be returned.

The last time I was at his place Tal wanted my help in turning the little boys' bedroom into his weight/exercise room. I was going to take the log set home at that time. However, last minute, he stated that the boys were coming over more often, and asked if he could keep the bed a little while longer. I said that was fine and was happy if they could use it for a while longer.

Soon after, Tal and I had a falling out over another financial issue (that i will tell the facts about later) and his continued denigration and belittling of me. I should have taken the bed home, because that was the last time I saw it. My husband and I leaned that the rental he was in was up for sale. We contacted Tal about our son's log bunk set. After lying to my husband, Tal eventually admitted that the house he was renting had sold, and because he had moved he had given the log bunk set away giving us the pretense that he was paying it forward. Actually, it is more likely that he sold it, or gave it to someone he owed money to cover his debt.

Tal has borrowed from and owes money to practically all of his friends, including us, that, to my knowledge, he has never paid back. He would go on expensive trial riding trips, promising to pay later, but never would. He would ship horses, and receive various other services, promising to pay people back, but he never would. He owes me money that he has owed for almost two years now, but I doubt I will ever see a penny.

On this past Mother's day, with deep regret, I told my son that Tal had sold his Log bunk beds. My son was visibly upset as tears welled up in his eyes. His older brother was his only brother. We are all heartbroken. I am responsible for putting something we treasured at risk.

Some day someone will read this and if they individually learn from it, it will save them much heartache.

The truth is, Tal is a dishonest and dishonorable man.

Anonymous said...

That is a heartbreaking story and I wish Tal had not treated you like that. The problem is that he is NOT a nice man. His fans and cronies who left the Mormon church because of his influence don't realize that. They think he is honorable and that the sun shines out of his rear end. WRONG on both counts. I have known for years that he is a jerk. He treated me terribly also. LEARN PEOPLE!

Anonymous said...

I must seek some dewdrops here,
And hang a pearl in every cowslips's ear.

There's rosemary, that's for remembrance; pray you love, remember.

Daffodils, that come
before the swallow dares
and take the winds of
March with beauty.


Anonymous said...

Somethings I don't want to remember, but sadly they must be:

When O arrived in Egypt he did so thinking that Antony had already left for a summit some distance away, another country. O was to be there also, along with reps from other countries. A and Ritchie were still waiting for information they needed to take with them.

A boarded the boat thinking O was there to see him, saying "don't bother leaving the boat. I don't want you setting foot in this country. I'll say everything I want to you when I see you in (country?)" O played along, and A was ready to leave when he turned and asked "how did you know I would still be here? I didn't tell anyone I would be late."

From the look on Os face, A said "Oh hell NO!" Some in the past had reported to A before that O and/or Os friends had made veiled threats at C. A was disarmed and stabbed with his dagger when he tried to fight back.

Sorry, but I'm told to send this tonight.

Anonymous said...

A was brought in on a stretcher. There was commotion in her hallway and C was at a doorway when A was brought into the room. She asked what happened and said, "Put him down here!" on the floor.

A woke briefly and started yelling her name. She was angry when she told him, "I'm right here!" He had gone blind, and when she grabbed his hand and held it, his yelling became a mumble. She tried to understand what he was saying, couldn't so she told him to relax, everything was alright. He was telling her to get the kids and run. He died as soon as he was set on the floor.

C was demanding answers from the 2 who brought him in, when Phil was brought in. He said "Mom, what's going on?" "I don't know. Who are you!!!" To the on holding Phil. And O came in.

"I want to know...(don't know what yet). C said, " I don't know what you're talking about!" Without a word more Phil's throat was cut. We were both shocked, and C was restrained. Phil was scared and trying to stop the bleeding, C told him to "get down on the floor and close your eyes. Just try to relax and ignore the pain, it will stop in a minute." She kept talking to him until she was sure he was gone.

She crawled away to vomit, and before she was done they had Alex in the room.

Anonymous said...

Alex saw his father and yelled "Oh Dad!!!" And when he tried to move toward his father he was dragged back toward O.

O said "Now tell me what you know about....?" " I told you I don't know what you're talking about!" When Alex was told to get his mother to tell O everything she knew, he simply said, "I love you Mom." He was cut and after C saw him to the floor and he was unconscious, she begged that she would tell him what he was after, but she didn't have a clue what he wanted.

And when the older twin, Ritchie, was brought in, he was crying but quiet. O and C spoke quickly but briefly before Ritchie was on the floor too. Brigham was standing in the doorway watching his brother die. He saw bodies and blood and became hysterical.

And O knew he had a problem...he was running out of children.

Anonymous said...

So he was tortured. His ears were cut off, then his nose, and because of his fight he is missing just the tip of it. When they missed his nose he screamed "Mom help me! Make them stop!" C screamed, "Stop torturing him and just kill him!" Brig became very still and screamed "Mom!" and he wet himself when he saw her hopeless face. They laughed.

And when they laughed, C saw a paring knife on her breakfast tray and threw it at Brigham's attacker. It stuck in his arm, but fell out when he moved to straighten his arm.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what damage it did to his arm when it didn't seem to go in very deep, but he stopped using it. And because he couldn't hold his knife he grabbed a candle and told C "I'm going to like raping you." And he started to put burns on Brig.

When they started to burn Brig, C was questioned again and she told O the 1st thing that popped into her mind. He said "See, was that so hard?" And Brigham's throat was cut.

And C heard her daughters cries coming down the hall.

Anonymous said...

C hear her daughter screaming, then silence, a crack, and her daughter was screaming again. She bite the man in the hallway and he slapped her hard. C was begging for her daughters life as soon as Brig died.

O demanded more info, he didn't believe he would get more, so the little girl was killed w/o torture, almost immediately. She was nearly decapitated and the man who was bit was the one who killed her.

She was a curly redhead, with eyes like Bell's. I'm told you know who she is, and can figure out who she bit.

Before she was killed C started singing the song to her that they sang together before nap and bed time. A lullaby in the hope that Selena would know she was to go to sleep now.

Anonymous said...

Who 'tells' you to post this stuff?
Are they voices in your head?

Anonymous said...

As soon as her daughter was dropped on the floor, C took the dagger off the guard and killed herself. O stepped over her body to leave the room and said "make sure she's dead."

They did and everyone boarded the boat to go to the summit. They were hoping to still be there on time, to say when they expressed their condolences to A about the bad weather on their journey. And there was a storm on the route they should have taken.

When C got up from the floor she was standing in a black void. She saw A carrying their daughter. She had one arm around her fathers neck, and a tiny thumb in her mouth. Brig ran over to her and she had her hands on each side of his face asking him if he was ok. He nodded.

Anonymous said...

She hugged him tight, and then checked on all of the kids. Phil asked where they were, C said she didn't know but to stay very close together because some distance away there was light.

When they walked into the lighted area, they saw others. When one stepped over to Phil, and C said "This is your father." At the same time others moved toward A to welcome us and the kids.

Phil was always fascinated by his father. One of the things he loved so much about A, was even tho A had many friends, he was his fathers best and trusted friend. Phil loved A's stories, wanting to know his dad thru them.

It was normal for the family to receive the bust when a Senator died or retired. So the bust in the crypt was given to Phil from the Senate. And A presented the bust and the name Caesarian when he was 5.

I think I might go to bed now. I hope you guys will have a good nights rest too.

Anonymous said...

Attempt to


make you feel powerful???

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

B O Y S that are Gamers <3
like, game boy.

Anonymous said...


Remember the last time we saw this?
You took it to your brother?? Shadow Copy n o w ......

Do that again

Anonymous said...

g o t o B I N G N O W

Anonymous said...

I know a bank whereon the
wild thyme blows,
where oxlips and the nodding
violet grows
Quite over-canopied with
luscious woodbine
With sweet musk roses and
with eglantine.

Anonymous said...

her father doesn't know anything about this. He stays away as much as he can (an affair). It's the pretend mother and the ant.
news in.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

*** d a t a c a p t u r e D

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ added to list.

you are b e a u t i f u l, yes?


a ll r u l e s
a re n u l l & v o i d.

Anonymous said...

W I L L a l w a y s
a l l w a y s

Anonymous said...

City in Iraq
Babylon was originally a Semitic Akkadian city dating from the period of the Akkadian Empire c. 2300 BC. Wikipedia
Founded: 1867 BC
Local time: Saturday 2:03 PM

Anonymous said...

Selene, Selena whichever you spell it, was named after A's mother. His father was an ambassador or something like one to Spain.

I don't know why there is no name for Ritchie and Brig yet. Also don't know what answer C finally gave. It was just a word or a phrase, possible password? And when O stepped over C he said, "She was probably lying anyway. Make sure she's dead." in response their own conversation.

Not sure why there was a candle burning at 8:00 in the morning.

Maybe see you later, not sure what my plans are for the day. And sorry to burden you so unexpectedly last nite.


Anonymous said...

Most of the killers and guards in the history I've told you about, wouldn't act the same way if they had to do it all over again, I think.

Karma played a big role in helping to develop their sense of empathy. I'm told Bob said a little about what O is like today, when you don't act on your conscious.


Anonymous said...

,,, no burden, dear.... oh, oops. you were not leaving this note 4 me?? 4 who then??? so strange to see? what planet are you 4rom??
tssskkkkkk tisk ----so violent.
be off with you now then, like the black hole cyclone came, then went. why?? because i could. i can. i will. i do so love my shadow hunter; & the hunted, and even more, the haunted & the hunt.

Anonymous said...

And I did wonder many things about O's future. I used to wonder when these memories started years and years ago if O was trying to commit a form of spiritual suicide. That by all of his repeats he would implode in the heavens only existing in our memories or dealings with him.

In later years I've wondered if he will be able to reach this earth in the future, much like the First of us can't be here, but in reverse. Or maybe he's done just enough, and nothing more than that, to be able to plod along with us. And the only help he offers us all is a visual reminder of what happens when you choose to stay stupid.


Anonymous said...

Timbaland - Morning After Dark - featuring Nelly Furtado & Soshy:

Anonymous said...

'Are you afraid to die?' they asked.

'Of course not, why do you ask?'

Polly said...

"Anonymous said...

Who 'tells' you to post this stuff?
Are they voices in your head?"

No, when rants, denigration,and threats don't work, the next tactic is to flood and obfuscate with inane blather in an attempt to conceal and divert attention from the real subject of the blog. After all.... who would want to wade through thousands of preposterous posts to read the posts that really matter?

However, it's quite hilarious that those who believe in past lives always believe that in *their* past lives they were some associate of, or famous historical figure such as Joan of Arc, Jesus Christ, Antony and Cleopatra, etc. etc. etc....all badly recounted with a bit of Shakespeare mixed in.

When these these people, who lived such rich, adventurous, and powerful past lives, wake up to their current, mediocre, inconsequential lives... it must really SUCK!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes yes, it really does suck. But people like Joanne, Cleopatra and all, craved the mediocre when they didn't have it.

But I understand your point and agree with it, up to a point. Least we forget that if Joanne and Cleopatra wanted a more exciting life well above an inconsequential one they could have it. If they really strived for it.

Anonymous said...

Agree with Polly - same with Tal Bachman - the temporary breaks from his ongoing delusion into his meaningless real life must be jarring.

Anonymous said...

Trouble is they don't know what they want, so they do nothing that's very proactive about changing the mediocre and inconsequential, beyond posting here. Which will never get noticed :) Thank you for that Tal, you can really make a girl feel safe!

Anonymous said...

There's rue for you; and
here's some for me, we -
may call it herb of grace
o' Sundays.

So sweet a kiss the golden
sun gives not
To those fresh morning drops
upon the rose.

Polly said...

So... Anonymous... What you are saying is that Tal doesn't know what he wants, and is not proactive about changing his mediocre and inconsequential life. And you feel safe because you know nobody will notice or read this blog because, well... nobody notices Tal...


Anonymous said...

I agree with Polly. Whenever something real is posted about Tal, the crazy woman tries to cover it up with ravings. It's so obvious that she tries to hide the truth. So we must just post the truth even more often and more of it to drown her out...or him.I know I won't give up until the truth dominates over her stuff now. Was going to go away but not until she stops drowning out the truth.

Anonymous said...

Not exactly, I mean, I noticed he ran thru the villages holloren my names. But yes I feel safe here because Tal has Ian now.

Here's my theory:
Tal drove adoring fans away with Ian. Ian came into being because Tal has stones he hasn't been able to use productively.
Now follow me closely here, this part is important:
when Tal is happy, he is still a great attention getter and he doesn't trip over his stones, because they, his stones, feel important and useful, not heavy and encumbering. He is strong enough to once again carry his stones around because now they function as they should again. His personality becomes happier and his jokes become funny again, and people will be drawn again toward his bright and fun light. You see?

Hey, has anyone else heard a tuning fork pitch frequency today?

I love Tal and wouldn't trade him away for anything. I just pray he is stronger soon, it's hard to watch. Kidding of course. About the stones, I mean.

Anonymous said...

So, Polly,just keep telling us more about what a pig Tal really is and I will tell my stories too. We will tell the truth about him for as long as it takes.
That he sold your deceased son't bed that you loaned him is awful..especially to pay a debt. This is a man who stoops so low that he can not be trusted to tell the truth or have morals.

Anonymous said...

Blame the stones...I do.

Anonymous said...

A golden haired musician who was never liked much by his father decided one day to become the pied piper and amble through the streets, playing his pipe to lure the children away from the light. The children gleefully followed him for he had recently had a one hit wonder record. Merrily, they danced after him until they found themselves without the city walls. There, they discovered darkness and tried to get back into the city but the guards on the gate refused entry. So many tears were shed and the children began to hate the golden haired musician for how he had deceived them.

Anonymous said...

A golden haired musician who was never liked much by his father decided one day to become the pied piper and amble through the streets, playing his pipe to lure the children away from the light. The children gleefully followed him for he had recently had a one hit wonder record. Merrily, they danced after him until they found themselves without the city walls. There, they discovered darkness and tried to get back into the city but the guards on the gate refused entry. So many tears were shed and the children began to hate the golden haired musician for how he had deceived them.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear! Let's change the subject, ok?

Ritchie, my little Math Major! You as the twin, were named after A. A form of Mark/Marcus. Still don't know your name as A's second in command.

I don't think A had any kids with his first wife. She never wanted any, and I don't think she told him that, even lying to him about it, before she married him. She could have them, any off spring from A other than C is wrong.

Every day there were women saying they were having his child. There were only two wives, he was about 4 1/2 years older than C, give or take, and the kids were 17, 14, two 7 year olds, and a two year old, I think, maybe.

Brigham Honey, I'm still trying to find your name. I just started looking so wish me luck!

Also Ritchie, I found Blue Fish dead two days ago. He jumped out of his vase in the middle of the night, I found him in the morning when I was going to feed him. But take heart My Sweet One, sometimes a fish is just a fish.

Always Audrey.

Anonymous said...

I think I said that Ritchie died of natural causes as A's lieutenant, he had some illness he caught during the war. He didn't die at O's hand.

Got it Brigham! You were named twin was named Mark and the other Antony. Funny! Wonder whose idea that was?


Anonymous said...

C named Phil and Alex, because they were to work like her, as Ptolemys. Egypt's future was secured with the first 2 heirs.

Phil's name, Philadelphus was meant to indicate he was the leader of all psychics on Earth, again like the pope is for Catholics. And Alex was named after Alexandria, a smaller more localized psychic region.

It was custom in those days for fathers to name their children. This all started as a way of acknowledging paternity. C naming Phil for Egypt, meant to O and others that Jules never took responsibility for Phil being his son. Since C named him, Jules never accepted Phil as his.

This was NOT an issue for anyone until Jules died. Jules was in the process of having his will rewritten, maybe 10 people knew this. It was a loophole, and was decided in court that O keep Rome, and Egypt keep Phil. O and others also argued that Phil would rob and weaken Rome to benefit Egypt. Had Jules signed his new will, there would have been no debate, Phil would have a say in both gov'ts.

Jules being Phil's father was never questioned by anyone before his death. A asked the court to give the bust and name over to Phil, since his paternity wasn't in question. It is ironic to me that after the C&A murders O took both Egypt and Jules name....

When A presented Phil with his name and bust, Phil was so happy and proud. It was his first official ceremony as a govt leader.


Anonymous said...

Phil was 3 or very close to it when Jules passed. And he tried to know his father thru the people who knew Jules. When a Roman, or anyone who knew Jules, was in Egypt Phil wanted to know, so he could talk to them about his dad. He kept a diary of the stories and who told them to him, unofficial of course. It was just a sons love for his father. Many people opened up to this an said many things to Phil that they wouldn't have done officially. After Phil died his diary was made public and still survives as a record of events for J.

Phil's attachment to Jules was understandable because after Jules died he worked as Phil's spirit guide and Phil had no problem hearing his dad's voice. Phil would often say something that would prompt a memory of his father by those who knew Jules to get his info.

Anonymous said...

Well, I for one am super pleased someone struggling to find their creative outlet has done so and all body functions have been restored in the process! Bravo! I really am so proud of you!

Has no one here ever heard the term 'it takes a village?' in reference to raising children and that saying is talking about just one!

It is disappointing to see someone discuss material goods with more passion than compassion and everyone knows, boys are never sentimental about bedroom furniture??

Anyhow, my favorite righteous soul has been saved and is flying while you all write strange things here (except for the Shakespeare, I enjoyed that).

But I now know, magic exists, love for the pure at heart exists, hope is never far away & exists.


Anonymous said...

That Jules was going to name Philip and any other children he might have in his will was true and had C's support for the most part. Philip would have ruled Egypt first and Rome as a smaller part until a second son. Then a second son would inherit Rome and C was convinced she was having more children.

After J's murder C wanted nothing to do with Rome for her son. She knew who killed Jules when she saw his body. She put in a request right away to the court to take Philip to Egypt for his safety. They agreed.

The final decision on the will's validity rested on if C was pregnant. If she was expecting another baby Jules seat would have gone to the second child. That child would be Roman only. It was just politics. Politics and murder.

C went back to Egypt and she and A wrote letters from then on. "No I'm not pregnant." Then " Yes, Philip and I have everything we need." And finally, "Your planning a trip? Let me know when you are in town." Kind of stuff.

Anonymous said...

Philips diary of his father was also used as a school project.

Before Jules died, A was going thru a divorce, and C told A & Rome who they were to each other about that time too. It was fun being tested, Ritchie and a good time too.

So it surprised no one that C&A started a romantic relationship the first time they saw each other in Egypt after her return. They planned to marry, but moved the date forward some when C found herself pregnant.

Anonymous said...

Good Night Everyone! Hope to see you tomorrow.


Polly said...

Anonymous said:

"everyone knows, boys are never sentimental about bedroom furniture??"

That sounds just like Tal..."everyone knows"... just sweeping hyperbole. "Everyone" does not "know" any such thing!

Who do you think you are? You do not know my son. He is not a boy, he's a grown man soon to have his own child. He is also very sensitive, kind, and compassionate. His brother died practically in his arms. His grief runs extremely deep.

To make such a sweeping statement that boys or men do not form sentimental attachments to something as reassuring and comforting as the bed he and his brother grew up sleeping in is ludicrous and sexist, to say the least!

Anonymous said:

"It is disappointing to see someone discuss material goods with more passion than compassion"

Tell me, Anonymous.... How, exactly, does one talk about "material goods" with compassion? You obviously do not know the meaning of the word.

It was, however, compassion for Tal and for his little boys that he even came to have the log set.

Did Tal have compassion for us regarding the sentimental attachment our family had to the log bed.


Did Tal have compassion for the loss of our son?


Furthermore, it is absolutely appropriate to have a certain "passion" for "material goods".
The log set was the type of possession that is meant to be passed down through generations. Having "passion" for such things that can be meaningful for generations is an act of respect for your possessions, having passion is a desire to properly care for them, having passion is to have an understanding of their true value.

Did Tal have passion and respect for the log set?


Did Tal have respect for our wishes regarding the log set?


Tal has no respect or care for his own belongings. Tal does not have respect for anything, he is bankrupt of such things. I should have deduced that he would not respect the belongings of others.

Like Tal, you too obviously have no respect or compassion. Nor do you seem to understand what those words mean. Nor do you seem to know what it means to cherish and treasure something that belonged to someone you dearly loved.

Anonymous said...

God lady, see a shrink.Oh wait - that was you that said Tal is your shrink and has been helpful to you so I'm confused. Want me to pull that comment along with all the others where you rave about him??
I think they are in the January series.

Who are you? Do you even know?

Anonymous said...

Mostly though, the question really is why you take the time to write a very long, drawn out story to explain something to someone who does not care about you, your opinion, your opinion of Tal, or anything about you because you're super boring, a backstabber, and manic - being Tal's bestie one minute and hate on the next.
Please get on with it and get a life now, everyone else has and find a forum that can help you with your deep seeded bitterness, like an on-line doctor or something. bye.

Anonymous said...


Patience is kind
Wrath is blind
Love will save
Anger is an early grave.

I forgive all because I love,
it is the only way
for a path to be paved,
for many better days.

True love & peace is reserved
for the sweet,

and nothing more needs to be said.


Anonymous said...

Tal told me he had to hold the beds together with duct tape.

Polly said...

No, Anonymous...... you are getting your gossip sessions with Tal mixed up. It was the vacuum he had to hold together with duct tape.... he totally trashed it. And then he wanted me to buy him a new one.

Polly said...

How he managed to trash the vacuum is a complete mystery.... it's not like he ever used it to, you know..... vacuum!

Anonymous said...

Hey Tal, here's 1 4 U:

Anonymous said...

My father died today. He was 93 and had lived an adventurous life. A staunch Catholic, family man. An ace pilot, fighter pilot and was a first snowbird pilot. He fought in the Korean wars. He was American.

I write this because he taught me about people and how to treat them. How never to quit, beyond all doubts, how to keep moving and work hard to achieve something. To leave a legacy. He also made alot of mistakes along the way and warned us that we would too.

He did not believe in wasting time while on earth.

It's those engrained beliefs that led me here. A backdoor that tears apart the heart and soul of a person.

Without the internet, you could never do this because you would have to be face to face and no on here has the stones to be that, well, except for me.

I will never waste another moment on here. The very truest and best of friend I found here (my sweet) knows the score and what to do.

The rest of you, I hope you stop wasting your life here and on the internet in general, it steals your soul and has you live in an illusion.

Hopefully this blog will be dissolved.

Anonymous said...

Sincere Condolences. However, I believe you are as guilty as any that you chastise.
But then I guess you won't see this if you aren't coming back on.

Anonymous said...

5 4 3 2 1....and here you are again.

Anonymous said...

After Philip was murdered, his diary was sought after by Cicero, and became part of his records. O saw it as flattering to be related to an honest and just man unfairly cut down in his prime as Jules was, so the diary thrived. Plus O never knew it was Philips work and no one took the time to explain it to him.

C left Rome the same day the will was read. And that was the day after Jules died. When she saw his body, she knew who killed him and too, his first wife, and why. So as soon as she walked into his room she was trying to run out of it.

A was stopping her. She told A she was leaving Rome and why, she needed to run home to see if Philip was still alive. And A agreed to help her.

Anthony notified the court of C emergency departure, provided guards for her and Philip until they were at her home in Egypt. He made her travel arrangements, then packed up and sold her Rome house, moved bank accounts, and other stuff like that.

Anonymous said...

I think Philips work might be the one everyone thinks Jules wrote...I forget the title and never read that book, but I know Phil's writing is included in it.

Cicero was an old man at C&A's death. He read the diary and kept it with his papers, along with A's papers. Ritchie sent all their work to him to archive, after his letter informing Rome and Cicero of O.

When O tried to leave Egypt, he was made to dock his boat. Guards were posted, but O and his men managed to walk off the boat and left Egypt by land.

O was reinstated in Rome, still don't know how, but he was a figure head only. The Senate still controlled the gov't and voting power. O gave speeches and held ceremonies. That was all he did.

Anonymous said...

Ritchie met with O on his boat. I don't know what they said yet, just that they met three times. Will think about this some more.

Ritchie died of something close to malaria. Jules was cremated and after the ceremony, his will was read. C was there because ??? then boarded the boat for Egypt, all on the same day.

C was there, because O wasn't. When she returned to Egypt, she received a condolence letter from O. That was when she told him that anyone who hand a hand in jules' and his first wife's murder, would be caught. He believed her.

So he paid new men to kill their murders, and he thought he solved that problem. That it would be revealed in another lifetime never occurred to him.

Actium happened because he figured it out. He wanted to destroy all the evidence and the tomb. And he really wasn't sure what was there. And I'm not sure what led him to realize this.

Anonymous said...

Actium wasn't much of a battle. It was realized O was on his way, Ritchie and others found him, the 5 boats fired on each other (but I don't know how they did that), 2 boats rammed each other and sank.

Egypt's Coast Guard then came out wondering what was happening and did a search and rescue.

When Ritchie and others knew O was coming and why, they set up a blockade. O ran thru the hole from the sinking boats. What Ritchie didn't know was that O sent others in first to start searching for the tomb.

Anonymous said...

Just heard the tuning fork...

I think that's all I have for now. Hope to see you all here again tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Babylon, no! How could I after all this?? You know how much I love Reece's chocolate buttercup.

Anonymous said...

Because Cicero was a powerful gov't official, he was beheaded after he died. The stories of A being a drunkard womanizer were he and Cicero horsing around together. When they would meet and salute each other, Cicero would often ask A how many women were having his children today. It is ironic too that he didn't have any when these jokes were in play.

When A agreed to help C leave Rome providing her with an armed escort to Egypt, C didn't want it because she was afraid they would turn on her and kill them on their way home. A suggested Ritchie, and since R was one of the first people she met when she moved to Rome, she agreed.

R was in Egypt with Jules when he first met C. C even saw them together but had yet to speak.

Anonymous said...

R was in his mid to late teens when he and C first saw each other. J spoke highly of him to C then because she asked of him.

R was also a witness to J's murder, both were covered in blood when C arrived for J. He and A were waiting for J to arrive when they saw the attack. They were close enough to J to jump in and run his attackers off. It was R who disrobed one of the attackers by accident. He kept it to help him try to identify the men. Later when C received Os letter she asked R to give it to her when he was finished with it and told him why.

After the attack, A sent for C. She didn't know J had died, just that he was attacked. She knew this had to be true because the carriage was stuck in traffic. People were running and acting crazy. C left the carriage and ran the rest of the way.

C knew J died when she saw the blood in the street. People were dumping buckets of steaming water on it to clean it up. They pointed her to the building where J was taken. A met her outside on the steps...

R was in charge of escorting C&P back to Egypt. He stayed with her until she found a house and was settled. A kept R there a lot because A had work for him, he said, a field assignment was R's next step for a promotion. R loved it.

Anonymous said...

Today, D emails or calls when he arrives at work. It was a habit I insisted on before Joanne was known. I was having dreams and afraid he would die in an accident on the way to work.

The sight of blood can make me sick. I either want to vomit or faint or both. Jules also bled to dead like C's children, and I can't help but liken it to a form of kosher...I have real problems...

Anonymous said...

Cicero met Philip again when he was about 13. Phil had written to invite him to take his vacation in Egypt so he could talk about his father. A also bundled some of his work in with Phil's letter.

Cicero was happy to hear from Phil and accepted his invitation. It was Phil's job to plan events and outings for him. It was a fun trip for us all. Cicero was impressed with the info P managed to collect, was impressed with Phil too. He was looking forward to P's coming of age and a stronger Rome&E alliance. They kept in touch as friends from then on.

Phil started writing at age 10. For your writing class, you started a project then and grew it and changed it as your grew and changed. You were graded on your changes and how your project grew.

C's project was the novel of the young woman who led the army to battle.

Cicero always frowned on O. Never cared much for him. They were from two different political parties.

I'm not sure if I'm done for toady or not...


Anonymous said...

Phil had a girlfriend at the time of his murder. But I don't know much about her yet, but it's another part of the story I think.

Anonymous said...

I saw a vision of Tal before I fell asleep last night. I was standing behind him and was told he was talking to his son. C's son Alex about college, I think I was behind him to see that his hair was shorter. Good to know!

I'm also told to tell you that D's company provides free coffee to off site employees. That excludes me. Not really sure what the joke is about, just that there is one.

Anonymous said...

Phil's girlfriend was the daughter of the official who turned over the names for O to find the crypt.

I'm also told to stop signing my work.

Anonymous said...

I'm reassured to be told that not all of the blood in the street was from J. R managed to wound an attacker who was able to run from the site but later died. Somehow his death was never linked to J's murder.

I find Rs remarks of my having to follow the rules of time (as far as getting younger) of the system we are in to be wrong. But as more time passes I am very discouraged and willing to say, he may be right. Realize, I'm told he's not....but they've said and promised a lot and have delivered nothing.

Anonymous said...

Also told to add: in last nights vision of Tal he was wearing a black long sleeve shirt and it crossed my mind because of that that this might not be a recent vision, but one that happened years ago, or has yet to happen.

Anonymous said...

You asked what D is giving me for my Bday...tues afternoon we drop my jeep off to get running boards installed. As an old woman, I could use the help up.

Anonymous said...

'Who am I to be brilliant, talented and fabulous'?

'Actually, Babylon, who are you not to be?'

'You are a child of God - your playing small does not serve the world'

'There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that others won't feel small around you'


Anonymous said...

Also need to say that Horus didn't set out to stop homosexuals from having sex. Others did that.

I don't know how he feels about gay people. I know how he feels about sex and he thinks no one should be having it. And if they do, they need to follow the rules and their are a lot of those.

Horus thinks he is 'normal' but he is impotent and believes that is something to be admired. In his mind he has overcome a physical need, therefore his is more spiritually evolved. This is also why Jesus is thought to have been celibate for his life too.

And I don't know why I'm not to sign my work.

Anonymous said...

Tagging along, yes. There is much to talk about.

Vision was real, ok.

Anonymous said...

We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us all. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone and as we let our light shine we unconsciously give others permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Anonymous said...

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves 'Who am to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?'

Anonymous said...

Visions aren't real, they're guesses. Only feelings and gut instinct are real.

Anonymous said...

I get the feeling that J and R were related, but I'm told no they weren't. I wonder why I feel they were...can't wait for that story! "R needs to figure it out" said Ari.

Anonymous said...

I have fresh cucumbers on my eyes, can you please return home soon! I had to get another haircut to confuse the heathens but the cucumber makes me beautiful in you. I could never forget my babylon! Or leave! Thank you for thinking of me, it was a sweet, kind passing, like the man.

Anonymous said...

Still a nut case and still here. You just can't help yourself.Compulsive.

Anonymous said...

Of course I lie to them. Probably everyone does. Look what happens when you give them a glimpse of the truth??
The only one I never lie to is the sweet one. But he knows this.
We & us already know this, from that time three years ago.

Anonymous said...

I love how you say the word
'nut'. Such a turn on. I eat all kinds of nuts, especially the pistachio nuts because they keep me slim and petite and remind of when I lived in Hawaii, both times.

I can't wait to do bad things to my compulsion.

Anonymous said...

na na na na
la la la la
hey, hey,

Anonymous said...

la la la la
na na na na
hey hey

Anonymous said...

Damnit! I wanted to be 1600!

I just want to clear up what I said about Horus and homosexuals. He WAS against homosexuality too, but he objected to all sex. The anti gay movement was the strongest offshoot of his, and since it was he put his attention elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

The candle was burning at 8:00 a.m. because C was using the wax to seal the letters she was writing.

The summit was held in France. It was a discussion to recruit France into the Roman Union (Empire). A looked to be the form of Roman gov't they were choosing.

R, I hear you have a PhD! Congrats, I'm very proud of you.

Nite Nite.

Anonymous said...

Just stopping by to copy and save some of my stuff. Please don't get excited if your visitor count goes up, it's just me...please go back about your business.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I've got everything I need for now.

See you later.

Anonymous said...

I really didn't know it was possible to miss someone this much, or need them close.

Anonymous said...

I don't know where your really are or what is going on but this game mimics Vampire Diaries and the characters there within. It just scares me and this is no way to chat. Why are they still viewing my pic on google+ when this should have ended, and who are they too? Tell them all to go away please & thank you.

Anonymous said...

Yeah,stop checking out my Google + also.
You are a scary bunch of Tal worshipers.

Anonymous said...

Yeah well, 700 views of my pic is not normal, it's not like I'm a celebrity and anyhow, you all have the characters mixed up because the one I should be lined up with is Bres, my first husband from centuries age. You see babe?? I'm simply too weird for this game. You would be much better off with the 2nd and 3rd, D & S. I just give you a bad rep. take care.

Anonymous said...

You see, anyone can enter data into a placeholder and sound like the most romantic person on the planet. If some of what you write is true then you have let this go on since September which means its still a game of some sort. If also what you say is true in the placeholders, if it's important enough to you, you'll find it. The main truth though, is that you became what she said you would be 4 months ago if the focus switched. In third party language, which seems to be the style, you admit, you are happy. Was this not outlined to you as a possibility months ago?? Indeed it was and so,,, with a bit of effort and a shadow cheerleading team, you are all that. That's all I asked for and that's what I got :) so bye.

Anonymous said...

Since you were able to get my 'Talent Me' page taken down, maybe you can get that google+ page taken down too - God knows I've seen some amazing things done on the computer in the last 7months, real talent, those Adobe Illustrators and animators have, real talent. So if you can, please do. I prefer to not exist.
Damn there goes that compulsion again, so weak of me. Ooops, defensive and insecure!I better go puke up my food and not brush my hair for days. Or just fall apart in front of all my professional colleagues or something. Damn I must be human afterall! If only I could conjure up jealousy!

Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

I admit I'm happier because I'm here....unless of course you weren't talking to me, then just forget I said anything.

I noticed that your messages were posted the same time I woke up suddenly this a.m. My minds not weak, yours is too loud, and I can't sleep thru everything.

Anonymous said...

Google+ , can I just use yahoo instead? Egg salad w/ shredded carrots, green onions and dill, I think it was, on toast.

Anonymous said...

danger, danger
stay away
you'll never have
control over me
for, i am.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I saw the gingerbread cookies with the shredded carrots. Actually, I saw every gross image, ever beautiful image, every poem, every letter, some handwritten, some not. At the end of the day, it could be anyone posting the images and writing the good, bad & ugly. Life in a fishbowl and surreality is well, life in a fish bowl and surreality, but I am super pleased you are happy.

Anonymous said...

that's all you will ever be to me.

Fangirl monkeys, heroic fake boys, made up boys, made up books, made up poems, no direct contact, no contact, communication and heart won strictly through gaming, point for every kiss.

Anonymous said...

They can actually put a tat there? Why?


Anonymous said...

Never mind I spoke out of turn. I don't want to know....

Anonymous said...

What you all fantasize and dream about the most, I live.

Anonymous said...

L&MM were 5 when their birth father died. Once their mother died, L and their step-father came to blows. He was someone the two liked to avoid. They were very good at hiding out of sight.

He had a history of drinking before he married their mother and he gave her all the credit for him cleaning himself up. There was love there for his wife, so he tempered his remarks to her children because of their tender age and his love for her. Still it's wasn't a perfect marriage.

When she died, he went back to drinking and hating all 3 of the kids.

When MM&Everyone left for France, she was bitter over her relationship with Martha. Martha liked to tell everyone when the subject of children came up that she had no mother. She used this to evoke pity and hurt MM who acted as her mother since her birth.

She felt that MM only took care of her until their aunt came for them, forgetting that their aunt was elderly buy the time they arrived at their home, and that Martha could ack like a pain in the ass, the aunt was tired. It was MMs fear that Martha would have the 3 kids turned out because of her tantrums.

MM felt Martha had it good. She had none of the hardship MM&L dealt with. When this was brought up to Martha, she said all of the hardship was L's. He wrote the letter asking for help, he kept them safe from their father, and he watched over them when their aunt and uncle died. To this day, over all the lifetimes, this is her opinion of MM.

Their uncle died first, L took up his trade. He was a builder, and had other hobbies. Their aunt died 5 years after they arrived.

Anonymous said...

Part of the hard feelings for MM and Martha came to light because of their marriages. Believe it or not they both married the same year. Martha had more than one child I think, and MM had miscarriages and for a time a sick husband.

The wedding with the water-to-wine miracle was L's and he married well. She died from preeclampsia a couple years later and had one surviving child.

MM&J married next. He had yet to suffer his harshest traumas, and there were the miscarriages for MM. When he started feeling his worst trauma he told MM he didn't want to keep trying for children until he was feeling better. It was too hard on them both, and MM had no choice but to agree. It was the right thing to do.

Martha threw herself at Peter. It was her idea to get him to notice her as a lover not a child, he wasn't looking for a wife. She was his nurse/wife. She claimed she loved him, and probably did, but... yuck. Their temperaments were suited!

So MM had to suffer all of Martha's medical advice on how to carry a child to term, and in Martha's baby's first years, MM learned what Martha didn't like about her childhood. Because "she was giving her children better than she had it." A mother, to start with.

Need to stop for about an hour or so. I plan on coming back today, but were are expecting more storms today.

Anonymous said...

So L's wife died, he and his son lived next door to MM&J. His son was almost 4 when J started showing signs of more trauma. It had been 4 years since his fight in the temple. And when J trashed the temple he was having memories of Philip. He saw the animals suffering pain and fear as they died according to the kosher laws. When he went mad, a Roman policeman was summoned.

MM was working in her front yard when a man ran to J's house, she watched as M and the man ran back down the street together. Scared and knowing the family so well, she ran too.

She ran some distance behind them to the temples' small portico, or side lobby. So many people jockeying around in a crowd, mostly laughing, and MM saw M was being held back by two men from the crowd. MM could hear her screaming "Stop it." They were looking out for his mother, but they didn't know MM would also interfere.

MM pushed her way to the fight to see John down on one knee with his arms covering his head and face. He was being whipped. She ran between the policeman and John and the whip wrapped itself around the sleeve of her dress. He ordered her to get out of the way and yanked of his whip. It held and MM said, "What's wrong with you?" Waving an arm toward John, "Can't you see he's down?"

He moved to MM to reclaim his whip with a warning for her to watch her tongue or face a flogging too. Then turned to send the crowd away. M freed herself and was helping John up. M was telling a rude man that her husband would be by later to settle the damages.

John's face said there was a fist fight before the police showed up, and he had a deep cut above one eye from the whip. M&MM helped him up and to the street.

Anonymous said...

When the 3 entered the street, John shook the two women off and they followed him home. When they were almost home M stopped and asked MM, "Are you sleeping with my son?"

It was on her mind for some time, over a year in fact. MM nodded and M then said what everyone knew was true. "Be VERY careful. They won't be kind to you." And she ran into the house to help her son.

The two started dating without telling anyone. J's father owned a lot of land and J spent time there building a garden and it was there the two would meet. MM found him there by accident one day when he was studying, and gradually the two decided they would meet there when they could.

It was very romantic for MM. It was the spot where John ask her to marry him. It was also the spot when John went to challenge his devil, and where he stayed after Lucifer died on the cross.

Need to stop now, but I just made the connection between the word 'marry' and why Meredith is always called some form of Mary.

Anonymous said...

The Roman who asked J about his son surviving his illness was the policeman with the whip at the temple and also Philip's murderer. And that L would rise from the dead then, and today, is not a surprise to me. Tho I do wish he would stop that situation. Right now, I have no info for L's death. Maybe later...

When J started showing signs of more trauma, Martha asked L if she could start watching his son so the two boys could play together. She said it was "right thing to do" and he reluctantly agreed. Before that MM was taking care of her nephew and Martha never spoke of her plans to MM. This was the final break in the relationship for MM.

That J rebuked Martha to leave MM alone was done at Peters house. MM&J were walking, Martha saw them and invited them to stop. Peter wanted to talk to J but wasn't home yet. Martha wanted MM to help her make the food for their visit, and J told her to back off. Apparently, J had heard all about what would happen to Martha if the two were together again. Plus he missed his nephew too.

Anonymous said...

Martha was Peter's fourth wife and he lived longer than she expected. She had two sons and three daughters with him. After his death she did remarry and her second one wasn't as happy as her first. It also took some years for her to remarry. She lost her figure from 5 kids and a deep and long love for butter.

I don't want to stop now but I'm drawing a blank right now.

Anonymous said...

Martha wasn't Clara. Clara was bipolar.

Anonymous said...

You're a charming and delightful storyteller.

There is no doubt in my mind you tried hard to sheild us from something you didn't understand.

I'm not the quiet type. I can't hold secrets or feelings even to my own detriment.

I will expose people for their lying, twisted, deceitful ways such as what has been seen here.

I can only hope you were never physically hurt and I would never hurt you deliberately. I'm not going to change.

I don't want to be hypnotized anymore or question who is pulling the strings in this whole messy affair.

Another time and place, we may have a chance. You are an intrigue and I hear your voice in these stories.

Conversing with you would be spirited, I am sure.

Please, please just take great care.

Anonymous said...

Why should I take care? Do you see danger?

As a child, Martha had tantrums and tears to get her way and evoke pity. She used these as tricks and as she grew, her tricks changed, becoming more....don't know the word I'm looking but she never lost the need for another's sympathy, and using all her past pain to to justify hurting another to get what she was after. Or as she put it: doing the right thing.

Clara had tantrums all her life. When her life had trauma she dealt with her feelings from it by storm. The worse she felt the trauma, the bigger and longer the storm. Clara and (especially) Jean were never encouraged to marry, because of their problems. I'm not sure why Susie never married....all the book I've read never say much about her personal life, never mention friends, both male and female. Maybe later I'll find something out.

I do know that Clara was frustrated with herself.

Anonymous said...

Manipulative, mean.

Not the same voice from earlier.
Typical reversal just like the quotes pages. Something beautiful, then something ugly, something beautiful then something ugly.

I know who the ugly one is, it's written all over your voice as you write.

Darling, please, go buy a personality. You have no sense other than a sense of entitlement in everything you do. It's just so pfffff.

Anonymous said...

Twains wife had heart problems as a teenager. I think she was sick and her illness weakened her heart valves. She stayed in bed to help her heart slowly build it's strength back up. As a young woman she was fine as long as she relaxed when needed. She knew as a teenager she would have heart trouble later in life.

I know A's first kiss and Twains wedding night. Still even with the bad memories, there are still things to laugh over...and I DON'T mean that as it sounds.

Twain never married when he was younger because he was in love with a woman, as you know. So he traveled at first to forget/heal his broken heart. To keep moving helped ease his pain. Then after the pain eased, he believed he would meet his wife if he literally searched the earth looking for her.

Searching the earth by foot or by song, a funny funny guy that soul! He was guided by dreams to do this of course.


Anonymous said...

Now that is the storyteller I know and fell down hard for. The voice I never want to give up on. I always know your voice.

Night night, sleep tight <3

Anonymous said...

I will, thanks!

Just came back to tell you in you search of ???? That when the appendix starts to function it can cause changes for other things like the spleen. The spleen will be the first to alter, then other body changes will occur but be more subtle.

I have no idea what I'm talking about, or what a spleen does. But appendix, spleen, pancreas, alter in that order. Then kidney, liver, heart will follow.

Hope this makes sense to you, I have no medical background myself.

Have fun and think of me often!

Anonymous said...

A rule of thumb would be: if you can live after it's removed, like a gallbladder, then it's a dormant organ/gland that can revert to its original purpose.

Anonymous said...

The compulsive and bipolar one who says over and over that they are going but then comes back almost the next post, needs to see a doctor. That person may be female or pretending to be. You make yourself look stupid because you say such grandiose things and then come right back. Do you slam doors and run out of places in a huff.? We can all be the story teller. It's easy to follow a style if one has half a brain. Get some help and please REALLY DO go away. Whenever you make those stupid statements, you sound like a patient in the psych ward.

Anonymous said...

Come on, you can do it! Just say no....

Anonymous said...

I made a promise to my sweet babylon I would not leave him. You, I'd like to meet when you're not behind a computer screen or hiding behind a cousin. Of couse, anyone can find your horse face easily.

Jealous much??

Anonymous said...

Trying to silence me was your first strategy, and mistake.

I stand up to bully bitches like you. Have you ever stood up for anyone?

We love role playing so get over it. Just because you don't understand something doesn't make it yours. Your a crazy, kinky stealer of happiness and light in everything you touch.

And, so green with envy and jealousy, you smell and your voice shakes with hatred at having your toy taken away.

Please, get help, you will need this from a clergy, not a doctor.

Anonymous said...

And baby, I would wait a lifetime for you just to have you read a story to me while my head rests on your lap.

peace & sweet dreams tonight

Anonymous said...

sweet babylon;

to answer that question, and the answer will surprise you so, are you ready?
Your soul resides on the outside of you - it is your aura, it holds the silver cord to your higher source.
It is not uncommon to believe it is within, it is the all, but it cannot protect you from within.
It is the reason we all need a specific level of space between us.
That is the space where your soul carries you, walk with you.
It is your energy source both inner and outer, emulating from within but residing in the outer.
A sheild.

Anonymous said...

And it is in that space where all dreams, all aspirations, all highest potential, all desstiny, all fate, is made known with the possibility of manifesting the all into the physical.

The space between you and your soul is similiar to the nature and meaning behind 'window of opportunity'.

It is a tight space.

In that space, all memories and records are held and make possible for de jvu and other phenomena.

Anonymous said...

When J brought his flowers to MM, they already met in his garden hideaway two or three times. She was out walking, looking for a plant or something, not sure what, when she noticed a grouping of shrubs that seemed out of place for the area. Interested, she walked over. He had a look out where he could see anyone coming from a great distance, so when she approached, he set to scare her.

J was using a boulder that was jutting out as shelter, a lean-to more than a cave. He had shrubs around the sides and entrance so anyone passing wouldn't see his shelter. It wasn't very big, maybe 10' x10' and some of his plants flowered.

The first time she found him, they talked for three hours. Then after he brought flowers to her house, they both started bringing things to his garden, to make it more comfortable. It started with notes J would leave there for MM. Then items....

I think this is the garden where Judas was to betray Jesus, but the hideaway was never discovered. The garden with Judas was about 5 miles and it contain J's hideaway. 'Garden' was a word they decided to use in the Judas story to describe a more fertile soil, and not so much the plants it contained.

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